Feece 13

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March 2010


Inside this issue:

Prizes secured by ES Department Fatima Fertilizers
PATRONS: Dr. B.S Chowdery, Dr. Aftab A. Memon, Dr. Mukhtiar A. Unar

March 2010

1 4 5 7 8 10 11

Silent Auditorium Cricket Tournament

Achievements of MUET Students

By Mr. Ammar 08ES72

SEE Career counseling 06ES Presentating

The IEEEP (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Karachi chapter in collaboration with Bahria University Karachi campus, organized 25th All Pakistan Student Research Seminar held at Bahria University Karachi on 3rd March 2010. This seminar has become one of the leading events in Pakistan for students in the field of Science & Technology. It is basically a competition where students studying across different universities of Pakistan present their work in the form of formal presentation and research article. This event attracted student researchers from various universities across Pakistan like Mehran University of Engg. & Technology, NUST, National University FAST, University of Punjab, Quaid-e-Awam University, SZABIST, IBA (Faculty of Computer Science), Sir Syed University of Engg. & Technology, PAK-KIET, LUMS (Computer Secience & Engineering Dept.), Bahria University, Hamdard University, Usman Institute of Technology, Pakistan Navy Engineering College and many other.

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The event was dominated by the students of Mehran UET, department of Electronics as MUETians managed to score first two prizes. The first position with a cash prize of 20,000 PKR and gold medal was won by Hammad Khans (07ES29) under the supervision of Ms. Nayab Hamirani. The title of his research paper was Digital image processing:An agricultural Enlightment. Hammad is the same student who also won first prize in PAF-KIET 4th SEE competition on 22nd Feb 2010. While the second position with cash prize of 12,000 PKR and gold medal was scored by Rafay Mahar(06ES02) who was supervised by Ms. Attiya Baqai. The title of his research paper was: Electronic Hand Glove for wireless control of Appliances. The minister for Human Rights Ms. Nadia Khan Gabool presented the awards to the winning authors. The event and the winning participants were enthusiastically covered by local and national print/electronic media such as FM100, TV1 etc.

Top Notch

It was later revealed by the organizers of the event that overall 82 research papers were received by the IEEEP and after evaluation only 30 papers were short listed for presentation at the seminar. And all the five contributed papers from MUET were part included in 30 short listed papers.

of MUET Students!

Campus News

2 day Book fair arranged at central library on 17 & 18 March. Sun Solaris workshop started on 8th March at ICT. CCNA classes start from 8th March at ICT. Project Competition launched by 2KES foundation. Seminar on Thesis writing held on 10th March.

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Students of MUET get PTA award

The project of GPS-based railway system developed by students of the Mehran University of Engineering and Technology has received five gold medals and Rs. 50,000 cash award from the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA). The project was developed by five students of electronic engineering department namely Naveed Khowaja, Nasrullah Ghuman, Fahad Rajput, Asad Jafri and Javed Kaimkhani under the supervision of Mehboob Khowaja and Attiya Baqai. Gold medals were awarded on the basis of a competition among 18 accredited national universities invited by the PTA for the best research projects on IT and telecom. The award ceremony was held in Islamabad on March 11 2010. The project is based on the calculations of distance and time using two latitudes and longitudes. Under the project, whenever the built-in system in the train receives an SMS from any user standing at any train station, it calculates the distance from that station to the current location of the train and time required to reach the station from where message is sent, and replies through an SMS to the sender. The system displays the names of the stations and distance to the coming stations at LCD screens for passengers in the train. Railway controllers can have information about train services by maintaining a database. The updates are provided to passengers via SMS on their mobile phones on demand.

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By Mr. Mohsin Siraj
Fatima group of company is one of the biggest fertilizer companies in Pakistan. It has established two fertilizers plants at different locations. One is Fatima Fertilizer located at Rahim Yar Khan and the other is Pak-Arab Fertilizers near Multan.

Induction or Recruitment System

Fatima group of company inducts fresh graduates by visiting different high caliber universities including MUET. They conduct their employment test there and the successful candidates have to pass through a final interview afterwards. The other way of induction is the usual way of advertising. The job ads can be found on their website http://www.fatima-group.com/ http://pakarab.brightspyre.com/pakarab.php Generally they require engineers from the field of Chemical, Mechanical, Instrument (Electronics) and Electrical Engineering.

Career in Fatima Group of Companies Salary Package and Chances of Promotion

They initially hire engineers as Trainee engineers for the extendable period of one year. During this time the trainee engineers are paid a monthly stipend of nearly 32 K for the first six month of training and around 35 K for the rest of six months. Trainee engineers are also offered Medical facilities and residence. They also enjoy annual bonuses contingent upon their performance. After becoming permanent the salary jumped to 60K. The career growth is very high. A permanent engineer also enjoys number of Air tickets to travel around the country.

Job environment
Job Environment is very friendly. The job responsibility is mainly related to maintenance and troubleshooting.

Guideline for the test and Interview

The test comprises of both IQ and Technical portion followed by final interview. For electronics students study of books like Control Engineering by Norman S.Nice, Electronic Devices and Circuit by Robert T Paynter, Communication Electronics by Frenzel and any good book of digital Electronics is worth mentioning.

Concluding Notes
I emphasis that those who like to work in industry and are prepare for working at remote places must come forward to make it as career. Fast growth is really the attractive charm of fertilizer companies. I wish everyone the best for their careers.

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The Silent Auditorium of MUET

By Mr. Raheel Jonejo
Few days back I was watching a documentary on National Geographic Channel on electric turbines and how first time electricity was generated. It was so beautifully and intelligently expressive documentary that even being an Electronic Engineer I was understanding each and everything another guy was sitting next to me, he had social sciences qualification but he also understood everything of the documentary as I did. By the end of one hour program if anyone would have taken exam about electric turbines it was largely possible that we would have answered 90% of that topic relevant questions. After viewing that documentary I found it a very useful and practical method of educating and clearing concepts of students in much better manner than theoretical explanation or experiments in over crowded labs which result in no gain but may be some loss. With the flow of this idea in my mind I started to think about our university, that how we can induce this method of teaching and educating. Suddenly a big dome, our auditorium came into my mind, I thought this could be a place for many new horizons in educating engineering concepts and perspectives with such documentaries or similar methods. Our auditorium can be a greater platform, here we can educate through documentaries (may be taken from NGC, Discovery, AIOU, & other International Universities/ Forums/Internet/ wherever possible), a collection of documentaries can be safely stored in any place of Central library or by making a small library in auditorium, documentaries can be in english or urdu rest can be understood easily with help of video. We all students and administration should understand the importance and benefits of this great place. Here we can:-EDUCATE -ENTERTAIN -AWARE -GENERATE REVENUE -INVOLVE MEDIA INTERACTION -ORGANIZE ENGINEERING QUIZ & COMPETITIONS -CAN CONDUCT INNOVATIVE DISCUSSIONS APART FROM LANGUAGE BINDINGS OF ENGLISH/URDU/ SINDHI. -CAN INVITE NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DELEGATIONS FOR DISCUSSIONS & EXCHANGE OF TECH VIEWS On some special occasions and events students can be given a chance to entertain by paying for tickets so that other mess be restricted. This would also help in revenue generation. In entertainment perspectives should also have a cultural or institutional reflection in co-ordination with at least Sindhi and if possible other channels as well.

Our Auditorium can Be A great platform To educate through


In this Era media has a special and prominent role and to be known every platform needs it, when I was there I made few efforts by requesting higher administration but unfortunately no move was made. Now MUST forum is there,I wish and hope that they may bring media exposure to our university so that our university also enjoy the status which other small universities are easily availing.

As students give presentation in the class there should be innovative discussions in auditorium by students in which a student or a small group of students present presentation on projector and speak on microphone addressing the students, one or two microphones should also be among student audience to ask questions and counter question. This will help us to be a better engineer with much better scintific reasons and capabilities. All students should be allowed to use any language medium since engineering and communication skills are more important than linguistic merely.

I never saw any quiz competition in university. There should be quiz competitions, it enhances the skills of good students and indirectly improves the knowledge of student audience.

We can also call students of other universities of Pakistan and at least SAARC countries to have similar interactive science/engineering discussions and step into the world of fame and quality.

This method is applicable to all the fields of engineering.

All this is possible on minimum funds, like don't organize lunches, dinners or refreshments for students just install few stalls of quality food from any caterer in the city, from students may eat & drink their desired food.

Now it seems a good plan but most of students may think in MUET its almost not possible. But its not like that there is Chinese proverb they say "Journey of thousand miles is started with the single step" so we have to move our steps one by one and on priority basis. Two years back there was no student's forum but today there is a greater and better forum for all students interacting with teachers as well as administration.

Earlier a long awaited Electronics Components Shop was made possible with many efforts of our honourable teachers and students but due to no contact with regard to any proper components dealer the ECS plan went on pending, another reason was its mechanism which was also bound to fail, in Karachi; university's have separate electronic components shop outside the department, working independently, just like any other shop, and this can be the only successful way.

I would Respectfully say that I felt it like a tiny NGO or team of volunteers working at their own and forcefully making things possible. Just want to say we need serious considerations and support of higher administration to take university up to mark. On main betterment ways university administration should provide moral and required financial support to the betterment of university's three decades old system. We need a true vision for commendable results.


Most of students don't easily get the chance to see the auditorium inside at least by 2nd year. Let us make it productive and effective on various available and possible grounds. Few students and teachers cannot make it possible, administration' s keen interest will help us to start.

From a silent Auditorium let us make it ENGINEER'S CONVENTION CENTER.

Few students and teachers cannot make it possible,

By Mr. Shahid Makhdoom
The first interclass cricket tournament (telecom) organized by MUST in Feb-2010.Entertainment as well as friendly atmosphere was on full swing throughout the tournament. Juniors dominated since beginning and this domination ended successfully on victory of 10-batch against 09-batch with 8 runs in final. In tournament 8 teams participated, in every match juniors knocked out seniors in cricket ground of muet but remarkable thing was that all teams showed sportsman spirit and made event successful and entertaining. Sir Waheed Umrani came in prize distribution ceremony and distributed prizes in order to appreciate efforts and talents of teenagers of telecom. All batches admire MUST for organizing such a historical event.

Lets make it possible!

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4th Student Engineering Exhibition

By Mr. Ammar 08ES72

I always said that MUET is the best and I am proud to be MEHRANIANNow every individual is saying that because some of our colleagues have made us proud by their incredible performances at SEE (Student Engineering Exhibition) 2010 organized by PAF Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology (KIET), held in Karachi on 22 Feb. 2010. The competitions and their criteria are listed below:

Final Year Project Competition


In this competition, Final Year Projects were exhibited by all engineering universities of Pakistan. Projects were evaluated by designated evaluators from industries and engineering institutes. Top three groups were selected from the participants and awarded the prizes. From MUET in this section, participation was made by:


Finger sensor automatic system. Ms. Attiya Baqai (Asst. Professor ES) RAFAY MAHAR 06ES. Unfortunately MUET couldnt score the award here!


Supervisor(s): Group leader: Position:

Better luck next time guys! You already made our day by representing MUET!


Research Paper Competition In this competition, all the undergraduates were invited to present their Research Papers. They were asked to give a formal presentation to the evaluators and audience and submit the report as well. Again from this section top three projects were selected and awarded prizes. From MUET in this section, participation was made by: PROJECT: Digital image processing in agricultural enlightenment Supervisor(s): Ms. Nayab Hamirani (Lecturer ES). Group Leader: Hammad Khan 07ES29 Position: First Position!

Congratulations Hammad!

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Circuit Designing Competition Teams, in this competition were given a scenario based problem and tasked to design and implement a circuit on spot! They had to develop a truth table first which was to be followed by a circuit diagram. After that, they had to implement the circuit. Organizers provided every team the required components and data sheets for the ICs. Every institute was allowed to send maximum two teams for circuit designing competition, such that each team consisted of only two members. From MUET two teams participated!

From MUET:

Team A: Team B:

Adil khan(08ES76) and Asad (08ES113) Chander(08ES67) and Haresh(08ES51).

Supervisor(s): Ms. Nayab Hamirani (Lecturer ES). Position: Second position by team A

Good job team A and better luck team B!


Career Counseling Session at ICT.

By Mr. Moiz Rahman Memon 08TL06


Mehran University Students Team(M.U.S.T) organized a Career Counseling Session at the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, MUET on 24th Feb, 2010 from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Mr. Sohail Babar, Ex-Mehranian(01 ES), presently working as Executive Engineer and Acting Manager, World Call Hyderabad was the resource person. The agenda of the session included the following aspects: 1. Career Aspects: Career Counseling in general. 2. Technical Aspects: Internal Architecture of Optical Fibre Cable. Methods of Excavation of different kinds of soils to lay the Optical Fibre Cable. Methods of laying the Optical Fibre Cable. The parameters to be followed.

In the end, the Chief Guest of the event, Prof. Dr. Aftab .A. Memon, Chairman of the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, MUET praised the efforts of Mr. Sohail Babar and the students(M.U.S.T) for organizing such an informative session. He also emphasized that these types of events should be organized in the future and showed his full support towards the future events. The certificates of appreciation were awarded to Mr. Sohail Babar, Mr. Noman Palejo(Chief Organizer), Mr. Umair Mujtaba Qureshi(Chief Organizer) and Mr. Saadullah Kalwar(Organizer).

06ES presentating @ ICT

By Ms. Bushra Shaikh 07TL36


A little presentation giving session was held at 6th march under the auspicies of Mehran University Students' Team (MUST). The venue was a lecture hall at ICT and ICT students were the attendees. Rafay Mahar 06ES, the Presentator and the Group leader of a runner up team at 'All Pakistan Students Research Seminar' exposed and rendered fultoosh presentation on his project 'Finger sensor automatic system'. The session was effectively interactive due to consistent questioning of Mr. rafay and interest of the pals attending. Though he didnt bring up the concrete project but his presentation was sufficient to entice 07 & 08 batch students to bring up with a remarkable innovation as his. Such more sessions are under the planning map.

The participants of Quiztronics along with Sir Nasrullah Pirzada To Subscribe for the Newsletter, please join sar_muet@yahoogroups.com OR e-mail: fahim_umrani@yahoo.com

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The FEECE Team

Editor: Dr. Fahim A. Umrani Team Members: Muhammad Mohsin Siraj Jawad Saeed Abro Saadullah Kalwar Noman Palijo Moiz Rahman Memon Umair Mujtaba Qureshi Aakash Makhijani Kapal Dev Salman Ahmed Bushra Shaikh Zunera Aziz Ammar Ali Shahid Makhdoom 06TL48 07TL21 06TL60 08TL06 07TL16 06TL02 07ES60 08TL16 07TL36 07TL88 08ES72 09TL28

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