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Structural Analysis II


Frames analysis

Dr. Nuha Moawia Akasha

Analysis of Frames analysis- without sidsway
• Introduc on
• The procedure for the analysis of frames without
sidesway is similar to that for the analysis of
con nuous beams.
• in the case of con nuous beams, at a joint only
two members meet, where as in case of rigid
frames two or more than two members meet at a
C in Figure(1).
joint At such joints for example joint
where more than two members meet,
• the unbalanced moment at the beginning of
each cycle is the algebraic sum of fixed end
beam moments (in the first cycle) or the carry
over moments (in the subsequent cycles) of
the beam mee ngCat.
• The unbalanced moment is distributed to
membersCB,CD andCE according to their
distribu on factors.

Figure (1)

• Determine the member end moments for the

frame shown in Figure (2) by using the
moment-distribu on method.

Figure (2)
Fixed-End Moments:

Distribu on factors:

Distribu on
factors at joint c
Distribu on
factors at joint D

Distribu on
factors at joint E
• Example(2)
• Analysis the frame shown in figure by moment
distribu on method and draw
• BMD assume EI is constant
Fixed moment distribu on
Moment distribu on
Bending moment diagram

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