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-Never Again-

In a world not quite like our own, stands a quaint and sturdy house. Inside is a caring
grandmother sitting comfortably on a chair and two children sitting expectantly at her.
“Come closely, young ones, for I am old and my voice is weak.” the old yet fine lady, in
the care of her two lovely grandchildren, spoke softly. As the children’s own parents were away
in the mornings, this old lady has found joy in telling tales of the past to her young wards.
On her hands is a thick book, worn out by time but care is evident from its still great
condition. She opens the book to its early pages.
“Listen well, my darlings, for our history carry lessons that you can carry till your death.”
Her words reached the children’s hearts. They took a deep breath and offered all the attention a
child could gather.
“A long long time ago, in the very soil, you and our ancestors walked, people worshiped
deities that lived in a world far above us all and sometimes the one far below. They were so
powerful that they could sway reality with but a snap of a finger.”
Almost in unison, both of the children gasped in wonder but they were quickly brought
away from it by their grandmother’s next words, “-We used to worship them in altars and sing
hymns in their name. Once, even further into the past, they helped us in our times of need, and
in turn, we lived and died by their ways.”
Her expression grew grim as thoughts raised through her mind, “Those deities can give
any mortal power within a moment’s notice but they can take that just as quickly. When The
Great Evils came to our lands, our ancestors begged for the power to protect themselves. They
begged till their knees gave in, sang till their voices failed them, and sacrificed so much that
they started going crazy from the losses they exprienced. After all that, those that they called
gods were silent. In the hour of our greatest need, they were nowhere to be found.”
The children took every word she said to heart and listened intently to their people’s
“When our people grew tired from all the suffering inflicted by the Great Evils and tired of
invoking the names of absent gods, the last of those fighting on the frontlines came together-
now known as the Six Great Families- and appointed a hero from each of their houses. That, my
darlings, is when the Great Spirit was born. Our people truly began fighting back from the
oppression of the Evils and we were freed from the shackles of what once was called ‘faith.’”
The grandmother closes the book and looks at both of them. “We have all left behind
both god and devil alike. We are capable of forging our own path and protecting the things that
matter to us. Humanity should stand together because no one else will stand up for us.”
With her weak knees, she stood up and knelt in front of them, “That’s why you, little
ones, should take care of each other even if sometimes it’s hard. If we can’t be there for each
other, what kind of human would we be?”
“Yes, Mima! I promise.” said the bigger one.
The younger one looks at both of them sincerely and nods “I pwomise.”
“A saying came out of our history, a mantra, a symbol for the freedom we fought for. To
fight for each other… and to never again need selfish and absent gods. Say it with me,
darlings.” They nod in unison.
“Never again.” they all smile.

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