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Ellyssa Ann S.


Law Abiding Citizen

Reaction Paper

There are always scenarios like these that we can run into, much like in the movie
"Law Abiding Citizen." Because so many people in this generation have a tendency for
doing bad and evil things, we can undoubtedly claim that tragedies events could happen
to us. Maybe they have drug or other addictions, or they may have other motivations, but
those are not good reasons to commit heinous crimes.

The film's protagonist, Clyde, is a devoted husband and father to his daughter and
wife. But then his family suffered a tragedy, and he wasn't given the justice he deserves.
Darby is responsible for the deaths of Clyde's daughter and wife. After ten years, Clyde
made the decision to return and exact revenge on Darby. Since he believes that the justice
is unfair and that Darby's actions are wicked and terrible, he believes that taking revenge
is the only thing he can do. He also believes that nothing goes his way because he felt
betrayed when he spotted Nick making a deal with Darby.

Another situation in which Clyde understands the significance of right and wrong,
good and evil, is when he is aware that everything he does is wicked and evil but
nonetheless believes it to be right because, in his view, the legal system is unfair to his
family. The final possibility is that he sees evil every time he thinks of his daughter
because he is aware that they didn't deserve such an unfortunate incident.

Furthermore, Nick offered Darby a deal in which he would spend little jail time in
exchange for confessing to third-degree murder and turning the police on his accomplice.
This presented one of the movie's ethical conundrums. He shouldn't maintain contact
with a killer and make a deal with them since he was a lawyer. Because he is fighting for
fair justice for his family and getting nothing, Clyde felt betrayed and his feelings were
negated by the bargain. Additionally, the agreement reached by Nick and Darby
permitted Ames to receive the death penalty while guaranteeing that Darby would only
serve a short period of time in prison before being released.

The following moral conundrum arises when Clyde exacts vengeance on the
experts who neglected to do their jobs and allowed the criminals to walk free. Because he
thought they were guilty, Clyde murdered those who were engaged in the case, including
Darby's lawyer, the major, the judge, and others.

Last but not least, there was Clyde's employment of cruel torture techniques to
murder Darby. He then uploaded a video of the crime to Nick's house. The police
discovered 25 fragments of Darby's body in order to document it. If we were in Clyde's
position, some of us might kill the person who killed our loved ones because Clyde was
driven by the idea of a broken justice system to commit wrong and evil deeds. If we
examine it, Clyde's original goal—to obtain the justice that he and his family deserve—
was reasonable and decent. However, he didn’t get it that is why he did horrible things
and that is wrong and evil.

Moreover, this film taught me a lot about justice, patience, choice, and
retribution. We must always consider our options carefully before making a decision
since, in the end, it is our choice that will determine how our life will turn out, and we are
responsible for dealing with the results. One of the lessons this movie taught me was
patience and the importance of always being on time. Because every second and minute
counts and has an effect on our life, we must appreciate them. Furthermore, getting even
isn't always the best solution to a situation. Perhaps we are confused and disoriented
because we believe that nothing that occurs in our lives is favorable to us; nevertheless,
we might always believe that everything occurs for a reason. Even if it might not be the
best time for us, we must trust the process and let things go naturally. Finally, justice
may be unjust, especially to the poor, which is why many individuals choose to act badly
on their own because they believe that justice will no longer be served to them. The lives
of the individuals they are holding in their hands are more important than merely
completing a simple task; therefore may the judicial professionals execute their jobs and
act responsibly.
Additionally, the ending of the film is the section that most affects me. That's when they
learned where Clyde was hiding and that his scheme was about to fail. When Nick asked
Clyde to choose between setting off the explosion or helping him to at least shorten the
sentence, Clyde opted to set off the explosion, which surprised Nick by happening
beneath his bed. I experienced a range of emotions while watching that scene, and I also
came to several conclusions. There are always a lot of things that could happen, so our
plans won't always turn out the way we had hoped. One last thing to keep in mind is that
there is always a duty associated with every action we take. We must take responsibility
for whatever we do, and if we make a choice, we must live with the consequences for the
rest of our lives. If we try to grasp the simple adage "You can't resist fate," we will see
that it has a deep significance and that it is accurate. Additionally, making decisions is
the hardest part.

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