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EAD-533 Ethics Quiz

Joan E. Hammond
College of Education, Grand Canyon University
EAD-533 Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders
Daphne Lowe
July 27, 2022

Multiple Choice

1. Who is required to follow the mandatory reporting rules related to unprofessional

a. Teachers
b. Administrators
c. Parents
d. All certificated school employees
e. All school employees

As part of the ethical responsibilities attached to our professional positions, all school
employees are mandatory reporters. This is to abide by the guidelines of district policies and
uphold our noble profession. There are California state laws in place regarding the mandatory
reporting of reasonable suspicion of child abuse.

2. What is a possible consequence for failing to investigate a report of unprofessional

conduct by a school employee?
a. Warning by the human resources department
b. No consequences
c. Loss of administrative credential
d. An angry parent

There may be several consequences depending upon the severity of the unprofessional conduct,
and who is involved. As professional educators we are responsible to “address and attempt to
resolve ethical issues” that may arise (MCEE). An investigation is the first step to completing
this responsibility and avoiding angry parents, problems with human resources, and even the loss
of an administrative credential if the report is founded and ignored.

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a violation of professional ethics?

a. Sharing student grade information with another student
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b. Coming to a school activity after participating in happy hour with colleagues
c. Breaking a contract and leaving your job before the end of the year without
board approval
d. Working at the same school as your spouse
e. Sharing your password to your school computer with someone else

Board policy 4112.8 allows for members of the same family to be employed at a work site. Each
of the other choices involve a breach of the professional code of conduct for school employees
and are examples of unethical behavior.

4. If an administrator receives a report of suspected child abuse from a student, who must
they notify?
a. The district human resources administrator
b. The local police department
c. The student’s parents
d. The State Board of Education
e. All of the above
f. a, b, c
g. a, b, d

There are California state laws in place regarding reporting and notification of organizations.
District human resources is notified as part of record keeping and protection of students and
staff. The local police department must be notified of any suspicion of unlawful behavior. The
State Board of Education must be made aware for record keeping purposes as conditions of
employment with a school district. We would also file a report with Child Protective Services.

5. An administrator is required to report unprofessional conduct to the State Board of

Education within _____ days.
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10
Arizona State Statute 15-514 states that immoral or unprofessional conduct must be reported
within 3 days. The California Dept. of Education states it should be reported as soon as

Short Answer
In 50 – 100 words, respond to the following statements. Be sure to use appropriate sentence
1. How would you define the term “professional ethics”?

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According to Hahn & Popan, “Professional ethics include the personal, organizational, and
corporate standards of behavior expected of professionals.” This is to guarantee that employees
represent themselves and their workplace appropriately. Education systems have official codes of
conduct to properly portray the character expected of staff members in their service. There are
numerous district policies dedicated to delineating these expectations.

2. Provide an example of how a professional educator would promote the profession

within the school community.

One way I can promote the profession is to become involved in community activities, advocating
for the school district policies and student learning. I can act on behalf of my students to help
promote community activities that will be beneficial to my students and their families.
Specifically, our local park offers opportunities for our students to be involved in activities that
foster extra learning experiences that our school does not currently provide. By being involved in
the planning and implementation of these enriching activities in an ethical manner, I can
represent our profession while building a positive relationship with our community.

3. Why would it be important for a building principal to report unprofessional conduct by a

staff member to the central office/district leadership?

After meeting with and notifying the staff member of the incident of unprofessional conduct,
district leadership must be notified to protect the integrity of the school and district. Our district
policies include these procedures to maintain the high expectations of conduct for our staff
members (Wilsona, revised 2020). There are protocols to follow for record keeping purposes,
protecting the district and its employees from legal recourse. Failure to report may also lead to
disciplinary actions for that person. Ultimately, it is to protect students and other staff while
attempting to help the employee improve themselves.

4. School administrators must pay attention to their own professional ethics and the ethics
of the employees they supervise. Describe how an administrator can best model the
highest level of ethics for their staff?

In accordance with Principle I of the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), an
administrator must uphold all rules and regulations related to the position. We must model
ethical behavior on and off campus. I must focus on activities in my professional and personal
life that maintain or increase my value within my school community. All my dealings with
people and situations must be transparent and above reproach, from my motivations to the
end result, giving proper credit to those who have helped me along the way.

5. What steps should be completed, regarding a background check for a potential

employee, prior to hiring that person? As it relates to background checks, is there a
difference between hiring a certified versus a non-certified employee?

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According to our Board Policy (in California), to hire someone for a certificated position they
must have applied for, or hold a valid credential issued by the Commission on Teacher
Credentialing (CTC). This organization completes all background checks before issuing a
teaching credential. All potential hires must be fingerprinted through the Live Scan system. For
classified positions, there are procedures regarding their length of residence in California and any
prior criminal records as determined by a contact with the Department of Justice.

Respond to each of the following scenarios in a well-crafted paragraph of 150-200 words using
appropriate sentence mechanics.

1. A principal is planning a professional learning session on data privacy for the faculty.
What components must be included? Why? How is this issue connected to professional

This subject should be addressed regularly to ensure that all staff members are aware of the
district approved guidelines for this area. To help our faculty understand the seriousness of our
responsibility to maintain confidentiality, there are several components that must be included in a
professional learning session regarding this topic. The first would be to draw attention to the
district polices that pertain to school records, and how to find those policies on our website. This
allows staff members to refer to them as needed. The next part would be to examine the policies
that are related to the most prevalent situations that are dealt with in our school. Finally, we
would discuss sample scenarios to talk about the proper way to handle each one. These all must
be part of a learning session to bring awareness to the need to keep student data confidential, and
how that confidentiality may be accidentally breached if we do not follow procedures. This issue
is connected to professional ethics as outlined in the MCEE Principle III, which covers our
responsibility to promote proper boundaries with students by protecting their privacy.

2. A parent approaches the school principal and reveals that a teacher at the school and
another parent are having an affair. What should the principal do next?

Principle IV section E specifically offers a warning against a teacher participating in any

inappropriate relationship with parents or guardians. It states that “the professional educator
understands the problematic nature” of this type of association. This allegation must be
investigated to find out the facts and protect the district from any possible liability. The
professional conduct of a teacher is being brought into question. The district should be notified
of the reported situation as directed by district policy. The district agents will then report it to the
required agencies. As the next step of this process, the principal should have a meeting with the
teacher involved, with a union representative also in attendance for accountability purposes. The
matter must be discussed to determine whether the accusation is true. We must determine the
facts in the case so that the teacher does not suffer unjust consequences for a dishonest or
misleading report. If the report is found to be true, disciplinary action must follow, again

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following district policies. This includes a report to the Commission on Teacher Credentialling
as well as suspension or possible dismissal.

3. Educators have a responsibility to maintain sound mental, physical, and emotional

health and to take appropriate measures when personal or health-related issues may
interfere with work-related duties. Describe three examples of what those measures
might include.

The responsibilities involved in being an educator can become overwhelming. We have an

obligation to our staff and students to perform ethically and efficiently. To guard against any
issues that may interfere with our duties there are several measures that may be put into place. To
safeguard the mental health of an educator, we must set boundaries and adhere to a schedule that
helps distinguish between work and home obligations. As hard as it may be, we must try to avoid
bringing work home, or spending too much time away from home and family members. Working
as an educator is a physically demanding duty. We must take time to take care of our bodies to
keep them strong, including making time for regular exercise. This also includes integrating
healthy eating habits and drinking enough water into our daily routine, as well as trying to get
enough sleep. To stay emotionally healthy, we must find the time to do things that bring us
pleasure outside of our school campus. This may consist of taking up a hobby, joining a book
club, or volunteering with a local organization.

4. An assistant principal has persistent concerns about the relationship among a new
teacher and a small group of students who spend a lot of time with the teacher outside
of class. The assistant principal is preparing for a conversation with the principal about
this issue. What questions should the assistant principal anticipate from the principal?
What guidance would you offer the assistant principal in getting ready for the
conversation? How is this conversation related to professional ethics?

As educators, we are obligated to maintain proper relationships with colleagues and especially
students. Our first responsibility is to keep our students safe. This conversation needs to happen
to alleviate and investigate the concerns of the assistant principal. The questions the assistant
principal should expect from the principal include finding out more information about the time
this teacher spends with students outside of class. Where are they meeting? Are there other adults
present during those times? What activities are happening? What is the purpose? Have the
parents been notified and given permission for their students to participate in this time outside of
class? All these questions are related to the professional ethics being displayed by the teacher. To
prepare for the conversation, I would caution the assistant principal to find out the facts about the
situation. She should also find out about the reasons behind the relationships. Perhaps there is
tutoring, extra emotional support, or team building happening. Educators must respect and
minister to the needs of our students. The teacher should be forthcoming with the answers to all
the questions to ease any concerns about components of the code of conduct being ignored or

5. You are addressing the group of first-year teachers at your school on their first day of
employment. Some of these teachers graduated from a traditional teacher preparation
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program, while others did not. What would you tell them about ethics, as it applies to
their job as a teacher, so that all levels of experience and professional backgrounds are

This meeting would include an orientation with our district policies and code of conduct.
Regardless of their backgrounds, the expectations for ethical behavior are the same for all
employees in the district. As part of their preparation programs, each of these teachers should
have been made aware of and studied the various codes of conduct expected of them as future
teachers. I would need to ensure that each new teacher understands how these ethics relate to our
district employees working together to realize the goals of our school vision and constant
improvement plan. I would also familiarize this group with some of the traditions and items that
help make up our school culture. These are all supported by the ethical behavior of teachers
toward students, other personnel, and our school community members. As effective educational
leaders, we are charged with completing our work with integrity and modeling the character
traits expected for our staff and students (Reston, 2015). This must be clearly communicated to
all teachers, especially those new to our school.

6. A governing board member is related to a student in your school. The board member
asks you, as the principal of the school, to change that student’s grade since the student
was only 5 points from an “A”. Why would this be an ethical, as well as legal, violation?

As the governing board member should know, a grade is earned based on a student’s scores on
assignments and tests in class. They should also be conscious of board policies concerning the
maintenance of professional ethics regarding student progress and confidentiality. At our school
it is the teacher’s responsibility to ethically assess a student’s progress toward mastery of state
standards for their grade level. MCEE Principle II includes demonstrating the use of information
and assessment truthfully for a student’s well-being. As an administrator I must show my
integrity by reminding that board member that their position does not give them the right to
undermine the authority of the teacher in this position. I would have a civil and calm
conversation to remind the board member of these points, as well as their obligation to our
district students regarding the boundaries of their responsibilities and power. According to our
board policies, the Governing Board is elected to provide leadership and ensure accountability to
personnel (WSD, 2017). Perhaps a review of their purpose is needed.

7. How are school/district policies related to professional ethics? Provide at least two

Professional ethics entail a set of guidelines for proper behavior in our educational environment
and beyond. We are representing our profession and want to protect that reputation. School and
district policies are created and codified to give specific parameters for how business is
conducted so that staff and students are safe and successful in their educational environment. The
policies support and are supported by professional ethics. For example, there are district policies
in place regarding the hiring and retention of personnel to ensure the district provides high-
quality instruction for our students. This policy supports the ethical behavior of staff members
who work to continually improve themselves and their skills to meet the ever-changing needs of
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their students. Another example is the list of policies regarding technology use at our schools.
These policies support Principle V of the MCEE regarding the responsible and ethical use of
technology. The items in this section promote setting appropriate boundaries for the effective use
of technology to advance student learning, but with attentive care for their safety as they use
these tools for research and communication.

8. A teacher in your school is frequently absent from professional development

experiences offered at your school, without your approval. Why would this be a
violation of professional ethics? What would you do to address this issue?

Principle II of the MCEE covers our responsibility for professional competence. This includes
continuously reflecting upon and improving our skills as part of striving for the best quality of
instruction possible for our students. When an educator chooses not to attend training sessions
without explanation, they are in violation of the code of conduct. To address this issue, I would
need to meet with this teacher to discuss the reasons for their absence from the professional
development experiences. I would remind them of their responsibilities in accordance with our
district policies and code of conduct. An important part of this is “Committing to ongoing
professional learning (MCEE, Principle II. A. 6).” Perhaps there is a personal reason why they
couldn’t attend the scheduled professional development, but they are willing to attend a different
session to receive the necessary training. As an educational leader, I must make the expectations
clear about abiding by our code of conduct. I must also listen to the teacher and try to work out
how to make sure they attend the necessary sessions to maintain and improve their teaching
skills and strategies.

9. As an administrator in a small, rural school located in a small town, you are considering
hiring your uncle’s roofing company to perform some repairs at your school. What
procedures would you follow to ensure that no ethical or procurement violations occur?

To remain ethical, I would follow the procedures and protocols of my district regarding
contracting any work from an outside company. I would offer the information about my uncle’s
roofing company to the appropriate district agent so that the planned repairs may be recorded and
clarified. Next, the district would secure a bid for the work that needs to be done (without my
participation). If possible, I would recuse myself from any action that might be necessary to
approve a contract with his company. Within sections C and D of Principle IV of the MCEE
there are specific guidelines for ethical dealings with community organizations, facilities, and
resources when they will be beneficial for students. When repairs are made to our buildings, this
provides a safe environment for our staff and students. Any use of community agencies must be
without any credit or compensation to any administrators, exhibiting professional conduct
throughout the process.

10. What precautions should be taken to ensure that all of the employees at your school
follow policies governing the use of social media in communicating with students and
parents? How do these policies reflect professional ethics?

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As an educational leader, I am charged with making sure I stay current with the district policies
that have to do with the use of social media for communication with students and parents. The
technological tools and the platforms on which they are used is changing constantly, so I also
need to keep up with these trends. To make sure that others follow these policies, I must make
sure they are not only aware of them, but understand the expectations associated with them.
There must be a time set aside each year to review and reinforce everyone’s understanding of
these guidelines. If necessary, training must be provided to ensure everyone knows the approved
way to use the tools available to us to safely convey information without violating the
confidentiality of student grades and other data. These policies reflect professional ethics in a
variety of ways. Professional educators should use technology responsibly, ensuring the safety of
students, and encouraging the effective use of technology in the classroom.

11. One of your assistant principals does not get along with one of your teachers. You did
not know this until after the teacher came to you, the principal, to complain about the
assistant principal after he conducted a classroom observation and wrote a report
critical of the teacher. How would you address the teacher’s concern?

Our responsibility to the profession is outlined in Principle I of the Model Code of Ethics for
Educators (MCEE). These include warnings against discrimination based on a complaint, as well
as doing what is necessary to reconcile discrepancies between what is ethical and what is just an
allegation. This must be dealt with so that its effect does not spread beyond this instance. I would
meet with the teacher to listen to their concerns and reassure them that I will do further
investigation regarding this issue and get back to them as soon as possible. I would also review
the evaluation of the observation and compare it to previous examples of records of that teacher.
I would then meet with the assistant principal to discuss the complaint of the teacher and listen to
what they have to say. As educators we are directed to behave ethically in all areas of our lives.
We don’t have to like everyone, but we must not act with intended bias toward anyone,
especially in an evaluation. Once I have heard both sides of the situation, I would call both
parties to a meeting to work out an amicable conclusion.


Hahn, A., PhD, & Popan, E. M. (2020). Professional ethics. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC).

(2015). Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE).

Reston, V.A. (2015). Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. National Policy Board for
Educational Administration.
Wilsona School District. (various). Board Policies.

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