Business Analysis Project: Group No: 04

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Team details

BUSINESS Abhijit Lolla | 2021002

Arpit Sheth | 2021012
Neeraj Bhatt | 2021028
Kashif Syed | 2021085
ANALYSIS PROJECT Manish Rane | 2021158

Group No: 04
1 Executive Summary of the project ........................................................................................................ 2
2 Analysis Phase ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 As Is process (Swimlane flow) ....................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Missing Requirements/Redundant requirements ................................................................ 3
2.1.2 Understanding of Ambiguous requirements ........................................................................ 3
2.1.3 Steps to be automated in the current process in 2.1.1 ........................................................ 5
3 To Be Process ((Swimlane flow) ............................................................................................................ 6
4 Use case Interaction diagram ............................................................................................................... 7
5 Use case design ..................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Prioritization of the use cases (interms of criticality – High meium-Low) .......................................... 13
7 User acceptance test scenarios........................................................................................................... 14
7.1 Usecase scenarios and the corresponding UAT scenarios .......................................................... 14
7.2 User acceptance test scenarios................................................................................................... 18
8 Data Flow Diagrams (follow the rules for creating DFDs) ................................................................... 19
8.1 Context Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 Level 0 Data flow diagram (Logical DFD)..................................................................................... 20
1 Executive Summary of the project

As business analysts, we closely understood the processes and requirements to make an investment into
fixed depositor HDFC bank. Currently, there is a completely manual process for creating a fixed deposit
an in HDFC bank account, where the customer has to visit the bank and do the multiple process to avail
the benefit. Customers can choose between two types of deposits at HDFC: recurring and fixed deposits.
Customers select the scheme with which they are most comfortable in accordance with their needs. As a
business analyst for HDFC we had to create a new process where an online portal will be created for
opening a Fixed deposit account for a customer.

Fixed deposits are those types of deposits where a customer locks away a set amount of money for a
predetermined period of time and earns interest on the sum. Fixed deposit rates that are appealing assist
HDFC gains of numerous consumers on a daily basis.

As a part of our project deliverable, we analyzed the stages in the entire process, identified problems
(processes that were redundant, missing and taking more time) we designed multiple use cases and UAT
diagram to hit every aspect of the new aspect and pick every pain point of the customer and delivered
them easy to use and friendly experience while they are on HDFC portal.

We have used SMART observations to observe and assess each business requirement. Through Swimlane
flows, Use Case Interaction Diagrams, and Use Cases with their respective prioritizations, we have
completed process mapping of the old and new processes.
2 Analysis Phase
2.1 As Is process (Swimlane flow)

2.1.1 Missing Requirements/Redundant requirements

1. If there is no sufficient balance, what will be the next steps taken by the bank depositor or,
subsequently, by the customer?
2. If Aadhar and Pan details are not verified, then what to do?
3. If account details on the FD application do not match, then what to do?
4. When the customer arrives at the bank, what if the bank officer is not available? Should the
customer make an appointment? If so, then how?
5. Who will create the passbook for the new account?
6. Where will the customer get the FD form, the pay-in challan, or the new account opening
application form?

2.1.2 Understanding of Ambiguous requirements

Business Requirement SMART Observations Modified Assumptions and

(each sentence in the for the requirement Requirement (after rationale behind
case could be a fixing problems assumptions
requirement) identified through
The customer Specific Customer can go to It is not clear where in
approaches Bank Relevant designated desk for the bank will the
officer and enquires Attainable enquire. customer go for
about having an FD enquiries
with the bank
Bank officer asks Specific Bank officer asks for It is not clear how the
customer if the have Relevant bank pass book of the bank officer verifies
account with the bank existing account with the bank account
and verifies the the bank
Customer fills the FD Specific Customer can collect Not clear where the
form Relevant the form from the customer gets the FD
Attainable designated desk, form and if the
Measurable person at desk also customer knows how
guides customer in to fill the form and
case of query while which details to enter
filling the form, if any where
Customer has to open Specific Customer has choice Bank can cash Cheque
a new bank account Relevant to make transfer from and DD from other
with the bank, when Attainable other bank account banks
they don’t have an from different band
account to open FD via cheque or DD
account with the bank
Customer fills the New Specific Customer can collect Not clear where the
account opening form Relevant the form from the customer gets the
Attainable designated desk, application form and if
Measurable person at desk also the customer knows
guides customer in how to fill the form
case of query while and which details to
filling the form, if any enter where
Bank officer verifies Specific Bank officer check Bank has access to
the Aadhar and Pan Relevant details through the government data
details of the customer internal bank portal through the portal for
linked with relevant verification of
government agency customer data
for verification
Bank officer make the Specific Customer gives cash at The responsibility of
transfer of money Relevant cashier counter and a bank officer is not
from the customer Timebound receipt is received, and clear, whether he is
bank account to FD account is updated authorised to take
account cash from the
New bank passbook is Specific The new passbook It is not clear how the
created and handed Relevant includes the account passbook is created
over to customer holder details created and whether the bank
by the system officer is responsible
automatically and or authorized to create
printed onto the the passbook with the
passbook by the bank account details
officer and handed
over to the customer
2.1.3 Steps to be automated in the current process in 2.1.1

1. Customer enquiring about the FD account and the available options

2. Filling of the FD form and new account opening form
3. Verification of customer Aadhar Card and Pan details
4. Payment can be made online through different modes UPI, Net banking
5. The Customer has an existing account or not can be automated
6. Customer details can be filled automatically once the account is verified
7. Creating a new bank account can be automated
8. New bank account details can be sent to customers directly via email, SMS; automatically
3 To Be Process ((Swimlane flow)
4 Use case Interaction diagram
5 Use case design

Name Add New Bank account - For Remittance

ID UC-001
Actor User
Precondition User on Remittance Screen
Tasks 1. System directs user to popup to enter bank details
2. User enter new bank details
3. User submits Cancelled Cheque soft copy
4. User clicks add
5.System saves the new account
Extend Wrong Details, not verified by the respective bank
No Net Banking available for that bank account

Post condition System update database

All the fields that are required by the form (Bank account no, Confirm Acc
No, IFSC CODE, MICR, Bank Name, Branch Name, 1st Bank account holder
Data name, upload soft copy of cancelled check)
Business rules 1st holder in deposit and 1st holder in bank account mus be same
Non functional
requirements Response time - 1 sec

Name System Verify OTP - Registered Mobile number

ID UC-002
Actor System
Precondition Mobile Number should be pre-registered
Tasks 1. User Click on Generate OTP
2. System Identify registered mobile number
3. System generate OTP
4. User receives OTP on registered Mobile Number
5. System provides space to enter OTP
6. User inputs the OTP
7. User click on Submit
8. System receive user OTP input
9. Verifies the OTP and goes to next screen
Extend OTP incorrect

Post condition User inputs OTP within 60 Sec

Data Numeric 6 digits
Business rules 6 digit OTP
Non functional
requirements System sends OTP in 12 secs, Verifies with 5 secs
Name Adding Nominee
ID UC-003
Actor User

Precondition Nominee should have a valid PAN card, Check whether single depositor
Tasks 1. User click on add nominee
2. User add Nominee details
3. User clicks on proceed
4. System varifies valid PAN details
5. System Autopopulates nominee fields
6.User selects relationship with the nominee
7. user click on submit
Extends Nominee Details Invalid

Post condition Nominee will ne added

Data PAN details of the nominee, Relationship with the nominee
Nominee shloud have a PAN card, Nominee details is compulsory if single
Business rules depositor
Non functional
requirements Response time should be with in 1 sec, Font size should be 12

Name User Choosing Deposit

ID UC-004
Actor User
Precondition User should have valid PAN card, Valid phone number registred with PAN
Tasks 1. User Search of HDFC online
2. User click on HDFC log in
3. User enter PAN number and DOB
4. User Clicks on generate OTP
5. System varifies valid PAN details
6. System generates OTP and send to user
7.User enters OTP and clicks on submit
8. System validates user
9.User lands on new deposit potal
10.System Auto Populates fields
11.User checks details and clicks on proceed
If the login details are incorrect, the customer is asked to provide the valid
Extends login details

Post condition User will be directed to creat new deposit

PAN details of the user, Generated OTP, Phone number of the user, date
Data of birth of the user
Business rules user shloud have a PAN card, Should have a valid phone number
Non functional
requirements Response time should be with in 1 sec, Font size should be 12
Name User Choosing Plan and Period
ID UC-005
Actor User
Precondition User should have created profile, added nominee and Deposit amount
Tasks 1. User enters the Deposit amount and Clicks on Get Rates
2. System directs user to Plans and periods screen
3. User Selects appropriate plan
4. System autopopulates Broker details if user referred by key partner
5. User can enter broker details
6. User can select the Maturity instruction
7. System display dropdown Maturity Instructions options
8. User clicks proceed
Extends Broker Details Valid
A proper Plan Chosen

Post condition System displays deposite details, User clicks Yes to confirm product details
Data Broker code alpha numeric code, 4 aphabets of broker name
Broker code must be first 4 alphabets of Broker name, Maturity options
Business rules are as indicated in dropdown
Non functional
requirements Response time should be with in 1 sec, 3 sec for broker code auto-fill

Name System Verify Pan Number & DOB

ID UC-006
Actor System
Precondition User should have a valid PAN card, Valid phone number
Tasks 1. User Search of HDFC online
2. User click on HDFC log in
3. User enter PAN number and DOB
4. User clicks Submit Button
5. system Verifies details
Extends Invalid PAN details
Invalid DOB

Post condition if details are valid, proceed to next screen

Data PAN should be 10 digits and DOB should be DD-MM-YYYY Format
Business rules User should have valid PAN Card
Non functional
requirements Response time should be with in 1 sec, Font size should be 12
Name Add Joint Depositor
ID UC-007
Actor User
Precondition Other fields should be prepopulated and checked by the user
Tasks Click "Add Joint Depositor"
Add Joint Depositor's PAN Number & DOB
System Verifies the PAN number & DOB
Click Submit
System Verifies the details
Extends Invalid PAN number and DOB
Inproper Autopopulated field

Post condition Id details are valid Proceed to "Add Amount" Screen

Data PAN should be 10 digits and DOB should be DD-MM-YYYY Format
Business rules User should have valid PAN Card
Non functional
requirements Response time= <1 Sec, Font Size = 12

Name Check NRI

ID UC-008
Actor System
Precondition User On "Add New Bank Account" Pop up
Tasks User Enters Account Number & Confirms
User Enters IFSC Code, Branch Name & First Account Holder Name
User Upload a Soft copy of canceled Cheque
User Clicks Add
System Check the details entered by user
System check 1st deposit holder and Bank account holder matches or not
System checks the NRO account transfer for NRI Account
Extends NRO account not found

All the fields that are required by the form (Bank account no, Confirm
Acc No, IFSC CODE, MICR, Bank Name, Branch Name, 1st Bank account
Data holder name, upload soft copy of canceled check)
1st holder in deposit and 1st holder in bank account must be same
Business rules For NRI, Funds transferred from NRO Account Only
Non functional
requirements Response time= <1 Sec, Font Size = 12
Name Already Rermmited
ID UC-009
Actor User
Precondition Confirmation of Already remitted amount
Tasks Select "Already Remitted" option
Enter 6 Digit of cheque No. & CMS Payslip No
(In case of RTGS/NEFT Enter Last 6 digits of UTR No.
System Verifies the Details
Click Proceed
Extends UTR/ NEFT Number improper
Account number invalid

Post condition If Valid details, redirect to Submission Screen

Data Cheque/CMS/RTGS/NEFT should be Numeric
Business rules Valid Cheque & UTR No.
Non functional
requirements Response time= <1 Sec, Font Size = 12

Name OTP First Depositor

ID UC-010
Actor System
Precondition Mobile Number should be pre-registered
Tasks 1. User Click on OTP- First Depositor icon
2.User cross verifies the first depositor's mobile number.
3. User agrees to Conditions and Clicks on Send OTP.
4. System Identify the first depositor's registered mobile number
5. System generate OTP
6. System sends OTP to the registerd mobile number
7. User receives OTP on registered Mobile Number through message
8. System provides space to enter OTP
9. User inputs the OTP
10. User click on Submit
11. System receive user OTP input
12. Verifies the OTP, receives acknowlodgment and goes to next screen
Extends Invalid OTP input
Not Agreeing to terms and condition

Post condition User inputs OTP within 60 Sec

Data Numeric 6 digits
Business rules 6 digit OTP
Non functional
requirements System sends OTP in 12 secs, Verifies with 5 secs
Name Download Reciept
ID UC-011
Actor System
Precondition User on Acknowledgment screen
Tasks 1. User Clicks on Download Deposit Application
2. System receives the request.
3. Systems send the copy of Deposit on the computer/mobile.
4. Pdf copy gets saved.
Extends Download blocked by browser

Post condition Computer should allow downloading from this website

Data Pdf should contain all information required.
Business rules
Non functional
requirements System sends the pdf of Deposit, within 1 sec

6 Prioritization of the use cases (interms of criticality – High meium-


We can evaluate use cases based on four criteria:

1. Customer Value - Importance of the use case to the business, and the urgency
to have its functionality
2. Risk- Need to recognize risk early. Managed closely.
3. Complexity – a measure of difficulty (requirements and development)
4. Dependencies – Need to know the connections.
These criteria can lead us to assign criticality of the use case for our prioritization:

ID Name Criticality
Add New Bank account - For Remittance
UC-001 Medium
System Verify OTP - Registered Mobile number
UC-002 High
Adding Nominee
UC-003 Medium
User Choosing Deposit
UC-004 Low
User Choosing Plan and Period
UC-005 Low
System Verify Pan Number & DOB
UC-006 High
Add Joint Depositor
UC-007 Medium
Check NRI
UC-008 Medium
Already Remitted
UC-009 High
OTP First Depositor
UC-010 High
Download Receipt
UC-011 Low

7 User acceptance test scenarios

7.1 Usecase scenarios and the corresponding UAT scenarios

Use case Use case scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-001 User should enter the bank • System should send a
details pop up to let the user
enter bank details
• User should be able to
enter bank details
UC-001 Upload cancelled check User should be able to upload
cancelled cheque soft copy

UC-001 Click on add details • User should be able to

click the add button
• Cheque should be of
specified format and
should be of the set size
• If yes, move to next
• If no, pop up error
UC-001 System saves new account System should be able to save
the new user details in the data

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-002 Generating OTP System should be able to
generate OTP and send the OTP
to registered mobile number
UC-002 Validating OTP System should be to verify the
OTP and proceed to the next
Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario
UC-003 Adding nominee • User should be able to
click on add nominee
• User should be able to
add nominee details
UC-003 Clicking on proceed button User should be able to click on
proceed button
UC-003 Verify PAN details System should be able to verify
pan details
UC-003 Auto populate details System should auto populate
details of the nominee using
pan details
UC-003 Selecting relationship with System should have a scroll
user down menu to select the
relationship with user
UC-003 Submit button User should be able click a
submit button to move to the
next screen

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC -004 User choosing period and plan User should be able to select
the period and plan of the fixed
UC -004 User should click on proceed User should be able to click on
proceed and go to next screen

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-005 User selecting plans User should be able to enter
the amount he wants and can
click on get rates
UC-005 Directing the user to plans and System should direct the user
period screen to plans and period screen
UC-005 User selecting the plan User should be able to select
the plan and his desired plan
from the list
UC-005 Broker details System should auto populate
broker details and also give the
user chance to change It if
UC-005 Maturity preference User should be able to select
the maturity instructions and
click on proceed
Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario
UC -006 System verifying mobile • User should be able to
number and PAN details enter a valid mobile
number and PAN number
• System should be able to
verify the mobile number
using an OTP
UC -006 User clicking on verify User should be able click on
verify button
UC -006 System verifying System should be able to verify
the mobile number using OTP

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-007 Adding joint depositor User should be able to add a
joint depositor if needed by
clicking on Add Joint depositor

UC-007 Pop up System should send a pop up

for users to enter the pan and
dob of joint depositor
UC-007 Clicking on submit User should click on submit
button after entering the
details of Joint depositor
UC-007 System verifying the details System should be able to verify
the details of joint depositor

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-008 Add new bank account details After entering the details of
amount and tenure, user
should be able to select the
bank account he wants the
funds to be debited from
UC-008 Collecting bank account A pop up containing form for
details bank account details like
account number, IFSC code,
Branch name and account
holders name should be
UC-008 Upload a cancelled cheque A field with mandatory option
to upload a blank cheque
should be available
UC-008 Checking the entered details System should check the details
entered by the user
UC-008 Redirect to bank page System should redirect the user
to the bank page of his bank
UC-008 Checking if NRI System should check if the bank
account is relate to NRI account
UC-008 Checking the first account System should check if the
holder name users name and the first
account holders name match

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-009 If the funds are already User should be able to select
remitted already remitted option
UC-009 Enter the details of remittance User should be able to enter
the details of 6 digit cheque
number and CMS payslip
UC-009 Verify the details System should be able to verify
the details entered by the user

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-010 Submission of Form After the remittance of amount
user should click on agree
terms and click on OTP- 1st
UC-010 User enter mobile number After clicking on the OTP first
depositor system should show
a pop having fields and mobile
number and agree terms and
send OTP
UC-010 Verify user System should send OTP to the
user and verify the user
UC-010 Confirm User should be able to confirm
the submission by clicking on
the button

Usecase Usecase scenario User acceptance test scenario

UC-011 Download receipt User should be able to download
the deposit application

UC-011 System should download System should download a PDF

receipt copy of the deposit application
to the computer/mobile.
7.2 User acceptance test scenarios

1.User Story: As a customer I would like to have an online portal where I can open a fixed deposit so
that it is convenient and fast
Acceptance: I see an online portal for opening a fixed deposit application in the form of a website.

2.User Story: As a customer I would like to get confirmation of fixed deposit application
Acceptance: System generates a PDF copy of the fixed deposit application for customers reference and
a notification about the fixed deposit creation on the final page.

3.User Story: I would like to add a joint depositor to my fixed deposit

Acceptance: A button to add joint depositor to the fixed deposit application

4.User Story: As a customer I would like to enter the amount I would like to deposit
Acceptance: Field to enter the amount of money user wants to deposit

5.User Story: As a customer I would like to select the bank of my choice to debit the amount from
Acceptance: System redirects the user to the bank page he entered the details of

6.User Story: As a user I want OTP to be delivered to my mobile number

Acceptance: System verifies the mobile number entered by the user via OTP
8 Data Flow Diagrams (follow the rules for creating DFDs)
8.1 Context Diagram
8.2 Level 0 Data flow diagram (Logical DFD)

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