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Jason Lee


ISBN 978-1-78024-000-8 (pbk), 72 pp. (including prelims), 22 b/w photographs. 8.99

Jason Lee is a world-authority on transgression, with work translated into six languages. He is Head of Film and Media with Creative and Professional Writing at the University of Derby. Among other work, he is the author of Pervasive Perversions: Child Sexual Abuse in Media/Culture (London: Free Association Books, 2005). According to James Kincaid, Aerol Arnold Chair and Professor of English, at the University of Southern California, the leading international expert in this field during the 1980s and 1990s, Jason Lees work is the finest to appear on the subject. Cambria Press published Lees Celebrity, Paedophilia and Ideology in American Culture in 2009, and are publishing an edited collection by him on addiction and obsession in 2010. He is editor of the international journal and book series Transgressive Culture.
the poems ... make no claims to a final, objective truth ... we must read for feeling rather than for thinking, allow[ing] the loosely-structured metaphors, images, allusions and ideas simply to wash over us. (The Pequod)

The writing within this volume is in part inspired by the encounter between Milton and Galileo, imaginary or otherwise, while the photographs are from Florence and Pisa, where Galileo was born, and where, at the age of twenty-five, he became Chair of Mathematics.

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