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By PhiliPPe Boulle, Carl Bowen, ann Braidwood, deird’re M.

Brooks, ken Cliffe, TiM dedoPulos, MiChael lee, MiChael Mearls,
Joshua Mosqueira, sean riley and adaM TinworTh
Authors: Philippe Boulle, Carl Bowen, Ann Braidwood,
Deird’Re M. Brooks, Ken Cliffe, Tim Dedopulos, Michael
Lee, Michael Mearls, Joshua Mosqueira, Sean Riley and
Adam Tinworth
Devil’s Advocates: Michael Lee
Developer: Ken Cliffe

Editor: Ed Hall
Hunter Roster Manager: John Meehan
Art Director: Pauline Benney

Layout and Typesetting: Pauline Benney
Interior Art: Jason Alexander, Andrew Bates, Maria
Cabardo, Steve Ellis, Larry MacDougal, Rik Martin
and Brad Rigney
Front Cover Art: Glenn Fabry
Front and Back Cover Design: Pauline Benney


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Ascension and World of Darkness are registered trademarks of White

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panion, Hunter Survival Guide, Hunter the Walking Dead, Hunter
Apocrypha, Hunter Book Avenger, Hunter Book Defender, Hunter
Book Innocent, Hunter Book Judge, Hunter Book Martyr, Hunter Book Redeemer, Hunter Book Visionary, The
Hunters Hunted, The Inquisition and Hunter Players Guide are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All
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TaBle of ConTenTs
Prologue: lonely hoMe 4
The losT: herMiT
e 12
The losT: wayward 20
ChaPTer 1: BysTanders
Guidance and rules for playing bystanders
CNewhaPTer 2: rules of engageMenT 76

rules for character creation

Customizing Character Creation
Gaining Edges: New Roads
A Question of Faith

ChaPTer 3: new TraiTs 100

Merits & Flaws

Backgrounds Make the Hunter

haPTer 4: The Measure of huManiTy
on expanding character identity
Changing Creeds
Hunters’ Triggers
Normal People in Abnormal Times
The Hunter’s Life

haPTer 5: Make your own faTe
on player contribution to the story
Hunting Alone
Law and Order
Working Together
Monsters in Our Lives
Children as Hunters

hunter: Players guide


Prologue: lonely home


lonely Home

Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and all that
thou hast in the field; for upon every man and beast which
shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home,
the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die.
— Exodus 9:19
Kathy Niven walked through her front door just long gone. Dirt and grimy water had stained her
after 6:30 Tuesday morning. In her exhaustion, her blue jeans and denim jacket. More water squelched
left shoulder brushed hard against the doorjamb, between her toes and made her tennis shoes squeak
and she wobbled to the kitchen table. Luckily, the on the linoleum floor. The look on her face gave her

room was empty and nobody saw her staggering the most pause, though. She saw lines reflected in
like a drunk. She didn’t have to skulk in under the the glass — beside her eyes, bracketing her mouth,
confused and hurt scrutiny of her family. With just creasing her forehead— that shocked her. Was this
that much in the world going right for her, Kathy hag all that had survived last night? Fascinated and
took a deep, shuddering breath and leaned weakly repulsed, Kathy stared at the old woman in the glass
against the back of a chair. until the rising sun brightened the sky enough to
As she stood propped up, she sagged and fought take the reflection away. When the haggard crone

to keep her eyes open. The smell of coffee brewing disappeared, Kathy headed out of the kitchen with
helped. The muffled sound of water running in heavy steps. Her family certainly shouldn’t see her
the upstairs shower helped, too. The steady, stac- this way.
cato rhythm told her that her husband or her son Underwear, jeans, shirts and towels lay strewn
was awake and would soon make an appearance around the open laundry closet in the hallway that
downstairs. Someone would come down the stairs led to the stairs. Someone had obviously been scav-
and face her soon. When that happened, Kathy enging in the dryer; the machine sat half-open with
thought, she would much rather be awake and a brown sock lolling out like a strangled corpse’s
moving than slumped insensate over the table like tongue. Kathy walked right by without stopping
a half-drowned castaway. even to close the dryer door. Her husband would
Standing up straight again, she looked up expect her to take care of all this laundry while he
and down at her reflection in the glass door. Her was away at work, but she didn’t have the energy to
ash-blond hair hung tangled and lank around her worry about it at the moment. In truth, she prob-
shoulders. The plastic clip she’d bound it with was ably wouldn’t have had the energy to get moving
again if she stopped. Her right arm was stiffening

hunter: Players guide

up at the shoulder where she’d almost dislocated down to see you before you got your picture taken at
it the night before. The amount of trust she put in school. You look nice, sweetheart. Just like daddy.”
her left knee diminished with every step. And her The boy was so happy to hear his mother make
eyelids pressed shut as hard as they could. Her body the comparison that he should have had a tail to
wanted to wrap up tight and rest, but she wouldn’t wag. He hugged her again, pulling her dangerously
let it. She plodded farther toward the stairs and left off balance, then ran the rest of the way down the
soggy, dirty footprints on the shirts and underwear. steps. Mommy’s little avalanche.
The steps at the end of the hall loomed up more When he got to the kitchen, he stopped and

daunting than a cliff face, and Kathy stopped. She said, “Hey, where’s breakfast, Mom?”
stood there trying to decide whether to try to lift Standing rigid with her eyes shut tight, Kathy
her swollen knee first or to trust it to hold her entire didn’t turn more than her head. “Make some cereal,
weight while she led with the other foot. Eventu- Bradley,” she said, trying not to spit the words out

ally, she compromised by leaning on the banister through clenched teeth. “Mom’s got to get back to bed.”
and hauling herself upward as quickly as she could. “But we’re out of milk, remember?”
Every shuffling step took an eternity and pulled the
“Then microwave some Pop Tarts, hon,” Kathy
grimace on her face more and more taut.
called down. “I’ll get some milk later.”
As she reached the halfway point, she had to
“What am I gonna drink with ’em?” Bradley
stop. The pain flowed in like water, but she tried
persisted. “We’re out of juice, too.”
hard to banish all traces of it from her face. Her
son came bounding along the hall at the top of the “Have some Coke then,” Kathy said. “I don’t
steps. He stopped momentarily, then hurried down care. Just don’t miss your bus, okay?”
with a smile to embrace his mother. His excited ap- “Wow, thanks, Mom!” Bradley said.

leg, but she bore the pain stoically. She managed

to bite her tongue rather than cry out when the
boy bumped her knee in his exuberance. When he
proach sent jolts through the steps and up Kathy’s Thrilled nearly to pieces, Bradley made himself
some breakfast and finally left Kathy alone. Facing
the rest of her climb with even less enthusiasm,
Kathy pulled herself up the steps again. Now she
finished his hug, Kathy gripped the banister in a had to use both hands to overcome the inertia of
corded, white-knuckled fist. her rest. She could feel another mass of mucus at
“Hi, Mom,” he chirped. “You’re home!” the back of her mouth as well, and she had to swal-
“Yep,” Kathy murmured in a throaty whisper. low once more.
She hadn’t spoken in some hours, and she feared When she finally reached the top of the stairs,
a cold was coming on. She coughed to clear her she leaned in the direction of her bedroom and
throat, then forced herself to swallow the sticky hobbled down the hall. Her knee hardly bent any

mass that came up when she did. “Morning, kiddo.” more, and she cradled her right arm across her
“When’d you get home last night?” the boy stomach. The hallway seemed to stretch for miles,
said. “Did you make me breakfast? You look tired. dizzying Kathy for a long spell, but she made it to
You okay?” her room at last. Maybe God was smiling on her
after all, because the shower was still running when
Kathy raised a shaking hand and tousled the
she slipped in like a thief.
boy’s short blond hair. The kid beamed like a puppy.
Taking off her dirty, wet clothes after so many
“Yeah, a little tired,” Kathy said. “I’m going

hours made her cry. The fabric clung to her, forc-

upstairs to bed.”
ing her to stretch and strain already aching joints.
“You’re going back to bed?” the boy asked. He Pulling her stained and threadbare University of
scrunched up his freckled nose in innocent confu- Kentucky sweatshirt over her head threatened to pop
sion. It didn’t occur to him that his mother might her right shoulder out of place for the second time
have slept elsewhere that night. “I wish I could go in twelve hours. She would almost have preferred
back to bed. I’ve got a math test today. And pictures. cutting off her sports bra with her pocket knife, but
Picture day sucks!” she managed to wriggle free of it without crying out
The boy stretched his neck, and Kathy realized by biting the inside of her lip. Tears rolled down her
that her son was wearing a pressed white shirt with face, but her shoulder stayed in place. Her shoes and
a clip-on blue tie. His dark-blue polyester pants had socks came off next, followed by damp jeans that
been pressed neatly. He looked nice in a shrunken- clung to her for all they were worth. Naked and in
yuppie sort of way. more pain than when she’d started, she wadded up
“Language,” Kathy said, not looking her son her clothes with her tennis shoes and pushed them
in the eye. “I’ve got to go back to bed. I just came under the bed with her heel.

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