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Volume 1, Issue 15 November, 2010 MONTHLY e-NEWSLETTER

PATRONS: PATRONS Dr. B.S Chowdery, Dr. Aftab A.Memon, Dr. Mukhtiar A. Unar

The FEECE Team Editor: Dr. Fahim A.Umrani Members: Mr. Mohsin Siraj Mr. Saadullah kalwar Mr. Kapal Dev Ms. Maya Mr. Moiz Rehman Mr. Salman Ahmed Mr. Shahid Makhdoom


By Mr. Shahid Hussain Makhdoom 09TL28


An Inspiration Engineering Day The blocked GSM Networks Photos of the Month

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It was really a big day not only a day of learning practical knowledge but also an special thing that was AN INSPIRATION. An inspiration to make things happens. On Thursday (14th October) the 2KES Scholarship Foundation in collaboration with Faculty of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (FEECE), Mehran UET organized a one day inter-departmental student project competition for the students of Electronics, Electrical, Telecommunication, Computer, Software and Biomedical Engineering.).Although 2KES Scholarship Foundation has served a lot in many dimensions but this was for the very first time that the same foundation organized a mega event of Student project competition.

The Inspiring event was hosted by the Department of Telecommunication Engineering in newly constructed building of Institute of Information & Communication Technologies (IICT), was organized by student volunteers of Mehran UET under the dynamic guidance and brilliant supervision of Dr. Fahim Aziz Umrani (TL), Ms. Kehkashan Memon (ES), & Ms. Attiya Baqai (ES). Someone beautifully said that Philosophers have only interpreted the world; the actual point is to change it. I think the changing or making world better is done by the efforts or creativity of Engineers


In order to encourage the efforts and appreciate the creativity of these young upcoming engineers the event was attended by Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Baloch (DEAN FEECE), Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed Memon (Chairman TL),Mr. Furqan Jawed (chief guest of the event and CEO Combit), with numerous faculty members of MUET and number of students. Inauguration ceremony started about 10:00 a.m and enthrall by speaker after speaker. The ceremony was presided by Chairman TL, Dr. Aftab Ahmed Memon. During his opening remarks, the chairman TL commented on the need of organizing such events regularly and appreciated the efforts of the organizers. Later on the Dean FEECE was called upon the stage where he expressed energetically the great hopes that he has from younger generation and emphases on one of good philosophy to focus on not only improve the academic standards but ultimately the social standards as well. After having some cheerful sharing of words by them, all moved to visit the counters or stalls. Where Overall 15 hardware, software and poster projects of students from various departments were put on display, the contestants were not seems to be confused as it seems on such occasion, all of them were confidently explain regarding their matters. It also seemed when judges entered little nervousness appeared on faces of contestants as it usual happens, but really they faced boldly the questions of judges, the remarkable thing was that chief guest Mr. Furqan Jawed was very much involved in students and he also commented that he came hear to learn from these student and called it very interestingly his selfishness. After judges satisfaction organizers allowed visitors to come, although they allowed little late and for that they were complaining as well, but still they had curiosity to learn, while Participants also liked to share their creations with all the others enthusiastically, The visitors response was such a nice that in very short duration, the good interaction created between visitors and contestants they also gave almost good comments to every participants. In Project Competition every project was good but as matter of fact few one is to be declare the best so Top 3 projects were awarded prize money 5000, 3000 and 2000 PKR respectively, further all students were given participatory certificates. The top 3 projects were evaluated by the panel of 3 judges consisting of Prof. Dr. Ahsan Ahmed Ursani (TL), Dr. Syed Asif Shah (EL), and Ms. Farida Memon (ES). If you are reading this article, but forget to turn off the air conditioned of next room, its better to switch off that in order to save the electricity, but be seated because, The third prize winner, one of energetic group (Najeeb Malik-09ES), (Talha Rehmani-07ES) displayed an interesting project named WORLD WEB HOME APPLIANCES CONTROL, which control home appliances from any part of the world using internet, so continue reading article as well. The second prize winner group (Jahanzeb-08EL), (Ahsan Irshad-08EL) made a project named SOLAR GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTUION that fulfills the need of time as based on modern technology and cost effective Solution, Due to these reasons many teachers and students asked from these creative EL students with very interesting request to install that type of solar system at there own place. The finally highlight of the day was the first prize winner group from 08-ES(Abdul Sattar, Ahmed Mujhtaba , Ahad and Sajjad) made such meter which was even not available in Mehran labs, that meter can measure frequency, inductance and capacitance. I personally felt that it was most visited group and liked as well. This project was so effective in cost, thats one of the judge Dr. Asif Shah encourages student to make it available in their labs with co-operation of MUET. In the end, a gracious concluding ceremony was held in which Mr. Furqan Jawed (CEO Combit) during his brief speech shared his personal beliefs and motivation to inspire the students and younger lot to pay their contribution to the society. He also awarded the prizes to the top winners of the event and thanked the organizers and university administration for helping in organizing such useful events. In the end the ceremony was concluded by Vote of thanks which was given by Dr. Fahim Aziz Umrani, who thanked Prof. Dr. B.S. Chowdhry (Chairman ES) and Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed Memon (Chairman TL) and the chief guest Mr. Furqan Jawed for their invaluable help and support. Although the evening has over but its memory will remain long in mind of all the visitors because it was not just an event to enhance knowledge but as well as a chance to get inspiration to make things possible. It is said that Dream is not that which you see when sleep, but the dream is that which does not allow you to sleep. After having imagination and tireless efforts on implementation their ideas practically, these contestants taught us a lesson of how to make dream comes into reality, I think this was just a beginning to show the world, the creativity of mehranians and to rule on world we need such kind of students who have muscles of iron and nerve of steal they can dive deep into mysteries and secrets of universe.




Engineers make a world of diifference

Engineers have an important role not even in
our society but all over the world. In Pakistan engineering field is touching the peak of sky. They proved that they are walking parallel in step with other countries as well. Here every day we are celebrating mothers day, labors day, Valentines Day and so many days. But here the point I want to highlight that we engineers should have a day where we should unite together and show our abilities. In Pakistan no one has stepped forward for this type of event to be celebrated. From the MUET platform I want to introduce the engineers day, a day to collaborate the engineers from all over the Pakistan to meet share their vision, ideas and their skills. On this day we can have a competition of projects, research paper quiz competition and so many things that can be added. We can invite delegates from outside or foreign countries to sponsor our students and to show them how much talent is filled in us. My aim to write this article is not to read it and forget it, but is to give it a forward hand so that we can can get advantage. You can see in India after Mr. Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya an eminent Indian engineer they are celebrating this day since last 55 years. Engineers day is a carrier explosion for students to meet employers and search for full time, co-op and internship opportunities in the engineering field with companies, non profit and government agencies.

On this day we can invite ex-graduates from Mehran who are giving their services to our country as well in foreign. Many of them are awarded Gold medals and awards. So we can awards to them in their honour. After introduction of this day you can speak with the organization representatives about career opportunities and present your qualifications for positions you may be seeking. In other words, it is a valuable opportunity to start and/or enhance your job search network.

At all career expositions, employers will be looking for candidates who are professional, articulate, careerdirected, and prepared. They are attending career expos to look for potential employees. Many are using career expos as a pre-recruiting screening tool. Therefore, you should present yourself to them as a prime candidate.



BlackBerry controversy that has shacked the enterprise world in UAE AND KSA

BlackBerry is a line of mobile e-mail and Smartphone devices developed and designed by Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM) since 1996.its is the darling of the millions people around the world, as it promises to provide you complete data security but this advantage has taken it to the verge of extreme controversy, last month Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates(UAE) announced their intentions to restrict its services ;the reason was given that its services are too well-protected to be monitored by the respective governments Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates(UAE) are not the only countries who have shown their concerns over the extreme security system provided by the BlackBerry, its a long list of countries as Russia, India, China, Indonesia and Egypt have also shown their concerns and demanded for some or full control over the encrypted data. BlackBerry has gained a reputation in the mobile space during the past decade or so as the "most secure" handheld device and mobile platform available. That's largely due to RIM's BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) software for corporate e-mail deployments, which has earned high-level security certifications from some of the world's most demanding information-security organizations, including the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Canada's Communication Security Establishment (CSE); and the U.K.'s Communications Electronic Security Group (CESG), among others. The popularity of the device has put governments around the world to reconsider their policies regarding freedom of speech, do they want to have freedom of speech or they want to save their national interests. Research In Motion (RIM) is the company behind the BlackBerry product line ,according to them it has taken almost ten years to build such a strong security system architecture that meets the requirements of its enterprise customers. Part of the architecture is the ability of the company to encrypt the data sent by the users and managed by the black berry server based in Canada. The company claims that the encryption is so strong that no one, even the rim cannot decrypt the data .rim also stated that the nature of the security encryption, it couldnt entertain anyone requests for the encryption keys, it further says that it doesnt have a master key for the encryption. Currently BlackBerry operates beyond the jurisdiction of the nation al legislation said by a statement from the telecommunication authority of UAE. The security features provided by the BlackBerry can be misused by the people and its the reason that governments are afraid by its security and it can cause serious social, judicial and national security repercussions. The government has always tried to monitor the activities of their citizens; its a major thorn in their side as BlackBerry cannot be monitored. However this is not the first time the rim has been in this sort of controversies as it happened before with China, Russia and all ended up in a good way and it was a happy ending. Chinese and Russian government claim that it has got some of the keys for the encryption to snoop the required data but Rim has always denied such types of claims and added that: it co-operates with all governments with a consistent standard and the same degree of respect We can just cross our fingers to see what steps would be taken by KSA, UAE and India to restrict the BlackBerry operations, and are they able to ban it as they are threatening. Everything said what the black berry is doing and the governments perspective, Emails sent by the Gmail are reportedly encrypted and also there are other technologies whose servers are based in other countries So why BlackBerry? render this thing for u guys




Competition is increasing day by day. The job market also seems to be saturated. Some students having good percentage of marks do not get jobs only because they do not have practical knowledge even though they are good in theory. Today, only those people get jobs who have good practical knowledge besides theoretical knowledge in their respective discipline. Realizing the above fact, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology arranged one week training on GSM Networks, Transmission system, Satellite and Optical fiber communication with the help of APEX MULTI SERVICES. This training course was arranged in video conferencing Hall in IIT building from 4th of October to 8th of October .Instructor for this training, Muhammad Imran Ahmed, is a transmission engineer from Telenor. I was participant of this course and it was a wonderful experience for me. Organizers of this course were, Sir BS Chowdhary and Sir Khuhed Memon from ES and Sir Nasar-ul-Allah from Telecommunication. And, I am thankful to them for arranging this course in our university. This training course was divided into four parts, first part was related to global standard technology of mobile or cellular communication (GSM Networks) and remaining three were concerned with (Micro wave transmission, Satellite and Optical fiber), the medias used for communication. Many students did not participate in this course. Because, they felt that how they could cover such vast subjects within a short period of time. So, I must tell them that these subjects were not covered theoretically in the course. But, we were introduced with the practical life problems and their possible solutions. This, I think is a good thing because we are already taught these subjects theoretically in our university. It is possible there are some readers who may think how it is possible to have practical concepts with in a indoor training so I have reply for them when we were in phase of microwave transmission then we not only discuss important parts and their functionality of some important types of microwave transmission systems( including hot stand-by ,frequency diversity, space diversity and X-pic )but also commissioned the 1+0 and 1+1 (redundant systems) practically so when you are dealing with pure hardware so why you will not get real time experience . One thing that I noticed was that there were a short number of students from telecommunication department than from electronics. Though, the topics of the course were more concerned with the students of telecommunication. I hope in future more seminars and courses will be conducted in our university. So, it is my suggestion to those, who avoid such seminars, that you must participate you will learn a lot. And, may differentiate yourself from other students not only in professional life but also during your academia. I am very much indebted to my seniors who shared their knowledge with me during the course. Furthermore, I analyzed that on one hand it was a great event where I learnt a lot and on the other it also served to bridge the gap among the seniors and juniors. It is my request to the concerned peoples that such seminars and courses must be arranged so that students may gain a practical knowledge of the subjects which they are taught theoretically during their Bachelors. In the end, I want to share the comments of instructor he said, I am arranging this training on annual bases since 2006 but this is first batch about which I can say that 99% of all participants, no matter what GPA they have, are equally trained and they can beat easily a person who has the experience in practical professional life. Although, no one has yet proved the comments of the instructor to be true. But, these comments reflect the talent of students of MEHRAN UNIVERSITY. No doubt, we the students of today will be Engineers of tomorrow and will be leading in our respective technology one day. And, on that day we will proudly say we are from MEHRAN UNIVERSITY OF JAMSHORO.




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