Vdoc - Pub Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology Six Volume Set Volume 1

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Pallab Bhattacharya
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Roberto Fornari
Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany
Institute of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Hiroshi Kamimura
Research Institute for Science and Technology,
Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan

Volume 1

Volume Editor
Hiroshi Kamimura
Research Institute for Science and Technology,
Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan


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Contents of Volume 1
Contributors to Volume 1 vii
Preface ix
Editors in Chief xiii
Contents of All Volumes xv

Physics and Fundamental Theory

1.01 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 1
J. R. Chelikowsky, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
1.02 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors:
Bulk Crystals to Nanostructures 42
J. Deslippe and S. G. Louie, University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA
1.03 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 77
M. Eto, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
H. Kamimura, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
1.04 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 113
T. Nakayama, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Y. Kangawa, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
K. Shiraishi, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
1.05 Integer Quantum Hall Effect 175
H. Aoki, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
1.06 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 210
J. K. Jain, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
1.07 Spin Hall Effect 222
S. Murakami, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
N. Nagaosa, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
1.08 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 279
W. R. Clarke and M. Y. Simmons, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
C.-T. Liang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, China
1.09 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 326
I. Terasaki, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

vi Contents of Volume 1

1.10 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline: Graphene, Nanotube,
and Graphite 359
Y. Iye, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
1.11 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Graphene, Graphite, and Related Compounds 383
T. Sato and T. Takahashi, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
1.12 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 410
Y. Takada, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Contributors to Volume 1
H. Aoki Chapter 1.05 p. 175
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
J. R. Chelikowsky Chapter 1.01 p. 1
University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
W. R. Clarke Chapter 1.08 p. 279
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
J. Deslippe Chapter 1.02 p. 42
University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA, USA
M. Eto Chapter 1.03 p. 77
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Y. Iye Chapter 1.10 p. 359
University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
J. K. Jain Chapter 1.06 p. 210
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
H. Kamimura Chapter 1.03 p. 77
Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Y. Kangawa Chapter 1.04 p. 113
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
C.-T. Liang Chapter 1.08 p. 279
National Taiwan University, Taipei, China
S. G. Louie Chapter 1.02 p. 42
University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA, USA
S. Murakami Chapter 1.07 p. 222
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
N. Nagaosa Chapter 1.07 p. 222
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
T. Nakayama Chapter 1.04 p. 113
Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
T. Sato Chapter 1.11 p. 383
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
K. Shiraishi Chapter 1.04 p. 113
University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

viii Contributors to Volume 1

M. Y. Simmons Chapter 1.08 p. 279

University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Y. Takada Chapter 1.12 p. 410
University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
T. Takahashi Chapter 1.11 p. 383
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
I. Terasaki Chapter 1.09 p. 326
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Semiconductors are at the heart of modern living. Almost everything we do, be it work, travel, communication,
or entertainment, all depend on some feature of semiconductor technology. Though this domination has its
roots in developments dating back 60 years, the progress has not been diminished by achievement, and the
demands for improvements in performance continue to push manufacturing limits. As we enhance the
performance of devices, we also extend the range of applications, exploiting what we have learned about
older semiconductors to grow and process newer ones. Whereas once we were content to explore silicon chips
for advanced electronics, and then gallium arsenide and other compound semiconductors for optoelectronics,
we are now addressing critical issues in growth and processing of group III nitrides and silicon carbide for high-
power, high-frequency, and high-temperature electronics and optoelectronics, with the objective of replacing
fluorescent tubes and tungsten filaments in our homes and offices.
While the numerous applications of semiconductors are evident to most, less is known about the seren-
dipitous evolution of basic semiconductor physics, which often paved the way to new device concepts. For
example, in 2000 the Nobel prize for physics was awarded to Zhores Alferov and Herbert Kroemer for the
development of the technology used today in satellite communication and cellular phones, and to Jack Kilby for
the invention and development of the integrated circuit, the forerunner of the microchip and the pocket
calculator. Further in 2009 Willard Boyle and George Smith shared the Nobel prize in physics for the invention
of an imaging semiconductor circuit – ‘the CCD sensor’ – with Charles Kao for his groundbreaking research on
the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication.
From the standpoint of chemistry and materials science, the prediction of semiconductor superlattices by
Leo Esaki and Raphael Tsu in 1969 opened the tailor-made materials age, together with the development of the
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) techniques. These tech-
niques paved the way for the realization of tailor-made semiconductor materials, in particular low-dimensional
(two-, one-, and zero-dimensional) heterostructures which immediately became front runners in materials
science. This frontier spirit of semiconductor research has led to the recent splendid realization of a one-atom
thick layer of graphite, the so-called graphene, for which Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov received the
2010 Nobel prize in physics.
The discoveries of integer and fractional quantum Hall effects which were awarded the physics Nobel prize
in 1985 (Klaus von Klitzing) and 1998 (Robert Laughlin, Horst Störmer and Daniel Tsui), respectively, are also
undoubtedly among the most fascinating phenomena, not only in semiconductor physics, but also in the entire
subject of condensed matter physics. The integer quantum Hall effect was originally discovered in Si-
MOSFET (MOSFET, metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor), while the fractional quantum Hall
effect was observed in very pure and atomically abrupt GaAs–AlGaAs heterostructures. As regards the theory
of semiconductors from bulk to nanostructures, the advances in theoretical methodology and computer
technology have been tremendous in the last few decades. In particular, predictions of new stable materials
and device-worthy materials have contributed to remarkable progress in tailor-made materials and devices.
The uniquely strong interplay between theory, experiment, chemistry, materials science, and technology has
greatly contributed to the success of semiconductor-related fields.
The revolution in semiconductor science and technology did not happen by accident. It is based on a
thorough understanding of the diverse science and technology of these fascinating materials, coupled with

x Preface

astonishing facilities for controlling the crystallographic structure and purity. Progress has called for research
by scientists and engineers from many disciplines, and the results of their efforts are documented in thousands
of archival articles, patents, and licensed technologies. Those new to the subject blanch at the thought of
assimilating even a small fraction of this immense knowledge base, and turn to the many specialist books that
attempt to summarize specific aspects of the field. To date, there is no comprehensive work that covers the
complete spectrum from fundamental semiconductor physics to design and manufacture devices which the
physics predicted to be possible, and which are now actually fabricated by materials scientists. In this sense, a
comprehensive work is different from an encyclopedia and a handbook. Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and
Technology consists of much longer chapters, which contain extensive cross-references to other relevant
information within the work and references to the vast available literature beyond the work. Each chapter
may be partly tutorial so that graduate students can greatly benefit from its reading.
This comprehensive comprises six volumes, and has been broadly divided into three main sections:
Section 1: Physics/Fundamental Theory – Edited by Hiroshi Kamimura
Section 2: Chemistry/Preparation – Edited by Roberto Fornari
Section 3: Devices/Application – Edited by Pallab Bhattacharya
Each of these complementary sections will provide a complete description of one aspect of the whole, and
will fuse together to give a comprehensive picture of the semiconductor world. The first section, which covers
Volumes 1 and 2, is concerned with the fundamental physics of semiconductors, showing how the electronic
properties and lattice dynamics change drastically when systems vary from bulk to a low-dimensional structure
and further to an interface and to a nanometer size such as quantum dots. The section describes all the
important characteristics of transport and optical properties. Further, this section includes many new topics
such as spin effects, carbon crystalline systems such as graphene and nanotubes, ultrafast coherent optical
phenomena, quantum information processing, etc., since the field of semiconductors continues to expand.
Throughout Volumes 1 and 2, there is an emphasis on the full understanding of the underlying physics.
Section 2, which covers Volumes 3 and 4, generally deals with technology of semiconductors. This includes
a description of the main methods employed for the preparation of bulk single crystals and thin layers. It is
shown that large single crystals may be conveniently grown from their melt, from solutions, or from the vapor
phase, and that the thermodynamical properties of the semiconductors to be grown actually decide about the
most appropriate method. The reader will also find some specific examples in the chapters devoted to bulk
growth of silicon, wide-bandgap compounds, II–VI and III–V semiconducting compounds. In addition, Section
2 also contains reviews on thin film technology, in particular MBE and MOVPE. In particular, how a basic
technology can be suited to preparation of semiconducting layers with tailored properties is discussed.
Examples of advanced low-dimensional heterostructures and nanostructures are provided along with a specific
chapter on integration of dissimilar materials. Additional chapters highlight the development of technologies
for deposition of high-quality ferroelectric and high-K materials to be applied as memories and gate isolators,
respectively. In addition to growth technology, Volumes 3 and 4 also include contributions regarding proces-
sing and characterization of semiconductors. The reader will find valuable information about the formation of
shallow junctions in semiconductors, the fabrication of ohmic and Schottky contacts as well as several chapters
describing the sophisticated methods used nowadays for investigating the physical and structural characteristics
of substrates, films, and quantum structures.
Volumes 5 and 6, which correspond to Section 3, contain chapters on the physics, technology and
application of devices, and circuits realized with diverse materials and heterostructure systems. The materials
include Si/SiGe, GaAs-, and InP-based heterostructures, antimonides, GaN-, ZnO-, and SiC-based materials,
graphene, HgCdTe, and materials for molecular electronics. Also included are carbon nanotubes and nano-
structured materials for flexible and stretchable electronics. The chapters describe in detail the properties of
high-speed, high-frequency, and high-power bipolar and field-effect transistors made with a variety of
heterostructure systems, negative differential resistance devices, single electron transistors, and microelectro-
mechanical system (MEMS)-based sensors. Several chapters describe the principles and properties of a wide
variety of optoelectronic devices including photodetectors, solar cells, light emitting diodes, and lasers. Passive
Preface xi

photonic devices such as waveguides and filters are also included. The operating wavelength of these devices
ranges from very short (ultraviolet) to very long (terahertz). The active region of some of these devices includes
low-dimensional quantum-confined heterostructures such as quantum wells and quantum dots. Concepts such
as the manipulation of slow and fast light and disordering of quantum structures for optoelectronic device
integration are described in detail in a couple of chapters. The use of photonic crystals and microcavities in
optical devices is elucidated. Electronics with molecules is included with a good description of the underlying
physics. Finally, the physics, fabrication, and characteristics of spin-based electronic and optoelectronic devices,
more commonly known as semiconductor spintronic devices, are described in a few chapters. Each chapter and
topic is uniquely distinct, complete with the appropriate background material and references.

Pallab Bhattacharya, Roberto Fornari, and Hiroshi Kamimura

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Editors in Chief

Pallab Bhattacharya is the Charles M. Vest Distinguished University Professor

of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the James R. Mellor
Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He received
the M. Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Sheffield, UK, in 1976
and 1978, respectively. Professor Bhattacharya was an Editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Electron Devices and is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Physics
D. He has edited Properties of Lattice-Matched and Strained InGaAs
(UK: INSPEC, 1993) and Properties of III-V Quantum Wells and Superlattices
(UK: INSPEC, 1996). He has also authored the textbook Semiconductor
Optoelectronic Devices (Prentice Hall, 2nd edition). His teaching and research
interests are in the areas of compound semiconductors, low-dimensional quan-
tum confined systems, nanophotonics and optoelectronic integrated circuits.
He is currently working on highspeed quantum dot lasers, quantum dot infrared
photodetectors, photonic crystal quantum dot devices, and spin-based hetero-
structure devices. From 1978 to 1983, he was on the faculty of Oregon State
University, Corvallis, and since 1984 he has been with the University of
Michigan. He was an Invited Professor at the Ecole Polytechnic Federale de
Lausanne, Switzerland, from 1981 to 1982.
Professor Bhattacharya is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
He has received the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, the IEEE (EDS) Paul
Rappaport Award, the Heinrich Welker Prize, the IEEE (LEOS) Engineering
Achievement Award, the Optical Society of America (OSA) Nick Holonyak
Award, the SPIE Technical Achievement Award, the Quantum Devices Award
of the International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, and the IEEE
(Nanotechnology Council) Nanotechnology Pioneer Award. He has also
received the S.S. Attwood Award, the Kennedy Family Research Excellence
Award, and the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award from the
University of Michigan. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the American Physical
Society, the Institute of Physics (UK), and the Optical Society of America.

xiv Editors in Chief

Roberto Fornari studied Solid State Physics at the University of Parma, Italy.
He is presently director of the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ) in
Berlin and holds the Chair of Crystal Growth at the Physics Dept. of the
Humboldt University Berlin (joint appointment). Before moving to Germany
in 2003, he worked over twenty years as a research scientist at the Institute for
Electronic and Magnetic Materials (MASPEC, later IMEM) of the Italian CNR
where he led different research projects on growth and thermal processing of
bulk III-V semiconductors, HVPE and MOVPE of Nitrides, characterization of
semiconductors by electrical and optical techniques. He has authored/co-
authored about 180 scientific papers, eight patents and different book chapters.
He has edited books and proceedings on crystal growth and semiconductors
physics and was subject editor of the Encyclopedia of Materials published by
Pergamon Press in 2001. He is presently a member of the editorial board of
the Journal of Crystal Growth, the Crystal Research and Technology, and the Journal of
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.
He has been Chairman of the IUCr Commission for Crystal Growth and
Characterization of Materials from 1999 to 2005 and then member till 2008.
From 2001 to 2007 he served on the Executive Committee of the International
Organization for Crystal Growth and is currently President of this organization.

Hiroshi Kamimura is currently a Senior Advisor to the Tokyo University of

Science (TUS), and a guest professor of the Research Institute for Science and
Technology at the TUS. He was awarded a Doctor of Science in Physics from the
University of Tokyo in 1959. He worked at Bell-Telephone laboratories at Murray
Hill, USA as a Member of Technical Staff from 1961 to 1964. In 1965 he became a
lecturer, then an associate professor and a professor at the Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science in the University of Tokyo. Between 1974 and 1975 he worked
with Sir Nevill Mott as a guest scholar at Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, UK.
In 1991 he retired from the University of Tokyo, and became a professor at the
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science at the TUS. His interests are in
the theory of condensed matter physics and of materials science, in particular
semiconductor physics, high temperature superconductivity and superionic
conduction. He was President of the Physical Society of Japan between 1984 and
1985, and Chairman of IUPAP Semiconductor Commission between 1985 and
1990. He is an honorary fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK, a life-fellow of the
American Physical Society, an emeritus professor of the University of the Tokyo
and an emeritus professor of the Tokyo University of Science.
Contents of All Volumes
Volume 1

Physics and Fundamental Theory

Edited by Professor Hiroshi Kamimura, Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science,
Tokyo, Japan
1.01 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories
1.02 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors:
Bulk Crystals to Nanostructures
1.03 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors
1.04 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces
1.05 Integer Quantum Hall Effect
1.06 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions
1.07 Spin Hall Effect
1.08 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures
1.09 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors
1.10 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline: Graphene, Nanotube,
and Graphite
1.11 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Graphene, Graphite, and Related Compounds
1.12 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

Volume 2

Physics and Fundamental Theory

Edited by Professor Hiroshi Kamimura, Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science,
Tokyo, Japan
2.01 Electronic States and Transport in Quantum-Dots
2.02 Control Over Single Electron Spins in Quantum-Dots
2.03 Contact Hyperfine Interactions in Semiconductor Heterostructures
2.04 Semimagnetic Semiconductors
2.05 Optical Properties of Semiconductors
2.06 Light Emission from Silicon Nanoparticles and Related Materials
2.07 High-Density Excitons in Semiconductors
2.08 Magneto-Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
2.09 Bloch Oscillations and Ultrafast Coherent Optical Phenomena
2.10 Optically Controlled Semiconductor Spin Qubits and Indistinguishable Single Photons for Quantum
Information Processing

xvi Contents of All Volumes

Volume 3

Materials, Preparation, and Properties

Edited by Dr Roberto Fornari, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany and Institute of Physics,
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
3.01 Bulk Crystal Growth of Semiconductors: An Overview
3.02 Bulk Growth of Crystals of III–V Compound Semiconductors
3.03 Fundamentals and Engineering of the Czochralski Growth of Semiconductor
Silicon Crystals
3.04 Growth of Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Bulk Crystals
3.05 Sublimation Epitaxial Growth of Hexagonal and Cubic SiC
3.06 Growth of Bulk GaN Crystals
3.07 Growth of Bulk AlN Crystals
3.08 Growth of Bulk ZnO
3.09 Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of Group III Nitrides
3.10 ZnO Epitaxial Growth
3.11 Nanostructures of Metal Oxides
3.12 Molecular Beam Epitaxy: An Overview
3.13 Growth of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors Structures

Volume 4

Materials, Preparation, and Properties

Edited by Dr Roberto Fornari, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany and Institute of Physics,
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
4.01 Integration of Dissimilar Materials
4.02 Ion Implantation in Group III Nitrides
4.03 Contacts to Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors
4.04 Formation of Ultra-Shallow Junctions
4.05 New High-K Materials for CMOS Applications
4.06 Ferroelectric Thin Layers
4.07 Amorphous and Glassy Semiconducting Chalcogenides
4.08 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Materials
4.09 Atomic Resolution Characterization of Semiconductor Materials by Aberration-Corrected
Transmission Electron Microscopy
4.10 Assessment of Semiconductors by Scanning Electron Microscopy Techniques
4.11 Characterization of Semiconductors by X-Ray Diffraction and Topography
4.12 Electronic Energy Levels in Group-III Nitrides
4.13 Organic Semiconductors

Volume 5

Devices and Applications

Edited by Professor Pallab Bhattacharya, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
5.01 SiGe/Si Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and Circuits
5.02 Silicon MOSFETs for ULSI: Scaling CMOS to Nanoscale
5.03 GaAs- and InP-Based High-Electron-Mobility Transistors
5.04 High-Speed InP-Based Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
5.05 Negative Differential Resistance Devices and Circuits
5.06 GaN-Based Transistors for High-Frequency Applications
5.07 GaN- and SiC-Based Power Devices
Contents of All Volumes xvii

5.08 Silicon Single Electron Transistors Operating at Room Temperature and Their Applications
5.09 Electronics with Molecules
5.10 Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes
5.11 Micro- and Nanostructured Semiconductor Materials for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
5.12 MEMS-Based Sensors
5.13 III–V Compound Avalanche Photodiodes
5.14 Disordering of Quantum Structures for Optoelectronic Device Integration
5.15 Quantum-Well Lasers and Their Applications
5.16 Quantum Cascade Lasers
5.17 Slow and Fast Light in Quantum-Well and Quantum-Dot Semiconductor
Optical Amplifiers

Volume 6

Devices and Applications

Edited by Professor Pallab Bhattacharya, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
6.01 III-Nitride-Based Short-Wavelength Ultraviolet Light Sources
6.02 Nitride-Based LEDs and Superluminescent LEDs
6.03 Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices Based on Semiconducting Zinc Oxide
6.04 Molecular Beam Epitaxy of HgCdTe Materials and Detectors
6.05 Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetectors and Arrays
6.06 InAs/(In)GaSb Type II Strained Layer Superlattice Detectors
6.07 Terahertz Detection Devices
6.08 Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Modules
6.09 Quantum-Dot Lasers: Physics and Applications
6.10 High-Performance Quantum-Dot Lasers
6.11 Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors
6.12 Photonic Crystal Microcavity Light Sources
6.13 Photonic Crystal Waveguides and Filters
6.14 Spintronic Devices Based on Semiconductors
6.15 Spin-Based Semiconductor Heterostructure Devices
6.16 Spin-Polarized Transport and Spintronic Devices
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1.01 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio
Pseudopotential Theories
J R Chelikowsky, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.01.1 Introduction 1 Early History 1 The Phillips–Kleinman Cancellation Theorem 3
1.01.2 Defining Pseudopotentials 4 Model Potentials 4
1.01.3 Solving the Electronic Structure Problem 6
1.01.4 The Empirical Pseudopotential Method 6 Optical Properties of Semiconductors 6 The Structure and Form Factors of Semiconductors 8 The Role of Nonlocality in Pseudopotentials 10 The EPM Applied to Diamond Structure Semiconductors 11 The electronic structure of silicon 11 The electronic structure of germanium, gallium arsenide, and zinc selenide 15
1.01.5 The Ab Initio Pseudopotential Method 26 Constructing Pseudopotentials from Density Functional Theory 28 Structural Properties of Semiconductor Crystals 31 Total electronic energy from pseudopotential–density functional theory 31 Phase stability of crystals 32 Vibrational properties 34
1.01.6 Summary and Conclusions 37
References 39

1.01.1 Introduction system of interest did not seem so outlandish. One

of the first visionaries was Dirac (1929). In a very Early History
famous quote circa 1930 he stated:
A long-sought goal of materials physics is to predict
the properties of materials solely from a knowledge The underlying physical laws necessary for the
of the atomic constituents. Before the turn of the mathematical theory of a large part of physics and
twentieth century, such a goal was not in the realm the whole of chemistry are thus completely known,
and the difficulty is only that the exact application of
of possibility. Quantum mechanics had not been
these laws leads to equations much too complicated
invented, much less applied to materials. Moreover,
to be soluble. It therefore becomes desirable that
as the rudimentary quantum theory evolved, for
approximate practical methods of applying quantum
example, the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, the
mechanics should be developed, which can lead to
arguments of the time were often focused on the
an explanation of the main features of complex
structure of an individual atom and did not dream
atomic systems without too much computation.
of addressing problems of materials. However, as
quantum mechanics became accepted for atoms, The implication of this statement was clear. A
interest in applying quantum theory to materials solution of the quantum mechanical problem would
grew. yield the ‘whole of chemistry.’ One could predict
Indeed, once the predictive power of quantum properties of the chemical bond and the correspond-
mechanics for atoms and simple molecules became ing materials properties of matter without resort to
clear, the notion of predicting materials properties by laboratory work. Chemistry and materials properties
solving the quantum mechanical behavior of the could be predicted by calculations. Of course,

2 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

‘knowing’ and ‘doing’ are two different issues. The electrons and nucleus of an atom are treated as an
equations in question were much too complicated to inert ion core; the valence electrons are treated as an
be solved when Dirac made this statement. In fact, electron sea moving against the periodic background
they are much too complicated to be solved today, of the ion cores. This pseudopotential picture sets a
even with state-of-the-art computational platforms. length and energy scale to the problem that is deter-
As Dirac anticipated, the key to progress in this mined by only the valence states. A profound
area is to develop ‘approximate practical methods’. consequence of this length and energy scale is that
Today, we have a number of such practical meth- all atoms of the periodic table can be treated on an
ods that allow us to access some properties in a equal footing. Consider the situation without the
manner Dirac suggested. The first successes pseudopotential approximation; in this case, an
appeared some 30 or 40 years after Dirac’s state- atom of hydrogen and an atom of cesium would
ment and were led by the development of the require all the electronic states to be placed on an
pseudopotential concept. The pseudopotential equal footing. The energy and length scales between
model of a solid provided a practical model to the core and valance states would be different by
address the quantum mechanical problem and orders of magnitude and would enormously compli-
advances in computers provided the means to over- cate the problem.
come the numerical hurdles. The pseudopotential idea is not new. Several key
A key attribute of a pseudopotential is that it elements were recognized after the advent of quan-
allows us to address directly the electronically or tum mechanics. Both Enrico Fermi and Hans
chemically active valence states of an atom and Hellmann contributed seminal papers in the mid-
remove from consideration the electronically inert 1930s (Fermi, 1934; Hellman, 1935). Interestingly,
core states. This decomposition between active and they recognized somewhat different, but important
inactive states is readily done for most atoms, for elements of pseudopotential theory. Fermi’s focus
example, in a silicon atom the 1s22s22p6 core states was on determining the phase shift in wave functions
are tightly bound compared to the 3s23p2 valence of high-lying alkali atoms subject to perturbations
states. In Figure 1, we illustrate the pseudopotential from foreign atoms. He correctly recognized that if
model for a crystalline solid. In this case, the core one were interested in the long-range behavior of the
wave function, it was not necessary to get the details
correct near the nucleus. It should be possible to
replace the true potential near the nucleus with a
simple potential, or pseudopotential, that yields a
similar value for the long-range part. Fermi also
established the importance of a scattering length
within this paper.
Hellmann’s work is probably closer to our con-
temporary picture (Schwarz et al., 1999a, 1999b).
Hellmann recognized that the valence orbitals for
many-electron atoms contained pronounced oscilla-
tions in the region where the atomic core electrons
remain. Determining an accurate description of the
oscillatory behavior near the core and the long-range
behavior in the chemically relevant region would
render the problem computationally complex.
Hellmann also recognized these core electrons did
not play an important role in determining the che-
Nucleus mical bond; after all this was clear from the periodic
Core electrons table. Elements such as Si and Ge have different ion-
Valence electrons core configurations, but the valence electron config-
uration is the same, and their chemical properties are
Figure 1 Pseudopotential concept of a solid. The ion
cores consisting of the core electrons and valence electrons similar.
are inert. The chemically active valence electrons move In today’s language, we would argue that the
within this array of ion cores. valence electrons experience an additional kinetic
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 3

V (r ) the Schrödinger equation for the atomic orbitals can

be written as
~½ Bond length  
– h2 r2
H n ðrÞ ¼ þ V ðrÞ n ðrÞ ¼ En n ðrÞ ð1Þ
r 2m
where m is the electron mass, h is Planck’s constant
Core region
divided by 2, V is all-electron potential, and (En,
n) are the eigen pairs: the energy levels and corre-
sponding wave function. Here, we assume both core
and valence states exist, that is, at this point we do
not consider an element such as H that has no core
states. We express the wave function for the valence
state, v, as
Ion potential
v ðrÞ ¼ pv ðrÞ þ av;c c ðrÞ ð2Þ

The sum is over the core states, c, and pv represents
Figure 2 Schematic of an ion-core pseudopotential. The the pseudopotential wave function. This form of the
all-electron potential and the pseudopotential ion-core wave function recognizes that near the nucleus the
potential are similar outside of the core region. valence wave function should appear atomic like and
contain elements similar to the core states. Away
from the nucleus, the core states will have little
energy contribution in the core region because of the
amplitude and we expect: v ðrÞ  pv ðrÞ:
orthogonality requirement, that is, the valence state
Moreover, we expect pv(r) to be smoothly varying
of an atom is orthogonal to a core state by nodal over all space. Outside of the core, the potential will
structure in the core region. In this 1935 paper, vary slowly. Within the core, we expect its contribu-
Hellmann proposed that this kinetic energy term tions will be small compared to the core-like
could be quantified using the Thomas–Fermi expres- functions. To determine the admixture of the core
sion for the kinetic energy of a free electron gas, with the pseudo-wave-function, we demand the fol-
which depends only on the electron density. When lowing condition:
this term was added to the attractive Coulomb part of Z
the valence electron interacting with the ion core, he c ðrÞv ðrÞd3 r ¼ hc j v i ¼ 0 ð3Þ
argued that the resulting potential was ‘weak and
constant’. An example of a pseudopotential similar where we use the ‘bra–ket’ notation. The valence
to those Hellmann suggested is schematically illu- state must be orthogonal to the core state, owing to
strated in Figure 2. the nature of the eigenvalue problem. The orthogon-
ality requirement yields
av;c ¼ – c j pv ð4Þ The Phillips–Kleinman
Cancellation Theorem
This form of the wave function was first proposed by
While the work of Hellmann and Fermi established Conyers Herring (Herring, 1940) in a different con-
the elementary ideas associated with pseudopoten- text. He proposed describing electronic states in
tials, a rigorous transformation of an all-electron crystals using orthogonalized plane waves. In this
potential to a pseudopotential was lacking. One of model, the valence states in a solid were replicated
the earliest such transformation is based on the ideas using plane waves that were orthgonalized to the
of Phillips and Kleinman (Kleinman and Phillips, core levels.
1960a, 1960b; Phillips and Kleinman, 1959; Phillips If we apply the Hamiltonian in Equation (1) to the
and Kleinman, 1962). Although their conclusions are valence wave function, we obtain
more far reaching, we will focus on solving the elec-
tronic structure problem for an isolated atom. We H pv þ c j pv ðEv – Ec Þc ¼ Ev pv ð5Þ
will make the one-electron approximation, that is, c
4 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

We have recognized that Hc ¼ Ecc. We can define where G are reciprocal lattice vectors. S(G) is a
a pseudopotential Hamiltonian, Hp, as structure factor given by
Hp ¼ H þ V R ð6Þ 1 X
SðGÞ ¼ expðiG ? tÞ ð11Þ
Na t
where we define a potential operator, V R, as
X where Na is the number of atoms in the basis. Va(G) is
VR¼ hc j . . .iðEv – Ec Þc ð7Þ
an atomic form factor given by
The empty ‘ket’ given by j. . . > requires an operation 1
Va ðGÞ ¼ Va ðr ÞexpðiG?rÞd3 r ð12Þ
wherein the wave function is projected on c and the a
functional dependence now corresponds to c. If we Here a is the volume per atom and Va is the atomic
define a pseudopotential as Vp ¼ V þ V R , we have potential that we take to be spherically symmetric.
now transformed the one-electron Schrödinger equa- The structure factor contains information on the
tion to crystal structure and the form factors contain infor-
  mation on the electronic interactions. The reciprocal
– h2 r2
Hp pv ¼ þ Vp pv ¼ Ev pv ð8Þ lattice vectors are designed to have the property:
exp(iG?R) ¼ 1 (Kittel, 2005). This insures that the
This description of the atom has a number of advan- potential is periodic:
tages. The repulsive part of the potential, V R, largely P
V ðr þ RÞ ¼ Va ðGÞSðGÞexpðiG?ðr þ RÞÞ
cancels the attractive part of the all-electron poten- G
tial in the core region. The pseudo-wave-function is P ð13Þ
¼ Va ðGÞSðGÞexpðiG?rÞ ¼ VðrÞ
smooth as the core oscillations have been removed G
and the eigen-value, Ev, is identical to the all-electron
While this plane-wave expansion of the potential
potential. While the wave function is now amenable to
reflects the translational symmetry, the expansion is
a simple basis, the pseudopotential within this
only helpful if the number of waves (or reciprocal
construction is more complex than the all-electron
lattice vectors) is manageable. This will not be the
potential. Although the potential is weak and only
case for the all-electron potential owing to the sin-
binds the valence state, this potential is energy depen-
gularity of the Coulomb potential at the nucleus. The
dent, state dependent and involves a nonlocal,
pseudopotential avoids this issue by removing this
non-Hermitian operator. As such, the Phillips–
singularity. What remains is to define a procedure to
Kleinman potential is rarely, if ever, used for calculat-
construct the potential.
ing pseudopotentials. However, the cancellation
theorem is useful in demonstrating the essential
features of a pseudopotential. Model Potentials
A realistic and powerful approach to find the required
form factors is based on experiment. For example, sup-
1.01.2 Defining Pseudopotentials pose we consider a potential similar to what Hellmann
proposed. Let us consider the following model, which
One could attempt to form a potential for an ele- only involves one parameter; the core radius, rc:
mental crystal by writing (
X 0 r  rc
V ðrÞ ¼ Va ðr – R – tÞ ð9Þ Vcp ðr Þ ¼ 2
R;t – Zv e =r r > rc

where R is a lattice vector, t a basis vector, and Va a

potential that we associate with the atom. For a This defines a potential where the cancellation
crystal, we can explicitly incorporate the periodicity occurs within the ion core (r < rc). Zv is the valence
of the crystal by expressing the potential in a Fourier charge of the ion core. This is an ion-core pseudo-
series in three dimensions. We write potential. It represents the interaction of the valence
electron with the ion core (the nucleus plus core
V ðrÞ ¼ Va ðGÞSðGÞexpðiG?rÞ ð10Þ electrons) sans the role of any valence–valence
G electron interactions.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 5

The next step in defining the atomic form factor is interesting consequence of Thomas–Fermi screening
to employ Equation (12): is that the potential now has a well-defined value
when G ¼ 0:
– 4Zv e 2 – 4e 2 n 2
Vcp ðGÞ ¼ cosðGrc Þ ð15Þ Vap ð0Þ ¼ ¼ – EF ð19Þ
a G 2 Ks2 3

The long-range nature of the coulomb tail requires The G ¼ 0 term corresponds to setting a reference
special handling in executing this integral (Kittel, energy for the solid as it corresponds to the average
2005). The form factor ‘rings’, that is, the form factor of the potential. This limiting case from Thomas–
oscillates as a cosine function owing to the disconti- Fermi screening is not a very good approximation
nuity in the potential at rc. What remains is to screen for a semiconductor such as silicon and is more
the ion-core pseudopotential by including a dielec- appropriate for a metal. We illustrate a schematic
tric screening function that replicates the role of the pseudopotential in Figure 3.
valence electron–electron interactions. Often The Phillips–Kleinman cancellation theorem
Thomas–Fermi screening is used for this purpose yields a state-dependent pseudopotential; the poten-
(Kittel, 2005): tial depends on the nature of the core states. For
example, in carbon there is no 1p core state and the
Vcp ðGÞ valence 2p is not required to be orthogonal to the
Vcp ðGÞ ¼ ð16Þ
TF ðGÞ core. This is not true for silicon, in which both s and p
Thomas–Fermi screening is given by states exist in the core; both the s and p valence states
see a repulsive term. Historically, this difference has
Ks2 been used to explain why silicon and carbon chem-
TF ðqÞ ¼ 1 þ ð17Þ
q2 istry are different. The previous model potential can
where 1/Ks is the Thomas–Fermi screening length: be modified to reflect the state dependence:
Ks2 ¼ 6ne 2 =EF , where n is the valence electron den- Al r  rc;l
sity (n ¼ Zv/a) and EF is the Fermi energy. The Vc;l ðr Þ ¼ ð20Þ
– Zv e =r r > rc;l
atomic form factor is now given by
– 4e 2 n This potential is not a simple function of position, but
Vap ðGÞ ¼ cosðGrc Þ ð18Þ rather acts on the l-component present in the wave
G 2 þ Ks2
function (Cohen and Chelikowsky, 1982, 1989;
A common practice is to set the potential to zero Chelikowsky and Cohen, 1992). This can be accom-
outside of the second node to remove the oscillatory plished by using a projection operator as will be
or ringing behavior of the cos(Grc) term. An discussed later. Setting this technical issue aside,

V(r) ~ ∫V(q) eiqr dq


V(q = G) for typical G’s

– 2/3 EF
Screened ion limit
for metals
Figure 3 Model of an atomic pseudopotential. The required form factors can be extracted from this model. Note the limiting
case of G ¼ 0 for a metallic system.
6 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

there are now additional parameters to be deter- X  h2 2

mined as the well depth and size must be ðk þ GÞ – En ðkÞ GG9
established for each l-component.
G9 )
A common procedure in the early days of pseu- þVap ðG9 – GÞS ðG9 – GÞ n ðk; G9Þ ¼ 0
dopotential involved fitting the well depths and sizes
(Al, rc,l) to replicate optical data of ionized atoms. For This corresponds to a set of linear equations, one for
example, to construct an ion-core pseudopotential each G vector in the set. For a nontrivial solution, we
for an Al atom, one needs to consider the optical require the following:
excitations for an Alþ2 ion. In some cases, this is 
relatively easy, for example, treating the Na atom  h2 
does not involve an ionized atom. However, an O det ðk þ GÞ – En ðkÞ GG9
atom would require examining a C5+ ion. 

Experimentally, it is a difficult task to multiply ionize p 
þ Va ðG9 – GÞS ðG9 – GÞ ¼ 0
such an atom and measure the atomic levels. Often 
the potentials were estimated by extrapolation from
lighter atoms to heavier ones. Another issue concerns The diagonal elements of this determinant contain
improved dielectric functions for screening the the kinetic energy contribution; the off-diagonal
potentials. Both issues were the subject of a number elements contain the form factors for the pseudopo-
of studies, but without a definitive resolution. By the tential and the structure factor. In this example, we
mid-1960s, an inventory of such model potentials consider only elemental crystals so that the form
existed (Animalu and Heine, 1965; Cohen and factors can be separated out from the structure factor.
Heine, 1970) with some success, especially for metals. This eigenvalue problem is a standard mathematical
problem, and is easily handled, save for highly complex
systems. Typically, for common semiconductors a few
hundred plane waves are required to obtain a con-
1.01.3 Solving the Electronic verged result. This operation can often be performed
Structure Problem on a laptop computer for crystalline semiconductors.

If we are given the crystalline potential, we can solve,

the corresponding eigenvalue problem (Equation (1))
1.01.4 The Empirical
using a variety of approaches. Since the pseudopo-
Pseudopotential Method
tential is weak compared to the all-electron potential,
we can write the wave function in terms of a plane
One of the most significant scientific advances of the
wave basis:
twentieth century was the development of the empiri-
n;k ðrÞ ¼ n ðk; GÞexpðiðk þ GÞ?r Þ ð21Þ cal pseudopotential method (EPM). The intuitive
G picture of Fermi and Hellmann was greatly advanced
by Phillips and Kleinman; however, a practical
where n is a band index and k is the wavevector. The
method of predicting accurate energy band structures
sum is over all reciprocal lattice vectors, {G}, but, in
was not achieved until the EPM. This method, devel-
principle, the sum is truncated for jk þ Gj > Gmax .
oped in the late 1960s, was based on fixing an energy
This form of the wave function is consistent with the
band so that an accurate response function, as mea-
Bloch form of the wave function for a periodic poten-
sured, was reproduced. To accomplish this feat, one
tial. The Bloch form of the wave function allows one
had to develop a framework of translating an energy
to express the corresponding periodicity of the wave
band solution to a response function.
function, save a phase factor determined by the
wavevector: Optical Properties of
n;k ðr þ RÞ ¼ expðiðk?RÞexp n;k ðrÞ ð22Þ
Inserting the crystalline potential (Equation (10)) The optical properties of a semiconductor can be
and the plane wave basis (Equation (21)) in the characterized by an understanding of response func-
one-electron Schrödinger equation yields the tions such as the complex index of refraction,
following: N(!) ¼ n(!) þ ik(!), or the complex dielectric
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 7

function, "(!) ¼ "1(!) þ i"2(!) (Cohen and jMvc ðkÞj2 ¼ jhuv ðkÞjrjuc ðkÞij2 ð31Þ
Chelikowsky, 1989). They are related to each other as
The functions, un(k), are the periodic part of the
Bloch wave functions:
N 2 ¼ "1 þ i"2
"1 ¼ n2 – k2 ð25Þ un ðkÞ ¼ n ðk; GÞexpðiG?rÞ ð32Þ
"2 ¼ 2nk
where n is the band index. The periodic part obeys
The normal incident reflectivity of a semiconductor un ðk; r þ RÞ ¼ un ðk; rÞ. Implicit in this expression is
is given by the response functions: the existence of a bandgap that delineates the
  valence and conduction bands. This form also
 N – 1 2 ðn – 1Þ2 þ k2

R¼ ¼ ð26Þ assumes cubic symmetry. The physical content of
N þ 1 ðn þ 1Þ2 þ k2
the dielectric function is clear. The delta function
Hence, a knowledge of the dielectric function, "(!), insures energy conservation and the dipole matrix
is sufficient to yield the complex index of refraction element accounts for symmetry, that is, we assume
and the reflectivity. In fact, only the real (or imagin- dipole transitions. Another implicit factor is that the
ary) part of the dielectric function is required owing transitions from filled bands to empty bands are
to the Kramers–Kronig relation: direct; the wavevector of the initial and final states
Z 1
are equal. This is appropriate for optical transitions
2 !9"2 ð!9Þ where the wavelength of light is orders of magni-
"1 ð!Þ ¼ 1 þ P d!9 ð27Þ
 0 !92 – !2 tude larger than the atomic length scale. Also, the
The principal part of the integral is required as is a Ehrenreich–Cohen form does not include excitonic-
knowledge of "2 over all frequencies, although, in (electron–hole) interactions, local field corrections, or
practice, this is not a stringent requirement. self-energy effects, which can be included (Rohlfing
There are useful sum rules that can be applied to and Louie, 2000) albeit at some considerable compu-
test the accuracy of response functions. One obvious tational cost. Moreover, the qualitative features of the
example is to use the ! ! 0 of the Kramers–Kronig optical spectra are correctly obtained from the
relationship: Ehenreich–Cohen expression.
Z 1
Once the imaginary part of the dielectric function
2 "2 ð!Þ
"1 ð0Þ ¼ 1 þ d! ð28Þ is known, it is straightforward using the Kramers–
 0 !
Kronig transform to find the real part of the dielectric
Another sum rule is function and the reflectivity, which can be directly
Z 1 compared to experiment. To implement the
! ¼ !"2 ð!Þd! ð29Þ Ehenreich–Cohen expression, we need to know the
2 2 0
energy bands, En(k) and the corresponding wave
where !p is the plasma frequency given by functions n,k. This can be obtained once the pseu-
!p 2 ¼ 4ne 2 =m. dopotential is defined.
The connection between the macroscopic response Usually, the dipole matrix elements in Equation
function and the atomistic world can be made by a (31) are smoothly varying with k and can be assumed
computation of the imaginary part of the dielectric constant, except at high symmetry points. In this
function. A realistic, but somewhat simplified, expres- situation, it is useful to remove the matrix elements
sion comes from Ehrenreich and Cohen (EC59). The and isolate that part of "2(!) that produces the major
dielectric function involves transitions between the structure. The resulting function is called the ‘joint
valence band (v) to the conduction band (c): density of states’:
4e 2 h X 2 2
"2 ð!Þ ¼ Jvc ð!Þ ¼ ½!vc ðkÞ – !d3 k ð33Þ
3m2 !2 v;c ð2Þ3 ð2Þ3 BZ
Z ð30Þ
 ð!vc ðkÞ – !ÞjMvc ðkÞj2 d3 k This integral can be recast as
The integral is over all states in the Brillouin zone 2 ds
Jvc ð!Þ ¼ ð34Þ
where the dipole matrix element is given by ð2Þ3 !¼!vc jrk !vc ðkÞj
8 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

where ds is a surface element in wavevector space where the lattice basis vectors are given by
defined by ! ¼ !vc(k). This is similar to the density of
â1 ¼ aðŷ þ ẑÞ=2; â2 ¼ aðx̂ þ ẑÞ=2; â3 ¼ aðx̂ þ ŷÞ=2
states, save here we replace the band energy by the
transition frequency between the valence and con- The diamond and zinc–blende crystals possess a pri-
duction bands. The structure in this joint density of mitive cell given by these vectors, with the cell
states occurs at critical points, just as in the density of volume given by
states (Cohen and Chelikowsky, 1989). These critical
points occur when c ¼ ja1 ?a2  a3 j ¼ a 3 =4 ð37Þ
   There are two atoms in the basis located at
rk !vc kcp  ¼ 0 ð35Þ
t ¼ ð1;1;1Þa=8, so the atomic volume, a is given
Physically, this occurs when the group velocity of the by a3/8.
hole in the valence band equals that of the electron in The reciprocal lattice vectors are given by
the conduction band. Four topologically distinct cri-
tical points occur: M0, M1, M2, and M3, which Gm1 ;m2 ;m3 ¼ m1 bˆ1 þ m2 bˆ2 þ m3 bˆ3 ð38Þ
represent a local minimum, two saddle points, and a where the reciprocal lattice basis vectors are given by
local maximum. The structure associated with these
critical points is presented in Figure 4. Structure in
either the imaginary part of the dielectric function or bˆ1 ¼ ð2=aÞð – x̂ þ ŷ þ ẑÞ=2; bˆ2 ¼ ð2=aÞðx̂ – ŷ þ ẑÞ=2
the density states can be identified with these critical bˆ3 ¼ ð2=aÞðx̂ þ ŷ – ẑÞ=2
points (Cohen and Chelikowsky, 1989).
This set of vectors has the desired property that The Structure and Form Factors G ? R is an integral multiple of 2. In some disci-
of Semiconductors plines such as crystallography, the factor of 2 is
omitted from the definition of reciprocal lattice
This section focuses on cubic semiconductors that vectors and G ? R is an integer.
occur in either the zinc–blende or diamond struc- For diamond, the structure factor is given by
tures. These two structures are isostructural; they
have the same atomic arrangement, but the con- SðGÞ ¼ cosðG ? tÞ ð39Þ
stituent atoms can be different. Semiconductors
such as Si, Ge, GaAs, InSb, ZnSe, and CdTe
The structure factor for the zinc–blende crystal can-
occur in these structures. Figure 5 illustrates the
not be separated from the potential terms. For a zinc–
diamond structure. The diamond structure has
blende crystal, A B , where A is the cation and B is the
cubic symmetry and can be conceptualized by
anion, it is easy to show that the product of the form
considering two interpenetrating face-centered
factors and structure factor in Equations (23) and (24)
cubic crystals.
can be replaced by
The lattice vectors for diamond are given by
Rn1 ;n2 ;n3 ¼ n1 â1 þ n2 â2 þ n3 â3 ð36Þ VA ðGÞexpðiG?tÞ þ VB ðGÞexpð – iG?tÞ=2 ð40Þ



ω0 ω1 ω2 ω3
Figure 4 Structure associated with the four types of critical points.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 9

Table 1 Structure factors for diamond and zinc–blende


G2 cos(G?t) sin(G?t) Form factor

0 1 0 VS serves as a reference
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
a 3 1= 2 1= 2 VS, VA both required
4 0 1 VA required
8 1 0 VS required
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
11 1= 2 1= 2 VS, VA both required

given by cos(G ? t) ¼ cos((n1m1 þ n2m2 þ n3m3)/4);

sin(G ? t) ¼ sin((n1m1 þ n2m2 þ n3m3)/4).
Figure 5 Ball and stick model for the diamond crystal If we focus on the diamond structure only the
structure. The inset shows the tetrahedral coordination. The symmetric form factors (V(0), V(3), V(8), V(11), . . .)
zinc–blende structure is isostructural, save the atomic are meaningful. V(0) represents the average potential
species alternate.
and appears only on the diagonal of the Hamiltonian
matrix. It will displace the energy bands uniformly and
is not important for spectroscopy. In the remainder of
It is often convenient to introduce a symmetric form this section, we will omit this term and focus on
factor, VS, and an antisymmetric form factor, VA, in spectroscopic issues. If the form factors rapidly con-
which case this term can be regrouped as verge, it is possible to define the potential by only
VS ðGÞcosðG?tÞ þ iVA ðGÞsinðG?tÞ ð41Þ three parameters corresponding to V(G2  11). Since
the form factors are not linearly independent, the
where number of parameters are less than three. Moreover,
VS ðGÞ ¼ ðVA ðGÞ þ VB ðGÞÞ=2 we can get a rough estimate for these form factors from
model potentials (Cohen and Heine, 1970). At a first
VA ðGÞ ¼ ðVA ðGÞ – VB ðGÞÞ=2 pass, it might appear that a total of six parameters are
In the case of the diamond structure the antisymmetric needed for zinc–blende structures: VS(3), VA(3), VA(4),
form factor vanishes and the symmetric one corre- VS(8), VS(11), and VA(11). However, we can constrain
sponds to the constituent element of the diamond the symmetric form factors in the following fashion.
crystal. The form factor for the zinc–blende crystal is Suppose we are given the form factors for Ge and wish
complex because the zinc–blende structure lacks to find the form factor of GaAs. We can make the
inversion. The plane wave expansion is also complex, following approximation:
but this does not complicate the calculations signifi-
VS ðGaAsÞ ¼ ðV ðGaÞ þ V ðAsÞÞ=2  V ðGeÞ
cantly. The Hamiltonian remains hermitian.
There are two important consequences of this We express the symmetric form factors, the average
formalism. First, owing to the crystal symmetry, the of the Ga and As form factors to be the same as the
structure factor can vanish for some reciprocal lattice Ge form factors. With this constraint, we need to fix
vectors, meaning that the form factor for this vector is only three parameters (VA(3), VA(4), and VA(11)) to
irrelevant. Second, the number of form factors obtain the GaAs potential.
required can be quite small if the pseudopotential is The EPM method was highly successful in estab-
weak and converges quickly in reciprocal space. In lishing realistic form factors and energy band
the case of the diamond crystal, this can be as few as structures for a wide variety of materials. In
three distinct form factors. In Table 1, we summarize Figure 6, we illustrate a block diagram for the EPM.
the needed form factors and structure factors. The Initially a set of form factors are chosen. The pseudo-
form factors depend only on the magnitude of the potential for the crystal and the Hamiltonian is
reciprocal vector and are often tabulated by the value constructed from this set of form factors and the struc-
of G2  (a/2)2, that is, the form factors are listed for ture factor. The one-electron Schrödinger is then
G2  (a/2)2 ¼ 0, 3, 4, 8, . . . and are denoted by V(0), solved and the band structure (En(k)) and wave func-
V(3), V(4), V(8), . . . . The structure factors are tions ( n,k(r)) are obtained. From the band structure
10 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

EPM resulting form factors and the energy band structure

are deemed correct, at least within this framework.
One of the first successful implementations of the
EPM was performed by Cohen and Bergstresser
(1965). They examined 14 semi-conductors in the
v(r) = Σ v(G) S(G) exp(i G . r)
G diamond and zinc–blende structures. The Cohen–
Bergstresser form factors were fit to band structure
features such as the fundamental gap. The resulting
H = P2 + V
form factors and lattice constants are given in
Hψ = Eψ Table 2. The overall agreement is quite good; the
Get E(k), and ψ k bandgaps were replicated to within 0.1–0.2 eV.
Other features agreed to within 0.5 eV over a
10 eV range.
Calculate R or R′/R and N(E)

Compare with experiment The Role of Nonlocality in

The Cohen–Bergstresser approach treats the
Alter v (G) pseudopotential as a simple function and neglects
the role of the state dependence expected from
Figure 6 Flow diagram for the empirical pseudopotential the Phillips–Kleinman cancellation theorem. This
method (EPM). is often the case for tetrahedral semiconductors,
AB, where the constituent elements are not tran-
the imaginary part of the dielectric function can be sition metals (or rare earths) or from the first row
obtained and the corresponding reflectivity, which is of the periodic table. However, important semi-
then compared to experiment. (It is also possible to conductors such as GaN do contain elements
obtain the density of states and compare to the photo- from the first row, and the state dependence or
emission spectrum.) If the agreement between the angular momentum components need to be expli-
calculated and measured properties is not good, the citly considered.
form factors can be altered and the calculations The nonlocal character of the ion-core pseudopo-
repeated. When the agreement is satisfactory, the tential for an atom can be expressed as

Table 2 Pseudopotential form factors (Ry) and lattice constants for selected diamond and zinc–blende semiconductors

a(Å) VS(3) VS(8) VS(11) VA(3) VA(4) VA(11)

Si 5.43 0.21 0.04 0.08

Ge 5.66 0.23 0.01 0.06
Sn 6.49 0.20 0.0 0.05
GaP 5.44 0.22 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.07 0.02
GaAs 5.66 0.23 0.01 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.01
AlSb 6.13 0.21 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.02
lnP 5.86 0.23 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.01
GaSb 6.12 0.22 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.01
InAs 6.04 0.22 0.00 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.03
InSb 6.48 0.20 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.01
ZnS 5.41 0.22 0.03 0.07 0.24 0.14 0.04
ZnSe 5.65 0.23 0.01 0.06 0.18 0.12 0.03
ZnTe 6.07 0.22 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.10 0.01
CdTe 6.41 0.20 0.00 0.04 0.15 0.09 0.04

From Cohen ML and Bergstresser TK (1965) Band structures and pseudopotential form factors for fourteen semiconductors of the
diamond and zinc-blende structures. Physical Review 141: 789.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 11

1989). Nonlocal components for tetrahedral semi-
P yl Vl;c ðr ÞP l ¼ P ys Vs;c
Vcp ðrÞ ¼ p
ðr ÞP s
l¼0 ð42Þ conductors are available in the literature
þP yp Vp;c ðr ÞP p þ P yd Vd ;c ðr ÞP d þ

p p (Chelikowsky and Cohen, 1976). The agreement

between experiment and nonlocal pseudopotential
P l is an operator that projects out the lth component. can be considerably better than for local pseudopo-
The ion core pseudopotential is semilocal. The poten- tentials, albeit more parameters are utilized, typically
tial is radially symmetric, but angular dependent. two per element.
For many semiconductors only the s, p and d
components of the wave functions are significant. The EPM Applied to Diamond
This allows us to write
Structure Semiconductors
P s þP p þP d 1 ð43Þ Group IV elements, save Pb, can form in the
If two of the components are similar, it is often diamond structure (Figure 5). All elements of this
possible to select one component and subsume the group have a valence electron configuration of
other terms into a ‘local potential’. As a specific s2p2. When bonds are formed, we view this process
example, consider the case of GaAs. The energy as the promotion of an electron in the s-state to
band structure can be dramatically improved by con- the p-state to form sp3 hybrids. This explanation
sidering a local potential and altering it with a accounts for the nature of the diamond structure
potential that acts on only d waves: as sp3 hybrid orbitals form tetrahedral bonding
h i patterns. Moreover, the hybridization energy
p y p y
Vcp ðrÞ ¼ Vc;local ðr Þ þ P d Vd ðr Þ – Vc;local ðr Þ P d ð44Þ increases as one descends down the group IV col-
umn (Phillips, 1973). As such, we expect the
A plane wave expedites the use of angular projec- diamond structure to be less stable versus metallic
tions. It can be decomposed as follows: structures such as the face-centered cubic structure
1 of Pb, or the gray on structure for Sn. The general
expðiK?rÞ ¼ ð2l þ 1Þi l Pl ðcosðÞÞjl ðjK jr Þ ð45Þ increase in metallicity down the column is also
i¼0 rationalized by the lack of formation of sp3 hybrid
where Pl(x) are Legendre polynomials: P0 ¼ 1, P1 ¼ x, orbitals for the heavy elements.
P2 ¼ (3x2 1)/2,  is the angle between k and r and
j(x) are spherical Bessel functions: The electronic structure
of silicon
sinðxÞ The band structure of silicon serves as the hydrogen
j0 ðxÞ ¼
x atom of solid-state physics. Virtually any new band
sinðxÞ cosðxÞ structure method is tested on crystalline silicon.
j1 ðxÞ ¼ –
x2 x There is general accord on the basic energy band

3 sinðxÞ 3cosðxÞ features of silicon, but this was not the case until the
j2 ðxÞ ¼ –1 –
x2 x x2 end of the 1970s. In Figure 7, we present the band
structure of silicon as calculated using two different
Using this decomposition allows one to write the pseudopotentials. One of the potentials contains non-
required matrix element for a nonlocal potential as local corrections and yields a slightly wider valence
D   E 4 band. The energy bands are plotted along directions
k þ GVc;l k þ G9 ¼ ð2l þ 1ÞPl ðcoskþG;kþG9 Þ between high symmetry points in the Brillouin zone
Z 1 as indicated in Figure 8.
 dr r 2 Vc;l ðr Þjl ðjk þ Gjr Þjl ðjk þ G9jr Þ Silicon is different in a fundamental way from
other diamond or zinc–blende semiconductors. The
ordering of the conduction bands of silicon is differ-
The off-diagonal matrix elements now depend on the ent from that of germanium or tin. In Si, the 15 band
wavevector, k. Typically, a model potential is used is lower than the 29 band. This difference was the
for the nonlocal component. For example, one might source of some controversy in the early days of
consider a Gaussian potential: Vc;l ¼ Al expð – ðr =rl Þ. energy band calculations. For example, some workers
In this case the matrix elements in Equation (46) can claimed that the first pseudopotential calculations
be evaluated analytically (Cohen and Chelikowsky, were in strong disagreement with less empirical
12 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

L3 Γ2´
X1 Γ25´

Energy (eV)


Si X1

Γ Γ1

Wavevector, k
Figure 7 Band structure for silicon.

Another feature of the silicon band structure,

related to the lowest conduction band configuration,
L is the nearly parallel dispersion of the lowest con-
U duction band and the uppermost valence band.
Specifically, consider the dispersion along the A
direction. Grover and Handler (1974) proposed on
Γ the basis of their electroreflectance data that the
critical point at L is essentially two dimensional,
that is, the experimentally measured transverse
K band mass virtually vanishes. The value they
W obtained for m1 was approximately 0.02 m. The cor-
responding mass calculated by pseudopotential
methods is closer to 0. 1 m, but even this value results
Figure 8 Brillouin zone labeling high symmetry points.
in a nearly two-dimensional M0 critical point at the L
point (Cohen and Chelikowsky, 1989). Moreover, the
methods for determining energy bands and with the dispersion for the valence and conduction bands is
available experimental data (Kunz, 1971). However, such that the energy difference between these bands
optical measurements of silicon–germanium alloys is less than 0.01 eV over half the distance from L to .
strongly suggested that silicon and germanium were This valence–conduction band configuration
different (Kline et al., 1968). The issue was decided by favors excitonic behavior. It has been traditionally
the work of Aspnes and Studna (1972). They used suggested that the rather large discrepancies between
low-field electroreflectance to resolve transitions the theoretical and experimental optical constants in
from 25 to 29, and showed unequivocally that the this energy range arise from such an effect. To illus-
conduction band ordering is in complete agreement trate the point, we have displayed the measured and
with the pseudopotential predictions. calculated imaginary part of the dielectric constant in
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 13

Figure 9. The measured dielectric function is nearly variation of the field within the unit cell.
a factor of 2 larger near 3.4 eV than the calculated Unfortunately, the corrections for local fields do little
value for the energy region in question. This discre- to improve the dielectric function in this region as
pancy is also observed in the real part of the indicated in Figure 9. The role of the electron–hole
dielectric function, which is displayed in Figure 10. interactions in semiconductors was addressed by a
While the Ehrenreich–Cohen formalism number of groups. One of the first realistic attempts is
(Ehrenreich and Cohen, 1959) replicates the essential from Hanke and Sham (1974). They examined the
features of the optical constants, it omits local fields optical properties of diamond, including both local
and electron–hole interactions. Local-field correc- fields and exchange interactions. More recent work
tions were addressed by Adler (1962) and Wiser by Louie and collaborators (Hybertsen and Louie,
(1963). Local fields allow for the microscopic 1986; Rohlfing and Louie, 1998, 2000) has unequi-
vocally demonstrated the role of excitonic
contributions to the optical response functions.
In Figure 11, we exhibit the calculated and mea-
sured reflectivity spectrum for silicon. As for most
40 solid-state spectra, the spectrum is not highly struc-
Experiment tured, and on first inspection appears to contain little
With local-field corrections
information. Such an assessment would be incorrect.
Without local-field
30 corrections
Details of the spectrum can be enhanced by numeri-
cally differentiating the spectrum. In Figure 12, we
ε2 (ω)

present the calculated and measured logarithmic

derivative of the reflectivity spectrum. The deriva-
×3 tive spectrum does not exhibit the three broad peaks
of the undifferentiated spectrum but numerous sharp
spectral features. These features are classified
according to a standard nomenclature. The lowest
energy structural feature is denoted by E0 and corre-
sponds to structure from the smallest direct
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 transition. The next higher energy structural feature
Energy (eV)
is denoted by E1. This feature denotes structure asso-
Figure 9 Imaginary part of the dielectric function for Si ciated with the  direction. In the unique case of
with and without local fields. silicon, the E0 and the E1 structural features occur in

40 Theory 0.7 Si
Experiment Theory
0.6 Experiment
R (E )
ε1 (E )


10 0.3

0 0.2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
–20 Energy (eV)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Energy (eV)
Figure 11 Measure and calculated normal incident
Figure 10 Real part of the dielectric function for Si. reflectivity for Si.
14 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

(a) E1 + E′0 E2 E1′




1 dR
R dE




2 3 4 5 6
Energy (eV)
Figure 12 Measured and calculated normal incident modulated reflectivity for Si.

the same energy region, that is, the lowest energy multiplicity of critical points within this energy
direct transitions at L and at  have nearly the same region. This conclusion has been drawn by several
energy. In fact, a good deal of work has been authors (Welkowsky and Braunstein, 1972). The E2
peformed to determine precisely where in the structure dominates the reflectivity spectrum and
Brillouin zone this transition takes place. occurs at about 4.5 eV. This structure arises from
Piezoelectric experiments (Gobeli and Kane, 1965), large regions of the Brillouin zone.
chemical shifts in Ge–Si alloys (Tauc and Abraham, While optical properties served as a centerpiece
1961), electroreflectance (Pollak and Cardona, 1968), for the first EPM calculations, photoemission mea-
and some wavelength-modulation techniques (Koo surements provide information inaccessible to
et al., 1971) have suggested that the first reflectivity interband transitions. In particular, photoemission
peak arises near the zone center, perhaps along the  can provide the absolute position of bands relative
direction. However, other work (Grover and to the vacuum. The valence band density of states for
Handler, 1974) suggested that this transition occurs silicon calculated using pseudopotentials is com-
along the  direction. Unfortunately, the pseudopo- pared with experiment in Figure 13.
tential work has not resolved this issue since the Under certain conditions, it is possible to compare
reflectivity structure in question arises from contri- directly the theoretical density of states with photo-
butions near  and along both the  and  emission measurements. The density of states, D(E),
directions. The dominant transition in the calcula- for crystalline matter, can be defined as
tions appears to be along the  direction, but no firm Z
conclusion can be drawn. What is clear is that the 2 X
DðEÞ ¼ d3 kðE – En ðkÞÞ ð47Þ
complexity of this structure does suggest a ð2Þ3 n
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 15

(a) disruption of the crystalline bonding environment

Experiment will introduce states into the regions of reduced
XPS spectra (a.u)

Si state density. For example, in amorphous materials,

where there presumably exist bond angle and bond
length deviations from the ideal crystalline state,
these regions are strongly affected. The dip around
8 eV fills in, and the upper region of the density of
states tends to narrow and shift to higher energies.
For surface states or vacancy states where broken
Theory bonds are clearly involved, the defect localized states
(states / eV-atom)

tend to fill in these regions, including the fundamen-

Density of states

tal gap.

0.5 The electronic structure of

germanium, gallium arsenide, and zinc
0 The triad of semiconductors Ge, GaAs and ZnSe are
–14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 special. They are isostructural with a bond length
Energy (eV) that hardly changes among the three. As such, the
Figure 13 Density of states for crystalline silicon. The top difference between the three can be attributed to
panel is from X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (Ley et al., potential differences. In pseudopotential theory, the
1972; Cavell et al., 1973). symmetric form factors do not significantly change;
the antisymmetric form factors (the difference
between the cation and anion pseudopotentials) con-
where  is the cell volume. Typically, the density of trol the band structure, and the optical and
states, which is an extensive property, is normalized photoemission spectra.
in terms of states per atom. If matrix element effects
are ignored, the density of states can be extracted Germanium The valence electron
from X-ray photoemission spectroscopy or ultraviolet configurations of germanium and silicon are both s2
photoemission measurements. For the testing of p2; however, significant differences exist for the band
empirical pseudopotential band structures, the photo- structures. The chief differences arise from the core-
emission spectra have proven invaluable for the charge configuration. While the nuclear charge
determination of accurate potentials. Photoemission increase is exactly balanced by an increase in core
measurements have indicated that the local pseudo- electron number, the larger number of core electrons
potentials cannot provide band pictures where is more effective in screening the nuclear charge. The
both the valence and conduction bands are simulta- valence levels in germanium are less tightly bound
neously reproduced accurately when compared to compared to silicon, and this is reflected in the more
experimental band pictures. metallic character of the germanium band structure.
For diamond-structure semiconductors, the Another significant feature that distinguishes germa-
valence band density of states may be divided into nium from silicon is the presence of 3d states within
three general regions as in Figure 13. Using the top the core. While it is clear that these d-states do not
of the valence band as our zero of energy, the region significantly participate in the cohesive process, they
of 13 to 8 eV is predominantly of s-like character can still influence the conduction band configuration.
stemming from the atomic 3s-states of Si. The region Specifically, the unoccupied bands, which may have
from 8 to 4 eV is a transition region with con- 4d character, are influenced by an orthogonality
tributions from both s- and p-states. The region from requirement not present for the 3d states in silicon.
5 to 0 eV is predominantly p-like. The feature This reasoning is reinforced by empirical evidence
which delineates these spectral regions is a sharp that suggests that the presence of d-electrons, that
reduction or ‘dip’ in the density of states compared is, nonlocal pseudopotentials, which incorporate
to the average density. The nonuniformity of the d-orbital corrections, appear crucial in describing
density of states in contrast to simple metals arises the germanium conduction bands (Chelikowsky and
from hybridization among the atomic orbitals. Any Cohen, 1973; Phillips and Pandey, 1973).
16 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

L4 + L5
4 Γ8 Γ8
L6 0.6
Γ6 Γ6
2 Γ7
Γ7 X5 Ge Γ8 0.4
0 Γ8

R (E )
L4 + L5
–2 L6 Γ7 Γ7
Energy (eV)

0.2 Experiment
–4 X5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
–8 L6 Energy (eV)
Figure 15 Theoretical and experimental reflectivity for
–10 L
6 crystalline germanium. The experimental data is from
Philipp and Ehrenreich, (1963).
–12 Γ6 Γ6
L Λ Γ Δ x U, K Σ
Wavevector, k In Figure 16, the logarithmic derivative reflectiv-
ity spectrum is displayed. The derivative spectrum
Figure 14 Band structure for crystalline germanium. The
top of the valence band is considered as the energy zero. vividly illustrates the rich reflectivity structure avail-
able using modulated techniques. Perhaps the most
interesting feature of the germanium reflectivity
In Figure 14, we present the band structure of spectrum is the E2 peak at 4.5 eV. Initially, the origin
germanium as determined from empirical pseudopo- of this spectral feature appeared to be located at the
tentials. This calculation includes spin–orbit X-point and to involve transitions between the high-
interactions, which are most significant for heavier est valence band and the lowest conduction band.
elements (Cohen and Chelikowsky, 1989). Unlike The energy of this transition is near the observed
the case of silicon, most band structures for germa- E2 peak and the dipole matrix elements for these
nium are in reasonably good agreement. The band transitions are large. However, the phase space asso-
structure of germanium differs from silicon most sig- ciated with this critical point is too small to yield
nificantly in the conduction band arrangement. The such a prominent structure. The observation of a
15 and 29 bands, using the notation in Figure 7, well-defined interband reduced mass for the E2
reverse their ordering. Moreover, while germanium structure from electroreflectance (Aspnes, 1973) sug-
and silicon are both indirect semiconductors, the con- gests a relatively well-localized critical-point origin
duction band minimum in germanium occurs at the for this spectral feature. Ruling out transitions near X,
L-point as opposed to a point near X in silicon. As the critical point must reside elsewhere within the
noted earlier, the valence band configuration for dia- Brillouin zone. Empirical pseudopotential calcula-
mond semiconductors is insensitivie to the tions reinforce this interpretation; these calculations
constituents: silicon, germanium, and tin have almost (Chelikowsky and Cohen, 1973) yield a well-defined
identical valence band configurations, but they have critical point near the special k point (Chadi and
quite different conduction band configurations. Cohen, 1973).
In Figure 15, we present the reflectivity spectrum The density of states for germanium is illustrated
of germanium as calculated from pseudopotential in Figure 17 and compared to photoemission and
band theory and as determined by experiment inverse photoemission. Photoemission methods such
(Grover and Handler, 1974). Compared to silicon, as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and
germanium exhibits a richer spectrum. The addi- ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) mea-
tional structure arises from the larger spin–orbit sure only properties of occupied states. Inverse
coupling occurring in germanium. For example, in photoemission spectroscopy allows one to detect
the E1 region near 2.2 eV, a distinct doublet structure the properties of empty states. Electrons with a
occurs. This doublet arises from the spin–orbit split- well-defined energy are directed at a sample. These
ting in the L39 level. electrons decay to the lowest unoccupied states,
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 17


1 Experiment
1 ΔR (eV–1)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Energy (eV)
Figure 16 Theoretical and experimental modulated reflectivity for crystalline germanium. The experimental data is from
Zucca and Shen (1970).

with some of the decay transitions being radiative. We expect that many properties of semiconduc-
Photons emitted in this process are detected and a tors, for example, optical gaps, cohesive energies
photon counts versus incident electron energy spec- dielectric constants, bond charges, etc., might be
trum is measured. Like photoemission, the inverse determined simply with an ionicity factor based on
photoemission can be related to the empty state VA(G) or a similar measure. Actually, this is the case,
density of states, ignoring any matrix element effects. and although VA(G) is not explicitly used, a more
One can obtain a direct measure of the ‘quasi-parti- sophisticated measure, based on similar concepts, of
cle’ gap, that is, the energy required to obtain a ionic versus covalent contributions to crystal binding
noninteracting electron–hole pair, by a combination in diamond and zinc–blende semiconductors has
of photoemission and inverse photoemission spectra. been devised by Phillips (1973).
In Figure 18, we illustrate the calculated band
structure for gallium arsenide using the EPM. The Gallium arsenide We can approach nonlocal pseudopotential EPM approach has yielded
the electronic structure of gallium aresenide from the one of the most accurate band structures for GaAs to
perspective of perturbing the germanium potential. date. In fact, as a result of the extensive experimental
Intuitively, we expect studies in this compound, this band structure may be
the most accurate band structure over a large energy
VS ðGÞ ¼ ½VGa ðGÞ þ VAs ðGÞ=2  VGe ðGÞ ð48Þ
range available for any material. By compiling the
That is, the symmetric part of the potential should most recent experimental data, we estimate an error
resemble the form factors of germanium. The anti- of about 0.1 eV over an energy span of nearly 20 eV.
symmetric form factor, Thus, we have an accuracy of roughly 1% or better;
this is almost an order of magnitude better than other
VA ðGÞ ¼ ½VGa ðGÞ – VAs ðGÞ=2 ð49Þ band structures.
which is a measure of the difference between the As we introduce antisymmetric form factors for
gallium and arsenic potentials, should contain the the gallium arsenide crystal potential, several signifi-
essential information which distinguishes germanium cant alterations from a germanium-like band
from gallium arsenide. Formally, it is the deviation of structure may be observed. First, the bottom valence
VA(G) from zero that distinguishes zinc–blende from band, which now has atomic s-like character and is
diamond semiconductors. In this sense, we expect a localized on the anion, splits off from the the rest of
smooth transition from a purely covalent semicon- the valence band to form the antisymmetric gap. This
ductor VA(G) ¼ 0, to a highly ionic semiconductor gap grows with increasing ionicity of the crystal or
where VA(G) deviates notably from zero. charge transfer between the cation and anion.
18 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

In general, as a semiconductor becomes more

ionic, the valence bandwidths narrow and the optical
gap grows in size. Part of this effect arises from
dehybridization accompanying the change from
covalent to ionic bonding.
Perhaps the most important conclusion from our
n-Ge(111) 2 × 1 experience with GaAs is not simply that the pseudo-
potential approach can yield accurate results.
Consider the parametrized nature of the potential.
One might naively expect that the band structure
L(6,7) could be adjusted at will with parametric nature of
the form factors. This is not the case for two reasons.
L(3,4) First, the form factors are not linearly independent, for
example, the form factors V(8) and V(11) characterize
X(1,2) Γ(12–14) the size of the ion core and tend to move the bands in
L(8) similar fashion. In a fitting sense, we have only two or
X(3,4) L(5) Γ(6–8) three parameters to fix all the energy bands. Second,
the form factors are chosen to be close to those
expected from model potentials and are not arbitrary.
In GaAs, this issue is important. The band order-
Λ ing of the conduction band minima was first believed
to be an issue with the EPM. In order to explain the
Γ Gunn effect (Gunn, 1964), it was thought that the
correct ordering is c6 Xc6 Lc6. (The Gunn effect
occurs in III–V and results in negative differential
resistance.) If it were possible to obtain this ordering
by a simple adjustments of the form factors, the bands
would have been fit to give ordering suggested by the
Gunn effect. In fact, pseudopotential band calcula-
K tions place the Lc6 band below Xc6, resulting in a
c6 Lc6 Xc6. Since experiment is the arbiter of
Σ such issues, the pseudopotential method was deemed
to be in error.
Γ However, in the late 1970s careful experiments
–10 –5 0 5 10 15 20
Energy relative to EV (eV) showed the ordering employed to explain that the
Gunn effect was not correct. In Figure 19, we illus-
Figure 17 Experimental X-ray photoemission
trate the interpretation by Aspnes (1976). Using
spectroscopy (XPS) and Bremsstrahlung isochromat
spectroscopy (BIS) or inverse photoemission spectra for electroreflectance for core to conduction band tran-
crystalline germanium (Chelikowsky et al., 1989). The critical sitions, he was able to show the ordering from the
point features of the theoretical density of states are also EPM was correct.
identified with band structure features. In Figures 20 and 21, we illustrate the computed
optical response functions, that is, real and imaginary
parts of the dielectric function, for GaAs. We also
Another smaller gap arises from the antisymmetric compare these functions to experiment (Philipp and
part of the potential and is located between the first Ehrenreich, 1963). The information content of the
and second conduction bands along the -direction. response functions is considerable. It is for this reason
This smaller gap is important for transport properties that Phillips (1973) based his bonding theories of
of zinc–blende semiconductors and has been semiconductors on spectroscopic data rather than
observed to have subtle effects on the reflectivity following the approach of Pauling (1960), who used
spectrum of the zinc–blendes. We also note that the thermochemical data to analyze molecular bonding
band gaps in gallium arsenide tend to be larger than trends. The general shape of the real part of the
in germanium. dielectric function is that expected for a harmonic
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 19

6 L4, 5
L6 Γ8

4 Γ7 Γ7


2 X6
L6 Γ6
Γ6 GaAs
Γ8 Γ8
L4, 5 Γ7 Γ7
Energy (eV)



L6 X6

–10 X6

–12 Γ6 Γ6

Wavevector, k

Figure 18 Energy bands for crystalline gallium arsenide. The top of the valence band is taken to be the zero energy

oscillator with a resonant frequency at about 5 eV. electron–hole ‘excitonic’ interactions. Recent work
We can think of this resonant frequency as a funda- based on a many-body formulation of the Bethe–
mental property of GaAs that represents the average Salpeter equation confirms this interpretation as
bonding–antibonding energy level separation. indicted in Figure 22. The Bethe–Salpeter equation
Phillips divides up this average bonding–antibonding strongly enhances the magnitude of the imaginary
gap into a part that is ionic and a part that is covalent. part of the dielectric function, but does not shift the
One can extract from the dielectric function relevant critical points.
parameters for formulating ionicity scales (Phillips, The EPM-calculated reflectivity is shown in
1973). Such scales are useful for making predictions Figure 23. As for the silicon and germanium semi-
of a variety of semiconductor properties. With a conductors, we may divide up the zinc–blende
knowledge of the real and imaginary parts of the reflectivity structure into five distinct regions. For
dielectric function, we can derive the reflectivity GaAs, the E0 region extends from 1 to 2 eV, the E1
spectrum and reflectivity derivative spectrum. region 2-4 eV, the E90 region 4-5 eV, the E2 region 5-
While the structure of the calculated imaginary 6 eV, and the E92 region 6-7 eV. The lowest energy
part of the dielectric function is similar, the magni- region E0 is dominated by structure originating from
tude in the 2–4 eV region is lower by almost a the fundamental gap at . Spin–orbit interactions
factor of 2. This discrepancy was initially attributed split the upper valence bands of gallium arsenide by
to a failure of the Ehrenreich–Cohen dielectric func- about 0.3 eV; for heavier metal constituents, the split-
tion (Ehrenreich and Cohen, 1959) to include tings can be quite large, for example, 1 eV or more.
20 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

E vs. k
Λ (Lowest C.B.)


ER spectrum
(Ga 3d Core)

104 ΔR/R


20 21 22
Energy (eV)
Figure 19 Fine structure in the electroreflectance spectrum for GaAs (Aspnes, 1976). Assignment to the conduction band
minima is indicated.

Ga As
25 Theory
Experiment 30
20 GaAs
25 Theory
10 20
ε1 (E )

ε2 (E )

5 15

–15 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)

Figure 20 Real part of the dielectric function for Figure 21 Imaginary part of the dielectric function for
gallium arsenide compared to experiment (Philipp and gallium arsenide compared to experiment (Philipp and
Ehrenreich, 1963). Ehrenreich, 1963).
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 21

30 zone center or along the  direction. If it were to

occur at the zone center, we would expect spin–orbit
GaAs splitting to be important in both the valence and
20 conduction bands. On this basis, recent work by
Aspnes and Studna (1973) has given support to the

zone-center assignment. The traditional argument

against this assignment has been the small phase
space associated with the  point; however, excitonic
effects may very well enhance its importance.
The E2 peak, which dominates the absorption
0 spectrum, represents the average bonding–antibond-
0 2 4 6 8 10
ing transitions. This peak arises from transitions from
Energy (eV)
the uppermost valence bands to the lowest conduc-
Figure 22 Calculated optical absorption spectrum of tion bands near the points (2/a)(3/4, 1/4, 1/4) in
GaAs with (solid lines) and without (dashed lines) electron–
the Brillouin zone. This assignment is similarly found
hole interaction from Rohlfing and Louie (1998).
in the diamond structure semiconductors. The E2
peak dominates the spectrum because of the large
phase space which contributes to interband transi-
tions in this region and because of large interband
GaAs dipole matrix elements. At energies above the E2
0.6 Theory
peak, reflectivity structure from transitions along
0.5 the  direction.
The E91 structure arises from transitions from the
0.4 top valence band to the second lowest conduction
R (E )

band at or near the zone boundary at L.

0.3 By examining the energy gradients and dipole
matrix elements throughout the Brillouin zone, it is
0.2 possible to determine the origin of structure of the
imaginary part of the dielectric function. In such a
0.1 manner, we analyzed the contribution to the E90
reflectivity structure. This structure is complex and
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 has been somewhat controversial. In Figure 24, we
Energy (eV) label this structure as A, B, and C.
Figure 23 Reflectivity spectrum for gallium arsenide. The Rehn and Kyser (1972), using electroreflectance,
experiment is from Philipp and Ehrenreich (1963). observed only a  symmetry for this structure and
attributed the structure to the pseudocrossing of the
5 conduction bands. However, Aspnes and Studna
Thus, the E0 structure actually has a doublet char- (1973) have pointed out that this interpretation con-
acter. The E1 reflectivity peak originates from flicts with band structure calculations where some 
transitions near the zone boundary at L. Again, symmetry structure is predicted. They further pro-
spin–orbit interactions can become important in this posed that the  symmetry structure arises from a
region by splitting the upper valence bands. We note pair of M1 critical points approximately one-tenth
that older, local pseudopotential calculations gave a way from  to X. EPM calculations agree with their
different critical point symmetry for this region. The interpretation (Cohen and Chelikowsky, 1989). The
local potential results put an M0 critical point at L relevant transitions are indicated in Figure 25.
and an M1 critical point along the  direction. The Aspnes and Studna also noted the possibility of the
nonlocal results move the M1 critical point to the pseudocrossing producing some very weak structure
zone boundary and eliminate the M0 point alto- at 4.4 eV. The 4.4 eV (A) transition corresponds to
gether. This latter configuration is in better accord this type of transition. It should be noted, however,
with experiment. that there also exists a companion M0 critical point
The E90 structure has been somewhat controver- owing to the spin–orbit splitting of the 5 valence
sial. It can arise from either of two regions: near the band. Since this companion critical point occurs
22 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories


1 dR (eV–1)

R dE

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Energy (eV)
Figure 24 Reflectivity derivative spectrum of gallium arsenide. See the text for a discussion of the structures: A, B, and C.
Experiment is from Zucca and Shen (1970).

about 0.1 eV higher in energy, it is nearly degenerate density of states extends from the onset of the third
with the E90 structure from  and  at 4.5 eV. In the valence band (at about 4 eV below the valence band
calculated derivative spectrum, this structure is masked maximum) to the valence band maximum. This
by the stronger M1 critical points, and this may be the region encompasses the top two valence bands and
case in the electroreflectance measurements. is predominantly p-like and is associated with anion
In Figure 26, we illustrate the calculated valence states.
band density of states for GaAs, and the results of
XPS measurements and inverse photoemission
(Chelikowsky et al., 1989). As for the diamond struc- Zinc selenide The prototypical II–
ture semiconductors, we may divide the density of VI semiconductor is zinc selenide. However, unlike
states into three general regions. The first region is the prototypical III–V semiconductor (GaAs) or our
the most tightly bound energy band. Electron states prototypical diamond semiconductor (Si or Ge), we
corresponding to this band are strongly localized on do not have as detailed a picture for this class of
the anion and are descendants of the atomic As 4s semiconductors. There are several reasons for this
states. The next region of note is a peak arising from situation. First, extensive experimental information
the onset of the second valence band. This band is lacking for ZnSe as compared to GaAs. The larger
shows almost no energy variation along the X–U bandgap in ZnSe requires higher photon energies
symmetry direction; in fact, it is very flat over the than GaAs for reflectivity measurements. Photon
entire square face of the Brillouin zone. This energy sources at these higher energies have not been rou-
band configuration results in a sharp onset of states tinely available. Also, some of the powerful optical
above the antisymmetric gap. The character of states techniques such as Schottky barrier electroreflec-
associated with the second valence band changes tance cannot be easily applied to ZnSe owing to
from predominantly cation s-like states at the band fabrication problems. Second, the Zn 3d-level resides
edge to predominantly anion p-like states at the close to the valence band. Traditionally, empirical
band maximum. The third region of interest in the pseudopotential band calculations do not explicitly
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 23

Λ6 Γ7


E0′ (Γ) E0′ (Δ)

Energy (eV)



Λ6 Γ7 Δ5
Λ6 Δ5

(0.3,0.3,0.3) Γ (0.5,0.0,0.0)
Figure 25 Band structure of gallium arsenide near  showing the critical point locations for the E90 structure. The indicated
transitions give rise to the structure labeled A, B, and C in Figure 24.

include this level in ZnSe. The 3d cation level in In Figure 28, we display the calculated and
gallium arsenide is significantly below the valence measured reflectivity spectrum for ZnSe
band and in Ge the 3d level is more than 30 eV (Freeouf, 1973; Walter et al., 1970). Some work
below the top of the valence band. using derivative spectroscopy is available (Theis,
In Figure 27, we illustrate the band structure of 1977). Owing to the increased ionic component of
ZnSe. Most features of this band structure can be the bonding in ZnSe, the reflectivity spectrum is
accounted for by extrapolating from Ge to GaAs. shifted to higher energy as compared to Ge or
Compared to Ge and GaAs, the bandgaps in ZnSe, GaAs. It also exhibits much more structure than
that is, the optical gap and the antisymmetric gap, Ge or GaAs because of the larger separation
have increased considerably in size. Moreover, the between bands.
valence bands have narrowed and show less For the most part, the reflectivity spectrum can be
dispersion. analyzed by analogy with GaAs. The E0 reflectivity
24 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories


p-GaAs(110) 1 × 1

X(2) X(11,12)

L(3,4) L(8)


Γ(1) L(6,7)
Γ(5) Γ(6–8)


–10 –5 0 5 10 15 20
Energy relative to Ev (eV)

Figure 26 Experimental X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS) or
inverse photoemission spectra for crystalline gallium arsenide (Chelikowsky et al., 1989). The critical point features of the
theoretical density of states are also identified with band structure features.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 25

L4, 5 Γ8
8 Γ8
Γ7 Γ7

4 X6

Γ6 Zn Se Γ6

Γ8 Γ8
L4, 5
Γ7 Γ7
Energy (eV)



L6 X6


Γ6 Γ6

L Γ X k Γ
Wavevector, k

Figure 27 Energy bands for crystalline zinc selenide. The top of the valence band is taken to be the zero energy reference.

structure lies between 2 and 4 eV and corresponds to in the reflectivity might arise from transitions invol-
the minimum energy gap at . The E1 structure at ving the Zn 3d-states.
4–5 eV arises from transitions near to or at the It should not be surprising that the density of
L point. The structure corresponding to the E2 peak states of ZnSe may also be interpreted in terms of
arises from a localized region near the special point an extrapolation from the Ge and GaAs band struc-
(2/a)(3/4, 1/4, 1/4). The E90 structure at 7–8 eV tures. In Figure 29, we compare the calculated
may be an exception having no analogy in GaAs. It density of states for ZnSe with photoemission mea-
lies above the E2 structure; thus, the origin of struc- surements and inverse photoemission (Chelikowsky
ture is reversed in ZnSe as compared to GaAs. et al., 1989). Some of the early pseudopotential band
However, the origin of the E90 structure appears to structures, which had potentials based on optical data
be the same, that from near  and along the  alone, were in mediocre agreement with the photo-
direction. The highest energy reflectivity structure, emission results. Specifically, local pseudopotentials
E91, occurs at 8–9 eV and corresponds to transitions chosen to reproduce optical gaps tend to overesti-
near the L point. mate the ionicity of the II–VI semiconductors. As a
With the exception of the line shape near the E2 consequence, the valence bands become quite narrow
peak, the pseudopotential results are consistent with compared to experiment. Nonlocal pseudopotentials
experiment. It is possible that the line-shape discre- do not suffer from this malady; they can be used to fit
pancy is an artifact of the sampling scheme used. We optical gaps with no corresponding increase in
note that at energies above 10 eV or so, the structure ionicity.
26 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories


Experiment 1 ZnSe
0.5 Experiment 2


R 0.3



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (eV)
Figure 28 Reflectivity spectrum for zinc selenide. Two experimental spectra are presented: the dashed line is from Walter
et al. (1970) and the dotted line from Freeouf (1973).

1.01.5 The Ab Initio Pseudopotential interaction and the valence electron–valence elec-
Method tron interaction. A fundamental postulate of the
pseudopotential method is that the ion-core pseudo-
A deficiency of the empirical pseudopotential potential is not dependent on the chemical
method is that the potential is ‘biased’ by the experi- environment. We assume that this part of the poten-
mental data to which it was fit. For example, suppose tial can be transferred with no loss in accuracy. The
we fit the optical properties of GaSb and extract a Ga key problem is to determine the total pseudopoten-
potential, we must be careful in trying to use this fit tial by determining the potentials from the valence
Ga potential in another crystal. This potential might electrons interacting among themselves.
work fine in GaAs, which has a similar bonding A common procedure is to construct a self-
configuration when compared to GaSb, but the consistent potential. The wave functions obtained
potential may fail to describe GaN, which is consid- in an electronic structure calculation can be used
erably more ionic than GaSb. A related problem is to construct a new screening potential, which in
that the form factors are fit only to a subset of reci- turn can be used with the ion-core potential to
procal lattice vectors. If the crystal volume or compute a new total potential and new wave func-
structure changes, one must extrapolate to a new tions. When no changes occur in a feedback loop
subset. Another problem can occur at a surface. In of this kind, the solution is considered to be self-
crystalline GaAs, each Ga atom is surrounded by four consistent.
As atoms. For the cleavage plane the (110) surface, Let us assume a one-electron Hamiltonian, which
the Ga atom is bonded to three As atoms. Given the can be based on density functional theory
coordination change, the surface Ga atom cannot be (Hohenberg and Kohn, 1964; Kohn and Sham, 1965):
expected to retain a ‘bulk-like’ screening potential.  
– h2 r2 p
There is no reason to be confident that the Ga þ Vion ðrÞ þ VH ðrÞ þ Vxc ðrÞ n ðrÞ ¼ En n ðrÞ
pseudopotential extracted from the crystalline envir-
onment will be very accurate at the surface. Of ð50Þ
course, this problem is made worse if one wants to
examine a liquid containing Ga atoms where the The ion-core pseudopotential, Vpion, can be taken
coordination may continuously change. as a linear superposition of ion-core atomic poten-
We can consider the form factors to be composed tials. Determining the ionic potential can be
of two interactions: the ion core–valence electron accomplished by resorting to atomic structure
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 27

Assume initial density: ρ


= –4 πeρ
Δ 2V
Solve: H

Form: VT = Vion +VH +Vxc
n-Zn Se (100) c 2 × 2

Δ 2
– p
X(1) L (3,4) Solve: Vion +VH +Vxc Ψn = EnΨn
Γ(6–8) Γ(15)
X(2) L (8)
X(6) 2
Form: ρ = e Ψn
n, occup

Γ(1) Figure 30 Self-consistent field loop. The loop is repeated

L(5) until the input and output charge densities are equal to
Γ(9) L (13,14)
within some specified tolerance.

Λ where  is the valence electron charge density.

The second part of the screening potential, the
Γ exchange-correlation part of the potential, Vxc, is
quantum mechanical in nature. A common approx-
imation for this part of the potential arises from
the local density approximation, that is, the potential
depends only on the charge density at the point of
interest, Vxc(r) ¼ Vxc[(r)]. In principle, density func-
tional theory is exact, provided one can obtain an
K exact functional for Vxc. This is an outstanding
problem. It is commonly assumed that the func-
Σ tional extracted for a homogeneous electron gas
(Ceperley and Alder, 1980) is universal and can be
Γ applied to the inhomogeneous gas problem. The
–10 –5 0 5 10 15 20
Energy relative to EV (eV)
procedure for generating a self-consistent field
(SCF) potential is given in Figure 30. The SCF
Figure 29 Experimental X-ray photoemission cycle is initiated with a potential constructed by a
spectroscopy (XPS) and Bremsstrahlung isochromat
super-position of atomic densities. These densities
spectroscopy (BIS) or inverse photoemission spectra for
crystalline zinc selenide (Chelikowsky et al., 1989). The are then used to solve a Poisson equation for the
critical point features of the theoretical density of states are Hartree potential, and a density functional is used to
also identified with band structure features. obtain the exchange-correlation potential. A screen-
ing potential composed of the Hartree and
exchange-correlation potentials is then added to
calculations, as discussed in the following section. the fixed ion-core pseudopotential, after which the
The potential arising from the valence-electron one-electron Schrödinger equation, or Kohn–Sham
interactions can be divided into two parts. One part equation, is solved. The resulting wave functions
represents the classical electrostatic terms, the from this solution are then employed to construct
Hartree or Coulomb potential: a new potential and the cycle is repeated. In prac-
tice, the output and input potentials are mixed using
r2 VH ðrÞ ¼ – 4eðrÞ a scheme that accounts for the history of the pre-
P ð51Þ vious iterations (Broyden, 1965; Chelikowsky and
ðrÞ ¼ e jn ðrÞj2
n;occup Cohen, 1992).
28 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories Constructing Pseudopotentials chemical properties of the system. We choose to

from Density Functional Theory make the pseudo-wave-function smooth and node-
less in the core region. This will provide rapid
The construction of ion-core pseudopotentials has
convergence with simple basis functions. One other
become an active area of electronic structure theory.
criterion is mandated. Namely, the integral of the
Methods for constructing such potentials have cen-
pseudocharge density within the core should be
tered, on ab initio or first-principles pseudopotentials;
equal to the integral of the all-electron charge den-
that is, the informational base on which these poten-
sity. Without this condition, the pseudo-wave-
tials are based does not involve any experimental
function differs by a scaling factor from the
all-electron wave function. Pseudopotentials
The first step in the construction process is to
constructed with this constraint are called norm con-
consider an electronic structure calculation for a
serving (Hamann et al., 1979). Since we expect the
free atom. For example, in the case of a silicon
bonding in a solid to be highly dependent on the tails
atom, the Kohn–Sham equation (Kohn and Sham,
of the valence wave functions, it is imperative that
1965) can be solved for the eigenvalues and wave
the normalized pseudo-wave-function be identical to
functions. Knowing the valence wave functions, that
the all-electron wave functions.
is, 3s2 and 3p2, and corresponding eigenvalues, the
There are many ways of constructing norm con-
pseudowave functions can be constructed. This is an
serving pseudopotentials as within the core the
easy numerical calculation as the atomic densities are
pseudo-wave-function is not unique. One of the
assumed to possess spherical symmetry and the pro-
most straight-forward construction procedures is
blem reduces to a one-dimensional radial integration.
from Kerker (1980) and later extended by Troullier
Once we know the solution for an all-electron
and Martins (1991):
potential, we can invert the Kohn–Sham equation
and find the total pseudopotential. We can unscreen (
p r l expðpðr ÞÞ r  rc
the total potential and extract the ion-core pseudo- l ðr Þ ¼ ð53Þ
potential. This ion-core potential, which arises from l ðr Þ r > rc
tightly bound core electrons and the nuclear charge,
is not expected to change from one environment to p(r) is taken to be a polynomial of the form:
another. It should be transferable from the atom to a X
molecular state or to a solid state or liquid state. The pðr Þ ¼ c0 þ c2n r 2n ð54Þ
issue of this transferability is one which must be n¼1

addressed according to the system of interest. The This form assures us that the pseudo-wave-function
immediate issue here is how to define pseudo-wave- is nodeless and by taking even powers there is no
functions which can be used to define the corre- cusp associated with the pseudo-wave-function.
sponding pseudopotential. The parameters, c2n, are fixed by the following
Suppose we insist that the pseudo-wave-function criteria: (1) The all-electron and pseudo-wave-
be identical to the all-electron wave function outside functions have the same valence eigenvalue. (2)
of the core region. For example, let us consider the 3s The pseudo-wave-function is nodeless and is iden-
state for a silicon atom. We want the pseudo-wave- tical to the all-electron wave function for r > rc. (3)
function to be identical to the all-electron state out- The pseudo-wave-function must be continuous as
side the core region: well as the first four derivatives of the wave func-
p tion at rc. (4) The pseudopotential has zero
3s ðr Þ ¼ 3s ðr Þ r > rc ð52Þ
curvature at the origin. This construction is easy
where p3s is a pseudo-wave-function and rc defines to implement and extend to include other con-
the core size. straints. An example of an atomic pseudo-wave-
This assignment will guarantee that the pseudo- function for Si is given in Figure 31 where it is
wave-function will possess properties identical to the compared to an all-electron wave function. Unlike
all-electron wave function, 3s in the region away the 3s all-electron wave function, the pseudo-wave-
from the ion core. function has no nodes. The pseudo-wave-function
For r < rc, we alter the all-electron wave function. is much easier to express as a Fourier transform or
We are free to do this as we do not expect the valence a combination of Gaussian orbitals than the all-
wave function within the core region to affect the electron wave function.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 29

d 2 ln
– 2 ðr Þ2 ¼ 4 2 r 2 dr ¼ QðRÞ ð56Þ
3s Radial wavefunction of Si dE dr R

The energy derivative of the logarithmic deriva-

0.5 tive of the pseudo-wave-function is fixed by the
amount of charge within a radius, R. The radial
derivative of the wave function is related to the
scattering phase shift from elementary quantum
All-electron mechanics. For a norm-conserving pseudopotential,
0 the scattering phase shift at R ¼ rc and at the eigen-
value of interest is identical to the all-electron case as
Qall elect(rc) ¼ Qpseudo(rc). The scattering properties of
the pseudopotential and the all-electron potential
have the same energy variation to first order when
–0.5 transferred to other systems.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Radial distance (a.u.) There is some flexibility in constructing pseu-
dopotentials. The nonuniqueness of the pseudo-
Figure 31 An all-electron and a pseudo-wave function for
wave-function was recognized early in its inception.
the silicon 3s radial wave function.
For example, within the Phillips–Kleinman formu-
lation, one can always add a function, f, to the
Once the pseudo-wave-function is constructed, pseudo-wave-functions without altering the
then the Kohn–Sham equation can be inverted to pseudopotential provided f is orthogonal to the
arrive at the ion-core pseudopotential: core states. Consider the matrix element in
Equation (7). If one  changes
 pv to pv þf,
p h2 r2 l then c jv þ f ¼ c jv þ hc jf i ¼ c jpv .
p p
Vion;l ðr Þ ¼ p – En;l – VH ðr Þ – Vxc ½ðr Þ ð55Þ
2m l Nothing is changed in the Phillips–Kleinman
The ion-core pseudopotential is well behaved as pseudopotential by this addition.
p, has no nodes and does not vanish. The ion-core The nonuniqueness of the pseudopotential can be
potential appears to be both state dependent and exploited to optimize the convergence of the pseu-
energy dependent. The energy dependence is dopotentials for the basis of interest. Much effort has
usually weak. For example, the 4s state in silicon been made to construct soft pseudopotentials. By soft,
computed by the pseudopotential constructed from one means a rapidly convergent calculation using
the 3s state is usually accurate. Physically, this plane waves as a basis. Typically, soft potentials are
happens because the 4s state is extended and characterized by a large core size, that is, a larger
experiences the potential in a region where the value for rc. However, as the core becomes larger, the
ion-core, potential has assumed a simple Zve2/r goodness of the pseudo-wave-function can be com-
behavior. However, the state dependence through l promised as the transferability of the pseudopotential
is an issue; the difference between a potential gen- becomes more limited. In Figure 32, the ion-core
erated via a 3s state and a 3p can be an issue. In pseudopotential for carbon is plotted in real space
particular, for first row elements such as C or O, and in reciprocal space. Although the potentials look
the nonlocality is quite large as there are no p quite different in the core region, they all give reli-
states within the core region. For the first row able electronic structure properties for carbon.
transition elements for such as Fe or Cu, this is As for the nonlocal terms that occur in empirical
also an issue as again there are no d-states within potentials (Section, we can handle nonlocal-
the core. This state dependence can be addressed ity using a plane wave basis in a straightforward
in similar fashion as for a nonlocal empirical fashion. If we consider a reference potential such
pseudopotential. that Vl ¼ Vlocal Vl, then we need to determine
An additional advantage of the norm conserving matrix elements as in Equation (46) where Vpc,l is
potential concerns the logarithmic derivative of the replaced by Vl. The reference potential can be
pseudo-wave-function (Bachelet et al., 1982). An chosen to be a local potential. In general, the nonlocal
identity exists: elements are very short ranged in real space as the
30 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

(a) 5 (b) 5 (c) 5 (d) 5

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
–5 –5 –5 –5
r (a0 ) r (a0 ) r (a0 ) r (a0 )
Vl (r) (Ry)

–15 –15 –15 –15

–25 –25 –25 –25

–35 –35 –35 –35

8 8 8 8
q 2Vl (q) (Ry/a02)

0 0 0 0
6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12

q(a0–1) q(a0–1) q(a0–1) q(a0–1)

–8 –8 –8 –8

Figure 32 Ion-core pseudopotentials for carbon generated by four different methods in real and reciprocal space; (a)
Troullier and Martins (1991), (b) Kerker (1980), (c) Hamann et al. (1979), and (d) Vanderbilt (1985). The dotted and solid lines
correspond to the s and p pseudopotentials, respectively.

size of the core is determined by rc. As such, the element form has a great advantage as the integrals
upper limit of the real space integral is slightly are separable in that they are solely a function of
more than rc in practice. k + G or a function of k + G9. The individual inte-
A major strength of ab initio pseudopotentials is grals can be stored and retrieved as required in
that they can be employed for systems with many setting up the matrix.
atoms of low symmetry, for example, clusters, liquids, It is also possible to solve the Kohn–Sham problem
and surfaces, without having to fit any form factors. directly in real space (Chelikowsky et al., 1994). In this
However, a plane wave basis will require a large case, the Kleinman–Bylander form can be cast as
cutoff for such systems. In this case, the matrix ele- P p
ments in Equation (46) can be difficult to evaluate as VlkB ðx;y;zÞ p ðx;y;zÞ¼ Glm ulm ðx;y;zÞVl ðx;y;zÞ
elements depend on both k + G and k + G9. Z
Kleinman and Bylander (1982) suggested an alternate p
ulm Vl p dxdydz ð58Þ
form for the required nonlocal matrix elements: Glm ¼Z
p p
P ulm Vl ulm dxdydz
þ GÞYlm ðkd
Ylm ðkd þ G9Þ
VlKB ðk þ G; k þ G9Þ ¼ Z where uplm are the reference atomic pseudo-wave-
p p
4a l ðr ÞVl ðr Þl ðr Þdr functions. The nonlocal nature of the pseudopoten-
p  tial is apparent from the definition of Glm; the value of
 l ðr ÞVl ðr Þjl jk þ G9jr Þr 2 dr
Z these coefficients are dependent on the pseudo-

 l ðr ÞVl ðr Þjl jk þ Gjr Þr 2 dr ð57Þ wave-function, p, acted on by the operator Vl.
This is very similar in spirit to the pseudopotential
where pl is the atomic reference pseudo-wave-func- defined by Phillips and Kleinman (1959). While we
tion and Ylm is a spherical harmonic with the angles have focused on a simple plane wave basis, there are
determined by the unit vector: k d þ G. This matrix other bases that can be employed, for example, one
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 31

can combine pseudopotentials with Gaussians (Chan Chelikowsky, 1989); however, to understand struc-
et al., 1986) or a uniform grid (Chelikowsky et al., tural properties, we need to employ a different
1994). These real space methods can be easily imple- approach. Since the form factors in the empirical
mented with real space ab initio pseudopotentials pseudopotential have been fit to optical transitions,
(Kronik et al., 2006). there is no reason to believe that they will be very
While our focus has been on norm conserving pseu- accurate for structural properties such as the phase
dopotentials, it is possible to generalize the stability, the equilibrium bond length, the bulk mod-
pseudopotential method to include systems that are ulus, and the phonon spectrum of a crystal. Ab initio
not based on such potentials. It is possible to make the pseudopotentials can be used for this purpose and, in
pseudopotentials even weaker by relaxing this condi- this section, we illustrate their application to the phase
tion. Vanderbilt (1990) proposed such a method for stability of tetrahedral semiconductors such as silicon.
constructing ultrasoft pseudopotentials, which are con- To evaluate the total energy of a crystal can be a
structed as a generalized eigenvalue problem. The difficult task. The total energy of the system contains
norm conservation constraint is relaxed, and the charge terms that individually diverge, for example, the
density within the ion core is not explicitly considered repulsive Coulomb terms between the ion cores and
as part of the pseudo-wave-function. The relaxation of the electron–electron interactions. These terms can
the norm conservation constraint allows one to consider be handled in Fourier or momentum space using a
a much larger core radius and a much softer potential. plane wave basis (Ihm et al., 1979). The total energy
One issue which is relevant for pseudopotential of the system can be written as
constructions, regardless of whether the potential is
intended for use with a plane wave basis or not, ET ¼ Ekin þ Eec þ EH þ Exc þ Ecc ð59Þ
concerns the issue of unbound, or weakly bound,
atomic states. If an atom does not bind a state of ET is the total electronic energy, Ekin represents the
interest, then the atomic wave function correspond- electronic kinetic energy, the electron–ion-core
ing to this state is clearly not normalizable. interaction energy is given by Eec, the electrostatic
Nonetheless, the pseudopotential corresponding to Coulomb energy is given by the Hartree energy, EH,
this state might be of some interest, for example, in the nonclassical exchange-correlation energy is given
a crystal such diverging wave functions are captured by Exc, and the ion core–ion-core classical term is
by the potentials of neighboring atoms. For example, given by Ecc. The momentum-space expressions for
Ba has a strong f-component resonance. However, the electronic energy terms are as follows:
these f-states are not bound for neutral Ba atom. In 1 X  p  2 h 2 j k þ Gj 2
order to bind such states, one must consider highly Ekin ¼  n ðk þ GÞ ð60Þ
N n;k;G 2m
ionized atomic states, which result in very strong
pseudopotentials. Sometimes these potentials are so 1 X p
Eec ¼ ðk þ GÞ pn ðk þ G9Þ
strong as to be useless for a plane wave basis, or so far N n;k;G n
removed from the chemical environment of interest
Z ð61Þ
that their transferability may be suspect. Hamann p 1 Ze 2 3
 Vc ðk þ G; k þ G9Þ þ G;G9 d r
(1989) has suggested a method for handling such c r
cases by integrating out the Kohn–Sham equation c X 4e 2  2

to a large distance and at that point terminating the EH ¼ 2
ðGÞ ð62Þ
2 G;G6¼0 G
pseudo-wave-function. The corresponding termi-
nated wave function is then used to generate a c X 
Exc ¼  ðGÞ"xc ðGÞ ð63Þ
pseudopotential for the component of interest. 2 G
( "
e2 X 4 X 1 Structural Properties of Ecc ¼ Zv;s Zv;s9 cosðG?ðtS – tS9 ÞÞ
2 S;S9 c G;G6¼0 G 2
Semiconductor Crystals

2 # Total electronic energy from –G 
 exp –
pseudopotential–density functional theory 4
2 c
) ð64Þ
Empirical pseudopotentials have been one of the most X erfcð
jR – tS þ tS9 jÞ 2

effective tools in understanding the optical and dielec- þ – pffiffiffi S;S9

jR – tS þ tS9 j 
tric properties of semiconductor crystals (Cohen and R;R6¼0
32 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

Each term yields the energy per cell; N is the total The first application involved the silicon crystal
number of cells, c is the cell volume, R is a lattice with a number of different phases: face-centered
vector, G is a reciprocal lattice vector, Z is the total cubic, body-centered cubic, hexagonal close-packed,
core charge, which is a sum of the individual core hexagonal diamond, cubic diamond, white tin and
charges Zv, t is the basis vector, k is the crystal simple cubic. For each structure, the energy was
momentum, and pn is the wave function for state n. minimized for a given volume by optimizing the
ðGÞVcp ðk þ G; k þ G9Þ, and pn ðk þ GÞ represent internal coordinates, for example, for a hexagonal
the Fourier components of the charge, ion-core structure the c/a ratio was optimized. Depending on
potential and the pseudo-wave-function. The sums the system studied the range of volumes considered
involving the pseudo-wave-functions run only over is varied. In the case of silicon. Cohen, et al. con-
the occupied states,
is a parameter that controls the sidered a volume of one-half the ambient volume of
convergence of the Ewald summation in real space the known diamond phase of silicon to an upper
versus momentum space (Ihm et al., 1979). limit of about 20% larger than the ambient volume.
In practice, it is easier to make use of the eigen- For such a diverse set of crystal structures, it is
value explicitly and subtract off the double counting important to make certain the convergence is similar
terms, that is, one can write the total energy as to all phases. For structures which yield metallic
1X systems, the k-point sampling is sometimes critical
ET ¼ En ðkÞ – EH þ Exc þ Ecc ð65Þ
N n;k because the variations in the Fermi surface make it
difficult to assure that occupied states are being
The sum is over all occupied states. The eigen- sampled. Once the total energy is computed for a
value term contains the exchange-correlation term,
finite number of volumes, the energy versus volume
whereas the total energy should contain the
points are fit to an equation of state such as the
exchange-correlation energy. This term can be
Birch (1952) equation or the Murnaghan (1944)
written as
Exc ¼ c  ðGÞ½"xc ðGÞ – Vxc ðGÞ ð66Þ !
G B0 V ðV0 =V ÞB90 B0 V 0
ET ðV Þ ¼ ET ðV0 Þ þ þ1 – ð69Þ
B90 B90 – 1 B90 – 1
where "xc is related to the exchange correlation via a
functional derivative: where B0 and B90 are the bulk modulus and its pres-
sure derivative at the equilibrium volume V0. Using
ð "xc ½Þ
Vxc ¼ ð67Þ Equation (69), the fit of the calculated points yields

the equilibrium energy ET(V0), the equilibrium
where, in the local density approximation, volume, and the bulk modulus and its pressure deri-
Z vative at equilibrium. Representative calculated and
Exc ½ ¼ ðrÞ"xc ½ðrÞd 3 r ð68Þ measured values for the lattice constant and bulk
modulus results are given for Si in Table 1. The
In the simplest formalism, "xc is extracted from a results are impressive when one considers that this
homogeneous electron gas (Kohn and Sham, 1965). is an ab initio calculation requiring only the atomic
number and crystal structure as input. Generally, the
pseudpotential–density functional method yields lat- Phase stability of crystals tice constants and bulk moduli to an accuracy of
The total energy, ET, of a crystal structure can be about 1% and 5%, respectively. The cohesive energy
calculated using Equation (65) as a function of the can be calculated by comparing the total energy at
lattice constant and any internal structural para- the equilibrium lattice constant with the energy of
meters. One of the first applications of this work the isolated atoms. Spin polarization effects (von
was carried out by Ihm and Cohen (1980), and Yin Barth and Hedin 1972; Gunnarsson et al., 1974) and
and Cohen (1980, 1982c, 1982b). This work repre- zero point vibrational energy need to be considered.
sents a seminal point in condensed matter physics Early results computed within the local density
(Chelikowsky, 2000). It demonstrated a workable approximation gave reasonable estimates of the
scheme for examining the structural properties of cohesive energies; however, in general the general-
solids and its extension led to molecular dynamics ized gradient approximation yields more accurate
using quantum forces (Car and Parrinello, 1985). cohesive energies (Becke, 1992).
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 33 Silicon and germanium phases The Car, 1995), most phase stability studies are done at
total energy versus volume curves for seven crystal zero temperature. In this cases, G ¼ U þ PV, where
phases of silicon are shown in Figures 33 and 34. It is the internal energy is given by the total electronic
encouraging that the lowest energy state corresponds energy and the pressure is given by P ¼ dET/dV.
to the diamond structure, as this structure is observed
experimentally under ambient conditions. (As with
any such calculation, there is no guarantee that there
is an untried structure with a lower energy state.)
Experimental data for the structural properties of
silicon and germanium are listed in Table 3.
For small volumes other structural phases are
lower in energy than the diamond phase; hence,
pressure-induced solid–solid structural phase transi-
tions are predicted. Structural transitions occur

Estructure (Ry/atom)
between phases when the Gibbs free energy hcp
G ¼ U þ PV – TS ð70Þ –7.86 4
for the phases in question are equal. U is the internal β-Tin
energy, P is the pressure, and S is the entropy. 3
Although some attempts have been made to consider
phase transitions at finite temperature (Sugino and
2 diamond

–7.83 Diamond 1

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Figure 34 Total electronic energy for seven phases of
crystalline silicon as function of the atomic volume. The
Energy (Ry/atom)

volume has been normalized to the measured value of

fcc diamond. The dashed line is a common tangent of the
bcc energy curves for the diamond and -tin phases. The
hcp calculations are from Yin and Cohen (1982c). The total
energy reference is the energy per pseudo-Ge atom. fcc,
sh sc face-centered cubic; bcc, body-centered cubic; hcp,
hexagonal close packing.
Table 3 Comparison of calculated and measured static
Hexagonal properties of silicon and germanium
Diamond Lattice Cohesive Bulk
–7.91 constant energy (eV/ modulus
0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 Semiconductor (Å) atom) (Mbar)
Figure 33 Total electronic energy for seven phases of Calculated 5.45 4.84 0.98
crystalline silicon as a function of the atomic volume. The Measured 5.43 4.63 0.99
volume has been normalized to the measured value of
diamond. The dashed line is a common tangent of the
Calculated 5.66 4.26 0.73
energy curves for the diamond and -tin phases. The
Measured 5.65 3.85 0.77
calculations are from Yin and Cohen (1982c). The total
energy reference is the energy per pseudo-Si atom. fcc, The calculated values are from Yin and Cohen (1982c). Measured
face-centered cubic; bcc, body-centered cubic; hcp, values are from Donohue (1974), Brewer (1977) and McSkimin
hexagonal close packing. and Andreatch Jr. (1963).
34 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

For T ¼ 0, the pressure-induced phase transforma- the transition pressures of the Al compounds are
tion can be found by a common tangent line between underestimated.
the ET(V) curves of the two phases considered. The
negative of the slope of the tangent line is the transi-
tion pressure. Examples of common tangent Vibrational properties
constructions are given in Figures 33 and 34 for An important application of the ab initio pseudopo-
the transitions from the diamond structure to the - tential approach is calculating the vibrational
tin phase for Si and Ge. As hydrostatic pressure is properties of solids. These calculations are based on
applied the path indicated in the figures, 1 ! 2 ! 3 the change in the energy of atom as it moves from an
! 4, illustrates the change from diamond at 1 to equilibrium position. Once we have established that
-tin at 4, with the transformation occurring along the energy of atom can be accurately calculated as a
the 2 ! 3 segment of the path where both structures function of position, phonon and lattice vibrational
can coexist. The predicted phase transition pressure modes can be calculated. The input needed for such
for the diamond ! -tin phase is 99 kbar for Si and calculations is minimal. In contrast to phenomenolo-
96 kbar for Ge; the measured values are 125 and 100 gic force constant models, which often require as
kbar, respectively (Yin and Cohen, 1982c). many as 15 parameters to achieve reasonable fits to
The successful prediction of high-pressure phonon dispersion curves, the total energy approach
structural phases such as hexagonal forms of Si and uses only the masses and atomic numbers of the
Ge and face-centered cubic Si are one of the impress- constituent atoms. To calculate the phonon disper-
ive results of the pseudopotential-density functional sion curve, !(q), along a specific direction, the
theory calculations (Chang and Cohen, 1984; Liu frozen-phonon approach is easy to implement
et al., 1988; Vohra et al., 1986). Moreover, these (Chadi and Martin, 1976; Heine and Weaire, 1970;
high-pressure phases are metallic and predicted to Wendel and Martin, 1979; Yin and Cohen, 1980). In
be superconductors (Chang et al., 1985). Two of the this approach, a supercell is chosen, and the atomic
predictions of superconductivity have been verified cores are displaced to simulate a particular phonon
while the others remain untested. mode. The change in the total energy arising from
The calculations for the group IV semiconductors the distortion depends on the type of distortion
serve as prototypes for the application of the total- assumed and the amplitude. Since a specific phonon
energy pseudopotential method to study structural wavevector, q, is chosen, this method is limited to
properties of solids. calculating !(q) at specific points in the Brillouin
zone. The phonon frequencies can also be evaluated
by computing the Hellman–Feynman forces on the III–V phases The first extensions to displaced atoms. Another approach that allows the
other solids were made for the III–V semiconductors: full phonon dispersion to be computed is based on
GaAs, AlAs, GaP, AlP, AlSb, GaSb, InP, InAs, and linear response theory (Baroni et al., 2001). However,
InSb (Froyen and Cohen, 1983a, 1983b; Zhang and the frozen-phonon approach is the simplest method
Cohen, 1987). Total electronic energy calculations for computing !(q) at symmetry points. Calculations
for these III–V semiconductors are displayed in at nonsymmetry points are possible but require larger
Figures 35 and 36. unit cells. Standard calculations usually limit the
Although these studies for III–V semiconductors computations to three or four q-points along a
generally give good results for the lattice constants symmetry direction.
and bulk moduli, the agreement between the calcu- As an example of a frozen phonon supercell
lated and measured properties of the high-pressure calculation, we briefly examine the calculations of
phases and for phase transition pressures and the phonon properties for the  and X points of the
volumes is not always satisfactory. As an example of Brillouin zone for Si and Ge. The phonon polariza-
the latter, the calculated transition pressures for tions for these points can be easily determined using
the Al compounds are consistently lower by group theory as illustrated in Figure 37, and the
around 50% than the measured values (Zhang and primitive cell for the distorted lattice contains two
Cohen; 1987). In contrast, the calculated lattice atoms for the LTO() mode and four atoms for the
constants are within 0.4, 0.3, and 0.3% of the phonon modes at X. The phonon-distorted lattice
measured values for AlP, AlAs, and AlSb, respec- has inversion symmetry, which simplifies the
tively (Zhang and Cohen, 1987). It is unclear why calculation.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 35



100 +
Energy - mRy



Zinc–blende Zinc–blende


GaAs GaP

NiAs β-Sn
Energy - mRy

β-Sn Rocksalt

Zinc–blende Zinc–blende

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
V/V0 V/V0
Figure 35 Total electronic energy for some representative III–V structures as function of the atomic volume. The
calculations are from Froyen and Cohen (1983a, 1983b).

For a given amplitude u, the change in the total where M is the atomic mass. The calculation of the
energy arising from the distortion is ET(u). The total energies or forces is done typically for five
force constant k can be obtained from a second deri- different amplitudes ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 Å.
vative of the ET(u) or a first derivative of the force The total energies can fit by a quadratic function
F(u): to about 1%. For some phonon mode calculations

such as the LTO() modes in Si and Ge, higher-
@ 2 ET 2ET ðuÞ order fits such as the third-order term are needed.
k¼ ffi ð71Þ
@u2 u¼0 u2 These fits allow the evaluation of anharmonic terms.
or Table 4 illustrates some typical results. An impress-
ive achievement of these calculations is the good

@F F ðuÞ agreement with experiment obtained for the TA(X)
k¼ ffi – ð72Þ
@u u¼0 u modes in Si and Ge. For empirical force constant
model calculations, many-neighbor parameters are
The phonon frequency is given by needed to obtain the correct values for these modes
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi because of the important role played by long-ranged
! ¼ 2f ¼ k=M ð73Þ forces.
36 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

(a) 120 (b) 180 (c) 120


90 90

Rocksalt 120 A5

Energy (mRy/molecule)

Energy (mRy/molecule)
Energy (mRy/molecule)

60 60 Rocksalt

30 30
Zinc–blende 30 Zinc–blende

0 Zinc–blende 0

–30 –30 –30

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Normalized volume Normalized volume Normalized volume

(d) 120 (e) 150

InAs InSb
Energy (mRy/molecule)

Energy (mRy/molecule)


60 A5

–30 –30
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Normalized volume Normalized volume

Figure 36 Total electronic energy for some representative III–V structures as function of the atomic volume. The
calculations are from Froyen and Cohen (1983a, 1983b).

The use of the total electronic energy or the earlier. This gives the value of the sound velocity.
forces via the Hellmann–Feynman theorem For example, the q ! 0 TA velocity vTA [110]
involves different approaches to calculate the propagating along the [110] direction with [110]
phonon frequencies, but the results are essentially polarization is associated with the shear modulus
the same as indicated in Table 4. Additional C11 C12:
information can be obtained from the force

calculation. For example, for the LOA(X) mode, C11 – C12 1=2
vTA ½110 ¼ ð74Þ
the forces on atoms 2 and 3 differ for finite 2M
amplitude (see Figure 37). This arises from the where M is the mass density. The calculated
effects of anharmonicity and illustrates that it is results for the velocity and shear modulus are in
more difficult to compress a bond than to stretch good agreement with experiment as shown in
it. For the phonon calculation, the average of Table 5.
the two force constants is used, and this quantity When interlayer force constants are calculated,
does not vary by more than 0.5% with the the resulting phonon spectrum is in good agreement
amplitude. with experiment. For example, for Si the  to X
If the interlayer force constants are computed, phonon dispersion curve was computed by Yin
then the full dispersion can be calculated as discussed and Cohen (1982a) using the calculated interlayer
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 37

force constants. The results are close to the

(110) Plane experimentally determined points as indicated in
Figure 38.
The frozen-phonon total-energy approach can
TA(X) also be used to extract nonharmonic contributions
to the phonon couplings. By examining the ET(u)
TO(X) curves terms beyond the quadratic validity, higher
1 order terms can be obtained. For example,
Vanderbilt et al. (1986) performed a detailed study
on third- and fourth-order anharmonic coupling
constants for optical, phonons in C, Si, and Ge.
These calculations determined bare phonon–
phonon scattering amplitudes. By including virtual
processes, renormalized multiphonon vertices and
phonon self-energies were calculated. One specific
2 application was the study of the renormalized four-
phonon vertices. These were found to be negative,
which is the wrong sign for allowing the formation
of a proposed two-phonon bound state (Cohen and
Ruvalds, 1969).

1.01.6 Summary and Conclusions

The pseudopotential concept has had a profound

impact on our understanding of the electronic struc-
ture of semiconductors. In this chapter, both
4 empirical and ab initio pseudopotential concepts
were outlined and some central applications
Figure 37 Phonon polarization at  and X for the diamond discussed.
structure. Atoms are numbered and denoted by black dots.
Empirical pseudopotentials provided a means
The solid lines denote an atomic chain in a (110) plane, and
the dashed lines denote the projection of an atomic chain a for understanding the optical and dielectric proper-
distance a=2 away from that plane where a is the lattice ties of semiconductors and the underlying energy
constant (Yin and Cohen, 1982b). band structures. It is sometimes stated that the

Table 4 Comparison of the calculated phonon frequencies, f (in THz), of

Si and Ge (Yin and Cohen, 1982b) at  and X with experiment (Dolling,
1963; Nilsson and Nelin, 1971, 1972)


f (energy) 15.16 ( 2%) 12.16 ( 1%) 13.48 ( 3%) 4.45 ( 1%)
f (force) 15.14 ( 3%) 11.98 ( 3%) 13.51 ( 3%) 4.37 ( 3%)
f (expt) 15.33 12.32 13.90 4.49
f (energy) 8.90 ( 2%) 7.01 ( 3%) 7.75 ( 6%) 2.44 (2%)
f (force) 8.89 ( 3%) 6.96 ( 3%) 7.78 ( 6%) 2.45 (2%)
f (expt) 9.12 7.21 8.26 2.40

The values of the frequencies were determined by energy and by force

calculations. The deviation from experimental values are given in parentheses.
38 Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories

Table 5 Comparison of calculated values (Yin and and whether it could be applied to solid and spe-
Cohen, 1982b) of C11–C12 and the TA velocity along the cifically semiconductors such as silicon. Some
 polarization) for Si and Ge with experiment
[110] (with [110]
(McSkimin and Andreatch Jr., 1963).
workers thought that the electron–hole interactions
for a optical excitation would be so strong as to
C11 C12 (Mbar) vTA [110] (105 cm s 1) obscure any attempt at understanding such excita-
tions using energy band theory. Given that the
Theory 1.07 4.79 EPM allowed adjustments to the one-electron
Expt. 1.03 4.69 potential, if the EPM had failed to work with the
Ge flexibility of choosing a potential, one would have
Theory 0.74 2.64 questioned whether it was possible to construct a
Expt. 0.82 2.77 meaningful one-electron potential and correspond-
ing energy band structure. The consequences of
this failure would have been very damaging to
prospects for using energy bands to interpret opti-
cal, dielectric, photoemission, and transport
properties of semiconductors.
LO Fortunately, this was not the case; the EPM pro-
vided a simple and effective way to couple band
structure theory to experimental work and its impact
was immediate. While much of this effort took place
12 in the 1960s and 1970s, the EPM still serves as an
Phonon frequency (THz)

effective means to interpret optical data for semicon-

ductors. While more sophisticated methods now exist
LA to examine optical properties, few of the conclusions
of the EPM have been overturned by these methods.
8 The coupling of density functional theory with
pseudopotentials in the early 1980s resulted in
another impressive advance for understanding the
TA electronic structure of materials. The accuracy of
density functional theory for predicting electronic
and structural energies was problematic at that
time. However, the direct numerical application of
structural energies to problems involving bond
lengths, compressibilities, phonon modes, and phase
0 stabilities showed conclusively the applicability of
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 pseudopotential methods to these problems. Over
Γ Δ X the last 10 years, more than 10 000 papers have
Figure 38 Phonon branches from  to X along the  appeared with pseudopotentials in the title or
direction from Yin and Cohen (1982a). The dashed lines abstract and these papers have been cited over
are calculated from the computed force constants. The 100 000 times.
solid lines are calculated using the computed third-
nearest layer force constants and the frozen-phonon
The vitality and future of the pseudopotential
results at  and X. Experimental points are from Dolling method is without question. The method is now
(1963), Nilsson and Nelin (1972), and Sinha (1973) and used to examine new and exciting materials systems.
denoted by dots for the transverse modes and triangles These systems include nanoscale systems, amor-
for the longitudinal modes.
phous solids, glasses, and liquids. Moreover, owing
to strong advances in both hardware and software
empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) estab- (algorithms), it is now possible to address systems
lished the validity of the energy band concept for with thousands of atoms on an almost routine basis.
solids in general. There is much truth to this It is for this reason that the pseudopotential concept
statement. In the 1950s, there was extended discus- is said to be the standard model for condensed
sions about the validity of the one-electron picture matter. (See Chapter 1.02).
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 39

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York: Wiley. Sinha SK (1973) Phonons in semiconductors. CRC Critical
Kleinman L and Bylander DM (1982) Efficacious form for model Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 3: 273.
pseudopotentials. Physical Review Letters 48: 1425. Sugino O and Car R (1995) Ab-initio molecular-dynamics study
Kleinman L and Phillips JC (1960a) Crystal potential and energy of first-order phase-transitions – melting of silicon. Physical
bands of semiconductors. II. Self-consistent calculations for Review Letters 74: 1823.
cubic boron nitride. Physical Review 117: 460. Tauc J and Abraham A (1961) Optical investigation of the band
Kleinman L and Phillips JC (1960b) Crystal potential and energy structure of Ge-Si alloys. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of
bands of semiconductors. III. Self-consistent calculations for Solids 20: 190.
silicon. Physical Review 118: 1153. Theis D (1977) Wavelength-modulated reflectivity spectra of ZnSe
Kline JS, Pollak FH, and Cardona M (1968) Electroreflectance in and ZnS from 2.5 to 8 eV. Physica Status Solidi (b) 79: 125.
Ge-Si alloys. Helvetica Physica Acta 41: 968. Troullier N and Martins J (1991) Efficient pseudopotentials for
Kohn W and Sham LJ (1965) Self-consistent equations including planewave calculations. Physical Review B 43: 1993.
exchange and correlation effects. Physical Review 140: A1133. Vanderbilt D (1985) Optimally smooth norm-conserving
Koo J, Shen YR, and Zucca RRL (1971) Effects of uniaxial stress pseudopotentials. Physical Review B 32: 8412.
on E90-peak of silicon. Solid State Communications 9: 2229. Vanderbilt D (1990) Soft self-consistent pseudopotentials in a
Kronik L, Makmal A, Tiago ML, et al. (2006) Parsec – the generalized eigenvalue formalism. Physical Review B 41: 7892.
pseudopotential algorithm for real-space electronic structure Vanderbilt D, Louie SG, and Cohen ML (1986) Calculation of an
calculations: Recent advances and novel applications to nano- harmonic phonon couplings in carbon, silicon, and
structures. Physica Status Solidi (b) 243: 1063. germanium. Physical Review B 33: 8740.
Kunz AB (1971) Energy bands and soft X-rays absorption in Si. Vohra YK, Brister KE, Desgreniers S, Ruoff AL, Chang KJ, and
Physical Review Letters 27: 567. Cohen ML (1986) Phase-transition studies of germanium to
Ley L, Kowalczyk S, Pollak R, and Shirley DA (1972) X-ray 1.25 Mbar. Physical Review Letters 56: 19444.
photoemission spectra of crystalline and amorphous Si and von Barth U and Hedin L (1972) Local exchange-correlation
Ge valence bands. Physical Review Letters 29: 1088. potential for the spin-polarized case. I. Journal of Physics C
Liu AY, Chang KJ, and Cohen ML (1988) Theory of electronic, 5: 1629.
vibrational, and superconducting properties of fcc silicon. Walter JP, Cohen ML, Petroff Y, and Balkanski M (1970)
Physical Review B 37: 6344. Calculated and measured reflectivity of zinc telluride and
McSkimin HJ and Andreatch P, Jr. (1963) Elastic moduli of zinc selenide. Physical Review B 1: 2661.
germanium versus hydrostatic pressure at 25.0 and Welkowsky M and Braunstein R (1972) Interband transitions and
195.8 . Journal of Applied Physics 34: 651. exciton effects in semiconductors. Physical Review B 5: 497.
Murnaghan FD (1944) The compressibility of media under Wendel H and Martin RM (1979) Theory of structural properties
extreme pressures. Proceedings of the National Academy of of covalent semiconductors. Physical Review B 19: 5251.
Sciences of the United States of America 30: 244. Wiser N (1963) Dielectric constant with local field effects
Nilsson G and Nelin G (1971) Phonon dispersion relations in included. Physical Review 129: 62.
germanium at 80 K. Physical Review B 3: 364. Yin MT and Cohen ML (1980) Microscopic theory of the phase
Nilsson G and Nelin G (1972) Study of the homology between transformation and lattice dynamics of Si. Physical Review
silicon and germanium by thermal-neutron spectrometry. Letters 45: 1004.
Physical Review B 6: 3777. Yin MT and Cohen ML (1982a) Ab initio calculation of the
Pauling L (1960) The Nature of the Chemical Bond. Ithaca, NY: phonon dispersion relation: Application to silicon. Physical
Cornell University Press. Review B 25: 4317.
Philipp HR and Ehrenreich H (1963) Optical properties of Yin MT and Cohen ML (1982b) Theory of lattice-dynamical
semiconductors. Physical Review 129: 1550. properties of solids: Application to Si and Ge. Physical
Phillips JC (1973) Bonds and Bands in Semiconductors. New Review B 26: 3259.
York: Academic Press. Yin MT and Cohen ML (1982c) Theory of static structural
Phillips JC and Kleinman L (1959) New method for calculating properties, crystal stability, and phase transformations.
wave functions in crystals and molecules. Physical Review Application to Si and Ge. Physical Review B 26: 5668.
116: 287. Zhang SB and Cohen ML (1987) High-pressure phases of III–V
Phillips JC and Kleinman L (1962) Crystal potential and energy zinc-blende semiconductors. Physical Review B 35: 7604.
bands of semiconductors. IV. Exchange and correlation. Zucca RRL and Shen YR (1970) Wavelength-modulation spectra
Physical Review 128: 2098. of some semiconductors. Physical Review B 1: 2668.
Electrons in Semiconductors: Empirical and ab initio Pseudopotential Theories 41

Further Reading Kittel C (2004) Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th edn. New
York: Wiley.
Cohen ML and Chelikowsky JR (1989) Electronic Structure and Marder MP (2000) Condensed Matter Physics. New York:
Optical Properties of Semiconductors, 2nd edn. Berlin: Wiley.
Springer. Martin RM (2004) Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and
Karixas E (2003) Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids. Practical Method. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Press.
1.02 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and
Optical Properties of Semiconductors: Bulk Crystals to
J Deslippe and S G Louie, University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA, USA
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.02.1 Introduction 42
1.02.2 Ground-State Properties and DFT 44
1.02.3 Ab Initio pseudopotentials 47
1.02.4 Selected Applications of DFT to Ground-State Properties 49
1.02.5 Excited States and Spectroscopic Properties 54
1.02.6 Quasiparticle Properties and the Single-Particle Green’s Function 55
1.02.7 The GW Approximation 57
1.02.8 The GW Formalism and Applications 59
1.02.9 Two-Particle Excitations and the Bethe–Salpeter Equation 63
1.02.10 The GW-BSE Formalism and Optical Response 65
1.02.11 Interactions in Nanostructured Semiconducting Materials 71
1.02.12 Summary 73
References 74

1.02.1 Introduction systems. A laptop today has the same computing

power as the fastest supercomputer in the world
The last few decades have seen dramatic advances in only 15 years ago.
both theoretical methodology and computer technol- In principle, determining the properties of a mate-
ogy that have allowed researchers to investigate rial from first principles involves the solution of a
materials properties in a great variety of systems in quantum many-body interacting problem (over both
a quantitative way from first principles (i.e., without the atomic nuclei and electron coordinates) with the
any input parameters other than the constituent following Hamiltonian (omitting spin and relativistic
atoms making up the material). The advances in effects for simplicity):
theory have been tremendous. Theory has succeeded
X P2j X p2 X Zj Zj 9 e 2 X e2
in reducing a seemingly intractable quantum many- Htot ¼ þ i
þ þ
body problem into one that is computationally feasible j
2Mj i
2m j <j 9
jRj – Rj 9 j i<i9 jri – ri9 j
while retaining the important physics. Today, it is X – Zj e 2
þ :
possible to predict the ground- and excited-state prop- i;j
jRj – ri j
erties for a wide range of important materials, in ð1Þ
particular semiconductor systems, using first princi-
ples (or ab initio) techniques. Such studies have been This Hamiltonian dictates the quantum states via
particularly useful in reduced-dimensional (nano) the many-body time-independent Schrödinger
semiconducting systems characterized by enhanced equation
many-electron interaction effects. The advances in
H ðr1 ; r2 ; . . . ; rN Þ ¼ Eðr1 ; r2 ; . . . ; rN Þ: ð2Þ
computer technology have been equally tremen-
dous, coming in the form of faster central The exact numerical solution of this problem is, in all
processing units (CPUs) with larger cache, larger but the simplest cases, impractical, due to the expo-
capacity, better performing memory, and greater nential increase in size of the Hilbert space for an
space. The same period has seen the advent of N-body problem. The exact solution for a typical sys-
the massively parallel high-performance computer tem of interest would yield an unwieldy many-body

Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 43

wave function, which, in general, would give little 1964; Kohn and Sham, 1965). Such approaches have
or no physical insight. The evaluation of physical been very successful in the ab initio calculation of many
quantities of interest with appropriate approxima- ground-state properties for a wide variety of materials.
tions is then required and desirable. Moreover, the Spectroscopic properties, such as those probed in
majority of the properties of a condensed matter photoemission, tunneling or transport experiments,
system can be determined by investigating just the however, involve creating a specific excited particle
interactions of the valence (outer) electrons with the (electron or hole) above the ground state. Owing to
relatively slower-moving atomic ionic cores (nuclei many-particle interactions, the excited particle (or
plus core electrons) and the interactions of quasiparticle) acquires a self-energy, resulting in a
the valence electrons among themselves. In the modified dispersion and finite lifetime. Calculating
Born–Oppenheimer, or adiabatic, approximation for such quasiparticle properties is an N þ 1 particle pro-
electronic properties, the atomic positions are blem in many-body theory, where N is the number of
assumed to be a set of parameters due to the fact particles in the ground-state problem, that, in princi-
that they are slowly varying compared to motion of ple, requires a different theoretical treatment from
the electrons. This approximation allows the elim- those (such as the standard DFT-based approaches)
ination of two of the terms in Htot, leaving just a used for the ground-state problem (Hedin, 1965;
Hamiltonian for the electron wave function: Hedin and Lundqvist, 1969; Hybertsen and Louie,
1985, 1986). Understanding the optical properties
X p2 X e2 X – Zj e 2 from first principles is an N þ 2 particle (photo-excita-
Hel ¼ þ þ : ð3Þ
2m jr – ri9 j
i<i9 i i;j
jRj – ri j tion of an electron and hole pair) problem (Rohlfing
and Louie, 1998a, 1998b; Albretch et al., 1998; Benedict
Mechanical, structural, and dynamic quantities asso- et al., 1998). To study optical properties, therefore, it is
ciated with the motion of the atoms (such as phonon necessary to include the electron–hole interaction,
frequencies) can be calculated by evaluating ground- which can have significant effects on the optical
state total energies at different atomic positions. As response in many systems from bulk crystals to nanos-
we will discuss later in this chapter, the explicit tructures where such effects often qualitatively change
dependences of the core electrons can also be the calculated spectra. Spectroscopic properties are
removed through the pseudopotential approach, best discussed and computed in terms of a Green’s
leaving an equation for the valence electrons alone. functions approach (Kadanoff and Baym, 1999),
These interactions determine the electronic struc- where the Green’s functions describe the evolution of
ture of the material which, in turn, determines the the amplitude of a many-body system with the addi-
behavior of the material in the ground state and tion of one or more particles at certain time and
under external perturbations. We therefore focus positions.
the discussion in this chapter on the state-of-the-art Because of the reduced dimensionality of nano-
theoretical and computational methods for calculat- systems, many-electron interaction effects have been
ing these properties from first principles to further shown to be extraordinarily important in the spectro-
our understanding of the structural, electronic, and scopic properties of these systems including band-
optical properties of semiconducting materials from gap renormalization, quasiparticle spectral functions
bulk crystals to nanostructures. such as those measured in photoemission, and optical
It is useful to distinguish the ground-state proper- properties such as those probed in absorption
ties of a semiconductor from its electronic excited- and resonant photon scattering. For example, dom-
state or spectroscopic properties. Properties such as inantly strong excitonic effects (resulting from
structure, cohesive energies, charge densities, phase correlations between the photoexcited quasi-electron
stability, and vibrational properties are ground-state and the quasi-hole) in the optical response of semi-
properties because they are given collectively by all conducting and metallic nanotubes have been
the electrons in the many-body ground state. In gen- predicted by first-principles theory (Spataru et al.,
eral, these properties may be determined from 2004a; Deslippe et al., 2007) and have subsequently
knowing the ground-state total energy and related been confirmed by experiment (Wang et al., 2005,
quantities of the system as a function of the atomic 2007). Experimental advances have also allowed the
positions. Practically, for semiconductors, this is done measurement and characterization of excitation fea-
by applying methods such as those based on the den- tures in the optical response of other nanostructures.
sity functional theory (DFT) (Hohenberg and Kohn, In this chapter, we present some of the fundamental
44 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

concepts and theoretical methods for investigating or

the ground- and excited-state properties of semicon- VHF ¼ VH ðrÞ þ Vex ð5Þ
ductor systems. We illustrate the use of methods first
developed for bulk systems to a wider variety of where, jn are the independent electron orbitals, and
structures through their application to nanomaterial Vex is the nonlocal exchange operator. The first term
systems. In particular, we discuss several novel theo- on the right side in Equation (5), the Hartree poten-
retical results that have been obtained from first- tial, describes the electrostatic interaction of a single
principles calculations on one-dimensional (1D) and electron with the average charge density produced
2D nanostructures. by all the electrons in the system. The second term is
The organization of the remainder of the chapter the exchange term, resulting from the enforcement of
is as follows. In Sections 1.02.2 and 1.02.3, we discuss the Pauli exclusion principle. The Hartree and
the calculation of ground-state properties within Hartree–Fock (HF) potentials can be derived from
the ab initio pseudopotential density functional minimizing the total ground-state energy if the
formalism. Sections 1.02.5–1.02.8 introduce the quasi- many-body wave function is assumed to be a simple
particle concept, the electron self-energy, and the product (the Hartree approximation) or a single
GW approximation and method for calculating the Slater determinant (the HF approprimation) of
quasiparticle properties of interacting electron sys- single-particle orbitals:
tems. In Sections 1.02.9 and 1.02.10, we discuss the H ðr1 ; . . . ; rn Þ ¼  ji ðri Þ: ð6Þ
extension of this formalism to the calculation of opti- i

cal properties of materials with electron–hole  

 j1 ðr1 Þ . . . jn ðr1 Þ 
interaction effects included through the Bethe–  
HF ðr1 ; . . . ; rn Þ ¼  . . . . . . . . . : ð7Þ
Salpeter equation (BSE). The formalism for calculat-  
ing accurate quasiparticle and excitonic properties  j ðrn Þ . . . j ðrn Þ 
1 n
within the GW–BSE formalism is thus outlined. In
This leads directly to the HF mean-field, self-
Sections 1.02.11 and 1.02.12, we discuss interesting
consistent field equation (atomic units are used):
features that arise from the application of this form-
alism to nanosystems, and provide some future goals r2
– þ Vion þ VH þ Vx jn ¼ "n jn : ð8Þ
and avenues of research in this area. 2
The approximation in the HF approach for the
ground-state energy comes from the fact that the
1.02.2 Ground-State Properties true many-body wave function cannot, in general,
and DFT be described by a single-Slater determinant; rather,
it is a superposition of all Slater determinants that can
The major obstacle in solving the quantum many- be formed by a complete set of single-particle orbi-
body problem described by the Hamiltonian in tals. Going beyond the HF formalism leads to
Equation (1), even within the Born–Oppenheimer corrections that lower the total energy of a many-
approximation, is the interaction between the elec- electron system. These corrections are collectively
trons, which are identical Fermionic particles. For referred to as the correlation energy. Techniques
the purpose of calculating ground-state properties, that systematically improve the many-body wave
this complex many-body problem can be reduced to function by including increasingly larger number
solving the simpler problem of a single noninteract- of higher-energy Slater determinants, called multi-
ing electron moving in an effective field. This field is, configuration interaction (CI) techniques, generally
itself, determined from the single-particle orbitals, scale exponentially with the number of single-
and thus the problem must be solved self-consistently particle orbitals included; the formalism becomes
using an iterative procedure. Early attempts at such a quickly intractable for all but the smallest systems
formalism were devised by Hartree and Fock, where such as atoms and small molecules typically studied
the self-consistent potential (or mean-field potential) in quantum chemistry.
takes the form Unlike mean-field theories such as the Hartree
Z X 2 or HF approximations described above, DFT is in
e jjn ðr0 Þj2 0 principle exact in giving the total energy, electron
VH ðrÞ ¼ dr ð4Þ
jr – r0 j charge-density distribution, and other related
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 45

ground-state properties (such as the structural and the Hartree energy described above, and Exc is a uni-
vibrational properties) of an interacting many- versal functional, termed the exchange–correlation
electron system. DFT does not approximate the functional, of the density encapsulating everything
ground-state energy by putting restrictions on a trial not included by the first three terms on the right side
many-body wave function; instead, DFT rigorously of Equation (9). The exchange–correlation functional,
reformulates the total energy in terms of a functional Exc[], includes all the effects of many-electron
of the charge density of the system. Within the exchange and correlations and the corrections to the
Kohn–Sham scheme, the charge density can be kinetic energy of the interacting system not captured
expressed exactly in terms of sums over single- by that of the noninteracting system. This formalism is
particle orbitals. As we will see, in practical calcula- a tremendous conceptual and technical simplification
tions, the basic approximation lies in the construction since the unwieldy 3N-dimensional many-electron
of the energy functional itself – no explicit many- wave function is, in principle, eliminated from the
body wave function enters the theory. Today, static problem entirely without any approximation to the
DFT within the Kohn–Sham formulation is arguably many-body total energy or charge density. The major
the most popular approach for first-principles inves- drawback of this approach is that although the exis-
tigations of the ground-state properties of condensed tence of the universal functional (Exc[]) was shown, its
matter systems from bulk semiconductors and metals exact form is not known. A number of highly successful
to nanostructures to complex biological molecules. approximations to Exc[] have been developed over the
For an interacting many-electron system in an years (Dreizler and Gross, 1995; Parr and Yang, 1989),
external static potential V(r), Hohenberg and Kohn including the local density approximation (LDA) in
(1964) demonstrated that, instead of the electronic which the exchange–correlation energy density is
ground-state energy being a functional of the com- taken as that of the homogeneous electron gas at the
plicated ground-state many-body wave function local density or the generalized gradient approxima-
(r2,r2,. . .,rN), it can be reformulated as a functional tions (GGAs) in which the effects of both the local
of the electronic ground-state charge density, , density and its gradients are included. These useful
alone. This functional obeys a variational principle, approximations to Exc[] have allowed practical and
that is, it is a minimal value at the physical electron quantitatively accurate calculations for ground-state
density. Moreover, Kohn and Sham introduced an properties to be made using the DFT approach.
explicit, practical formulation for the total energy Kohn and Sham (1965) showed that the electron
(atomic units are used): charge density, and hence the total energy, may be
Z R obtained by solving an associated system of noninter-
1 ðrÞðr9Þ
Ev ½ ¼ V ðrÞðrÞdr þ Ts ½ þ dr dr9 acting electrons with the same charge density as the
2 jr – r0 j
þ Exc ½
interacting system. In the Kohn–Sham approach,
properties of the original many-body material system
of interest with interacting electrons are associated
Here, V(r) is the ionic potential, Ts is the kinetic with a fictitious system of noninteracting electrons
energy of a noninteracting electron system with the under the influence of an effective single-particle
equivalent ground-state density (r), the third term is potential Veff (see Figure 1). The equations for

Kohn–sham DFT formulation

Real interacting system: Non interacting system:

External potential V(r) Effective potential Veff(r)
uij = e 2/rij uij = 0
Ψ(r1, r2, ...), Ev[ρ] {ϕ j(r)} → ρeff(r)

Minimize E V[ρ] with ρeff(r) by varying Veff(r)

Figure 1 Schematic of Kohn–Sham DFT. The real interacting system density is obtained in terms of single-particle
amplitudes of a fictitious non-interacting system. The energy functional is minimized by varying the effective potential.
46 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

solving for the physical electron density take on the The ground-state total energy as a function of
form of those of a self-consistent field problem. The atomic coordinates yields a large number of other
mapping makes use of the fact that the electron properties such as structural and vibrational para-
density of the noninteracting system is given by the meters. However, as mentioned above, Exc is
single-particle orbitals. The electron density of the unknown, and approximations must be made. A com-
noninteracting system (corresponding to a particular mon approach is to assume that the functional can be
Veff) is then used as an input to evaluate the total written in terms of expectation value of a local
energy functional of the real system, making use of operator
the variational principle that the physical density Z
minimizes the total energy functional given by Exc ¼ ðrÞ"xc ðrÞdr ð13Þ
Equation (9). By varying the noninteracting system
until the functional is minimized, we arrive at the
where "xc, an exchange–correlation energy density, is
physical density and energy of the real fully inter-
assumed to be a function of the density (r) alone in
acting electron system. This variational approach
the local density functional approximation (LDA) or
gives rise to a set of Euler–Lagrange equations
a function of (r) and its derivativesr(r) in GGA.
(the Kohn–Sham equations) that govern the single-
These approximations use data from the interacting
particle orbitals, ji(r), with Lagrange multipliers "i to
homogeneous electron gas problem, for which accu-
ensure orthogonal normality, for the fictitious non- rate numerical results have been obtained and
interacting system: approximate analytic expressions derived. Such
  approximations have allowed the very accurate
r2 ab initio computation of many ground-state material
– þ Vion þ VH þ Vxc jnk ¼ "nk jnk ð10Þ
2 properties over the past several decades, in particu-
with lar, those of semiconductors. However, there are
well-known cases, such as systems where van der
Waals interactions or strong electron correlations
ðrÞ ¼ jji ðrÞj ð11Þ
are important, that remain outside the scope of such
approximate functionals – though, in principle, not
and outside of an exact DFT ground-state formalism.
Exc It is important to note, however, the eigenvalues "i
Vxc ðrÞ ¼ : ð12Þ and eigenfunctions, ji(r), of the Kohn–Sham equa-
tions (Equations (10)–(12)) do not correspond
The effective, self-consistent potential Veff for the rigorously to the excitation (or quasiparticle) energies
noninteracting system has two terms in addition to and amplitudes of the electrons/holes. Formally, only
the external potential: a Hartree term, VH, which is the electron charge density and total energy are mean-
the same as described above in relation to HF the- ingful quantities within the Kohn–Sham formalism.
ory, and an exchange–correlation term, Vxc, which is The Kohn–Sham eigenvalues are only Lagrange mul-
given by the functional derivative of Exc with tipliers in the Kohn–Sham variational construct, and
respect to the electron charge density. In principle, in general, they are not equal to the electron excitation
if the exact form of Exc were known, a self-consistent (or quasiparticle) energies of a system, even if we
solution to the Kohn–Sham equations would give knew the exact exchange–correlation functional. As
the exact electron density and, therefore, the exact an example, let us consider the case of the interacting
ground-state energy of the fully interacting system homogeneous electron gas. Because the density is
as a function of the atomic coordinates. Here, it is to homogenous, both the Hartree potential plus the
be noted that unlike the HF approximation, Vxc is external potential and the exact exchange–correlation
simply an energy- or state-independent local opera- potential in the Kohn–Sham equation do not
tor within the Kohn–Sham framework. However, depend on the coordinates of the electron, regard-
one should remember that it can have a highly less of the exact form of Vxc. Equation (10) then
nontrivial dependence as a functional of the whole reduces to
density, and that it contains the many-electron  
interaction contributions to the kinetic energy that p2
þ const: ji ¼ "i ji ð14Þ
are not captured by Ts[]. 2m
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 47

The solutions to Equation (14) are always plane The use of pseudopotentials dates back to Fermi’s
waves or free-electron-like states. The dispersion work in the 1930s (Fermi, 1934). However, they
relation of the Kohn–Sham eigenvalues is then iden- are now best viewed conceptually in terms of the
tical to that of the free (noninteracting) electron Phillips–Kleinman cancellation theorem (Phillips
gas system. Therefore, if we were to interpret the and Kleinman, 1959). In this view, the valence orbi-
Kohn–Sham eigenvalues as electron quasiparticle tals (e.g., the Kohn–Sham orbitals in Equation (8))
excitation energies, then, the band structure and being orthogonal to the core orbitals may be written
therefore the effective mass, m, and occupied band- in the form of
width would be identical to those of free electrons, X
completely independent of the magnitude of the jji ðrÞi ¼ ji ðrÞi þ jfc ihfc ji i ð15Þ
interaction. In addition, the lifetime of a quasi-
electron or quasi-hole produced in such a system where ji ðr Þi is a smooth function (pseudo-
would be infinite. This is clearly incorrect. It was wavefunction) and jfc i are core electronic states
a similar misuse and misinterpretation of the or properly normalized sums of these states. The
Kohn–Sham eigenvalues (i.e., using the Kohn–Sham single-particle Schrodinger equation for the valence
eigenvalue gap as the quasiparticle excitation electrons can then be constructed within one of the
gap) that led to the famous band-gap problem in theories described in the previous section as
semiconductors. Despite this caveat, however, the  
Kohn–Sham band structure nevertheless does often p2
– þ V ji ¼ "i ji ð16Þ
provide a reasonable starting point for the qualitative 2m
understanding of the electronic structure of semicon- where V is the standard independent-particle poten-
ductor materials. tial from the Kohn–Sham formalism, for example.
Solving this equation is then equivalent to solving
the following equation for the pseudo-wave-function
ji ðrÞi:
1.02.3 Ab Initio pseudopotentials  
– þ V þ VR i ¼ "i i : ð17Þ
Since the valence electrons of the constituent atoms 2m
determine most of the properties of a material and
the core electrons are often inert from their envir- The additional term, VR, given by
onment, it is possible to greatly simplify Equation X
VR ¼ ð" – "c Þjfc ðrÞihfc ðr9Þj ð18Þ
(3) by describing the interaction between these c
outer electrons with the combined nucleus and
is, in principle, a nonlocal, energy-dependent opera-
core electrons near an atom in terms of pseudo-
tor. However, since the core state energies are, in
potentials. The concept of pseudopotentials
general, significantly lower than those of the states
explains the apparent weak interaction between
of interest, VR is effectively a repulsive potential
the active electrons and the ionic cores in solids,
with negligible energy dependence. Thus, VR effec-
explaining the many successes of the nearly-free-
tively cancels the strong electron-ion interaction
electron model in describing simple metals.
potential, V, near the core region, resulting in a
Further, the use of pseudopotentials greatly
net potential seen by the valence electrons
improves the efficiency in electronic structure
that is weaker than the original potential. This
calculations of the properties of real materials.
weak net potential is what is termed the
The use of pseudopotentials removes the core
electrons from the calculations, reducing the com-
plexity of the problem. A weaker pseudopotential and Vp ¼ V þ VR : ð19Þ
nodeless pseudo-wave-functions result in smooth
eigenfunctions, greatly reducing the size of the basis The solutions to Equation (17) have the same
set required to study the valence electrons. The latter eigenvalues as the original Equation (16), and have
simplification results from the ability to remove the wave functions that are similar to those of the all-
part of the all-electron valence electron wave function electron wave functions outside of the core region
that oscillates rapidly in order to remain orthogonal to but significantly smoother near the core. The
the core states (Phillips and Kleinman, 1959). pseudopotential concept and methodology justify
48 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

why the interaction between the valence electrons p2
– þ Vpi i ¼ "i i ð20Þ
and the crystal potential appears to very weak in 2m
many systems, and provides a number of computa-
to arrive at the corresponding pseudopotential Vp
tional advantages such as the removal of the core
for the ith state of this particular element. The
electronic degrees of freedom in the calculation and
procedure is usually done for a neutral atom in a
a great reduction in the size and complexity of
configuration that is appropriate in the condensed
the necessary basis sets to expand the pseudo- state. An ab initio ionic pseudopotential describing
wave-function, since these are smooth functions. the intrinsic interaction of an electron with an
The pseudopotentials described above are not atom stripped of the other outer valence
unique since a different choice for the second term electrons is obtained by unscreening the neutral
on the right-hand side of Equation (15) would lead to pseudopotential, that is, removing the screening
equally valid but significantly different-looking Hartree and exchange–correlation potential
pseudopotentials. This ambiguity has led to many resulting from the valence electrons themselves.
different construction methods in order to optimize (The interactions with the other valence electrons will
the accuracy and computational efficiency of be treated explicitly in subsequent calculations on
pseudopotentials (Pickett, 1989). In general, modern real materials since these effects are environment
practical construction of ab initio pseudopotentials is dependent.) Various other constraints (such as
done by first solving the interacting all-electron pro- norm conservation; Hamann et al. (1979)) to ensure
blem for a given atom of interest within one of the accuracy and transferability can be implemented in
self-consistent theories described in the previous sec- this procedure for the construction of pseudo-
tion, such as DFT in the LDA. The resulting potentials (Pickett, 1989). The resulting ab initio
all-electron valence orbitals ji are used to form a ionic pseudopotentials are, in general, highly accu-
set of pseudo-wave-functions, i, using Equation (15) rate and transferable to different environments
implicitly, by joining j to a properly chosen smooth, where the atoms are not isolated (i.e., where the
nodeless function for small distances from the valence electron distribution differs greatly from
nucleus (called the cutoff radius), as illustrated in the isolated atoms) and have been successfully
Figure 2 for the case of the 3s and 3p states of used in first-principles calculations on materials
sodium. One then inverts the Schrödinger equation systems for many different properties in different
(for the constructed i and the true "i), environments.

Na s-Potential
Wave functions

Potential (Ry)

3p –1

–4 All electron

–0.2 –5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4
r (a.u.) r (a.u.)
Figure 2 (Left) Constuction of ab initio pseudopotentials. The all-electron wave functions for the 3s and 3p states (dashed
lines) oscillate rapidly near the origin because of the orthogonality requirement to the core states. The pseudo-wave-functions
are constructed by replacing this oscillatory part of the wave function with a smooth, nodeless function. By inverting
Equation 20, one finds the corresponding pseudopotentials shown in the (right) panel. Figure courtesy of J.R. Chelikowsky.
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 49

1.02.4 Selected Applications of DFT the atomic wave functions. From the charge density, the
to Ground-State Properties Hartree and exchange–correlation potentials are con-
structed, and the Kohn–Sham eigenvector/eigenvalue
The use of the ab initio pseudopotential approach problem is then solved (typically through an iterative
within the Kohn–Sham formalism of DFT has diagonalization method) to get a set of new Kohn–Sham
proven to be a powerful approach for calculating eigenvalues and orbitals. The process is repeated
the ground-state properties of many materials until the change in orbitals or eigenvalues between
(Cohen, 1982) from bulk semiconductors and metals iterations is lower than a predefined convergence
to nanosystems such as molecules, wires, and sheets. criteria (i.e., when self-consistency is reached). The
There are now a number of DFT computational final products are the self-consistent Kohn–Sham
packages available that vary in the types of eigenstates of the associated noninteracting system
exchange–correlation functionals, basis sets, pseudo- from which the final electron density is obtained so
potentials, and numerical algorithms used. These that the electron ground-state energy of the physical
packages share the general computational flow struc- system may be evaluated using Equation (7) within a
ture of a typical Kohn–Sham calculation laid out in given approximation to the exchange–correlation
Figure 3. The input parameters of such a calculation functional used (e.g., the LDA).
are typically the atom types, initial structural In this section, we give several selected examples
arrangement, and methods for construction of of DFT calculations of ground-state properties.
pseudopotentials. Convergence parameters for the Figure 4 is taken from the classic work of Yin
basis set such as the plane-wave energy cutoff and Cohen (1980), who first showed that structural
(maximum energy plane wave to use in the bases) or energies (as a function atomic positions) may be
basis set components in the case of localized basis orbi- accurately determined using the ab initio pseudopo-
tals are specified from which an initial set of Kohn– tential density functional approach. The total energy
Sham orbitals and charge density are constructed using of the system is given by

Etotal ¼ Eel þ Eionion ð21Þ

Procedure for ab initio DFT calculations
for different structural arrangements, where Eel is
Generate pseudopotentials, atomic positions
the DFT electronic ground-state energy from
Equation (10) and Eion–ion is the classical electrostatic
Atomic wavefunctions {ϕ(r)} interaction energy among the ions. By comparing this
quantity over several assumed structures (i.e., con-
Create Veff (r) sidering the atomic degrees of freedom or
configurations), Yin and Cohen were able to deter-
mine with high accuracy the stable atomic
p2 configuration and other structural parameters such
Construct Heff = + Veff (r)
2m as the cohesive energies, lattice constants, and bulk
and other elastic moduli. With the approximate
Diagonalize Heff
exchange–correlation functionals described above
no (i.e., the LDA and GGA), one can now calculate
Is Veff (r) converged?
cohesive energies to within a few percent of the
experimental values. To achieve a higher level of
Compute total energy and forces accuracy, however, further improvement in the treat-
ment of the many-electron interaction effects (such
Figure 3 Components in performing DFT calculations. as the use of hybrid or other functionals) is required.
Initial wave functions are constructed from atomic Relative energies are more accurate, yielding lattice
pseudopotentials. From these wave functions, an initial constants and elastic moduli that are typically within
effective potential (ionic plus Hartree and exchange– 1% and few percent of experimental values, respec-
correlation) is constructed. The Kohn–Sham Hamiltonian is
tively. In particular, for semiconductor systems, an
diagonalized to yield a new set of wave functions and
eigenvalues. The process is repeated until the changes in accurate determination of energy landscapes and
wave functions or energies between cycles are below phase stability is achievable within implementations
specified convergence criteria. of the Kohn–Sham formalism.
50 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

–7.84 –7.82

Si Ge

–7.86 –7.84
Estructure (Ry/atom)

Estructure (Ry/atom)
4 bcc
–7.88 4 sc –7.86
β-TIN sc
3 3

–7.90 Hexagonal –7.88 Hexagonal

diamond diamond
2 2
Diamond 1 Diamond 1

–7.92 –7.90
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Volume Volume
Figure 4 Phases of Si and Ge under pressure. The common tangent line between the E vs. V curves show the point where
the Gibb’s free energy at zero temperature (EþPV) of the two phases is the same, since P ¼ -dE/dV. The slope of the line gives
the transition pressure and the change in volume across the phase transition can be determined from the volume of the two
phases at the transition pressure. Modified from Yin MT and Cohen ML (1980) Microscopic theory of the phase-transformation
and lattice-dynamics of Si. Physical Review Letters 45: 1004.

Atomic forces can be calculated by derivatives of calculation at thousands of atomic configurations

the total energy with respect to the atomic positions becomes prohibitive. An alternative approach devel-
(using, for example, the Feynman–Hellman formula): oped by Car and Parrinello (1985) to overcome this
limitation is to simultaneously evolve both the
Fi ¼ ð22Þ atomic positions and electron wave functions. In
this approach, a full solution to the Kohn–Sham
These forces can be used to evolve a nonequilibrium equations is not obtained at every atomic configura-
atomic distribution in space and time, in molecular tion. Instead, both the atomic positions and the
dynamics simulations (Frenkel and Smit, 2002). New electronic wave functions are evolved in the mole-
atomic positions and velocities are calculated and cular dynamics simulation, with the latter done
evolved in time using through a fictitious dynamics introduced for the
degrees of freedom associated with the Kohn–Sham
_ Þ
Rðt þ t Þ ¼ Rðt Þ þ t ? Rðt ð23Þ eigenstates (Car, 1984, 2006).
and The Car–Parrinello and related approaches have
extended DFT to the realms of ab initio investigation
_ þ t Þ ¼ Rðt
Rðt _ Þ þ t ? Fðt Þ ð24Þ
of the dynamics and thermodynamic properties of
where t is an appropriately small time step. In solids and liquids, including phase transitions, impur-
common applications, it is necessary to use thousands ity dynamics, etc. For example, this methodology has
and tens of thousands of time steps to evolve the been used to examine the dipole moment and pair-
system for even short durations of the order of pico- correlation function of water under various condi-
seconds. The ab initio forces can be taken from a tions (Tassaing, 1998; Silvestrelli and Parrinello,
standard DFT calculation at a given set of coordi- 1999; Boero et al., 2000). In addition, computations
nates, but the cost of doing a complete DFT of phase diagrams at high temperatures and pressures
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 51

including liquid phases have been done using the frozen phonon approach (Yin and Cohen, 1980),
ab initio MD approach. Below, we shall consider the one calculates the energy difference in the presence
simpler case of pressure-induced phase transition of a finite atomic distortion of the form
obtainable through the application of the standard ui ðkÞ ¼ u0 cosðk?i þ k Þ frozen into the lowest
DFT approach. energy structure. k here is an overall phase shift of
It is straightforward, utilizing the equation of state the distortion. By computing the change in the total
for the various structures, to determine the behavior energy of the system, E(uo), as a function of the
of structural phase transitions under pressure by distortion amplitude uo, one obtains the phonon
evaluating the Gibbs’ free energy (Kittel and properties via a power series expansion
Kroemer, 1980):
E ¼ K2 uo2 þ K3 uo3 þ K4 uo4 þ    ð26Þ
G ¼ E þ PV – TS ð25Þ
where the harmonic contribution to the phonon
In particular, at low temperature, the critical transi- frequency is given by the coefficient K2 and the
tion pressure between two adjacent structures (as higher-order coefficients give rise to anharmonic
depicted in Figure 4) is given by the negative of contributions to the phonon frequency and to pro-
the slope of the common tangent (pressure) of the cesses such as phonon lifetime and phonon–phonon
two equations of state, yielding the point where interactions. This ability to easily compute the
the Gibb’s free energy of the two phases is the anharmonic contributions is a major advantage of
same. This leads to the determination of the critical the frozen phonon methodology. However, the size
pressure and the volume discontinuity at the phase of the supercell required to contain the distortion
transition and provides an ab initio understanding depends on the wavelength of the distortion; only a
and prediction of the high-pressure phases of matter finite set of discrete phonons (those of relatively
such as those of Si and Ge as shown in Figure 4 small wavelength, which are commensurate with
(Cohen, 1982). the lattice) can be calculated. Points away from
The preferred structure of a material system such symmetry points or high symmetry directions,
as that at a surface or near a defect can be found by which lead to a very large supercell, may not be
minimizing the total energy or the forces on the studied in practice.
atoms. This approach has been used with success in Another approach to calculating phonons involves
determining the structural parameters of complex the use of the density functional perturbation theory
materials, surfaces, defects, clusters, molecules, and formalism to create the dynamical matrix. In this
nanostructured systems of interest under imposed scheme, the atomic force constants,
boundary conditions. For nonperiodic systems, the
standard technique is to carry out the electronic Cij ¼ ð27Þ
@Ri @Rj
structure calculations employing a supercell scheme
(Cohen et al., 1975) in which the surface, defect, or are evaluated using linear response theory (Baroni
molecule is repeated periodically with sufficient et al., 2001; Yin and Cohen, 1982). The resulting
separation between them in order to mimic the iso- dynamical matrix can be diagonalized to obtain the
lated structure. As we will discuss more below, for phonon frequencies and eigenmodes. This approach
studying isolated nanostructures, a way to minimize allows the direct computation of phonon properties
the vacuum size needed is to replace the Coulomb at arbitrary wave vector, k, in the Brillouin zone, but
interaction by a new interaction that is the same as is limited to the harmonic approximation due to the
the Coulomb interaction within a cutoff radius but use of linear response theory. Figure 5 shows
zero outside of the radius. the results of such a linear-response calculation for
In addition, from information on the total energy the phonon dispersions and density of states for
of the system as a function of the atomic positions as silicon and germanium. In practice, both frozen pho-
well as the forces, we can study the lattice dyna- non and linear response approaches have given very
mics within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. accurate phonon results for a variety of materials
There are two common schemes in determining ranging from metals to semiconductors to nanosys-
the phonon eigenmodes and dispersions from tems and molecules. This shows again the power of
first principles: (1) the frozen phonon method or (2) the ab initio pseudopotential DFT Kohn–Sham
the linear response method. Conceptually, in the formalism for calculating ground-state properties.
52 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors


Frequency (cm–1)

400 Si




Frequency (cm–1)




Figure 5 Phonons dispersion relations and density of states (DOS) in Si and Ge calculated within the linear response theory.
After Giannozzi P, Degironcoli S, Pavone P, and Baroni S (1991) Ab-initio calculations of phonon dispersions in semiconductors.
Physical Review B 43: 7231.

In the study of nanostructures, the predictive importance of DFT over lower-level theories such
power of the ab initio pseudopotential density func- as a simple -orbital-only tight-binding model is
tional method has led to many important predictions. illustrated in the structural dependence of the band
We give one illustrative example here – the graphene gap. The qualitative differences between the two sets
nanoribbons. Graphene, a single atomic layer of gra- of results arise from changes at the boundaries of
phite with a honeycomb structure, has generated the structure that are not captured in tight-binding
considerable excitement since its isolation and study models based on pristine graphene. In carbon nano-
in 2005 (Novoselov et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2005). tubes (i.e., graphene nanoribbons rolled into tubes),
This 2D system exhibits many highly unusual proper- somewhat similar corrections to the tight-binding
ties and is a promising material for future electronics results from relaxing the coordinates with respect
and other applications (Geim and Novoselov, 2007; to the total energy are found and termed cur-
Castro Neto et al., 2009). If cut into strips of nanometer vature effects (Blasé et al., 1994; Charlier et al., 1994,
widths with the dangling -bonds passivated with 1995; Louie, 1994). As we will see in the following
adatoms, the resulting homogeneous edge graphene sections, the DFT band structure, however, still needs
nanoribbons (e.g., with either zigzag shaped or to be corrected to represent the quasiparticle
armchair-shaped edges) are predicted to be all semi- dispersion.
conductors (Son et al., 2006a), unlike the case of Another interesting result from DFT calculations
carbon nanotubes (Saito et al., 1998). The semicon- is that the zigzag graphene nanoribbons have a semi-
ducting nature of the graphene nanoribbons has been conducting antiferromagnetic ground state that can
confirmed by recent experiments (Li et al., 2008). be made into a half metal by an applied external
Figure 6 shows the calculated gaps as a function of electric field (Son et al., 2006b). Figure 7 shows the
ribbon width for the armchair nanoribbons. The predicted ground-state spin-charge density for a
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 53

2.5 Tight binding 2.5 LDA

Na = 3p Na = 3p
2.0 Na = 3p + 1 2.0 Na = 3p + 1
Na = 3p + 2 Na = 3p + 2

1.5 1.5 Δ3p
Δ3p + 1
1.0 1.0
Δ3p + 2
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 6 The Kohn–Sham electronic gap () of armchair graphene nanoribbons as a function of ribbon width between tight-
binding (left) and DFT LDA (right) calculations. The difference stems from the structural relaxation at the edges and a more
accurate treatment of electron–electron interaction effects. N is the number of rows of C-C dimers forming the width of the
ribbon. Armchair nanoribbons can be broken into three families with N¼3p, 3pþ1, or 3pþ2 for integer p. Note that the LDA
predicts a finite gap for the first family which is qualitatively different from the tight-binding result which predicts zero gap.
Modified from Son Y-W, Cohen ML, and Louie SG (2006a) Energy gaps in graphene nanoribbons. Physical Review Letters 97:

(a) 2 (b)

E–EF (eV)

Electric field
–2 1.4

–3 0.0
0 π
(c) 2

E–EF (eV)

–1 Eext = Eext = Eext =

0.0 (V/Å) 0.0 (V/Å) 0.0 (V/Å)
0 π0 π0 π
k(1/a) k(1/a) k(1/a)
Figure 7 Electronic properties of zigzag graphene nanoribbons. (a) Band structure of an 16-ZGNR with spin degree of
freedom neglected, showing two very flat edge-state  bands at the Fermi energy. (b) The spatial distribution of the charge
difference between -spin and -spin  ðrÞ –  ðrÞ for the ground state when there is no external field. (c) The spin-resolved
band structures of a 16-ZGNR at different external electric field strengths. The red and blue lines denote bands of -spin and
-spin states, respectively. Inset, the band structure in the range of  50 meV to þ 50 meV from the Fermi level. Modified from
Son Y-W, Cohen ML, and Louie SG (2006b) Half-metallic graphene nanoribbons. Nature 444(7117): 347–349.

16-zigzag nanoribbon (16-ZGNR), which has 16 zig- one band localized on one edge and the other band
zag chains forming the width (Son et al., 2006b; on the opposite edge. The edge-state electrons are
Yang et al., 2007b). The DFT calculations show ferromagnetically coupled along one edge and anti-
that, for this system, the bands near the gap are ferromagnetically coupled across the ribbon. By
twofold degenerate spin-polarized edge states with applying a transverse electric field, thus creating a
54 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

potential drop across the ribbon, edge states with one 15

spin orientation will be pushed into the band gap and
edge states with spin of opposite orientation will be

pushed away from the gap. In this a way, it is possible
to create a half metal with a 100% spin-polarized

Theoretical band gap (eV)

carrier by either applying an electric field with 10

strength that would close the gap or by doping or Quasiparticle theory
gating the system with carriers in the presence of a

weaker applied transverse field.

SiC, Fluorite, GaP, AIP
1.02.5 Excited States and

Znlo, ZnSe

CdSe, CdTe, BP

CdS, AlSb
Spectroscopic Properties Many-body

InP GaAs
Go GaSb
While DFT has proven to be an extremely useful and


accurate method in calculating the ground-state
properties of semiconductors and many other con-
densed matter systems, the Kohn–Sham formalism 0 5 10 15
within static DFT does not generally give accurate Experimental band gap (eV)
excited-state properties such as band gaps, quasipar- Figure 8 Comparison of calculated energy band gaps
ticle energies, and optical spectra. Extensions of DFT with those measured by experiments. The diagonal line
to time-dependent density functional theory corresponds to a perfect agreement between experiment
(TDDFT), in principle, would be able to yield cer- and theory. Kohn–Sham band gaps calculated within LDA
(crosses) consistently underestimate the experimental
tain spectroscopic properties such as the optical
bandgap, whereas the GW quasiparticle gaps (diamonds)
absorption spectrum (Reining et al., 2002). In practice, consistently give good agreement with experiment.
however, approximations to date to the time-
dependent exchange–correlation functional have
restricted these studies to small finite systems such
as atoms or molecules. For bulk semiconductors and correlation effects systematically reduces the band
extended semiconducting nanostructures, current gaps since correlations lower the energy required to
implementations of TDDFT (such as those based create an excited electron or hole. This band-gap
on the adiabatic approximation) yield results, which problem and other similar problems that exist in
converge to those of independent particle transitions comparing calculated Kohn–Sham eigenvalues to
for the optical response and thus do not provide any experimental excitation energies do not stem from
improvements. This is due to an inadequacy in the the approximation of the exchange–correlation
description of both quasiparticle self-energy and functional in DFT, but arise from a fundamental
electron–hole interaction effects within current and conceptual difference between the theoretical
approximations, although considerable efforts are and measured quantities. As discussed in previous
being expended to make further progress (Reining sections and illustrated by the example of the homo-
et al., 2002; Botti et al., 2004). geneous interacting electron gas, the Kohn–Sham
Figure 8 shows a comparison of the calculated eigenvalues are merely Lagrange multipliers within
electronic band gap with experimental quasiparticle a variational derivation of the conditions for mini-
band gaps for a range of semiconductors and mizing the total energy – that is, they do not
insulators. The LDA Kohn–Sham eigenvalues physically correspond to the true quasiparticle ener-
underestimate the gaps by as much as 50% or gies in general.
more. For germanium, even the band topology is For an interacting system, it is important to dis-
qualitatively incorrect; LDA predicts Ge to be a tinguish the different kinds of excitations probed
metal instead of a semiconductor with a gap of in various experiments. Measurements employing
0.7 eV. HF theory, which often does well for small photoemission, transport, or tunneling techniques
molecules and atoms where screening is unimpor- yield, in general, information on individual particle-
tant, consistently overestimates the band gaps of like excitations or quasiparticles (excited electrons
semiconductors and insulators – the addition of and holes) of a system. For example, photoemission
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 55

(or inverse photoemission) probes a system with a properties of condensed matter systems. It is now
single additional hole (or electron) of a certain wave possible to accurately calculate the quasiparticle
vector and energy. Due to many-electron interac- and optical spectra of many systems from first prin-
tions, the excited particle acquires a self-energy ciples, in particular, those with moderately correlated
which changes its dispersion relation from that of electrons. The approach involves solving for the
the independent-particle or mean-field picture, and single-particle and two-particle Green’s function of
the excitation acquires a finite lifetime. In an optical the interacting-electron system. The advantage of
experiment, on the other hand, one creates neutral the approach is that one can obtain the spectroscopic
correlated electron–hole pair excitations. The properties including the relevant self-energy and
electron–hole interaction (excitonic) effects become electron–hole interaction effects without any empiri-
important and can in fact be dominant in many cal parameters and yet still be applicable to real
systems, particularly nanostructures. A treatment of materials. Applications of this approach have
excitonic effects requires an effective two-particle explained and predicted the spectroscopic properties
approach on top of the quasiparticle picture. Self- of a number of semiconducting systems from bulk
energy, excitonic, and other many-electron interac- crystals to nanostructures.
tion effects exist in all semiconductor systems to
various degrees. They are, however, particularly
relevant in understanding the spectroscopic proper- 1.02.6 Quasiparticle Properties and
ties of many systems of contemporary interest, the Single-Particle Green’s Function
including clusters, surfaces, polymers, defects, nano-
tubes, and other lower-dimensional materials since To predict the spectroscopic properties of semicon-
the Coulomb interaction is enhanced in reduced ductors and other systems, it is convenient to
dimensions. formulate the problem in terms of quasiparticles.
The behaviors of the single-particle-like excita- A direct way to calculate quasiparticle properties is
tions in semiconductor materials are best described through a Green’s function formalism of the many-
in terms of the quasiparticle concept (Hedin, 1965; body problem. The single-particle Green’s function
Hybertsen and Louie, 1985; Kadanoff and Baym, describes the propagation of the many-body system
1999). It is mostly transitions between the quasi- after a single particle is added at time t ¼ 0 and
particle states that are probed in spectroscopic location r. For an interacting many-electron system,
measurements. Because of electron–electron and it is defined as
other interactions in a solid, an excited particle of
wave vector k is dressed with a screening cloud of Gðr; r9;t Þ ¼ – ih0jT fcðr; t Þcy ðr9;0Þgj0i ð28Þ
electrons and other excitations (e.g., phonons or spin
waves) resulting in a different energy E, effective where the c’s are electron field operators, T the time
mass m, and a finite lifetime. In this chapter, we order operator, and j0i is the many-electron ground-
focus on the effects of electron–electron interaction state wave function. A useful alternate form is the
since they give rise to eV-scale modifications in the diagonal elements of G in an orbital basis
electronic excitations in semiconductors. An accu- representation
rate treatment of the exchange and dynamical
correlation effects, arising from the Pauli exclusion Gðp; t Þ ¼ – ih0jT fCp ðt ÞCpy ð0Þgj0i ð29Þ
principle and Coulomb repulsion, seen by an elec-
tron is essential in calculating the quasiparticle where p denotes the quantum numbers of a single-
excitation energies and properties. The understand- particle state, for example, the band index n and wave
ing of optical properties further involves the vector k. Physically, the Green’s function is related to
interaction between the excited quasi-electron and the probability of finding a particle with quantum
the hole that is left behind, which is mediated number p at time t if one was injected into the system
through all the other electrons in the system at time t ¼ 0. While the many-body ground-state and
(Strinati, 1988; Rohlfing and Louie, 1998a, 1998b; excited-state wave functions are extremely complex
Albretch et al., 1998; Benedict et al., 1998). and impractical to express explicitly in terms of the
As in the case of ground-state properties, tremen- 3N coordinates of the N electrons in a system, the
dous progress has been made in the past two decades single-particle Green’s function depends on only two
toward calculating the electronic excited-state space–time coordinates and is, thus, substantially
56 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

easier to deal with. With some manipulation, for

system with periodic translation symmetry (such as A(k, ε)
crystals), one can arrive at another representation of
the Green’s function, the Lehmann representation
(described here for the interacting electron gas for
simplicity) (Fetter and Walecka, 1971):
X h0 jcð0Þjik ihik jcy ð0Þj0 i
Gðk; !Þ ¼ hV ε
h! – – "i ðN þ 1Þ þ i
y  k < kF
h0 jc ð0Þji – k ihi – k jcð0Þj0 i
þ ð30Þ
h! – þ "i ðN – 1Þ – i
Figure 9 Qualitative figure of the spectral weight function
A(k,") of the single-particle Green’s function of an
where,  represents the many-body states (0 denotes interacting electron system.
the N-particle system ground state and ik denotes the
ith many-body excited state with wave vector k of
characteristic frequency given by the real part of Ep,
the N þ 1/N  1 particle system), is the chemical
Re(Ep), and damped by 1/p related to the imaginary
potential, and "n is the energy of the nth excited
of Ep. This leads to the usual interpretation that the
state of the N þ 1/N  1 particle system above the
peak position in A(p, !) is the quasiparticle energy
N þ 1/N  1 ground-state energy, and the second
(real part of Ep) and the width (imaginary part of Ep)
quantized operator is cðrÞ ¼ e – iP:r=hcð0Þe – iP:r=h
gives the lifetime of the quasiparticle (contributing to
(Fetter and Walecka, 1971; Mahan, 1981). For a non-
the linewidth in a photoemission experiment, for
interacting system, this representation illustrates that
example). Finding the quasiparticle properties is then
the poles of the Green’s function occur at the inde-
equivalent to solving for the appropriate single-
pendent electron excitation energies of the N þ 1 and
particle states, which give rise to sharp peaks in
N – 1 particle systems. For such a system, the ik state
A(p,!) and is also equivalent to solving for the position
represents a simple single-particle excitation and
of the poles of G in the complex energy plane.
each ik state contributes to a single isolated pole in
For a many-body system with Hamiltonian given
the Green’s function. For a system with relatively
by Equation (1) or equivalently,
moderate electron correlations, G(k, !) along the
real ! axis consists of a series of well-defined peaks, H¼ H0 ðri Þ þ Vc ðjri – rj jÞ ð33Þ
similar to the case in the noninteracting spectrum, i i<j
but each with a finite width corresponding to a pole
in the analytical continuation of this quantity off the where
real axis. In terms of the measurable spectral weight p2
H0 ðrÞ ¼ þ Vion ðrÞ
function, A(p, !)¼(1/)|ImG(p, !)|, a dominant pole 2m
in the Green’s function at a complex energy Ep cor-
responds to an A(p, !) of the form is a one-particle term and Vc the bare Coulomb
interaction, the equation of motion for the single-
ði=2ÞZp particle Green’s function can be written as (Mahan,
Aðp; !Þ ¼ þ c:c: þ correction ð31Þ
! – ½Ep –  1981; Hedin, 1965; Hybertsen and Louie, 1985)
which is sharply peaked as a function of ! (see ðh! – H0 – VH ÞGðr; r9; !Þ – ðr; r0; !ÞGðr0;r9; !Þdr
Figure 9) and gives rise to a form for G in the time
¼ ðr; r9Þ ð34Þ
domain, for positive t :
Gðp; t Þ ¼ – iZp e – iReðEp Þt e – pt þ correction ð32Þ where VH is the usual Hartree potential and  is
known as the electron self-energy operator, which
where Zp is a renormalization factor describing the itself is a functional of G. A formal solution for G can
relative spectral weight present in the quasiparticle be expressed in terms of single-particle amplitudes as
peak and p is the imaginary part of Ep. The physical (Hedin, 1965; Hybertsen and Louie, 1985)
content of Equation (32) is that G, in this particular
X c ðrÞc nk ðrÞ
single-particle orbital basis denoted by p, describes Gðr; r9; !Þ ¼ nk
a propagation amplitude, which is oscillatory with nk
! – Enk – ink
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 57

where Enk and cnk(r) are the complex solutions to the This physical description of the single-particle
quasiparticle Dyson equation excitations of an interacting electron system relies
Z on the lifetime of the quasiparticles being suffi-

Enk – H0 ðrÞ – VH ðrÞ cnk ðrÞ – ðr; r9; Enk Þcnk ðr9Þ ciently long on the time scale of the relevant
experimental probes that is, the widths of the
 dr9 ¼ 0: peaks in the Green’s function should be sufficiently
ð36Þ small so that there are well-defined peaks in
the measured spectra. Within Fermi liquid theory,
Here, n and k are again the band and wave vector for excitation energies near the Fermi energy of a
quantum numbers describing the quasiparticle exci- metal or the fundamental energy gap region of a
tations in a crystal. The positions of the poles of the semiconductor or insulator, the excitations are
Green’s function G(!), hence, may be identified with long-lived and the quasiparticles are well-defined,
the complex solutions of Equation (36) and, as dis- allowing us to pursue this description (Mahan, 1981;
cussed above, are connected to the excitation energy Figure 9).
and lifetime of the quasiparticles. The quasiparticle
band structure and properties, thus, may be obtained
by solving Equation (36).
The quasiparticle equation, Equation (36), is 1.02.7 The GW Approximation
similar in form to the Schrödinger equation in one-
electron or self-consistent-field theories (such as the As discussed above, the Dyson’s equation, Equation
Kohn–Sham or HF formalism). However, in the (36), may be solved to yield the quasiparticle
Dyson’s equation, ðr; r9; !Þ is a nonlocal, non- energies, lifetimes, and amplitudes. To make the
Hermitian and energy-dependent operator, leading approach practical for real materials, we need an
to complex eigenvalues, Enk. As seen in Equation accurate and computationally tractable method to
(32), the real part of Enk corresponds to the quasipar- construct the nonlocal, non-Hermitian self-energy
ticle energy and the imaginary part gives the lifetime. operator ðr; r9;!Þ. It was shown by Hedin that
We see that this corresponds to a Green’s function  can be systematically expanded in a series in
with poles off the real axis, giving rise to peaks of terms of the dressed Green’s function G and the
finite width in the functions G(k, !) and A(p, !) along screened Coulomb interaction W (Hedin, 1965;
the real ! axis. In practice, since Enk is often com- Hybertsen and Louie, 1985):
puted within perturbation theory, it is useful to write Z
the complex quasiparticle energy as a sum of an W ðr; r9; !Þ ¼ " – 1 ðr; r0; !ÞVc ðr0; r9Þdr0 ð38Þ
unperturbed non-interacting energy "nk plus a com-
plex self-energy nk containing the many-electron where "ðr; r9; !Þ is the full r; r9-dependent time-
(exchange–correlation) effects: ordered dielectric matrix of the system
(see Figure 10). The advantage of this expansion in
Enk ¼ "nk þ nk ð37Þ terms of the screened Coulomb interaction over an

Σ = 2 1 + 2 1

+ 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1

+ 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1...

Figure 10 Diagramatic expansion of the self-energy in terms of the screened Coulomb interation.
58 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

expansion in terms of the bare Coulomb interaction in determining the many-electron effects on the
Vc is that W is, in general, much weaker than Vc due quasiparticle properties, within the GW approxima-
to the dielectric screening. For example, the static tion, resides in the dielectric response function or
dielectric constant of a typical semiconductor is of matrix "ðr;r9; !Þ, which is a two-point function in
the order 10. Thus, a series expansion in W should the spatial coordinates and depends on frequency.
converge with fewer terms than one in Vc. An alter- It has been shown that both the nonlocality and
native view is that, since W and the dressed Green’s frequency-dependence of the screening matrix play
function themselves can be expressed as series expan- central roles in obtaining accurate quasiparticle
sions in the bare quantities, each diagram in properties in semiconductors (Hybertsen and
Figure 10 is a partial summation over terms in a Louie, 1985).
conventional expansion, leading to more accurate The construction of the dielectric response func-
physical results with only low-order terms. tion "ðr; r9; !Þ and the single-particle Green’s
In practice, the Dyson’s equation (Equation (36)) function G require the greatest effort in a typical
is typically solved within a perturbation theory GW calculation. Both have to be treated adequately
approach. In perturbation theory, it is greatly bene- to obtain quantitative results that may be compared
ficial to start from a mean-field scenario that is as with experiment. As mentioned above, if W is
close as possible to the physical system (Hybertsen replaced by the bare Coulomb interaction in
and Louie, 1985). The mean-field Hamiltonian that Equation (39), then Equation (36) reduces to the
is typically used in quasiparticle studies for semi- HF equations. From this point of view, the HF
conductors is the Kohn–Sham DFT Hamiltonian eigenvalues may be considered as a lowest-order
HKS within either the LDA or GGA, which already approximation to the quasiparticle energies, consis-
contains the effects of exchange and correlation in tent with Koopman’s theorem. The dielectric
an averaged way. Perturbation theory calculation is function "ðr; r9; !Þ provides the dynamical and spa-
then performed on H ¼ H – HKS ¼  - Vxc. It is tial-screening response of the electrons that gives rise
important to point out, however, that the quasipar- to correlation effects going beyond bare exchange.
ticle approach does not depend upon DFT, but Similarly, the eigenvalues from the Kohn–Sham
only utilizes it as a convenient starting point for equations in the density functional formalism may
many systems. For some systems, such as materials be viewed as another set of very approximate quasi-
with more correlated electronic states, other start- particle energies, with the exchange–correlation
ing mean-field Hamiltonians may be used such as potential Vxc(r) approximating the nonlocal, energy-
those from LDAþU or the hybrid functionals dependent self-energy operator in Equation (36).
(Miyake et al., 2006); or one may use some self- However, we must emphasize that, as discussed
consistent scheme to determine the best mean-field above, in principle, both the HF and Kohn–Sham
(van Schilfgaarde et al., 2006). In the studies of real eigenvalues are only Euler–Lagrange parameters in
materials, it is found that, for most cases, only minimizing the total energy in ground-state theories,
the first term of the series in Figure 10 for the and as illustrated in Figure 8, they are usually
self-energy operator is necessary, yielding what is not accurate enough as approximations to the quasi-
called the GW approximation (Hedin, 1965), since particle energies. It is only in the extent that
 when expressed to first order in G and W is the exchange–correlation operators within self-
given by consistent field theories actually do approximate 
Z that these theories approximate the solution of the
d! – i!
ðr; r9; EÞ ¼ i e Gðr; r9; E – !ÞW ðr; r9; !Þ ð39Þ Dyson’s equation. In fact, different formulations of
the DFT within the Kohn–Sham schedule can lead to
where  ¼ 0þ. Within the GW approximation, one significantly different Kohn–Sham eigenvalues
computes  using Equation (39) and solves the (Seidl et al., 1996).
quasiparticle Dyson’s equation for the complex The GW approximation was formulated for the
energy Enk and wave functions cnk ðrÞ, which yield electron gas in the 1960s by Hedin and others.
the quasiparticle properties of the system. If, instead However, the first-principles approach to make com-
of expanding  in terms of G and W, we replace puting quasiparticle excitations practical in real
W with the unscreened (or bare) Coulomb interac- materials was not developed until over 20 years
tion Vc, Equation (39) would reduce to the HF later by Hybertsen and Louie (1985, 1986). This
exchange operator. Therefore, much of the physics approach has since been employed with success in
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 59

ab initio studies of the quasiparticle properties of semi- gaps are even negative. However, the GW quasipar-
conductors, insulators, surfaces, nanostructures, and ticle energies (which provide an appropriate
other material systems. A crucial step in the develop- description of particle-like excitations in an interact-
ment was the realization of the importance of the ing system) result in band gaps that are in excellent
off-diagonal elements of the dielectric matrix (called agreement with experiments for a range of materials –
local-field screening effects) in the self-energy as well from the small gap semiconductors such as InSb, to
as efficient ways to calculate and apply the equally moderate gap materials such as GaN and solid C60
important frequency dependence of the dielectric and to the large gap insulators such as LiF. Similarly
response. The latter is typically done by calculat- accurate results have been obtained for surface-state
ing explicitly the static dielectric matrix within the band gaps and for nanostructures.
random-phase approximation and extending it to
finite frequencies using schemes such as the gen-
eralized plasmon pole (GPP) model (Hybertsen
1.02.8 The GW Formalism and
and Louie, 1985). The frequency dependence of
the dielectric response has also been computed
from analytic continuation from a few points on
The procedure for an ab initio GW calculation of the
the imaginary frequency axis or explicitly on the
quasiparticle energies and wave functions is depicted
real frequency axis in recent applications (Rojas
in Figure 11. In principle, the GW formalism is not a
et al., 1995).
density-functional-based formalism – nor does it
Hybertsen and Louie (1985) showed that, with the
depend on a particular choice of basis set or input
inclusion of the full dielectric matrix, one can obtain
wave functions so long as the basis is complete and
highly accurate quasiparticle energies. Similar to
the Dyson’s equation is solved in full (i.e., diagona-
first-principles ground-state studies, the only inputs
lized within the basis). However, as discussed above,
to the calculations are the atomic numbers of the
a good mean-field starting solution is desirable. In
constituent elements and the geometric structure of
practice, GW calculations often take as input the
the system, which can be determined separately from
Kohn–Sham wave functions and eigenvalues. For
a total energy calculation. Since the screened
the case of most bulk semiconductors, it is further
Coulomb interaction, W, incorporates the dynamical
found that the Dyson’s equation as a matrix equation
many-body effects of the electrons, the dielectric
is nearly diagonal if it is expressed in terms of the
response function "ðr; r9; !Þ is key in determining
basis of the LDA Kohn–Sham eigenstates. This is not
the electron self-energy. Owing to the spatial distri-
bution of atomic positions and electron density
inhomogeneity, "ðr; r9; !Þ of a solid is a function of r
and r9 separately. In a k-space formulation, the crys- Procedure for ab initio GW calculations
talline dielectric function is a matrix "G; G9 ðq; !Þ in Mean Field Solution {ϕ nk (r ), εnk }
the reciprocal lattice vectors G; the off-diagonal
elements of this matrix describe the local field effects
due to the charge inhomogeneity in real materials Construct ε (q, G, G′, ω )
(Hybertsen and Louie, 1987). Inclusion of both local
field and dynamic effects is essential for an accurate Construct W= ε–1Vc
description of the quasiparticle properties of a real
material system.
Let us return to Figure 8, which compares both Construct Σ=GW
the Kohn–Sham gaps and the GW band gaps of a
number of insulating materials against the experi- p2
Diagonalize H = + VH + Σ{ϕ nk (r), Enk }
mentally measured quasiparticle band gaps. A 2m
perfect agreement between theory and experiment
would place the data points on the diagonal line. As
Figure 11 Procedure for carrying out GW calculations as
we discussed before, the Kohn–Sham gaps in the
developed by Hybertsen and Louie. From Hybertsen MS
LDA (or GGA) significantly underestimate the and Louie SG (1985) First-principles theory of
experimental values, giving rise to the well-known quasiparticles: Calculation of band gaps in semiconductors
band-gap problem. Some of the LDA Kohn–Sham and insulators. Physical Review Letters 55: 1418.
60 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

to say that LDA does an accurate job representing the cancel those of vertex corrections to  (Hedin and
quasiparticle dispersion in the system; it only says Lundqvist, 1969; Holm and von Barth, 1998;
that the Schrödinger-like equation with either the Aryasetiawan and Gunnarsson, 1998; Aulbur et al.,
LDA Vxc or ¼iGW often has similar eigenfunctions. 2000). However, as in the case of the effect of
They may have significantly different eigenvalues as higher-order terms or vertex corrections to , only
illustrated in the band-gap problem discussed above. an a posteriori experience truly justifies the approx-
In the case of silicon, the LDA wave functions differ imations used.
from the fully diagonalized GW wave functions by A typical GW calculation using the procedure in
less than 0.1% (Hybertsen and Louie, 1985). Figure 11 has a few technical issues worthy of some
However, there are important cases where expressing discussion. The key ingredient to the calculation
 as a matrix within the LDA orbital basis does not (that is not found in HF, for example) is the full
yield a diagonal representation and a more preferred two-point dynamic dielectric function within RPA.
basis set can be used. We discuss such cases below. The calculation of this function is based on the
In standard GW studies, the frequency-dependent polarizability and has been traditionally computed
polarizability and dielectric function are calculated as a sum over Kohn–Sham empty orbitals. Both the
within the random-phase approximation (RPA) using calculations of the empty orbitals and the matrix
quantities from the mean-field reference system. W is elements are considerably more demanding than
constructed from Equation (38) and G is constructed that of a typical ab initio pseudopotential DFT calcu-
from Equation (35). In principle, we then diagonalize lation for the ground state. Even requiring a larger
Equation (36) for the quasiparticle wave functions and number of empty orbitals is the expression for 
eigenvalues with the approximation that  ¼ iGW. itself.  can be broken into two terms: COH þ
However, since in many cases, as discussed above, SEX. SEX, called the screened-exchange term, is
only the diagonal elements are sizable within the simply the exchange, or Fock, term from Hartee–
mean-field orbital basis, in applications to real mate- Fock with Vc replaced by W. COH is an entirely
rials, the effects of  can be treated within first-order new term absent in HF theory describing the inter-
perturbation theory. In this approach, the idea is to action of an electron with the Coulomb-hole created
consider  in the form  ¼ Vxc þ (  Vxc), where around the charge quasiparticle. In the static limit,
Vxc is some appropriately chosen independent parti- COH is a local operator but in the dynamic limit, the
cle mean-field approximation to the exchange– COH term, like the polarizability, involves a sum
correlation, and then to calculate within perturbation over the empty orbitals. This sum converges very
theory the effect of the additional interaction slowly with respect to the number of empty orbitals.
(  Vxc) within the GW approximation. For mod- In practice, the dependence of COH on empty orbi-
erately correlated electron systems, the best- tals significantly increases the CPU time needed to
available mean-field Hamiltonian may be taken to generate the large number of initial Kohn–Sham
be the Kohn–Sham Hamiltonian. Thus, for most orbitals. However, although each quasiparticle state’s
studies in the literature, the Green’s function is typi- COH converges quite slowly, often needing thou-
cally constructed using the Kohn–Sham wave sands of empty orbitals, differences between
functions and eigenvalues. In principle, the process quasiparticle energies converge significantly faster.
of correcting the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues In bulk systems, where absolute energies are unim-
(which determine W and G) could be repeated until portant, it is sufficient to converge the calculation to
self-consistency is reached or diagonalized in full; this lower number of conduction bands, whereas in
however, in practice, it is found that an adequate nanosystems such as molecules, it becomes essential
solution is often obtained within first-order perturba- to often use huge number of empty orbitals, up to an
tion theory on the Dyson’s equation for a given . energy cutoff of 10s of Rydbergs. Recent research has
Comparison of calculated energies with experiment focused on approximating this sum with various
shows that this level of approximation is very accu- schemes, such as calculating the high-energy state
rate for semiconductors and insulators and for most contribution within the static limit or reformulating
conventional metals. Also, there is only very limited the problem so that no empty orbitals are involved
experience on the importance of including the (Tiago and Chelikowsky, 2006; Giustino et al., 2009;
detailed structures of the spectral function self- Wilson et al., 2009; Umari et al., 2009a,b; Kohn
consistently for the quasiparticle energies; and it and Sham, 1965; Bruneval and Gonze, 2008;
seems that the effects of self-consistency tend to Reining et al., 1997).
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 61

10 For isolated nanosystems (molecules, clusters,

nanotubes, nanowires, etc.) there are a few more
8 Ge
technical issues to consider. Since the calculations
are typically done with periodic boundary conditions
Γ8 in a supercell geometry (Cohen et al., 1975), the
L6 effects of screening by neighboring systems when a
2 charge quasiparticle is created are often large for
CBM Γ7 Γ8 X5 practical supercell dimensions. An efficient way to
Energy (eV)

L4,5 eliminate this spurious interaction is to replace the

–2 L6 X5
Coulomb interaction with a truncated Coulomb
interaction in both the construction of the dielectric
function " ¼ 1  Vtrunc and in W itself. The trun-
–6 cated Coulomb interaction is equal to the true
Coulomb interaction, which goes as 1/r, within a
X5 region encompassing the entire nanostructure, but
–10 L is zero outside of this zone (Spataru et al., 2004b;
Ismail-Beigi, 2006).
–12 Γ6
Beyond the need for truncating the Coulomb
–14 interaction, nanostructures require other considera-
tions when applying the GW formalism. For
Wave vector k
molecules, it is often the case that H ¼  – Vxc is
Figure 12 GW band structure of bulk Ge as compared not diagonal within the Kohn–Sham eigenfunction
to inverse photoemission experiments (open and full basis. That is, the Kohn–Sham orbitals are not the
symbols) Modified from Ortega JE and Himpsel FJ (1993)
Inverse-photoemission study of Ge(100), Si(100), and same as the quasiparticle states of the molecule for
GaAs(100) – bulk bands and surface-states. Physical some of the states. In particular, quasiparticle states
Review B 47: 2130. above or near the vacuum energy can change char-
acter dramatically going from a DFT–LDA to a GW
description. One such example is the silane (SH4)
The full quasiparticle band structures calculated
molecule (Rohlfing and Louie, 1998a). The lowest
within the GW approximation for bulk semiconduc-
unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) has a quasi-
tors agree very well with data from photoemission particle energy of 1.1 eV above the vacuum level
and inverse photoemission measurements. Figure 12 after applying the GW approximation in the com-
shows an early calculation of the quasiparticle band mon perturbation theory approach outlined above,
structure of Ge (Hybertsen and Louie, 1985; Ortega but has a quasiparticle energy of only 0.27 eV above
and Himpsel, 1993) as compared to photoemission the vacuum level if the Dyson’s equation is fully
data for the occupied states and inverse photoemis- diagonalized (Rohlfing and Louie, 1998a). It is
sion data for the unoccupied states. The DFT LDA important to note that this is not a limitation of the
band structure for Ge exhibits no gap at the  point, GW approach but is a limit of treating the self-
that is, the system is predicted to be a metal. This energy within perturbation theory starting with
incorrect metallic behavior is corrected in the GW LDA eigenfunctions. For such systems, one must
calculation. For Ge, the agreement in Figure 12 is either find a better mean-field starting point for the
within the error bars of experiments. In fact, the first-order perturbation procedure or fully solve the
conduction band energies of Ge were theoretically Dyson’s equation.
predicted (Hybertsen and Louie, 1985) before the Semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes
inverse photoemission measurement (Ortega and (SWCNTs) illustrate the importance of self-energy
Himpsel, 1993). For bulk Si and diamond, in the corrections to the Kohn–Sham eigenvalues in lower-
original work of Hybertsen and Louie, the indirect dimensional systems. Carbon nanotubes, like graphene
gap is corrected from 0.52 eV to 1.29 eV and 3.9 eV to nanoribbons, are derived from nanometer wide strips of
5.6 eV respectively as shown in Figure 8. Thus, we graphene. In the case of carbon nanotubes, though, the
see that quasiparticle calculations within the GW strips are rolled up into 1D tubes. Depending on the
approximation effectively resolve the so-called rolling (chiral) angle and on the tube diameter, nano-
band-gap problem discussed above. tubes can be either metallic or semiconducting with
62 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

2 (Saito et al., 1998). GW calculations show that the

(8, 0) band velocity of the metallic tubes is renormalized
1.5 due to electron–electron interactions, with increases
by up to 30% from the Kohn–Sham value in the large
Enk – EnkLDA (eV)

1 diameter limit (i.e., for graphene). In the case of

graphene, where the band structure about the Fermi
energy can be described by the conical dispersion of
2D massless Dirac fermions, this quantity has been
directly measured in transport (Zhang et al., 2005;
–0.5 Novoselov et al., 2005) and in angle-resolved photo-
emission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments, which
–1 shows excellent agreement with the GW value
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
(Siegel et al., in press).
EnkLDA – EF (eV)
Similar to those in carbon nanotubes, the quasi-
Figure 13 GW corrections to the LDA eigenvalues in the particle excitations in graphene nanoribbons also
(8,0) SWCNT. Modified from Spataru CD, Ismail-Beigi S, show important self-energy effects (Yang et al.,
Benedict LX, and Louie SG (2004a) Excitonic effects and
2007b). Figure 14 shows the band gap versus ribbon
optical spectra of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Physical
Review Letters 92: 077402. width for the three families of armchair-edge gra-
phene nanoribbons. In each case, the band gap is
varying energy gaps. Figure 13 shows the self-energy dramatically increased with the inclusion of quasi-
corrections to the Kohn Sham eigenvalues for an (8,0) particle self-energy corrections. Similar results were
semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube obtained for the zigzag edge graphene nanoribbons.
(SWCNT). The LDA Kohn–Sham eigenfunctions do We note that, in Figure 14, the quasiparticle band
represent a good approximation of the quasiparticle gap scales roughly as the inverse of the width and has
wave functions for this system, yet the eigenvalues a value of near 1 eV for graphene nanoribbons with
are dramatically changed between solutions to the width about a few nanometers, a very desirable range
Dyson’s equation and the Kohn–Sham equation. For for possible electronics applications.
the (8,0) SWCNT, the electronic energy gap is opened
up by over one eV, yielding a quasiparticle gap more
than twice the Kohn–Sham gap. Obviously, such a 6
change dramatically impacts researchers’ ability to 3p + 1
connect with experiments that directly probe the 5 3p + 2
quasiparticle states, not the fictitious Kohn–Sham
states. It also illustrates the role of reduced dimension- 4
Band gap (eV)

ality which, in general, enhances electron interaction

effects. In addition, a scaling of the band dispersion of 3
approximately 10% occurs for the (8,0) tube, increasing
the bandwidths of the carbon nanotube. 2
Although metallic nanotubes seem to be outside of
the scope of this volume on semiconducting systems, 1
the quasiparticle properties of metallic nanotubes in
many ways are more similar to semiconducting sys-
tems than typical bulk metals – as we see in the 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
sections on optical properties. In metallic SWCNT Width (Å)
tubes, there is no quasiparticle energy gap at the Figure 14 GW quasiparticle band gaps (red solid)
Fermi energy, but a quantity of central experimental compared to the corresponding LDA band gaps (blue
interest is the band velocity, the slope of the quasi- empty) for armchair edge graphene nanoribbons of varying
particle energy dispersion, which regulates the carrier width for the three families N¼3p, 3pþ1,3pþ2 where p is an
integer, as described in Figure 6. From Yang L, Park C-H,
dynamics. In the usual nomenclatures, the (n,n) Son Y-W, Cohen ML, Louie SG (2007) Quasiparticle
SWCNTs are metallic carbon nanotubes with energies and band gaps in graphene nanoribbons. Physical
increasing diameter as the integer n increases Review Letters 99: 186801.
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 63

From the above examples, it is clear that the Here avþ and bcþ are the second-quantization crea-
correct formalism, including many-electron effects, tion operators for holes and electrons, respectively.
is extremely important in describing the electronic For simplicity of notation, we use v and c to represent
properties of semiconductors, particularly nanostruc- both the band index and wave vector of the hole
tured systems, in connection with quasiparticle and electron state, respectively, and we use
excitations such as those measured in photoemission, jvc i ¼ avþ bcþ jN ;0i to denote a configuration in
tunneling, and other transport experiments. In many which a hole with wave vector k is created in the
cases, neglecting these effects can lead to errors on valence band v and a quasi-electron is created in
the order of magnitude of the quantities being the conduction band c with wave vector k þ q, as
measured or even give qualitatively incorrect beha- illustrated in Figure 15, where the q  0 limit is
vior –for example, germanium is predicted to be a taken.
metal within DFT–LDA while the GW approach Electron–electron interactions mix electron–hole
correctly captures its semiconducting character and configurations of the same center-of-mass q to
yields quantitatively the value of the band gap. form the excited (excitonic) state jN ;S i. The
electron–hole amplitude or exciton wave function
in real space, which describes the spatial correlation
of the electron and hole, is then given by
1.02.9 Two-Particle Excitations and X
the Bethe–Salpeter Equation S ðr; r9Þ ¼ AScv cc ðrÞcv ðr9Þ; ð41Þ

We now discuss the formalism for the ab initio calcu- with c(r) being the quasiparticle amplitudes (or
lation of optical properties. For an interacting wave functions), for example, those obtained from
electron system, such as a semiconductor, we must a GW calculation. As in the case of the Dyson’s
include the interaction between the quasi-electron equation for quasiparticles, we use the two-particle
and the quasi-hole created in the optical excitation Green’s function’s equation of motion to arrive at
process. Thus, the study of the optical response an effective equation for AS and S. These quanti-
requires knowledge of the correlated electron–hole ties can be shown to satisfy a Bethe–Salpeter
excitations, jN ;0i ! jN ;S i, that do not change the equation of the form (Strinati, 1988; Rohlfing and
total number of electrons N in a system. (Here jN ;S i Louie, 2000)
denotes the Sth neutral excited state). That is, we   X  
consider excitations for which no particles are added EckQP – EvkQP ASvck þ vckK eh v9c9k9 ASv9c9k9
or subtracted from the system. k9v9c9
¼ S ASvck : ð42Þ
Just as the quasiparticle excitations are given by
the one-particle Green’s function G, the electron-
Here the EQPs are the quasiparticle energies and Keh
hole excitations may be obtained by investigating
is the electron–hole kernel describing the interaction
the interacting two-particle Green’s function G2
between the excited electron and hole. Solving this
(which is a two-particle generalization of Equation
Bethe–Salpeter equation yields the excitation ener-
(24)) and solving its equation of motion. In the
gies and the excited-state wave functions from which
above discussion on quasiparticles, we assume the
one can compute the optical absorption spectrum,
single-particle excitations are long-lived; the theory
exciton binding energies and wave functions, and
on optical excitations here also assumes that the
other related optical quantities.
electron–hole excitations are long-lived and that
the Tamm–Dancoff approximation (Kadanoff and (a) c c (b)
Baym, 1999) is valid. The excited state jN ;S i with c
energy S (referenced to the ground-state energy)
can then be expressed as a linear combination of
noninteracting electron–hole configurations plus
υ υ υ
correction terms that are not important in the eva-
luation of the optical oscillator strength: Figure 15 (a) Schematic of a photo-excited exciton state
as a superposition of independent electron–hole vertical
hole X
X elec transitions. (b) Feynman diagrams for the BSE consisting of
j N ; Si ¼ ASvc avþ bcþ j N ; 0i þ    ð40Þ a repulsive exchange term and an attractive direct
v c interaction.
64 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

The interaction kernel, Keh, is an operator that Equation (46) is a coherent sum of the interband
describes the scattering of an electron–hole pair going transition matrix elements of the individual contri-
from one configuration to another ðjvc i ! jv9c9iÞ buting electron–hole pair transitions where the
due to the Coulomb interaction among the electrons. amplitudes and phases of the AS often lead to inter-
Using the notation 1¼(r1, 1, t1), K is given by the func- esting interference effects. It is absolutely crucial
tional derivative (Rohlfing and Louie, 1998a; Strinati, therefore to keep the relative phases of A intact dur-
1988) ing the calculation and to consider a sufficiently
complete basis sets of single-particle transitions.
½VH ð1Þð1; 3Þ þ ð1; 3Þ
K ð12; 34Þ ¼ : ð43Þ The Bethe–Salpeter formalism for two-particle
Gð4; 2Þ
excitations is therefore a natural extension of the
where the self-energy operator, , is typically treated GW formalism for quasiparticle excitations. In first-
within the GW theory in practical implementations. principles implementations, calculations within both
With the additional assumption that the functional formalisms use the same approximations for the self-
derivative of W with respect to G can be neglected energy  and Green’s Function G. Figure 16 illus-
(Rohlfing and Louie, 2000), K is simplified to trates the importance of the BSE framework in
calculating the imaginary part of the dielectric func-
K ð12; 34Þ ¼ – ið1; 3Þð2 – ; 4ÞV ð1; 4Þ tion in silicon (Rohlfing and Louie, 1998a; Albretch
et al., 1998; Benedict et al., 1998). Only after including
þ ið1; 4Þð3; 2ÞW ð1þ ; 3Þ ð44Þ
excitonic effects is quantitative agreement with
¼ Kx þ Kd : experiment in the first peak height and also the
position of the second peak reached, resolving a
Equation (44) has two terms, as illustrated in long-standing puzzle in the field. This redistribution
Figure 15: a bare repulsive exchange interaction Kx of oscillator strength does not derive from the exis-
and a screened attractive interaction Kd. The meth- tence of bound excitons at the peak position but of
ods for the evaluation of the matrix elements of the the mixing interband excitations from a large k and
kernel K and the solution to the Bethe–Salpeter energy range giving a large enhancement in the first
equation have been discussed in detail in the litera- absorption peak. Such rearrangements of optical
ture (e.g., Rohlfing and Louie, 2000). When spin is strength also give rise to an apparent shift of nearly
considered, the exchange term only affects the singlet
excitons. Dynamical (i.e., the frequency dependent)
screening can further be neglected in Kd if the excita- 50 Expt
tion energies S are close to the energy of the Interacting
noninteracting pairs – in other words, the exciton- 40
binding energy is small compared to the optical
excitation energy itself. From the solution of the
Bethe–Salpeter equation (Equation (42)), the optical

absorption spectrum and other optical properties are

obtained from the imaginary part of the macroscopic 20
dielectric function,
162 e 2 X 10
"2 ð!Þ ¼ jhN ; 0 j e?v j N ; S ij2 ðs – h!Þ ð45Þ
!2 s
00 2 4 6 8 10
where e is the normalized polarization vector of light,
Energy (eV)
and v ¼ ð1=hÞ½H ; r is the single-particle velocity
operator. The importance of inclusion of the Figure 16 The imaginary part of the macroscopic
electron–hole interaction comes from the nontrivial dielectric function, "2(!), as a function of incident photon
energy. Dashed line: without electron–hole interaction
correlations of different electron–hole configurations effects. Solid red line: with electron-hole interaction effects.
jvc i in the excited state, jN ; S i, leading to coherence Circles are data from ellipsometry experiment. Modified
effects in the optical transition matrix elements: from Jellison GE, Chisholm MF, and Gorbatkin SM (1993)
X Optical functions of chemical vapor deposited thin-film
hN ; 0 j e?v j N ; Si ¼ AScn hc j e?v j vi: ð46Þ silicon determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied
cv Physics Letters 62: 3348.
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 65

0.5 eV for the second peak in Figure 16 (Rohlfing energy of the correlated exciton states relative to the
and Louie, 1998a). Beyond the oscillator strength interband transition continuum edge. With the exci-
redistribution, as in a simple hydrogenic model for tation energies and amplitudes of the electron–hole
excitons in semiconductors, a series of bound exciton pairs, A, one can then calculate the macroscopic
states is found below the onset of absorption edge, dielectric function for various light polarizations
though their oscillator strength is weak and binding using Equation (45), and also obtain quantities such
energy is only of the order of 10 meV for Si. As seen as electron–hole correlation functions in real space
below, the GW–BSE approach is capable of obtain- and higher-order optical effects such as multi-photon
ing highly accurate optical spectra from first absorption and phonon-assisted absorption spectra.
principles and has helped elucidate the optical When applying this method to isolated nanosystems
response of a wide range of systems ranging from in supercell calculations, it is important, as it is in the
nanostructures to bulk semiconductors to surfaces GW calculation, to replace W with the appropriate
and defects to 1D systems such as polymers and screened truncated interaction. As will be illustrated
nanotubes. in the final section, even with well-separated systems
that are considered reasonable in DFT calculations,
the nature of the interaction between the electron
1.02.10 The GW-BSE Formalism and and hole in an untruncated interaction calculation
Optical Response can be very different from the isolated case owing
to the unwanted influence of neighboring replicas.
Figure 17 illustrates the procedure for carrying out Because of the generally reduced screening and con-
an ab initio GW–BSE calculation to obtain quasipar- finement effects, one expects stronger excitonic
ticle and optical properties. The BSE calculations effects in reduced dimensional systems, which as
take as input the quasiparticle energies and wave seen below, is indeed the case.
functions from a GW calculation. In addition, the Figure 18 depicts the optical spectrum of bulk
BSE calculation takes the full dielectric matrix cal- GaAs. As seen from this figure and the results for Si
culated in the GW step, which is used to screen the in Figure 16, only after the inclusion of electron–
attractive direct electron–hole interaction. The hole interaction, there is good agreement between
direct and exchange part of the electron–hole kernel theory and experiment. As already discussed above
are calculated, and the electron–hole kernel plus the for Si, there is a redistribution of optical oscillator
kinetic energy term as a matrix in the quasiparticle strength to the lower energy peak, enhancing it by
electron–hole pair basis is then diagonalized yielding nearly a factor of 2. In addition, the electron–hole
the exciton wave functions and excitation energies. interaction shifts and heightens the second main
Exciton binding energies can be inferred from the peak, yielding agreement with experiment. This

Procedure for GW-BSE calculations 25
Mean Field Solution {ϕnk (r ), εnk } 20

GW solution {ϕQPnk (r ), εQP nk } 10

Construct Bethe−Salpeter K (k,c,v,k′,c′,v ′)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Energy (eV)
Diagonalize BSE Hamiltonian A S c,v,k,E S
Figure 18 Calculated optical absorption of GaAs with
(solid line) and without (dashed line) electron–hole
Figure 17 Procedure for a GW-BSE calculation. The end interaction, compared to experimental data [Aspnes,
result of such a procedure is the ab initio calculation of the Lautenschlager]. Modified from Rohlfing M and Louie SG
quasiparticle and exciton states of a material system as well (1998a) Excitonic effects and the optical absorption
as a description of the optical properties through the spectrum of hydrogenated Si clusters. Physical Review
expression of the oscillator strength, Equation (45). Letters 80: 3320.
66 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

shift of nearly 0.5 eV in the second peak (with posi-

tion near 5 eV) is not due to a negative shift of the
transition energies since the density of photo-excited
states remains nearly unchanged by the electron–
hole interaction from that of the non-interacting
case. The changes in the position and height of the
second peak in the optical spectrum in Figure 18 x z
originate from the coupling of states over a large
energy range, effectively leading to a constructive Figure 19 Ball and stick model of a silicon nanowire
terminated with hydrogen (small atoms). The wire is periodic
coherent superposition of oscillator strengths for in the z-direction but finite in the x and y directions. Modified
states on the lower-energy side of the peak and a from Yang L, Spataru CD, Louie SG, and Chou MY (2007c)
destructive superposition for states on the high- Enhanced electron–hole interaction and optical absorption
energy side. Spin–orbit interaction was not included in a silicon nanowire. Physical Review B 75: 201304(R).
in the calculated results in Figure 18, and, hence,
some of the fine structures associated with the two
peaks in the experimental spectrum of GaAs are not No e–h interaction
reproduced in the theory. Within the GW–BSE (// polarization)
approach, in addition to oscillator strength redistri-
bution in the continuum part of the spectrum, A
discrete bound exciton states below the absorption
edge are also obtained. These states come out
α2(ω) (nm2)

directly from the BSE calculation without the use With e–h interaction
4 (// polarization)
of any effective mass or other approximations. The
calculated binding energy of the lowest energy exci- 2 A1
ton states in GaAs (Rohlfing and Louie, 1998a) is
4.0 meV as compared to experimental value of 0
4.2 meV (Michaelis et al., 1996; Sell, 1972). The the- 2 With e–h interaction
ory has reproduced essentially all the observed (⊥ polarization)
bound excitonic structures to a good level of accu-
racy in GaAs. Thus, it is possible to obtain the 2 4 6 8
binding energy of bound excitons very accurately
Energy (eV)
from Equation (42), even if the binding energy is
only of the order of few meVs. To achieve such a Figure 20 Absorption vs. photon energy for the silicon
nanowire shown in Figure 19 for light polarized (top two
good description of the optical response of GaAs, a
panels) parallel to the wire axis and (bottom panel)
very fine sampling of the Brillouin zone and the perpendicular to the wire axis. The arrows marked by A and
inclusion of spin–orbit interaction are required, so A1 indicate the fundamental gap and the lowest-energy
that the quasiparticle energy bands are calculated exciton locations, respectively. The top panel shows the
with high accuracy. spectrum without electron–hole interaction effects
included, whereas the middle panel contains the full
Electron–hole effects are even more important solution to the BSE. The bottom panel illustrates that light
when applied to silicon nanowires (Yang et al., polarized perpendicular to the wire axis is absorbed very
2007c). Silicon nanowires are quasi-1D solid wires weakly due to depolarization effects. Modified from Yang L,
of silicon terminated by passivating adsorbates on the Spataru CD, Louie SG, and Chou MY (2007c) Enhanced
electron–hole interaction and optical absorption in a silicon
wire surface. Such nanowires represent a potential
nanowire. Physical Review B 75: 201304(R).
building block for nanoscale devices and have
recently been synthesized (Cui and Lieber, 2001;
Duan et al., 2001; Morales and Lieber, 1998; Holmes In Figure 20, we show the calculated optical
et al., 2000). Si nanowires with diameter as small as spectra of the Si nanowire shown in Figure 19
1.3 nm have been fabricated (Ma et al., 2003). employing the GW-BSE approach, with and without
Figure 19 depicts a model of a Si nanowire passi- electron–hole interaction effects included. The
vated with hydrogen of a diameter of 1.2 nm, with the absorption for light polarized parallel to the wire
wire axis along the [110] direction. axis exhibits two new peaks with inclusion of
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 67

electron–hole interaction, giving rise to an appear- (and quasiparticle self-energy) effects (Spataru et al.,
ance of a shift of the spectrum by nearly 2 eV 2004a, 2004b; Ando, 1997) are shown to be domi-
(comparison of top and middle panel in Figure 20). nantly important in these systems even at room
The dominant peaks in the spectrum (middle panel) temperature. Figure 21 compares the calculated
are due to resonant excitons. In addition, there is a absorption spectrum of a (8,0) semiconducting
bound exciton state although with very weak optical SWCNT between the cases with and without
strength, labeled A1, deep inside the quasiparticle electron–hole interactions. As for the Si nanowires,
band gap at 2.1 eV with a binding energy of 1 eV. because of depolarization effects (Ajiki and Ando,
This binding energy is two orders of magnitude 1994), the optical response of a tube-like object is
larger than the exciton-binding energies in bulk Si. the strongest when the polarization of the light is
This enhanced binding energy is a result of the along the tube axis – the polarization used in the
reduced dimensionality of the system, and of the calculations. The two resulting spectra are radically
unique nature of screening in lower dimensions as different. When electron–hole interaction effects are
discussed in the next section. included, the spectrum is dominated by bound and
When the GW-BSE method is applied to semi- resonant exciton states. Each of the structures
conducting SWCNTs, the results are extraordinarily. derived from a van Hove singularity in the noninter-
Because of the 1D nature of the nanotubes, excitonic acting joint density of states gives rise to a series of

(a) 250
A′1 (8,0)

With e−h interaction (b)
Without e−h interaction
ε2 (a.u.)

100 C′1

Exciton A’1
50 A
B′2 B C
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Photon energy (eV)

(c) 300 (d) 100

Exciton A′1 Exciton C′1





0 0
−50 −25 0 25 50 −100 −50 0 50 100
Z (Å) Z (Å)

Figure 21 Excitons in semiconducting (8,0) SWCNTs. (a) Absorption spectra plotted with and without the electron–hole
interaction included. The oscillator strength from the continuum is almost entirely moved to the sharp bound exciton
transitions. (b) Exciton amplitude square plotted with the hole position fixed (dot in the center). (c,d) Exciton amplitude square
plotted along the tube axis with hole position fixed at z¼0.
68 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

exciton states, and these states rob all the optical nanotube. Again, the electron–hole interaction leads
transition strength from the continuum transitions. to a series of sharp lines in the absorption spectrum
Panels (b), (c) and (d) in Figure 21 give the spatial due to strongly bound excitonic states, and the optical
correlation between the excited electron and hole for strength as in the case of carbon nanotubes is virtually
two of the exciton states, one bound (A’1) and one completely transferred to these states. For the (8, 0) BN
resonant state (C’1). The extent of the exciton wave nanotube, which has the same diameter as the (8, 0)
function is about 2 nm for both of these states. For the SWCNT, the exciton binding energy of the lowest
(8,0) nanotube, the lowest-energy bound exciton has a energy exciton is over 2 eV (Park et al., 2006). This is
binding energy of nearly 1 eV. Note that the exciton- consistent with the fact that BN nanotubes are wide-
binding energy for bulk semiconductors of similar size gap insulators. Unlike the carbon case, however, the
band gap is in general only of the order of tens of meVs, lowest-energy exciton is composed of almost equal
illustrating again the dominance of many-electron weight from four sets of nearby interband transitions,
Coulomb effects in reduced dimensional systems. which lead to a considerably more localized electron–
Similar results have been obtained for other semicon- hole correlation in real space along the circumference
ducting carbon nanotubes (Spataru et al., 2004a, 2004b). direction.
These results predicted extraordinarily large exciton A surprising prediction was further made when
binding energies, although first met with skepticism, GW-BSE calculations were carried out for the metal-
have been verified by recent experiments (Wang et al., lic SWCNTs – bound/resonant exciton states exist
2005; Ma et al., 2005). Owing to the unique electronic despite metallic screening from the carriers (Spataru
structure of the carbon nanotubes, in addition to the et al., 2004a; Deslippe et al., 2007). To our knowledge,
optically active (or bright) excitons shown in these are the first bound excitons known to exist in
Figure 21, there exist also a number of optically inac- metallic systems, and they have subsequently been
tive (or dark) excitons associated with each of the bright observed by measurements (Wang et al., 2007). The
ones. These dark excitons can be observed experimen- existence of excitons in metallic SWCNTs is a result
tally with an applied magnetic field or light with of the increased efficiency of an attractive interaction
different polarization. These dark excitons also play in forming bound states in one dimension. This can
an important role in the optical properties of the nano- be seen as a result of the fact that, in one dimension,
tubes; for example, they strongly affect the radiative (1) electronic screening is greatly reduced and(2) any
lifetime of the optically created excitons in semicon- Rpotential (other than V ¼ 0) satisfying the constraint
ducting carbon nanotubes (Spataru et al., 2005). V ðx Þdx  0 (i.e., is negative on average) is guaran-
For the boron nitride (BN) nanotubes, which are teed to have at least one bound state (Kocher, 1977;
wide band-gap materials, it is found that excitonic Simon, 1976).
effects are even stronger than in SWCNTs. Figure 22 Figure 23 shows the LDA band structure for a
shows the calculated optical spectra of an (8, 0) BN (10, 10) and a (12, 0) metallic SWCNTs. For incident

(a) 32 With e−h interaction (b)

28 Without e−h interaction
24 I1
α2 (ω) (nm2)

E QP (eV)

16 2

12 0
8 K I′1
I2 I3 (x4) –2
4 II1 I4

5 6 7 8 9 Γ X
Photon energy (eV)
Figure 22 Absorption spectra and band structure of a (8,0) boron-nitride nanotube. (a) The spectrum is plotted with (solid)
and without (dashed) electron–hole interaction included. (b) Schematic of the four pairs of bands from which mixing of these
interband transitions forms the lowest bound exciton. Modified from Park CH, Spataru CD and Louie SG (2006) Excitons and
many-electron effects in the optical response of single-walled boron nitride nanotubes. Physical Review Letters 96: 126105.
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 69

2 1

Energy (eV)
0 (12,0)
0 (10,10)

0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4

Figure 23 Band structure of metallic nanotubes showing allowed optical transitions (solid arrow) and forbidden optical
transitions (dashed arrow).

light polarized along the tube axis, the optical

perturbation operator, A ? p, belongs to the identity
Without e−h interaction
representation in the group of the k-vector (Deslippe With e−h interaction
et al., 2007; Barros et al., 2006a). Therefore, the optical
transitions obey well-defined selection rules deter-
mined by the representations of this group (Barros
et al., 2006a, 2006b). This is a result of the quasi-1D
nature of nanotubes where every k-point lies along
α (ω) (a.u.)

the same high-symmetry direction causing optical

transitions to obey well-defined selection rules across
entire subbands instead of just at points of high sym- Without e−h interaction
metry. The first optically allowed transitions in the With e−h interaction
(10,10) tube occur between the second and third
valence subbands (the bands are degenerate) and
the second and third conduction subbands (shown
by the solid red transition line drawn in Figure 23.
The facts that (1) there exists a symmetry gap pre-
venting optical transitions between the linear 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
dispersing bands that cross at the Fermi energy, and Energy (eV)
2), in achiral tubes, electron–hole pairs formed from
Figure 24 Absorption spectra of the (10,10) SWCNT (top)
these bands are of a different representation of and (12,0) metallic nanotubes (bottom). Although these
the group of the k-vector (Barros et al., 2006a, tubes are metallic, they behave optically as if they were
2006b) than those of the first optically active semiconductors. The binding energy for exciton states in
electron–hole pair (preventing mixing between each tube is 50 meV, greater than the exciton binding
these two types of electron–hole states) are both energy in bulk Si.
factors that also contribute to the prominence of the
excitons in the metallic carbon nanotubes. Mixing inter-subband transitions. Each feature in the fully
does occur between the continuum of electron–hole interacting spectrum is dominated by a single sym-
states associated with the first active interband tran- metric peak followed by a smaller tail derived from
sition (denoted by E11) and excitons associated with the 1D van Hove singularity located at the position of
the second interband transitions (E22); however, the peak in the noninteracting spectrum (Deslippe
owing to the dominance of the joint density of states et al., 2007).
(JDOS) at the E22 van Hove singularity, resonant In both metallic tubes, excitonic effects qualita-
excitons are formed with a contribution of over tively change the spectrum due to the existence of
90% from E22 transitions. the exciton states. In the (10,10) tube, the bound
Figure 24 presents the optical absorption spectra exciton associated with the first interband transition
for the (12,0) and (10,10) carbon nanotubes over the has a binding energy of 50 meV. Figure 25 provides a
energy range of the first three optically allowed more detailed view of the lowest exciton in the
70 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

100 Without e−h Int. 25 Without e−h Int. (scaled)

With e−h Int. With e−h Int.
80 20
α 2 (ω)

60 15

1.5 2 2.5 1.5 2 2.5
Energy (eV)
Figure 25 Spectral shape of absorption spectra in the (10,10) metallic nanotube plotted with (solid) and without (dashed)
the electron–hole interaction and with Lorentzian broadening of 20 meV (left panel) and 80 meV (right panel). The right panel
plot has the noninteracting spectra shifted and scaled to match the position and height of the interacting spectra for

(10,10) SWCNT. In the left panel of Figure 25, we for the (21,21) metallic SWCNT was 50 meV (Wang
see that the optical peak arises almost entirely from et al., 2007), in good agreement with values derived
the single exciton state, showing a profile that is from the ab initio calculations (Deslippe et al., 2009).
significantly different from the interband transition The large excitonic effects described here are not
case. As a comparison, the right panel in Figure 25 unique to the systems studied but are characteristic of
shows the noninteracting spectrum scaled and shifted 1D (as well as 0D and 2D) systems in general.
to match the peak height in the interacting case. We Graphene nanoribbons (see Figure 26), 2D graphene
see that the two lineshapes are distinctly different. and bilayer graphene all show similar large excitonic
This predicted change in lineshape was recently effects (Yang et al., 2007a, 2008, 2009). This is largely
confirmed by experiment using optical absorption because of the unique nature of screening in reduced
techniques on isolated metallic SWCNTs (Wang dimensional systems that will be discussed in the next
et al., 2007). The measured exciton-binding energy section.

(a) (b)

1 E11
W/o e−h interaction W/o e−h interaction
With e−h interaction With e−h interaction
Optical absorption (a.u.)



0 2 4 0 2 4
Energy (eV)
Figure 26 Absorption spectra of armchair graphene nanoribbons with 11 carbon dimer rows (left panel) and 12 carbon
dimer rows (right panel) forming the width of the ribbon. Oscillator strength from the continuum is moved almost entirely into
the sharp bound exciton peaks. Modified from Yang L, Cohen ML, and Louie SG (2007a) Excitonic effects in the optical
spectra of graphene nanoribbons. Nano Letters 7(10): 3112–3115.
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 71

1.02.11 Interactions in V ðzÞ ¼ dx9dy9dr2 W ðr9 þ r2 ; r2 Þjcc ðr9 þ r2 Þj2 jcv ðr2 Þj2 :
Nanostructured Semiconducting
Materials ð47Þ

The application of the GW-BSE method to semicon- The divergence at the origin is removed due to
ducting nanostructured materials has illuminated and the spatial extent to which the particles can still be
predicted several exciting new physical behaviors of separated when the z separation is zero. In an
these systems. As discussed above, many-body effects SWNT, this spatial extent is the tube diameter.
are crucial for even a qualitative understanding of
While not containing a singularity, the potential
their excited state properties. This can be seen as
still leads to exciton binding energies much greater
consequence of two general principles: first, the
than those found in higher-dimensional systems due
Coulomb interaction is more effective in lower
to the fact that the phase space over which the inter-
dimensions, and, second, screening has a unique nat-
action is large does not vanish.
ure in two- or less-dimensional systems.
In order to truly appreciate all the physics con-
The first point is illustrated in Figure 27. In
tained in the electron–hole kernel, Equation (43), it is
the case of three (or two) dimensions, a particle
useful to model the dielectric function, which deter-
under the influence of a Coulomb potential can
mines the screened interaction W. We can express an
avoid the singularity by traveling around the ori-
effective 1D dielectric function in the case of a nano-
gin of the potential. The expectation value of the
tube as "(q)¼1 – (q)Vbare (q) and the total screened
3D potential can be approximately expressed as
R 3 ðrÞ potential generated by a single ring of charge on a
d r jr j . If  is reasonably well behaved, as it is tube is then (Deslippe et al., 2009; Leonard and
for the hydrogen model, than the 3D integral Tersoff, 2002)
about the origin integrates to a finite value with
R Vbare ðqÞ
no divergence. However, in the 1D case, dz jðzzjÞ V ðqÞ ¼
1 – ðqÞVbare ðqÞ
: ð48Þ
logarithmically diverges if the origin is included in
the integral. In the 1D Coulomb interaction, the For the case of a semiconducting tube with band
singularity is unavoidable for an oscillating parti- gap, Eg, and diameter, d, the susceptibility, , can be
cle, leading to large binding energies. In real obtained from a 1D generalization of the Penn model
quasi-1D nanosystems, it is the finite extent of (Penn, 1962).
the physical system in the other directions that The interesting behavior is that the dielectric
prevents the interaction between charge particles function in momentum space approaches unity at
in the system from diverging. For example, one both large and small q (Leonard and Tersoff, 2002;
can define an effective screened electron–electron van den Brink and Sawatzky, 2000). In a typical bulk
or electron–hole interaction in a quasi-1D system semiconductor on the other hand, the dielectric func-
using an averaging in the nonperiodic directions as tion approaches the bulk dielectric constant at small
(Deslippe et al., 2009) q. This behavior is a direct result of the fact that,
unlike in 3D semiconductors where the induced
charge is of the opposite sign as the added charge
3D/2D 1D and is a finite fraction (1 – 1/"0) of the added charge,
in 1D the total induced charge seen far away from the
e added charge particle is zero with regions where
charge density of the opposite sign as the external
charge is induced, as well as regions where charge
h density of the same sign is induced. A qualitative
explanation for the phenomenon is shown in
Figure 28 where the polarizable charge distribution
Figure 27 3D/2D vs. 1D electron–hole interaction. In 1D, of a semiconducting system is modeled by a simple
the singularity is unavoidable, leading to greatly enhanced ball-and-spring dielectric medium (Deslippe et al.,
exciton binding energies and other electron–electron
interaction effects. For example, the 1D bare attractive
2009). In three dimensions, because the surface area
Coulomb interaction has a bound state of infinite binding of a spherical shell is proportional to the radius
energy compared to the value of 13.6 eV of the 3D case. squared and the force generated by a charge at the
72 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

V(z) (eV)
–0.5 (8,0)
(8,0) Vbare

0 5 10 15 20
z (nm)
Figure 29 Screened (solid) and bare (dashed) Coulomb
interaction in semiconducting (8,0) SWCNTs. Modified from
Figure 28 Screening in a polarizable medium in three
Deslippe J, Dipoppa M, Prendergast D, Moutinho MVO,
dimensions (left) and one dimension (right). In three
Capaz RB, and Louie SG (2009) Electron–hole interaction in
dimensions, the amount of charge induced inside a sphere
carbon nanotubes: Novel screening and exciton excitation
of radius r is constant as a function of increasing radius,
spectra. Nano Letters 9(4): 1330–1334.
whereas in one dimension the amount of charge induced
inside a box of length z goes to zero for large z.

origin on a spring at distance r is proportional to 1/r2, As discussed above, because essentially every
the total induced charge in a shell of radius r is k-point in a quasi-1D system is on a high symmetry
constant with respect to r. So, at large distances direction, the optical absorption to exciton states
from the external charge, there is a net induced obey strict symmetry selection rules across entire
charge of the opposite sign observed surrounding bands. In the semiconducting SWCNTs, the first
the external charge. In quasi-one-dimension, how- allowed optical excitation is just one of many (four
ever, the surface area perpendicular to the tube axis in the case of the zigzag tubes mentioned below)
of a box does not change as the box length changes in nearly degenerate exciton states due to the band or
the z-direction. The total induced charge in larger valley degeneracy of the quasiparticle states. These
and larger size boxes drops to zero; so at large length exciton states, and their relative oscillator strengths,
scales, there is effectively no screening (Deslippe come out directly from the GW-BSE calculation and
et al., 2009). are shown in Figure 30 for the (10, 0) SWCNT.
What is even more unusual is that at some inter- These states can be investigated through symmetry
mediate distance, the effect of screening in 1D breaking probes such as by applying a magnetic field
systems, such in SWCNTs, is to actually enhance or through careful analysis of photoluminescence
rather than weaken the Coulomb interaction. That is, spectra (Shaver et al., 2007).
there are ranges of separations over which two par-
ticles see an anti-screening effect. This is
demonstrated for the case of a (8, 0) SWNCT using
Equation (48) in Figure 29. Because the screened (10,0)
Coulomb interaction is very different in 1D, a very Dark –
1 Bright –
distinct excitation spectrum is created for the higher- 0A0
energy exciton states form from a given pair of inter- δ1
hΩ(0) (ev)

band transitions. The actual spectra are qualitatively - Dark 0B0
and quantitatively different from those of excitons in 0.96 -
3D or in 1D models that neglect the anti-screening
A -
0 0
effect. The higher states in the excitonic series are 0.94
considerably more bound due to the presence of the Triplet Singlet
anti-screening region; evidences consistent with 0.92
this prediction have been observed in recent mea- Figure 30 The first optical transition oA
0 in zigzag (10,0)
surements on semiconducting SWCNT (Lefebvre SWCNT is accompanied by several dark states due to the
and Finnie, 2007, 2008). well-defined symmetry in SWCNTs.
Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors 73

1.02.12 Summary correlated systems. There have been considerable

efforts along this direction to improve upon the
In this chapter, we have presented the basic concepts methodology (Miyake et al., 2006; Bruneval et al.,
and methodologies in understanding and calculating 2006). Also, attempts are being made to practically
both ground- and excited-state properties of semi- rid of the empty orbitals in the GW formalism and to
conductors and semiconductor nanostructures. include vertex corrections or higher-order terms
The development of ab initio pseudopotential and (Giustino et al., 2009; Wilson et al., 2009; Umari
DFT has led to the ability to calculate accurate et al., 2009; Bruneval and Gonze, 2008; Reining
ground-state properties for many systems from first et al., 1997).
principles. Through the advent of the GW-BSE For many semiconducting/insulating systems,
methodology, it is now also possible to explain and upon promotion to an excited state, the system may
compute the excited-state and spectroscopic proper- undergo major changes that would give rise to inter-
ties from first principles employing the interacting esting and technologically important phenomena
Green’s function formalism. Together these methods such as Stokes shifts, self-trapped excitons, molecular
form a very versatile set of theoretical techniques or defect confirmational changes, etc. Some recent
that can be used on a wide range of material systems work has been done to include forces within the
with predictive power. We demonstrate their useful- GW-BSE framework to study the structural effects
ness in understanding and predicting the structural, through the many-body Green’s function formula-
electronic, and optical properties through some tion (Ismail-Beigi and Louie, 2003). Finally, for the
selected examples, with a particular emphasis on case of nanostructured materials where symmetry
the rapidly developing field of nanoscience. plays a larger role, nonlinear optical spectroscopies
The challenges for first-principles theories are (Wang et al., 2005; Maultzsch et al., 2005) have proven
evident on several fronts. One is on investigating particularly efficient in characterizing the excited
complex materials with large numbers of different states of the system. Work toward extending the
type of atoms in complex arrangements or on pro- GW-BSE methodology to calculate nonlinear optical
cesses/phenomena that span very long timescales. properties such as multi-photon absorption, ultrafast
The challenges here are mainly due to the greatly spectroscopy, and phonon-assisted absorption is
increased Hilbert space needed to study large sys- another avenue attracting considerable attention.
tems, and that time steps in ab initio molecular Progress in these and other areas are anticipated
dynamics simulations are dictated by electronic to greatly expand our ability to study from
frequencies. In general, standard DFT, GW, and first-principles increasingly complex materials and
BSE calculations all tend to have bottlenecks that novel phenomena. (See Chapters 1.01, 1.04, 1.10 and
scale roughly as N3 where N is the number of atoms 2.05).
in the system. Even with this scaling (which is in
general superior to quantum chemistry techniques),
current methodologies and algorithms have allowed
the study of systems containing thousands of atoms at Acknowledgments
the DFT level and hundreds of atoms at the GW-
BSE level. Another frontier is the first-principles This work was supported by National Science
study of correlated electron systems such as the tran- Foundation Grant No. DMR07-05941 and by
sition metal oxides, multiferroics, and high Tc the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic
superconducting cuprates and pnictides. At the Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences
DFT level, standard approximations such as the and Engineering Division, US Department of
local spin density approximations (LSDAs) can Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
sometimes give an incorrect ground state for the Computational resources have been provided by
highly correlated materials. The construction of bet- NSF at the San Diego Supercomputing Center
ter exchange–correlation functionals is needed, and (SDSC) and DOE at the National Energy Research
is currently an active and important endeavor in the Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). J. Deslippe
field. Since the GW-BSE formalism is based on acknowledges funding from the DOE Computational
many-body perturbation theory, having a good Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) under grant
mean-field starting point is essential for more number DE-FG02-97ER25308
74 Ab initio Theories of the Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Semiconductors

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1.03 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors
M Eto, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
H Kamimura, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.03.1 Introduction 78 Isolated Donor Atom in Semiconductors 79 Quantum Computer Using Si:P 80
1.03.2 Localization Theories in Impurity Bands 81 Impurity Conduction 81 Mott Transition 82 Effects of Localization and Anderson Transition 82 Computer Studies of Anderson Model 84 Scaling Theory of Localization 84
1.03.3 Electron–Electron Interactions in Impurity Bands 86 Theoretical Formulation 87 Transfer diagonal representation 87 Anderson-localized states 87 Interaction terms 88 Theory of Intrastate Interaction 88 Spin susceptibility and specific heat 89 Comparison with experiment on Si:P 90 Interstate Interactions 91 Direct and kinetic-type exchanges 91 Spin-pair model 92 Specific heat anomaly and spin susceptibility 93 Numerical Simulation for Interacting Donor Electrons in Si:P System 94 Gaussian model 95 Electron configurations and many-electron states 96 Specific heat and spin susceptibility 98 Comparison with experiment 99
1.03.4 Hopping Conduction and Related Phenomena 101 VRH and Mott’s Law 101 Formulation of hopping conduction 101 Mott’s law 102 Coulomb Gap 102 Formula for Magnetoresistance in the Variable-Range Regime 104 Appearance of spin-dependent mechanisms 104 Calculated results 105 Comparison with experiments 106 Magnetocapacitance in Intermediate-Concentration Regime 107 Spin-Dependent Behavior of Magnetoresistance in Other Systems 109
1.03.5 Conclusions 109
References 110

78 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

1.03.1 Introduction density of 5  1021 cm3 is a type II superconductor

below the superconducting transition temperature
Research on the electronic structures and physical Tc  4 K. The doped boron acts as an acceptor with
properties of lightly doped semiconductors is very a hole-binding energy of about 0.37 eV. Baskaran
important, because it forms the basis of present-day (2006) suggested an important role of the electron
semiconductor technology. In this context, research on correlation-driven superconductivity in an impurity
impurity bands in group-IV semiconductors such as Si band in p-type diamond, so that a topic of the impurity
and Ge has played an important role not only in the band in diamond suddenly attracted keen interests.
semiconductor physics but also in the device physics. Although the observation of superconductivity in
When group-V elements such as P, Sb, and As are boron-doped diamond is interesting, recent experi-
doped into Si or Ge, a hydrogen 1s-like shallow mental results suggested that superconductivity
impurity state appears just below the conduction occurs in heavily boron-doped samples (Yokoya
band. This impurity state is called a donor state, et al., 2005). This means that the holes in valence
because it can contribute a free electron to the host bands in diamond may be responsible for supercon-
crystal. With an increase in impurity concentration, ductivity. Thus, the topic of superconductivity in
various energy levels are formed by random impurity boron-doped diamond is not a main theme of the
distributions. The term ‘impurity band’ means the this chapter. In this context, for readers who have
continuous distribution of one-electron energies interests in the boron-doped superconductivity, we
with a certain probability distribution. In this sense, would like to suggest to read a review article on
the impurity band is quite different from an ordinary superconductivity in diamond by Takano (2008).
energy band in periodic systems in which the wave- In this chapter, we describe various physics of an
vector is a good quantum number. Similarly, group- impurity band, mainly focusing on the localized
III elements such as B, Al, Ga, and In doped into Si or states and hopping conduction on the insulating
Ge form an acceptor state, which can contribute a side of the MI transition. The MI transition from
free hole to the host semiconductor. the metallic side was studied by many theoretical
When the impurity concentration is sufficiently groups, using the scaling theory and perturbation
low, electronic states are localized in an impurity calculations with respect to the random potential
atom (low-concentration regime). In the intermedi- (e.g., refer to a review article by Lee and
ate concentration regime, electronic states in the Ramakrishnan (1985)). On the other hand, localized
impurity band are still localized in space, but spread states of electrons on the insulating side were exam-
over a number of impurity atoms (Anderson localiza- ined by a limited number of researchers. We would
tion). The hopping conduction takes place from a like to stress the importance of strong electron cor-
localized state to another, which shows an activa- relation as well as the disorder effect in the insulating
tion-type temperature dependence. When the regimes, which results in very rich physics: unique
impurity concentration is larger than a critical properties of electronic states and their influence on
value, the electronic states are extended over the physical properties, for example, specific heat, spin
whole samples, which give rise to a metallic conduc- susceptibility, and hopping conductivity.
tivity. This metal–insulator (MI) transition, the so- Recently, the impurity state in semiconductors is
called Mott–Anderson transition, in which both the attracting a new interest in the field of quantum
randomness of donor position and electron–electron information processing. In the quantum computation
interaction are important, has been one of the main the fundamental unit is a quantum bit (qubit), which
topics in solid-state physics (Mott, 1990). is a quantum-mechanical superposition of ‘0’ and ‘1’
Although diamond is also the same group-IV ele- (Nielsen and Chuang, 2000). An electron spin S ¼ 1/2,
ment as Si and Ge, pure diamond is an insulator with or a nuclear spin I ¼ 1/2, can be used as a qubit.
a wide bandgap of 5.5 eV, so that one has not con- Indeed, if spin states j "i and j #i represent ‘0’ and
sidered the existence of an impurity band in ‘1’, respectively, a spin state is given by their coherent
diamond. Recently, however, Ekimov et al. (2004) superpositition
reported the discovery of superconductivity in the
j i ¼ C0 j "i þ C1 j #i
boron-doped diamond synthesized at high pressure
and high temperature. Their measurements showed (jC0j2 þ jC1j2 ¼ 1). Kane proposed a silicon-based
that boron-doped diamond with a hole-carrier nuclear spin quantum computer utilizing a
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 79

nanofabrication technique on phosphorus-doped sili- specific heat at low temperatures and of spin suscept-
con (Si:P) (Kane, 1998). The qubits are nuclear spins ibility are reviewed, and it is shown how the observed
I¼1/2 of 31P atoms, which can be controlled by strange behaviors of specific heat and spin suscept-
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The nuclear ibility can be explained by the theory described in
spins interact with electron spins in the phosphorus this subsection. In Section, numerical simula-
atoms by the hyperfine interaction. Any qubit opera- tion based on a cluster model is reviewed. Then, it is
tion is achieved by tuning the resonant frequency of shown how the physics of the localized states with
NMR and electrical control of electronic states using interstate as well as intrastate interactions is verified
small metallic gates attached on the silicon surface. by the numerical study for real Si:P systems.
One of the key elements in Kane’s quantum compu- The hopping conduction is described in Section
tation is the control of an antiferromagnetic coupling 1.03.4. In the impurity band the variable-range
between electron spins at adjacent donors (Section hopping plays an important role, as was proposed This coupling was studied by one of the by Mott (1968). The Mott’s law, resistivity
authors of this chapter with his collaborators in the (T) _ exp[(T0/T)1/4] as a function of temperature
1970s for the impurity band of Si:P with intermediate T, is described in Section Then it is
concentration regime, to explain experimental shown how the Mott’s law is modified in the low-
results of the anomalous behavior of specific heat at concentration regime of compensated samples. In
low temperatures. The spin coupling can be ferro- connection with this topic, the so-called Coulomb
magnetic as well as antiferromagnetic in the case of gap, which is a gap in the density of states at the
impurity band (Section Therefore, our Fermi level caused by the long-range Coulomb
study of electronic states in the impurity band should interaction, is discussed in Section In
be noteworthy from the modern point of view. Section, we describe the hopping conductiv-
The organization of this chapter is as follows. In ity in the intermediate concentration regime using
the rest of the present section, we briefly explain the the theoretical formalism given in Section 1.03.3. In
hydrogen 1s-like electronic state in an isolated particular, theoretical work on the magnetoresistance
impurity doped in semiconductor (Section developed by Kurobe and Kamimura (1982) is
and the basic idea of Kane’s quantum computer using reviewed in Section, and that on magnetoca-
Si:P (Section In Section 1.03.2, we overview pacitance in Section It should be mentioned
the transport phenomena in the impurity band and that their spin-dependent theory has been applied
the localization theories of electronic states. The not only to impurity bands in doped semiconductors
historical development of localization theory and but also to a wide variety of materials and of systems
MI transition in doped semiconductors are also such as sandwiched semiconductors, amorphous
surveyed. semiconductors, doped polymers, carbon fibers, etc.,
Sections 1.03.3 and 1.03.4 are the main parts in this as briefly mentioned in Section
chapter. These sections are devoted to a theoretical In reviewing theories for impurity bands in
investigation of the electronic states and hopping doped semiconductors, we should first mention
conduction in the insulating regimes of doped semi- that we are greatly indebted to the textbooks by
conductors. Section 1.03.3 begins with the theoretical Mott (1990), Kamimura (1986, 1985), Kamimura
formulation to examine the interplay between disor- and Aoki (1989), and Shklovskii and Efros (1984).
der and electron–electron interaction (Section In Section the important role of Isolated Donor Atom in
the intrastate interaction in localized states, the lar-
gest component of the interaction, is described in
detail. The description clarifies that the intrastate We briefly explain the electronic state in an isolated
interaction results in the coexistence of doubly occu- donor atom doped in silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge).
pied, singly occupied, and unoccupied states. The These elements possess a diamond crystal structure
experimental result of specific heat is compared in which (ns)2(np)2 valence electrons form sp3 cova-
with the theoretical result. In Section, we lent bonds. When an atom of group-V element is
describe the effects of the interstate interactions, doped into the materials, four valence electrons in
particularly antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic cou- the atom participate in forming the sp3 covalent
pling between electron spins in the singly occupied bonds, whereas a remaining electron is bound to the
states. The theoretical and experimental results of nucleus of the atom by the Coulomb potential:
80 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

e2 Kamimura and Aoki, (1989) and Kohn and

U ðrÞ ¼ – ð1Þ
r Luttinger (1955).
where  is the static dielectric constant of the host In a usual case, the wave function in Equation (4)
crystal. A large value of  (  12 for Si and 16 for is a good approximation to describe the impurity
Ge) reduces the binding energy of the impurity state state in the length scale much larger than lattice
and enlarges the spatial extension compared with the constant. The valley degeneracy at the bottom of
lattice constant. This enables us to employ the effec- conduction band is irrelevant except for quantitative
tive mass approximation for the impurity state (Kohn discussion of excited states (Section
and Luttingel, 1955).
If the bottom of the conduction band is nonde- Quantum Computer Using Si:P
generate in the host crystal, the wave function of the
impurity state is expressed as As an example of recent application of the above-
mentioned impurity state in Si:P, we briefly explain
ðrÞ ¼ F ðrÞuðrÞ ð2Þ a silicon-based nuclear spin quantum computer
where u(r) is the Bloch state at the bottom of con- proposed by Kane (1998). A phosphorus atom pos-
duction band. The smooth envelope function F(r) sesses a nuclear spin I¼1/2, which is used for a qubit
follows the effective mass equation in the proposed quantum computer. As shown in
  Figure 1(a), phosphorus atoms are aligned in a
h2 e2 one-dimensional array. Two kinds of metallic gates
–  – F ðrÞ ¼ EF ðrÞ ð3Þ
2m r are attached on the surface of the host silicon sepa-
The isotropy of the effective mass m is assumed. rated by a barrier of silicon oxide layer: A-gates are
Equation (3) yields a hydrogen 1s-like ground state located just above phosphorus atoms while J-gates
are between neighboring phosphorus atoms. For the
F ðrÞ ¼ ðaB3 Þ– 1=2 expð – r =aB Þ ð4Þ NMR, static and alternating magnetic fields are
applied on the whole system.
with the effective Bohr radius aB ¼ h =ðm e 2 Þ. Here
A nuclear spin I interacts with an electron spin S
aB  30 Å for the case of Si:P, which is indeed much trapped by a phosphorus atom through the contact
larger than the lattice constant. The binding energy hyperfine interaction
is given by E1s
¼ m e 4 =ð22 h2 Þ X Ry , where Ry is
called an effective Rydberg energy and Hhyperfine ¼ A I ? S ð6Þ
Ry  45 meV in Si:P. with A ¼ (32/3)Bgnnj (0)j2, where B is the Bohr
The shallow impurity state appears at Ry below magneton, and gn and n are nuclear g-factor and
the bottom of conduction band. At finite tempera- nuclear magneton, respectively. The (0) is the
tures, electrons are excited from the impurity state to value of the electron wave function at the position
the conduction band. Hence, the impurity atoms of of nucleus. The electronic states can be controlled
group-V element work as donors. electrically using metallic gates.
In a real case of Si (Ge), the conduction band has An idea of quantum computation is as follows.
six (eight) equivalent minima, the so-called valleys. Single-qubit operation. Nuclear spins I ¼ 1/2 in
The wave function of impurity state is given by phosphorus atoms can be controlled by the conven-
X tional NMR technique. To rotate one of the qubits
ðrÞ ¼ i Fi ðrÞui ðrÞ ð5Þ
selectively, we change the resonant frequency of the
qubit using the A-gate. An electric field applied on
where ui(r) is the Bloch state at the bottom of valley i, the A-gate pulls the electron wave function away
and the coefficients i are determined from the crys- from the donor and thus the value of (0) is reduced
tal symmetry. In the effective mass equation, we have (Figure 1(b)). As a result, the effective magnetic field
to take account of anisotropy of m, since an effective by the hyperfine interaction is decreased and hence
mass in the longitudinal direction ml is different from the resonant frequency of the nucleus decreases.
that in the transverse direction mt , where ml ¼ 0:98 Two-qubit operation. Two nuclear spins in adjacent
and mt ¼ 0:19 (ml ¼ 1:6 and mt ¼ 0:08) for Si (Ge) donors interact with each other through electrons
in units of the electron mass in the vacuum. For the trapped at the donors:
calculations considering the multivalley and aniso-
tropic effective mass, the reader is referred to H ¼ A1 I1 ? S1 þ A2 I2 ? S2 þ J S1 ? S2 ð7Þ
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 81

(a) A-gate J-gate By the random distribution of the impurities,

they form an impurity band in which the energy
levels are continuously distributed.
31P 31P 31P Si When the impurity concentration is low, the elec-
tronic states are still localized in space. Then, the
hopping transport is observed between the localized
(b) (c) J-gate states. By increasing the concentration above the
A-gate (V = 0) A-gate (V > 0) (V > 0) critical value, the insulating phase is changed to
metallic phase. In this section, we review the locali-
zation theories and the scaling theory of the MI
e− e− e−
transition from a historical point of view.
Figure 1 Schematic drawing of silicon-based nuclear spin
quantum computer proposed by Kane. (a) Phosphorus atoms
are aligned in a one-dimensional array in the host silicon. Each
phosphorus atom has a nuclear spin I ¼ 1/2, which is used as Impurity Conduction
a qubit, and weakly binds an electron. Two kinds of metallic
Various transport phenomena observed in the impur-
gates, A-gates and J-gates, are attached on the surface of
silicon. (b) Using A-gates, electron wave functions of the ity band are called impurity conduction. The
impurity state are modified, which changes the effective phenomenon of the impurity conduction was intro-
magnetic field on the nuclear spin through the hyperfine duced by Hung and Gliessman (1950) as a new
interaction. (c) Using J-gates, the antiferromagnetic coupling conduction mechanism at low temperatures in
J is tuned between electrons in adjacent phosphorus atoms.
doped silicon and germanium. Then, Fritzsche
Modified from Kane BE (1998) Nature 393: 133.
(1958) reported that in n-type-doped semiconductors
there are three regimes of donor concentration
where Ii and Si are nuclear and electron spins at donor according to the features of electronic conduction at
i. An antiferromagnetic interaction J works between low temperatures. In the low-concentration regime,
the electron spins, the strength of which can be con- each electron is trapped in the hydrogenic 1s state
trolled by changing the electron population between around each donor impurity. The conduction takes
the donor atoms using a J-gate. Through the control place at low temperatures only in compensated sam-
of electronic states using the J-gate, the energy differ- ples, where, besides donors, the smaller number of
ence between two states of the nuclear spins I1 and I2, acceptors are doped. In the compensated samples, the
þ and , can be tuned, where empty donor states coexist with the occupied ones
since the acceptors capture an extra electron. Then
 ¼ pffiffiffi ðj "i1 j #i2  j #i1 j "i2 Þ ð8Þ an electron in an occupied state can hop to a vacant
state, giving rise to an activation-type conductivity:
Here j"ii, j#ii indicate the states of Ii. In , nuclear
 ¼ 3 expð – "3 =kB T Þ ð9Þ
spins I1 and I2 are entangled with each other: when
spin 1 is j "i, spin 2 is j #i, while when spin 1 is j #i, (see Section As the impurity concentra-
spin 2 is j "i. The creation and control of the entan- tion is increased, there appears another insulating
glement is one of the key ingredients of the two-qubit regime called intermediate concentration regime. In
operations. this regime, the conduction is of activation type:
The combination of single- and two-qubit opera-
tions enables any quantum computation in principle  ¼ 2 expð – "2 =kB T Þ ð10Þ
(Nielsen and Chuang, 2000). The fundamental The activation energy "2 decreases with increasing
researches for this quantum computer are in progress. donor concentration and finally vanishes at the cri-
tical impurity concentration nc, where the MI
transition takes place. Above nc, the conduction
1.03.2 Localization Theories in becomes metallic.
Impurity Bands Summarizing the above results, the conductivity
is expressed in the form
When impurities of group-V element (P) are doped
in Si or Ge, the shallow impurity states appear just  ¼ 1 expð – "1 =kB T Þ þ 2 expð – "2 =kB T Þ
below the conduction band, as described in Section þ 3 expð – "3 =kB T Þ ð11Þ
82 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

Here, "1 is the energy required to eject an electron in a regular lattice (Hubbard, 1963, 1964a, 1964b;
into the conduction band. Mott, 1976):
As regards the origin of the concentration- X y
dependent activation energy, "2, it was first ascribed H¼ tij ci cj  þ U ni" ni# ð12Þ
ij  i
to the energy required to remove an electron from
one donor and transfer it on another donor that where ci and ci are creation and annihilation opera-
already has an electron. The final state is called tors of an electron at site i with spin , respectively.
D ion, that is, a negative donor ion. Figure 2 The transfer integral tij is a constant V for the nearest
shows that, with increasing donor concentration, neighbors and zero otherwise. Further, U is the
both the donor ground (1s) state and D state Coulomb energy when two electrons occupy the
broaden to form a band of energy levels. They are same site, or it corresponds to the energy of D
called D band and D band, respectively. In the state. Let us consider the half-filling case where the
uncompensated case, the D band is completely filled number of electrons is the same as the number of
by electrons and the conduction occurs only by lattice sites (donors), corresponding to the uncom-
exciting electrons from the D band to the D band. pensated case in doped semiconductors. When the
Thus, the activation energy, "2, corresponds to the distance between the donors is so large that the
energy gap between these bands. It is seen in transfer integral V is much smaller than interaction
Figure 2 that this gap energy, "2, decreases as the energy U, it is favorable that each electron stays at
donor concentration, nD, increases and finally it one donor owing to the repulsive interaction energy
vanishes at a certain concentration, nc, at which between two electrons. This is the case of insulating
the MI transition takes place. Since the appearance phase (Mott insulator). With increasing donor con-
of the D band is due to the electron-correlation centration, nD, the donor–donor distance decreases
effect in a donor atom, this MI transition was first and in consequence the transfer integral, V, increases:
considered as the Mott transition, which was the D and D bands in Figure 2, which are called
induced by electron–electron interaction. lower and upper Hubbard bands, respectively, in
terms of the Hubbard model, are broadened with V.
When V  U, the electrons move around to gain the Mott Transition kinetic energy, which corresponds to the metallic
phase. At a critical value of the concentration, nc,
Mott pointed out an important role of electron– the MI transition takes place. This MI transition
electron interaction in the electronic states, originally due to the electron–electron interaction is called
to explain the insulating character of NiO (Mott, Mott transition.
1990). If the disorder effect is irrelevant in the Nowadays, it is known that the disorder effect
impurity band, the simplest model to consider the is relevant to the MI transition in the impurity
electron–electron interaction is the Hubbard model band (Anderson transition) rather than the elec-
tron–electron interaction (Mott transition). On the
other hand, the Hubbard model has been intensively
studied in the context to investigate the strongly
D − state D − band correlated systems, including copper-oxide materi-
ε2 als of high-Tc superconductivity (see a review
article by Imada et al. (1998)).
D state D band

nD Effects of Localization and

Anderson Transition
Figure 2 Schematic illustration of D and D bands as a
function of donor concentration (nD). When each donor Anderson (1958) showed that in a random potential
impurity has one electron, the D band is completely filled by one-electron wave functions are localized if the ran-
the electrons when nD is smaller than the critical value (nc).
dom potential is strong enough. Following
Thus, an extra electron is accommodated in the D band,
while a hole exists in the D band when an electron is taken Anderson’s theory, Mott (1967) and Cohen et al.
out from a donor impurity. In this sense, the D and D bands (1969) introduced the concept of the mobility edge
are the bands for quasi-particles. in such a way that the electronic states caused by the
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 83

disorder are localized in one energy range and (a)

extended in another, both ranges being separated

from each other by a critical energy Ec:
ðEÞ ¼ 0 for E < Ec r
ðEÞ 6¼ 0 for E > Ec
where (E) represents the mobility at energy E. This
is why Ec is called as the mobility edge.
In the late 1960s, Mott developed an idea of exp(−|r − r0| /ξ)

localization by disorder and suggested that the effect
of disorder plays an important role in the impurity
band (Mott, 1990; Mott and Davis, 1979). According r0
to his idea, at low donor concentration all states in
the D band are localized in the Anderson sense,
which he called Anderson-localized states. As the
donor concentration nD increases, D and D bands Figure 4 Wave function of an electron in (a) extended
states and (b) Anderson-localized states.
broaden and eventually overlap with each other. In
this case the states at the upper part of the D band
become extended, as in Figure 3, and a mobility edge
Ec separates extended states from localized states. The existence of localized states around EF for
This is the situation in the intermediate concentra- nD < nc was supported by experimental results of
tion regime, where the current is carried by electrons variable-range hopping conduction in Ge:Sb at very
excited above the mobility edge Ec. The activation low temperatures in the intermediate concentration
energy, "2, in Equation (10) is thus given by regime by Allien and Adkins (1972). Prior to their
experiment, the conduction was predicted by Mott
" 2 ¼ Ec – EF ð14Þ (1968), in which the conductivity varies with tem-
where EF is the Fermi energy. perature T as
As nD further increases, Ec  EF diminishes and even-
hop ¼ 4 expð – A=T 1=4 Þ ð15Þ
tually disappears at nD ¼ nc. For nD > nc, the system
shows a metallic behavior. In this case, the mechan- This hopping conduction is treated in detail in
ism of the MI transition is of one-electron nature, Section 1.03.4.
namely, at nc the wave function at EF changes from a In addition to the concept of the variable-range
localized nature illustrated in Figure 4(b) to an hopping conduction, Mott (1970, 1972) also pro-
extended one in Figure 4(a). This MI transition is posed another important concept, minimum
called where Ef is the Fermi energy Anderson transi- metallic conductivity. According to his idea, the
tion. It was suggested that the MI transition at nc in zero-temperature conductivity  (T ¼ 0) jumps at
doped semiconductors is of Anderson type rather nc from zero in the insulating phase to a minimum
than Mott type. metallic value given by

D(E) min ¼ const  e 2 =ðhnc– 1=3 Þ ð16Þ

where the constant is 1/20 within a factor of 2. An

intuitive derivation of min is as follows. In the metal-
lic regime, the conductivity can be expressed by the
Drude formula,  ¼ e 2 kF2 l=ð32 hÞ, where kF is the
wavevector at the Fermi level and l is the mean free
path. With increasing disorder, the mean free path
decreases but it cannot go below the wavelength 1/kF
EF Ec where the Drude formula becomes meaningless.
Figure 3 Schematic drawing of the electronic density of
Therefore,  should be larger than the value
states in the intermediate concentration regime. Electronic which is estimated by  at kFl  1. Mott called
states are localized at E < Ec (hatched region). min as the minimum metallic conductivity, and
84 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

using the Kubo–Greenwood relationship he showed scaling idea of Thouless (1974) to the systems of
that 2 in Equation (10) is equal to min. larger size. In the scaling arguments, Thouless
Although the scaling theory does not favor the related the degree of localization to the sensitivity
presence of min, as we see later, the concepts of of the energy levels to the boundary condition. For
minimum metallic conductivity and variable-range samples of size L, a dimensionless conductance is
hopping stimulated many researchers in the field of defined by
disordered systems.
gðLÞ ¼ "ðLÞ="ðLÞ ð18Þ
where "(L) is the mean shift of the energy levels by
changing the boundary condition from periodic to Computer Studies of Anderson
antiperiodic and "(L) is the mean spacing of energy
levels. If the wave functions at energy E are localized
Through a number of attempts to check the validity with an exponential envelop, like
of Mott’s concepts theoretically and experimentally,
much progress was made in the research of disor- j ðrÞj  exp½ – ðEÞjr – r0 j ð19Þ
dered systems in the 1970s. As one such attempt, with (E) being the inverse localization length, then
various theoretical groups tried to calculate the elec- "(L) and hence g(L) will behave as
tronic structures and metallic conductivity of
disordered systems by computer simulation. The gðLÞ ¼ exp½ – 2ðEÞL ð20Þ
computer simulation is based on the Hamiltonian If the wave functions are extended, on the other
proposed by Anderson (1958), called the Anderson hand, "(L) should be basically independent of L.
model. The Anderson model is essentially a tight- Then, g(L) yields the conductance in units of e2/h.
binding model in a regular lattice, with on-site ener- The quantity g is often called the Thouless number.
gies distributed randomly. In the notation of second Licciardello and Thouless found that, with suffi-
quantization, the Anderson model is expressed by the ciently large sample sizes, the states identified as
Hamiltonian extended previously exhibit the Thouless number
X y
X y that decreases with increasing sample size. They
H¼ "i ci ci þ tij ci cj  ð17Þ
i ij 
suggested, therefore, that these states are actually
localized states with long localization lengths. This
where i, j represent the sites in a regular lattice. The also meant that their earlier results, which were con-
one-electron energy, "i, which takes a random value, sistent with the existence of minimum metallic
is uniformly distributed over the range from W/2 conductivity, might not be conclusive.
to W/2. The transfer integral is tij ¼ V for the nearest This conclusion affected the research on disor-
neighbors and zero otherwise. The computer simula- dered systems since most researchers had assumed
tion can be carried out more easily for two- the existence of the minimum metallic conductivity.
dimensional systems than three-dimensional systems. Since the computer simulation was limited to sys-
Edwards and Thouless (1972) were probably the tems of finite size, it was necessary to derive real
pioneers for such a calculation. Yoshino and conductance in a system of infinite size. For this
Okazaki (1976, 1977) performed elaborate calcula- purpose, the scaling theory was most appropriate.
tions on a square lattice of size 100  100 and This was the dawn of the scaling theory of
obtained the eigenstates in this system. They found localization.
that for W/V ¼ 8 the wave functions at the center of
the band are strongly localized and decay exponen-
tially with a localization length of about 5 atomic Scaling Theory of Localization
spacings. Further, they inferred that the MI transition
might take place at W/V  6.5. Abrahams et al. (1979) developed a scaling theory
Although the existence of exponentially localized based on the arguments of Thouless (1974). The
states in two dimensions was established from their problem concerns the behavior of the conductance g
results, there remained a problem concerning the in Equation (18) when the linear-dimension L of the
existence of extended states. Licciardello and system is changed. To change the system size, cubes
Thouless (1978) extended their earlier calculations of size L in d dimensions are put together to make a
(Licciardello and Thouless, 1975a,b) based on the larger cube of size bL. Abrahams et al. (1979, 1980)
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 85

asserted that g(L) is the relevant dimensionless ratio 2. For d ¼ 2, there is no true metallic conduction. All
that determines the change of energy levels when the the states are localized in the limit of infinite
hypercubes are fitted together. Thus, when a new g system size. The conductance as a function of L
for larger blocks is computed, the only relevant quan- always decreases with increasing L in two dimen-
tity determining the new g(bL) is the old one, namely sions, with a logarithmic dependence for small g
g(L). Hence, and an exponential dependence for larger g.
gðbLÞ ¼ f ½b; gðLÞ ð21Þ
The scaling theory gave great impetus to the
where f is a universal function depending only on the problem of the impurity conduction. In order to
dimensionality of the system. Taking an infinitesimal check experimentally whether or not the minimum
increase in the scale size, b ¼ 1 þ ", Abrahams et al. metallic conductivity exists at the MI transition in
obtained the following scaling equation for g(L): doped semiconductors, Rosenbaum et al. (1980) mea-
  sured the conductivity of uncompensated Si:P
d ln gðLÞ 1 qf ðb; gÞ
¼ X ðgÞ ð22Þ samples with donor concentration very close to the
d ln L gðLÞ qb b¼1 MI transition. Their result indicates that the transi-
where (g) is called scaling function. tion is very sharp but the conductivity extrapolated
The asymptotic forms of (g) are given for g ! 0 to T ¼ 0 goes below the value of the minimum metal-
and g ! 1 in the following: (1) in the strongly loca- lic conductivity, min, predicted by Mott. Paalanen
lized regime (g ! 0), we have g(L) _ exp(2L/
) et al. (1982) tried to confirm the above-mentioned
being the localization length, so that (g) ! experimental results by making a high-resolution,
ln g þ constant; and (2) in the opposite limit of g !1, zero-temperature study of the MI transition, apply-
the conductance is given in terms of the conductivity ing uniaxial stress to one sample of slightly insulating
, as g(L) _ Ld  2 in d space dimensions, which concentration. Figure 6 shows their experimental
yields (g) ! d  2. Assuming that (g) is monotonic results, which can be fitted by the form
in g, Abrahams et al. obtained the behavior of the
ð0Þ ¼ c ½ðn=nc Þ – 1 & ð23Þ
scaling function as a function of g for one (d ¼ 1),
two (d ¼ 2), and three (d ¼ 3) dimensions, as illu- with n being the electron concentration (n ¼ nD in
strated in Figure 5. Important conclusions deduced the uncompensated samples), where c ¼ 260  20
from the figure are:
1. For dimensionality d > 2, there exists a mobility
edge at which conductivity continuously tends to 103
zero. This implied that, first, there is no minimum Insulator Metal
metallic conductivity, and, second, d ¼ 2 is the
lower critical dimensionality, above which both
σ (T = 0) (Ω−1cm−1)

extended and localized states can exist. 102

gc d=3

0 g
−1 1
0 2 4 6
nD (1018 cm−3)

Figure 6 Experimental results for zero-temperature

conductivity (0) shown against the donor concentration nD
for Si:P systems obtained by Paalanen et al. (1982) (open
Figure 5 Schematic drawing of scaling function (g) in circles) and by Rosenbaum et al. (1980) (solid circles).
one, two, and three dimensions. Arrows indicate the flow Modified after Rosenbaum TF, Andres K, Thomas GA, and
toward larger scales. Bhatt RN (1980) Physical Review Letters 45: 1723.
86 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

( cm)1 and ¼ 0.55  0.10. This observed criti- determine the critical exponent (Milligan et al.,
cal behavior is not consistent with the scaling theory 1985; Löhneysen, 2003). Recently, Itoh et al. (1996,
by Abrahams et al. that predicted ¼ 1. The incon- 2004) performed a detailed study for the critical
sistency between the scaling theory and experimental behavior of conductivity on the metallic side and
result in Figure 6 may suggest an important role of that of dielectric susceptibility on the insulator side
the electron correlation at the transition in Si:P sys- in homogeneously doped p-type Ge samples. To
tems, which is not taken into account in the scaling examine the vicinity of the MI transition, the pre-
theory. paration of homogeneously doped samples is
The experimental result for another required. For this purpose, they employed the neu-
three-dimensional disordered system, Si-doped Alx tron transmutation doping (NTD) technique to a
Ga1xAs, is shown in Figure 7 (Katsumoto et al., chemically pure and isotropically enriched 70Ge
1987). In this system, carriers are created when elec- crystal. When the samples are irradiated with ther-
trons trapped in deep donor states are photoexcited to mal neutrons, some of the 70Ge atoms capture a
conductive states, resulting in the persistent photo- neutron and change to 71Ga acceptors. This NTD
conductivity. By this method, Katsumoto et al. tuned technique enables homogeneous doping to the
the electron concentration, n, to a resolution of 0.2% atomic level and fine-tuning of the carrier concen-
around the critical concentration. Figure 7 clearly tration. They concluded that  1 for compensated
shows that the conductivity changes as  _ n/nc  1 samples and  0.5 for uncompensated samples (Itoh
in the metallic region (n > nc), indicating ¼ 1 in et al., 1996, 2004). Even in uncompensated samples,
accordance with the scaling theory. the critical behavior with  1 was observed in the
Regarding the puzzle of a critical exponent, that very vicinity of MI transition. However, this should
is, about a question of whether the value of is be attributable to unexpected compensation effect.
explained by the scaling theory or not, there have Their experimental result implies that the scaling
been a significant amount of experimental work to theory can describe the MI transition for the com-
pensated samples but cannot for the uncompensated
samples, possibly due to strong correlation effect in
n (1016 cm−3)
the latter. In this context, the understanding of the
2.4 2.8 MI transition requires further theoretical studies,
taking into account the electron–electron interaction
(Kawabata, 1985; Altshuler and Aronov, 1985;
Fukuyama, 1985; Kaveh, 1985; Di Castro, 1988;
0.4 Belitz and Kirkpatrick, 1994).
σ (S cm−1)

2 0.2
1.03.3 Electron–Electron
Interactions in Impurity Bands
0 0.02
There are two main streams of theoretical approach
to investigate the MI transition in doped semicon-
ductors, which are complementary to each other.
The first stream of approach starts from the free-
0 electron picture in the metallic phase and investi-
520 600 gates how the localized states begin to be formed by
Total exposure time (a.u.) the scattering of free electrons with impurities. These
Figure 7 Experimental results for the conductivity as a studies were prevalent with use of the diagrammatic
function of the concentration of photoexcited electrons in Si- expansion and renormalization technique for the
doped AlxGa1xAs. The carrier concentration n is tuned by so-called weakly localized regime of doped semicon-
changing the total exposure time of light. The conductivity 
ductors (Lee and Ramakrishnan, 1985). The second
changes as  _ nD/nc  1 in the metallic region (n > nc) in the
vicinity of critical concentration nc (inset). Modified from stream of approach covers the insulating phase con-
Katsumoto S, Komori F, Sano N, and Kobayashi S (1987) sisting of the Anderson-localized states and
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 56: 2259. investigates the Anderson localization itself.
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 87

In this section, we describe the theoretical work both random variables, while the second part
along the latter stream (Kurobe and Kamimura, 1982, represents the electron–electron Coulomb interac-
1983; Kamimura, 1986, 1985, 1978b, 1978a, 1980, tion U, where hij jU jkl i is its matrix element. If we
1982; Kamimura and Yamaguchi, 1978; Yamaguchi adopt the eigenstates of H0 as a set of basis func-
et al., 1979, 1980; Kamimura et al., 1982, 1983; tions, called transfer-diagonal representation, the
Takemori and Kamimura, 1982, 1983a, 1983b; Hamiltonian can be rewritten as
Kurobe et al., 1984). In the preceding section, we X 1X
have already seen that both the electron correlation H¼ " n̂ þ U n̂ n̂ – 

and disorder play important roles in the MI transi- 1 X9 X y y
tions in doped semiconductors. Here, we would like þ U  c c 9 c9 c  ð25Þ
2   9
to point out remarkable effects of electron–electron 

interaction in the intermediate concentration regime where ji represents an eigenstate of H0 with eigen-
of doped semiconductors. In this regime, T-linear energy ". It is expressed as
specific heat was observed by Kobayashi et al. X
(1977). This fact means that the density of states at ji ¼ vi jii ð26Þ
the Fermi level D(EF) is finite in spite of the insulat-
ing phase. Nevertheless, the spin susceptibility does with a unitary matrix vi. Here, the one-electron
not obey the Pauli law. Ue and Maekawa (1971) and energy " is also a random variable. We have also
Quirt and Marko (1972a,b) observed Curie-type sus- introduced the notation of
ceptibility in the intermediate concentration regime
in electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments. The n̂ X c c ; U  X h jU j i; U X U
occurrence of the Curie-type susceptibility should be In Equation (25) we have separated the electron–
ascribable to the effect of electron correlation, as electron interactions into those within a state ji
pointed out by various authors (Kamimura, 1978a, and the remaining off-diagonal interactions,
1978b; Kapian et al., 1971; Kobayashi et al., 1978). denoted by the summation 9 excluding the case
Therefore, we have to investigate the electronic of  ¼ ¼ ¼ . The former are called intrastate
states in the intermediate concentration regime, tak- interactions and the latter interstate interactions.
ing into account both effect of the electron–electron The interstate interactions are further classified
interaction and disorder on an equal footing. into direct Coulomb U  , direct exchange
U , and the remaining interactions as we shall
see later. Theoretical Formulation Transfer diagonal
representation Anderson-localized states
Following Kamimura (1985, 1982), the Hamiltonian in If there is stronger disorder, the transfer-diagonal
the presence of both disorder and electron–electron representation bases ji are localized in the
interaction is written generally in the tight-binding Anderson sense although there exist also extended
scheme as states above the mobility edge. In the strongly loca-
lized regime the amplitude of the wave functions
H ¼ H0 þ H1 decreases with the distance apart from the localiza-
P y P y tion center, on the average, in an exponential
H0 ¼ "i ci ci þ tij ci cj 
i ij  ð24Þ envelope function (Figure 3(b)). Thus, the coeffi-
1XX y y cients in the linear combination of impurity wave
H1 ¼ hij jU jklici cj 9 cl9 ck
2 ijkl 9
functions in Equation (26) can be written as

where y
ci and ci are the creation and annihilation vi ¼ v~i expð – jri – r j=
 Þ ð27Þ
operators of an electron at the ith site with spin , where v~i represents a random phase factor,
respectively, ji i is a Wannier function at the ith localization length, and r the center of the localized
site with one-electron energy "i, and tij is the state ji. From the normalization condition, hji ¼ 1,
transfer integral between ith and jth sites. In this we obtain
Hamiltonian, the first part represents the single-
particle Hamiltonian with "i and tij, which are jvei j2 ¼ 4ðR0 =
 Þ3 =3 ð28Þ
88 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

where R0 is half the average distance between For

¼ R0, the most probable values of the spin-
impurities defined by dependent nearest-neighbor interactions are esti-
mated to be
4R30 =3 ¼ 1=nD ð29Þ  
U < 0:47U ð35Þ
In deriving Equation (28), the summation over the 
impurity sites has been replaced by the integral over and
the whole space divided by the average volume  
U  < 0:31U ð36Þ
occupied by each impurity. The quantity
 is a 
function of one-electron energy " and considered These values are, however, still overestimates,
to have the following critical behavior in the vicinity because if we are to consider only the localized states
of the mobility edge Ec: with state energies close to each other, the average

 =aB _ j1 – " =Ec j – ð30Þ distance between their localization centers r must
be larger than the average impurity distance R0, and
where is the critical exponent and aB is the effective the interactions between them should be much smal-
Bohr radius. ler than the values estimated above.
It must be noted that the above estimates of inter-
action terms are made for the case where
is of an Interaction terms order of R0. If the impurity concentration is increased
Bearing the form of Equation (27) in mind, we can to approach nc, U becomes smaller as localization
estimate the magnitudes of interaction terms U and becomes weaker and all the interaction terms U 
U . If we neglect the overlaps between different will be of the same order of magnitude.
Wannier states, we obtain
U  ¼ vi vj vi vj  hij jU jij i ð31Þ
ij Theory of Intrastate Interaction

If we further assume that an intra-Wannier-state As shown in the previous subsection, in the

correlation energy hiijU jiii is a constant U0 and a Anderson-localized regime the interstate interactions
Coulomb potential between different Wannier states are small compared with the intrastate interaction
has a functional form of hij jU jiji ¼ e2/ jri  rj j, the except in the vicinity of the MI transition. Thus, in
largest is the intrastate interaction energy U and is this regime it is reasonable to consider only the
estimated to be intrastate interaction as the first approximation, and
  we consider the following Hamiltonian:
1 4U0 R30 5e 2 X
U  þ ð32Þ 1X
8 3
3 8
  H¼ " n̂ þ U n̂ n̂ –  ð37Þ

The first term dominates in the Anderson-localized
regime where the localization length is comparable On the basis of this Hamiltonian, Yamaguchi et al.
to the average impurity distance. In such a case, the (1979, 1980) investigated the interplay of disorder
intrastate interaction energy depends on the state and intrastate interaction in the Anderson-localized
energy in the following way: regime. The effects of interstate interactions, which
are neglected in this subsection, are discussed in the
U =U0 _ ð1 – " =Ec Þ3 ð33Þ following subsection.
Since there is no electron transfer in Hamiltonian
if we adopt the form of Equation (30) as the state-
(37), the eigenstates are given by single configura-
energy dependence of localization length
tions for electron occupation of one-electron states.
Similarly, we can estimate the magnitudes of the
For each state , there are four possible values of
other interactions U  (Kamimura, 1985; Takemori
energy E, corresponding to the four different electron
and Kamimura, 1983). Assuming the random distri-
occupancies of the state: (i) E ¼ 0 when state ji is
bution of localization centers, the distribution of
empty; (ii) E ¼ " þ BH when occupied by a spin-up
nearest-neighbor distance is given by the Poisson
electron; (iii) E ¼ "BH when occupied by a spin-
down electron; and (iv) E ¼ 2" þ U when occupied
d by spin-up and -down electrons, where we have
PðRÞ ¼ exp½ – ðR=R0 Þ3 ð34Þ
dR included the Zeeman energy in an external magnetic
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 89

field H. Denoting the chemical potential by , the E E

partition function  is then given by
" –  þ B H

¼ 1 þ exp –
kB T
"  –  – B H 2" – 2 þ U
þ exp – þ exp –
kB T kB T
so that the free energy is expressed as an independent
sum over states 
F ¼ – kB T ln    
X "  –  þ B H
¼ – kB T ln 1 þ exp –

kB T
"  –  – B H 2" – 2 þ U D1(E) N/W N/W D2(E)
þ exp – þ exp –
kB T kB T Figure 8 Density of states for the first electrons, D1(E),
ð39Þ  6, where U
and that for the second electrons, D2(E). W=U¼ 
is defined by Equation (46). Regions corresponding to singly
The average occupation number of state  with spin and doubly occupied states are shown by hatched and
 ¼  is calculated from this free energy as cross-hatched areas, respectively.
q F
hn i ¼ kB T
q" kB T constant density of states is assumed for the state

e þe U energy distribution for 0
W. Then
¼ 8
1 þ eþ þ e – þ eU
< 1=W for 0
where " ¼ " þ BH with  ¼ . We have abbre- D1 ðEÞ ¼ ð42Þ
: 0 otherwise
viated as e ¼ exp[("  þ BH)/kBT] and
eU ¼ exp[(2" þ U  2)/kBT]. The chemical
potential  is determined by the condition
The density of second-electron states D2(E) is related
hn i ¼ ne ð41Þ to D1(E) by
dU – 1
where ne is the concentration of electrons. D2 ð" þ U Þ ¼ D1 ð" Þ 1 þ ð43Þ
According to Hamiltonian (37), an energy " is
required for the first electron to occupy state  while This is enhanced over D1(E) because the intrastate
an energy " þ U is necessary for the second elec- correlation energy, U, is a decreasing function of
tron to occupy the state which is already occupied by state energy ("), as seen in Equation (33).
another electron of opposite spin. If the energy for
the second electron " þ U is below the Fermi level, Spin susceptibility and
the state is occupied by two electrons. If " þ U is specific heat
above the Fermi level, on the other hand, this state The expression for a magnetic moment M(H) is
cannot accommodate two electrons even if the one- obtained from the free energy (39):
electron state energy " is below the Fermi level. In qF X eþ – e –
consequence, at and below the Fermi level there are MðH Þ ¼ ¼ B þ þ e – þ eU
1 þ e
the states that are occupied by only one electron
(singly occupied (SO) states) as well as those that The spin susceptibility is given by  ¼ (qM/ qH)H !0.
are doubly occupied (DO states). The states with Similarly, the specific heat C(H) is obtained from
energy higher than the Fermi level are unoccupied  
q2 F ðq2 F =qT qÞ2
(UO states). The density of states for the first electron CðH Þ ¼ – T – ð45Þ
qT 2 q2 F =q2
and that for the second electron to occupy a state are
denoted by D1(E) and D2(E), respectively, and these Yamaguchi et al. (1979, 1980) calculated the tempera-
are shown schematically in Figure 8, where a ture dependence of susceptibility and specific heat
90 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

for the case of half-filled band. They took into (a)

account the explicit dependence of U on the state
energy " in Equation (33), where the mobility edge 10
was assumed to be located at the top of the band
(Ec ¼ W). The only parameters in the theory are the
bandwidth W and the averaged magnitude of the

χ (μ 2B n/W )
intrastate interaction energy:
10 20 40 80
Z W 1
U ¼ U ðEÞ dE ð46Þ
W 0
W/U = 5
The numerical results of spin susceptibility and spe-
cific heat are presented in Figure 9 for several values
of W=U . 0.1
As seen in Figure 9(a), the spin susceptibility 0.1 1 10
shows Curie-type behavior at low temperatures so kB T/U
that kB T U . This is due to the localized spins of (b) 0.6
SO states and is expressed as
  2B nS =kB T ð47Þ
where ns is the number of SO states per unit volume. It
should be noted that the appearance of this Curie-type 10
susceptibility is the result of the intrastate interaction,
because in the absence of this interaction the Pauli-
C/kB n

type susceptibility is expected from the finite density 6

of states at the Fermi level. As an increase in tempera-
W/U = 5
ture T, the susceptibility gradually becomes less
dependent on T and tends to show a Pauli-type beha- 0.2
vior in the temperature range of U kB T W
when W is much larger than U . When the temperature
is further increased beyond the state-energy distribu-
tion width W, electrons are no longer degenerate and
the susceptibility becomes again of Curie type:
0 0.05 0.10 0.15
  2B ne =kB T ð48Þ kBT/W
In this case, the total number of electrons ne Figure 9 (a) Calculated results of spin susceptibility  as a
contributes to . function of temperature T in logarithmic scales, using a model
The calculated results of electronic specific heat with an energy-dependent intrastate interaction U. The value
of W=U  is indicated in the panel. (b) Calculated results of
are shown in Figure 9(b), in the absence of magnetic
electronic specific heat C as a function of temperature T,
field (H ¼ 0). At low temperatures, the specific heat is using the same model as in (a). The dotted line represents the
a superposition of Schottky-type specific heat corre- specific heat in the absence of electron–electron interaction.
sponding to the fluctuation of occupation number at Modified from Yamaguchi E, Aoki H, and Kamimura H (1979)
each state . The superposition of the specific heat Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 12: 4801.
with various excitation energies results in the
T-linear behavior, which reflects the density of states We stress that the T-linear behavior of the electronic
at the Fermi level: specific heat is a result of the continuous distribution
of the random energy ".
C ¼ 2kB2 T ½D1 ðEF Þ þ D2 ðEF Þ I ð49Þ

where Comparison with experiment

Z on Si:P
x2e x Let us now compare the calculated results with the
I ¼ dx  1:885 ð50Þ
x 2
– 1 ð1 þ 2e Þ experimental data on phosphorus-doped silicon
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 91

(Si:P) in the intermediate concentration regime, Interstate Interactions

where the phosphorus concentration, nD, is between Direct and kinetic-type
1.0  1018 and 3.2  1018 cm3 (see, e.g., a review
article by Kamimura (1980)). The spin susceptibility
The SO states carry a localized spin of S ¼ 1/2. If
was first measured by Sasaki and Kinoshita (1968)
there are interactions among these spins, they are
using a static method and then by Ue and Maekawa
expected to affect the spin susceptibility and to give
(1971) and by Quirt and Marko (1972a, 1972b) using
an excess specific heat which is dependent on an
the ESR method. The overall behavior of spin sus-
external magnetic field.
ceptibility is of Curie type at low temperatures (see
It was seen in Figure 10 that there appears an
Figure 11 in the next subsection), consistent with the
excess specific heat over the T-linear behavior at
present theory with intrastate interaction.
temperatures below 2 K. This anomaly in the specific
The specific heat of Si:P was measured by Marko
heat of Si:P was first observed by Marko et al. (1974)
et al. (1974) and by Kobayashi et al. (1977, 1979).
Figure 10 shows the experimental data of the elec- and was investigated in detail by Kobayashi et al.
tronic specific heat taken by Kobayashi et al. (1977). (1979) for various samples of different donor concen-
The specific heat is almost T-linear, as is also trations in the presence of magnetic field. Kobayashi
expected from the present theory, except at very et al. observed that the hump in the specific heat
low temperatures below 2 K. The anomaly at low grows and shifts to higher temperatures with increas-
temperatures is discussed in the next subsection. ing magnetic field. These results suggest that the
We can determine the values of parameters in the excess specific heat is due to the freezing of the
theory by fitting the calculated results to the experi- spin degrees of freedom in the SO states. The spin
mental data. Yamaguchi et al. (1979) found that susceptibility of Si:P at low temperatures, on the
W ¼ 19 meV and U ¼ 3.4 meV by fitting to the sus- other hand, was investigated in detail by Andres
ceptibility and the specific heat observed for et al. (1981) for samples of donor concentration
nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3. The solid line in Figure 10 between 1.1  1017 and 4.0  1018 cm3, at tempera-
shows the results calculated for these values of the tures down to 2 mK. Figure 11 shows the Curie–
parameters. Weiss plot of the molar donor susceptibility for

20 18 −3
n =1.2 × 10
18 −3
cm 0.7 × 10 cm
100 D
C (μJK −1 mol−1)

χ−1 (mole/e.m.u.)

18 −3
0.1 × 10 cm

18 −3
n =3.7 × 10 cm
100 D

0 2 4 50
T (K)
Figure 10 Electronic specific heat of Si:P for 0 2 4
nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3 as a function of temperature. The full
T (K)
curve represents the theoretical result by Yamaguchi et al.
(1979) with W ¼ 19 and U ¼ 3.4 meV, whereas the circles Figure 11 Curie–Weiss plots of the molar donor
represent the experimental result reported by Kobayashi susceptibility for several concentrations of phosphorus
et al. (1977). The enhanced region of the specific heat above reported by Andres et al. (1981). The solid line shows
the T-linear line is shown as the hatched area. free-spin behavior.
92 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

several samples. The solid straight line in the figure with

indicates the free-spin behavior. It is seen from the kin jU j2
figure that the susceptibility increases monotonically J ¼ ð52Þ
U þ " – "
as if it were to diverge with decreasing temperature,
in the same temperature range as the excess specific Since J kin
is always positive, the energy of the singlet
heat is observed. state is lowered. In this view, the interstate interac-
In this subsection, the microscopic origin of these tion resulting from U is called the kinetic-type
features is discussed by taking into account the inter- exchange interaction although in this case the mixing
state interactions U  in the last term of matrix elements arise from the electron–electron
Hamiltonian (25). As estimated in Section, interaction, but not from the transfer terms.
the dominant spin-dependent interstate interactions The direct-exchange interaction J dir
ðX U  Þ
are U  and U . The first type is the direct which favors the spin-triplet configuration also exists
exchange, which favors the parallel-spin configura- between SO states  and , as already mentioned.
tion of two SO states  and , just like the Hund’s Thus, the spin Hamiltonian for the SO states  and
rule in atoms, because the Anderson-localized states can be written as
ji are orthogonal to each other.
Now, we discuss the effect of the second type of H ¼ – J ðr Þ S ? S ð53Þ
interaction, U , which also acts between SO where S ¼ S ¼ 1/2 and J ¼ J dir kin
– J . The
states (Kamimura, 1982; Yamaguchi et al., 1979; dependence of J dir
on the distance between
Takemori and Kamimura, 1982). Suppose we con- the localization centers in states  and , r , is the
sider two-electron configurations shown in same as J kin
in Equation (52) and both decay expo-
Figure 12, one in which there are two SO states nentially with the distance r . We reasonably
 and with their spins being antiparallel to each assume the following form for the exchange interac-
other, and the other in which two electrons occupy tion J (r ):
the same state . We denote the former and latter
configurations by 1 ¼ j", #i and 2 ¼ j", #i, J ðr Þ ¼ J0 expð – 2r =
Þ ð54Þ
respectively. Then, the interstate interaction where
represents the localization length, which is
y y
U c" c# c # c" mixes states 2 and 1. This assumed here to be independent of states  and .
type of configuration interaction always favors The sign of J may be positive or negative, depend-
energetically the spin-singlet state for a pair of ing on the relative magnitude of the direct and
electrons by transferring an electron virtually kinetic-type exchanges.
from state j #i to state j#i. By the second-
order perturbation calculation with respect to Spin-pair model
U , the change of the energy of state 1, As we have a spin system with a network of effective
Ekin, can be expressed in the following spin exchange interactions J which take randomly posi-
Hamiltonian: tive or negative values, we are faced with an
  intractable problem of the random spin glass. In
kin kin 1
E ¼ J S ?S – ð51Þ order to calculate the specific heat and magnetization
of the spin system of SO states, a simple model of spin
pairs was proposed by Takemori and Kamimura
(1982) as a first approximation of treating such a
system. As we consider the concentration region
where the localization length is close to half the
average impurity distance R0, there are a few SO
α β α β states within the distance
from a localization center,
and we expect that the behavior of each localized
spin is most strongly influenced by the spin nearest to
it. In fact, if localization centers are randomly dis-
Mixed by Uαααβ
tributed with
¼ R0 and 30% of electrons are in the
Figure 12 Two-electron configurations mixed by kinetic- SO states, which is actually the case for Si:P of
type exchange process. nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3 as seen later, the probability of
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 93

finding more than two SO states within the distance

where h¼2BH/kBT and j¼J/kBT. These values are
from a localization center of SO state is less than evaluated numerically as functions of temperature T
3.7%. Moreover, when the nearest spin is located and magnetic field H for various values of the
/2, the probability that the interaction with parameters. Let us first consider the cases of spin-
the next-nearest spin exceeds 1/e of the interaction triplet (S¼1) pairs or spin-singlet (S¼0) pairs only.
with the nearest spin is less than 16%. Therefore, one The calculated results are shown in Figure 13.
can assume that each localized spin of SO state forms The spin susceptibility is small for the spin-singlet
a pair with its nearest neighbor, so that the whole case, while it is approximately of Curie type for
spin system can be regarded as an ensemble of non- the spin-triplet case but with slight deviation from
interacting spin pairs. the Curie law due to the existence of excited states
Let us now proceed with the spin-pair model. By of spin singlet. The specific heat is quite small at
the interaction (53), each pair splits into a spin-triplet H¼0 for the spin-triplet pairs because the ground
state (S ¼ 1) and a spin-singlet state (S ¼ 0) with the state is triply degenerate, so that there is residual
energy difference J . The partition function of the entropy at T¼0. It then rises sharply with an
spin pair with exchange interaction J is given by external magnetic field and the peak shifts to
higher temperatures as the field is increased. For
ZðJ Þ ¼ 1 þ 2coshð2B H =kB T Þ þ expð – J =kB T Þ ð55Þ the spin-singlet pairs, the specific heat is insensi-
and the free energy of the spin system is expressed as tive to the magnetic field.
X Although the calculated susceptibility for the spin-
F ¼ – kB T lnZðJ Þ ð56Þ triplet pairs can explain the Curie-type susceptibility
pairs observed in Si:P, the calculated results of specific heat
If the probability distribution function of the random give too sharp rise with increasing magnetic field and
values of J is denoted by P(J), Equation (56) can be are not consistent with the observation. A good fit to
written in the form the experimental results for both C and  is obtained
Z by mixing an equal number of spin-triplet and singlet
nS pairs. The calculated results of specific heat in this
F¼ – kB T dJPðJ ÞlnZðJ Þ ð57Þ
2 case are shown in Figure 14 together with the
where ns is the number of SO states per unit volume. experimental data taken by Kobayashi et al. (1979).
Function P(J) is determined, for example, from The best fit values are jJ0 j ¼ 5.1 K, nþ/n ¼ 1.0,
Equation (54) with Poisson distribution for the dis- ns ¼ 0.3nD ¼ 5.6  1017 cm3, and
¼ 81 Å.
tance between localization centers. For simplicity, we Although the spin-pair model is simple, the best-
assume an equal magnitude of jJ0 j for both positive fit values of the parameters seem reasonable. The mag-
and negative J . Then, the parameters we have are nitude jJ0 j is of the order of the intrastate interaction.
jJ0 j, the ratio of the number of spin-triplet pairs to The localization length and the number of SO states do
that of spin-singlet pairs, nþ/n, the number of SO not contradict the estimates made by the intrastate-
states ns ( ¼ nþþ n), and the localization length
. interaction theory. The number of SO states,
ns/nD ¼ 33%, yields the residual entropy, Sres ¼
kBnsln 2 ¼ 96 J (K?mol)1 for nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3. Specific heat anomaly and spin This agrees with the experimental value of
susceptibility 90 J (K?mol)1 obtained from the formula for the
From free energy in Equation (57), the specific heat residual entropy:
and spin susceptibility are calculated as follows: Z
2 j Sres ¼ dT ð60Þ
2h ½2 þ coshðhÞ þ e coshðhÞ T
1 –4jhe j sinhðhÞþj 2 e j ½1þ2coshðhÞ
C¼ PðjkB T Þdj where C is the observed excess specific heat over
kB T 2 ½1 þ 2coshðhÞ þ e j 2
the T-linear term (Kobayashi et al., 1979).
ð58Þ It is concluded that the coexistence of the direct
and and the kinetic-type exchange interactions is impor-
Z tant in an Anderson-localized electronic system. Both
1 the specific-heat anomaly and spin susceptibility of
 ¼ 22B PðjkB T Þdj ð59Þ
3 þ ej Si:P in the intermediate concentration regime can be
94 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors


10 4.9

5 2
H = 0 kG
χ (μ 2B /K)

0 0
(b) (b)
6 H = 0 kG

5 4

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
T (K)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
T (K)
Figure 13 Spin susceptibility  and anomaly in electronic specific heat, C per pair of singly occupied states, as functions
of temperature T, calculated in the spin-pair model for (a) spin-triplet pairs and (b) spin-singlet pairs. Modified from Takemori T
and Kamimura H (1982) Solid State Communications 41: 885.

explained by the spin-dependent interstate interac-

tions between SO states.

H = 9.7 kOe Numerical Simulation for

Interacting Donor Electrons in Si:P System
ΔC (μ J K–1 mol–1)

In order to investigate how the Anderson-localized

states are constructed from the impurity states on
4.9 each donor site, Takemori and Kamimura (1983a,b)
20 2.9 performed numerical simulation using a finite cluster
model for donors. The cluster model contains six
donors located randomly in a space, corresponding
to several donor concentrations between 1.0  1018
and 2.4  1018 cm3 of Si:P. The calculation is carried
out for an ensemble of 80 samples with different
geometrical configurations of donors, for each
donor concentration. The electron–electron interac-
0 0.4 0.8
tion is fully taken into account in the simulation.
T (K) Although the cluster size is quite small, this should
not cause serious limitations because the localization
Figure 14 Calculated results of magnetic-field-
length is of an order of average donor distance, for
dependent anomaly in the electronic specific heat for donor
concentration of nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3 in Si:P (solid curves). the concentration considered here, and does not
The experimental data taken by Kobayashi et al. (1979) are exceed the cluster diameter. By examining the
also shown for various values of magnetic field. ground and low-lying excited states, the validity of
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 95

the physical picture described in the preceding sub- specific heat, and spin susceptibility do not depend
sections is confirmed. Furthermore, the direct on the special choice of the one-electron
calculations of the specific heat and spin susceptibil- Hamiltonian.
ity reproduce the characteristic features observed in As one choice, the one-electron Hamiltonian H0 is
Si:P. taken in such a way as
hijH0 jii ¼ h j jH0 jj i ¼ hijK jii þ hijVi jii ð66Þ Gaussian model
for the diagonal elements and
The Hamiltonian is composed of the kinetic energy
of electrons K, Coulomb potential due to donor hijH0 jj i ¼ hijK j j i þ hijVi j j i þ hijVj j j i ð67Þ
impurities V, and electron–electron interaction U:
for the transfer energy. Note that the Coulomb
H ¼K þV þU ð61Þ potentials due to impurities other than i (i and j) do
where not contribute to the ith diagonal element (transfer
energy between i and j). This choice of one-electron
1 2 Hamiltonian effectively introduces the long-range
K ¼ p ð62Þ screening effect into the one-electron Hamiltonian.
2m i
The one-electron Hamiltonian H0 is diagonalized,
and the eigenstates and eigenenergies are adopted
V ¼ Vi ð63Þ
as the orthonormal basis functions and corresponding
state energies for the transfer-diagonal representa-
X e2
U¼ ð64Þ tion. Using this basis set, all the matrix elements of
jri – rj j the Hamiltonian are calculated.
Next, we calculate the matrix elements of the
Here, ri and pi are the space coordinate and momen- Hamiltonian in the multielectron configuration
tum of the ith electron, m is the effective mass, and space. The total number of the configurations in
Vi the Coulomb potential of the i th donor. The which six electrons occupy the six transfer-diagonal
number of electrons, Ne, is identical to that of donor !
impurities in uncompensated samples considered states is ¼ 924 if the spin degrees of freedom
here. No valley degeneracy of the conduction band 6
in Si is assumed. are considered. Although the Hamiltonian has no
The donor centers are distributed randomly in a symmetry in the coordinate space, it is invariant
sphere of volume Ne/nD, where nD is the donor against the rotation in the spin space. Each many-
concentration. A Gaussian wave function body eigenstate of the Hamiltonian is always an eigen-
state of total spin S and its z-component Sz and thus
i ðr Þ ¼ expð – jr – Ri j2 =2 Þ ð65Þ
either a spin-degenerate multiplet or a nondegenerate
is attached to each donor center Ri and the electronic singlet. It is, therefore, convenient to confine ourselves
wave functions are represented by their superposi- to the subspace with Sz ¼ 0. This reduces the number
tions. The spatial extent  in Equation (65) is of configurations to 400, while we still retain the
determined to be 1.88 times the effective Bohr radius whole energy spectrum. The energy levels and
so as to give the largest binding energy (0.82 Ry) for many-electron wave functions in a cluster are then
an isolated donor. The Gaussian function is obtained by diagonalizing the obtained 400  400
employed instead of the usual exponential 1s func- Hamiltonian matrix in the configuration space.
tion, which enables us to obtain the analytical Since the Hamiltonian is diagonalized exactly, the
expression for all the matrix elements for the elec- calculated results do not depend on the choice of
tron–electron interaction (Boys, 1950). basis set for one-electron states. Advanced methods
First, the one-electron Hamiltonian is diagona- developed in quantum chemistry yield a more suita-
lized to obtain the orthonormal base for the ble basis set to elucidate many-body states. We
transfer-diagonal representation. On doing so, an adopted the multi-configuration self-consistent field
appropriate choice of the one-electron Hamiltonian (MCSCF) method to discuss the Anderson-localized
is required in order to facilitate the interpretation states in the uncompensated samples of Si:P (Eto and
of the results although the final calculated results Kamimura, 1988, 1989) and in the compensated
of physical quantities such as energy levels, samples (Eto and Kamimura, 1989).
96 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors Electron configurations and z

many-electron states
We now present numerical results for the ground 2, 5
state and low-lying excited states of the clusters.
For the comparison with the preceding subsections,
we concentrate on the results for the donor concen-
tration of nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3 for Si:P.
One-electron states. The distribution of the eigen-
energies of transfer-diagonal states is shown in
Figure 15. It has a peak near the isolated donor
level ("0 ¼ – 0:82Ry ) and extends to both higher x
and lower energies with a broad width. The distribu-
tion width of state energies is found to increase with
donor concentration nD. The transfer-diagonal wave 4
1, 6
functions in one of the clusters are shown in
Figure 16 schematically, where the states are num-
bered in increasing order of the energy. The wave
functions extend typically over two donor sites for 3
the donor concentration considered here.
Spin-dependent interactions. We can determine the
spin degeneracy of the ground state in a cluster by
examining mixing coefficients of electron configura- Figure 16 Schematic drawing of the transfer-diagonal
tions. About one-fourth of the clusters are found to states for one sample. The states are numbered in
have a spin-triplet ground state. Here, we describe in increasing order of state energy. Solid circles (*)
represent donor sites.
detail the ground state of the cluster in Figure 16,
which actually turns out to be one of the spin-triplet
clusters. electrons in each transfer-diagonal state with its
The ground state of this cluster has an energy state energy. It is found that the transfer-diagonal
12.4329 Ry, whereas the first excited state has an states 1 and 2 are doubly occupied, states 3 and 4
energy higher by 0.0044 Ry. These many-electron are singly occupied, and states 5 and 6 are unoccu-
states are shown in Figure 17, in which many con- pied, in consistent with the physical picture given in
figurations appear since the electron–electron the preceding subsections.
interaction is taken into account exactly. Table 1 As seen in Figure 17(a), the largest contributions
presents the average occupation numbers by six (75%) to the ground state jgrdi come from two con-
figurations where states 1 and 2 are doubly occupied
and states 3 and 4 are singly occupied:
Density of one-electron states (1/Ry*)

jgrdij1"2"3";1#2#4#i – j1"2"4";1#2#3#i
The mixing coefficients have the opposite signs for
the two configurations, indicating that spins are par-
allel in states 3 and 4 in the present notation so that
the ground state is triply degenerate with total spin
0.5 S ¼ 1.
As regards the first excited state, the average
occupation numbers of transfer-diagonal states are
εo almost the same as in the ground state, as seen in
Table 1. The largest contributions come also
–1.6 –0.8 0.0 0.8 1.6 from the same two configurations as those in the
E (Ry*) ground state, but with the mixing coefficients of
Figure 15 Distribution of transfer-diagonal state energies the same sign. This means that electron spins are
of the six-donor clusters corresponding to the donor antiparallel in states 3 and 4 and hence the first
concentration nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3 of Si:P. excited state is a spin singlet (nondegenerate) with
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 97


C: 0.61 –0.24 –0.14 0.13 –0.07 –0.06

C: –0.61 0.24 0.14 –0.13 0.07 0.06

Weight: 74.8% 11.4% 3.7% 3.2% 0.9% 0.8%


C: 0.46 0.42 –0.36 –0.18 –0.16 0.15 0.14 –0.12

C: 0.46 –0.18 0.14 –0.12

Weight: 42.0% 17.5% 13.1% 6.3% 2.6% 2.1% 3.8% 2.8%
Figure 17 The electron configurations in terms of transfer-diagonal states for (a) the ground state and (b) the first excited
state in a cluster shown in Figure 16. The mixing coefficient C is shown at the bottom of each configuration together with the
weight of the spin conjugate configurations C2. The horizontal lines representing the one-electron states merely represent
the order of the state energy and the line spacing does not represent the actual difference in energy.

Table 1 The state energies of transfer-diagonal states in a total spin S ¼ 0. The next largest components are
cluster shown in Figure 16
the configurations in which the transfer-diagonal
Average occupation state 3 or 4 is doubly occupied. This is due to the
number kinetic-exchange interaction between the two
Ground First excited
transfer-diagonal states, discussed in Section
State  State energy " (Ry) state state The effective exchange interaction J is
given by the energy difference E between the
1 1.474 1.947 1.958
ground and the first excited states, that is,
2 1.104 1.742 1.755
3 0.834 1.000 1.096 J ¼ E ¼ 0.0044 Ry.
4 0.582 1.001 0.916 Besides the spin-triplet clusters, there are a
5 0.424 0.289 0.276 large number of clusters in which the transfer-
6 1.202 0.018 0.001 diagonal states 3 and 4 are singly occupied with
The average occupation numbers are also tabulated in the ground antiparallel spins in the spin-singlet ground state
and first excited states. (S ¼ 0) and parallel spins in the first excited states
98 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

(S ¼ 1). In such cases, the energy difference can be magnetic field, reflecting the excitation among the
regarded as the antiferromagnetic coupling J Zeeman-split states. The specific heat increases again
between the spins in states 3 and 4. This result at higher temperatures, due to the excitations that
indicates the coexistence of ferromagnetic and change the occupation numbers of transfer-diagonal
antiferromagnetic interactions between the spins states.
in SO states. For a spin-singlet cluster (Figure 18(b)), a
Schottky-type hump appears in the specific heat,
but it is insensitive to the magnetic field. The peak Specific heat and spin
of C is situated at kBT  102Ry, which reflects the
excitation energy to the spin-triplet state, E ¼ J.
Since all the eigenstates and eigenenergies for each clus-
The spin susceptibility  is quite small compared
ter are obtained by the numerical study, we can readily
with the spin-triplet clusters. The  tends to zero at
calculate the spin susceptibility and specific heat. In the
low temperatures, whereas  increases with tempera-
presence of magnetic field H, the energy level En of each
tures up to kBT  E because the excited state is a
spin multiplet splits into the Zeeman terms:
spin triplet.
Eðn; Sz Þ ¼ En þ 2B Sz H ð68Þ In order to simulate the experimental observation;
the specific heat and spin susceptibility are averaged
if we neglect the higher-order effects.
over all the clusters for the same donor concentra-
The specific heat C and spin susceptibility  are
tion. The calculated results of specific heat for
then calculated by the following equations:
various magnetic fields are plotted against tempera-
E 2 E 2 ture in Figure 19. At high temperatures, such as
C=kB ¼ – kBT > 6  103 Ry, the curves for H ¼ 0 are almost
kB T kB T
 2 T-linear but do not extrapolate to zero at T ¼ 0, in
P Eðn; Sz Þ exp½ – Eðn; Sz Þ=ðkB T Þ
¼ contrast to the experimental results. As discussed in
n;Sz kB T Z
Section, the T-linear specific heat is caused
" #2 by continuous distribution of state energy ". For the
X Eðn; Sz Þ exp½ – Eðn; Sz Þ=ðkB T Þ
– ð69Þ clusters of a finite size, the state energies " are
kB T Z
n;Sz discrete and the calculated specific heat retains the
and structure of the discrete excitations. Therefore, the
 weak downward bending of the calculated curves of
 X S 2 exp½ – Eðn; Sz Þ=ðkB T Þ 
 Sz2 z
C should be attributable to the limited size of the
¼ ¼  cluster. On the other hand, there appears a hump in
42B kB T H ¼0 k T
n;Sz B
H ¼0
the specific heat for H ¼ 0 that grows and shifts to
higher temperatures with increasing magnetic field.
where the partition function Z is given by As seen above, this is due to the ferromagnetic
X exchange interaction between the spins of SO states.
Z¼ exp½ – Eðn; Sz Þ=ðkB T Þ ð71Þ The hump is smaller relative to the T-linear part for
higher donor concentration. This indicates that
and the summation over Sz is taken from S to S the ratio of the number of SO states to that of donors,
when the energy level n has the total spin S. ns/nD, decreases with increasing nD, in agreement
Figure 18(a) shows the calculated results of the with the experimental data on Si:P (Kobayashi, 1979).
specific heat and spin susceptibility of a spin-triplet Figure 20 shows the Curie–Weiss plot of the
cluster. The spin susceptibility is of Curie type with a ensemble-averaged spin susceptibility for several
slight deviation from the Curie law owing to the values of donor concentration in Si:P. The curves
presence of spin-singlet excited states. The are almost T-linear (Curie type) with a downward
Schottky-type hump in the specific heat, which is bending at low temperatures. This characteristic
located at kBT  103 Ry in the absence of magnetic behavior is in good agreement with the experiment
field, is caused by the ferromagnetic exchange inter- on Si:P by Andres et al. (1981). The Curie–Weiss plot
action J between the SO states. The lowest state is a for six free spins is also plotted in the figure for
spin triplet and this state splits into three components comparison. The ratio of the number of SO states is
of Sz ¼ 1, 0, 1 in magnetic fields. The hump of C estimated from the susceptibility at
shifts to higher temperatures with increasing kBT ¼ 1.4  102 Ry,
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 99

(a) (b)
C/kB 0.8 2.0

0.4 H = 3 × 10−3 (Ry*/μ B) 1.0
2 1 × 10−3 (Ry*/μ B)
1 2
0 0
χ/μ 2B (103 Ry*–1)

χ/μ 2B (10 Ry*–1)


4 2

0 0
0.8 1.6 8 16
kBT (10−2 Ry*) kBT (10−2 Ry*)

Figure 18 Electronic specific heat C for various values of magnetic field and spin susceptibility , as functions of
temperature T, of (a) a spin-triplet cluster and (b) a spin-singlet cluster consisting of six donors.

nS =nD ¼ cluster =free spins ¼ 28:3% ð72Þ experiment on Si:P shows that the binding energy of
18 3 the orbitally nondegenerate one-electron state with
for nD ¼ 1.7  10 cm . The molar donor suscept-
A1 symmetry is larger than that for the other states
ibility decreases with increasing donor concentration
by 12 meV (Aggarwal and Ramdas, 1965). This
nD, which is also in accordance with the observation
in Si:P. This also indicates a decrease in the number implies that, for T < 100 K, the electronic state for
of SO states with increasing nD. the first electron is expressed as a superposition only
of A1 states of donors with no appreciable valley
effects. Comparison with experiment When two electrons occupy a donor, the electro-
In order to compare the calculated results with nic configuration is specified by assigning the first
experimental data on Si:P, it is necessary to take electron to the orbital of A1 symmetry and the second
into account multivalley effects in the conduction electron to that of A1, E, or T2 symmetry with appro-
band of Si, because no valley degeneracy is assumed priate spin configuration. Thus, the two-electron
for the numerical calculations. There are six valleys energy levels are split due to the valley–orbit inter-
in the conduction band of Si (see Section actions and by the Coulomb interaction between the
The crystal field of tetrahedral symmetry around an two electrons. The energy splitting can be estimated
impurity atom splits the one-electron energy levels from the binding energy of the D state, which was
of sixfold degeneracy into a nondegenerate state of evaluated to be 1.01 meV (11.7 K) for Si:P (Natori and
A1 symmetry, doubly degenerate state of E symme- Kamimura, 1977; Kamimura 1979). The splitting is
try, and triply degenerate state of T2 symmetry. expected to be smaller for Anderson-localized states,
This is called valley–orbit splitting. The effect is which are more extended than the isolated-donor
large for the first electron to occupy the state, but state, and we can consider that all the six valleys
small for the second electron because the crystal are available for the second electrons in the tempera-
field is screened by the first electron. The optical ture range larger than 1 K.
100 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

(a) The multivalley effect on the specific heat is,

μ BH = 3 × 10−3 Ry* therefore, included in the following way. The
2 T-linear specific heat, which reflects the density
0.4 of states at the Fermi level, is enhanced by a
1 factor of 6. The hump in the specific heat, how-

ever, comes from the spin-dependent interactions

0 for the SO states. Since the SO states are con-
structed by linear combinations of the A1 state of
each donor, no effect of valley degeneracy is
expected. Thus, the observed specific heat is
(b) 0 given by
μ BH = 3 × 10−3 Ry*
0.4 2 C ¼ 6CL T þ CR ð73Þ

1 where CLT and CR represent the T-linear part and

the remainder of the calculated specific heat, respec-

0 tively. The result is in fair agreement with the

0.2 experimental results for Si:P of nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3
(Kobayashi et al., 1979), as shown in Figure 21.
As for the spin susceptibility at T < 1 K, it is
determined by the number of SO states and inter-
actions among them. Since the valley–orbit
0 0.8 1.6 splitting is large for SO states, we expect few
kBT (10−2 Ry*) valley-degeneracy effects on . The overall beha-
vior of calculated spin susceptibility shown in
Figure 19 Ensemble-averaged electronic specific heat
against temperature with various values of magnetic field for
Figure 21 is in good agreement with the experi-
the cluster model of six donors. The donor concentration mental observation on Si:P in Figure 11. For the
corresponds to (a) 1.7  1018 cm3 and (b) 2.4  1018 cm3 case of nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3, the estimated
in Si:P, respectively. Modified from Takemori T and number of SO states (ns/nD ¼ 28.3%) also agrees
Kamimura H (1983a) Journal of Physics C: Solid State
with the experimental result of ns/nD ¼ 29%
Physics 16: 5167; Takemori T and Kamimura H (1983b)
Advances in Physics 32: 715. (Kobayashi et al., 1979).

1.2 60
nD = 2.4 × 1018 cm–3
1/χ (10–2 Ry*/μ 2B )

C (μJ K–1 mol–1)

0.8 1.7

Free spins

0 0.8 1.6
kBT (10−2 Ry*) 0 1.0 2.0
T (K)
Figure 20 Curie–Weiss plot of the ensemble-averaged spin
susceptibility for the cluster model of six donors corresponding Figure 21 Specific heat calculated for Si:P with impurity
to various donor concentrations in Si:P. The susceptibility for concentration nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3, as a function of
six free spins is also shown (broken line) for comparison. temperature, for H = 0 (full line) and 20 kOe (broken line). The
Modified from Takemori T and Kamimura H (1983a) Journal multivalley effect has been taken into account. Experimental
of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16: 5167; Takemori T and data taken by Kobayashi et al. (1976) are also shown for
Kamimura H (1983b) Advances in Physics 32: 715. H = 0 (triangles) and H = 19.1 kOe (circles).
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 101

1.03.4 Hopping Conduction and in the case of phonon emission with E < 0. Here,
Related Phenomena r is the distance between the localization centers
In this section, the hopping conductivity in doped 1 1
semiconductors at low temperatures T is discussed. Nph ðEÞ ¼ ; and f ð"Þ ¼ "=ðk T Þ
e E=ðkB T Þ – 1 e B þ1
When kBT is much smaller than the width of the
impurity band, the variable-range hopping (VRH) are boson and fermion distribution functions, respec-
tively. The state energies are measured from the
ðT Þ ¼ 0 exp½ðT0 =T Þ1=4 ð74Þ Fermi level. The localization length,
, is assumed
to be independent of state energy, so that the transfer
is observed, instead of activation-type conductivity,
integral between the two states gives the factor of
Equation (11), as predicted by Mott (1968).
The Mott’s theory of VRH is briefly reviewed e – 2r =
. The pre-exponential factor, ph, is related to
in Section In the low-concentration regime the product of the square of electron–phonon matrix
of compensated samples, the VRH shows a different element and the density of states of phonons.
T dependence because of the disappearance of the (Although ph depends on r , its dependence is
density of states at the Fermi level caused by the much weaker than that of the exponential part.
long-range Coulomb interaction. The theory of Hence, ph is treated as a constant.) The electron
the so-called Coulomb gap is described in Section spins are disregarded in Sections and In Sections and, VRH and At sufficiently low temperatures, it is usually
related phenomena are studied for the intermediate expected that kBT j"  " j, j"j, and j" j. Then,
concentration regime, based on the transfer-diagonal the hopping rate can be written in a unified form of
representation formalism presented in the preced-  ¼ ph exp½ – 2r =
–  =kB T ð77Þ
ing section. The theory successfully explains
experimental results of magnetoresistance and where
magnetocapacitance. 1
" ¼ ½j" – " j þ j" j þ j" j ð78Þ
Here  is equal to j" " j when the state energies VRH and Mott’s Law
lie on opposite sides of the Fermi energy and max (j"j,
Let us begin with the hopping conduction between j" j) otherwise. The resistance of the hopping is
Anderson-localized states, neglecting the electron– given by
electron interaction. The hopping conductivity is
kB T kB T
usually evaluated using a model of random resis- R ¼ 2
¼ 2 expð2r =
þ " =kB T Þ ð79Þ
tance network proposed by Miller and Abrahams e  e ph
(1960) (Section Based on the model, the (Shklovskii and Efros, 1984). Miller and Abrahams
Mott’s law of the VRH is derived in Section (1960) proposed a random resistance network in which resistance R connects a pair of vertices, as
shown in Figure 22(a). The conductivity of the Formulation of hopping whole system is determined by a set of {R }. An
conduction important feature of the network is its extremely
Consider an elementary hopping process from ji to wide spectrum of resistance, R , due to the expo-
j i when the state energies " and " are different. nential dependence on r and  .
The hopping of an electron is accompanied by the When the temperature is not too low, the r -
phonon absorption or emission for the energy con- dependent part in Equation (79) dominantly deter-
servation. The number of electrons making the mines the conductivity in the system. Then electrons
transition per unit time is given by hop from a localized state to its nearest-neighbor
 ¼ ph e – 2r =
Nph ðEÞf ð" Þ½1 – f ð" Þ ð75Þ state with smallest r , as illustrated by process (i)
in Figure 22(b). The temperature dependence in
in the case of phonon absorption with E ¼ " Equation (79) results in an activation-type
" > 0, and conductivity:
 ¼ ph e – 2r =
½Nph ð – EÞ þ 1 f ð" Þ½1 – f ð" Þ ð76Þ  ¼ 3 expð – "3 =kB T Þ
102 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

yields the optimized hopping distance


r¼ ð80Þ
8Dð0ÞkB T
and average hopping energy
Rαβ β kB
¼ ðT0 T 3 Þ1=4 ð81Þ
(b) (ii)
(i) This gives the optimized hopping rate
 ¼ ph exp½ – ðT0 =T Þ1=4 ð82Þ
Optimized r (T ) 3
with kBT0 ¼ 18.1/[D(0)
Figure 22 (a) Random resistance network proposed by The conductivity is expressed as  ¼ e 2 DDð0Þ
Miller and Abrahams (1960) to evaluate the hopping from the Einstein relation, where the diffusion con-
conductivity in the Anderson-localized regime. The
stant D is written as D ¼ r 2 . Thus, we arrive at
resistance R between sites  and is given by Equation
(79). (b) Schematic drawing for (i) the nearest-neighbor
 ¼ 0 exp½ – ðT0 =T Þ1=4 ð83Þ
hopping and (ii) variable-range hopping conduction. In the
latter, the hopping length increases with decreasing 2 2
with 0 ¼ e D(0)r ph, where r is given by Equation
(80). Generally, in d-dimensional systems, we have

 _ exp½ – ðT0 =T Þ1=ðdþ1Þ ð84Þ

for the nearest-neighbor hopping. The activation
energy, "3, is evaluated using the percolation method. with
The calculation is explained in detail in Section 8 in
the textbook by Shklovskii and Efros (1984). kB T0 ¼ =½Dð0Þ
3 ð85Þ
where the numerical coefficient depends on d. Mott’s law After the qualitative derivation by Mott, Equation
At low temperatures, the energy term in Equation (84) was confirmed numerically by the percolation
(79) leads to a strong resistance dispersion as well as method (Ambegaokar et al., 1971; Pollak, 1972) and
the distance term. Then, there are two competing Monte Carlo method (Skal and Shklovskii, 1971).
factors in the hopping rate: a larger hopping distance, The numerical coefficient in Equation (85) was
r , enables us to find a state with smaller " , but a determined by these numerical calculations. Those
larger r results in a smaller transfer integral at the are  21.1 for d ¼ 3 and 13.8 for d ¼ 2.
same time. The average of hopping distance, r, which As regards the VRH, it should be mentioned that
optimizes the product of the two factors, turns out to Kamimura and Mott (1976) pointed out a possibility
be r _ T – 1=4 , which leads to the hopping conductiv- that the VRH is induced by the ESR.
ity in Equation (74). Since the optimized hopping
distance varies with T, as illustrated by process (ii) Coulomb Gap
in Figure 22(b), this mechanism of hopping conduc-
tion is known as the VRH. In the low-concentration regime of compensated
Following Mott, we present an intuitive deriva- samples, the long-range Coulomb interaction
tion of Equation (74). The problem is to find the between charged impurities plays an important role
optimized hopping distance r which maximizes  in the VRH conduction. The interaction results in
in Equation (77). Since there are (4/3)r3D(0) states the reduction in density of states around the Fermi
available in a spherical region of radius r, where level. This is called the Coulomb gap. The Coulomb
D(0) is the density of states at the Fermi level per gap affects remarkably the T dependence of the
unit volume, the average of " is estimated to be hopping conductivity. In this subsection, we briefly
[(4/3)r3D(0)]1. The minimization of the average explain the theory of Coulomb gap following
hopping rate Shklovskii and Efros (1984) (also see (Efros and
  Shklovskii, 1985)).
2r 1 3 At low temperatures, all the impurities of group-
 ¼ ph exp – –

kB T 4r 3 Dð0Þ III elements are occupied by an extra electron and
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 103

thus negatively charged, resulting in acceptors. Some whereas the Coulomb energy from donor i is counted
of the donor levels are occupied by an electron and in "j because donor i is occupied in the ground state.
the others are empty. Here, the former are neutral The condition (88) must hold for any pair of donors
while the latter are positively charged. The electro- with "i < 0 and "j > 0.
nic states in the system are identified by the number Consider donors whose energies fall in a narrow
of electrons ni (¼1 or 0) at donor site i if the electron band [ – "~=2; "~=2] around the Fermi level. From
spins are neglected. This situation is described by the Equation (88), any two donors in this band must be
Hamiltonian separated from each other by a distance rij larger
" than e2/"~ when the energies are on the opposite
d on e2 1 X don X
ð1 – ni Þð1 – nj Þ sides of the Fermi level, "i"j < 0. As a result,
H ¼ "D n i þ
i  2 i j 6¼i
ri j the donor concentration in this band n("~) cannot
don X
X acc
1 – ni 1 Xacc Xacc
1 exceed ð3=4Þð"~=e 2 Þ3 . Thus, the density of states
– þ ð86Þ Dð"~Þ ¼ dnð "~Þ=d "~ tends to zero when "~! 0, at least
i k
rik 2 k l6¼k rkl
as fast as "~2 . (D("~) cannot tend to zero faster than "2
where "D is the energy level of the isolated donors, because the decrease in the density of states stems
don and acc mean the summations over all donor from the strong interaction between the low-energy
and acceptor sites, respectively. The second term in states. Otherwise, the separation between the donors is
the Hamiltonian represents the long-range Coulomb too large and hence the interaction is too weak to be
interaction between ionized donors, the third term responsible for lowering the density of states so much.)
the Coulomb interaction between ionized donors and We conclude that
acceptors, and the last term the Coulomb interaction
3 "~2
between acceptors. The set of occupation numbers Dð"~Þ ¼ 3 ð89Þ
{ni} in the ground state is determined by minimizing e6
H with a fixed total number of electrons, or by where 3 is a numerical coefficient. The reduction in
minimizing the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi level
don is called Coulomb gap by Efros and Shklovskii
H~ ¼ H –  ni (1975). The width of the Coulomb gap  is estimated
from D()  D0(0), where D0(0) is the density of
The chemical potential  is chosen to be zero. states at the Fermi level in the absence of Coulomb
As a result, the energy level at donor site i is given interaction. Thus,   e3D0(0)1/2/3/2.
by Similar arguments in the two-dimensional case
" # lead to the law
qH e2 X
1 – nj Xacc
"i ¼ ¼ "D þ – þ ð87Þ 2 j"~j
qni  rij rik Dð"~Þ ¼ 2 ð90Þ
j 6¼i k e4
The numerical coefficients were estimated to be
The determined values of "i’s become random due to
3 ¼ 3/ and 2 ¼ 2/ (Baranovskii et al., 1978).
the long-range Coulomb interaction from the other
The width of the Coulomb gap is   e4D0(0)/2 in
impurities. Hence, the width of the impurity band is
the two-dimensional case.
r Þ, where r¼ ð4nD =3Þ – 1=3 is the
of an order of e 2 =ð
The Coulomb gap in the density of states signifi-
average distance between donors.
cantly affects the T dependence of the VRH
For an electron transfer from a filled donor i to an
conduction at temperature T . The hopping
empty donor j in the ground state, the total energy
conductivity is derived in the same way as that in
must be increased:
the preceding subsection. Let us find the optimized
e2 hopping distance r which maximizes  in Equation
ij ¼ "j – "i – >0 ð88Þ
rij (77). From the above-mentioned argument, the hop-
The increment ij in energy is derived by the fol- ping energy is evaluated to be " ¼ 9e2/r for a given
lowing argument. First, an electron is transferred hopping distance r, with 9 being a numerical factor.
from donor i to infinity, which requires the energy Hence, we minimize the hopping rate of
"i. Second, the electron is placed on donor j, which is " 0
2r  e2
empty in the ground state. The energy cost in the  ¼ ph exp – –

kB T r
second stage is "j  e2/rij since donor j is empty,
104 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

and obtain the optimized hopping distance Appearance of spin-dependent

 1=2 mechanisms

e2 It was mentioned in Section that there exist
r¼ ð91Þ
kB T  three types of electronic states in the presence of
apart from a numerical prefactor, and average intrastate interaction: unoccupied (UO), singly occu-
hopping energy pied (SO), and doubly occupied (DO) states.
Corresponding to these three electronic states, there
kB are four kinds of elementary hopping processes, as
¼ ðT1 T Þ1=2 ð92Þ
2 shown in Figure 23:
The optimized hopping rate is 1. from an SO state to an UO state;
 ¼ ph exp½ – ðT1 =T Þ 1=2
ð93Þ 2. from an SO to another SO state;
3. from a DO to an UO state; and
with 4. from a DO to an SO state.
kB T1 ¼ 1 ð94Þ The total hopping rate  from a localization

state ji to state j i is given by the sum of the

The numerical coefficient 1 depends on the dimen- hopping rates of the four elementary processes:
sionality d, whereas the exponent of T dependence of
 is identical for both dimensions of d ¼ 3 and 2.  ¼
Finally, the hopping rate  in Equation (93) yields l¼1
the hopping conductivity of
If we assume that each state is statistically indepen-
 _ exp½ – ðT1 =T Þ 1=2
ð95Þ dent of each other, each hopping rate  ðl ¼ 1 – 4Þ
is the product of an intrinsic hopping rate  and
This VRH conduction is observed in many samples. appropriate occupation probabilities, as follows:
Here, we have considered only the single-electron
ð1Þ P ð1Þ
transfer from a donor to another. In some cases, a  ¼ hn ð1 – n –  Þihð1 – n  Þð1 – n –  Þi 
simultaneous transfer of many electrons plays an
ð2Þ P ð2Þ
important role in the hopping conduction. Then, a  ¼ hn ð1 – n –  Þihð1 – n  Þn –  i 
hopping process of an electron is accompanied by the ¼
ð3Þ P ð3Þ
transfer of many electrons surrounding the initial and  ¼ hn n –  ihð1 – n  Þð1 – n –  Þi 
final donors of the electron hopping, that is, a polaron ¼

cloud is formed around the hopping electron. For a ð4Þ P ð4Þ

 ¼ hn n –  ihð1 – n  Þn –  i 
detailed discussion, the reader is refered to section 10 ¼

in Shklovskii and Efros (1984). where n is the number operator in state ji and
spin .
Regarding functional forms of the intrinsic hop- Formula for Magnetoresistance in ðlÞ
ping rates  , we assume that they are similar to
the Variable-Range Regime
those given in Equation (75) and (76):
As discussed in Section 1.03.3, intrastate and inter- ðlÞ
state interactions play important roles in the  ¼ ph e – 2r =
Nph ðE ðlÞ Þ
Anderson-localized states. In this subsection, we  0 exp½ – 2r =
ðlÞ – E ðlÞ =kB T ð97Þ
show that these interactions are important for the
magnetoresistance in the VRH conduction in the
intermediate concentration regime of uncompen- εβ εβ
sated samples. We assume that the long-range part εα εα
of the Coulomb interaction is screened out by U
extended states over several impurity sites. Kurobe εα εβ
and Kamimura (1982) calculated the resistivity due
to the VRH between the Anderson-localized states (1) S U (2) S S (3) D U (4) D S
by the percolation method (Pollak, 1972) taking into Figure 23 Four kinds of hopping processes in the
account the intrastate interaction. presence of intrastate interaction U.
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 105

for E(l) > 0, where as Now, we discuss the magnetic-field dependence

of VRH conduction following Kurobe and
 ¼ ph e – 2r =
ðlÞ ½1 – N ð – E ðlÞ Þ  0 exp½ – 2r =
ðlÞ Kamimura (Kurobe and Kamimura, 1982;
ð98Þ Kamimura et al., 1982, 1983; Kurobe, 1986). By
(l) neglecting the change of localization length due to
for E < 0, where r is the distance between the
a magnetic field, the total transition rate  (H) from
localization centers of states ji and j i. The pre-
localized state  to state can be expressed as
exponential factor, 0, is assumed to be independent
of l. The E(l) is the difference in the total energies  ðH Þ ¼ ½Z ðH ÞZ ðH Þ – 1
before and after the hopping process of type l: Xn
 exp½ – ð" þ B H Þ=kB T  ð1Þ
E ðlÞ ¼ " – " ðl ¼ 1; 4Þ ¼
þ exp½ – ð" þ " Þ=kB T  ð2Þ
¼ " – " þ U ðl ¼ 2Þ
þ exp½ – ð2" þ U Þ=kB T  ð3Þ
¼ " – " – U ðl ¼ 3Þ o
þ exp½ – ð2" þ " þ U – B H Þ=kB T  ð4Þ
In the presence of intrastate interaction, the localiza-
tion length of DO state
2(") is different from that ð102Þ
of SO states
1(") by an analogy with the case of a where Z(H) is the partition function in magnetic
D state (Natori and Kamimura, 1977; Kammimura, field H:
1979). We take the larger of the two as the localiza-
tion length
(l) in the hopping processes l ¼ 2 and 3 in Z ðH Þ ¼ 1 þ 2coshðB H =kB T Þexpð – " =kB T Þ
which the localization length is different before and þ expð – ð2" þ U Þ=kB T Þ ð103Þ
after the hopping, following the treatment by When a magnetic field is applied, the spins of SO
Kirkpatrick (1973). Therefore, the relevant localiza- states tend to become parallel to the field. Therefore,
tion lengths in Equation (97) and (98) are
(1) ¼
1 the probability to find a pair of SO states whose spins
(l) ¼
2 (l ¼ 2, 3, 4). are antiparallel to each other becomes smaller with
increasing magnetic field. As a result, the hopping Calculated results processes from SO to SO states, which take place
For the random resistance network in the present only when the spins are antiparallel to each other,
problem, the percolation calculation gives the fol- are suppressed by the magnetic field as long as spin-
lowing results for the temperature dependence of flip processes are neglected. The processes from DO
resistivity in d dimensions (Kurobe and Kamimura, to UO states are connected with those from SO to SO
1982, Kurobe 1986): states by the relation of a detailed balance. Therefore,
the processes from DO to UO states are also sup-
 ¼ 0 expðT0 =T Þ1=ðd þ1Þ ð99Þ
pressed. This suppression of hopping processes by
where the magnetic field gives rise to a positive magnetore-
c ð3Þ
13 þ 3
23 sistance. When the hopping processes of type 2 and 3
kB T0 ¼ ð100Þ
D1 ðEF Þ ð
1 þ
23 Þ2 þ 4
3 are completely suppressed, only the processes of
types 1 and 4 contribute to the hopping conduction.
for d =3 and
Thus, the magnetoresistance saturates for a magnetic
c ð2Þ
12 þ 3
kB T0 ¼ ð101Þ field stronger than a certain value.
D1 ðEF Þ ð
12 þ
22 Þ2 þ 4
Figure 24 presents numerical results for the
for d ¼ 2. The coefficients are c(3) ¼ 2268 (3)/(115) magnetic-field dependence of the resistivity for various
and c(2) ¼ 105 (2)/(11) with (d) ¼ 201/(d þ 1). Here, temperatures in three dimensions (Kamimura et al.,
D1(EF) is the density of states for the first electron at 1982, 1983). The state-energy dependence is neglected
the Fermi level defined in Section The for the localization length,
, and for the intrastate
energy dependence of localization lengths
1 and
2 interaction energy (U). The values of the parameters,
is neglected here, and
2 is taken to be larger than
2, D1(EF) and U (X U), correspond to those in Si:P
This result shows that Mott’s law still holds even in with a donor concentration of nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3.
the presence of intrastate interaction, but with a pre- The result clearly indicates that the magnetoresistance
factor T0 which now depends on both the localization grows and then saturates with an increase in magnetic
lengths of SO and DO states,
1 and
2. field. The saturation value increases when the
106 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

T = 0.2 K
0.5 K
Δρ /ρ

2 EF
1.0 K EF

3.0 K

2μ BH
0 10 20 30 40
D–(E ) D+(E )
H (kOe)
Figure 25 Schematic illustration of the negative
Figure 24 Calculated result for the positive component of
contribution to the magnetoresistance due to the state-
the magnetoresistance in the variable-hopping conduction
energy dependence of the localization length.
regime, as a function of magnetic field for various
temperatures, in three dimensions. The parameters used
are U ¼ 3.4 meV, D1(EF) ¼ 9.5  1019/cm3 eV,
1 ¼ 49 Å, and

2 ¼ 98 Å. Modified from Kurobe A and Kamimura H (1982) parallel to the magnetic field, this effect gives rise
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 51: 1904. to a negative magnetoresistance. Combining this
effect with the opposite effect discussed above, the
total magnetoresistance is written conventionally in
temperature T decreases. The saturation value also the form
increases when the density of states D1(EF) decreases,
or when the localization lengths decrease with the ratio ðH Þ ðH Þ – ð0Þ
¼ ¼ P ðH Þ þ N ðH Þ ð105Þ
2 being fixed. The analytical expression for the ð0Þ ð0Þ
saturated value is given by where P(H) and N(H) represent positive and
8  d d 1=ðdþ1Þ negative parts of the magnetoresistance, respectively.
< c ðdÞ
1=ðd þ1Þ
1 þ
ðH Þ
ð0Þ sat
: D1 ðEF ÞkB T

1 þ
2d For comparison with experimental results, we
discuss the magnetoresistance in a transition metal
#) ð104Þ dichalcogenide system, 1T-TaS2, which has a layer-
d d 1=ðd þ1Þ type sandwich structure with a commensurate

1 þ3
2 –1

1d þ
2d Þ2 þ4
22d charge density wave (CDW) phase below
T ¼ 200 K (Williams et al., 1974, 1975; Wilson et al.,
in d dimensions (Kurobe and Kamimura, 1982; 1974, 1975). In this phase, the material is an insula-
Kurobe, 1986). tor with an energy gap which is interpreted as
arising from the CDW modulation. DiSalvo and Comparison with experiments Graebner (1977) found a T1/3 law of conduction in
As an effect of the magnetic field on the transition this phase, which should be ascribed to the VRH
rate, we have so far considered the change in occupa- conduction among the Anderson-localized states in
tion probabilities of UO, SO with spin  ¼ , and the energy gap in the quasi-two dimensional system.
DO states. In addition, we have to take into account The magnetoresistance was later measured in this
an effect of the magnetic field on the localization system by Kobayashi and Muto (1979), Onuki et al.
length. Since the localization length is a function of (1980), and also by Tanuma (1983). Figure 26 shows
state energy, it is changed through the Zeeman shift, their experimental results of the magnetoresistance
as schematically shown in Figure 25. This mechan- as a function of magnetic field for various
ism was first proposed by Fukuyama and Yosida temperatures.
(1979). The localization length increases to Let us apply the present theory to the above-

(" þ BH) for spin-up electrons while it decreases mentioned experimental results. We assume that
("  BH) for spin-down electrons if
(") is an
1(") ¼
2(")/2 and that the localization lengths
increasing function of state energy " (we assume depend on the state energy, ", in the following way:
that EF is located below the mobility edge Ec). Since
the majority carriers have the magnetic moments
1 ð" Þ ¼
2 ð" Þ=2 _ ðEc – " Þ – 1 ð106Þ
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 107

0.2 T = 0.4 K
T = 1.42 K
1 0.6 K

Δρ /ρ
0.39 K
–0.2 1.0 K
Δρ /ρ

0.1 K

0 50 100
H (kG)
0.05 K
–0.8 Figure 27 Calculated result for the magnetoresistance of a
two-dimensional 1T-TaS2 system, in the presence of
intrastate interactions. Both positive and negative
0 20 40 60 80 components are taken into account. The parameters are
(EcEF) ¼ 1.0 meV, U ¼ 1.7 meV, D1 (EF) ¼ 5.3  1014 cm2eV
H (kOe)
1(EF) ¼ 100 Å. Modified from Kamimura H (1982)
Figure 26 Experimental data on magnetoresistance of Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 72: 206.
1T-TaS2 in the temperature range from 1.42 to 0.05 K.
Modified from Kobayashi N and Muto Y (1979) Solid State
Communications 30: 337. P(H) disappears in Equation (105). When the tem-
perature is lower than a certain temperature
corresponding to the order of average interstate inter-
where Ec is the mobility edge although there is action, the magnetoresistance becomes negative even
no mobility edge in two-dimensional systems of in low fields. The observation of an anomaly in the
infinite size (Abrahams et al., 1979, 1980). Choosing specific heat of this material (Nishio et al., 1978) sug-
the values of the parameters to be Ec  " ¼ 1.0 meV, gests the existence of spin-dependent interstate
U ¼ 1.7 meV, D1(EF) ¼ 5.3  1014 cm2eV, and interactions, as discussed in Section, where

1(EF) ¼ 100 Å, the magnetoresistance was calcu- the magnitude of the interaction is estimated to be
lated. The calculated result is shown in Figure 27. about 1 K. If the average interstate interaction is taken
The result shows that the magnetoresistance is posi- as 0.5 K, the calculated result of magnetoresistance is
tive in low magnetic fields and then changes to in good agreement with the experimental results
negative in high magnetic fields. The magnitude of (Kamimura et al., 1982, 1983).
the positive part decreases with increasing tempera-
ture. These features are consistent with the Magnetocapacitance in
experimental results. However, experimental data
Intermediate-Concentration Regime
show only negative magnetoresistance below about
0.1 K (see Figure 26). This behavior does not agree In this subsection, we consider the magnetic-field
with the theoretical result. This discrepancy between dependence of the electrical polarizability  for
the theoretical result and experiments can be Si:P in the intermediate-concentration regime. The
explained by the spin-dependent interstate interac- magnetocapacitance reflects elementary processes of
tions between Anderson-localized states, which is the hopping between the Anderson-localized states
given by Equation (53). although it is not a transport property.
When the interstate interaction is antiferromag- New et al. (1982) reported an experimental result
netic, the spins in the SO states retain spin-singlet that the electrical polarizability depends drastically
states and hardly become parallel to the magnetic on the magnetic field. Figure 28(a) shows their
field if the magnetic field is weak. Thus, the suppres- experimental result of the magnetocapacitance
sion of hopping processes of types 2 and 3 in (MC) of Si:P, where the MC is plotted as a function
Figure 23 may not occur, and in consequence of magnetic field H. The MC is defined as
108 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

(a) (b)



ln Reff (H)
ln Reff (H)


T = 1.3 K
10–3 3
10–3 4

1 10 0.1 1 10
B (T) B (T)
Figure 28 (a) Experimental result for logarithmic of magnetocapacitance, Reff(H), plotted against magnetic field for Si:P at
various temperatures. The donor concentration is nD ¼ 1.0  1018 cm3. (b) Calculated result for Reff(H) for Si:P with donor
concentration nD ¼ 1.7  1018 cm3 with U ¼ 3.4 meV and W ¼ 19 meV. (a) Modified from New D, Lee NK, Tan HS, and Castner
TG (1982) Physical Review Letters 48: 1208. (b) Modified from Kurobe A, Takemori T, and Kamimura H (1984) Physical Review
Letters 52: 1457.

D ð0Þ Anderson-localized states in the intermediate-

Reff ðH Þ ¼ ð107Þ
D ðH Þ concentration regime. The electrical polarizability,
, is calculated by the Kubo formula, taking account
where the effective polarizability of donors, D, is
related to the dielectric constant  by of four kinds of excitations in Figure 23:

4nD D  ¼ 1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 ð109Þ
 – 0 ¼ ð108Þ
1 – 4nD D =ð30 Þ 2e 2 X hn ð1 – n –  Þihð1 – n  Þð1 – n –  ÞijhjX j ij2
1 ¼
V  " – "
Here 0 is the dielectric constant of the host material. ð110Þ
The electrical polarizability  is obtained from the
relation of  ¼ 0 þ 4 . This experimental result 2e 2 X hn ð1 – n –  Þihð1 – n  Þn –  ijhjX j ij2
2 ¼
shows that ln Reff(H) _ H2 for low fields and the V  ð" þ U Þ – "
dependence becomes weaker for higher fields, imply- ð111Þ
ing the behavior of spin-dependent electrical
polarizability. 2e 2 X hn n –  ihð1 – n  Þð1 – n –  ÞijhjX j ij2
3 ¼
New et al. (1982) ascribed their experimental result V  " – ð" þ U Þ
to the Zeeman splitting of excited spin-triplet states in
spin-singlet paris of donors. Their model may be
suitable for the low-concentration regime of the 2e 2 X hn n –  ihð1 – n  Þn –  ijhjX j ij2
donors. For the present case, however, we have to 4 ¼ ð113Þ
V  ð" þ U Þ – ð" þ U Þ
consider the Anderson-localized states in the inter-
mediate-concentration regime. Kurobe et al. (1984) where h i represents the thermal average and h jX j i
adopted the theory in the preceding subsection to is the matrix element of the x-coordinate which is
calculate  in the intermediate-concentration regime. proportional to the electric dipole moment. In general,
Although there are various excitations, the domi- there is also contribution to  from excitations into
nant contribution to electrical polarizability comes states of antibonding characters, which reduces  in
from the one-electron excitations among the the low-concentration regime, as discussed by New
Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors 109

et al. (1982). In the intermediate concentration, however, such as metallic or doped polyacetylene (Kaneko
the antibonding states have much higher energies. et al., 1994; Ishiguro et al., 1995; Choi et al., 1999),
Besides, the states are more extended and hence the metallic polypyrrole (Singh et al., 2008), entangled
matrix elements in Equations (110–113) are small. carbon-nanotube network (Kim et al., 1998), carbon
Hence, the above-mentioned excitations among the nanomaterials (Demishev et al., 2008), disordered
Anderson-localized states dominantly contribute to . nanographite network (Takahara et al. 2007), etc.
The calculated result is shown in Figure 28(b) on
simplifying assumptions that the matrix element
h jX j i does not depend on the kind of process 1.03.5 Conclusions
and that the localization length,
, and intrastate
interaction, U, are independent of the state energies. In this chapter, we have described how the impurity
For low magnetic fields, we have band in group-IV semiconductors manifests a rich
diversified physics. In Section 1.03.2, we have surveyed
ln½Reff ðH Þ _ ðB H =kB T Þ2 ð114Þ the transport phenomena in the impurity band, MI
Physically, spins of SO states tend to be aligned with transition, and the historical development of localiza-
increasing H. Since an electron cannot be excited to a tion theory. In Section 1.03.3, we have described the
state which is already occupied by another electron theoretical formulation to treat the interplay of disor-
of the same spin, the contribution from an SO state to der and electron–electron interactions in the strongly
another SO state in Equation (111) (2) decreases Anderson-localized regime just in the insulating side
with increasing magnetic field. Therefore, at high of the MI transition, developed by Kamimura and
fields (H > 5 T), where this type of excitation is co-workers. Their theory successfully explains the
almost suppressed, MC becomes less dependent on anomaly of specific heat and spin susceptibility at low
magnetic field. All these characteristics of MC are in temperatures. The theoretical formulation has been
good agreement with experimental results. confirmed by numerical simulation for the electronic
states in the Anderson-localized regime. Section 1.03.4
has been devoted to the description of the hopping
conduction in the Anderson-localized regime. We Spin-Dependent Behavior of
have reviewed the Mott’s law for the VRH and
Magnetoresistance in Other Systems
Coulomb gap theory for the compensated samples.
As we have described in the previous subsections, the Then, we have described the theory by Kurobe and
theory of magnetoresistance and MC developed by Kamimura on the magnetoresistance and MC in the
Kurobe and Kamimura (Kurobe and Kamimura, 1982; VRH regime, considering spin-dependent effects due
Kamimura et al., 1982, 1983; Kurobe, 1986) has played to electron–electron interactions. Their theory has
an important role in clarifying the spin-dependent now been applied to magnetoresistance phenomena
effects on the transport properties due to the elec- observed in a wide variety of systems such as polymers,
tron–electron interactions in doped semiconductors carbon-nanotubes, and other exotic materials.
(New et al., 1982; Agrinskaya and Kozub, 1998; Recent development of the nanofabrication tech-
Agrinskaya et al., 2000; Kozub, 2002; Meir, 2001). nology on semiconductors is opening new research
Recently, their theory has been widely applied to fields in solid-state physics. As we have mentioned in
other systems. For example, two-dimensional hole Section, for example, it is an interesting sub-
system in the GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure in mag- ject to control single impurity states in doped
netic fields (Yoon et al., 2000; Noh et al., 2004), silicon semiconductors for the quantum information proces-
MOSFETs in magnetic fields (Mertes et al., 2001), sing. It is very impressive that Kamimura and
amorphous indium oxide films (Frydman and co-workers predicated the spin-dependent effects
Ovadyahu, 1995; Lee et al., 2002; Orlyanchik and on various physical phenomena in the strongly
Ovadyahu, 2005), amorphous Bi films (Hernandez Anderson-localized regime two decades ago before
et al., 2003), Mn–Fe–Ge antiferromagnets (Du et al., extensive researches on solid-state quantum compu-
2007), and icosahedral Al-Pd-Re materials (Srinivas ters have begun. We believe that the present chapter
et al., 2001). In particular, it is interesting to see that will be useful for graduate students and young
the theory of Kurobe and Kamimura has been used researchers who will work on the physics and
for elucidating magnetoresistance phenomena in technology of semiconductors. (See Chapters 1.05,
one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional systems 1.06, 2.02 and 2.04).
110 Impurity Bands in Group-IV Semiconductors

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1.04 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of
Semiconductor Interfaces
T Nakayama, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Y Kangawa, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
K Shiraishi, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.04.1 Introduction 114

1.04.2 Interface Formation and Stability 115 Semiconductor Epitaxy 115 Epitaxial growth diagram 115 Competition of growth direction 117 Growth Modes in Heteroepitaxy 121 Growth modes 121 Theory based on macroscopic energetics 122 Mode transition during epitaxy 123 Theory based on atomistic energetics 124 Defect Formation in Heteroepitaxy 126 Heterovalency-induced defects 126 Impurity-induced defects 128 Interface Formed by Oxidation 130 Phenomenological theory 130 Mechanism of oxidation 131 Optical control of oxidation 137 Stability of Interfaces 141 Metal induced inter-diffusion 141 Silicidation 143
1.04.3 Electronic Structures of Interfaces 145 General Features 145 Origins of interface states 145 Semiconductor/semiconductor interface states 146 Metal/semiconductor interface states 149 Band Alignment 150 Schottky barrier 150 Charge neutrality level 151 Band bending 153 Band offset 154 New Features of Schottky Barrier 157 Breakdown of Schottky–Mott limit 157 Generalized charge neutrality level 158 Interface reaction and Fermi-level pinning 161 Correlation between interfaces 163
1.04.4 Future Prospects 167
References 170

114 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

1.04.1 Introduction oxidation. Section is devoted to a discussion

of the answers to these questions. On the other
An interface is a boundary between two different hand, the produced interfaces are not stable forever.
materials A and B (denoted henceforth as A/B). They sometimes change the shape by the interface
Because the vacuum, a gas, or a liquid system is a reaction of interface atoms. For an example of these
material form, the surface of any material is also reactions, the random atom intermixing and the
considered as an interface. Since the number of compound formation like silicidation at metal/
material combinations, A/B, are infinite, we can semiconductor interfaces are discussed in Section
expect a variety of physical phenomena to be
observed at the interfaces. Moreover, in the last The most important physical quantity to char-
decade, the subject of interfaces has increasingly acterize the electronic structures of an interface
extended from representative solid/solid interfaces A/B is the Schottky barrier in case of metal/
made of inorganic materials to a wide area that semiconductor interfaces and the band offset in
includes organic and liquid/solid interfaces. A case of semiconductor/semiconductor interfaces.
complete review of the overall features of these These quantities represent the energy difference
interfaces and of the important progress in relation of the electronic states between A and B materials.
to ordinary solid/solid interfaces is beyond the The Schottky barrier height becomes a key quan-
scope of the present chapter. Thus, we restrict tity to inject the electron and hole carriers from
ourselves to the limited subject of atomic and elec- metal electrodes into semiconductors, thus govern-
tronic structures of semiconductor interfaces, with ing the electronic transport properties in
which the authors have been closely concerned, semiconductors. Meanwhile, in quantum super-
and explain fundamental physical concepts structures made of semiconductors, such as a
revealed by recent researches. quantum-well and a superlattice, the band offset
To understand the atomic structures of inter- values determine the electron and hole confinement
faces, it is essential to clarify the formation of an into the well-material layers and control band
interface and its stability. This is because the inter- structures, thus becoming the key quantities to
face is sometimes produced in nonequilibrium control optical properties. In Section 1.04.3, we
environments and often becomes a metastable concentrate on these quantities and explain what
structure. In Section 1.04.2, we consider the forma- produces such energy difference of electronic
tion and stability of interfaces. Two representative states. Interfaces have unique electronic states not
phenomena are discussed with respect to the inter- present in bulk systems having a periodicity. The
face formation. One is the epitaxial growth. general features of interface electronic structures
Semiconductor interfaces are often produced by and their examples are illustrated in Section
stacking other materials on the substrate. In this Based on these features, in Section
case, we naturally ask what conditions are neces-, we explain the conventional views on
sary to realize the epitaxial growth, which interface the origins of Schottky-barrier and band-offset
direction is selected in the epitaxy, what kinds of formation. On the other hand, unusual behaviors
crystal shapes are produced in the epitaxy, and of Schottky barriers, such as the breakdown of the
why the defects are generated at the interface. Schottky limit and the reaction-induced Fermi-
The answers to these questions are discussed in level pinning, which have never been explained
Sections,, and by conventional views, have been found very
The other topic concerning the interface forma- recently in the development of some of the leading
tion is the oxidation. Si/SiO2 interfaces, which are Si nanoscale devices. These new features are
the most important interfaces of present semicon- explained in detail in Section Section 1.04.4
ductor technology, are produced by oxidizing the Si is devoted to some of the prospects for future
surfaces. Recent progress in surface/interface mea- interface physics, by illustrating a new Fermi-level
surements has uncovered a surprising oxidation stabilization by multivalent materials and cross-
process; Si/SiO2 interfaces are produced by layer- dimensional phenomena at nanocontact interfaces,
by-layer oxidation. We wonder how the oxidation such as quantum frictions in current and vibrational
proceeds, why the layer-by-layer chemical reaction motion and electron transport between an electrode
is realized, and how we observe and control such and the quantum-dot.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 115

1.04.2 Interface Formation and The chemical potential  for the ideal gas is
Stability given by (Fowler, 1936; Tolman, 1938; Fowler and
Guggenheim, 1939; Mayer and Mayer, 1940; Semiconductor Epitaxy
Rodebush, 1931; Fowler and Sterne, 1932; Kassel, Epitaxial growth diagram 1936):
Fabrication of semiconductor devices such as high-
 ¼ – kB T lnðgkB T =p  trans rot vibr Þ ð1Þ
electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) and light-
emitting diodes (LEDs) are carried out using vapor  3=2
 trans ¼ 2mkB T =h 2 ð2Þ
phase epitaxy (VPE) techniques, for example,
n on=2
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metal organic rot ¼ ð1=Þ 83 ðIA IB :::Þ1=n kB T =h 2 ð3Þ
vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The adsorption–
desorption behavior of the constituent atoms on  vibr ¼ Pi3N – 3 – n f1 – expð – hvi =kB T Þg – 1 ð4Þ
semiconductor surfaces is of fundamental impor-
tance in these growth techniques. In particular, the where  trans,  rot, and  vibr are the partition functions
for the translational motion, the rotational motion,
behavior of constituent atoms must be known to
and the vibrational motion, respectively. Here, kB is
understand surface and thin film growth-related
Boltzmann’s constant, T the temperature, g the
phenomena such as the change in surface recon-
degree of degeneracy of the electron energy level, p
structions and growth processes. In the present
the BEP of the particle, m the mass of one particle, h
section, we discuss the relationships between
the Planck’s constant,  the symmetric factor, II the
adsorption–desorption behavior and growth condi-
moment of inertia, n the degree of freedom of the
tions such as beam equivalent pressure (BEP),
rotation, N the number of atoms in the particle, i the
p, and temperature, T.
degree of freedom for the vibration, and  the fre-
We can consider adsorption–desorption behavior
quency. II is written as
from a viewpoint of vapor–solid phase equilibrium.
If the free energy of an atom/molecule in the II ¼ mI r 2 ð5Þ
vapor phase is smaller than that on the surface, an
where mI is the reduced mass and r the radius of
impinging atom/molecule is easily desorbed from
the surface and stabilized in vapor phase. On the
Practical applications of this theory are as follows.
other hand, an atom/molecule is absorbed if the
During the typical GaAs MBE process, monatomic
free energy of the atom/molecule in vapor phase is Ga and As2 molecule are supplied on the substrate
larger than that on the surface. Here, the free energy surface under an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) condition.
of the atom/molecule, which is called the chemical In the UHV condition, the ideal-gas assumption is
potential (), can be computed by using quantum applicable because impingement of each atom/mole-
statistical mechanics. The energy gain of an adsorbed cule is negligible. In the case of monatomic Ga, the
atom/molecule on the surface (i.e., the adsorption value of N and I are 1 and 0, respectively. Therefore,
energy (Ead)) is estimated, for example, by ab initio all that is required to compute the chemical potential
calculations. By comparing  with Ead, we can discuss  of monatomic molecule is considering the partition
the adsorption–desorption behavior as shown in function of translational motion. The value of para-
Figure 1. meter g for monatomic Ga in Equation (1) is 2. The
values of g for typical elements are summarized in
Adsorption E Desorption Table 1 (Glasstone et al., 1964). In the case of As2
molecule, we should consider the partition functions
for rotational and vibrational motions. Here, the value
μ of the symmetry number  in (3) is 2 for As2. The
values of  and r for As2 in Equations (4) and (5) can
Ead Ead be estimated by ab initio molecular orbital calculations.
μ The values of  and r for As2 estimated by the
Gaussian 98 program (Frisch et al., 1998) are
Figure 1 Schematics of the magnitude correlation
446 cm1 and 1.0621 Å (Kangawa et al., 2002), respec-
between chemical potential  and adsorption energy Ead and tively. By using these values, we can compute the
its relationship with the adsorption–desorption behavior. chemical potentials of monatomic Ga and As2
116 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

Table 1 Degeneracy of the electron energy level of the

various elements
Element g

I H, Li, NA, K, Rb, Cs, Cu, Ag, Au 2 As B A

II Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd, Hg 1
III B, Al, Ga, In, Tl 2 C 3
IV C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb 3
V N, P, As, Sb, Bi 4

VI O, S, Se, Te, Po 3 1 2
VII F, Cl, Br, I 2 [110]
0 He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn 1

Reproduced with permission from Kangawa Y, Ito T, Taguchi A,

Shiraishi K, and Ohachi T (2001) A new theoretical approach to
adsorption–desorption behavior of Ga on GaAs surfaces. Surface
Science 493: 178.

molecule as a function of growth parameters p and T. [110]
On the other hand, the adsorption energy Ead of Ga or Figure 2 Schematic of GaAs(001)-(4  2)2 surface.
As2 on reconstructed surfaces can be obtained by ab Adsorption sites are indicated by the letters A–E.
initio calculations. For the results in this section, the Reproduced with permission from Kangawa Y, Ito T,
first-principles pseudopotential method based on the Taguchi A, Shiraishi K, and Ohachi T (2001) A new
theoretical approach to adsorption–desorption behavior of
local-density functional formalism (Hamman et al.,
Ga on GaAs surfaces. Surface Science 493: 178.
1979) is used, adopting the Kleinman–Bylanders
separable pseudopotentials, careful treatment of the
cut-off value of local potential (Ohno, 1993), the con- calculated as the difference between the total energy
ventional repeated-slab geometry, and termination of when the Ga adatom is located at the most stable site
bottom-layer Si by fictitious H atoms. Here, we show (E-site) and when the Ga atom is in the vacuum
the results of the calculated adsorption energy of Ga region. In the calculation, we gradually pulled the
on GaAs(001)-(4  2)2 surface and desorption Ga apart from the E site to the vacuum region and
energy (Ead) of As2 from c(4  4) surface. confirmed the convergence of the total energy
First, we discuss about adsorption–desorption difference when the distance between the position
behavior of Ga on GaAs(001)-(4  2)2 surface. of Ga atom and the E site is larger than 4 Å.
Figure 2 illustrates the GaAs(001)-(4  2)2 surface. Consequently, the calculated adsorption energy Ead
The calculated results show that the Ga adatom is for Ga at the E site on the Ga-rich surface is esti-
most stable at the site ‘E’ on the surface where two mated to be 3.3 eV. This implies that the Ga
Ga–Ga bonds (E-1 and E-2 bonds) and a Ga–As bond adsorbed structure is formed when the chemical
(E-3 bond) are formed around the adatom. The most potential for Ga atom is larger than the calculated
favorable site for adatom on the semiconductor sur- adsorption energy (3.3 eV). On the other hand, it is
face is frequently discussed using an electron thought that the GaAs(001)-(4  2)2 surface with-
counting model (Farrel et al., 1987; Pashley, 1989). out Ga adatom is stable when the chemical potential
This is a model for discussing the structural stability for Ga is less than the adsorption energy (3.3 eV).
of reconstructed surface structure of compound Figure 3 shows the chemical potential for Ga atom as
semiconductors. The lowest-energy structure is a function of temperature. Considering the typical
obtained by filling all dangling bonds on the anion BEP value (pGa ¼ 1.0  105 torr), the calculated line
atom and keeping empty those on the cation atom. crosses the line of Ga ¼ 3.3 eV at 700  C; there-
This is because energy levels of dangling bonds on fore, the critical temperature for Ga adsorption is
anion atom are generally located around the valence 700  C at this BEP value. By similar calculations
bands and those on cation atom are around the con- to obtain crossing points at other BEPs, a p–T dia-
duction bands. The stability of reconstructed gram for the adsorption–desorption transition was
structure and the adsorption site of constituent obtained as Figure 4. This result agrees well with
atoms on GaAs surface is well discussed by Ito experiments, that is, GaAs(001)-(4  2) surface
(1995). The adsorption energies of Ead can be becomes unstable and Ga droplets are formed at
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 117

700 Desorption
1.0 ×10–4 torr

Temperature (°C)
c(4 × 4) unstable
1.0 ×10–5 torr
Chemical potential (eV)


–3.0 1.0 ×10–6 torr 550

500 Adsorption
c(4 × 4) stable
–3.5 450
10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4
–4.0 μ Ga = –3.3 eV
As2 BEP (torr)

Figure 5 p–T dependence of adsorption–desorption

–4.5 transition curve for As2. Reproduced with permission from
Kangawa Y, Ito T, Hiraoka YS, Taguchi A, Shiraishi A, and
600 700 800 900 Ohachi T (2002) Theoretical approach to influence of As2
Temperature (°C) pressure on GaAs growth kinetics. Surface Science 507–
Figure 3 Chemical potential as a function of temperature. 510: 285.
Reproduced with permission from Kangawa Y, Ito T,
Taguchi A, Shiraishi K, and Ohachi T (2001) A new
theoretical approach to adsorption–desorption behavior of Ead-dimer (¼3.6 eV per dimer at Ga coverage
Ga on GaAs surfaces. Surface Science 493: 178.
Ga ¼ 0.0 (Shiraishi and Ito, 1998)) with the chemical
potential of As2 molecule As2 . That is, desorption of
As-dimer proceeds and the c(4  4) reconstructed
structure may be decomposed when As2 is less than
800 Desorption Ead-dimer, whereas adsorption of As2occurs and As-
Temperature (°C)

dimer on c(4 4 ) is stabilized when As2 is larger

750 than Ead-dimer. Figure 5 shows the p–T dependence of
adsorption–desorption transition curve of As2 (As-
dimer) on GaAs(001)-c(4  4). In Figure 5, we find
650 Adsorption
that c(4  4) surface is stable at higher pressures and
lower temperatures. This agrees well with experi-
600 ments, that is, the c(4  4)-like structure appears at
10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3
T < 500  C for pAs2  1  107 torr (Bell et al., 1999),
while the (2  4)-like structure is observed at
Ga BEP (torr)
T ¼ 580  C for pAs2  1  106 torr (Itoh et al., 1998).
Figure 4 p–T dependence of adsorption–desorption The result suggests that the theoretical approach is
transition curve for Ga. Reproduced with permission from
applicable for predicting the adsorption–desorption
Kangawa Y, Ito T, Taguchi A, Shiraishi K, and Ohachi T
(2001) A new theoretical approach to adsorption– behavior of As2 molecule. More detailed discussions
desorption behavior of Ga on GaAs surfaces. Surface are described elsewhere (Ito et al., 2004).
Science 493: 178.

600  C during the conventional MBE growth under Competition of growth direction
Ga-rich condition (Yamada et al., 1989), whereas Ga Control of the interface/surface shape is a crucial factor
desorption proceeds and reconstructed surface for fabricating semiconductor devices with better-
appears at 700  C after turning off the Ga flux defined epi-layers. In this section, we discuss, for exam-
(Kojima et al., 1985; Gibson et al., 1990). This suggests ple, how to control the surface shape of cubic GaN
that the theoretical approach is feasible for predicting (c-GaN) during growth. If we can control the surface
the dependence of the temperature and BEP on shape, we can also control the interface shape between
adsorption–desorption behavior. the layer and the post-growth layer. In case of c-GaN
Next, we discuss the stability conditions of growth, control of surface shape is indispensable to
GaAs(001)-c(4  4) surface. The conditions where fabricate a better-defined epi-layer as well as to control
the -c(4  4) appears are predicted by comparing the the grown phase.The following information has been
adsorption energy of As-dimer on the surface obtained about c-GaN growth: {111} facet formation
118 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

during growth causes hexagonal GaN (h-GaN) mixing, (a) Top view
that is, in the regions grown toward the <111> direc- 2nd layer N
1st layer Ga
tions, the stacking sequence of . . .ABCABC. . . easily
collapses and changes to . . .ABABAB. . . (Kuwano et al.,
1994). This implies that two-dimensional (2D) growth
without facet formation is important to grow single-
phase c-GaN. Here, we apply the theoretical approach Side view
described in Section on the adsorption process A B C
of monatomic Ga and N on GaN(001) and (111) facet
planes in order to investigate the 2D growth condition
range. The shape of a growing surface can be investi- 1st layer Ga
gated by comparing the adsorption energy of the 2nd layer N
constituent atoms on each surface; top surface and (b) Ga N
facet plane.

Adsorption energy (eV)

It is known that GaN(001)-(4  1) reconstructed
structure based on a linear Ga tetramer is stable under
typical MBE growth conditions for c-GaN –2

–2.1 eV

–6.4 eV
(Neugebauer et al., 1998; Al-Brithen et al., 2005). –3
Therefore, we assumed the (4  1) reconstructed –4
surface as the initial substrate and investigated the –5
relationship between adsorption–desorption behavior –6
of monatomic Ga and N on the surface and growth
conditions such as BEP and temperature. Here, we
Site (–) Site (–)
consider monatomic N, because the source gas is
supplied on the substrate surface in case of radiofre- Figure 6 (a) Schematic drawing of GaN(001)-(41)
quency (rf) MBE. Figure 6 shows a schematic drawing surface. (b) Adsorption energies of Ga and N on sites A–E
shown in (a). Reproduced with permission from Kangawa Y,
of the GaN(001)-(4  1) surface and the adsorption
Matsuo Y, Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, and Kakimoto K
energy on the sites denoted by the capital letters (2007) Theoretical approach to initial growth kinetics of GaN
(A–E), respectively. In Figure 6, one can see that the on GaN(001). Journal of Crystal Growth 300: 62.(Kangawa
most favorable sites for adsorption are ‘E’ site for Ga et al. 2007)
and ‘A’ site for N. In the case of Ga adsorption, the
adsorption energy is 2.1 eV. This value is larger than In the same way, we can discuss the adsorption of
the formation energy of a Ga droplet (2.8 eV; a second atom on the N-adsorbed GaN(001)-(4  1)
Honing and Karmer, 1969). Therefore, the formation surface. Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show a schematic
of a Ga droplet is easier than that of a Ga-adsorbed drawing of the N-adsorbed GaN(001)-(4  1) surface
structure in this case. In the case of N adsorption, the and the adsorption energy on each site, respectively.
adsorption energy is 6.4 eV. Using these values of In Figure 8(a), it can be seen that the most favorable
adsorption energy, we can obtain phase diagrams sites are ‘D’ for Ga adsorption and ‘B’ for N adsorp-
related to the surface structures (Figure 7). In tion. However, if a N atom is adsorbed near the N
Figure 7 shows that no Ga-adsorbed structure atoms on the surface, that is, the case of adsorption on
would be formed, though Ga droplets seem to ‘A’ and ‘D’ sites, N atoms would desorb as a N2
be formed on the surface at high Ga BEP and in the molecule instead of N-dimer formation because a
low-temperature region. Here, the boundary line N-dimer is unstable on the surface. Phase diagrams
satisfies the conditions of Ga ¼ EGadroplet where were made using the calculated adsorption energies,
Ga is the chemical potential of monatomic Ga and that is, 3.7 eV for Ga and 6.0 eV for N, as shown in
EGa-droplet the formation energy of a Ga droplet Figure 9. The results imply that the stable region of
(2.8 eV). On the other hand, the N-adsorbed the Ga-adsorbed structure appears in the phase
structure is stable at typical growth conditions as diagram after the first N adsorption. That is, a
shown in the phase diagram. These results suggest Ga-adsorbing site appears after adsorption of the
that a N-adsorbed structure appears instead of a first N adatom. On the other hand, it is found that
Ga-adsorbed structure in the case of adsorption of N adsorption might occur under the condition shown
the first atom. in the diagram; however, N adatoms seem to desorb
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 119

(a) (b)

Temperature (°C)
800 Ga desorption
Ead-Ga > μGa
700 N adsorption
Ead-N > μN
600 Ga droplet

10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2
Ga BEP (torr) N BEP (torr)
Figure 7 p–T dependence of adsorption–desorption behavior of (a) Ga and (b) N on the initial surface. Reproduced with
permission from Kangawa Y, Matsuo Y, Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, and Kakimoto K (2007) Theoretical approach to initial
growth kinetics of GaN on GaN(001). Journal of Crystal Growth 300: 62.

(a) Top view (a) (b)

Temperature (°C)
A B C Ga adsorption
D E Ead-Ga < μGa
700 N adsorption
Side view Ead-N> μN
D A 600
Ga droplet
E 10–6 10–5
10–4 10–3 10–2 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2
Ga BEP (torr) N BEP (torr)

Figure 9 p–T dependence of adsorption–desorption

1st layer Ga
2nd layer N behavior of (a) Ga and (b) N on a N-adsorbed surface.
Reproduced with permission from Kangawa Y, Matsuo Y,
(b) Ga N Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, and Kakimoto K (2007)
0 Theoretical approach to initial growth kinetics of GaN on
Adsorption energy (eV)

GaN(001). Journal of Crystal Growth 300: 62.

–6.0 eV
–3.7 eV

Subsequently, Ga adsorption on the N adatom
occurs. Here, the N adatom is stabilized by being
–5 covered with a Ga adatom. This is different than
–6 the GaAs case, that is, group-III atoms are incorpo-
N2 N2
rated in the crystal by being covered with group-V
Site (–)
atoms in the case of GaAs. Though more detailed
Site (–)
examinations are required, Ga adsorption might be
Figure 8 (a) Schematic drawing of N-adsorbed GaN(0 0 the rate-limiting process during c-GaN growth and
1)-(41) surface. (b) Adsorption energies of Ga and N on
sites A–E shown in (a). Reproduced with permission from
the adsorption energy is 3.7 eV in this case.
Kangawa Y, Matsuo Y, Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, and We have already noted that the vapor–solid equi-
Kakimoto K (2007) Theoretical approach to initial growth librium condition changes during the growth process.
kinetics of GaN on GaN(001). Journal of Crystal Growth That is, change in coverage of adatom/molecule
300: 62.
leads to a change in adsorption site for the subsequent
adatom/molecule and adsorption energy. Therefore,
as a N2 molecule if a N adatom migrates to the sites the adsorption–desorption behavior changes regu-
on another N adatom. These results suggest that larly during the growth process. In a similar
c-GaN growth on the GaN(001)-(4  1) surface pro- manner, we have to consider the influence of the
ceeds via the following process during the initial spatial dependence of the adsorption–desorption
growth stage. First, a N-adsorbed structure is formed behavior if there are more than one plane on the
instead of a Ga-adsorbed structure. surface. In the following paragraph, we discuss the
120 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) Top view (b) Top view Table 2 Desorption energies of Ga at T1 and B
1st layer Ga sites shown in Figure 10 on Ga-monolayer and
1st layer Ga
2nd layer Ga 2nd layer Ga bilayer surfaces

Monolayer Bilayer

Site T1 B T1 B
B T1 Desorption energy (eV) 4.1 3.8 3.7 3.4
Reproduced with permission from Kangawa Y,
Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, and Kakimoto K (2009)
Theoretical approach to structural stability of GaN:
How to grow cubic GaN. Journal of Crystal Growth
Side view Side view 311: 3106.
B T1
B T1 Ga monolayer is stable compared with Ga bilayer
surface because desorption energy of Ga on the
monolayer surface (3.8 eV) is larger than that on
the bilayer surface (3.4 eV).
Here, the adsorption energy is equal to the nega-
Figure 10 Schematic of (a) Ga monolayer and (b) Ga
tive of the desorption energy if there is no activation
bilayer structure on (111) surface. Reproduced with energy during the desorption process. That is, the
permission from Kangawa Y, Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, adsorption energy of Ga at B site on the monolayer
and Kakimoto K (2009) Theoretical approach to structural and bilayer surface is 3.8 eV and 3.4 eV, respec-
stability of GaN: How to grow cubic GaN. Journal of Crystal tively. Using these values and the adsorption energy
Growth 311: 3106.
of Ga on (001)-(4  1) surface (3.7 eV), we can
classify the growth conditions into three regions:
adsorption–desorption behavior on the faceted region (I)–(III), as shown in Figure 11. In regions
surface and the change in growth form. (I) and (II), the chemical potential, Ga , is less than
To compare the adsorption energies of constitu- 3.4 eV, which is the adsorption energy of Ga on
ent atoms on GaN(001)-(4  1) surface with those (111) Ga bilayer surface. Therefore, Ga monolayer
on {111} facet plane, we studied the adsorption– surface appears on the faceted surface and the
desorption behavior of monatomic Ga and N on adsorption energy on the surface is 3.8 eV. In case
{111} facet plane. Figures 10(a) and 10(b) show of region (I), Ga is less than 3.7 eV, which is the
schematics of Ga monolayer and bilayer surfaces, adsorption energy of Ga on GaN(001)-(4  1). In this
respectively, which were observed on GaN(0001) region, impinging Ga adsorbs only on the (111) facet
(Adeimann et al., 2002; Northrup et al., 2000). These plane. In the case of region (II), impinging Ga adsorbs
structure also appear on GaN(111) because the on the facet plane, and then adsorbs on the (001)
atomic arrangement of the topmost and second surface because Ead-Ga(111) < Ead-Ga(001) < Ga , where
monolayers of (111) is the same as that of (0001). Ead-Ga(hkl) is the Ga adsorption energy on (hkl) plane.
Therefore, we discuss the adsorption–desorption In the case of region (III), Ga is larger than 3.4 eV,
behavior on these surfaces henceforth. In Figures which is the Ga adsorption energy on Ga bilayer
10(a) and 10(b), one can see that there are two surface, and, therefore, the bilayer surface appears
kinds of atomic sites, that is, T1 site which is on the on the facet plane under the growth conditions. In
Ga in underling layer and B site which is on the the region, impinging Ga atoms adsorb on the (001),
bridging site between Ga atoms in the underling and then adsorb on the facetted surface because Ead-
layer. Table 2 shows the desorption energies of Ga(001) < Ead-Ga(111) < Ga . These results imply that
Ga occupying the T1 and B sites on Ga mono- 2D growth occurs when the growth condition is
layer and bilayer surfaces. In Table 2, it is found suitable in regions (I) and (II), whereas facet forma-
that Ga atoms at the B sites are unstable com- tion occurs when the growth condition is in region
pared with that at T1 sites. This implies that (III). That is, we can control the surface shape and
decomposition of each layer starts by desorption suppress h-GaN mixing by choosing proper growth
of Ga at B sites. Moreover, the results suggest that conditions.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 121

(a) (b) (I) –3.8 < μ Ga < –3.7 (eV)

–3.7 –3.8
(I) (II) (III)

Temperature (°C) 800 Monolayer

(II) –3.7 < μ Ga < –3.4 (eV)

700 –3.8

Ga droplet
(III) –3.4 < μ Ga < –2.8 (eV)
10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2
–3.7 –3.8
Ga partial pressure (torr)

Figure 11 (a) Phase diagram of growth form and (b) schematic of growth mode in regions (I)–(III). Reproduced with
permission from Kangawa Y, Akiyama T, Ito T, Shiraishi K, and Kakimoto K (2009) Theoretical approach to structural stability
of GaN: How to grow cubic GaN. Journal of Crystal Growth 311: 3106. Growth Modes in Heteroepitaxy formation. In the case of the VW mode, three-dimen-
sional growth proceeds without forming a two- Growth modes
dimensional wetting layer. It is noted that the FM
Heteroepitaxial growth is one of the most important
mode originally means the growth mode in which a
techniques for the fabrication of semiconductor
two-dimensional growth layer appears after the for-
heterostructures which is the basic building block
mation of misfit dislocations at the interface between
of semiconductor optical and electronic devices.
a substrate and a growth layer, as described in the
Therefore, an understanding of heteroepitaxial
original paper of van der Merwe (1991). Nowadays,
growth mechanism is crucial for both scientific and
all two-dimensional growths are often categorized
technological viewpoints (Venables et al., 1984).
into the FM mode, contrary to the original definition.
Among them, it is well known that several growth
It is well known that growth modes of a semicon-
modes appear in a heteroepitaxial growth with lat- ductor are quite complex and the physical
tice-mismatched systems. In Figure 12, three typical mechanisms of various growth modes have intensively
examples of Frank–van der Merwe (FM) mode, studied so far (van der Merwe, 1963a,b, 1991;
Stranski–Krastanov (SK) mode, and Volmer–Weber Matthews and Blakeslee, 1975, 1976; Tersoff, 1988,
(VW) mode are schematically illustrated. As shown, a 1998; Nakajima, 1999). However, it is difficult to sys-
two-dimensional flat epitaxial layer is observed tematically explain the various and complex behaviors
during growth in the FM mode. In the SK mode, of the growth modes observed experimentally. This is
however, three-dimensional islands (called SK because semiconductor crystal growth involves
islands) appear after two-dimensional wetting-layer various and complex phenomena: for example, the
formation of misfit dislocations at growth interfaces
and of three-dimensional growth islands, as well as the
(a) (b) (c) inter-diffusion of atoms at the growth interfaces.
In the case of lattice-mismatched epitaxial
growths, the most crucial question is about how the
strain relaxation occurs. There have been a lot of
reports that discuss the relationship between growth
Figure 12 Schematic illustration of three typical growth processes and each individual strain relaxation
modes: (a) Frank–van der Merwe (FM) mode; (b) Stranski– mechanism. For example, van der Merwe (1963a,b,
Krastanov (SK) mode; and the (c) Volmer–Weber (VM) mode. 1991) and Matthews and Blakeslee (1975, 1976)
122 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

investigated the relationship between the generation heteroepitaxial growth can be qualitatively described
of misfit dislocations and growth processes from the on the basis of energetics.
viewpoint of the energy competition between the First, we define the ‘optimal growth mode’, which
strain in growth layers and the generation of misfit is key to the discussion in lattice-mismatched hetero-
dislocations. However, their approaches focused on epitaxy. The optimal growth mode has the minimum
the misfit dislocations and three-dimensional island free energy at a given film layer thickness h. Here, we
formations were not taken into account. On the other determine the optimal growth mode by considering
hand, Tersoff (1988, 1998) intensively studied the the energetics, instead of the system free energies, for
relationship between the three-dimensional SK simplicity. To determine the growth mode, we
island formation and growth mode, although he did should consider the possible growth modes. If two
not discuss the generation of misfit dislocations. mechanisms of misfit dislocation and SK island for-
Nakajima (1999) systematically studied the competi- mations are considered, possible growth modes can
tion between strain energies, surface energies, and be categorized as follows:
interfaced energies, and discussed the growth
modes. However, he did not include the effect of 1. mode with neither SK islands nor misfit disloca-
misfit dislocations. tions (two-dimensional coherent growth),
In this subsection, we show the simple but sys- 2. mode with only SK island formation (SK coherent
tematic theoretical studies that discuss the growth),
competition between several strain relaxation 3. mode with only misfit dislocation formation (two-
mechanisms, such as the generation of misfit dislo- dimensional growth with misfit dislocation), and
cations and three-dimensional island formations 4. mode with both misfit dislocations and SK islands
(Okajima et al., 2000). This theory is not only easy (SK growth with misfit dislocation).
to understand but also can naturally include various These growth modes are schematically illustrated in
mechanisms such as misfit dislocation and Figures 13(a)–13(d). Accordingly, the optimal growth
three-dimensional island formations. Moreover, we mode is one with the lowest energy among the above
comment on the importance of atomistic level infor- four growth modes at a given film thickness h.
mation for systematic understanding of various Therefore, by considering the change in the optimal
macroscopic growth processes. growth mode with the increase of h, we can system-
atically investigate the epitaxial growth process. Theory based on macroscopic Next, we describe the system energies of four
energetics types of growth modes. Here, we define the physical
In this subsection, we discuss the growth mode of parameters that will commonly be used in this sub-
lattice-mismatched epitaxy when two kinds of strain section as follows:
relaxation mechanisms of misfit dislocation and
three-dimensional island formations are taken into
account (Okajima et al., 2000). First, we discuss a
(a) (b)
theory that includes misfit dislocation and SK island
formations. This theory includes several macroscopic
parameters, for example, the elastic constants. In the
following, we will discuss a procedure that deter-
mines these macroscopic parameters based on the
atomistic simulations (e.g., first-principles calcula-
(c) (d)
tions) showing an example that initial
heteroepitaxial growth process of InAs/GaAs(110)
can quantitatively be reproduced by the discussion
using first-principles calculations.
It should be noted that dynamics as well as the
energetics play a crucial role in crystal growth. In the Figure 13 Schematic illustrations of four growth modes
that appear when misfit dislocation and SK island formation
present discussion, however, we only take into
are competed: (a) two-dimensional coherent growth, (b) SK
account energetics in order to simplify the discus- coherent growth, (c) two-dimensional growth with misfit
sions. In the following discussion, we will show that dislocation formation, and (d) SK growth with misfit
various and complex behaviors of lattice-mismatched dislocation formation.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 123

: surface energy of a growth layer, i: Increase in the opt h 2D – MD
l2D – MD ðh Þ ¼ l0 1 – c ð10Þ
surface area by SK island formation, h

: decrease in strain energy by SK island formation,

M: effective elastic constant, where hc 2D-MDs is the critical thickness of two-
": lattice mismatch at the hetero-interface, dimensional growth with misfit dislocations, and
l: average distance of misfit dislocations at the hetero- hc 2D-MD can be written as
interface, Ed
l0: average distance of misfit dislocations at which hc2D – MD ¼ ð11Þ
M"02 l0
lattice-mismatched strain at the hetero-interface
can perfectly be relaxed, In the case of SK growth with misfit dislocations,
Ed: formation energy of a misfit dislocation, and lopt(h) can be given as follows:
h: thickness of a growth layer.  –1
opt h SK – MD
lSK – MD ðh Þ ¼ l0 1 – c ð12Þ
It is noted that the reason why lattice-mismatch h
induced strain can effectively be relaxed by the where hc SK-MDs is the critical thickness of SK growth
three-dimensional island is the increase in surface with misfit dislocations, and it is given as follows:
regions in which constituent atoms can freely move.
This situation is included in the parameter
, which Ed
hcSK – MD ¼ ð13Þ
gives the energy gain by the above effective strain M ð1 –
Þ"02 l0
relaxation. By using Euations (10) and (12), the system energies
First, we discuss the energy of two-dimensional of two-dimensional and SK growth with misfit dis-
coherent growth. The system energy can be locations can be given as follows:
described as the sum of the surface energy and the
strain energy of a growth film, and it given as a 2D Ed Ed2
Eopt MD ðh Þ ¼ þ – ð14Þ
function of a film thickness h: l0 2M"02 l02 h

SK Ed Ed2
2D 1 Eopt MD ðh Þ ¼ þ – ð15Þ
Ecoh ðh Þ ¼ þ M"02 h ð6Þ l0 2M ð1 –
Þ"02 l02 h
In the case of SK coherent growth, an increase in By comparing the system energies of four possible
surface area and strain relaxation by the formation of growth modes given in Equations (6), (7), (14), and
SK islands should be added and given as follows: (15) at a given film thickness of h, we can determine
the optimal growth mode as a function of h. Further
1 more, we can discuss the various growth processes by
Ecoh ðh Þ ¼ ð1 þ Þ þ M ð1 –
Þ"02 h ð7Þ
2 considering the h dependence of the optimal growth
In the case of two-dimensional growth with misfit mode.
dislocations, the system energy is a function of an Here, we briefly mention the treatment of VW
average distance in misfit dislocations l as well as a growth in which a wetting layer does not appear. To
film thickness h as follows: describe VW growth, we should set the parameter
(surface energy of a growth layer) as negative. By this
  treatment, we can describe various and complex
2D 1 l0 2 Ed
EMD ðh; l Þ ¼ þ M"02 1 – hþ ð8Þ growth processes, such as the three-dimensional
2 l l
island formation, without wetting layer formation,
Similarly, the system energy of SK growth with subsequent formation of misfit dislocations, and
misfit dislocations can also be described as h and l: coalescence of three-dimensional islands.
SK 1 2 l0 Ed
EMD ðh; l Þ ¼ ð1 þ Þ þ M ð1 –
Þ"0 1 – hþ ð9Þ Mode transition during epitaxy
2 l l
Tracing the trajectory of the optimal growth mode,
In real epitaxial growth, an average distance of misfit while varying the layer thickness h, should reveal the
dislocations l should be the value lopt(h) at which the change in growth mode during heteroepitaxy. By
system energy becomes minimum. In addition, lopt(h) varying Ed, two types of typical growth behavior are
can be described as follows in two-dimensional demonstrated when other parameters are appropri-
growth with misfit dislocations: ately chosen, as shown in Figure 14. In the case of
124 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

2D-coh SK-coh
Ed = 2.0 2D-MD

Free energy per unit area


Ed = 1.0

hC1 hT hC1 hP
Layer thickness
2D C1 : FM-mode
hC1 < hT
2D-coh 2D-MD
2D T C1
hC1 > hT
2D-coh SK-coh
P : SK-mode
Figure 14 Change in the free energy with layer thickness h. By tracing the trajectory of the optimal growth mode, the
change in the growth mode can be described. Two typical growth behaviors (FM and SK) are illustrated. Typical FM and SK
modes can well be reproduced by changing the formation energy of misfit dislocation (Ed ¼ 1 and 2 eV Å1 for FM and SK
modes). Reproduced with permission from Shiraishi K, Oyama N, Okajima L, et al. (2002) First principles and macroscopic
theories of semiconductor epitaxial growth. Journal of Crystal Growth, 237–239: 206–211.

the small formation energy of a misfit dislocation in actual systems. Now, we briefly mention the effect
(Ed ¼ 1.0 eV Å1), the initial two-dimensional coher- of dynamics. For example, it becomes difficult to
ent growth mode changes into the two-dimensional generate misfit dislocations at the interface when
growth mode with misfit dislocations, when the layer the epi-layer thickness is quite large. In this case,
thickness h exceeds hc 2D-MD . However, no change even though the free energy of the growth mode
occurs after h ¼ hc 2D-MD . This growth process corre- with misfit dislocation is at its lowest, misfit disloca-
sponds to the typical FM growth that is observed in tions are rarely generatd. This is related to the fact
InAs/GaAs(110) and InAs/GaAs(111) heteroepitax- that the experimental critical thicknesses of many
ial systems (Belk et al., 1997; Yamaguchi et al., 1997). lattice-mismatched systems are much larger than
On the other hand, the two-dimensional coherent the theoretical values.
growth mode first changes into the SK-coherent
one at h ¼ hT, when Ed is comparatively large Theory based on atomistic
(Ed ¼ 2.0 eV Å1). By increasing the growth layer energetics
thickness, this SK-coherent growth mode changes We have noted in the above that the formation ener-
to the SK growth mode with misfit dislocations gies of misfit dislocations play a crucial role in
when h exceeds hc SK-MD . Further increase in the determining epitaxial growth processes. These ener-
growth layer thickness, however, induces the change gies of misfit dislocations are often discussed based
of SK growth mode with misfit dislocations into two- on the elastic theory. However, the above approach
dimensional growth mode with misfit dislocations. cannot include the individual and atomistic charac-
This is a typical SK growth process that is observed teristics of materials. To investigate the formation
in many lattice-mismatched systems. energies of misfit dislocations, quantum mechanical
It is well known that dynamics and energetics play and atomistic approaches are desirable, although
an essential role in determining the growth processes these involve generally need large-scale calculations.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 125

Here, we show an example of a first-principles inves- surface was depressed just above the misfit dislocation
tigation of misfit dislocations formed at the line due to the strain field caused by the misfit disloca-
heteroepitaxial interface of InAs/GaAs(110) systems tions. The vertical displacement of the top surface As
(Oyama et al., 1999). Moreover, we discuss the growth atoms is about 0.54 Å when the InAs epi-layer thickness
processes based on the first-principles results. is 4 ML. This vertical displacement is in good agree-
It has been reported by scanning tunneling micro- ment with the reported value (Oyama et al., 1999).
scopy (STM) experiments that misfit dislocations The above first-principles results also gave the
with average distance of 60 Å appear at the very total energy difference between coherent and dis-
initial stage of InAs heteroepitaxial growth on a located growth modes. The calculated energy
GaAs(110) surface after 2.8 ML (‘monolayer units’) difference are DE(2 ML) ¼ 3.15 eV per cell and
InAs growth (Belk et al., 1997). In addition, it is also DE(4 ML) ¼ 0.85 eV per cell, respectively. From
observed that two-dimensional growth continues these values, we can estimate the critical thickness
without forming SK islands. The existence of misfit as well as the phenomenological parameters. The
dislocations can be observed based on STM experi- calculated phenomenological parameters (Ed and
ments by estimating the vertical displacement of M) and the critical thickness hc 2DMD are
surface atoms with 0.5–0.7 Å. 0.96 eV A1, 1.22  1011 N m2, and 2.35 ML,
The first-principles calculations with norm-conser- respectively, for the InAs/GaAs(110) system. The
ving pseudopotentials (Hamman et al., 1979; Ihm et al., value of elastic constant M is of the same order
1979) were carried out for model systems in which two as the reported bulk modulus of InAs
and four InAs monolayers are coherently grown on (0.58  1011 N m2). On the other hand, the value
GaAs(110) substrates, and are grown with misfit dis- of the formation energy of a misfit dislocation is
locations, respectively. One InAs epi-layer unit was much smaller than the typical value of misfit dis-
forcibly removed for every 15 (GaAs) units to generate locations in crystals (1.86.9 eV Å1). This is
misfit dislocations. After the optimization, we obtained because this dislocation core structure only con-
the final structures. The so-obtained structures of four tains stable In–As bonds without relatively unstable
InAs epi-layers are shown in Figure 15. The 90  In–In or As–As bonds (Kobayashi and Nakayama,
perfect-misfit dislocations were generated in the 2008). Moreover, the critical thickness is obtained
[001] direction. The most noticeable points in this as 2.35 ML. Thus, the first isolated misfit disloca-
structure are the fivefold coordinated In atoms that tion is expected to appear when the epi-layer
have covalent bonds with the nearest five As atoms thickness exceeds 3 ML, in fairly good agreement
along the dislocation line. Although this fivefold coor- with the experiments (Yamaguchi et al., 1997). The
dinated structure was not confirmed experimentally, it above consideration indicates that the atomistic
is expected that further experimental developments information of misfit dislocations is crucial for
will observe such brand-new dislocation core struc- understanding the macroscopic growth modes
tures. Due to the dislocation formation, the epi-layer appearing in the heteroepitaxial growth.

Vertical surface displacement

= 0.542 Å

2.52 2.52

2.57 2.57
2.64 2.63
3.12 2.86
2.70 2.60 :As
2.39 2.36
2.28 2.30 [110]
2.34 2.34

2.40 2.40 [001] [110]

Figure 15 The dislocation core structure obtained for InAs/GaAs(110) heterointerface with an InAs layer is 4 ML. Light, dark,
and black circles indicate In, Ga, and As atoms, respectively. The numbers in the figure represent bond lengths (Å).
Reproduced with permission from Shiraishi K, Oyama N, Okajima L, et al. (2002) First principles and macroscopic theories of
semiconductor epitaxial growth. Journal of Crystal Growth, 237–239: 206–211.
126 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

X Defect Formation in Heteroepitaxy H¼ VAB
A;BX Heterovalency-induced defects þ k0 minðjQAþ j; jQA – jÞ
In the previous section, we explained how the A
elastic strain originating from lattice mismatch pro- 3 X
þ kn minðjQA j; jQB jÞ ð16Þ
duces nanostructures such as quantum-dots in n¼1 A;B
heteroepitaxy. In both hetero- and homoepitaxy
of semiconductor films, another kind of nanostruc- In this model, all atoms are assumed to be located at
ture is often generated near the interface zinc-blende tetrahedral site. The first term represents
originating from other origins. In this section, we the bonding energies between the first-nearest neigh-
concentrate on the stacking-fault tetrahedron boring atoms, A and B, and between the second-
defects (SFTs) (Finch et al., 1963; Mendelson, nearest neighboring surface dimer-bond atoms in
1964; Kanisawa et al., 2001; Nakayama and the same epitaxy layer. The values of VAB are eval-
Kobayashi, 2005) and show that they are generated uated from the first-principles calculations of
by (i) the heterovalency, that is, the valency mis- cohesive energy for zinc-blende AB crystal and sur-
match of two semiconductors, and (ii) the existence face energies of various configurations. The second
of impurity atoms on the growth surface, by term in the equation represents the energy gains due
to the electron transfer between four tetrahedral
demonstrating the cases of ZnSe/GaAs interface
bonds around an atom, A, where electrons are trans-
formation and Si homoepitaxy.
ferred from the donor bonds such as As–Se to the
ZnSe and GaAs have the same zinc-blende crystal
acceptor bonds like As–Zn. Since this transfer
structure and similar lattice constants of 5.65 and
changes the electron occupancy from the antibond-
5.64 Å, respectively. Therefore, there is no elastic
ing states to the bonding states, the gain energy is
strain at ZnSe/GaAs interfaces. However, the het-
proportional to the sum of excess or deficit electron
eroepitaxy of ZnSe on a (001) GaAs substrate often
number, QAþ or QA around the A atom. After this
produces various defects such as vacancies and inter-
intra-site electron transfer, there still exist excess or
stitials at the interface, followed by macroscopic
deficit electrons, QA ¼ QAþ þ QA, around the atom
defects like dislocations, partials, and SFTs (Kuo
A. We can assume that such electrons are transferred
et al., 1996a, 1996b; Yasuda et al., 1996). What is the within the first (n ¼ 1) to third-nearest (n ¼ 3) neigh-
origin of such extensive defect formation at ZnSe/ boring sites, hence the third term being introduced.
GaAs interfaces? The parameters, k0, k1, k2, and k3, are taken to be 2.00,
As shown in Section, most semicon- 0.32, 0.08, and 0.02 eV, respectively, which are again
ductor surface structures satisfy the electron obtained by fitting the GaAs and ZnSe surface
counting condition, where the surfaces stabilize energies in the first-principles calculations.
to become semiconducting by decreasing the dan- The growth simulation is performed using the
gling-bond electrons, that is, by producing cation/ conventional stochastic Monte Carlo method (Ito
anion dimer bonds on the surface and transferring and Shiraishi, 1998a, 1998b), where the absorption,
the excess electrons of surface-cation dangling evaporation, surface-atom diffusion, dimerization,
bonds into the partially occupied dangling bonds and atom exchange between the surface and substrate
of surface anion atoms. In the case of ZnSe/GaAs are considered as fundamental processes. The occur-
heteroepitaxy, however, the electron-deficit rence probability of these processes is described by
Zn–As acceptor and electron-excess Ga–Se the Boltzman factor, exp(E), where E is the surface
donor bonds inevitably appear at the interface energy change between before and after the process
and the electron transfer occurs among these and  ¼ 1/kBT. The growth simulation starts on
bonds in addition to the surface dangling bonds GaAs (001) (2  4)2 surfaces with an area of
(Nakayama, 1992a; Oda and Nakayama, 1992; (12  12) and (20  20).
Murayama et al., 1998; Nakayama and Three typical cases are shown here for the initial
Murayama, 2000a). growth of ZnSe on GaAs: (i) the case when Zn and Se
The simplest atomistic model that includes these are simultaneously supplied from the beginning, and
charge-transfer effects has the total energy form as the case when Zn and Se are simultaneously supplied
(Nakayama and Sano, 2001) after some amount of (ii) Zn or (iii) Se exposure.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 127

(a) (b) (a)

z=4 As As As As

Se Ga Ga Ga Ga
As 2

1 z = –1 Zn Sc
V As As
z = –2 As As
A z = –3
Ga Ga Ga Ga
–2 As As As

–3 )
(11 10 Ga Ga Ga Ga
0) (–1
Figure 17 Atom structures of trench sites of GaAs (001)
Figure 16 Calculated ZnSe atom configurations (a) at (2  4) 2 surfaces viewed from the (110) direction: (a)
the initial stage of growth and (b) after 4 ML ZnSe before ZnSe adsorption, (b) after Zn adsorption, and (c) after
adsorption on GaAs (001) (2  4)2 substrate. Zn and Se Se adsorption. In (b), the second adsorption occurs at the
atoms are simultaneously supplied. Reproduced with cation site by Se atom, while, in (c), As evaporation occurs
permission Nakayama T and Sano K (2001) Monte Carlo after the Se adsorption. Reproduced with permission
simulation of defect formation in ZnSe/GaAs heterovalent Nakayama T and Sano K (2001) Monte Carlo simulation of
epitaxy. Journal of Crystal Growth 227/228: 665. defect formation in ZnSe/GaAs heterovalent epitaxy.
Journal of Crystal Growth 227/228: 665.

First, we consider case (i). Figures 16(a) and

16(b) show the grown atom configurations at the heterovalent bonds and the growth process. When
initial stage and after ZnSe adsorption in the four the GaAs (2  4)2 surface is exposed to a ZnSe
topmost monolayers, respectively, where the top As- beam, as shown in Figure 17(b), the cation site
dimer layer of GaAs corresponds to the z ¼ 0 layer. between the As dimers in the z ¼ 1 layer is first
At initial growth in Figure 16(a), Zn and Se atoms occupied by a Zn atom and the next adsorption
are adsorbed at trench (missing Ga) sites in the occurs at the nearest cation site by breaking the As
z ¼ 1 layer, which was also observed in STM dimer. The adsorption energies of Zn and Se to this
experiments (Ohtake et al., 1999). When the growth cation site are, respectively, 3.03 and 2.70 eV in the
proceeds further, as seen in Figure 16(b), most of absence of electron transfer, kn ¼ 0, while 3.61 and
these Se atoms move to other sites by diffusion and 3.84 eV in the presence of electron transfer, kn 6¼ 0.
exchange processes and most trench sites become The energy gain of Se adsorption occurs in the latter
occupied by Zn atoms; thus, the cation–anion order case because the Se adsorption produces As–Se
is realized in most upper grown layers. However, it is donor bonds, which compensate the electron defi-
noticed that a few Se antisites, denoted by A, are ciency in nearest Zn–As acceptor bonds caused by
observed at trench sites (z ¼ 1), and these antisites the first Zn adsorption. In this way, the electron
are accompanied by vacant sites, V, in the upper transfer prefers to locate a Se atom at this cation
layers (z > 1). Even if the growth proceeds further, site, that is, induces the co-adsorption of Zn and Se,
these vacant defect structures remain stationary and and produces the Se antisite as shown in
never disappear. Figure 17(b). Of course, when the growth proceeds
The appearance of such defect structure is closely further, most such Se atoms change the position into
related to both the electron transfer between anion layers by diffusion and atom-exchange
128 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

processes. However, once a certain number of anti- the anion sites which had ever been occupied by As
sites are produced nearby, they do not disappear atoms. Moreover, one can see that a number of sub-
through the diffusion and atom-exchange processes strate As atoms evaporate and disappear on the
between different layers, and, as seen in surface and even in the inner z ¼ 2 layer. This As
Figure 17(b), the vacant sites appear over these anti- evaporation is induced by the Se adsorption as fol-
sites. Moreover, it should be noticed here that, as seen lows: in case (iii), the supplied Se atom first occupies
in Figure 16(b), the boundary between adsorbed and the cation trench site as shown Figure 17(c).
vacant regions is occupied by antisite atoms of Zn and Although the Se desorption from this configuration
Se. This indicates the displacement tendency of is a major process in the next step, the second-nearest
adsorbed atoms and might induce large defects such neighboring As atom sometimes evaporates. This is
as dislocations and SFTs observed in experiments. because there are many electrons around the
We now consider the effects of initial treatment of adsorbed Se due to the Se–As donor bonds, and
the substrate. Figure 18(a) shows the grown atom when the neighboring As atom evaporates the large
configuration after 4 ML of ZnSe are adsorbed in energy gain is obtained by transferring excess
case (ii), while Figure 18(b) shows the surface struc- electrons into the dangling bond of the nearest As
ture after Se atoms are supplied on GaAs substrate in generated by As evaporation.
case (iii). In Figure 18(a), all trench sites in the Moreover, since there is no As supply, vacant sites
z ¼ 1 layer are occupied by Zn atoms, and there is are never occupied by As atoms once As atoms eva-
no antisite and vacancy, hence no sign of defect porate. Since the resulting surface is so bumpy, there
production even when further growth proceeds. On appear more number of defects than those shown in
the other hand, in Figure 18(b), Se atoms are Figure 16(b) when ZnSe is grown on this surface.
adsorbed not only on the GaAs surface but also at All the above-mentioned results are qualitatively
in agreement with experiments; the defect starts just
(a) (b)
at the interface and the Zn/Se exposure before ZnSe
supply decreases/increases the defect density in
grown layers. These results clearly demonstrate that

Zn both the heterovalency and the initial treatment of

Se heteroepitaxy are key factors to control the interface
Ga crystalline shape. The cases of other interfaces are
2 As also shown in the literature (Nakayama et al., 2002a). Impurity-induced defects

1 0 Next, we consider the defect formation in the Si
homoepitaxy. During the thin-film growth of most
0 semiconductors, crystallographic defects such as
–1 point defects and dislocations are often generated,
originating from impurity atoms on the substrate
–1 surface. Among various defects, SFTs have unique
features; as shown in Figure 19, SFTs have a

–3 )

0) (–1
Face film
Figure 18 Calculated ZnSe atom configurations after wn
4 ML ZnSe adsorption on GaAs (001) (2  4) 2 surfaces. Ridge G ro t e
Apex tra
Zn and Se are simultaneously supplied after some amount bs
of (a) Zn and (b) Se exposure. The symbol notations are the Su
same as in Figure 16. Reproduced with permission from
Nakayama T and Sano K (2001) Monte Carlo simulation of
defect formation in ZnSe/GaAs heterovalent epitaxy. Figure 19 Schematic picture of stacking-fault
Journal of Crystal Growth 227/228: 665. tetrahedron (SFT) in Si(111) grown film.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 129

diamond structure in their tetrahedron body and are (a)

surrounded by (111) and three equivalent faces with
stacking-fault layers. Most SFTs are nucleated at the
interface between the substrate and the grown film
such that one of the four apexes of a tetrahedron is
located at the interface, and they become larger,
reaching the size of a few tens of micrometers, as (b)
the film grows thicker (Mendelson, 1964). However,
these are phenomenological characterizations, and it
has not been clarified from a microscopic viewpoint
how and why the SFTs are nucleated at the interface
and what crystal structures are realized around the
apex, that is, the starting point of the SFT generation.
The standard classical molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations were used to simulate the SFT genera- (c)
tion (Kobayashi and Nakayama, 2004), by adopting
the Nose ´–Hoover thermostat algorithm and the
empirical interatomic potentials. Since the Si growth
proceeds with the supply of chlorinated Si gases, such
as SiH2Cl2, a certain number of Cl atoms always exist
on the Si substrate, mainly as SiCl with a single Si–Cl
bond (Sakurai and Nakayama, 2002). Thus, the simu-
lations begin with such a Cl-adsorbed Si(111)
substrate, with the supply of Si and adoption of the
atom diffusing as an equilibrium process at a typical
Figure 20 Side views of surface structures during Si
temperature of 900  C. growth. Gray and open circles denote, respectively, Si and
When the Si atoms are supplied on Si substrate, Cl atoms. (a) Initial Si substrate for the simulations, where
the Si bilayer is first produced, as shown in two Cl atoms are adsorbed; (b) surface after initial bilayer
Figure 20(b), except at the region around the Cl growth; and (c) surface after three-bilayer growth.
atoms. As the growth proceeds further, however, Reproduced with permission from Kobayashi R and
Nakayama T (2004) Theoretical study on generation and
most Cl atoms leave the substrate by diffusing onto atomic structures of stacking-fault tetrahedra in Si film
the Si surface, as shown in Figure 20(c), and the growth. Thin Solid Films 464/465: 90.
grown Si layers produce an ordered diamond struc-
ture without any defects. This is because the Cl atom
has only a single bond with the nearest neighboring which is the reason for the stability of this structure.
Si due to the monovalency of Cl, thus being pushed In fact, once this dome structure is produced, it
out from the substrate onto the grown surface to remains intact during the subsequent Si growth
avoid the energy loss due to promoting Si dangling even when the Cl atoms are removed.
bonds around Cl atom. When the Si layers are formed on this dome
With a very small but finite possibility, however, structure, their crystal structures strongly depend
the Cl atoms remain at the initial adsorption sites on on the number of adsorbed Cl atoms on the substrate.
the substrate and are buried in the Si film after the When only one Cl atom is left on the substrate, a
Si growth. In this case, after the production of two small region of Si overlayers shows a disordered
Si bilayers shown in Figure 21(a), the deposited Si structure. As seen in Figure 21(c), however, most
atoms can find stable positions above the Cl atoms by Si layers are deposited with the diamond structure
producing covalent bonds with Si atoms in the wall and the Cl atom is buried in Si films as a point-like
around the Cl atoms, as shown by the arrow in defect, thus no SFT structure appears. On the other
Figure 21(a). Then, as shown in Figure 21(b), the hand, when more than one Cl atoms are present in
deposited Si atoms can be located at positions about the nearest neighbouring sites on the substrate, as
one bilayer above the Cl atoms such that they form a shown in Figure 21(d), the Si layers in a region
dome over the Cl atoms. Most of these Si atoms in above the Cl atoms are located at positions slightly
the ceiling of the dome are tetrahedrally coordinated, higher than the corresponding layers in the other
130 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Ridge SF

Figure 21 Side views of surface structures during Si growth. (a) Surface after the growth of two Si bilayers in the case when
two Cl atoms are left on the substrate; (b) surface after a few Si atoms are supplied on the surface shown in (a). The dome
structure is produced over the Cl atoms. (c) Surface after the growth of three bilayers with one Cl atom left on the substrate. (d)
Surface after the growth of three bilayers with two Cl atoms left on the substrate. Dotted lines, labeled SF and Ridge,
respectively, show the stacking fault face and the ridge line of SFT. Reproduced with permission from Kobayashi R and
Nakayama T (2004) Theoretical study on generation and atomic structures of stacking- fault tetrahedra in Si film growth. Thin
Solid Films 464/465: 90.

region and have a diamond structure. Moreover, we fact, a Si/SiO2 interface can provide us a nearly
can see the stacking-fault faces and the ridge line ideal two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) that
around this region, indicating the growth of the leads to the discovery of quantum Hall effects, etc.
SFT-like structure. From these results, we can con- (von Klitzing et al., 1980). This is due to the sharp and
clude that the SFTs can be produced when more nearly defect-free characteristics of the Si/SiO2
than one Cl atoms are present nearby on the sub- interface. The typical interface defect density is of
strate, and the dome structure shown here is one of the order of 1010 cm2, and the TEM observation
the candidates for the apex structure of SFTs. This really indicates the sharp interface structure. Such
conclusion is consistent with the observation that the sharp interface comes from the layer-by-layer oxida-
SFT density is proportional to the square of the Cl tion of Si surfaces and interfaces, which has been
coverage on the Si substrate (Mazumdar et al., 1995; observed on Si(111) (Ohishi and Hattori, 1994) and
Takakuwa et al., 1997). In fact, after producing such Si(100) surfaces (Watanabe et al., 1998).
an apex, there appear three partial dislocations as
ridge lines (Kobayashi and Nakayama, 2008). Phenomenological theory
The Deal and Grove model of Si oxidationhas been
widely accepted for a long time. First, we introduce Interface Formed by Oxidation
the conventional understanding of Si thermal oxida-
The Si/SiO2 interface is a building block of Si metal- tion by Deal and Grove (1965). The suggested steps
oxide field-effect transistor (MOSFET) in large- consist of an oxidant diffusion process followed by an
scale integration (LSI) circuits. The realization of interfacial reaction process. When a Si substrate is
MOSFET in modern LSI circuits stems from the exposed to an oxygen (O2) atmosphere at around
high-quality Si/SiO2 interfaces (Kahng, 1960). In 700–1100  C, the substrate surface changes into Si
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 131

oxide. This is the thermal oxidation process. While that the transport of Si is also important during the
this process can be described by a simple chemical thermal oxidation, though the Deal–Grove scheme
reaction formula, Si þ O2  > SiO2, its microscopic considers only the transport of O. Thus, the move-
picture is much complicated. During the oxidation, ment of both O and Si should be clarified
O2 molecules from the atmosphere must meet the microscopically in detail to obtain a precise scheme
substrate Si to react, but the surface of the substrate is of the thermal oxidation process.
covered by Si oxide. Therefore, O2 molecules must
move through the Si oxide covering the surface. So, Mechanism of oxidation
Deal and Grove assumed that the O2 molecules move
Although the Deal and Grove model can describe the
(the diffusion process) and arrive at the interface
important characteristics of thermal oxidation, it is
between the Si oxide and substrate Si and react
agreed that it fails to explain the oxidation process,
with the latter (the reaction process). By combining
especially in the thin-oxide case. Here, we introduce
these two processes, they successfully explained the
a more realistic scheme for the mechanism of the Si
kinetics of oxide thickness growth. Experiments with
thermal oxidation process based on the knowledge
O isotopes basically supported this scheme (Han and
obtained by the computational sciences and related
Helms, 1988; Lu et al., 1995): isotope-labeled O atoms
experiments (Kageshima and Shiraishi, 1998;
are located at Si/SiO2 interfaces, which indicates that
Kageshima et al., 1999; Uematsu et al., 2000, 2001,
O2 molecules diffuse through SiO2 layer and react at
2004; Fukatsu et al., 2003; Watanabe et al., 2006;
the Si/SiO2 interface. Moreover, their model could
Ming et al., 2006).
reproduce the experimental oxidation rate as follows.
The time evolution of oxide thickness can be written
as X 2 þ AX ¼ B ðt þ Þ, where X and t are oxide
• Oxidation direction Kageshima and Shiraishi
clearly show by the first-principles calculations
thickness and oxide time, respectively, and A and B that the preferential growth direction of the oxide
are, respectively, the constants related to oxidation nucleus on the surfaces is vertical to the substrate,
reaction and O2 diffusion through SiO2. The charac- whereas, at the interfaces, it is lateral. Moreover,
teristic nature of their model is that there exist two they have shown that Si atoms are inevitably
regions called the reaction- and diffusion-limited emitted from the interface to release the stress
oxidation regions that correspond to thin and thick induced during Si oxide growth (Kageshima and
oxide thickness, respectively. In the case of reaction- Shiraishi, 1998)
limited oxidation, oxide thickness X is proportional First, the growth directions of an oxide nucleus on
to the oxidation time, t. On the other hand, pffiffi in the Si surfaces and at Si-oxide/Si interfaces are dis-
diffusion limited case, X is proportional to t . cussed. The surface growth direction is investigated
However, as Deal and Grove also pointed out in by using the Si(100) surface with buckled dimmers as
their original paper, this picture cannot explain sev- the initial surface. For such a surface, the most stable
eral issues related to the thermal oxidation process adsorption site of the initial O atom is the back-bond
(Deal and Grove, 1965; Deal, 1988). In particular, it of the lower dimer atom (Kato et al., 1998). The first
cannot explain the so-called initial enhanced oxida- O atom is placed at that site and another is added
tion, the rapid oxide growth when the oxide between the SiSi bonds neighboring the first
thickness is thinner than a few tens of nanometers. SiOSi bond. Second, the most stable adsorption
One important factor, which is not taken into account site for the second O atom is determined by the first-
in the Deal–Grove scheme, is that the volume of the principles results. The possible sites are shown in
newly formed oxide is more than 2 times larger than Figure 22(a). The calculated total energies are 0.10,
that of the reacted substrate Si. Since the reaction 0.02, 0.33, and 0.61 eV per unit cell, for the sites B,
occurs at the interface surrounded by the substrate C, D, and E, respectively, relative to the total energy
and the surface oxide, the excess volume should of the site A. Using the dihydride Si(100) surface
cause a large compressive strain on the newly formed model (Northrup, 1991) as the initial surface,
oxide. Such accumulated strain could be released by Kageshima and Shiraishi also investigated the growth
viscoelastic deformation of the Si oxide. The Si den- direction for a H-terminated surface. The most stable
sity drastically decreases after Si thermal oxidation adsorption site for the initial O atom is the outermost
due to the volume expansion, indicating that Si spe- SiSi bond. The first O atom is placed at that site
cies should move from interface region to release and another one is added between the SiSi bonds
accumulated strain. Therefore, it is natural to think neighboring the first SiOSi bond. Then, the most
132 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) (b) (c)


Figure 22 Atomic structures for studying the oxide nucleus growth. (a) Top view for the clean surface, (b) top view for the
dihydride surface, and (c) side view for the oxide/Si interface with the less-stressed quartz-like oxide. The filled circles are O
atoms, the empty circles are Si atoms, and the small hatched circles are H atoms. Reproduced with permission from
Kageshima H and Shiraishi K (1998) First-principles study of oxide growth on Si(100) surfaces and at SiO2/Si(100) interfaces.
Physical Review Letters 81: 5936.

stable adsorption site of the second O atom can be by the difference between ‘on the surface’ and ‘at
determined. The calculated total energies are 0.12, the interface.’ Since the vertical oxide growth on
0.22, and 0.59 eV per unit cell, for the sites B, C, the surfaces is independent of the surface reconstruc-
and D, respectively, relative to the total energy of the tion, the stress (rather than the bonding nature or
site A (Figure 22(b)). These calculations indicate the charge transfer) seems to control the growth
that the oxide nucleus on the (100) surface preferen- direction. Actually, it is easy for SiOSi bonds on
tially grows vertically into the substrate, being the surfaces to expand vertically because the surface
independent of the surface reconstruction. atoms in the Si region can move upwards with almost
Next, we discuss the oxide growth direction at Si/ total freedom, while it is not easy for the bonds to
SiO2 interfaces. For the investigation of the growth expand laterally. Thus, the initial oxide nucleus on
direction for interfaces, the quartz/Si(100) interface the surface should grow vertically in order to mini-
model is used as the initial interface (Figure 22(c)) mize the stress. In the case of the interface, the
(Kageshima and Shiraishi, 1998). While the real vertical expansion of SiOSi bonds is not easy
oxide layer formed by oxidation is amorphous, for because their movement is restricted by the covered
simplicity, the oxide is modeled by a crystal of SiO2. oxide layer. Therefore, the energy gain due to the
However, this crystal model certainly has a perfect stress release by vertical growth is quite restricted.
bond network without large stress, which is an On the other hand, to minimize the interface energy,
important feature of the real amorphous oxide inter- the initial oxide nucleus at the interface should grow
face. The first O atom is added to the interface and laterally. These results have been confirmed by
the stable structure is determined. Next, the second examining the stress distribution of the calculated
and third O atoms are introduced to the interface, atomic structures estimated from the shortening of
assuming that all of the SiOSi bonds formed are the Si–Si bond lengths. These findings show the
connected. The calculations show that the structure importance of the stress in determining the growth
in which the second O atom is inserted into the site A direction. A simple phenomenological model that
is energetically more stable (by 0.29 eV per unit cell) includes oxidation induced compressive strain also
than the structure in which the second one is inserted reproduces the lateral oxide growth (Shiraishi et al.,
into the site B. Moreover, the structure in which the 2000). Recently, it has been pointed out that a simple
second and third O atoms are inserted into the sites A Monte Carlo simulation that includes the diffusion of
and C is more stable (by 0.05 eV per unit cell) than O species through SiO2 region can reproduce layer-
the structure in which the second and third ones are by-layer growth qualitatively (Watanabe et al., 2004).
inserted into the sites A and B. These results indicate The above considerations agree with the experi-
that the oxide nucleus at the Si-oxide/Si(100) inter- mental results fairly well. A previous STM-based
face preferentially grows laterally, parallel to the measurement of the oxide growth on a clean
interface. Si(111) surface (Ono et al., 1993) showed that oxide
The preferential growth direction of the oxide islands are formed in the initial stage at 600  C. The
nucleus for the (100) substrate is thus governed depth of the islands reaches several atomic layers at
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 133

the very initial stage. Furthermore, many experi- lower temperature could result in the formation of a
ments have clearly shown that the oxide grows well-controlled atomically thin uniform oxide layer.
atomically layer by layer at the Si-oxide/Si(100) The efficiency of these oxidation processes is sup-
and (111) interfaces (Gibson and Lanzerotti, 1989; ported by the experiments (Ohishi et al., 1994;
Komeda et al., 1998; Ohishi and Hattori, 1994; Watanabe et al., 1998).
Watanabe et al., 1998). These are consistent with the
findings based on the computational results. • Stress release We now turn to the mechanism for
the release of the accumulated stress during oxida-
The results discussed above indicate that a uni-
tion. Stress release was first investigated using a
form oxide layer can be obtained with any thickness
by thermal oxidation, once a uniform surface oxide dihydrided Si(100) surface as the initial surface. We
layer is formed. Therefore, the preparation of the sequentially insert O atoms between SiSi bonds of
initial surface oxide is crucial for obtaining a uniform the surface, assuming atomical layer-by-layer oxide
oxide layer with atomically controlled thickness, growth. This assumption simplifies the analysis of the
which gives an important guiding principle for mod- accumulated stress, as will be shown below. When
ern Si nanotechnologies. Although first-principles eight O atoms per unit cell are introduced
results also indicate that the initial growth direction (Figure 23(a)), the formed oxide has a SiOSi
of the oxide nucleus on the surfaces is vertical into network similar to that of the cristobalite of crystal
the substrate, this is true only when the thermody- SiO2 (Wyckoff, 1963). However, the structure is
namics govern the oxidation process. Actually, the highly compressed compared to that of the cristoba-
STM measurement has shown that oxidation does lite. The a and b axes of the obtained oxidized region,
not form islands, but instead forms an atomically thin which are parallel to the interface, are 23% shorter
surface oxide layer from the very first stage at room than the corresponding axes of the a-cristobalite.
temperature, where the oxidant cannot diffuse into Despite the elastic theory, the c axis, which is per-
the substrate easily (Ono et al., 1993). It has been pendicular to the interface, is only 20% longer than
reported that the O2 adsorption in the second layer the corresponding axis of the a-cristobalite. Thus, the
of the clean Si(100) surface has a nonzero barrier of structure is largely compressed to about three-
about 0.3 eV, while the adsorption in the outermost fourths of the volume of the a-cristobalite. This sug-
layer is barrierless (Watanabe et al., 1998). Therefore, gests the existence of strain release mechanism
thermal oxidation at a lower oxidant pressure and during the oxide growth. One possibility is the

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 23 Side views of the atomic structures for studying the accumulation and the release of the stress. (a) The structure
after sequential oxidation by two Si atomic layers; (b, c) the structures before and after the Si emission on the dihydride
surface; (d) the structure with the Si emission after oxidation by two Si atomic layers; (e, f ) the structures before and after the
emission at the oxide/Si interface with the less-stressed quartz-like oxide. The broken circles indicate the position where the
Si atom is emitted. Reproduced with permission from Kageshima H and Shiraishi K (1998) First-principles study of oxide
growth on Si(100) surfaces and at SiO2/Si(100) interfaces. Physical Review Letters 81: 5936.
134 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

breaking, deformation, and rebonding of the formed Moreover, when six O atoms per unit cell are intro-
SiOSi network, which would correspond to a duced to the emitting structure (Figure 23(d)), the
viscous flow of oxide. However, bond breaking and resulting bond network resembles the quartz struc-
deformation after oxide formation require a lot of ture of SiO2. The a axis of the obtained oxidized
energy. Therefore, there must be some other region is only 8% longer than the corresponding
mechanisms that work to release the stress before axis of the b-quartz. The b and c axes are only 1%
the compressed oxide is formed. and 0.2% shorter, respectively, than the correspond-
ing axes of the b-quartz. Thus, the accumulated strain
It is found that the atomic structure, when three O
is successfully released by removing Si atoms during
atoms per unit cell are introduced, is the key to the
Si oxidation. In the real experimental situation, it is
stress release (Figure 23(b)) (Kageshima and
expected that the remaining stress in the formed
Shiraishi, 1998). In this structure, an O atom is quite
oxide would be completely released after the Si
close to a surface Si atom, which has only one SiO
emission during oxide growth.
bond. Thus, these two atoms can form a bond by
Silicon emission also occurs at the Si-oxide/Si
breaking the bonds with the second-layer Si atom.
interfaces. Si emission from the interfaces has been
Moreover, the second-layer Si atom, whose two
considered using the quartz/Si(100) interface
bonds were broken, could be emitted from the sur-
model (Kageshima and Shiraishi, 1998). The total
face because of laterally compressed stress on it
energy of the emitting structure (Figure 23(f)) is
(Figure 23(c)). The calculated total energy of such more stable (by 0.41 eV per unit cell) than that of
a Si-emitting structure indicates it to be only 0.04 eV the nonemitting structure (Figure 23(e)), although
per unit cell higher than that of the nonemitting two Si dangling bonds are formed after Si emission.
structure, though there remain two dangling bonds. This means that, even at the oxide/Si interfaces, Si
This structure resembles the well-known A center (or atoms are preferentially emitted during oxide
the VO center) in bulk Si crystal (Pajot, 1994; Chadi, growth. Moreover, although layer-by-layer oxida-
1996). In addition, when we sequentially insert O tion is assumed as mentioned above, further
atoms, the total energies for all of the emitting struc- calculations show that the Si emission is indepen-
tures are more stable than those for the dent of the oxide growth mode. Even after the
corresponding nonemitting structures (Figure 24). initial vertical oxide growth on the surfaces, the
The energy advantage is up to 2 eV per unit cell. emission can occur again when the oxide islands
This is because the two remaining dangling bonds connect with each other. Since stress accumulation
first form a weak bond by laterally compressed stress, is inevitable in the Si oxidation process, the release
and are finally terminated by forming a SiOSi of this stress by Si emission should be essential and
bond. This also indicates that the Si emission scarcely universal.
results in the creation of the interfacial gap states.
• Si emission As discussed above, the emitted Si
atoms should play an important role in the oxidation
process. Since the energy advantage of the
3 Si emission (up to 2 eV) is smaller than the
Energy advantage

2 Emission preferential
(eV \ unit cell)

formation energy of the Si interstitials (4.9 eV)

(Car et al., 1984), which is thought to induce the
oxidation-induced stacking faults (OSF) (Thomas,
1963; Ravi and Varker, 1974; Hu, 1975), oxidation-
–2 No-emission preferential enhanced diffusion (OED), and oxidation-reduced
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 diffusion (ORD) (Mizuo and Higuchi, 1982; Tan
Number of O atoms and Gösele, 1985). However, the energetically
Figure 24 Energy advantage of Si-emitting structures most stable way for emitted Si is that emitted Si
compared with the nonemitting structures as a atoms flow back toward the SiO2 region and react
function of the number of inserted O atoms per unit with O species as (Si þ O2 ! SiO2). This is because
cell. The most stable structures for each case are the energy gain of this reaction amounts to 11.0 eV.
compared, assuming the atomical layer-bilayer oxide
Accordingly, the microscopic oxidation mechanism
growth. Reproduced with permission from Kageshima H
and Shiraishi K (1998) First-principles study of oxide given by Deal and Grove (1965), which only con-
growth on Si(100) surfaces and at SiO2/Si(100) siders the O diffusion, should be modified by taking
interfaces. Physical Review Letters 81: 5936. into the backflow diffusion of emitted Si species
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 135


O species SiO2 Si species


B concentration (cm–3)
Si species B 5 ×1013 cm–2
1200 °C 24 h
Figure 25 Schematic illustration of Si oxidation
processes. Oxygen molecules should diffuse through a SiO2 28SiO
2 thickness
layer before reacting with Si at Si/SiO2 interfaces.
200 nm
300 nm
from the Si/SiO2 interface. As a result, the oxidation 650 nm
process contains diffusion of both O and Si species,
as illustrated in Figure 25.
Next, we show the experimental findings of Si 1016
0 50 100 150 200
species backflow from Si/SiO2 interface to SiO2 Depth (nm)
region during oxidation. First experimental example
Figure 27 Diffusion profiles of B in SiO2 with various
is that the B and Si self-diffusion near the Si/SiO2 thicknesses. Samples were implanted with B to a dose of
interface is remarkably enhanced (Uematsu et al. 5  1013 cm2 and annealed at 1200  C for 24 h. The nearer
2004; Fukatsu et al., 2003). This is thought to be the the Si/SiO2 interface, the broader the B profiles becomes.
effect of emitted Si species from the Si/SiO2 inter- Reproduced with permission from Uematsu M, Kageshima
H, Takahashi Y, Fukatsu S, Itoh KM, and Shiraishi K (2004)
faces. To investigate the B diffusion in SiO2 by
Correlated diffusion of silicon and boron in thermally grown
secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis, SiO2. Applied Physics Letters 85: 221.
the samples are prepared as follows. The isotopically
enriched 28Si epi-layer was thermally oxidized in dry
O2 to form 28SiO2 with thickness 200, 300, and Figure 27 shows the depth profiles of 11B before
650 nm. The samples were implanted with 30Si at and after annealing at 1250  C for 6 h. As shown in
50 keV to a dose of 2  1015 cm2 and capped with Figure 27, the profiles of 11B become broader with
a 30-nm-thick silicon nitride layer. Subsequently, decreasing thickness of the 28SiO2 layer, that is, B
the samples were implanted with 11B at 25 keV to a diffusivity increases with decreasing distance from
dose of 3  1015 cm2. The final structure is shown in the Si/SiO2 interface. If B diffusion is governed by a
Figure 26. The samples were pre-annealed at single process, the B diffusivity should depend on
1000  C for 30 min to eliminate implantation the distance. However, it is physically unnatural.
damages, and were annealed in the resistively heated The distance dependence of diffusivity is also
annealing furnace at various temperatures in the observed in the Si self-diffusion in SiO2 (Fukatsu
range of 1100–1250  C. The diffusion profiles of 11B et al., 2003). In the case of Si self-diffusion, SiO
and 30Si were measured by SIMS. molecules generated at the interface and diffusing
into the oxide enhance Si self-diffusion (Fukatsu
et al., 2003). These results indicate that SiO mole-
Si3N4 30 nm cules also enhance B diffusion, because B diffusivity
is higher near the interface, where the SiO
concentration is high. Moreover, first-principles
200–650 nm calculations show that interstitial BO complexes
can diffuse through SiO2 layers with relatively low
2 activation barrier (Otani et al., 2003). Considering
28Si that this interstitial BO complex is stoichiometri-
cally equivalent to the BSiSiO complex, these
first-principles results may indicate that the
Implanted 11B existence of SiO species also enhances B diffusion
Figure 26 The sample structure employed for
(Uematsu et al., 2006).
considering the enhanced B diffusion near Si/SiO2 Taking into account the effect of SiO, coupled
interfaces. diffusion equations that include normal thermal B
136 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

diffusion and SiO-assisted B diffusion can readily be species which segregate at the surface. Ming et al.
constructed (Uematsu et al., 2004). As shown in (2006) performed the high-resolution Rutherford
Figure 27, a numerical simulation that includes backscattering (HRBS) measurement and confirm
the mechanism that SiO species generated from the existence of surface Si component around
Si/SiO2 interface enhance B diffusion well repro- 361 keV in addition to the Si peak at the Si/SiO2
duces the distance dependence of B diffusivity, interface near 350 keV, only when interfacial SiO2
although constant diffusivities are assumed. growth occurs, as clearly shown in Figure 28. This
Moreover, the time dependence of B diffusivities experiment clearly confirmed that Si emission during
has also been reported. It is expected that SiO con- Si oxidation, which was predicted by the first-prin-
centration generated from Si/SiO2 interface ciples calculations (Kageshima and Shiraishi, 1998) is
increases with longer annealing time. Considering surely observed.
the above discussions that SiO species enhance the Here, we introduce the physical origin of initial
B diffusion, B diffusivity is expected to be increased enhanced oxidation, which has been a mystery of Si
with longer annealing time. Actually, the clear oxidation for a long time. First, we introduce the Si
enhancement in B diffusivity has been confirmed; emission model (Kageshima et al., 1999). If the effect
1.5  1016 and 3.0  1016 cm2 s1 B diffusivities of such SiO interstitials as discussed previously under
are obtained after 8 and 24 h 1200  C anneals, the so-called Si emission model is considered, the
respectively. This time dependence also supports initial enhanced oxidation can systematically be
the fact that B diffusion is assisted by SiO reproduced (Kageshima et al., 1999; Uematsu et al.,
(Uematsu et al., 2006). 2000). As per Deal and Grove, the oxide growth rate
Next, we show much direct proof of Si species equation can be derived from the reaction–diffusion
emission during Si oxidation (Ming et al., 2006). equation, while newly considered SiO flow from the
Experiments use the characteristic material proper- interface to the surface should be included besides
ties of SiO2 in thin HfO2. It is known that SiO2 and the O2 flow from the surface to the interface
HfO2 reveal phase separation when HfO2 is thin (Figure 29).
enough. Thus, when the HfO2/SiO2/Si stacked sam- Due to the SiO flow, the interfacial reaction rate
ple is oxidized and Si substrate oxidation occurs, it is of O2 must be modified. SiO should be much easily
expected that emitted Si species diffuse through oxidized on the surface than in the oxide because the
HfO2 and segregate at the surface. Thus, surface- oxidation of SiO should be incorporated with the
sensitive observations can detect the emitted Si volume expansion. Then, in the thin-oxide limit,

400 keV He+ HfO2 /SiO2 /Si [111] channeling
900 °C × 2 min

Counts (a.u.)

×5 Hf
5 Si

320 340 360 380 400
Energy (keV)
Figure 28 High-resolution Rutherford backscattering spectra of as-grown and annealed HfO2/SiO2/Si. Reproduced with
permission from Ming Z, Nakajima K, Suzuki M, et al. (2006) Si emission from the SiO2/Si interface during the growth of SiO2 in
the HfO2/SiO2/Si structure. Applied Physics Letters 88: 153516.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 137

Gas Oxydant

Point (2) k′
k: rapid reaction C Si C SO

x Point (1)
k : slow reaction
DSi Interfacial reaction rate
k C Si(x) DO k = k0 (1–C ISi /C 0Si)



Emitted Si
Figure 29 Schematic view of the reaction-diffusion kinetics in the Si emission model. From Kageshima H, Uematsu M,
Akiyama T, and Ito T (2007) Microscopic mechanism of silicon thermal oxidation process. ECS Transactions 6: 449.

the combined reaction–diffusion equations are ana- 100

lytically solved as Our theory
dX =dt ¼ B=ðA þ 2X Þ þ K expð – X =LÞ ð17Þ Experiment 1000°C

where X is the oxide thickness and t the oxidation

Oxide thickness (μm)

time. This is quite similar to the empirical equation 10–1

for the initial enhanced oxidation proposed by
Massoud et al. (1985). The Si emission model also 1 atm O2
indicates the physical meaning of the parameters A, (100) substrate
B, K, and L. For example, L is related to the diffu- 900°C
sion length of SiO. By solving numerically the 800°C

combined equations of Si emission model, the

experimental results can well be reproduced
including the initial enhanced oxidation as well as
the growth rate for thicker oxide, as shown in 10–3 0
10 101 102 103 104 105
Figure 30. Oxidation time (s)
Recently, it has been reported that the initial
Figure 30 Comparison of our theory of the oxide growth
enhanced oxidation can be reproduced by taking into kinetics with experimental data. From Uematsu M,
account the increase in the diffusion barrier by the Kageshima H, and Shiraishi K (2000) Unified simulation of
accumulated stress near the Si/SiO2 interfaces silicon oxidation based on the interfacial silicon emission
(Watanabe et al., 2006; Watanabe and Ohdomari, 2007). model. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 39: L699.
They suppose a compressively strained oxide layer with
thickness L localized in the proximity of the SiO2/Si
interface. By considering the diffusion barrier modifica- of the key process technologies. As explained in the
tion, initial enhanced oxidation can also be reproduced above, Watanabe et al. (1998) clearly demonstrated
(Watanabe et al., 2006; Watanabe and Ohdomari, 2007). visually by employing the scanning reflection elec-
tron spectroscopy (SREM) that the thermal Optical control of oxidation oxidation of Si(001) surface proceeds in a layer-by-
In the downsizing trends of Si-related nanoscale layer manner. Since the SREM uses electrons as a
devices, the in situ monitoring and thickness control probe, however, the observation is limited to the
of Si oxidation received an increasing demand as one oxidation of ultrathin layers under the ultrahigh
138 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

vacuum environment. On the other hand, the reflec- layers are isotropic, while the surface/interface layers
tance difference spectroscopy (RDS) is a powerful (ILs) are anisotropic. Thus, since the polarization ani-
in situ optical measurement to observe the electronic sotropy originates from the anisotropy of surface/
structures of semiconductor surfaces/interfaces and interface electronic states, the RDS can teach us the
their time evolution (Aspnes and Studna, 1985; nature of surface/interface electronic structures. In
Hingerl et al., 1993; Uwai and Kobayashi, 1994; particular, the spectral shape reflects the localized nat-
Nakayama, 1997; Murayama et al., 1998). Since the ure of the interface states. The simplest picture of
electromagnetic light penetrates deep into the Si polarization around the semiconductor interface is
substrate, that is, an order of 1000 Å, the RDS can obtained by the bond polarization model (Nakayama
detect, in principle, the layer-by-layer thermal oxi- and Murayama, 1999). The bond polarization in
dation. Nakayama and Murayama proposed the use the nth semiconductor layer is represented by
of RDS to control the layer-by-layer thermal oxida-  n ¼ ð – 1Þn b ð!Þ þ sn ð!Þ, where b ð!Þ is the bulk
tion, by theoretically investigating the variation of polarization corresponding to the light with h! energy,
RDS spectra of buried SiO2/Si interfaces (Nakayama while sn ð!Þis the deviation of polarization from the
and Murayama, 2000). bulk values. The (-1) prefactor denotes that the RDS
At first, we briefly explain the RDS. The RDS measures the reflectance difference because the odd
measures the difference in reflectance of surface/inter- and even layers contribute to the spectra with alter-
face between two perpendicular light-polarization native signs. By summing up the contributions from all
directions as shown in Figure 31(a). The inner bulk layers, the spectra become
ð!Þ ¼  n ?e – 2na ¼ b ð!Þ=2 þ sn ð!Þ ð18Þ
where – 1 is the decay length of the light in semi-
(001) RDS spectra ∝ conductor. Figure 31(b) shows the typical spectral
ε2,(−110)− ε2,(110) shapes of the RDS. When there exist interface states
(−110) strongly localized at the interface, the sn ð!Þ term
becomes extremely large because the optical transi-
tions between localized states are large. Thus, the
RDS shows the peak-like shape at the transition
energy, as shown by A in Figure 31(b). When there
are no interface states but the electrons in bulk have
localized nature, the first term, b ð!Þ=2, produces
spectra having the shape of bulk dielectric function,
as shown by B in Figure 31(b). When the electronic
Bulk is isotropic Surface is anisotropic
states are extended from the interface, we can rewrite
the sn ð!Þ term as qb ð!Þ=q!?" because the bond
(b) polarization gradually changes the excitation energy
from the surface for extended electronic states. As a
result, the RDS spectra have the energy-derivative
shape for the dielectric function, as shown by C in
RDS spectra

Figure 31(b). In this way, using the optical proper-

C ties of surface/interface electronic states, from the
RDS spectral shape, one can know the localization
A B nature of the surface/interface electronic states.
Then, we explain why the RDS can detect the
Photon energy layer-by-layer oxidation. Figure 32(d) shows the
schematic picture of SiO2/Si interfaces viewed from
Figure 31 (a) Schematic picture of RDS experiment. the (001) direction. As explained in the previous sec-
(b) Typical spectral shapes observed in RDS. Reproduced tion, roughly speaking, the oxidation corresponds to
with permission from Nakayama T and Murayama M (1999)
Tight-binding-calculation method and physical origin of the insertion of the oxygen atoms into SiSi bonds.
refrectance difference spectra. Japanese Journal of Applied Whenever the monolayer oxidation is completed in
Physics 38: 3497. the layer-by-layer process, as seen in this figure, the
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 139

(a) (b)

Si Si


(c) (d)

Si O Si

0 O

2 1) [110]

Figure 32 Schematic diagrams of SiO2/Si (001) interfaces. (a) Flat interface A with the desorption of interface Si atoms;
(b) flat interface B after 1 ML oxidation of A interface; and (c) flat interface with crystalline SiO2 layers around the interface.
(d) Bird’s eyeview of layer-by-layer oxidation of Si(001) surface as noted from the surface along [001]. Reproduced with
permission from Nakayama T and Murayama M (2000b) Atom-scale optical determination of Si-oxide layer thickness during
layer-by-layer oxidation: Theoretical study. Applied Physics Letters 77: 4286.

edge SiSi bonds terminated at SiO2/Si interface interface A, and vice versa. Namely, these two inter-
alternatively change the direction between [110] faces alternatively appear during the layer-by-layer
and [110]. Therefore, since the RDS measures the oxidation. The detailed atomic positions at these
reflectance difference between two perpendicular interfaces are taken from the first-principles calcula-
directions, that is, the anisotropy of interface polar- tions (Kageshima and Shiraishi, 1998). Here, we
ization originating from the interface electronic concentrate on two features in Figures 33: (i) we
structure, one can optically detect the change of first notice that the spectra of the interfaces, A and
interface-bond direction and know the advance of B, have similar shapes and opposite signs. This result
monolayer oxidation. indicates that when the A and B interfaces appear
Figures 33(a) and 33(b) show the calculated RDS alternatively during oxidation, the RDS signals
spectra of two SiO2/Si interfaces, A and B, which are oscillate between positive and negative values,
displayed in Figures 32(a) and 32(b), respectively which is similar to the reflectance high-energy elec-
(Nakayama and Murayama, 2000). It is noted that the tron diffraction (RHEED) oscillation in the epitaxial
interface B corresponds to the interface when the layer-by-layer growth. Especially, such an observa-
monolayer oxidation is completed starting from the tion is apparently effective around 3.5/4.5 eV, where
140 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

the RDS signal is large. In this case, the period of discussed above, that the anisotropic RDS signals
oscillation corresponds to the bilayer oxidation and appear due to the modulation of bulk electronic
one can know the number of oxidized layers by structures that are extended around the interface
counting the oscillation; (ii) the other feature (Nakayama and Murayama, 1999). In fact, such a
observed in Figure 33 is the spectral shape of the modulation can be examined by analyzing the layer
large peaks around 3.5 and 4.5 eV, which, res- contributions to the RDS, which are also shown in
pectively, correspond to the E1 and E2 van Hove Figure 33(c).
singularity energies of bulk Si shown in This theoretical prediction was confirmed by
Figure 33(d). These peaks have shapes similar to the RDS experiments by Yasuda et al. (2001).
those of the energy derivatives of "2, which indicates, Figure 34(a) shows the spectral oscillation mea-
based on the general theory of spectral shapes sured at around 3.5 eV, while the observed spectra
after 2 ML oxidation are shown in Figure 33(d).
The spectral oscillation is clearly seen as a func-
(a) tion of oxidization time, being in good agreement
with the theoretical prediction. We note that the
20 Å

oscillation amplitude decreases as the oxidation

proceeds. This is because both interfaces A and
B grow to coexist within the spot size of the
(b) reflectance light, indicating some disordering of
the layer-by-layer process. By analyzing the tem-
perature and pressure dependence of the
oxidation time as shown in Figure 34(b), we can
ε2 know the microscopic mechanism of oxidation,
RD spectra: Δ ε2 •d

such as the oxidation speed and the activation

(d) 2ML-Exp.
energy of oxidation (Matsudo et al., 2002; Yasuda
E2 E3 et al., 2003). With respect to the spectral shapes,
the experiments showed shapes similar to those of
the energy derivatives of "2 around 3.5/4.5 eV,
6 again in good agreement with the theoretical pre-
8 4 diction in Figure 33(a). However, we note some
2 differences in the magnitude. Figure 29(c) shows
0 the calculated spectra of the interface shown in
Figure 33(c), which has crystalline SiO2 structure
5 around the interface. The existence of this kind of
7 3 ILs was suggested by Ikarashi et al. (2000) and Tu
9 and Tersoff (2002). The agreement of spectral
shapes and magnitude is fairly good, indicating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 the appropriation of SiO2 crystalline structures
Photon energy (eV) around the oxidation front interfaces.
Figure 33 Calculated RDS spectra of SiO2/Si (001)
In this way, the RDS measurement can observe
interfaces as a function of photon energy. (a) Interface A not only the dynamical change of the interfaces
shown in Figure 32(a); (b) interface B shown in Figure 32(b); but also the detailed electronic/atomic structures
and (c) the crystalline interface shown in Figure 32(c). of interfaces. Moreover, from these studies, we
Observed RDS spectra after 2 ML oxidation are shown in (d), obtained the in situ method of Si oxidation con-
together with the imaginary parts of the dielectric function of
bulk Si (dashed line). In (c), the bold line corresponds to the trol. Similarly, the dot formation on the surface
RDS spectra, while the thin lines with numbers n, respectively, was also observed by the optical measurement
correspond to layer contributions to the RDS spectra of the (Kita et al., 2002). These studies have demon-
nth layer bonds shown in Figure 32(c). Reproduced with strated a new direction in semiconductor
permission from Nakayama T and Murayama M (2000b)
Atom-scale optical determination of Si-oxide layer thickness
nanotechnology that the microscopic theoretical
during layer-by-layer oxidation: Theoretical study. Applied investigation is indispensable to the development
Physics Letters 77: 4286. of new technologies.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 141

(a) gate electrodes and wirings. It has long been known

Heating on
that the intermixing of metal and semiconductor
atoms occurs at a number of metal/semiconductor
interfaces, even around room temperature (Hiraki,
2 × 10–4

1980). For example, Au shows intermixing with

several semiconductor substrates, such as Si, Ge, InP,
GaAs, etc., while the Si substrate exhibits intermixing
Δr/r at 2.90 eV

with many kinds of metals, such as Au, Ag, Cu, Ni, Al,
etc. Such intermixing typically ranges from nano- to
micrometers and provides serious damages to nanos-
t2 t3 cale devices such as circuit shortening. Thus, it is
O2 in
important to understand what the motive force of
intermixing is and how the intermixing proceeds.
On the other hand, in the case of metalSi
101 102 103 combinations that show the intermixing at inter-
Elapsed time (s) faces, it is well known that most transition metals
and rare-earth metals, typically Ni metal, produce
(b) metal silicides by intermixing, while sp-orbital
The 3rd layer
(one-step ox.) metals like Al and a few transition metals such as
Au and Ag have no silicide phases. In addition, in
103 spite of various bulk silicide phases of NixSiy, only
the silicides with specific stoichiometry of
(x,y) ¼ (1,2), (1,1), (2,1) are allowed to grow on Si
t3 (S)

substrate (Hiraki, 1980). What origins distinguish

102 between such differences in silicide formation? In
pO2 (Pa) this section, we show one of the answers to these
0.060 questions, based on the first-principles theoretical
101 20 Metal induced inter-diffusion
First, we consider how intermixing proceeds and dis-
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 cuss the motive force of intermixing. Figure 35(a)
1000/T (K1) shows the calculated adiabatic potentials of interface
Figure 34 (a) Observed RDS oscillation during the Au and Al atom diffusion movements at Au/Si and
layer-by-layer oxidation of Si(001) surfaces, as a function of Al/Si (111) interfaces, respectively, from the stable
oxidation time. The peaks around 80 and 500 s, respectively, initial-interface positions, z ¼ 0, into Si substrate,
correspond to the completion of 1 and 3 ML oxidation, while z < 0 (Nakayama et al., 2002b, 2006a; Murayama et al.,
the dip around 150 s to that of 2 ML oxidation. Reproduced
2001). It is clearly seen that both potentials have
with permission from Yasuda T, Yamasaki S, Nishizawa M,
et al. (2001) Optical anisotropy of oxidized Si(001) surfaces stable minimum positions at around z ¼ 1.8 Å.
and its oscillation in the layer-by-layer oxidation process. Since the barriers are at most 0.4 eV, the thermal
Physical Review Letters 87: 037403. (b) Arrhenius plot of diffusion of metal atoms becomes possible into Si
activation energy for the third Si-layer oxidation as a function layers at both interfaces. To analyze the origin of
of inverse temperature. Reproduced with permission from
such diffusion, we show in Figure 36(a) and 36(b)
Yasuda T, Kumagai N, Nishizawa M, Yamasaki S, Oheda H,
and Yamabe K (2003) Layer-resolved kinetics of Si oxidation the valence charge densities of Au/Si and Al/Si
investigated using the reflectance difference oscillation systems, respectively, in cases when metal atoms are
method. Physical Review B 67: 195338. moved to locate around z ¼ 1.8 Å.
In the case of Au/Si system, it is clearly recog-
nized that the diffused innermost Au atom produces Stability of Interfaces
AuSi bonds with the second-top-layer Si as well as
Metal/semiconductor interfaces are essential struc- the top-layer Si. Note that the charge density of
tures to semiconductor physics and technology SiSi bond between top and second-top layers is
because metal layers are often used as source/drain/ smaller that that of AuSi bonds. Namely, the
142 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) 2 (b) 3 SiSi one. Since such bond rearrangement appar-

Si surface ently stabilizes the system and produces the potential
Adiabatic potential (eV)

Adiabatic potential (eV)

w/o Au minima, one can say that the rebonding is the motive
force of the Au diffusion and thus the intermixing.
1 Al/Si On the other hand, Figure 35(b) shows the calcu-
lated adiabatic diffusion potential of top-layer Si
atom into metal layers when Au atom is located
−0 around z ¼ 1.8 Å. For comparison, we also show
Au/Si the diffusion potential (broken line) when Au atom
Au/Si interface
−1 does not diffuse and is located at z ¼ 0. It is clearly
−3 −2 −1 0 0 1 2
Metal-atom position z (Å) Si-atom position z (Å)
seen that, once such rebonding weakens the interface
SiSi bonds, the interface Si atoms can easily diffuse
Figure 35 Calculated adiabatic potentials for interface-
into Au layers (z > 0) with a small potential barrier
atom diffusion. (a) Metal-atom diffusion into Si substrate
around Au/Si and Al/Si interfaces; and (b) Si-atom diffusion around 0.2 eV.
into metal layers around Au/Si interfaces. z ¼ 0 corresponds On the other hand, in the case of Al/Si system, we
to the initial interface, while z < 0 and z > 0 to spaces within cannot clearly see the creation of AlSi bonds in
Si and within metal layers, respectively. From Murayama Figure 36(b). In fact, the charge density between the
et al. (2001); Nakayama et al. (2002b, 2008). Reproduced
innermost Al and Si atoms is smaller than that of the
with permission from Nakayama T, Itaya S, and Murayama
D (2006) Nano-scale view of atom intermixing at metal/ SiSi bond between top and second-top layers.
semiconductor interfaces. Journal of Physics: Conference However, the charge density of the SiSi bond
Series 38: 216. between top and second-top layers is much smaller
than that of the SiSi bonds in inner layers. We note
charge on Au-Si bonds is mainly supplied from the that the charge density has almost constant values in
nearest SiSi bonds. This charge transfer occurs the region surrounded by Al and Si atoms. This is
because the electronegativity of Au, 2.5 (Pauling’s because the electronegativity of Al atom, 1.6, is small
value), is much larger than that of Si, 1.9, and the compared to that of Si, 1.9, and the interface Al atoms
AuSi bonding state has lower energy than the partially present their valence electrons toward Si

(a) (b)
Au/Si(111) Al/Si(111)

Au Al
Si(1) Si(1) Si(1)
Au Si(1)
Si(2) Si(2) Si(2)
Si(3) Si(3)

Si Si(1)

Si Si

Figure 36 Calculated electron-density contour map around (a) Au/Si and (b) Al/Si interfaces. Three ML Au and Al are
deposited on Si(111) surface and innermost metal atoms are moved into Si layers by about 1.8 Å (z ¼ 1.8 Å in Figure 35(a)).
From Murayama et al. (2001); Nakayama et al. (2002b, 2008). Reproduced with permission from Nakayama T, Itaya S, and
Murayama D (2006) Nano-scale view of atom intermixing at metal/semiconductor interfaces. Journal of Physics: Conference
Series 38: 216.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 143

atoms and spread their valence-electron density bonding energy gain. In this way, one can know
widely over the Si substrate. As a result, the electron that the small atomic radius and the larger/smaller
density increases around Si atoms, and such an electronegativity of metal atoms are relevant fac-
increase screens up and decreases the charge density tors to realize intermixing.
of Si–Si bond (Hiraki, 1980). Once such screening
weakens the interface SiSi bonds, the interface Si
atoms can diffuse again into Al layers similar to the Silicidation
case of Au/Si interface. In fact, the calculated barrier Next, we consider what factors distinguish the
of Si diffusion in the case of Al/Si is also small, silicide formation between various metals. When
around 0.2 eV. Therefore, one can roughly say that MSi2 silicide (M ¼ metal atom) is selected as a
the screening due to the charge extension is the representative phase among a variety of stoichio-
motive force of intermixing for Al/Si interfaces. metric phases, the calculated formation energies
In this way, the charge redistribution during the of TiSi2, NiSi2, AuSi2, and AlSi2 become 0.4,
diffusion and the motive force of intermixing 0.1, þ0.3, and þ0.4 eV, respectively (Nakayama
are somewhat different between Au/Si and Al/Si et al., 2008, 2009). This result indicates that Ti
interfaces. From this result, we can expect the and Ni silicides are stable, while Au and Al sili-
difference of diffusion and intermixing patterns of cides are unstable, being in good agreement with
metal atoms between Au/Si and Al/Si interfaces. the observed bulk phase diagrams (Madelung,
Since the production of AuSi bonds is the origin 1997). The reason for such difference in formation
of Au atom diffusion, the Au diffusion has direc- energies is clearly understand by noting the band
tional tendency and the penetration of Au into Si is structures. Figures 37(a) and 37(b) show the cal-
expected to proceed in a needle-like line pattern. culated band structures of Ni and Au bulks
On the other hand, since the charge extension of Al (Nakayama et al., 2008, 2009). In the case of Ni,
toward Si atoms in various directions is the origin one can see five flat bands between 4 and
of Al-Si intermixing, the Al diffusion has no direc- þ0.5 eV, which are made of Ni d orbitals. The
tivity and the intermixing of Al and Si is expected band that ranges from 9 to 7 eV and crosses
to proceed with a two-dimensional face-like front these d bands is made of Ni s orbitals. Similar d
interface. and s bands are seen for bulk Au between 7.5
It should be noted here that, in contrast to the and 2 eV and from 11 to 4 eV, respectively.
cases shown above, no mixing is observed at most The most important difference between Ni and
of the metal/(wide-gap-semiconductor) interfaces, Au is the electron occupation in d bands; all d
such as Au/GaN, although Au shows intermixing bands are occupied by electrons for Au, while
at interfaces with several semiconductors. There about half of the electrons are unoccupied in the
are two factors to prevent intermixing. One is the top d band of Ni.
elastic energy loss; since the atomic radius of Au, On the other hand, Figures 37(c) and 37(d)
1.44 Å, is much larger than the average atomic radii show the band structures of NiSi2 and AuSi2 sili-
of Ga and N, 1.0 Å, the diffusion of Au pushes the cides. One can see the deformation of metal-
GaN substrate to induce a simple compression originated bands, which is caused by the produc-
strain of GaN layers and produces the elastic tion of covalent-like bonds between metal and Si
energy loss. For example, Pb metal layers were atoms due to the hybridization of s þ d orbitals of
observed showing no intermixing on Si substrate, metal atom and s þ p orbitals of Si, as seen in the
because the atomic radius of Pb, 1.8 Å, is much case of Au/Si interface shown in Figure 36(a).
larger than that of Si, 1.1 Å. The other factor to However, we can roughly identify that the rela-
prevent the mixing is the chemical-bonding energy tively flat d-like bands, from 9 to 3 eV for
loss; since the electronegativities of Ga, Au, and N NiSi2 and from 9 to 6 eV for AuSi2, are located
atoms are 1.6, 2.4, and 3.0, respectively, the Ga far below the Fermi energy in the case of silicides,
atoms prefer locating among N atoms to Au compared to the case of bulks. This result indicates
atoms. When the Au atom is located on GaN sur- that the d bands of Ni, which are partially unoc-
face, the top-layer Ga is surrounded by Au and N. cupied in bulk, become fully occupied in NiSi2.,
On the other hand, when the Au atom moves thus indicating the electron charge transfer from Si
between Ga and N, the top-layer Ga is surrounded sp orbitals to Ni d orbitals. However, in the case of
only by Au atoms, thus losing the Ga-N high ionic AuSi2, the d bands are already fully occupied by
144 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) (b)
25 Ni Au

Energy (eV)

Energy (eV)
10 5

(c) (d)
NiSi2 AuSi2

Energy (eV)

EF0 Energy (eV)

–5 –5

–10 –10

Figure 37 Calculated band structures of (a) Ni, (b) Au, (c) NiSi2, and (d) AuSi2. Reproduced with permission from Nakayama
T, Shinji S, and Sotome S (2008) Why and how atom intermixing proceeds at metal/Si interfaces: Silicide formation vs. random
mixing. ECS Transactions 16(10): 787–795 and Nakayama T, Sotome S, and Shinji S (2009) Stability and Schottky barrier of
silicides: First-principles study. Microelectronic Engineering 86: 1718.

electrons in bulk Au, and such a transfer never regions to grow in thermal equilibrium. It is clearly
occurs. From these results, one can conclude that seen that all NiSi2, NiSi, Ni2Si, and Ni3Si phases are
the stability of metal silicides is realized by the realized in the bulk growth, depending on the growth
electron transfer from Si to unoccupied d-orbital condition, while the Ni3Si phase becomes difficult to
states of transition-metal atoms. This stabilization grow on the Si substrate. Such changes in stability are
scenario of metal silicides well explains why tran- caused by two factors. One is the elastic strain in
sition metals, except Au and Ag, produce stable NixSiy on the Si substrate. As the proportion of Ni
silicides at metal/Si interfaces and why Al does increases, the lattice constant of NixSiy increases and
not produce silicides. the compressed strain in it increases. The other factor
Next, we consider why only the NixSiy silicides is the energy loss of the interface bonding. With
with specific stoichiometry, (x,y) ¼ (1,2), (1,1), (2,1), increasing Ni, the number of stable Si–Si covalent
are allowed to grow on Si substrate among various bonds decreases, which also promotes the instability
silicide phases. Figures 38(a) and 38(b) show the of Ni3Si.
calculated phase diagrams of NixSiy as a function of Finally, we point out that the above stabilization
chemical potentials of Ni and Si, in the case of mechanism is closely related to the work function at
the bulk growth and the growth on the Si substrate, silicide/Si interfaces (Nakayama et al., 2009). Since
respectively (Nakayama et al., 2008, 2009). Chemical the p-orbital valence energy states of Si are located
potentials represent the supply ratios of Ni and Si above those of Ni, the charge transfer occurs from Si
and the gray regions correspond to the allowed to Ni in NixSiy and lowers the positions of Fermi
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 145

(a) 1.04.3 Electronic Structures of

–3.8 Interfaces
NiSi2 General Features
μ of si [Ht] Origins of interface states

Electronic states at the interface, A/B, are generally
categorized into two types: (i) states originated from
A and/or B bulks and (ii) those intrinsic to the A/B

interface. Figure 40 schematically shows the relation
–4.3 of the complex band structures of A and B bulks to
–41.6 –41.4 –41.2
electronic states at the interface. In A and B bulks,
(b) μ of Ni [Ht] because of the crystal periodicity, the electronic
–3.8 states are characterized by the extended Bloch wave
functions, n;k ðrÞ, where n is the band index and k
NiSi2 the Bloch wave-number real vectors. Reflecting the
periodicity, the energy spectra, "n,k, show the band
structure having band gaps. However, since the

interface breaks this translational symmetry along


the z-direction, that is, perpendicular to the interface,
–4.2 the electronic states with the energy within the band
gaps of bulks and complex wave-number kz are
allowed to exist. Because Im kz 6¼ 0, such states
–41.6 –41.4 –41.2
show amplitude decay along the z-direction and are
μ of Ni [Ht]
sometimes called as the evanescent wave states. For
Figure 38 Calculated phase diagrams of NixSiy as functions example, the electronic state having energy "1 in
of Ni and Si chemical potentials, in cases of (a) bulk growth and Figure 40 is constructed by the connection of two
(b) growth on the Si substrate. Gray regions are regions where propagating Bloch states in A and four evanescent-
NixSiy is allowed to grow in thermal equilibrium. Reproduced
with permission from Nakayama T, Shinji S, and Sotome S wave states in B, which all are described by the
(2008) Why and how atom intermixing proceeds at metal/Si intersection points of the band structures and the
interfaces: Silicide formation vs. random mixing. ECS energy plane. Since this state propagates along the
Transactions 16(10): 787–795 and Nakayama T, Sotome S, z-direction to z ¼ 1in A (z < 0) but decays sharply
and Shinji S (2009) Stability and Schottky barrier of silicides:
in B (z > 0), we can call it the state originating from
First-principles study. Microelectronic Engineering 86: 1718.

(a) (b)
ψε1 (r)
Si conduction band Si conduction band

NiSi2 0.55eV TiSi2 0.69 eV
0.27 TiSi Complex band
Ni2Si NiSi 0.48 Ti2Si 0.64 ψε2 (r)
Ni3Si 0.21 0.40
Valence band Si Valence band

Real band
Figure 39 Calculated Fermi-energy positions of NixSiy
and TixSiy. Reproduced with permission from Nakayama T,
Sotome S, and Shinji S (2009) Stability and Schottky barrier
of silicides: First-principles study. Microelectronic Re kz
Re kz
Engineering 86: 1718.
Im kz Im kz

Material A Material B
energy originating from Si electronic states for Ni-
rich silicides. Thus, as seen in Figure 39, the work Figure 40 Schematic diagram of complex band
function of silicides increases as the proportion of Si structures of A and B materials and connection of wave
decreases in NixSiy. function at A/B interface.
146 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

material A. On the other hand, the electronic state origins for interfaces owing to the breakdown of
having energy "2 is made of evanescent-wave states translational symmetry at the interface and the pro-
of both A and B materials, and is localized near the duction of new types of atomic bonds between A and
interface, thus called the interface state. It is apparent B at the interface. Since, at present, there are no
that the state that has energy within the band gaps of definitive experimental tools, such as STM, for the
both A and B bulks becomes the type-(ii) interface surface to observe the interface atomic structures, it
state, while the state that has energy within the band is sometimes difficult to separate these origins.
spectrum of either A or B becomes the type-(i) state The details of the intrinsic origins are considered
that propagates deep into either A or B. These are in the next two subsections. Here, we briefly illus-
necessary conditions of energy for judging the types trate examples of the extrinsic origins in Figure 42.
of interface states. It should be noted here that the New atomic environment shown in the number
number of complex bands that produce the interface region ‘2’ and the existence of impurity atoms
states is in general infinite, though the finite ones are shown in regions ‘6’ and ‘7’ often produce the inter-
displayed in Figure 40. However, their contribution face states in the band gap. The step structures of the
becomes considerably small when they are located substrate shown in ‘3’ and ‘4’, which are left in the
far from the real band structures. heteroepitaxy, and the appearance of misfit disloca-
For the type-(i) bulk-like interface states, the tions shown in ‘5’, which are produced by the lattice
existence of interface is sometimes renormalized to mismatch between A and B, also become the struc-
be described as some potential, combined with the tural origins of interface states.
effective-mass approximation. This treatment is
often called the quantum-well-picture representa- Semiconductor/semiconductor
tion. For example, as shown in Figure 41 for the interface states
case of GaAs/AlAs superlattice, AlAs layers are trea- We first consider the Ge/GaAs (110) nonpolar
ted as potential barriers and GaAs ones as quantum- interface as an example. Figure 43 shows the
wells. By adopting this picture, many interesting atomic structure near the interface (Pickett and
electronic phenomena are analyzed. In such cases, Cohen, 1978). Because Ge and GaAs have similar
the key quantity that governs the electronic states is lattice constants, the interface has few dislocations
the band offset, which is the energy difference of and becomes remarkably sharp. The atomic bonds
bands between the two semiconductors (represented represented by broken lines, GeGa and GeAs,
by Ec and EV in Figure 41). The details of this are not present in tetrahedral bulk semiconductors.
band offset are discussed in the next subsection. GeGa and GeAs bonds have 1.75 and 2.25
The physical origins of the existence of type-(ii) electrons, as opposed to the ordinary semiconduc-
interface states are also categorized into two groups: tors, which have 2.0. Thus, these bonds are often
(a) extrinsic origins such as dislocations and impurity called acceptor and donor bonds, respectively.
atoms at interfaces, which are sometimes produced To judge the existence of interface states, it is
and incorporated in the case of interface formation, as convenient to compare the two-dimensional band
shown in the previous section; and (b) intrinsic structure of an interface with the projected spectra

Ve (z)

Ec (AlAs) ΔEc
z band
Ec (GaAs)
Band gap
Ev (GaAs)

Ev (AlAs) z ΔEv
Vh(z) band
AlAs GaAs
AlA GaAs AlAs GaAs AlAs
Figure 41 Quantum-well diagram and band offset, in the case of GaAs/GaAs superlattice.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 147


4 7
2 3

Figure 42 Schematic examples of interface structures that produce extrinsic interface states.

Ga Ge As Ge-GaAs interface states

GaAs Ge Projected band structure

1st GaAs layer 2

0 B2 P2

Interface layer
Energy (eV)

1st Ge layer S2 B1

z –8

–12 S1
Figure 43 Atomic structure of Ge/GaAs (110) interface.
Reproduced with permission from Pickett WE, Louie SG, and
Cohen ML (1978) Self-consistent calculations of interface Γ X M X′ Γ
states and electronic structure of the (110) interfaces of k
Ge–GaAs and AlAs–GaAs. Physical Review B 17: 815.
Figure 44 Band structure of Ge/GaAs (110) interface.
Reproduced with permission from Pickett WE, Louie SG, and
of bulk band structures into two-dimensional Cohen ML (1978) Self-consistent calculations of interface
Brillouin zone. Figure 44 shows such a comparison states and electronic structure of the (110) interfaces of
for Ge/GaAs interface, where band structures are Ge–GaAs and AlAs–GaAs. Physical Review B 17: 815.
calculated using super unit cells and self-consistent
pseudopotential method (Pickett et al., 1978). GeAs bond, while S2 and B2 ((c) and (a)) are
Shaded regions correspond to bulk bands, thus similar states localized at the GeGa bond. In this
pointing to the existence of only the bulk-like way, the interface states at nonpolar sharp inter-
interface states even at the interface. The electro- faces appear to originate from new interface bonds.
nic states, S1B2, appearing outside the shaded However, there appear no interface states within
regions (gap, pockets), are states intrinsic to inter- the fundamental band-gap region, 0.01.0 eV in
face and are localized at the interface as shown in Figure 44. This is because all dangling bonds
Figures 45(a)–45(d). S1 and B1 states ((d) and (b)) that exist on the Ge and GaAs surfaces are termi-
are made of s and p orbitals and localized at the nated at the interface. As a result, the physical
148 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) 6 chemical tendency of interface states (Pickett and

Ge 8 Ge As Cohen, 1978). There exist only the bulk-like states
when the ionicity of materials is small, while the
Ge Ga
intrinsic interface states appear and their energy
4 positions leave the bulk band spectra as the material
B2 Ge-Ga interface state ionicity increases. Since the charge transfer occurs
from donor bonds to acceptor ones, the atomic posi-
tions at the interface are relaxed. However, even in
(b) B1 Ge-As interface state
such cases, there is little change for the energy-level
positions of interface states.
8 Ge As
Next, we consider the polar interfaces. The
(001) and (111) interfaces become polar interfaces
Ge Ge Ga 4 because either anion or cation atoms are located on
these crystal planes. When we consider a Ge/GaAs
(001) sharp interface as an example, there exist two
(c) S2 Ga s-like
interface state
kinds of interfaces: the interface with only acceptor
6 bonds, GeGa, and the interface with only donor
Ge Ge As
bonds, GeAs, as shown in Figures 46(a) and
46(b). However, these interfaces are sometimes
Ge Ga Ga unstable due to large deficiency or excess of elec-
trons around the interface. Instead, to compensate
such unfavorable charge in a short range, the atom
(d) S1 As s-like interface state
intermixing often occurs at these interfaces as
shown in Figures 46(c) and 46(d) This kind of
Ge As As
interface instability becomes notable for heterovalent
42 8
interfaces, as discussed in Section Even at
Ge Ge Ga these interfaces, however, electronic states are pro-
duced based on the tetrahedral bonds, thus often
Figure 45 Charge distribution of interface states at Ge/ appearing around the bulk band edges but not deep
GaAs (110) interface. Reproduced with permission from in fundamental band gaps (Pollmann and Pantelides,
Pickett WE, Louie SG, and Cohen ML (1978) Self-consistent 1980; Konc and Martin, 1981; Oda and Nakayama,
calculations of interface states and electronic structure of 1992). In spite of this, the electron transfer from
the (110) interfaces of Ge–GaAs and AlAs–GaAs. Physical
Review B 17: 815.
donor bonds to acceptor ones largely changes the
band offset between two semiconductors, as shown
in the following subsections. To take advantage of
properties such as electron transport are not influ- such controllability of band offset, the acceptor and
enced by these interface states. donor bonds are sometimes produced artificially by
The above-mentioned features apply to other the insertion of ultrathin layer between A and B
combinations of semiconductors. Table 3 shows the semiconductors during the crystal growth.

Table 3 Ionicity and character of inferface state at (110) semiconductor/

semiconductor interfaces

Bond charge

A/B Ionicity Bulk state Interface state Acceptor Donor

GaAs/AlAs Small Yes No 2.00 2.00

GaAs/Ge Middle Yes Yes 1.77 2.23
ZnSe/Ge Large Yes Yes 1.54 2.46

Reproduced with permission from Pickett WE and Cohen ML (1978) Theoretical trends in
the abrupt (110) AlAs–GaAs, Ge–GaAs, and Ge–ZnSe interfaces. Journal of Vacuum
Science and Technology 15: 1437.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 149

(a) (c) from region III to region IV, which is discussed in

the next subsection.

Figure 48 shows the local density of states (LDOS)

in regions I–VI. The positions of these regions are
denoted in Figure 47. In inner layers of Al, that is, in
(b) (d) region I, the LDOS shows the square-root energy
dependence, indicating a free-electron-like electronic
structure of bulk Al. On the other hand, in inner layers
of Si, that is, in region VI, the band gap appears around
Ge, Ga, As the Fermi energy and the LDOS is similar to that of
Figure 46 Schematic atomic structures of Ge/GaAs (001) bulk Si. In the LDOS in region IV, one can see the
interfaces. (a) Ge–Ga interface, (b) Ge–As interface, and interface state, Sk, around 8.5 eV. The most important
(c,d) charge-compensated interfaces.

1.0 Al-Si Interface Metal/semiconductor Region I
0.5 EF
interface states
Metal/semiconductor structures are essential in
almost all electronic devices to inject carriers
from metal electrodes into semiconductors and 1.0
Region II
activate the device operation. Here, we adopt the 0.5 EF
Al/Si interface as an example and consider the
features of metal/semiconductor interfaces. 0
Figure 47 shows the valence electron distribution 1.0
Region III
around the interface, which was calculated by the 0.5 EF
Local density of states (a.u.)

pseudopotential method using a super unit cell and

employing a jellium model for Al layers (Louie 0
and Cohen, 1976). The electron density is almost 1.5 Region IV
constant and the small Friedel oscillation is seen in EF
Al sides, while the electrons are accumulated on
the covalent bonds between Si atoms in Si side. 0.5
We can see a small amount of electron transfer
Region V
1.0 EF


Region VI


−14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4
Energy (eV)
Figure 47 Valence charge distribution around the Al/Si Figure 48 Local DOS around the Al/Si (111) interface.
(111) interface: (a) contour map display and (b) distribution Regions I–VI are displayed in Figure 47. Reproduced with
averaged along the interface. Reproduced with permission permission from Louie SG and Cohen ML (1976) Electronic
from Louie SG and Cohen ML (1976) Electronic structure of a structure of a metal–semiconductor interface. Physical
metal–semiconductor interface. Physical Review B 13: 2461. Review B 13: 2461.
150 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) Al-Si interface semiconductors. One can see that the number of
states with E = 0 to 1.2 eV
MIGSs becomes small as the ionicity of semiconductor
1.8 1.5 1.8 1.5 2.1
increases. This is because a semiconductor of large
0.6 1.0 0.0
ionicity has larger band gap and thus the DOS is largely
0.3 decreased because the complex band leaves the real
1.5 1.8 1.5 band, has a large imaginary part of wave number, ImKz,
0.9 2.7
(b) and the MIGS is strongly localized at the interface.
Al-Si interface P (z)
States with E = 0 to 1.2 eV Band Alignment

The Schottky barrier is the energy difference between

the valence (or conduction) band edge of the semicon-
ductor and the Fermi energy of the metal, while the
Figure 49 Charge distribution of metal-induced gap
states (MIGSs) at the Al/Si (111) interface: (a) contour map
band offset is the energy difference of valence (or
display and (b) display average along the interface. conduction) bands of two materials that construct the
Reproduced with permission from Louie SG and Cohen ML interface. In this subsection, we review the representa-
(1976) Electronic structure of a metal–semiconductor tive theories and consider how these quantities are
interface. Physical Review B 13: 2461. determined, that is, how the bands of two materials
align at the interface. We start from the Schottky
feature is the appearance of electronic states within the barrier at metal/semiconductor interfaces.
band gap of Si in regions IV and V, which contributes to
the formation of Schottky barrier height. The charge Schottky barrier
density of one of these states is displayed in Figure 49. We first consider the metal/metal interface. At this
Though this state has relatively large density on the interface, the statistical mechanics teaches us that the
dangling bond of interface Si, it is apparently different movable carriers such as free electrons easily move
from the dangling-bond state on Si surface that is across the interface to produce a dipole potential at
strongly localized around Si. Instead, this state looks the interface and equalize the Fermi energies of both
like the free-electron-like state of Al that penetrates metals with each other. Since there are no electric
into Si layers or connects with the Si localized state. fields in metals in an equilibrium, the transferred
This electronic state, which is also present in semicon- carriers are often localized within a few atomic layers
ductors and has energy within the band gap, is called around the interface (Kajita et al., 2007). In the case of
the metal-induced gap state (MIGS) (Heine, 1965; a metal/semiconductor interface, if one can define
Louie and Cohen, 1976). The density of states (DOS) Fermi energies for semiconductors, the same
is shown in Figure 50 for MIGSs in some scenario as that of metal/metal interfaces applies.
At the metal/semiconductor interface, the semi-
conductor generally possesses electronic eigenstates
12 (a) Si (b) GaAs (c) ZnS that have eigenenergies within the band gap of bulk
DOS (1014 states/eV cm2)

10 semiconductor, as shown in Section For

intrinsic interface states, these states appear due to
8 the breakdown of translational symmetry of
EF EF semiconductor bulk crystals at the interface perpen-
EF dicular to the interface direction and are called
4 MIGSs. In fact, as shown in Section, ab initio
calculations demonstrated that these MIGSs really
2 exist in Si at Al/Si interfaces. On the other hand, in
the case of extrinsic origins, these states appear due
0 0.4 0.8 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 to structural disorders such as defects. In any case,
Energy (eV) these states are made of eigenstates in complex band
structures of bulk materials and have complex wave
Figure 50 DOS for MIGSs within the band gap of the
semiconductor. Reproduced with permission from Louie numbers, and are thus localized around the interface.
SG, Chelikowsky JR, and Cohen ML (1977) Ionicity and the Such states are schematically shown by short bars in
theory of Schottky barriers. Physical Review B 15: 2154. the energy diagram of Figure 51(a).
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 151

(a) interface to equalize their Fermi energies, CNL ,

Conduction band
and EF. In the case of Figure 51(a), electrons
CB-like transfer from the metal to the semiconductor. The
MIGS excess positive carriers in the metal are accumulated
φCNL at the interface because the dielectric constant of a
MIGS metal is infinitely large, while the excess electrons in
the semiconductor enter the interface MIGSs and
Valence band penetrate into the semiconductor at most a few Å.
Metal Semiconductor In this way, the electron transfer between metal and
semiconductor produces the dipole at the interface
and results in the final band alignment between the
(b) Conduction band two. The energy difference between EF and the
Schottky ECB lowest conduction-band state of the semiconductor,
ECB, or between EF and the highest valence-band
EF φCNL one, EVB, acts as a potential barrier for electrons or
holes, respectively, and is called the Schottky barrier
E VB or ‘contact potential’. In addition, the energy position
Valence band
of EF relative to vacuum is sometimes called as an
effective work function (WF) of a metal.
Metal Semiconductor The change of the metal Fermi energy (effective
WF) with varying metals is simply regulated using the
(c) DCB slope parameter (S parameter) (Cowley and Sze,
ECB 1965). The S parameter is defined by the derivative as
S ¼ ðeffective WFÞ=ðvacuum WFÞ ð19Þ
(Low-WF metal) B EG
where  means the variation by the change of metals
B φCNL at the interface (see also Figure 58(a)). The theory of
EF CNL predicts that the metal Fermi energy moves
(High-WF metal) toward a single position of CNL , as shown in
Figure 51(c), thus decreasing the energy differences
Metals Semiconductor
of effective WF among metals. This indicates that
Figure 51 Schematic band alignment at metal/ 0 < S < 1. When the densities of MIGSs is small and
semiconductor interface (a) before and (b) after the there is little charge transfer across the interface,
connection. (c) Normal movement of the metal Fermi energy
effective WF has the same values as vacuum WF, as
relative to the electronic structure of semiconductor. In (c),
the bold-arrow lines denote that the Fermi energy of the shown by the S-arrows in Figure 51(c), which rea-
metal tends to move toward the charge neutrality level, lizes the S ¼ 1 limit. On the other hand, when the
CNL , by transferring electrons around the interface. density of MIGSs is large and the CNL position
Dashed-arrow lines S and B, respectively, correspond to hardly changes by the interface charge transfer, all
the Schottky (S ¼ 1) and Bardeen (S ¼ 0) limits.
effective WFs have the same value (Fermi-level pin-
ning) for all metals, as shown by the B-arrows, which
As shown in Figure 51(a), some of the MIGSs indicates that S ¼ 0. These two limits are called the
are occupied from the bottom, corresponding to Schottky–Mott and Bardeen limits, respectively
the number of electrons around the interface and (Schottky, 1938; Mott, 1938; Bardeen, 1947). As long
the highest occupied MIGS determines the effec- as the Schottky barrier height (SBH) is considered to
tive Fermi energy of the semiconductor around the be produced based on this conventional CNL con-
interface. Since this Fermi energy is determined by cept, the S parameter never goes out of the 0 < S < 1
the electron number to keep the original semicon- region.
ductor as neutral, it is often called the charge
neutrality level (CNL). Hereafter, we denote
CNL as CNL . When the semiconductor is in con- Charge neutrality level
tact with a metal, as in Figure 51(b), electrons in We now consider the location of CNL . Tersoff
the semiconductor and metal move across the (1984a,b) noted that the key is the nature of MIGS
152 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

and proposed that CNL is determined only by the When the interface states appear due to the
electronic structure of the bulk semiconductor. As extrinsic origins such as structural disorders, we
explained above, the MIGS is the eigenstate in com- have to consider other methods for calculating
plex band structures having energies within the band CNL . Based on their systematic XPS
gap of the bulk system. Since the complex bands experiments,Spicer et al. (1980, 1989) were the first
connect with real bands at the band edge of real to point out the importance of defect-induced inter-
bands, the MIGSs with lower energies possess a face electronic states to determine the Schottky
valence-band character, while those having higher barrier. Drummond (1999) extended this concept
energies carry a conduction-band character (see and categorized observations into various defect
Figure 51(a)). The effective Fermi energy, CNL , is types such as vacancies and antisite atoms.
defined as the boundary between these valence-band- It is often observed that the DOS of interface
and conduction-band-like states, and are thus states shows a U-like shape in the band gap for a
approximately given by the sign-changed boundary variety of disordered metal/semiconductor inter-
energy of the cell-averaged propagating Green faces, as shown in Figure 52(a). Hasegawa and
function: Ohno called these states as disorder-induced gap
states (DIGS). They found that the Fermi energies
Z XZ jnk ðr Þjnk ðr þ RÞ of metals match the energy position of the lowest
G ðR; CNL Þ ¼ dr d3 k ¼0
CNL – "nk DOS value of DIGS; thus, such energy state acts as a
CNL-like Fermi energy of semiconductors
(Hasegawa and Ohno, 1986). Figure 52(b) shows
where jnk ðrÞ and "nk are eigen wave function and the basic concept they used for calculating CNL for
energy of the electronic states of bulk semiconductor, disordered interfaces. They considered that the
respectively, with the band index n, and the Bloch DIGS appears due to the disorder of semiconductor
wave number k. Here, R is the real lattice vector bonds at the metal/semiconductor interfaces and
perpendicular to the interface. In a one-dimensional proposed that the CNL-like energy that separates
system, CNL coincides with the branching point of the bonding and antibonding states is obtained as an
the complex band. Using CNL calculated by this average of sp3-orbital energies of semiconductors.
formula, Tersoff succeeded in reproducing SBHs of Here, we would like to point out two important
various metal/semiconductor interfaces. Table 4 features in these kinds of CNL theories. At first, due
shows the calculated SBH values, together with the to some ambiguity in determining the boundary
observed values in experiments. The agreement is between valance- and conduction-band-like MIGS
quite good, especially for semiconductors with or DIGS, there exist several versions of the definition
small band-gap energies. This is because the MIGS of CNL . For example, using a Penn-like model,
picture, which assumes the metallic electronic states Cardona and Christensen (1987) proposed to adopt
in semiconductor layers near the interface, is well the dielectric mid-gap energy as CNL . However,
applicable to such systems because of the large den- most of these theories present similar values of
sity of MIGSs. CNL for many semiconductors. This occurs because

Table 4 Calculated Schottky barrier height, , and localization length, , for

various combination of metal and semiconductor

f e (eV)

Au Al Other metals Theory (eV)  (Å) Band gap (eV)

Si 0.83 0.70 0.70–0.82 0.76 3.0 1.12

Ge 0.59 0.48 0.38–0.64 0.48 4.0 0.66
GaAs 0.94 0.78 0.71–0.94 0.74 3.0 1.42
ZnS 2.00 0.80 0.80–2.00 1.40 1.5 3.60

From Tersoff J (1984a) Schottky barrier heights and the continuum of gap states.
Physical Review Letters 52: 465, Tersoff J (1984b) Theory of semiconductor
heterojunctions: The role of quantum dipoles. Physical Review B 30: 4874 and Tersoff J
and Harrison WA (1987) Transition-metal impurities in semiconductors – their connection
with band lineups and Schottky barriers. Physical Review Letters 58: 2367.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 153

(a) 0 Ec assuming that the interface DOS is considerably large

GaAs PCVD - SiO2 because CNL does not change even if the charge
(annealed at 800 °C)
Energy (eV)

–04 transfer occurs. For example, assuming a simple

Ei band structure for semiconductor, where valence
–08 and conduction bands have constant DOS, we can
–12 Anodic native derive that CNL ¼ EVB þ EG  DVB =ðDVB þ DCB ),
oxide where EVB and EG are the valence-band edge and
0 Ec band-gap energies, respectively, while DVB and DCB
InP are DOS of valence and conduction bands, respec-
Energy (eV)

–04 As-grown tively. This formula is derived from the theories of

Tersoff and Cardona and Christensen, and indicates
–08 Annealed for 16 h Ei
that both theories estimate similar values. It should
Electrolytic Optimized be noted that this formula is described by the physi-
–12 Plasma Al2O3 /native oxide
Ev cal quantities intrinsic to bulk semiconductors. In
0 Ec case of DIGS interface states, since the interface is
Inx Gax As x = 0.65 randomly disordered, Hasegawa and Ohno assumed
Energy (eV)

x = 0.53 x = 0.25 the simple average of orbital energies of semiconduc-
tors, thus again depending on only the bulk
–12 Al O /native oxide
2 3
Ev Band bending
1011 1012 1013 1014
(cm–2 eV–1) Most semiconductors contain impurity atoms that
are introduced unintentionally in the growth process
(b) semiconductor E
or intentionally by doping. Here, we consider an n-
layer type semiconductor having movable electron carriers
as an example. Figures 53(a) and 53(b) show the
Anti-bonding band alignments before and after the contact. Before
Semi- III II I contact, in a semiconductor, some of electrons origi-
conductor EHO nating from donor atoms transfer into interface states
Bonding and the positive-impurity sites appear around the
interface. Due to this positive charge distribution,
Insulator or metal Nss the potential (therefore, the conduction and valence
Figure 52 (a) DOS of interface states at disordered
bands) bends as shown in Figure 53(a), which is
interfaces. (b) Schematic diagram explaining the appearance called the band bending. When metal and semicon-
of disorder-induced gap states (DIGSs). Reproduced with ductor are in contact with each other, electron
permission from Hasegawa H and Ohno H (1986) Unified transfer occurs from the interface states of semicon-
disorder induced gap state model for insulator– ductor and inner donor states to the electronic states
semiconductor and metal–semiconductor interfaces. Journal
of Vacuum Science and Technology B 4: 1130.
in metal in case of the alignment in Figure 53(a), to
equalize the Fermi energies of metal and semicon-
ductor, M and S. The alignment after the contact is
they commonly assume the existence of interfaces
states and the charge transfer between metal states (a) (b)
Depletion layer
and interface states. Since such charge transfer is
conceptually similar to that between metallic materi- μS φC
μM μM μS
als, we can say that the full contact of electronic states
is assumed between metals and semiconductors in
these conventional CNL theories, details of which
will be discussed in the following section. Metal n-Type
The second important feature is that CNL is semiconductor
defined as intrinsic to not the interface but the bulk Figure 53 Schematic view of band bending at metal/
properties of semiconductors, which is equivalent to semiconductor interface: (a) before and (b) after contact.
154 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

shown in Figure 53(b). A more precise band-bending EV ¼ EC þ EGB þ EGA . On the other hand, since
feature is obtained by solving the Poisson equation in the valence-band structures of zinc-blende semicon-
the electromagnetism, considering the charge trans- ductors are well described by the nearest-neighbor
fer self-consistently. The region around the interface tight-binding approximation using sp3 orbital sets,
with no electrons is often called the depletion layer, Harrison and Tersoff (1986) and Monch (1996) pro-
with typical width around 100 Å. posed that the valence-band offset, EV, is obtained
Here, we briefly comment on the experimental as the energy difference of the valence-band top
methods to measure SBHs. Figure 54 shows schema- between A and B; they calculated various EV values
tically the principal views of three methods. In the by adopting empirical parameters. These results are
current–voltage (I–V) method, one applies a voltage shown in Table 5 for various combinations of semi-
perpendicular to the interface and measures the ther- conductors. It is seen that the agreement with
mal electrons that pass the Schottky barrier potential experiments is largely improved by the latter theory.
from semiconductor to metal. Because the current is This is because the affinity is sensitive to the atomic
proportional to expð – B =kB T Þ, one can determine structures of material surfaces and the atomic and
B from the temperature dependence. In the capaci- electronic structures are generally different for sur-
tance–voltage (C–V) method, one applies the faces and interfaces. On the other hand, though we do
alternating voltage V and measures the capacitance C
not consider the charge transfer at the interface in
of inversion layer.pSince the width of inversion layer is
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi these theories, the agreement is not so poor, indicat-
proportional to B – V , the capacitance becomes
ing the quantity intrinsic to bulk semiconductor is an
proportional to 1= B – V , from which B is deter-
important factor to determine the offset.
mined. Because the capacitance also includes effects
In these theories, we use the vacuum level as the
of tunneling currents, resistance in semiconductors,
reference energy for comparison. Recently, Van der
and distribution of impurity atoms, the analysis is
Walle and Neugenbauer (2003) proposed the band
sometimes complicated. In the method using internal
alignment assuming that the hydrogen impurity level
photoelectric effect, one produces hot electrons by
has the same energy position in most of the semi-
photoelectric excitation and measures the inverse
conductors. This proposal can be conceptually
current flowing over the barrier. These methods
have an advantage in observing the deeply buried similar to the above-mentioned two theories.
interface. We can also measure the barriers by using To advance a more reliable calculation of the band
XPS and STM when metal layers are thin enough. offset, one has to consider the charge transfer at the
interface (Nakayama, 1993). In this case, the scenario
based on the CNL theory at metal/semiconductor Band offset
interfaces applies straightforwardly to semiconductor/
Next, we consider how the band offset appears at a
semiconductor interfaces. Figure 55 illustrates how the
semiconductor/semiconductor interface. Anderson
band offset is determined at the semiconductor/semi-
(1962) proposed that the conduction band offset at
conductor interface. At the semiconductor interfaces
A/B interface is given by the electron affinity differ-
ence between A and B materials as Ec ¼ B – A .
Using the observed band-gap energies, one can Table 5 Calculated valence-band offset at various
also derive the valence-band offset as semiconductor/semiconductor (110) nonpolar interfaces,
in eV

Thermal electron emission A/B Exp. EAR HAO TER LDA

GaAs/AlAs 0.50 0.15 0.04 0.35 0.37
GaSb/InSb 0.51 1.12 1.12 0.43
GaAs/InAs 0.17 0.24 0.32 0.20
EF Conduction band Si/Ge 0.20 0.33 0.38 0.18
GaAs/ZnSe 0.96 1.26 1.05 1.59
Inpurity levels Ge/ZnSe 1.52 1.97 1.46 2.17
Depletion layer
Ge/GaAs 0.53 0.35 0.41 1.12 0.63
Capacitance C = dQ/dV InP/CdS 1.63 1.27 1.48

Exp: experiments; ERA: electron affinity theory; HAO: tight-binding

Figure 54 Schematic principles to measure the Schottky theory; TER: charge neutrality level theory; LDA: local density
barrier height (SBH). functional calculations.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 155

Semiconductors The results in Table 5 demonstrate that not only
the electronic structures of bulk semiconductors but
εBF also the charge transfer at the interface are important
to determine the band offset at the interface. It should
be noted here that the charge transfer across the inter-
face is often realized by the orbital hybridization
between the constituent interface atoms of semicon-
Figure 55 Schematic view to explain the formation of ductors, thus producing the dipole at the interface. To
band offset. examine whether such a dipole is really produced at the
interface by charge transfer, we had better introduce
A and B, there exist MIGS-like interface states and another freedom at the interface and study the variation
these states are occupied by interface electrons from of charge transfer. Figure 56 shows the calculated
the bottom to the effective Fermi energies (left figure). valence-band offset at ZnSe/ZnTe (001) interface as a
When the interface is realized, the charge transfer function of the strain (Nakayama, 1992). The strain can
occurs between these states to equalize such Fermi be varied by changing the lattice constant, that is, the
energies (middle figure). As a result, one obtained the composition, of the substrate for ZnSe/ZnTe system.
band alignment shown in the right. Because by increasing the Te composition, the differ-
Harrison and Tersoff (1988) were the first to ence of bulk energy, ", decreases, it reflects the
adopt this picture and calculate the band offsets for deformation potentials of the bulk system. On the
various combinations of semiconductors; their results other hand, there is an increase in the charge transfer
are shown in Table 5. It is seen that the CNL theory from ZnTe to ZnSe,  , and this increases the dipole
also succeeded in predicting valence- and conduc- potential, V. As a result of compensation between "
tion-band offsets of a number of semiconductor/ and V, the valence-band offset gradually decreases. It
semiconductor interfaces. should be noted that such a correlation between "

(a) ZnSe/ZnTe (b)

3.2 0
: IV family
Δρ (10–2e)

: III–V compounds
ΔV (eV)

: III–VI compounds
Δ & ΔEv,hh (eV)

Offset of hh state (eV)

Level-shift difference & offset

1.6 –1 Δρ


Charge transfer

Dipole potential

0.1 GaSb AIAs

0 –2 ΔEv 1 InSb AIN
, hh InP ZnTe CdSe
ZnSe ZnS
InAs GaN
CdTe Cds
HgTe HgSe HgS

0 2 4 6
0 Ionicity, ε cp – ε ap (eV)
0 0.5 1
LZnSe + LZnTe

Figure 56 (a) Strain dependence of valence-band offset at ZnSe/ZnTe (001) interface. Strain changes corresponding
to the composition of the substrate. (b) Band offset at wurtzite/zinc-blende interface for the heavy-hole states of
various semiconductors as a function of ionicity. (a) Reproduced with permission from Nakayama T (1992b) Valence
band offset and electronic structures of zinc-compound strained superlattices. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
61: 2434. (b) Reproduced with permission from Murayama M and Nakayama T (1994) Chemical trend of band offsets
at wurtzite/zinc-blende heterocrystalline semiconductor interfaces. Physical Review B 49: 4710.
156 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

and V indicates the charge transfer expected by the foreign-family atoms at the interface, one can some-
CNL theory really occurs. times control the modulation of the band offset.
At the heterovalent interfaces such as ZnSe/GaAs Lambrecht and Segall (1990) developed the simple
(001), the charge transfer governs the band offset tight-binding model to include such effects in the
itself. Figure 57(a) shows the measured valence- case of covalent bonding systems.
band offset as a function of R ¼ Zn/Se ratio at the More precise values of band offsets are evaluated
interface, which is realized by changing the growth using the first-principles calculations. The results
treatment (Nicolini et al., 1994). Zn–As acceptor and using the local density-functional calculations are
Se–Ga donor bonds exist at this interface. The charge also shown in Table 5. When the quasiparticle GW
transfer of about 101e occurs between these bonds, calculation is applied, one can obtain the most pre-
which produces a dipole potential V. Depending on cise values, for example, 0.5 eV for GaAs/AlAs
the growth treatment, the configuration of these interface (Zhang et al., 1989). These first-principles
bonds changes as shown in Figures 57(b) and 57(c) calculations can consider the effects of any atomic
and the direction of charge transfer is opposite in structures of interface and apply to new systems that
these two cases. As a result, as seen in Figure 57(a), have not ever been produced in experiments. For
the offset varies by about 0.7 eV. example, the heterocrystalline interfaces, which is
The above result for ZnSe/GaAs interface the interface between the same semiconductors
demonstrated that the atomic structures at the inter- with different crystal structures, are proposed and
face are also important to determine the band offset produced in experiments (Murayama and
in some of the interfaces. In fact, by producing the Nakayama, 1993, 1994; Hibino and Ogino, 2000).
heterovalent bonds by intentionally inserting The calculated band offsets at hexagonal/cubic

band offset

R = Zn/Se


Substrate types
0.4 p+ n+
p n
pc (4 × 4) nc (4 × 4)
p 3×1 n 3×1
0 No doping R
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
ΔE (eV)

(b) (c)
Charge transfer




Small R Large R
Figure 57 (a) Valence band offset, E, at heterovalent ZnSe/GaAs (001) interface, as a function of the composition ratio of
R ¼ Zn/Se. (b,c) Charge transfer at anion and cation mixed interfaces. Reproduced with permission from Nicolini R, Vanzetti L,
Mula G, et al. (1994) Local interface composition and band discontinuities in heterovalent heterostructures. Physical Review
Letters 72: 294.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 157

(wurtzite/zinc-blende) homomaterial twin interfaces biding energies of Au, and found that the binding
are shown in Figure 56(b). This result indicates that energy increases as the size of dots and thus the
not only the heteroatoms but also the topology of interface area increases, as shown in Figure 58(b).
bond connection are the origins of offsets. This result clearly indicates that at Au/HfO2 inter-
face the electrons transfer from Au to HfO2, which
promotes the increase of Au effective WF. Similarly, New Features of Schottky Barrier by using the CV techniques, WF shifts were observed
on HfAlOx substrate for Al metal with a decrease of Breakdown of Schottky–Mott
0.36 eV, and for Ni and Au metals with increases of
0.20 and 0.22 eV, respectively.
Koyama et al. (2004) deposited Au, Pt, and Al metals
The change of WFs from in-vacuum to on-high-k-
on HfSiO substrate and measured their effective
dielectrics is schematically summarized by arrows in
WFs, which results are displayed in Figure 58(a).
Figure 58(c), for various metals. The Fermi energies
They found that effective WFs of Au and Pt become
of p-metals such as Ni and Au, which have larger
large compared to WFs in vacuum, opposite to what
WFs, are shifted toward the valence band of high-k
happens with Al This result indicates that the S
dielectrics, whereas those of n-metals, such as Al,
parameter becomes larger than 1, that is, beyond
having smaller WFs move toward the conduction
the conventional limit. A similar anomaly was
band. These WF changes are quite different from
observed in the XPS experiment by the Miyazaki
expectations deduced by the conventional CNL the-
group (Shiraishi et al., 2005). They deposited Au
nanoscale dots on HfO2 substrate, measured the ories. The conventional theories state that there is a
single CNL level in the band gap of a high-k dielectric
and the metal Fermi energies are aligned to this CNL ,
(a) 6 as shown in Figure 51(c). Thus, the variation in
Figure 58(c) was beyond our ordinary understanding.
Effective WF on HisiD (eV)

5.5 In order to clarify what happens at metal/high-k
interfaces, Shiraishi et al. (2005) investigated the
5 electronic structures using the first-principles cal-
culations, and found that two important
preconditions implicitly assumed in conventional
Al S > 1 !! theories are broken at these interfaces. The first is
concerned with the penetration length of MIGSs
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 from the interface into insulating materials.
Vacuum WF (eV) Figures 59(a) and 59(b) show the charge densities

(b) (c)
CB Interface
Au4f 2 nm (a)
3 nm Al
Intens. (a.u.)

4 nm Metal Si
HfO2 VB Metal (jellium) HfO2
88 86 84 82 (b)
Binding energy (eV) O
Figure 58 (a) Effective work functions of Al, Au, and Pt on
HfSiON as a function of vacuum work function, reported by
Koyama et al. (2004). (b) Observed binding energies of Au
nanodots on HfO2 by XPS measurement (Shiraishi et al.,
2005). The sizes of dots are described in the figure. (c)
Schematic diagram of the observed Fermi-energy Figure 59 Contour plots of MIGS wave functions at (a)
movement of metals on Hf-related high-k materials. metal/Si and (b) metal/HfO2 interfaces (Shiraishi et al., 2005).
158 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

of typical MIGSs around metal/Si(111) and metal/ (a) AI

HfO2(110) interfaces, respectively. Here, the metal 25
is represented by the jellium model. In the case of 20

Energy (eV)
metal/Si, the MIGS penetrates deep into Si, about 15 EF
five atomic layers. Thus, the Si side of the interface 10
has movable electrons and looks like a metal. The 5
band alignment is realized by moving electrons in 0
these states. Note here that, since the MIGS pene- Γ XK Γ L KWX
trates deep and touches a number of Si atoms
around the interface, the detailed interface atomic (b) Au
structure does not govern the electronic structure of 40
the interface. In other words, one can say that the 35

Energy (eV)
full contact of electronic states is realized at this 30
metal/Si interface. On the other hand, in case of 25
20 DOS
metal/HfO2, the penetration of MIGS into HfO2 is EF
seen to be at most one to two atomic layers, thus the 10
full contact of electronic states not being realized at 5
metal/HfO2. This occurs because of the high ioni- Γ XK Γ L KWX
city and large band gap of HfO2. The present result Figure 60 Band structures of (a) Al and (b) Au bulk metals,
indicates that the electronic structure at metal/ calculated by the first-principles method. Schematic
high-k interface is very sensitive to the interface diagrams of DOS are displayed on the right. From Shiraishi
K, Akasaka Y, Miyazaki S, et al. (2005) Universal theory of
atomic structures, that is, to which atom contact is
work functions at metal Hf-based high-k dielectrics
realized, and we had better start with the bonding interfaces – guiding principles for gate metal selection. In:
picture of atoms to understand the electronic Technical Digest of IEEE International Electron Devices
structure at this interface. Meeting, p. 29. Washington, DC, USA, December.
The other precondition is related to the indivi-
duality of metals. Figures 60(a) and 60(b) show
band structures of Al and Au metals around the in the above, it is clear that these conditions are not
respective Fermi energies, EF. The schematic pic- satisfied at metal/high-k interfaces.
tures of DOS are also shown on the right. As the
extended s- and p-orbital electrons are valence elec- Generalized charge neutrality
trons, Al has featureless DOS around EF. On the level
other hand, due to the localized d-orbital electrons, In order to simulate the electronic structures of
Au has small-dispersion bands below EF. Thus, DOS metal/high-k dielectrics interfaces, we have to take
is extremely large below the Fermi energy, whereas into account the interface atomic structures and char-
it is comparable to the Al case above the Fermi acteristics of metals. To realize such interfaces,
energy. As shown in the following, this kind of Shiraishi et al. (2005) adopted the effective-four-
metal character is not considered in the conven- level tight-binding model of an interface. The sche-
tional theory. matic diagram of this model is described in
The full contact of electronic states at the inter- Figure 61(a). They characterize a metal with the
face and the featureless metal DOS are essential Fermi energy, EF, and the effective local DOS at
conditions in conventional theories. This is apparent the interface below and above EF, Docc and Dunocc.
because CNL is defined using quantities intrinsic to The high-k dielectric such as HfO2 is represented by
bulk materials, such as EVB, EG, DVB, and DCB, and the energies of valence-band top and conduction-
does not include the interface information, such as band bottom (EVB and ECB, respectively) and the
atomic structures and characteristics of metals. The effective local DOS of valence and conduction
same conditions are also assumed in the case of the bands at the interface (respectively, DVB and DCB).
theory of DIGSs (Hasegawa and Ohno, 1986); for Since HfO2 is an ionic material, the conduction bands
example, the interface is assumed to have random are mainly made of Hf d-orbitals, while the valence
amorphous-like structures, and some sort of averages bands are made of O p-orbitals. tM-Hf is a transfer
that realize the full contact of electronic states are energy between the occupied metal states and con-
implicitly taken to deduce CNL . However, as shown duction-band states of HfO2, while tM-O is that
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 159

(a) Hf 5d jtM-Hf j2 Docc DCB jtM-O j2 Dunocc DVB

s. p Dunocc tM–Hf DCB – ¼0 ð22Þ

EVB By solving this equation, the generalized charge neu-
s. p. d Docc trality level of HfO2 that should match the Fermi
O 2p energy of metal is obtained by GCNL ¼ EF – V as

Metal HfO2 (nonmetal)

jtM-O j2 Dunocc DVB
(b) (c) jtM-O j Dunocc DVB þ jtM-Hf j2 Docc DCB

s. p Hf 5d Hf 5d
s. p where EG ¼ ECB  EVB is the band-gap energy of
d EF In the case of ordinary metal/semiconductor inter-
s. p O 2p O 2p faces, we can expect the full contact of electronic
states, tM-Hf ¼ tM-O, and the DOS of the metal is fea-
Al HfO2 Au, Ni HfO2 tureless, Docc ¼ Dunocc. Thus, we can reproduce the
conventional CNL as EVB þ EG  DVB =ðDVB þ DCB )
Figure 61 (a) Schematic diagrams of interface
hybridization models to derive the generalized neutrality (Cardona and Christensen, 1987), which is the
levels at metal/nonmetal interfaces. EF, Doccu., and quantity intrinsic to a bulk semiconductor. This is
Dunoccu are Fermi energy and DOS variables for the metal why we call the present G CNL
the generalized charge
below and above EF, while ECB, EVB, DCB, and DVB are neutrality level.
the conduction- and valence-band edges and their DOS
Next, we explain how the new G theory
for the nonmetal. tM-Hf and tM-O are orbital hybridization CNL

energies between electron occupied and unoccupied explains the unusual behavior of work functions at
states, which promote charge transfer across the metal/high-k interfaces. As representative interfaces
interface. (b,c) Hybridization-induced charge transfer at made of n and p metals, the Al/HfO2(110) and Ni/
Au/HfO2 and Al/HfO2 interfaces. Bold arrows denote HfO2(110) interfaces were investigated by the first-
major charge transfer.
principles calculations. Figures 62(a) and 62(b),
respectively, display the most stable adsorption posi-
tions of Al and Ni atoms on the HfO2 substrate, while
between the unoccupied metal states and valence- Figure 62(c) shows the adsorption energies of Al and
band states of HfO2. It should be noted here that the Au on HfO2 as a function of the adsorption position
charge transfer between a metal and HfO2 is gener- (Nakayama et al., 2006b). Adsorption positions, 1–7,
ally realized only by such orbital hybridization are denoted on the right. It is clearly seen that Al
between unoccupied and occupied states. Transfer atoms prefer to locate on oxygen atoms and produce
energies between occupied states and those between the connection only with oxygen atoms. This occurs
unoccupied states never induce the charge transfer because the reactivity of Al with oxygen is high. As a
between the metal and HfO2, thus being not relevant result, one can reasonably approximate tM-Hf << tM-O.
to determine the band alignment and being excluded Meanwhile, the variation of Al DOS is monotonously
in the present model. continuous and featureless as shown in Figure 61(b),
By applying the second-order perturbation theory indicating that Docc ¼ Dunocc. Therefore, the charge
of quantum mechanics, the charge transfer from a transfer occurs from O to Al, as shown in
metal to HfO2 is written as (Nakayama, 1993; Figure 61(b). As a result, G approaches the bottom
Nakayama et al., 2006b) of HfO2 conduction bands, ECB, and the effective WF
of Al decreases as shown in Figure 58(c). With
jtM-Hf j2 Docc DCB jtM-O j2 Dunocc DVB
 _ – ð21Þ respect to Au/HfO2, the Au atom appears to have
no preference for the adsorption position and is
This charge transfer produces the dipole potential at expected to locate between Hf and O atoms on aver-
the interface and increases the energies of EVB and age on the HfO2 surface, thus indicating tM-Hf ¼ tM-O.
ECB in HfO2. Since the charge transfer should be However, as seen in Figure 60(b), the Au DOS
completed by inducing a final dipole potential of below the Fermi energy is much larger than that
V, the self-consistent equation of V becomes as above the Fermi energy. Thus, we can approximate
160 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) (b) 38
3.56Å 1.89Å 1.95Å
2.64Å 1.97Å

Energy (eV)
32 Au
Al-adsorbed structure Ni-adsorbed structure VB
(c) HfO2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∞
Adsorption energy [eV]

0 top view Metal-atom position

0 Figure 63 Calculated Fermi-energy positions of Al and Au
4 2 3
–1 monolayer metals relative to the conduction- and valence-
Al 7 6
–1.5 1 5 band edges of HfO2, as a function of interface atomic
Hf position on the HfO2 (110) substrate. Atomic positions are
–2 displayed in Figure 62(c). 1 shows the Fermi-energy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Atom position position realized at real metal/HfO2 interfaces, which are
obtained for thicker metals and as an average of stable
Figure 62 Stable adsorption positions of metal atoms on interface configurations in Figure 62(c).
HfO2 (110) substrate: (a) Al and (b) Ni atoms. (c) Calculated
adsorption energies of Al (solid line) and Au (broken line)
atoms on HfO2 (110) substrate, as a function of adsorption studying the relation between the atom coupling
position. Adsorption positions are displayed on the right.
Reproduced with permission from Nakayama T, Shiraishi K,
and the WF value at the interface. Figure 63 shows
Miyazaki S, et al. (2006) Physics of metal/high-k interfaces. the Fermi-energy positions of Al and Au calculated
ECS Transactions 3: 129–140. by the first-principles method when monolayer metal
atoms are located at various positions of HfO2 inter-
faces (Nakayama et al., 2006b). It is clearly recognized
Docc >> Dunocc. Therefore, the charge transfer occurs that the Fermi-energy position depends on not only
mainly from Au to HfO2 as shown in Figure 61(c), the metal kinds but also the metal-atom positions
approaches the top of HfO2 valence bands, EVB, Especially, Fermi energies of both Al and Au are
and the effective WF of Au increases as shown in low when the metal atoms are located on Hf (position
Figure 58(c). 1), while they become high when located over O
It might seem quite strange that the new G CNL (position 3). This common variation to both Al and
theory predicts the charge transfer from O to Al at Au clearly justifies the generalized G theory. By
Al/HaO2 interface and from Au to Hf at Au/HfO2 analyzing the charge distribution, one can also check
interface because electronegativities of O and Au that such a variation of Fermi energy occurs, reflect-
atoms are, respectively, much larger compared to Al ing the charge transfer caused by the orbital
and Hf. However, this really does occur! The most hybridization at the interface.
important point is the fact that O and Hf are not Other aspects of the universality of the new G CNL
atoms but elements in bulk HfO2, thus the O and theory are observed by considering the band offsets,
Hf atoms are fully ionized in HfO2 as O2 and Hf4þ. that is, band-edge discontinuity, at semiconductor/
Thus, there is no space to receive additional elec- semiconductor (S/S9) interfaces (Nakayama et al.,
trons around O and holes around Hf. Instead, once 2006b). In the case of (S/S9) interface, the band
the Al/HfO2 and Au/HfO2 interfaces are grown and alignment is determined by equalizing the following
the Al-O and Au-Hf connections are produced, O equation:
and Au atoms partially present electrons to Al and Hf
atoms, respectively. B A
V þ EVB þ EG ¼ E9VB þ E9G ð24Þ
The strictest examination of the generality of new AþB AþB
CNL theory is to consider the extreme artificial cases; where A ¼ |t9CB-VB|2DCBD9VB and B ¼ |t9VB-
what happens when the Al atoms contact with not O CB| DVBD9CB are effective couplings at the interface,
but Hf atoms at Al/HfO2 interface. This is because while V is the interface dipole. Various D’s are DOS
the new theory argues the importance of interface of S and S9, while various E’s and t’s are, respectively,
atom coupling, thus the theory is justified by band-edge energies and electron transfer energies at
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 161

the interface, which all are defined as in Figure 61(a). insulator (band gap is about 5.6 eV), SBH behavior is
This equation represents the balance of two charge expected to be similar to the Schottky limit according
neutrality levels (Nakayama, 1993). to the conventional CNL concepts. However, the
Finally, we remark on the universality of the new observed behavior rather resembles the Bardeen limit.
concept. GCNL
is constructed by using the repre- The physical origin of this unusual behavior is in the
sentative physical quantities of the interface. The mechanism of the SBH formation being much different
energies EF, EVB, and ECB and DOS values Docc, from the conventional mechanism. This is governed by
Dunocc, DVB, and DCB represent properties intrinsic the thermodynamics of the interface reaction.
to bulk materials originating from bulk band struc- The physical mechanism is as follows. The rela-
tures, while the transfer energies, tM-Hf and tM-O, are tively higher energy level of oxygen vacancy (Vo) in
introduced to describe the microscopic atomic struc- HfO2 causes a notable thermodynamic behavior of
tures of interfaces, that is, the interface bonds. This interfaces, when HfO2 is in contact with Si. Recent
fact indicates that both band and bond pictures, experiments indicate that the Vo level is located
which, respectively, correspond to itinerant and loca- about 0.4 eV above the bottom of Si conduction
lized characters of electrons, are necessary to band (about 1.2 eV below the bottom of HfO2 con-
describe electronic structures at the interface. In duction band) (Takeuchi et al., 2004).
this way, the first-principles theoretical approaches It is well known that Hf atoms can bind much
have played key roles in creating the new science more strongly than Si atoms to O atoms. Actually, the
concepts such as G in recent Si nanotechnology, formation enthalpy of HfO2 is larger than that of
and they are further leading not only the Si nano- SiO2 by about 2.2 eV. Further more, recent first-
technology but also the frontier fields of nanoscience principles calculations show that the Vo formation
such as organic semiconductors and nano-bio devices energy in bulk HfO2 is larger than that in bulk SiO2
(Oda and Nakayama, 2008). by about 1.2 eV (Scopel et al., 2004). At first glance,
the fact that Hf–O bonds are stronger than SiO
bonds indicates that the partial oxidation of poly-Si Interface reaction and gates by pulling an O atom out of the HfO2 dielec-
Fermi-level pinning trics is an endothermic reaction with 1.2 eV energy
We first introduce an example where the thermody- loss, and this reaction occurs with difficulty.
namics of interface reaction determine the SBH. An However, the situation changes completely if we
unexpected SBH behavior at the interface between take into account the electron behavior.
heavily B doped Si (pþpoly-Si) and HfO2. has been FLP in Hf-related high-k gate stacks with pþpoly Si
reported. Hobbs et al. (2003) reported that the differ- gates can naturally be explained by taking into account
ence in SBH between nþpoly-Si and pþpoly-Si the electron behavior as follows. In Figures 65(a)–
becomes only 0.2 eV, although their intrinsic Fermi- 65(c), the mechanism of Vo formation in HfO2 and
level difference amount to 1 eV reflecting the Si band subsequent electron transfer across the poly-Si/HfO2
gap (Figure 64). This is called ‘Fermi level pinning’ interface is schematically illustrated. First, let us assume
(FLP) in LSI jargon. Since HfO2 is a typical wide-gap that the poly-Si is partially oxidized by the formation of
SiOSi bonds by O atoms being pulled out of HfO2.
Si conduction
As a result, SiOSi bonds in the poly-Si and Vos in
band HfO2 are formed (Figure 65(a)). An O atom in HfO2
0.2 eV
Ferml level 0.2 eV
takes an O2 ion form, but an O atom in a SiOSi
of n + poly Si bond is neutral. Accordingly, two additional electrons
Ferml level are generated after one O atom is pulled out, and if
0.6 eV
of p + poly Si these electrons remain inside HfO2, they occupy the Vo
Si valence level in HfO2 (Figure 65(b)). The assumption that two
band additional electrons remain in HfO2 corresponds to the
On SiO2 On HfO2 same situation as the bulk calculations that give a
1.2 eV energy loss. However, since HfO2 is in contact
Figure 64 Schematic illustration of the unusual behaviors
with the poly-Si gate, electrons have to transfer into the
of the relative Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) at the pþpoly-
Si/HfO2 interface compared with that at the nþpoly-Si/HfO2 gate. This is because the Vo level is located above the
interface. For comparison, the well-known SBH behavior at poly-Si Fermi level (Figure 65(c)). Now, we estimate
the poly-Si/SiO2 interfaces is also shown on the left. roughly the two ultimate cases of energy loss (gain)
162 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

(a) (b) (c)

E(Vo) E(Vo) E(Vo)
0.4 eV 0.4 eV 0.4 eV
Ec Ec Ec
1.1 eV 1.1 eV 1.1 eV
Ev HfO2 Ev HfO2 Ev HfO2
Poly-Si- Vo Poly-Si- Vo Poly-Si- Vo
gate gate gate
SiO2 SiO2 SiO2
+1.2 eV +0.4 eV = (1.2–2×0.4) –1.8 eV = (1.2–2×1.5)
Figure 65 Schematic illustrations of Vo formation in HfO2 with partial oxidation of poly-Si gate and subsequent electron
transfer into the gate electrodes. (a) Partial poly-Si oxidation by pulling out an O atom from HfO2. (b) Energy loss in an nþpoly-
Si gate. (c) Large energy gain in a pþpoly-Si gate. Reproduced with permission from Shiraishi K, Yamada K, Torii K, et al.
(2006) Oxygen-vacancy-induced threshold voltage shifts in Hf-related high-k gate stacks. Thin Solid Films 508: 305.

when HfO2 is in contact with the poly-Si gate: one is completely corroborate the above discussion based on
with an nþpoly-Si gate and the other is with a pþpoly- the ‘oxygen vacancy model’.
Si gate. For an nþpoly-Si gate, the two-electron trans- Now, we move on the Vfb shift originating from
fer results in an energy gain of 0.8 eV (2  0.4 eV), and the formation of Vo in HfO2. For an nþpoly-Si gate,
the total energy loss is reduced from 1.2 eV (bulk value) the interface reaction that induces the electron trans-
to 0.4 eV. Despite the energy reduction due to the fer occurs with difficulty, since it is endothermic. For
electron transfer, the reaction for an nþpoly-Si gate is a pþpoly-Si gate, however, the interface reaction
still endothermic. For a pþpoly-Si gate, on the other accompanied by the formation of Vo in HfO2 occurs
hand, the situation is quite different. The Fermi level easily, since this reaction has a large energy gain of
position of a pþpoly-Si gate is located about 1.5 eV 1.8 eV. At the same time, electrons transfer from
below the Vo level in HfO2. As a result, the two- HfO2 into the poly Si occurs. As a result, an interface
electron transfer results in a total energy gain of dipole is formed as illustrated in Figure 67. This
1.8 eV (2  1.5 eV  1.2 eV). Surprisingly, the interface dipole formation raises the position of the Fermi
reaction, accompanied by Vo formation and subsequent level of the pþpoly-Si gate and flat band voltage
electron transfer, becomes exothermic with an energy (Vfb) decreases. It is noticeable that the energy gain
gain of 1.8 eV, when the HfO2 is in contact with a of the interface reaction decreases when the Fermi
pþpoly-Si gate. Actually, TEM observations show level is elevated. A simple consideration indicates
that some interfacial reaction layers are observed in a that the position at which the Fermi level is pinned
pþpoly-Si gate HfAlOx MISFET, as shown in corresponds to the energy level that makes the
Figure 66, and such reaction layers have not been energy gain of the interfacial reaction zero. The
observed in nþpoly-Si gate MISFETs. These results final Fermi level position satisfies the equation 1.2
(0.4 þ x) ¼ 0, where x is the final pinning position
measured from the nþpoly-Si Fermi level. The
Fermi level position of a pþpoly-Si gate obtained
p + poly -Si HfAIOx from this is about 0.2 eV below the nþpoly-Si gate
Fermi level, which is in fairly good agreement with
the experimental results (Hobbs et al., 2003). As
discussed above, ‘oxygen vacancy model’ can quanti-
tatively reproduce the Fermi level pining position of
IL pþpoly-Si gate/HfO2 interfaces.
Si substrate
20 nm Next, we comment on the effect of inserting cap
insulator between pþpoly-Si and HfO2 gate dielec-
Figure 66 Cross section of replacemnt pþgate HfAlOx trics. Recent experiments show that the FLP of
MISFET observed by TEM. Reproduced with permission
pþpoly-Si gates cannot essentially be improved by
from Shiraishi K, Yamada K, Torii K, et al. (2006) Oxygen-
vacancy-induced threshold voltage shifts in Hf-related high- inserting SiO2 or SiN cap layers between pþpoly-Si
k gate stacks. Thin Solid Films 508: 305. gates and high-k Hf-related dielectrics (Cartier et al.,
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 163

(a) (b)


1.1 eV Vo EC
0.4 eV 0.4 eV
(EF) x eV
0.2 eV – –
1.1–x eV
Interface Pinning level
Poly-Si gate HfO2

Cap Vo
Poly-Si layer
gate Vo HfO2 +

Figure 67 (a) Schematic illustration of interface dipole formation and subsequent Fermi-level elevation toward the pinning level.
(b) Schematic illustration of the cap layer effect for Fermi-level pinning (FLP). Reproduced with permission from Shiraishi K, Yamada
K, Torii K, et al. (2006) Oxygen-vacancy-induced threshold voltage shifts in Hf-related high-k gate stacks. Thin Solid Films 508: 305.

2004). The oxygen vacancy model naturally explains IL, as illustrated in Figure 68(c). Their experimental
the results of these experiments. The schematic illus- finding indicates that interaction between HfO2 and a
trations are shown in Figure 67. As shown in this Si substrate is very important for FLP as well as that
figure, the pinning position is governed only by the between poly-Si gate and HfO2. In other words, FLP
energy position that balances the Vo formation disappears only when the interaction between Si and
energy loss and the electron transfer energy gain. HfO2 is weak enough. Further, it is expected that
The final pinning position measured from the indirect interaction between Si and HfO2 can induce
nþpoly-Si Fermi level (x) satisfies the equation 1.2̃ FLP. In short, the thermal equilibrium between Vo
(0.4 þ x) ¼ 0, which is the same equation without a formation and annihilation reaction at the Si/HfO2
cap layer. Accordingly, if O atoms can penetrate interface given by the following equation determines
through the cap layer until the system reaches ther- the SBH (FLP position) at pþpoly-Si/HfO2 inter-
mal equilibrium, the final pinning position remains face, as shown in Figure 69:
the same, regardless of the existence of a cap layer.  
ðHfO2 Þ þ Si ! SiO2 þ HfO2 þ Vo 2þ þ 2e ð25Þ
Systematic experiments have been reported by
Kamimuta et al. (2005). They examined three geo-
metries of poly-Si/HfO2 gate stacks. The schematic
illustrations are shown in Figure 68. The usual gate Correlation between interfaces
stack structures in which FLP is observed in pþpoly- It has been reported that SBHs of p-metals decrease
Si gates are structures with no barrier layer and thin remarkably, revealing FLP behavior when IL is thin,
IL as shown in Figure 68(a). At first, the effect of after high-temperature annealing. However, FLP does
boron segregated near the Si/HfO2 interfaces not appear when IL is thick enough (Lee et al., 2006).
(Takayanagi et al., 2003) or interfacial Hf–Si bonds This is called ‘Vfb roll-off’. The noticeable fact is that
(Hobbs et al., 2003) were thought to be the cause of the energy position of FLP is similar to the pinning
FLP of p-poly-Si gates. However, FLP cannot be position of pþpoly-Si gates (Hobbs et al., 2003), as
avoided even if a barrier layer is inserted between a mentioned in previous section. This experimental
pþpoly-Si gate and HfO2, as described in fact indicates that FLP of p-metal is also governed
Figure 68(b), indicating that neither B effect nor by a mechanism similar to FLP of pþpoly-Si gates
Hf–Si bonds can be the cause of FLP at pþpoly-Si/ mentioned above (Akasaka et al., 2006).
HfO2 interfaces. They have found that FLP relaxa- Now, we consider the mechanism of FLP of
tion can be achieved only when the gate stack p-metal gates subjected to a high-temperature
structure contains both thick barrier layer and thick treatment. Since usual p-metals are nonreactive
164 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

e– transfer O transfer

Occur Occur
FLP 2+ Poly-Si
Very small
p+ poly-Si2 HfO Si sub.

Not Occur
occur Poly-Si
FLP Vo2+ with
barrier layer
Very small
p+ poly Barrier HfO2 Si sub.

Not Not Poly-Si
occur occur with barrier
relaxation Vo2+ layer and
thick IL
Very small
p+ poly Barrier HfO2 Si sub.

Figure 68 Schematic illustration of three poly-Si/high-k gate stack structures examined by Kamimuta et al. (2005). (a) Usual
pþpoly-Si gate stack structure. (b) Gate stack structure with barrier layer between a pþpoly-Si gate and a high-k dielectric. (c)
Gate stack structure in which barrier layers are inserted both between a pþpoly-Si gate and a high-k dielectric and between a Si
substrate and a high-k dielectric. Reproduced with permission from Akasaka Y, Nakamura G, Shiraishi K, et al. (2006) Modified
oxygen vacancy induced fermi level pinning model extendable to P-metal pinning. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45: L1289.

(a) (b)
Electron Interface
transfer dipole
E(Vo) E(Vo)

EV + + E(p+) EV E(p+)
p+poly- HfO2 p+poly- HfO2
Si-gate Si-gate
dipole Thermal Electron
SiO2 equilibrium SiO2 transfer
Vo Vo annihilation
O transfer – – Vo
EV(HfO2) – –

Pinned (EF = EV = E(p+)) Pinned (another aspect)

Figure 69 Schematic illustration of another understanding of Fermi level pinning (FLP). (a) Vo generation and (b) Vo
annihilation are balanced, and the system reaches thermal equilibrium.

materials, the situation of p-metal/high-k gate dielectrics is inhibited when IL is thick enough
stack can be schematically illustrated as in (Figure 70(b)). As discussed in Figure 68, the
Figure 70. O transfer hardly occurs from high-k interface reaction between high-k dielectric and
dielectrics to p-metals due to low reactivity of Si substrate still occurs when IL is thin. Further-
p-metals. However, O transfer is still possible if IL more, reaction with the Si substrate induces
is thin (Figure 70(a)). Transfer of O from high-k electron transfer from Vos to p-metal gates. A
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 165

(a) e– transfer O transfer

Occur p-Metal
FLP Vo 2+ with thin
Very small
p-metal HfO2 Si sub.

Not Occur
FLP occur p-Metal
relaxation Vo2+ with thick
Occur IL
Very small
p-metal HfO2 Si sub.

Figure 70 Schematic illustration of two typical p-metal/high-k gate stack structures. (a) A p-metal/high-k gate stack
structure with thin IL. (b) A p-metal/high-k gate stack structure with thick IL. Reproduced with permission from Akasaka Y,
Nakamura G, Shiraishi K, et al. (2006) Modified oxygen vacancy induced fermi level pinning model extendable to P-metal
pinning. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45: L1289.

schematic illustration of this situation is given in Figure 71, the pinning position corresponds to the
Figure 71. It is noticeable that the net reaction energy at which the energy loss (G1) and energy
between high-k dielectrics and the Si substrates is gain (G2) by electron transfer from Vo in high-k to a
the same as that between poly-Si gates and high-k gate metal are canceled by each other (i.e., G1 
dielectrics, although electron transfer and O trans- G2 ¼ 0). This means that the FLP positions of
fer directions are opposite to each other. In fact, p-metal gates are the same as that of the pþpoly-
the reaction equation with the Si substrate can be Si gate, irrespective of the metal species. In fact,
described as our observed EWFs of p-metals are almost inde-
  pendent of metal species, as shown by the C–V
ðHfO2 Þ þ Si ! SiO2 þ HfO2 þ Vo 2þ þ 2e ð26Þ
curves in Figure 72.
which is the same as in the case of pþpoly-Si gates It is better to note that the Vo-related mechanism
described in the previous subsection. According to is not the only cause of Vfb shift. The Vo-related

EF Semiconductor
HfO2 (Si)
Reaction with Si sub. – G1

O SiO2

EF elevation Energy gain by Semiconductor
electron transfer G2 (Si)
Reaction with Si sub. – G1

Figure 71 Schematic illustration of interface reaction with the Si substrate and subsequent electron transfer from Vo to gate
metals in p-metal/high-k gate stacks. (a) O transfer into the Si substrate through thin IL. (b) Subsequent electron transfer from
a Vo level to a p-metal gate which induces gate Fermi-level elevation.
166 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

WF(Ru) = 4.7 eV
FLP can be avoided if the reaction between high-k
WF(TiN) = 4.72 eV
WF(Ir) = 4.63 eV dielectrics and the Si substrate is suppressed. In order
2×10–6 to suppress the corresponding reaction, there are two
possibilities. One is insertion of thick IL, and the other
C (F cm–2)

is the low temperature process. The former one leads

to a remarkable increase in the effective oxide thick-
1×10–6 ness (EOT). Thus, it is not suitable for use in future
LSI technologies. It is naturally expected that the
Ru latter (a low-temperature process) is a promising
solution to avoid FLP if we use Hf-based high-k gate
TiN 1000 °C spike
0 dielectrics.
–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 It is also noted that the interface dipole modula-
Vg (V) tion between high-k dielectrics and Si substrates is
Figure 72 Observed C–V curves of Ru, Ir, and TiN. The also effective, since this modulation does not
estimated effective work functions are similar to those of change the thermodynamics of interface reactions
Fermi-level pinning (FLP) position of the pþpoly-Si gate. that generate O vacancies. In other words, the
Reproduced with permission from Akasaka Y, Nakamura G,
relative energy difference between the neutral Vo
Shiraishi K, et al. (2006) Modified oxygen vacancy induced
fermi level pinning model extendable to P-metal pinning. level and the FLP position of a gate metal does not
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45: L1289. change as a result of this dipole modulation. F
incorporation (Inoue et al., 2005) or counter-doping
effects are categorized in this recipe which modu-
mechanism determines the final position of FLP. For lates the dipole at IL/Si interfaces. It has also been
example, if other factors such as surface strain (Ikeda proposed that Al and La incorporation into Hf-
et al., 2006) or MIGSs lower the EWFs of gate metals, related oxides can modulate the dipole at high-k/
relatively less Vo generation is sufficient to reach the IL interfaces; this is also included in this recipe
FLP position. The thermodynamics of the interfacial (Iwamoto et al., 2007).
reaction between high-k dielectrics and the Si sub- Now, we discuss the experiments that confirm
strates that generates the Vo and Vo-induced interface the validity of the oxygen-vacancy model. After the
dipole determines the final position of FLP, when the high-temperature treatment, which causes FLP of
system can reach thermal equilibrium. Accordingly, p-metals, the Si substrate is removed. Next, oxygen
the pinning position is independent of the process atoms are injected from the substrate side into Hf-
condition and the film quality. This is the main con- based high-k dielectrics at room-temperature ozone
cept of ‘oxygen vacancy model’. treatment (Ohta et al., 2006). The schematic illustra-
As discussed above, FLP of p-metals naturally tion of the experiments is given in Figure 73. The
occurs if IL is thin, since the reaction between high-k results obtained are shown in Figure 74. As clearly
dielectrics and the Si substrate is inevitable. However, shown in this figure, EWF of TiN increases with the

(a) Vo
EF elevation Energy gain by
EF (Si)
electron transfer G2
Reaction with Si sub. – G1

EF elevation O injection
EF HfSiON by ozone at RT

Figure 73 Schematic illustration of the experimental procedure that confirms our Vo model. (a) FLP occurs after a high-
temperature treatment. (b) After the removal of Si substrates, ozone is injected into Hf-based high-k dielectrics at room temperature.
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 167

4.5 1.04.4 Future Prospects

0 To conclude this chapter, we mention some of our

self-opinionated prospects for future studies of inter-

Relative Hf 4f position (eV)

faces. Owing to the rapid progress in controlling the
TiN work function (eV)

fabrication of organic systems and our keen interest

Ralative 0.1
Hf4f position in biosystems such as proteins (Oda et al., 2008),
4.7 understanding organic interfaces acquires intensive
investigations. The cohesion mechanisms in organic
0.2 semiconductors are quite different from those in
On SiO2
inorganic semiconductors. They mainly consist of
4.8 P-conjugated highly covalent bonds, fluctuating
On HfSiON hydrogen bonding, and very weak van der Waals
0.3 interactions. Therefore, when we study the forma-
4.9 tion, stability, and electronic properties of organic
0 200 400 600 interfaces, we can expect the need to apply quite
UV-O3 oxidation time (s) different new physical concepts. For example, it has
Figure 74 Observed TiN effective work function and been well known that the Schottky barriers at metal/
relative Hf4f position as functions of UV-ozone oxidation organic semiconductor interfaces often show time
times. Experiments are based on XPS measurements. From evolution due to the quasi-equilibrium nature of
Ohta A, Miyazaki S, Akasaka Y, et al. (2006) Extended interfaces (Ishii et al., 1999). It rapidly becomes
Abstracts of 2006 International Workshop on Dielectric Thin
Films for Future ULSI Devices – Science and Technology, indispensable to investigate what really happens.
p. 61. Kawasaki, Japan, November. Other advances are expected in the field of elec-
tric chemistry, where the liquid/solid interfaces are
the main stages for chemical reactions such as mate-
ozone injection time, and it reaches the original rial synthesis and decomposition, and catalyst
position releasing FLP. Thus, these experimental phenomena. Wetting under the nonequilibrium con-
results clearly indicate that O deficiency is the ditions is also included (Kajita et al., 2007). The
main cause of FLP of TiN. It is also noticeable effects of electric field in liquids and the behavior of
that the quantity of the Hf core level shift does not water molecules are also keys to understand the
match the total increase in EWF of TiN. This interface (Otani and Sugino, 2006; Akagi, et al.,
means that Vo generation in Hf-related high-k 2004). Not only the microscopic elucidation of
dielectrics is not the only cause of Fermi level these interfaces but also the development of universal
shift of TiN gates. Other factors also contribute to pictures of interface reactions are greatly expected.
the shift of EWF. It is consistent with the oxygen- Next, we discuss a new technique to improve the
vacancy model that the thermodynamics of Vo gen- Schottky-barrier stability at oxide interfaces. The
eration determines the final position of FLP, key is to use multivalent materials such as Ce. As
although other factors also contribute to the Vfb discussed previously, excess or deficiency of oxygen
shift (Ohta et al., 2006). As discussed above, the atoms results in an unexpected interface behavior,
oxygen-vacancy model can naturally explain the such as the instability of SBHs, which can sensitively
FLP of p-metals observed when IL is very thin, depend on the ambient O chemical potential.
and our model is experimentally confirmed. Therefore, stabilizing the chemical potential of oxy-
Finally, we mention a new finding of physics of gen throughout the process is the key technology for
Schottky barriers. In the above mechanism of obtaining reliable interface properties. It is known
Schottky barrier formation, SBH at a metal/HfO2 that Ce can take multivalent states of 3þ and 4þ,
interface is determined by the thermodynamics of with The corresponding Ce oxides Ce2O3 and CeO2,
the reaction at the other interface at HfO2/Si, instead respectively. If Ce2O3 and CeO2 coexist in a capping
of the corresponding metal/HfO2 interfaces. This is Ce-oxide layer, as shown in Figure 75, the chemical
completely different from the conventional under- potential of O can be fixed to the intrinsic value
standing of SBH that it is determined by the dipole at determined by the following equation, irrespective
the corresponding interfaces. of process conditions (Kouda et al., 2009):
168 Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces

chemical Reducing process Oxidizing process
CeO2 Ce2O3 CeO2 Ce2O3
CeO2 Ce2O3 CeO2 Ce2O3
Release Absorb
Vo2+ Vo2+ O
O O 2– O 2–
High-k i High-k i

Stable flat and voltage μo is kept constant
with Ce-oxide capping

CeO2 → Ce2O3 + O Ce2O3 + O → CeO2

o –2e → O
I2– –
o +O

Figure 75 Schematic illustrations of the recipe for fixing the chemical potential of oxygen during reduction and oxidation
processes by using a capping layer of multivalent oxides. In the reduction process, CeO2 supplies O atoms into the oxide
layer. On the other hand, Ce2O3 absorbs O atoms from the oxide layer in oxidizing ambient. From Kouda M, Umezawa N,
Kakushima K, et al. (2009) Charged defects reduction in gate insulator with multivalent materials. In: Digest of Technical, 2009
Symposium of VLSI Technology, p. 200. Kyoto, Japan, 18 June 2009.

ðOÞ ¼ 2ðCeO2 Þ – ðCe2 O3 Þ ð27Þ schematically illustrated in Figure 76(a) (Sakurai

Actually, by using the multivalent oxide capping et al., 2010). As shown in the figure, electron tunneling
layer technique, we can experimentally succeed in occurs only when the electron wave functions are
reducing the O-related charged defects, such as the O sufficiently wave-packet-like just below the zero-
vacancy and interstitials. Multivalent materials have dimensional sites caused by the thermal fluctuation.
been studied only as strongly correlated electron Thus, unexpected temperature dependence might
systems in pure physics for a long time. However, occur in the tunneling phenomena between differ-
these materials are now expected as key materials to ent-dimensional systems, although conventional
synthesize stable and reliable oxide interfaces in the direct-tunneling phenomena should lack temperature
technological world. dependence.
Finally, we discuss other examples of our interest: Sakurai et al. prepared a sample in which sub-10-
the interfaces made of two different-dimensional sys- nm-diameter Si QDs were weakly coupled to a two-
tems. Electron tunneling through such interfaces, for dimensional electron gas through a 3.5-nm-thick
example, would provide new interface physics. SiO2 barrier layer. The electron injection currents
Although electron tunneling between different- from the 2DEG to Si QDs were measured as func-
dimensional systems commonly occurs in real situa- tions of the gate voltage (VG). Figure 76(b) shows the
tions, there are few reports on this subject. Tunneling observed displacement electron currents as functions
from two-dimensional to zero-dimensional systems is of VG and temperature (T). Surprisingly, the gate
a typical phenomenon. For example, tunneling cur- voltages necessary for the electron injection from
rents through a dielectric barrier via zero-dimensional the 2DEG to Si QDs had a clear temperature depen-
quantum-dots (QDs) or defects have been studied dence, although the electron injection currents
extensively from both scientific and technological through a sufficiently thin 3.5-nm SiO2 barrier layer
viewpoints (Torii et al., 2004; Meirav et al., 1990; have conventionally been described using a tempera-
Takahashi et al., 1996; Austing et al., 1996; Sasaki ture-independent direct-tunneling scheme. The
et al., 2000). However, the geometrical matching of observed gate voltages necessary for the electron
wave functions between initial and final states has injection markedly changed from 3.7 to 2.2 V as the
not been considered so far, although it should be a temperature increased from 120 to 240 K. This unex-
very important factor in tunneling phenomena pected temperature dependence can be qualitatively
between different-dimensional systems, as reproduced on the basis of the phenomenological
Atomic Structures and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Interfaces 169

(a) quantum-point contacts (QPCs), and QDs, has

recently attracted intensive investigations. From
Electron density

z these studies, interesting physics, such as the quanti-

zation of conductance, the Coulomb blockade, and
Kondo effects, has been revealed. However, most of
these are concerned with steady-state properties and
physical properties of nanoscale systems themselves.
(b) 100 On the other hand, these nanoscale systems are also
interesting from the viewpoint of the interface. In the
case of molecular bridges, for example, the molecule

60 is sandwiched and connected to metal electrodes by a

Current (p

limited number of atomic bonds. The molecule is
sometimes a zero- or one-dimensional system and
has a small number of freedoms, while the electrode
0 is a two- or three-dimensional system and has a
larger number of freedoms. Therefore, the contact
e (K)

between molecule and electrodes is also a typical

interface between two systems with different


200 Figure 77 shows the transient current behavior of

220 a molecular bridge (or QPC or QD) system. Such an
experiment has become possible recently (Naser
et al., 2006). One can see the relaxation of current,
1 2 3 4
which reflects the dissipation of energy and entropy
Gate voltage (V)
(information entropy) from low- to high-dimensional
Figure 76 (a) Schematic illustration of electron tunneling
from a two-dimensional system to a zero-dimensional
system. If the geometrical matching of the electron wave
functions is not satisfied, electron tunneling from a two- Molecular
dimensional to a zero-dimensional system does not occur Step-pulse
(left). Electron tunneling can occur only when geometrical voltage
matching of the wave functions is achieved (right). (b) 20
Obtained displacement currents (I) measured at different
Left-contact current (a.u.)

temperatures and the temperature dependence of the gate 1

voltage necessary for electron injection obtained by

Electron number
experiments. At each temperature, the gate voltage was
swept with a 10 mV step between 4 and 4 V, 10 v = 0.2
corresponding to the effective gate voltage between 2 and Electrodes
6 V, at a sweep rate of 63 mV s1. Reproduced with 0.1
permission from Sakurai Y, Iwata J, Muraguchi M, et al.
(2010) Temperature dependence of electron tunneling 0
between two dimensional electron gas and Si quantum
dots. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49(1): 014001.
v = 0.2
assumption that sufficiently wave-packet-like wave 0.1
functions, which satisfy ‘geometrical matching’ 0
between different-dimensional systems, can contri- 0 20 40 60
bute to electron tunneling of these systems. Time, t (a.u.)
Other interest is concerned with the dynamics at Figure 77 Transient current behavior at nanocontact
the interface made of two different-dimensional sys- molecular bridge (quantum point contact) system.
tems because these systems have different degree of Reproduced with permission from Tomita Y, Ishii H, and
Nakayama T (2009) Transient current behavior through
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lication, electronic transport through nanoscale on quantum relaxation and oscillation. e-Journal of Surface
systems, such as molecular bridges, semiconductor Science and Nanotechnology 7: 606.
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1.05 Integer Quantum Hall Effect
H Aoki, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.05.1 Introduction 175 2D Electron Gas 176 2DEG in Strong Magnetic
Fields – Classical Mechanics 177 2DEG in Strong Magnetic Fields – Quantum Mechanics 178
1.05.2 Integer QHE – Experiments 181 Materials and Sample Geometry 181 Optical Properties 183 Other Properties 183
1.05.3 IQHE – Theories 184 Localization in Landau Levels 184 Linear-Response Theory 186 Středa–Widom Formula 188 Gauge Argument 188 Topological Arguments 189
1.05.4 Localization problem 189 Scaling Theory of Localization in 2D Systems 189 Quantum Criticality and xx xy Diagram 190 Fractal Wave Functions and Dynamical Scaling 192
1.05.5 QHE Edge States and Edge Transport 193
1.05.6 Real-Space Imaging 195
1.05.7 QHE Resistance Standard and the Fine-Structure Constant 196
1.05.8 Breakdown of QHE 197
1.05.9 Quantum-Dot and Periodically Modulated Systems in Strong Magnetic Fields 197 Quantum-Dots in Magnetic Fields 197 Hofstadter Spectrum 199 QHE in Three Dimensions 199
1.05.10 Integer versus Fractional QHEs 200
1.05.11 Recent Developments and Related Phenomena 202 QHE in Oxides 202 QHE in Graphene 203 Anomalous Hall Effect and Spin Hall Effect 206
References 208

1.05.1 Introduction To start with, QHE comes from quantum mechan-

ical physics in two spatial dimensions (2D) as
Quantum Hall effect (QHE) is undoubtedly one of opposed to the 3D space in which electrons usually
the most fascinating and important phenomena not dwell. Surprisingly, 2D is a special dimension in
only in the semiconductor physics, but, more gen- which there exist phenomena specific to 2D, as
erally, in the condensed matter physics. This can be known in field theories, and QHE is the most
immediately realized if one notes that the quantum remarkable one. In this sense 2D is definitely not
Hall physics encompasses fundamental physics – just a reduced dimensionality. This accounts for the
topological phenomenon in terms of the quantum remarkable width and depth of the physics of QHE,
field theory – down to applicational physics – as which has now become as large a field as those for
exemplified by the QHE as the resistance standard. superconductivity/superfluidity.

176 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

QHE consists basically of the integer QHE (a)

p - Si
discovered in 1980, which is essentially a one-body Metal SiO2
problem (but see Section 1.05.10), and the fractional
QHE discovered in 1983, which is a many-body
effect. Here, we concentrate on the integer QHE.
Even so, the field is so vast that here we shall describe M O S A
the bare essentials.
If we just summarize the peculiar properties of the
QHE system,
1. Energy spectrum. A completely discrete, line spec-
trum (i.e., Landau levels) arises in the clean limit, c.b.
which is most unusual, since the system is a bulk.
This gives a starting point for the integer QHE. EF
When an integer number of Landau levels are

fully filled, then we can regard the system as a
giant closed shell.
2. Transport properties. The closed shell is not an
ordinary one, since the quantized Hall conductiv-
ity (integer times e2/h) is given entirely in terms Distance from interface(z)
of physical constants (e : elementary charge,
h : Planck’s constant). (b)

In all these, noncommutative x and y coordinates are

relevant. Namely, in magnetic fields, the position Alx Ga1–x As GaAs
coordinate in real space and the wave number k for
a charged particle are mixed. On top of this, there is a
fortuitous coincidence of the Hall conductivity with Si doped
a topological invariant.

Electrode 2D Electron Gas
As a background we should start with describing GaAs
the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The AlGaAs c.b.
usual electron gas is a system of electrons that c.b.
move more or less freely in a continuous space, EF
as typically realized in simple metals. In
semiconductor physics, we can realize 2DEG in
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors
(MOSFETs; Figure 1(a)) mainly before c. 1970s,
and subsequently QHE is observed primarily in Figure 1 Structures of MOSFET (a) and semiconductor
semiconductor heterostructures (Figure 1(b)) heterostructure (b). In each frame, the upper panel shows
the sample structure, while the lower panel the electronic
(Ando et al., 1982). band structure around the interface. Typical wave functions
In these structures, electrons are confined to a 2D are plotted in black against the direction perpendicular to
plane, due to a Schottky barrier between the metal the interface.
and the oxide in an MOSFET, or between different
semiconductors in a heterostructure. There, an elec-
tron moves in the 2D plane, with the electronic
structure of the constituent materials entering only the band structure comprises 2D electronic bands
through the effective mass in the effective-mass associated with the quantized levels in the normal
approximation. The wave function has a finite thick- direction, which are called subbands. When only the
ness in the direction perpendicular to the plane, but lowest subband is occupied by electrons (or, more
the motion along this direction is quantized, so that precisely, if the transitions between adjacent subbands
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 177

can be neglected), we can regard the motion genuinly part. The resulting drift of the center coordinate
2D. The Schrödinger equation reads accounts for the classical Hall effect.
  When the system is disordered, due to, for exam-
1 2
H ¼ p þ U ðzÞ ¼E ð1Þ ple, impurities, then an electron is scattered, and
the drift velocity acquires a component along E
where m is the effective mass of the electron, p is the (Figure 2(b)). If we define the conductivity, the
momentum in the 2D plane (x, y), and U(z) is the quantity is a tensor in the presence of a magnetic
confining (Schottky) potential. If we ignore disorder field, where the current, j, and E are related as
(interface roughness, impurities, etc.), the wave func- 0 1 0 10 1
jx xx xy Ex
tion is expressed as @ A¼@ A@ A
  jy yx yy Ey
¼ exp iðkx x þ ky yÞ fn ðzÞ ð2Þ
0 1 0 10 1 ð3Þ
Ex xx xy jx
up to a normalization constant, where the 2D motion @ A¼@ A@ A
reduces to plane waves and fn is the nth quantized Ey yx yy jy
wave function along z.
In semiconductor heterostructures, typically where m is the conductivity tensor and m the
GaAs/AlGaAs grown with the molecular beam resistivity tensor. They are inverse matrices with
epitaxy (MBE), the Fermi energy is EF  10 meV, each other, so that we have, with xx = yy, yx = -xy,
so that the electron system is a degenerate Fermi 0 1 0 1–1 0 1
xx xy xx xy xx – xy
gas at liquid He temperature (0.4 meV). @ A¼@ A ¼ 1 @ A
yx yy – xy xx 2xx þ 2xy  
xy xx
0 1 0 1
xx xy xx – xy 2DEG in Strong Magnetic @ A¼ 1 @ A
Fields – Classical Mechanics 2 þ 2
yx yy xx xy xy xx
If we apply a magnetic field, B, normal to a 2DEG, ð4Þ
classically an electron undergoes a circular motion
If we introduce a phenomenological relaxation
(called Larmor’s motion) due to the Lorentz force,
time,  0, in zero magnetic field to describe the
ev  B (e: elementary charge, v: velocity of the
scattering in a classical transport theory with the
electron). When there is an external electric field, E,
equation of motion given by m(d/dt þ 1/
the classical orbit becomes a trochoid (Figure 2(a)),
 0)v ¼ e(E þ v  B), then we have
where the center of the circular motion drifts in a
direction perpendicular to E with a drift velocity 0
xx ¼
cE  B/B 2 (c: speed of light). 1 þ !2c 02
This is because the electron is accelerated (decel- 0 !c 0 nec xx
xy ¼ ¼ – þ
erated) when it moves along (against) E, while the 1 þ !2c 02 B !c 0
Lorentz force (_ v) is always balanced with the where 0 ¼ ne2 0/m is the conductivity in the
centrifugal force (_ the radius of the circular absence of magnetic fields, and
motion), so that the trajectory is elongated in the
accelerated part while contracted in the decelerated !c ¼ eB=m c

(a) (b)
z y z y


(X, Y )
x x
Ex Ex

Figure 2 Classical orbits for a charged particle in a magnetic field (k z) in an applied electric field (k x) for a clean system (a)
and in a disordered system with scatterers (crosses) (b).
178 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

(a) (b) H′ (c)

B Rxx H

D y
Figure 3 (a) Sample geometry for measuring the QHE. (b) Top views of a Hall bar and a Corbino sample, with source (S) and
drain (D) electrodes. (c) Equipotential lines in the QHE condition.

the cyclotron frequency. When !c 0 >>» 1 (which is ,2  

ð; Þ ¼ y ; – x ð7Þ
required for an electron to accomplish the Larmor h
motion between scattering events), the leading term, Here,
xy  nec/B, on the right-hand side of Equation (5)
is the main term (the classical Hall conductivity in rffiffiffiffiffi
the clean case) while the second term a small correc- ,X ð8Þ
tion. Thus, we have a voltage (Hall voltage) in the
direction perpendicular to the electric field when the is the length scale of the cyclotron motion, called the
sample has open boundaries in that direction, or magnetic length, which does not depend on material
we can measure the Hall current if electrodes are parameters and has a typical value of 81 A for the
attached. Figure 3 depicts the sample geometry. magnetic field of 10 T.
Thus, the relative coordinate, (, ), is a quantum
mechanical operator, which implies that the center
coordinate, ðX ;Y Þ ¼ ðx – ð,2 =hÞy ;y þ ð,2 =hÞx Þ; 2DEG in Strong Magnetic Fields – is a quantum mechanical operator as well.  From the
Quantum Mechanics standard commutation relation, ½x; px  ¼ y; py ¼ ih,
If we go to quantum mechanics, an electron is still we have commutation relations,
subject to a circular motion in the correspondence ½;  ¼ – i,2 ; ½X ; Y  ¼ i,2 ð9Þ
principle, but now with a quantum mechanical
uncertainty. We should start from a Hamiltonian, namely, x coordinate does not commute with y coor-
dinate, which implies an uncertainty , between
1 2
H 0 ¼  ð6Þ the components of the relative coordinate. The
2m same applies to the center coordinate. This is rather
where the momentum p is now replaced with the unusual, since ordinarily it is the momentum with
canonical momentum p ¼ p þ (e/c)A(r) with A being which the real-space coordinate does not commute.
the vector potential representing the magnetic field Quantum mechanical states can be derived algeb-
B ¼ rot A. raically. For this we first note that the commutation
If we now decompose the cyclotron motion into relations for (X, Y) and (, ) enable us to introduce
the center R X (X, Y) of the circular motion (guiding two sets of harmonic-oscillator operators,
center) and the relative coordinate x X (, ), the
latter is related to the velocity as v ¼ !cêz  x ,   1
a ¼ pffiffiffi x – iy ¼ – pffiffiffi ð þ iÞ
where êz stands for a unit vector normal to the 2D 2h 2,
plane. The presence of a magnetic field renders a 1
b ¼ pffiffiffi ðX þ iY Þ
skew (i.e., vector product) relation between x and v. 2,
We can now apply the correspondence principle,
where we adopt a quantum mechanical expression, which have bosonic commutation relations,
v ¼ ði=hÞ½H 0 ; r ¼ p=m , for the velocity. This  y  y
means we have x ¼ (c/eB)êz  p, that is, a; a ¼ b; b ¼ 1 ð11Þ
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 179

Then the one-particle Hamiltonian, H 0 for the where 0 X ch/e ¼ 4  107G cm2 is the flux quantum,
clean system, which is quadratic in p, can be so that n amounts to the number of flux quanta pene-
expressed as trating the unit area. Alternatively, we can say that the

total degeneracy, S2/2,2, is of the order of the number
H 0 ¼ h!c a y a þ ð12Þ of cyclotron orbits that cover the sample area S.
To see this, we can look at the wave functions. We
in terms of the operator a only, which is natural since first note that the operator b is related

with the orbit
b involving (X, Y) should not appear in a translation- 1
center as X 2 þ Y 2 ¼ 2,2 b y b þ . The formula-
ally invariant system. Since the Hamiltonian has the 2
same form as a linear harmonic oscillator, the energy tion so far does not depend on the gauge (i.e., how
eigenvalues are we fix the vector potential A which has an ambiguity

related with the gauge transformation). The wave
1 function does depend on the gauge. Let us adopt
EN ¼ h!c N þ ; N ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ð13Þ
2 1
the symmetric gauge, A ¼ B  r. This amounts to
where N is called the Landau index. 2
So we have here a truly abnormal situation where taking, out of the degenerate wave functions, the set
the energy spectrum, despite the system being a bulk, that diagonalizes, simultaneously with the energy, the
is completely discrete (Figure 4(a)). In 3D systems angular momentum, L ¼ r  p, which is along z when
we do have Landau’s quantization, but the extra the motion is within the (x,y) plane. We can show that
motion along B makes the density of states a con- L̂z ¼ ½r  ðp – ðe=cÞAz ¼ a y a – b y b ð16Þ
tinuum (Figure 4(a)). In 2D each level, called the
Landau level as labeled by Landau index, has then a with h = 1. For the N ¼ 0 Landau level we have a
macroscopic degeneracy. The degeneracy can be harmonic-oscillator form for Lˆz ¼ byb, so that the
estimated by noting that the density of states of a eigenfunction having the eigenvalue of Lz ¼ m is
2DEG, which is a constant, DðE Þ ¼ m =2h2 per unit given by
 y m
area, integrated over an interval h!c should corre- b
spond to the degeneracy per unit area: jmi ¼ pffiffiffi j0i; m ¼ 0;1;2; . . .
where j0i is the vacuum of boson b. If we go to the
n ¼ h!c DðEÞ ¼ 1=ð2,2 Þ ð14Þ
first-quantized form the wave function is expressed,
This number can be expressed as in polar coordinates (r,
), as
n ¼ B= 0 ð15Þ Nm ðrÞ_ exp – im
– r 2 =4,2 r m LN ðr 2 =2,2 Þ ð17Þ

(a) (b)


Density of states

N=0 1 2

0 N=0
0 1 3 5 7 9
hωc 2
hωc 2
hωc 2
hωc 2
Figure 4 (a) Density of states for a clean system in the absence (dashed lines) and in the presence (solid lines) of a magnetic
field in two-dimensional (lower panel) or in three-dimensional (upper) systems. (b) Wave functions for a 2D system for various
values of the Landau index N.
180 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

where LN ðzÞ is associated Laguerre polynomial. mechanical hopping between cyclotron orbits at dif-
They are depicted in Figure 4(b). By restricting the ferent positions. The hopping matrix element
radius R of these wave functions within a radius of a hNXjVjN9X9i becomes large when the random poten-
disk, we recover the degeneracy of a Landau level. tial varies rapidly in space (on the magnetic length
In terms of the degeneracy, we can now define the scale, Equation (8), since each function jNXi has a
Landau level filling factor, that is, the fraction of the spatial extension ,).
occupied states for a given Landau level. If we denote In the presence of the hopping, each Landau level
the density of electrons by ne, the Landau level filling is broadened from the line spectrum. Electronic
factor is structure and transport properties of the disordered,
Landau-quantized systems in 2D were theoretically
 X ne =n ¼ 2,2 ne ð18Þ studied with the self-consistent Born approximation
In other words, 1/ is the number of flux quanta in the 1970s by Uemura, Ando and co-workers
per electron. This is the essence of Landau’s quantiza- (Ando et al., 1974, 1974b, 1982). In this approxima-
tion, formulated by Landau in 1930, and the discovery tion, the lifetime of an electronic state due to disorder
of the QHE in 1980 coincided with its half centenary. is taken into account in a self-consistent way, which
When only the lowest (or lowest few) Landau is imperative, since the unperturbed system has
level(s) are occupied (i.e.,  . 1) for strong enough anomalous, delta-function spectra. Let us assume
magnetic fields, the situation is called the quantum that the random potential V(r) ¼ i 2,2V0 (r  ri)
limit. For GaAs with a typical density of electrons is expressed as a sum of the contributions from short-
n  1011 cm2, we have range (delta-function like) impurity potentials at
position ri, with the average number of impurities
¼  n 1011 cm – 2 per unit area ni. For dense impurities (to be more
B ðTÞ precise, for the dimensionless concentration ci X 2
where B is in units of tesla and ne in 1011 cm2, so that ,2ni  1), we can adopt the Born approximation.
the quantum limit is realized for B & 4 T. There, the self-energy due to the impurity scattering
So far we have considered a clean system. In is ðEÞ ¼ ci V02 GðEÞ, where the self-consistency
the presence of disorder, such as a random potential demands that Green’s function, G(E), contains the
V(r) arising from impurities and interface roughness, effect of (E). Then each Landau level is broadened
cyclotron orbits that have different center coordinates with a width,  ¼ 2 ci V0 :
(X, Y) are no longer degenerate, but are subject to In other words, the ratio between the Landau-
scattering. Then the equation of motion for (X, Y) level broadening  and the cyclotron energy is
may be obtained from its commutator with H as
=ðh!c Þ  1=ð!c 0 Þ1=2 ð21Þ

i ,2 qV where 0 ¼ ðni V02 m =h3 Þ – 1

is the scattering relaxation
X_ ¼ ½V ;X  ¼
h h qy time due to the disorder in zero magnetic field.

i ,2 qV Intuitively, the quantity !c 0 gives a measure of
Y_ ¼ ½V ;Y  ¼ –
h h qx how many times an electron can rotate on a cyclotron
orbit between scattering events on average. For
The fact that R_ _ êz  rV implies that R X (X,Y)
sufficiently larger magnetic field and/or smaller
moves, classically, along equipotential contours
disorder we have =h!c < 1 ðor !c 0 > 1Þ, for
with a velocity proportional to jrVj. Quantum
which Landau levels are separated, while Landau
mechanically, however, the Hamiltonian, with the
levels are merged in the opposite condition. To
Landau wave functions as a basis, reads
give an idea about the magnitudes of relevant quan-
X 1

tities, we have
H ¼ N þ h!c cNX cNX
2 h!c ¼ 0:12 B ðTÞðm0 =m ÞmeV
y pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
þ hNX jV jN 9X 9icNX cN 9X 9 ð20Þ
NXN 9X 9
  0:15 B ðTÞ=

where cyNXcreates an electron in the Landau’s wave where B is measured in units of tesla, the effective
function jNXi (here in the Landau gauge (A ¼ (0, Bx)) mass m ¼ 0.067m0 (m0: bare mass of an electron) for
rather than in the symmetric gauge), and the second GaAs and ¼ e 0/m is the carrier mobility here
term on the right-hand side represents the quantum measured in units of 104 cm2 V1 s1.
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 181

1.05.2 Integer QHE – Experiments the Hall resistance Rxy are quantized very accurately
into integer multiples of h/e2 ¼ 25 813, or when
The Landau quantization in 2DEG described above translated to the Hall conductivity as
is reflected in various properties, especially in trans-
port properties. There are prehistories for the the xy ¼ – N ; N ¼ integer ð22Þ
QHE physics that are precursors of the discovery.
As early as in the 1960s, Shubnikov de Haas effects Astonishing, because (1) the quantized value only
were observed in Si-MOSFETs by Landwehr’s contains the fundamental physical constants, the
group, and by groups in US and in Japan. elementary charge e and Planck’s constant h (whereas
Shubnikov de Haas effect is an oscillatory (in B) ordinarily transport properties are naturally affected
transport phenomenon that generally occurs in mag- by various material parameters, etc.), and (2) this
netic fields, but the effect in 2DEG is peculiar, since occurs in disordered systems. This has become
the oscillations in xx and xy reflect the line-like known as the quantum Hall effect. A few years after
spectrum Landau levels. In the 1970s more elaborate this discovery the fractional QHE was discovered, so
experimental studies did exhibit oscillatory beha- the original effect is sometimes called the integer
viors indicative of Landau levels in 2D. Figure 5 quantum Hall effect (IQHE). Remarkably, the accu-
racy of the quantization is experimentally confirmed
shows a typical example (Igarashi et al., 1975;
to be better than 107. Hall effect was discovered
Kawaji and Wakabayashi, 1981; Kawaji, 2008), along
by Edwin Hall in 1879, so it was almost exactly a
with a theoretical result. It was also recognized that
century later when the remarkable Hall effect was
there are regions of vanishing xx and flat xy
discovered. Subsequently, experimental data were
between Landau levels, which were called plateaux.
refined, where the quantum Hall steps are almost a
In 1980, von Klitzing, Dorda, and Pepper found an
series of step functions, as typically shown in
astonishing behavior in the Hall conductivity as
Figure 7, which were then interpreted in terms of
shown in Figure 6 (von Klitzing et al., 1980). In a
the localization, as we shall see in the section on
Si-MOSFET in strong magnetic fields, the heights of

nec –σxy
H Materials and Sample Geometry
Experiment Historically, the IQHE was discovered in Si-
Theory MOSFETs, but subsequently studied for 2DEGs in
semiconductor heterostructures, typically GaAs/
AlGaAs (Figure 1). Integer QHE has also been
σxx , –σxy (10–4Ω –1)

observed in heterostructures other than GaAs/

6 AlGaAs, which include 2D hole (as opposed to
7 electron) gas systems in p-type GaAs, type III het-
6 erostructures such as GaSb–InAs where 2D electron
4 and 2D hole gases coexist side by side, and Si/
Si1xGex strained heterostructures with different
3 band structure and higher effective mass than those
4 σxx
2 in Si MOSFETs.
N=2 There are basically two sample geometries – Hall
1 bar geometry and Corbino geometry (Figure 3(b)).
0 The former is usually adopted with a multiterminal
0 20 40 60 80 geometry. In the latter, where electrodes are attached
VG(V) to the inner and outer perimeters of an annular
sample, an advantage is that we do not have to
Figure 5 A typical experimental result (solid lines) along
worry about the sample edges and edge transports,
with a theoretical result (dashed lines) for xx and xy against
VG (see Figure 1) which is roughly _ n in a MOSFET sample. nor do we need to worry about hot spots
From T. Igarashi, J. Wakabayashi and S. Kawaji, Suppl. (Figure 3(c)); see the Section 1.05.6. Namely, in the
Progr. Theoret. phys. 57, 176 (1975). QHE condition (xy : integer  e2/h, xx ¼ 0 with the
182 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

Rxx /Ω


23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5
UH/mV Uxx/mV VG/V


25 2.5
B = 13.0 T
T = 1.8 K
20 2.0
23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5

15 1.5

10 1.0

5 0.5

0 5 10 15 20 25
N= 0 N= 1 N= 2

Figure 6 The original QHE result. For the Hall (UH) and longitudinal (Uxx) voltages against the gate voltage VG. Inset shows the
detail around the fully occupied N = 0 Landau level. Reprinted figure with permission from K. von Klitzing, G. Dorda and M. Pepper,
Physical Review Letters 45, 494 (1980). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/

14 000

12 000 GaAs-AlxGa1–xAs
T = 50 mK
10 000

ρxy (Ω)





200 6 3
ρxx (Ω)

7 4 2
2 1
0 20 40 60 80
B (kG)
Figure 7 A typical result for IQHE in GaAs-AlxGa1  xAs. Reprinted figure with permission from M. A. Paalanen et al., Physical
Review B 25, 5566 (1982). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 183

Hall angle (¼ tan1 xy/xx) of 90 ), the Hall current

flows around the annulus. QHE has also been
observed in Corbino geometry. In fact, some of the
early Shubnikov de Haas experiments were done for
this geometry.
An electron has a spin 1/2, and the associated
Cyclotron absorption
Zeeman energy in a magnetic field. The Zeeman
energy is much smaller than the cyclotron energy
in usual experimental situations (although quan-
titatively the spin splitting is enhanced due to

exchange interactions), so that every Landau level
is almost twofold spin-degenerated. Later, the
effects of the spin splitting on QHE have been ela-
borated with various experimental techniques. In the
case of Si-MOSFET, a valley degeneracy also exists,
since the bulk Si has multiple valleys in the band Inelastic light
structure. scattering
~ Luminescence Optical Properties

QHE systems exhibit characteristic optical pro-
perties as well. Optical measurements have an
advantage that (1) they are a contactless method
and (2) we can probe both luminescence and absorp-
tion. In the QHE regime luminescence spectra have Density of states
been obtained for Si MOSFETs and semiconductor
Figure 8 Various optical processes are schematically
heterostructures. The luminescence spectra, which
measure the radiative recombination of 2D elec-
trons with photoexcited holes, basically reflect the
Landau-level structure. One feature is that the
Landau-level width as deduced from the width of quantized in ac, the structure remains robut against
the luminescence spectra oscillates with magnetic disorder reflecting the localization in QHE regime.
field with a maximum every time a Landau level The effect has subsequently been experimentally
is filled. This is associated with the screening detected with Faraday rotation, with its magnitude
which becomes effective when the Landau levels characterized by the fine-structure constant
are partially filled (i.e., an open shell). There (Ikebe et al, 2010).
are other properties such as spin-dependent
relaxation. Other Properties
Cyclotron absorption is another important experi-
mental technique in the QHE regime. The technique There are host of other properties that have been
can probe lower carrier density regions than in trans- measured. One is the electronic specific heat, which
port measurements. Landau-level structures have probes the Landau quantization through the density
been obtained, where oscillatory linewidths, spin of states (that include both localized and delocalized
splitting, nonparabolicity effects, etc, have been states), while transport measurements mainly probe
observed. Inelastic light scattering is another power- the delocalized states. Another method to probe
ful optical method that compliments luminescence. the density of states is the magnetocapacitance
These methods are schematically illustrated in (Figure 9). Magnetization has also been measured,
Figure 8. with torque magnetometers or micromechanical
Most recently, the optical Hall conductivity cantilevers, where jumps are observed as EF traverses
xy(!) is theoretically predicted to have a Hall pla- the Landau levels (Figure 10).
teau structure in the THz regime in quantum Hall Various other properties have been experimen-
systems. Although the plateau height is no longer tally studied, among which is the thermoelectric
184 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

Filling factor
14 12 10 8


Capacitance (pF)


1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2

Magnetic field (T)
Figure 9 Experimental (solid line) and theoretical (dashed) results for the capacitance against magnetic field. Landau-level
filling is indicated on the upper axis. Reprinted figure with permission from T. P. Smith et al., Physical Review B 32, 2696
(1985). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/

Filling factor flow (or a temperature gradient) that is perpendicular

87 6 5 4 3 2 to both the electric current and the magnetic field,
known as the Nernst–Ettingshausen effect. Namely,
the electric field E and the temperature gradient rT
are related as E ¼ S rT. Here, S is the thermopower
tensor, where Sxx corresponds to the thermopower,
while Sxy to the Nernst–Ettingshausen coefficient
(Figure 11) (Fletcher, 1999). The Ettingshausen
ΔT, Hall resistivity (a.u.)

effect has been studied both theoretically and experi-

mentally in conjunction with the breakdown of QHE
as probed by the temperature change rT, in the
heat-pulse method.

1.05.3 IQHE – Theories Localization in Landau Levels
Let us start with the localization problem in the QHE
system, since this has to do with a first essential
question about the integer QHE – the presence of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 plateaux in xy plotted against the density of elec-
Magnetic field (T) trons n (or vs. B _ 1/ for a fixed n). Experimentally,
Figure 10 Experimental (thick line) and theoretical (thin) the plateau in xy goes hand in hand with a region of
results for the magnetization, along with xy against vanishing xx. This is an interesting situation, since,
magnetic field. From E. Gornik et al., Physical Review
usually xy should be an increasing function of n and
Letters 54, 1820 (1985).
xx as a function of n should not be zero (even when
there is a gap in the density of states).
effect, which probes how the electrons sustain tem- This has been explained from the Anderson locali-
perature gradients in 2DEGs, where the dominant zation of the wave functions in the Landau levels that
mechanism for the thermopower is phonon drag. arises from disorder in the system. The Anderson
Another magneto-thermoelectric effect is a heat localization was proposed back in 1958 for general
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 185

40 –Sxx

Thermopower (μVK–1)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Chemical potential
Figure 11 A typical theoretical result for the diagonal (Sxx) and off-diagonal (Sxy) components of the thermopower tensor
against chemical potential. Reprinted figure with permission from M. Jonson and S. M. Girvin, Physical Review B 29, 1939
(1984). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/

electron systems in the presence of disorder, and was equipotential contour as we have shown above.
subsequently culminated as the scaling theory of loca- Quantum mechanically, however, an electron tunnel
lization in 1979. In a clean crystal, every wave function between these orbits even for a slowly varying poten-
is a Bloch state that extends over the entire sample. In a tial, while the quantum mechanical hopping becomes
disordered system, wave functions can be spatially more frequent for rapidly varying (i.e., short-ranged)
localized, whose spatial extension is characterized by random potentials (see Figure 13). So the localization
the localization length that depends on energy. In the is a quantum mechanical effect. Then plateaux in xy
presence of magnetic fields, the Anderson localization and regions of vanishing xx have been suggested to
was suggested to occur as well for wave functions in come from the localization. A peculiarity in the loca-
the Landau levels in the 1970s (Figure 12). For ran- lization in the QHE system is that the disorder has a
dom potentials slowly varying in space, an electron dual role: disorder causes the localization on the one
follows, semiclassically, an orbit that is an hand, but it gives rise to quantum mechanical hopping

| |2 y


Localization length
D(E )


a bc d e

Figure 12 Typical wave functions in a disordered QHE system obtained in a computer simulation for various eigenenergies
as indicated on the right panel, which shows the density of states and the localization length against energy. From H. Aoki,
Journal of Physics C 10, 2583 (1977).
186 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

(a) (b)

l (c)

Figure 13 A random potential rapidly varying as compared with the magnetic length l (left panel) and a slowly varying one
(rigth) are schematically shown. (c) A typical contour plot with shaded areas indicating negative energies and thick lines E ¼ 0
contour. From H. Aoki, Reports on Progress in Physics 50, 655 (1987).

Z Z 
of cyclotron guiding centers to contribute to transport 1 1
at the same time, as pointed out by Aoki and Here hhAB ii X dt expð – t Þ dhAð – ihÞ
L2 0 0
Kamimura (1989). Bðt Þi; where hi is the canonical ensemble average
plus the average over disorder,  ¼ 1/kBT, a
positive infinitesimal, and A(t) the Heisenberg repre- Linear-Response Theory sentation of A.
The most standard method to treat conductivities xy is expressed as a combination
microscopically is the linear-response theory, or hhY_ X_ iihhX_ Y_ ii for the following reason. For the
the Kubo formula. Aoki and Ando (1981, 1993) have conductivity tensor in a magnetic field B, Onsager’s
applied this to the QHE problem. While the plateaux reciprocal theorem dictates that
in xy and vanishing regions in xx are explained by   ðBÞ ¼  ð – B Þ
the localization, the puzzle remains as to why the
value of the plateaux in disordered systems is quan- so that we can decompose  into the symmetric part
tized into the universal e2/h, which is originally the s and the antisymmetric part a. Then the current j
value for the clean 2DEG with just an integer is expressed as
Landau-level filling. In other words, if a disorder j ¼ s  E þ axy ðE  êz Þ ð25Þ
makes xx zero, why does the disorder allow xy to 
stick to the quantized value. where the part of the current (i.e., the Hall current)
In the linear-response theory, the conductivity is that is induced by the magnetic field and is perpen-
given by a current–current correlation function. In dicular to the applied electric field E is related to a
the QHE system, the current has to do with the (Landau et al., 1984).
dynamics of the cyclotron guiding center (X, Y), The linear-response formula may be written in
which is subject to quantum mechanical hopping. terms of Green’s function as
The conductivities, both longitudinal and Hall, are Z 1
e 2 h
given as correlation functions of X_ and Y_ as xy ¼ dEf ðEÞ
iL2 –1
* " #+
xx ¼ e 2 X_ X_ q  
 Tr X_ ReGðEÞY_ ImGðEÞ – X_ $ Y_
ne ð23Þ qE
xy ¼ – þ xy
B ð26Þ
e  _ _ _ _ 
where G ðE Þ ¼ ðE – H þ i Þ is the Green’s
xy ¼ YX – XY ð24Þ
2 function, f(E) ¼ [e(E  m) þ 1]1 is the Fermi’s
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 187

distribution function, and $ denotes the term with X_ implies that, (ii) at least in the limit of strong magnetic
and Y_ exchanged. In this expression, the Hall con- fields all the states cannot be localized, otherwise xy
ductivity xy is contributed by all the states below EF, would be zero over the whole region. This is impor-
unlike xx that is related to an energy-dissipating tant, since, according to the scaling theory of
process around EF. In terms of the eigenstates of the localization all the states are localized in two dimen-
Hamiltonian, the Hall conductivity is expressed as sions. The only way to go around this universal
! argument is to go to another universality class, either
ihe 2 X f ð" Þ – f ð" Þ jx jy – jy jx
to the unitary class (e.g., systems in magnetic fields
xy ð!Þ ¼ 2 ð27Þ
L 6¼ " – " " – " þ i where the time-reversal symmetry is broken) or to the
symplectic class (e.g., systems that have spin–orbit
where " is -th eigenenergy, and j  the current interactions). QHE system belongs to the unitary
matrix elements between the eigenstates. class, which is why delocalized states are allowed to
From this formalism, we can show, in the presence exist, which in turn makes the QHE to be realized.
of localization arising from disorder, that (i) the Hall The theoretical picture explained here for broadend
conductivity xy should be rigorously flat (at T ¼ 0) Landau levels, xx and xy are summarized in
as a function of the density n of electrons in the Figure 15.
region where the states are localized. This accounts As we shall see below, the quantization of xy into
for the flatness of plateaux in the QHE, as depicted in e2/h can be shown for finite magnetic fields, where the
Figure 14. required condition is EF being in a gap in the density
We can also show that the quantized xy ¼ Ne2/h
of states or in a localized regime (mobility gap). Even
in a plateau should hold in the limit of strong magnetic
in the treatment above, however, different Landau
fields where adjacent Landau levels are well separated
levels are not treated as being completely indepen-
and when EF is in the gap between them. This in turn
dent. As seen from the fact that the Landau’s
quantization is formally equivalent to a 1D harmonic
oscillator, the current operator has matrix elements
Density of states

N=0 N=1 N=2


Inverse loc



0 0
e 2 = ntotalec
–σxy(e 2/h)

h H nec 2

0 1 2 3
0 1 E/hωc
2πl 2n
Figure 15 Theoretical density of states (with shaded
Figure 14 Theoretical density of states D(E) (with shaded areas indicating the localized states) along with the inverse
areas indicating the localized states), the longitudinal localization length, xx, and xy are schematically plotted
conductivity xx, and the Hall conductivity xy are against energy for a series of Landau levels. Each white
schematically plotted against the Landau-level filling 2,2n. region representing the delocalized states actually has zero
The horizontal dashed line indicates how the quantized width in the thermodynamic limit at T ¼ 0. From H. Aoki and
value is achieved despite the presence of localization. T. Ando, Solid State Communications 38, 1079 (1981).
188 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

between N and N 1 levels, so the mixing between in which a QHE system is wound into a cylinder (but
them is implicitly included (in fact, the treatment in the magnetic field is still applied perpendicular to
terms of the guiding center (X, Y) corresponds to every point on the cylinder), as in Figure 16. To this
taking this mixing to the leading order). we add a magnetic flux  (due to, say, a solenoid) that
It may first seem counterintuitive that xy attains pierces the cylinder. Through its vector potential,
the quantized value despite the presence of localized A
¼ /2r (in cylindrical coordinates), the flux exerts
states. Physically, we can say the following. From the an Aharonov–Bohm effect on the electrons. We can
equation of motion for the guiding center the Hall eliminate the vector potential with a gauge transforma-
current jx in an electric field Ey is given as tion at the cost of the boundary condition twisted to
) ! exp[i(/ 0)
], on the wave function , where
delocalized  0 ¼ eh/e is the flux quantum.
jx ¼ – ð1=B Þ h 9jqV =qy j 9i þ eEy
If we increase  with time, we recover the
P original periodic boundary condition every time
There is a kind of sum rule, all
9 h 9j V =qy j 9i ¼ 0;  increases by 0 in a time interval t. When
which means that delocalized states move faster to the Fermi energy EF is in a gap in the density
just compensate the localized states, which has been of states or in the energy region for localized states
confirmed numerically and field theoretically as well. (as described in the previous section), the occupa-
tion of electrons must be the same when we make
 !  þ 0. The only change, then, should be a Středa–Widom Formula
transfer of an integer (M) number of electrons from
As another formalism for the Hall conductivity, one electrode to another, which we assume to be
Středa’s formula (Středa, 1982) is also often evoked. attached to either edge of the cylinder as Hall
He showed that the Kubo formula for the Hall con- probes. From the Maxwell equation, an electric
ductivity can be decomposed into a form, field LEy ¼ (1/c)q/qt is induced along the cylin-
xy ¼ Ixy þ IIxy ; where Ixy is the Drude-like part der of circumference L, which should result in a
that tends to Ixy ! – !c 0 xx in the relaxation time Hall current, jx ¼ (e)M/(Lt) ¼ (Me2/h)Ey,
picture. The second term is expressed as and we have xy ¼ Me2/h. So the derivation
  applies arbitrary strength of the magnetic field as
qN ðEÞ
IIxy ¼ ec ð28Þ far as the Fermi energy EF is in a gap in the density
qB E¼EF of states, or in the energy region for localized
where N(E) is the integrated density of states. When states.
the Fermi energy EF is in an energy gap, Ixy
vanishes, while we can show that IIxy ¼ – ðe 2=hÞN
when EF is in a gap between the Nth and (N þ 1)th
Landau levels. Thermodynamically, we have the
electric field, E ¼ r(m/e) with being the electro-
chemical potential, so that the Hall current
jH ¼ cr  M with M being the magnetization can
be expressed as jH ¼ ecE  (qM/q ). If we use,
following Widom, the thermodynamic Maxwell’s Φ
relation, qM/q ¼ qN/qB, which comes straight B
from M ¼ q/qB with the grand potential , we
recover the formula for IIxy (Widom, 1982). Note current
that the Středa–Widom formula is applicable to the
situation where the spectrum has an energy gap. Gauge Argument

As a transparent approach to QHE, Laughlin has pro- V
posed an argument based on a gauge transformation
(Laughlin, 1981). Consider a Gedanken-experiment, Figure 16 Geometry considered by Laughlin.
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 189 Topological Arguments Alternatively, we can express the linear-response

Hall conductivity in terms of Green’s function G as
In Laughlin’s argument we have introduced a mag-
netic flux, but subsequently it has been shown that we Z ZZ 0 =L
can go even further to express the Hall conductivity as xy 1
¼ dz dAx Ay
a topological invariant, which guarantees the quanti- e 2 =h 82 C 0
" # ð30Þ
zation in a mathematically rigorous manner. Namely, qG – 1 qG – 1 qG – 1
Tr G G G – ðx $ yÞ
Thouless et al. (1982) have considered, for a QHE qAx qAy qz
system periodic in both x and y directions, the twisted
boundary condition for both x and y directions, which
When EF is in a localized regime, we can close the
corresponds to introducing a vector potential, A ¼ (Ax,
contour C on the plane of complex energy z, and the
Ay), describing fictitious fluxes. Then the Hall con-
above expression coincides with another topological
ductivity averaged over (Ax, Ay) reads invariant (Pontrjagin number). This expression
reduces, for a fixed number of electrons, to the for-
occup Z Z  

xy 1 X qu qu qu qu mula by Thouless et al. if we note j ¼ qH =qA.

¼ j – j dAx dAy
e =h 2i qAx qAy qAy qAx For clean systems, the topological expression indi-
Z cates that the Hall conductivity, for arbitrary strength of
e2 dk X B, is quantized topologically when EF is in a gap of the
¼ –i f ð" k Þ½rk  h kjrk j kiz
L2 ð2Þ2 density of states. For disordered systems, the topological
expression indicates that the Hall conductivity is quan-
e2 X (29)
¼ C tized when EF is in the energy region of localized states,
since in that case A-averaged xy is equal to the unaver-
ð29Þ aged one. In reality, xy is a smooth function (rather
In the first line u is the th eigenfunction and than a step function) of energy for finite systems or at a
the summation is over the occupied states, while in finite T, and this may seem contradictory to the topo-
the second line L the sample size, f the Fermi distribu- logical argument. However, we can show that, even
tion function, " k the energy of the Bloch wave though xy for each of disordered samples is individu-
function j ki in the th band, and rk is the gradient ally quantized, the quantity becomes a smooth function
with respect to k. The expression coincides with a of energy after the ensemble average over randomness
topological invariant C (that always takes integer (which corresponds to the observable quantity), and the
values) known as the first Chern character in the differ- latter tends to the xy (not integrated over A) in the
ential geometry.
R This is seen if we rewrite the formula thermodynamic limit (Aoki and Ando, 1986).
as xy _ dkrk  A ðkÞ, where A ðkÞX – i Field theoretically, we can introduce a topological
h kjrk j ki is a fictitious gauge potential. So the term (as in the
term in the Yang–Mills field theory)
Hall conductivity (in units of e2/h) is just the topological in the Lagrangian in the nonlinear  model for
invariant. The reason why a differential geometry is the QHE system (Pruisken, 1990). Topological phe-
relevant is that the wave function in 2DEG in a mag- nomena abound in condensed-matter physics, as
netic field has such a property that different wave exemplified by vortices in superfluids and fluxoids in
functions arise between the cases when we adiabatically superconductors, but QHE thus forms an important
change (Ax, Ay) as ! (Ax þ Ax, Ay) ! (Ax þ Ax, and distinct class in the topological phenomena, which
Ay þ Ay) and as ! (Ax, Ay þ Ay) ! (Ax þ Ax, has spinoffs in the physics of topological insulator, etc.
Ay þ Ay). The difference is related to the phase of the
wave function, which is a kind of Berry’s phase that
generally arises when a quantum system is subject to an
adiabatic change. When a vector (to which a wave 1.05.4 Localization problem
function belongs in a Hilbert space) ends up with Scaling Theory of Localization in
different vectors for different parallel transports, we
2D Systems
say the space in which the vectors reside is curved.
The integrand in the expression for the Hall conduc- As we have seen, the integer QHE is intimately related
tivity happens to represent the curvature (Berry’s with the localization problem. We have also mentioned
curvature here), and Euler’s theorem dictates that the that the system falls upon an interesting universality
curvature integrated over the surface is an integer. class of the unitary class in 2D. Details of the
190 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

localization (which is a nonperturbative problem) have Quantum Criticality and xx xy
been extensively studied with numerical methods and Diagram
field theoretical methods. Figure 12 shows typical
One way to display the critical behavior is the xx–xy
behaviour, obtained numerically, of the wave function
diagram. Namely, while at T ¼ 0 xy is a step function
along with the localization length versus energy, which
and xx nonzero at discrete points, at finite tempera-
shows that the localization is strong toward the edges of
tures not only the Fermi distribution is smeared by
a Landau level and the weakest at the center.
kBT, but we have also a finite inelastic scattering
Classically, this corresponds to the fact that contours
length L. This can be summarized as the (xx, xy)
of a random potential, along which the cyclotron guid-
flow diagram when T is varied for various values of
ing center drifts in the semiclassical picture, are valleys
EF, as originally evoked in the nonlinear  model
(hills) for energies well below (above) the level center,
(Figure 17(a)). Namely, we can map the QHE
while the contours tend to percolating paths for ener-
system onto a field-theoretic model called the non-
gies close to the center. However, the localization is
linear  model, for which the renormalization into
quantum mechanical phenomenon related with inter-
larger sample sizes can be discussed (Huckestein,
ference of wave functions.
If we look at the behavior of the localization length
We can also vary the sample size for numerical
in a numerical method (finite-size scaling for the
works on the QHE system to look at the renormali-
Thouless number), the localization length, although a
zation flow. Alternatively, we can change the
smooth function of E, exhibits a rather singular beha-
temperature, which changes the inelastic scattering
vior, in which the inverse localization length becomes
length, hence effectively changes the sample size
zero only at the level center (i.e., extended states only
(Figure 17(b)). This implies that experimental (xx,
occur there), as schematically shown in Figure 15.
xy) flow lines can be obtained by varying the tem-
The delocalized states, marginally allowed to appear
perature (Figure 17(c)).
in the presence of magnetic fields in two dimensions,
We can also discuss the so-called plateau-
thus coalesce into a single point E0 (the center of each
to-plateau transition, which is the energy interval over
Landau level) on the energy axis. The localization
which one plateau crosses over to another. In terms of
length, denoted here as , behaves around this point as
the localization, the states that satisfy L" < (E) are
1=jE – E0 js ð31Þ effectively delocalized, where L" is the inelastic scatter-
ing length and  the localization length (Figure 18(a)).
where s (numerically shown to be & 2) is the localiza- If we assume the inelastic scattering time behaves like
tion critical exponent (Aoki and Ando, 1985; Ando  "(Tp) with p ¼ 2 in the diffusive regime, the energy
and Aoki, 1985). This value may be compared with region whose width is Tp/2s behaves as delocalized,
the exponent s ¼ 7/3 for the percolation problem. since the localization length has a critical behavior
The effect of quantum mechanical tunneling has   jE  E0js while L" _ 1/Tp/2. If the magnetic
also been extensively studied in terms of a network field is varied instead, the plateau transition width
model due to Chalker and Coddington, who have against B has the width B  Tp/2s with the same
modeled the quantum mechanical tunneling across exponent. Figure 18(b) displays an experimental result.
the paths (see Figure 13(c)), (Chalker and One important question is how the QHE plateaux
Coddington, 1988; Kramer et al., 2005). vanish as the degree of disorder is increased, which
The critical exponent s has also been shown to should take place since for a large-enough disorder the
depend on the Landau level (e.g., larger for N ¼ 1 Landau quantization, along with QHE, should go away.
than for N ¼ 0). A mapping onto the  nonlinear
  Kivelson et al. (1992) have considered the problem
model gives an estimate , exp 2SCBA , with in terms of what is called the global phase diagram on
SCBA  (N þ 1/2)e2/h being xx in the self-consistent a xyxx plane. In this diagram xx is regarded as
Born approximation (Ando and Uemura, 1974; Ando a measure of the strength of disorder, while xy
1974a, 1974b; Ando et al., 1975) and , the magnetic the Landau-level filling. As shown in Figure 19(a),
length. So the localization length increases with N, but the midpoints, xy ¼ (N þ 1/2)e2/h, between the pla-
so does the critical exponent. The localization length teaux in the Hall conductivity are bifurcation points in
also depends strongly on whether the randomness is the xxxy flow lines, so that we can take the points,
rapidly varying in real space or slowly varying as  
compared with the magnetic length. xy ¼ 1= 2xx þ 2xy ¼ ðN þ 1=2Þe 2=h, as boundaries
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 191

(a) (b) (c)

T = 0.32K
10.0K 0.35K
2 n=1 (1 –)

σxx /σSCBA
(0 –)
T = 1.5K

0 0
0 1 1 3 2 5 0 1 2 3.0 3.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
2 2 2 –σxy / (e 2/h)

Figure 17 Results for the xxxy diagram: (a) Renormalization flow lines obtained in the nonlinear  model [Reprinted
figure with permission from A. M. M. Pruisken, Physical Review Letters 61, 1297 (1988) Copyright 2010 by the American
Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/]. (b) A numerical result [From H. Aoki and T. Ando. Surface
Science 170, 249 (1986)]. (c) An experimental result [From M. Yamane et al., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 58, 1899

(a) (b)
Inverse localization length ∝ E s 10 μm
1 18 μm
32 μm
64 μm
ΔB (T)

T p/2s 0.3
~ T p/2

30 100 300 1000
T (mK)
Figure 18 (a) In a plot for the inverse localization length against energy, the effectively extended states (white region) is
shown for the inelastic scattering length L" at a given temperature T [after H. Aoki and T. Ando, Surface Science 170, 249
(1986)]. (b) An experimental result for the plateau-to-plateau transition width on the B-axis plotted against T for various values
of the sample size. Reprinted figure with permission from S. Koch et al., Physical Review Letters 67, 883 (1991). Copyright
2010 by the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/

up to which the QHE effect survives when the strength B ! 0, so that the fate of the delocalized states is
of disorder is increased (Figure 19(b)). The global quite nontrivial. It has been suggested that the ener-
phase diagram has also been experimentally examined gies corresponding to the delocalized states go up in
for IQHE systems. energy, which is called the floating.
It is also important to consider how the situation Another question of heuristic interest is what is
crosses over to the weak magnetic field case, since all the classical limit (i.e., Planck’s constant h ! 0). In
the states should become localized in the limit of this limit, the Landau-level filling 2,2n ¼ (h/eB)n
192 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

σ 2 σxx

n 1 3
2 2
σxy /(e 2/h)


σxy /(e 2/h) = 1

4 3
0 1 2
ρxy 0/(h/e 2)

Figure 19 (a) How a xxxy diagram is obtained from their n-dependence is schematically shown, with the flow lines
bifurcating at xy /(e2/h) ¼ half integer indicated. (b) The global phase diagram.

vanishes for a fixed n. The measure of the Landau- larger sample sizes than in Figure 12, show that the
level mixing, on the other hand, is the Landau-level wave function is very scattered both in amplitude and
broadening divided by the cyclotron energy, spatial extent.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi
=h!c 1= !c 0 . Since =h!c diverges like 1= h To be more precise, the self-similarity in critical
for h ! 0 with fixed B and  0, the classical limit wave functions extends beyond a single scale trans-
amounts to a regime of dilute (_ h) in weak mag- formation, so the idea has been subsequently
netic fields. developed into the multifractal analysis, with which
we can analyze the delocalized states around the
Landau level center (Huckestein, 1995). As described Fractal Wave Functions and in the section below, real-space imaging such as
Dynamical Scaling
STM begins to visualize the fractal states.
It is an intriguing question to ask whether a transition Among the physical quantities that are affected
between localized and extended states, in general, is by the fractality of the wave functions is the
similar to phase transitions in statistical mechanics. A anomalous diffusion in transport. Namely, the
suggestion came in 1983 by Aoki to the effect that the dc conductivity  obeys, in ordinary systems,
wave function at the Anderson transition, which has Einstein’s relation,  ¼ limq;!!0 ¼ e 2 DðEF ÞD 0 ,
no characteristic length scale with the diverging loca- where D 0 is the diffusion constant. At a critical
lization length, should be self-similar (fractal) (Aoki, point, the conductivity becomes q, !-dependent. In
1983), just as the critical point in a phase transition is the dynamical scaling ansatz, the ac conductivity
characterized by scale-invariant states with a diver- should depend on !, where the relaxation rate
ging correlation length. goes to zero like 1/  1/z around the transition.
For the QHE system in particular, the transition Here, z is the dynamical critical exponent, which is
point occurs at the center of each Landau level, so usually 2 in noninteracting systems. If we combine
that the delocalized states at the center of a Landau this with the sample size scaling in L/, q, !-depen-
level are just not the usual extended states, but fractal dence should take a form
(sometimes called critical) wave functions (r) that  
have a fractal dimensionality, d < 2. In other words, ðq; !Þe 2 DðEF ÞD q=!1=z ð32Þ
the density autocorrelation decays with a power law,

hj (r) (r þ R)j2i  1/R2  d . Typical wave functions At the criticality,
 pffiffiffi the
 p offfiffiffithe
 states is shown
in Figure 20, which are obtained numerically for to lead to D q= !  D 0 = q= ! with  ¼ 2  d.
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 193


(c) N=1
d = 0.71l


Figure 20 Typical wave functions (represented as their squared amplitude) around the center of each Landau level
obtained in a computer simulation for a disordered QHE system with a system size of 300l  300l for (a) N ¼ 0 and (b) N ¼ 1
Landau levels with short-range scatteres, and for (c) N ¼ 1 with long-range (d 6¼ 0) scatteres. Reprinted figure with permission
from T. Terao et al, Physical Review B 54, 10350 (1996). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information,
see: http://link.aps.org/

1.05.5 QHE Edge States and Edge of boundary states in field theories. In a finite QHE
Transport sample, the edge states exist, which appear on the
energy spectrum as the edge modes that cross from
The role of sample edges in the QHE transport has one Landau level to another in a Landau gap. These
been an issue of interest from an early stage when modes have to exist, and sometimes called topologi-
the problem was raised by Halperin in the 1980s cally protected in QHE systems. More importantly, the
(Halperin, 1982). Classically, there are edge currents topological nature of the QHE edge states manifests
that correspond to cyclotron motions skipping itself, as shown by Hatsugai, in the properties that
along the edges (Figure 21(b)). Quantum mechani- (1) the edge Hall conductivity is also expressed as a
cally, edge states also exist (Figure 21(a)). The topological invariant (Chern number), and (2) this
energy diagram plotted against the real-space quantity exactly coincides with the topological Chern
position across the sample width will look like number for the bulk Hall conductivity (Hatsugai,
Figure 22(a). Edge states are rather ubiquitous in 1997). Alternatively, we can visualize, in
quantum mechanics, but the peculiarity in the QHE Figure 22(b), that we can continuously change the
is that the edge currents flow, with no backscatter- situation from the edge-picture limit (where currents
ing, in a definite direction dictated by the direction exist only at edges) to the bulk-picture (where a bulk
of the applied magnetic field. When one takes the potential gradient exists) by deforming the current
electron–electron interaction into account, the edge distribution, but there is always the total current pre-
states may be regarded as special, incompressible servation, I bulk ¼ I left edge  I right edge, which implies
electronic states called the chiral Tomonaga– bulk edge
xy ¼ xy (Koshino et al., 2001, 2002a, 2002b).
Luttinger liquid, usually discussed in the context One way to describe the edge transport is
of the fractional QHE. Büttiker’s formula (Büttiker, 1992) which is an exten-
In terms of the topological nature of the QHE, the sion of Landauer’s formula for transport processes in
appearance of edge states is a prime example of a much terms of an S matrix for transmission and reflection
wider concept of the bulk-edge correspondence, channels in ballistic transports. Büttiker’s formula can
that is, the nature of edge states are dictated by the explain some of the experimental results, including
nature of bulk states, which corresponds to the problem the quantization of the Hall conduction. However,
194 Integer Quantum Hall Effect


(a) (b)

Figure 21 Typical edge states in a QHE system in quantum mechanics (a) and classical mechanics (b) From H. Aoki, in
G. Landwehr (ed.): Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (Springer, 1983), p. 11.

(a) (b)

μ0 eV

Bulk picture
μ2 Bulk Edge
Edge picture

Position along sample width

Edge Edge
l2 l1

Figure 22 (a) Energy spectrum against the position along the width is schematically shown for a sample with edges with the
chemical potential at the left edge ( 1) and at the right ( 2). (b) How the edge picture (in which all the currents are carried by
edge states) continuously crosses over to the bulk picture (where a bulk contribution exists) is schematically shown. From M.
Koshino et al., Physical Review B 66, 081301(R) (2002).

this does not mean that all the QHE currents are dimension of the phase coherence length L . The
carried by edges. In general, there exist both bulk transport is described by the Kubo formula xx, xy
and edge Hall currents. Bulk and edge states can even if the sample size is much greater than L where the
be hybridized. The details have been studied both Hall field and Hall current distributed over the sam-
experimentally and theoretically, which largely indi- ple, while the edge transport in the manner of
cate that there are contributions from both bulk and Büttiker starts to dominate when the size is compar-
edges, whose proportions depend on the width of the able with L .
sample, T-dependent xx, etc. Real-space imaging One of the characteristic features in the edge
results also indicate that there are bulk potential transport is that highly nonlocal phenomena can
gradients in QHE samples. arise that extend over length scales far exceeding
Physically, a macroscopic system may be regarded the bulk mean free path. This can be probed in
as comprising subsystems each having a linear Hall-bar samples by selectively injecting currents
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 195

from the contacts affects the conduction, where the difference between different polarizations probing
conduction can strongly depend on which terminals the potential) to show that an electric field exists
to employ in multiterminal measurements. over the whole sample, although the field becomes
The width of edge states has experimentally been stronger toward the edges. An example of the imaging
measured with various methods, including transport is shown in Figure 23. This is followed by various
(e.g., QHE breakdown), magnetocapacitance, and other methods, including scanning capacitive, force,
magnetoplasmon measurements. One recent method and polarization optical microscopies (Morgenstern,
utilizes the nuclear spins. Usually, the nuclear spins 2007).
are irrelevant to electron systems, since the nuclear One such probing, which is particularly suited to
Zeeman energy is as small as 1/2000 of the electronic examine nonequilibrium carriers around the hot spots,
counterpart. When there are almost degenerate elec- is the imaging of cyclotron emission due to Komiyama
tronic states, however, nuclear spins can affect the et al. (2004). In a Hall bar sample in the QHE condition
electron system via the hyperfine interaction. This (with xx ¼ 0, xy 6¼ 0), the electric lines of force are
occurs not only in the fractional QHE systems close forced to be distorted to make the rectangular sample
to a spin-polarization transition, but also in the inte- geometry compatible with the Hall angle of 90 ,
ger QHE where left and right edge states are resulting in singularities which have to appear at two
degenerate in energy, so that the nuclear spin is positions around the electrodes (Figure 24(a)). These
probed via the scattering between the left and right are called the hot spots. In the imaging of cyclotron
edge channels. emission (Figure 24(b)), the QHE detector, which is
In semiconductor superlattices, which realize a itself an IQHE system having by nature sensitive
stack of 2DEGs, an application of a strong magnetic photoresponses at the cyclotron resonance frequency,
field along the growth direction makes the system a is used to scan the QHE system. In the result the hot
stack of IQHE systems. There, the edge states are also spots are clearly seen, with edge channel also visible
stacked along the edge surfaces, which is called sheath for the Landau-level filling 6¼ integer. The imaging of
currents and have been experimentally observed. cyclotron emission has also been used to examine the
breakdown of QHE (see section 1.05.8).
Recently, STM and scanning tunneling spectro-
scopy (STS) begin to be performed for a special kind
1.05.6 Real-Space Imaging of 2DEG, that is, the adsorbate-induce 2DEG, where
for example, Cs atoms are deposited on cleaved
Experimentally, there have been a body of studies for n-InSb. The STS imaging is also used to directly
real-space imaging of the QHE systems, including the observe the quantum Hall transition from one loca-
Hall field. Fontein et al. have studied a potential profile lized regime to another via the delocalized states that
imaging with the electro-optical effect (which utilizes have a fractal character as shown in Figure 25
the birefringence (Pockels effect) with the phase (Hashimoto et al., 2008).

Figure 23 A typical real-space image for the potential distribution obtained with the electro-optic imaging for B ¼ 10.8 T
corresponding to the center of a plateau. From R. Knott et al., Semiconductor Science and Technology 10, 117 (1995).
196 Integer Quantum Hall Effect



(b) 2DEG XY-stage

– ν = 2.22 B + (mitter)
Y (μm)

Condenser lens
1400 14.6mm

1000 2000 3000 4000 etector
X (μm)

Figure 24 (a) The electric lines of force are schematically shown for the QHE condition, with S: source electrode and
D: drain, (b) A real-space imaging obtained with the cyclotron emission detected by the QHE device (inset). Reprinted figure
with permission from K. Ikushima et al., Physical Review Letters 93, 146804 (2004). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical
Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/

50 nm (a) (b) (c) (d)

Lowest spin-LLs High

dl/dV (a.u.)
dl/dV (a.u.)


–120 –110 –100 –90 –80
Sample voltage (mV)
Figure 25 A real-space image obtained by STS for 0.01 monolayer of Cs on a cleaved n-InSb(110) at T ¼ 0.3 K for various value
of the Landau-level filling, (a)-(d), as indicated in inset. Reprinted figure with permission from K. Hashimoto et al., Physical Review
Letters 101, 256802 (2008). Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/

1.05.7 QHE Resistance Standard and et Mesures (CIPM), that the QHE be adopted as the
the Fine-Structure Constant electrical resistance standard, with which ohm is
defined via the QHE resistance,
After the recognition that the accuracy of the QHE  
quantization is experimentally better than 106 RK ¼ h=e 2 ¼ 25 812:807  ð33Þ
(nowadays around 107 or even better), it was
decided, in 1990 by Comité International des Poids where RK is called the von Klitzing constant.
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 197

(a) (b)

H 10–8α 10–6h

ae U Washington-87
ae Harvard-06 CODATA-02
CODATA-06 5 6 7 8 9 10
597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 [h/(10–34Js) – 6.6260] × 105

(α–1 – 137.03) × 105

Figure 26 (a) Values of the fine-structure constant obtained with various methods. Those marked with RK are from the QHE
measurements at various institutes, ae from the electron magnetic moment anomaly, (b) A similar plot for the Planck constant h.
CODATA-recommended values are also indicated. From P. J. Mohr et al., Reviews of Modern Physics 80, 633 (2008).

The constant, now adopted as a resistance stan- this phenomenon, known from an early stage of the
dard, has a profound significance related with a QHE studies, is called the breakdown of QHE. The
fundamental physical constant. Namely, the breakdown is important from both applicational
fine-structure constant aspects (since it affects the accuracy of the QHE) and
fundamental aspects since this is an interesting
¼ .1=137:036 ð34Þ nonequilibrium phenomena. Several factors can be
hc involved, among which are tunneling between differ-
which is the coupling constant in the quantum elec- ent Landau orbits or Landau levels, and/or electron
trodynamics (QED) (Kinoshita, 2007), one of the heating effect. Also relevant is how the breakdown is
most basic physical constants, is directly related related with the current profile in real space in the
with RK via ¼ 2/RKc. Here, c ¼ 2.99 792. . .  108 Hall bar. Although there are some prevailing experi-
m s1, the speed of light in vacuum, is, in SI, a mental and theoretical results, we seem to be some
defined value. Figure 26(a) shows the values with way from a unified picture (Nachtwei, 1999).
error bars of obtained by various methods includ- Sometimes metastable or bistable states are observed
ing that from RK obtained by various institutes. If we around the breakdown regime, which is also of interest.
combine RK with the Josephson constant, KJ ¼ 2e/h, As for nonequilibrium phenomena, we can men-
we can deduce the value of Planck’s constant via tion that the microwave-induced magnetoresistance
h ¼ 4/K2JRK (Figure 26(b)). For a recent review, see oscillation is one remarkable nonequilibrium phe-
Mohr et al. (2008). nomenon, although this occurs in a weak magnetic
field regime rather than in the QHE regime.

1.05.8 Breakdown of QHE

1.05.9 Quantum-Dot and Periodically
When we increase the source–drain voltage to Modulated Systems in Strong
increase the source–drain current in Hall effect mea- Magnetic Fields
surements in the Hall-bar geometry, the longitudinal Quantum-Dots in Magnetic Fields
resistance Rxx, which is close to zero in the QHE
plateau region, abruptly increases for sufficiently Semiconductor quantum-dot is a nanostructure that
large voltages, as typically shown in Figure 27. This confines a few electrons. The physics of quantum-
is accompanied by disrupted plateau structures in Rxy. dots is a very large area of investigation, as reviewed
Thus, the Hall current, which is originally dissipation- in the chapter on this. Here, we only mention its
less in the QHE condition, becomes dissipative, and relevance to the QHE system. quantum-dots are
198 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

Ey (Vcm–1)
–80 –40 0 40 80


Ex (Vcm–1) 2
0 5



–0.8 –0.4 0 0.4 0.8
jx (Am–1)

Figure 27 A typical current–voltage characteristics at  ¼ 2 (the arrow in the inset). From Nachtwei, Physica E 4, 79 (1999).

generally fabricated by applying a lateral confining Quantum-dots are also investigated in strong
potential to a 2DEG system. This can be realized by magnetic fields. In a magnetic field, B = rot A,
an electrode that exerts an electrostatic confining applied perpendicular to the dot plane the
potential, or alternatively we can mesa-etch the sys- Hamiltonian, in the one-body problem here, reads
tem to have a finite system (Figure 28(a)). The
confining potential is usually cylindrically parabolic 1  2 1
H ¼ 
pi þ ðe=c ÞAðrÞ þ m !20 r 2 ð35Þ
to a good approximation. 2m 2

(b) 50


(a) A
E (meV)

AlGaAs Gate 20

0 2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
Figure 28 (a) A typical mesa-etched quantum-dot structure. From P. A. Maksym et al, Physical Review B 79, 115314 (2009).
(b) Energy levels of the Fock–Darwin states against magnetic field for a harmonic confinment. From P. A. Maksym et al,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12, R299 (2000).
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 199

where h!0 is the confinement energy and we have and Landau’s quantization interfere with each other,
ignored the Zeeman energy. since the application of a magnetic field, B ¼ rot A,
The exact eigenstates of this Hamiltonian are gives rise to, semiclassically, the Peierls phase,

known as the Fock–Darwin states, since they were e r

first investigated by Fock and Darwin in the 1920s. exp – i Aðr9Þ ? dr9 ðrÞ, in the wave function
They are given, up to the normalization constant, by . Landau’s quantization in periodic and lattice
 2   2  – im
systems was first considered by Wannier and by
nm ðrÞ ¼ r jmj Ljmj 2 2
n r =2 exp – r =4 e ð36Þ
Hofstadter (1976). It has been shown that the energy
in 2D polar coordinates with eigenenergies given by spectrum plotted against magnetic field is a curious
Enm ¼ ð2n þ 1 þ jmjÞh – mh!c =2. Here, m is the fractal (sometimes called Hofstadter’s butterfly);
angular momentum, n a radial quantum number, Ljmj n fractal, because each Landau level splits into p levels
the associated Laguerre polynomial, 2 ¼ !20 þ !2c =4 when the magnetic flux within a unit cell in units of
with the cyclotron frequency !C ¼ eB/m. Thus, the flux quantum equals to q/p (Figure 29).
wave function is almost the usual Landau’s wave When EF is in one of these gaps, we should have
function as far as the parabolic confinement is con- IQHE, for which xy in units of e2/h, the Chern
cerned, where pthe difference is in the length
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi number, has been calculated with the topological
parameter,  ¼ h=ð2m Þ. In Figure 28(b) depict- formula due to Thouless et al.
ing the energy levels we can indeed see that Recent advances in the electron-beam litho-
a crossover from the states of a 2D harmonic oscillator graphy has made it possible to fabricate 2DEGs
in the zero field limit to the Landau states of a with 2D periodic modulations, and the butterfly
free electron in the strong field limit. When we con- begins to be observed (Geisler et al., 2004).
sider the electron–electron interaction, a variety of
states emerge, which include the maximum-density
droplet that corresponds to the Landau-level filling
 ¼ 1, and the electron-molecule states (Maksym QHE in Three Dimensions
et al., 2000). While usually the QHE is an effect specific to 2D
So the dots in strong mangetic fields are a kind systems, can we conceive a similar effect in 3D sys-
of confined QHE systems, or artificial atoms in tems, and, if so, how? If we go back to the topological
magnetic fields. Their properties have been exten- argument, we do not use the fact that the system is
sively studied with various methods. For instance, 2D except for the presence of inter-Landau-level
dot wave functions have been probed experimen-
gaps in the energy spectrum. This implies that, if
tally with techniques such as magneto-tunneling
there exist, for some reason, energy gaps in 3D
spectroscopy. Other properties include magneto-
systems in magnetic fields, we should have a quanti-
capacitance, electron addition spectra, and transport
zation (for the Hall conductance Rxy– 1 in 3D), when EF
spectra in magnetic fields, from which the ground-
is in a gap. Note that in d-dimensional systems of size
state quantum numbers are deduced. Dot arrays
L the conductance R-1 and conductivity  are related
have also been studied in the QHE regime,
as Rxy– 1 ¼ Ld – 2 xy , so that only in 2D do they happen
where resonant scattering effects, etc., have been
to coincide with each other.
Usual wisdom, however, is that gaps do not tend
to appear in 3D. One possibility is to use 3D systems
that have periodic structures or potentials. Koshino Hofstadter Spectrum et al. have shown that 3D Hofstadter spectra can
What happens to QHE when we have periodic sys- appear in periodically modulated structures in the
tems rather than a translationally invariant 2DEG? energy spectrum against the tilting angle in tilted
Condensed-matter physics tells us that in a periodic magnetic fields, where an interference of Landau’s
system we have Bloch’s theorem, which dictates that quantizations due respectively to the components By
electronic states for periodic systems are dominated and Bz of the magnetic field is responsible (as com-
by Bragg’s reflection, which results in band structures pared with 2D where Hofstadter’s butterfly comes
and Bloch states. So here we are talking about from an interference between Bragg’s reflection and
Landau’s quantization in the presence of Bragg’s Landau’s quantization). Then each of xy and zx are
reflection. We can realize that Bragg’s reflection quantized when EF is in each gap with the current
200 Integer Quantum Hall Effect


–σxy /(e2/h)



–4 –2 0 2 4
Figure 29 Hofstadter butterfly (energy spectrum against magnetic field) for a square lattice (upper panel), and the
corresponding QHE at the value of magnetic field for which the magnetic flux penetrating a unit cell of the periodic system is
3/8 in units of the flux quantum [after H. Aoki, in G. Landwehr (ed.): Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor
Physics III (Springer, 1991), p.17].


3 3 2 –2 –3

1,02,–20,2 2,0 0,1 3,0

2 –1 1 1,–2
–1,3 –2,2
3,–1 ,1 –2,1
–2 2 1,–3 2, –1 –3,1

–3 3
1 1,–4


2 2 –3,4 4,–3 ,1
0 –2,3 3,–2
2 2 0,4
0,3 0,1 –1,2 1,0 2,
–1 3,0

3 –3
2 1 –1 –2
–2 3,–3 3,–3
–1,2 2,–1
2,–2 –2,2
–3 –3 –2 2 3 0,0 1,–1 –1,1 0,0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 30 60 90
φ θ (degree)

Figure 30 (Right) Energy spectrum against the tilting angle,

, of the magnetic filed applied to a 3D, periodic system. The
QHE values (in units of e2/ah with a: lattice constant) for (xy and zx) are indicated by a pair of numbers attached to each gap
in the spectrum. The region indicated by a dashed line has a one-to-one correspondence to the Hofstadter butterfly in 2D (left
panel). [Reprinted figure with permission from M. Koshino et al., Physical Review Letters 86, 1062 (2001) Copyright 2010 by
the American Physical Society. For information, see: http://link.aps.org/].

j ¼ s  E where s = (yz, zx, xy) (Figure 30). 1.05.10 Integer versus Fractional
Experimental realization is yet to come. QHEs
A kind of Landau quantization has been known to
occur in 3D systems, typically in a quasi-2D organic The integer QHE has subsequently been developed
conductor (TMTSF in the Bechgaard salt family). into the fractional QHE (FQHE) as is described in
This is the field-induced spin-density wave (SDW) the present volume (see Chapter 1.06). In FQHE the
in strong magnetic fields with a many-body origin. Hall conductivity is quantized into xy ¼ e2/h for
Namely, the Landau quantization takes place within fractional Landau-level fillings  ¼ 1/3, 2/3, 3/5, . . .
the pockets formed by incompletely-nested Fermi as opposed to the IQHE for  ¼ integer. Let us com-
surfaces, which gives rise to a series of gaps around pare the IQHE with FQEH in this section.
the main SDW gap. Physically, the integer QHE is primarily understood
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 201

in terms of a one-body problem as described here, Although the FQHE as a new class of many-body
while FQHE is inherently a many-body effect, and states is associated with fractional Landau-level
this is a customary way to distinguish the IQHE and fillings, the electron–electron interaction exists for
FQHE. It is then natural that the IQHE was origin- integer fillings as well. In fact, an integer is a kind
ally discovered in Si-MOSFET, while the FQHE of fraction in that Laughlin’s wave function for the
effect in GaAs–AlGaAs heterostructures, where the FQHE liquid for clean systems, allowed for odd
latter system is atomically much cleaner with typical fractions ( ¼ 1/m with m an odd integer), also
mobility exceeding 106cm2 V1 ? s1 against the for- accommodates m ¼ 1. So the real question is the
mer’s 104cm2 V1 ? s1. The FQHE has in fact been nature of the energy gap: in the integer QHE the
observed in clean-enough Si-MOSFETs. excitation gap is primarily the one-body gap
One clear way to realize that the FQHE, a many- between the adjacent Landau levels (or between
body effect, emerges as the degree of disorder is the mobility edges in disordered systems), while
lowered is to look at the historical developments the excitation gap in the FQHE has a many-body
from IQHE to FQHE in Figure 31, which shows origin.
how the fractional effect appears as the sample qual- The relative magnitude of the one-body and
ity (as characterized by the carrier mobility) becomes many-body gaps depends on the degree of disorder
higher. In the clean limit, the system is indeed in the (and the g-factor in the case in which the adjacent
limit of strong electron correlation in that the kinetic Landau levels are Zeeman-split ones). To quantify
energy is quenched due to Landau’s quantization so this, we can examine various energy scales.
that the ratio of the interaction energy to the kinetic Figure 32 plots
energy is infinite (although more rigorously we have
to consider the inter-Landau-level matrix elements). 1. h!C (the cyclotron energy),
2. e2/", (typical size of the electron–electron
Coulomb interaction),
where e is the elemental charge, "(¼ 13 for GaAs)
the dielectric constant of the material and , the
magnetic length, and
3. g BB (the Zeeman energy),
2 1
3 3 where g is Landé’s g-factor, B ¼ he=ð2mc Þ the
Bohr magneton. We can see that for B  few tesla
the Zeeman energy is relatively negligible, while the
cyclotron energy and the Coulomb energy are com-
1982 parable. For disordered systems we have to compare

these with the Landau-level broadening , which is
roughly estimated in the self-consistent Born approx-
imation as =ðh!c Þ1=ð!c 0 Þ1=2 , where  0 is the
scattering relaxation time in zero magnetic field. So
the Landau-level broadening is comparable with the
cyclotron energy for !c 0  1.
3 2 While the two-dimensionality in IQHE appears in
2 3 5
3 5
6 4
7 the fact that the Hall conductivity represents a topo-
45 9
79 5 11
11 8
logical quantum number (Chern number) in terms of
7 13
the Berry’s curvature, in FQHE the spatial dimension-
1987 ality of two is essential in allowing the composite
4 5 fermion picture (i.e., a Chern–Simons gauge field the-
5 7
0 oretic treatment) of the many-body quantum liquid.
1 1/2 1/3
Landau level filling This is the reason why the FQHE accommodates such
novel concepts as anyon quasi-particles.
Figure 31 The developments of the fractional structure in
samples of progressively higher quality From D. C. Tsui et al.,
The relevant chapter should be referred to for the
Physical Review Letters 48, 1559 (1982), A. M. Chang et al., FQHE, so suffice it to mention that FQHE is
ibid 53, 997 (1984), R. Willett et al., ibid 59, 1776 (1987). regarded as an IQHE of composite fermions in the
202 Integer Quantum Hall Effect


30 N=1
hωc hωc
25 N=0 Zeeman splitting

Energy (meV)


0 5 10 15 20
B (T)
Figure 32 Various energy scales (cyclotron, Coulomb, and Zeeman) against magnetic field, here plotted for GaAs. Inset
schematically shows the Landau levels with Zeeman splitting.

composite fermion picture. As explained in that When heterostructures such as ZnO/MgxZn1  xO

chapter, the Landau-level filling is expressed as are grown with MBE, MgZnO layer acts as a poten-
 ¼ Ne/N , for Ne electrons in N flux quanta, so tial barrier for the 2DEG in ZnO layer in realizing a
that an odd fraction, say,  ¼ 1/3 implies that there 2DEG. The carrier density (typically  1012cm2)
are three flux quanta per each electron on average. In systematically depends on x and the growth temp-
the composite fermion picture we attach two flux erature, where spontaneous and piezoelectric
quanta to each electron (in a kind of gauge transfor- polarization effects work to accumulate carriers at
mation), and we are left with one flux quantum. So the heterointerface. The condition necessary to
the  ¼ 1/3 state can be mapped to a  ¼ 1 state of have QHE (i.e., !c 0 > 1) is met, and a typical result
composite fermions in a mean-field sense. One appli- (Figure 33) exhibits a clear IQHE. Since oxides have
cation of this correspondence is the global phase various possibilities, broad applications are expected
diagram: we have explained the xx  xy diagram (Tsukazaki et al., 2008).
above for the IQHE. If we combine this with the
composite particle transformation, we can, again in 1.0 10
a mean-field sense, a phase diagram for the integer T = 0.3 K
and fractional QHE phases against the Landau-level n = 8.7 × 1011 cm–2
filling and the degree of disorder. 0.8 μ = 20 000 cm2 V–1s–1 8

0.6 6
1.05.11 Recent Developments and
ρxx (kΩ/ )

ρxy (kΩ)

Related Phenomena
0.4 4
There are a multitude of recent developments in the
integer QHE and closely related physics. Extensions
are being made both for various classes of materials, 0.2 2
and various novel phenomena. Let us here briefly
mention them.
0.0 0
0 5 10 15 QHE in Oxides B (T)
Figure 33 QHE in an oxide heterostructure ZnO/
A notable breakthrough in the attempts to widen the
MgxZn1  xO. Reprinted figure with permission from A.
classes of materials is the realization of QHE in oxide Tsukazaki et al., Physical Review B 78, 233308 (2008).
heterostructures. The system is zinc oxide (ZnO), Copyright 2010 by the American Physical Society. For
which is an insulator, or a wide-gap semiconductor. information, see: http://link.aps.org/
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 203 QHE in Graphene To be more precise, graphene has two, inequiva-

lent Dirac cones at K and K9 in the first Brillouin
One fascinating aspect of the condensed-matter phy-
zone (Figure 34(b)). To see this, we should go back
sics is that we can have various field theories
to the honeycomb lattice, which is a non-Bravais
effectively realized on low-energy scales. Recent
lattice that contains two (A and B) sublattice sites in
emergence of the physics of massless Dirac particles
a unit cell. The lattice is bipartite, so that the energy
(or Weyl particles in the language of field theoretic
spectrum is electron–hole symmetric about E ¼ 0 if
texbooks) in graphene is a good example. While the
we only consider nearest-neighbour hopping. The
3D graphite has long been studied extensively, tight-binding model (for  electrons) on a honey-
experimental fabrication of graphene had to wait for comb lattice reads, in k-space,
the accomplishment by Geim’s group around 2004. 0 1
IQHE then received a strong impetus when seminal P 0 ðkÞ
series of works on graphene, in particular the IQHE, H ¼t @ A;
k  ð k Þ 0 ð37Þ
were launched for graphene after around 2005
(Novoselov et al., 2005; Geim and Novoselof, 2007; ðkÞ ¼ 1 þ e – ik1 þ e – ik2 ;
Castro Neto et al., 2009).
where the 2  2 matrix represents the AB sublattices,
Graphene is a monolayer graphite with a honey-
k1, k2 are the wave vectors along the primitive vectors
comb array of carbon atoms (Figure 34(a)), while
in k-space. Around K and K9 points in the Brillouin
graphite is a stack of graphene sheets (in a staggered
zone, the k?p perturbation shows that the
manner called Bernal stacking). Electrons on a single
Hamiltonian linearized in p reduces to
layer of honeycomb lattice, despite its simplicity,
provide interesting problems in condensed matter H ¼ vF x z px þ y py ð38Þ
physics. Specifically, it has long been known that its
band dispersion (for  orbitals) is composed of a pair where vF . 108 cm s1 is the Fermi velocity, and m
of k-linear conical electron and hole dispersions that Pauli matrix in the 2  2 matrix representation, while
touch with each other at E ¼ 0 (Figure 34(b)), so that  z is another Pauli matrix with  z ¼ 1(1) for K (K9)
the graphene is a condensed-matter realization of point. So the equation (for each value of  z) is just the
massless Dirac fermions around E ¼ 0 (at which EF Dirac equation for a massless particle in two spatial
usually resides). This was noted by Wallece as early dimensions. The Hamiltonian anticommutes with z
as in 1947. Subsequently, the reason why honeycomb (which plays the role of  5 in (3 þ 1) dimensions), and
symmetry implies the massless Dirac dispersion was this symmetry is called the chiral symmetry.
revealed group-theoretically by Lomer and by In the presence of a magnetic field, we can
Coulson in the 1950s. Band analysis in terms of the replace p in the above equation with p ¼ p þ (e/c)A
k ? p perturbation was also done by Slonczewski and as far as the effective, k ? p band structure is
Weiss. Graphene is to be contrasted with graphite, concerned. Then the Landau levelspbecome, ffiffiffiffi as
whose band structure is a semimetal with Fermi sur- shown by McClure in 1956, E N ¼ N h! c with
pffiffiffi  pffiffiffi
face comprising small electron and hole pockets. !c ¼ 2=, vF ¼ ð2evF =chÞ B , the magnetic

(a) (b)

K K′


Figure 34 Crystal structure (a) and the band dispersion (b) of graphene.
204 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

length as usually defined (Equation (8)), and N ¼ 1, Soon after the fabrication of graphene samples, an
2,. . . (N ¼ 1, 2,. . .) correspond to pelectron
ffiffiffiffi (hole) anomalous IQHE was observed by Geim’s group, and
Landau levels. The Landau levels _ N is not uni- by Kim’s group (Novoselov et al., 2005; Geim and
formly spaced in sharp contrast to the usual, Novoselof, 2007; Castro Neto et al., 2009). As
uniformly spaced Landau levels, and, in particular, Figure 36 shows, the IQHE in graphene has
there is the N ¼ 0 Landau level right pffiffiffiat the Dirac e2
point E ¼ 0. The cyclotron energy _ B is also unu- xy ¼ – 2 ð2N þ 1Þ ð39Þ
sual. The N ¼ 0 Landau level is quite peculiar, which 2
is brought home by noting that the level is comple- as contrasted with the usual xy ¼ – 2 N when the
tely outside the Onsager’s semiclassical quantization carriers are filled up to the Nth Landau level. The
scheme in magnetic fields (because the Landau tube, prefactor of 2 in these equations is for the spin
which is the set of cylinders of varying radii for the degeneracy. The peculiarity of the Dirac cone
semiclassical quantization, cannot be defined around appears as the factor (2N þ 1) replacing the ordinary
the Dirac point). In fact, this level is an outcome of N as shown by Zheng and Ando, 2002; Gusynin and
a topological property of the massless Dirac cone, Sharapov, 2005. There are K and K9 points that
so that its presence is topologically protected. If we contribute equally to the Hall conduction, so that if
go back to the original honeycomb lattice in mag- we take out the factor of 2 along with the spin
netic fields, the problem becomes a Hofstadter e2
degeneracy, we can write xy ¼ – 4 ðN þ 1=2Þ,
butterfly for the honeycomb lattice (Figure 35), h
where, remarkably, a fraction (1/2) appears.
which was obtained by Rammal in 1985.
The situation around the N ¼ 0 Landau level is
Incidentally, it is heuristic to look at the Landau’s
indeed unusual. Let us compare the situation with the
quantization in the (massive) relativistic particles.
ordinary one where we have a (massive) conduction
From the Dirac equation for a Dirac particle
band and a (massive) valence band in Figure 37. In
in a magnetic field, the energy levels are
the latter case, we have an ordinary IQHE sequence,
EN ¼ [m2c4 þ mc2(h!c(2N þ 1 1))]1/2 (MacDonald,
0 ! 1 ! 2 ! . . ., for electrons (in the conduction band)
1983), (which contains the nonrelativistic limit,
and another, 0 ! 1 ! 2 ! . . ., for holes (in the
EN ¼ mc2 þ h!c(N þ 1 1/2)), as the leading term in
valence band). For a Dirac cone, the IQHE step
h!c/mc2 expansion). In the massless limit, m ! 0, we across N ¼ 0 at the Dirac point (i.e., an electron–
have to note that !c ¼ eH/mc also contains the mass hole symmetric point) cannot be 0 ! þ 1 nor
to recover the graphene Landau levels. 1 ! 0, which would be incompatible with the elec-
tron–hole symmetry. Instead, the step changes from
1/2 to þ1/2 at N ¼ 0. Another peculiarity is that
the quantum Hall step remains robust even at room
temperature (Figure 38), which is quite unusual.
We have mentioned that the quantum Hall num-
ber in usual systems is identified as a topological
quantum number according to Thouless et al. How
E is the topological number identified in the graphene
QHE? Hatsugai et al. (2006) have shown that we can
0 indeed algebraically calculate the Chern number in
the manner of Thouless et al. extended to the QHE
on the honeycomb lattice, which precisely gives
xy ¼ – 2 ð2N þ 1Þ. The topological analysis also
leads to another topological character, namely edge
states (Figure 39) for a finite graphene in storng
mangetic fields appear (which should not be confused
with the graphene edge states in zero magnetic field,
B an interesting issue in its own right). We have men-
Figure 35 Energy spectrum against magnetic field for a tioned above that the bulk and edge QHE topological
honeycomb lattice. numbers are equal, that is, edge bulk
xy ¼ xy , which can
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 205

B = 14 T and T = 4K 7/2


σxy = (2N + 1) (e 2/h)

σxy (4e2/h)
ρxx (kΩ) 1/2
5 ρxx


–4 –2 0 2 4
n (1012 cm–2)
Figure 36 QHE observed in graphene. From K. S. Novoselov et al., Nature 438, 197 (2005).
σxy /(–e2/h)

σxy /(–e2/h)

(a) 1 (b)
vb cb
k k

–1 N = 0 1

Figure 37 Band dispersion and Landau levels (lower panels) and the QHE steps (upper) are compared between the
ordinary 2D system with valence and conduction bands (a) and graphene with k-linear, zero-gap dispersion (b).

be identified by connecting the topological integers σxy B = 29 T 4

for the bulk and for the edge states. The same applies 30 T = 300 K
to the graphene IQHE. Energy spectrum against
real-space position also differs in graphene from the 2

usual QHE system as depicted in Figure 40. Edge

σxy (e2/h)

ρxx (kΩ)

states in graphene in magnetic fields are beginning to 0

be observed with STM.
As for the effect of disorder and its effect on –2
localization, graphene samples themselves are atom- 10
ρxx –4
ically clean (although there are extrinsic source of
disorder such as charged impurities), so that graphene
can have a very high mobility. One intrinsic disorder 0
is corrugations of the graphene sheet, called ripples. –60 –30 0 30 60
As for the Landau quantization in magnetic fields, Vg (V)
ripples, when their effect is represented as random Figure 38 An experimental result for the QHE in graphene
hopping energies or random compontents in the at room temperature. From K. S. Novoselov et al., Science
magnetic field (which respect the chiral symmetry), 315, 1379 (2007).
206 Integer Quantum Hall Effect

the other hand, dominates the scattering between K

and K9 points, where the longer-ranged the disorder
the K–K9 scattering becomes less effective.
Physics of graphene is now extended to various
properties other than transport (such as optical prop-
erties). There is also a proposal for the Landau level
laser that exploits the transitions between the Landau
levels, which was originally proposed for the ordin-
ary 2DEGs (Aoki, 1986; Morimoto et al., 2008).
Extensions are also being made for bilayer graphene,
where the particle becomes massive, and for many-
body physics including FQHE. Another material
with a Dirac cone has also been discovered, which
is an organic metal -(BEDT-TTF)2I3, although the
cone is tilted and does not sit at the corner of the
Brillouin zone in this material. Anomalous Hall Effect and Spin

Hall Effect
QHE has other Hall effects, the anomalous Hall
effect and the spin Hall effect (Figure 41), as close
Figure 39 A typical edge states in graphene in a strong relatives, so let us briefly describe them in relation to
magnetic field obtained numerically from H. Aoki et al., the IQHE, while details are described in the chapter
International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 1133 (2007).
on the spin Hall effect. While the QHE is a topolo-
gical phenomenon intrinsic to the nature of the
are shown to exert anomalously small effect on the generic 2DEG, the anomalous Hall effect (Hall effect
broadening of the N ¼ 0 Landau level. This is also a in ferromagnetic materials) and the spin Hall effect
topological effect, related with Atiyah–Singer’s index (Hall effect for the spin degrees of freedom in mate-
theorem in field theory. The range of the disorder, on rials that have strong spin–orbit interactions) arise

(a) (b)


x x
Figure 40 Energy spectrum against the real-space position along the width for a finite sample is schematically compared
between the ordinary QHE system (a) and graphene QHE system (b).


+q –q +q –q

Quantum Hall effect Anomalous Hall effect Spin Hall effect

Figure 41 Quantum Hall effect, anomalous Hall effect, and spin Hall effect are schematically shown.
Integer Quantum Hall Effect 207

from system’s magnetic structure, band structure and have an extra term that couples the real spin and
interactions, so they occur in 3D systems as well. the pseudospin, and this gives rise to an energy gap
The anomalous Hall effect, in which the Hall (a mass gap in the language of the Dirac theory).
resistivity is Since the gapped state cannot be reached by an
adiabatic change of the system, the insulator is called
RH ¼ Rnormal B þ Ranomalous M ð40Þ a topological insulator. Associated with the gap in the
bulk are the edge states, which are also dictated to
with Rnormal being the normal Hall resistivity,
exist and called topological edge states. In this
Ranomalous the anomalous Hall resistivity, and M
the magnetization of the material, was discovered respect, the QSHE is distinct from the spin Hall
in metallic ferromagnets in the nineteenth century, effect, and the whole situation is rather similar to
where the Hall current flows even in zero external the IQHE, where an essential difference is that the
magnetic fields. Theoretical analysis was initiated in edge states carry charges in IQHE while edge states
the 1950s by Karplus and Luttinger as a (multi-) carry spins in the QSHE. The energy dispersion
band effect in the presence of spin–orbit interaction. (Figure 42) of the edge states in a QSHE system,
To be more precise, two mechanisms have been which may be thought of as arising from Kramers’
identified, one (called extrinsic) is the impurity doublets, is gapless with the two dispersion crossing
scattering in the presence of spin–orbit interaction at a point in the Brillouin zone. The conductivity
and magnetization (skew scattering þ side jump) and calculated with the linear-response theory for each of
the other (called intrinsic) is Berry’s curvature con- the spin-up and spin-down electrons gives a quan-
tribution to the Hall conductivity as in the QHE, tized (Chern number) conductivity, where the
which is included in the linear-response formula. directions of the current are opposite between the
Experimentally, the anomalous Hall effect has up and down spins, with a quantized spin Hall con-
been observed in various materials, typically ductivity shown to be spin
xy ¼ e=2.
Nd2Mo2O7 with noncollinear spin configurations While the original proposal, due to Kane and
and (Sr, Ca)RuO compounds. Mele (2005) was made for graphene, the system has
In the spin Hall effect, which also occurs in zero turned out to have too small a spin–orbit interaction.
magnetic field, " spins and # spins flow in the oppo- Subsequently, the effect was shown to be realized in
site directions in an electric field (as opposed to the quantum-wells with narrow-gap semiconductors,
ordinary Hall effect in which opposite charges flow HgTe/CdTe. While both of HgTe and CdTe have
in the opposite directions in a magnetic field). This zincblende crystal structure, their band structures are
effect, which also comes from the spin–orbit interac- affected by the spin–orbit interactions which are sig-
tion, is another topological effect. The effect, nificant in these materials. Specifically, the bulk
predicted in the 1970s, is recently being experimen-
tally observed with, for example, Kerr rotation
microscopy in both n- and p-type GaAs-based semi- 1
conductor heterostructures.
QHE, anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect E/t
are related in that they are manifestations of the
phase of the wave functions in magneto-transport 0 I
properties. In a wide context, electrical polarization
is also formulated recently in terms of Berry’s
An intimate relation between QHE and the spin –1
Hall effect has been brought home by a more recent 0 π/a kx 2π/a
quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE) (König et al., 2008; Figure 42 Energy spectrum for a system that exhibits
Murakami, 2008) which was predicted originally for quantum spin Hall effect. Bunch of lines represent bulk
graphene. The idea starts as follows. Graphene is states, while a pair of isolated lines the edge states. Inset
described, as mentioned above, by a Dirac equation shows how the spin-up and spin-down electrons flow in real
space. Reprinted figure with permission from C. L. Kane and
for two spatial dimensions, where K and K9 points in E. J. Mele, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226801 (2005). Copyright
the Brillouin zone are distinguished by a pseudospin 2010 by the American Physical Society. For information,
 z. In the presence of a spin–orbit interaction, we see: http://link.aps.org/
208 Integer Quantum Hall Effect


1.0 T = 1.6K 0.35

ρxx ν=3

ν=4 0.25

ρxy (h /e2)
ρxx (kΩ)
ν=5 0.2

0.4 ν=7

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B (T)
Figure 43 QHE in a HgTe quantum-well [after A. Pfeuffer-Jeschke et al., Physica B 256–258, 486 (1998).]

HgTe has a band structure called inverted, since a Ando T, Matsumoto Y, and Uemura Y (1975) Journal of the
Physical Society of Japan 39: 279.
band that usually forms the valence band lies above Ando T and Uemura Y (1974b) Journal of the Physical Society of
another band that usually forms the conduction band, Japan 36: 959.
where the former consists of two (heavy- and light- Aoki H (1983) Journal of Physics C 16: L205.
Aoki H (1986) Applied Physics Letters 48: 559.
mass) bands that touch with each other at a point in Aoki H and Ando T (1981) Solid State Communications 38: 1079
the Brillouin zone with opposite curvatures (i.e., the (reprinted in Aoki H and Ando T (1993) Solid State
bulk system is a semimetal). While IQHE itself Communications 88: 951).
Aoki H and Ando T (1985) Physical Review Letters 54: 831.
(Figure 43) became observable in HgTe/CdTe Aoki H and Ando T (1986) Physical Review Letters 57: 3093.
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recent breakthrough is the observation of the QSHE. 192. New York: Academic Press.
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wide wells, while the bands become normal for thin Geim AK and Novoselof KS (2007) Nature Materials 6: 183.
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Integer Quantum Hall Effect 209

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1.06 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite
J K Jain, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.06.1 Introduction 211

1.06.2 Quantum Hall Effect Phenomenology 211 The Hall Effect 211 Integral Quantum Hall Effect 211 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect 212
1.06.3 Electrons in a Magnetic Field: Landau Levels 212 Landau-Level Degeneracy 213 Filling Factor 214
1.06.4 Integral Quantum Hall Effect Theory 214
1.06.5 The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Problem 214
1.06.6 Composite Fermions: Basic Foundations 214
1.06.7 Consequences 216 Theory of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect 216 Quantitative Tests against Exact Results 217 Composite Fermion Fermi Sea 218 Effective Magnetic Field 218 Spin Physics 218 Interacting Composite Fermions: New Fractions 219 FQHE of composite fermions 219 Pairing 219 Fractional Charge 220
1.06.8 Open Issues 220
References 220

Composite fermions Bound states of electrons Hall effect Observation of a voltage transverse to
and quantized vortices. the direction of the current flow in the presence of a
Degeneracy Multiplicity of an energy level. magnetic field.
Fermi sea The state in which fermions occupy all Integral quantum Hall effect Observation of
states below certain energy. plateaus in the Hall resistance at quantized values
Filling factor Number of filled Landau levels. characterized by integers.
Fractional quantum Hall effect Observation of Landau levels Quantized kinetic energy levels of
plateaus in the Hall resistance at quantized values electrons in a magnetic field.
characterized by simple fractions.

Nomenclature h Planck’s constant

B magnetic field I current
B magnetic field experienced by composite N number of electrons
fermions Pf Pfaffian
e electron charge R resistance
E electric field RH Hall resistance

Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 211

1.06.1 Introduction
Collective quantum behavior is of fundamental
interest in condensed matter physics, where a collec- I
tion of interacting particles behaves in a surprising
manner that would be difficult to guess from the I
knowledge of the properties of single particles.
Superconductivity and superfluidity are two such VL
well-known examples. During the last three decades,
a new collective quantum fluid state of matter has
been discovered and studied, which occurs when
electrons are confined to two dimensions, cooled to Figure 1 Schematics of magnetotransport measurements.
near absolute zero temperature, and subjected to a I, VL, and VH are the current, longitudinal voltage, and the Hall
strong magnetic field. The most dramatic, and unex- voltage, respectively. The longitudinal and Hall resistances
pected, manifestation of this phase is the ‘fractional are defined as RL X VL/I and RH X VH/I.
quantum Hall effect’ (Tsui et al., 1982). The fractional
quantum Hall effect (FQHE) and many other
The phenomenon has a classical origin. The
properties of this state result from the formation of
Lorentz equation of electrodynamics
a new class of topological particles, called ‘composite
fermions’, which are bound states of electrons 1
F¼q Eþ vB ð3Þ
and quantized microscopic vortices. The composite- c
fermion quantum fluid provides a new paradigm for
gives the force on a particle of charge q, moving with
collective behavior. This chapter describes the essen-
a velocity v, in the presence of electric and magnetic
tial phenomenology of the fractional quantum Hall
fields. A consequence of this equation is that for
effect, how the composite fermion theory resolves it,
crossed electric and magnetic fields, say E ¼ Eŷ and
and other consequences of the existence of composite
B ¼ Bẑ, the charged particle drifts in a direction
perpendicular to the plane containing the two fields,
with a velocity v ¼ c(E/B)x̂.
Current density is given by J ¼ qv, where  is
the (three-dimensional) density of particles. That
1.06.2 Quantum Hall Effect produces the Hall resistivity
Ey B The Hall Effect H ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Jx qc
The Ohm’s law is given by
The Hall measurement is used routinely to measure
J ¼ E ð1Þ the density  of the mobile charges, as well as the sign
of the charge carriers (i.e., whether they are electrons
where  is the conductivity, and J ¼ qv is the cur- or holes).
rent density for particles of charge q and density 
moving with a velocity v. The more familiar I ¼ V/R
can be obtained from this local relation. In the pre- Integral Quantum Hall Effect
sence of a magnetic field, the electron current flows
When the Hall experiments are performed in a sys-
in a direction perpendicular to the plane containing
tem in which electrons are confined to two
the electric and the magnetic fields. Alternatively,
dimensions (such confinement is achieved, for exam-
passage of a current induces a voltage perpendicular
ple, by constructing AlGaAs–GaAs quantum-wells to
to the direction of the current flow, called the Hall
confined motion in one dimension), the behavior
voltage, VH, as seen in Figure 1. In addition to the
changes in a qualitative manner, as shown in
usual (longitudinal) resistance, R ¼ VL/I, a new resis-
Figure 2, taken from Stormer (1999). Instead of
tance, called the Hall resistance, is defined as
being proportional to B, now Hall resistance shows
VH plateaus. Most prominent are plateaus on which the
RH ¼ ð2Þ
I Hall resistance is precisely quantized at
212 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions

3 1/3 more precisely), and therefore the Hall resistance

measurements also provide an accurate estimate of
Hall resistance, RH (h/e2)

2/5 the fine structure constant. Concurrent with the

4/9 quantized plateaus is a dissipation-less current flow
2 1/2
3/5 4/7
in the limit of zero temperature.
2/3 2/5 1/3
RH 4/5 3/7
1 1
4/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
2 2/3 3/5
3 4/3 4/5 At lower temperatures, higher magnetic fields, and
4 4/7 4/9
0 with better quality samples, plateaus are observed on
which the Hall resistance is precisely quantized at
Resistance, R

43 2
1 RH ¼ ð8Þ
fe 2

1/2 where f is a fraction. This is the ‘fractional quantum

00 Hall effect’ (FQHE) also known as the Tsur–
10 20 30
Stormer–Gossard effect (Tsui et al., 1982). More
Magnetic field (T)
than 75 fractions have been observed to date, and
Figure 2 Hall and the longitudinal resistances for a two- more are being observed as the experimental condi-
dimensional electron system. The Hall resistance shows tions and the sample quality are improved. Most of
precisely quantized plateaus whereas the longitudinal
the observed fractions have odd denominators, and
resistance exhibits minima. Stormer HL (1999) Nobel
lecture: The fractional quantum Hall effect. Reviews of they occur in certain sequences, with some examples
Modern Physics 71: 875–889. given later in Equations (50)–(52). One exception to
the ‘odd denominator rule’ is the FQHE state with
f ¼ 5/2.
h The theory of FQHE must explain: the origin of
RH ¼ ð5Þ
ne 2 gaps in a partially filled Landau level; the dominance
where n is an integer, h is the Planck’s constant, and of odd denominator fractions; the origin of sequences;
e is the electron charge. This is referred to as the the order of stability of fractions; the nature of state at
integral quantum Hall effect (IQHE), or the ‘von even denominator fractions; the origin of 5/2; the
Klitzing effect’ (von Klitzing et al., 1980). The quan- role of spin; and the nature of neutral and charged
tization of the Hall resistance is independent of excitations. We shall see below that the composite
materials details, sample type, or geometry; it is also fermion theory provides a natural explanation of
robust to variation in temperature and disorder, pro- these facts, besides giving a microscopic theory that
vided they are sufficiently small. The precision of the allows detailed quantitative comparisons with exact
quantization, that is the correctness of the preceding numerical results as well as experiment. At the same
equation, has been verified to one part in 107 for time, the composite fermion theory makes verifiable
absolute accuracy, and to a few parts in 1011 for predictions (such as the existence of composite fer-
relative accuracy. The constant mions; the composite fermion Fermi sea; and
effective magnetic field) and unifies the fractional
RK ¼ ¼ 25813:807 . . .  ð6Þ and the integral quantum Hall effects.
is called the von Klitzing constant, and has been
adopted as the unit of resistance. It should be noted
that the fine structure constant 1.06.3 Electrons in a Magnetic Field:
Landau Levels
¼ ð7Þ
hc The Hamiltonian for a nonrelativistic electron (rela-
also involves the same combination of the Planck’s tivistic effects are neglected throughout) moving in
constant and the electron charge as the von Klitzing two dimensions in a perpendicular magnetic field is
constant (the speed of light c being known much given by
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 213

1 eA 2 H ¼ ay a þ ð22Þ
H¼ pþ ð9Þ 2
2mb c
This is the familiar Hamiltonian of a simple harmo-
Here, e is defined to be a positive quantity, the
nic oscillator.
electron’s charge being e, and mb is the band mass
The angular momentum operator is defined as
of the electron. The canonical momentum is defined
as p ¼ ihÑ, and A satisfies

L ¼ – h b y b – ay a ð23Þ
Ñ  A ¼ B ẑ ð10Þ
Exploiting the property [H,L] ¼ 0, the eigenfunctions
The Schrödinger equation are chosen to diagonalize H and L simultaneously.
The analogy to the Harmonic oscillator problem
H ¼ E ð11Þ
immediately gives the solution
can be solved in several gauges, but the most con-
venient for the fractional quantum Hall effect is the H jn; mi ¼ En jn; mi ð24Þ
symmetric gauge:  
En ¼ n þ ð25Þ
Br B 2
A¼ ¼ ð – y; x; 0Þ ð12Þ
2 2
ðb y Þmþn ðay Þn
Choosing the unit of length as the magnetic length jn; mi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi j0; 0i ð26Þ
ðm þ nÞ! n !
hc where n is called the Landau level index, and
,¼ ð13Þ
eB m ¼ n, n þ 1,. . . is the angular momentum quan-
and the unit of energy as the cyclotron energy tum number. The single-particle orbital at the
bottom of the two ladders defined by the two sets of
eB raising and lowering operators is
h!c ¼ h ð14Þ
mb c
1 1
the Hamiltonian can be expressed as hrj0; 0i X 0;0 ðrÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi e – 4zz ð27Þ
  which satisfies
1 q2 1 q q
H¼ –4 z – z þ z
þ z ð15Þ
2 qzqz 4 qz q
z aj0; 0i ¼ b j0; 0i ¼ 0 ð28Þ

Here we have defined new variables z and z: The single-particle states are especially simple in
the lowest Landau level (n ¼ 0):
z ¼ x – iy ¼ r e – i ; z ¼ x þ iy ¼ r ei ð16Þ
We further define the following sets of ladder ðb y Þm zm e – 4z z
0;m ¼ hrj0; mi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi 0;0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð29Þ
operators: m! 22m m !
1 z q where we have used Equations (18) and (27). Aside
b ¼ pffiffiffi þ2 ð17Þ from the ubiquitous Gaussian factor, a general state
2 2 qz
  in the lowest Landau level is simply given by a
1 z q polynomial of z. In other words, apart from the
b y ¼ pffiffiffi –2 ð18Þ
2 2 qz Gaussian factor, the lowest Landau level wave func-
  tions are analytic functions of z.
y 1 z q
a ¼ pffiffiffi –2 ð19Þ
2 2 qz
1 z q
a ¼ pffiffiffi þ2 ð20Þ Landau-Level Degeneracy
2 2 q
which have the property that States with a given n but different m are degener-
ate. To obtain the degeneracy of a Landau level,
a; ay ¼ 1; b; b y ¼ 1 ð21Þ consider a disk of radius R centered at the origin,
and ask how many states lie inside it. The degen-
and all the other commutators are zero. In terms of eracy can be shown to be independent of the
these operators, the Hamiltonian can be written as Landau level. Taking, for simplicity, the lowest
214 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions

Landau level, the eigenstate j0, mi has itsffi weight

pffiffiffiffiffi 1.06.5 The Fractional Quantum Hall
located at the circle of radius r ¼ 2ml. Thus, Effect Problem
the largest value of m for which the state falls
inside the disk is given by m ¼ R2/2l2, which is The phenomenon of FQHE indicates that gaps open
also the total number of eigenstates in the lowest not only at integral fillings (where their physics is
Landau level that fall inside the disk (ignoring straightforward), but also at many fractional filling
order one corrections). Thus, the degeneracy per factors. The essential goal for the theory of the
unit area is FQHE is to explain the origin of these gaps. This
requires a consideration of interelectron interactions,
1 eB B
G¼ ¼ ¼ ð30Þ because gaps occur only at integral fillings for
2l 2 hc 0
noninteracting electrons.
Here we have defined the flux quantum as 0 ¼ hc/e; At high magnetic fields all electrons occupy the
the degeneracy for each Landau level is equal to the lowest Landau level. Their kinetic energy is then
flux quanta penetrating the sample. constant, hence irrelevant. With proper units for
energy and length scales, interacting electrons in a
high magnetic field are mathematically described by
the Hamiltonian Filling Factor
The filling factor is the number of occupied Landau X1
H ¼P LLL P LLL þ Ve – bg þ Vbg – bg ð32Þ
levels, which depends on the density and the mag- r
j <k jk
netic field. It is given by
Here rjk ¼ jzj  zkj is the distance between the elec-
0 trons j and k, P LLL denotes projection into the lowest
¼ ð31Þ
B Landau-level (LLL) subspace, and the last two terms
where  is the two-dimensional (2D) density of denote interaction between electrons and a uniform
electrons. The filling factor is inversely propor- positive background. There are no parameters in the
tional to the magnetic field. As the magnetic field Hamiltonian; all energies are to be expressed in units
is increased, each Landau level can accommodate of the Coulomb energy:
more and more electrons, and, as a result, fewer e2
and fewer Landau levels are occupied. Only the VC ¼ ð33Þ
lowest Landau levels is occupied at sufficient high
magnetic fields. where " is the dielectric constant of the background
material ("  13 for GaAs).
For some condensed matter systems, a nontrivial
collective phenomenon can be understood as an
1.06.4 Integral Quantum Hall Effect instability of a normal state, which is the state
Theory obtained when the interaction is switched off. For
the FQHE problem, switching off the interaction
The integral quantum Hall effect can be explained produces a large number of degenerate ground states;
(Laughlin, 1981) in a model that neglects interac- for example, for 109 electrons at ¼ 2/5 the number
tions between electrons. It occurs because the state of degenerate ground states in the absence of inter-

of electrons at an integral filling factor is very action is 10710 . Further, there is no small parameter
simple: it contains a unique ground state contain- in the theory, which prevents a meaningful perturba-
ing an integral number of filled Landau levels, tion theory.
separated from excitations by the cyclotron or
the Zeeman energy gap. (In other words, the
state is incompressible, because to compress the 1.06.6 Composite Fermions: Basic
ground state creates finite energy excitations.) Foundations
It should be noted that the detailed explanation
of the existence of the plateaus also requires a With the observation of many fractions, an analogy
consideration of disorder-induced Anderson loca- between the FQHE and the IQHE could be identi-
lization of some states. fied, which led to the postulation of composite
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 215

fermions, and an explanation of the FQHE as the argued that these correlations survive projection into
IQHE of composite fermions (Jain, 1989). The most the lowest Landau level. Q
important accomplishment of the composite fermion The Jastrow factor j < k(zj  zk) attaches 2p
(CF) theory is the identification of the particles of the quantized vortices to each electron in  . The
FQHE which can be considered as weakly interact- bound state of an electron and 2p vortices is inter-
ing to a good approximation. The CF theory can be preted as a particle called the composite fermion. As
motivated by a Chern–Simons mean field theory composite fermions move about, the vortices bound
(Jain, 1989; Lopez and Fradkin, 1991; Halperin et al., to them produce Berry phases, which cancel part of
1993), but its final outcome can be stated succinctly. the Aharonov Bohm phases originating from the
The eigenfunctions and eigenenergies for the ground external magnetic field. The effective magnetic
and (low-energy) excited states of strongly interact- field can be determined in a Berry-phase calculation.
ing electrons at an arbitrary lowest Landau level When a composite fermion, that is an electron along
filling are expressed in terms of the known solu- with its vortices, is taken in a closed loop enclosing an
tions of the noninteracting electron problem at the area A, it acquires a Berry phase
Landau level filling  as follows:
2p BA
 ¼ – 2 þ 22pNenc ð38Þ
 ¼ P LLL zj – zk   ð34Þ 0
j <k
where Nenc is the number of composite fermions inside
and the loop. The first term is the familiar Aharonov Bohm
(AB) phase due to a charge going around in a loop.

 j <k r1 
E ¼
þ Vel – bg þ Vbg – bg ð35Þ The second is the Berry phase due to the 2p vortices
h j i going around Nenc particles, with each particle con-
where tributing a phase of 2. For uniform density states, we
replace Nenc in Equation (38) by its average value A
 and equate the entire phase to the AB phase due to an
¼ ð36Þ
2p   1 effective magnetic field, B, to obtain Equation (37).
Composite fermions thus sense a magnetic field B
B  ¼ B – 2p0 ð37Þ
that is much smaller than the applied magnetic field,
Here,   are the eigenfunctions of noninteracting and can even be zero or negative. This property of
electrons at , P LLL projects the wave function to its composite fermions distinguishes them from electrons,
right into the lowest Landau level, p is an integer, and and lies at the root of most of the phenomenology.
B is an effective magnetic field. These equations Composite fermions form Landau-like levels in the
define a one-to-one correspondence between the reduced magnetic field, which are called  levels, and
ground and excited states at filling factor (or mag- occupy  of them.
netic field B) and  (magnetic field B). The problem Composite fermions represent a new class of par-
is often much simpler at , and for  ¼ n (where n is ticles realized in nature. A vortex is a topological
an integer), we know the exact solution for the object, because the quantum mechanical phase asso-
ground and low energy states. The wave function ciated with a closed loop around a vortex is exactly 2,
for the ground state at ¼ 1/(2p þ 1) was known independent of the shape and the size of the loop.
previously (Laughlin, 1983). (The topological character of vortices is implicit in
Electrons capture vortices to turn into composite the fact that we count them.) As a result, composite
fermions because this is the most effective way for fermions are collective, topological particles. All fluids
them to stay away from one another. A typical wave of composite fermions are thus topological quantum
function satisfying the Pauli principle vanishes as fluids. The most direct consequence of the topological
r when two particles approach one another, r being quantization of the vorticity of composite fermions is
the distance separatingQ them, but the unprojected the effective magnetic field, which is responsible for
wave functions  j < k(zj  zk)2p vanish as r2p þ 1, the FQHE and several other phenomena.
with the Jastrow factor contributing 2p to the expo- The Chern–Simons field theoretic formulation of
nent and  contributing the rest. The Jastrow factor composite fermions (Jain, 1989; Lopez and Fradkin,
is very effective in keeping particles apart from one 1991; Halperin et al., 1993) proceeds through a sin-
another, producing favorable correlations. It can be gular gauge transformation defined by
216 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions

Y z –z 1.06.7 Consequences
¼ j k 9 ð39Þ
z j – z k Theory of Fractional Quantum Hall
j <k
under which the eigenvalue problem transforms
into The FQHE of electrons is a manifestation of the
integral QHE for composite fermions. The latter
H 99 ¼ E9 ð40Þ occurs because a gap opens when composite fermions
" # fill an integral number of  levels, that is, when
1 X e e 2
H9 ¼ pi þ Aðri Þ – aðri Þ þV ð41Þ  ¼ n. These fillings correspond to electron filling
2mb i c c
factors given by the sequences:
2p X 9 n
aðri Þ ¼ 0 Ñi ij ð42Þ ¼ ð47Þ
2 j
2pn  1

zj – zk A gap here results in an FQHE plateau at RH ¼ h/fe2,

where jk ¼ iln is the relative angle between
zj – zk
the particles j and k. The prime denotes that j ¼ i is to n
f ¼ ð48Þ
be excluded from the sum. The magnetic field cor- 2pn  1
responding to a(ri) is given by
FQHE at f also implies an FQHE at the hole partner:
bi ¼ Ñi  aðri Þ ¼ 2p0
2 ðri – rl Þ ð43Þ f ¼ 1– ð49Þ
2pn  1

The above transformation thus amounts to attaching These fractions can be obtained by defining the
a point flux of strength 2p0 to each electron, which original problem in terms of holes – rather than
is how the composite fermion is modeled in this electrons – in the lowest Landau level, and making
approach. composite fermions by binding vortices to holes.
To proceed further, one makes a mean-field The composite fermion (CF) theory provides
approximation, which amounts to spreading the a natural explanation of many experimental facts.
point flux on each electron into a uniform magnetic The fractions f given by Equations (48) and (49)
field. Formally, one writes are precisely the prominently observed fractions.
Furthermore, the fractions appear in sequences
A – a X A þ
A ð44Þ because they are all derived from the integer sequence
  of the IQHE. Some of the experimental sequences are:
Ñ  A ¼ B ẑ ð45Þ
f ¼ 1=3; 2=5; 3=7; 4=9; . . . ; 10=21 ð50Þ
The transformed Hamiltonian then becomes
f ¼ 2=3; 3=5; 4=7; . . . ; 10=19 ð51Þ
1 X e 2
f ¼ 1=5; 2=9; . . . ; 6=25 ð52Þ
H9 ¼ pi þ A ðri Þ þV þ V 9 ¼ H0 þ V þ V 9
2mb i c
The fractions have odd denominators because the
vortex quantum number 2p is an even integer.
where V is the Coulomb interaction and V 9 denotes Different flavors of composite fermions (i.e., com-
the terms containing
A. The solution to H0 posite fermions carrying different numbers of
describes free composite fermions in an effective vortices) occur in different filling factor regions.
magnetic field B , and V þ V 9 is the effective inter- The filling factor range 1/2   1/3 is described
action between them, which is to be treated in terms of composite fermions carrying two vortices;
perturbatively. When one transforms this problem the range 1/3 >  1/5 in terms of composite fer-
into the field theoretical Langrangian, it is seen to mions carrying four vortices (with B antiparallel to
be equivalent to the familiar Chern–Simons theory. B for 1/3 > > 1/4); and so on. The region 1 >  1/2
This approach is believed to capture the topological of electrons maps into 0 <  1/2 of holes as a result
properties of composite fermions, but does not lend of particle–hole symmetry in the lowest Landau level,
itself to a systematic perturbative treatment because and can be understood in terms of composite fermions
of the lack of a small parameter. made of holes.
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 217 Quantitative Tests against Exact and 3/7 (the first, second, and third rows, respec-
Results tively) are shown in Figure 3 (dashes). This figure
also shows the predicted energies from the CF the-
Exact results can be obtained for the Hamiltonian in
ory, without any adjustable parameters, as dots. The
Equation (32) for a small number of particles by a
ground state corresponds to one, two, or three filled
brute force diagonalization, because the dimension of
the Fock space in the lowest Landau level is finite for  levels of composite fermions, the the lowest energy
a finite system. Typically, depending on the filling branch of excitations is a particle–hole pair of com-
factor, 10–16 electrons can thus be studied. The exact posite fermions. The predicted energies agree to
solution gives the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions within 0.1%, and the overlaps between the exact
for all eigenstates. The CF explanation of the FQHE and the CF wave functions are greater than 99%
is fully confirmed by comparison to exact results for the numerical systems. Furthermore, the states
(Dev and Jain, 1992; Wu et al., 1993; Jain and in between the special fractions n/(2pn  1) are
Kamilla, 1998) well described in terms of composite fermions at a
A convenient geometry is the spherical geometry, nonintegral filling factor.
in which electrons move on the surface of a sphere, Monte Carlo methods allow determination of the
with a radial magnetic field produced by a magnetic thermodynamic limits of various experimentally
monopole of strength Q at the center, which produces measurable quantities, such as excitation gaps.
a total magnetic flux of 2Q0. The eigenstates are These are often in 20–50% agreement with experi-
conveniently labeled by the total orbital angular ment, with the discrepancy caused primarily by
momentum L. The exact spectra at ¼ 1/3, 2/5, disorder. An important quantity is collective modes,


E (e2/εl)


–0.44 N = 10, v = 1/3 N = 8 , v = 1/3



E (e2/εl)



–0.48 N = 10, v = 2/5 N = 8 , v = 2/5



E (e2/εl)



–0.50 N = 12, v = 3/7 N = 9 , v = 3/7

0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
Figure 3 Comparison of spectra obtained from exact diagonalization (dashes) and CF theory (dots). The spectra in the three
rows are for ¼ 1/3, 2/5, and 3/7, respectively. The x-axis label L is the total orbital angular momentum of the state. From Jain
JK and Kamilla RK (1998) Composite fermions: Particles of the lowest Landan level. In: Heinonen O (ed.) Composite Fermions,
ch. 1. New York: World Scientific.
218 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions

which are understood as excitons of composite fer- found between the low energy spectra of the exact
mions; the experimental measurements of the solutions of interacting electrons at B (from numer-
energies and the dispersions (Pinczuk et al., 1993; ical diagonalization) and the exact solutions of
Kukushkin et al., 2009) at various fractions such as noninteracting electrons at B. In addition, several
1/3, 2/5, 3/7, and 4/9 are in excellent agreement experiments have measured the radius of the cyclo-
with the predictions of the composite fermion theory tron orbit of the current carrying entities in the
(Scarola et al., 2000). vicinity of ¼ 1/2, and confirmed that it is deter-
mined by B rather than the applied magnetic field Composite Fermion Fermi Sea (Willet et al., 1993; Kang et al., 1993; Goldman et al.,
1994; Smet et al., 1996).
No general principle excludes FQHE at even-
denominator fractions. Such FQHE has been
observed, for example, at f ¼ 5/2. The CF theory
provides a natural explanation for why even denomi- Spin Physics
nator FQHE is rare: the model of noninteracting The spin degree of freedom is frozen when the
composite fermions produces only odd-denominator Zeeman splitting is large compared to the interaction
fractions; any even-denominator fraction must neces- energy. In that limit, all FQHE states in the lowest
sarily owe its existence to weak residual interactions Landau level are fully spin polarized. One might
between composite fermions, and, therefore, can be expect, by application of the Hund’s maximum spin
expected to be much weaker. rule to electrons in the lowest Landau level, that the
The nature of state at ¼ 1/2, the simplest frac- state would be fully polarized at all Zeeman energies.
tion, has been of interest. It is obtained as the n ! 1 That is not the case, however. The actual state is
limit of the sequence f ¼ n/(2n þ 1). If the model of determined by application of the Hund’s rule to
noninteracting composite fermions continues to be composite fermions.
valid in this limit, their effective magnetic field B In a model that assumes that composite fermions
vanishes and they form a Fermi sea, called the CF can be taken as nearly independent particles with an
Fermi sea (Halperin et al., 1993; Kalmeyer and Zhang, effective mass, their physics is straightforward. The
1992). The lack of FQHE follows because the Fermi IQHE of composite fermions occurs at  ¼ n ¼ n" þ
sea has no gap to excitations. Several experiments n#, where n" is the number of occupied spin-up 
have confirmed the formation of composite fermions
levels and n# is the number of occupied spin-down 
in the vicinity of ¼ 1/2 and of the CF Fermi sea at
levels. This fraction corresponds to electron fillings
¼ 1/2. These include. Shubnikov de Haas oscilla-
tions of composite fermions (Du et al., 1994), linear n n" þ n#
opening of the CF gap (Du et al., 1993); measurement ¼ ¼ ð53Þ
2pn  1 2pðn" þ n# Þ  1
of the cyclotron resonance of composite fermions
(Kukushkin et al., 2007); and measurements of the The spin polarization of the state is given by
CF Fermi wave vector through the semiclassical n" – n#
e ¼ ð54Þ
cyclotron orbit of composite fermions (Willet et al., n" þ n#
1993; Kang et al., 1993; Goldman et al., 1994; Smet
and wave function for the FQHE state is
et al., 1996)
n ¼P LLL n" ;n# zj – zk ð55Þ
j <k Effective Magnetic Field
The reduced effective magnetic field, which is a
direct evidence of binding of vortices to electrons 2pnþ1 ¼P 
zj – zk ð56Þ
n LLL n" ;n#
and the formation of composite fermions, has been j <k
confirmed directly by numerous means. The appear-
ance of fractional sequences that correspond to the where
integer sequence of the noninteracting fermions and n" ;n# ¼ n" n# ð57Þ
the formation of a Fermi sea at 1/2 filled Landau
level are experimental proofs of the effective mag- are wave functions of IQHE states with n" spin-up
netic field, as is the one-to-one correspondence and n# spin-down Landau levels occupied.
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 219

Thus, while inclusion of spin does not give new 1 2

f ¼1þ and f  ¼ 1 þ ð60Þ
fractions, it produces, in general, many states at a 3 3
given fraction, whose spin polarizations are predicted which produce new electron fractions
by the CF theory. Take the example of ¼ 4/9,
which corresponds to n ¼ 4 of composite fermions. 4 5
f ¼ and f ¼ ð61Þ
There are three possibilities: (n", n#) ¼ (2,2), (3,1), 11 13
and (4,0). The unpolarized state (2,2) is obtained at between the familiar fractions 1/3 and 2/5, consistent
the lowest Zeeman energies (as application of Hund’s with experimental observations (Pan et al., 2003).
rule to composite fermions would predict), the par- Here, composite fermions in the partially filled sec-
tially polarized state (3,1) at intermediate Zeeman ond  level capture two more vortices to turn into
energies, and the fully polarized (4,0) at large composite fermions of a different flavor, which con-
Zeeman energies. Upon increasing Ez, the ground- dense into their own  levels, thereby opening a gap
state spin changes discontinuously when the  levels and producing quantum Hall effect. This physics has
of up and down spins cross one another. A quantita- been confirmed by exact diagonalization studies
tive determination of the energies of these states (Chang and Jain, 2004; Wójs et al., 2004), as shown
leads to a theoretical determination of the actual in Table 1. Many more FQHE states can similarly be
phase diagram of the FQHE states as a function constructed.
of the Zeeman energy (Wu et al., 1993; Park and
Jain, 1998) Pairing
The Zeeman energy can be varied experimentally As noted above, FQHE has been observed (Willet
by application of a magnetic field parallel to the et al., 1987) at ¼ 5/2. Writing
two-dimensional layer (tilted field experiment), or
by changing the density so the FQHE state occurs 5 1
¼2þ ð62Þ
at different B. The above physics has been fully 2 2
confirmed by extensive experimentation (Du et al., and treating the lowest filled Landau level as inert
1995; Kukushkin et al., 1999). (which, counting the spin degree of freedom,
accounts for the 2 on the right hand side) shows
that 5/2 corresponds to a filling of 1/2 in the second Interacting Composite Fermions: Landau level. Thus, half-filled second Landau level
New Fractions behaves qualitatively differently from the half-filled
lowest Landau level. FQHE of composite fermions The currently most promising scenario for the
While the fractions ¼ are obtained most explanation of the 5/2 FQHE is that composite fer-
2pn  1 mions form a p-wave paired state, described by a
immediately in the CF theory, other fractions are not Pfaffian wave function (Moore and Read, 1991):
ruled out. To see the physics of the next generation, " #
fractions consider electrons in the filling factor range 1
2 1X 2
1=2 ¼ Pf zi – zj exp – jzk j ð63Þ
zi – zj 4 k
1=3 < < 2=5 ð58Þ i<j

which map into composite fermions in the range

Table 1 Energies of two wave functions for 4/11: the
1 <  < 2 ð59Þ exact Coulomb state ex 4=11 and the trial wave function
tr4=11 ¼ P LLL 4=3 21
The lowest  level is fully occupied and the
second one partially occupied. (We take composite Eex Etr Overlap
fermions to be fully spin-polarized.) No FQHE
would result in this region for noninteracting com- 0.441214 0.44088(4) 0.99
posite fermions, just as non-interacting electrons in Results are for N ¼ 12 particles. The overlap is defined as
the partially filled second Landau level do not exhi- htr jð0Þ i= hð0Þ jð0Þ ihtr jtr i, where (0) is a state that is
bit any FQHE. The weak residual interaction very close to the exact ground state (obtained by a method
between composite fermions, however, can possibly called CF diagonalization). From Chang C-C and Jain JK
cause a gap to open at certain filling factors. A natural (2004) Microscopic origin of the next-generation fractional
expectation is that the strongest new CF fractions are quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 92: 196806.
220 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions

where Pf stands for Pfaffian. The Pfaffian of an anti- (Laughlin, 1983), and has been measured in shot
symmetric matrix M is defined, apart from an overall noise experiments (de Picciotto et al., 1997).
normalization factor, as
Pf Mij ¼ AðM12 M34 MN – 1;N Þ ð64Þ
1.06.8 Open Issues
where A is the antisymmetrization operator. The
usual Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer wave function for The FQHE and other phenomena in the lowest
fully polarized electrons can be written as Landau level are well described by the CF theory.
BCS ¼ A½0 ðr1 ; r2 Þ0 ðr3 ; r4 Þ 0 ðrN – 1 ; rN Þ
ð65Þ However, the CF theory in its simplest form is not
fully satisfactory for the second Landau-level
which is a Pfaffian. (The fully symmetric spin part is physics. One difference between the two Landau
1 levels is indicated by the observation that while
not shown explicitly.) Analogously, Pf ¼
zi – zj there is no FQHE at ¼ 1/2, an FQHE occurs at
describes a p-wave pairing of electrons (p-wave ¼ 5/2. Further, far fewer fractions are observed in
because the system is fully spin-polarized), and the second Landau level, and they are much more
1=2 is interpreted as the p-wave paired state of delicate than those in the lowest Landau level. While
composite fermions carrying two vortices. The other fractions in the second Landau level also have
Pfaffian wave function was originally motivated in a odd denominators (such as 2 þ 1/3 and 2 þ 2/5),
conformal field theory approach, which also suggests their wave functions are rather different than those
that its quasiparticles obey so-called nonabelian of the corresponding fractions in the lowest Landau
braiding statistics (Moore and Read, 1991). level. Several imaginative approaches are currently
being pursued, which have excitations with exotic
character (e.g., nonabelian braiding properties).
(See Chapters 1.03, 1.05 and 1.07). Fractional Charge
The excitations of an FQHE state are excited com-
posite fermions. A sole composite fermion in an References
otherwise empty  level is often called a CF quasi-
Chang C-C and Jain JK (2004) Microscopic origin of the next-
particle, and a missing composite fermion from an generation fractional quantum Hall effect. Physical Review
otherwise filled  level is called a CF quasihole. This Letters 92: 196806.
description has been confirmed extensively in exact de Picciotto R, Rezhnikov M, Heiblum M, Umansky V, Bunin G,
and Mahalu D (1997) Direct observation of a fractional
diagonalization studies. In a localized representation, charge. Nature 389: 162.
these represent a localized excess or deficiency of Dev G and Jain JK (1992) Band structure of the fractional
charge relative to the uniform ground state. The quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 69: 2843.
Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, and West KW (1993)
charge excess associated with a CF quasiparticle is Experimental evidence for new particles in the fractional
the sum of the charge of an electron (e) and the quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 70: 2944.
charge of 2p vortices: Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, and West KW (1994)
Shubnikov –de Haas oscillations around ¼ 1/2 Landau level
filling factor. Solid State Communications 90: 71.
– e  ¼ – e þ 2pev ð66Þ
Du RR, Yeh AS, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, and West KW
(1995) Fractional quantum Hall effect around ¼ 3/2:
where ev is the charge of a single vortex. The charge
Composite fermions with a spin. Physical Review Letters
of the vortex can be shown to be 75: 3926.
Goldman VJ, Su B, and Jain JK (1994) Detection of composite
ev ¼ ve ð67Þ fermions by magnetic focusing. Physical Review Letters
72: 2065.
The local charge of a CF-quasiparticle at Halperin BI, Lee PA, and Read N (1993) Theory of the half-filled
¼ n/(2pn þ 1) therefore has the fractional value Landau level. Physical Review B 47: 7312.
Jain JK (1989) Composite-fermion approach for the fractional
e quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 63: 199.
– e ¼ – ð68Þ Jain JK and Kamilla RK (1998) Composite fermions: Particles of
2pn þ 1
the lowest Landan level. In: Heinonen O (ed.) Composite
The topological quantization of the vorticity implies Fermions, ch. 1, pp. 1–90. New York: World Scientific.
Kalmeyer V and Zhang SC (1992) Metallic phase of the quantum
that this charge is precisely quantized. The fractional Hall system at even-denominator filling fractions. Physical
charge was originally predicted theoretically Review B 46: 9889.
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Composite Fermions 221

Kang W, Stormer HL, Pfeiffer LN, Baldwin KW, and West KW Stormer HL (1999) Nobel lecture: The fractional quantum Hall
(1993) How real are composite fermions? Physical Review effect. Reviews of Modern Physics 71: 875–889.
Letters 71: 3850. Tsui DC, Stormer HL, and Gossard AC (1982) Two-dimensional
Kukushkin, IV, Smet JH, Scarola VW, Umansky V, and von magnetotransport in the extreme quantum limit. Physical
Klitzing K (2009) Dispersion of the excitations of fractional Review Letters 48: 1559.
quantum Hall states. Science 324: 1044. von Klitzing K, Dorda G, and Pepper M (1980) New method for
Kukushkin IV, Smet JH, Schuh D, Wegscheider W, and von high-accuracy determination of the fine-structure constant
Klitzing K (2007) Dispersion of the composite-fermion cyclotron based on quantized Hall resistance. Physical Review Letters
resonance mode. Physical Review Letters 98: 066403. 45: 494.
Kukushkin, IV, von Klitzing K, and Eberl K (1999) Spin Willett RL, Eiscnstein JP, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Gossard AC,
polarization of composite fermions: Measurements of the and English JH (1987) Observation of an even-denominator
fermi energy. Physical Review Letters 82: 3665. quantum number in the fractional quantum Hall effect.
Laughlin RB (1981) Quantized Hall conductivity in two Physical Review Letters 59: 1776.
dimensions. Physical Review B 23: 5632. Willett RL, Ruel RR, West KW, and Pfeiffer LN (1993)
Laughlin RB (1983) Anomalous quantum Hall effect: An Experimental demonstration of a Fermi surface at one-half
incompressible quantum fluid with fractionally charged filling of the lowest Landau level. Physical Review Letters
excitations. Physical Review Letters 50: 1395. 71: 3846.
Lopez A and Fradkin E (1991) Fractional quantum Hall effect and Wójs A, Yi K-S, and Quinn JJ (2004) Fractional quantum Hall
Chern–Simons gauge theories. Physical Review B 44: 5246. states of clustered composite fermions. Physical Review B
Moore G and Read N (1991) Nonabelions in the fractional 69: 205322.
quantum Hall effect. Nuclear Physics B 360: 362. Wu XG, Dev G, and Jain JK (1993) Mixed-spin incompressible
Pan W, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, Baldwin KW, and states in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Physical Review
West KW (2003) Fractional quantum Hall effect of composite Letters 71: 153.
fermions. Physical Review Letters 90: 016801.
Park K and Jain JK (1998) Phase diagram of the spin
polarization of composite fermions and a new effective
mass. Physical Review Letters 80: 4237.
Pinczuk A, Dennis BS, Pfeiffer LN, and West KW (1993)
Observation of collective excitations in the fractional Further Reading
quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 70: 3983.
Scarola VW, Park K, and Jain JK (2000) Rotons of composite Das Sarma S and Pinczuk A (eds.) (1996) Perspectives in
fermions: Comparison between theory and experiment. Quantum Hall Effects. New York: Wiley.
Physical Review B 61: 13064. Heinonen O (ed.) (1998) Composite Fermions. New York: World
Smet JH, Weiss D, Blick RH, et al. (1996) Magnetic focusing of Scientific.
composite fermions through arrays of cavities. Physical Jain JK (2007) Composite Fermions. London: Cambridge
Review Letters 77: 2272. University Press.
1.07 Spin Hall Effect
S Murakami, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
N Nagaosa, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.07.1 Introduction – Early History and Background of Spin Hall Effect (SHE) 224
1.07.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Mechanism of SHE 227 Intrinsic SHE in p-Type Semiconductors 228 Rashba Model for n-Type Semiconductors 230 Impurity Scattering Effect 231 Spin-independent impurities 231 SO coupling modified by impurities 235 SHE in the hopping regime 236 Mesoscopic SHE 237 Experimental Observation of SHE in Semiconductors 239 Measurement of SHE in semiconductors by KR 239 Measurement of SHE in semiconductors by spin LED 241 Various Issues on the SHE 243 Definition of the spin current 243 Ab initio calculations 245
1.07.3 SHE in Metals 245 Experiments of SHE in Metals 245 Theories of SHE in Metals 251
1.07.4 Quantum Spin Hall Effect 253 Inverted Band Structure and SHI 253 QSHE and Z2 Topological Invariants in 2D and 3D 254 Helical Edge Modes in QSH systems 257 Models and Candidate Materials for QSHE 258 Experimental Observation of QSHE 259 Further Developments in the QSHE 261 Spin-charge separation and charge fractionalization 261 Effective theory and quantized magneto-electric effect 262 Superconducting QSHSs 262 Localization problem related to the QSHS 263 SHE in strongly correlated systems 264
1.07.5 Summary and Perspectives on SHE 264 Comparison between AHE and SHE 264 Comparison between Integer QHE and QSHE 265 Generalization of SHE and Future Directions 266 Optical SHE 266 Multiferroics 267 Future directions 268
References 269

Aharonov–Bohm effect The wave function of a potential along the path, leading to the change in the
charged quantum mechanical particle acquires a interferenceofthedifferencepathsduetothemagnetic
phase given by the contour integral of the vector flux. This effect is called Aharonov–Bohm effect.

Spin Hall Effect 223

Aharonov–Casher effect Analogously to the Hanle effect In 1924, Hanle showed the variation
Aharonov–Bohm effect, the wave function of a of the polarization of the resonant fluorescent light
quantum mechanical particle with spin acquires a in atoms, which is called the Hanle effect. This
phase factor which is given by the contour integral effect is now used to measure the lifetime and
of the vector product of the electric field and the g-factor of atoms and molecules.
spin. This effect is called Aharanov–Casher effect. Keldysh formalism L. Keldysh developed a
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Green’s function method which is applicable even
(ARPES) The momentum- and energy-resolved to states far away from the equilibrium. This
spectroscopy of the emitted electrons from the method is called the Keldysh formalism, and is now
sample kicked by the high-energy incident light. applied in various transport problems.
This can detect the spectral function of the Green’s Kondo effect When a magnetic impurity is
function for occupied states. inserted into a metallic host, its magnetic moment
Berry phase In 1984, M.V. Berry formulated the is screened by the spins of the conduction
quantum phase associated with the adiabatic electrons to form a spin singlet. This phenomenon
change of the Hamiltonian. Through the adiabatic is called the Kondo effect.
change, the wave function is confined within the Kramers theorem In the system with the odd
subspace of the Hilbert space, which leads to the number electrons, it is proved that the electronic
gauge structure and is represented by this Berry states are energetically (at least doubly) degenerate
phase. when the Hamiltonian has the time-reversal
BW phase One of the p-wave pairing states for symmetry. The doublet related by the time-reversal
superfluid with the isotropic energy gap. It is now symmetry operation is called Kramers doublet.
established that the B-phase of 3He is described by Kubo formula In 1957, R. Kubo formulated the
this state. linear response theory based on the density matrix
Chiral edge channel In quantum Hall system, formalism. This provides the most fundamental
there appear edge channels at the edges of the formula of the response functions, and basis to
sample, which have the definite propagation study the physical properties of systems.
direction and are called chiral edge channels. The Light-emitting diode (LED) The light is emitted
backward scattering is forbidden in the chiral edge through the recombination of the electrons and
channels, which explains the quantized Hall holes when the current is applied into the p–n
conductance in quantum Hall system. junction.
Coulomb blockade In the tunnel junction with Magnetic Kerr rotation The rotation of the
small capacitance, the Coulomb charging energy polarization occurs when the light is reflected from
can be larger than the thermal energy, and the the magnetic system due to the relativistic
tunneling process is blocked. This Coulomb spin–orbit interaction.
blockade depends on the charge q at the junction Magneto-electric effect The phenomenon where
periodically, leading to the characteristic oscillation the magnetization is induced by the electric field or
of the tunneling current as a function of gate the electric polarization is induced by the magnetic
voltage. field.
Dirac fermion P.A.M. Dirac introduced the Majorana fermion In 1937, E. Majorana proposed
relativistic equation of quantum particles with the real fermions satisfying the relation f† = f called
four-component spinor wave function starting from the Majorana fermion (f† (f) is the creation
a few fundamental requirements. This is called (annihilation) operator of the fermion). Roughly
Dirac equation, and the fermions obeying Dirac speaking, Majorana fermion is half of the usual
equation are the Dirac fermions. In condensed fermion. Majorana fermion appears in the exact
matter systems, it often occurs that the band solution to two-dimensional Ising model, and also
structure is described by four- or two-component in the theory of pairing state of spinless fermions.
Dirac equations locally in momentum space. Mott scattering N.F. Mott derived the formula for
eg and t2g orbitals Under the crystal field of Oh the cross section of the Coulomb scattering
symmetry, the five d-orbitals are split into two between the two identical fermions with spin 1/2.
groups, that is, eg-orbitals (x2  y2, 3z2  r2) and By using this formula, the Mott detector to measure
t2g-orbitals (xy,yz,zx). the spin state of electrons has been developed.
224 Spin Hall Effect

Multiferroics Materials showing multiple Seebeck effect The effect where the voltage drop
symmetry breakings. Usually, it means those is induced by the temperature gradient.
showing the magnetic order and the ferroelectricity Soliton In field theory, the order parameter field
simultaneously. can have the spatial dependence creating a
Noether’s theorem The theorem connecting the localized kink structure. This localized structure is
invariance with respect to some transformation and called soliton.
the conservation law in field theory. By using this Umklapp scattering In crystals, the conservation
theorem, one can define the current from the of the momentum is relaxed by the reciprocal
invariance of the Lagrangian. lattice vectors G’s, and scattering process using
Noncentrosymmetric this G’s is called Umklapp scattering.
superconductor Superconductors without the Virtual bound state The d-orbitals in metals are
inversion symmetry. In the presence of the almost localized near the atomic nucleus. However,
spin–orbit interaction, novel properties such as the due to the hybridization with the conduction
mixture of singlet and triplet pairing emerge. electrons, the d-levels have the finite lifetime and
Nonlinear sigma model A model in field theory energy broadening, and are called the virtual bound
describing the field with constraint. This is used to states.
analyze the localization problem in disordered Z2 group The group whose elements are (1,1)
systems. only.

Nomenclature si (i = x,y,z) spin operators with s = 1/2

H Hamiltonian V(x) impurity potential at the position x
H(k) Hamiltonian matrix in the Bloch wave measured from the impurity
number k x position
jj charge current flowing along ĵ *? (as in x_ ) time derivative
direction s spin Hall conductivity
jij spin current with +î spin moving to +ĵ i time-reversal invariant momentum
and î spin moving to ĵ (TRIM). There are four TRIMs in
k wave number two-dimensional (2D) Brillouin zone
k the size of the wave number (=k) and eight in 3D.
kb unit vector parallel to k, defined as
kb= k/jkj

1.07.1 Introduction – Early History Lorentz force acting on the orbital motion of the
and Background of Spin Hall Effect electrons under the magnetic field; hence, the sign
(SHE) of Hall coefficient is determined by the sign of the
charge carriers while its magnitude by the carrier
Hall effect, which is one of the most important effects density. A few years after. Hall himself discovered
in condensed matter physics, has been discovered by the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) (Hurd, 1973), in
Hall in 1893 (Hurd, 1973). When the charge current j which the transverse Hall voltage originates from the
flows with an applied magnetic field perpendicular to spontaneous magnetization even without the exter-
it, a voltage drop occurs in the direction transverse nal magnetic field in metallic ferromagnets. This
both to the current and magnetic field. This voltage effect is driven by the relativistic spin–orbit (SO)
drop VH between the two edges of the sample, called interaction, while there are both intrinsic (Karplus
Hall voltage, divided by the current j defines the Hall and Luttinger, 1954) and extrinsic (Smit, 1955, 1958;
resistance. This Hall effect originates from the Berger, 1970) mechanisms. The intrinsic mechanism
Spin Hall Effect 225

is due to the anomalous velocity of the Bloch wave In these works, the SHE has been considered as an
function, and is purely the band structure effect. extrinsic effect, due to impurities in the presence of
Recently, this intrinsic contribution is reexamined SO coupling. Nevertheless, there were no detailed
from the modern topological viewpoint, that is, the discussions on the size of the effect, and this extrinsic
Berry curvature in the momentum space (Nagaosa, effect is not easily controllable because it is caused by
2006). The extrinsic ones, on the other hand, are due impurities. On the other hand, two groups indepen-
to the impurity scattering influenced by the SO dently proposed an intrinsic SHE in different
interaction and are classified into (1) the skew scat- systems. Murakami et al. (2003) proposed the SHE
tering (SS) mechanism (Smit, 1955, 1958), where the in p-type semiconductors such as p-GaAs. Sinova
scattering probability Pk ! k9 from k to k9 is different et al. (2004) independently proposed the SHE in
from Pk9 ! k, and (2) the side jump SJ mechanism n-type semiconductors in two-dimensional (2D) het-
(Berger, 1970), where the wavepacket experiences erostructures. These proposals are called the intrinsic
the transverse shift at the scattering. SHE, because they do not rely on impurities but they
In nonmagnetic metals, one can imagine that each of stem from the band structure itself, as we discuss in
the up- and down-spin electrons show the AHE in the this review. These two proposals triggered extensive
opposite directions due to the SO interaction. Then, research, both theoretical and experimental. After
one expects the spin current flow or the spin voltage 5 years from the theoretical predictions of the intrin-
drop in the transverse direction both in the direction of sic SHE, more than 500 papers have been published.
the charge current and the spin-polarization direction. In p-type semiconductors, for example, the SHE
This effect, called the spin Hall effect (SHE), is the in the linear response is expressed as
subject of this chapter, which constitutes a rapidly
growing field in the spintronics. The SHE was first jji ¼ s "ijk Ek ð1Þ
proposed by D’yakonov and Perel (1971a,b). They where jij is the current of the ith component of the
considered the extrinsic SS as the origin of the SHE spin along the direction j and "ijk is the totally anti-
predicting the spin accumulation at the edge of the symmetric tensor in 3D (see Figure 1(a)). The spin
sample due to the spin current. Here, one remark is current jijroughly corresponds to a product of velocity
that the spin current is time-reversal even, in sharp vj and the spin Si. It describes a spin current with
contrast to the spin accumulation or charge current spins along +iˆdirection going to the +jˆdirection, and
which are time-reversal odd. This means that the spins along iˆ direction going to the jˆ direction. In
conversion of the spin current into the spin accu- Figure 1(a), the electric field is applied along the
mulation requires the irreversibility due to the spin z-direction (k = z), and it produces the spin currents
relaxation. Later Hirsch (1999) proposed an experi- jy x (S xvy) and jx y (S yvx) with jy x = jx y . For
mental method to detect the SHE by the example, the Sx-spin current flows in the y-direction,
measurement of the voltage. With the charge cur- and S y-spin current flows in the x-direction. As an
rent flowing in the x-direction in the spin Hall example, we consider a thin semiconductor slab and
system, the spin Hall voltage is produced along the apply an electric field as shown in Figure 1(b). The
y-direction. When the two edges at y = L/2, with L electrons with opposite spins are deflected toward
being the width of the sample, are connected to each opposite directions, resulting in a spin current per-
other with a conductor, the spin current circulates pendicular to the applied field.
along the y-direction. This circulating spin current In the context of SHE, we often restrict ourselves to
induces the voltage at the conductor along the a situation with time-reversal symmetry, which means
x-direction. In Hirsch (1999), the voltage signal the absence of magnetism and magnetic field. We can
has been estimated to be of the order of 60 mV for consider the SHE in systems without the time-reversal
the sample size l ¼ 100 mm for a usual metal. Zhang symmetry. In such case the charge Hall effect arises (or
(2000) also discussed the SHE with a semiclassical in ferromagnet AHE arises), and the Hall current is a
Boltzmann equation taking into account the spin mixture of charge and spin current. Only when the
diffusion, since SO interaction is the origin for system respects the time-reversal symmetry, the Hall
both the SHE and the spin relaxation through the current is a pure spin current. The spin current will
spin-flip processes. As mentioned above, this spin induce a spin accumulation near the sample boundary.
relaxation is also indispensable for the spin accumu- The amount of accumulated spins is roughly estimated
lation at the edges of the sample. as a product of spin current and spin relaxation time Ts
226 Spin Hall Effect

(a) y (b) Spin

x current
z Up-spin

E p-GaAs
Current Down-spin

Figure 1 Schematic of the spin current induced by an electric field.

(Murakami et al., 2003). The spin accumulation also Wunderlich et al. (2005) observed a circularly polar-
affects the spin current itself near the boundaries ized light emitted from a spin light-emitting diode
(Ma et al., 2004; Hu et al., 2004). Because spin current (LED) structure, using spin current from the p-type
is even under time reversal, it can be induced even semiconductor. This circularly polarized light is
when the time-reversal symmetry is preserved. It also attributed to the SHE in the p-type semiconductor.
implies that the spin Hall current is dissipationless. In After those works, there followed a number of experi-
doped semiconductors, however, the longitudinal mental papers. In particular, the SHE has been
conductivity is finite and the system undergoes observed in various metals such as Al, Pt, and Au.
Joule heating. Nevertheless, there exist spin Hall As the Hall effect has a quantized variant, that is,
insulators (SHIs), which are band insulators with the quantum Hall (QH) effect, the SHE also has an
nonzero SHE; in such systems the longitudinal con- analogous effect: quantum spin Hall effect QSHE.
ductivity is zero, and the SHE accompanies no (Note that the spin Hall conductance is not quan-
dissipation (Murakami et al., 2004a). tized, so it cannot be called quantized SHE.) The
Because the predicted effect in p-type semiconduc- QSH effect is a spin analog of the QH effect, and
tors and in n-type heterostructures is large enough to they share many fundamental aspects in common.
be measured, this intrinsic SHE attracted much atten- Yet, the QSH effect is realized in zero magnetic
tion, and one of the important issues was the disorder field, which is in strong contrast with the QH effect.
effect. Among many works on disorder effect, Inoue This effect has been experimentally observed
et al. (2003, 2004) considered dilutely distributed recently (König et al., 2007).
impurities with short-ranged potentials in the n-type Although there have been many works concerning
semiconductor in heterostructure, and calculated the the SHE in these few years, there are many issues to
SHE, incorporating the vertex correction in the ladder be resolved. In this review, we also introduce these
approximation. Remarkably, the resulting spin hall remaining issues and open questions. There are
conductivity (SHC) is exactly zero in the clean limit. already several articles on the recent developments
After this work, many people thought the SHE to be of this field (Alderson and Hurd, 1971; Awschalom
fragile to impurities; namely, only a small amount of and Flatte, 2007; Bratkovsky, 2008; Chazalviel, 1975;
impurities might completely kill the intrinsic SHE. Fabian et al., 2007; Fertig, 2003; Nagaosa, 2008; Wolf
However, this turned out to be a special case, and is et al., 2001). One may be referred also to other intro-
not true in general. In fact, the SHC is, in general, ductory articles on the recent developments and
nonzero even in the presence of disorder, as we see perspectives of the SHE (Bauer, 2004; Day, 2005;
later. Inoue and Ohno, 2005). Readers can also be referred
In such circumstances, two seminal experiments on to earlier short reviews (Murakami, 2005), and more
the SHE have been done. Kato et al. (2004) observed recent ones (Schliemann, 2006; Engel et al., 2006).
spin accumulation in n-type GaAs by means of Kerr This chapter is organized as follows. In Section
rotation (KR). The observed spin accumulation at the 1.07.2, we introduce a basic framework and discuss
two edges was interpreted as that caused by a bulk spin the mechanism of the SHE in semiconductors. In
current. Both unstrained and strained samples, with Section 1.07.3, we discuss the SHE in metals.
various orientations of the sample, are used to measure Section 1.07.4 is devoted to the QSH effect. We
the SHE, and the resulting spin accumulation agreed give concluding remarks and discuss miscellaneous
well with that expected from the extrinsic SHE. topics in Section 1.07.5.
Spin Hall Effect 227

1.07.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Here An(k) is a gauge field, and is subject to a gauge
Mechanism of SHE transformation accompanied by a change of phase for
the wave function of unk: u9nk = ei(k)unk. The corre-
The intrinsic SHE can be described from various sponding field strength Bn(k) = rk  An(k) remains
viewpoints. In this section, we start with the Berry unchanged, that is, gauge invariant. Because a
phase theory of the intrinsic SHE. According to this contour integral of A(k) along a loop in k space is
theory, the SHE is driven by the ‘‘Berry phase cur- the Berry phase, An(k) and Bn(k) are called Berry
vature in momentum-space.’’ This occurs because of connection and Berry curvature, respectively.
the wave nature of the electrons. The Berry phase We consider a wavepacket as a superposition of
(Berry, 1984; Shapere and Wilczek, 1989; Bohm et al., the Bloch states. It is localized both in the real space
2003) is a change of a phase of a quantum state and in the momentum space. The width x of the
caused by an adiabatic cyclic change of some para- wavepacket in the real space and the width k in
meters characterizing the Hamiltonian. As this phase momentum space is restricted by the uncertainty
is determined only by a path in the parameter space, principle: xk & 2. We consider k is much
it is sometimes referred to as a geometric phase. smaller than the size of the Brillouin zone
Various physical phenomena involve this Berry k  2=a; where a is the lattice constant, and
phase, depending on which parameters are regarded consequently we have x  a. This wavepacket
to change adiabatically, and are studied and acquires a phase when the wave number k is changed.
reviewed in Shapere and Wilczek (1989), Bohm The motion of a wavepacket made of the Bloch states
et al. (2003), Bérard and Mohrbach (2004, 2006), then undergoes a shift because of the interference of
Bliokh (2005), Bliokh and Bliokh (2005), Culcer Bloch states.
et al. (2004), Culcer and Winkler (2007a,b, Culcer By incorporating the effect of Bn(k), the
et al. 2005a), Dai and Zhang (2007), Erlingsson et al. Boltzmann-type semiclassical equation of motion
(2005), Hu et al. (2003a), Imura and Shindou (2005), (EOM) acquires an additional term due to the
Raimondi et al. (2007, 2006), Shindou and Imura Berry phase (Adams and Blount, 1959; Blount, 1962;
(2005), Sinova et al. (2006), Sun et al. (2004), Lu Sundaram and Niu, 1999):
et al. (2006), and Středa (2006). As for the electronic 1 qEn ðkÞ _
states, this Berry phase is known to appear in various x_ ¼ þ k  Bn ðkÞ ð4Þ
h qk
kinds of Hall effects, such as the QH effect (Thouless
et al., 1982; Kohmoto, 1985; Sundaram and Niu, hk_ ¼ – e ðE þ x_  BðxÞÞ ð5Þ
1999), the AHE, or the SHE. To demonstrate the The term kB_ n ðxÞ represents the effect of Berry
effect of the Berry phase in k space, we here consider phase, and is called an anomalous velocity.
a clean system with crystal translational symmetry, When we apply an electric field, the wave number
where the Bloch wave number k is a good quantum will change in time. The second term on the
number. We regard k as parameters which are adia- right-hand side of Equation (4) then gives rise to an
batically changed. Then the notion of the Berry additional velocity perpendicular to the electric field,
phase can be expressed in a gauge field in k-space namely the Hall effect. This theory has already been
(Berry, 1984). It plays an important role in AHE proposed in the 1950s in a discussion of AHE (Karplus
(Matl et al., 1998; Ye et al., 1999; Chun et al., 2000; and Luttinger, 1954; Nagaosa, 2006), and has renewed
Ohgushi et al., 2000; Taguchi et al., 2001; Jungwirth interest from the QHE (Thouless et al., 1982) and the
et al., 2002; Fang et al., 2003) and in magnetic super- Berry phase (Berry, 1984). The SHE is among the
conductors (Murakami and Nagaosa, 2003). phenomena due to this anomalous velocity. This
We define the U(1) gauge field An(k) and corre- intrinsic Hall conductivity (7) was first recognized by
sponding field strength Bn(k) as Karplus and Luttinger (1954). This Berry phase in
    Z momentum space has been studied in the recent
q y qunk
Ani ðkÞ ¼ – i nk nk X – i unk dx ð2Þ works on AHE (Ye et al. 1999; Ohgushi et al. 2000;
qki unit cell qki Taguchi et al. 2001; Jungwirth et al., 2002; Fang et al.
Bn ðkÞ ¼ rk  An ðkÞ ð3Þ 2003; Yao et al. 2004), as well as those on the SHE.
These equations were originally proposed by Adams
where unk(x) is the periodic part of the Bloch wave and Blount (1959) and Blount (1962). They are re-
function nk(x) = eik ? xunk(x) and n is the band index. derived in Chang and Niu (1995, 1996) and Sundaram
228 Spin Hall Effect

and Niu (1999) using time-dependent variational et al., 2000; Taguchi et al., 2001; Jungwirth et al., 2002)
principle and investigated in the context of the Berry including first-principles calculations for SrRuO3
phase. We note that when there is a band degeneracy (Fang et al., 2003), thin film Sr1  xCaxRuO3 (Mathieu
for every wavevector k, for example, as a result of et al., 2004), bcc Fe (Yao et al., 2004), thin film Mn5Ge3
symmetry such as Kramers degeneracy, the above (Zeng et al., 2006), and CuCr2Se4  xBrx (Yao et al.,
formalism is modified accordingly (Murakami et al., 2007). In some cases, a quantitative agreement has
2003; Culcer et al., 2005b). The wavepacket consists of been reached as a function of parameters such as
the degenerate wave functions composition x, the magnetization M, or the tempera-
Z ture T. Meanwhile, apart from such intrinsic terms
X calculated from the first-principles calculation, an
jw i ¼ ddkaðk;t Þ i ðk;t Þji i ð6Þ
i extrinsic term coming from impurities always exists,
and it depends on whether the intrinsic terms
where jii (i = 1,. . .,N) denote the degenerate Bloch
wave functions and N is the degeneracy of the con-
To see what the field Bn(k) is like and how we can
sidered states. The Berry connection and curvature
enhance this field, we rewrite the formula as follows:
should then be replaced from U(1) to SU(N). The
resulting EOMs for x and k are similar to        
X nkqH mk  mkqH nk
qk qk
Equations (4) and (5), with Bn(k) replaced by the Bn ðkÞ ¼ i ð8Þ
mð6¼nÞ ðEn ðkÞ – Em ðkÞÞ2
matrix element of the SU(N) Berry curvature sand-
wiched by the vector i. In the course of propagation, where we assumed that the energy spectrum has no
the components i can change, and this propagation degeneracy. This formula shows that the Berry phase is
also involves the Berry connection. a multiband effect, and it vanishes when there is only
These EOMs, Equations (4) and (5), can be used one band. We note that it is straightforward to extend
for calculating the Hall conductivity. For 2D systems, this formula to a spectrum with degeneracy; the gauge
for example, the Hall conductivity xy in a clean field becomes non-Abelian (Wilczek and Zee, 1984).
system is calculated from Equations (4) and (5) as Because this formula has a square of energy difference
Z in its denominator, Bn(k) becomes large, when two
e2 X
xy ¼ – d2 k nF ð"n ðkÞÞBnz ðkÞ ð7Þ energy spectra come close. In particular, when two
2h n BZ
bands touch (i.e., are degenerate) at a certain wavevec-
where nF("n(k)) is the Fermi distribution function for tor k, B(k) can diverge. We note that degeneracy does
the nth band, and the integral is over the entire not necessarily mean divergence of Bn(k). For example,
Brillouin zone. This formula agrees with the result when the HamiltonianPnear the degeneracy point is
from the Kubo formula in a bare vertex diagram. In expressed as H ðkÞ ¼ a¼x;y;z a ka , like the massless
this sense, this formula represents the intrinsic contri- Dirac fermions, Bn(k) diverges and has a monopole or
bution, which does not rely upon impurity scattering. antimonopole, while it does not when P only two com-
In reality, there are also extrinsic contributions coming ponents are involved as in H ðkÞ ¼ a¼x;y a ka .
from impurity scattering, which should be evaluated
separately. Given the Hamiltonian, the vector field Intrinsic SHE in p-Type
Bn(k) is calculable, and we can get the intrinsic Hall
conductivity, as in the ab initio calculation of the AHE
(Fang et al., 2003; Yao et al., 2004). This Hall effect In cubic p-type semiconductors with diamond struc-
comes not only from the states on the Fermi level but ture (e.g., Si, Ge) or zincblende structure (e.g., GaAs,
also from all the occupied states. We note that this InSb), the valence band consists of two doubly-
formula can be recast into a sum of a quantized part degenerate bands called heavy-hole (HH) and
and a part which comes from the states on the Fermi light-hole (LH) bands (Kittel, 1987). These two
energy (Haldane, 2004). When the Fermi energy lies in bands are degenerate at the -point (k = 0). They
a gap, the extrinsic contribution vanishes and the consist of the three p-orbitals, px, py, pz, with spin up
intrinsic one (7) can be shown to be quantized in a and down. In the presence of the relativistic SO
unit of e2/h, which explains the integer QHE (Thouless coupling, these six states are split into fourfold
et al., 1982; Kohmoto, 1985). This formula was also degenerate S = 3/2 states and twofold degenerate
applied to the AHE in ferromagnetic metals (Matl S = 1/2 states. Here, S denotes the total angular
et al., 1998; Ye et al., 1999; Chun et al., 2000; Ohgushi momentum of the atomic orbital, obtained through
Spin Hall Effect 229

the coupling of the orbital angular momentum l and 1 qE

ẋ ¼ þ k̇  B
ðkÞ; hk̇ ¼ eE ð11Þ
the spin angular momentum s. The second-order h qk
perturbation in the k ? p results in the effective Because we are considering holes, the sign of the
Hamiltonian near k = 0: charge has been changed. By straightforward calcula-
X y tion, we get B
ðkÞ ¼
2 – 7=2Þk=k3 . This has a
Ĥ0 ¼ c;k H ðkÞ c;k
k form of the field radiated isotropically from a mono-
"  # pole at k = 0. The reason why the monopole is at k = 0
h2 5 X is because the HH and the LH bands are degenerate at
2 2 i 2
H ðkÞ ¼ 1 þ 2 k – 2 2 ki ðS Þ ð9Þ
2m 2 i k = 0. When we apply a uniform electric field E(x) = E
X independent of time, we can write down the EOM for
– 2 3 ki kj ðS i S j þ S j S i Þ k and x representing the time evolution. When we
solve the equations analytically, the trajectory in the
where k = (kx, ky, kz), S = (Sx, Sy, Sz), and k = jkj. We x-space is shown as in Figure 3. Due to the anomalous
changed the sign of the energy in order that the energy velocity, the motion of the holes is deflected from an
of the hole be positive. 1, 2, and 3 are called otherwise straight motion along k (dashed line). Here,
Luttinger parameters, for example, GaAs has the values we only show the trajectory in the direction perpen-
1 = 6.98, 2 = 2.06, and 3 = 2.93 (Vurgaftman et al., dicular to E. The shift of the motion is opposite for the
2001). S = (Sx, Sy, Sz) are the spin-3/2 matrices. opposite signs of the helicity
, referring to whether
Strictly speaking, the zincblende structure has also the spin S and the wavevector k are parallel or anti-
odd-order terms in k, due to structural inversion-sym- parallel. This means that the shift is the opposite for
metry breaking (Kittel, 1987). These terms are usually the opposite spin (Figure 3). This shift amounts to the
very small and often neglected. SHE. By summing up this shift over all the occupied
In many semiconductors 2 and 3 are of similar states of holes, one obtains the spin current as
order, and are often considered to be equal ( 2 = 3) (Murakami et al., 2003)
for simplicity. With this approximation, the jji ¼ s "ijl El ð12Þ
Hamiltonian becomes

h2 5
H ðkÞ ¼ 1 þ 2 k2 – 2 2 ðk?SÞ2 ð10Þ
2m 2
This approximation is called spherical approxima- Helicity:
tion, because it restores spherical symmetry, while a 1.4
calculation without it is also possible (Bernevig et al., k FL kH
F λ = ± 3/2
0 HH
2004). This Hamiltonian is theoretically easy to –EF
Energy, E (eV)

handle, because the helicity defined as

¼ –0.1 λ = ± 1/2
becomes a good quantum number. This amounts to LH
taking the spin quantization axis to be kb= k/k. The –0.2
eigenvalues of
H ¼ 3=2 and
L ¼ 1=2 for
HH and LH bands, respectively. The corresponding –0.3
1 – 2 2 2 2 SO
eigenenergies are EH ¼ h k (HH band) and
2m –0.4
1 þ 2 2 2 2
EL ¼ h k (LH band). The band structure is –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
schematically shown in Figure 2. Each eigenvalue is Wave number k(nm–1)
doubly degenerate, due to the Kramers theorem Figure 2 Schematic band structure for GaAs. CB, HH,
based on the time-reversal symmetry. LH, and SO represent the conduction, heavy-hole, light-
We begin with a semiclassical description of the hole, and split-off bands, respectively. This figure is an
approximate one, and in reality the cubic structure induces
SHE, and apply it to the p-type semiconductors
an anisotropy for the band dispersions depending on the
(Murakami et al., 2003). The semiclassical EOM for direction of k. In addition, the absence of the inversion
the position x involves an anomalous velocity. The symmetry in the zincblende structure induces k-linear
semiclassical EOM reads as terms, which are small and neglected here.
230 Spin Hall Effect

λ >0 of the s-orbitals. On the other hand, in high-mobility

2D electron gas (2DEG), structural inversion-
asymmetry (SIA) due to the heterostructure induces
Spin λ <0 the so-called Rashba SO coupling. The Hamiltonian
is approximated as
H ðkÞ ¼ H0 ðkÞ þ HR ðkÞ ð14Þ
k E
h2 k2
Figure 3 Trajectory of holes from the semiclassical
H0 ðkÞ ¼ ð15Þ
equation of motion with Berry-phase terms. This is a
projection on the plane perpendicular to the electric field E. HR ðkÞ ¼
R ð  kÞz ¼
R ðx ky – y kx Þ ð16Þ
The direction of the transverse shift of the trajectory is the i
opposite to each other depending on the sign of the helicity. where  is the Pauli matrix. The second term is called
The transverse shift of the trajectory is to the opposite the Rashba term (Rashba, 1960; Bychkov and Rashba,
direction, depending on the sign of the helicity
= bk?S. The 1984), representing the SO coupling. The coupling
bold gray arrows represent the direction of spin S. constant
can be experimentally determined, and
can be controlled by the gate voltage (Nitta et al.,
with 1997). The Rashba coupling is of the order
e H L (0.5–1)  1011 eVm for InGaAs/InAlAs heterostruc-
s ¼ 3kF – kF ð13Þ
122 ture (Nitta et al., 1997). Its eigenenergies are given by
which is of the form of (1). Here kH L
F and kF are the h2 k2
Fermi wave numbers for the HH and LH bands, "s ¼ þ s
R k ðs ¼ Þ ð17Þ
respectively. Nominal values of the SHC for
p-GaAs are of the similar order of magnitude as the with eigenstates
conductivity at room temperature (Murakami et al., !
1 ik?x isk – =k
2003). In GaAs, the energy difference of the two ks ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi e ð18Þ
2V 0
bands is larger than the room temperature, and the
effect can, in principle, survive even at room tem- where V is the area of the system, and k = kx  iky.
perature. This intrinsic mechanism of the SHE and The dispersion and the spin directions for the two
other related phenomena have been studied bands are shown in Figure 4.
(Bernevig et al., 2004; Dai et al., 2006; Jiang et al., In n-type semiconductors with zincblende struc-
2005; Kleinert and Bryksin, 2006; Luttinger, 1956; ture, there is another type of the SO coupling in 2D.
Ma and Liu, 2006a,b; Zarea and Ulloa, 2006; The bulk inversion asymmetry (BIA) induces
Kravchenko and Tsoi, 2007, 2008; Lou and Xiang, Dresselhaus coupling of the form (Dresselhaus, 1955)
2005; Raichev, 2007; Wang and Zhang, 2005).
We note that this calculation is based on the HD ¼
D ðkx x – ky y Þ ð19Þ
semiclassical theory. In quantum mechanics the velo- The ratio between Rashba and Dresselhaus terms can
city and the spin are not commutable, and thus be experimentally determined through photocurrent
cannot be determined simultaneously. Therefore, measurements of the spin-galvanic effect (Ganichev
the above picture that a hole with definite spin is et al., 2002, 2004). For an InAs quantum-well (QW),
traveling with a definite velocity is not valid. the ratio
D = 2.15 was obtained (Ganichev et al.,
Moreover, in reality, impurities will scatter the 2004). For an InGaAs QW, in a weak antilocalization
holes traveling along the trajectory. These effects experiment, the ratio
D = 1.5–1.7 is obtained
should be taken into account, and will be discussed (Knap et al., 1996), while k ? p calculation suggests
in the subsequent sections.
D = 1.85 (Pfeffer and Zawadzki, 1999). The total
Hamiltonian reads as Rashba Model for n-Type h2 k2

Semiconductors H0 þ HR þ HD ¼ þ
R x ky – y kx
D x kx – y ky ð20Þ
In n-type semiconductors with diamond or zincble-
nde structure, the SO coupling is small. This is Sinova et al. (2004) applied the Kubo formula to
because the conduction bands (CBs) consist mainly this Rashba Hamiltonian. For this procedure, they
Spin Hall Effect 231

2006; Li and Shen, 2007; Shen, 2004; Shen et al., 2005,
2004; Sinitsyn et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2006a; Wang and
Vasilopoulos, 2007; Winkler, 2003; Zhou et al., 2008; Li
et al., 2005; Lipparini and Barranco, 2007; Lucignano
et al., 2008; Miah, 2006; Rashba, 2004a, 2005; Schulz
and Trimper, 2008; Sensharma and Mandal, 2006;
py Shen, 2005; Song et al., 2006b; Wang et al., 2008,
2006d; Zhang and Shen, 2008; Dimitrova, 2005).

Figure 4 Dispersion of the Rashba model and the spin Impurity Scattering Effect
directions of the eigenstates Sinova et al. (2004).
In this section, we explain various studies on the
effects of impurity scatterings on SHE. The extrinsic
defined the spin current jzy to be a symmetrized SHE has been studied in several methods, partially in
1 qH order to examine to what extent the experimental
product of the spin sz and the velocity vy ¼ ,
h qky reports can be accounted for by the extrinsic
namely mechanism. Before going into details, we note that
  the impurity scattering effect on the SHE is similar to
1 h h2 ky z that on the AHE (Crépieux and Bruno, 2001). What
jyz ¼ v y ; z ¼  ð21Þ
2 2 2m has been established in the AHE is as follows. The
To calculate the SHC, we calculate the correlation impurity effects are classified into the skew scattering
function between the spin current jzy and the charge (SS) and the side jump (SJ). First, the SO coupling at
current jx defined as the impurity gives rise to a left–right asymmetry at
  the scattering, as is known as Mott scattering. This
e qH hkx
R y mechanism of the AHE is called as the SS
jx ¼ – evx ¼ – ¼ –e –  ð22Þ
h qkx m h (Figure 6(a)). Second, the impurity potential in the
where the electron charge is taken to be e = jej. By Hamiltonian gives rise to an additional anomalous
using the Kubo formula for the bare bubble diagram in term to the velocity. It gives an SJ of the electron
Figure 5 representing the intrinsic SHE, the resulting trajectory at the scattering event, without changing
is zyx = zxy = e/8, which is independent of the the direction of the particle away from the scattering
Rashba coupling
. The Rashba term in Equation center (Berger, 1970; Figure 6(b)). These two con-
(16) can be regarded as a k-dependent effective tributions, SS and SJ, sum up to give an extrinsic
Zeeman field Beff =
(ẑ  k). In equilibrium the spins AHE. In the Kubo formula, the SS and SJ correspond
are pointing either parallel or antiparallel to Beff for to Figures 7(d) and 7(c), respectively, whereas the
the lower and upper bands, respectively. An external self-energy correction (Figure 7(b)) may be
electric field Ejjx̂ changes the wavevectors k of Bloch regarded as the correction to the intrinsic SHE
wave functions, and Beff also changes accordingly. The (Figure 7(a)). The situation for the SHE well resem-
spins will then precess around Beff, and tilt to the z- bles that for the AHE, and we use the same
direction, depending on the sign of ky. This appears as terminology as in the AHE. The readers are also
the SHE, and the SHC is calculated to be e/8, in referred to the papers focusing on some new aspects
agreement with the Kubo formula. We also note that of disorder effects (Hankiewicz and Vignale, 2006;
the same result was obtained by the functional integral Tserkovnyak et al., 2007).
method (Rebei and Heinonen, 2006). In addition, var-
ious aspects of the SHE in Rashba-type models have Spin-independent impurities
been studied (Bryksin and Kleinert, 2006; Bernevig, There are many works on the calculation of the SHC
2005; Chang, 2005; Cheche, 2006; Cheche and Barna, in the presence of impurities. The most studied case
is the system with randomly distributed impurities
with -function potential:
jj jk
V ðxÞ ¼ V ðx – xi Þ ð23Þ
Figure 5 Diagram for calculating the intrinsic SHC. i
232 Spin Hall Effect

(a) Impurity (b) Impurity Spin


Figure 6 Schematic of (a) side-jump and (b) skew scattering at an impurity.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

jji jk jji jk jji jk jji jk

jji jk jj i jk jji jk

Figure 7 The calculation of the SHC. (a) bare vertex, (b) self-energy corrections, (c) vertex corrections (side-jump), and
(d) skew scattering.

One can include an effect of the self-energy In Krotkov and Das Sarma (2006), the Rashba
broadening 1/ by disorder (Schliemann and Loss, model with an arbitrary form of (spin independent)
2004, 2005) (Figure 7(b)). In both Rashba and kinetic term is considered, and it is found that the
Luttinger models, the intrinsic SHE is gradually cancelation of the SHC is specific to the quadratic
 2 2
reduced as is decreased from 1. In the clean h k
limit, the SHC reproduces its intrinsic value. In the form of the kinetic term. In Dimitrova
Rashba model, the characteristic energy scales are (2004b) and Chalaev and Loss (2005), in particular,
the Rashba energy "R ¼ m
R =h2 and the Fermi it is argued that because the conventional definition
energy " ; the SHC is reduced when h= exceeds
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F of spin current (21) is proportional to S_ y , its expecta-
"R "F . In the Luttinger model, the SHC is reduced tion value is physically expected to vanish in the
when h= exceeds "SO, which is the energy splitting steady state: hjyz i  hS_ y i ¼ 0: In an explicit form,
between the LH and HH bands at the Fermi energy. the spin current in the Rashba model is written as
Subsequently, Inoue et al. (2003, 2004) found an
important result. They assumed dilutely distributed hky z 1 1 y
jyz ¼ ¼ ½H ;y  ¼ – s_ ð24Þ
impurities with a -function potential and took the 2m 4im
R 2m

clean limit. In a clean limit, they obtained a vertex- which is roughly because the SO term is linear in k
correction contribution (Figure 7(c))  e/8 to the (Dimitrova, 2004b; Chalaev and Loss, 2005). The
SHC, exactly canceling the intrinsic value e/8. In vanishing of the SHC can be shown rigorously
addition, subsequent papers found that the SHC using the Keldysh formalism (Sugimoto et al., 2006).
vanishes even for finite and for long-range impurity Using the Keldysh formalism, one can show that the
potential (Mishchenko et al., 2004; Dimitrova, 2004b; time derivative O_ of an arbitrary operator O, which is
Chalaev and Loss, 2005; Khaetskii, 2006; Raimondi and independent of k, x, time t, and frequency !, has a
Schwab, 2005; Rashba, 2004b; Mal’shukov and Chao, vanishing expectation value in the steady state,
2005; Liu and Lei, 2004, 2005c,a,b; Sugimoto et al., 2006; _ = 0 even with a general form of the impurity
Krotkov and Das Sarma, 2006). In Raimondi and (Sugimoto et al., 2006). We note that a system with
Schwab (2005), the SHC is calculated for weak disorder Dresselhaus and Rashba terms also satisfies the simi-
R pF  "F , with general form of impurity lar relationship
potential. For weak disorder, we can evaluate the SHC
within the Born approximation and ladder summation 1 d
jyz ¼ ð
R s y –
D s x Þ ð25Þ
for vertex corrections. It is found that the SHC is zero. 2mð
2D –
2R Þ dt
Spin Hall Effect 233

and its SHC vanishes for general impurity potential Long-range impurity potential will give an extrinsic
for finite (Liu and Lei, 2005c). term, which has an opposite sign and a bit smaller
In the calculation of linear response such as the compared with the intrinsic one; thus, is the extrinsic
SHC, the Keldysh formalism is equivalent to the piece due to long-range impurity potential makes the
Kobo formula calculation. Nevertheless, the SHC smaller (Liu and Lei, 2005a,b). The Keldysh
Keldysh formalism can sometimes give us a clearer formalism is used for more generalized cases in the
physical picture for transport properties. In addition, Rashba model and related models (Liu and Lei, 2004,
the Keldysh formalism is suitable for calculating 2005a,b,c; Sugimoto et al., 2006).
time- and space-dependent properties. For example, One may wonder whether the SHE vanishes in
in Mishchenko et al. (2004), the Keldysh formalism is other systems, and there remain some controversies
used to derive diffusion equation for the spin and in this respect. After debates on the vanishing of
charge in the two-probe geometry. The impurity the SHC for finite , has now been reached consensus
potential is assumed to be of the -function form. that the SHE vanishes in the Rashba model with
The resulting diffusion equation describes the SHE, -function impurities in the clean limit (Inoue et al.,
the spin relaxation, and diffusion in a unified way. It 2003, 2004) and even for finite (Mishchenko et al.,
is found that the spin Hall current appears only near 2004; Dimitrova, 2004b; Chalaev and Loss, 2005;
the electrodes, whereas the bulk spin Hall current Khaetskii, 2006; Raimondi and Schwab, 2005; Liu
vanishes irrespective of the lifetime (Mishchenko and Lei, 2004; Sugimoto et al., 2006; Nomura et al.,
et al., 2004), in accordance with the vanishing SHC by 2005a; Sheng et al., 2005a) or for finite-ranged impu-
the Kubo formula. In the calculation, some approx- rities (Inoue et al., 2004; Khaetskii, 2006; Raimondi
imation is used based on an assumption that EF is and Schwab, 2005; Liu and Lei, 2004). Here, we note
much larger than the SO coupling  and the self- that the Rashba model is exceptional, in that the SHE
energy broadening 1: EF  , EF  1.
vanishes rather accidentally, namely because the spin
To analyze the origin of the vanishing SHC in the
current operator jzy is proportional to s_ y ¼ i½H ;s y 
Rashba model, several works have been done without
(Shekhter et al., 2005; Dimitrova, 2004b; Chalaev
such approximation. In the Keldysh formalism, the
and Loss, 2005; Rashba, 2004b; Liu and Lei, 2005c).
density matrix is calculated using the quantum
In fact, one can check that the SHE does not vanish
Boltzmann equation in the electric field E. The
for other models in general (Murakami, 2004;
resulting density matrix contains several terms linear
Bernevig and Zhang, 2004; Liu and Lei, 2005a,b;
in the electric field E. Some of such linear terms are
Krotkov and Das Sarma, 2006); for example, when
proportional to the Fermi distribution function nF("),
the Rashba model is generalized, to have a higher-
while the others are proportional to dnF/d". The
former terms stem from interband matrix elements order term in k in the Rashba coupling (Murakami,
of the (spin) current operators, and correspond to 2004) or to deviate the band dispersion from para-
intrinsic contributions, while the latter terms repre- bolic to a more general one (Krotkov and Das Sarma,
sent intraband matrix elements, leading to extrinsic 2006), the SHC no longer vanishes. In addition, there
contributions. In the study by Liu and Lei (2004), the are some models where the vertex correction does
range of the impurity potential is finite, and the self- not cancel the intrinsic value (Liu and Lei, 2005a,b),
energy broadening is ignored, and the vanishing or even vanishes by symmetry (Murakami, 2004;
SHC has been concluded. Later, this result is gener- Bernevig and Zhang, 2004). Magnetic impurities
alized by considering also the self-energy broadening also make the SHC to be nonvanishing, where the
(Sugimoto et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2006a). In Liu and exchange coupling between magnetic impurities and
Lei (2005c) the system with Dresselhaus and Rashba itinerant electrons can be isotropic (Inoue et al., 2006)
terms is analyzed on the same assumptions, and again or anisotropic (Wang et al., 2007). The SHC depends
zero SHC is concluded. On the other hand, the cubic on the anisotropy of the magnetic interaction (Wang
Rashba model is also investigated on the same et al., 2007) or on the amount of magnetic impurities
assumptions, which gives nonvanishing SHC (Liu when both magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities
and Lei, 2005a,b). The extrinsic term has the same coexist (Inoue et al., 2006). We note that in this case
sign and its magnitude is somewhat smaller than the the SHC does not vanish even in the clean limit. In
intrinsic value 9e/8. In the case of the Luttinger the 2D hole gas (2DHG) models such as the cubic
model, on the other hand, the -function impurities Rashba model, the vertex correction vanishes for
will have no effect on the SHC (Murakami, 2004). -function impurities (Bernevig and Zhang, 2005).
234 Spin Hall Effect

P i
A Boltzmann-type equation can also be used to be short ranged: V ðrÞ ¼ V Ni¼1 ðx – xi Þ, where Ni
study impurity scattering with arbitrary angular is the number of impurities. For each disorder con-
dependence (Shytov et al., 2006). We consider a 2D figuration, they calculate the eigenstates
system numerically and put them into the Kubo formula.
The treatment of the small imaginary part of the
H ¼ "k – bðkÞ? þ V ðxÞ ð26Þ frequency  in the Kubo formula requires care. In
the linear response theory of the Kubo formula, the
where k = (kx, ky) and b(k) represents the SO  controls the speed of adiabatic switching of the
coupling. We note that b(k) = b(k) required by external electric field. In a calculation of longitudi-
time-reversal symmetry. It is assumed that nal charge conductivity, in order to absorb energy
from the external electromagnetic field, the level
bz ¼ 0; bx þ iby ¼ b0 ðkÞeiN  ð27Þ
spacing of the system, , should be much smaller
where kx + iky = ke . Since the result is also affected than  (Imry, 1997):   . We can expect that
by the behavior of b0(k) and the energy dispersion "k similar argument applies to the SHE. In Nomura
near the Fermi energy, we write et al. (2005b), the SHC is calculated for various
system sizes, where the relationship    is
q" 1þ
jb0 j _ kN̂ ; vk ¼ _k ð28Þ retained. Bulk quantity is obtained by extrapolating
to  ! + 0. For the k-linear Rashba model, the
near the Fermi energy. These three exponents, N, Ñ, extrapolation seems to suggest s  0 within numer-
and , characterize the intrinsic SHE. For 2D elec- ical error. On the other hand, for the cubic Rashba
tron system on a (100) surface of a III–V model and the modified Rashba model, s in the
semiconductor, we have = 0 and Ñ = 1. bulk is extrapolated to be nonzero. It is also found
Furthermore, N = 1 corresponds to the pure that the variation of the s by changing disorder
Rashba term, and N = 1 to the pure (linear-k) configuration is much larger than the average
Dresselhaus term. The 2D hole system with the value of s.
cubic Rashba term is represented as N = Ñ = 3 and The tight-binding counterpart of the Rashba
= 0. Here, the direct SO term
 ? (k  rV) is model is numerically studied (Sheng et al., 2005a).
neglected because the constants
and  are, in The model is represented by a tight-binding
principle, independent. This gives vanishing result Hamiltonian with Rashba SO coupling on a square
for the pure Rashba system or the pure Dresselhaus lattice:
system (N = 1). For 2D hole system, for example, X y
the SHC is different from that for the isotropic H ¼ H TB þ "i ci ci ð30Þ
scattering potential (Shytov et al., 2006). The order
of magnitude for the SHC observed in the spin- where HTB represents the nearest-neighbor tight-
LED experiment by Wunderlich et al. (2005) seems binding Hamiltonian with the Rashba coupling
consistent with the value predicted here. (Ando model (Ando, 1989)), and "i is set to be a
Numerical studies based on the Kubo formula random variable within [W/2, W/2] when disorder
have also been carried out. An earlier numerical effect is considered. In Sheng et al. (2005a), the
calculation for the Rashba model (Nomura et al., authors apply the Laughlin’s gauge argument
2005a) suggested that the SHC is finite for weak (Laughlin, 1981) to relate the SHC to the carried
disorder for finite systems. Nevertheless, it has been spins during insertion of a flux quantum into a hole
superseded by a later paper (Nomura et al., 2005b, of the system, which is periodic only along one direc-
2006). In the latter paper (Nomura et al., 2005b) tion (see also Figure 27). This flux insertion
three models are studied – the (k-linear) Rashba corresponds to the twisting of the phase in the
model, the k-cubic Rashba model, and a modified boundary condition. The energy spectrum, shown
Rashba model: as a function of boundary phases, shows anticrossings
between energy levels, from which the authors con-
h2 k2
H¼ þ
k2 ðx ky – y kx Þ ð29Þ clude that there is no spin transfer across the sample
during flux insertion, resulting in the vanishing SHC.
The calculation is based on the Kubo  formula with Nevertheless, it is not clear whether the gapless
ji ¼ ðe=hÞqH =qki ; jyz ¼ h– 1 qH =qky ;sz =2, where system like the Rashba model can be treated within
sz ¼ ðh=2Þz . The disorder potential is assumed to the Laughlin’s gauge argument to calculate the SHC.
Spin Hall Effect 235

Numerical calculation for Luttinger model using where

represents the strength of the SO coupling
Kubo formula has been performed as well (Chen and V represents the impurity potential. In a vacuum,
et al., 2005b). Eigenstates for each disorder config- the free-electron value for
2c/4, where
uration are calculated, and the SHC is calculated
c = h/(mec) = 3.8  103Å, the Compton wavelength.
through the Kubo formula with i = 0. The spin The key issue here is a large enhancement (106) of
current operator jxy ¼ fvx ; s y g is defined as an j
j in a solid like GaAs (Berger, 1970; Engel et al., 2005;
anticommutator between the spin and the velocity, Tse and Das Sarma, 2006), and the sign is changed
as adopted before. Even in the pure system without (Engel et al., 2005). Because the intrinsic SHE is a
disorder, the resultant SHC largely fluctuates as a multiband effect, the SHE of this single-band
function of EF when the system is not sufficiently Hamiltonian is only due to the extrinsic one. This
large, and the fluctuation becomes much larger Hamiltonian is studied using the Boltzmann equation
when the disorder is introduced. Instead of increas- (Engel et al., 2005). The scattering cross section d/d
ing the system size to suppress the fluctuation, in is spin dependent due to the SO coupling. By omitting
Chen et al. (2005b), averaging over the twisted the details of the calculation, the solution of the
boundary condition reduces the fluctuation effec- Boltzmann equation for the 2  2 distribution function
tively, leading to quantitative estimate for the f̂(k) in the spin space is (Engel et al., 2005)
SHC and its width due to disorder. By increasing h i
EF from the band bottom (EF =  3.5), the SHC fˆðkÞ ¼ f0 ðkÞ1̂ þ k? E þ ð  EÞ ð32Þ
increases from zero to 4.2e/8. By fixing EF in
2.27 EF 2.07 as an example, the SHC is where X kF is the transport skewness at the Fermi
around 3:5 8e for the pure system, and it is almost level. The spin Hall current due to SS is calculated
unchanged for weak disorder up to W 2t. For from this fˆ(k), and the corresponding SHC is
stronger disorder, the SHC gradually decreases but h
remains nonzero up to around W  Wc, the critical SS
s ¼ – xx ð33Þ
strength of the Anderson localization. This behavior
The SJ term is
is different from that of the Rashba model, where
the SHC vanishes for the disorder strength SJ
s ¼ n
e ð34Þ
much weaker than the Anderson localization. On
the other hand, the width s has a prominent Thus, the SS becomes more dominant over the SJ as
e the system becomes cleaner. For the n-type GaAs in
peak s 15 at around W  t, and it gradually experiments by Kato et al. (2004), the transport skew-
decreases when the disorder becomes stronger. ness is evaluated to be  1/900. The calculated SHC
1 1 1 1
System-size dependence becomes much weaker for is SJ
yx = 0.8  m and SJ yx = 1.7  m . Here, we
2t, suggesting that there is a characteristic take the unit of SHC as that of the charge conductivity
length scale which decreases with increasing W by multiplying e/h. The total SHC is total yx = 0.9  ,
(Chen et al., 2005b). Various other aspects of the which reproduces well the order of magnitude for the
impurity effects are studied (Arii et al., 2007; experimental value total
yx = 0.5  (Kato et al., 2004).
Bleibaum, 2005, 2006; Engel et al., 2007; Hu and We note that the sign of the above experimental value
Huang, 2006; Lin et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2007b; Liu is somewhat uncertain. Considering that the two con-
and Lei, 2006; Liu et al., 2006b; Maytorena et al., tributions have opposite signs, together with a number
2006a,b; Rashba, 2004b; Sinitsyn et al., 2006; Wang of approximations made in this theoretical evaluation,
and Li, 2008; Xing et al., 2008; Xiong et al., 2006; the definite sign of the total SHC cannot be determined
Mal’shukov and Chu, 2007; Dimitrova, 2004b). within this theory at the present stage.
The extrinsic SHE is also studied in the Green’s
function method (Tse and Das Sarma, 2006). The SO coupling modified by velocity operator is
Because the SO coupling is of the form (  rV) ? k, i 1 e 
v ¼ ½H ; x  ¼ hk – A –
ð  rV ðxÞÞ ð35Þ
the impurity potential gives an additional term. The h m c
Hamiltonian is the simple one-band Hamiltonian: while the spin current operator is given as
h2 k2 1 1  e 
H¼ –
ð  rV ðxÞÞ?k þ V ðxÞ ð31Þ js ¼ fsz ; vg ¼ hk – A z –
ðẑ  rV ðxÞÞ ð36Þ
2m 2 2m c
236 Spin Hall Effect

The diagrams contributing to the SHE are shown in is studied with the Kubo formula. By including ver-
Figure 7. These diagrams are classified into the SJ and tex corrections, the SS vanishes and the SJ
the SS in the similar way as in the AHE (Crépieux and contribution is reduced to
Bruno, 2001). The spin current operator has a term
involving V(x), which gives rise to the SJ (Figure 7(c)). SJ
s ¼ e
n=2 ð40Þ
The other contribution comes from the impurity term which is a half of the value (37) where the SO
V(x) itself in the Hamiltonian, corresponding to the SS coupling of the impurities is neglected. This remains
(Figure 7(d)). The resulting formula is true when
R ! 0, meaning that the resulting SHC
R ! 0 is a half of the value at
R = 0. Thus, the
s ¼ e
n ð37Þ
SHC is nonanalytic at
R = 0 (Tse and Sarma, 2006).
for the SJ and The cubic Rashba model is treated in the same way.
( In accordance with the previous results on the intrin-
1=3 :3D sic SHE, the vertex correction vanishes, and the
s ¼ – 4e
"F =h ð38Þ
1=2 :2D result is additive in the lowest order for the intrinsic
and extrinsic parts (Tse and Sarma, 2006). This ana-
for the SS. The ratio between the two contributions is
lysis shows a rather peculiar feature of the (linear)
SJ =SS  ðh= Þ="F which is smaller for cleaner sam- Rashba model.
ples. For  1013–1012s and "F  1–10 meV, for We note that the same problem is studied in Hu
example, they are of the same order. et al. (2006) with the Boltzmann transport theory. The
For 3D n-type semiconductors, the resulting value of results look somewhat different from the Kubo for-
1 1 1 1
the SHC is SJs = 0.75  m andpffiffiffiSJ
s 6  m mula results (Tse and Sarma 2006). It is not usually
with nominal values of parameters: 2
¼ 4:7Å, n = 3 easy to trace the reason for the difference in the
 1016 cm3, and xx = 3  103 1m 1. The sum is results with Kubo formula and Boltzmann transport
s = 5.2 1 m1. It reproduces the order of magnitude theory. Nevertheless, one of the reasons may lie in
for the experimental value 0.7 1m 1, obtained in an the fact that in Hu et al. (2006) the distribution func-
experiment in Kato et al. (2004), although we took the tion is considered to be diagonal in the chirality basis
simplest model and picked up only the lowest-order jk
i, while it may not be always true when the
diagrams. For 2D p-type semiconductors with the para- external field is present, as studied in Shytov et al.
meters p = 2  1012 cm2 and xx  1.09  1013 1, (2006). The readers are referred also to Hankiewiez
as in the experiments by Wunderlich et al. (2005), and Vignale (2006, 2008), Tse et al. (2005), Cheng and
8 1
the SHC is evaluated as SJ s = 3.10  10  Wu (2008), Chudnovsky (2007), Grimaldi et al.
SS 6 1
and s = 2.72  10  . The total SHC is (2006a), and Sherman et al. (2006) for related subjects.
2.68  106 1. In this case the ratio jSJ SS
s /s j is as
small as 2  10 , because the sample is relatively clean.
The results of Engel et al. (2005) and those in Tse and SHE in the hopping regime
Das Sarma (2006) qualitatively agree with each other. The SHE in strongly disordered systems is governed
When both types of the SO coupling, namely that by hopping conduction. In Beckmann et al. (2005),
of the bulk and that at the impurities, coexist, the Damker et al. (2004), and Entin-Wohlman et al.
problem becomes much more complicated. This (2005), the SO coupling is included in the hopping
problem is studied in Tse and Sarma (2006) for amplitudes, and interference effect between hopping
Rashba and cubic Rashba models, and it was paths is studied. The effect of the SO coupling
revealed that the Rashba model shows a peculiar appears in the third order in hopping amplitudes;
interplay between the intrinsic and the extrinsic for three sites i, l, and m, the interference occurs
parts, whereas in the cubic Rashba model extrinsic between the direct path i ! l and the indirect path
and intrinsic parts are additive in the lowest order. i ! m ! l. Because of this interference, when an
The Rashba Hamiltonian with SO-coupled external electric field is applied, the transverse spin
impurities current calculated as a time derivative of the spin
polarization becomes nonzero. In Beckmann et al.
(2005) and Damker et al. (2004), only the Rashba SO
h2 k2 coupling is studied in terms of the rate equations in
H¼ þ
R ðx ky – y kx Þ þ V ðxÞ –
ð  rV ðxÞÞ?k
2m the Markovian limit. In Entin-Wohlman et al. (2005),
ð39Þ the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO coupling are
Spin Hall Effect 237

included in the hopping amplitudes, and this SHE is Rashba model for a four-terminal geometry was first
proportional to !2, where ! is the frequency of the numerically studied by Bulgakov et al. (1999), prior to
external electric field (Entin-Wohlman et al., 2005). the theoretical proposals of the intrinsic SHE
We note that the way to calculate the spin current as (Murakami et al., 2003; Sinova et al., 2004). In
a time derivative of the spin polarization was adopted Bulgakov et al. (1999), the scattering-wave formalism
in several works (Entin-Wohlman et al., 2005; Shi is applied to the four-terminal (continuum) Rashba
et al., 2006) as discussed in Section model without disorder. For example, without the SO
coupling whose eigenstates are plane waves are
attached to the system. One can calculate the transition Mesoscopic SHE
probabilities that an incoming wave goes into an out-
In this subsection, we discuss various calculations on going wave in other leads. It was numerically obtained
SHE in small systems. This includes (1) the calcula- that a left–right asymmetry occurs in the transmission
tions based on Kubo formula and (2) the calculations probability into the transverse channels, because of the
by the Landauer–Büttiker formalism. We discuss Rashba SO coupling. When the incoming electrons are
these two types of calculations separately. not polarized, the outgoing electrons in the transverse
The Kubo formula calculation for small-size sys- channel are spin polarized, which we can call the SHE.
tems (<100 sites) of 2DEG has been done (Sheng On the other hand, polarized incoming electron gives
et al., 2005a; Moca and Marinescu, 2007a). The result- rise to a transverse voltage, associated as an inverse
ing SHC strongly fluctuates as a function of the SHE (ISHE) (Bulgakov et al., 1999).
Fermi energy EF. Nevertheless, by averaging over This problem was then studied in the four-terminal
the twisting angle in the boundary conditions, the Landauer–Büttiker formalism (Nikolić et al., 2005b;
SHC becomes a smooth function of EF. We note that Sheng et al., 2005b). In this formalism, the authors
this trick has been adopted for numerical calculation used a tight-binding Hamiltonian with Rashba SO
of Hall conductivity in the QHE. As a function of the coupling on a square lattice. The random on-site
system size, the SHC is s  0.48(e/4) for a clean energy, "i, is set to be a random variable within
system, while s for disordered systems exponen- [W/2, W/2] when disorder effect is considered.
tially decays as a function of the system size When we consider a square sample with the size
hsi _ exp(L/s), with a characteristic length s L  L, and attach the leads with no SO coupling at
(Sheng et al., 2005a; Moca and Marinescu, 2007a). the four edges, we can apply the four-terminal
This is consistent with the above-mentioned result Landauer–Büttiker formalism. The current is driven
that the SHC in disordered Rashba models is zero. through the lead 0 to 1 in the inset of Figure 8. Nikolić
In Chen et al. (2005a), the 2DHG is investigated et al. (2005b) and Sheng et al. (2005b) studied systems
numerically with the Kubo formula. The model is a with size up to 100  100. The SHE without any
discretized version of the Luttinger–Rashba model. disorder is studied by changing the system size and the
The SHC is calculated with the Kubo formula in a SO coupling. The SHC with spin along the z-axis, Gz,
finite-size sample, with the imaginary part  set to is of the order of e/4, but not exactly equal to the
zero. In a clean system, the SHC is of the order of universal value e/8 calculated from the Kubo for-
11e/8, as long as the EF is near the band bottom. mula in the clean system. This SHC Gz depends on
When the system size is not large (around L = 20–30), the system size L or the SO interaction VRSO. As the SO
zxy largely fluctuates by changing disorder config- coupling VRSO increases, the SHC increases (Sheng et al.,
uration. This fluctuation is strongly suppressed when 2005b). The SHC with spins along the x-direction,
an average over the twisting angle in the boundary Gx, is also nonzero, which is not the case for the
condition is performed, as in the electron systems. Kubo formula calculation in a system with infinite
The resulting value agrees quite well with a result in size. The spin Hall current for both edges of the
a large system L = 1000; hence, one can regard that sample has the opposite sign for the x- and z-direction.
this averaging over the boundary conditions removes When the size of disorder W is increased, the SHC is
a finite-size effect efficiently. As one introduces the gradually suppressed, and when W  5t the SHC
disorder gradually by changing W, the SHC is mono- becomes vanishingly small. With the system size
tonically suppressed. The SHC almost vanishes L 100, the size dependence of Gx and Gz depends
when W  5t. on the SO interaction. There also arises a spin com-
The Landauer–Büttiker formalism has been applied ponent along the y-direction, and it has the same sign
to many types of systems. In fact, the SHE in the for both edges of the sample. It corresponds to the
238 Spin Hall Effect

W=0 0.0025 G xsH

0.8 W = 1t 0.0000
W = 2t –0.0025 tSO = 0.01to
GsH (e/4π)

0.1 60 × 60

Spin conductance (e/4π)

0.0 0.0
–0.1 G ysp
L –0.2
0 L 1 0.08
y 0.04
–0.8 G zsH
2 0.00
–0.04 EF = –3.8to
–1.2 –0.08
–4 –2 0 2 4
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Fermi energy
Figure 8 Landauer–Büttiker calculation. From Sheng L,
Sheng DN, and Ting CS (2005) Spin-Hall effect in two- Figure 9 Landauer–Büttiker calculation. From Nikolić BK,
dimensional electron systems with Rashba spni–orbit Zârbo LP, and Souma S (2005b) Mesoscopic spin Hall effect
coupling and disorder. Physical Review Letters 94: 016602. in multiprobe ballistic spin–orbit-coupled semiconductor
bridges. Physical Review B 72: 075361.

current-induced spin polarization (CISP) studied the- larger for the 2DHG than that for the 2DEG in
oretically (Edelstein, 1990; Aronov et al., 1991; Inoue general. Nonetheless, they are of the order e/8 and
et al., 2004) and experimentally. A similar system with depend unmonotonically on
and the system size L.
the Rashba coupling also in the leads is studied by An effect of impurity SO coupling is studied by
Wang and Chan (2005). Qualitatively similar results Pareek (2004) in a Y-shaped geometry. Here a charge
with the previous cases of leads without SO coupling current is passed between two terminals, while the
are obtained, whereas the existence of the SO coupling third terminal works as a voltage probe without any
in the leads makes the definition of the spin current charge current. A pure spin current is then produced
somewhat ambiguous (Figure 9). in the third probe, and it can be regarded as a result of
The reciprocal effect of the SHE can be studied an extrinsic SHE.
by the Landauer–Büttiker formalism (Hankiewicz Nonequilibrium spin accumulation has been stu-
et al., 2005a). In the Landauer–Büttiker formalism, died in a two-terminal geometry, namely in a
the lead has no SO coupling, and the spin current is quantum wire geometry (Nikolić et al., 2005a; Wang
uniquely defined, thanks to the spin conservation. et al., 2006b). The Keldysh nonequilibrium Green’s
This conservation of spin automatically ensures the function is combined with the Landauer formalism to
Onsager relation study numerically the spin accumulation. The tight-
xy yx
binding model studied by Ando (1989) is used for the
GSC ¼ – GCS ð41Þ calculation. The spins accumulate at both the edges,
This relationship holds for disorder-averaged con- with their directions along the z-axis and the x-axis
ductances, because its proof uses the inversion opposite for the two edges, in accordance with the
symmetry on the x–y plane (Hankiewicz et al., calculation of the spin current by the Landauer–
2005a). This relationship can be directly checked Büttiker formalism in the previous section (Nikolić
numerically. The 2DEG as well as the 2DHG are et al., 2005b; Sheng et al., 2005b). In Nikolić et al.
studied. The 2DEG is described by the Rashba (2005a), the leads are without the SO coupling,
model, and the 2DHG by a cubic Rashba model whereas in Wang et al. (2006b) the leads include the
p2 i
3 þ 3 – SO coupling in the leads as well, which changes the
H¼ þ ðp  – pþ  Þ, where  = x  iy. spin-dependent scattering between the leads and the
2m 2 –
The resulting SHC (which is equal to the GyxCS) is sample. In Wang et al. (2006b), the spin accumulation
Spin Hall Effect 239

oscillates along the wire, while this feature seems (a) V5

absent in Nikolić et al. (2005a). This might be because Itot = 0
in Wang et al. (2006b) the nonlinear region (strong bias
V3 Itot = 0
voltage eV  EF) is studied whereas the system in Itot = 0
Nikolić et al. (2005a) is closer to the linear region
(weak bias voltage eV  EF). It is also shown that the V1 V2 = 0
spin Hall current can really inject spin into the leads Itot = 1 Itot = –1
(Nikolić et al., 2005a). In contrast, the spin accumula- Itot = 0
tion along the y-axis is the same for the two edges, (b)
resulting from the CISP (Nikolić et al., 2005a; Wang
et al., 2006b).
In Hankiewicz et al. (2004), an H-shaped structure is a0
proposed for a measurement of the SHE through de-
transport properties. This structure follows the same
spirit as the structure proposed by Hirsch (1999); in Figure 10 (a,b) Schematic picture for the H-shaped device
order to measure the spin current due to the SHE, one for detection of the SHE. From Hankiewicz EM, Molenkamp
uses the inverse effect of the SHE to convert the spin LW, Jungwirth T, and Sinova J (2004) Manifestation of the
spin Hall effect through charge-transport in the mesoscopic
current to a voltage signal. In Hankiewicz et al. (2004), regime. Physical Review B 70: 241301.
the device size is set to be of the order of 100 nm, and
one passes the current 10 nA into the lower arm as
shown in Figure 10. When the Rashba coupling
R is Hattori and Okamoto, 2006; Hu et al., 2003c; Huh
changed from 0 to 80 meV nm, the voltage change et al., 2007; Jiang and Hu, 2007; Levitov et al., 1985;
between the voltage probes (10) becomes 2–8 mV as Liu et al., 2007a; Mal’shukov et al., 2007, 2005b; Moca
shown in Figure 11 (Hankiewicz et al., 2004). and Marinescu, 2005, 2007b; Moca et al., 2008; Nikolić
By using the Landauer–Büttiker formalism, the and Zârbo, 2006; Nikolić et al., 2006, 2005c; Ohe et al.,
SHC in a ring geometry is calculated with realistic 2008; Onoda and Nagaosa, 2005a; Pareek, 2007; Qiao
parameters. In Souma and Nikolić (2005), the et al., 2007, 2008; Ren et al., 2006; Reynoso et al., 2006;
Landauer–Büttiker formalism is applied to a meso- Schliemann, 2007; Sheng and Ting, 2006a, b; Souma
scopic ring with Rashba SO coupling with four and Nikolić, 2005; Wu and Zhou, 2005; Xing et al.,
terminals attached. If the ring is smaller than the 2006a, b; Zyuzin et al., 2007; Mal’shukov and Chu,
dephasing length, the SHC is affected by an interfer- 2006; Mal’shukov et al., 2005a; Pershin and Di
ence of two paths, due to the Aharanov–Casher phase Ventra, 2008; Sun et al., 2005; Xing et al., 2007; Zhou
around the ring. Indeed, the SHC has a et al., 2007).
quasi-oscillatory behavior as functions of the Fermi
energy or the Rashba SO coupling. A 1D mesoscopic Experimental Observation of SHE
ring with the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO coupling is
in Semiconductors
studied (Moca and Marinescu, 2005), and similar
oscillatory behavior of the SHC is found as a function The SHE in semiconductors was recently observed
of the SO coupling. Disorder reduces the size of the experimentally (Day, 2005). There are two types of
SHC and the amplitude of the oscillation (Moca and measurements, that is, the KR and the LED, each of
Marinescu, 2005). Nonequilibrium spin accumulation which is reviewed below.
for a 1D mesoscopic ring with Rashba coupling is
studied (Zhang, 2006), and a similar quasi-oscillatory Measurement of SHE in
behavior is observed, depending on whether the beat- semiconductors by KR
ing pattern of the spin accumulation matches with the When the SHE occurs in a semiconductor sample,
ring circumference. There are many other publica- the induced spin current will eventually reach the
tions on the various aspects of the mesoscopic SHE sample edge, and they will accumulate, balancing
to which the readers are referred (Adagideli and with the spin diffusion and spin relaxation. Such
Bauer, 2005; Bardarson et al., 2007; Bellucci and spin accumulation is measured by KR in a series of
Onorato, 2007a,b, 2008; Brusheim and Xu, 2006, experiments by Awschalom et al. (Kato and
2007; Chen et al., 2007; Erlingsson and Loss, 2005, Awschalom, 2008; Sih and Awschalom, 2007). In
2006; Galitski et al., 2006; Hankiewicz et al., 2005b; their experiments, laser beam with linear
240 Spin Hall Effect

L = 90 nm, N1= 36, 4 leads

L = 90 nm, N1= 42, 4 leads
2 L = 120 nm, N1= 42, 4 leads
L = 120 nm, N1= 48, 4 leads

ΔV34(λ) – ΔV34(0) (μV) 100

–2 |ΔV12(λ) – ΔV12(0)|/|ΔV12(0)|

|ΔV (λ) – ΔV(0)|/|ΔV (0)|

10 |ΔV34(λ) – ΔV34(0)|/|ΔV34(0)|


–8 0 20 40 60 80
λ (me V nm)

0 20 40 60 80
λ (meV nm)

Figure 11 Calculated voltage drop between terminals 3 and 4 in the H-shaped device. From Hankiewicz EM, Molenkamp
LW, Jungwirth T, and Sinova J (2004) Manifestation of the spin Hall effect through charge-transport in the mesoscopic regime.
Physical Review B 70: 241301.

polarization, focused to 1 mm size, is incident onto the experimental data. It can also account for the absence
sample, and they measured the rotation angle of the of dependence on crystal orientation. Thus, the
polarization plane upon reflection. The rotation quantitative explanation of the observed SHE is still
angle is proportional to the spin polarization perpen- to be resolved.
dicular to the plane. When a static magnetic field is Further experiments using the spin mapping by the
applied, the magnetization will precess around the KR have been done by the same group. Sih et al. (2005)
magnetic field, and decays as A?ð1=½ð!L s Þ2 þ 1Þ by investigated the SHE and CISP in (110) AlGaAs QWs
the Hanle effect, where !L ¼ gB B=h is the Larmor with various direction of electric field. In the (110)
frequency and s is the spin coherence time. By QW, the Dresselhaus field is perpendicular to the
measuring the field dependence of the angle, one plane, while the Rashba field is in-plane; thereby, the
can determine s. separation between the two fields is possible. For
Kato et al. (2004) observed the SHE in n-type Ejj[001], the CISP due to the Dresselhaus field
semiconductors by measuring spin accumulation at vanishes, and the total CISP is in-plane. Thus, the
the edges of the sample by KR (Bauer, 2004). The CISP is absent in the KR signal, because the KR
spin accumulation is uniformly distributed along both detects the spin component perpendicular to the
the edges, while away from the edges there is no spin plane. Therefore, the out-of-plane spin is accumulated
accumulation, as can be seen from Figure 12. From only at the two edges of the sample. On the other
experimental data they evaluated the amount of spin hand, for other orientations of the electric field such as
accumulation and spin lifetime as a function of an ½110 and ½112, the CISP has an out-of-plane compo-
external magnetic field. The measured SHC is nent, and appears in the whole sample, in addition to
5  103 1 cm1. They concluded the observed the SHE signal at the edges.
SHE to be extrinsic for the following reasons: (1) Sih et al. (2006) also investigated the device with
spin splitting is negligibly small in the sample and (2) side arms, in order to see whether the observed spin
the effect has no dependence on crystal orientation. accumulation at the edges is due to a spin current, or
Nevertheless, Bernevig and Zhang (2004) argued due to other edge effect. The measurement was done
that the observed SHE can be intrinsic, coming from for 3D n-GaAs (2 mm thick) with a Si doping with
the dresselhaus term representing bulk inversion- n = 3  1016 cm3 at T = 30 K. The observed profile
symmetry breaking. They showed that even if the of spin distribution is well fitted by assuming that the
spin splitting due to the Dresselhaus term is negligi- spins are generated through the SHE in the main
bly small, the SHE can be as large as the channel, and flow into the side arm.
Spin Hall Effect 241

ns (a.u.) that the SO interaction is weaker in ZnSe compared

–2 –1 0 1 2 with GaAs, and is encouraging for the applications.
The in-plane CISP in n-type ZnSe is also measured
150 at room temperature (Stern et al., 2006). The spin
accumulation due to the CISP obtained from the
KR is 12 spins mm3 at 20 K, which is comparable to
100 that in n-GaAs, although the SO coupling is con-
sidered to be much weaker in n-ZnSe than in
50 Another interesting recent development is the
time-resolved dynamics of the SHE observed in
Position (μm)

GaAs. By using the electrically pumped time- and

0 space-resolved KR spectroscopy, they could see the
time–space dependence of the spin accumulation
after the voltage pulse (Stern et al., 2008). With the
–50 voltage applied along x-direction, we expect the
spin current to flow along y-direction with the spin
polarization along z-direction, and the spin accu-
–100 mulation of that polarization near the edge at y = L
with L being the half of the dimension of the sample
measured from the center. The dynamics of the spin
–150 density s(y, t) is described by the following equation:
–40 –20 0 20 40 qjyi
qs i s i ðy; t Þ
Position (μm) ðy; t Þ ¼ – ðy; t Þ – þ ðgB =hÞ½B  sðy; t Þi
qt qt
Figure 12 Experimentally observed spatial profile of the ð42Þ
spin accumulation. The electric field is in the vertical
direction. Red and blue represent the opposite directions of where is the spin decoherence time, B is the mag-
the out-of-plane spin polarizations. From Kato YK, Myers netic field, and jiy is the spin current given by
RC, Gossard AC, Awschalom DD (2004) Observation of the jiy = Dqysi  sE i,z. This equation can be solved by
spin Hall effect in semiconductors. Science 306: 1910.
imposing the appropriate boundary condition rele-
vant to the experimental situation, and excellent
agreements between the data and the calculation
Stern et al. (2006) reported the SHE in ZnSe
have been obtained as shown in Figure 13, which
which persists even at room temperature. With the
established the SHE as the origin of the spin accu-
sample of the n-type Cl-doped ZnSe with the car-
mulation near the edge, and also gave a reliable
rier concentration n = 9  1018 cm3, they used the
estimate of various physical quantities as = 4.2 ns
KR spectroscopy, where the the pump-probe tech-
and the spin diffusion length Ls = 3.9 mm.
nique with the normally incident beam focused to a
15 mm spot. The time-resolved KR measurement
determined the spin coherence time of 0.5 ns for Measurement of SHE in
n = 9  1018 cm3. At T = 20 K, the spin density semiconductors by spin LED
peak n0 at the edge of the sample is found to be Wunderlich et al. (2005; Kaestner et al., 2006)
n0 > 16 spins/mm3 under the electric field of observed the SHE in a 2D p-type system, using a
3 mV mm1. With the fitting to solution of the p–n junction LED. They applied an electric field
drift-diffusion equation, the spin diffusion length is across the hole channel, and observed a circular
estimated as Ls = 1.9  0.2 mm at T = 20 K and the polarization of the emitted light, whose sign is oppo-
estimated SHC is s = 3  1.5 1 m1/jej at T = 20. site for the two edges of the channel as shown in
The temperature dependence of s has also been Figure 14. The circular polarization is 1% at max-
measured and even at room temperature s > 0.5 imum. This circular polarization is attributed to the
1 m1/jej. The measured sign and magnitude of recombination of electrons and spin-polarized holes
s is consistent with the extrinsic mechanism (Engel produced at the p-type channel through the SHE.
et al., 2005). This is a surprising result considering They argued that it is near to the clean limit, and the
242 Spin Hall Effect

(a) 0.2 (b) 0.2

Data Model

B (T)

B (T)
0 0

θK (μrad)

–4 8
–0.2 –0.2
0 10 20 0 10 20
t (ns) t (ns)
Figure 13 Experimental setup for the time-resolved measurement of SHE. From Stern NP, Steuerman DW, Mack S,
Gossard AC, and Awschalom DD (2008) Time-resolved dynamics of the spin Hall effect. Nature Physics 4: 843.

obtained SHE is mostly intrinsic. More refined argu- strong SOs (Figure 15). They found it is indepen-
ment, by showing vanishing vertex correction, also dent of the strength of disorder scattering suggesting
supports this conclusion (Bernevig and Zhang, 2005). the intrinsic nature of the effect, and obtained the
Nomura et al. (2005c) studied numerically the SHE- similar phenomenological aspects as compared with
induced edge-spin accumulation in a 2DHG with the experiment (Wunderlich et al., 2005).

(a) Ip

p n
1.5-mm x
CP (%)

channel z –1
LED 2 (b)

9 +Ip 1

1.5 0

0.5 LED 2
(c) –1
10 20 30 1.505 1.510 1.515 1.520
P2D (1011 cm–2) E (eV)

Figure 14 (a) The device setup for the spin LED, (b) circular polarizations measured for the opposite directions of current,
(c) circular polarizations measured at LED1 and LED2, and (d) fit with the theory. From Wunderlich J, Kaestner B, Sinova J,
and Jungwirth T (2005) Experimental observation of the spin-Hall effect in a two-dimensional spin–orbit coupled
semiconductor system. Physical Review Letters 94: 047204.
Spin Hall Effect 243

(a) Spin-density profile (c) Edge-spin density

Szedge/E (e /4πvF)
Sz (x)/E (e /4πvF)


–8 0
8 (b) Spin-current profile (b) Bulk-spin current

jxzbulk/E (e /8π)
jxz(x)/E (e /8π)


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
X (kF–1) EF (h/τ)

Figure 15 Spatial dependence of the spin accumulation and spin current in a model for the 2D hole gas. From Nomura K,
Wunderlich J, Sinova J, Kaestner B, MacDonald AH, and Jungwirth T (2005c) Edge-spin accumulation in semiconductor two-
dimensional hole gases. Physical Review B 72: 245330.

A theoretical study on the spin accumulation by the One can adopt the symmetrized product
electric field can also be found in Kleinert 1
ðvi s j þ s j vi Þ between the velocity v and the spin s
et al. (2005). 2
as a definition of the spin current as in Sinova et al.
(2004). The result given by the Kubo formula with Various Issues on the SHE this definition is in general different from that by the
semiclassical theory described above (Murakami Definition of the spin current
et al., 2004b). This difference comes from noncom-
In the presence of the SO coupling, the total spin is
mutability between the spin S and the velocity v. In
not conserved. Hence, there is no unique way to
other words, this comes from the nonuniqueness of
define a spin current. Naively we expect that the
the definition of spin. One can modify the semiclas-
spin current js should satisfy the equation of continu-
sical theory to give the same result as the Kubo
qs i
ity þ r?Jsi ¼ 0; this relationship requires the formula by adding three contributions: spin dipole,
qt torque moment, and change of wavepacket spins due
conservation of total spin, namely
to electric field (Culcer et al., 2004).

q An alternative way is to separate the spin s into

0¼ s i dd x ¼ – i s i dd x; H ð43Þ
qt conserved (intraband) part s(c) and nonconserved
(interband) part s(n) (Murakami et al., 2004b). As
In the cases relevant for the SHE, the SO coupling
[s(c), H] = 0, spin current can be uniquely defined
violates this conservation of total spin. In other
for s(c). The resulting spin current is
words, due to the nonconservation of spin,
Noether’s theorem is not applicable for a definition e
of spin current. jij ¼ ðkH – kL Þ"ijl El ð44Þ
62 F F
The conventional definition of the spin cur-
rent, (21) or (36), is usually adopted. However, which is different from Equation (13), and this dif-
its mathematical meaning as a current is ill- ference is considered as a quantum correction to
defined. A current is always associated with a Equation (13).
corresponding conserved quantity. The conven- Another attempt for defining conserved spin cur-
tionally defined spin current is not conserved for rent is done by introducing torque dipole moment
the Luttinger Hamiltonian due to the SO (Entin-Wohlman et al., 2005; Shi et al., 2006). A con-
coupling. tinuity equation for the spin can be written as
244 Spin Hall Effect

qs z and for the cubic Rashba model

þ r?Js ¼ Tz ð45Þ
9e 9e 9e
where Tz X dsz/dt is the torque density. This torque ð0Þ
s ¼ ; ð Þ
s ¼ – ; ðcÞ
s ¼ – ð53Þ
8 4 8
density describes a spin precession due to local mag-
netic field of the SO coupling. If this torque density is The results for the conventional and the conserved
zero, it describes the spin conservation that the total spin currents have different sign; hence, the sign of
increase of the spin in a certain region of the system is the SHC in experiments or numerical simulations
equal to a net in-going spin current js; hence, the spin might be a simple test to distinguish between the
current is measurable as a spin accumulation. On the conserved spin current and the conventional one.
other hand, if the torque density Tz is nonzero, the This definition ensures the Onsager relation
spin current is not directly connected with a spin between the SHE and its reciprocal effect. In the
accumulation. reciprocal effect, a spin force Fs, which is a gradient
If the average of the torque over the entire system of a spin-dependent chemical potential or that of the
vanishes due to some symmetry reasons, that is, Zeeman field, induces a charge current transverse to
Z the gradient (Zhang and Niu, 2004). This reciprocal
1 effect can be evaluated in the semiclassical theory
dV Tz ¼ 0 ð46Þ
V where the Berry phase in a mixed position-momen-
one can define another conserved spin current, tum space, xk, plays a central role for the effect
which is directly related with the spin current. (Zhang and Niu, 2004). The total response with SO
Provided Equation (46) holds, the torque density coupling is written as
term can be written as ! ! !
Js ss sc Fs
Tz ¼ – r?P ð47Þ ¼ ð54Þ
jc cs ss E
where P is called a torque dipole density. Hence,
The Onsager reciprocity is then written as
we get
sc cs
 ¼ –  ð55Þ
qs z
þ r?Js ¼ 0 ð48Þ
qt which is explicitly shown in the semiclassical theory
where (Zhang and Niu, 2004). This reciprocity manifests
that the conserved spin current Js is a time derivative
J s ¼ Js þ P ð49Þ of an operator xsz, which is conjugate to the spin
is called a conserved spin current. In order to calcu- force Fs. This reciprocal effect was discussed earlier
late the torque dipole moment, P , in the bulk in in a context of extrinsic effect (Hirsch, 1999).
response to an external electric field E, it is Because there is no unique definition for the spin
convenient to consider an electric field at a finite current, we have to choose one definition which
wavevector q. The torque dipole density at finite matches the considered experimental setup to mea-
q, Tz(q) = (q) ? E(q) is calculated, and from sure the spin current.
Equation (47) we get One possible test to see which definition of spin
current is relevant is to measure the spin accumula-
P ¼ i½rq ðqÞq¼0 ?E ð50Þ
tion. To this purpose, spin accumulation as well as
from which the SHC can be calculated. Let us write conventional spin current are calculated numerically,
by varying disorder. The calculation uses the Kubo
ðcÞ ð0Þ ð Þ
s ¼ s þ s ð51Þ formula both in the strip geometry for the 2DHG and
where (c)
s , (
s ,
and (0)
are the SHC for the con-
2DEG (Nomura et al., 2005c). The resulting spin
served spin current Js, the conventional spin current accumulation can be fitted by the conventional spin
js, and the torque dipole density P . In Shi et al. current rather well. The readers are referred to the
(2006), the SHC for the conserved spin current is further references on the spin current issues (Chen
calculated for Rashba model, cubic Rashba model, et al., 2006; Fu et al., 2007b; Jin and Li, 2008, 2006; Jin
and Luttinger model. For Rashba model et al., 2006; Leurs et al., 2008; Shen et al., 2006; Sun and
Xie, 2005; Wang et al., 2006c; Wang and Zhang, 2007;
e e e Yang and Chang, 2006; Zhang et al., 2008b; Li and
s ¼ ; ð Þ ¼ – ; ðsÞ ¼ – ð52Þ
8 s 4 s 8 Tao, 2007; Wong et al., 2008).
Spin Hall Effect 245 Ab initio calculations characterized by, for example, k ? p theory, and the
On the other hand, the intrinsic SHE is calculated for theory can be rather well controlled. However, it has
Si, GaAs, W, and Au for various values of the Fermi the following disadvantages. (1) due to the small
energy (Guo et al., 2005). For p-type GaAs the pre- number of carriers, the conductivity itself is small,
dicted value is maximally 300 1 cm1, which is of and correspondingly the SHC is even smaller; (2)
the same order of magnitude as that from the the interface with magnetic materials, which are
Luttinger model (Zhang and Yang, 2005). The mostly metals, suffers from the impedance mismatch
p-type Si has somewhat smaller value, 50 1 cm1, (Schmidt et al., 2000); and (3) the systems are rather
which is due to smaller SO coupling than GaAs. For fragile against disorder and thermal agitation. These
n-type GaAs, the size of the SHC is 50 1 cm1 disadvantages are overcome by the metallic systems.
and undergoes a sign change as a function of carrier For example, (1) the SHC is much larger than that of
density, and n-type Si is found to have a negative doped semiconductors typically by the factor of 102–
SHC ( 50 1 cm1). It is found that even without 105; (2) the junction with ferromagnetic metals is
doping, GaAs and Si show a small but finite SHE (43 simple and techniques in metallic spintronics such as
and 7 1 cm1, respectively). It is due to a small the spin injection (Johnson, 1993; Johnson and Silsbee,
hybridization. In this sense, these undoped semicon- 1985), spin diffusion (Shchelushkin and Brataas,
ductors are SHI. In the metallic systems such as W 2005a,b), and nonlocal effect can be used; and (3)
and Au, the SHC is calculated to be 1390 and the quantum coherence is much more robust against
731 1 cm1, respectively, and is rather robust disorder and thermal agitation due to the large Fermi
against disorder (Yao and Fang, 2005). These ab initio energy, and hence the operation at room temperature
calculations are done by calculating only the bare is possible. These advantages make the metallic
vertex diagram (Figure 5) in the Kubo formula. systems more promising candidates for the real appli-
Nevertheless, analytic calculations revealed that the cations of the SHE in spintronies.
vertex correction can be of the same order as the In semiconductors, the optical detection of the
intrinsic SHE, and an effect of vertex correction on spin accumulation such as the KR has been used to
such ab initio calculations remains to be unsettled. detect SHE, since the spin diffusion length is much
For applications to spintronies (Žutić et al., 2004), larger than the spot size of the laser beam of the order
the SHE may potentially be used as an effective of 1 mm. In metals, on the other hand, the spin diffu-
means to inject spins into semiconductor spintronics sion length is much shorter, and the electrical
devices. There have been many proposals for semi- detection is used (Huh et al., 2008). There are two
conductor spintronics devices such as Datta–Das spin ways to study the SHE in metals. One is to use the
transistor (Datta and Das, 1990). Nevertheless, an nonlocal spin diffusion due to the injection of the
effective spin injection into semiconductors is one spin-polarized current from the ferromagnet
of the elusive issues, because spin injection from a (Takahashi and Maekawa, 2003, 2007, 2008a,b). An
ferromagnetic metal suffers from conductance mis- early experiment on the SHE in Al (Valenzuela and
match (Schmidt et al., 2000). There have been many Tinkham, 2006) uses CoFe as the ferromagnet. A thin
kinds of attempts to overcome this difficulty, and the Al Hall cross is oxidized and contacted with the
SHE might be one of the way out toward effective ferromagnetic electrodes as shown in Figure 16.
spin injection into semiconductors. In particular, one When the current flows from the ferromagnetic elec-
of the merits of the SHE is that it does not require trode to Al Hall bar, the spin diffusion occurs to the
magnetic field or magnetism. The main obstacle for other side of the bar, where the Hall voltage is mea-
the SHE toward application is its smallness. Ab initio sured. This is the reciprocal effect to the SHE in
calculations would be important for searching sys- which the charge current induces the spin current.
tems with large enough SHC. This is called the ISHE, and is now widely used to
measure the SHC in metals. As shown in Figure 16
the spin transistor configuration with two ferromag-
1.07.3 SHE in Metals netic electrodes FM1 and FM2 has been used to
characterize the spin diffusion length
sf, the spin Experiments of SHE in Metals
polarization P, and the angle  between the magne-
Up to now we have focused mainly on the semicon- tization m and the electrode axis. The chemical
ductor systems with small carrier concentration. The potential difference between up- and down-spins
local band structure in momentum bfk-space is well decays as the distance x from the distance from the
246 Spin Hall Effect

(a) where s is the SHC, c is the conductivity of Al, and

B⊥ LSH is the distance between the FM1 and the voltage
2 M terminal. By plotting RSH as a function of LSH, they
estimated the
sf and s as
sf = 735 nm for
tAl = 25 nm and
sf = 490 nm for tAl = 12 nm in good
FM1 agreement with the above estimate by the spin tran-
sistor configuration. The SHC is obtained as
s = (2.7  0.6)  101 1 cm1 for tAl = 25 nm, and
AI s = (3.4  0.6)  101 1 cm1 for tAl = 12 nm. This
corresponds to the spin Hall angle SH = s/
c = (1–3)  104, which is a bit smaller than the
500 nm
typical value of the anomalous Hall angle 103.
(b) B⊥ (d) BI Later, Kimura et al. (2007) observed the SHE in Pt
V metal at room temperature. They used the device

+ structure as shown in Figure 18 where the Cu metal

is bridging the ferromagnet (Py) and Pt. With this
configuration, they could observe both the SHE and
LSH LFM ISHE. For example, when the spin-dependent elec-
(c) (e) trochemical potential is induced in Cu and also Pt by
μ μ the spin injection from Py, the spin current is intro-
duced and the charge current in Pt is induced by the
ISHE. When the voltage is applied to Pt and the
charge current flows, on the other hand, the SHE
Js Js induces the spin current in Cu and Py, producing the
voltage change in Py. These two effects are related
0 0
by the Onsager’s reciprocal relation, which is quanti-
tatively confirmed in this experiment. The obtained
–1 0 1 2 2 1 0 –1 value for the SHC s in Pt at room temperature is
x/λ sf x/λ sf 2.4  102 1 cm1, and the spin Hall angle is
SH = s/c = 3.7  103.
Figure 16 (a–e) Experimental setup for the measurement
of SHE in Al. From Valenzuela SO and Tinkham M (2006) Recently, even larger SHE has been reported in
Direct electronic measurement of the spin Hall effect. FePt/Au devices at room temperature (Seki et al.,
Nature 442: 176. 2008). As shown in Figure 19, the Au Hall cross is
attached to the FePt injector in their devices. The
resistivities () of Au and FePt at room tempera-
ferromagnet, and the spin diffusion length
sf is esti- ture are 2.7 m cm and 36 m cm, respectively.
mated from the exponential decay of the resistance With this small value of  for Au, the main
change due to the spin transistor action as a function mechanism of the SHE/ISHE is considered to be
of x. The measurement has been done at low tem- the extrinsic SS. The spin diffusion length,
Au, of
perature (4.2 K), and it turned out that
sf depends on Au is estimated as
Au = 86  10 nm at room tem-
the Al film thickness tAl; that is,
sf = 705 nm for perature, which is much larger than that of Pt.
tAl = 25 nm and
sf = 455 nm for tAl = 12 nm from They also measured both SHE and ISHE, and the
the data shown in Figure 17(b). With the configura- obtained value of the spin Hall angle SH is 0.113
tion in Figure 16(b), the spin Hall resistance from the data in Figure 19, which is very large
RSH = VSH/I is expressed as compared with the values obtained so far.
Another method to inject the spin current is to
RSH use the ferromagnetic resonance. This method is
RSH ¼ sin  ð56Þ
2 the so-called spin battery or spin pumping, and is
with shown schematically in Figure 20. The ferromag-
netic metal is attached to the nonmagnetic metal,
Ps and the microwave magnetic field is applied to the
RSH ¼ expð – LSH =
sf Þ ð57Þ
tAl 2c ferromagnetic metal. The magnetization precesses
Spin Hall Effect 247

(a) (b)
FM1 λsf = 705 nm
V– 10

ΔR (mΩ)
I– 1 λsf = 455 nm

I– 0.1 tAI = 12 nm
tAI = 25 nm
I+ V+
1 2 3 4
LFM (μm)

(c) (d)
LFM = 2 μm 1
2 B⊥ (T)
• sin θ
–0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
V/I (mΩ)

sin θ
0 0
2 B⊥
V/I (mΩ)

0 M
–2 θ
0 1 2 3 –3 0 3
B⊥ (T) B⊥ (T)

Figure 17 (a–d) Experimental data for the SHE in Al. From Valenzuela SO and Tinkham M (2006) Direct electronic
measurement of the spin Hall effect. Nature 442: 176.

y Pt Cu z
x x Pt
Cu 1 2 3
Cu 1 2 3 Py

(a) Cu

(b) (c)

Ie s


Py Cu Pt
1 2 3 Ie


Is Ie
Py Cu Pt
1 2 3 s Ie

Figure 18 (a–e) Experimental setup for the measurement of SHE and ISHE in Pt. From Kimura T, Otani Y, Sato T, Takahashi
S, and Maekawa S (2007) Room-temperature reversible spin Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 98: 156601.
(a) z (b)
200 nm 150 nm
FePt injector x

B Au E
Au hall cross D

(c) –31.0 (d)

300 V–
I = +0.5 mA I = +0.5 mA
–19.0 M
⏐ΔV⏐ (μV)

200 +
ΔV –
0 100
0 0.5 e–


V (μV)
I(mA) V+
ISHE I = –0.5 mA V+
20.0 M
e– V
19.5 –
–10 –5 0 5 10 15 –8 –4 0 4 8
H (k0e) H (k0e)
Figure 19 (a–d) Experimental setup and results for the measurement of ISHE in Au. From Seki T, Hasegawa Y, Mitani S, et al. (2008) Giant spin Hall effect in perpendicularly
spin-polarized FePt/Au devices. Nature Materials 7: 125.
Spin Hall Effect 249

(a) Microwave thickness of 10 nm for NiFe layer and 7 nm for Pt

layer, respectively, was used to detect the ISHE. The
V strength of the resonance microwave magnetic field
Ni81Fe19 θ is HFMR = 130 mT, and the resonance line shape is
Pt broadened when Pt is attached compared with the
case of NiFe only. This is the evidence for spin
Magnetization pumping. They observed the voltage drop at the
Magnetization edge of Pt which is consistent with the angle depen-
Ni81Fe19 dence expected for the ISHE. The thickness of Pt
layer is of the order of 1 nm, which is within the
Spin pumping
decay length of the spin or spin current due to the
Pt σ Jc strong SO interaction in Pt. Figure 21 shows
Js the dV(H)/dH curves for various angle  between
+ the applied static magnetic field (the direction
Jc of the magnetization) and the direction of the voltage
Jc – drop V(H) measured for Pt. The line shape of V(H) is
fitted by
Figure 20 (a,b) Experimental setup for the spin pumping
and the measurement of ISHE in Pt. From Saitoh E, Ueda M,
Miyajima H, and Tatara G (2006) Conversion of spin current 2
into charge current at room temperature: Inverse spin-Hall ðH – HFMR Þ2 þ 2
effect. Applied Physics Letters 88: 182509. – 2ðH – HFMR Þ
þ IAHE ð60Þ
ðH – HFMR Þ2 þ 2

around the magnetic field with the Gilbert where  is the relaxation rate. The second term
damping. More explicitly, the EOM for the mag- represents the contribution from the AHE in NiFe
netization reads system. Taking the derivative dV(H)/dH, the ISHE
contribution is odd with respect to H  HFMR while
dm dm
¼ m  H eff þ m  ð58Þ AHE contribution is even. Therefore, it is clear
dt dt
from the data in Figure 21 that the ISHE contri-
where the last term on the right-hand side represents bution is dominant. Another test of ISHE is the
the Gilbert damping, and  is typically 103–101. angel dependence. From (58), the signal is
This Gilbert damping drives the magnetization pre- expected to be proportional to sin  ( is the
cession amplitude smaller and smaller and the angle between the external magnetic field and the
magnetization eventually turns the direction of the charge current), which is also consistent with the
effective magnetic field Heff. From the viewpoint of data. These experimental results provide rather
the conservation of the angular momentum, the spin firm evidence for the ISHE in Pt metal, but the
angular momentum dissipates to the environment magnitude of the SHC could not be derived
from the ferromagnet, that is, the flow of the spin (Saitoh et al., 2006). Recently, an extension of this
current is produced from the ferromagnet to the experiment has been done by the same group using
reservoir. In the present configuration, the reservoir similar devices (Ando et al., 2008a,b). In this experi-
is the nonmagnetic metal. To summarize, the spin ment, the magnetization relaxation in NiFe is
current with the polarization direction  parallel to controlled by the spin current injection from Pt
the averaged magnetization is injected to the non- by the SHE. They have carefully studied the
magnetic metal from the ferromagnet by the change in the ferromagnetic resonance signal,
ferromagnetic resonance. This injected spin current dI(H)/dH, due to the charge current Jc in Pt
will produce the charge current jc in the nonmagnetic layer. The idea here is just opposite to that in
metal through the ISHE as expressed by the above experiment. For example, the injected
jc ¼ DISHE js   ð59Þ
spin current to NiFe will modify the Gilbert
damping, which depends on the direction of the
where DISHE is a coefficient for ISHE efficiency. In spin current polarization. They studied the reso-
the original experiment by Saitoh et al. (2006) and nance lineshape for different values of the current
Inoue et al. (2007), Ni81Fe19/Pt sample with the in Pt. Note that the change in the spectra is
250 Spin Hall Effect

(a) FMR θ = 90° (b) θ = 90°


d/(H)/dH (a.u.)

dV (H )/dH
0 0

100 150 100 150
H (mT) H (mT)
ISHE (d) Ni81Fe19 (e) Ni Fe /Pt
81 19
dV/dH HFMR H 10–5V/T 10–4V/T

dV (H)/dH

dV/dH H
0 = 90°
100 150 120 140
H (mT) H (mT)
Figure 21 (a–e) Experimental data for the ISHE in Pt. From Saitoh E, Ueda M, Miyajima H, and Tatara G (2006)
Conversion of spin current into charge current at room temperature: Inverse spin-Hall effect. Applied Physics Letters
88: 182509.

symmetric for positive and negative direction of drop due to ESHE is measured as a function of the
the current for  = 0 ( is the angle between the temperature difference, T, between the two ends
external magnetic field and the charge current) of the sample, the applied magnetic field H, and
suggesting that the heating effect is the dominant also the position xp of the attached Pt metal mea-
contribution. When  = 90 , on the other hand, the sured from the center of the sample. Results
spectral change is clearly different for the different showed that r is almost constant along the x-
direction of the charge current. By examining the direction, which suggests that the temperature gra-
asymmetric part, that is, dI(H,jc)/dH  dI(H,jc)/ dient term, that is, the second term, gives
dH, they could estimate the change of the Gilbert the dominant contribution to r in the expres-
damping coefficient  due to the charge current sion r = (qc/qn)rn + (qc/qT)rT  er
jc through the SHE. Considering the values of spin (c: spin-dependent chemical potential for spin ,
diffusion lengths
Pt = 7 nm,
Py = 3 nm, and : scalar potential). It has been argued that the
the conductivities Pt c = 0.064(m cm) and contribution from rn decays quickly within the
Py 1
c = 0.065(mcm) , they obtained the spin Hall length scale of the spin diffusion length (5 nm)
angle for Pt as 0.08, which is much larger than much shorter than the size of the sample (6 mm),
0.0037 obtained by Kimura et al. (2007). and does not contribute to the bulk of the sample.
The ISHE has been recently applied to the From this measurement, the estimated spin
experimental observation of the spin Seebeck effect Seebeck coefficient for Ni81Fe19 is
(Uchida et al., 2008). With the magnetic field S spin > 2 nV K1 at T = 300 K, which is orders of
applied also along the x-direction, the spin current magnitude smaller than the usual Seebeck coeffi-
is produced by the difference of the chemical cient S > 20 mV K1. In addition to the studies
potentials " and # for up- and down-spins, mentioned above, the increasing number of publi-
respectively. In the attached Pt metal, where the cations address the metallic SHE (Fan and Eom,
decay of the chemical potential difference,  = 2008; Harii et al., 2008; Kent, 2006; Ma et al., 2008;
"  #, occurs along the z-direction, the ISHE Otani and Kimura, 2008; Song et al., 2006a; Stern
occurs and results in the electric field ESHE or the et al., 2007, 2008; Valenzuela and Tinkham, 2007;
voltage drop along the y-direction. This voltage Vila et al., 2007).
Spin Hall Effect 251 Theories of SHE in Metals extension of the all-electron linear muffin-tin orbital
method based on the density functional theory with
Theoretically, both the intrinsic and extrinsic
local density approximation. Figure 22 shows the
mechanisms can contribute to the SHE in metals as
relativistic band structure of Pt, and also the SHC
in the case of semiconductors. From the studies on the
s, as a function of EF. The 6s bands are extending
AHE, the microscopic mechanism depends strongly
broadly from 10 eV to higher energy, while the 5d
on the degree of disorder characterized by the long-
itudinal resistivity  or conductivity c (Onoda et al., bands are within the range of 7 eV < " < 1 eV.
2006b; Miyasato et al., 2007). For very clean system Therefore, the electronic states near EF = 0 are the
where c is larger than 106 1 cm1, the extrinsic mixture of the 6s and 5d bands. The situation is
SS is expected to be dominant where the spin Hall different for Au, where one extra electron is added
angle is the proper quantity. In the intermediate compared with Pt, and the Fermi energy is shifted
region where c lies between 104 and 106 1 upward. The electronic states near the Fermi energy
cm1, the intrinsic contribution is the dominant one, are mostly 6s and 6p bands in this case. Therefore, we
where s is of the order of 103 1 cm1. This value need to look at the electronic structure in more detail
of 103 1 cm1 corresponds to e2/ha with a > 5 Å to understand the mechanism of SHE. As shown in
as the lattice constant, representing the QH conduc- Figure 22 the SHC s peaks at the true Fermi level
tivity in 3D. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume the (0 eV), with a large value of 2200 1 cm1. This
intrinsic mechanism for Pt metal since the conductiv- gigantic value of the SHC is orders of magnitude
ity of Pt at room temperature is of the order of larger than the corresponding value in p-type semi-
105 1 cm1. The first-principles band structure cal- conductors such as Si, Ge, GaAs, and AlAs.
culation for the intrinsic contribution has been done Furthermore, the calculated SHC in simple metal Al
(Guo et al., 2008). Note that the SHE does not simply is only 17 1 cm1, being two orders of magnitude
scale with the SO interaction strength, which suggests smaller than that of Pt.
that the perturbative treatment of SO interaction is One important point is the degenerate band struc-
not valid. Pt shows particularly large SHE surviving ture at L- and X-points near EF in the scalar-
even up to room temperature among the 5d elements relativistic band structure (i.e., without the SO
with the similar SO interaction strength. The band coupling). These double degeneracies are lifted by
structure of Pt is calculated using a fully relativistic the SO coupling, with large SO splittings (0.66 and

4 4
3 3
2 noSOC 2
1 1
0 0
–1 –1
–2 –2
Energy (eV)

–3 –3
–4 –4
–5 –5
–6 fcc Pt –6
–7 –7
–8 –8
–9 –9
(a) (b)
–10 –10
–11 –11
W L Γ X W Γ –20 0 20
σxyz (102 Ω–1cm–1)

Figure 22 Band structure and SHC as a function of Fermi energy for Pt. From Guo GY, Murakami S, Chen TW, and
Nagaosa N (2008) Intrinsic spin Hall effect in platinum: First-principles calculations. Physical Review Letters 100: 096401.
252 Spin Hall Effect

0.93 eV, respectively). As has been discussed for and hence the SHC shows the maximum when EF
p-type GaAs, the magnetic monopoles contribute lies within the gap. One can also argue from this
resonantly to the SHC, and this structure is realized effective Hamiltonian that the intrinsic SHE is
at L-and X-points. This is confirmed by the momen- robust against impurity scattering since the vertex
tum-resolved contribution to the SHC as shown in corrections for the SHC from the short-ranged
Figure 23 where the contribution from the region impurity scattering vanish in the clean limit due to
near L- and X-points are dominant. It has been also the symmetry H(k) = H(k). Therefore, the intrin-
found that the SHC decreases monotonically as the sic contribution in Pt is expected to be robust
temperature T is raised, as shown in the inset of against the disorder potential, and the observed
Figure 23. This rather strong temperature depen- SHE is most probably of the intrinsic origin.
dence is also due to the near degeneracies since the A related work has been done by Kontani et al.
small energy scale is relevant to the SHC. (2008) using the tight-binding Hamiltonian for the
Nevertheless, the SHC s > 240 1 cm1 at t2g orbitals. Sr2MO4 (M = Ru,Rh,Mo) has been
T = 300K is still large and is close to the measured explicitly considered, and the large SHC of the
value (>200 1 cm1). The calculated SHC for Al order of 700 1 cm1 was obtained for Sr2RuO4
at T = 4 and 300 K is 17 and 6 1 cm1, respec- (Kontani et al., 2007, 2008). They also calculated
tively. The former value is similar to the the orbital Hall conductivity corresponding to the
experimental values (27, 34) at 4.2 K. orbital current. Tight-binding model is convenient
To understand the microscopic mechanism of to draw an intuitive picture in the real space. The
the SHE, the effective Hamiltonians H(k) for the transfer integrals among the t2g orbitals become
two doubly degenerate bands at X- and L-points complex in the presence of the SO interaction as
have been constructed. This 4  4 matrix can be has been discussed in the context of the AHE by
written as the linear combination of  matrices, Onoda and Nagaosa (2002). This phase of the trans-
which is similar to the Luttinger model. The pre- fer integral can be regarded as the Peierls phase for
vious analysis for the p-type semiconductors can be the fictitious magnetic field, and induces the
equally applied to the present case. An important Aharonov–Bohm effect in the crystal. A related
issue is whether the contributions from conduction paper by Tanaka et al. (2008) considered the SHE
band and valence bands cancel or not. For example, and the orbital Hall effect in 3D 4d and 5d transition
the contribution to the SHC becomes zero or finite metals. The vertex correction relevant to the SS
when the Fermi energy is within the gap between contribution has not been considered in this work.
the two bands. This issue has been discussed in the Therefore, the obtained results are for the intrinsic
context of SHI, and the inverted band structure as in mechanism only.
the case of HgTe has the finite SHC even if the As for the giant SHE observed in Au by Seki et al.
Fermi energy is within the gap, while it vanishes in (2008), the role of local electron correlation has been
the usual band structure as in the case of GaAs. The considered by Guo et al. (2009). They considered the
present case of Pt corresponds to the former one, vacancy, Fe, and Pt as the possible defects in Au and

σ (103 Ω-cm–1)

Ωz(k) (atomic units)


100 0 150 300
T (K)


Figure 23 Momentum-resolved contribution to the SHC. Inset: The temperature dependence of the SHC. From Guo GY,
Murakami S, Chen TW, and Nagaosa N (2008) Intrinsic spin Hall effect in platinum: First-principles calculations. Physical Review
Letters 100: 096401.
Spin Hall Effect 253

calculated the local density of states for each case. 1.07.4 Quantum Spin Hall Effect
Only in the case of Fe in Au, there appears the
resonant electronic states at the Fermi energy which The QSHE and the topological insulator have been
can contribute to the enhanced SS. Fe in Au has been theoretically proposed and experimentally con-
known as a representative Kondo magnetic impurity firmed. In the present section, we review these
with a low Kondo temperature TK = 0.4 K. Therefore, recent developments.
naively, it is not relevant to the giant SHE observed at
room temperature. However, the detailed first-princi-
ples calculation has shown that the Kondo effect in Fe Inverted Band Structure and SHI
is orbital-dependent in nature. Previously, the crystal
field splitting between eg and t2g orbitals is around From the systems discussed so far, we can extend
0.1 eV, which is much smaller than the hybridization our discussion to insulators. We can see that the
energy  > 1 eV, and has been neglected. On the SHE can be nonzero in some classes of insulators,
other hand, the LDA + U calculation shows that the which we call SHIs in Murakami et al. (2004a).
electron correlation induces the large orbital polariza- The reason why the SHI arises can be understood
tion and the energy splitting between eg and t2g orbitals in terms of band structure. The SHE is caused by
is of the order of 2 eV. This means that the spins in eg the SO coupling. In terms of the band structure,
orbitals are in the Kondo limit, while the electrons in the respective bands are classified into multiplets
t2g orbitals are in the mixed-valence region. The for- of the angular momentum. SHE appears if the
mer ones lead to the Kondo effect at low temperature, fillings of the bands within the same multiplet
while the latter can contribute to the large SHE since are different. Instead, the bands within the same
the SO interaction is active in the t2g orbitals while it is multiplet are all empty or all occupied, and their
quenched in eg orbitals. Another scenario for the contribution to the SHE cancels each other. In the
Kondo effect of Fe in Au has been recently proposed Luttinger model representing the valence bands of
by Costi et al. (2009). cubic semiconductors, the J = 3/2 multiplet con-
Actually, taking into account the SO interaction in tains the LH and HH bands; the SHE appears
the first-principles calculation, the energy splitting because the fillings of the HH band and the LH
between the effective m = 1 and m = 1 states occurs band are different.
(m: in the z-component of the orbital angular In the semiconductors such as -Sn, HgTe, HgSe,
momentum). According to Engel et al., (2005), the and -HgS, the band structure is inverted from the
spin Hall angle S = s/xx due to the SS is given cubic semiconductors such as GaAs (Figure 24(a)).
by the formula In the inverted band structure (Figure 24(b1)), the
Z order of the bands is inverted from LH–HH–CB to
dI ðÞSðÞsin CB–HH–LH. The mathematical structure of the
S ¼ Z ð61Þ Hamiltonian is essentially the same with the cubic
dI ðÞð1 – cosÞ semiconductors. The only change is that the energy
difference at the  point between 6 (CB) and 8
where  is the angle between the incident and scat- (LH and HH) bands has a different sign. Thus, the
tered waves,  is the solid angle, S() is the skewness original LH band and the CB become a CB and the
function, and I() is the strength of the scattering. S() valence band in the inverted semiconductors, respec-
and I() are given by the spin-dependent phase shifts tively. Hence, in the hole picture the LH band is fully
of the scattering, and the large energy splitting occupied and the HH band is empty, and the result-
between m = 1 states suggests that S can be as ing SHC is nonzero even for the band insulators. In
large as  0.1. The reason why S cannot be larger these semiconductors with inverted band structure,
than  0.1 is that the phase shift 1 for the p-wave the bandgap is zero, which comes from the degener-
scattering is needed as first noted by Fert and Jaoul acy at the  point due to the cubic symmetry. When
(1972). The SHE due to the SS by Ce and Yb impu- one breaks the cubic symmetry by uniaxial strain, for
rities has also been considered recently (Tanaka and example, there opens a finite gap, while the SHC
Kontani, 2008), and it is concluded that the spin Hall remains nonzero (Figure 24(b2)). This nonzero
angle S is given by 8 sin( 2/7), expecting the SHC is a result of the nature of the gap; the gap is
giant SHE. opened by the SO coupling.
254 Spin Hall Effect

(a) Conventional (b1) Zero-gap (b2) Zero-gap + Uniaxial strain (c) Narrow-gap
(GaAs) (HgTe) (HgTe) (PbTe)


π (111)
k= a
k=0 k k=0 k k=0 k k

Figure 24 Band structures of (a) Cubic semiconductors such as GaAs, zero-gap semiconductors (b1) without strain and
(b2) with uniaxial strain along z-axis, and (c) narrow-gap semiconductors such as PbTe. The LH, HH, and CB in (a) stand for
the light-hole, heavy-hole, and conduction bands. The LH, HH, and CB correspond to the LH, HH, and CB bands in (a).

Narrow-gap semiconductors such as PbTe, PbSe, "xy = e2/h. Meanwhile, for the 2D down-spin subsys-
and PbS are also SHI. The bandgap in these narrow- tem, the magnetic field is opposite, and #xy = e2/h.
gap semiconductors is also caused by the SO They have gapless chiral edge states having opposite
coupling, and the SHC is nonzero. The crystal struc- sense of rotations. Superposition of these two subsys-
ture is that of the rocksalt. The direct gap of the size tems then results in two gapless edge states which have
0.15–0.3 eV is at the four L-points (Figure 24(c)). opposite spins and flow directions, thus carrying a spin
The SHC for these compounds is around 0.04e/a, current. This phase realizes topological order, as is
where a is the lattice spacing (Murakami et al., 2004a). similar to the QH phase. This QSH phase is character-
In the SHI described above, as in contrast with the ized by the Z2 topological number, as we discuss below.
QSH system discussed later, there are no gapless The whole system preserves the time-reversal
edge channels. It is then a question of how the spin symmetry. This state requires a field, which acts as
current flows in the SHI. The nature of the spin +ẑ magnetic field for up-spin and ẑ magnetic field
current in the SHI was numerically studied using for down-spin. It is not achievable by an external
the Keldysh formalism (Onoda and Nagaosa, magnetic field, but instead it is effectively achieved
2005b). It is revealed that the spin current flows by the SO coupling, which preserves time-reversal
along the edge only when an electrode is attached symmetry. In some materials the SO coupling is
along the edge. This may imply that by providing the strong enough to realize this topological phase, as
edge channel from the electrode, the SHI can carry we discuss subsequently. There is one important
the spin current. aspect of the QSH system QSHS, which is absent in
the QH system; the above example with two QH
subsystems conserves the spin sz, while the SO cou- QSHE and Z2 Topological
pling does not conserve sz in general, hybridizing the
Invariants in 2D and 3D
two subsystems together. The question is whether
The QSHE is theoretically proposed as the spin there is still some interesting physics even in the
analog of the QHE (Kane and Mele, 2005a,b; absence of sz conservation. Remarkably, the answer
Bernevig and Zhang, 2006; Fu et al., 2007a; Fukui is positive; the edge states are robust against pertur-
and Hatsugai, 2007a; Hatsugai et al., 2006; Sheng bations which do not break the time-reversal
et al., 2005c). The QSH phase is possible both in 2D symmetry, such as nonmagnetic impurities or inter-
and 3D. We first consider the 2D QSH phase. In the action (Wu et al., 2006; Xu and Moore, 2006). This
phase, the bulk is gapped while the edge is gapless shows the peculiarity of the edge states.
carrying a spin current. The key concept of the QSHS is the time-reversal
The simplest version of the 2D QSH can be con- symmetry, which gives rise to the Kramers degener-
structed as a superposition of two QH subsystems with acy between k and k. In the band theory, the wave
opposite spins (see Figure 25). For the 2D up-spin numbers satisfying k X k (mod G) play an important
subsystem, we apply an external perpendicular role. Such momenta are called the time-reversal-
magnetic field (jj + ẑ ), realizing the QH state with invariant momenta (TRIM), and are expressed in 2D
Spin Hall Effect 255


Quantum Hall system Quantum Hall system

(B > 0 for up-spin) (B < 0 for down-spin)


Quantum spin Hall system

Figure 25 Realization of the QSH system as a superposition of two QH subsystems.

as k = i where i¼ðn1 n2 Þ ¼ ðn1 b1 þ n2 b2 Þ with n1, for I-asymmetric systems (Fu and Kane, 2006).
n2 = 0, 1 and b1, b2 are reciprocal lattice vectors Here, w depends on the U(1) phase of the Bloch
(Kane and Mele, 2005a; Fu and Kane, 2006; Fu wave function; the phase should be chosen to be
et al., 2007a). The degeneracy is different depending smooth over the whole Brillouin zone. On the
on the presence or absence of the spatial inversion other hand, for I-symmetric systems, due to double
symmetry I. In I-asymmetric systems the Kramers the- degeneracy of each state, the calculation of i
orem implies double degeneracy only at the TRIM, involves the SU(2) gauge choice of juk,mi. In fact,
and at other wave numbers k the eigenenergies are free however, for I-symmetric systems the formula for
from degeneracies. On the other hand, in I-symmetric the index i is even simpler (Fu et al., 2007a):
system the eigenenergies are degenerate at all k. Y
The QSH phase is characterized by the Z2 topo- i X 2m ði Þ ð64Þ
logical number  taking only two values  = 0 and m¼1

 = 1. In some literature they are called as  = even where 2m(i)(=1) is the parity eigenvalue of the
and  = odd, respectively, or  X (1) = 1. When Kramers pairs at each of these points for I-symmetric
 = odd (or  = 1), the system is in the QSH phase, systems. This shows a crucial role of the I-symmetry
and when  = even (or  = 0), the system is an ordin- in the theory of the QSHSs. This is because the I
ary insulator. It is worth noting that  is calculated symmetry relates between k and k, as does the
from the Bloch wave function in the bulk as time-reversal symmetry. The Z2 topological number
explained in the next section.  in 2D is defined as
The Z2 topological number  in noninteracting Y
clean systems is defined in the following way (Fu and ð – 1Þ ¼ i ð65Þ
Kane, 2006; Fu et al., 2007a). Let N denote the num-
ber of Kramers pairs below EF. First, we define a where the product over i runs over the four TRIMs in
(2N)  (2N) matrix w, defined as the 2D Brillouin zone. The Z2 topological number
  allows various equivalent expressions. For example, in
wmn ðkÞ ¼ u – k;m h j U juk;n ð62Þ the I-asymmetric systems, the Z2 topological number
can define how the wave functions are glued together at
where U is the time-reversal operator represented as
the TRIMs (Fu and Kane, 2006; Moore and Balents,
U = iyK, with K being complex conjugation. uk,m is
2007; Roy, 2006a). We classify the wave functions
the periodic part of the mth Bloch wave function
below EF into two classes juk,2j  1i (j = 1, 2, . . ., N),
(m = 1, 2, . . ., 2N). This matrix w(k) is unitary at any
and juk,2ji (j = 1, 2, . . ., N). When the Z2 topological
k, and is also antisymmetric at k = i. Then, for each
number  is trivial ( = 0), by a judicious unitary trans-
TRIM we define the index i as
formation, one can make these states to satisfy
det wði Þ        
i X ð63Þ uk;2j ¼ Uuk;2j – 1 ; uk;2j – 1 ¼ – Uuk;2j
Pf wði Þ ð66Þ
256 Spin Hall Effect

We note that U2 = 1. When  = 1, in contrast, it is is gapped for both cases and looks similar. The topo-
not possible for (66) to hold, but there should neces- logical order, which is not evident in the bulk
sarily appear additional phase factors. Notice that bandstructure, appears as the existence of the robust
the wave functions are degenerate only at the edge states. The correspondence between the bulk
TRIMs. The nontrivial Z2 topological number and the edge is as follows:
works as an obstruction for the wave functions to
be glued at the TRIMs in the simple way given in • bulk: Z2 topological number is  = 1 ( = 0) and
(66) (Fu and Kane, 2006; Moore and Balents, 2007; • edge: there are odd (even) numbers of Kramers
pairs of gapless edge states.
Roy, 2006b). because the topological order survives
perturbations, such as nonmagnetic disorder and Because an odd number cannot be zero, the system
interactions, the definition of the Z2 topological with  = 1 should have at least one Kramers pair of
number can be further extended (Qi and Zhang, gapless edge states. This bulk–edge correspondence
2008) to systems with nonmagnetic disorder (Kane can be shown by the argument similar to the well-
and Mele, 2005b) and those with interactions (Lee known Laughlin’s gedanken experiment (Fu and
and Ryu, 2008). Kane, 2006). Suppose that we consider the system
To illustrate the relationship between Z2 topolo- on a ribbon, with two opposite ends attached
gical number and the edge states, we calculate the (Figure 27). In one direction the system is periodic,
bandstructure for geometries with edges in the while in the other there are edges. Then, when we
Kane–Mele model (Kane and Mele, 2005a,b), which increase the flux penetrating the hole from zero to
is the 2D tight-binding model showing the QSH and half the flux quantum, the change of the system
insulator phases by changing some parameters (for characterized by the time-reversal polarization (Fu
details, see Section Let us consider a ribbon and Kane, 2006) depends on the Z2 topological num-
geometry, which is finite in one direction and is ber, and it is also related with the number of Kramers
infinite in the other. The phase diagram is in the pair of edge states.
inset of Figure 26, where
SO, and
v are The analogous phase is also possible in 3D (Moore
model parameters. The QSH and I in the phase and Balents, 2007; Fu et al., 2007a; Roy, 2006b). In this
diagram represent the QSH and insulator phases, phase in 3D, the system is an insulator in the bulk and
respectively. In the QSH phase (Figure 26(a)), supports gapless surface states carrying spin currents.
there exists gapless edge states, irrespective of the In 3D, the Z2 topological numbers are defined
geometry. In contrast, for the insulator phase in the following way. The TRIMs are
(Figure 26(b)) there are no gapless edge states. In i¼ðn1 n2 n3 Þ ¼ 1=2ðn1 b1 þ n2 b2 þ n3 b3 Þ with n1, n2,
fact, there are edge states, but they do not go across n3 = 0, 1 in 3D. There are four Z2 topological numbers
the gap. In some cases, in general, these edge states in  j (j = 0,1,2,3) (Moore and Balents, 2007; Fu et al.,
the insulator state may cross the Fermi energy; 2007a; Teo et al., 2008), given by
nevertheless, even if they cross the Fermi energy, it
is not an intrinsic property, and the crossing can Y
8 Y
ð – 1Þ0 ¼ i ; ð – 1Þk ¼ i¼ðn1 n2 n3 Þ ð67Þ
disappear by perturbations preserving time-reversal i¼1 nk ¼1;nj 6¼k ¼0;1
symmetry. On the other hand, the bulk bandstructure


5 λ R / λ so I
0 0

–5 λ V / λ so
(a) –5 0 5 (b)
0 π ka 2π 0 π ka 2π

Figure 26 Band structures of the Kane–Mele model on a ribbon geometry, for parameters in (a) the QSH phase and (b) the
insulator phase. Inset: phase diagram of the Kane–Mele model. From Kane CL and Mele EJ (2005) Z2 topological order and
the quantum spin Hall effect. Physical Review Letters 95: 146802.
Spin Hall Effect 257

y We consider a time-reversal symmetric system

with a bulk gap, and assume that it depends on an
external parameter m. We assume here that the
Figure 27 Laughlin’s gedanken experiment. The flux 
Hamiltonian itself is generic, and all the terms allowed
plays the role of the wave number ky. by symmetry are nonzero in general. When the para-
meter m is changed, the gap can close in some cases,
whereas in other cases the gap closing is impossible
because of level repulsion. The condition for the gap
Each phase is expressed as  0; ( 1 2 3), which distin- closing by varying a single parameter is obtained as
guishes 16 phases. Among  i,  0 is the only topological follows. In I-symmetric systems, all the bands are
number robust against nonmagnetic disorder, and doubly degenerate and the level repulsion is strong.
hence the phases are mainly classified by  0. When In this case, the gap can close only at one of the TRIM
 0 is odd, the phase is called the strong topological k = i , and only when the valence and conduction
insulator (STI), while it is called the weak topological bands have opposite parities. In I-asymmetric systems,
insulator (WTI) for the even case. The other indices the gap can close at a generic k in 2D at a single value
 1,  2, and  3 are used to distinguish various phases in of m. In 3D I-asymmetric systems, there necessarily
the STI or WTI phases, and each phase can be asso- appears a gapless phase between the QSH and the
ciated with a mod 2 reciprocal lattice vector insulator phases, when m is changed. This gapless
G 1 23 =  1b1 +  2b2 +  3b3, as was proposed in Fu phase occurs because of the topological nature of the
et al. (2007a). These three topological numbers gapless points in 3D (but not in 2D). To summarize,
( k(k = 1,2,3)) are meaningful only for a relatively the universal phase diagrams involving the QSH and I
clean sample (Fu et al., 2007a). (However, a recent phases in 2D and in 3D are given in Figure 28
paper proposes that the 1D helical edge channels (Murakami, 2007; Murakami et al., 2007; Murakami
along dislocation are protected by  k (k = 1, 2, 3), and and Kuga, 2008).
hence the WTI is also topologically nontrivial
(Ran et al., 2008b).) These topological numbers in 3D
determine the topology of the Fermi curve of the Helical Edge Modes in QSH
surface states for arbitrary crystal directions (Fu et al., systems
2007a; Teo et al., 2008). It is an example of the bulk–
As we assume the time-reversal symmetry in the
surface correspondence. Further discussion on the
QSH phase, the edge states consist of pairs, in each
correspondence between bulk topological numbers in
of which the states are related by the time-reversal
3D and surface states can be found in Teo et al. (2008).
symmetry. Such pairs are sometimes called Kramers
The nature of the Z2 topological numbers can be
pairs. The gapless helical edge states consist of
revealed through the study of phase transitions
Kramers pairs of states with opposite spins, propagat-
between the QSH and the insulator phases, involving
ing in the opposite directions (see Figure 29). As
a change of the Z2 topological number (Murakami stated previously, the edge states remain gapless
et al., 2007; Murakami, 2007; Murakami and Kuga, even with nonmagnetic impurities or interaction
2008). The Z2 topological number is preserved as (Wu et al., 2006; Xu and Moore, 2006). However,
long as the gap remains open. Suppose that the system the two-particle scattering terms such as
transforms from the insulator to the QSH phase by Z
changing some parameter of the system. Then, the gap H9 ¼ g dx y y
R" R" L# L#
should close somewhere in between. Whether or not
the gap closes as the parameter is varied reflects the are allowed. These terms give rise to the Tomonaga–
topological properties of the system. The criterion for Luttinger liquid effect and also the Umklapp term
the occurrence of the phase transition has been studied among them leads to the spontaneous symmetry
by Murakami et al. (2007), Murakami (2007), and breaking, most probably the magnetic ones. The
Murakami and Kuga (2008). The idea is that the readers are referred to the original papers (Xu and
specification of each phase requires information over Moore, 2006; Wu et al., 2006). We note that another
the entire first Brillouin zone, whereas the change of proposal to obtain the similar helical edge modes in
the Z2 number across the transition can be discussed in graphene has been made (Abanin et al., 2006).
terms of the local information near the gap closing On the other hand, if we break the time-reversal
point in the momentum space. symmetry by a magnetic field, the helical edge states
258 Spin Hall Effect

(a) (b)

Inversion Inversion
symmetric symmetric


δ δ

m m

Figure 28 Universal phase diagram between the QSH and the insulator (I) phases in (a) 3D and (b) 2D (Murakami, 2007;
Murakami et al., 2007; Murakami and Kuga, 2008).

V I 0

Figure 29 Schematic of the helical edge states. From Kane CL and Mele EJ (2005a) Quantum spin Hall effect in graphene.
Physical Review Letters 95: 226801.

open a gap. It is demonstrated experimentally in neighbor bond from i to j.  ij takes the value 1
CdTe/HgTe/CdTe QW that the two-terminal con- depending on whether the next-nearest-neighbor
ductance decreases rapidly when the magnetic field hopping from j to i is clockwise or counterclockwise.
is increased (König et al., 2007, 2008). A fractional i takes the value 1 for the A and B sublattices,
charge appears when the time-reversal symmetry is respectively. The phase diagram is as shown in the
broken by magnetic domains put on the edge, as inset of Figure 26. We note that there are other
discussed in Section It is proposed theore- tight-binding models showing the QSH phase
tically that the proximity effect to the ferromagnets (Onoda and Nagaosa, 2005b; Qi et al., 2006a,b). This
with the helical edge channels introduces the mag- model shows the QSH and the insulator phases, by
netic domain wall and a fractional charge e/2, changing the model parameters. The phase diagram
which can be detected as the shift of the Coulomb is shown in the inset of Figure 28.
blockade periodicity (Qi et al., 2008b). A theoretical proposal of the 2D QSH on the
cubic semiconductor with strain gradient has been
made (Bernevig and Zhang, 2006). In this setup, the Models and Candidate Materials strain gradient plays a role of a spin-dependent
for QSHE effective magnetic field through the SO coupling,
The QSHE was first discovered in a model for gra- and gives rise to the spin-dependent QH effect, that
phene by Kane and Mele (2005a,b). This model is is, the QSH effect. In this proposal, the Landau
given as levels are formed, and in the presence of interaction,
X X there might be a chance to have exotic states similar
HKM ¼ t ciy cj þ i
SO ij ciy sz cj to the fractional QH states.
ði;j Þ hhi;j ii
X X The 3D QSH phase is realized in the model
þ i
R ciy ðs  b
kij Þz cj þ
v i ciy ci ð69Þ proposed by Fu et al. (2007a). It is the tight-binding
hi;j i i
model on a diamond lattice:
where hi,ji runs through the nearest-neighbor pairs X X
(i,j), and hhi,jii runs through the next nearest-neighbor H ¼t ciy cj þ ið8
SO =a2 Þ ciy s?ðd1ij  d2ij Þcj ð70Þ
pairs (i,j). bkij is the unit vector along the nearest- hij i ðhij iÞ
Spin Hall Effect 259

where t represents the nearest-neighbor spin-indepen- (a)

dent hopping, and
SO represents the SO coupling, E (eV)
exemplified as a next-nearest-neighbor hopping, and a 0.04
is the size of the cubic unit cell. The vectors d1ij and d2ij
denote those for the two nearest-neighbor bonds 0.02
involved in the next-nearest-neighbor hopping. This dC
four-band model is I-symmetric, and we assume the 50 60 70 80 d (Å)
Fermi energy to be between the upper and lower –0.02 H1
doubly degenerate bands. The gap between the
doubly degenerate CB and valence bands vanishes at –0.04
three X-points. In order to realize the QSH phase, we (b)
need to open the gap. It is achieved by making the
hopping amplitudes for the four different bond direc-
tions to be different. For example, by making one bond
stronger than the other three, it becomes the STI,
while by making it weaker, it becomes the WTI.
This phase change can be attributed to different Figure 30 Change of the bandstructure of CdTe/HgTe/
signs of masses at the direct gaps at the X-points. f0150 CdTe quantum-well as a function of well width d.
Because the QSH phase is caused by the SO From Bernevig BA, Hughes TL, and Zhang S-C (2006)
coupling, one may wonder if there are real materials Quantum spin Hall effect and topological phase transition in
HgTe quantum wells. Science 314: 1757.
which have a sufficiently strong SO coupling to
realize this phase. In order to be in the QSH
are described in the next subsection, in conjunction
phase, the system should satisfy the following two
with the experimental results (König et al., 2007).
necessary conditions: (1) nonmagnetic insulator and
Next, we consider the 3D QSH phase. Because the
(2) odd Z2 topological number. These conditions
bulk bismuth is a semimetal, one possibility to make
mean that the gap is opened by the SO coupling.
it nonmagnetic insulator is to dope antimony. Indeed,
One criterion to see whether the gap is opened by
the alloy Bi1  xSbx with 0.07 < x < 0.22 becomes an
the SO coupling is to focus on the magnetic suscept-
insulator. The Z2 topological numbers are calculated
ibility (Murakami, 2006). In insulators and
from the parity eigenvalues, and it is proposed to be
semimetals, when the SO coupling has a large
the 3D QSH phase (Fu and Kane, 2007; Fu et al.,
matrix element between the valence and the con-
2007a). Related subjects are discussed in Fukui and
duction bands, the magnetic susceptibility is
Hatsugai (2007), Fukuyama (2006), Kane (2007),
enhanced. This has been established through the
Kane and Mele (2006), Liu et al. (2008), Min et al.
study of bismuth and bismuth–antimony alloy.
(2006), Nagaosa (2007), and Yang et al. (2008).
Therefore, bismuth and bismuth–antimony alloy
might be good candidates for the QSH phase. For
2D QSH phase, we consider a thin-film bismuth. By Experimental Observation of
making a ultrathin film, like (111) 1-bilayer film, it
becomes an insulator (Koroteev et al., 2008). This
lattice structure is inversion symmetric, and we can So far, there are several experimental reports for the
easily calculate the Z2 topological number from the QSH phase in 2D (König et al., 2007, 2008) and in 3D
parity eigenvalues. Indeed, it is theoretically pro- (Hsieh et al., 2008; Xia et al., 2008). One is on the
posed to be the 2D QSH phase (Murakami, 2006). (Cd,Hg)Te/HgTe/(Cd,Hg)Te QW, realizing the
Another system is CdTe/HgTe/CdTe QW 2D QSH phase. By changing the width d of the
(Bernevig et al., 2006; König et al., 2007, 2008 HgTe QW, the phase changes from the ordinary
(Figure 30)). This idea is based on the fact that insulator (d < dc  64 nm) to the QSH phase (d > dc).
HgTe has an inverted bandstructure from the usual For the narrow QW (da < dc) the bandstructure is like
cubic semiconductors such as CdTe. Thus, by increas- that of CdTe, where the CB is 6 and is s-like. For
ing the QW width, the electronic states change from the wider QW (d > dc), on the other hand, the
the conventional ones to the inverted ones. This change bandstructure is more like that of HgTe, where the
of character in the electronic states correspond to the CB is 8 and is p-like. When the thickness is larger
transition from the insulator to the QSH phase. Details than the critical value, dc, the p-like and s-like bands
260 Spin Hall Effect

touch at k = 0. Thereby the parity of the valence alloy is proposed to be the 3D QSH phase, that is, the
band and the Z2 topological number changes have STI (Fu and Kane, 2007; Fu et al., 2007a). The angle-
been predicted theoretically in advance (Bernevig resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is used
et al., 2006). In the experiments (König et al., 2007, for this alloy, and the Fermi surface of the surface state
 and  –
2008) the charge conductance, G, is measured in a crosses the M line five times (see Figure 33).
two-terminal setup, and found to be G  2e2/h when From the bandstructure calculation, the indices i at
 and –
d > dc and G  0 when d < dc. An effect of the external M are opposite in sign as predicted theoretically
magnetic field has also been studied. As the QSHE is (Fu and Kane, 2007). This means that there should be
 and –
fragile to perturbations which breaks time-reversal odd number of Fermi points between M . Thus,

 and  indicate that it is
symmetry, the charge conductance G shows a rapid the five crossings between M
decrease when the magnetic field is applied. This indeed the 3D QSH phase (Hsieh et al., 2008). Further
means that in the presence of magnetic field, there relevant references in this regard are Dai et al. (2008),
appears a gap in the helical edge channel to suppress Day (2008b), Hirahara et al. (2006), König et al. (2008),
the conductance (Figures 31 and 32). and Koroteev et al. (2008).
The 3D QSH phase has also been observed experi- Another experiment on the 3D QSH is carried out
mentally in the alloy Bi0.9Sb0.1 (Hsieh et al., 2008). This on Bi2Se3 (Xia et al., 2008). The ARPES measurement

R = h/(2e2)
Rxx / kΩ

2 1 μm × 1 μm, 1.8 K
1 μm × 0.5 μm, 1.8 K
0 1 μm × 1 μm, 4.2 K
–1 0 1 2
(Vg – Vth) / V

Figure 31 Conductance as a function of gate voltage. From König M, Buhmann H, Molenkamp LW, et al. (2008) The
quantum spin Hall effect: Theory and experiment. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77: 031007.

0.14 0°

(B|| x)
0.10 45°
G (e 2/h)

0.08 75°
0.06 (B|| z)

0.02 I
y z
0.00 90°
–0.10 –0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
B (T)
Figure 32 Conductance as a function of external magnetic field. From König M, Buhmann H, Molenkamp LW, et al. (2008)
The quantum spin Hall effect: Theory and experiment. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77: 031007.
Spin Hall Effect 261

Topological Hall insulator

1 2 3 4, 5

EB (eV)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Γ –kx (Å–1) M

Figure 33 ARPES data for Bi0.9Sb0.1. From Hsieh D, Qian D, Wray L, et al. (2008) A topological Dirac insulator in a
quantum spin Hall phase. Nature 452: 970.

showed that in Bi2Se3 the surface states traverse the half-filled. In the ground state, dj = d is uniform,
bulk gap. The dispersion of the surface states forms a which opens the gap. In the real space, this corre-
single Dirac fermion at the  point, meaning that sponds to the periodic array of dimers. For each
Bi2Se3 is the STI if it is insulating in the bulk. dimer, there are bonding and antibonding orbitals
Nevertheless, in reality the material is n-doped in and an electron occupies the bonding orbital.
nature, and it is not even insulating in the bulk. If the Therefore, the electron number per atom is 1/2.
carriers are compensated and the material becomes There is an energy gap corresponding to the energy
insulating in the bulk, it will become the STI. First- splitting between the bonding and antibonding
principles calculations have been done on this and states. Now, we consider an isolated atom separated
related materials (Zhang et al., 2009), and it was pre- from the dimers. This can be regarded as the kink or
dicted that Bi2Se3 is really the STI. In addition, domain wall between the two degenerate dimeriza-
Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 are also predicted to be STI, tion patterns, and called a soliton. Because the
while they have a smaller gap than Bi2Se3. isolated atom has one orbital decoupled from
the other atoms, it has the energy between those of
the bonding and antibonding orbitals in the dimers. Further Developments in the QSHE Let us define here the charge of the soliton. An
important remark here is that the charge is measured
QSHS and topological insulator are the subject of
from that of the ground state. For example, we count
intensive studies, and constitute a growing field. We
the charge of the soliton from that of the ground-state
mention here some of the interesting recent devel-
configuration. As noted above, there is half electron
opments and future directions.
per atom in the ground state, that is, e/2 charge.
Therefore, the charge of the soliton q is defined as Spin-charge separation and
q = (e)  (e/2) = e/2 if an electron occupies the
charge fractionalization
soliton site, while q = 0  (e/2) = e/2 if the soliton
The simplest example of the spin-charge separation
site is empty. This means that the soliton charge is a
is the soliton excitations in the conjugate polymer
fraction (half) of the unit charge e. This corresponds to
model such as polyacetylene. Suppose we have the
the case of jdjj = t, but the physics remains qualita-
tight-binding model (Niemi and Semenoff, 1986)
tively the same also in the limit of jdjj << t. In this case,
H¼ – ðt þ ð – 1Þj dj Þðcjy cj þ1 þ h:c:Þ ð71Þ the field theoretical methods can be applied (Niemi
j and Semenoff, 1986). In the continuum approxima-
where there is one orbital at each atom j, coupled to tion, the Hamiltonian reads
the atom at j + 1 by the transfer integral t + (1)jdj, Z
with dj being the dimerization. We assume that the H¼ dx y
ðxÞ½z qx þ x mðxÞ ðxÞ ð72Þ
average electron number is 1/2 per atom, that is,
262 Spin Hall Effect

where (x) = t( 1(x), 2(x)) is the two-component spinfull electron model discussed above. The only
field operator for the right-going and left-going elec- difference is that the system is 2D and the soliton is
trons, and m(x) is the mass term. With the sign change replaced by the vortex with the flux . The phase
of the mass m(x) between the two limits x ! 1, a winding around this vortex guarantees the existence
mid-gap state is topologically guaranteed (Niemi and of the mid-gap state in the QSHS, and the occupancy
Semenoff, 1986). This is the simplest example of the of that mid-gap state determines the charge and spin
fractionalization but can be generalized to many quantum numbers quite analogous to that in the spin
situations in a straightforward way. and charge solitons (Ran et al., 2008a,b; Qi et al.,
Now, we consider the spinfull electrons. Each 2008b; Moore, 2008). Therefore, QSHS offers the
atom can accommodate two electrons, that is, up- first explicit model showing the spin-charge separa-
spin and down-spin electrons. Then, there is one tion in 2D, which has been examined for many years
electron per atom in the ground state. There are in the context of the theory of high temperature
four possibilities of the soliton in this case: (1) superconductors (Lee et al., 2006).
vacancy, (2) double occupancy, (3) up-spin electron,
and (4) down-spin electron. Let us count the charge q
of the soliton for each of (1)–(4) states. It reads (1): Effective theory and quantized
q = 0  (e) = e, (2): q = (2e)  (e) = e, (3): magneto-electric effect
q = (e)  (e) = 0, and (4): q = (e)  (e) = 0. In the case of QH systems, the effective theory, that
Therefore, the soliton with (1) or (2) configuration is, the Chern–Simons theory, describes the low-
is positively and negatively charged, respectively, energy phenomena. Therefore, it is desirable to
and is called charge soliton. On the other hand, the develop an effective field theory for the QSHS also.
soliton with (3) or (4) configuration is neutral. When Recently, an interesting work has been done in this
we consider the spin quantum number S, it is 1/2 for direction (Qi and Zhang, 2008). The idea is to define
the configuration (3) and (4), while (1) and (2) and the fundamental time-reversal invariant (TRI) insu-
also the ground state are the spin singlet. Therefore, lator in (4 + 1)-dimensions, described by the (4 + 1)-
the (3) and (4) forms the spin-doublet pair and is dimensional Chern–Simons theory and characterized
called the spin soliton. Summarizing the above con- by the second Chern number. Due to the time-rever-
sideration, the charge and spin are carried by the sal symmetry, the coefficient of the Chern–Simons
different kinds of soliton, and this phenomenon can term is restricted to be 0 or , which corresponds to
be called spin-charge separation. We have shown that the Z2 topological number discussed in Section
even though the constituent particle have both unit By dimensional reduction, this state is
charge and spin, the excitation in the many-body related to the QSH system in (2 + 1)-dimensions
state could have fractional quantum numbers and and the topological insulator in (3 + 1)-dimensions.
also the spin-charge separation. As an explicit application of this effective theory, the
This idea has been applied to the QSHS. As quantized magneto-electric effect was predicted,
already noted in Section, the helical edge where an electric field produces the magnetization
modes in QSHS separate the right-going and left- in the same direction, with a universal constant of
going branches of the dispersion at the two edges of proportionality quantized in odd multiples of the
the sample for up- and down-spin electrons, respec- fine-structure constant  ¼ e 2 =hc.
tively. Therefore, the degrees of freedom are reduced
to half at each edge, leading to the fractionalized
charge. The effective Hamiltonian for the helical Superconducting QSHSs
edge modes at one edge can be written as (72) with The topological concept related to the time-reversal
1(x) ( 2(x)) corresponding to the right-going up- symmetry has been generalized to the superconduc-
spin electron (left-going down-spin electron), while tors. In particular, the superconducting proximity
the mass m(x) corresponds to the magnetic order effect between the surface of the (3 + 1)-dimensional
parameter. Therefore, at the magnetic domain wall STI and the usual s-wave superconductor has been
where m(x) changes sign, one expects the fractional discussed (Fu and Kane, 2008). The Hamiltonian
charge e/2 as discussed in Section (Qi et al., reads
2008b). Z
In the bulk of the QSHS, there are both up- and H¼ dx½ y
ð – iv?r – Þ þ  y y
þ h:c: ð73Þ
" #
down-spin states, and the situation is similar to the
Spin Hall Effect 263

where = t( " #) is the two-component spinor cor- number can still be defined, and the helical edge
responding to the surface Dirac fermion dictated by modes as the Andreev bound states appear when
the topology of the bulk state, while  is the super- the order parameter p for the p-wave pairing is
conducting order parameter induced by the larger than that for the s-wave pairing s. An inter-
proximity effect. This Hamiltonian can be diagona- esting spin-transport property is found in the
lized to result in a superconducting state resembling Andreev reflection at the junction of the normal
the chiral p + ip spinless pairing state. Therefore, a metal and the noncentrosymmetric superconductor.
novel vortex satisfying the non-Abelian statistics Another recent development of this field is the math-
(Read and Green, 2000; Ivanov, 2001), and the chiral ematical classification of the possible topological
edge modes (Buchholtz and Zwicknagl, 1981; classes including both the insulators and supercon-
Matsumoto and Sigrist, 1999; Read and Green, ductors. It is concluded that there are five classes
2000) carrying Majorana fermions are expected. Fu according to the time-reversal symmetry and chiral
and Kane (2008) considered the geometry of the two symmetry. The readers are referred to the recent
superconductors with the order parameter 0 and papers (Roy, 2006a,b; Schnyder et al., 2008).
0ei attached to the topological insulator with the
separation W. Then, the energy dispersion of the Localization problem related to
Andreev bound state is given by the QSHS
E(q) = [v2q2 + 0  2 cos2(/2)]1/2, with q being The effect of disorder on the electronic states is an
the wave number along the edge. The fermion opera- important issue in condensed matter physics. In par-
tor for this bound state constitutes the Majorana wire, ticular, it is known that the dimensionality,
and the circuit of this wire can be used to create, symmetry, and topological properties of the system
manipulate, and fuse Majorana bound state (Fu and determine the localization/delocalization behavior
Kane, 2008). of the wave functions (Lee and Ramakrishnan,
On the other hand, one can consider the (p  ip)- 1985). There are basically three universality classes,
pairing state as the superconducting analog of the that is, (1) orthogonal, (2) symplectic, and (3) unitary
QSH state in parallel to the spinless chiral (p + ip)- classes, which corresponds to the (1) spinless time-
pairing state which can be regarded as the super- reversal system, (2) time-reversal system with SO
conducting QH system (Qi et al., 2008a,c; Goryo interaction, and (3) system with broken time-reversal
et al., 2008; Grover and Senthil, 2008; Roy, 2006c; symmetry. It is remarkable that all the states are
Sengupta et al., 2006). In the (p  ip)-pairing state, the localized in 2D however weak the disorder strength
helical edge modes appear as the Andreev bound is in (1) and (3), while the metal–insulator transition
states. However, because the negative and positive occurs in (2). The integer QH system, which corre-
energy states are redundant in the Bogoliubov–de sponds to the case (3) but also is characterized by the
Gennes Hamiltonian, only the half of the fermion topological number called Chern number related to
degrees of freedom should be taken. This means that the quantized Hall conductance, has distinct locali-
the Bogoliubov quasi-particles at the helical edge zation properties. For example, there remain
modes are Majorana fermions. In the case of a vortex, extended states at the center of each Landau level
a pair of the Majorana fermion states at the core of (Girvin and Prange, 1987). Therefore, it is an intri-
the vortex appears. On this low-energy state, the guing problem if the similar modification of the
time-reversal symmetry operation acts as the super- localization properties due to the Z2 topological
symmmetry operation changing the even/odd of the numner occurs also in the QSHS, which belongs to
fermion number. This leads to a nontrivial nonlocal the symplectic class (2). Concerning this problem,
correlation of some order parameter. They also pro- Onoda et al. (2007) numerically studied the localiza-
pose the BW-phase of 3He as the (3 + 1)-dimensional tion length and its scaling behavior of the
superfluid analog of the topological insulator Kane–Mele model (Kane and Mele, 2005a,b). The
(Qi et al., 2008c). exponent  describes the divergence of the localiza-
Recently Tanaka and Kontani (2008) have pro- tion length as a function of energy difference from
posed that the noncentrosymmetric superconductors the mobility edge,  _ jE  Ecj . By numerical cal-
can be a candidate for the superconducting QSHS. In culation, it is found to be   1.6, which is different
the presence of the SO interaction, the singlet and from the symplectic value   2.7 (Onoda et al.,
triplet pairing states are mixed, and one cannot 2007). On the other hand, the QSH phase is studied
define the spin Chern number. However, the Z2 by extending the network model (Obuse et al., 2007).
264 Spin Hall Effect

The result is consistent with the symplectic value the honeycomb lattice structure concludes that the
(Obuse et al., 2008a,b). system is a QSHS at room temperature (Shitade et al.,
For the 3D QSHS, the localization of the (2 + 1)- 2009). Due to the electron correlation, the novel
dimensional Dirac fermion at the surface is an inter- antiferromagnetic state is expected at lower tempera-
esting issue. A model of a single 2D Dirac fermion is ture. Further studies on the interplay between the
studied by constructing an effective theory includ- electron correlation and SHE are extremely impor-
ing a nontrivial topological term, which is tant especially in correlated oxides, which have many
responsible for the protection of the extended states advantageous features such as the systematic control
(Ostrovsky et al., 2007; Ryu et al., 2007). Therefore, of the band width, carrier doping, and the high
the localization is prohibited by the topology in the energy scales.
case of the surface states of the STI. From the view-
point of the nonlinear sigma model approach, the
topological terms are classified by the homotopy 1.07.5 Summary and Perspectives on
consideration of the target space, which is deter- SHE
mined by the symmetry of the problem, and are Comparison between AHE and
restricted to the two cases: (1) there is no topological
term and (2) the topological sectors are classified by
Z2 number. The former corresponds to the usual SHE is closely related to the AHE in metallic ferro-
symplectic class and also the 2D topological insula- magnets as discussed in Section 1.07.1. Both are
tor, while the latter to the surface Dirac fermion of driven by the relativistic SO interaction, and intrinsic
the 3D STI. The readers are referred to some and extrinsic mechanisms are considered. More
further references on this issue (Sheng et al., 2006; explicitly, one may regard the SHE as the two copies
Essin and Moore, 2007; Obuse et al., 2008a,b; of AHE for up- and down-spins. This analogy is
Shindou and Murakami, 2009). correct in the zeroth order approximation, but there
are several differences as described below. SHE in strongly correlated One important difference is that the charge is a
systems conserved quantity and the charge current in AHE is
One of the most important issues to be studied in the well defined as the Noether current associated with
future is the role of electron correlation in SHE the U(1) gauge symmetry, while the spin is not con-
(Raghu et al., 2008). Concerning this issue, an inter- served in the presence of the SO interaction and
esting material has been reported, that is, Sr2IrO4 correspondingly the continuity equation for the
(Kim et al., 2008). As the atomic number increases spin and spin current cannot be derived in generic
from 3d, 4d to 5d, SO interaction increases while the situations. Therefore, the definition of the spin cur-
electron correlation decreases since the extent of the rent is somewhat arbitrary, and the direct observation
d-orbitals gets larger and larger. In the case of 5d of the spin current is much more difficult than that of
orbitals, the SO interaction and the correlation charge current, as discussed earlier. This is why the
energy U are of the order of 0.5 eV, both of which experimental observation of the SHE has been rather
play important roles, while the crystal field splitting indirect, by measuring the consequent spin accumu-
between eg and t2g orbitals is much larger. In Sr2IrO4, lation near the edge of the sample, for example. In
Ir4+ ion has d5 configuration, and one hole occupies that case, the analysis of the spin diffusion equation
the t2g orbitals. Because the orbital angular moment is including the decay of the spin density due to the SO
active in t2g orbitals, the strong SO interaction mixes interaction, which is phenomenologically intro-
the spin and orbital states, leading to the effective duced, should be performed.
Jeff = 1/2 states and Jeff = 3/2 states. The single hole More direct detection of the spin current is in
occupies one of the doubly degenerate Jeff = 1/2 terms of the voltage drop perpendicular to it. This
states, and the Coulomb interaction U leads to the effect is the so-called Aharonov–Casher effect in the
Mott insulating state (Kim et al., 2008). This experi- vacuum, but is very small because the magnitude of
ment opens a promising route of the SHE in oxides the effect in the vacuum contains the rest mass of the
because the effective Hubbard model for Jeff = 1/2 electron mc2 in the denominator. In solids, the effec-
states contains the spin-dependent complex transfer tive SO interaction can be tremendously enhanced
integrals due to the SO interaction. Actually, a tight- by the factor of mc2/E with E being the bandgap.
binding analysis on a related material, Na2IrO3, with This factor can be as large as 106, and hence the
Spin Hall Effect 265

detection of the spin current in solids is much easier. and 1 is the phase shift for the p-wave scattering
This idea has been already pursued in the ISHE as (Fert and Jaoul, 1972). This can be of the order of
discussed in Section 1.07.3 for metallic SHE. 102 since
/ > 0.1 and 1 > 0.1 are possible but
In the case of AHE, the theoretical studies on the not larger. Therefore, the giant SHE observed in Au
cross-over between the extrinsic and intrinsic domi- (Seki et al., 2008) suggests an essential difference
nated regions have been developed, taking into between the AHE and SHE. For example, the SHE
account the band crossing near the Fermi energy is not a simple two copies of AHE for up- and down-
which resonantly enhances the AHE (Miyasato spins. This is natural since the x and y components of
et al., 2007; Onodaet al., 2006b). The representative the spin operator play some role in the quantum
model system is the Rashba Hamiltonian with the fluctuation, which leads to the singlet formation in
spin polarization. For example, the cross-over from the Kondo effect as discussed in Section (Guo
the very clean metal, where the SS is dominant, to et al., 2009; Tanaka et al., 2008). This can be the
the usual metallic region, where the intrinsic contri- mechanism of the enhanced SHE compared with
bution determines H, occurs at h= > where is AHE. In any case, the role of the electron correlation
the transport lifetime, and  is the SO energy. At this and the quantum fluctuation of the spins will be an
cross-over, the longitudinal conductivity xx is much important issue in the future.
larger than e2/h, that is, xx > (e2/h)("F/). If one
increases the disorder strength furthermore, the sec- Comparison between Integer QHE
ond cross-over occurs at h=ð"F Þ  0:1 to the region
and QSHE
where a new scaling law H _ (xx) with the expo-
nent  > 1.6 holds. This theoretical prediction The QHE and the QSHE have many aspects in
(Onoda et al., 2006b), when translated to the 3D common. They come from topological orders in
systems by replacing e2/h by e2/(ha) > 103 (Ohm gapped systems. The QH system is represented
cm)1 (where a is the lattice constant assumed to be by the topological number (the Chern number) 
around 4 Å), is in agreement fairly well with the taking any integers:  = . . ., 2, 1, 0, 1, 2,. . . . This
recent experimental studies over the many decades is because the underlying symmetry is the contin-
of the disorder strength (Miyasato et al., 2007). uous U(1) symmetry associated with the charge
Therefore, h=ð Þ and hence the absolute value of conservation. This Chern number is equal to the
the longitudinal conductivity is a key parameter to number of chiral edge states, and also appears as
control the behavior of the AHE, which resolves the the quantized Hall conductance xy = e2/h. In the
long-standing controversy. 2DEG in a strong magnetic field, this number  is
From the viewpoint of the above results, the SHE equal to the number of Landau levels below the
in semiconductors is all in the strongly disordered Fermi energy. On the other hand, QSHE is related
region where the 1.6-power law is expected, but to the discrete symmetry, that is, the time-reversal
detailed study of the xx-dependence of s has symmetry, which is not related to the conservation
never been done. In the case of metals, on the other of a physical observable. Correspondingly, QSHS is
hand, the vital role of the band crossings is common characterized by the Z2 topological number taking
which leads to the enhanced intrinsic SHE in the only two values,  = even and  = odd, that is,
usual metallic systems as discussed in Section (1) = 1. As stated earlier, the simplest example If the disorder is further reduced, the extrin- of the QSHS is realized as a superposition of two
sic SS contribution is dominant, and the SHC s is QH systems of opposite effective magnetic fields
proportional to the diagonal charge conductivity xx, for opposite spins. Only for such kinds of the
and the spin Hall angle S = s/xx characterizes the QSHSs, the corresponding topological number is
spin Hall response. The anomalous Hall angle is also the spin Chern number:  s =  "   # = . . ., 4,
defined in a similar way, that is, = s/xx. The 2, 0, 2, 4, . . . . In this criterion, Z2 even (odd)
typical value of is of the order of 103, correspond- corresponds to  s = 0(2)(mod 4). Nevertheless, gen-
ing to the ratio of the SOI and the Fermi energy. eric QSHSs allow terms which break spin
When the resonant scattering by the virtual bound conservation preserving the time-reversal symme-
state of d-orbitals is active, is of the order of try. With such spin-nonconserving terms, the set of
/) 1 where
is the SOI energy,  is the hybri- topological numbers is reduced to only two classes,
dization energy between the d-orbitals and the odd and even. This is the Z2 topological number,
s-bands, that is, the width of the virtual bound state, which characterizes the QSHS.
266 Spin Hall Effect

The edge states are also similar, whereas the 2007; Wang and Li, 2007; Yao and Niu, 2008; Zhang
spin-nonconserving terms make the QSH different et al., 2007). In this case the spin of light is nothing but
from a mere superposition of two QH systems. the circular polarized states of light. One can derive
The QH system has chiral edge states whose num- the EOM for the center of mass position rc and
ber is equal to the Chern number. They are momentum kc of the wavepacket of light including
immune to backscattering from impurities, since the lowest-order correction due to the finite wave-
the modes with different chiralities are separated length. It reads as
by the sample width. The QSHS has helical edge
states, which consist of pairs of Kramers-degener- dxc kc
¼ vðxc Þ þ k̇c  ðzc jkc jzc Þ ð74Þ
ate edge states. When the spin, sz, is conserved, the dt kc
number of edge states is equal to the spin Chern dk c
¼ – ½rvc ðxc Þkc ð75Þ
number of the original QH system. When the spin, dt
sz, is no longer conserved (but time-reversal sym-
metry is preserved), some edge states may open a d jzc Þ
¼ – k̇c ?kc jzc Þ ð76Þ
gap; nevertheless, if the Z2 topological number is dt
odd, at least one Kramers pair of edge states where v(x) = 1/n(x) (n(x): refractive index) is the
remains gapless. velocity of light, and jz) = [z+, z] represents the
An important difference between the QH and polarization state of light. kc and kc are the SU(2)
QSHSs is that the QHE usually requires a strong connection and curvature matrices, which corre-
magnetic field, while the QSHE is realized in the spond respectively to An(k) and Bn(k) in the
absence of the magnetic field. In fact, the QHE Berry-phase theory of electron transport. The sec-
requires breaking of the time-reversal symmetry, ond term on the right-hand side of (74) is the
but not the uniform magnetic field; the QHE can anomalous velocity due to the Berry curvature.
arise from external staggered magnetic field This term will induce the shift of the trajectory of
(Haldane, 1988). However, in real systems thus far, light once the force, that is, the spatial gradient of
QHE arises only in external uniform magnetic field. the refractive index rn(x) is applied. As shown in
In 2D systems it can be realized because of the Figure 34 this leads to the Hall effect of light at the
cyclotron motion in the plane perpendicular to the refraction at the spatial change of n (Onoda et al.,
magnetic field. Due to the Landau level formation by 2004, 2006a). If we make the spatial change of n to be
the strong magnetic field, the motion perpendicular abrupt, it reduces to the case of interface refraction/
to the magnetic field opens a gap. In 3D, on the other reflection, which is described by the famous Snell’s
hand, the motion along the magnetic field usually law. The new finding is that once the light beam is
remains gapless; this means that the system cannot injected to the interface, the shift of the refracted
be the QH phase in most 3D systems. On the con- and reflected beams occurs perpendicular to the
trary, the QSHS is realized in the absence of the plane of incident light typically of the order of a
magnetic field; there is no fixed direction for the fraction of the wavelength. This phenomenon has
magnetic field, and the QSH phase can be realized
in 3D as well as in 2D. More deeply, the QSHS or the
topological insulator in 3D has no correspondence to Anomalous velocity
the QH system. k (z c | Ω kc|z c )

Small n Generalization of SHE and Future Berry curvature
(z c | Ω kc|z c )
k Optical SHE
The concept of the SHE can be generalized in many
directions. One example is the optical SHE, that is, Large n
the SHE of light (Fedorov, 1955; Pancharatnam,
1956; Imbert, 1972; Chiao and Wu, 1986; Tomita
Figure 34 Schematic of the optical SHE at refraction. The
and Chiao, 1986; Berry, 1987a,b; Onoda et al., 2004, polarization is left circular. The gradient of the refractive
2006a; Kavokin et al., 2005; Bliokh and Bliokh, 2006; index induces a transverse anomalous velocity due to Berry
Day, 2008a; Duval et al., 2006; Glazov and Kavokin, curvature.
Spin Hall Effect 267

been known as the Imbert shift (Fedorov, 1955; due to the spatial variation of the spin directions
Imbert, 1972) since long ago, whereas it is surprising (Meier and Loss, 2003). This is more promising
that it shares the similar mechanism with the SHE in when one wants to suppress the dissipation, com-
electrons. This transverse shift has been reconsid- pared with the metals and semiconductors. The
ered by Bliokh in the case of Gaussian beam (Bliokh design of the QSHE has been developed along this
and Bliokh, 2006). Because the semiclassical EOMs line as discussed in Section 1.07.1 but Mott insulat-
(74)–(76) assumes slow spatial variation of n, in a ing magnetic systems are more common and usual.
strict sense they cannot be applied for the abrupt In the presence of the SO interaction, one expects
interface; as a result, in the abrupt interface the shift the coupling between the spin current and the
depends on the detail of the beam, for example, electric polarization/electric field as a natural gen-
whether it is a Gaussian beam (Bliokh and Bliokh, eralization of SHE.
2006; Onoda et al., 2006a). Let us start with the commutation relationship
Recently, this transverse shift has been observed among the components of the spin operator, that is,
experimentally by using the weak measurement
(Hosten and Kwiat, 2008). With the setup shown in ½s a ; s b  ¼ ih"abc s c ð77Þ
Figure 35 the transverse shift at the interface refrac- z
which can be translated into that of s and the angle 
tion is measured to the accuracy of 1 nm, and the within the xy-plane (s+ = sx + isy  ei) as
result shows good agreement with the theory, as
shown in Figure 36. The readers are referred to the ½; s z  ¼ ih ð78Þ
original papers for more details. Optical SHE in exci-
ton-polariton system due to the precession of the spin This relation is analogous to the commutation rela-
state by the k-dependent Zeeman field has been dis- tion between the phase j and the particle number n
cussed and observed experimentally (Kavokin et al., of the bosons.
2005; Leyder et al., 2007). This mechanism is distinct In this language, the magnetic ordering can be
from that due to the Berry curvature discussed above. regarded as the superfluidity of the spin current,
Note that the SHE of excitons due to the Berry and once difference of the phases i and j occurs
curvature has been proposed by Yao and Niu (2008) between the neighboring sites i and j, the Josephson
and Kuga et al. (2008) recently. super spin current is induced, which then produces
the electric polarization. In this scenario, the electric
polarization P produced by the two spins si and sj is Multiferroics given by (Katsura et al., 2005)
Another generalization of SHE is to the magnetic
P ¼ eij  ðsi  sj Þ ð79Þ
insulators. The charge transport is forbidden in the
insulator, but the spin current can be nonzero once with  being a constant proportional to the SO inter-
the magnetism is there. For example, the spin cur- action. Here, the spin current is related to the vector
rent is associated with the spin wave propagation spin chirality si  sj.

θw PS
xI P2 L2

Figure 35 Experimental setup for the measurement of optical SHE. From Hosten O and Kwiat P (2008) Observation of the
spin Hall effect of light via weak measurements. Science 319: 787.
268 Spin Hall Effect

44 θI = 64°
38 δH
y-Displacement (nm)

0 20 40 60 80


λ = 633 nm

0 20 40 60 80

Figure 36 Experimental results of optical SHE. From Hosten O and Kwiat P (2008) Observation of the spin Hall effect of light
via weak measurements. Science 319: 787.

According to this consideration, one expects the gradient, and the voltage drop are the external forces
ferroelectric state for the cycloidal helimagnets, to drive the heat, spin, and charge currents, respec-
that is, when the spin rotation plane includes the tively, and one can consider various kinds of off-
direction of the helical wavevector. Experimentally, diagonal responses among these. In particular, the
the multiferroic behavior of RMnO3 has been Hall responses have the topological aspects as
discovered earlier by Kimura et al. (2003) indepen- described above, which needs to be explored in the
dently of the theoretical works mentioned above, future. Orbital current, on the other hand, is rather
and the magnetic structure in the ferroelectric subtle since the information of the shape of the wave
phase was shown to be the incommensurate cycloid function is lost once the current is taken out of the
later (Kenzelmann et al., 2005; Arima et al., 2006) sample to the leads. However, one can develop var-
supporting the theoretical proposal. The origin of ious analogies between the spin current and orbital
the ferroelectricity in several other multiferroic current. Similar ideas have been discussed in the
materials is now shown to be the spin current physics of graphene recently, where the valley
mechanism (Katsura et al., 2005). In any case, the degrees of freedom is analogous to those of spin,
generalization of the spin Hall idea to the insulating and valleytronics might be an interesting subject
magnetic insulating materials offers an interesting (Rycerz et al., 2007).
route to the dissipationless spintronics. Another direction is to consider the electron–
electron and electron–phonon interactions in SHE. Future directions As we discussed above, the d-electrons can be a
The future of the studies on SHE is briefly discussed promising candidate for future spintronics, where
here. One can imagine two directions for the future the electron correlation plays a crucial role. The
developments. One direction is to consider the var- enhanced SHE by local correlation by Fe impurity
ious kinds of current instead of the spin current such has been discussed in Section 1.07.3. SHE with 5d
as the heat current and orbital current. In particular, electrons was mentioned in Section The
the heat current is an important issue also from the many-body effects combined with the nontrivial
viewpoint of applications, and the interplay between topology is a vast field of research as represented by
this current and the spin current is an interesting fractional QHE. Whether the analogous fractiona-
problem. Temperature gradient, magnetic field lized state exists or not for QSHE is an open
Spin Hall Effect 269

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1.08 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures
W R Clarke and M Y Simmons, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
C-T Liang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, China
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.08.1 Introduction 281 Important Length Scales and Mesoscopic Systems 282 Important length scales 282 Mesoscopic transport 283 2D Systems 284 1D Systems 285 Quantum transport in 1D systems 285 QPCs and saddle point potentials 287 Observing Conductance Quantization 288
1.08.2 Ballistic Conduction in n-type GaAs-Based 1D Systems 289 Introduction 289 The SG Technique and the First Observations of Quantized Conductance 289 Other Methods to Fabricate 1DEGs 291 Shallow etching techniques 292 Cleaved-edge overgrowth wire 292 V-groove quantum wires 293 Gated, undoped (induced) heterostructures 293 Energy-Level Splitting and the 1D g-Factor 295 Zeeman splitting in 1D electron systems 295 Source–drain bias spectroscopy 295 Determination of the g-factor in 1D 296 Many-Body Physics in 1D – The 0.7 Structure 297 Identifying the 0.7 structure 297 In-plane magnetic field behavior of the 0.7 feature 298 Temperature dependence of the 0.7 structure 301 Density dependence of the 0.7 feature 302 Source–drain bias dependence of the 0.7 feature 303 Thermopower, thermal conductance, and shot noise dependence of the 0.7 feature 304 The Kondo Model and Zero-Bias Anomaly 305 Overview 305 Experimental and theoretical evidence for a Kondo model 306
1.08.3 Ballistic Transport in p-Type GaAs-Based 1D Systems 309 Introduction 309 The Hole Band Structure 310 Fabricating Stable 1D Hole Systems 312 Etched quantum wires 312 Surface gate-depleted quantum wires 313 Local anodic oxidation 313 Bilayer quantum wires 314 Electrostatically induced quantum wires 315 Cleaved-edge overgrowth hole wires 315 Ballistic Transport in Hole Quantum Wires 316 Source–drain bias spectroscopy 316 Zeeman splitting and the g-factor anisotropy 317

280 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures The 0.7 Structure in 1D Hole Systems 318 Characterizing the 0.7 structure 319 g-Factor anisotropy of the 0.7 structure and zero-bias anomaly 319 Spin polarization near the 0.7 structure 321
1.08.4 Summary 322
References 322

Band-gap engineering The process of controlling Four-terminal configuration A measurement
or altering the band gap of a material by controlling configuration for measuring the resistance of a
the growth and composition of layers of different device in which the current at the source and drain
semiconductors, such as GaAs, AlGaAs, InGaAs, and the voltage at two points along the device are
and InAlAs. measured simultaneously. With this information, it
Chemical potential The chemical potential of a is possible to determine the resistance of the
thermodynamic system is the amount by which device between the two voltage probes and
the energy of the system would change if an eliminate contact resistance.
additional particle was introduced, with the g-Factor A dimensionless quantity which
entropy and volume held fixed. If the chemical characterizes the magnetic moment and
potential of a source lead of a quantum wire is gyromagnetic ratio of a particle. The g-factor
greater than the chemical potential of the drain determines how strongly the particle will couple to
lead, then the electrons will flow from source to an external magnetic field.
drain. g-Factor anisotropy The extent to which the
Density of states The number of states at each measured g-factor of carriers changes as the
energy level of a system. direction of the magnetic field changes.
Drude conductivity The conductivity of an Group velocity The velocity of the envelope of a
electronic system at zero temperature predicted by group of interfering waves having slightly different
the classical Drude model. frequencies and phase velocities.
Effective mass A value of the mass assigned to an Heterostructure A single crystal made up of
electron traveling in a periodic lattice that allows the layers of different crystalline materials such as
electron to be treated as a particle traveling in free GaAs, AlGaAs, and AlAs.
space. Inelastic scattering A form of scattering event in
Einstein’s relation Also known as Einstein– which the energy of the incident particles is not
Smoluchowski relation, it states that the mobility of conserved.
charges in a semiconductor is proportional to a Low-dimensional system Systems of electrons
diffusion coefficient D and inversely proportional to or holes that are confined to approximately one
the product of the Boltzmann constant and the Fermi wavelength in one or more directions.
absolute temperature. Many-body phenomena Phenomena that can
Elastic scattering A form of scattering event in only be described by including the interactions
which the energy of the incident particles is between particles and cannot be described by a
conserved, only their direction of propagation is single-particle model.
modified. Mean free path The average distance an electron
Fermi energy The energy in a solid below which all travels before being scattered.
energy states are occupied at zero temperature Mesoscopic Pertaining to a size regime,
and above which all states are unoccupied at zero intermediate between the microscopic and the
temperature. macroscopic, that is characteristic of a region
Fermi velocity The velocity of particles having where a large number of particles can interact in a
kinetic energy equal to the Fermi energy. quantum-mechanically correlated fashion.
Fermi wavelength The de Broglie wavelength of a Mobility The average drift velocity of carriers per
quantum wave packet with kinetic energy equal to unit electric field in a homogeneous
the Fermi energy. semiconductor. Mobility is determined by the
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 281

number of scattering events and therefore is often Weak localization A quantum mechanical
quoted as a measure of purity of the system. property of 2D systems characterized by an
Modulation doping A technique used in molecular enhanced resistance at zero magnetic field that
beam epitaxy in which successive heterostructure rapidly falls away with the application of a
layers are grown with different types and amounts perpendicular field. The enhanced resistance at
of dopants. zero field arises due to time-reversal symmetry.
Momentum relaxation time The characteristic For each particle with a probability to travel a
time for the momentum distribution of electrons in a closed loop, there is an equal probability that the
solid to approach or relax to equilibrium after an particle will travel the same closed loop in the
external influence is removed. opposite direction. These two probability
Phonon The quantum of acoustic or vibrational pathways constructively interfere, increasing the
energy, considered a discrete particle and used probability that the particle will be trapped in this
especially in models to calculate thermal and closed loop and unable to take part in conduction.
vibrational properties of solids. The size of these localizing pathways is dependent
Quantum point contact A quasi-1D system in on the phase coherence length and therefore
which the length of the channel approaches zero. weak localization is most apparent at low
Scattering time The time between scattering temperature where the phase coherence is
events of an electron. enhanced. Applying a magnetic field breaks the
Spin–orbit coupling In an atom, it is the interaction time-reversal symmetry and thereby causes a
between a particle’s spin and its orbital angular decrease in the resistance.
momentum. In a semiconductor, the spin–orbit Zeeman splitting The breaking of spin
coupling refers to the coupling of the spins to the degeneracy by the application of an external
orbital angular momentum of the bands in which magnetic field.
they travel. The orbital angular momentum of the Zero-bias anomaly In 1D systems, the zero-bias
band derives from the atomic orbitals from which it is anomaly refers to an enhanced conductance at
formed. In GaAs, the conduction band derives from zero source–drain bias that falls away rapidly as the
s-orbitals and therefore has l ¼ 0. The valence band source–drain bias is increased. The effect draws its
derives from p-orbitals and therefore l ¼ 1. name from an analogous effect seen in quantum-
Transconductance The derivative of the current dots due to the Kondo effect in 0D.
through a device as a function of source–drain voltage.

1.08.1 Introduction two-dimensional (2D) systems, conductance quanti-

zation in 1D quantum wires and a host of spin and
For the past four decades, the semiconductor indus- charge phenomena in 0D quantum-dots.
try has consistently managed to double the number of In this context, gallium arsenide (GaAs) has
transistors on a silicon chip roughly every 18 months emerged as an important material system for study-
to 2 years. While this effort is to satisfy the ever- ing quantum phenomena in low-dimensional
increasing demand for faster and smaller computers, systems. This is because it contains high-quality,
it has also opened up completely new areas of epitaxial interfaces in combination with modulation
research in condensed matter physics. In particular, doping, which provide an ultralow disorder environ-
the continued miniaturization of devices and ment. The very high purity of GaAs heterostructures
increased purity of semiconductor materials has allows low-dimensional GaAs devices to easily access
allowed the study of novel quantum phenomena in the ballistic transport regime in which the mean free
systems where charge carriers are confined spatially path of the carriers is longer than the device itself. As
to lower dimensions. This has resulted in important a consequence, carriers can pass through the device
fundamental discoveries in quantum physics, includ- without scattering from impurities. Electron trans-
ing the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects in port in the ballistic regime is very different from
282 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

conventional diffusive transport, where the electrons In Section 1.08.3, we mirror the discussion on electron
are scattered many times by impurities as they make systems by considering ballistic transport in 1D hole
their way through the device. Interestingly, funda- systems. In particular, we highlight the important role
mental research in these high-purity GaAs-based that spin–orbit coupling and the large effective
devices has been incorporated back into the semi- mass have on both the single-particle properties and
conductor industry, which now uses them in high- many-body effects in ballistic hole channels.
speed applications such as monolithic microwave
integrated circuits (MMICs).
In this chapter, we study the unique properties of Important Length Scales and
ballistic transport in GaAs devices. In particular, we Mesoscopic Systems
examine the intriguing effects that appear in ballistic,
1D quantum wires. The truly quantum nature of As semiconductor devices scale down in size, there
ballistic 1D wires was first demonstrated by two reaches a limit where device behavior no longer
groups independently. In 1988, van Wees et al. scales with dimension but novel effects start to
(1988) and Wharam et al. (1988) both showed that occur. These effects come into play when the dimen-
the conductance of a ballistic 1D channel was quan- sions of the device become comparable to an
tized in units of G ¼ 2e2/h. This seminal discovery important length scale, such as the mean free path
could be explained by a simple single-particle model. or the Fermi wavelength. At this point, the system
However, subsequent experiments revealed the enters what is called the mesoscopic regime, where
appearance of new features with no single-particle the wave character of the charge particle comes into
analog. Most notable has been the discovery of a play and the kinetic energy becomes quantized. This
small conductance plateau at the oddly unquantized quantization comes about purely from the spatial
value of G ¼ 0.7(2e2/h). This so-called 0.7 structure confinement of the charge carriers. This confinement
reveals a plethora of many-body effects, the origin of can occur in just one spatial dimension to form a 2D
which continues to be a source of contention in the film or in two spatial dimensions to form a 1D wire or
field of mesoscopic physics. in all three spatial dimensions to form a quantum-dot
The chapter will proceed with a brief introduction or an artificial atom. In each case, the dimensionality
to transport in mesoscopic systems with important of charge motion is the number of spatial directions
length scales in Section Since all 1D devices in which the electron eigenstates are free to evolve
are derived from 2D systems, we will present a brief and thereby to transport charge. Understanding
introduction to 2D systems in Section Then, mesoscopic systems requires an understanding of
in Section, we introduce the fundamental con- several key length scales. These are summarized as
cepts of conduction in 1D, which includes an follows.
introduction to the density of states and to the
Landauer formula for transport in 1D systems, quan- Important length scales
tum point contacts, and the saddle point potential. In The three most important length scales in meso-
Section 1.08.2, we provide a historical account of the scopic systems are: the Fermi wavelength, the mean
discovery of conductance quantization in n-type GaAs free path, and the phase coherence length.
heterostructures. This includes an introduction to the Fermi wavelength, F: The Fermi wavelength for 2D
split-gate technique (Section and several other systems, F, is the de Broglie wavelength of electrons
methods to fabricate 1D systems (Section, at the Fermi energy and is given by
including shallow etching techniques, cleaved-edge rffiffiffiffiffi
2 2 h
overgrowth, V-groove quantum wires, and gated, F ¼ ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
kF ns 2m EF
undoped heterostructures. We then review the out-
comes for the quantized conductance plateau in both where kF is the Fermi wave number, ns is the sheet
magnetic field and as a function of source–drain bias in carrier concentration, m is the effective mass, and EF
Section This allows us to measure energy-level is the Fermi energy. At low temperatures, current in
subband spacings and the g-factor in 1D systems. In devices is passed by carriers having an energy close
Section, we review the appearance of a feature to the Fermi energy, so that the Fermi wavelength
at 0.7(2e2/h) seen in high-quality electron systems, becomes the relevant wavelength. Carriers with less
before finishing with a discussion of the Kondo energy have longer wavelengths, but they do not
model and zero-bias anomaly (Section contribute to the conduction. The lowest energy
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 283

mode in a quantum wire is half the Fermi wave- Phase coherence length, l : When electrons are con-
length; therefore, a wire must be at least this wide fined spatially, we need to consider the electron as a
in order to see conductance quantization. In GaAs/ wave packet with a phase coherence length. Electron
AlGaAs heterostructures F  400 Å for an electron motion can no longer be described by a single
concentration of ns  3  1011 cm2. For 1D systems Schrödinger equation but can interact with many
kF is given by ns. other degrees of freedom and exchange their energy.
Mean free path, lmfp: A simple explanation of the The phase-coherence length is essentially the dis-
mean free path is the average distance a carrier tance the charge carrier can travel before its phase
travels before it gets scattered into a different wave- becomes uncorrelated with its original value. The
vector direction. If we consider an electron moving phase-coherence length can only be destroyed by
through a perfect crystalline lattice, the electron inelastic scattering events – ones that cause phase
moves as if it were in vacuum, but with a different randomizing collisions. Typically, this is caused by
mass. However, if there is any deviation from perfect fluctuating scatterers. Some examples of this include
crystallinity either caused by defects or impurities in electron–electron interactions, where the mutual
the lattice or, from thermal vibrations, then the elec- Coulomb repulsion of electrons causes them to con-
tron’s path is scattered and it changes its momentum. tinually move and act as scattering sites. Phonons or
The mean free path lmfp is given by lattice vibrations also cause dephasing, but these
typically reduce considerably at low temperatures.
lmfp ¼ vF  Indeed, both electron–electron and electron–phonon
where vF is the Fermi velocity and  is the momen- scattering decrease at low temperatures. Impurity
tum relaxation time. The Fermi velocity is given by scattering can also be phase-randomizing if the
impurity has an internal degree of freedom that can
hkF fluctuate with time, such as magnetic impurities
VF ¼
m where the spin fluctuates with time. The weak
The mean free path dictates the length a quantum localization correction is only significant when
wire must be before ballistic transport is observed. l > lmfp.
Ideally, the length of the wire should be less than the
mean free path. Typically, for high-mobility, modu- Mesoscopic transport
lation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures, with Transport in mesoscopic systems can be divided into
sheet carrier densities of 3  1011 cm2, and mobi- three distinct regimes depending on the relative
lities of 5  106 cm2 V1 s1, the mean free path can magnitude of the size of the system, L, mean free
be as long as 100 mm at low temperatures. At room path, lmfp, and the phase coherence length, l, (see
temperature, this value can decrease considerably Table 1). In the diffusive regime, the sample size is
due to the large amount of electron–phonon scatter- much larger than the mean free path and the trans-
ing. The consequence of such long mean free paths at port is essentially independent of the form of the
low temperatures is that it is easy to create devices system. In the quantum coherent regime, the sample
where the device size has comparable dimensions to size is similar to the mean free path; therefore classi-
the mean free path and the system becomes ballistic. cal transport begins to break down as edge and

Table 1 Trends in g-factor with increasing ID confinement for quantum wires oriented along different crystallographic axes
in parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields.

Regime length scales Impact on electrical conduction

Diffusive regime l < L Quantum corrections to the conductivity can exist due to phase coherence within
regions of size lø
Quantum lmfp < L < l Classical theories of conduction breakdown and the device becomes a more
coherent complex quantum system
Ballistic regime L< lmfp Electrons move through the device like billiard balls on a table and the system
behaves in a more simple purely quantum mechanical way.

Reproduced from Koduvayur, (2008).

284 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

boundary effects start to dominate. However, in the constant a is very small, with a ¼ 5.6533 þ 0.0078x
ballistic regime, the electron makes a ballistic motion (Adachi, 1985), minimizing strain and scattering at
in the system and the system boundary plays the role GaAs/AlGaAs interfaces. This is in stark contrast
of the scatterer instead of impurities. Metallic sys- to the crystalline-amorphous Si–SiO2 interfaces in
tems are typically diffusive since their mean free Si-MOSFETs.
paths are of the order of 100 Å and Fermi wave- Confining the carriers to a 2D plane is made
lengths of 1–2 Å, such that quantization of the possible through band-gap engineering. While the
electron energy levels is not so important. lattice spacing in GaAs (5.653 Å) is very similar to
However, for semiconductor systems where mean AlAs (5.660 Å), the band gap between them is very
free paths can be 50 mm long and the Fermi wave- different. If we replace a fraction, x, of the Ga atoms
lengths are large, 500 Å, both the boundaries and with Al atoms in AlxGa1xAs, we can span a whole
quantization of the system play important roles. range of band gaps from Eg ¼ 1.424 þ 1.247x eV at
Before introducing conduction in ballistic 1D sys- room temperature. With the use of techniques such
tems, it is important to briefly consider the 2D as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), it is possible to
systems from which they are typically formed. engineer the band gap by growing a series of layers
with different doping and mole fractions x to form
heterojunction devices.
When a layer of AlGaAs is grown on top of a layer 2D Systems
of GaAs, discontinuities in the conduction and
Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) are valence bands form. It is possible to trap carriers
important since they represent the conducting and thereby form a 2D sheet of carriers at the
layer that is subsequently confined laterally to cre- AlGaAs/GaAs interface. However, by a technique
ate 1D systems. A 2DEG occurs when electrons are called modulation doping, it is possible to position
confined to an interface between two different donors in an AlGaAs layer some distance away from
materials, such as the interface between a thin sili- the interface where the 2DEG is formed. The elec-
con and silicon dioxide insulating layer or the trons from these donors tunnel to the lower energy
interface between GaAs and AlGaAs. Here, the ver- state at the interface leaving behind ionized impurity
tical confinement of the electron gas means that the states. Since the electron gas formed is spatially
spacing of all the energetically accessible particle- removed from these ionized donors, the scattering
in-a-box energy levels for modes in the z-direction from these charged impurities is reduced and the
is greater than the level broadenings and kBT. The mean free path increases.
density of states in the z-direction is measurably When the doped layer is n-type, the Fermi energy
discrete and the z-component of the wave function in this layer is shifted toward the conduction band in
has a standing wave form. Therefore, the electron analogy to a positively biased surface gate. This
cannot move classically in the z-direction and the forces the bands in the intrinsic layers to bend
transport is 2D. upward in order to balance the internal electric
The dimension at which this vertical confinement field and creates a triangular quantum-well in the
occurs is system specific but is usually of the order of conduction band at the GaAs/AlGaAs heterointer-
the Fermi wavelength, F, and in a metal-oxide face. This is shown schematically in Figure 1(a).
semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) or Conversely, if the doped layer is p-type, the bands
high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) is typi- in the intrinsic layers bend down, forming a
cally hundreds of angstroms at low temperatures. quantum-well in the valence band in which holes
The most authoritative text on 2D systems is that accumulate to form a 2D hole system (2DHS) as
by Ando et al. (1992). However, a brief summary as to shown in Figure 1(b).
how they are formed will be given here before we A big advantage of GaAs systems over silicon-
consider 1D systems. based devices is that it is possible to produce sam-
A 2DEG can be formed in GaAs with the impor- ples where the electron mean free path is much
tant advantage that it is formed at a crystalline GaAs/ larger than that of bulk materials with the same
AlGaAs heterointerface. GaAs can be considered as a carrier concentration. This makes the ballistic
special case of the more general group of ternary regime readily accessible in GaAs devices. Lower-
compounds AlxGa1xAs, where x represents the Al dimensional systems can then be created by using
mole fraction. As a result, the variation in lattice etching or surface gates to confine the 2D system to
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 285

(a) (b)
n-AIGaAs AIGaAs GaAs p-AIGaAs AIGaAs GaAs



Figure 1 a) Band diagram of a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with an n-type doping layer and intrinsic AlGaAs spacer layer
forming a two-dimensional election gas (2DEG) at the GaAs/AlGaAs interface. b) The analogous band diagram for p-type
doping to form a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG).

one or zero dimensions. This brings us to a more (a) Diffusive

extended discussion of the background theory of 1D
systems. W 1D Systems
When the width of the 2D system is confined later- Ballistic
ally to a length scale that is comparable to the Fermi
wavelength, then we form a quasi-1D system. Again, W
we can experience diffusive or ballistic transport
depending on the comparison between the length of
L << lmfp
the wire and the mean free path. In the case where
the length of the wire is longer than the mean free
(c) Quantum point contact
path, the electrons suffer many elastic scattering
events and the wire is diffusive (see Figure 2(a)). If
however the length of the wire becomes comparable W
to the mean free path, the wire becomes ballistic (see
Figure 2(b)). There is also a situation where the W ≈ L « lmfp
width is comparable to the length and is much less
than the mean free path, and this corresponds to a Figure 2 Electron trajectories in the (a) diffusive and
quantum point contact (QPC) see Figure 2(c). (b) ballistic regimes and in (c) a quantum point contact. Here
W is the width of the constriction, L is the length l is the phase
In ballistic wires or QPCs, the constriction in the coherence length, and lmfp is the mean free path. Modified
2DEG is narrow enough that the electron wave from van Wees BJ, van Houten H, Beenakker CWJ, et al.
functions form 1D subbands. In an ideal case, the (1988) Quantized conductance of point contacts in a two-
longitudinal momentum is conserved and no dissi- dimensional electron gas. Physical Review Letters 60: 848.
pation takes place in the semiconductor. The
conductance of such a 1D conductor does not Quantum transport in 1D
depend on the length of the channel but only systems
depends on the number of 1D modes in the channel. The Schrödinger equation for a quasi-1D system is
Here, we can no longer define a local conductivity given by
as in the diffusive case and we can no longer directly  
use Einstein’s relation between the conductivity and þ V ðyÞ  ¼ E
the diffusion constant. Instead, however, we must
use the Landauer formula, which connects the con- where V(y) is the lateral confinement potential. The
ductance of a ballistic conductor with a Fermi-level electron wave function within the quasi-1D conduc-
property of such a system. tor can be written as
286 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

k ðx;nÞ ¼ eikx n ðyÞ to the conductance of the quasi-1D system, where n is

the degeneracy of the subband. For GaAs, n ¼ 2 due
where motion along the wire is described by a plane
to the degeneracy of spin-up and spin-down modes.
wave. In real quantum wires, V(y) can be approxi-
Landauer (1957) showed that the conductance of
mated by the general form:
an ideal conductor (see Figure 4) could be expressed
V ðyÞ ¼ Ajy j in terms of the transmission and reflection probabil-
ities of electron waves at a barrier, connected on
where  ¼ 2 for a simple harmonic oscillator poten-
either side by ideal leads. Here, the nature of trans-
tial or  ! 1 for a square well potential. In the case
port is discussed in terms of the incident carrier flux
of the harmonic oscillator potentials, the quantized
from randomizing reservoirs. The conductance is
energy levels are equally spaced and have the eigen-
given by
functions shown in Figure 3(a). For  > 2 the energy
levels become increasingly far apart as their energy 2e 2 T
increases, whereas for  < 2 the energy-level spa- G¼
h R
cings become smaller. These energy levels form the
where T is the transmission coefficient and R ¼ 1  T
subbands of the 1D system.
is the reflection coefficient. Here, we assume the leads
For an arbitrary potential V(y), the energy-level
are weakly coupled to the reservoirs and hence the
spacings are given by
chemical potentials considered are those of the leads,
h2 kx2 A and B, respectively, giving an infinite conduc-
Ekx ;n ¼ E0;n þ tance for perfect transmission T ¼ 1 and R ¼ 0.
However, in an experiment, the leads are connected
From this relation, we see that the energy-level spa-
to reservoirs where the chemical potentials S and D
cing is inversely proportional to m. Because of this, it
are actually measured. The conductance is then given
is more difficult to observe conductance quantization
by the modified Landauer formula (Imry, 1997)
in p-type GaAs systems due to the fact that the
effective mass of holes in GaAs is 5–6 times greater I 2e 2 T
G¼ ¼
than the effective mass of electrons. S – D h
We can treat each subband as an independent 1D
Here, the conductance takes a finite and universal
system. As a result, the density of states is simply the
value for T ¼ 1 defined as the contact conductance.
sum of the density of states for each subband.
Typically, however, the electrons flow out of one
Figure 3(b) shows the density of states for a square
reservoir into the other and as such the chemical
well potential. Moreover, each occupied subband
potentials in the reservoirs are not well defined. As
contributes exactly
a consequence, four-terminal measurements are gen-
ne 2 erally made experimentally, two terminals for

h supplying current and two terminals for measuring

|ψ(y )|2 1.0

n=3 0.8
ID DOS (a.u.)



y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
E (meV)
Figure 3 One-dimensional (1D) subbands: (a) eigenfunctions of a simple harmonic oscillator and (b) density of states for a
1D system with a square well potential.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 287

1D conductor where N is the number of 1D channels. This result,

which comes about due to the perfect cancellation of
μ μA μB μD
the 1D density of states gN(E) and group velocity
vN(E), has been most clearly seen in short (<1 mm)
ballistic channels. To date, numerous experimental
Figure 4 A schematic representation of a one-dimensional
(1D) conductor with source and drain reservoirs with their
systems have reported 1D ballistic transport and
respective chemical potentials. those in high-quality GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
are summarized in Sections 1.08.2 and 1.08.3.
the voltage. When these reservoirs are weakly It is interesting to note that while theoretically
one might expect to observe conductance quantiza-
coupled to the system, the universal conductance is
tion in longer channels, it has been shown that
recovered. Indeed, in early measurements, where the
typically channels longer than 10 mm in length do
mean free path was much larger than the constriction
not show ballistic quantization. This arises because
length, quasi-four-terminal measurements revealed
the elastic scattering length in the constriction is
quantized conductance plateau and only a small ser-
different from the lmfp of the 2DEG. As the constric-
ies resistance arising from the 2DEG contact regions
tion narrows and the carrier density decreases, the
needed to be subtracted (Wharam et al., 1988).
Fermi wave vector, kF becomes shorter and the
If we now consider the conductance of a ballistic
screening of the Coulomb impurities in the doped
1D system under an applied bias, we can write an
layer by the electron gas becomes less effective.
expression for the current flow. First, we assume that
Consequently, the elastic scattering length may be
the voltage applied is small in comparison to the
reduced because the confined electron gas ineffec-
Fermi energy and to the subband spacing of the 1D
tively screens the potential fluctuations.
channel – the linear response regime. The current is
then calculated for a simple 1D conductor connected QPCs and saddle point
to source and drain reservoirs, which are at the che-
mical potentials S and D. At zero bias, S ¼ D and
The above discussion suggests that the conductance
the net current flow will be zero. If a voltage is
through an ideal 1D system increases as a series of
applied, the net current will be
perfect step functions as the subbands are occupied.
X Z1 In reality, the conductance plateaus are connected by
I ¼ egN ðEÞvN ðEÞf ðL ;E ÞdE smooth, monotonic risers. While it is tempting to
n attribute this to thermal or disorder broadening of
Z1  the discrete energy levels, it is in fact the result of
– egN ðEÞvN ðEÞf ðR ;E ÞdE quantum tunneling and gives important information
0 about the shape of the potential in the wire. This can
where the first term represents electrons moving from be understood most clearly by considering a quantum
source reservoir to drain reservoir and the second wire with zero length, that is, a QPC.
term is the current from drain to source, gN(E) is the In a QPC, the potential varies smoothly along
1D density of states, and vN(E) is the group velocity. At the length of the QPC and can be well approxi-
zero temperature, the Fermi–Dirac distribution is a mated by a saddle point potential (see Figure 5(a))
step function. The product of the density of states given by
g(E)¼1/(dk/dE) and the velocity v¼(1/h–)dE/dk 1 1
V ðx;yÞ ¼ V0 – m !2x x 2 þ m !2y y 2
gives a constant 2/h. Therefore, I becomes 2 2
0 1
X 2e Z ZD
2e X 2e
I ¼ @ dE – dE A ¼ ð S –  D Þ where V0 is the electrostatic potential at the center of
h h n
0 0 the saddle point. This equation assumes that modes
X 2e
¼  eV between V0 and EF are perfectly transmitted while all
h other modes (i.e., those above EF and below V0) are
The differential conductance, G, is then given by perfectly reflected. However, this is not true as quan-
tum mechanical tunneling and reflection introduces
dI 2e 2 the possibility of partially transmitted modes. As a
G¼ ¼ N
dV h result, the conduction of a single mode through the
288 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures


10 3.0

G /e 2/h

–4 0 1.0
–2 4 ωy
0 2 ωx
x 0 4
2 0.0
–2 y –2 0 2 4 6 8
4 –4 (E –Vo)/ hωx

Figure 5 (a) Schematic diagram of a symmetric saddle point potential. (b) Calculated conductance of a quantum point contact
(QPC) as a function of energy E relative to the energy of the longitudinal harmonic oscillator energy, h!x/2 plotted for differently
shaped saddle potentials parametrized by the ratio !x/!y (Büttiker, 1990). Here, spin degeneracy has not been included and as a
result the conductance quantization is in units of e2/h. Reproduced with permission from Büttiker M (1990) Quantised
transmission of a saddle point constriction. Physical Review B 41: 7906. Copyright (1990) by the American Physical Society.

wire will depend on a transmission probably matrix temperature, and effective mass and are summarized
Tn,m so that briefly here for clarity.
e2 Disorder plays a pivotal role by determining all
G¼  Tn;m the important length scales. It can be directly corre-
lated to the mobility of the system and therefore the
where Tn,m depends exponentially on the energy of
mean free path. Disorder also sets the phase coher-
the mode ("n) and is given by
ence length as a larger number of scattering events
Tn;m ¼ n;m 1=ð1 þ e – "n Þ increases the probability of a carrier losing its phase
memory. However, disorder also influences the
The total conductance is therefore given by Fermi wavelength. This is because disorder deter-
e2 X e2 mines the minimum density at which a mesoscopic
G¼N Tm;n ¼ N T system can operate and hence the maximum Fermi
h h
wavelength. As a result, the disorder of a mesoscopic
As a result, the shape of the saddle point potential plays system sets the upper limits of both the length and
an important role in determining the shape of the width of a quantum wire.
conductance quantization plateaus. For very short Confinement potential is also a crucial factor. As we
quantum wires (!y/!x < 1), there is very little evidence have seen, the relative curvature of the confinement
of conductance quantization. Where the confinement is potential parallel and perpendicular to the wire will
symmetric (!y/!x ¼ 1), plateaus develop in the con- influence the shape of the conductance plateaus – the
ductance and as this ratio increases, the plateaus length of the steps and the sharpness of the risers. The
become flatter and longer (Büttiker, 1990). shape of the confinement potential (i.e., parabolic or
square well) determines the relative spacing between
energy levels while the strength of the confinement Observing Conductance
potential will determine the absolute energy-level spa-
cing. The energy-level spacing is also affected by the
From the above discussion, it is evident that many effective mass of the carriers. Having a small effective
factors influence whether or not conductance mass increases the energy-level spacing.
quantization can be observed in 1D systems. Maximizing the energy-level spacing is particu-
These include disorder, confinement potential, larly important for the observation of conductance
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 289

quantization to mitigate the effects of thermal broad- the dimensionality from 3 to 2 dimensions. Fowler used
ening, which smears out the plateaus. It follows that an n-type silicon MOSFET, with two p-type implanted
lower temperatures are also preferable for the obser- regions patterned either side of a 1 mm channel covered
vation of conductance quantization. by a metal top gate. The p-type implanted regions fully
Today, conductance quantization is readily obser- depleted the lightly doped n-type channel. However, by
vable in GaAs due to the development of high-purity applying a positive bias to the top gate, it was possible to
heterostructures, nanolithography techniques, and induce a 1D conducting channel. The devices, however,
milli-Kelvin measurements. In the next section we were highly disordered and the authors were restricted
review the development of some of these techniques to looking at the transition from 2D to 1D variable
and the insight into 1D ballistic transport that has range hopping. Since that time, there have been many
been gained as a result. investigations of how to controllably confine the width
of the conducting channel.
The first variable width system was demonstrated
1.08.2 Ballistic Conduction in n-type in GaAs-based heterostructures by Thornton et al.
GaAs-Based 1D Systems (1986). Here, they were able to look at the transport Introduction characteristics of a 2DEG in a narrow channel formed
by the split gate of a GaAs–AlGaAs heterojunction
Ballistic transport was first observed in 1D devices field effect transistor, as shown in Figure 6. A split
based on GaAs/AlGaAs n-type heterostructures. One gate (SG) is literally a gate that has a gap in it so that
of the reasons for this is that GaAs-based heterojunc- the two sides can be biased independently. By applying
tions have long mean free paths and are generally a negative voltage to these gates, they first deplete
easier to fabricate. In addition, the smaller effective the carriers underneath them and then start to deplete
mass of electrons increases the subband spacing, the carriers laterally.
thereby enhancing quantization effects. Today, advan- In this way, the width of the 1D channel could be
cing growth and fabrication techniques have made it varied from 0.4 mm down to 0 mm. Thornton et al.
possible to readily achieve long mean free paths and investigated the conductance in the channel as a
hence obtain 1D ballistic conductance quantization. function of magnetic field for different temperatures,
Moreover, high-purity 1D systems have become a as shown in Figure 7. They were able to show that, at
fertile playground for the study of unique many- small sample widths, the magnetic field behavior did
body phenomena indicative of spontaneous spin polar- not fit standard models of 2D conductance but did fit
ization at zero magnetic field and Kondo-like physics. 1D models. As such, they were able to demonstrate a
In Section, we describe the developmental transition from 2D to 1D conductance as they
steps that lead to the first observations of ballistic reduced the width of the conducting region.
conductance plateaus. In Section, we survey However, since the dimensions of their device were
several of the most commonly used techniques for still relatively large (0.6 mm wide and 16 mm long)
fabricating ballistic 1D systems, while the effect of a compared with the mean free path, they did not
source–drain bias and in-plane magnetic field will be observe ballistic transport through their 1D system.
reviewed in Section Many-body physics in
1D systems will be addressed in the Sections Split-gate electrodes
and is where we take a detailed look at the
0.7 structure and zero-bias anomaly and review the 2DEG
theories that have emerged to explain their origins. The SG Technique and the First

Observations of Quantized Conductance
Initial attempts to laterally confine transport in a 2D
system to fabricate 1D systems were in silicon in the
Figure 6 A schematic of a split-gate (SG) device showing
1980s by Fowler et al. (1982). These experiments were
how applying a negative voltage to surface gates called split-
guided by earlier GaAs experiments by Pepper (1978) in gate electrodes depletes the underlying 2D electron gas
which a Schottky gate had been reverse biased to reduce (2DEG) to form a one-dimensional (1D) channel. Initially the
the thickness of channel, thereby observing a change in gate voltage depletes the 2D until a 1D channel is formed.
290 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

0.41 K
0.46 K
4.0 × 10–7

0.56 K
0.6 × 15μ Gap

0.6 K

G(B) – G(0) (Ω–1)

1.0 K



0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
Magnetic field (T)
Figure 7 Conductance as a function of magnetic field indicated by crosses. The solid lines indicate the best fit to
one-dimensional (1D) weak localization theory at different temperatures. The inset shows the gate defining the narrow channel
in the underlying heterojunction. From Thornton TJ, Pepper M, Ahmed H, Andrews D, and Davis GJ (1986) One dimensional
conduction in the two dimensional electron gas of a GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunction. Physical Review Letters 56: 1198, Fig. 1.

Following these initial results, two groups pur- of 50 nm. At low temperatures, the longitudinal
sued this technique to make 1D systems in materials resistance showed quantized conductance steps as
in which the elastic mean free path was much longer the voltage on the SG was made more negative (see
than both the length and the width of the 1D chan- Figure 8):
nel. As a result, the first evidence for ballistic
h 2e 2 N
conductance quantization was independently R¼ ; G¼
2e 2 N h
observed by both the Delft–Philips group led by
van Wees et al. (1988) and the Semiconductor where N is the number of 1D subbands in the constric-
Physics group, Cambridge University led by tion. As the split-gate voltage was made increasingly
Pepper and co-workers (Wharam et al., 1988). Both negative, the plot showed an initial rise of the resis-
of these results will be discussed here for tance at Vg ¼ 0.4 V due to the depletion of the
completeness. electrons under the gate to create the narrow channel.
In the Wharam paper (Wharam et al., 1988), the SGs This was then followed by the continual depopulation
defined a channel that was 0.4 mm long and 0.5 mm wide of the 1D channels giving steps in the resistance on the
and 0.7 mm below the surface. Due to the spreading order of h/2e2. The measurements were taken in a
resistance of the electric fields below the gates and the quasi-four-terminal configuration with the contacts
negative voltage applied to the SG, it was possible to several microns away. As a result, the resistance of
reduce the width of the channel and therefore depopu- the 2DEG regions at either end contributed a series
late the 1D subbands. The mobility of the 2DEG was resistance to the overall resistance of the sample. When
between 2.5  105 and 1  106 cm2 V1s1 for carrier the series resistance was subtracted, the plateaus were
concentrations between 2 and 5  1011 cm2. At low found to be quantized to within 1%.
temperatures, the elastic mean free path is given by Generally, the advantage of using a four-terminal
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi resistance measurement is that one can minimize the
h 2n resistance of the 2DEG region, which is in series with
lmfp ¼
e the 1D channel. It is worth mentioning, however, that
So, for these samples, this corresponded to a mean at present quantized conductance steps cannot be
free path in excess of 2 mm with a Fermi wavelength used as a conductance standard. One of the key
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 291

R (h/2e 2 ) 4

R (kΩ)
1/7 2

–3 –2 –1

Figure 8 The channel resistance as a function of split-gate voltage for two different carrier concentrations in a high-mobility two-
dimensional electron gas (2DEG), showing quantization of the resistance in units of h/2e2. The dimensions of the SG were 0.5 mm
wide and 0.4 mm long and measurements were taken at T  0.1 K. Different carrier concentrations were achieved by illumination.
The inset shows a schematic diagram of the device used in this work. From Wharam DA, Thornton TJ, Newbury R, et al. (1988)
one-dimensional transport and the quantisation of the ballistic resistance. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21: L209, Fig. 1.

reasons for this is that the resistance of the 2DEG

contact regions always needs to be considered, unlike 10
Conductance, e 2/πh

in the case of the quantized Hall resistance observed

in 2D GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures.
The importance of having a long mean free path was 6
also highlighted in the point contact devices made by
the van Wees group (van Wees et al., 1988), who used a 4
2DEG with an electron density of 3.6  1011 cm2 and
a mobility of 8.5  105 cm2 V1 s1 giving a mean free
path of 8.5 mm and Fermi wavelength of 42 nm. Their 0
devices were 250 nm wide and they also observed –2 –1.8 –1.6 –1.4 –1.2 –1
Gate voltage (V)
conductance plateaus (see Figure 9). At Vg ¼ 0.6 V,
the electron gas underneath the gate was depleted and Figure 9 The conductance as a function of gate voltage
for a quantum point contact defined in a high-mobility
then conduction was only observed through the point
two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), showing quantized
contact until Vg ¼ 2.2V where the channel was com- plateaus in units of e2/h. The measurement temperature T
pletely pinched off. Again, a series resistance (400 ) is 0.6 K. From van Wees BJ, van Houten H, Beenakker
was subtracted to reveal clear plateaus at integer multi- CWJ, et al. (1988) Quantized conductance of point
ples of 2e2/h. Both these results are well understood as contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas. Physical
Review Letters 60: 848, Fig. 2.
the transmission of spin-degenerate 1D subbands
(Landauer, 1957; Imry, 1997).
The experimental realization of the SG technique Other Methods to Fabricate 1DEGs
marked an important milestone in the field of meso-
scopic physics. Using Schottky gates fabricated on top Several other methods have been shown to produce
of a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, one is able to ballistic 1DEGs providing more information on
pattern the underlying 2D electron system into any the importance on the geometric nature of the
desired shape such as a 1D channels, quantum-dots, source and drain contacts to the wires. They
quantum billiards, and many others. include shallow etching techniques, cleaved-edge
292 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

overgrowth wires, V-groove quantum wires, and Interestingly, the confinement strength of these
electrostatically induced 1D systems, and are briefly shallow-etched samples is much larger than that of
reviewed here. a typical SG device, resulting in large 1D subband
spacings of 20 meV. In these devices, therefore, Shallow etching techniques the 1D conductance plateaus were observed to
Another method for the fabrication of 1DEGs persist up to a relatively high temperature of 30 K.
was developed by Scherer et al. (1987). Here, they These shallow-etched QPCs form a very good sys-
laterally patterned a 2DEG with low-energy tem for studying both quantized 1D conductance
ion-beam-assisted etching to form channels as low plateau and the 0.7 structure at elevated tempera-
as 75 nm wide. They noted that there was no loss in tures (see Section
electron mobility by the creation of the wires and
that this technique would permit investigation of Cleaved-edge overgrowth wire
devices where the wave nature of electron transport Yacoby and co-workers (Yacoby et al., 1996) pio-
would be dominant. Kristensen and co-workers then neered a new technique to fabricate 1D wires
went on to use shallow-etching techniques to form using cleaved-edge overgrowth by MBE and a
three different types of quantum point contacts (see novel in situ contacting scheme. They first grow a
Figure 10). In their type-I sample, the 1D constric- modulation-doped GaAs quantum-well embedded
tion was formed by shallow wet etching as shown in between two thick AlGaAs layers with a doped
Figure 10(a). The etched constriction was then cov- GaAs top layer as shown in Figure 11(a) . In this
ered by a 10-mm-wide, 100-nm-thick Ti/Au top gate. case, the resulting 2DEG is 500 nm below the top
Negatively biasing the top gate simultaneously surface. A long and narrow tungsten stripe is then
reduced the density in the wire and laterally confined evaporated over the top of the heterostructure that
the wire. In their type-II and type-III devices is ultimately used to gate the wire. The quantum
(Figure 10(b)), etched trenches define the quantum wire itself is prepared by cleaving the sample in
point contact within two large areas of 2DEG. In this ultrahigh vacuum as shown in Figure 11(a) and
case, the 2DEG region can be used as side gates to then overgrowing the smooth cleavage plane
alter the width of the conducting channel. In type II with a second modulation doping scheme (see
(III) devices, the trenches were etched 60 nm (90 nm) Figure 11(b)). As shown in Figure 11(b), electrons
to remove the donor layer. are introduced at the edge of the quantum-well,

(a) (b)

500 nm

AlGaAs Si donors
AlGaAs Ti/Au top gate

GaAs Quantum wire Si donors GaAs Quantum wire Side gate

Figure 10 (a) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) pictures of the shallow-etched quantum point contacts. (a) Type I devices.
The quantum point contact (QPC) is formed by shallow wet etching, 60 nm deep. The etched walls are shaped as two back-to-
back parabolas. The picture was recorded before covering the etched constriction with a 10-mm-wide, 100-nm-thick Ti/Au
top gate. (b) Type II and III devices. Two semicircular-shaped, etched trenches define the QPC and two large areas of
two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), which are used as side gates. In type II devices, the trenches are etched 60 nm deep to
remove the donor layer. In type III devices, the trenches are etched 90 nm to the AlGaAs/GaAs heterointerface, and subsequently
covered with AlGaAs by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) regrowth. From Kristensen A, Bruus H, Hensen AE, et al. (2000) Bias
and temperature dependence of the 0.7 conductance anomaly in quantum point contacts. Physical Review B 62: 10950, Fig. 1.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 293

Cleave Preliminary measurements of the two-terminal

W gate conductance of a cleaved-edge-overgrown 1D wire
(a) showed deviation from multiples of the universal
values of 2e2/h by as much as 25%. For a long time,
it was not clear what caused this deviation. However,
in 2000, de Picciotto and co-workers from the same
Z group solved this puzzle by demonstrating that the
observed nonuniversal quantized conductance steps
Y were caused by electron scattering across the 2D–1D
(b) Vτ = 0V T interface (de Picciotto et al., 2000).
T (d) V-groove quantum wires
Another unique route to fabricating ballistic, 1D wires
Vτ = VD was taken by the Kapon group (Dwir et al., 1999), who
V pioneered the fabrication of V-groove quantum wires
(c) (e) using organo-metallic vapor deposition on corrugated
substrates. Figure 12(a) shows a cross-sectional trans-
Vτ > VD
mission electron microscopy (TEM) image of such a
quantum wire device. The charge distribution due to
the modulation doping is shown by the white crosses. In
this structure, a top quantum-well and sidewall quan-
tum wires are present. To measure the conductance of
Figure 11 Fabrication procedures of preparing cleaved- the quantum wire, an S-shaped mesa was developed, as
edge overgrown wires. (a) A GaAs heterostructure with a shown in Figure 12(b). Here, the groove sidewalls are
buried two-dimensional (2D) electron system and tungsten used as electron reservoirs. To isolate the V-groove
surface gate is cleaved in situ. (b) A second modulation-
quantum wire section between the source and drain
doped heterostructure scheme is then grown with
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on the cleaved edge. (c) The contacts, two negatively biased Schottky metal gates of
1D system is formed in the quantum-well along the cleaved length 2 mm are deposited so that one (left) depletes
edge by using the tungsten gate to deplete the 2D electron only the sidewalls whereas the second (right) depletes
system while maintaining the 1D modes along the edge as both the sidewalls and the quantum wire. The conduc-
shown in (d)–(f). The 2DESs either side of the depleted
tance was shown to display a step-like dependence on
region act as source and drain contracts to the 1D wire.
From Yacoby et al. (1996), Fig.1. gate voltage but with deviations from the universal
quantized conductance values. Using this V-groove
architecture, the authors were able to control the
with one and more confined edge states along the strength of the lateral confinement of the wire, thus
cleavage. However, there is strong overlap between allowing a comparison between nearly adiabatic and
the 2DEG and the edge states coupling both systems more abrupt transitions from the wire to the reservoirs.
along the entire edge as shown in Figure 11(c). The They were able to show that in the limit of strong
tungsten gate (T) is then used to decouple the edge confinement, there was poor coupling between the
states from the 2DEG. By negatively biasing the top 1D state of the wire and the 2D states of the electron
gate (T), the 2DEG directly below it is depleted reservoirs, which lead to the suppression of the
while the edge states remain. The 2DESs either side conductance steps from 2e2/h (Kaufman et al., 1999).
of the top gate then act as source and drain contacts
to the edge states to the 1D wire. The side gate (S) Gated, undoped (induced)
is primarily used to vary the electron density along heterostructures
the edge. Figures 11(d)–11(f) show a sequence of Kane et al. (1998) demonstrated that semiconductor–
schematic cross sections of charge distribution in the insulator–semiconductor field effect transistor
wire region for different top-gate voltages, VT. As (SISFET) heterostructures can be used to fabricate
VT is biased increasingly negative, the 2DEG is ultra-low disorder n-type quantum wires. The
separated from the 2D sheets that connect, through heterostructure has an AlGaAs layer grown on top
the edge states, to the 1D wire. At this point, the 1D of an intrinsic GaAs substrate. The structure is
wire becomes strongly confined in two dimensions. then capped with a highly doped layer of GaAs
294 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

(a) + Ionized impurities (b)

– Eelectrons Sidewalls Gate1: Sidewall



50 nm Drain
QWR Gate2: Sidewalls with QWR

Figure 12 (a) Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the quantum wire ridge region, charge
distribution due to doping is schematically shown. Taken from Fig. 1 in Electron transport in AlGaAs/AlGaAs V-groove
quantum wires. (b) A tilted scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the S-shaped device. Black arrows indicate the
trajectory of the current flow. Two metallic gates of 0.25 mm width each are deposited, one on the sidewall area and the other
on the full sidewall–wire–sidewall path. Taken from Fig. 1 (b) in Conductance quantization in V-groove quantum wires,
(a) From Dwir B, Kaufamn D, Berk Y, Rudra A, Paleski A, and Kapon E (1999) Electron transport in GaAs/AlGaAs V-groove
quantum wires. Physica B 259–261: 1025. (b) From Kaufman D, Berk Y, Dwir B, Rudra A, Palevski A, and Kapon E (1999)
Conductance quantization in V-groove quantum wires. Physical Review B 59: R10433.

that can act as an in situ top gate. Positively biasing essentially eliminated and the epitaxial GaAs–
the gate induces an electron gas at the intrinsic AlGaAs interface minimizes interface roughness
GaAs–AlGaAs interface. A quantum wire can be scattering.
formed by patterning the in situ top gate into three Several groups have used the undoped hetero-
distinct regions as shown in Figure 13. This is structure to understand quantum transport in low-
usually done by a combination of electron-beam disorder quantum wires. Reilly et al. (2001) used
lithography and wet-etching techniques. In this induced quantum wires to study many-body effects
way, the central region of the top gate can be used as a function of wire length. Typically, they noted
to induce a 1D electron system while the outer that for these induced architectures, a change in
regions can be biased negatively to control the density always coincided with a change in the shape
lateral confinement of the wire. of the quantum-well and it was difficult to disentan-
The key advantage of induced, undoped quantum gle the contributions from each effect. More recently,
wires is that they have ultra-low levels of disorder. Sarkozy et al. (2009) have also used induced hetero-
The fact that there is no modulation doping means structures to study many-body effects in low-
that scattering from remote-ionized impurities is disorder quantum wires. In particular, they looked

(a) Side gates: Vs < 0

Top gates: (b)

VT > 0

+ + +

Figure 13 (a) Schematic cross section of an semiconductor–insulator–semiconductor field effect transistor (SISFET)
quantum wire device. The metallically doped cap is patterned into three regions that act as independent surface gates.
Positively biasing the middle gate induces a one-dimensional interacting election system (1DES) directly beneath the gate at
the GaAs/AlGaAs interface while a negative bias on the outer gates controls the lateral confinement potential. (b) Scanning
electron micrograph of an induced quantum wire device fabricated by electron beam lithography and wet etching. From Kane
BE, Facer GR, Dzurak AS, et al. (1998) Quantized conductance in quantum wires with gate-controlled width and electron
density. Applied Physics Letters 72: 3506.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 295

at the zero-bias anomaly, which is believed to result energy crossing the spin-split subbands. By measur-
from Kondo-like physics (see Section ing the transconductance, it is possible to get a more
accurate position of the conductance steps. If we
consider the lowest trace for Figure 15(a), we see Energy-Level Splitting and the 1D
the transconductance of the 1D channel versus gate
voltage for B ¼ 0. The position of the n ¼ 1 and n ¼ 2 Zeeman splitting in 1D electron conductance plateaus occur when dG/dVg is zero. As
systems a parallel magnetic field is applied to the current
In Section, we introduced the first observa- direction, a linear splitting of the transconductance
tion of ballistic conductance in 1D systems. At zero peaks becomes apparent.
magnetic field, the conductance steps are quantized
in units of 2e2/h, where the factor 2 comes from Source–drain bias
electron spin degeneracy. When a large magnetic spectroscopy
field is applied in the plane of the 1D channel, the The quantized conductance plateaus also split lin-
electron spin degeneracy is lifted and the conduc- early with the application of a large bias between
tance plateaus become quantized in units of e2/h. source and drain. The effects of a source–drain bias
This effect is called Zeeman splitting in 1D electron on 1D subbands were also investigated by Patel
systems. The first Zeeman splitting in a 1D electron et al. (1991a, 1991b), as shown in Figure 15(b).
system was observed by Wharam et al. (1988), as seen They measured a linear splitting of the transcon-
in Figure 14. Here a magnetic field of 13.6 T was ductance peaks both with increasing magnetic field
applied in the plane and parallel to the 1D subbands and for increasing source–drain bias. Increasing
of a high-mobility 1  106 cm2 V1 s1 2DEG at the source–drain voltage lifts the momentum
T 0.1 K. The magnetic field lifted the spin degen- degeneracy and splits each conductance plateau
eracy, doubling the number of plateaus observed (in the differential conductance vs. gate voltage
in the quantized resistance. These steps occur at trace) into two. Again, a linear splitting in the
R ¼ h/2(N þ 1/2)e2. transconductance peaks is observed, this time as
Patel et al. (1991a) extended the parallel field work Vsd increases.
of Wharam et al. (1988) and measured the transcon- Source–drain bias spectroscopy is based on a
ductance dG/dVg of a 1D channel as a function of SG model developed by Glazman and Khaetskii (1989)
voltage at various magnetic fields and at various and is now a standard method for measuring subband
source–drain biases, as shown in Figure 15. The spacings in 1D systems . The method adds a direct
positions of the peaks correspond to the Fermi current (DC) bias to the alternating current (AC)
excitation voltage in order to change the relative
chemical potentials, , at the source and the drain
1500 of the quantum wire. When no DC bias is applied, the
1/9 differential conductance follows the standard quan-
Resistance (Ω)

tized conductance relation

R(h/2e 2)

1/10 1300
1200 XN
1/11 dI e2
G¼ ¼ 2n
1100 dV h
where N is the number of subbands occupied.
–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 However, when a DC bias equivalent to the subband
Vg(V) energy spacing is applied, the differential conduc-
tance becomes
Figure 14 The channel resistance of a 1D electron system
as a function of applied gate voltage when a magnetic field dI XN
of 13.6 T is applied parallel to the channel. The G¼ ¼ ð2n þ 1Þ
dV n¼0
measurement temperature T is 0.1 K. The spin splitting
gives rise to additional quantized plateaus at R ¼ h/(21e2), h/
Applying a source–drain bias is known to select dif-
(23e2), and an incipient plateau at h/(19e2). From Wharam
DA, Thornton TJ, Newbury R, et al. (1988) One-dimensional ferent numbers of channels from the source and
transport and the quantisation of the ballistic resistance. drain, and is expected to give rise to a half-integer
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21: L209, Fig. 1. plateau in zero magnetic field. In other words, the
296 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

(a) 12 (b) 10

10 B = 15T B = 0T
8 Vsd (mV)
dG /dVg (a.u.)

dG /dVg (a.u.)
B = 10T 6 1.5
B = 5T 4 1.0

2 2 0.5
B = 0T
n=1 n=2 n=1 n=2
0 0 0.0
–3.6 –3.4 –3.2 –3 –2.8 –2.6 –2.4 –3.6 –3.4 –3.2 –3 –2.8 –2.6 –2.4
Vg (V) Vg (V)

Figure 15 (a) Transconductance as function of gate voltage at different magnetic fields. (b) Transconductance as a function of
gate voltage at different source drain biases for B ¼ 0 T. From Patel NK, Nicholls JT, Martin-Moreno L, et al. (1991a) Properties of
a ballistic quasi-one-dimensional constriction in a parallel high magnetic field. Physical Review B 44: R10973, Fig. 2.

conductance is quantized in odd integer multiples of magnetic fields with those in the presence of
e2/h. Therefore, by measuring at what DC bias the source–drain biases, Patel et al. found that for the
conductance plateau becomes quantized in odd inte- second and third subband edge, the 1D g-factor was
ger multiples of e2/h, it is possible to determine the 1.1 – significantly enhanced over the bulk g-factor
subband energy spacing for each subband. By tuning 0.4. This large discrepancy was attributed to an
the source–drain voltage, one can then probe the 1D enhancement of the g-factor due to exchange and
subband spectrum. It is important to note that correlation mechanisms. This pioneering experi-
these half-integer plateaus at high Vsd are still spin ment did not require a perpendicular field as is
degenerate. Further application of a magnetic field normally required for the determination of the
results in the formation of quarter-integer plateaus g-factor for 2DEGs.
at 1.25(2e2/h), 1.75(2e2/h), 2.25(2e2/h), 2.75(2e2/h), Thomas et al. (1996) further extended the work of
3.25(2e2/h), . . . . Patel and co-workers and were able to measure the
Thomas et al. (1998b) went on to show that in g-factor when the current is either perpendicular or
finite source–drain bias experiments where well- parallel to the applied in-plane magnetic field.
resolved integer and half-integer plateaus were Their experimental results are reproduced in
observed quarter-integerplateaus were also seen for Figure 16. For Vg < 4 V, additional spin-split pla-
every subband even at zero magnetic field. teau are observed interleaved between those at zero
field. For Vg > 4 V, the Zeeman energy is compar-
able to the subband spacings and both sets of spin- Determination of the g-factor split plateaus cannot be easily resolved. From the
in 1D inset (b), we can see gk and g? for all 26 subbands,
The extent to which the spins couple to an external and it is evident from these results that the g-factor
magnetic field is determined by the g-factor, which is almost isotropic. It is worth pointing out that
can be measured by finding the source–drain voltage when the number of occupied 1D subbands was
at which the splitting of the transconductance peaks high, the absolute value of the g-factor was found
is equal to the Zeeman splitting in an in-plane mag- to be 0.4, that is, close to the bulk value of GaAs.
netic field. At this point, the g-factor is given by the For the last few occupied subbands of the channel,
relation the anisotropy of the confinement potential can be
described by a saddle point (Martin-Moreno et al.,
eVsd ¼ 2gB SB
1992) and little anisotropy of the in-plane g-factor is
where B is the magnetic field, B is the Bohr magne- observed. However, as the number of 1D subbands
ton, and S ¼1=2. decreases, the g-factor was observed to increase
As shown in Figure 15, a linear splitting of the gradually. It was suggested that the enhanced
transconductance peaks was observed for both g-factor (1) over its bulk value was due to elec-
increasing magnetic field and for increasing tron–electron interaction effects as the constriction
source–drain bias. By comparing the data at high became narrow.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 297

1.5 (b)
• The conductance tends toward 0.5(2e2/h) in a par-
allel magnetic field (Thomas et al., 1996).
1 • The conductance has been observed to tend
toward 0.5  2e2/h with both increasing (Reilly
0.5 et al., 2001) and decreasing density (Thomas
G (in units of 2e 2/h)

II et al., 1998a, 2000; Pyshkin et al., 2000).

0 10 20
Subband Index
• The feature is activated with temperature.
Typically, it strengthens with temperature and
Sample A evolves downward from the 2e2/h plateau as
T = 60 mK G (2e2/h) 1 (a) temperature increases (Thomas et al., 1998a).
5 0.5
T = 600 mK
• It is often accompanied by a peak in the conductance
at zero source–drain bias (Cronenwett et al., 2002).
–5.8 –5.6
Vg (V) Identifying the 0.7 structure
0 Although the 0.7 structure was observed in some of
–6 –5 –4 –3
the earliest experiments of conductance quantiza-
Gate voltage Vg (V)
tion in 1D, it was not appreciated as a phenomenon
Figure 16 (I) Gate voltage characteristics at B ¼ 0. (II) The in its own right until Thomas et al. (1996) performed
gate characteristics (offset by 0.3 V for clarity) in a magnetic a detailed study of the anomalous plateau. The
field of 11 T. Insets: (a) detail of the structure at 0.7 2e2/h; (b)
initial oversight is likely to be due to the fact that
the in-plane g-factors as a function of subband index, as
obtained from the Zeeman splitting at 8.2 T. From Thomas KJ, disorder within the channel can cause resonant
Nicholls JT, Simmons MY, Pepper M, Mace DR, and Ritchie backscattering and produce similar features at arbi-
DA (1996) Possible spin polarization in a one-dimensional trary conductances. It is therefore necessary to first
electron gas. Physical Review Letters 77: 135, Fig. 1. distinguish the 0.7 structure from these resonances.
This is possible because, unlike the 0.7 structure,
resonances will change on successive cool-downs, Many-Body Physics in 1D – The 0.7
get weaker with temperature, appear in the risers at
higher subband indices with increasing amplitude,
In a very clean 1D channel, a clear plateau-like and will disappear when the channel is shifted lat-
structure close to (0.7  2e2/h) has been observed at erally. Therefore, it is important when investigating
zero magnetic field, which can be seen in the inset the 0.7 structure to measure not only the tempera-
(a) to Figure 16 (Thomas et al., 1996). This feature is ture and magnetic field dependence but also the
now well known as the 0.7 structure or 0.7 anomaly, ability to laterally shift the channel on the same
whose conductance value is placed between the sample.
spin-degenerate conductance plateau at 2e2/h and Liang et al. (2000) performed such a study using a
the spin-split conductance plateau at e2/h, and can- multi-layered gated 1D structure as shown in
not be explained within a single–particle picture. Figure 17(a). Here, a cross-linked PMMA layer sits
The 0.7 structure has been observed in numerous between the SG labeled in black and three finger
1D systems with different sample designs establish- gates (F1, F2, and F3) labeled in gray and acts as an
ing that it is a universal effect. Its origin remains the insulating layer, so that by biasing the finger gate
subject of intense experimental and theoretical voltages, it is possible to control the strength of
debate and has focused on zero-field spin polariza- lateral confinement of the 1D channel.
tion (Thomas et al., 1996; Spivak and Zhou, 2000; As shown in Figure 17(b), with decreasing nega-
Bruus et al., 2001; Starikov et al., 2003), spin-density tive finger gate voltage, VF2, the 1D conductance steps
wave formation (Reimann et al., 1999), pairing of become less pronounced and finally disappear due to
electrons (Flambaum and Kuchiev, 2000), singlet– weakening of the lateral confinement strength. The
triplet formation (Rejec et al., 2000), Kondo-like energy separation of the 1D subbands was determined
interactions (Cronenwett et al., 2002; Meir et al., from source–drain bias experiments at various VF2 and
2002; Lindelof, 2001), and electron–phonon effects demonstrated a good linear fit in Figure 17(c). As the
(Seelig and Matveev, 2003). finger gate voltage, VF2 was made more negative the
There are some general features of the 0.7 struc- energy spacing between the first and second subband,
ture that make it unique and intriguing: E1,2 (VSG) decreased, giving rise to the reduction in
298 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

(b) Device A
First cooldown
T = 1.2 K

G (in units of 2e 2/h)

SG VF2 = 0 V

0.05 μm VF2 = –1.8 V
–1.2 –1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4
0.3 μm 0.6 μm

ΔE12 (mV)

F1 F2 F3 1.8

0.8 μm 1.5

–1.5 –1.2 –0.9 –0.6 –0.3

VF2 (V)

Figure 17 (a) A schematic diagram showing a multi-layer-gated structure. The black areas represent the split-gate (SG). The
gray lines correspond to three overlaying finger gates F1, F2, and F3. There is a layer of crosslinked polymethylmethacrylate
(PMMA) in between SG and F1, F2, and F3 to act as a gate dielectric. (b) Conductance measurements as a function of SG
voltage VSG at various finger gate voltages VF2. From left to right VF2¼ 0 to 1.8 V in 0.3 V steps. (c) Measured subband
spacing at various VF2. (a) From Liang, (1999), Fig. 1(a). (b) From Liang (1999), Fig. 2(a). (c) From Liang, (1999), Fig. 2(b).

flatness of the conductance plateaus. Using the saddle et al., 1991a). In Figure 15, Patel et al. observed an
point potential model (Buttiker, 1990), they estimated additional shoulder-like structure at around
the change in lateral confinement strength by a factor Vg¼3.4 V in the transconductance of a high-mobility
of 2 over this range. Therefore, the 0.7 structure per- 1D channel. With increasing applied source drain bias,
sists despite a change in lateral confinement strength the shoulder-like structure appeared to split into two.
by a factor of 2, while the 1D ballistic conductance While the structure was observed, its origin could not
plateau disappears. This result showed compelling be explained. It was not until 1996 when Thomas and
evidence that the 0.7 structure is an intrinsic property co-workers performed a systematic study of an ultra-
of a clean 1D channel and persists over a wide range of clean 1D channel in an in-plane magnetic field that
lateral confinement potentials. the 0.7 structure was investigated thoroughly.
In this work, Thomas et al. used a high-quality In-plane magnetic field 2DEG with a mobility of 4.5  106 cm2 V1 s1 at a
behavior of the 0.7 feature carrier density of 1.8  1011 cm2 showing nearly 30
Historically, the 0.7 structure was observable in some quantized plateaus and a well-defined structure at
of the earliest experiments (van Wees et al., 1988) and 0.7(2e2/h). The 0.7 structure was observed to be repro-
first commented on by Patel and co-workers (Patel ducible on thermal cycling, ruling out the possibility
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 299

connected via 2D reservoirs. It has been more

Sample B recently shown that, for such realistic conditions, a
T = 60 mK
spin-split ground state is possible (Spivak and Zhou,
2000; Starikov et al., 2003). This brings us to the
second problem of explaining the 0.7 structure – a
G (in units of 2e 2/h)

B=0T complete spin polarization would produce a struc-

ture at 0.5(2e2/h). To date, a quantitative explanation
of the higher fractional value observed experimen-
tally remains elusive. However, the 0.7 structure has
now been widely observed in 1D systems defined in
B = 13 T cleaved-edge overgrowth structures (de Picciotto
et al., 2004, 2005), induced GaAs electron (Pyshkin
et al., 2000), GaAs hole (Danneau et al., 2006b), Si
0 (Bagraev et al., 2002), GaN (Chou et al., 2005), and
–6.8 –6.6 –6.4 –6.2 InGaAs (Simmonds et al., 2008), proving the universal
Gate voltage Vg (V) nature of this effect.
Hartree–Fock calculations of electrons confined
Figure 18 Conductance measurements as a function of
gate voltage at various in-plane magnetic fields. From left to
to a cylindrical wire showed that at low electron
right: B ¼ 0–13 T in 1 T steps. Curves have been horizontally densities exchange interactions would drive a spon-
offset for clarity. From Thomas KJ, Nicholls JT, Simmons taneous spin polarization (Gold and Calmels, 1996).
MY, Pepper M, Mace DR, and Ritchie DA (1996) Possible However, this would give rise to an extra plateau in
spin polarization in a one-dimensional electron gas. the conductance at e2/h rather than 0.7(2e2/h). Other
Physical Review Letters 77: 135, Fig. 3.
theories based on the idea of a spin-split ground state
also predicted a plateau at G ¼ 0.5(2e2/h) (Wang and
Berggren, 1996). Two groups attempted to use
of a universal conductance fluctuation or a scattering
coupled spins to rationalize the fact that the plateau
effect. Using such a device, Thomas et al. investigated
is observed at 0.7(2e2/h) rather than 0.5(2e2/h) by tak-
the evolution of the 0.7 structure with increasing in-
ing a statistical approach (Flambaum and Kuchiev,
plane magnetic field as shown in Figure 18. The left-
2000; Rejec et al., 2000). Both groups developed the-
most trace shows a clear structure at 0.7(2e2/h), which
ories that suggested the electrons couple to form
by 11 T on the right-hand side has moved down to
singlet and triplet pairs with different transmission
0.5(2e2/h). The evolution of the 0.7 structure into the barriers. Since there are three triplet configurations
spin-split plateau at e2/h led them to speculate that and only one singlet configuration, there is a 3 to 1
there could be a possible spin polarization in zero probability that a triplet is formed over a singlet. This
magnetic field. The conclusion that the 0.7 structure predicts a plateau at G ¼ 0.75(2e2/h) corresponding to
was related to spin polarization in the channel was triplet conduction band edge and a second plateau at
reinforced by the presence of an incipient spin split- G ¼ 0.25(2e2/h) corresponding to singlet conduction
ting also observed just below the 4e2/h plateau (the 1.7 band edge. Interestingly, plateaus at G  0.25(2e2/h)
structure) (Thomas et al., 2000) and an enhancement have been also observed when a source–drain bias is
of the Landé g-factor as the carrier density decreased applied and this will be discussed further in Section
and the 1D bands were depopulated. (Patel et al., 1991b; Thomas et al., 1998b; de
There were two problems with this proposition. Picciotto et al., 2004; Ramsak and Jefferson, 2005;
First, the possible existence of a spin-polarized Graham et al., 2006).
ground state in 1D contradicted a long-standing the- To further study the role of spin in 1D systems
ory that showed it was impossible to have a spin- Graham et al. (2003) investigated the behavior of the
polarized ground state in a strictly 1D system (i.e., Zeeman split 1D subbands of different indices in a
one that has no 2D leads and where the second 1D high parallel magnetic field (see Figure 19). They
subband is infinitely high in energy above the first) observed that, as expected, each spin degenerate 1D
(Lieb and Mattis, 1962). However, real quantum subband splits into two (see P in the inset) with new
point contacts and quantum wires are not strictly conductance plateau appearing at half-integer values
1D, but have finite length and width. In addition, of 2e2/h. As Bk increased these half-integer plateaus
the subband spacing is also finite and they are strengthened while the integer plateaus weakened,
300 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

T = 100 mK (a)
3 α2
Sample A

α1 β
G (in units of 2e 2/h)


B (T)

Energy R


Magnetic Field α0
–1.4 –1.2 –1
Gate voltage Vg (V)
Figure 19 Differential conductance G(Vg) traces for –1.25 –1.2 –1.15
different parallel magnetic fields from 0 to 15.6 T in steps of Gate voltage Vg (V)
0.6 T. The traces are offset for clarity. Inset: Schematic
energy diagram for a linear Zeeman splitting of one- Figure 20 Gray-scale plots of the transconductance,
dimensional (1D) subbands and subsequent crossings. dG/dVg,as a function of Vg and Bk The labels 1, 2, and
From Graham AC, Thomas KJ, Pepper M, Cooper NR, show the 0.7 analogs at the Zeeman crossing between
Simmons MY, and Ritchie DA (2003) Interaction effects at spin levels 1" and 2#, 1" and 3#, and 2" and 3#,
crossings of spin-polarized one-dimensional subbands. respectively. From Sfigakis F, Graham AC, Thomas KJ,
Physical Review Letters 91: 136404, Fig. 1. Pepper M, Ford CJB, and Ritchie DA (2008b) Spin Effects in
One Dimensional Systems. Journal of Physics C 20: 164213.
Fig. 6.
until the point where the Zeeman energy was equal
to the subband spacing and the integer plateaus dis-
appeared. This happened at a crossing point, such as to the 0.7 feature is visible. As Bk was increased, this
Q in the inset. Finally, the half-integer plateaus wea- plateau evolved into the 0.5(2e2/h) and the white
kened again as Bk increases further and the integer region broadened. By Bk ¼ 11 T, the first (N ¼ 1")
plateaus reappeared after this crossing (see R in the and second subbands (N ¼ 2#) crossed. After the
inset). They considered that the appearance of the crossing, the N ¼ 1" showed a discontinuous shift
1.5(2e2/h) plateau, which weakened and then evolved from the crossing point, marked 1. This discontinu-
into the 2e2/h plateau before reappearing for Bk > 8 T, ity corresponds to the 0.7 analog. This discontinuous
resembled the evolution of the 0.7 structure to shift was also observed at the crossing of the N ¼ 2"
0.5(2e2/h) with increasing Bk. As a consequence, they and the N ¼ 3# lines marked by , and the N ¼ 1"
have named the 1.5 (2e2/h) plateau, the 0.7 analog. and the N ¼ 3# lines marked by 2. Interestingly, at
The reappearing 2e2/h plateau carried the opposite these points, there was no anti-crossing of the sub-
spin than before the crossing, while the lowest sub- bands, but a gap formed abruptly after the crossing.
band, which does not encounter a crossing, does not Graham et al. argued that this 0.7 analog is a conse-
change its spin. quence of the strong exchange interactions and
The evolution of these conductance characteris- where there is a lifting of the zero-field spin degen-
tics is more clearly seen in gray-scale plots of the eracy in the 0.7 structure, there is also a lifting of the
transconductance as a function of Bk and Vg, as shown degeneracy of the crossing point for the 0.7 analog
in Figure 20. White regions represent the plateaus in (Graham et al., 2003; Graham et al., 2004). In further
conductance and the dark regions correspond to the works using DC bias spectroscopy, they showed that
transitions between plateaus. As Bk was increased the 0.7 structure and its analogs were caused by the
from zero, a splitting of the 1D subbands of opposite highest energy spin-up subband pinning to the che-
spin was observed, as shown in Figure 21 for point P. mical potential, as predicted by Kristensen et al.
At Bk ¼ 0, the first white plateau, 0, corresponding (2000), together with an abrupt rearranging of
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 301

1.5 At the lowest temperature, the first conductance

plateau was broad and flat. With a 1D subband
energy separation of 6.5 meV, the thermal smearing
of the plateau should be negligible. As the tem-
perature was raised, the conductance plateau
1.0 remained flat; it however weakened as the tem-
G (2e2/h)

perature was further increased. In contrast, a

plateau-like structure emerged and strengthened
0.3K around the conductance value of 0.7(2e2/h).
1.5K Following on from this, Kristensen et al. went on
2.7K to plot the relative conductance suppression.
5.1K Figure 22(a) shows the graph between 1 – G(T)/G0
and 1/T at the given fixed gate voltage. Interestingly,
the linear dependence in the semilogarithmic
0.0 Arrhenius plot indicates an activated behavior.
0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 Figure 22(b) shows the measured activation energy
Vgs (V) TA as a function of gate voltage. We can see that TA
Figure 21 Conductance as a function of gate voltage Vgs increases from zero to a few Kelvin in the middle of
at various temperatures for the first quantized plateau. As the the conductance step. This suggested that the 0.7
temperature is raised the 0.7 structure emerges. Kristensen structure is associated with thermal depopulation of
A, Bruus H, Hensen AE, et al. (2000) Bias and temperature a subband, which has a gate-voltage-dependent sub-
dependence of the 0.7 conductance anomaly in quantum
band edge. Kristensen concluded that these
point contacts. Physical Review B 62: 10950, Fig. 7.
observations ‘‘indicate the importance of interaction
effects beyond the simple single-particle subband
spin-up and spin-down subbands (Graham et al., picture, presumably related to spin polarization.’’
2007). The 0.7 analog has since been shown to share Spontaneous spin-split ground-state models have
the same DC bias, magnetic field, and temperature difficulty in explaining the temperature dependence
dependence as the 0.7 structure highlighting the need of the 0.7 structure. The fact that the 0.7 structure
for a theoretical description of this unusual state that may become stronger with temperature suggests that
is valid for both features at zero magnetic field. it is not a ground state with a single-particle energy
gap, but an activated process with an activation tem-
perature TA. To explain this within the spontaneous Temperature dependence of spin-splitting paradigm, Starikov et al. (2003) pro-
the 0.7 structure posed a model in which the polarized ground state
The 0.7 structure has a characteristic temperature is accompanied by metastable states with lower con-
dependence, strengthening as the temperature is ductivity. Therefore, thermal activation of carriers
increased in contrast to the 2e2/h plateaus (see into the metastable states causes a depression of the
Figure 21). The 0.7 structure can appear weak at conductance plateau at G ¼ 2e2/h to form the anom-
very low temperatures, but typically becomes stronger alous plateau at G ¼ 0.7(2e2/h).
as the temperature is increased. As the temperature is Other authors have suggested that the tempera-
increased further, the strength of the state stabilizes ture dependence of the 0.7 structure indicates that
and then weakens once more, but only after all higher spontaneous spin splitting is not the underlying
plateaus have been thermally smeared. mechanism and have looked for an alternative
Kristensen et al. studied the temperature depen- explanation. Seelig and Matveev (2003) proposed
dence of the 0.7 structure using shallow-etched a theory based on electron–phonon scattering in
QPCs described in Section (Kristensen the 1D channel. They showed that a significant
et al., 2000). These are ideal for temperature negative correction to the quantized conductance
dependence studies of the 0.7 structure since the could occur due to the effect of backscattering of
large 1D subband energy separation in shallow- electrons in QPCs by acoustic phonons. In 1998,
etched QPCs allows studies up to the relatively Kristensen et al. (1998b) also suggested a mechan-
high temperature of 5 K without appreciable ther- ism whereby scattering from thermally activated
mal smearing of the quantized conductance steps. plasmons decreased the conductance of the
302 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

(a) –0.4 (b) 20

Vgs = 0.305 V
TA = 0.28 K
–0.8 15

TA (K)
–1.2 10

Vgs = 0.309 V
–1.6 TA = 1.11 K 5

–2.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33
1/T (K–1) Vgs (V)

Figure 22 (a) Temperature dependence of the conductance suppression G0-G(T) at fixed gate voltages Vg ¼ 0.305V and
0.309 V, measured on device A. The data show Arrhenius behavior, G(T)/G0 ¼ 1-Cexp(TA/T),with an activation temperature TA.
(b) Measured activation energy as a function of gate voltage. (a) From Kristensen A, Bruus H, Hensen AE, et al. (2000) Bias and
temperature dependence of the 0.7 conductance anomaly in quantum point contacts. Physical Review B 62: 10950, Fig 8(a).
(b) from Kristensen, (2000), Fig 8(b).

G ¼ 2e2/h plateau to form the anomalous plateau at 1.3  1011 to 3  1010 cm–2 shifted the 0.7 structure to
G ¼ 0.7(2e2/h). 0.5(2e2/h) (Thomas et al., 2000), indicating a complete
Cronenwett et al. (2002) noted that the tempera- spin polarization (Wang and Berggren, 1996; Gold
ture dependence of the 0.7 structure is reminiscent of and Calmels, 1996). However, subsequent work on
the Kondo effect in quantum-dots with one unpaired induced electron gases showed that the conductance
electron. Extending this analogy, they performed of the 0.7 structure tended toward 0.5(2e2/h) at both
temperature dependence and source–drain bias stu- the highest and lowest densities, with further reports
dies and found several other conspicuous similarities. in an induced 1D wire of length 2 mm showing that
These included a conductance peak at zero source– the 0.7 structure evolved continuously to 0.5(2e2/h)
drain bias. In addition, plots of the conductance along with increasing 1D density (Reilly et al., 2001). Reilly
the 0.7 plateau as a function of T collapse onto a (2005) showed that the position and strength of the
single function of empirical Kondo-like form using a 0.7 structure did not depend on the absolute value of
single scaling parameter designated the Kondo tem- the carrier density but on the relative difference
perature, TK. Since then, several theories have been between the potentials in the 1D and 2D regions.
developed based on a Kondo explanation for the 0.7 Wirtz et al. (2002) performed interesting studies
structure, which explain many of the experimental on the hydrostatic effect on the 0.7 structure. Using
observations (Meir et al., 2002; Hirose et al., 2003; both pressure and illumination, the electron density
Schmeltzer et al., 2005) (see Section in the 2DEG was reduced from 2.14  1011 to
However, Kondo models require that an unpaired 0.61  1011 cm2, and a shift in the conductance of
electron can become localized in the 1D region to the 0.7 structure toward the spin-split value of e2/h
act as a form of magnetic impurity. While it has been was observed (see Figure 23). The electron density
shown that such a state is theoretically possible under below the SG is lower than in the 2DEG, so it is
certain assumptions (Meir et al., 2002), other density possible that the exchange energy could be signifi-
functional (Starikov et al., 2003) and Hartree–Fock cantly enhanced with the Hartree term being
(Sushkov, 2003) calculations did not confirm a loca- completely collapsed inside the constriction.
lized spin state in real QPC devices. Theoretically, such an enhancement could lead to a
spin polarization. Theoretical results by Bruus et al. Density dependence of the 0.7 (2001) suggested that an increase of the spin gap
feature between the up and down states should result in a
Studies of the carrier density dependence of the 0.7 shift of the 0.7 structure toward e2/h.
structure are not straightforward. Initial experiments Using a cleaved-edge overgrown 1D wire, de
showed that lowering the carrier concentration from Picciotto et al. (2004) observed a 0.7 structure in the
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 303

Decreasing 2DEG electron density electron–electron interactions play an important

role in the 0.7 structure observed in their 1D wires.
1.0 More recent studies of very long 1D wires fabri-
cated by cleaved-edge overgrowth postulated that
0.8 the 0.7 structure is a property of long wires, where
there is both a large aspect ratio and where there are
G (2e2/h)

0.6 numerous electrons in the wire (up to 100) (de

Picciotto et al., 2008). In this study, the authors argued
0.4 that it is the charge density in the wire that mainly
affects the appearance of the 0.7 structure and not the
0.2 length of the channel. The 0.7 structure was observed
to occur at densities low enough such that Fermi
0.0 energy was lower than the temperature.
–2.50 –2.45 –2.40
In general, it is difficult to make a definitive state-
Vg (V)
ment about the density dependence of the 0.7
Figure 23 Conductance measurements at various structure and how it fits in with current models.
two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) densities. From left One of the complications in understanding how the
(ne ¼ 2.14  1011 cm2) to right (ne ¼ 6  1010 cm2). The
0.7 structure changes with density is to understand
position of the 0.7 structure is indicated by an open circle in
each curve. From Wirtz R, Newbury R, Nicholls JT, Tribe experimentally exactly how the density of the 1D
WR, Simmons MY, and Pepper M (2002) Tuning the electron region is changed. Typically, a gate is used to change
transport properties of a one-dimensional constriction using the density within the wire, but this is very sample
hydrostatic pressure. Physical Review B 65: 233316, Fig. 4. specific depending on the gate geometry and is also
likely to change the shape of the confinement poten-
tial and the mismatch between the potential of the 1D
differential conductance measurements as shown in and 2D regions.
Figure 24. It was found that the 0.7 structure existed
whenever the kinetic energy provided to the carriers Source–drain bias dependence
exceeded the Fermi energy. In this regime, the mea- of the 0.7 feature
sured conductance exceeded the value calculated The effects of a source–drain bias on 1D subbands
from a noninteracting model, suggesting that were discussed in Section Increasing the
source–drain voltage lifts the momentum degeneracy
and splits each conductance plateau (in the differen-
tial conductance vs. gate voltage trace) into two. For
G  2e2/h in zero magnetic field, half-integer plateaus
–3.4 3
were observed for every subband. However, Patel
Gate voltage (V)

–3.6 2 et al, also reported that as the source–drain bias was

–3.8 g∼1 1 increased, the 0.7 structure evolved into a structure at
–4 0 0.8–0.85(2e2/h) with another plateau appearing at
–4.2 g ∼ 0.25
–1 0.2(2e2/h) at even higher biases. Initially, this led to
–2 suggestions that these additional plateaus were due to
g ∼ 0.7 g=0 –3 a spin degenerate 0.5(2e2/h) feature but with its con-
–4 ductance reduced by some mechanism (Kristensen
–20 –10 0 10 20 Δ(g/g ) et al., 2000; Cronenwett et al., 2002; Reilly et al., 2002;
Source voltage (mV) ΔVg de Picciotto et al., 2004; Kothari et al., 2008).
Figure 24 Transconductance of a one-dimensional (1D) Alternatively, it has been described as a fully spin-
channel as a function of gate voltage and direct-current (DC) polarized quarter plateau (Graham et al., 2006;
bias: The numerical derivative of the differential Simmonds et al., 2008).
conductance with respect to gate voltage as a function of Thomas et al. (1998b) went on to show that in
gate voltage and DC bias, in a color plot format. The 0.7
finite source–drain bias experiments where well-
structure is indicated by g  0.7. From de Picciotto R,
Pfeiffer LN, Baldwin KW, and West KW (2004) Nonlinear resolved integer and half-integer plateaus were
response of a clean one-dimensional wire. Physical Review observed, quarter-integer plateaus were also seen
Letters 92: 036801, Fig. 2. for every subband even at zero magnetic field. The
304 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

appearance of these quarter-integer plateaus did not results in a potential difference that can be measured.
change with increasing magnetic field, further sup- The authors showed that, in a ballistic 1D system, the
porting the concept of spin polarization at zero steps in the conductance between the quantized
magnetic field. More recently, plateaus at 0.25 (2e2/h) values gave rise to peaks in the measured thermo-
and 0.75 (2e2/h), nearly identical to those observed in power. By measuring the height of the thermopower
GaAs quantum wires, have also been observed in peaks, it was possible to determine the temperature
nonequilibrium transport studies in In0.75Ga0.25As of the hot electrons in the heating channel.
quantum wires (Simmonds et al., 2008). Their appear- Appleyard et al. (2000) also went on to show the
ance has also been attributed to zero-field presence of a small shoulder in the thermopower
spin-polarized quarter-integer plateaus. near the 0.7 structure. Application of a magnetic
Sfigakis et al. (2008a) considered that in a single field converted the 0.7(2e2/h) to the spin polarized
particle picture, the quarter-integer plateau for a 0.5(2e2/h) value, accompanied by a decline in the
given subband should appear at the same time when thermopower signal to zero. The observed thermo-
sweeping the source–drain bias. For the high index power signal at 0.7(2e2/h) is consistent with the first
subbands, this appeared to be the case. However, as subband being split, with the spin# subband being
the subband index decreased, the (N þ 0.25) 2e2/h transmitted, and the other pinned near the chemical
plateau appeared at increasingly higher bias than potential. Since a fully transmitted channel leads to a
the (N þ 0.75) 2e2/h. The late formation in source– zero thermopower, the 0.7 structure could be
drain bias voltage of the 0.25(2e2/h) plateau with explained by partial transmission of the minority
respect to the formation of the 0.75(2e2/h) plateau spin" subband. While the Mott formulation does
was shown to be consistent with the predictions from not predict a peak in G at 0.7(2e2/h), it is likely that
a spin-gap model. Here, self-consistent calculations in the regime of strongly interacting electrons an
with a saddle point model and a density-dependent additional mechanism is required to explain the finite
energy gap between spin subbands were shown to measure thermopower coincident with 0.7 structure.
exhibit the same characteristics (Sfigakis, 2005). The thermal conductance,
, and electrical con-
ductance, G, of noninteracting electrons in quantum
wires are known to be related by the Wiedemann– Thermopower, thermal Franz equation
conductance, and shot noise dependence
of the 0.7 feature 2 kB2 T
K ¼ – G
In addition to conventional transport measurements, 3e 2
the 0.7 structure has also been observed in studies of As a consequence, if the conductance is quantized in
the thermopower, thermal conductance, and shot units of 2e2/h, then the thermal conductance will be
noise experiments. While not comprehensive, the quantized in units of 2kB2 T =3h. Below 2e2/h, the
following section briefly reviews these experiments. Wiedemann–Franz equation no longer holds, but at
The thermopower of a 1D system, S, is related to gate voltages near the 0.7 structure, a half plateau in
the conductance, G: the thermal conductance was observed by Chiatta
et al. (2006).
V  2 kB2 qð1nGÞ
S¼  ¼ – ðTe þ Tl Þ Finally, shot noise experiments in a QPC in the
Te – Tl I ¼0 3e qm
regime of the 0.7 structure were also performed. Shot
by the Mott formula (Mott, 1963), where  is the noise is the temporal fluctuation of current resulting
chemical potential of the contacts relative to the 1D from the quantization of charge. DiCarlo et al. (2006)
subbands, Te is the electron temperature, Tl is the reported simultaneous measurements of the shot
lattice temperature, and V is the voltage measured noise and DC transport in a QPC. In particular,
across the constriction. Initial thermopower experi- they focused on the 0.7 structure and its evolution
ments used a 1D constriction to measure the electron in a parallel magnetic field. They observed a suppres-
temperature (Appleyard et al., 1998). Here, electrons sion of the noise, compared with that expected for
were heated on one side of a 1D constriction by the spin degenerate transport, near 0.7(2e2/h) in zero
application of an electric current. However, the hot magnetic field in agreement with earlier results by
electrons are prevented from passing through to the Roche et al. (2004). With increasing Bk, this suppres-
other side by the 1D constriction and a temperature sion was observed to evolve into the signature
difference is established across the channel. This of a spin-resolved transmission. They found
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 305

quantitatively good agreement between their noise less efficiently screened, and the conductance is
data and the phenomenological model for density- reduced toward its high-temperature limit of 0.5(2e2/
dependent level splitting (Reilly, 2005). h). This gives rise to the 0.7 structure and provides an
Since the first reported observation of the 0.7 struc- explanation for why the plateau at 0.7(2e2/h) is
ture, its origin has been intensely debated. stabilized by temperature.
Throughout the deliberations, both Coulomb and A critical assumption of the Kondo model is that
exchange energies have been shown to be very impor- an open 1D system is able to support a bound state.
tant in quasi-1D systems since they can cause a This assumption appears to be robust according to
spontaneous spin polarization. Indeed, the concept of recent spin-density functional theory calculations
a spin gap has been fairly successful in explaining most (Meir et al., 2002; Hirose et al., 2003; Rejec and
of the experimental results of the 0.7 structure Meir, 2006) and tunneling spectroscopy measure-
(including the temperature dependence, magnetic ments between parallel quantum wires (Auslaender
field, and bias dependence) (Wang and Berggren, et al., 2005; Yoon et al., 2007). From this assumption it
1996; Spivak and Zhou, 2000; Kristensen et al., 2000; follows that (Meir, 2008):
Reilly et al., 2002; Berggren and Yakimenko, 2002;
Graham et al., 2005; Lassl et al., 2007; Graham et al., 1. The bound state will blockade the current, result-
2007). Central to this interpretation is the concept that ing in a reduced conductance between 0.5(2e2/h)
the spin gap must depend on carrier density (gate and 2e2/h.
voltage), otherwise a quantized plateau at 0.5(2e2/h) 2. As the Fermi level is increased, the Coulomb
would be observed. To date, however, none of the blockade energy is overcome and the universal
SG models have addressed the appearance of a peak value of 2e2/h is recovered.
in the differential conductance of the quantum wire 3. In the presence of a magnetic field, the energy of
for G < 2e2/h at very low temperatures (Cronenwett the localized state splits and the conductance is
et al., 2002). This is discussed in the next section. reduced to 0.5(2e2/h).
4. There is a reduction in shot noise around the 0.7
plateau due to charge being carried by two spin The Kondo Model and Zero-Bias channels, one of perfect transmission and the other
Anomaly with reduced transmission. Overview These predictions are consistent with experimental
Although a spontaneous spin-splitting model explains observations.
many of the salient features of the 0.7 structure, there However, the greatest strength of the Kondo
sometimes exists a peak in the conductance around model is arguably its ability to explain the zero-bias
Vsd ¼ 0 that cannot be explained within the spin-split anomaly. The zero-bias anomaly was originally stu-
paradigm. This conduction peak has been termed the died by Cronenwett et al. (2002), who showed that the
zero-bias anomaly, in analogy to the zero-bias anomaly 1D zero-bias anomaly shared many of the features of
observed in quantum-dots. The zero-bias anomaly has
its 0D counterpart including:
led to a Kondo-like description of the 0.7 structure that
also describes many of its properties – in particular, its 1. the collapse of G(T) curves onto a single function
unusual temperature dependence. with a single scaling parameter designated the
The Kondo model predicts that near pinch-off Kondo temperature, TK;
(Meir, 2008), a 1D system contains a bound state that 2. an exponential dependence of TK on VG;
acts as a magnetic impurity. Without electron–elec- 3. a correlation between zero-bias peak width and
tron interactions, the bound state would block carriers TK; and
of the same spin from passing through the 1D channel 4. splitting of the zero-bias peak in a parallel mag-
– limiting transport to a single spin channel and redu- netic field.
cing the conductivity to 0.5(2e2/h). However,
electron–electron interactions cause the bound state Subsequent experiments have confirmed the exis-
to polarize electrons in the leads and thereby screen its tence of the zero-bias anomaly as a fundamental
effect. At T ¼ 0, the magnetic impurity is screened property of quantum wires but have found less cor-
perfectly by the carriers in the leads and the conduc- respondence with the 0D zero-bias anomaly (Sfigakis
tivity reaches the unitary limit, 2e2/h. As the et al., 2008a; Sarkozy et al., 2009). In particular, the 1D
temperature is increased, the magnetic impurity is zero-bias anomaly does not always split with parallel
306 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

magnetic field and the observed splitting is often less 2.5(2e2/h) that trend upward as Vsd is shifted away
than predicted (Chen et al., 2009). from zero (Glazman and Raikh, 1988; Ng and Lee,
Today, there is a growing consensus that bound 1988; Patel et al., 1991b).
states can and do exist in quantum wires resulting in Below 2e2/h, however, they observed a lot more
Kondo-like physics. However, whether or not this is structure in the nonlinear conductance. The data
the origin of the 0.7 structure is still a point of con- showed a clear zero-bias peak – the so-called zero-
tention as there is mounting evidence to suggest that bias anomaly. Importantly, there was no bunching of
the 0.7 structure and Kondo-like phenomena co-exist lines along Vsd ¼ 0 and hence, no plateau at 0.7(2e2/h)
as separate and distinct effects (Sfigakis et al., 2008a). was observed in the linear conductance. At this low
temperature, the zero-bias anomaly appeared to Experimental and theoretical enhance the conductance at Vsd ¼ 0 and wash out
evidence for a Kondo model the 0.7 structure. Nonetheless, as Vsd was moved
The detailed studies of the zero-bias anomaly per- away from zero, two distinct plateaus formed at
formed by Cronenwett et al. (2002) preceded a 0.8(2e2/h) and 0.2(2e2/h), which are believed to result
concrete theory of Kondo-like physics in 1D and from the splitting of spin bands.
spin-density functional theory calculations demon- As the temperature was increased to 600 mK,
strating a stable bound state in QPCs (Meir et al., the zero-bias peak was suppressed as shown in
2002; Hirose et al., 2003; Rejec and Meir, 2006; Meir, Figure 25(b). Now, a clear bunching of lines at
2008). Cronenwett et al. used surface gate depletion 0.7(2e2/h) around Vsd ¼ 0 is observed. This is a
to define a 1D channel in a 2DES and performed strong indication that the formation of the 0.7
source–drain bias measurements on the first three structure coincides with the destruction of the
subbands. Figure 25(a) shows the nonlinear differ- zero-bias anomaly with temperature. The strong
ential conductance as a function of source–drain bias correlation between the zero-bias anomaly and 0.7
for a range of surface gate voltages at base tempera- structure was further exemplified at high-parallel
ture and zero magnetic field. Bunching of the lines magnetic field. Figure 25(c) shows source–drain
along Vsd ¼ 0 indicates the familiar plateaus in the bias measurements performed at base temperature
linear conductance at 2e2/h and 2(2e2/h). These pla- and Bk ¼ 8 T. In this case, the zero-bias peak was
teaus split to form half-plateaus at 1.5(2e2/h) and completely destroyed and the spin-split plateau

(a) T = 80 mK, Bll = 0 T (b) T = 600 mK, Bll = 0 T (c) T = 80 mK, Bll = 8 T


2 2 2
G (2e2/h)


1 1 1 1
–1 0 1 –1 0 1 –1 0 1
Vsd (mV) Vsd (mV) Vsd (mV)

Figure 25 Nonlinear differential conductance as a function of source–drain bias at various surface gate voltages for the first
three subbands of a quantum wire. (a) At base temperature and zero parallel magnetic field, there is a strong zero-bias peak in
the nonlinear conductance below (2e2/h) – the zero-bias anomaly. (b) Raising the temperature suppresses the zero-bias
anomaly and reveals a bunching of lines near 0.7(2e2/h) due to the 0.7 structure. (c) At base temperature and B|| ¼ 8 T, the
zero-bias anomaly has vanished and there is a strong spin-split plateau at 0.5(2e2/h). These results demonstrate the intimate
relationship between the 0.7 structure and the zero-bias anomaly. Modified with permission from Cronenwett SM, Lynch HJ,
Goldhaber-Gordon D, et al. (2002) Low-temperature fate of the 0.7 structure in a point contact: A Kondo-like correlated state
in an open system. Physical Review Letters 88: 226805. Copyright (2002) by the American Physical Society.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 307

at 0.5(2e2/h) is clearly visible. Again, the appear- TK scaled exponentially with gate voltage as shown
ance of the spin-split subband coincides with in Figure 26(c). This is also consistent with TK in
the destruction of the zero-bias anomaly with quantum-dots, which depends exponentially on the
magnetic field. energy of the bound spin ("0) relative to the Fermi
Cronenwett et al. went on to study the tempera- energy in the leads ("0 þ U) according to
ture dependence of the zero-bias anomaly in detail  
"0 ð"0 þ U Þ
and showed important similarities between the 1D TK  exp
zero-bias anomaly and Kondo physics observed in
quantum-dots (Goldhaber-Gordon et al., 1998; where G is the energy broadening (Haldane, 1978).
Cronenwett et al., 1998; van der Wiel et al., 2000). Moreover, Cronenwett et al. found that the zero-
Figure 26(a) shows the temperature dependence of bias peak splits with magnetic field and that between
zero-bias peaks for five different gate voltages. 0.7(2e2/h) and 2e2/h, the peak widths increase like
Plotting the peak height as a function of tempera- 2kTK/e. Both of these observations are consistent
ture over a range of gate voltages produced the with Kondo physics in quantum-dots. However,
curves shown in the inset of Figure 26(b). more recent experiments have shown that the zero-
Cronenwett et al. found that these curves could bias peak does not always split with magnetic field
and that any observed splitting is significantly less
be scaled onto one function using a single scaling
than predicted (Chen et al., 2009). Sarkozy et al. (2009)
parameter TK as shown in the main panel of
also performed a detailed study of the zero-bias
Figure 26(b). The functional form of the scaled
anomaly as a function of magnetic field and tempera-
curve agrees with a modified expression of the
ture and found further discrepancies between the
Kondo conductance:
behavior of the zero-bias anomaly and 1D Kondo
  physics model, namely:
2e 2 1 1
G¼ þ
h 2f ðT =TK Þ 2 1. a nonmonotonic increase of TK with surface gate
where f(T/TK) is a universal function for the Kondo 2. the FWHM of the zero-bias peak did not scale
conductance. This provided compelling evidence for with Gmax of the peak; and
a Kondo explanation of the zero-bias anomaly and 3. a linear peak splitting with gate voltage at fixed
hence the 0.7 structure. Moreover, it was found that magnetic field.

(a) (b) (c)

1.0 80 mK 320 mK 1.0 1
100 mK 430 mK
210 mK 560 mK
670 mK 10
G (2e2/h)


TK (K)

0.5 –466 mV
1.0 1
G (2e2/h)

–488 mV
0.1 1 T (K)
0.5 0 0.1
–1 0 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 –492 –462
Vsd (mV) T/Tk Vg

Figure 26 Temperature dependence data of the zero-bias anomaly by (Cronenwett et al. 2002). (a) Temperature
dependence of the zero-bias anomaly at five different surface-gate voltages. As the temperature is increased from 80 to 670
mK, the zero-bias anomaly is destroyed. (b) Zero-bias anomaly peak conductance as a function of temperature for various
gate voltages and scaled onto a single functional form using the scaling parameter TK. The inset shows the unscaled data. (c)
TK as a function of surface gate voltage, Vg, showing an exponential correspondence between TK and Vg. The plot also shows
the linear conductance of the first subband as a function of Vg for 80 mK (solid), 210 mK (dotted), 560 mK (dashed), and 1.6 K
(dot-dashed) showing the emergance of the 0.7 structure as the zero-bias anomaly is suppressed.
308 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

While these discrepancies may suggest that the 1D they provided a good qualitative description of
Kondo model is incomplete, the model is still more many of the important features of the 0.7 structure.
effective at describing the zero-bias anomaly com- Figure 27(a) shows the conductance of the first
pared to a spin-split model, which cannot account for subband as a function of the Fermi energy ("F)
the occurrence of the zero-bias anomaly. relative to the energy of the bound state ("0) calcu-
Guided by the strong experimental evidence, lated at four different temperatures (Meir et al.,
Meir and co-workers developed a comprehensive 2002). As the temperature increases, a distinct pla-
model for the 0.7 structure based on Kondo physics teau forms at 0.7(2e2/h), in excellent agreement with
(Meir et al., 2002; Hirose et al., 2003; Rejec and the experimental data shown in the inset of
Meir, 2006; Meir, 2008). A key prerequisite of the Figure 27(a).
theory is the formation of a quasi-bound state in The calculations also show the formation of a
the QPC. This localized state is generated by strong plateau with increasing parallel magnetic
multiple reflections between the edges of a poten- field as shown in Figure 27(b). While this is in
tial barrier. In the case of a square potential qualitative agreement with experimental data
barrier, a particle with higher energy can be shown in the inset, the position of the calculated
reflected as it enters and exits the barrier. plateau is significantly lower than that observed
Resonant reflections between these two interfaces experimentally. However, Meir et al. (2002) attribute
lead to a quasi-bound state localized within the this quantitative disagreement to the perturbative
barrier region. Interestingly, spin-density functional approach used in their calculations rather than a
theory calculations indicate that this remains true fundamental difference in the underlying physical
even for the smooth potential of a QPC, thereby mechanism.
producing a narrow quasi-bound state that may act The Kondo model also provides a very good
as a single magnetic impurity. description of the evolution of the zero-bias anomaly
Although the calculations by Meir et al. were as a function of temperature and magnetic field as
perturbative and therefore only semi-quantitative, shown in Figure 28(a) and Figure 28(b),


Conductance (2e2/h)



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Figure 27 Linear conductance of the first subband as a function of the Fermi energy "F relative to the energy of the
quasi-bound state "0. The calculations by Meir et al. are based on spin-density functional theory calculations of a Kondo
model (Meir, 2002). (a) The calculated conductance at 50, 100, 200 and 600 mK. The results agree both qualitatively and
quantitatively with the experimental observations of Cronenwett et al. shown in the inset (Cronenwett 2002). (b) The calculated
conductance of the first subband in parallel magnetic fields of 0 T, 0.07, 0.12, and 0.4 T (from top to bottom, respectively).
The calculations agree qualitatively with experimental observations shown in the inset, and quantitative discrepancies are
attributed to the perturbative nature of the calculations. Reproduced with permission from Meir Y, Hinose K, and Wingreen
NS (2002) Kondo model for the ‘‘0.7 anomaly’’ in transport through a quantum point. Physical Review Letters 89: 196802
Copyright (2002) by the American Physical Society.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 309

1.0 1.0
(a) (b)
Conductance (2e2/h)

Conductance (2e2/h)

0.5 0.5 Data



0.0 0.0
−0.5 0.0 0.5 −0.5 0.0 0.5 0
Bias voltage V/lε0l
Bias voltage V/lε0l

Figure 28 Calculations of the nonlinear conductance and zero-bias anomaly based on spin-density functional theory
calculation of a Kondo model (Meir, 2002). (a) Calculated zero-bias anomaly at for Fermi energies "F ¼ 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01 from
top to bottom respectively at four different temperatures T ¼ 60, 100, 200, and 400 mK. The calculations agree both
quantitatively and qualitatively by the experimental data taken by Cronenwett, shown in the inset (Cronenwett, 2002).
(b) Zero-bias anomaly near the 0.7 structure for different parallel magnetic fields corresponding to a Zeeman splitting of  ¼ 0,
0.04, 0.07, and 0.1, where  ¼ 0.04. Again, the data agree with the splitting of the zero-bias anomaly peak observed
experimentally shown in the inset (Cronenwett, 2002).

respectively. Through this work, combined with that perhaps two separate and distinct phenomena
experimental studies, there is growing consensus exist near 0.7(2e2/h) concomitantly. In the next
that 1D systems (1.) can support a quasi-bound section, we review the experiments performed in
state, (2.) do display Kondo-like physics, and p-type 1D systems. The unique properties of the
(3.) the zero-bias anomaly and 0.7 structure are valence band provide a different system to probe
intimately related phenomena based on spin. the 0.7 structure.
However, it does not necessarily follow that the 0.7
structure has its origins in Kondo-like physics. There is
evidence to suggest that while the zero-bias anomaly 1.08.3 Ballistic Transport in p-Type
and 0.7 structure coexist, their underlying mechanisms GaAs-Based 1D Systems
are separate and distinct. Using etched channels
Sfigakis et al. (2008a) formed open quantum-dot struc- Introduction
tures that displayed enhanced Kondo behavior while Studying ballistic transport in p-type 1D systems
retaining many of the features of the 0.7 structure . brings with it the advantages of a larger effective
These 0D–1D hybrid structures allowed Sfigakis et al. mass, strong spin–orbit coupling, and spin 3/2 com-
to study the temperature dependence of the 0.7 struc- pared with spin 1/2 for electrons. The large effective
ture and zero-bias anomaly independently. They hole mass m ¼ 0.2 – 0.4me leads to enhanced many-
found that the two features appeared at different body interactions as parametrized by rs _ m = ns .
energy scales with the 0.7 structure appearing after While 2D electron systems are limited to rs < 5,
the zero-bias anomaly had been destroyed by increas- hole systems can readily achieve rs >> 10. This lar-
ing temperature. ger value of rs allows a study of the importance of
In summary the origin of the 0.7 structure interaction effects in 1D.
remains one of the most intriguing and challenging The strong spin–orbit coupling makes it possible
puzzles in the field of 1D ballistic transport. Many of to manipulate the hole spin with an applied electric
its properties indicate the presence of spontaneous field. In addition, the total angular momentum j ¼ 3/2
spin polarization – such as its behavior in magnetic gives low-dimensional hole systems a much richer
field and source–drain bias and density depen- spin physics than their electron counterparts
dences. However, other properties such as the (Winkler, 2003). The strong spin–orbit coupling
zero-bias conductance peak and temperature depen- and anisotropic Zeeman splitting in these systems
dence are more commensurate with a Kondo-like also give important insights into the origin of the
model. These conflicting properties suggest that the 0.7 structure and zero-bias anomaly. The study of
physics is more complicated than first thought and hole quantum wires in GaAs is still relatively new
310 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

compared to the broad spectrum of literature on 1D discuss the 0.7 structure and the zero-bias anomaly
electron systems. However, their complex spin prop- in the context of p-type systems.
erties and ability to be tuned with external electric
and magnetic fields allow unique insights into the
spin properties of 1D systems. The Hole Band Structure
Progress in the study of 1D GaAs hole systems has
The structure of the valence band in bulk GaAs
been slower for two main reasons. First, the higher
systems is more complex than the simple parabolic
effective mass in p-type systems results in smaller
conduction band for electrons (see Figure 29). In
subband spacings that require lower temperatures to the conduction band, transport is described well by
resolve clear conductance quantization. Second, and the effective mass approximation due to the fact that
most important, fabricating stable ballistic p-type the conduction band is, to a good approximation,
hole wires has proved to be significantly more chal- parabolic and therefore d2E(k)/dk2 is a constant. In
lenging than is the case for n-type electron wires contrast, the definition of m in the valence band is
(Zailer et al., 1994; Daneshvar et al., 1997; Rokhinson complicated by the fact that the bands are nonpara-
et al., 2006). However, recent developments in device bolic and anisotropic around k ¼ 0 (Winkler, 2003).
fabrication technology and high-purity heterostruc- Furthermore, the curvature of the valence band is
tures have allowed the fabrication of 1D hole systems negative, resulting a negative m. This concept is
that demonstrate clear conductance quantization. nonphysical and so we treat these carriers as
This has led to a rapid development in our under- positively charged particles with a positive mass.
standing of both single-particle and many-body Conduction band electrons originate from s-like
phenomena in ballistic 1D channels. l ¼ 0 states with spin 1/2, with a quantized projection
In this section, we review the importance of the in any direction of ms ¼ h/2. In contrast, there are
hole band structure before going on to discuss how three valence band states. In a tight-binding picture,
different fabrication techniques have allowed pro- these band states are derived from the three
gressively more stable and reliable 1D hole systems p-orbitals px, py, and pz, and therefore have an orbital
in Section In Section we review angular momentum l ¼ 1. The spin–orbit interaction
the observation of ballistic transport in 1D hole lifts the sixfold degeneracy of the valence band states
wires, including measurements of the subband spa- at k ¼ 0 leading to a splitting of the valence band
cing, Zeeman splitting, and measurements of the states to give four degenerate states of total angular
g-factor anisotropy. Finally, in Section we momentum j ¼ 3/2, separated from two degenerate

(a) (b)

band Conduction
Eg K Eg K
Valance band Valance band
Δ0 ±3/2 Δlh-hh ±3/2
j = 3/2
±1/2 LH

SO } j = 1/2 SO

Figure 29 (a) Schematic band diagram for bulk GaAs, showing the split-off (SO), light-hole (LH), heavy-hole (HH), and
conduction bands. (b) Schematic band diagram for a two-dimensional (2D) hole system (2D HS) where the HH–LH
degeneracy is lifted at k ¼ 0 due to the 2D confinement.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 311

states of lower energy with j ¼ 1/2. The doubly (Zülicke, 2006). We can consider two limiting case. In
degenerate states are known as the spilt-off band the case of very narrow wires, the mj ¼ 1/2 light-hole
and have m ¼ 0.17 (Kittel, 1996). The fourfold band becomes higher in energy than the mj ¼ 3/2
degenerate states form two band masses, heavy heavy-hole band. The other limit is where the 2D
holes (m ¼ 0.5me) with z-component of the angular confinement from the quantum-well is stronger than
momentum jz ¼ 3/2 and light holes (m ¼ 0.087me) the lateral quantum wire confinement. In this case,
with jz ¼ 1/2. the ground state remains predominantly mj ¼ 3/2
Confining the GaAs system to 2D lifts the fourfold HH-like. This has important implications for how
degeneracy of the heavy hole (HH) and light hole the holes couple with an external magnetic field as
(LH) bands, as depicted Figure 29(b), so that the HH the confinement strength varies.
(mJ ¼ 3/2) band becomes the highest energy hole Figure 30 shows the calculated change in g-factor
band. Two ladders of energy states are formed as a during the 2D-to-1D cross-over for a square wire
result of the different effective masses of the bands parallel to the [233]crystallographic axis. In this fig-
(Winkler and Nesvizhskii, 1996). However, much of ure, Wz/Wx is the ratio of the height of the quantum
this substructure is hidden from magneto-transport wire (Wz) relative to the width Wx. In the 2D limit,
measurements of 2DHSs, which are described the g-factor for the low-symmetry [311] GaAs is also
primarily by transport through only the highest highly anisotropic. The holes are strongly coupled to
energy band – typically HH1. In these systems, the an external magnetic field perpendicular to the [311]
Fermi energy is small (EF  1 meV), significantly plane with gz  7. In contrast, holes coupled to a
less than the light-hole heavy-hole splitting magnetic field in the plane and parallel to the wire
(lhhh  10 meV), so that only the heavy-hole have gy  0.6. The holes are even more weakly
band is occupied. coupled to a magnetic field in the plane and perpen-
Eisenstein et al. (1984) showed that, in 2D asym- dicular to the wire, with gx  0.2.
metric quantum-wells, a lifting of the spin
degeneracy of the HH1 band results in two effective
masses, which appear as two distinct frequencies in 2D limit 1D limit
Shubnikov de Haas oscillations. In contrast, the states 7
in symmetric, square quantum-wells remain doubly 6 z
degenerate and only one effective mass is present. 5
Even so, assigning an effective mass to 2D GaAs hole x g∗x
g ∗x,y,z 4
systems is nontrivial due to the fact that m is depen- 3 y
dent on both the symmetry of the device (Eisenstein 2 g∗y
et al., 1984; Iye et al., 1986; Pan et al., 2003) and the
density (Pan et al., 2003; Noh, 2005).
Historically, transport measurements of 2DHSs 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
have been performed on silicon-doped GaAs- Wz / Wx
AlGaAs heterostructures grown on a (311)A-oriented
GaAs substrate. The hole mobility in these structures Figure 30 Calculated g-factors for a rectangular hole
quantum wire oriented along [233] as a function of one-
depends on the direction of the current path and is at
dimensional (1D) confinement.¯ The g-factors gx and gy
a maximum for currents parallel to the [233] direc- correspond to in-plane magnetic fields orthogonal and
tion (the fast direction). Between this direction and parallel to the wire, respectively, while gz corresponds to
the [011] direction (the slow direction), the mobility magnetic fields perpendicular to the plane. The 1D
may change as much as 20% (Davies, 1991; confinement is characterized by the ratio of the quantum-
well height (Wz) to the width of the wire (Wx). When Wz/Wx ¼
Heremans and Santos, 1994). This anisotropy must
0, the system is in the 2D limit but tends towards the 1D limit
also be taken into account when calculating transport as Wz/Wx ! 1. The calculations predict that increasing the
properties. Recent developments in MBE have 1D confinement will reduce the out-of-plane g-factor while
allowed the growth of high-quality p-type hetero- simultaneously increasing the inplane g-factors, gx and gy.
structures on (100)-oriented GaAs substrates. The 1D confinement also affects the g-factor anisotropy.
Below Wz/Wx ¼ 0.4 spins couple most strongly to fields
However, their 1D transport properties are largely
parallel to the wire. However, when Wz/Wx > 0.4, fields
unexplored. orthogonal to the wire couple more strongly. From Zülicke U
Further confining the valence band to just one (2006) Electronic and spin properties of hole point contacts.
dimension causes a mixing of the HH and LH states Physica Status Solidi (c) 3: 4354.
312 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

The data in Figure 30 show that the g-factors and Etched quantum wires
the g-factor anisotropy change as the hole system The first observation of conductance quantization in
approaches the 1D limit. This occurs because the a 1D hole system was made by Zailer et al. (1994).
confinement reduces the separation between the Original data from this work and a schematic of the
HH and LH subbands and allows mixing of these device structure are shown in Figure 31. In these
two bands. Most importantly, we see that when experiments, Zailer et al. used wet-etching to define
Wx > 2Wz, there is a cross-over of the in-plane aniso- two parallel wires in a 2DHS of peak mobility
tropy, that is, gx > gy. This cross-over is a result of 320 000 cm2 V1 s1 at 50 mK. Using electron beam
the LH subband becoming the highest-energy sub- lithography, Zailer et al. were able to etch two 300-
band and therefore the subband that dominates the nm-wide trenches separated by a 1100-nm gap. A
transport properties. It is worth noting that here 300-nm dot was then etched between the two
the traditional nomenclature becomes confused as trenches to divide the gap into two, 400-nm wide
the holes occupying the light-hole subband (charac- 1D channels. By depositing metal into the etched
terized by jz ¼ 1/2), in fact, have the greater regions, Zailer et al. formed self-aligned depletion
effective mass in this regime. gates that could be used to tune the width of each
wire independently. By using the depletion gates to
completely pinch off one channel and vary the width Fabricating Stable 1D Hole of the other channel, Zailer et al. were able to explore
Systems the current quantization through a single channel.
The wet-etch technique has been used success-
The enhanced m in the valence band implies that fully to fabricate n-type quantum wires with very
resolving conductance plateaus in p-type systems is large subband spacings and high stability. However,
intrinsically more difficult than for n-type systems. Zailer et al. found that the current through their
The problem is twofold. First, increasing m reduces p-type devices suffered from random telegraph
the subband energy spacing. As a result, p-type sys-
tems must be measured at much lower temperatures
to remove the effect of thermal broadening, which
smears out the conductance plateaus. Second, increas-
ing m reduces the Fermi velocity and, hence, the
B = 0T
mobility of 2DHSs. This makes it more difficult to 6
achieve conduction at low carrier densities, which, in
G (e2/h)

turn, limits the Fermi wavelength. As a result, p-type Split ga

Split ga
quantum wires must be made thinner and shorter 4 te

before conductance quantization can be observed.

This has led to ballistic hole transport to be studied
primarily in QPCs, that is, quantum wires in which B = 3T
the length tends to zero.
However, the need for low measurement tem-
peratures and small quantum wires does not put a 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
practical limit on our ability to fabricate and measure Vg (V)
1D hole systems. Instead, the main hurdle has been Figure 31 Original data from Zailer et al. showing current
obtaining stable currents through the 1D channel. quantization in etched one-dimensional (1D) hole systems
Recently, there has been as significant improvement after averaging over 40 traces. The application of a 3T
magnetic field splits the first subband into well-defined
in the stability of p-type quantum wires, which has
steps at e2/h and 2e2/h (Zailer, 1994). (Inset) Schematic of
opened up the possibility for more detailed studies of the etched quantum wire device used by Zailer et al. Etched
the single-particle and many-body phenomena in regions define two parallel one-dimensional hole systems
these systems. As a general rule, the stability of 1D (1DHSs), while metal deposited into the etch regions as side
hole systems improves with the mobility of the gates that can independently control the current through the
1D channels. With permission from, Zailer I, Frost JEF, Ford
2DHS from which they are formed. However, there CJB, et al. (1994) phase coherence, interference and
is increasing evidence to suggest that limiting the conductance quantization in a confined two-dimensional
scattering caused by remote ionized dopants also hole gas. Physical Review B 49: 5101. Copyright (1994) by
improves device stability (Hamilton et al., 2008). the American Physical Society.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 313

signals. As a result they were forced to average 12

data taken over 40 traces. Nonetheless, they were
able to resolve conductance plateaus at G ¼ 2e2/h
and 3(2e2/h).
10 Surface gate-depleted
quantum wires
Daneshvar et al. (1997) fabricated p-type QPCs 8
from a 2D system with a higher mobility:
 ¼ 1 200 000 cm2 V1 s1 at 1.5 K. These devices

G (e2/h)
used the surface gate-depletion method to define
the 1D channel – a method that has also been used B=0
with great success in n-type systems. A schematic of
the device structure and original data from
Daneshvar et al. is shown in Figure 32. Three metal 4
gates were patterned on the surface of the GaAs
heterostructure – two SGs separated by a small dis-
tance and a third gate that runs between them. 2
Applying a positive bias to the SGs locally depletes B⊥ = 0.7T
the 2DHS directly beneath them and forms a 1D
channel. Increasing the bias on the SG constricts
and eventually pinches off the 1D channel. The mid- 2.5 2.75
dle gate can be used to vary the density in the 1D Side gate voltage (V)
channel without affecting the width of the channel.
Figure 32 Original data from Daneshvar et al. showing
Similar techniques are used routinely in n-type quantized inflections in the conductance up to 5(2e2/h) in a
systems to define 1D electron systems with high surface gate-depletion quantum wire (Daneshvar, 1997). A
stability and clear conductance quantization (cf. van small magnetic field enhances the ballistic transport
Wees et al., 1988). In contrast, Daneshvar et al. were through the device to produce well-defined and well-
only able to resolve inflections in the conductance up quantized conductance plateau. (Inset) Schematic of the
surface gate-depletion device architecture used by
to 5(2e2/h). The ballistic transport was facilitated by Daneshvar et al. on a single-layer hole system. The two side
the application of an in-plane magnetic field, which gates define and confine the one-dimensional (1D) channel
lengthened the inflections to form well-defined pla- while the middle gate controls the density in the wire.
teaus and provided a good estimate of the 1D g-factor Reproduced with permission from Daneshvar AJ, Ford CJB,
as a function of subband index. Hamilton AR, simnons MY, Pepper M, and Ritchie DA (1997)
Enhanced g factor of a one-dimensional hole gas with
quantized conductance. Physical Review B 55: R 13409. Local anodic oxidation Copyright (1997) by the American Physical Society.
In the five years that followed, there was very little
work done in this field. However, Rokhinson et al.
(2002) fabricated a 1D channel that showed clear region formed the source and drain that taper
but irregular conductance plateaus up to 9(2e2/h). A down to the 1D constriction. The 2DHSs either
schematic of the device structure and data from this side of the constriction then acts as in-plane gates.
work are shown in Figure 33. In this device, local Applying a positive bias to these 2DHSs allows the
anodic oxidation was used to form a 1D constriction 1D channel to be confined and even completely
in a 2DHS situated just 35 nm from surface. The pinched off.
local anodic oxidation technique uses a biased However, the 2D system must be kept close to the
atomic force microscope (AFM) tip to locally surface because the oxidation does not penetrate
induce an oxidation reaction between the GaAs deeply into the heterostructure. Due to the close
and native water film. In this way, the AFM tip proximity to the surface, the mobility of the 2DHS
can be used to oxidize lines in the GaAs substrate ( ¼ 500 000 cm2 V1 s1 at 0.3 K) was less than half
down to 10 nm resolution. Rokhinson et al. used the that of Daneshvar et al. Nonetheless, Rokhinson et al.
local anodic oxidation technique to pattern their (2004, 2006) used this technique to fabricate 1D
2DHS into three separate regions. The central hole systems that show well-defined and stable
314 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures


G (2e2/h)
8 In-plane
In-plane 6
G (2e2/h)

6 4

4 2

2 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0
Split gate bias (V)
0 Figure 34 Conductance quantization observed in a
–0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
bilayer one-dimensional hole system (1DHS) by Danneau
Vg1 = Vg2 (V)
et al. (Inset) Schematic of the surface gate-depletion
Figure 33 Original data from Rokhinson et al. showing architecture used by Danneau et al. to define the quantum
irregular conductance quantization plateaus up to 9(2e2/h). wires in the bilayer 2DHS. This device was fabricated on a
(Inset) Schematic of the device architecture used by metallically doped substrate that could be used as an in situ
Rokhinson et al. Using local anodic oxidation, a shallow back-gate to vary the density in the lower layer. From
two-dimensional hole system (2DHS) is pattern into three Hamilton AR, Danneau R, Klochan O, et al. (2008) The 0.7
separate regions. The middle region forms the one- anomaly in one-dimensional hole quantum wires. Journal of
dimensional (1D) channel while the 2DHSs either side of the Physics: Condensed Matter 20: 164205.
channel act as in-plane gates to control the current through
the channel. From Rokhinson LP, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, and
West KW (2002) AFM local oxidation nanopatterning of a gates, as shown in Figure 34. A combination of
high-mobility shallow 2D hole gas. Superlattices and
Microstructures 32: 99. front- and back-gate biases allows the transport
properties of the top or bottom quantum wire to
be measured independently.
conductance plateaus at 2e2/h and 2(2e2/h) and have A positive bias applied to the two side gates
even used these devices to perform systematic stu- defines the 1D channels in the two quantum-wells.
dies of the 0.7 structure and the zero-bias anomaly. The central top-gate is used to control the density
They have also extended the technique to develop in the upper quantum wire, and the back-gate con-
spin filters, which have revealed important informa- trols the density in the lower quantum wire. Thus,
tion about the origins of the 0.7 structure and are the top quantum wire can be measured in isolation
discussed in Section by depleting the lower wire with the back-gate. In
addition, a forth surface gate (not shown) could be
used to stop the current flow in the top quantum Bilayer quantum wires wire without it being depleted. This allows the
In 2006, Danneau et al. applied the surface gate- lower quantum wire to be measured without having
depletion method to form two hole wires in a to deplete the upper wire, and can be used to
modulation-doped double quantum-well. In these measure the compressibility of 1D systems
heterostructures, two sheets of high-mobility holes (Danneau et al., 2006a, 2006b).
are formed in 20–nm-wide GaAs quantum-wells Using this bilayer heterostructure, Danneau
separated by a 30-nm AlGaAs barrier. The barrier et al. were able to form highly stable and repro-
is sufficiently thick so that there is no tunneling ducible conductance quantization for the first 11
between the two 2D hole layers. The as-grown subbands and a strong 0.7 structure. Figure 34
hole densities in the two wells were shows the conductance of the quantum wire in
1  1011 cm2
, with peak mobilities in excess of the upper quantum-well as a function of the
106 cm2 V1 s1. Ohmic contacts were made to side-gate bias without any of the resonances that
both 2DHSs in parallel, and an overall back-gate hampered previous studies of lower-mobility hole
was used to control the hole density in the lower devices.
quantum-well. Two parallel quantum wires are The bilayer device design has been particularly
defined along the [233] direction by three surface successful. Danneau et al. subsequently performed
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 315

detailed studies of the subband energy spacings and

g-factor anisotropy in their bilayer 1D hole systems. G
e Mid
8 lit Ga
In addition, the enhanced stability of these devices Sp te

allowed for the first time an in-depth look at the

6 1D at
temperature- and magnetic-field dependencies of HS G

G (2e2/h)
the 0.7 structure and the associated zero-bias anom-
aly (Danneau et al., 2008).
However, it is still unclear why the bilayer
device design has been so successful compared to 2
single-layer devices that have also used surface
gate depletion to define the 1D channel. Indeed, 0
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2
the peak mobility of each of the two layers of the Side gate bias (V)
bilayer devices is significantly lower than the
Figure 35 Conductance quantization observed in an
mobility of the single-layer 2DHS of Daneshvar
electrostatically induced 1DHS by Klochan et al. (Inset)
et al. One possibility is that remote ionized dopants Schematic of the one-dimensional (1D) semiconductor–
cause instabilities in the 1D channel. In the devices insulator–semiconductor field effect transistor (SISFET)
of Daneshvar et al., the quantum-well was symme- device architecture. Electron beam lithography was used to
trically doped – with the 2DHS sandwiched pattern the metallically doped capping layer into three
independent surface gates. The middle gate is negatively
between two layers of remote ionized dopants. biased to form the 1D channel while the side gates are used
The bilayer system is also symmetrically doped; to control the 1D confinement. From Hamilton AR, Danneau
however, the top 2DHSs screens the lower R, Klochan O, et al. (2008) The 0.7 anomaly in one-
2DHSs from the upper band of remote ionized dimensional hole quantum wires. Journal of Physics:
dopants and vice versa. This effectively halves the Condensed Matter 20: 164205.
impact that the remote ionized dopants have on
each layer.
1D quantum wire and the 2D reservoirs to the left
It is not possible to rule out that geometric prop-
erties of the wire (such as the dimensions of the 1D and right of it are controlled with a negative bias
channel and the 2D-to-1D transition) may have con- applied to the central top-gate. At the same time, a
tributed to the enhancement of the channel stability. positive bias applied to the two side gates controls
However, recent experiments by Klochan et al. (2006) the effective width of the 1D wire formed 200 nm
have confirmed that by completely removing remote below the gate.
ionized dopants, the stability of the 1D channel is As a result, they were able to fabricate a 1D hole
improved dramatically. system with remarkable stability – even very close
to pinch-off. The device shows seven clean con- Electrostatically induced ductance steps, with additional structure below the
quantum wires first plateau. These devices were found to be
Klochan et al. removed the need for dopants by exceptionally stable, without the hysteresis or
electrostatically inducing a 1D hole system in a instabilities that occur in most modulation-doped
GaAs SISFET (Clarke et al., 2006; Klochan et al., devices. Remarkably, Klochan et al. demonstrated
2006) (see Figure 35). This is simply an induced that the current through their 1D channel
single heterojunction in which the holes are intro- remained constant – even for conductances as low
duced by a negative bias applied to a degenerately as 0.3(2e2/h).
doped pþ-GaAs gate electrode, instead of by
modulation doping the AlGaAs layer. This
approach avoids unwanted scattering from remote Cleaved-edge overgrowth hole
ionized impurities. The holes are confined in a wires
triangular potential well, with densities from To date, almost all experiments on ballistic 1D hole
1.6  1010 to 1.9  1011 cm2 and mobilities up to systems have been performed on QPCs fabricated in
700 000 cm2 V1 s1. To define a quantum wire, the heterostructures grown on the (311)A GaAs. A
pþ-GaAs layer is divided into three electrically notable exception to this trend are the p-type wires
separate gates using electron beam lithography produced by Pfeiffer et al. (2005), who used cleaved-
and a shallow wet etch. The hole density in the edge overgrowth to fabricate 2-mm-long, p-type
316 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

4 Finger gate urfa

Conductance (2e2/h)

1DHS Doped AlGaAs

3 gexp

2 gexp


1.5 2 2.5
Gate voltage (V)
Figure 36 Conductance quantization observed in a 2-mm-long quantum hole wire fabricated using cleaved-edge over-
growth by Pfeiffer et al. In this case the conductance is quantized in units of 0.77(2e2/h) as a result of 1D–2D wave function
mismatch (Peiffer, 2005). (Inset) Schematic of the cleaved-edge overgrowth quantum wire. A quantum-well heterostructure
grown in [100] GaAs is cleaved along the [110] crystallographyic plane. Additional layers of modulation-doped AlGaAs are
grown on the newly cleaved surface, creating an enhancement in the carrier density in the quantum-well along the cleaved
edge. Surface gates are then biased such that the two-dimensional hole system (2DHS) in the quantum-well is depleted but a
2-mm-long 1D channel remains along the cleaved edge. Reproduced with permission from Pfeiffer LN, de Picciotto R, West
KW, Baldwin KW, and Omony CHL (2005) Ballistic hole transport in a quantum wire. Applied Physics Letters 87: 073111, of
American Institute of Physics.

quantum wires from a carbon-doped heterostructure subbands. However, the plateaus were quantized in
grown on a (100) GaAs substrate. units of 0.77(2e2/h) as opposed to 2e2/h. de Picciotto
A schematic of the device and the conductance et al., (2000, 2001) explained this discrepancy as
plateau observed is shown in Figure 36. A high- a competition between 1D–2D wave function
mobility ( ¼ 1 500 000 cm2 V1 s1) 2DHS was mismatch and the inevitable residual disorder along
grown on a (100) GaAs substrate. A series of 13 the ungated regions.
parallel metallic finger gates were then patterned
on the surface of the heterostructure – each gate
being 2 mm wide and separated from each other by Ballistic Transport in Hole
2 mm. The heterostructure was then cleaved through Quantum Wires
the finger gates such that a clean [011] surface was In recent years, the marked improvement in the
formed along the cleaved edge. A second MBE stability of p-type quantum wires and QPCs has
growth step was then used to grow a modulation- allowed single-particle and many-body phenomena
doped AlGaAs heterostructure on the [011] surface – in 1D hole systems to be explored in much greater
perpendicular to the original 2DHS quantum-well. detail.
The additional doping along this edge increases the
electron density in the quantum-well near the Source–drain bias spectroscopy
cleaved-edge interface. As a result, applying a posi- One of the defining factors regarding the clarity of
tive bias to a finger gate-depletes the 2DHS directly the conductance plateau is the energy spacing
beneath it, but leaves a 2 -mm-long, 1D conducting between the 1D subbands, which is related to the
channel along the cleaved-edge interface. Increasing strength of the confinement potential. We have seen
the bias on the finger gate constricts the wire and that experiments on n-type wires defined by wet
ultimately pinches off the channel. etching tend to have a very strong confinement
These devices showed well-defined and reprodu- potential (Kristensen et al., 1998a, 2000; Skaberna
cible conductance plateaus for the three lowest et al., 2000; Ramvall et al., 1997; Regul et al., 2002).
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 317

This results in large subband spacings, up to 20 mV. with the observation of very well-defined conduc-
As a result, conductance quantization can be tance plateaus in these bilayer systems.
observed in these devices at temperatures up to tens
of kelvin (Kristensen et al., 1998a, 2000; Skaberna Zeeman splitting and the
et al., 2000; Ramvall et al., 1997) before thermal broad- g-factor anisotropy
ening destroys the conductance plateaus. For hole quantum wires, the Zeeman splitting of the
On the other hand, 1D wires defined by surface 1D subbands is highly dependent on the orientation
gate depletion exhibit subband spacings of the order of the magnetic field. For quantum wires fabricated
of 1 or 2 mV and so require much lower measure- on (311)A heterostructures, the interplay of the con-
ment temperatures to resolve the conductance finement potential and the crystal anisotropy implies
plateaus (Daneshvar et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1995; that the Zeeman splitting is much larger when the
Pyshkin et al., 2000; Cronenwett et al., 2002). Another magnetic field is applied parallel to the quantum wire
distinguishing feature is that the subband spacings in (along [233]), than when it applied perpendicular to
etched QPCs show little variation between energy the quantum wire (along [011]). This is quite differ-
levels (Kristensen et al., 2000; Regul et al., 2002), ent to 1D electrons, where the Zeeman splitting has
whereas the subband spacings in surface-gated sys- been shown to be isotropic and independent of the
tems tend to decrease rapidly for higher energy levels direction of the in-plane field.
(Daneshvar et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1995; Pyshkin The way in which 1D hole systems couple with an
et al., 2000; Cronenwett et al., 2002). in-plane magnetic field is dependent on both the
To date, there have been only two studies to mea- direction of the magnetic field and the orientation
sure the subband energy spacing in 1D hole systems of the wire relative to the [233] and [011] crystal-
using source–drain bias spectroscopy. One study con- lographic axes. This means that there are four
sidered a single hole wire and the other a bilayer hole possible g-factors that must be considered:
system. Daneshvar et al. (1997) applied the source–
1. Wire k [233]and B k [233];
drain bias spectroscopy technique to their single 1D
2. Wire k [233]and B k [011];
hole system defined by surface gate depletion. The
3. Wire k [011]and B k [233]; and
subband energy spacings measured were observed to
4. Wire k [011]and B k [011].
decrease from 0.27 mV to 0.09 mV for the first five
subbands. These spacings are significantly smaller than As early as 1997, it was shown that the g-factor in a
the subband energy spacings measured in n-type 1D hole systems increases with 1D confinement
devices defined by the same technique. However, this (Daneshvar et al., 1997). However, it was not until
is consistent with the fact that the effective mass of very recently that the g-factor anisotropy was studied
holes is approximately 6 times larger than that of in detail along the two major orthogonal directions.
electrons and therefore we expect the subband energy Danneau et al. (2006a) studied the g-factor aniso-
spacing to be reduced by a factor of 6 for p-type tropy in a quantum wire oriented parallel to the [233]
systems. axis and found that increasing the 1D confinement
Danneau et al. (2006a, 2006b) also measured the increased the g-factor for in-plane magnetic fields
subband spacings of a p-type bilayer QPC using oriented both parallel and perpendicular to the
source–drain bias spectroscopy. They found that in wire. For magnetic fields parallel to the wire, there
the bilayer device, the subband spacing ranged from was a dramatic 40% increase in g-factor as the wire
E1,2 ¼ 0.41 mV to E5,6 ¼ 0.28 mV for the first five was confined to a single subband. For fields perpen-
subbands, with very little variation in the three high- dicular to the wire, the g-factor showed a more
est subband spacings. The larger subband spacings, modest 15–20% increase. Danneau et al. suggested
and the small variation between energy levels in the that the enhanced sensitivity to in-plane magnetic
bilayer devices is more consistent with that observed fields was due to the the 1D confinement causing
in etched QPCs than in surface-gated devices. This the total angular momentum quantization axis to
may indicate a stronger confinement potential set up rotate into the plane and parallel to the wire. As a
by the two QPC gates, the midline gate and the in situ result, the spins couple more strongly to in-plane
back gate. Despite the fact that both devices used magnetic fields and in particular to fields parallel to
surface gate depletion, the source–drain bias spectro- the wire.
scopy revealed that the bilayer system had a much However, experiments by Koduvayur et al. (2008)
stronger confinement potential, which is consistent suggested that the total angular moment quantization
318 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

Table 2 Important length scales in mesoscopic systems


Wire k [233] Nonmonotonic increase Little to no increase (g  0)

Wire k [011] 100% increase Little to no increase in g-factor

axis always rotates toward [233], regardless of the transport measurements, accessing a different subband
orientation of the wire. In these experiments, they requires a change in the confinement potential.
compared the g-factor anisotropy for all four combi- Despite a series of investigations, there is still
nations of wire and magnetic field orientations. Their much to be understood about the g-factor in 1D
results are summarized in Table 2. hole systems, how it changes with a magnetic field,
For a quantum wire oriented along the [233] direc- and how it can be tuned with 1D confinement and
tion Koduvayur et al. observed that for fields parallel to spin–orbit coupling.
the wire, the g-factor increased rapidly as the number
of subbands in the wire decreased from 6 to 4 but then
dropped abruptly for the third subband. Conversely, The 0.7 Structure in 1D Hole
for fields perpendicular to the wire, Koduvayur et al. Systems
recorded g-factors very close to zero that showed no
One of the most direct benefits of improved device
significant change with increasing 1D confinement.
stability in 1D hole systems has been the ability to
This result disagrees with recent theoretical results
resolve and study the 0.7 structure in 1D holes – one
(Zülicke, 2006) that predict that the 2D g-factor
of the most intensely studied many-body phenomena in
along the [011] direction (which has a finite value of n-type 1D systems. One might expect to see a significant
g  0.3) will only increase with 1D confinement. qualitative or quantitative difference between the n-
For a quantum wire oriented along the [011] and p-type 0.7 structures given that holes have much
direction, the observations are consistent with greater effective mass, particle–particle interaction
experiment. For magnetic fields oriented along the strength, spin–orbit coupling, and effective spin-3/2.
[233] direction, the g-factor increases monotonically However, to date, experiments have shown that the
as the number of subbands decreases. In addition, for 0.7 structure in 1D hole systems behaves almost identi-
fields parallel to the [011] direction, Koduvayur et al. cally to the analogous structure in n-type systems.
observed a constant but finite value g ¼ 0.3 – very In particular, the anomalous 0.7 plateau:
close to the g-factor expected in the 2D limit. These
results indicate that even when the wire is oriented 1. appears at a conductance value of 0.7(2e2/h);
along the [011] axis, 1D confinement causes the 2. shows activated behavior, becoming stronger with
quantization axis to align itself along the [233] direc- increasing temperature;
tion, leading Koduvayur et al. to conclude that ‘‘. . .g- 3. typically coincides with a zero-bias anomaly; and
factor anisotropy is primarily determined by the 4. moves toward 0.5(2e2/h) in the presence of an in-
crystalline anisotropy of spin–orbit interactions.’’ plane magnetic field.
This rational may also explain the unusual non- Interestingly, the behavior of the plateau in a mag-
monotonic behavior of the g-factor in the wires netic field shows the same anisotropy as the
oriented along the [233] direction. However, it is not conductance plateaus at higher subbands, providing
clear why this random fluctuation in g-factors has not further evidence that the origin of the 0.7 structure is
been observed previously. Although, it has been pre- fundamentally spin-based. Furthermore, it was found
dicted by Csontos and Zülicke (2007) that spin–orbit that the zero-bias anomaly mirrors the 0.7 structure
coupling may introduce large and apparently random anisotropy – disappearing in an in-plane magnetic
variations in the g-factor for different subbands. These field at the same time the 0.7 structure is reduced to
theoretical predictions of Csontos et al. are based on 0.5(2e2/h). This highlights a close interdependence of
perfectly cylindrical or square-shaped wires as these two phenomena. Recent experiments have used
opposed to the square well and saddle potentials in spin–orbit coupling to probe the level of spin-polar-
practical devices. Moreover, the theory calculates the ization around 0.7(2e2/h). The results from these
g-factors for wires of constant width, while for experiments indicate that the anomalous plateau at
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 319

0.7(2e2/h) does indeed coincide with spontaneous (a)

spin-polarization (Danneau et al., 2006b, 2008; 2.0

Rokhinson et al., 2004). T = 20 mK
T = 200 mK
T = 320 mK
T = 550 mK

G (2e2/h)
T = 650 mK
1.0 Characterizing the 0.7 structure
One of the main differences between electron and 0.5

hole quantum wires is the much larger effective

interaction strength rs in holes, which might be 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

expected to have implications for the 0.7 structure. Vsg (V)

(b) (C)
In contrast to n-type systems, there have been rela-
tively few studies of the 0.7 structure in p-type 1D
systems. However, Danneau et al. (2006b) performed
a comprehensive study of the properties of the 0.7

G (2e2/h)
structure observed in bilayer 1DHSs. These studies
showed that despite rs in the electron and hole 0.5
samples differing by a factor of 5 or more, many of
the zero-field properties of the 0.7 structure were T = 20 mK
T = 320 mK
identical and, therefore, were independent of carrier 0.0
–0.5 0.0 0.5 –0.5 0.0 0.5
type. This suggests that the 0.7 structure may be Vsd (mV) Vsd (mV)
more sensitive to the potential landscape and/or
Figure 37 (a) Evolution of the 0.7 structure in a bilayer
the disorder environment than to the strength of the quantum wire as a function of temperature. The data show
interactions. that the 0.7 structure has the same activated behavior as
The temperature dependence of the 0.7 structure observed in n-type systems – becoming more evident as the
was observed to be very similar to that in n-type temperature increases. Conversely, conductance plateaus
for higher subbands become less well defined as a result of
quantum wires. Danneau et al. showed an enhance-
thermal broadening. b) Source–drain bias spectroscopy at
ment of the 0.7(2e2/h) plateau with increasing T ¼ 0 showing the presence of a strong zero-bias anomaly
temperature up to 650 mK (see Figure 37(a)). In below the first subband. c) Increasing the temperature
contrast to the single particle plateaus, the 0.7 struc- destroys the zero-bias peak. From Danneau R, Klochan O,
ture became more prominent as the temperature Clarke WR, et al. (2008) 0.7 structure and zero-bias anomaly
in ballistic hole quantum wires. Physical Review Letters 100:
was increased, and moved closer to 0.5(2e2/h). As 016403.
the temperature was increased further, the strength
of the state weakened once more, but only after all
the single-particle plateaus had been thermally
smeared. g-Factor anisotropy of the 0.7
This activated behavior was studied in detail in structure and zero-bias anomaly
n-type systems where it was shown by Cronenwett The similarities between the 0.7 structure observed
et al. (2002) to have similarities to the 0D Kondo in n- and p-type ballistic wires diverge with the
effect. The Kondo model was also used to explain application of an in-plane magnetic field. It is
another peculiar feature of the 0.7 structure – a through this difference that we have gained valuable
peak in the conductance around zero source–drain information about the origin of the 0.7 structure.
bias, also known as the zero-bias anomaly. Earlier, we showed that the Zeeman splitting of the
Danneau et al. confirmed the existence of the 1D subbands in hole quantum wires is highly depen-
zero-bias anomaly in 1D hole systems, as shown dent on the orientation of the magnetic field. This
in Figure 37(b). Moreover, it was shown that in extreme anisotropy of the spin splitting in 1D holes
analogy to n-type systems, the p-type zero-bias can be used to probe the 0.7 structure: if it is related
anomaly was also destroyed with increasing tem- to spin, then it should show an anisotropic response
perature and correlated well with the simultaneous to an in-plane magnetic field as well.
enhancement of the 0.7(2e2/h) conductance plateau. Danneau et al. (2008) used in-plane magnetic
This is evident from the missing zero-bias peak in fields to demonstrate that the 0.7 structure shared
Figure 37(c). the same g-factor anisotropy as that observed in
320 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

higher 1D subbands. The fact that the 0.7 feature However, for in-plane magnetic fields oriented
always moves toward 0.5(2e2/h) at the same rate that perpendicular to the wire (Figures 38(c) and 38(d))
degeneracy of the higher subbands is lifted suggests the case was very different. In this case, the 0.7
that the underlying mechanism is the same for both – structure showed very little change in its absolute
providing strong evidence that the 0.7 structure is a position – even at 3.6 T. Likewise, the higher sub-
spontaneous spin-split level. In these experiments, bands showed no signs of Zeeman splitting at this
Danneau et al. studied the magnetic field dependence field. The fact that the 0.7 structure shares the same
of the 0.7 structure formed in a bilayer 1DHS g-factor anisotropy is an indication that the anoma-
oriented along the [233] crystallographic axis (see lous plateau at 0.7(2e2/h) is the result of same form of
Figures 38(a)–38 (d)). Danneau et al. found that for spontaneous spin polarization.
magnetic fields oriented parallel to the wire, the spins In electron systems, it has been shown that the 0.7
coupled strongly to the external magnetic field. This structure is accompanied by an enhanced conduc-
was evidenced by the fact that the 0.7 structure tance at zero source–drain bias, which falls away
reacted rapidly to the applied field, reaching rapidly as the magnitude of the source–drain bias is
0.5(2e2/h) at approximately 3.6 T. At the same time, increased. The resulting conductance peak at Vsd ¼ 0
the higher subbands also experienced strong Zeeman is a characteristic signature of an anomaly in the
splitting, becoming fully spin split at 3.6 T. density of states at the Fermi energy, and shares

(a) (b) (e)

3.6 T

g (2e2/h)
g (2e2/h)

BII = 0.5
0T T = 20 mK
B = 3.6 T

0 0.0
3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 0 1 2 3 4 –0.5 0.0 0.5
Vsg (V) BII (T) Vsd (mV)
(c) (d) (f)
2 B T
g (2e2/h)
g (2e2/h)

B T 0.5
=0T T = 20 mK
B = 3.6 T

0 T
4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 0 1 2 3 4 –0.5 0.0 0.5
Vsg (V) B (T)
T Vsd (mV)

Figure 38 Conductance data from a bilayer quantum wire oriented along the [2 –33] crystallographic axis. (a) Conductance
quantization and the 0.7 structure as a function of an in-plane magnetic field parallel to the wire B||. (b) Gray scale of the
transconductance in the wire as a function of B||. The dark regions correspond to plateaus in the conductance. These data
show that the higher sub–bands couple strongly to B|| and that the 0.7 structure is also strongly coupled – moving to 0.5G0 at
3.6 T. (c) Conductance quantization and 0.7 structure as a function of in-plane magnetic field orthogonal to the wire, B?. (d)
Transconductance in the wire as a function of B? showing that B? has very little effect on the higher subbands and similarly
has no effect on the position of the 0.7 structure up to 3.6 T. (e) Source–drain bias spectroscopy at B|| ¼ 3.6 T showing that the
zero-bias anomaly has not been destroyed by the in-plane magnetic field. (f) Source–drain bias spectroscopy at B? ¼ 3.6 T
showing that the zero-bias anomaly has not been destroyed by the in-plane magnetic field. Reproduced with permission from
Danneau R, Klochan O, Clarke WR, et al. (2008) 0.7 structure and zero-bias anomaly in ballistic hole quantum wires. Physical
Review Letters 100: 016403. Copyright (2008) by the American Physical Society.
Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures 321

many of the features of the zero-bias anomaly

Ginj 1
observed in quantum-dots. 5 Gc
In their experiment, Danneau et al. went on to
investigate the g-factor anisotropy of the 0.7 structure 3
with the presence of a zero-bias anomaly peak. Magnetic
2 Gdet

Magnetoresistance (kΩ)
Danneau et al. found that for fields parallel to the focusing
wire, the zero-bias anomaly collapsed by Bk ¼ 3.6 T. 3 4
This field lifts the spin degeneracy of the 1D sub-
bands, and suppresses the zero-bias anomaly. As
shown in Figure 38(e), the destruction of the zero- 2
bias anomaly coincided with the point at which the
0.7 structure reached 0.5(2e2/h). However, if the same 1
magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the
quantum wire, the Zeeman splitting of the integer
1D subbands was much weaker as shown in 0
Figure 38(f), and the zero-bias anomaly was still
present. In summary, the zero magnetic field data
for electron and hole quantum wires are strikingly –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
similar, with a clear 0.7 structure that becomes stron- B (T)
ger with increasing temperature. However in
contrast to electron systems the results for p-type Figure 39 (Inset) AFM micrograph of a p-type spin filter
composed of two p-type QPCs separated by 0.8 mm. The
systems strongly suggest that the destruction of the injector QPCs, with contacts 1 and 2, passes a current of 1
zero-bias anomaly is spin related, and that the zero- nA while the voltage is measured across the detector QPC
bias anomaly and 0.7 structure are intimately related. using contacts 3 and 4. The main panel shows the magne-
toresistance measured across the detector QPC as a Spin polarization near the 0.7 function of magnetic field perpendicular to the plane B?. For
B? < 0 holes passing through the injector QPC are focused
structure away from the detector QPC and as a result the magne-
The fact that the 0.7 structure moves toward toresistance is determined primarily by Subnikov-de-Haas
G ¼ 0.5(2e2/h) in a parallel magnetic field strongly oscillations in the two-dimensional hole system (2DHS).
suggests that the origin of the anomalous plateau is However, for B? > 0, holes are focused into the detector
a spin-split state due to a spontaneous spin polariza- QPC, resulting in peaks in the voltage across the QPC. The
first and sharpest peak is comprised of a doublet of peaks
tion at B ¼ 0. However as discussed for 1D electron separated by 36 mT – showing that the different spins in the
wires in Section, the origin of the 0.7 struc- subbands are indeed resolved and that these devices can
ture remains highly debated. be used as spin filters. Reproduced with permission from
A further experiment in 1D hole systems that has Rokhinson LP, Larkina V, Lyanda YB, Pfeiffer LN, and West
provided important information on the 0.7 structure KW (2004) Spin separating in cyclotron motion. Physical
Review Letters 93: 146601. Copyright (2004) by the
was performed by Rokhinson et al. (2004). In this American Physical Society.
work two quantum point contacts were separated
by a small distance, d, as show in the inset of
Figure 39. A magnetic field was applied perpendi- analogous to turning on spin–orbit coupling in
cular to the plane and used to focus the holes injected 2DHSs by asymmetrizing the quantum-well confine-
through the first QPC into the second QPC. When ment potential.
the magnetic radius of the holes was d/n2 (where Rokhinson et al. found that as the conductance
n ¼ 1,2,3, . . .) there was a peak in the voltage mea- through the injector QPC approached 0.7(2e2/h),
sured across the second QPC. However, as shown in the height of the second peak collapsed as shown
Figure 39, the first peak is in fact a doublet, corre- in Figure 40. This result indicates that the injector
sponding to spin states that have been split by spin– current is predominately spin polarized near 0.7(2e2/h)
orbit coupling. The doublet is most prominent (Rokhinson et al., 2004). Interestingly, in 1D hole sam-
when both QPCs are gated to pass exactly one ples that did not show a well-defined 0.7 structure, the
spin-degenerate mode. The level of splitting can doublet remained intact below 0.3(2e2/h).
also be tuned by changing the asymmetry of the In summary we have reviewed the 0.7 structure
injecting QPC’s confinement potential. This is and zero-bias anomaly in high-quality hole quantum
322 Ballistic Transport in 1D GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

(a) (b) 1.08.4 Summary

Injector QPC1 Gi
1.0 (2e2/h) In this chapter we have reviewed the extensive and
growing literature on ballistic transport in 1D GaAs
Gi (2e 2 /h)

V (μV)
0.96 heterostructures. Since the first realization of ballistic
0.92 transport in GaAs quantum wires by van Wees et al.
0.5 0.73
–2 0.66
and Wharam et al., the field has blossomed over the
0.68 past two decades as new experiments, and in parti-
0.26 cular, the ability to create purer and smaller systems
0.0 has exceeded new length scales, allowing new device
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.1 0.2 0.3
architectures to be probed.
Vg (v) B (T)
Nonetheless, there remains important questions to
Figure 40 (a) Conductance through the injector quantum be answered regarding the nature of transport
point contact (QPC) below the first subband as a function of through these devices, in particular the role of spin
gate voltage showing a well-defined 0.7 structure. The
vertical lines indicate the points at which spin-polarized
and interactions at very low densities. Most notably is
measurements were performed. (b) Voltage drop across the the 0.7 structure, whose origin is still a point of
detector QPC as a function of magnetic field for different contention. Although many experiments suggest
injector conductances. The data show that when the that the anomalous plateau originates from a sponta-
conductance through the injector is equal to (2e2/h), the
neous spin splitting at zero magnetic field, others
voltage across the detector QPC registers two voltage
peaks indicating two closely spaced spin states whose suggest that Kondo-like physics may govern the
degeneracy has been lifted by spin–orbit coupling. underlying mechanism. It appears that at the date of
However, when the conductance in the injector QPC is submission neither mechanism can explain all the
reduced to 0.7(2e2/h), the detector QPC registers only a experimental observations. With the ability to fabri-
single voltage peak indicating a single spin state and hence
a spin-polarized current. The upper solid and dashed lines
cate both ballistic electron and hole systems with
compare these two cases directly. Reproduced with different spin states and phonon coupling, there is
permission from Rokhinson LP, Pfeiffer LN, and West KW still a lot more to learn from 1D systems.
(2006) Spontaneous spin polarization in quantum point Perhaps most importantly, the techniques used to
contacts. Physical Review Letters 96: 156602. Copyright
study ballistic transport in 1D have provided a solid
(2006) by the American Physical Society.
foundation for understanding other systems. For
example, the work on 1D systems in GaAs has
wires. Despite the fact that interaction effects should opened the door to studies of 0D structures allowing
be much stronger in these systems, because of the the fabrication of artificial atoms and coupled
enhanced hole effective mass, the zero magnetic quantum-dots. These fields are now expanding to
field data for electron and hole quantum wires are include the study of quantum-dots as a possible
strikingly similar. However, unlike 1D electron sys- route to a solid-state quantum computer. The work
tems the Zeeman splitting caused by an in-plane has also contributed to an increased understanding of
magnetic field is highly anisotropic for 1D holes, due quantum transport in other material systems such as
to the strong spin–orbit coupling. Both the 0.7 struc- nanowires and carbon nanotubes. (See Chapter 2.03).
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Starikov AA, Yakimenko II, and Berggren KF (2003) Scenario for
the 0.7-conductance anomaly in quantum point contacts.
Physical Review B 67: 235319. Further Reading
Sushkov OP (2003) Restricted and unrestricted Hartree–Fock
calculations of conductance for a quantum point contact. Ashcroft NW and Mermin ND (1976) Solid State Physics, p. 319.
Physical Review B 67: 195318. London: Thomson Learning.
Thomas KJ, Nicholls JT, Appleyard NJ, et al. (1998a) Interaction Bird JP and Ochiai Y (2004) Electron spin polarization in
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58: 4846. Casey HC and Panish MB (1978) Heterojunction Lasers, p. 191.
Thomas KJ, Nicholls JT, Pepper M, Tribe WR, Simmons MY, New York, NY: Academic Press.
and Ritchie DA (2000) Spin properties of low density Davies AG (2000) Quantum electronics: The physics and
one-dimensional wires. Physical Review B 61: R13365. technology of low-dimensional electronic systems into the
Thomas KJ, Nicholls JT, Simmons MY, Pepper M, Mace DR, and new millennium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
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one-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review Letters 77: 135. Davies JH (1998) The Physics of Low Dimensional
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Ritchie DA (1998b) Non-linear transport in single mode one Press.
dimensional electron gas. Philosophical Magazine B 77: 1213. Datta S (1995) Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems.
Thomas KJ, Simmons MY, Nicholls JT, Mace DR, Pepper M, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
and Ritchie DA (1995) Ballistic transport in one-dimensional Ferry DK and Goodnick SM (1997) Transport in Nanostructures.
constrictions formed in deep two-dimensional electron Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
gases. Applied Physics Letters 67: 109. Heinzel T (2003) Mesoscopic Electronics in solid state
Thornton TJ, Pepper M, Ahmed H, Andrews D, and Davis GJ nanostructures. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
(1986) One dimensional conduction in the two dimensional Ihn T (2004) Electronic Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic
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Tarucha S, and Kouwenhoven LP (2000) Kondo effect in the Kelly MK (1995) Low dimensional physics. In: Low Dimensional
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1.09 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power
of Semiconductors
I Terasaki, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.09.1 Introduction 326

1.09.2 The Boltzmann Equation 327 Equations for Conduction Electrons 327 Equations for Phonons 329
1.09.3 Thermal Conductivity 330 Single-Crystalline Semiconductors 330 Amorphous Solids and Glasses 333 Magnetic Semiconductors 334
1.09.4 Thermoelectric Phenomena 336 The Seebeck Effect 336 The Peltier and Thomson Effects 340 The Galvanomagnetic Effects 341
1.09.5 Thermoelectrics 342 Thermoelectric Devices 342 Thermoelectric Materials 345 Oxide Thermoelectrics 347
1.09.6 Nanostructured Materials 350 Superlattices 350 Nanowires 352 Nanostructured Bulk Materials 353
1.09.7 Summary and Outlook 355
References 356

1.09.1 Introduction In the course of recent developments in electronic

technology, many semiconductor devices have been
The history of mankind tells us that our ancestors produced, complied, and used, which finally generate
recognized the importance of fire from the very early an enormous amount of unusable heat. Heat manage-
stage, and that they were civilized with one of the ment has thus become a serious issue these days, and
important properties of fire, that is, heat. It is, requires deep understanding of the thermal conduc-
however, a rather recent event in the late nineteenth tion process in solids. Aside from this, the heat flow
century that the nature of heat was understood; itself is a prototypical example of nonequilibrium
thanks to thermodynamics, we know that heat is a states of matter, which is of vital importance in the
kind of energy, and obeys the energy-conservation development of nonequilibrium thermostatistical
law, known as the first law of thermodynamics. physics.
Temperature is a kind of intensive variable for heat, Thermal conduction is a predominant process of
given entropy as the corresponding extensive heat flow in solids, when compared with radiation
variable. Except for reversible processes, such as the and convection and is facilitated by conduction
Carnot cycle, entropy will continue to increase, electrons and lattice vibrations (phonons). In certain
indicating that heat cannot be fully converted into kinds of magnetic insulators, magnetic excitations
work. This is known as the second law of (magnons) can carry heat much better than the lattice
thermodynamics. vibrations can, which can be controlled by external
According to the second law of thermodynamics, magnetic fields. Electrons can carry electrical current
the more the work done, the more the heat increases. as well, so that there exists a finite coupling between

Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 327

the thermal current and the electrical current. These of the gradient of the chemical potential r and the
are known as the thermoelectric phenomena. By gradient of the inverse temperature Ñð1=T Þ:
making full use of the thermoelectric phenomena in
1 1
semiconductors, we are able to convert electric j ¼ L11 Ñ þ L12 Ñ ð1Þ
power into heat, and vice versa. Such a technology
is called thermoelectrics. 1 1
q ¼ L21 Ñ þ L22 Ñ ð2Þ
In this chapter, we briefly review the thermal T T
conductivity and thermoelectricity of semiconduc- where Lij’ s are called the transport coefficients (the
tors. This subject has more than a 100-year history Onsager coefficients). The chemical potential con-
since Drude established his kinetic theory of electron sists of an electrostatic part e ¼ eV and a chemical
gas in 1900. Partly because of the space constraint, we part c, wher e (<0) is the electron charge. Then, the
focus on recent developments and show only electric field E is given by
minimal set of old data (selected with the author’s
biased view). Obviously, the data shown here are far E ¼ – ÑV ¼ – Ñð – c Þ ð3Þ
from complete, particularly the old ones. Regretably,
it is almost impossible to cite all the preceding studies However, Ñc cannot be observed separately in
in order from an enormous numbers of papers. Those real experiments, and is considered to be included
who wish to know this area more in detail can refer to in the observed E hereafter (Ashcroft and Mermin,
many textbooks and reviews available. A good 1976).
summary of Drude’s theory is given by Ashcroft Boltzmann has given a formula to calculate the
and Mermin (1976), from which one can grasp gross distribution function f(k, r) of a particle subject to
features of the electron transport. Callen (1985) has external fields. f(k, r) should change from its
explained a basic treatment of nonequilibrium equilibrium value f0, but the deviation will be
thermodynamics in his unique framework of thermal small enough, if the external fields are weak.
physics. A standard theory of the transport phenom- In this weak limit, f  f0 can be expanded in
ena in solids is concisely described by Ziman (1976). terms of external fields. To include the non-
Thermal conductivity of new complex materials is equilibrium state, Boltzmann has introduced the
extensively reviewed by Tritt (2004), and the current scattering term describing the change of f(k, r)
status of the thermoelectrics is thoroughly compiled from f0 through a process that a particle with
by Rowe (2006). momentum k is scattered to acquire a momentum
The chapter is organized as follows: In Section of k9.
1.09.2, we discuss the Boltzmann equations for Then, the deviation from the equilibrium should
electrons and phonons, and derive explicit expres- be due to diffusion, external field, and scattering, as
sions for thermal conductivity. Then, we take a quick expressed by
look at the thermal conductivities of various 
e @f 
semiconductors in Section 1.09.3. We also discuss vk ?Ñf þ E ? Ñk f ¼ ð4Þ
h @t scattering
the thermoelectric effects in Section 1.09.4, and the
thermoelectrics in Section 1.09.5. In Section 1.09.6, where Ñk refers to the gradient by the momentum k.
the thermal and thermoelectric properties in The first and second terms on the left-hand side
nanostructured materials are briefly introduced. We correspond to the diffusion and the acceleration,
show that they raise difficult questions to our respectively. For the sake of simplicity, we omitted
understanding of thermal conduction. Finally, we the contribution from magnetic fields in Equation (4).
briefly summarize this chapter in Section 1.09.7. To find the expressions for electrons, we assume
the Fermi–Dirac distribution function for f0, that is,
1.09.2 The Boltzmann Equation ð" k –  Þ
f0 ¼ exp þ1 ð5Þ
kB T Equations for Conduction
where "k is the eigenenergy for the momentum k.
In the framework of nonequilibrium thermodynamics The scattering term is, in fact, very difficult to
(see Callen, 1985), the electrical current density j and handle strictly, so that the relaxation time approxi-
the thermal current density q are written as functions mation is often used, in which the scattering term can
328 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

be written using the deviation from the equilibrium Note that Kˆn is a second-rank tensor through
distribution g ¼ f  f0 as 0 1
vkx vkx vkx vky vkx vkz
 B C
@f  1 1 B C
¼ – g ¼ – ðf – f0 Þ ð6Þ vk vk ¼ B C
@t scattering   B v ky vkx v ky vky v ky vkz C ð14Þ
@ A
where  is the scattering time which characterizes the vkz vkx vkz vky vkz vkz
timescale of the dissipation of the system. It is origin-
We also note that Equations (11) and (12) are iden-
ally defined in the form of the inverse number 1/ as
tical to Equations (1) and (2), and Onsager’s relation,
the probability per unit time that a particle with a
L12 ¼ L21, is readily satisfied in Equations (11) and
momentum k and an energy ! is scattered to one
(12). All the parameters are reduced to scalar quan-
with a momentum k9 and an energy !9.
tities for a cubic crystal, where the conductivity is
We further assume that f depends on r only
given by
through the space variation of temperature T ðrÞ.
Making use of the following expression of the  ¼ e 2 K0 ð15Þ
group velocity
The rest of the parameters are similarly given by
vk ¼ Ñk"k ð7Þ 1 K1
h S¼ ð16Þ
eT K0
we obtain
@f0 h "k –  i 9 ¼ ð17Þ
g¼ – vk  e Eþ ð – ÑT Þ ð8Þ T
@" "¼"k T
where S is the Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric
and calculate the electrical current density as power or thermopower) and 9 the thermal conduc-
Z tivity in the absence of electric field. The electron
1 1 thermal conductivity is always measured for the
j¼ evk gd3 k ¼ evk f d3 k ð9Þ
43 43 open-circuit condition of j =0; thus, by eliminating
In deriving Equation (9), we used the fact that the E from Equation (12), we get
above integral gives zero for f ¼ f0, because the
q ¼ S 2 T ÑT – 9ÑT
electron moves in random directions. The prefactor  
of 1/43 ¼ 2/(2)3 represents the density of states for S2 ð18Þ
¼ 9 1 – ð – ÑT Þ
the momentum space times the spin degrees of 9
freedom. and the thermal conductivity of conduction electron
Next, we find the expression of the thermal in real experiments is given by
current density in the same framework. Recalling  
that the chemical potential and the eigenenergy are S 2
 ¼ 9 1 – ð19Þ
the free and internal energies per electron, respec- 9
tively, we can define the heat per electron as "k – ,
The second term is usually small, and we may often
and the thermal current density as
neglect the difference between  and 9 unless we
1 treat thermoelectric materials (see Section 1.09.5).
q ¼ ð"k – Þvk gd3 k ð10Þ
43 Using , S, and 9, we eventually simplify
Substituting Equation (8) in Equations (9) and (10), Equations (11) and (12) as
we obtain
j ¼  Eþ Sð – ÑT Þ ð20Þ
j ¼ e 2 Kˆ0 E þ Kˆ1 ð – ÑT Þ ð11Þ q ¼ ST Eþ 9ð – ÑT Þ ð21Þ
1 ˆ
q ¼ e Kˆ1 E þ K2 ð – ÑT Þ ð12Þ where all the parameters , S, and 9 can be deter-
T mined by experiments.
where From Equations (15) and (17), one can find that
Z   the conductivity and thermal conductivity are
1 @f0 calculated from a similar integral for conventional
Kˆn ¼ 3 – vk vk ð"k – Þn d3 k ð13Þ
4 @" "¼"k metals, in which the Fermi energy EF is much larger
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 329

than the thermal energy kBT. By expanding @f0/@" in Then, we finally obtain the lattice thermal
terms of kBT/EF (the Sommerfeld expansion), one conductivity as
can derive K2 in terms of K1 or  as Z  
1 @N0
  ˆ ph ¼
 h!k vk vk  – d3 k ð27Þ
2 kB2 T 2 kB T 2 83 @" "¼h!
K2 ¼ ðE F Þ þ O ð22Þ
3 e2 EF
Let us consider the physical meaning of Equation
and obtain the Wiedemann–Franz law given by (27). For the sake of simplicity, we assume cubic
symmetry, in which the second-rank tensor of
T 2 kB2 Equation (14) is reduced to the scalar quantity of
¼ ¼ L0 ð23Þ
el 3 e2 vk 2 . If we further assume that the velocity and scat-
tering time are independent of k, we may rewrite
where we write el, instead of 9, to emphasize that the
Equation (27) as
thermal conductivity discussed here is due to conduc-
" Z   #
tion electrons, not due to phonons. The numerical value 1 1 @N0 3
of L0 is 2.4  108 V2 K2  (155 mV/K)2 is known as ph ¼ v,
3 83
h!k –
@" "¼h!
dk ð28Þ
the Lorentz number. This relation states that electrons
in solids can carry heat as well as electricity, or where we take the thermal average of the velocity as
equivalently, that a metal is a good conductor of
electricity and heat. Note that the Lorentz number vx2 ¼ vy2 ¼ vz2 ¼ v2 =3 ð29Þ
L0 is given only by the universal constants. This and introduce the mean free path , ¼ v. Noting that
justifies the Wiedemann–Franz law that the ratio of the quantity in the brace is the specific heat of phonons,
the thermal to the electrical conductivity at fixed one can approximate the thermal conductivity as the
temperatures is independent of material parameters. product of the sound velocity, the mean free path, and
This is known as one of the most remarkable successes the specific heat.
of Drude’s theory. First, we show the electron thermal conductivity
in the Drude model (Ashcroft and Mermin, 1976).
Drude regarded electrons in a metal as ideal gas Equations for Phonons molecules, and developed a kinetic theory of such
gases. Suppose a metal rod is subject to a temperature
The Boltzmann equation can also be applied to the gradient (one-dimensional (1D) model). The elec-
lattice thermal conductivity, the contribution of pho- trons coming from the hot side have a larger
nons to the whole thermal conductivity. Since the
thermal energy and equivalently, a larger kinetic
phonon does not carry charge, we only consider the
energy of ", so that the net heat flow is given as
energy (heat) flow, in which the distribution function
at thermal equilibrium is given by the Bose–Einstein nvx
q¼ ½"ðT ½x – vx Þ – "ðT ½x þ vx Þ ð30Þ
distribution as 2
   –1 d"
h!k ¼ nvx ,ðT1 – T2 Þ ð31Þ
N0 ¼ exp –1 ð24Þ dT
kB T
where n is the carrier density and v(T) is the thermal
where !k is the phonon frequency for the wavevector velocity at temperature T. The factor of 1/2 repre-
k (note that the chemical potential is zero for sents that the half of electrons are moving toward the
phonons). Similarly in the case of electrons, we position x. We take the thermal average of the
write the thermal current density of phonons as velocity of Equation (29) and obtain the expression as
Z 1 1
q ¼ h!k N vk d3 k ð25Þ el ¼ Cel v2  ¼ Cel v,el ð32Þ
83 3 3

where N is the distribution function for phonons in where Cel ¼ nd"/dT and , are the electronic specific
the presence of temperature gradient. We take the heat per volume and the electron mean free path,
relaxation time approximation given by respectively. One may notice that this is a special
  form of Equation (28). The interpretation of this
@N0 equation is straightforward. A good conductor of
N – N0 ¼ – vk ð – ÑT Þ ð26Þ
@" heat should satisfy that (1) the number of the heat
330 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

carrier is large (large Cel), (2) the speed for the heat Steigmeier and Abeles (1964) calculated the para-
carrier is high (large v), and (3) the heat carrier meter A in a solid solution system. According to
travels far (large  or ,). In fact, Equation (32) is their calculation, A is given by
valid for phonons as well: V X m  – mi  2
A¼ 3
fi ð37Þ
1 1 4v i 
ph ¼ Cph vs2  ¼ Cph vs ,ph ð33Þ
3 3
where V is the volume per atom, fi the volume fraction
in which Cel is replaced by the phonon-specific heat of the atom i, mi the mass of the atom i, and m  the average
Cph; vs and  are the sound velocity and the phonon mass. Thus, the parameter A is large, when the mass
scattering time, respectively.  – mi is large. The third term is the phonon–
difference m
To step further, let us go back to Equation (27), phonon (normal) scattering. Since the lattice in real
and discuss the relaxation time . By definition,  is a materials deviates from the ideal harmonic oscillator,
function of the momenta of a phonon scattered from the restoring force can be nonlinear. In terms of pho-
k to k9. While the conduction electrons in metals nons, it corresponds to the phonon–phonon scattering.
have nearly the same energy as EF, the phonons (Recall that the anharmonicity corresponds to products
may have different energy ranging from zero to of four phonon operators like bky bk9y bq9 bq .) This scattering
kBT. Thus, it is more reasonable to assume that  is is phenomenologically given as
dependent on energy, or equivalently, frequency !
N – 1 ¼ B!a T b ð38Þ
through k  k9. Eventually, the mean free path of
phonons may strongly depend on !, implying that where a and b are some exponents of the order of
Equation (33) is often oversimplified. unity. These parameters are determined by fitting
It has long been discussed how the scattering time the thermal conductivity measured in real materials.
of phonons depends on ! (see Yang, 2004). Usually, The last scattering is the phonon–phonon Umklapp
we can assume that the scattering events from differ- scattering. At high temperatures where the momen-
ent origins are additive in the form of scattering rates tum change k – k9 is large enough to exceed a
given as reciprocal lattice vector, then phonons are scattered
X from one Brillouin zone to another. Such scattering is
total ¼ i – 1 ð34Þ called Umklapp scattering. Slack and Galginaitis
i (1964) proposed the following formula
This is known as Matthiessen’s rule in electric resis-  
h 2 D
tivity, in which the total resistivity is given by the U – 1 ¼ !2
T exp – ð39Þ
Mv2 D 3T
sum of the resistivity due to impurity scattering and
that due to electron–phonon scattering (Ziman, where D is the Debye temperature and  the Grüneisen
1976). parameter. Equations (38) and (39) have similar
In the case of phonons, we usually consider three temperature dependence except for the exponential
to four kinds of scattering, as pointed out by term in the latter, and thus the former is sometimes
Callaway (Callaway, 1959; Callaway and v Baeyer, ignored for the data fitting. At first glance, one may
1960). The first one is the boundary scattering corre- wonder if the thermal conductivity is uniquely fit with
sponding to the elastic scattering. This term is the above four scattering times. Fortunately, they affect
independent of energy, expressed in terms of a the curve differently, and the scattering times are
parameter L as reasonably determined by fitting the experimental
data. We see how experimental data are explained
B – 1 ¼ v=L ð35Þ with these scattering times in the following section.
L corresponds to a characteristic length of the
system, which can be the dimensions of the sample,
the size of the grains, etc. The second one is the 1.09.3 Thermal Conductivity
point-defect scattering corresponding to the impur- Single-Crystalline
ity scattering of electrons. Klemens (1960) pointed Semiconductors
out that this scattering time  PD is proportional
to !4, so that Figure 1 shows the thermal conductivity of pure and
doped silicon, silicon carbide, and diamond (Slack,
PD – 1 ¼ A!4 ð36Þ 1964). Below around 20 K, the thermal conductivity
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 331

104 104
Thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)
Diamond 70

Thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)

Ge(99.99%) (M)
Ge(99.99%) (S)
10 70
102 na
Ge1 (M)

SiC Pure Si 103 Ge1 (S)

101 Ge

100 Doped Si
10 102
100 101 102 103 T –1
Temperature (K)
1 10 100
Figure 1 Thermal conductivity of pure and doped silicon, Temperature (K)
silicon carbide, and diamond. From Slack GA (1964)
Thermal conductivity of pure and impure silicon, silicon Figure 2 Thermal conductivity of isotope-pure and
carbide, and diamond. Journal of Applied Physics 35: natural Ge. From Asen-Palmer M, Bartkowski K, Gmelin E,
3460–3466. et al. (1997) Thermal conductivity of germanium crystals
with different isotopic compositions. Physical Review B 56:
increases approximately in proportion to Tp
(3 > p > 2), takes a broad maximum around 20–80 K,
and decreases with temperature approximately The thermal conductivity of diamond is much higher,
inversely proportional to T above 100 K. owing to higher Debye temperature and higher sound
The temperature dependence is qualitatively velocity. Because of this property, diamond is
understood as follows: according to Equation (33), expected to be used as a semiconductor wafer of
the thermal conductivity is given by the product of next generation.
the specific heat, the phonon mean free path, and the As discussed in the previous section, the point-
sound velocity. In many cases, the sound velocity defect scattering given by Equations (36) and (37)
does not change with temperature very much, and depends on the mass difference. This means that the
the other two predominantly determine the tempera- isotope atom can be a scattering center of phonons.
ture dependence of the thermal conductivity. As is Geballe and Hull (1958) found that the isotopically
well known, the specific heat is expected to scale with enriched 74Ge (96%) has three times larger thermal
T3 for T  D, and to be 3NkB for T  D. conductivity than natural Ge. Asen-Palmer et al.
In contrast, the phonon mean free path is dominated (1997) successfully measured the thermal conductivity
by impurity scattering at low temperatures, and of isotope-pure 70Ge (99.99%) as shown in Figure 2.
expected to be weakly dependent on temperature. The observed thermal conductivity is eight times
With increasing temperature, the phonon begins to larger at maximum than that of natural Ge crystal.
be scattered by other phonons and/or electrons. Figure 3 shows thermal conductivity of various
In particular, Equation (39) indicates that the semiconductors with particularly low thermal con-
phonon–phonon scattering rate is roughly propor- ductivity (Kurosaki et al., 2005). They are used for
tional to T for T  D, so that the mean free path thermoelectric materials, which are discussed in
is inversely proportional to T at high temperatures. Section 1.09.5. All the materials include heavy ions
Thus, the product of the specific heat and the phonon such as Ag, Tl, Te, and Bi, and consequently have
mean free path is expected to be proportional to Tp low sound velocities. Other complex materials with
(2 < p < 3) for low temperatures and to 1/T for high low thermal conductivity are summarized in a review
temperatures (see also Figure 2). The thermal by Snyder and Toberer (2008). By comparing data
conductivity peak corresponds to the crossover from Figures 1–3, we can say that the magnitude of
between the two temperature regions. the thermal conductivity ranges from 101 to
The magnitude of the thermal conductivity is 104 W m1 K1. This dynamic range is significant,
80 W m1 K1 at room temperature for doped silicon. but much smaller than that of electrical conductivity,
Since a typical value of thermal conductivity of metals in which it ranges from 1020 to 106 S cm1. This
is 10–102 W m1 K1 (Ashcroft and Mermin, 1976), implies that neither ideal heat insulator nor heat
this value is reasonably high for phonon conduction. conductor is available in real materials.
332 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

2.0 further written in terms of the mass difference

given by Equation (37). Figure 4 shows an example
Thermal conductivity (Wm−1 K−1)

+ + + to what extent Equation (40) explains the thermal

1.5 +
conductivity measured in skutterudite antimonides
(Yang, 2004). From Equation (40), one can under-
1.0 AggTITe5
stand that the second term corresponds to  _ Tp
(p > 2) at low temperatures, while the third term
+ TAGS-85 corresponds to  _ 1/T at high temperatures.
Thanks to the fact that the relevant temperature
range is different between the two, the fitting para-
0.0 meters of A, B, and L are fairly uniquely determined.
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 The boundary scattering is responsible for the
Temperature (K)
magnitude of the thermal conductivity at low
Figure 3 Thermal conductivity of various temperatures. With decreasing temperature, only
semiconductors. TAGS stands for (GeTe)x(AgSbTe2)1x. long-wavelength phonons with an energy of h!
From Kurosaki K, Kosuga A, Muta H, Uno M and Yamanaka
S (2005) Ag9TITe5: A high-performance thermoelectric bulk
smaller than kBT are excited, and consequently the
material with extremely low thermal conductivity. Applied second and third terms in Equation (40) do not
Physics Letters 87: 061919. contribute at T ¼ 0. Thus, a thermal conductivity
would diverge without L. In this respect, L roughly
gives an average phonon mean free path at low
As discussed in the previous section, the scattering temperatures, but cannot be predicted from a first-
time for phonons is described phenomenologically by principles calculation (Chen 1998; Takahata and
a sum of different scattering rates given as Terasaki, 2002). In contrast, the second term dom-
inates a saturated value and exponent in the
 – 1 ¼ v=L þ A!4 þ B!2 T e – D =T ð40Þ
intermediate temperature range. The coefficient A
The first term corresponds to the boundary scatter- can be evaluated using Equation (37), but is often
ing, while the second term is due to point-defect determined as a fitting parameter. Meisner et al.
scattering and the third term is due to phonon– (1998) evaluated the parameter A of filled skutterudite
phonon Umklapp scattering. The parameter A is Cey(Co.Fe)4Sb12 by regarding this as a solid solution

Thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)

100 Measured data

Boundary only
Boundary + point-defect


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (K)
Figure 4 Lattice thermal conductivity of skutterudite antimonide. The contributions of three scattering mechanisms are
separately drawn. From Yang J (2004) Theory of thermal conductivity in crystalline semiconductors. In: Trit TM (ed.) Thermal
Conductivity. Kluwer.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 333

of CoSb3 and CeCoFe3Sb12, in which the huge mass decreases as T3. The temperature dependence is quali-
difference results in a large A. The third term dom- tatively understood as follows: in the present situation,
inates the decreasing thermal conductivity at high the mean free path is as short as the atomic distance, and
temperatures. For T  D, all the phonon modes consequently independent of temperature. Although the
are thermally excited, and the specific heat is sound velocity cannot be defined in disordered mate-
saturated as a classical value of 3NkB. In such condi- rials, it is expected to be similar to that in crystals. Thus
tions, the contribution from !4 does not cause strong the last term, the specific heat, is the origin of the
temperature dependence; the phonon–phonon temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity.
scattering rate is proportional to T exp(D/T)  T. Another feature to be pointed out is that all the curves
are reasonably close to one another, implying somewhat
universal behavior. Amorphous Solids and Glasses
Cahill et al. (1992) proposed a theoretical expres-
The amorphous solids and glasses are materials in sion for the thermal conductivity of disordered solids,
which atoms have a short-range order, but no trans- by assuming that the thermal energy of each atom is
lational symmetry. As a result, no phonons are well lost during half the period of an oscillation of the
defined, or all the phonon modes are localized at each atom. Based on the Debye model, the minimum
atoms. Cahill et al. (1992) measured and analyzed the thermal conductivity min is given by
thermal conductivity of various disordered crystals,  2 1=3 X  2 Z i =T 3 x
and showed minimum thermal conductivity, as was nL T x e dx
min ¼ kB vi ð41Þ
originally proposed by Slack (1979). 6 i
i 0 ðex – 1Þ2
Figure 5 shows the thermal conductivity of amorph-
where vi corresponds to three sound modes (two for
ous solids ( -SiO2 and CdGeAs2) and disordered solids
transverse and one for longitudinal). The cutoff
(Or1Ab33An66 feldspar and Ba0.67La0.33F2.33). All the
frequency i is given in temperature unit as
curves have low magnitudes at room temperature (less
than 102 W cm1 K1 ¼ 1 W m K1), and weakly h
i ¼ vi ð62 nL Þ1=3 ð42Þ
dependent on temperature above 10 K. With decreasing kB
temperature below 10 K, the thermal conductivity
where nL is the density of atoms. Note that Equation
(41) contains no free parameters, because vi and nL
10–1 can be determined by different experiments.
Or1 Ab33 An66 Figure 6 shows the calculated min plotted against
thermal conductivity measured in various disordered
Thermal conductivity (W cm−1 K−1)

10–2 solids at room temperature (Cahill et al., 1992). The

CdGeAs2 consistency between the calculation and measure-
ment is surprisingly well. The figure shows that
10–3 there exists a lower limit for  in solids, and an
ideal heat insulator cannot be designed.
Ba0.67 La0.33 F2.33 The concept of minimum thermal conductivity
–4 resembles that of minimum electrical conductivity
min as suggested by Mott (1972) and by Ioffe and
α-SiO2 Regel (Gurvitch, 1981), in which the electron mean
10–5 free path cannot be shorter than the unit cell length
or the interatomic spacing. It is now generally agreed
that there is no min in real materials, and the
10–6 electrical conductivity can be infinitesimally small
0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 at low temperature in the presence of disorder
Temperature (K)
(Rosenbaum et al., 1980). This is known as the
Figure 5 Thermal conductivity of amorphous solids Anderson localization (see Kramer and MacKinnon,
( -SiO2 and CdGeAs2) and disordered solids 1993), which is understood as an interference
(Or1Ab33An66 feldspar and Ba0.67La0.33F2.33). From Cahill
DG, Watson SK and Pohl RO (1992) Lower limit to the
between an electron and the corresponding back-
thermal conductivity of disordered crystals. Physical scattered hole. Similar mechanism is theoretically
Review B 46: 6131–6140. predicted and experimentally observed in photons,
334 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

50 At low temperatures, magnetic moments localized on

the ions show a long-range-ordered state such as
Calculated conductivity (mW cm–1 K–1)

ZrO2 : Y ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferrimagnetic

20 SiO2 orders. The elementary excitations from such orders
NaCl:CN Si YB66
are known as magnons, which correspond to phonons
Ca,KNO3 in a perfectly ordered lattice. Thus, it should be
natural to think that magnons can carry heat as
phonons do.
5 Feldspar
Ge Quasi-1D magnetic insulator is particularly
As2S3 BaF2:La important. Theoretically, the energy current opera-
Se KBr:CN tor commutes the Heisenberg Hamiltonian in 1D
2 (Niemeijer and Vianen, 1971; Zotos et al., 1997).
This means that the energy current is conserved,
1 and travels ballistically through the sample. In fact,
1 2 5 10 20 50 such materials are found to show anomalously high
Measured conductivity (mW cm–1 K–1) thermal conductivity along the spin chain. Figure 7
Figure 6 Minimum thermal conductivity calculated from shows the thermal conductivity of Sr2CuO3
Equation (41) plotted as the measured thermal conductivity. (Sologubenko et al., 2000a). As shown in the inset,
From Cahill DG, Watson SK and Pohl RO (1992) Lower limit
this insulating oxide includes a corner-shared CuO4
to the thermal conductivity of disordered crystals. Physical
Review B 46: 6131–6140. plane along the b-axis, and is regarded as a 1D
Heisenberg antiferromagnet. The local moment on
which is known as the localization of light (Albada the Cu2þ behaves as S ¼ 1/2, and the exchange
and Lagendijk, 1985). Thus, there is no reason to energy J is evaluated to be 1300 K for polycrystals
deny the possibility of the localization of phonons, (Ami et al., 1995), and 2000 K for single crystals
which may give a thermal conductivity much lower (Motoyama et al., 1995). Contrary to the large J, the
than min (Venkatasubramanian, 2000). antiferromagnetic transition occurs below 4 K, owing
to the strong quantum fluctuation of S ¼ 1/2. As
shown in this figure, the thermal conductivity is
extremely high along the b-axis at room temperature, Magnetic Semiconductors
while the thermal conductivity along the a-axis is
As is exemplified in transition-metal oxides, semicon- nearly the same as that along the c-axis. This
ductors including d- or f-electrons show magnetism. indicates that the magnetic excitation is responsible
Thermal conductivity (W m–1 K–1)


b O

a Chain
a c T –1

10 100
Temperature (K)
Figure 7 Anisotropic thermal conductivity of the 1D magnetic insulator Sr2CuO3 along the a-, b-, and c-axis directions.
From Sologubenko AV, Felder E and Giannò K, et al. (2000a) Thermal conductivity and specific heat of the linear chain cuprate
Sr2CuO3: Evidence for thermal transport via spinons. Physical Review B 62: R6108–R6111.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 335

for this high thermal conductivity. Other 1D spin conductivity is seen in the spin-ladder copper oxide
chains such as Sr14Cu24O41 and SrCuO2 show Ca9La5Cu24O41, in which the a-axis thermal conduc-
similarly large thermal conductivity along the chain tivity is 20 times larger than the c-axis one at 170 K
direction. (Hess et al., 2001; Kudo et al., 2001; (Hess et al., 2001).
Sologubenko et al., 2000b). If the magnetic excitation dominates the heat con-
Figure 8 shows the mean free path of the duction in magnetic materials, one may easily
magnetic excitation evaluated from the Drude-like imagine that external fields will change the thermal
expression: conductivity. Such thermomagnetic effects are
widely seen in magnetic materials such as CuGeO3
mag ¼ Cmag vmag ,mag ð43Þ (Ando et al., 1998), R2CuO4 (Sales et al., 2004), and
(La,Ca)MnO3 (Chen et al., 1997). Figure 9 shows the
As pointed out in the previous section, the Drude- thermal conductivity of the layered vanadium oxide
like expression for  is oversimplified. However, in K2V3O8 (Sales et al., 2002). This particular oxide is an
the case of magnetic excitation, we do not know antiferromagnetic insulator with the local moment
anything about the scattering process, and are unable on V ions aligned along the a-axis. This antiferro-
to calculate scattering times. The evaluated mean magnetic order exhibits a spin-flop transition, in
free path is as large as 100 nm at low temperatures, which the critical field is less than 1 T. The thermal
which strongly suggests that magnetic excitations in conductivity suddenly increases above the critical
this material travel over 250 unit cells without scat- field, suggesting that the spin orientation determines
tering. Note that the lattice thermal conductivity is the heat conduction to some extent.
less anisotropic; the anisotropy is basically deter- Like spin-valve/giant magnetoresistance effects in
mined by the anisotropy of the sound velocity multilayered ferromagnetic films (Zutic et al., 2004),
(Crommie and Zettl, 1991). Even in chain-like mate- the magnetothermal effect observed here may be
rials such as Sr2CuO3, the chemical bonds applied to a thermal spin valve (Sales et al., 2004). At
perpendicular to the chain are similar to those in the moment, it is remarkable only at low temperatures
the chain. As a result, the restoring force will be at high fields (larger than 1 T). Even if a large response
more or less isotropic. Even in the presence of van in the spin thermal conductivity were discovered at
der Waals coupling in one direction, the anisotropic room temperature, the lattice thermal conductivity
ratio of  remains around 5–7 (Terasaki et al., 2004). would remain unchanged, and overlap the magnetic
In this respect, the 300-K anisotropy between a- and contribution. Thus, the magnetothermal conductivity
b-axis directions is remarkable, which may be used as could not be large at room temperature, in comparison
a heat guide in solids. More anisotropic thermal with magnetoconductivity.

103 +gμH
H//a, Q//a
κa (W m−1 K−1)

5.5 − gμH
Is (Å)

5 H //c, Q//a
H = 0.55 T

102 T = 3.7 K
H = 0.95 T
20 40 60 80 100 200 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Temperature (K) H (T)
Figure 8 Mean free path of magnetic excitation in Figure 9 Thermal spin valve in K2V3O8. From Sales BC,
Sr2CuO3. From Sologubenko AV, Felder E and Giannò K Lumsden MD, Nagler SE, Mandrus D and Jin R (2002)
et al. (2000a) Thermal conductivity and specific heat of the Magnetic field enhancement of heat transport in the 2D
linear chain cuprate Sr2CuO3: Evidence for thermal Heisenberg antiferromagnet K2V3O8. Physical Review
transport via spinons. Physical Review B 62: R6108–R6111. Letters 88: 095901.
336 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

1.09.4 Thermoelectric Phenomena the electron specific heat Cel is linear in T The Seebeck Effect R(i.e., Cel ¼ T),
R where the entropy is equal to
Cel dT/T ¼ dT ¼ Cel. Since the right-hand side
An electron in solids carries an electrical current as an is positive, the sign of S is equal to the sign of the
elementary particle with a negative charge of e (<0). carrier, and thus S is negative (positive) for electrons
Since an enormous number of electrons are at thermal (holes).
equilibrium in solids, they carry heat and entropy at The Boltzmann equations (11) and (12) give an
the same time. Thus in the presence of temperature explicit expression for the Seebeck coefficient. For
gradient, they can flow from a hot side to a cold side to the sake of simplicity, let us consider a cubic system
cause an electrical current. This implies a coupling in which all the transport parameters are reduced to
between thermal and electrical phenomena, which is scalars. In the absence of current density, we rewrite
known as the thermoelectric effects. j ¼ 0 as
The Seebeck effect is a phenomenon in which e
j ¼ e 2 K0 Eþ K1 ð – ÑT Þ ¼ 0 ð47Þ
electric field (E ¼ – ÑV ) is induced in proportion T
to applied temperature gradient (ÑT ), defined by
Then, the electric field E is proportional to the
ÑV ¼ Sð – ÑT Þ ð44Þ temperature gradient ( – ÑT ) as
where S is called the Seebeck coefficient (thermoelec- 1 K1
ÑV ¼ – E ¼ ð – ÑT Þ ð48Þ
tric power, or thermopower). We first discuss the eT K0
physical meaning of the Seebeck effect with a classical
The Seebeck coefficient is written by
electron-gas model proposed by Drude. Consider a
metal rod subject to a temperature gradient, as shown 1 K1
in Figure 10. Suppose that the temperature at the left S ¼
eT K0
side is T1, and at the right side is T2 (T1 > T2). Since Z  
the average electron velocity is larger at T1, electrons – v2 ð"k – Þd3 k ð49Þ
1 @" "¼"k k
begin to diffuse from left to right just after the tem- ¼ Z  
eT @f0
perature difference is given. Owing to the charge – v2 d3 k
@" "¼"k k
neutrality, the side at T1 is positively charged, whereas
the side at T2 is negatively charged. This implies that
the metal rod behaves like a capacitor in the presence Here, we used the definition of K1 and K0 given by
of temperature gradient, which is the origin of the Equation (13). From this equation, one can under-
thermoelectric voltage V. In a steady state, the energy stand generic features of the Seebeck coefficient.
per electron is equal everywhere in the system, that is, First, this is independent of scattering time in the
lowest order approximation. The scattering time 
"ðT1 Þ þ eV ðT1 Þ ¼ "ðT2 Þ þ eV ðT2 Þ ð45Þ appears in the numerator and the denominator at the
is realized, where "(T) is the electron energy at same time, so that it is cancelled when the k depen-
temperature T. In the limit of T1 ! T2, the Seebeck dence of  is neglected. Second, the Seebeck
coefficient S ¼ dV/dT reduces to coefficient should be zero when the energy disper-
sion is symmetric below and above the chemical
d" potential, because the integrand in the numerator is
eS ¼ ð46Þ
dT proportional to "k – . Thus, the Seebeck coefficient
d"/dT is equal to the specific heat per carrier, and of conventional metals is small, because the chemical
Equation (46) further states that the Seebeck potential is in the middle of the valence band where
coefficient is the entropy per electron. Note that electrons and holes are almost symmetric. Third, the
Seebeck coefficient is usually less anisotropic than
Hot Cold
the electrical and thermal conductivities. The
T1 T2 anisotropy comes from the velocity vk , which simul-
taneously appears in the numerator and the
denominator. This is qualitatively consistent with
Figure 10 A metal rod subject to the temperature gradient.
Reprinted from Sorell CC, Sugihara S, and Nowotny J (eds.) Equation (46); the entropy per carrier is a scalar
(2005) Materials for Energy Conversion Devices. Cambridge, quantity by definition, and accordingly it should be
UK: Woodhead Publishing: Figure 13.4. isotropic in the lowest approximation.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 337

First, we apply Equation (49) to a degenerate CeCu2

noninteracting Fermi gas. Thus, we assume the 10 CeCu2Si2
energy dispersion as CeColn2
h2 k2 1 NaxCoO2
"k ¼ "k ¼ ð50Þ
2m NbSe2 UPd2Al3
and perform the Sommerfeld expansion to O(EF/kBT)2. La-214 Sr RuO 2 4
Then, we get the explicit expression of the Seebeck 0.1

S/T (T = 0) (µV K−2)

coefficient as
2 kB kB T 2 kB2 Dð0Þ Cel 0.01
S¼ ¼ T¼ ð51Þ
2 e EF 3 e n ne
where n is the carrier density and D(0) the density of
states at EF (Ashcroft and Mermin, 1976). This Cu Pd
expression is a special form of Equation (46), and −0.1 (ET)2Br
again shows that the Seebeck coefficient is the
entropy per carrier. (ET)2Cu(NSC)2 YbCu2Si2
−1 YbAl3
Figure 11 shows the Seebeck coefficient of
URu2Si2 YbCu4.5
Sr1xLaxPbO3 (Terasaki and Nonaka, 1999). The
perovskite oxide SrPbO3 is a narrow-gap semicon- −10
ductor or a semimetal (Itoh et al., 1992), in which UBe13
electrons can be doped through the substitution of 1 10 100 1000
trivalent La3þ for divalent Sr2þ. As shown in the γ (mJ mol–1 K–2)
figure, the Seebeck coefficient is linear in T at low
Figure 12 The T-linear term of the Seebeck coefficient
temperatures. Using Equation (51), the carrier (S/T) plotted as a function of electron specific heat
density is evaluated from the T-linear coefficient of coefficient for various metals. Reproduced from Behnia K,
S, which is consistent with calculated values from the Jaccard D and Flouquet J (2004) On the thermoelectricity
La content. of correlated electrons in the zero-temperature limit.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16: 5187–5198.
Figure 12 shows the T-linear term of the Seebeck
coefficient (S/T) plotted as a function of electron
specific heat coefficient  for various metals
other hand, materials with large  values show large
(Behnia et al., 2004). The magnitude of S/T is of the
Seebeck coefficients. Such materials are called
order of 102 mV K2 for small , because a universal
heavy-fermion compounds in which localized
value of kB/je j ¼ 86 mV K1 is reduced by a factor of
f-electrons and conduction electrons are coupled
kBT/EF as is seen in the electron specific heat. On the
with the Kondo effect (Coleman et al., 2001). At low
temperatures, the localized f-electrons move
0 coherently with conduction electrons, and the local
moments vanish to show the largely enhanced Pauli
Thermopower (μV K–1)

paramagnetism. In a thermodynamic point of view,

magnetic entropy due to the f-electrons is attached to
conduction electrons. Thus, the entropy per conduc-
–100 0.020 tion carrier is enhanced to cause the large Seebeck
0.010 coefficient. Figure 12 suggests that the electron
0.008 specific heat and the Seebeck coefficient are similarly
–150 0.006
0.004 enhanced, indicating close relationship between
0 100 200 300
the Seebeck coefficient and the thermodynamic
Temperature (K) quantities.
Phonon drag is a similar phenomenon to the
Figure 11 The Seebeck coefficient of Sr1xLaxPbO3.
From Terasaki I and Nonaka T (1999) Thermoelectric
enhanced Seebeck coefficient in heavy-fermion com-
properties of Sr1xLaxPbO3 (x < 0.02). Journal of Physics: pounds. At low temperatures, phonons and electrons
Condensed Matter 11, 5577–5582. are long-lived, and their distribution functions begin
338 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

to be nonequilibrium in the presence of temperature than the bandwidth, it tends to zero as T ! 1. On

gradient, in which electrons and phonons can the contrary, the second term is rewritten with the
coherently move through the electron–phonon entropy s through an identity of thermodynamics as
interaction. As a result, the entropy of phonons over- follows:
laps the entropy of electrons, which enhances the  
thermoelectric power. Ziman (1976) called this – ¼ ð55Þ
T @N E;V
situation ‘thermoelectric power of lattice.’
In the case of metals in general, the integrand is Thus, the Seebeck coefficient is associated with the
finite only in the vicinity of the Fermi energy, thanks entropy per carrier, which is called the Heikes for-
to the Fermi statistics. By using the Sommerfeld mula written as
expansion, one can show that  kB @lng
  S¼ – ¼ ð56Þ
@K0 eT e @N
K1 ¼ kB2 T 2 ð52Þ
3 @" "¼ where g is the total number of configurations
(Chaikin and Beni, 1976).
On the same assumptions, we may associate the
Let us calculate the Heikes formula for a simple
Seebeck coefficient with  as
conductor. Let the carrier number be N for N0 sites;
2 kB2 T @lnð"Þ then the total number of configurations g is equal to
S¼ ð53Þ
3 e @" "¼ N0 !
N CN0 ¼ ð57Þ
ðN0 – N Þ!N !
This is known as the Mott formula. Note that the
conductivity-like function (") in Equation (53) is a For macroscopically large number of N and N0, the
fictitious conductivity that a metal would show, if its Seebeck coefficient S of Equation (56) is
Fermi energy were equal to ". Do not forget that (")
kB N0 – N kB 1 – p
cannot be observed in real experiments. Thus, the S¼ ln ¼ ln ð58Þ
e N e p
Mott formula should be very carefully applied to
the analysis of real experiments (Ziman, 1976). where p ¼ N/N0 is the carrier concentration per site.
Nevertheless, this formula became quite popular, When the spin degrees of freedom are included, N0 is
and many experimentalists applied this to explain replaced by 2N0, and Equation (58) is modified as
the measured data without paying much attention kB 2N0 – N kB 2 – p
to the meaning of ("). Equation (53) includes S¼ ln ¼ ln ð59Þ
e N e p
logarithmic derivative of the density of states,
implying that the Seebeck coefficient is highly If the on-site Coulomb repulsion is strong, only one
sensitive to the shape of the Fermi surface; it can be electron can stand on each site. Then, the configura-
negative or positive depending on subtle change in tion from the spin degrees of freedom equals 2N, and
the curvature of the valence bands at EF. This is the Equation (58) is modified as
reason why this quantity has not been investigated kB N0 – N kB 2ð1 – pÞ
extensively in comparison with the Hall coefficient. S¼ ln 2 ¼ ln ð60Þ
e N e p
A complementary picture to the Mott formula is
the Seebeck coefficient in the high-temperature limit, There are a couple of features in the Heikes for-
where the one-electron energy is much smaller than mula. First, Equation (56) is independent of
the thermal energy. We can rewrite Equation (19) as temperature, because g is simply given by the combi-
nation of the sites on which the carriers exist. Second,
@f0 the Seebeck coefficient increases logarithmically with p
e 2 "k vk2  – d3 k
1 @" "¼"k  for p  1. This means that the Seebeck coefficient does
S¼ Z   – ð54Þ
eT @f 0 eT not change dramatically in comparison with conduc-
e 2 vk2  – d3 k tivity ( _ p). Third, we can derive Equation (56) in the
@" "¼"k
high-temperature limit, whenever one-electron energy
If we regard e 2 vk2 ð– @f0 =@"Þ as a weighting function, is defined. This means that the Heikes formula is
the first term will be reduced to h"ki/eT, where h. . .i correct, even if any types of interaction are present.
means the average with weights of e 2 vk2 ð– @f0 =@"Þ. Figure 13 shows the Seebeck coefficient of doped
Since the average of the one-electron energy "k is less pentacene films (Mühlenen et al., 2007). The numbers
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 339

2.8 × 1016 cm–3
Thermoelectric power (μV k–1)


–S (μV K–1)

300 1.7 × 1019 cm–3

200 101

n-type-doped SI
100 1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 100
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 Temperature (K)
180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Temperature (K) Figure 14 The Seebeck coefficients of lightly doped
silicon. From Weber L and Gmelin E (1991) Transport
Figure 13 The Seebeck coefficient of pentacene. properties of silicon. Applied Physics A 53: 136–140.
Reproduced from Mühlenen Av, Errien N, Schaer M, Bussac
M-N and Zuppiroli L (2007) Thermopower measurements on
pentacene transistors. Physical Review B 75: 115338. Gmelin, 1991). The Seebeck coefficient of the lightly
doped silicon is well described by Equation (62), in
in the figure represent different samples deposited on which the Seebeck coefficient is linear in 1/T. The
different substrates. The Seebeck coefficient is magnitude is much larger than kB/jej ¼ 86 mV K1,
essentially independent of temperature, and the and the activation energy Eg evaluated with Equation
magnitude is well understood from Equation (56). (62) is semiquantitatively consistent with the optical
The Seebeck coefficient of organic conductors is band gap.
reviewed by Kaiser (2001), in which lightly doped In the case of degenerate semiconductors, the
organic conductors show temperature-independent Seebeck coefficient is essentially the same as that of
thermopower explained by the Heikes formula. The a noninteracting Fermi gas given by Equation (51).
Heikes formula also explains the Seebeck coefficient The Seebeck coefficient of the heavily doped silicon
of transition-metal oxide semiconductors such as shown in Figure 14 exhibits T-linear dependence
La1xSrxCrO3 (Karim and Aldred, 1979) and like those of metals. At high temperatures, minority
La1xSrMnO3 (Palstra et al., 1997). carriers are thermally excited to decrease the magni-
Let us consider the Seebeck coefficient in lightly tude of the Seebeck coefficient, where the Seebeck
doped semiconductors. For a lightly doped semi- coefficient roughly obeys Equation (62). Figure 15
conductor, the chemical potential is pinned near the shows the Seebeck coefficient of the skutterudite
center of the band gap, and has a gap of 2Eg to the
bottom (top) of conduction (valence) band. 300
Substituting Eg for  in Equation (49), we get
Seebeck coefficient (μV–1 K)

250 1212OB22
1 K1 2NB13
S¼ 200 2NB9
eT K0
@f0 2
– v  ð"k Þ þ Eg Þd3 k ð61Þ
1 @" k
¼ Z   100
eT @f0 2 3
– v d k
@" k 50
p-type CoSb3
Eg 0
eT 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Temperature (K)
In other words, each thermally excited electron will
acquire the activation energy, and carry large entropy. Figure 15 The Seebeck coefficient of the skutterudite
antimonide CoSb3. Reproduced from Caillat T,
Hence, the Seebeck coefficient is large compared with Borshchevsky A and Fleurial JP (1996) Properties of single
those of metals. Figure 14 shows the Seebeck coeffi- crystalline semiconducting CoSb3. Journal of Applied
cient of lightly and heavily doped silicon (Weber and Physics 80: 4442–4449.
340 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

antimonide CoSb3 with various doping concentra- The Harman method is known as a unique
tions (Caillat et al., 1996). At low temperatures, technique to measure thermal conductivity using
the Seebeck coefficients decrease with decreasing the Peltier effect (Harman, 1958). Suppose that a
temperature, suggesting that the electrical conduc- sample is hung by electrical leads in vacuum at a
tion is dominated by degenerate carriers. In contrast, temperature T. Upon a steady current I0, the Peltier
the Seebeck coefficients have peaks and decrease heat I0 is generated at one current contact to the
with increasing temperature at high temperatures, sample, and is absorbed at the other. As the sample is
showing that the minority carriers begin to be excited in vacuum, that is, thermally isolated, the Peltier heat
thermally. The temperature at which the Seebeck is finally balanced by a back flow of thermal current
coefficients peak corresponds to a crossover from through the sample, and causes a temperature
the degenerate to intrinsic regions. difference T between the contacts to satisfy
K T ¼ I0 ð66Þ The Peltier and Thomson Effects where K is the thermal conductance of the sample.
If the Seebeck coefficient is measured in advance, the
The Peltier effect is the reverse phenomenon of the Peltier coefficient will be given by  ¼ ST. Thus, K
Seebeck effect; the electrical current flowing through can be obtained from the observed T. Figure 16
the junction connecting two materials will emit or shows an example of T observed in the Harman
absorb heat per unit time at the junction to balance method (Satake et al., 2004). The temperatures at the
the difference in the chemical potential of the two left side (TL) and those at the right side (TR) change
materials. Thanks to this effect, an electronic refrigera- with external currents. As shown in the inset, the
tor can be made, which is known as the Peltier cooler. antisymmetric part of the data is plotted to remove
The Peltier cooler has been applied to niche areas such the contribution from the Joule heating (which is
as infrared detectors, CPU coolers, wine cellars, etc., proportional to I0 2 ), which is linear in external
because the cooling power is lower than that of com- current, as expected from the Peltier effect.
pressor-based refrigerators. This technique is called The third thermoelectric effect is the Thomson
thermoelectrics, and is discussed in the next section. effect. In the presence of temperature gradient and
Similarly to the Seebeck coefficient, the Peltier external current, thermal current generates in pro-
coefficient  is defined as the coefficient of the ther- portion to the temperature gradient and external
mal current Q to the electrical current I, given by current given as
Q ¼ I ð63Þ @T
qx ¼ – T jx ð67Þ
or equivalently,  is defined as the coefficient of the
thermal current density to the electrical current
ΔT(l 0)−ΔT(–l 0) (K)

q ¼ j ¼ ð – ÑT Þ ð64Þ 2
2 300 K
where the current density is further expressed by the
ΔT = TR − TL (K)

electrical conductivity. 1 1
The Peltier coefficient is related to the Seebeck 0
0 5 10 15
coefficient. From Equations (11) and (12), we may l 0 (mA)
0 100 K
associate  with S as
 ¼ ST ð65Þ
This relationship is not specific to Equations (11) and
(12), but can be demonstrated from the first principle, −10 0 10
being known as Onsager’s reciprocal theorem. Current l0 (mA)
Thanks to this relationship, the Peltier coefficient
Figure 16 The temperature difference by the Peltier effect
has been rarely measured. The amount of heat is
in the sample hung in vacuum. From Satake A, Tanaka H,
difficult to measure precisely than the temperature Ohkawa T, Fujii T and Terasaki I (2004) Thermal conductivity
difference, so that the Seebeck coefficient is much of the thermoelectric layered cobalt oxides measured by the
easier to measure. Harman method. Journal of Applied Physics 96: 931–933.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 341

where  T is the Thomson coefficient. This effect is Recalling that the entropy goes to zero at 0 K (the
understood through the temperature dependence of third law of thermodynamics), we can assume that
the Seebeck coefficient. Suppose that the tempera- the Seebeck coefficient also goes to zero at 0 K, and
ture of the left half of a rod-like sample is T1, and that calculate the absolute Seebeck coefficient from the
of the right half is T2. This is equivalent to two rods measured Thomson coefficient.
with different Peltier coefficients of T1S(T1) and
T2S(T2) welded at the edge. Then, the welded
junction will have the Peltier heat with respect The Galvanomagnetic Effects
to external current. Eventually, the Thomson A conduction electron is coupled with external mag-
coefficient is written as netic fields through the Lorentz force, and is
dS consequently deflected along the direction perpen-
T ¼ T ð68Þ dicular to both the current and magnetic field. The
deflected electrons are accumulated to one side of
The measurement of the Thomson coefficient is the sample to cause the transverse voltage, and cancel
important, because the absolute Seebeck coefficient the Lorentz force in the steady state. This is known as
can be obtained from  T. Note that the thermoelec- the Hall effect, and the transverse voltage is called
tric voltage V is experimentally observed in the the Hall voltage. Similarly to this, the electron in the
open-circuit condition as presence of temperature gradient will be deflected to
V ¼ Slead ðT0 – T1 Þ þ Ssample ðT1 – T2 Þ the direction perpendicular to both the temperature
ð69Þ gradient and the magnetic field, and eventually cause
þSlead ðT2 – T0 Þ the transverse voltage. This is known as the Nernst
¼ ðSsample – Slead ÞðT1 – T2 Þ ð70Þ effect, a typical galvanomagnetic effect. The Nernst
coefficient N is defined as
where T0 is the ambient temperature, T1 and T2 are
the temperatures at the edges of the sample. Ssample @T
Ey ¼ NBz ð71Þ
and Slead are the Seebeck coefficients of the sample @x
and the voltage leads, respectively. This indicates that where Bz is the external magnetic field applied along
the Seebeck coefficient is always measured as the the z-direction, and the temperature gradient is along
difference from the Seebeck coefficient of the leads. the x-direction.
Figure 17 shows the Thomson coefficient of The Nernst effect is exceptionally large in semi-
various metals (Lander, 1948). As discussed above, metals (Li and Rabson, 1970). This is a similar
the Seebeck coefficient is an entropy per carrier. situation of the classical magnetoresistance which
has a large magnitude in semimetals (Clayhold,
1996). In particular, the high-mobility semimetals
have the Nernst voltage as large as the Seebeck
Thomson coefficient (micro V K–1)

voltage in magnetic fields of several teslas.
Cu +
Figure 18 shows the Nernst voltage of Bi1xSbx in
0 Au
W – various magnetic fields (Li and Rabson, 1970). For
Mo small magnetic fields less than 1 T, the Nernst
−20 Pt voltage exceeds 1 mV K1 at low temperatures.
Another class of materials exhibiting large Nernst
coefficients is a superconductor in the mixed state.
−40 Needless to say, a superconductor is a material that
exhibits zero resistivity below the superconducting
transition temperature Tc. External magnetic field
−60 above the lower critical field Bc1 can penetrate a
300 900 1500 2100
Temperature (K)
type II superconductor as quantized magnetic fluxes.
This state is called the mixed state, in which the
Figure 17 The Thomson coefficient of metals.
quantized fluxes form a triangular lattice. The flux
Reproduced from Lander JJ (1948) Measurements of
Thomson coefficients for metals at high temperatures and lattice is squeezed by external current through the
of Peltier coefficients for solid–liquid interfaces of metals. Lorenz force, and begins to flow above a critical
Physical Review 74: 479–488. current density. Similarly to this, the flux can flow
342 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

2.5 Nernst voltage is observed from the temperature

77 K above which the fluxes can move, to the temperature
2 below which the fluxes can exist. Xu et al. (2000)
found the large Nernst signal far above Tc in the
high-temperature superconductors, which they
NB (μV K–1)

1.5 114 K
ascribed to the phase fluctuation of the supercon-
188 K ducting order parameter far above Tc. A similar
large Nernst signal is observed in organic conductors
(Nam et al., 2007).
Te-doped Bi88Sb12 300 K

0 1.09.5 Thermoelectrics
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
B (T) Thermoelectric Devices
Figure 18 The Nernst voltage of the high-mobility
semimetal Bi1xSbx. From Li SS and Rabson TA (1970) The
As discussed in the previous section, the Seebeck
Nernst and the Seebeck effects in Te-doped Bisingle bond and Peltier effects are cross-correlations between
Sb alloys. Solid State Electronics 13: 153–160. electricity and heat carried by an electron in
solids. When the Seebeck coefficient and the
in the presence of temperature gradient (Huebener, electrical conductivity are large in a material, such
1995) from high- to low-temperature side. According a material can convert electric energy into heat and
to Faraday’s electromagnetic induction, the voltage vice versa. This is schematically illustrated in
will be generated in the direction of B  ð – ÑTÞ, Figure 20. A rod of a material subject to the
which is nothing but the Nernst voltage. temperature gradient causes the thermoelectric
Figure 19 shows the Nernst voltage NB in the voltage V ¼ ST across the sample, where T is
mixed state of the high-temperature superconductor the temperature difference between the edges of
YBa2Cu3O7 (Huebener, 1995). With increasing tem- the sample, and S is the Seebeck coefficient. If the
perature, the signal in a fixed field sharply rises above voltage V is sufficiently high, the rod works as a
battery, and generates electricity at an external
a certain temperature, reaches a maximum, and then
load connected to the rod. In this situation,
decreases slowly. The external field enhances the
the thermoelectric voltage corresponds to the open-
range in which the Nernst signal is observable. This
circuit voltage of the battery, and the resistance of the
is qualitatively explained as follows: the quantized
rod corresponds to the internal resistance of the
fluxes are frozen at sufficiently low temperatures,
and cannot exist far above Tc. Consequently, the

Ey/∇xT (μV K–1)

2 H=4T
H = 10 T
H = 12 T

70 80 90 100 110
Temperature (K)
Figure 19 The Nernst voltage of the high-temperature
superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 in the mixed state. Figure 20 A schematic picture of thermoelectric power
Reproduced from Huebener RP (1995) Superconductors generation. Reprinted from Narlikar AV (ed.) (2005) Layered
in a temperature gradient. Superconductor Science and Cobalt oxides as a thermoelectric material in Frontiers in
Technology 8: 189–198. magnetic Materials. pp 327–346. Springer: Berlin: Figure 1.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 343

battery. Such a material is called a thermoelectric coefficient, and the net thermal conductance of the
material, and the device made from is called a ther- device, respectively. For the sake of simplicity, we
moelectric device. One can find a good review on assume that all the parameters of the device are
thermoelectrics given by Mahan (1997). independent of temperature. At the junction
Actually, Figure 20 is an oversimplified picture (cold side), the pumped heat per unit time QC is
for the thermoelectric device. Since the current lead given by
is usually a good conductor of heat, the heat applied
at the left edge will flow through the lead, and will QC ¼ STC I – RI 2 – K T ð72Þ
not generate sufficient temperature difference and,
in the worst case, may damage the load. To avoid where the second term is the Joule heat in the sample
this, one should make a pair of rods as shown in (we assume that a half of the heat goes to each side)
Figure 21. This structure is nothing but a thermo- and the third term is the back flow of the thermal
couple, and the heat applied at the junction now current by the temperature difference. Similarly, at
flows through the pair of thermoelectric legs. In this the hot side, the emitted heat per unit time QH is
given by
respect, the thermoelectric device is a thermocouple
with an ability to generate electricity, as shown in 1
QH ¼ STH I þ RI 2 – K T ð73Þ
Figure 21(b). Obviously, the pair should be a pair 2
of n- and p-type materials to maximize the Thus, the total work per unit time is given by
thermoelectric voltage. Another requirement is that
the thermal conductivity should be as low as possible W ¼ QH – QC ¼ ðST þ IRÞI ð74Þ
to maximize the temperature difference across Equation (74) means that the work to refrigerate is
the legs. equal to the voltage drop of the device in addition to
The thermoelectric device does not only generate the thermoelectric voltage.
electric power from heat, but also converts electric The heat balance at the hot and cold sides in the
power into heat through the Peltier effect, that is, it thermoelectric power generator shown in
cools the junction with external current, as shown Figure 21(b) is similarly given by
in Figure 21(a). This is known as thermoelectric
refrigeration or Peltier cooling. Thanks to the 1
QH ¼ STH I – RI 2 þ K T ð75Þ
Onsager relation of Equation (65), the Peltier 2
coefficient  is equal to the Seebeck coefficient 1
QC ¼ STC I þ RI 2 þ K T ð76Þ
multiplied by absolute temperature. Thus, materials 2
with the large Seebeck coefficient near or below By connecting an external load Rext ¼ xR, we find the
room temperature can be used for thermoelectric current I ¼ ST/(1 þ x)R. Then, the output power P
refrigeration. is equal to
We begin with the heat balance of the thermo-
electric cooling device shown in Figure 21(a). Let R, ðST Þ2 x
P ¼ IV ¼ ð77Þ
S, and K be the net resistance, the net Seebeck R ð1 þ xÞ2

(a) (b)




Figure 21 A schematic picture of thermoelectric devices: (a) thermoelectric refrigerator and (b) thermoelectric power
generator. Reprinted from Sorell CC, Sugihara S, and Nowotny J (eds.) (2005) Materials for Energy Conversion Devices.
Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing: Figure 13.2.
344 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

which takes a maximum Pmax ¼ (ST)2/4R at x ¼ 1, TC 1 þ ZT – TH
max ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð86Þ
that is, Rext ¼ R. Pmax is determined by the following T ð 1 þ ZT þ 1Þ
material parameter:
S2 after some calculations. For the power generation,
¼ S2 ð78Þ

the efficiency is given as
which is called the (thermoelectric) power factor. W
Here, we evaluate the maximum heat absorption ¼ ð87Þ
of the cooling device under the conditions of
constant TH and TC. Then, a necessary condition of VI
¼ ð88Þ
dQC/dI ¼ 0 gives the optimum current I0 ¼ STC/R. STH I – RI 2 =2 þ K T
By substituting I0 into Equation (72), we have xT
¼ ð89Þ
2 ð1 þ xÞT þ ð1 þ xÞ2 =Z þ xT =2
QCmax ¼ – K T ð79Þ
  By taking d /dx ¼ 0, we find that the maximum
ðSTC Þ2 efficiency is
¼K – T ð80Þ
2RK pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
T ð 1 þ ZT – 1Þ
Then, we introduce the figure of merit Z defined by max ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð90Þ
TH 1 þ ZT þ TC
S2 S2 S2
Z¼ ¼ ¼ ð81Þ
  According to Equations (86) and (90), material
properties are associated with the conversion
and rewrite QCmax as
  efficiency through ZT. This is reasonable, because
ZTC 2 the conversion efficiency and ZT are both dimen-
QCmax ¼K – T ð82Þ
2 sionless quantities. In this respect ZT is the most
Thus, the maximum heat absorption is directly important parameter for thermoelectrics, and is
proportional to Z (or the power factor) for T ¼ 0. called the dimensionless figure of merit.
Next, we evaluate the lowest achievable tempera- We can take some notes on the above results.
ture TCmin under the conditions of constant QC and First, max given by Equation (86) and max given
TH. A necessary condition of dTC/dI ¼ 0 gives the by Equation (90) are reduced to the Carnot efficiency
optimum current I1 ¼ STCmin =R. By substituting I1 as ZT ! 1. This is reasonable, because thermoelec-
into Equation (72), we have tric energy conversion is a conversion through the
electron transport, which is an irreversible process
ðSTCmin Þ2 QC accompanying the Joule heat. Second, as shown in
T ¼ – ð83Þ
2KR K Figure 22, the efficiency is larger for larger ZT and
The maximum temperature difference (i.e., lowest T. Considering that the conversion efficiency of a
achievable temperature) is again directly propor- solar battery is 10–15%, we think that a similar is
tional to Z for QC ¼ 0. expected for practical use. For ZT̄ < 1, Equation (90)
In addition, we evaluate the maximum efficiency. can be expanded in terms of ZT̄. In the lowest order,
The energy conversion efficiency for a cooling max is
device is characterized by the coefficient of perfor-
mance (COP): max  ZðTH – TC Þ=4 ð91Þ

QC STC I – RI 2 =2 – K T
¼ ¼ ð84Þ Thus, Z(TH  TC) ¼ 0.4 is needed for 10%
efficiency. For a larger ZT, max tends to saturate,
Taking d /dI ¼ 0, we obtain the optimized current I2: and 10% corresponds to Z > 3  103 K1 for
T ¼ 300 K in Figure 22, which corresponds to
I2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð85Þ ZT ¼ 1.8 at 600 K. Third COP of a commercial
R 1 þ ZT – 1
refrigerator is 1.2–1.3, which corresponds to
where T ¼ ðTH þ TC Þ=2. By substituting I2 into , ZT ¼ 3–4. Thus, much improvement in ZT is needed
we find to replace a freon-gas refrigerator.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 345

30  increases. The former is proportional to – ln n, while

Z TL = 300 K the latter is proportional to n. As a result, the carrier
1 × 10–3 K–1 TH = ΔT + TL concentration takes an optimum value for maximizing
2 × 10–3 K–1 the power factor S2. In other words, conventional
Efficiency (%)

20 3 × 10–3 K–1 metals have very small Seebeck coefficient, while con-
4 × 10–3 K–1 ventional semiconductors have very low conductivity.
Hence, an optimum carrier concentration is evaluated
to be 1019–1020 cm3 that is a typical carrier concen-
10 tration of degenerate semiconductors. Once the carrier
concentration is set to be the optimum value, the only
way to maximize the conductivity is to maximize the
mobility. In fact, the state-of-the-art thermoelectric
0 materials are high-mobility semiconductors.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
In the case of degenerate semiconductors, the
ΔT (K)
lattice thermal conductivity is predominant to the
Figure 22 The conversion efficiency plotted as a function electron thermal conductivity. The electron thermal
of temperature difference. The cold temperature is set to conductivity is easily evaluated from the conductivity
300 K. Reprinted from Sorell CC, Sugihara S, and Nowotny J
through the Wiedemann–Franz law given by
(eds.) (2005) Materials for Energy Conversion Devices.
Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing: Figure 13.2. Equation (23). Typical conductivity of thermoelectric
materials is 500–1000 S cm1 at room temperature, Thermoelectric Materials which corresponds to el ¼ 0.4–0.8 W mK1. Good
thermoelectric materials show a low thermal conduc-
Thermoelectric materials are characterized by ZT, tivity of 2–3 W mK1, so that it has been a central
that is, they show large Seebeck coefficient, high con- issue how to reduce the lattice thermal conductivity.
ductivity, and low thermal conductivity at the same Figure 24 shows ZT for various thermoelectric
time. Such requirements are difficult to be satisfied, materials (Mahan, 1997). Thermoelectric materials
because the three parameters are functions of carrier so far used for practical applications are Bi2Te3,
concentration, which cannot be tuned independently. PbTe, and Si1xGex. They show ZT  1 at optimum
Figure 23 schematically shows how the three para- temperatures. n-Type BiSb is superior at low
meters depend on carrier concentration (Snyder and temperatures, but has no p-type counterpart. Bi2Te3
Toberer, 2008). The Seebeck coefficient S decreases shows the highest performance near room tempera-
with carrier concentration n, whereas the conductivity ture, and is used for Peltier coolers commercially
available. PbTe shows the highest performance near
1 700–800 K, and has been used for thermoelectric
S σ κ power generators operating at moderately high
ZT temperatures. Si and Ge are poor thermoelectric
materials at room temperature because of the high
Parameters (a. u.)

thermal conductivity. A solid solution effectively

reduces the lattice thermal conductivity, and ZT is
0.5 maximized above 1200 K. Si1xGex has been used for
the electricity source in space crafts, in which the
decay from Pu works as a heat source.
Above all, Bi2Te3 is a prototypical thermoelec-
tric material (Goldsmid et al., 1958). Reflecting the
high mobility, the resistivity is 1–2 m cm at room
temperature. It decreases with decreasing tempera-
1018 1019 1020 1021 ture, showing that the carrier concentration is in
Carrier concentration (cm–3) the range of degenerate semiconductors. The
Seebeck coefficient is basically linear in T, indicat-
Figure 23 Conductivity (), the Seebeck coefficient (S),
thermal conductivity (), and ZT plotted as a function of the ing that the electrons are degenerate to have the
carrier concentration. From Snyder GJ and Toberer ES (2008) Fermi energy larger than the thermal energy.
Complex thermoelectric materials. Nature Materials 7: 105–114. Above room temperature, in contrast, the Seebeck
346 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

(a) local vibrations. This vibration and the atom in the

1 cage are named rattling, and rattler, respectively.
PbTe Compound with such atoms will have a poor thermal
conduction like a glass and a good electric conduc-
Si1–x Gex tion like a crystal, in which ZT is evaluated to be 3–4

0.5 at maximum.
An experimental manifestation of PGEC is seen in
the filled skutterudite CexFe3CoSb12 (Sales et al.,
p-type 1997). This is the first unambiguous example of
0 ZT >1, which is a prototypical success in the material
(b) BiSb Si1–x Gex search in the 1990s. The unit cell of the unfilled
1 Bi2Te3
PbTe skutterudite CoSb3 consists of the eight subcells
whose corners are occupied by Co atoms. Six subcells
out of the eight are filled with Sb plackets, forming the

valence band. According to the band calculation,

0.5 CoSb3 is a narrow-gap semiconductor with an indirect
gap of 0.5 eV (Singh and Pickett, 1994), and the hole
mobility of CoSb3 exceeds 2000 cm2 V1 s1 at 300 K
n-type (Caillat et al., 1996). In the filled skutterudite
0 CeFe3CoSb12, the two vacant subcells are filled with
0 500 1000
Temperature (K)
Ce. In order to compensate the charge valance, six Fe
atoms are substituted for the eight Co sites, because
Figure 24 The dimensionless figure of merit ZT for various Ce usually exists as trivalent. The most remarkable
thermoelectric materials. Reprinted from Sorell CC,
Sugihara S, and Nowotny J (eds.) (2005) Materials for
feature of this compound is that filled Ce ions reduce
Energy Conversion Devices. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead the lattice thermal conductivity by several times lower
Publishing: Figure 13.5, and Narlikar AV (ed.) (2005) Layered than that for the unfilled skutterudite CoSb3 (Sales
Cobalt oxides as a thermoelectric material in Frontiers in et al., 1997), in which Ce ions seem to work as rattlers.
magnetic Materials. pp 327–346. Springer: Berlin: Figure 3. It is still controversial whether the rattling motion
really occurs in the filled skutterudite. Although a
localized phonon mode, like the Einstein mode, is
coefficient takes a maximum in magnitude, and suggested from the specific heat measurement
decreases with increasing temperature. The resis- (Keppens et al., 1998), neutron scattering shows that
tivity also takes a maximum near the same a localized mode is not anharmonic (Viennois et al.,
temperature. These results are understood in 2004). Geometrically, Ce is located in a wide space,
terms of thermally excited minority carriers. The but recent band calculations suggest that the rare-
Seebeck coefficient is 200 mV K1 at room tem- earth ions are considerably hybridized with adjacent
perature, which is expected to give maximum ZT anions (Harima et al., 2002). The hybridization is
at room temperature. The thermal conductivity is regarded to be an origin for unconventional physical
2 W mK1 at room temperature, in which the properties of this class of materials such as super-
electron thermal conductivity is evaluated from conductivity in PrCo4Sb12 (Bauer et al., 2002).
the Wiedemann–Franz law to be 20–30% of the The rattling motion is more clearly observed in
total. The low thermal conductivity comes from the clathrate compounds A6Ga16Ge30 (A ¼ Sr, Ba,
the low sound velocity due to heavy atoms, and Eu) (Nolas et al., 1998). The crystal structure is
point defect scattering due to solid solutions. shown in Figure 25. The Ge and Ga ions form a
Motivated by the discovery of Bi2Te3 in mid- complicated network composed of face-shared poly-
1950s, many thermoelectric materials were synthe- hedra. The Ge–Ge bond angle is close to the angle of
sized, but ZT did not exceed unity for 30 years or sp3 orbitals (120 ), so that the electric properties are
more. The situations changed in the 1990s, since expected to be similar to crystalline Ge. There exists
Slack (1995) proposed a concept of phonon glass a large space in the polyhedron cage, in which Sr, Ba,
and electron crystal (PGEC). When an atom is and Eu are filled to rattle. The neutron diffraction
weakly bound in an oversized atomic cage, it will experiment has revealed that Sr ions in the clathrate
vibrate independently from the host to cause large compound have quadruple minimum in the cage, and
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 347

Ba8Zn8Ge38 Type 1
Ba8Cu6Ge40 Ba8Al16Si30 clathrates

κ L (150 K) (W K−1m−1)
Ba8Ga16Ge30 Cs8Zn4Sn42

1.5 Ba8Ga16Si30


n1 Ba8In16Ge28Sn2
β-Ba8Ga16Sn30 Eu8Ga16Ge30
Figure 25 The crystal structure of the clathrate compound 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
A6Ga16Ge30. The large dots correspond to A ions, and the Guest free space (Å)
Ga and Ge ions form the face-shared polyhedral cages.
Figure 27 The thermal conductivity as a function of spacing
Reproduced from Suekuni K, Avila MA, Umeo K, et al. (2008)
in the rattling site. From Suekuni K, Avila MA, Umeo K, et al.
Simultaneous structure and carrier tuning of dimorphic
(2008) Simultaneous structure and carrier tuning of dimorphic
clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30. Physical Review B 77: 235119:
clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30. Physical Review B 77: 235119.
Figure 1(b).

the cage size is larger for larger x, one can conclude

the lattice dynamics is anharmonic (Zuric et al., 2004).
that the degree of the intracage vibration of Sr reduces
The lattice thermal conductivity is as low as that of
the thermal conduction in this system.
amorphous Ge, being much reduced from that of
Figure 27 shows the thermal conductivity plotted
crystalline Ge (Nolas et al., 1998). Thanks to this,
as a function of the guest free space for various
ZT reaches near unity at high temperature.
clathrate compounds (Suekuni et al., 2008). The
Figure 26 shows the lattice thermal conductivity of
guest free space is defined as Rcage  rhost  rion,
the clathrate compound Sr6Ga16Si30xGex (Suekuni
where Rcage is the radius of the cage, rhost is the
et al., 2007). The lattice thermal conductivity system- covalent radius of cage atom (Ga, Ge, Sn, Si, etc.),
atically decreases with increasing Ge content, showing and rion is the ionic radius of the rattler (Sr, Eu, Ba,
the maximum at x ¼ 0 and the minimum at x ¼ 30. etc.). Regardless of the elements, the thermal
This indicates that disorder from the solid solution conductivity is roughly determined by this length.
does not dominate the thermal conductivity. Since This universal behavior strongly suggests that
rattling can be controlled in this system.

x=0 Oxide Thermoelectrics
κ L (W K–1 m–1)

1 5 As discussed above, the state-of-the-art thermoelectric

materials are Bi2Te3, PbTe, and Si1xGex, all of which
are degenerate semiconductors of high mobility. Since
Te is scarce in earth, toxic, and volatile at high tem-
26 perature, the application of Bi2Te3 and PbTe has to be
limited to a niche area. In contrast, oxides are chemi-
30 Sr8Ga16Si30–xGex cally stable at high temperature in air, and thus oxide
thermoelectrics is expected to be used in much wider
0.1 area. However, most of the oxide semiconductors
1 10 100
T (K) show very low mobility, and their use has been
thought to be out of the question.
Figure 26 The lattice thermal conductivity of the clathrate Since the large Seebeck coefficient and the low
compound Sr6Ga16Si30xGex. The dotted curves are the
resistivity in a NaCo2O4 (NaxCoO2) single crystal
fitting curves. Reproduced from Suekuni K, Avila MA, Umeo
K, and Takabatake T (2007) Cage-size control of guest were discovered (Terasaki et al., 1997), some kinds of
vibration and thermal conductivity in Sr8Ga16Si30xGex. oxides are found to be thermoelectric materials
Physical Review B 75: 195210. (Koumoto et al., 2006). Following NaCo2O4,
348 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

Ca3Co4O9 (Funahashi et al., 2000), (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Co2O8 As an origin of the large Seebeck coefficient,
(Itoh and Terasaki, 2000), TlSr2Co2Oy (Hébert et al., Koshibae et al. (2000) proposed an extended Heikes
2001), and (Pb,Co)Sr2Co2Oy (Maignan et al., 2002) formula for transition-metal oxides:
have been found to show good thermoelectric
performance. Some single crystals show even kB gA p
S¼ ln ð92Þ
ZT >1 at 1000 K. As shown in Figure 28, the Q gB 1 – p
CdI2-type hexagonal CoO2 layer is common to where gA and gB are the degeneracy of the electron
these cobalt oxides, which should be a key ingredient configuration of A and B ions, Q is the charge differ-
for the unusually high thermoelectric performance of ence between A and B ions, and p is the atomic
the layered cobalt oxides. content of the A ion. Since
Figure 29 shows the thermoelectric parameters of
the three kinds of the layered cobalt oxides. In the gA p
kB ln ð93Þ
upper panel the resistivity of the three cobalt oxides gB 1 – p
along the in-plane direction is shown. The most- is equal to the entropy per carrier, Equation (92) is a
conducting compound is NaxCoO2, where a low
special case of Equation (56).
of 200 m cm at 300 K decreases in a metallic-like Let us apply the above formula to NaCo2O4.
fashion with decreasing temperature down to 1.5 K. Assuming that Na and O exist as Naþ and O2 in
This is as conductive as the superconducting Cu NaCo2O4, we expect that Co ions exist as Co3þ and
oxides, meaning that the layered cobalt oxide is one Co4þ with a ratio of Co3þ:Co4þ¼1:1. Then, p for
of the most conductive layered oxides. The other two NaCo2O4 is equal to 0.5, and S for p  0.5 is simply
compounds show fairly large
of 1–10 m cm at 300 K reduced to
with an upturn below about 50 K. The Seebeck coeffi-
cient S of the three cobalt oxides along the in-plane kB gA
S¼ ln ð94Þ
direction is shown in the middle panel. The magnitude Q gB
of S is as large as 100–150 mV K1 at 300 K, being
comparable with that of conventional thermoelectric Magnetic measurements reveal that the Co4þ and
semiconductors. The thermal conductivity of the three Co3þ ions are in the low spin state in NaCo2O4.
cobalt oxides along the in-plane direction is shown in The configuration of the low-spin-state Co3þ is
the lower panel. Clearly, a more complicated block (t2g)6, whose entropy is zero. On the other hand,
layer shows lower , implying that  is predominatly the low-spin-state Co4þ has a hole in the t2g states,
determined by the block layer. High  was thus which is sixfold degenerate (two from spin and
far expected for oxides because of the light mass of three from t2g orbitals) to carry large entropy of
oxygen, which is not always true in the layered kB ln6. Suppose that electric conduction occurs by
cobalt oxides. exchanging Co3þ and Co4þ. Then, a hole on Co4þ


Co SrO



Na0.5 CaO SrO

Co Co

NaCo2O4 Ca3CO4O9 Bi2Sr2Co2Oy

Figure 28 Crystal structures of the layered cobalt oxides. Reprinted from Sorell CC, Sugihara S, and Nowotny J (eds.) (2005)
Materials for Energy Conversion Devices. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing: Figure 13.8, and Narlikar AV (ed.) (2005)
Layered Cobalt oxides as a thermoelectric material in Frontiers in magnetic Materials. pp 327–346. Springer: Berlin: Figure 5.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 349

103 temperature limit. NaCo2O4 shows good metallic

conduction, suggesting that the electronic states
102 should be discussed in an itinerant picture. Singh
ρ (mΩ cm)

101 (2000) pointed out that the large thermopower can

be explained from the band calculation. Kuroki and
100 Bi2Sr2CO2Oy
Arita (2007) showed that the band structure of
NaxCoO2 NaxCoO2 is special in the sense that the top of
the conduction band is flattened like a pudding
10–2 mold. Such structure breaks electron–hole symme-
(b) try at EF, and gives high Seebeck coefficient with
150 Ca3Co4O9
high conductivity. Takeuchi et al. (2004) showed
Bi2Sr2CO2Oy that the Seeback coefficient calculated from the
S (μV K–1)

observed photoemission spectra quantitatively
reproduces the experimental results. Ishida et al.
50 NaxCoO2
(2007) measured the temperature dependence of
the chemical potential from the photoemission
spectra, and found that the electronic states gradu-
8 (c) ally change from a high-temperature localized
picture to a low-temperature itinerant picture.
κ (W mK–1)

Although the layered cobalt oxides are good

p-type thermoelectric oxides, they cannot be
4 Ca3Co4O9 n-type because the large Seebeck coefficient
comes from the combination of Co3þ and Co4þ
in the low spin state. We expect that the mixture
0 of Co2þ and Co3þ will be n-type, but such cobalt
0 100 200 300 oxides are small polaron conductors to show poor
T (K) thermoelectric properties (Kobayashi et al., 2002;
Figure 29 Resistivity (
), Seebeck coefficient (S), and Nagao et al., 2007).
thermal conductivity () of the layered cobalt oxides The dielectric oxide SrTiO3 is a promising n-type
(Koumoto et al., 2006). thermoelectric oxide. This material is a high-
mobility semiconductor with a large dielectric
constant. Okuda et al. (2001) showed that a partial
substitution of La for Sr supplies electrons to
can carry a charge of þje j with entropy of kB ln6, cause a large Seebeck coefficient with low
which causes a large Seebeck coefficient of kB ln6/jej resistivity. Unfortunately, the lattice thermal
(150 mV K1). This is close to the high- conductivity is one order of magnitude higher
temperature value of S. Note that carriers in semi- than that of conventional thermoelectric materials,
conductors have no such internal degrees of freedom; and ZT remains 0.1–0.2 at room temperature.
they can only carry entropy due to their kinetic Ohta et al. (2005) showed that a partial substitution
energy. In this sense, a hole in NaCo2O4 can carry of Nb for Ti improves the thermoelectric
much larger entropy than a carrier in semi- properties, and that ZT reaches 0.37 at 800 K in
conductors, which leads to a new design for single crystals, thin films, and polycrystalline
thermoelectric materials. samples.
Koshibae’s theory has successfully explained the Transparent oxides can also be good thermoelec-
high-temperature Seebeck coefficient of NaCo2O4, tric materials. ZnO (Ohtaki et al., 1996) and In2O3
but the remaining problem is not trivial. The (Bérardan et al., 2008) show superior thermoelectric
Seebeck coefficient of NaCo2O4 is 100 mV K1 at properties above 1000 K. The high mobility of
300 K, which is about two-thirds of kB ln6, which these materials is based on the light effective mass,
means that the large amount of entropy of kB ln6 in and the Seebeck coefficient is small compared
the high-temperature limit (104 K) survives down with the state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials.
to 102 K. We should also note that the resistivity is Another drawback is the high thermal conductivity
expected to be a large, constant value in the high- due to the light mass of oxygen atoms.
350 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

1.09.6 Nanostructured Materials 1 1 @ 2 " a2

¼ 2 2 ¼ 2 tc cos ðkz aÞ ð97Þ
mc h @kz h Superlattices
Accordingly, m c is proportional to 1/a2. S roughly
Superlattice films are prototypical examples of
increases with m ¼ ðm x m y m z Þ1=3 , and thus it
nanostructured materials in which different sub-
enhances as a2/3 for a ! 0. Figure 30 shows the
stances are epitaxially grown layer by layer. A great
calculation of the Bi2Te3 thin films. With decreasing
success of semiconductor superlattices is exemplified
layer thickness, ZT rapidly increases to reach ZT ¼ 6
by semiconductor lasers based on double-hetero
for a layer thickness of 1 nm.
and/or multiquantum well structures. In those
Thermoelectric superlattices have been extensively
devices, the layer thickness is controlled to be much
investigated since the proposal offered by Hicks and
smaller than the mean free path and the de Broglie
Dresselhaus (1993a). Venkatasubramanian et al. (2001)
length of doped carriers to make electronic states
succeeded in fabricating an extremely good thermo-
quasi-2D, in which the energy levels are quantized
electric device showing ZT ¼ 2.5. Their device shows
along the cross-plane direction. Concomitantly, the
a cooling temperature of 40 K without heat removal of
3D parabolic conduction band is split into subbands
heat sink at an external current of 3 A. This value is
shifted by the quantized levels along the cross-plane
about twice larger than the cooling temperature for a
direction, which enables to tune the emission
bulk device. They ascribed the high ZT to low thermal
frequency of photons strictly. This is called quantum
conductivity. Figure 31 shows room-temperature
thermal conductivity of various thermoelectric thin
Hicks and Dresselhaus (1993a) theoretically
films (Venkatasubramanian, 2000). A minimum ther-
proposed that quantum confinement improves the
mal conductivity is observed for the superlattice period
thermoelectric figure of merit, when the layer
of 50 Å, which is significantly lower than the solid
thickness is comparable to a few nanometers. They
solution of BiSbTe3. They discussed this behavior in
assumed that the scattering time of doped carriers is
terms of the blocking of the low-frequency phonons,
independent of the layer thickness. If so, the sheet
that is, the interference of phonons between the super-
resistance will be independent of layer thickness.
lattice interfaces. Although the phonon blocking is not
Suppose that the layer thickness is reduced by x
clarified experimentally, the superlattice structure is
times. Since the sheet resistance remains unchanged,
effective to reduce the thermal conductivity in
the resistivity decreases by x, and the electron
other materials. Recently, extremely low thermal
thermal conductivity increases by x through the
conductivity has been reported in W/Se multilayers
Wiedemann–Franz law. Then, the figure of merit
ZT ¼ S2/
(el þ ph) is modified as

S2 S2
ZT ðxÞ ¼ ¼ ð95Þ

=xðxel þ ph Þ
ðel þ ph =xÞ
This corresponds to the fact that the lattice
thermal conductivity is effectively reduced by a
factor of x. 4.0

The second effect is the enhancement of the (1)

Seebeck coefficient owing to the confinement.
Suppose that the tunneling process is dominant 2.0 (2)
along the cross-plane direction, while the carriers
are free along the in-plane direction. Then, the
energy dispersion of carriers in the multilayer can 0.0
0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0
be written as
a (Å)
h2 Figure 30 The calculated ZT as a function of the layer
"ðkÞ ¼ ðkx 2 þ ky 2 Þ – tc cos kz a ð96Þ
2m thickness. The curves (1) and (2) are ZT along the a- and
c-axis directions, respectively. Reproduced from Hicks LD
where a is the layer thickness, and tc the cross-plane and Dresselhaus MS (1993a) Effect of quantum-well
hopping energy. The effective mass along the structures on the thermoelectric figure of merit. Physical
cross-plane direction is then evaluated as Review B 47: 12727–12731.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 351

0.8 10 bulk value. In the case of one unit-cell films, the

0.7 Seebeck coefficient reaches 500 mV K1. In this

0.6 oxide superlattice, a finite cover layer of SrTiO3

Imfp (Å) ( , , )
BiSbTe3 alloy
KL (W/m-K) ( ,

0.5 6 is necessary to confine the 2D electron gas. If this

0.4 thickness is included, an effective ZT remains lower
0.3 than unity.
The third effect of superlattice is energy filtering.
0.1 As mentioned in Section 1.09.4 the Seebeck coeffi-
0 0 cient is proportional to an average of the electron
0 40 80 120 160 200
Superlattice period (Å)
energy from the chemical potential "k  , so that
it is small in the presence of the electron–hole
Figure 31 Thermal conductivity of various Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3
symmetry. The energy filtering is a theoretical
superlattice films. Reproduced from Venkatasubramanian R
(2000) Lattice thermal conductivity reduction and phonon proposal that a tunneling barrier is introduced in
localization like behavior in superlattice structures. Physical order that only electrons with higher energy should
Review B 61: 3091–3097. propagate in the sample. This was originally given as
thermionic refrigeration by Mahan et al. (1998), and
many researchers tried to design such thermionic
by Chiritescu et al. (2007). The magnitude is less than
devices. Vashaee and Shakouri (2004) showed that
the minimum thermal conductivity given by Equation
the energy filtering is enhanced in the presence of
(41), and even lower than the thermal conductivity of
momentum-nonconserved scattering. Figure 33
argon gas.
schematically shows the momentum space for the
The enhancement of the density of states in
superlattices is also experimentally observed. Ohta tunnelling process. An electron energy is distributed
et al. (2007) showed that titanium oxide superlattice between the two sphere shells with radii of kf
films have a 2D electron gas at the interface, and and kf þ 2mkB T =h2 . Suppose that an electron
show five times larger Seebeck coefficient to give with a lateral momentum k1 tunnels through the
ZT ¼ 2.5. Figure 32 shows the room-temperature
Seebeck coefficient of Sr(Ti0.8Nb0.2)O3/SrTiO3
superlattice films. When the thickness of the conduc- kx
tive Sr(Ti0.8Nb0.2)O3 layer is larger than four unit kf + (2m*kBT/h2)1/2 V2: k > kb
cells, the Seebeck coefficient is the same as the
V1: kz > kb
1 ML Sr(Ti0.8Nb0.2)O3/SrTiO3

400 300 K kz
–S (μV K–1)

2 ML

200 kb
8 ML 16 ML

100 ky k2
4 ML
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 33 Corresponding wave vectors in the k space, k1,
Sr(Ti0.8Nb0.2)O3 layer thickness (nm) k2, and kb correspond to cross-sectional planes and kf is the
radius of the Fermi sphere. V1 is the volume of the electrons
Figure 32 The Seebeck coefficient of Sr(Ti0.8Nb0.2)O3/ that participate in thermionic emission above the barrier if
SrTiO3 superlattice films as a function of thickness of the lateral momentum is conserved. V2 is that volume if the
Sr(Ti0.8Nb0.2)O3 layer at 300 K. From Ohta H, Kim S, Mune Y, lateral momentum is not conserved. Reproduced from
et al. (2007) Giant thermoelectric Seebeck coefficient of a Vashaee D and Shakouri A (2004) Electronic and
two-dimensional electron gas in SrTiO3. Nature Materials 6: thermoelectric transport in semiconductor and metallic
129–134. superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics 95: 1233–1245.
352 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

neighboring layer to get a lateral momentum k2. is constant everywhere in the device. Under such
Then, the momentum space to conserve total conditions, all the wells are in thermal equilibrium,
momentum is limited in V1, while the space to and the electron transfer is dissipationless.
allow the violation of the momentum conservation
is enlarged to V2. As a result, such momentum-
nonconserving filters will remain conductivity as Nanowires
high as the bulk value, and enhance the Seebeck
Hicks and Dresselhaus (1993b) performed the same
coefficient significantly.
calculation for 1D wires as they did for 2D films and
Zide et al. (2006) experimentally demonstrated
showed that ZT is enhanced with decreasing
the enhancement of the Seebeck coefficient in
diameter of the wire. They have further found
the superlattice. Figure 34 shows the in-plane and
that the Bi wires change their ground state from
cross-plane Seebeck coefficients in InGaAs/
semimetal to semiconductor, because the quantum
InAlGaAs superlattices. Normally, Seebeck
confinement lifts the bottom of the conduction band
coefficients are weakly anisotropic because the above the top of the valence band. Figure 35 shows
anisotropic factor is cancelled in the calculation (see the electronic band diagram of Bi as a function of
Equation (49)). Contrary to this, the observed values wire diameter (Lin et al., 2000). For a diameter as
are unconventionally anisotropic: the cross-plane data large as 200 nm, the band of the holes at the T point is
are three times larger than the in-plane ones, which is above electrons at the L point. The energy shifts to
essentially independent of doping levels. higher values with respect to electron doping, and
Humphrey and Linke (2005) proposed a new electrons and holes coexist up to 40 meV. The energy
design of thermoelectric superlattice, and showed levels of the L electrons increase roughly in inverse
that the conversion efficiency of this device reaches proportion to the wire diameter, while the energy
the Carnot efficiency, which corresponds to ZT ! 1. levels of the T holes rapidly decrease below 50 nm.
Their device consists of many quantum-wells, and a As a result, a transition from semimetal to semicon-
small temperature gradient is applied in accordance ductor occurs below 49 nm. Heremans et al. (2000)
with implemented variation of chemical potential in have fabricated Bi nanowire bundles and clarified
order that the electron distribution function that the electronic states of Bi nanowire can be
regarded as single-band semiconductor.
   –1 As discussed in Section 1.09.3, silicon is a good
" – ðrÞ conductor of heat, and hence the thermoelectric
f0 ¼ exp þ1 ð98Þ
kB T ðrÞ figure of merit ZT remains a low value of 0.005 at

600 100

Seebeck coefficient (μV K–1)

Le− (A)
Cross-plane 60 Le− (B, C) T holes
Energy (meV)


300 20 −Δ0 = 38
49.0 nm
200 In-plane 0
L holes EgL = 15
0 0 50 100 150 200
0 2 4 6 8 10 Wire diameter (nm)
Carrier concentration (1018cm–3)
Figure 35 Calculated energy band diagram of Bi wire
Figure 34 The in-plane and cross-plane Seebeck plotted as a function of wire diameter. Below 49 nm, the
coefficient in the InGaAs/InGaAlAs superlattice films. From energy level of the holes at T point goes down below the
Zide JMO, Vashaee D, Bian ZX, et al. (2006) Demonstration energy level of the electrons at L point. Reproduced from Lin
of electron filtering to increase the Seebeck coefficient in Y-M, Sun X, and Dresselhaus MS (2000) Theoretical
In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.53Ga0.28Al0.19 As superlattices. Physical investigation of thermoelectric transport properties of
Review B 74: 205335. cylindrical Bi nanowires. Physical Review B 62: 4610–4623.
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 353

1.2 and chiralities. Since the growth conditions are

20-nm array (Boukai)
nearly the same, the purification of a single structure
is extremely difficult. The physical properties
10-nm array (Boukai)
0.8 strongly depend on the structure, and samples can
be semiconducting, metallic, and even superconduct-
ing (Murata et al., 2008). Owing to this, different

0.4 values of thermal conductivity are reported from

sample to sample.
0.2 Kim et al. (2001) measured the thermal conduc-
0 tivity of a single carbon nanotube, as shown in
50–nm wire (Hochbaum)
Figure 37. They fabricated two microheaters of
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
10-mm2 area using Si3N4/Si-based technology, and
Temperature (K) set the sample between them. The measured thermal
Figure 36 Dimensionless figure of merit ZT of Si nanowire
conductivity is 3000 W mK1 at room temperature.
samples. From Boukai AI Bunimovich Y, Tahir-Kheli J, Yu This value is higher than that of diamond, and is
J.-K, Goddard WA, III, and Heath JR (2008) Silicon attractive for application. They further measured the
nanowires as efficient thermoelectric materials. Nature 451: diameter dependence, and found that the thermal
168–171; Hochbaum AI, Chen R, Delgado RD, et al. (2008) conductivity increases with decreasing diameter. For
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of rough silicon
nanowires. Nature 451: 163–167.
a 1-nm diameter, the thermal conductivity reaches
8000 W mK1, much higher than other bulk
semiconductors. The temperature dependence
room temperature. This difficulty has been overcome suggests nearly ballistic conduction below 300 K,
by fabricating nanowires. Figure 36 shows the figure which breaks owing to the Umklapp scattering above
of merit of Si nanowires. Hochbaum et al. (2008) 300 K. The Seebeck coefficient is also measured for
prepared free-standing silicon wires with diameters the same sample, and is found to be 42 mV K1 at
of 50–100 nm by self-organization technique based 300 K and roughly is linear in T. This suggests that
on selective etching, and found that they exhibit a the electronic states are basically the same as in metals.
low thermal conductivity of the order of 1 W mK1.
This value is 100 times lower than the bulk value, Nanostructured Bulk Materials
and ZT increases by almost 100 times, and reaches
0.5 at room temperature. At the same time (in the As discussed above, nanostructuring is a powerful
same journal), another research group reported method to control thermal and thermoelectric
success in getting high ZT in silicon nanowire arrays. properties in semiconductors. However, heat is an
Boukai et al. (2008) fabricated arrays of 20-nm-width essentially macroscopic object, and cannot be
nanowires of silicon and measured the thermoelectric confined in nanospace. Thus, bulk materials are still
properties. Their samples also show extremely low indispensable to practical applications for thermal
thermal conductivity and some of them show ZT ¼ 1 and thermoelectric management. It is thus important
at 200 K. to synthesize bulk materials with nanostructure
The 100-times lower thermal conductivity modification. Sharp et al. (2001) pointed out that the
observed in the two independent experiments awaits mean free paths of phonons are more than one order
a theoretical explanation. Obviously, the phonon of magnitude larger than those of electrons, and
mean free path is of the order of 10–100 nm for proposed that only the former can be reduced by
bulk Si, being comparable with the wire diameter in properly choosing the domain size of the material.
the first experiment. Thus, it is highly nontrivial that Poudel et al. (2008) succeeded in increasing ZT of
the mean free path is reduced to be of the order of Bi2Te3 by 50% by reducing the lattice thermal
1 nm in nanowire. conductivity using nanostructured samples. Ohtaki
Contrary to Si, nanowires of other elements et al. (2007) included 100-nm-sized organic beads
exhibit unconventionally high thermal conductivity. with ZnO powder, and made ZnO ceramic samples
Carbon nanotubes are nature-made nanowires (see, with 100-nm-sized voids by evaporating the beads
Ebbesen, 1994 and Ando, 2005), and their physical through sintering. The samples show lower thermal
properties have been extensively investigated. They conductivity, and ZT is substantially enhanced at
have a large structure variation with different radii high temperatures.
354 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors


Thermal conductance (W K–1)



κ (T) (W/m K)

10–9 1000

100 200 300
T (K)

10 100
Temperature (K)
Figure 37 Themal conductivity of a single carbon nanotube. The sample mount is shown in the inset. The lower inset shows
the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes with different diameters. The solid, dashed, and dotted curves correspond to
diameters of 14.80, and 200 nm, respectively. Reproduced from Kim P, Shi L, Majumdar A, and McEuen PL (2001) Thermal
transport measurements of individual multiwalled nanotubes. Physical Review Letters 87: 215502.

Hsu et al. (2004) found that a PbTe-based new

material AgPb18SbTe20 (named LAST) has a high ZT
of 2.2 at 800 K. The mechanism of the high ZT is still
controversial, but they attributed this to a special tissue
of this material. In this material, nanometer-sized dro-
plets of an Ag–Sb rich phase are precipitated in the host
PbTe, and may work as quantum-dots. Preceding this
work, Harman et al. (2002) showed that quantum-dots
in PbTe-based superlattice enhance S and ZT.
Self-organized precipitation of nanosized particles
works to reduce the thermal conductivity in
GaAs-based semiconductor films. Kim et al. (2006) 5 nm
found that coevaporation of Er and Ga in As atmo-
sphere forms nanosized particles of ErAs in the GaAs
films. Figure 38 shows the self-grown ErAs dots Figure 38 Self-precipitated ErAs dots (dark dots) in
(shown as dark spots) in a (In,Ga)As film. Since the (In,Ga)As matrix. Scale ¼ 5 nm. Reproduced from Kim W,
particle diameter and the interparticle distance are Zide J, Gossard A, Klenov D, Stemmer S, Shakouri A, and
Majumdar A (2006) Thermal conductivity reduction and
approximately 1 and 10 nm, respectively, these struc- thermoelectric figure of merit increase by embedding
tures may effectively scatter long-wavelength nanoparticles in crystalline semiconductors. Physical
phonons. They measured the thermal conductivity Review Letters 96: 045901.
with and without ErAs particles, and found that the
lattice thermal conductivity is significantly reduced. (see Section This class of materials has a
Another type of self-organized nanostructure layered structure consisting of the CdI2-type CoO2
modification is seen in the layered cobalt oxides layer and the NaCl-type block layer. This implies
Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors 355

oxides, and nanostructured materials. While Drude’s

160 CaCoPb kinetic theory of an electron gas unexpectedly works
well in element semiconductors, it does not cover more
complicated materials. In particular, localized phonon
S300 K (μV K−1)

120 SrBt CaCo

modes such as the rattling mode let perfect crystals to
BaBi SrCo
be glass-like, which is named phonon glass by Slack
80 SrTI CaO2
(1995). Nanostructuring effectively reduces the lattice
Sr (this work)
RS thermal conductivity of silicon, which can control
40 n=2 b1 heat flow in the nanowires. However, our theoretical
n=1 CoO2 understanding of thermal conduction is far away from
b2 the goal, possibly owing to the fact that heat conduction
0.50 0.55 0.60 of phonons cannot be treated in quantum physics in a
Misfit ratio (=b2/b1) strict sense. We do not fully understand the difference
Figure 39 Room-temperature Seebeck coefficient
between sound and heat, both of which are described
plotted as a function of lattice misfit ratio b1/b2, where b1 by lattice vibration. Although some theoretical trials
and b2 are the b-axis lengths of the block layer and the are being developed, the concepts of localization,
CoO2 layer, respectively. The inset shows a schematic decoherence, confinement, quantum transport, and so
drawing of the crystal structure of the layered cobalt oxides. on for phonons are still premature, in comparison with
Reproduced from Ishiwata S, Terasaki I, Kusano Y, and
Takano M (2006) Transport properties of the misfit layered
the corresponding ideas for electrons.
cobalt oxide [Sr2O2D]0.53CoO2. Journal of the Physical We have also reviewed thermoelectric phenom-
Society of Japan 75: 104716. ena, which arise from the cross correlation between
electrical and thermal currents in solids. They can
be applied to energy conversion between heat and
that a new thermoelectric oxide can be designed by
electricity, which attracts renewed interest owing to
properly combining the block layer, which is called
pressing needs for energy and environment issues.
nanoblock integration by Koumoto et al. (2006).
This technology, called thermoelectrics, requires
A characteristic feature is that the CoO2 layer and the
materials having high thermoelectric power with
block layer have a lattice mismatch along the b-axis,
low thermal conductivity and resistivity. To get
and the interface is drastically modified by the misfit
high efficiency of thermoelectric energy conversion,
structure. Maignan et al., (2002) first recognized that the
various complex materials are designed, synthesized,
thermoelectric properties in a certain class of cobalt
and identified. For example, skutterudites and
oxides are controlled by the misfit structure. Ishiwata
clathrates show anomalously low thermal condu-
et al. (2006) and Kobayashi and Terasaki (2006)
ctivity due to the rattling modes, and the layered
extended this concept to a whole family of the layered
cobalt oxides have large thermoelectric power com-
cobalt oxides, and found that the Hall coefficient and
ing from the degeneracy of the spin and orbital
the Seebeck coefficient are determined by the lattice
configuration on the cobalt sites. Nanotechnology
ratio of the b-axis (b2) of the CoO2 layer to the b-axis (b1)
has proved to be powerful for improving the
of the block layer. Figure 39 shows that the room-
thermoelectric performance of bulk materials.
temperature Seebeck coefficients of various layered
Semiconductor technology has been developed
cobalt oxides plotted as a function of b2/b1 (Ishiwata
with precise control of the electrical current of
et al., 2006), in which all the data tend to increase with
doped carriers, whereas the thermal current has
b2/b1. Okada et al. (Okada and Terasaki 2005; Okada
been left uncontrolled. But now, through the recent
et al., 2005) synthesized an isomorphic layered rhodium
development of nanotechnology, we may be able to
oxide Bi-M-Rh-O, and found that the Seebeck coeffi-
control heat in the device; the thermal conductivity
cient is also dominated by b1/b2 (Terasaki et al., 2006).
of bulk materials can be reduced by 100 times, and
the thermoelectric power can be increased by several
times. Of course, we cannot make Maxwell’s daemon,
1.09.7 Summary and Outlook but we will be able to manage heat much better than
we do at present. In this respect, the author hopes
In this chapter, we have briefly reviewed the thermal that semiconductor technology of next generation
conductivity and thermoelectric power of various will handle the electrical and thermal currents on
semiconductors including amorphous solids, magnetic an equal basis.
356 Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Semiconductors

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1.10 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon
Crystalline: Graphene, Nanotube, and Graphite
Y Iye, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.10.1 Introduction 359 Carbon Allotropes 359 Bond and Local Coordination 360 Dimensionality 361
1.10.2 Electronic Structures 361 Diamond 361 2D Graphite (Graphene) 361 Bilayer Graphene 365 Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes 365 Graphene Nanoribbons 367 Bulk Graphite 368
1.10.3 Transport Properties of Graphene 369 Preparation of Graphene Samples 369 Transport at Zero Magnetic Field 369 Quantum Hall Effect 370
1.10.4 Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 372 Electronic State in SWNTs 372 Electron Transport in SWNTs 372 Multi-Wall Nanotubes 374
1.10.5 Transport Properties of Graphite 374 Graphite Materials and Transport Characteristics 374 Semi-Classical Magneto-Transport 374 Magneto-Quantum Oscillations 376 Magnetic-Field-Induced Electronic Phase Transition 377
1.10.6 Concluding Remarks 380
References 380

1.10.1 Introduction carbon allotropes were discovered and created much

excitement in the research community. Carbon Allotropes
Fullerene molecules C60 and C70 were discovered
Carbon is one of the most ubiquitous elements on the by Kroto et al. (1985). These were initially identified
earth. It is the basic building ingredient of all the organic as distinct peaks in the time-of-flight mass spectro-
molecules that constitute our own body and other bio- graph of carbon clusters evaporated from a graphite
logical systems. Indeed, the diversity of composition, target by laser irradiation. The high stability of a
structure, and functionality of organic molecules is cluster with exactly 60 carbon atoms led these
truly rich and awesome. Carbon, however, is also unique authors to propose the truncated dodecahedron or
in that even as elementary substance it occurs in vastly soccer-ball structure. Owing to the small amount of
different forms. Diamond and graphite are just two allo- fullerene molecules that could be obtained by the
tropes of carbon known since antiquity. Another well- laser abrasion technique, research into fullerene was
known allotrope is amorphous carbon materials which not fully developed for the first few years after their
are found, together with micro- or nanocrystalline mate- discovery, let alone investigation of the properties of
rials of graphite or diamond, in coals and soot. During fullerene solids. The situation changed in 1990 when
the last quarter of a century, a few new members of Kretschmer and Huffman announced massive

360 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

production of fullerene molecules by an arc dis- structures. Under appropriate conditions, fullerenes
charge method (Dresselhaus et al., 1996). can form dimers, trimers, and various polymers. One
The arc discharge method yielded another, no less of the most beautiful allotropes is carbon nanopea-
important, family of allotropes, that is, carbon nanotubes. pods, that is, carbon nanotubes enclosing C60
Iijima (1991), while investigating under an electron molecules (Smith et al., 1998).
microscope the soot deposits on the cathode of his arc Exploring further beyond the boundary of pure
discharge apparatus, discovered thin tubes made of gra- carbon territory, one finds a vast landscape of mate-
phitic layers. Although one can spot in retrospect a few rials diversity. By using a metal-containing carbon
earlier reports on similar substances (Oberlin et al., 1976), rod in the arc discharge process, metallofullerenes,
it was the report by Iijima that triggered the subsequent that is, fullerene molecules encapsulating metal
research activities on carbon nanotubes (Saito et al., 1998; ion(s), can be produced. Nanotubes can accommo-
Dresselhaus et al., 2001). Whereas the initial discovery date various foreign species (including fullerenes as
was on multi-walled nanotubes, single-walled nano- mentioned above). Extensive studies have been made
tubes were later prepared successfully (Iijima and on graphite intercalation compounds (GICs)
Ichihashi, 1993; Bethune et al., 1993). (Dresselhaus and Dresselhaus, 1981). A wide variety
A further surprise was brought about in 2004 by the of guest species (intercalant) can be inserted in the
Manchester University group led by Geim (Novoselov interlayer spacing of graphite in a well-ordered fash-
et al., 2004; Geim and MacDonald, 2007; Geim and ion. The resulting GICs are good examples of
Novoselov, 2007). By an astonishingly simple peel- synthetic metals.
and-stick technique, they prepared samples of a sin-
gle-layer sheet of graphite on an oxidized surface of
silicon wafer. Although cleavage was routinely done by Bond and Local Coordination
those who handled graphite samples, it came as a total
surprise that samples of single-layer graphite of semi- Carbon atom has four valence electrons in the 2s and
macroscopic size can be obtained by such a method. 2p atomic orbitals. The carbon–carbon (C–C) bond
The discovery of these novel species of carbon can be either sp3- or sp2-hybridized bond. The rich-
allotropes has vastly broadened the horizon of con- ness of carbon allotropes stems from various
densed matter physics. The exotic electronic combinations of the sp3- and sp2-hybridized bonds.
properties of nanotubes and graphenes and their In diamond crystals, each carbon atom is tetra-
potential applications to future electronics are cur- hedrally coordinated. Strong C–C bond is formed
rently under vigorous study worldwide. with each of the neighboring four atoms by sp3-
The carbon materials listed above and depicted in hybridization. The C–C bond length in diamond is
Figure 1 are representative ones that have been most 0.154 nm. The crystal structure is cubic with lattice
extensively studied. There are many more exotic allo- constant 0.357 nm. The diamond lattice can be
tropes, even limiting ourselves to those purely made of viewed as consisting of two face-centered cubic
carbon atoms. In addition to C60 and C70, there are so- 111
(f.c.c.) sublattices of which one is shifted by
called higher-order fullerenes such as C84. The crys- 444
tals made of the fullerene molecules can take different relative to the other.

Figure 1 Carbon allotropes: diamond, graphite, C60 molecule, and carbon nanotube.
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 361

Carbon atoms in a graphitic sheet form a honey- single electron tunneling (SET) transistor, in which
comb network so that each atom is trigonally tunneling of individual electrons between the
coordinated. Three of the four valence electrons are quantum-dot and the leads can be controlled by a
used for the sp2-hybridized -bonds with the three gate voltage. A single fullerene molecule trapped in
neighbors. The remaining one is in the -orbital and the nano-sized gap between two electrodes can be
can be easily delocalized. The C–C bond length in the an ultimate quantum-dot. Thus, graphene, nano-
graphitic sheet is 0.142 nm. The three-dimensional tube, and fullerene are regarded as wonderful
(3D) graphite is made of a stack of graphitic sheets. playgrounds for nanoscience and as precious parts
The ordinary graphite (Bernal graphite) exhibits the of nanotechnology.
stacking order ABAB. . .. A thermodynamically In the subsequent sections, some of the basics
unstable variant called rhombohedral graphite has a about the carbon-based electronic systems are
stacking sequence ABCABC. . .. explained, and the excitement brought by the
In the case of amorphous carbon, the C–C bonds research efforts since the late 1950s is conveyed.
consist of mixture of sp3- and sp2-hybridized bonds. This chapter mainly focuses on the transport
Actually, one important parameter that characterizes properties.
the amorphous carbon is the ratio of sp3- and
sp2-hybridized bonds. Materials that are high in
sp3-hybridized bonds are referred to as tetrahedral 1.10.2 Electronic Structures
amorphous carbon or as diamond-like carbon owing Diamond
to the similarity of many physical properties to those
of diamond. Raman spectroscopy provides a useful Since this chapter is principally concerned with the
means of characterization. The Raman spectrum of graphitic systems, we only briefly touch upon the
diamond shows a sharp peak at ! ¼ 1332 cm1, while electronic structure of diamond. Diamond is a wide
the frequency of the Raman-active in-plane mode of gap semiconductor. Figure 2(a) shows the band
graphite is ! ¼1582 cm1. The Raman spectra of structure of diamond (Saslow et al., 1966; Saravia and
amorphous carbon generally exhibit broadened mix- Brust, 1968), which is similar to that of silicon. The
ture of these two peaks. conduction-band minima are located along the –X
lines of the Brillouin zone. The surfaces of equal
energy are ellipsoids with m1 ¼ 1.4 m0 and mt ¼ 0.36 m0. Dimensionality
The valence band top is located at the -point. The
The line-up of carbon allotoropes introduced in the effective masses of heavy and light holes
previous section provides a set of model systems for are mhh ¼ 2.12 m0 and m1h ¼ 0.7 m0. The split-off band
low-dimensional physics; that is, diamond (3D), gra- is   6 meV below the heavy and light hole bands
phite (quasi-2D), graphene (2D), nanotube (1D), and and the effective mass is m1h ¼ 1.06 m0. The indirect
fullerene (0D). Dimensionality is a key ingredient gap is 5.47 eV and the direct gap at the -point
that profoundly affects transport and other electro- is 7.3 eV.
nic properties. Indeed, phenomena intimately linked
to the dimensionality have been observed in these 2D Graphite (Graphene)
systems. 2D electron system created at the semicon-
ductor heterointerface is an experimental stage of Calculations of the electronic band of 2D version
many intriguing physics, including quantum Hall of graphite (i.e., graphene in today‘s terminology)
effect (QHE) and electron localization. Up until have been made by many authors for over 50
the advent of graphene, the experimental systems years (Wallace, 1947; Coulson, 1947; Bassani and
were virtually limited to GaAs/AlGaAs and Si- Parravicini, 1967; Painter and Ellis, 1970; Zunger,
MOS. Graphene provides not just another 2D sys- 1978). Figure 2(b) shows the calculated band
tem but a very unique one, as explained in later structures of 2D graphite taken from Zunger
sections. Carbon nanotubes are regarded as nearly (1978). The Brillouin zone edges denoted by P
ideal 1D quantum wire. Some of the properties of and Q in the figure correspond to K and M in the
carbon nanotubes seem to corroborate the today’s conventional notation. The s-orbital and
Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid (TLL) behavior theo- two in-plane p-orbitals form the sp2-hybridized
retically developed for interacting 1D electron -bonds which make up the strong honeycomb
systems. Nanotube is also used in a device called framework of graphene. The bonding -bands
362 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

Λ1 Δ2′
k2 20
Λ3 Δ5
Λ Λ3 Γ2
Γ k2 L3 Δ2′
10 Γ15
Δ Σ X1
k2 L1 Λ1

E (eV)
L3′ Λ3 Δ5

Λ1 Δ2′

L1 C
L2′ Δ1
(b) +
10 (a)
Q2v (b) (c)

P3+ –
Γ2g Γ2g

Γ2g Q2u
0 + +
P2 +
Qlu +
Γ3u Qlu
Γ3u Γ3u

Energy (eV)

– Q2g +
– P3–
P3 P3– +
Γ3g – + Q2u
– Γ3g Q2u

Q2u Γ3g
+ +
– P1+ Γ2u Q2g
+ Γ2u +
Q2g Q2g

Γ2u P1+ +
–20 P1+ Qlu
+ +
P3+ + P3 Γlg +
P3+ Qlu Qlu Qlg
+ +
+ Qlg Qlg
Γlg +

Figure 2 The Brillouin zone and electronic band of (a) diamond and (b) two-dimensional graphite. (a) Reprinted with permission
from Saslow W, Bergstresser TK, and Cohen ML (1966) Band structure and optical properties of diamond. Physical Review Letters
16: 354. Copyright (1966) by the American Physical Society. (b) Reprinted with permission from Zunger A (1978) Self-consistent
LCAO calculation of the electronic properties of graphite. I. The regular graphite lattice. Physical Review B 17: 626. Copyright
(1978) by the American Physical Society.

and antibonding 9-bands are shown by three As it constitutes the basis for the electronic struc-
solid curves in the lower part and another three ture of all graphitic systems, let us take a closer look
in the upper part of the band diagrams in at the graphene -band structure. The electronic
Figure 2(b). The dashed curves represent the structure of the graphene can be reasonably well
bonding -band and antibonding 9-band formed described by a simple tight-binding Hamiltonian for
by the remaining out-of-plane p-orbital. The the - and 9-bands. The notations here follow those
bonding -band and antibonding 9-band touch by Ando (2005).
with each other at the K-point, where the Fermi The honeycomb lattice of graphene consists of two
level of the undoped graphene resides. interpenetrating triangular sublatteices (referred to as
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 363

(a) (b)
z K
x Γ

Energy (units of γ0)


γ0 EF
Monolayer Bilayer
ε ε −2

κy κy K Γ M K
Wave vector
κx κx

Monolayer Bilayer
Figure 3 (a) Left: Honeycomb lattice of graphene. Right: Stacking of bilayer graphene. (b) The - and 9-bands of graphene.
(c) Characteristic band structures at the K point for monolayer (left) and bilayer (right) graphene.

A and B sublattices hereafter) as depicted in Figure 3(a) ðrÞ ¼ A ðrÞðr  RA Þ þ B ðrÞðr – RB Þ ð1Þ
with black and white atoms. Each atom of one sublattice RA RB

is surrounded by three atoms belonging to the other

sublattice, and vice versa. The primitive translation Here, ðrÞ is the pz-orbital of a carbon atom, and
vectors can be taken as a1 ¼ a(1,0) and RA ðRB Þ specifies the lattice point of the A- (B-) sub-
1 3 lattice. We write the transfer integral between the
a2 ¼ a – ; , and the vectors connecting the nearest-neighbor carbon atoms as – 0 , and ignore
2 2
  the overlap integral between the A and B sublattices.
nearest neighbor carbon atoms are  1 ¼ a 0; pffiffiffi , Then the equation reads
1 1 1 1 P
 2 ¼ a – ; pffiffiffi , and  3 ¼ a ; – pffiffiffi , where
2 2 3 2 2 3 " A ðRA Þ ¼ – 0 B ðRA – iÞ
pffiffiffi i¼1
a ¼ 0:142  3 ¼ 0:246 nm is the lattice constant. ð2Þ
pffiffiffi P
3 2 " B ðRB Þ ¼ – 0 A ðRB þ  i Þ
The unit cell area is 0 ¼ a . The corresponding i¼1
primitive reciprocal lattice vectors are Assuming A ðRA Þ ¼¼ fA ðkÞexpði k ? RA Þ and
 2 1  2 2 B ðRB Þ ¼¼ fB ðkÞexpði k ? RB Þ, Equation (2)
a1 ¼ 1; pffiffiffi and a2 ¼ 0; pffiffiffi , and the
a 3 a 3 becomes
area of the hexagonal first Brillouin zone is
2 2 2 "fA ðkÞ ¼ – 0 fB ðkÞexpð – ik :  i Þ
0 ¼ pffiffiffi . i¼1
3 a ð3Þ
In the tight-binding model, the wave function is P
"fB ðkÞ ¼ – 0 fA ðkÞexpðþik :  i Þ
expressed as the sum of the atomic orbitals localized i¼1

at the lattice points: The eigenvalues of this equation are obtained as

364 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

pffiffiffi at the corners of the Brillouin zone as shown on the
 kx a 3ky a kx a
" ðkÞ ¼ 0 1 þ 4cos cos þ 4cos2 ð4Þ left of Figure 3(c). The corresponding density of
2 2 2
states reads
which is shown in Figure 3(b). Note that
" ðkÞ ¼ 0 at the K- and K9-points. In the Dð"Þ ¼
vicinity of the K-points, the dispersion is linear; 2h2 vF2
that is,
This linear dispersion in the vicinity of the K-

" ðkÞ ¼ hvF jkjj ð5Þ and K9-points is what makes the graphitic
systems (graphene and nanotube) unique in
for a << 1, where k X k – K is the wave
pffiffiffi vector mea- their electronic properties, as will be seen in the
sured from the K-point and vF ¼ 30 a=2h is the following.
group velocity of the electrons (vF ¼ 1106 m s – 1 Within the effective mass approximation, the
for graphene). The same relation holds for the Schrödinger equation for graphene -band electrons
K9-point. This can be represented as cone structure can be written as

Ĥmono FðrÞ ¼ " FðrÞ

0 K 1 0 K 1 0 K 1
F ðrÞ FA ðrÞ FA ðrÞ
FðrÞ ¼ @ A; FK ðrÞ ¼ @ A; FK ðr Þ ¼ @ A
FK9 ðrÞ FKB ðrÞ FKB ðrÞ
0   1
0 hvF ˆ x – iˆ y 0 0
B C ð7Þ
B   C
B hvF ˆ x þ iˆ y 0 0 0 C
Ĥmono ¼ B
B 0 0 0 h
 v ˆ
 þ i ˆ
B F x y C
@ A
0 0 hvF ˆ x – iˆ y 0

Here, FAK ðrÞ, etc. are the slowly varying envelope which operates in the pseudo-spin space that describes
functions. The above matrix equation can be rewrit- the amplitude of electron waves on the A and B sub-
ten in the following more compact form: lattices. The eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian are given
( by Equation (5). This form is convenient for highlight-
hvF ðs?k̂ ÞFK ðrÞ ¼"FK ðrÞ ing the difference from the bilayer case to be discussed
hvF ðs ?k̂ ÞFK9 ðrÞ ¼ "FK9 ðrÞ in the next subsection.
  Although the concept of massless Dirac fermion in
Here, s ¼ x ;y is the pseudo-spin Pauli matrices solid state is not new but has been invoked in discussing
(the pseudo-spin corresponding to the A and B sub- certain aspects of the electronic properties of graphite
lattice), and k̂ ¼ – ir is the wave number operator. (McClure, 1956) and other systems such as bismuth
Equation (8) is isomorphic to a relativistic Dirac equa- (Fukuyama and Kubo, 1970) and HgTe, demonstration
tion for a particle with vanishing rest mass, known as of its genuine occurrence with all subtleties has been
Wyle‘s equation. In this sense, electrons and holes in first achieved in monolayer graphene. However, occur-
monolayer graphene are often referred to as massless rence of genuine massless Dirac fermions in solid state
Dirac fermions. Here, vF ¼ 1  106 m s – 1 plays the is not exclusive to graphene. Another example recently
role of the speed of light. elucidated is the zero-gap state in a molecular
The quasi-particles in monolayer graphene can be conductor -(bis(ethylenedithia)tetrathiafulvalene
described by the effective Hamiltonian (BEDT-TTF))2I3 under pressure (Tajima et al., 2000),
! whose electronic structure can be described by a tilted
0 ˆ x – i ˆ y
Ĥmono ¼ hvF ð9Þ Weyl equation with anisotropic Fermi velocity
ˆ x þ i ˆ y 0 (Katayama et al., 2006; Kobayashi et al., 2009).
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 365 Bilayer Graphene the vertically aligned atoms gives rise to interlayer
coupling that changes the band structure of bilayer
In a graphene bilayer with Bernal (AB) stacking shown
graphene from the monolayer case.
on the right of Figure 3(a), one of the two sublattices
The Schrödinger equation for bilayer graphene
in the top layer comes right above a sublattice in the
(to be contrasted with Equation (7) for the monolayer
bottom layer, while the other sublattice does not find
case) can be written as
such a counterpart. The transfer integral 1 between

Ĥbi FK ðrÞ ¼ "FK ðrÞ
FK ðrÞ ¼ ðF1B ðrÞ; F1A ðrÞ; F2A ðrÞ; F2B ðrÞÞ
0   1
0 vF ˆ x þ iˆ y 0 0
B   C ð10Þ
B vF ˆ x  iˆ y 0  0 C
K B 1 C
Ĥbi ¼ B
B 0  0 v ˆ
 þ i ˆ
B 1 F x y C
@ A
0 0 vF x  iy
ˆ ˆ 0
together with a similar expression for the K9 valley.
This results in four valley-degenerate bands as estimated as m  0.034m. In contrast to the monolayer
shown on the right of Figure 3(c). A symmetric case, electrons and holes in bilayer graphene act as massive
pair of the higher penergy Dirac fermions as shown on the right of Figure 3(c).
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bands are separated by a
gap of magnitude 21 at  ¼ 0, which originates
from the interlayer coupling 1 . The effective
Hamiltonian for the lower energy band pair relevant Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
to the transport and other low energy properties can
be written as Single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) are formed by roll-
0 1 ing up a sheet of graphene into a nanometer-sized
vF2  2 cylinder. Electronic motion along the circumference
B 0 ˆ
 x – iˆ y C
B 1 C direction is then subjected to a periodic boundary
Ĥbi ¼ B C ð11Þ
@ v2   2 A condition that depends on how the sheet is rolled up.
ˆ x þ iˆ y 0 The way a graphene sheet is rolled up to make
SWNT is specified by a lattice translation vector,
which is to be contrasted with Equation (9) for the called chiral vector,
monolayer case. The energy eigenvalues of Equation
(11) are  pffiffiffi
1 3
L ¼ n1 a1 þ n2 a2 ¼ n1 ð1; 0Þ þ n2 – ;
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ! 2 2
1 2 1  pffiffiffi  ð13Þ
"ðkÞ ¼   þ ðhvF Þ – 1 2 1 3
4 1 2 ¼ n1 – n2 ; n2
ð12Þ 2 2
ðhvF Þ2 2
  as shown in Figure 4. The hexagons separated by L
in the original graphene sheet are rolled onto
Thus, the low energy bands of bilayer graphene are one another in the SWNT. The length of L is
quadratic and meets at k ¼ 0. This dispersion relation expressed as
can be written in the form of a massive
electron "ðkÞ ¼ h2 2 =2m , with the effective mass jLj ¼ jn1 a1 þ n2 a2 j ¼ n21 ja1 j2 þn22 ja2 j2 þ2n1 n2 a1 ? a2
m ¼ 1 =2vF2 , as opposed to the linear dispersion in the qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  
monolayercase.Usingavalue 1  0.39 eVtakenfrombulk ¼ a n21 þ n22 – n1 n2 ,a1 ?a2 ¼ – a2 =2
graphite and vF  1106ms1, the effective mass is ð14Þ
366 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

(a) ðr þ LÞ ¼ ðrÞ, or equivalently expðik?LÞ ¼ 1, to

the graphene band. (For smaller diameter nano-
y b τ1 tubes, the curvature of the cylindrical surface
(ma, mb) η a τ τ3 becomes non-negligible so that mixing between
the -bands and -bands has to be taken into
unit cell account.) The kx -component of the wave vector is
η x′ L
quantized to kx ¼ ð2=LÞs (s : integer), while the
(na, nb)
ky -component remains continuous, so that the
η a2 allowed values of k lie on a series of parallel straight
(0,0) a1 lines. The band structure of an SWNT critically
depends on whether these lines pass through the K
(b) Ky and K9-points of original graphene Brillouine zone.
Armchair (η = π/6)
When they do, the phase factor takes the following
K′ η
Kx form:
K Zigzag (η = 0)    
η 2 2
K′ expðiK?LÞ ¼ exp i ðn1 þ n2 Þ ¼ exp i
z B 3 3
K′ K (c) y    
2 2
x expðiK9?LÞ ¼ exp – i ðn1 þ n2 Þ ¼ exp – i
φ 3 3
L ð19Þ

Figure 4 Construction of a carbon nanotube from a where X ðn1 þ n2 Þðmod3Þ is an integer that takes a
graphene sheet. Chiral vector. Reproduced with permission value 0 or 1. If ¼ 0, the SWNT is metallic
from Ando T (2005) Theory of electronic states and transport because it has two bands crossing at the K- and
in carbon nanotubes. Journal of the Physical Society of
K9-points without gap. If ¼ 1, on the other
Japan 74: 777.
hand, there is a non-zero-gap so that the SWNT is
An SWNT with a nonspecial L possesses a
helical (chiral) structure. There are two special
Since the chiral vector L becomes the circumference, categories of nonchiral SWNT: zigzag nanotubes
the diameter of the SWNT is with ðn1 ; n2 Þ ¼ ðm; 0Þ and armchair nanotubes
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi with ðn1 ; n2 Þ ¼ ð2m; mÞ. According to the above
L a n12 þ n22 – n1 n2 criterion for metallicity, zigzag nanotubes are
d¼ ¼ ð15Þ
  metallic when m is devisible by 3 and semicon-
Thus, every SWNT is specified by a set of two ducting otherwise. By contrast, all armchair
integers ðn1 ;n2 Þ. The primitive translation vector T nanotubes are metallic because n1 þ n2 ¼ 3m.
along the length of nanotube is written as The periodic boundary conditions for the envel-
ope function are
T ¼ m1 a1 þ m2 a2 ð16Þ
The condition L ? T ¼ 0 reads 2
FK ðr þ LÞ ¼ e – iK?L FK ðrÞ ¼ exp – i FK ðrÞ
m1 ð2n1 – n2 Þ þ m2 ð2n2 – n1 Þ – 0 ð17Þ 2
K9 – iK9?L K K9
F ðr þ LÞ ¼ e F ðrÞ ¼ exp i F ðrÞ
which can be solved as
The extra phase appearing here as an electron travels
n1 – 2n2 2n1 – n2
m1 ¼ and m2 ¼ ð18Þ around the cylinder corresponds to a fictitious
magnetic flux of magnitude  ¼ – ð =3Þ0 for the
where p is the greatest common divisor of n1 – 2n2 K-point and  ¼ ð =3Þ0 for the K9-point (0 ¼ h=e
and 2n1 – n2 . The unit cell of an ðn1 ;n2 Þ nanotube is being the flux quantum) piercing the tube.
the rectangular region defined by T and L. The envelope wave function is given by a plane
The electronic bands of an SWNT is obtained wave FK ðrÞ_ exp – ikx x þ iky y . The kx -component
by imposing a periodic boundary condition is quantized to
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 367

2   As mentioned above, the periodic boundary con-

kx ¼ v ðnÞ ¼ n – ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2;    ; ð21Þ
L 3 dition (Equation (20)) contains an extra phase that
while the ky-component is continuous. The energy can be viewed as arising from a fictitious magnetic
eigenvalues are expressed in terms of the quantum flux of magnitude ð =3Þ0 . When an external mag-
number n that specifies the circumferential mode and netic field is applied parallel to the nanotube axis,
the wave number ky ð¼ kÞ for the 1D motion along the Aharonov–Bohm (AB) phase is added to the
the length of the nanotube as periodic boundary condition. Equation (21) is then
modified to
"ðn; kÞ ¼ hvF  ðnÞ2 þ k2 ð22Þ 2 
kx ¼  ðnÞ ¼ n– þ ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2;   
L 3 0
Figure 5 shows the band structure in the vicinity of
the K-point for ¼ 0 and ¼ þ1 (Ando, 2005). For
¼ 0, the n ¼ 0 subband has a linear dispersion and This poses an interesting possibility that the electro-
other subbands are twofold degenerate with respect nic band structure of an SWNT can be tuned by an
to the positive and negative values of n. For ¼ 1, AB flux due to an external magnetic field parallel to
on the other hand, the ðn ¼ 0Þ subband has a gap the tube axis. As the AB flux is changed, the energy
n¼0 ¼ "ð0;0Þ ¼ 4h vF =3L so that the system is gap oscillates between 0 and 2hvF =L with period
semiconducting. This sort of subband structure can 0 . Namely, a semiconducting nanotube can be
be probed by optical absorption spectroscopy. transformed metallic at appropriate values of the
Kataura et al. (1999) succeeded in preparing a series AB flux where the gap vanishes either at K- or
of SWNTs with different diameters and demon- K9-point.
strated systematic evolution of the subbands with
the nanotube diameter. It was subsequently demon-
strated that incorporation of Coulomb effects Graphene Nanoribbons
(excitonic effects) is crucial (Ichida et al., 2002).
For a metallic SWNT with linear dispersion, the Another family of carbon allotropes with a basic
density of states is given by structure intimately related with that of nanotubes
is graphene nanoribons. A graphene nanoribbon is a
4 strip of graphene with a nanometer-size width,
Dð"Þ ¼ ð23Þ
hvF which can be viewed as an SWNT cut along the
length and opened flat. The dangling bonds that
where the factor 4 comes from the spin and valley
occur in the carbon atoms on the side edges are
degeneracy. This is in contrast to the case of
terminated, for example, with hydrogen. This
graphene (Equation (6)), that is, 2D system with a
imposes different kinds of boundary conditions
linear dispersion, where the density of states vanishes
than the periodic boundary conditions for SWNT.
at " ¼ 0.
In parallel with the corresponding categories for
SWNT, there exist different types of nanoribbons
ε ε depending on how (along which direction) the rib-
bon is cut out of the original graphene sheet. Two
n = +2, –2 n = +2 representative types are armchair and zigzag rib-
n = –1
n = +1, –1 bons, whose atomic arrangements along the edge
n = +1 are the armchair and zigzag patterns, respectively.
n=0 n=0
k k (It should be reminded that there is a difference in
nomenclature between nanotubes and nanoribbons.
n = +1
n = +1, –1 In the case of nanotubes, armchair or zigzag refers to
n = –1
ν=0 ν = +1
the atomic arrangement along the chiral vector, that
is, along the circumference of the tube. Therefore, if
Figure 5 Subbands of single-wall carbon nanotube for an armchair nanotube is cut along its length to make
metallic case, ¼ 0 (left), and semiconducting case ¼ 1
a nanoribbon, the resulting one is a zigzag ribbon,
(right). Reproduced with permission from Ando T (2005)
Theory of electronic states and transport in carbon and vice versa.)
nanotubes. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Many aspects of electronic properties of graphene
74: 777. nanoribbons have parallels with nanotubes. For
368 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

example, an armchair ribbon becomes metallic or - and 9-bands meet at the K- and K9-points.
semiconducting according to whether the width N Interlayer coupling gives rise to a finite overlap of
of the ribbon is N ¼ 3m – 1 ðm ¼ 1;2;3;   Þ or the - and 9-bands, so that 3D graphite is a semi-metal.
otherwise. One notable difference of nanoribbons The first Brillouin zone of graphite is a hexagonal
from nanotubes lies in the existence of edge states. prism shown in Figure 6. The -band structure of
In particular, the band calculations predict that a graphite in the vicinity of "F, that is, near the H–K–H
zigzag ribbon has a flat (dispersionless) band at zone edge, is described by the Slonczewski–Weiss–
" ¼ 0, so that the density of states has a sharp peak McClure (SWMcC) model (McClure, 1957;
at the Fermi level (Fujita et al., 1996). This is in Slonczewski and Weiss, 1958):
marked contrast with the bulk graphene whose den-
sity of states is zero at " ¼ 0. This flat band is due to 0 
E1 0 H13 H13
the edge states constructed from the nonbonding B C
orbitals of the atoms along the zigzag edge. Since B0 E2  C
H23 – H23
H ¼B C ð25Þ
the weight of the edge states relative to the bulk B H13
H23 E3 H33 C
@ A
states increases with decreasing ribbon width, the  
H13 – H23 H33 E3
former plays an important role in nanometer-sized
ribbons. For example, the large density of states at the where
Fermi level would lead to a large Pauli paramagnetic
contribution to the magnetic suseptibility and may E1 ¼  þ 21 cosðkz c Þ þ 25 cos2 ðkz c Þ
even give rise to the so-called flat-band E2 ¼   21 cosðkz c Þ þ 25 cos2 ðkz c Þ
E3 ¼ 22 cos2 ðkz c Þ
6 ð26Þ
H13 ¼ ð – 0 þ 24 cosðkz c ÞÞeij a
4 Bulk Graphite pffiffiffi
The global electronic structure of graphite is H23 ¼ ð0 þ 24 cosðkz c ÞÞeij a
given by the 2D graphite model described in pffiffiffi
H23 ¼ 33 cosðkz c Þeij a
Section Graphite, however, is a 3D system
consisting of ABAB   stacking of graphene sheets with
the interlayer spacing c ¼ 0.335 nm. For the detailed If the parameter 3 which describes the trigonal
band structure near the Fermi level, interlayer coupling warping is neglected, the SWMcC model yields
plays an important role. In the case of 2D graphite, the the following four eigenvalues:

(a) (b)

H′ H K E1
K′ M K′
H′ H′
0 E3



Figure 6 The electron and hole Fermi surfaces of graphite located along the H–K–H (and H9–K9–H9) edges of the
Brillouin zone.
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 369

8 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> 1 1 3 in semiconductor heterointerfaces. Graphene samples
> ð
<2 1 3E þE Þ ðE1 –E3 Þ2 þ ð0 –24 cosðkz c ÞÞ2 ðaÞ2
4 4 used in transport experiments are typically prepared
E¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi by pressing mechanically cleaved pieces of graphite
: ðE2 þE3 Þ 1 ðE2 –E3 Þ2 þ 3 ð0 þ24 cosðkz c ÞÞ2 ða Þ2
onto an oxidized surface of Si substrate (Novoselov
2 4 4
et al., 2005b). With enough skills and persistence, a few
micron-sized ultrathin graphite pieces can be identi-
The -band near the H–K–H edge is illustrated in fied under an optical microscope. Electrical contacts
Figure 6. There occur electron pockets centered at are made by standard lithographic techniques and
the K- and K9-points and hole pockets at the H- and metal evaporation. With the underlying Si substrate
H9-points. The bandwidth along the H–K–H edge is used as a back gate, the system constitutes a field-
4 1  1.56 eV and the band overlap that makes the effect-transistor (FET) structure. Figure 7 shows the
3D graphite a semimetal is 22  39meV. sheet resistance of a monolayer graphene sample as a
Reflecting the quasi-2D structure of graphite, its function of the back gate bias Vg . Positive (negative)
Fermi surfaces are highly elongated along the Vg induces electrons (holes) of density n ¼ Cg Vg =e in
kz -direction. The effective mass for motion within the graphene sheet. For a typical thickness 300 nm of
the basal plane is me ¼ 0:057m for electrons and the insulating SiO2 layer, the coefficient is
mh ¼ 0:039mh for holes (Soule et al., 1964). (In the Cg =e  8  1014 m – 2 V – 1 . Thus, the system functions
early stage of the electronic structure study of gra- as an ambipolar FET with carrier mobilities of the
phite, the assignment of the electron and hole pockets order of  0:1 – 1m2 V – 1 s – 1 .
was opposite to what was later established.) The effec- Another method to prepare graphene relies on gra-
tive mass for the out-of-plane motion is estimated to phitization of the surface layer of a silicon carbide
be on the order of m? ¼ ð5 – 15Þm for both electrons crystal (Berger et al., 2006). The (0001) surface of a
and holes. These values are inferred from the angular 4H-SiC wafer is vacuum heat treated to form an epi-
dependence of the cyclotron mass mc fitted to the taxial layer of graphene. This technique has a potential
following formula assuming ellipsoidal Fermi surfaces: advantage of preparing a large area sample of graphene.

1 cos2
sin2 Transport at Zero Magnetic Field
¼ þ ð28Þ
mc ð
Þ m2k mk m? The unconventional nature of the electronic state in
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi graphene is reflected in various transport properties
The anisotropy ratio m? =mk is 17 for the electron
Fermi surface and 12 for the hole Fermi surface (Soule (Geim and Novoselov, 2007; Castro Neto et al., 2009).
et al., 1964). Direct measurement of the effective masses
together with correct assignment of carrier pockets were
achieved by cyclotron resonance using circularly polar- 6
ized microwave (Suematsu and Tanuma, 1972).
Detailed studies of magneto-quantum oscilla-
tions suggest existence of additional small pieces
of Fermi surface. These are so-called minority 4
ρ (kΩ)

hole pockets residing at the H- and H9-points.

The minority hole Fermi surface is separated
from the narrow part (neck) of the Fermi surface 2
for majority holes by the spin–orbit splitting. T=1K

1.10.3 Transport Properties of 0

–60 –30 0 30 60
Graphene Vg (V) Preparation of Graphene Samples Figure 7 Sheet resistance of a monolayer graphene as a
function of back gate bias Vg. Reproduced with permission
Graphene offers a totally new class of 2D electron from Novoselov KS, Morozov SV, Mohinddin TMG, et al. (2007)
system (2DES) that exhibits novel properties to be Electronic properties of graphene. Physica Status Solidi (b)
contrasted with those of conventional 2DES realized 244: 4106. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
370 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

The electronic dispersion in monolayer graphene is  20m2 V – 1 s – 1 at helium temperature are cur-
characterized by the Dirac cones, that is, massless rently reported. This means that carrier transport is
chiral fermions. Indeed, graphene offers a unique ballistic on submicron scale even at room tempera-
opportunity of exploring an analog of quantum elec- ture. Carrier mobilities currently achieved are
trodynamics (QED) in solid state. Charge carriers in presumably limited by impurities, by structural dis-
bilayer graphene provide massive chiral fermions order (corrugation of graphene sheet) and by
that are no less exotic. coupling with the substrate, and leave room for
Massless Dirac fermion described by the improvement.
Hamiltonian, Equation (9), has a unique feature As seen in Figure 7, sheet resistance of gra-
that the electron state in the conduction band and phene increases as Vg ! 0, but remains on the
the hole state in the valence band are intercon- order of several kilo-ohm even right at the charge
nected, exhibiting properties analogous to charge- neutrality point, where one naively expects the
conjugation symmetry in QED. For the case of system to become nonconducting owing to vanish-
graphene, this symmetry arises from the honeycomb ing carrier density. Conductivity on the order of
lattice structure with A and B sublattices. The quasi- e 2=h per channel at the charge neutrality point has
particles are described by two-component wave been theoretically predicted (Fradkin, 1986; Shon
functions which is analogous to spinor wave func- and Ando, 1998). This conduction without carriers
tion in QED, with pseudo-spin specifying the is yet another counterintuitive property of gra-
sublattice playing the role of real spin in the latter. phene. The reason for the existing discrepancy
The symmetry is such that an electron with energy between experimentally observed values of the
E propagating in one direction belongs to the same minimum conductivity that scatters around  4e 2=h
branch of the electronic spectrum as the hole with and the theoretical value 4e 2=h is not clear at the
energy –E propagating in the opposite direction. moment. Theoretically, proper treatment of strong
Electrons and holes belonging to the same branch electron–electron interaction may be crucial. On
have pseudo-spin pointing in the same direction the other hand, the fact that a real graphene
(parallel to the momentum for electrons and anti- sample at their charge neutrality point most likely
parallel for holes). Chirality, which is defined as consists of puddles of electrons and holes may
projection of pseudo-spin on the direction of significantly affect the experimental results
motion, is positive for electrons and negative for (Adam et al., 2007).
Theoretical prediction for the high-frequency con-
ductivity of Dirac fremion in graphene is  ¼ e 2=4h,
One of the most counterintuitive properties of
as opposed to 4e 2 =h for the DC conductivity. Optical
graphene is the so-called Klein paradox. It has been
transmittance given by T X ð1 þ 2=c Þ – 2 becomes
theoretically predicted that a relativistic particle can
freely penetrate a potential barrier by transforming  – 2  – 2
e2 1
itself to its antiparticle. In graphene, this is mani- T¼ 1 þ 2 ¼ 1 þ   1 –  ð29Þ
4hc 2
fested as reflectionless tunneling of charge carriers
through a potential barrier by unimpeded transfor-
mation between electron-like and hole-like quasi- where  X e 2 =hc  1=137 is the fine structure
particles. Namely, an electrostatic potential cannot constant. The opacity of monolayer graphene is
backscatter a massless Dirac fermion. Another way to given by ð1 – T Þ ¼   0:023. Visible light trans-
understand the suppression of backscattering in gra- mission measurements on suspended graphene
phene is to invoke destructive interference between membrane have proved that monolayer graphene
absorbs about 2.3% of the incident white light
one backscattering process and its time-revered
(Nair et al., 2008).
counterpart on account of Berry9s phase associated
with the rotation of pseudo-spin. This is analogous to
the anti-localization in the presence of a strong spin–
orbit interaction. Quantum Hall Effect
Charge carriers in graphene can indeed propagate Application of magnetic field normal to the gra-
without scattering over large distances of the order of phene plane causes quantum oscillations of
micrometers. Carrier mobilities as high as resistance (Shubnikov–de Haas effect) which evolve
 1:5m2 V – 1 s – 1 are at room temperature and to QHE under higher fields (Novoselov et al., 2005a;
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 371

Zhang et al., 2005). The QHE in graphene is one of N ¼ 0 and 1 LLs is E ¼ 400K  BðT Þ, which, in
the most conspicuous phenomena that reveal the conjunction with high mobility, makes it possible to
exotic nature of the system. Figure 8 shows the observe QHE even at room temperature. In moder-
characteristic QHE behavior in monolayer and ate magnetic fields, each LL has fourfold degeneracy.
bilayer graphene (Novoselov et al., 2005a, 2006). The spin degeneracy of LL is lifted by a strong
Here the Hall conductance xy and the longitudinal magnetic field with g-factor somewhat smaller
resistance xx are plotted as a function of the charge than 2. For the N ¼ 0 LL, even the valley degener-
density controlled by the gate bias. In both cases, the acy seems to be lifted under high magnetic fields
step of the Hall conductance xy is 4e 2=h. The factor whose mechanism is yet to be elucidated (Zhang
4 reflects the twofold spin degeneracy and the two- et al., 2006).
fold valley degeneracy. For monolayer graphene, Bilayer graphene has parabolic conduction and
the sequence of Landau levels is shifted by 1/2, valence bands that are degenerate at the charge neu-
compared with the conventional QHE, trality point. The LLs of massive chiral quasi-
 so that the
Hall plateau values are xy ¼ 4 e 2=h ðjN j þ 1=2Þ, particles are given by
N being the Landau level (LL) index . The xx peak heB pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
EN ¼ N ðN – 1Þ ð31Þ
at n ¼ 0 (Vg ¼ 0) implies that the N ¼ 0 LL which m
stays at the charge neutrality point, E ¼ 0 is shared The QH plateau sequence is xy ¼ 4e 2=h  int
equally by electrons and holes. This is a signature of which is the same as the conventional 2DEG with
the massless Dirac fermion described by the hamil- the same spin and valley degeneracy, except that the
tonian, Equation (9). The shift by 1/2 is lowest LLs of the valence and conduction bands
alternatively viewed as arising from an additional (N ¼ 0 and 1) are merged so that the plateau at
phase , known as Berry’s phase, gained by a quasi- n ¼ 0 is missing.
particle as it completes cyclotron motion with fixed The gapless electronic band of bilayer graphene is
chirality. modified by applying an electrostatic bias between
The LL spectrum of a massless Dirac fermion the layers. The resulting energy gap of the order of
(linear dispersion) is 0.1eV can be tuned by the field effect. In the presence
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi of nonzero gap, the above-mentioned anomaly in
EN ¼ vF 2ehjN jB ð30Þ
the QHE due to the degeneracy of the N ¼ 0 and 1
to be contrasted with the ordinary LLs disappears. To observe this splitting at finite
EN ¼ ðheB=mÞðN þ 1=2Þ for a massive particle (para- interlayer bias, the charge neutrality point has
bolic dispersion). Equation (29) implies large to be shifted by additional chemical doping
separation of low-lying LLs. The gap between the (Castro et al., 2007).

(a) (b)
Monolayer 4 Bilayer
+5/2 3
10 +3/2 2
σxy (4e 2/h)
σxy (4e 2/h)

ρxx (kΩ)
ρxx (kΩ)

0 4
−3/2 −2
−5/2 −3

−7/2 −4
0 0
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
Charge density (1012 cm−2) Charge density (1012 cm−2)

Figure 8 Quantum Hall effect in (a) monolayer and (b) bilayer graphene. Reprinted with permission from Geim AK and
MacDonald AH (2007) Graphene: Exploring carbon flatland. Physics Today 60: 35. Copyright (2007) American Institute of
372 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

1.10.4 Transport Properties of subbands, and nonzero (zero) density of states at the
Carbon Nanotubes Fermi level for the metallic (semiconducting) SWNT.
As shown by Equation (23), the electronic structure Electronic State in SWNTs
of an SWNT is profoundly affected by an AB flux
As mentioned in Chapter 3.02, the electronic structure threading through the tube. Full conversion of a semi-
of SWNT is determined by the chiral vector, that is, conducting nanotube to a metallic one (or vice versa)
how a hypothetical graphene sheet is rolled to make is beyond experimental reach, because it will require
the SWNT. An armchair SWNT which has an elec- an extremely strong magnetic field in excess of 1000 T
tronic structure similar to monolayer graphene is for a typical nanotube diameter of 1 nm. Still, a pre-
metallic. Zigzag nanotubes are, by contrast, either cursory effect of AB flux on the band structure of
quasi-metallic or semiconducting depending on the SWNT has been verified by observation of mag-
chiral vector. The difference in electronic structures netic-field-induced splitting of the optical spectra
and their correlation with the chirality of nanotube has under magnetic fields up to 45 T (Zaric et al., 2004).
been beautifully verified by spectroscopic measure-
ments using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) Electron Transport in SWNTs
tip (Issi et al., 1995; Wildoer et al., 1998). Figure 9 shows
the calculated and measured spectra for metallic and For electrical transport experiments, it is necessary to
semiconducting SWNTs (Dekker, 1999). The spectra make electrical contacts. A usual way to achieve this
show the characteristic van Hove singularities of 1D is to disperse or CVD-grow onto a substrate on which

Metallic Semiconducting
nanotube nanotube
(9,9) (11,7)
0.1 0.1
Density of states

Density of states

0.0 0.0
−1 0 1 0 1
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)

Differential conductance
Differential conductance


2 2

1 1

0 0
−1 0 1 −1 0 1
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)
Figure 9 Calculated (top panels) and measured (bottom panels) tunnel spectra of a metallic nanotube (left) and a
semiconducting nanotube (right). Reproduced with permission from Dekker C (1999) Carbon nanotubes as molecular
quantum wires. Physics Today 52: 21.
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 373

a large array of fine metallic electrodes has been Figure 10 shows the conductance of an SWNT
pre-patterned. After depositing the nanotubes, the sample measured with highly transparent (low-
sample is scanned with an atomic force microscope resistance) contacts achieved with titanium electro-
(AFM) to find nanotubes that by coincidence bridge des (Kong et al., 2001). The value of conductance at
two or more electrodes. Another more controlled low temperatures is close to 4e 2 =h. The conductance
method is to sprinkle nanotubes on an insulating shows conspicuous fluctuations as a function of gate
substrate, take a scanning image of the deposited bias which is attributed to Fabry–Perot-type inter-
area with an AFM, and use that information to ference of ballistic electrons repeatedly reflected at
make a suitable electrode pattern by electron beam the both ends (contacts) of the SWNT sample.
lithography. A problem here is that it is difficult to It is remarkable that metallic SWNT can remain
prejudge whether the target nanotube is metallic or metallic at all, if one is reminded of intrinsic fragility
semiconducting. The contact resistance varies widely of 1D electron systems associated with Peierls
depending on the kind of metal used for the elec- instability and strong tendency of localization. The
trode. Titanium and nickel are often used to achieve tubular structure of SWNT renders robustness
low-resistance contacts, while gold and aluminum against Peierls distortion. The local defect potential
tend to result in high contact resistance. The trend is effectively weakened because it is seen by electrons
seems to be correlated with the carbide formation as averaged over the circumference (White and
tendency of the respective metals. Todorov, 1998). Suppression of backscattering men-
The intrinsic conductance of armchair nanotube is tioned earlier in the graphene context also plays a
expected to be 4e 2 =h. Here, the factor 4 refers to the role here (Ando, 2005).
spin and valley degeneracy. That a metallic SWNT Once electron–electron interaction is switched
acts as a coherent quantum wire was first demon- on, a 1D electron system is predicted to behave as a
strated by Tans et al. (1997) and by Bockrath et al. so-called TLL rather than an ordinary Fermi liquid.
(1997). They observed and analyzed the Coulomb Signatures of TLL behavior are power-law depen-
blockade phenomenon at low temperatures, and dence of the conductance on temperature and bias
found that successively added single electrons are voltage, which are experimentally observed
carried by one additional molecular orbital, which by Bockrath et al. (1999). The TLL nature of
implied that electrons in SWNT were delocalized SWNTs is also corroborated by the photoemission
over an appreciable length (a few mm). spectroscopy (Ishii et al., 2003).

2.0 I II III
25 K
20 K
1.5 50 K
Conductance (G0)

100 K

1.0 290 K


−20 −10 0 10 20 30
Vg (V)

Figure 10 Conductance of a nanotube sample as a function of gate bias at different temperatures. The conductance at low
temperatures is close to 2 G0 ¼ 4e2/h in value and exhibits random but reproducible fluctuations. Reprinted with permission
from Kong J, Yenilmez E, Tombler TW, et al. (2001) Quantum interference and ballistic transmission in nanotube electron
waveguides. Physical Review Letters 87: 106801. Copyright (2001) by the American Physical Society.
374 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline Multi-Wall Nanotubes from 10 to 40 among kish graphite samples. Given

the change in carrier density with temperature
Multi-wall nanotubes (MWNTs) occur in a wide
stated above, the residual mobility ratio
variety, with respect to the number of wall, their
300K = 4:2K is about 3 times as large. The values
morphology, and various defects including adsor-
of electron and hole mobility in best-quality sin-
bates. In general, adjacent tube sheets have different
gle-crystal samples at low temperatures exceed
chirality, so that electrons in a MWNT move in a
100 m2 V1 s1.
relatively strong random potential. This and other
The out-of-plane resistivity c tends to be even
source of disorder make the electron mean free path
more sensitive to the sample quality. The value of
in MWNTs much shorter than in SWNTs, so that
anisotropy ratio c = a at low temperature generally
diffusive transport is usually observed in MWNTs.
falls between 103 and 105. (For reference, the effec-
tive mass ratio is estimated as m? =mk  102 .) It is
still unclear whether the lower or higher values of
1.10.5 Transport Properties of the anisotropy ratio represent the intrinsic behavior.
Graphite On the one hand, less-well-oriented graphite crys-
tals tend to give lower values. On the other hand, Graphite Materials and Transport
easy-to-cleave graphite crystals are vulnerable to
defects such as stacking faults and microcracks
A type of graphite widely used in various experi- which would give higher values. The out-of-plane
ments is highly oriented pyrolytic graphite resistivity often shows a slightly negative (semicon-
(HOPG), which is synthesized by thermal crack- ducting) temperature dependence from room
ing of hydrocarbon and subsequent heat treatment temperature down to 30 K and then turns to a
under pressure to improve the quality of c-axis positive (metallic) one at lower temperatures. This
orientation of the crystallites. As they have a unusual behavior may be simply a combined effect
variety of uses including monochrometers for of the temperature-dependent carrier densities and
neutron diffraction and standard specimens for mobilities. On account of the materials problem as
scanning probe microscope, HOPGs are available stated above, however, full understanding of the
in various sizes. The in-plane structure of HOPG c-axis transport in graphite is still not yet reached
is a randomly ordered collection of small (mm (Morgan and Uher, 1981; Brandt et al., 1988;
size) crystallites. Another type of graphite is sin- Matsubara et al., 1990; Kopelevich et al., 2003).
gle-crystal kish graphite obtained by Recently, Kempa et al. (2002) invoke a field-induced
crystallization of carbon from molten steel. They metal–insulator transition for the c-axis resistivity
come in the form of thin flakes that contain fairly based on their scaling analysis. However, given the
large (mm size) single crystallites. As grown, above-stated temperature dependence of carrier
kish graphite contains fairly large amount of iron density, the apparent metallic or insulating behavior
segregates, which are subsequently removed by of resistivity cannot be taken literally. The validity
chemical processing with chlorine. of proposed scaling analysis over a wide tempera-
As stated in Section, graphite is a semi- ture range should be carefully accessed.
metal with equal numbers of electrons and holes.
Owing to the small Fermi energy, the carrier
concentration shows a significant temperature Semi-Classical Magneto-
dependence; ne ¼ nh  1  1025 m – 3 at room tem- Transport
perature, and  3  1024 m – 3 at helium Magneto-transport properties of graphite are charac-
temperatures (Dillon and Spain, 1978). The basal terized by low carrier density, semi-metallic nature,
plane resistivity at room temperature is limited by and high basal-plane mobility (small effective mass).
acoustic phonon scattering so that it is relatively Figure 11(a) shows a magnetoresistance trace under
sample independent with a typical value  40 a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the basal
m cm. By contrast, the low-temperature resistiv- plane (Woolam, 1970). We first ignore the oscillatory
ity limited by defect scattering is much more part and focus on the overall magnetic field
sensitive to sample quality. The residual resistiv- dependence. The Lorentz force deflects electrons
ity ratio (RRR) defined as RRR ¼ 300K = 4:2K is and holes to the same direction so that their Hall
typically 3–10 among HOPG samples, but ranges currents tend to cancel out. Since there occurs no
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 375

(a) (b)
20 0°
T = 1.22°K 29.8°

–105 Δ:p 14 39.7°

–6 7.40 58.3°
n = 1 electron
6.60 63.5°
–4 8
n = 1 hole 6
–2 2.952
2.936 n = 2 electron 73.3°
1.90 77.0°
0 80.0°
Magnetic field, T 2

0 90.0°

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
H (kg)

Figure 11 (a) Traces of longitudinal magnetoresitance xx (B) in a natural single crystal of graphite at T ¼ 1.1K showing the
Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations due to electrons and holes. (b) The magnetoresistance data at different field angles from the
c-axis indicate highly elongated electron and hole Fermi surfaces. (a) Reprinted with permission from Woolam JA (1970) Spin
splitting, Fermi energy changes, and anomalous g shifts in single-crystal and pyrolytic graphite. Physical Review Letters
25: 810. Copyright (1970) by the American Physical Society. (b) Reprinted with permission from Soule DE, McClure JW, and
Smith LB (1964) Study of Shubnikov–de Haas effet. Determination of the Fermi surfaces in graphite. Physical Review
134: A453. Copyright (1964) by the American Physical Society.

Hall voltage to counteract the Lorentz force, a very quadratic B-dependence for compensated metals, a
large positive magnetoresistance appears. In high- B-linear behavior over a wide range of magnetic
quality graphite crystals, xx ðBÞ= xx ð0Þ typically field (McClure and Spry, 1968; Woolam, 1970).
reaches 103 at B  1 T and 104 at 10 T. Since The linear increase of xx(B) tends to saturate at
xx xy , the diagonal magneto-conductivity is higher magnetic fields (Brandt et al., 1974; Lowrey
and Spain, 1977). For some samples, xx(B) even
xx ¼ xx = 2xx þ 2xy  1= xx at all magnetic
starts to decrease at still higher fields (Iye, 1985;
fields. Yaguchi and Singleton, 1998).
In a semi-classical transport model, the Hall The characteristic B-linear behavior has been
conductivity of a semi-metal in the high field interpreted as due to B-dependent screening of
limit is ideally zero. In actual samples, it takes a ionized impurity potential which is thought to be
nonzero value that reflects a small imbalance the dominant scattering mechanism at low tempera-
between the electron and hole densities, tures (McClure and Spry, 1968). The saturation of
xy ðBÞ  – ðne – nh Þje j=B. This imbalance is typi- xx ðBÞ at higher field may be attributed to the so-
cally jne – nh j=ðne þ nh Þ  0:3 – 0:03%, and is due called magnetic freeze-out effect, that is, localization
to the presence of ionized impurities. For the major- of the excess carriers to the impurity sites, which is
ity of graphite crystals, the imbalance goes toward known to occur for example in InSb (von Ortenberg,
the electron excess side, that is, more donors than 1973). In the case of graphite, magnetic freeze-out
acceptors. does not affect the total carrier density so much but
Figure 12(a) shows traces of magnetoresistance changes the ionized impurity scattering centers to
in single-crystal (kish) graphite at low temperatures neutral ones. The two sets of data in Figure 12
(Iye et al., 1985). The classical part of the diagonal represent two types of kish graphite samples in
resistivity xx(B) exhibits, instead of the standard terms of ionized impurity concentration. Type B
376 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

ρxx 150 mk
Type A 255
0.01 Ω cm 485

0 175 mk
ρxx Type B 390
0.01 Ω cm

0 50 100 150 200 250
B (kG)
Figure 12 Traces of longitudinal magneto-resitance xx (B) in single-crystal (kish) graphite at different temperatures. The
two set of data are obtained from samples with different ionized impurity concentrations (Iye, 1985).

sample contains an order of magnitude higher con- oscillations: one due to the electron Fermi surface
centration of ionized impurities than type A. That and the other due to the hole Fermi surface
the resistivity saturation is more conspicuous in type (Woolam, 1970). Due to the high carrier mobilities,
A sample seems to corroborate this picture. However, the SdH oscillations can be seen in graphite from
genuine freeze-out that should diminish xy B to zero magnetic fields as low as 0.1 T. The SdH effect
is not observed in this field range, so that the resis- appears as a series of sharp dips, whose shape
tivity saturation may be interpreted as precursor of reflects that of the 1D density of states associated
the freeze-out effect. with the motion parallel to the field. Figure 11(b)
shows magnetoresistance traces for different values
of field angle
from the c-axis (Soule et al., 1964). Magneto-Quantum Oscillations The shift of the SdH oscillation pattern approxi-
Since the early days of graphite research, the mately obeys the cos
dependence indicating
LL structure of graphite has been calculated (Nakao, highly elongated electron and hole Fermi surfaces.
1976; Dresselhaus, 1974), and investigated by various In magnetic fields higher than 3 T, the SdH dips
magneto-quantum oscillation measurements (Soule split into pairs, reflecting the Zeeman splitting
et al., 1964; Woolam, 1970, 1971a) and magneto-optical (Woolam, 1970). Minority hole pockets are also
spectroscopy (Schroeder et al., 1971; Doezema et al., identified (Woolam, 1971b).
1979). Figure 13(a) shows a calculated LL structure More recently, direct probing of LL density of
along the K–H edge of the Brillouin zone for states is made possible by the use of a low-temperature
B ¼ 1 T. scanning tunneling spectroscope (LT-STM) (Matsui
The trace shown in Figure 11(a) contains two et al., 2005). Figure 14(a) shows the tunneling spec-
series of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) quantum trum of graphite under perpendicular magnetic fields.
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 377

(a) (meV) (b)

12 c a
γ3 = 0 11 0.10
40 b n=1
10 c
H = 10 kG
0.08 σ=– H = 25 T
(H //c) 9 n=2
σ=+ H ||c
a 0.06
20 7
6 c σ=+
0.04 n=0
5 σ=–
0 4
c b 0.02

Energy (eV)
b c n = –1 σ=+
2 σ=–
b c c 0
–20 a
b 0 EF
c a EF
–1 1 2 3
a 45 –0.02
b 6 b
c 7
a n = –1
b c 8
n = –2 σ = +
a c –0.04
–40 9
b c
a 10 a b σ=–
a b c 11 b
a b c 12 –0.06
a b c c
c n=0
–60 13 a
–0.08 σ=–
b n=1
a σ=+
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(K) ξ (H) ξ = cokz /2π

Figure 13 (a) Landau levels of graphite in a magnetic field of 1T. (b) Landau levels of graphite in a magnetic field of 25 T.
Only the lowest spin-split Landau levels of electron and hole bands cross the Fermi level. (a) Reproduced with permission
from Nakao (1976) Landau level structure and magnetic breakthrough in graphite. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
40: 761. (b) Reprinted with permission from Iye Y, Tedrow PM, Timp G, et al. (1982) High-magnetic field electronic phase
transition in graphite observed by magnetoresistance anomaly. Physical Review B 25:5478. Copyright (1982) by the American
Physical Society.

The LLs are manifest as a series of peaks in the spectra For those electronic properties of graphite asso-
indicated by triangles. The observed spectra show ciated with energy scale larger than the electron–
good agreement with the calculated ones with an hole band overlap, j2 j  0:02eV, the Dirac-like
appropriate choice of the surface potential s , as spectrum is obviously relevant so that interpretation
shown in Figure 14(b). in such terms is possible, as discussed, for example, in
The advent of graphene has brought resurgence of LL spectroscopy (Orlita et al., 2009) and photoemis-
interest in graphite. The electronic properties of sion spectroscopy (Gruneis et al., 2008). For low-
graphite are now scrutinized under new light. energy-scale properties such as transport, however,
Luk’yanchuk and Kopelevich (2004, 2006) recently the 3D nature of the graphite band is quite essential.
made a new analysis of the SdH and dHvA oscilla-
tions in bulk graphite. Based on the values of residual Magnetic-Field-Induced
phase, they claim that the spectra indicate coexis-
Electronic Phase Transition
tence of normal (massive) electrons and Dirac-like
(massless) holes. Schneider et al. (2009) made a simi- In magnetic fields higher than 7.4 T, both electrons
lar but more precise experiment at 10 mK and and holes are only in their lowest LLs, that is, the
measured SdH oscillations up to N  90 quantum system is in the extreme quantum limit. The magneto-
numbers. They have shown that the data precisely fit resistance traces in Figure 12 show distinct anomalies
the prediction of the SWMcC model, so that there is in the high-field quantum limit regime. The abrupt
no ground for invoking massless Dirac fermions in increase of resistance is indicative of a phase transition
3D graphite. to a new magnetic-field-induced electronic state. As
378 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline


4 B = 6T


3 4T

dI/dV (nA/V) 3T



Kish graphite
T = 55 mK
(b) 30
φs = 17 meV
= 0 meV
dI/dV (nA/V)


Kish graphite
T = 55 mK
−200 −100 0 100 200
V (mev)
Figure 14 (a) Tunneling spectrum of graphite in several magnetic fields obtained by a low-temperature scanning tunneling
microscope (LT-STM). (b) Comparison of the spectrum with the calculated local density of states curves for two different
values of surface potential s. Reprinted with permission from Matsui T, Kambara H, Niimi, Y, Tagami K, Tsukada M, and
Fukuyama H (2005) STS observation of Landau levels at graphite surfaces. Physical Review Letters 94: 226403. Copyright
(2005) by the American Physical Society.

seen in the figure, the onset magnetic field decreases along the c-axis (parallel to B). Yoshioka and
with decreasing temperature. Figure 15(a) shows the Fukuyama considered the possibility of Peierls-type
phase boundary of the field-induced phase plotted instability of such magnetic-field-induced 1D system
with T in a logarithmic scale versus 1/B. The data and proposed that the observed anomaly could be
points for the type A sample (crystals with lower attributed to occurrence of a charge-density-wave
ionized impurity concentration) lie on a straight line, instability (Yoshioka and Fukuyama, 1981; Sugihara,
which means that the phase boundary of the field- 1984; Takada and Goto, 1998). To be precise, two
induced phase can be empirically expressed as charge density waves associated with two valleys
(along the H–K–H and H9–K9–H9 edges) occur out-
Tc ðBÞ ¼ T  expb – B  =B c ð32Þ of-phase with each other to reduce the Hartree term of
the Coulomb interaction, so that a valley density wave
for this field range. may be a better term for the proposed state. The critical
The Landau subband structure in the quantum limit temperature given by Yoshioka and Fukuyama reads
regime is shown in Figure 13(b) for B ¼ 25 T (Iye et al.,
1982). In the quantum limit, the electronic motion in    

the basal plane (perpendicular to B) is quenched so that cos2 12 ckF0" 1

Tc ¼ 4:53"F   exp – ð33Þ
the system is reduced to a narrow-band 1D system cos ckF 0" N0" ð"F Þũ
Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline 379

(a) 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 (b)

Kish graphite β′
2000 B || c-axis
α β1

1000 α′
1.1 K

Resistance ρxx (a.u.)

500 1.7 K
Type A 0
Tc (mk)

2.2 K
Type B 3.2 K
200 0
4.2 K
100 8.0 K
0 10 K

50 0
4 5 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
1/B (×10–3 kG–1) Magnetic field (T)

8 α′
Temperature (K)

YF theory

20 30 40 50 60
Magnetic field (T)
Figure 15 (a) The phase boundary of the magnetic-field-induced phase (Iye, 1985). (b) Magnetoresistance traces up to 55 T
at different temperatures. (c) The phase boundary in a wider range of temperature and magnetic field, showing a re-entrant
behavior at higher magnetic fields. (c) Reprinted with permission from Yaguchi H and Singleton J (1998) Destruction of the
field-induced density-wave state in graphite by large magnetic fields. Physical Review Letters 81: 5193. Copyright (1998) by
the American Physical Society.

where N0" ð"F Þ is the Fermi-level density of states 55 T measured in a pulse magnet (Yaguchi and
of the lowest spin-up electron subband, and ũ is Singleton, 1998). At the highest field, the resistance
a parameter representing the effective electron– comes back to the trace extrapolated from the low-
electron interaction strength. This is an analog field region, indicating a reentrant behavior.
of a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) -type formula Figure 15(c) is a phase diagram over a wider
for pairing instability, Tc  "F exp½ – ð1=N ð"F ÞV Þ
. temperature and magnetic field range. The dashed
Note that the empirical formula, Equation (31), reflects curve represents the prediction of Yoshioka–
the fact that N0" ð"F Þ_ B. The lower critical tempera- Fukuyama theory, Equation (32). Thus, the valley-
ture for the type-B samples is attributed to the pair density-wave phase exists only at temperatures
breaking effect of ionized impurity (Iye et al., 1984; Iye, below 10 K. The disappearance of the density-
1985). Studies of neutron-irradiated graphite also cor- wave phase at higher field is naturally understood
roborate this conclusion (Yaguchi et al., 1999). since the ð0; " Þ subband relevant to the instability
Figure 15(b) shows magnetoresistance traces up to becomes unoccupied.
380 Electronic States and Transport Properties of Carbon Crystalline

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1.11 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of
Graphene, Graphite, and Related Compounds
T Sato and T Takahashi, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.11.1 Introduction 383

1.11.2 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 384 Basic Principle 384 Determination of Band Dispersions 385 Layered materials 385 Three-dimensional materials 386 Experimental Apparatus 387
1.11.3 Graphite 389 Band Structure 389 Fermi surface 393 Edge-Localized States 394 Many-Body Interactions 395
1.11.4 Graphite Intercalation Compounds 397 C8A (A ¼ K, Rb, Cs) 397 Band structure 398 Interlayer band 399 C6Ca 399 Band structure 400 Fermi surface 400 Superconducting gap 402
1.11.5 Graphene 403 Single-Layered Graphite: Dirac Fermion? 403 Comparison with Graphite 405
1.11.6 Concluding Remarks and Summary 407
References 407

1.11.1 Introduction Recently, single-layer graphite, named graphene,

has been a target of intensive theoretical and experi-
Carbon-based nanomaterials, such as fullerenes and mental studies, since it is expected that graphene
carbon nanotubes, have attracted much attention would possess several superior physical properties
from both basic- and application-scientific point of such as the high carrier mobility compared with
views. In an old textbook of solid-state physics, it is silicon due to the peculiar electronic structure
stated that carbon takes only two solid-state forms, originating in the perfect two-dimensional elec-
diamond with the sp3 coordination and graphite tronic structure. The discovery of superconductivity
with the sp2 coordination. This famous and instruc- at an unexpectedly high temperature in a new
tive phrase had to be faced with the appropriate category of graphite intercalation compounds (GICs)
correction when fullerenes (C60), which involve such as C6Ca (Weller et al., 2005) has revived the
intermediate coordination of sp3 and sp2, were dis- attention to the intercalation to control the electronic
covered in the solid-state phase (Kroto et al., 1985). property and achieve a higher superconducting
Subsequent discovery of carbon nanotubes (Iijima, transition temperature. Thus, the old famous phrase
1991) has further widened the concept of solid-state in the textbook should be corrected as ‘‘Carbon
carbon as well as opened a way to the industrial takes a variety of solid-state forms with a variety
application such as an electron emitter in displays. of attractive properties.’’

384 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy In comparison with angle-integrated PES, which

(ARPES) is now regarded as one of the most essential provides us the information only on the electronic
experimental techniques in solid-state physics. density of states (DOS), we need to measure much
However, the energy resolution of two decades ago more spectra in ARPES measurements, but instead
was at best about 0.3 eV, which enables only a rough we obtain much more information on the electronic
band mapping of valence band structure of the structure as a function of momentum.
crystal. It is well known that the physical and chemi- We show in Figure 2 the energy-conservation
cal properties of materials are governed mainly by diagram in an ARPES process.
the electronic structure in a very narrow energy
region just at/around the Fermi level (EF). The 1. An electron, which was at first located on the
energy resolution at that time was not enough to occupied band (Ei), is excited to the otherwise empty
observe the many-body interactions in electrons, band (Ef) by a VUV photon with the energy of h!.
which appear as quasi-particles produced at/around The energy conservation is as follows:
EF. The discovery of high-temperature superconduc- h! ¼ Ef – Ei ð1Þ
tors and the subsequent fierce race to observe the
superconducting gap have accelerated the improve- 2. We assume that the excited state is the free-
ment of energy resolution, leading to the 1 meV electron state with the bottom of the energy disper-
resolution at present, more than two orders better sion at E0 with respect to the Fermi level (EF) in the
than that of two decades ago. The superconducting crystal. We define the momenta parallel and perpen-
gap and its symmetry of high-temperature supercon- dicular to the crystal surface of the photo-excited
ductors have been experimentally elucidated with electron in the crystal as kjj and k?, respectively.
this ultrahigh-energy resolution. Then, the energy of the electron in the excited state
In this chapter, we explain recent ARPES experi- in the crystal is described as follows:
mental results on graphene, graphite, and GICs and
Ef ¼ h2 ðkjj2 þ k?
Þ=2m – E0 ð2Þ
discuss the electronic structure that realizes the novel
properties observed in these materials. 3. We define the kinetic energy of the photoelec-
tron emitted into vacuum as EK; then we have
Ef ¼ EK þW ð3Þ
1.11.2 Angle-Resolved
Photoemission Spectroscopy where W is the work function of the sample (see
Figure 2). Basic Principle 4. On the other hand, the momenta parallel and
ARPES is the most sophisticated method among a perpendicular to the crystal surface of the
variety of photoemission spectroscopies, enabling us
to determine experimentally the electronic band
structure and Fermi surface of crystals. In ARPES Vacuum

experiments, as shown in Figure 1, we irradiate the Photoelectron

crystal surface with vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light, Ef

and measure the kinetic energy of photoelectrons

emitted from the crystal surface as a function EK photon
(h ω)
of two angles (: polar angle, : azimuthal angle).
Wave vector
Vacuum level
z Fermi level (EF)
e- Free-electron band (Energy zero)
hω Ei E0

Crystal surface
x y
Figure 2 Energy-conservation diagram of the
Figure 1 Schematic view of ARPES. photoemission process.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 385

photoelectron emitted into the vacuum (outside the of electrons in a crystal as a function of the momen-
crystal) are described as follows: tum parallel to the surface (kjj). The schematic
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi diagram is shown in Figure 4. This method appears
Kjj ¼
2mEK sin  ð4Þ
to be very powerful when the crystal under consid-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi eration is a highly two-dimensional layered material.
K? ¼ 2mEK cos  ð5Þ
In this case, the energy dispersion perpendicular to
where  is the polar angle of photoelectron as shown the layer is negligibly small and therefore the
in Figure 1. obtained band dispersions as a function of kjj
5. When the photoelectron is emitted from the represent the band structure of the material.
crystal into the vacuum through the surface, the Figure 5 shows a set of ARPES spectra of layered
momentum parallel to the surface is conserved compound 1T-VSe2 and the experimental band dis-
because the transverse symmetry parallel to the sur- persions obtained from these spectra (Terashima
face is hold (Figure 3). This is the most important et al., 2003). Several characteristic bands from Se 4p
assumption in ARPES:
and V 3d orbitals are clearly seen in the experi-
kjj ¼ Kjj ð6Þ mental band structure. We also find that the V 3d
band reaches the Fermi level at midway between 
Using Equations (1)–(6), we obtain the relationship and M points in the Brillouin zone, producing a
between the energy and the momentum of the initial metallic Fermi surface. The band structure calculation
state in the crystal: is also shown for comparison in Figure 5. The good
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi agreement between the experiment and the calcula-
hkjj ¼ 2mðEi þ h! – W Þsin  ð7Þ
tion indicates that ARPES is able to map out the band
structure of layered materials with high precision.
hk? ¼ 2mððEi þ h! – W Þcos2  þ V0 Þ ð8Þ
The concept of Fermi surface is one of important
where V0 is defined as the sum of E0 and W (V0 ¼ E0 þ W) physical concepts based on which we discuss the
and is called the inner potential. By applying these electronic properties of materials. By measuring
formulas to ARPES experimental results, we are able many ARPES spectra all over the Brillouin zone
to map out experimentally the relationship between the and plotting the spectral intensity at the Fermi level
initial-state energy (Ei) and the momentum (kjj and k?), as a function of two-dimensional momentum (wave
namely the band dispersions of electrons in the crystal. vector), we are able to map out experimentally the
two-dimensional Fermi surface. Figure 6 shows an Determination of Band example applied for 1T-VSe2, where the characte-
Dispersions ristic two-dimensional cylindrical Fermi surface is Layered materials
clearly mapped out by ARPES (Terashima et al.,
As described above, when we measure the polar 2003).
angle () and the kinetic energy (EK) of photoelec-
trons, we are able to map out the band dispersions (Ei)
Energy band
Photoelectron intensity

K θ1

θ θ θ2

e– θ3
Crystal surface
k θ4 √2mEK
k = sinθ

e– EF k0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5
Binding energy Wave vector
Figure 3 Momentum parallel to the surface of
photoelectrons is conserved during the photoemission Figure 4 Schematic diagram to show how to determine
process. the E–k relation (band structure) by ARPES.
386 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

1T-VSe2 EF V 3dz 2
1 Se 4pz*

Binding energy (eV)


Intensity (a.u.)
Se 4px,y


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EF A L
Binding energy (eV) Wave vector
Figure 5 Experimentally determined band structure of quasi-1D layered compound 1T-VSe2 (Terashima et al., 2003).


Guideline of Fermi surface

M(L) K(H)



First Brillouin zone

Figure 6 Fermi surface of 1T-VSe2 determined by ARPES (Terashima et al., 2003). Three-dimensional materials determine the three-dimensional band structure of

In the case of three-dimensional materials, the situa- three-dimensional materials in many cases, as
tion is complicated because electrons in the crystal explained in the following.
have a finite energy dispersion perpendicular to It is well known that the escape depth of photoe-
the measured crystal surface. When we change the lectrons is very short and comparable to a few atomic
polar angle () to change the momentum parallel layers from the surface. Electrons confined in this
to the surface (kjj) in ARPES experiments, the per- very thin layered space are expected to have the
pendicular counterpart (k?) is also simultaneously momentum substantially broadened perpendicular
altered according to Equation (8). However, in this to the layer (surface) because of the Heisenberg’s
case, we do not know explicitly the k? value because uncertainty principle (xp  h). In ARPES experi-
V0 is unknown. In other words, even when we fix the ments with VUV light of h! ¼ 20–40 eV, the escape
kjj value by setting the polar angle at a certain value, depth of photoelectrons is about 5 Å, meaning that
we are not able to know which point on the band the momentum (wave vector) perpendicular to the
structure perpendicular to the crystal surface we are surface has an ambiguity of about 0.2 Å1. Further,
actually seeing. Despite this difficulty, we can if there are no final-state bands corresponding to
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 387

Ef (see Figure 2), the escape depth becomes much done along the (010) direction at the (001) cleaved
shorter (one-half to one-third) because the wave func- surface. So, kjj and k? are defined along the (010) and
tion of the photoelectrons outside the crystal becomes (001) directions, respectively. When we compare the
an evanescent wave inside the crystal and cannot enter experimental band dispersions with the band struc-
deep inside the crystal. This situation enhances the ture calculated along several high-symmetry lines,
broadening of momentum perpendicular to the we find that the band dispersions along X and
surface, and finally a large portion of k? is simulta- XWX high-symmetry lines simultaneously appear
neously seen in ARPES measurements. In other in the experimentally determined band structure.
words, when we conduct ARPES measurements at a This indicates that two different k? points are meas-
certain polar angle (), the kjj component is uniquely ured simultaneously at a fixed kjj due to the k?
determined from Equation (7), while the k? compo- integration effect. As shown above, the band structure
nent is automatically integrated in all (or a large of three-dimensional materials can be determined by
portion of) Brillouin zone perpendicular to the crystal ARPES in many cases.
surface because of the short escape depth of photo-
electrons. In general, the DOS is relatively larger on
the high-symmetry line in the Brillouin zone in com- Experimental Apparatus
parison with other portions between high-symmetry Figure 8 shows a schematic diagram of a high-
lines. When we integrate the DOS along k? at a fixed resolution ARPES spectrometer. The apparatus
kjj, the high-symmetry line produces a peak in the consists of mainly four parts: (1) a large electrostatic
ARPES spectrum. This means that the peak position hemispherical electron energy analyzer with the aver-
in the ARPES spectrum of three-dimensional mate- age diameter of about 40 cm; (2) a microwave-driven
rials traces the band dispersion on the high-symmetry discharging lamp to produce high-intensity VUV light;
line in the Brillouin zone. This indicates that we can (3) a sample preparation vacuum chamber where
compare the band dispersions obtained by ARPES for samples are prepared by cleaving, sputtering, evapora-
three-dimensional materials with the band structure tion, etc.; and (4) an ultrahigh vacuum analyzer
calculated along the high-symmetry lines. chamber where the sample is irradiated by VUV light
Figure 7 shows the band structure of LaSb deter- from the discharging lamp. In addition, the apparatus is
mined by ARPES, compared with the band structure equipped with a liquid-helium cryostat to cool down
calculation (Kumigashira et al., 1998). LaSb is a typi- the sample, a sample transfer system, many vacuum
cal three-dimensional material with face-centered pumps, etc. We can use synchrotron radiation light to
cubic crystal structure. ARPES measurements were excite photoelectrons.

e1 e3
h2 k
1.0 h1
Binding energy (eV)

c b j
Δ W 2.0
2nd Brillouin zone g
X Γ Δ X y(010)
X f
1st Brillouin zone



Figure 7 Band structure of LaSb determined by ARPES (Kumigashira et al., 1998).

388 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

electron analyzer

Installation TMP
He-flow chamber He discharge
cryostat lamp

Manipulator Cryostat
chamber TMP

TSP Ion pump

Figure 8 High-resolution ARPES spectrometer.

The recent progress in the energy resolution in schematic diagram to explain how the energy and
ARPES experiments owes mainly to the improve- the polar angle of photoelectrons are measured
ment of electron energy analyzer. Figure 9 shows the with the hemispherical analyzer. By using the

Hemispherical analyzer

Slit E1 E2 E3 Energy
e θ1
Electron lens


CCD camera

Figure 9 Two-dimensional detection hemispherical electron analyzer.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 389

15 K the temperature dependence of photoemission

25 K spectrum of gold (Au) in the vicinity of the Fermi
50 K
75 K level measured with the energy resolution of about
Au 100 K 1 meV. The spectrum shows a systematic tempera-
125 K
Intensity (a.u.)

150 K ture dependence with the common intersecting point

175 K at the Fermi level. This behavior is exactly the same
200 K
1 225 K as the temperature dependence of the Fermi–Dirac
f( ε) =
exp[(ε–EF) / kBT ] + 1 250 K (FD) distribution function. This state-of-the-art
280 K
f( EF) = 0.5 300 K experimental result indicates that high-resolution
320 K photoemission (ARPES) spectroscopy provide us
rich information with which we can discuss the
100 50 EF –50 –100 relationship between the electronic structure and
Binding energy (meV) the novel properties of materials such as
Figure 10 Temperature dependence of photoemission superconductivity.
spectrum of gold (Au) in the vicinity of EF.

two-dimensional detecting system with a multichan- 1.11.3 Graphite

nel plate (MCP) and a CCD camera, we are able to Band Structure
measure simultaneously the energy and the polar
angle of photoelectrons as shown in Figure 9. This Carbon-based materials show a variety of interesting
two-dimensional detection system together with a properties owing to the dimensionality, structure,
large size of hemispherical analyzer enables a rapid and size. These materials have attracted much atten-
and precise ARPES measurement to lead to the tion in both the basic science and the device
ultrahigh-resolution measurement. Figure 10 shows applications. As shown in Figure 11, the structural

Graphene ribbon




Figure 11 Crystal structures of graphene, graphite, and related materials.
390 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

base of the sp2-hybridized carbon materials is In all the carbon-based materials, the key to
graphene, single-layered graphite, which is purely understand the interesting physical properties
two dimensional. As discussed later, this graphene lies in the carbon 2p  and  orbitals whose atomic
behaves as a zero-gap semiconductor where the wave functions are schematically shown in
mass of carriers is regarded as zero (a Dirac fermion). Figure 12(a). The  orbital is elongated parallel to
When the graphene stacks along the out-of-plane the graphite plane while the  orbital perpendicular
direction, it becomes three-dimensional graphite. to the plane. The band structure for high-symmetry
In contrast to the zero-gap nature of graphene, gra- lines in the Brillouin zone derived from these orbitals
phite is a semimetal with a small overlap of C 2p  are shown in Figure 12(b). Because two carbon
bands due to the finite interaction between graphene atoms are included in the hexagonal unit cell in the
sheets in the crystal. Various atoms or molecules can case of the AB stacking, we find two bonding
be inserted between graphene sheets of graphite. bands and four bonding bands below EF. The
These compounds are called GICs and are usually corresponding antibonding counterparts are also
metallic and sometimes superconducting. It has been seen above EF ( and  bands). The bandwidth
theoretically predicted that by cutting the side of along the momentum perpendicular to the plane
graphite (graphite ribbon), anomalous electronic (kz) is very small compared to that for the in-plane,
states called edge-localized states appear in reflecting the quasi-two-dimensional nature of
the vicinity of EF (Fujita et al., 1996; Kobayashi, graphite. As one immediately notices from
1993; Nakada et al., 1996; Wakabayashi et al., 1999). Figure 12(b), both  and  bands cross EF at H or
Moreover, carbon nanotube, created by smoothly K point and produce small hole and electron Fermi
connecting both sides of graphene sheets, shows a surfaces. These small Fermi surfaces are responsible
variety of interesting properties owing to its chirality. for the electric conduction and hence the semimetal-
The carbon nanotube would be technologically lic nature of graphite.
useful for transistors, power fuel cells, displays, Figure 13 shows valence-band ARPES spectra of
and so on. kish graphite (artificially grown single-crystal

(a) (c) kz

Carbon atom

π orbital L Q Γ
σ orbital S
kx M P ∧

Energy (Ry) Energy (eV)

0.0 σ* 0.0

–0.4 π*
–0.8 π
–1.2 –16.0


κ ∧ Γ Σ M T KPH Q A R L S H

Figure 12 (a) Schematic view of the wave function of  and  orbitals. (b, c) Calculated band structure (Tatar and Rabii,
1982) and Brillouin zone of graphite.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 391

Γ(A) Γ(A)

K(H) K(H)
(a) M(L) (b) M(L)


Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)

K(H) M(L)


16 12 8 4 EF 16 12 8 4 EF
Binding energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)

Figure 13 Valence-band ARPES spectra of graphite measured along two high-symmetry lines: (a) KM (AHL) and
(b) M (AL).

graphite) measured at 20 K along (a) KM (AHL) oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). This suggests
and (b) M (AL) directions. We clearly find highly that ARPES with a high-quality single crystal is
dispersive bands along both directions. For example, essential to establish the intrinsic electronic structure
along the KM (AHL) direction (Figure 13(a)), one of graphite.
band has the top of dispersion at the (A) point at To visualize more clearly the dispersive features
4 eV and disperses toward the higher binding energy in ARPES spectra, we have mapped out the band
on approaching the K(H) point. This band has the structure and show the result in Figure 14. The
bottom at about 12 eV at the K(H) point and then experimental band structure was obtained by taking
disperses back toward the lower binding energy on the second derivative of ARPES spectra and plotting
approaching the M(L) point. We also find another the intensity by gradual shading as a function of wave
prominent peak located at about 8 eV at the (A) vector and binding energy. Bright areas correspond
point. This band rapidly approaches EF on moving to experimental bands. Figure 14 also shows the
toward the K(H) point, and the spectrum shows a first-principles band calculation of graphite (Tatar
clear Fermi-edge cutoff indicative of a tiny hole and Rabii, 1982) using the Johnson and Dresselhaus
pocket centered at the K(H) point. On the other (1973) model (the JD model) with the AB stacking
hand, along the M (AL) direction (Figure 13(b)), sequence. It is clear that the experimental band
the band does not cross EF but stays at 3 eV around structure and the bulk band calculation show a
the M(L) point, indicative of the absence of Fermi good agreement along both directions. However, we
surface along this direction. These features are com- also notice quantitative differences. For example, the
monly observed in previous ARPES results  band due to the C2p bonding states is located at
(Takahashi et al., 1985; Santoni et al., 1991). It is also about 4 eV at the (A) point in both the experiment
noted that we are able to observe separately the and the calculation, while the dispersive feature from
electronic structure along the KM (AHL) and M the (A) point to the K(H) point shows a quantitative
(AL) directions due to the single-crystal nature of deviation. The lower-lying branch of the  band
kish graphite, which is not possible with the highly (2 band) along the  KM (AHL) direction is located
392 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

(a) (b)

4 4
Binding energy (eV)

Binding energy (eV)

8 8

12 12

16 16 Low
Wave vector Wave vector

Figure 14 Valence-band structure of graphite along two high-symmetry lines KM (AHL) and M (AL) determined by
ARPES, compared with the band-structure calculation (Tatar and Rabii, 1982).

at slightly higher binding energy in the experiment While the ARPES technique determines the
than in the calculation. A similar trend is also seen in occupied electronic states, the band structure in
the M (AL) direction. The  band is located at a the unoccupied side is also elucidated by the
slightly higher binding energy in the experiment angle-resolved inverse photoemission spectroscopy
than in the calculation at the (A) point, whereas (ARIPES) (Schäter et al., 1986; Ohsawa et al., 1987)
both perfectly coincide with each other near EF at the and angle-resolved secondary-electron emission
K(H) point in the energy scale of Figure 14. The spectroscopy (ARSEES) (Maeda et al., 1988). In the
finite deviation of the energy position of bands ARIPES, electrons are impinged into the sample sur-
between the experiment and the calculation may be face and emitted photons are detected. Figure 15(a)
due to many-body effects and/or final-state effects shows ARIPES spectra of HOPG as a function of
(Strocov et al., 2001; Heske et al., 1999). polar angle. The ARIPES spectra show clear

(a) (b)
Graphite (HOPG)

65° 20
Intensity (a.u)

15° Ev

0° EF
0 5 10 15 20 25 K Γ M
Energy relative to EF

Figure 15 (a) Angle-resolved inverse photoemission spectra of graphite. (b) Comparison of ARIPES-derived unoccupied
band structure with the band calculation.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 393

structures denoted by markers, whose energies and an expansion around the K(H) point. As clearly seen
intensities are very sensitive to the change of polar in Figure 16(b), the spectral intensity at EF is
angle. Figure 15(b) shows a comparison of experi- sharply peaked at the K(H) point, demonstrating
mentally determined unoccupied band structure the existence of an extremely small Fermi surface
with the band calculation (Tatar and Rabii, 1982). at the K(H) point. The volume of the observed small
An overall agreement between the ARIPES experi- hole-like Fermi surface can be estimated by the
mental result and the calculation is found as in the following method. We first assume that the hole
case of the occupied band structure, in both the  pocket has an ellipsoidal shape elongated along
and  bands. A similar result has been obtained by the kz (KH) axis with a circular cross section in the
comparison with a refined band calculation (Fretigny kx–ky plane. The longer axis (2b) of the ellipsoid is
et al., 1989). All these experimental results demon- supposed to be just half of the unit cell along the kz
strate that the band-structure calculation serves as a axis, namely the distance between the K and H
good starting point to discuss the electronic structure points, being 0.942 Å1, as predicted from the
of graphite. band calculation (Charlier et al., 1991). We
determined the shorter axis (2a) of the ellipsoid as Fermi surface 0.034  0.004 Å1 by extrapolating the band disper-
Since the graphite is a low-carrier semimetal, we sion near the K(H) point toward EF with a linear
expect the presence of tiny Fermi surface(s). This function. The estimated volume (4a2b/3) of the
Fermi surface is successfully determined by the hole-like Fermi surface is 5.7  0.7  104 Å3,
high-resolution ARPES. Figure 16(a) displays the which corresponds to the carrier number of
ARPES intensity at EF of kish graphite plotted as 9.2  1.1  1018 cm3. This value is apparently
a function of two-dimensional wave vector. The larger than the hole carrier number (2.0  1018)
spectral weight is integrated within 10 meV with estimated from the measurement of the Hall
respect to EF and the intensity is plotted by assum- coefficient (Brandt et al., 1988), possibly due to
ing the hexagonal symmetry. The bright area the finite energy and momentum resolution in the
corresponds to the high intensity. Figure 16(b) is ARPES measurement.

kx (Å–1)
–1.0 0.0 1.0
ky (Å–1)

0.0 Γ(A)


ky (Å–1)


–0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2
kx (Å–1)

Figure 16 (a) Fermi surface of graphite determined by ARPES. (b) Expansion near the K(H) point.
394 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Edge-Localized States have been no ARPES investigations reporting the

edge-localized states in the graphite surface.
It has been theoretically suggested that a graphene
By controlling the cleaving condition of kish
ribbon possesses a characteristic electronic state near
graphite under ultrahigh vacuum, anomalous feature
the Fermi level (EF) called the edge-localized state
is sometimes observed in the ARPES spectra near the
(Fujita et al., 1996; Nakada et al., 1996; Kobayashi,
K(H) point, which could be ascribable to the edge-
1993; Wakabayashi et al., 1999), which is not pre-
localized states. Figure 18 shows ARPES spectra
dicted from the bulk band calculation. This newly
measured along the cut slightly away from the hole
created electronic state at the graphite edge has been
pocket at the K(H) point as shown in the inset. We
intensively discussed in relation to the magnetic and
first notice two prominent structures near EF around
transport properties. It has been theoretically pre-
dicted that the magnetic property of graphite kx ¼ 0 Å1. One of them, which is located closer to EF
ribbon strongly depends on the structure of edge and forms a sharper peak at about 80 meV, shows a
(zigzag- or armchair-type) (Fujita et al., 1996; steep dispersion toward high binding energy with
Kobayashi, 1993; Nakada et al., 1996; Wakabayashi gradual broadening on going to kx ¼ 0.1 Å1. This
et al., 1999), adsorbed atoms, and the stacking band is assigned as the  band, as described pre-
sequence of graphite layers (Miyamoto et al., 1999). viously. It is noted here that this  band does not
Indeed, as shown in Figure 17, which plots the cross or touch EF because the measurement was done
calculated energy versus k relation of the  bands in the cut slightly away from the hole pocket at the
for graphite ribbons parallel to the ribbon direction K(H) point, as shown in the inset. In addition to the
(Nakada et al., 1996), we find almost nondispersive  band, we find an anomalous feature (band) at about
bands in the close vicinity of EF in the case of ribbons 130 meV around kx ¼ 0 Å1. In contrast to the bulk
with zigzag edges (Figure 17(a)), while no such  band, this band shows a peculiar energy dispersion
feature is seen in the ribbon with armchair edges asymmetric with respect to kx ¼ 0 Å1; an almost
(Figure 17(b)). It is also known that adsorption of flat dispersion in the side of kx being positive, 0 to
halogen atoms to graphite ribbon remarkably 0.05 Å1, and a slight upward dispersion toward EF
changes the character of edge-localized states on the side of kx being negative of 0 to –0.10 Å1.
(Kusakabe and Maruyama, 2003; Maruyama and This asymmetric behavior might be due to the
Kusakabe, 2004). Recent scanning tunneling
spectroscopy/microscopy studies reported a signa-
ture of the edge-localized states near EF in the DOS
(Matsui et al., 2005), whereas, until recently, there kx (Å–1)

(a) Zigzag ribbon (b) Armchair ribbon
1A 1A 2A 1B
Intensity (a.u.)

2 Γ(A)
2A 3
2B 2
3 4
5 0.05
N A N–1
(c) (d) 0.0
–3 –3


0 0

0.6 0.4 0.2 EF
3 3 Binding energy (eV)
–π 0 π –π 0 π
Figure 18 Near-EF ARPES spectra of graphite showing
Figure 17 (a, b) Zigzag and armchair ribbons. (c, d) the edge-localized state. Inset shows the measured cut in
Calculated energy dispersion for zigzag and armchair the Brillouin zone (red line near the K(H) point). Red arrows
ribbons. indicate prominent structures around kx ¼ 0 Å1.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 395

matrix-element effect in the photoelectron exciting anomalous band is simply denied since such a back-
process because the polarization of incident light is ground peak in ARPES spectrum would show no
different between the two cases. We have measured dispersion, contrary to the small but finite energy
ARPES spectra for several cuts near the K(H) point dispersion of the band. The edge-localized state pre-
and found that this anomalous feature appears only dicted from the calculation for graphite ribbons
around the K(H) point. (Fujita et al., 1996; Nakada et al., 1996; Kobayashi,
In Figure 19, we plot the ARPES spectral inten- 1993; Wakabayashi et al., 1999) may account for the
sity as a function of binding energy and wave vector, observed anomalous band. According to the calcula-
together with the projection of bulk band on the (001) tions, a zigzag edge of graphite ribbon possesses an
plane (dots) (McClure, 1957). As clearly seen in the almost-flat band in the close vicinity of EF around the
figure, the projection of the  band shows a good K point, in good agreement with the present observa-
agreement with the hole-like  band in the experi- tion. We speculate that cleaved surface of kish
ment. The anomalous feature is observed well graphite contains similar zigzag edges at the steps.
outside the projection of the  band, indicating that In fact, a recent STS/STM study (Matsui et al., 2005)
the dispersion along kz of the  band is not respon- reported the existence of zigzag steps and the resul-
sible for the anomalous feature. The antibonding tant edge-localized states on the graphite surface.
electron-like  band ( band) might be the origin It is also revealed that the zigzag step affects the
of the anomalous feature. However, as seen in electronic structure substantially away from the
Figure 19, the  band is situated well above EF in step because the edge-localized state is observed on
this momentum region and cannot account for the the flat surface about 35 Å away from the step.
anomalous flat band below EF. The coupling of Probably this long-distance effect of the zigzag step
electrons with a certain bosonic excitation as enables the observation of the edge-localized states
observed in cuprate superconductors (Campuzano by ARPES, which probes the electronic structure
et al., 1999; Lanzara et al., 2001; Sato et al., 2003) averaged over a wide area of the surface. The possi-
cannot explain this observation. Because the band bility of dangling bonds are not ruled out to explain
produced by such an excitation should follow or the observed anomalous electronic states (Jensen and
mimic the original hole-like dispersion (Norman Blase, 2004; Hahn and Kang, 1999). It has been theo-
retically suggested (Jensen and Blase, 2004) that the
et al., 1997) with a considerable renormalization of
character of the graphite surface is dramatically
the bandwidth near EF. However, the observed
affected by the presence of dangling bonds. These
anomalous band shows an electron-like character in
dangling bonds are associated to undercoordinated
contrast to the hole-like  band. The angle-
carbon atoms at the point or extended defects at the
integrated-type background as the origin of the
step edges. According to the STM measurement by
Hahn and Kang (1999) such dangling bonds, which
are not passivated by adsorbates contribute to the
EF DOS near EF. We speculate that dangling atoms or
dimers at armchair or zigzag edges, which are not
Binding energy (eV)

passivated by the adsorbates, may be formed in the

0.2 present experiment where we cleave the sample in an
ultrahigh vacuum of 2  1011 Torr. In this case, the
observed anomalous feature near EF in the ARPES
0.4 experiment might be explained by the dangling-bond

0.6 Many-Body Interactions
–0.10 –0.05 0.0 0.05 0.10 ARPES is a strong experimental technique to deter-
kx (Å–1) mine the band structure of solids. By qualitatively
analyzing the energy dispersion and the energy
Figure 19 ARPES-intensity plot near EF of graphite as a
function of wave vector and binding energy measured near width of the peak in the ARPES spectrum, we are
the K(H) point (see Figure 18), compared with the projection able to obtain an insight into the many-body interac-
of calculated bands (McClure, 1957). tions responsible for the anomalous physical
396 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

properties. For instance, as shown in Figure 20(a), a signature of the strong electron-mode coupling
when electrons are strongly coupled to some kind of in kish graphite (Sugawara et al., 2007). In
collective excitations or bosonic modes, a kink Figure 20(b), we plot ARPES spectra of kish
appears in the energy dispersion near EF. The energy graphite near EF measured at 7 K along a cut that
scale of the kink basically reflects the characteristic includes the K(H) point (line at K(H) in the inset to
energy of the mode, and the effective mass of Figure 20(c)). Figure 20(c) shows the corresponding
the quasi-particle band is highly renormalized in intensity plot as a function of wave vector and
the vicinity of EF due to the interaction. The disper- binding energy. We clearly identify in Figure 20(b)
sion kink has been studied recently in various a couple of hole-like bonding  bands separated by
materials, such as high-Tc cuprate superconductors 0.6 eV, which disperse toward EF when approaching
(Campuzano et al., 2004; Damascelli et al., 2003), the K(H) point. The splitting of  bands is created
charge-density-wave materials (Valla et al., 2000; by the AB stacking sequence of kish graphite as
Schäfer et al., 2003), and surface systems (Valla et al., seen in the band calculations (Tatar and Rabii,
1999; Hengsberger et al., 1999). As for the origin of 1982; Charlier, 1991; McClure, 1957) (see also
the mode, mainly phonons and magnetic excitations Figure 12). An anomalously sharp quasi-particle
were proposed so far. peak appears in the upper  band at a narrow angle
By obtaining a flat clean surface with a negligible region centered at the K(H) point, while the peak
contribution from the edge-localized states, we find becomes significantly broad and does not show
prominent energy dependence when the position of
peak exceeds 0.2 eV. We also find a tiny peak
(a) (b) slightly away from the K(H) point in the close
kF vicinity of EF, which shows a remarkable resem-
EF k
blance to the spectral line shape of the surface band
Mode near EF in Be surface (Hengsberger et al., 1999). The
energy Kink With marked sharpening of the spectral line shape as well
Intensity (a.u)

interaction as the appearance of an additional peak indicates that

electrons are coupled to certain collective excita-
No interaction tions. It is noted that the observed quasi-particle
(bare band) peak in graphite is as sharp as the nodal quasi-particle

peak in hole-doped cuprates at the superconducting

state with the d-wave gap opening (Kaminski et al.,
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 EF
2000). Both cases can be explained by the similar
Binding energy (eV) phase space argument (Bena and Kivelson, 2005); in
F E D C BA graphite, the extremely small Fermi surface limits
the phase space available for the scattering, while in
the d-wave superconductors, the scattering among
point nodes causes a similar effect and reduces the
Binding energy (eV)

scattering rate dramatically.

To elucidate quantitatively the character of
low-energy excitations, we fit ARPES spectrum by
two peaks corresponding to the upper and lower
1.5 K(H)
 bands. We simulate ARPES spectrum by two
weakly asymmetric Lorentzian peaks together with
Γ(A) a broad background multiplied by the FD distribu-
tion function at 7 K, and they are convoluted with a
2.5 Low
–0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 Gaussian having an energy width of instrumental
kx (Å–1) resolution (4 meV). Figure 21 shows the result of
fitting for representative k points as denoted by
Figure 20 (a) Schematic diagram to explain the kink
arrows A–F in Figure 20(c). It is evident that
structure in the energy dispersion. (b) Ultrahigh-resolution
ARPES spectra near EF of graphite around the K(H) point the calculated spectral functions (solid curve) repro-
and (c) the corresponding ARPES-intensity plot as a duce satisfactorily the experimental data (open
function of wave vector and binding energy. circles) in whole energy region up to 2.5 eV. The
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 397

found a reasonable agreement with Re (!) deter-

200 100 mined from the fitting of energy distribution curve
(EDC), demonstrating that appearance of quasi-
particle peak and the renormalization of band
ImΣ (meV)


ReΣ (meV)
λ = 0.70 ± 0.08 60 are directly connected to each other. To elucidate
100 40 the character of the mode quantitatively, we apply the
Debye model to reproduce the obtained self-energy on
20 an assumption of a linear scattering rate higher than
0 the Debye energy !D to account for the energy depen-
Intensity (a.u.)

0 dence of |Im (!)|. The bulk three-dimensional

1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 EF
Binding energy (eV) model with !D ¼ 0.175 eV and the coupling constant
 ¼ 0.70  0.08 well reproduce the experimentally
obtained self-energy. The estimated !D is similar to
the known Debye energy of graphite (!D ¼ 0.2 eV)
(Kittel, 1953), suggesting that electrons are strongly
B coupled to phonons. It is remarked here that a
proper calculation would involve the actual phonon
dispersion into the Eliashberg coupling function
2F(!), but even the oversimplified analysis by
E using the Debye model reasonably reproduces the
obtained self-energy. We note that the estimated !D
value (0.175 eV) is similar to the highest phonon
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 EF energy at 0.2 eV determined from the tunneling
Binding energy (eV) (Vitali et al., 2004) and the Raman scattering
Figure 21 ARPES spectra near EF of graphite and their (Kawashima and Katagiri, 1995) experiments.
numerical fittings. Inset shows the real and imaginary parts According to the theoretical calculation of phonon
of the self-energy of electrons in graphite. dispersion (Siebentritt et al., 1997), the highest
branch is attributed to the longitudinal optical
(LO) phonon which is essentially nondispersive at
inset in Figure 21 displays the imaginary part of the
0.2 eV around the zone center. Acoustic shear (SH)
self-energy |Im (!)|, which is equal to the quasi-
phonon also produces a pronounced DOS at 0.18 eV.
particle scattering rate and inversely proportional to Thus, the sudden drop in Im (!) could be
the quasi-particle lifetime, obtained by plotting the explained by the coupling of electrons with the SH
half-width-at-half-maximum of the peak at the upper phonon and/or the LO phonon.
 band. |Im (!)| shows a sudden drop below
0.18 eV, in accordance with the sharpening of the
quasi-particle peak. The sudden drop in |Im (!)| 1.11.4 Graphite Intercalation
is caused by the coupling between electrons and a Compounds
collective mode. In the inset to Figure 21, we also
plot the real part of the self-energy Re (!). We C8A (A ¼ K, Rb, Cs)
defined Re (!) as the energy difference between GICs were first reported in 1840 (Schafhäl, 1840),
the obtained peak position of ARPES spectrum and and the systematic study started in the early 1930s
the linear bare band that passes through two points at (Dresselhaus and Dresselhaus, 2002). The intercala-
EF and 1.5 eV in the experimental dispersion tion of atoms/molecules with host graphite changes
(see Figure 20(c)). As indicated by circles in the various physical properties. Among the most striking
inset to Figure 21, Re (!) shows a distinct properties are the superconductivity in the first-stage
enhancement at the binding energy of 0.16 eV, alkali metal GIC C8K (Hannay et al., 1965; Koike
which indicates the mass renormalization of band. et al., 1978), first discovered in 1965 (Hannay et al.,
The energy position of peak maximum in Re (!) 1965). The high conductivity of GICs originates
is close to the energy position of the sudden drop in in the charge (electron or hole) transfer from the
|Im (!)|. We also obtained Re (!) by Kramers– intercalant to the graphite layer. Among all GICs,
Kronig transformation of Im (!) (triangles) and alkali-metal GICs have been most intensively
398 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

kz (a)
(a) (b) ∼
C8 K ΓΚ Ζ He I
kx K Λ T


Intensity (a.u.)
Graphene layer K Y K Γ
kx 60°
Unit cell 1st layer α (K) (Γ)
2nd layer β Y 55°
3rd layer γ
Γ 50°
4th layer δ
5th layer α (M) 45°
ky 40°
Figure 22 (a) Crystal structure and (b) Brillouin zone 30°
of C8K. 25°
studied by ARPES, especially in the 1980s, in C6Li 5°

(Eberhardt et al., 1980; McGovern et al., 1980), C8K
10 5 EF
(Takahashi et al., 1986), C8Rb (Eberhardt et al., 1980; Binding energy (eV)
McGovern et al., 1980), and C8Cs (Gunasekara
et al., 1987). The crystal structure and Brillouin EF
zone for C8K are shown in Figure 22. The graphite
Binding energy (eV)

and intercalant layers are arranged in the

stacking sequence in C8K. As shown in
Figure 22(b), the modified two-dimensional
Brillouin zone for C8K occupies one-fourth of the
area of the whole Brillouin zone of graphite due to
the reconstruction of Brillouin zone by the periodic 10
potential from the alkali-metal ions.
∼ ∼ C K Γ
Γ Κ Y Κ 8 Y Γ YΓZ Band structure M Κ (Graphite) Γ M Γ
Figure 23(a) shows ARPES spectra of C8K meas- Figure 23 (a) ARPES spectra of C8K and (b) the
ured along the KZ line (KM line of bulk experimentally determined band structure compared with
graphite) as a function of polar angle . We clearly the band calculation (Ohno et al., 1979).
identify some characteristic features of the elec-
tronic states: (1) the unfolded  band, which is
located at about 9.5 eV in the normal-emission graphite into the Brillouin zone of the 2  2 super-
spectrum, disperses remarkably toward the lower structure, as clearly seen between two K~ points.
binding energy on increasing , but it disperses back This indicates that the surface region of the C8K
again toward higher binding energy at   60 before sample probed by ARPES has the same 2  2 super-
reaching EF; (2) the unfolded  band, which structure as in bulk. In Figure 23(b), we also plot
abruptly appears at about 45 at EF, showing a the bands calculated by Ohno, Nakao, and
small but finite energy dispersion with the bottom at Kamimura (the ONK model; Ohno et al., 1979) for
1.0 eV; (3) the folded  bands, which appear at comparison. The experimentally obtained band
4–7 eV in the spectra at   0–20 ; and (4) a non- structure reasonably agrees with the band calcula-
dispersive band at EF with the largest peak intensity at tion, especially for the  and  bands. We find in
 ¼ 0 with some additional features at  ¼ 25–30 . In Figures 23(a) and 23(b) that the intensity of the
Figure 23(b), we plot energy positions of peaks and folded  bands is much weaker than that of the
shoulders in the ARPES spectra as a function of the unfolded ones like in C6Li (Eberhardt et al., 1980;
wave vector. We find the folding of energy bands of McGovern et al., 1980).
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 399 Interlayer band 11.5 K) are significantly higher than those of other
As seen in Figure 23(b), some discrepancies are also GICs. To determine its pairing symmetry, several
found between the ARPES experiment and the cal- experimental results have been reported. Although
culation: (1) the so-called K 4s band (interlayer band) the isotropic s-wave superconducting order para-
in the calculation shows a nearly-free-electron-like meter within the conventional BCS theory has been
dispersion around the  point while we find only a inferred from the thermodynamic (Sutherland et al.,
nondispersive band at EF in the ARPES experiment; 2007) and magnetic properties (Lamura et al., 2006),
(2) the calculated highest energy level of the  band substantial deviations and anomalies beyond the
at the  point is located at about 7 eV while it is conventional framework have also been suggested
experimentally observed at about 6 eV. As for the by the tunneling spectroscopy (Bergeal et al., 2006;
interlayer band, it has a large energy dispersion Kurter et al., 2007) and the electron spin resonance
along the interlayer direction (Z) as shown in experiment (Muranyi et al., 2008), proposing the
Figure 23(b). This interlayer dispersion may distort strong-coupling superconductivity, the anisotropic
the present ARPES spectra, causing a discrepancy gap, and/or the multicomponent gaps. The discovery
between the experiment and the calculation. of high-Tc GICs has also stimulated several theo-
Although we do not find a clear signature for the retical proposals for the superconducting mechanism.
interlayer band, the present experimental data sug- An earlier band calculation (Csanyi et al., 2005) has
gest the existence of partially filled band around the proposed an unconventional pairing mechanism via
 point. This is derived from the following two the interlayer band with intermediate bosons such as
experimental facts. First, the experimentally low-energy acoustic plasmons (Csanyi et al., 2005)
observed  band observed at the K~ point shows a and excitions (Allender et al., 1973). Pairing mechan-
good agreement with that of the ONK model, which ism by the resonating valence bond has also been
predicts the presence of the interlayer band below EF discussed (Black-Schaffer and Doniach, 2007).
(Ohno et al., 1979), while the  band does not show Recent first-principles calculations (Boeri et al.,
a good agreement with the model predicting 2007; Calandra and Mauri, 2005; Mazin, 2005;
the absence of the interlayer band below EF Mazin et al., 2007; Sanna et al., 2007) have suggested
(DiVincenzo and Rabii, 1982). The size of electron that the electron coupling to the out-of-plane carbon
pocket in the experiment is similar to that in the and intercalant phonons is responsible for achieving
ONK model, which suggests an electron charge higher Tc’s, while a clear demonstration to experi-
transfer of 0.6e from potassium atoms (e is the unit mentally distinguish various models has not yet been
charge). In order to accommodate the remaining made. This key issue as well as the discrepancies in
electronic charge of about 0.4e, another band is neces- the nature of superconducting gap among experi-
sary somewhere below EF in the experimental band ments request further precise investigations on the
structure. This extra band is supposed to be located momentum and Fermi-surface dependence of the
around the center of the Brillouin zone according to superconducting gap. However, such an experiment
the theoretical interpretations for C8K (Ohno et al., had hardly been done because of the small super-
1979; DiVincenzo and Rabii, 1982). Second, the non- conducting gap as well as the lack of high-quality
dispersive feature observed at EF shows the largest single crystals.
peak intensity at   0 , and when we increase the Figure 24 shows (a) crystal structure and
polar angle, the peak intensity is again enhanced (b) Brillouin zone of C6Ca. Since the Ca atom stacks
around the  point in the next Brillouin zone. This with the rhombohedral coordination with an
strongly suggests the existence of a band below EF AAA sequence, the Brillouin zone of C6Ca is
around the  point, which would likely be the inter- different from that of C8A. The projected surface
layer band. It is noted that this interlayer band is Brillouin zone has a hexagonal shape but is rotated
more clearly observed in C6Ca as we describe in by 30 with respect to the Brillouin zone of C8A
the next section. (Figure 22(b)).
C6Ca single crystals were usually grown by
the chemical vapor transport method (Weller et al., C6Ca
2005), while it is also produced by the alloy method
The discovery of superconductivity in C6Yb and (Emery et al., 2005). The inset in Figure 25 shows a
C6Ca (Weller et al., 2005) in 2005 has revived a picture of C6Ca single-crystal grown by the alloy
considerable interest since their Tc values (6.5 and method by heating kish graphite mixed with molten
400 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

(a) (b)
: Ca


Graphene layer 1st layer α χ

Unit cell 2nd layer β T
3rd layer γ X
4th layer α

Figure 24 (a) Crystal structure and (b) the Brillouin zone of C6Ca.

in both directions, basically similar to those of kish

graphite (see Figure 13). We find a peak in the
vicinity of EF showing an electron-like energy dis-
Moment (e.m.u. cm–3)

–0.2 persion around the K(H) point, which is not observed

1 mm
in kish graphite. We also notice a small but finite
–0.4 peak with the Fermi-edge cut off around the  point.
Tc = 11.5 K This behavior has not been recognized in kish
–0.6 graphite.
Figure 27 shows the experimentally determined
–0.8 valence-band structure of C6Ca along high-symmetry
H = 10 (Oe)
lines. Although the overall band structure of
–1.0 C6Ca looks to be similar to that of kish graphite
(Figure 14), it is noticed that the band structure of
6 8 10 12 14 C6Ca is shifted as a whole toward high binding energy
Temperature (K)
by 1.0–1.5 eV, indicating that electrons are certainly
Figure 25 The DC magnetic susceptibility of C6Ca. Inset doped into pristine graphite by Ca intercalation.
shows a picture of C6Ca single crystal used for ARPES A small electron pocket that appears in the vicinity
of Fermi level (EF) at the K point in C6Ca is ascribed
to the  band, which is above EF in pristine graphite
and is shifted down below EF by the electron doping
lithium–calcium alloy at around 350  C for 6 days
(McChesney et al., 2007; Molodtsov et al., 2003;
under high vacuum. Figure 25 also shows the mag-
Takahashi et al., 1986).
netic susceptibility of C6Ca single crystal as a
function of temperature for zero-field cooling
(ZFC) and field cooling at 10 Oe. The sharp drop Fermi surface
in the ZFC curve confirms that the crystal exhibits
Figure 28 shows the Fermi surface of C6Ca deter-
the superconductivity with the onset Tc ¼ 11.5 K
mined by plotting the ARPES-spectral intensity at EF
with the superconducting volume fraction as high as
as a function of the two-dimensional wave vector.
90%. While kish graphite is very easy to cleave
The topology of the Fermi surface in C6Ca is dras-
because of the weak van der Waals coupling among
tically different from that of graphite (Figure 16).
graphite layers, C6Ca is harder to cleave due to more
We find two different Fermi surfaces, a circular
three-dimensional-like bonding character.
Fermi surface at the  point and a triangular Fermi
surface at the K point, while only one tiny Fermi Band structure surface is observed at the K(H) point in graphite
Figures 26(a) and 26(b) show ARPES spectra of (Sugawara et al., 2006). The triangular Fermi surface
C6Ca measured at 15 K along K and M directions at the K point originates in the  band and is well
of graphite Brillouin zone, respectively (Sugawara explained in terms of the simple rigid shift of the
et al., 2008). We clearly find highly dispersive features chemical potential due to the electron doping (Tatar
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 401

(a) M(L) (b) M(L)

K(H) K(H)
Γ(A) Γ(A)


Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)




16 12 8 4 EF 16 12 8 4 EF
Binding energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)
Figure 26 Valence-band ARPES spectra of C6Ca measured along (a) the K and (b) M directions in the graphite Brillouin
zone (Sugawara et al., 2008).

C6Ca C6Ca
1 B
1.0 K
2 A
ky (Å–1)

0.0 M Γ A′
Binding energy (eV)


–1.0 0.0 1.0 Low

High kx (Å–1)

Figure 28 Fermi surface of C6Ca determined by ARPES.

of  band due to the superstructure of Ca interca-
lants, because the shape and size of Fermi surface
16 are distinctly different from those of the  Fermi
M K Γ M K Low surface. On the other hand, the band structure
Wave vector calculations (Boeri et al., 2007; Calandra and Mauri,
Figure 27 Band structure of C6Ca determined by ARPES. 2005; Mazin, 2005; Mazin et al., 2007; Sanna et al., 2007)
The top panel shows an expansion of the near-EF region. have predicted an additional band at the  point in
C6Ca (named the interlayer band), which has a sizable
and Rabii, 1982). In contrast, the small Fermi surface contribution from the intercalant states and produces a
observed at the  point is not explained by the small free-electron-like spherical Fermi surface at the
simple rigid shift of graphite bands or the folding  point. Considering a good agreement in the location
402 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

and the shape, we assign the small Fermi surface shows dominant peaks at 50–75 and 160–180 meV
observed at the  point to the interlayer band originating in the out-of-plane and the in-plane
(Ohno et al., 1979) in C6Ca. In fact, the observed vibrations of carbon atoms, respectively, in good
circular Fermi surface is not ascribed to the calculated agreement with the anomalies observed in the
two  Fermi surfaces in C6Ca, since one calculated ARPES spectra. This suggests that electrons on the
Fermi surface has a hexagonal shape and the other circular Fermi surface at the  point are strongly
is not centered at the  point (Sanna et al., 2007; coupled to the out-of-plane vibrations while those
Mazin et al., 2007). on the triangular Fermi surface at the K point are
coupled dominantly with the in-plane phonons.
This experimentally demonstrates that the interlayer Superconducting gap electrons strongly interact with the surrounding lat-
Figure 29 shows ARPES spectra near EF of C6Ca at tice unlike in the free-electron picture, as predicted
6 K measured at two representative Fermi vectors from the first-principles calculations (Sanna et al.,
(kF’s) on the circular Fermi surface at the  point 2007; Boeri et al., 2007). The reason why  electrons
and the triangular Fermi surface at the K point, at the K point are only weakly coupled to the out-of-
respectively, as indicated by circles in Figure 28. plane phonons may be the antisymmetry of the
Note that the spectral intensity shows a sudden wave function with respect to the graphene layer
drop at 80 meV on the circular Fermi surface (Calandra and Mauri, 2005). On the other hand, the
(point A) while a small but clear dip is observed at interlayer band forming the circular Fermi surface
170 meV in the spectrum measured on the triangu- at the  point is expected to be strongly coupled to
lar Fermi surface (point B). We find that the energy the out-of-plane phonons due to the symmetry
position of dip does not vary in the momentum (Boeri et al., 2007). We note that a spectral dip
region around the kF point. This is not explained related to the coupling with the Ca vibrations is
by the presence of another band located around the not clearly observed in Figure 29, possibly because
dip energy, but is reminiscent of the strong many- the dip is broad (20–30 meV) compared to the Ca
body effects observed in high-Tc cuprates phonon energy (15 meV).
(Campuzano et al., 2004; Damascelli et al., 2003) Figure 30(a) shows ultrahigh-resolution ARPES
and Ba0.67K0.33BiO3 (Chainani et al., 2001). In fact, spectra near EF of C6Ca measured at two represent-
as seen in Figure 29, the Eliashberg function 2F(!) ative k points A and B as shown in Figure 28 at
calculated for C6Ca (Calandra and Mauri, 2005) temperatures below/above Tc (6 and 15 K). At point
A, the midpoint of the leading edge in the spectrum
at 6 K is shifted toward high binding energy by
C6Ca approximately 0.8 meV with respect to EF while the
Tc = 11.5 K
spectrum at 15 K has the midpoint at EF. This clearly
indicates the opening/closing of a superconducting
gap as a function of temperature. On the other hand,
at point B, the midpoint of the leading edge is located
at around EF even at 6 K, and the spectrum looks to
Intensity (a.u.)

show a simple temperature dependence to obey the

A FD function, suggesting the absence or the very small
magnitude of the superconducting gap. This marked
C(xy) C(z) difference is better illustrated in Figure 30(b) where
the spectra at 6 K at points A and B are directly
compared. To clarify the possible anisotropy of
α 2F(ω)

0.5 (xy) B
the gap, we also plot the 6-K spectra measured at
points A9 and B9 on the same Fermi surfaces but on
different high-symmetry lines (Figure 28), since the
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 EF anisotropy, if it exists, should be largest between
Binding energy (eV) points A and A9 (B and B9). As seen from
Figure 29 ARPES spectra near EF of C6Ca at 6 K Figure 30(b), the leading edge at point A9 (B9)
measured at points A and B (see Figure 28), compared to almost coincides with that of points A (B). This
the Elieshberg function 2F(!) (Calandra and Mauri, 2005). suggests that the anisotropy of superconducting gap
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 403

(a) (b)
C6Ca T=6K
Tc = 11.5 K A

Intensity (a.u.)

Intensity (a.u.)
A B'
6K ∆ = 1.8 meV
B Γ = 0.5 meV A
15 K

10 5 EF –5 10 5 EF –5
Binding energy (meV) Binding energy (meV)
Figure 30 (a) Superconducting gap of C6Ca measured at representative kF points A and B in Figure 28. (b) Top: direct
comparison of ARPES spectrum at T ¼ 6 K measured at four kF points in Fig. 28. Bottom: Numerical simulation of ARPES
spectrum at point A.

is very small in both circular and triangular Fermi 1.11.5 Graphene

surfaces, while the gap value is markedly different Single-Layered Graphite: Dirac
between these two Fermi surfaces. To estimate the
size of superconducting gap, we numerically fit the
spectrum by using the Dynes function (Dynes et al., Graphene has attracted much attention since it shows
1978). The representative result for point A is dis- various interesting physical properties such as
played in Figure 30(b). The estimated gap size  at the massless Dirac-fermion-like behavior and the
6 K is 1.8  0.2 and 2.0  0.2 meV at points A and A9, unusual quantum Hall effect (Novoselov et al.,
respectively. The reduced gap value of 2(0)/kBTc 2005). The recent success of spin injection at room
by assuming the mean-field temperature dependence temperature (Ohishi et al., 2007; Tombros et al., 2007)
is 4.1  0.5, indicating the intermediate- to strong- and the observation of bipolar supercurrent (Heersche
coupling character. The first-principles calculation et al., 2007) suggest that graphene has a high potential
(Sanna et al., 2007) has predicted a similar gap value. of application to spintronics devices. To reveal the
On the other hand, at points B and B9, the estimated origin and the mechanism of these novel properties,
superconducting gap size is 0.2  0.2 meV. These it is indispensable to elucidate the electronic structure
results suggest the anisotropy of the superconducting near the Fermi level (EF). As shown in Figure 31, it
gap of 1 meV reported by the tunneling experiment has been theoretically predicted (Painter and Ellis,
(Bergeal et al., 2006) is not explained in terms of the
anisotropy of interlayer Fermi surface at the  point,
but is actually influenced by a smaller superconduct-
ing gap of other Fermi surfaces, most likely the 
Fermi surface. The reported deviation of the specific 20
heat (Kim et al., 2006) from the single isotropic
Binding energy (eV)

s-wave behavior (Sanna et al., 2007; Mazin et al., σ∗ 10

2007) would also be explained by this Fermi surface
dependence of the superconducting gap. π∗
Present results demonstrate that the coupling of EF
electrons in the interlayer band with the out-of- σ
plane phonons is essential to realize the superconduc- –10
tivity in C6Ca, while the simple electron doping into
the  band of graphene layers may not lead to the
superconductivity at such a high temperature. The
next challenge is to clarify the role of intercalant K Γ M K
(Ca) phonons which have been theoretically proposed Wave vector
to enhance the Tc value (Boeri et al., 2007; Calandra Figure 31 Schematic band structure of graphene
and Mauri, 2005; Mazin, 2005, 2007; Sanna et al., 2007). (Painter and Ellis, 1970).
404 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

1970) that the  and  bands contact each other only and the temperature gradient on the surface. Here
at K point of the Brillouin zone in graphene and the we focus on the ARPES results of graphene film
energy at this contacting point is called the Dirac prepared by the third method.
energy (ED). It is obvious that ED is equal to EF in Graphene thin films were prepared by annealing
pristine (undoped) graphene. To experimentally an n-type Si-rich 6H-SiC(0001) single crystal with
investigate the electronic structure of graphene by resistive heating in an ultrahigh vacuum of 1  1010
ARPES, a clean surface of graphene has to be pre- Torr (Bostwick et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2007, 2008;
pared under ultrahigh vacuum. There are several Rotenberg et al., 2008). By controlling the tempera-
methods to fabricate the graphene sample. First is ture and the heating time, it is possible to selectively
to peel off the bulk graphite many times known as a grow single-layer graphene and multilayer graphene
micro cleaving (Novoselov et al., 2005). Second is to with more than 10 sheets (Kusunoki et al., 2000).
evaporate/dissociate organic materials like ethylene Graphene films are characterized by the low-energy
on a clean metal surfaces such as Ni(111) (Nagashima electron diffraction (LEED) and the energy position
et al., 1994a), TaC(111) (Nagashima et al., 1994b), and of  and  bands observed by ARPES.
Pt(111) (Fujita et al., 2005). Third is to segregate a Figure 32(a) shows the LEED pattern of gra-
graphene sheet on SiC(0001) crystal surface by phene grown on 6H-SiC(0001) measured with
heating the SiC crystal (Vanbommel et al., 1975). primary electron energy of 107 eV. The LEED
First method has a difficulty in obtaining a large pattern of graphene on SiC(0001) consists of three
surface area suitable for ARPES measurements. In different spots: (1) the (1  1) spots from the bulk SiC
p p
the second method, we expect a strong interaction substrate (SiC (1  1)); (2) the weak 6 3  6 3
between the substrate and the graphene film, so that spots which originate in the bulk SiC layer bonded
near-EF energy bands of graphene are strongly with the interface graphene layer (buffer layer);
modulated by the hybridization by the energy and (iii) the C (1  1) spots due to the honeycomb
bands of the metallic substrate. The third method atomic pattern of graphene (Ni et al., 2008).
seems useful for ARPES measurement because the Figure 32(b) shows the valence-band ARPES
interaction between substrate and the graphene film spectra of graphene measured along the KM direc-
is much weaker than the second case, and a clean tion. Several highly dispersive bands are clearly
surface with the large area (few mm2) is easily observed, and the overall band dispersion is basically
obtained by controlling the annealing temperature similar to that of bulk graphite (see Figure 14(a)).

(a) (b)
Graphene (1 x 1)

6 3x6 3

Si (1 x 1)
Intensity (a.u.)

(c) EF
π K
Binding energy (eV)

12 Γ

16 12 8 4 EF
Wave vector Binding energy (eV)
Figure 32 (a) LEED pattern of graphene grown on 6H-SiC(0001). (b) Valence-band ARPES spectra of graphene.
(c) Experimentally determined band structure compared with the band calculation of graphene.
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 405

We find a single  band which rapidly disperses For example, the bottom of  band at  point in
toward EF on approaching the K point. Figure 32(c) graphene is shifted by about 0.7 eV toward the high
shows the ARPES-derived band structure of binding energy compared to that in graphite. As for the
graphene/SiC(0001) compared with the calculated  band, the top (bottom) of dispersion at the (K) point
bands. The experimental band structure was obtained in graphene is located at 0.5 eV higher (0.7 eV lower)
by taking the second derivative of ARPES spectra and binding energy than that of graphite. These experi-
plotting the intensity as a function of wave vector and mental results indicate that the band width of both 
binding energy. As expected, the band structure of and  bands is larger in graphene than in graphite.
graphene consists of the highly dispersive  and  This quantitative difference in the band width may be
bands. The overall band structure is well reproduced ascribed to the difference in the lattice constant.
by the calculation, while some quantitative differences Actually, the wave vector of the K point estimated
are found in the energy position of the top of  band from the present ARPES results is slightly different
and the bottom of  band at the  point. between graphene and graphite; 1.72  0.01 Å1 for
graphene and 1.70  0.01 Å1 for graphite. The
corresponding in-plane lattice vectors () are Comparison with Graphite 2.44  0.01 and 2.46  0.01 Å, respectively, showing a
Figure 33 shows the comparison of experimental good agreement with the reported value (2.46 Å)
band structure between (a) graphene/SiC(0001) and (Lukesh and Pauling, 1950) for the case of graphite.
(b) graphite/SiC(0001). It is noted that the multilayer The lattice contraction in graphene may be due to a
graphene sample in this study shows the almost slight mismatch of the lattice constant between
identical band structure to that of bulk kish graphite graphite and SiC as observed by Raman spectroscopy
(Sugawara et al., 2006, 2007). Hence we refer to this (Ni et al., 2008). In addition to the  and  bands, we find
multilayer graphene as graphite in this section. As a weakly dispersing band around 3–4 eV binding
clearly visible in Figure 33, the band structures of energy in graphene, which is not predicted in the
graphene and graphite look very similar to each band calculation (Painter and Ellis, 1970) and may be
p p
other, consisting of the highly dispersive  and due to the 6 3  6 3 structure of the buffer layer
 bands. The  band has the bottom of dispersion at (Mattausch and Pankratov, 2007; Emtsev et al., 2008).
around 8–9 eV at the  point and the top at EF at the Figure 34 shows the plot of ARPES intensity
K point, while the  band has the top at around around the K point as a function of the wave vector
4–5 eV at  point and shows a strong downward and the binding energy for (a) graphene and (b)
dispersion toward the K point. However, detailed graphite. To remove the effect from the FD function,
comparison reveals several quantitative differences. the ARPES intensity is divided by the FD function

(a) Graphene/SiC(0001) (b) Graphite/SiC(0001)

π π

σ σ
Binding energy (eV)

Binding energy (eV)

8 8

K(H) M(L)
12 12


16 16
Γ K M Γ(A) K(H) M(L)
Wave vector Wave vector
Figure 33 Comparison of valence-band structure between (a) graphene/6H-SiC(0001) and (b) graphite/6H-SiC(0001).
406 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

(a) Graphene/SiC(0001) (b) Graphite/SiC(0001)

Binding energy (eV) EF EF

Binding energy (eV)

0.2 0.2

0.4 280 meV 0.4

0.6 0.6

0.8 kx = 0.8 kx =
0.0 Å–1 0.0Å–1
1.0 1.0
–0.04 0.0 0.04 Intensity (a.u.) –0.04 0.0 0.04 Intensity (a.u.) Low

kx (Å–1) kx (Å–1)

Figure 34 Comparison of near-EF band structure between (a) graphene/6H-SiC(0001) and (b) graphite/6H-SiC(0001),
together with the corresponding energy distribution curve at the K point.

convoluted with the Gaussian which reflects the in graphene estimated from the interval between the
instrumental resolution. The corresponding ARPES two peaks in the ARPES spectrum is about 280 meV.
spectra at the K point are also shown for comparison. This band gap has also been observed (Zhou et al.,
It is remarked in Figure 34(a) that the Dirac energy 2007, 2008) and discussed in terms of the sublattice-
ED of graphene is not at EF, but is about 0.4 eV below symmetry breaking due to the graphene–substrate
it, suggesting that the graphene sheet on SiC is doped interaction. On the other hand, it has also been
with electrons, as also evident from the appearance of reported that there is no gap opening at ED and the
the  band at EF. It is speculated that electrons are observed small anomaly of band dispersion around
transferred from the n-type SiC substrate and/or the ED is explained in terms of the electron–plasmon
buffer layer (Bostwick et al., 2007; Rotenberg et al., coupling (Bostwick et al., 2007; Rotenberg et al.,
2008; Zhou et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2008). On the other 2008). The reason for this difference is unclear at
hand, ED of graphite is at or very close to EF, as seen present, while it has also been discussed that the
in Figure 34(b). The band structure of graphite quantitative value of the band gap may depend on
grown on SiC shows a close resemblance to that of the sample preparation process (Zhou et al., 2008).
bulk kish graphite (see Figure 14) (Sugawara et al., As for the origin of band gap in graphene observed
2007). The energy splitting of  band at the K point in the present ARPES study, it would be most likely
due to the interlayer coupling between graphene related to the interaction between the graphene sheet
sheets is clearly observed and the energy interval is and the SiC substrate. The band-gap size decreases
almost identical to that of kish graphite. A sharp on increasing the number of layers (Zhou et al., 2007),
quasi-particle peak appears at EF, and the Dirac and finally vanishes in multilayer graphite (graphite)
energy ED is at or very close to EF as in kish graphite. as shown in Figure 34. As described above, the pre-
These experimental results suggest that the graphite sent ARPES results have revealed that the lattice of
sample grown on SiC in the present study consists of graphene grown on SiC(0001) slightly contracts
a sufficiently large number of graphene sheets and compared with that of bulk graphite, as evident
hardly suffers the charge-transfer effect from the from the larger wave vector of the K point and the
substrate (Zhou et al., 2007; Ohta et al., 2007). In resultant larger bandwidth of the  and  bands in
contrast, the graphene sheet grown on SiC substan- graphene. It is also noted that a graphene sheet grown
tially suffers the charge-transfer effect as evident on TaC(111), which has a relatively large lattice
from the large chemical potential shift as seen in mismatch to the substrate, exhibits a substantially
Figure 34(a). Further, very interestingly, there large (1.3 eV) energy gap between the  and 
seems to be an energy gap between the  and the bands (Oshima and Nagashima, 1997). All these
 bands in graphene on SiC, while no or a negligibly experimental results suggest that the energy gap is
small gap is seen in graphite. The size of energy gap caused by the lattice strain due to the lattice
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 407

mismatch between the graphene sheet and the sub- particular, the direct ARPES observation of the inter-
strate, and the gap gradually vanishes as the strain is layer state and its relationship to the superconductivity
gradually released at the topmost layers of multilayer in C6Ca has definitely resolved the long-standing
graphene. This indicates that the effect from the problem in the mechanism of superconductivity in
substrate should be taken into account when gra- GICs. It is expected that high-resolution ARPES will
phene grown on a SiC crystal is investigated, and be applied to well-characterized single- or multilayer
also suggests that the magnitude of the band gap can graphene as well as well-fabricated graphene ribbons
be controlled by tuning the lattice parameters of the to elucidate their novel electronic structures.
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1.12 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation
Y Takada, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
ª 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1.12.1 Introduction 411 Crystal Structure 411 Superconductivity 411 Central Issues 412 Organization of This Chapter 413
1.12.2 First-Principles Calculation of Tc 413 Goal of the Problem 413 McMiland’s and Allen-Dynes’ Formulas for Tc 413 Coulomb Pseudopotential  413 Vertex Corrections and Dynamic Screening 414 Ideal Calculation Scheme 414
1.12.3 Calculation of Tc in the G0W0 Approximation 414 Formulation 414 Comments on the Formulation 415 Assessment: Application to SrTiO3 416
1.12.4 Density Functional Theory for Superconductors 416 Hohenberg–Kohn–Sham Theorem 416 Gap Equation 417 Applications 417 Basic Problems 418
1.12.5 Experiment on Superconductivity in GICs 418
1.12.6 Standard Model for Superconductivity in GICs 419 Characteristic Features of the System 419 Microscopic Model for Superconductivity 420 Calculation of Tc for Alkali-Doped GICs 421
1.12.7 Superconductivity in Alkaline-Earth GICs 421 CaC6 421 Other Alkaline-Earth GICs 422
1.12.8 Prediction of the Optimum Tc in GICs 422
1.12.9 Conclusion 423
References 423

Allen-dynes formula In 1975, Allen and Dynes Density functional theory (DFT) A theory to
modified the McMillan’s formula for Tc, producing a describe an interacting many-body system in terms
rather large change in Tc for the electron–phonon of its density distribution in three dimensions.
nondimensional coupling constant  larger than 2. Eliashberg function In the phonon mechanism,
Coulomb pseudopotential A phenomenological the phonon-mediated attractive interaction is
parameter to estimate the effect of the Coulomb characterized by both the electron–phonon
repulsion on the Cooper pairing by taking into coupling (!) and the phonon density of states F(!),
account both retardation and screening effects. but in calculating Tc only their combination

Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 411

(!)2F(!), which is called the Eliashberg function, is based on the numerical solution of the Eliashberg
important. equation for various systems.
First-principles calculation A calculation is said Phonon mechanism If the Cooper pairs are
to be from first principles or ab initio if it starts created by the attractive interaction induced by
directly at the level of established laws of physics virtual exchange of phonons between electrons,
which contain no fitting or phenomenological the superconductivity is considered to be brought
parameters. about by the phonon mechanism.
Graphite intercalation compounds Plasmon mechanism In the low-density electron
(GICs) Complex materials in which the graphite gas, plasmons can play a similar role to phonons in
layers remain largely intact, and the guest element superconductivity. We indicate this role as the
or molecule is inserted between the layers. plasmon mechanism.
GW approximation In 1965, Hedin proposed an Spin-fluctuation mechanism In a system with
approximation scheme to calculate the electron strong spin fluctuations at either long wavelengths
self-energy in terms of the one-electron Green’s (related to a ferromagnetic instability) or short
function G and the effective electron–electron wavelengths (related to an antiferromagnetic
interaction W without any vertex corrections. If the instability), the fluctuations can play a role similar to
same scheme is applied to superconductivity, it is phonons in superconductivity. We indicate this role
nothing but the Eliashberg theory for as the spin-fluctuation mechanism.
superconductivity. Stage In a GIC, not every layer is necessarily
Isotope effect If Tc depends directly or indirectly intercalated by guest elements or molecules. In the
on the mass M of the ions building up the lattice, we so-called stage 1 GICs like KC8, graphite and
call the dependence the isotope effect. In the intercalated layers alternate, while in stage 2 GICs
standard Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) such as KC24, two graphite layers with no guest
theory, Tc changes in proportion to M with the material in between alternate with an intercalated
isotope coefficient  ¼ 0.5. layer. Similarly, we can define stage n with n > 2.
McMillan’s formula In 1968, McMillan proposed a Vertex function A factor to describe the change in
simple formula for Tc in the phonon mechanism the electron charge during scattering processes
composed of an average phonon energy !0, the due to the modification of the many-body wave
electron–phonon nondimensional coupling function. Its deviation from unity (or the bare
constant , and the Coulomb pseudopotential , coupling) is called vertex corrections.

1.12.1 Introduction The crystal structure of MCx is shown in

Figure 1(a), in which the metal atom M occupies Crystal Structure
the same spot in the framework of a honeycomb
For many decades, graphite intercalation compounds lattice at every (x/2) layers of carbon atoms.
(GICs) have been investigated from the viewpoint of
physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineer-
ing (or technological) applications (Fischer and Superconductivity
Thompson, 1978; Kamimura, 1987; Zabel and Solin, The first discovery of superconductivity in GICs was
1992; Dresselhaus and Dresselhaus, 2002). Among made in KC8 with the superconducting transition
various kinds of GICs, special attention has been temperature Tc of 0.15 K in 1965 (Hannay et al.,
paid to the first-stage metal compounds, partly 1995). In pursuit of higher Tc, various GICs were
because superconductivity is observed mostly in synthesized, mostly working with the alkali metals
this class of GICs, the chemical formula of which is and alkali-metal amalgams as intercalants, from the
written as MCx, where M represents either an alkali late 1970s to the early 1990s (Alexander et al., 1980;
atom (such as Li, K, Rb, and Cs) or an alkaline-earth Belash et al., 1989; Belash et al., 1990; Dresselhaus
atom (such as Ca, Sr, and Yb) and x is either 2, 6, or 8. et al., 1989; Hannay et al., 1995; Iye and Tanuma,
412 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

(a) (b)
101 YbC6

LiC2 SrC6

Tc (K)
RbC8 C5C8


4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
d (Å)
: M : C

Figure 1 (a) Crystal structure of MCx (x ¼ 2, 6, 8). The case of x ¼ 6 is illustrated here, in which the metal atoms, M’s, are
arranged in a rhombohedral structure with the  stacking sequence, implying that M occupies the same spot in the
framework of a graphene lattice at every three layers (or at the distance of 3d with d the distance between the adjacent
graphite layers). (b) Superconducting transition temperature Tc observed in the first-stage alkali- and alkaline-earth-
intercalated graphites plotted as a function of d.

1982; Koike et al., 1978; Kobayashi and Tsujikawa, Central Issues
1979; Koike et al., 1980), but only a limited success
In spite of all those efforts and the existence of such a
was achieved at that time; the highest attained Tc was
generally accepted picture, there remain several very
around 2–5 K in the last century. For example, it is
important and fundamental questions:
1.9 K in LiC2 (Belash et al., 1989).
A breakthrough occurred in 2005 when Tc went up 1. Can we understand the mechanism of supercon-
to 11.5 K in CaC6 (Weller et al., 2005; Emery et al., ductivity in both alkali GICs with Tc in the range
2005) (and even to 15.4 K under pressures up to 0.01–1.0 K and alkaline-earth GICs with Tc in the
7.5 GPa (Gauzzi et al., 2007)). In other alkaline-earth range 1–10 K from a unified point of view? In
GICs, the values of Tc are 6.5 and 1.65 K for YbC6 other words, is there any standard model for
(Weller et al., 2005) and SrC6 (Kim et al., 2006), respec- superconductivity in GICs with Tc ranging over
tively, as indicated in Figure 1(b). Since then, very three orders of magnitude?
intensive experimental studies have been made in 2. What is the actual reason why Tc is enhanced so
those and related compounds (Emery et al., 2005; abruptly (or by about a hundred times) by just
Kim et al., 2007, 2006; Kurter et al., 2007). Theoretical substituting K with Ca, the atomic mass of which
studies have also been performed mainly by making is almost the same as that of K? In terms of the
state-of-the-art first-principles calculations of the standard model, what are the key controlling phy-
electron–phonon coupling constant  to account for sical parameters to bring about this huge
the observed value of Tc for each individual super- enhancement of Tc ? This change of Tc from
conductor (Mazin, 2005; Csanyi et al., 2005; Calandra KC8 to CaC6 is probably the most important
and Mauri, 2005; Sanna et al., 2007). Those experi- issue in exploring superconductivity across the
mental/theoretical works have elucidated that, entire family of GICs.
although there are some anisotropic features in the 3. Is there any possibility to make a further enhance-
superconducting gap, the conventional phonon-driven ment of Tc in GICs ? If possible, what is the
mechanism to bring about s-wave superconductivity optimum value of Tc expected in the standard
applies to those compounds. This picture of super- model and what kind of atoms should be interca-
conductivity is confirmed by, for example, the lated to realize the optimum Tc in actual GICs?
observation of the Ca isotope effect with its exponent
 ¼ 0.50, the typical Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer In order to provide reliable answers to the
(BCS) value (Hinks et al., 2007). above questions, it is indispensable to make a
Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 413

first-principles calculation of Tc with sufficient accu- competition between the attractive and the repulsive
racy and predictive power. Recently, such a interactions between electrons. Accumulation of such
calculation has been completed by the present author, information might pave the way to the synthesis of a
and based on the calculation, some interesting predic- room-temperature superconductor, a big dream in
tions have been proposed (Takada, 2009a; 2009b). materials science. From this perspective, a continu-
The present chapter not only reports some details of ous effort has been made for a long time to develop a
this work on the superconducting mechanism in GICs good theory for first-principles calculations of Tc,
but also makes a brief summary of the current status starting with a microscopic Hamiltonian.
of the theories for first-principles calculations of Tc. McMiland’s and Allen-Dynes’ Organization of This Chapter Formulas for Tc
This chapter is organized as follows: In Sections In the phonon mechanism, for example, there has
1.12.2–1.12.4, a critical review of the theories for been a rather successful framework for this purpose,
quantitative calculations of Tc is given. More speci- known as the McMillan’s formula (McMillan, 1968)
fically, we make comments on the theories based on or its revised version (the Allen-Dynes’ formula)
the McMillan’s or the Allen-Dynes’ formula employ- (Allen and Dynes, 1975; Allen and Mitrović, 1982;
ing the concept of the Coulomb pseudopotential  Carbotte, 1990), both of which are derived from the
in Section 1.12.2. In Section 1.12.3 we explain the Eliashberg theory of superconductivity (Eliashberg,
theory on the level of the so-called G0W0 approxima- 1960). In this framework, the task of a microscopic
tion, where Tc can be obtained without using , a calculation of Tc is reduced to the evaluation of the
very important advantage. The same advantage can so-called Eliashberg function 2F(!) from first prin-
be enjoyed in the density functional theory for super- ciples; the function 2F(!) enables us to obtain both
conductors, which will be addressed in Section 1.12.4. the electron–phonon coupling constant  and the
In Sections 1.12.5–1.12.8, a review on superconduc- average phonon energy !0, through which we can
tivity in GICs is given; starting with a summary of make a first-principles prediction of Tc by
the experimental works in Section 1.12.5, a standard additionally introducing a phenomenological
model for considering the mechanism of supercon- parameter  (the Coulomb pseudopotential (Morel
ductivity in GICs is introduced in Section 1.12.6. In and Anderson, 1962)) in order to roughly estimate
Section 1.12.7, the calculated results of Tc are given the effect of the Coulomb repulsion between
for the alkaline-earth GICs and they are compared electrons on Tc.
with the experimental results. The prediction of the At present this framework is usually regarded as
optimum Tc is given in Section 1.12.8. Finally in the canonical one for making a first-principles predic-
Section 1.12.9, the conclusion of this chapter is tion of Tc. In fact, the superconducting mechanism of
given, together with some perspectives on the many (so-called weakly correlated) superconductors is
researches in this and related fields in the future. believed to be clarified by using this framework,
whereby the key phonon modes to bring about super-
conductivity are identified. We can point out that
1.12.2 First-Principles Calculation of Tc superconductivity in MgB2 with Tc ¼ 39 K is a good
recent example (Bohnen et al., 2001; Choi et al., 2002a; Goal of the Problem
2002b; Kong et al., 2001) to illustrate the power of this
It would be one of the ultimate goals in the enterprise framework. The case of CaC6 has also been investi-
of condensed matter theory to make a reliable pre- gated along this line of theoretical studies (Mazin,
diction of Tc only through the information on 2005; Calandra and Mauri, 2005).
constituent elements of a superconductor in consid-
eration. A less ambitious yet very important goal is to Coulomb Pseudopotential 
make an accurate evaluation of Tc directly from a
microscopic (model) Hamiltonian pertinent to the Nevertheless, this framework is not considered to be
superconductor. If we could find the dependence of very satisfactory, primarily because a phenomenolo-
Tc on the parameters specifying the model gical parameter  is included in the theory.
Hamiltonian, we could obtain a deep insight into Actually, it cannot be regarded as the method of
the mechanism of superconductivity or the predicting Tc in the true sense of the word, if the
414 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

parameter  is determined so as to reproduce the In the case of EF  !0, another complication

observed Tc. Besides, as long as we employ  to avoid occurs in treating the screening effect of the conduc-
a serious investigation of the effects of the Coulomb tion electrons. In the usual first-principles calculation
repulsion on superconductivity, we cannot apply this scheme, the static screening is assumed in calculating
framework to strongly correlated superconductors. 2F(!), but it does not reflect the actual screening
Even in weakly or moderately correlated supercon- process working during the formation of Cooper
ductors, this framework cannot tell anything about pairs.
superconductivity originating from the Coulomb
repulsion via charge and/or spin fluctuations (namely, Ideal Calculation Scheme
the electronic mechanism including the plasmon
mechanism (Takada, 1978, 1993a)). Furthermore, in In order to unambiguously solve this problem of
this framework, we cannot investigate the competition screening, we may imagine a following ideal calcula-
or the coexistence (or even the mutual enhancement tion scheme for Tc: in the first step, we calculate the
due to the quantum-mechanical interference effect) microscopic dynamical electron–electron effective
between the phonon and the electronic mechanisms. interaction V in the whole momentum and energy
The validity of the concept of  is closely con- space. This V is assumed to contain both the
nected with that of the Eliashberg theory itself; the Coulomb repulsion and the phonon-mediated attrac-
theory is valid only when the Fermi energy of the tion on the same footing. Then in the second step, we
superconducting electronic system, EF, is very much obtain Tc directly from this V by simultaneously
larger than !0. Under the condition of EF >> !0, the determining the gap function in the whole momen-
dynamic response time for the phonon-mediated tum and energy space, reflecting the behavior of V. If
attraction !01 is much shorter than that for the this scheme were developed, we could not only
Coulomb repulsion E–1 F , precluding any possible calculate Tc from first principles without resort
interference effects between two interactions, so to  but also correctly discuss the competition,
that physically it is very reasonable to separate coexistence, and mutual enhancement between the
them. After this separation, the Coulomb part phonon and the electronic mechanisms.
(which was not considered to play a positive role in
the Cooper-pair formation) has been simply treated
in terms of . Thus, for the purpose of searching for 1.12.3 Calculation of Tc in the G0W0
some positive role of the Coulomb repulsion, the Approximation
concept of  is irrelevant from the outset. Formulation
Although it is along the royal road in the project of Vertex Corrections and Dynamic
obtaining a reliable method for predicting Tc from first
principles, this ideal calculation scheme is extremely
Incidentally, in some recently discovered supercon- difficult to achieve in actual situations, because all the
ductors in the phonon mechanism such as the alkali- difficulties in the quantum-mechanical many-body
doped fullerenes with Tc ¼ 18–38 K (Gunnarsson, problem are associated with it. About three decades
1997; Hebard et al., 1991; Takada and Hotta, 1998; ago, the present author, who was a graduate student at
Takabayashi et al., 2009), the condition of EF >> !0 is that time, was struggling with developing such a
violated, necessitating to include the vertex correc- scheme without perceiving much of the difficulties
tions in calculating the phonon-mediated attractive intrinsic to the many-body problem. After a year-
interaction (Takada, 1993b). Then, it is by no means long struggle, he managed to propose a rather general
clear to treat the overall effect of various phonons in scheme to evaluate Tc directly from V without intro-
terms of the sum of the contribution from each pho- ducing the concept of  (Takada, 1978), though it
non, implying that the Eliashberg function 2F(!) is was still at the stage far from the ideal scheme.
not enough to properly describe the attraction because In a broad sense, this scheme may be called an
of possible interference effects among virtually excited approach from the weak-coupling limit, correspond-
phonons. As a consequence,  will not be simply the ing to the G0W0 approximation or the one-shot GW
sum of i, the contribution from the ith phonon, unless approximation in the terminology of the present-day
i is small enough to validate the whole calculation in first-principles calculation community. In the same
lowest-order perturbation. terminology, by the way, the Eliashberg theory
Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 415

corresponds to the GW approximation with respect to where the gap function p and the pairing interac-
the phonon-mediated attractive interaction between tion K 9p;p9 are, respectively, defined by
electrons. Z
Let us explain this G0W0 scheme here (we employ p X 2"p  ImF R ðp; !Þ ð5Þ
units in which h ¼ kB ¼ 1). For simplicity, imagine
the three-dimensional (3D) electron gas in which an and
electron is specified by momentum p and spin . If Z    
2 "p  þ "p9 
we write the electron annihilation operator by cp, we Kp;p9 ¼ d     V ðp – p9; iÞ ð6Þ
can define the abnormal thermal Green’s function 0  þ ð"p  þ "p9 Þ2

F(p, i!p) at temperature T by By using Kp;p9 thus calculated, we can determine Tc

Z 1=T as an eigenvalue of Equation (4).
F ðp; i!p Þ ¼ – dei!p  hT cp" ðÞc – p# i ð1Þ

with !p being the fermion Matsubara frequency. At Comments on the Formulation
T ¼ Tc where the second-order phase transition Five comments are in order on this framework:
occurs, this function satisfies the following exact
gap equation: 1. Based on Equations (4) and (6), we can obtain Tc
directly from the microscopic one-electron dis-
F ðp; i!p Þ ¼ – Gðp;X ÞGð – p; – i!p Þ
i!pX persion relation "p and the effective electron–
 Tc I˜ðp; p9; i!p ; i!p9 ÞF ðp9; i!p9 Þ electron interaction V(q, i) with no need to
!p9 p9 separate the phonon-mediated attraction from
ð2Þ the Coulomb repulsion.
2. In spite of the similarity of Equation (4) to the
where G(p, i!p) is the normal Green’s function and
˜ p9; i!p ; i!p9 Þ is the irreducible electron–electron BCS gap equation, artificial cutoffs involved in
constructing the BCS model are avoided in the
effective interaction. present scheme; natural cutoffs are automatically
Now, in the spirit of the G0W0 approximation, we introduced by the calculation of Kp;p9 defined in
will replace G(p, i!p) by the bare one G0(p, i!p) X Equation (6).
(i!p  "p)1 in Equation (2), where "p(¼ p2/2m  ) 3. Except for the spin-singlet pairing, no assumption
is the bare one-electron dispersion relation with m is made on the dependence of the gap function on
the band mass and  the chemical potential. We will angular valuables in deriving Equation (4), so that
also consider the case in which Iðp; ˜ p9; i!p ; i!p9 Þ is
this gap equation can treat any kind of anisotropy
well approximated as a function of only the variables in the gap function, indicating that it can be
(p  p9, i!p  i!p9) to write applied to s-wave, d-wave, etc. and even their
˜ p9; i!p ; i!p9 Þ ¼ V ðp – p9; i!p – i!p9 Þ
Iðp; ð3Þ mixture like (sþd)-wave superconductors.
4. As can be seen by its definition, the gap function
just like the effective interaction in the random- p in Equation (5) does not correspond to the
phase approximation (RPA), though we do not physical energy gap except in the weak-coupling
intend to confine ourselves to the RPA at this region. Similarly, Kp;p9 is not a physical entity.
point. By substituting Equation (3) into Equation Both quantities are introduced for the mathema-
(2) and making an analytic continuation on the ! tical convenience so as to make Tc invariant in
plane to transform F(p, i!p) to the retarded function transforming Equation (2) into Equation (4). The
FR(p, !) on the real-! axis, we get a gap equation key point here is that we need not solve the full
for FR(p, !). Then, by taking the imaginary parts in gap equation (2) but a much simpler one (4) in
both sides of the gap equation and integrating order to obtain Tc in Equation (2). Of course, if we
over the ! variable, we finally obtain an equation want to know the physical gap function rather
depending only on the momentum variable p. than p to compare with experiment, we need to
Concretely, the equation can be cast into the solve the full gap equation, Equation (2), with Tc
following BCS-type gap equation: determined by Equation (4).
5. Historically, Cohen was the first to evaluate Tc in
X p9 "p9
p ¼ – tanh Kp;p9 ð4Þ degenerate semiconductors on the level of the
2"p9 2Tc G0W0 approximation (Cohen, 1964; 1969).
416 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

Unfortunately, the pairing interaction is not cor- Taking these situations into account, we have
rectly derived in his theory, as explicitly pointed assumed that the superconductivity is brought about
out by the present author (Takada, 1980) who, by the polar-coupling phonons associated with the
instead, has succeeded in obtaining the correct stress-induced ferroelectric phase transition. Then
pairing interaction (Takada, 1978) by consulting we have calculated the effective electron–electron
the pertinent work of Kirzhnits et al. (1973). interaction V(q, i) in the RPA, in which the long-
range attraction induced by the virtual exchange of
polar-coupled phonons is included with the long- Assessment: Application to SrTiO3 range Coulomb repulsion on the same footing. By
In order to assess the quality of this basic framework substituting this V(q, i) into Equation (6), we have
of calculating Tc from first principles, we have obtained Tc directly from a microscopic model and
applied it to SrTiO3 and compared the results with the results of Tc are in surprisingly good quantitative
experiments (Takada, 1980). This material is an insu- agreement with experiment, as shown in Figure 2.
lator and exhibits ferroelectricity under a uniaxial This success indicates that the present basic frame-
stress of about 1.6 kbar along the [100] direction, work including the adoption of the RPA is very useful
but it turns into an n-type semiconductor by either at least in the polar-coupled phonon mechanism.
Nb doping or oxygen deficiency, whereby the con-
duction electrons are introduced in the 3d band of Ti
around the  point with the band mass of m  1.8me
(me: the mass of a free electron). At low temperatures, 1.12.4 Density Functional Theory for
superconductivity appears and the observed Tc Superconductors
shows interesting features; Tc depends strongly on Hohenberg–Kohn–Sham Theorem
the electron concentration n and it is optimized with
Tc  0.3 K at n  1020 cm3. Its dependence on the Recently, much attention has been paid to an exten-
pressure is unsual; Tc decreases rather rapidly with sion of the density functional theory (DFT) to treat
hydrostatic pressures, but it increases with the [100] superconductivity, mainly because it provides
uniaxial stress. another scheme for first-principles calculations of

(a) 1.0 (b) 0.08

SrTiO3 0.04 Experiment
ΔTc (K)

0.5 : Experiment 0 : [100]

: [110]
–0.04 : H.P.
n = 2.5 × 1019 cm–3
Tc (K)

ΔTc (K)

–0.12 n = 6.3 × 10 cm
19 –3

m* = 1.8me : [100]
: [110]
ω t (cm–1)

0.01 20 : H.P.
0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 10
n (1020 cm–3) 10

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Stress (kbar)
Figure 2 (a) Electron density dependence of Tc in SrTiO3 and (b) pressure dependence of Tc (Takada, 1980). Both uniaxial
stress along either [100] or [110] direction and hydrostatic pressure (H.P.) are considered. The deviation of Tc, Tc, is plotted
as a function of stress in units of kbar. For comparison, corresponding experimental results are also shown, together with the
results of the transverse polar phonon energy !t in units of cm1.
Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 417

Tc without resort to . We shall make a very brief potential xc(r,r9) ¼ 

Fxc[n, ]/
(r,r9) appear in
review of it in this section. an extended KS equation, which is found to be writ-
It is stated in the basic theorem in DFT that all the ten in the form of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes
physics of an interacting electron system is uniquely equation appearing in the usual theory for inhomo-
determined, once its electronic density in the ground geneous superconductors (de Gennes, 1966). Just as is
state n(r) is specified. This Hohenberg–Kohn theo- the case with Vxc(r), xc(r,r9) has no direct physical
rem (Hohenberg and Kohn, 1964) implies that every meaning, but in principle, if the exact form of Fxc[n, ]
physical quantity including the exchange-correlation is known, the solution of the extended KS equation
energy Fxc may be considered as a unique functional gives us the exact result for (r,r9), containing all the
of n(r). The density n(r) itself can be determined by effects of the Coulomb repulsion including the one
solving the ground-state electronic density of the usually treated phenomenologically through the con-
corresponding noninteracting reference system that cept of . As a result, we can determine the exact Tc
is stipulated in terms of the Kohn–Sham (KS) equa- by the calculation of the highest temperature below
tion (Kohn and Sham, 1965). The core quantity in the which a nonzero solution for (r,r9) can be found.
KS equation is the exchange-correlation potential In this formulation, we can write the fundamental
Vxc(r), which is defined as the functional derivative gap equation to determine Tc exactly as
of Fxc[n(r)] with respect to n(r), namely, X j "j
Vxc(r) ¼
n(r). It must be noted that Vxc(r) i ¼ – tanh Kij ð7Þ
2"j 2Tc
as well as each one-electronic wave function at ith j

level with its energy eigenvalue "i in the KS equation where i is the gap function for ith KS level. In just
have no physical relevance; they are merely intro- the same way as its energy eigenvalue "i (which is
duced for the mathematical convenience so as to measured from the chemical potential), i is not the
obtain the exact n(r) in connecting the noninteracting quantity to be observed experimentally but just
reference system with the real many-electron system. introduced for the mathematical convenience so as
The Hohenberg–Kohn theorem can be applied to to obtain the exact Tc by solving this BCS-type
the ordered ground state as well on the understand- equation, Equation (7). Similarly, the pair interaction
ing that the order parameter itself is regarded as a Kij, defined as the second-functional derivative of
functional of n(r). In providing some approximate Fxc[n, ] with respect to  and , does not have
functional form for Fxc[n], however, it would be any direct physical meaning, either.
more convenient to treat the order parameter as an We note here the very impressive fact that the
additional independent variable. For example, in final forms for the two gap equations, Equations (4)
considering the system with some magnetic order, and (7), are exactly the same, in spite of the fact that
we usually employ the spin-dependent scheme in they are derived from quite different foundations and
which the fundamental variable is not n(r) but the reasoning. We also note that because of this similar-
spin-decomposed density n(r), leading to the spin- ity, we may judge that, as long as Kij is properly
polarized exchange-correlation energy functional chosen, the physics described by  is also included
Fxc[n], based on which the spin-dependent KS in the framework of DFT for superconductors, at
equation is formulated. least to the extent that it is included in the G0W0
scheme explained in Section 1.12.3. Gap Equation
Similarly, in treating the superconducting state in the
framework of DFT, it is better to construct the energy Applications
functional by employing both n(r) and the electron-
pair density (r,r9)(X h"(r)#(r9)i) as basic vari- In 2005, this DFT framework was extended to expli-
ables, leading to the introduction of the exchange- citly take care of the phonon-mediated attractive
correlation energy functional Fxc[n(r), (r,r9)], where interaction (Lüders et al., 2005) and it has been
a(r) is the electron annihilation operator (Oliveira applied to many superconductors (Sanna et al., 2007;
et al., 1988; Kurth et al., 1999). In accordance with this Marques et al., 2005; Floris et al., 2005, 2007; Profeta
addition of the order parameter as a fundamental et al., 2006; Sanna et al., 2006; Floris et al., 2007). In
variable to DFT, not only the exchange-correlation order to perform these calculations for actual super-
potential Vxc(r) but also the exchange-correlation pair conductors, it is necessary to provide a concrete form
418 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

for Fxc[n, ]. In the judgment of the present author, issue extends more than four decades. In 1965, the
the presently available form for Fxc[n, ] contains the first report of superconductivity was made for KC8,
information equivalent to that included in the RbC8, and CsC8 (Hannay et al., 1965) in which Tc was
Eliashberg theory for the part of the phonon- not reliably determined; it depended very much on
mediated attraction, indicating that no vertex correc- samples. Subsequent works (Alexander et al., 1981;
tions are considered in this treatment, while for the Chaiken et al., 1990; Iye and Tanuma, 1982; Koike
part of the Coulomb repulsion, it contains only very et al., 1978, 1980; Kobayashi et al., 1979; Kobayashi
crude physics; the screening effect is treated in the and Tsujikawa, 1981; Pendrys et al., 1981) confirmed
Thomas–Fermi static-screening approximation, the occurrence of superconductivity in KC8 with
which is nothing but the result of the RPA only in Tc ¼ 0.15 K, but superconductivity did not appear
the static and the long-wavelength limit, forgetting in RbC8 and CsC8 when Tc was down to 0.09 and
the detailed dynamical nature of the screening effect. 0.06 K, respectively. Later works have found that Tc
Mainly for this reason, Tc in the present form of is actually 26 mK for RbC8, but no superconductivity
Fxc[n, ] is not expected to be very accurate, even is found in either LiC6 or the second- or higher-stage
though the calculated results for Tc seem to be in alkali GICs, though the calculation of Tc based on
good agreement with experiment. the McMillan’s formula (McMillan, 1968) predicted
an observable value of Tc even for KC24 (Kamimura
et al., 1980; Inoshita and Kamimura, 1981). It seems Basic Problems
that the usual first-principles calculation of 2F(!)
In relation to the above point, it would be appropriate tends to provide an unrealistically large contribution
to give the following comment: in the calculations of from the intralayer high-energy carbon oscillations
the normal-state properties in the local-density approx- to . This unfavorable tendency in the calculation of
imation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation  seems to prevail even in CaC6 (Calandra and
(GGA) (Perdew et al., 1997) to DFT, we usually antici- Mauri, 2005).
pate that errors in the calculated results are of the order The anisotropy of the critical magnetic field Hc2
of 1 and 0.3 eV for LDA and GGA, respectively. These was also a matter of interest, drawing attention of
errors are much larger than those expected in the both experimentalists (Chaiken et al., 1990;
calculation of quantum chemistry (0.05 eV). In DFT Dresselhaus et al., 1989; Iye and Tanuma, 1982;
for superconductors, calculations of Tc (which is of the Koike et al., 1980; Roth et al., 1985) and theorists
order of 0.001 eV in general) are done simultaneously (Jishi et al., 1991, 1992). Note that the gap function
with those for the normal-state properties. This implies p defined in Equation (4) has nothing to do with the
that the errors anticipated for Tc would be very large anisotropic behavior of Hc2, though in developing a
compared to Tc itself. phenomenological theory (Jishi et al., 1991, 1992)
We should also point out that the present form for some critical comments were made on the results of
Fxc[n, ] is not useful in the discussion of the electronic p (Takada, 1982) with the assumption that the
mechanisms like the plasmon and the spin-fluctuation anisotropy in Hc2 should reflect on p.
ones, prompting us to improve on the approximate In search of higher Tc, many attempts have
form for Fxc[n, ]. In addition, there are several pro- been made to synthesize new GIC superconductors
blems in the fundamental theory; for example, it is by such as NaC2 (Tc ¼ 5K) (Belash et al., 1987), LiC2
no means clear whether the second-functional deriva- (Tc ¼ 1.9K) (Belash et al., 1989), and alkali-metal
tive of Fxc[n, ] is a well-defined quantity, in just the amalgams such as KHgC4 (Tc ¼ 0.73 K) and KHgC8
same way as we have already experienced in the (Tc ¼ 1.90 K) (Alexander et al., 1980; Tanuma, 1981;
energy-gap problem (Perdew et al., 1997, 1983; Sham Koike and Tanuma, 1981; Pendrys et al., 1981;
and Schlüter, 1983) in semiconductors and insulators. Alexander et al., 1981; Iye and Tanuma, 1982), but
a larger enhancement of Tc was not achieved until
CaC6 was found in 2005 with Tc ¼ 11.5 K
1.12.5 Experiment on (Weller et al., 2005). Subsequently, many works
Superconductivity in GICs have been done on alkaline-earth GIC superconduc-
tors (Emery et al., 2005; Hinks et al., 2007; Kadowaki
From this section, let us get back to the review on et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2006, 2007; Kurter et al., 2007;
superconductivity in GICs. As briefly mentioned in Lamura et al., 2006; Sugawara et al., 2009;
Section 1.12.1, the history of the researches on this Valla et al., 2009), but none ever succeeded in
Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 419

synthesizing a new GIC with Tc larger than 15.4 K 2. The valence electrons released from M will trans-
which was observed in CaC6 under pressures (Gauzzi fer either to the graphite bands or to the 3D
et al., 2007). Thus, some new idea seems to be needed band composed of the intercalant orbitals and the
to further enhance Tc. The present author hopes that graphite interlayer states (Posternak et al., 1984;
the suggestions given in Section 1.12.8 help experi- Halzwarth et al., 1984; Koma et al., 1986). We shall
mentalists synthesize a new GIC superconductor define the factor f as the branching ratio between
with Tc much higher than 10 K. these two kinds of bands. For example, Zf and
Z(1  f) electrons will go to the and the 3D
bands, respectively.
1.12.6 Standard Model for 3. The electrons in the graphite bands are char-
Superconductivity in GICs acterized by the 2D motion with a linear Characteristic Features of the dispersion relation (known as a Dirac cone in the
System case of graphene) on the graphite layer.
4. The dispersion relation of the graphite interlayer
Basically because GICs are not recognized as strongly band is very similar to that of the 3D free-electron
correlated systems, the usual ab initio self-consistent gas, folded into the Brillouin zone of the graphite
band structure calculation is very useful in elucidating (Csanyi et al., 2005). Thus, its energy level is very
the important features of the electronic structures of high above the Fermi level in the graphite,
GICs in the normal state. According to such calcula- because the amplitude of the wave function for
tions, it is found that there is no essential qualitative this band is small on the carbon atoms. In MCx, on
difference between alkali and alkaline-earth GICs (see the other hand, the cation MZþ is located in the
Figure 3). The main common features among these
interlayer position where the amplitude of the
GICs may be summarized in the following way:
wave functions is large, lowering the energy
1. In MCx, each intercalant metal atom acts as a level of the interlayer band below the Fermi
donor and changes from a neutral atom M to an level. The dispersion of the interlayer band is
ion MZþ with valence Z. modified from that of the free-electron gas because

(a) (b)

3D band



2D band

(η, η, η,) (η, –η, 0) (η, η, 0) (η, 0, 0)
L Γ χ X Γ T KF3D Kz

Figure 3 (a) Band structure of CaC6 (Calandra and Mauri, 2005). (b) Fermi surface of KC8 (Wang et al., 1991). Both materials
are characterized by the common feature that the electronic system is composed of the 2D bands of graphite and the 3D
interlayer band.
420 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

of the hybridization with the orbitals associated with (a)

M Z+ M Z+ M Z+
M, but generally it is well approximated by "p ¼ p2/
M > M Z+ + Ze– C–δ C–δ C–δ C–δ
2m  EF with an appropriate choice of the effective

band mass m and the Fermi energy EF. Here the f
2D π-electrons
d v M Z+
M Z+
M Z+ e–

value of m depends on M; in alkali GICs, the C–δ C–δ C–δ C–δ

3D itinerant
hybridization occurs with s-orbitals, allowing us to 1–f electrons: m* M Z+
M Z+ M Z+

consider that m ¼ me, while in alkaline-earth GICs,

(δ = Zf /x)
the hybridization with d-orbitals contributes much,
leading to m  3me in both CaC6 and YbC6, as (b)
V V0 W0 Π2D, Π3D
revealed by the bandstructure calculation (Calandra
and Mauri, 2005; Mazin, 2005). = + + +
5. The value of f, which determines the branching
ratio Zf : Z(1  f ), can be obtained by the self- Figure 4 (a) Simplified model to represent MCx (x ¼ 2, 6, 8)
superconductors. We consider the attraction between the
consistent bandstructure calculation. In KC8, for 3D electrons in the interlayer band induced by polar-
example, it is known that f is around 0.6 (Ohno coupled charge fluctuations of the cation MZþ and the anion
et al., 1979). On the other hand, f is about 0.16 C
. (b) Diagrammatic representation of the equation in the
(Calandra and Mauri, 2005) in CaC6, making the RPA to calculate the effective electron–electron interaction
electron density n in the 3D band increase very V(pp9, i), which will be substituted in Equation (6) to
evaluate the kernel of the gap equation. Reproduced with
much. This increase in n is easily understood by the permission from Takada Y (2009) Unified model for
fact that the energy level of the interlayer band is superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds:
much lower with Ca2þ than with Kþ. The concrete Prediction of optimum Tc and suggestion for its realization.
numbers for n are 3.5  1021 and 2.4  1022 cm3 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78(1): 013703:1–4.
for KC8 and CaC6, respectively, in which the dif-
ference in both d and x is also taken into account. a is the bond length between C atoms on the graphite
6. As inferred from experiments (Csanyi et al., 2005; layer (which is 1.419 Å). Note that with use of this nM,
Kamimura, 1987; Takada, 1982) and also from the the density n of the 3D electrons is given by
comparison of Tc calculated for each band (1  f )ZnM. There are also negatively charged carbon
(Takada, 1982), it has been concluded that only ions C
with the average charge of
X fZe/x.
the 3D interlayer band is responsible for super- Therefore, the 3D electrons will feel a large electric
conductivity. Note that LiC6 does not exhibit field of the polarization wave coming from oscillations
superconductivity because no carriers are present of MZþ and C
ions created by either out-of-phase
in the 3D interlayer band, although the properties optic or in-phase acoustic phonons.
of LiC6 are generally very similar to those of other We shall consider the coupling of those phonons
superconducting GICs in the normal state. with the 3D electrons in terms of the point-charge
model, allowing us to write the phonon-exchange
polar-coupled interaction W0(q,!) for the scattering
of the 3D electrons with momentum and energy Microscopic Model for transfers of q and ! as
!2p ð1 – f Þ2
With these common features in mind, we can think of W0 ðq; !Þ ¼ V0 ðqÞ
!2 – !LA ðqÞ2
a simple model for the GIC superconductors, which 2
 M þ f M=xM
2p ðM=M
!  CÞ
is schematically shown in Figure 4(a). Actually, þ V0 ðqÞ ð8Þ
exactly the same model was proposed in as early as !2  !LO ðqÞ2
1982 by the present author for describing supercon- p defined, respectively, as
with !p and !
ductivity in alkali GICs (Takada, 1982).
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
In order to give some idea about the mechanism to 4 e 2 Z2 nM 4 e 2 Z2 nM
induce an attraction between 3D electrons in this !p ¼ p ¼
and !  ð9Þ
MM þ xMC M
model, let us imagine how each conducting 3D elec-
tron sees the charge distribution of the system. First where MM and MC are, respectively, the atomic masses
of all, there are positively charged metallic Zþ 
of M and C, Mð¼ MM xMC =ðMM þ xMC ÞÞ is the
pffiffiffi 2ions M
with its density nM, given by nM ¼ 4=3 3a dx, where reduced mass of MCx, !LO(q) and !LA(q) are the
Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 421

energies of LO- and LA-phonons, respectively, and with experiment. Note that smaller values of Tc are
V0(q) is the bare Coulomb interaction 4 e2/q2. (The obtained for heavier alkali atoms because of the
subscript ‘0’ indicates that it is the bare interaction to be smaller couplings as characterized by both !p and
screened by both 2D and 3D mobile electrons.) p . This success indicates that the present simple
Owing to the coupling with valence electrons, model applies well at least to alkali GIC
both !LO(q) and !LA(q) depend on f, but the superconductors.
f-dependence is not important, if we write the
phonon-mediated interaction in terms of the corre-
sponding transverse phonon energies, !TO(q) and
1.12.7 Superconductivity in Alkaline-
!TA(q). Thus, we specify the phonon energies in
Earth GICs
terms of !TO(q) and !TA(q). In actual calculations,
we assume that !TO(q) ¼ !t(¼ constant) and CaC6
!TA(q) ¼ ctjqj, with !t of the order of 150 K and ct
Now let us consider alkaline-earth GIC supercon-
of the order of 105 cm s1 for the oscillation perpen-
ductors. We shall investigate them by adopting the
dicular to the graphite plane.
same simple model and by using exactly the same
calculation code developed in 1982 in order to see Calculation of Tc for Alkali-Doped whether the model and therefore the picture on the
GICs mechanism of superconductivity successfully applied
to alkali GIC superconductors can also be relevant to
By combining this polar-phonon-mediated attrac- these newly synthesized superconductors or not
tive interaction W0(q, !) with the bare Coulomb (Takada, 2009a; 2009b). The parameters specifying
interaction between electrons V0(q) on the same the model will be changed in the following way, if
footing and considering the polarization effects of CaC6 is considered instead of KC8:
both 2D and 3D electrons, we faithfully calculate
V(q, !) the effective interaction between 3D elec- 1. Because the valence Z changes from monovalence
trons in the RPA (see Figure 4(b)). The obtained to divalence, the attractive interaction W0, which
V(q, !) is put into the kernel, Equation (6), of the is in proportion to Z2, increases by 4 times.
gap equation (4) to obtain Tc from first principles. 2. The interlayer distance d decreases from 5.42 to
The calculated results for Tc in alkali GICs are 4.524 Å, so that the 3D electron density
plotted as a function of f in Figure 5 to find that n increases.
the overall magnitude of Tc is in the range of 3. The factor f to determine the branching ratio
0.1–0.01 K for f  0.5, which is in good agreement decreases from about 0.6 to 0.16.
4. The effective band mass for the 3D interlayer
band m increases from me to about 3me.
LiC2 Z=1
1 KC8 m* = me 5. The atomic number of the ion A hardly changes
from 39.1 to 40.1.
0.1 o
Experiment Considering the changes in the parameters, we have
Tc (K)

on KC8 calculated Tc for CaC6 as a function of f. The results

are plotted in Figure 6, from which we can learn the
0.001 RbC8 following points:

1. Overall, Tc becomes higher for smaller f. This can
CsC8 be understood by the fact that the screening effect
0.00001 due to the 2D electrons, which makes the polar-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 coupled interaction weak, becomes smaller with
the decrease of f.
Figure 5 Calculated results for Tc as a function of the 2. The enhancement of Tc by about one order is
branching ratio f for alkali GIC superconductors in which brought about by doubling Z, if m is kept to be
Z ¼ 1 and m ¼ me. Reproduced with permission from
the same value.
Takada Y (2009) Unified model for superconductivity in
graphite intercalation compounds: Prediction of optimum Tc 3. The enhancement of Tc by about one order is also
and suggestion for its realization. Journal of the Physical brought about by tripling m from me to 3me, if Z is
Society of Japan 78(1): 013703:1–4. taken as Z ¼ 2.
422 Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

20 20
CaC6 Experiment on CaC6 Z=2
(CaC6: under pressure)
Z=2 CaC6: m* = 3.3me
15 15 o
CaC6: m* = 2.8me
o Experiment on YbC6
Tc (K)

m* = 4me o

Tc (K)
Experiment 10
m* = 3me
5 o YbC6: m* = 3.0me
m* = me 5
m* = 2me Experiment on SrC6
SrC6: m* = 1.5me

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
f 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 6 Calculated Tc as a function of f for m in the  f
range of me–4me with other parameters suitably chosen for Figure 7 Calculated Tc as a function of f for alkaline-earth
CaC6. The experimental result is reproduced well, if we GICs with m determined so as to reproduce EF provided by
choose m  3me. Reproduced with permission from the bandstructure calculation. Reproduced with permission
Takada Y (2009) Unified model for superconductivity in from Takada Y (2009) Unified model for superconductivity in
graphite intercalation compounds: Prediction of optimum Tc graphite intercalation compounds: Prediction of optimum Tc
and suggestion for its realization. Journal of the Physical and suggestion for its realization. Journal of the Physical
Society of Japan 78(1): 013703:1–4. Society of Japan 78(1): 013703:1–4.

experiment. One way to understand this difference

Based on these observations, we can conclude that is to regard it as an isotope effect with   0.5
the enhancement of Tc in CaC6 by about a hundred (Mazin, 2005).
times from that in KC8 is brought about by the combined
effects of doubling Z and tripling m. In this respect, the
value of m is very important. Appropriateness of m 
1.12.8 Prediction of the Optimum Tc
3me is confirmed not only from the bandstructure calcu-
in GICs
lations (Mazin, 2005; Calandra and Mauri, 2005) but also
from the measurement of the electronic specific heat
As we have observed so far, our standard model could
(Kim et al., 2006) compared with the corresponding one
have predicted Tc ¼ 11.5 K for CaC6 in 1982 and it is
for KC8 (Mizutani et al., 1978).
judged that its predictive power is very high.
Incidentally, the author did not perform the calculation
of Tc for CaC6 at that time, partly because he did not Other Alkaline-Earth GICs
know of a possibility to synthesize such GICs, but mostly
Similar calculations are done for other alkaline-earth because the calculation cost was extremely high in those
GIC superconductors as shown in Figure 7 in which days; a rough estimate shows that the processing speed of
m is determined so as to reproduce EF supplied by computers has increased by at least a million times in the
the bandstructure calculation. We see that very good past three decades. This significant improvement in
agreement is always obtained between theory and computational environments is surely a boost to making
experiment, implying that our simple model may be such first-principles calculations of Tc as reviewed in
regarded as the standard one for describing the Sections 1.12.3 and 1.12.4.
mechanism of superconductivity in GICs. In any way, encouraged by this success in repro-
Here a note will be added to the case of YbC6; the ducing Tc in alkaline-earth GICs, we have explored
basic parameters such as Z, f, and m for YbC6 are about the optimum Tc in the whole family of GICs by
the same as those for CaC6, according to the bandstruc- widely changing various parameters involved in the
ture calculation. The only big change can be seen in the microscopic Hamiltonian. Examples of the calculated
atomic mass; Yb (in which A ¼ 173.0) is much heavier results of Tc are shown in Figure 8(a) and 8(b), in
than that of Ca by about 4 times, indicating weaker which f is fixed to zero, the optimum condition to
couplings between electrons and polar phonons as just raise Tc, and d is tentatively taken as 4.0 Å. From this
in the case of comparison between KC8 and CsC8. In exploration, we find that the most important para-
fact, Tc for YbC6 becomes about one-half of the corre- meter to enhance Tc is m. In particular, we need m
sponding result for CaC6, which agrees well with larger than at least 2me to obtain Tc over 10 K,
Theory of Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds 423

(a) (b) scheme, directly from the microscopic Hamiltonian

100 representing the standard model. By suitably choosing
f=0 Z=2
90 the parameters in the microscopic Hamiltonian, we
BC2(Z = 3) BeC2 f = 0
80 have found surprisingly good agreement between the-
ory and experiment for both alkali and alkaline-earth
GICs, in spite of the fact that Tc varies more than three
60 BeC2(Z = 2) orders of magnitude. In this way, we have clarified that
Tc (K)

50 superconductivity in metal GICs can be understood by
LiC2(Z = 1)
the picture that the 3D electrons in the interlayer band
30 supplied by the ionization of metals experience the
20 SrC6
attractive interaction induced by the virtual exchange
of the polar-coupled phonons of the metal ions. We
10 BaC6
have also predicted a further enhancement of Tc well
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 beyond 10 K, giving some suggestions to realize such
m*/ me m*/ me superconductors in the family of GICs.
Figure 8 Prediction of Tc as a function of m for various
By first principles we usually mean the calcula-
GICs in pursuit of optimum Tc: (a) Z dependence for light- tions based on not the model but the first-principles
atom intercalant and (b) dependence on intercalant atom. Hamiltonian. Thus, it might be considered as inap-
We assume the fractional factor f ¼ 0. Reproduced with propriate to call the present G0W0 scheme first
permission from Takada Y (2009) Unified model for principles, but it is not an easy task to specify the
superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds:
Prediction of optimum Tc and suggestion for its realization.
key parameters to control Tc by just implementing
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78(1): 013703:1–4. the calculations based on the first-principles
Hamiltonian. We can identify the importance of the
parameters, m and Z, only through the calculations
irrespective of any choice of other parameters, and based on the model Hamiltonian, leading to a better
Tc is optimized at m near 15me. The optimized Tc and unambiguous understanding of the mechanism of
depends rather strongly on the parameters to control superconductivity without probing too much into the
the polar-coupling strength such as Z and the atomic very details of each system which sometimes obscure
mass A; if we choose a trivalent light atom such as the essence in first-principles approaches. Besides,
boron to make !t large, the optimum Tc is about because of the errors involved in the numerical cal-
100 K, but the problem about the light atoms is that culations of normal-state properties as mentioned in
m will never become heavy due to the absence of Section 1.12.4, more accurate results of Tc will be
either d- or f-electrons. Therefore, we do not expect obtained by way of a suitable model Hamiltonian
that Tc would become much larger than 10 K, even if rather than directly from the first-principles one.
BeC2 or BC2 were synthesized. From this perspec- As a project in the future, it would be important
tive, it will be much better to intercalate Ti or V, to construct a more powerful scheme for the first-
rather than Be or B. Taking all these points into principles calculation of Tc by combining the schemes
account, we suggest synthesizing three-element in Sections 1.12.3 and 1.12.4, based on which we may
GICs providing a heavy 3D electron system by the make more detailed suggestions to synthesize GIC
introduction of heavy atoms into a light-atom polar- superconductors with Tc much larger than 10 K.
crystal environment. (See Chapters 1.10 and 1.11).

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Further Reading Fiolhais C, Nogueira F, and Marques M (eds.) (2003). A Primer in

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Bennemann KH and Ketterson JB (eds.) (2008) Hedin L and Lundqvist S (1969) Effects of Electron–Electron
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Emery N, Hérold C, Marêché J-F, and Lagrange P (2008) Academic Press.
Synthesis and superconducting properties of CaC6. Sci. Tinkham M (1996) Introduction to Superconductivity. Dover:
Technol. Adv. Mater. 9: 044102:1–7. Mineola.

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