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-Establishment shot of the school building and the surrounding.



-Master shot, Pan through the class room interior.

Everyone is preoccupied with something

.Random guy: sitting, playing video game

.Victim and Babe: cuddling at the back of the classroom, watching a movie on the laptop.

.Smart guy: sitting in front, close to the door, studying


Victim and Babe watching a movie. Victim constantly sniffing and babe constantly blowing on her
nails. the movie shows a girl on her sick bed and her boyfriend sitting beside her.

VICTIM: (laments sadly) What is the point of living when you are certain to experience more pain.

BABE: (frowns sadly and looks at him in pity)


-Close up Shot

Showing the clock at 4:55pm


Victim stands up from his seat, carries his bag. As he walks out he unzips his bag and brings out
tissue. He partially closes it and drops it on the desk in front of Smart guy.

Girlfriend continues watching the film without him.


Close up of the clock showing 5:00pm

Random guy is playing game on his phone phone. A notification pops up that it is 5:00. Victim walks
in almost immediately, picks up his bag and brings out his drugs.

RANDOM GUY: (offers him water) i know your are going to ask for my water. let me save you the

(victim puts the bag on his shoulder as he walks towards random guy. He pops his pills and collects
the water from him. He takes his drugs and drinks the water . then walks back to babe and continues
watching the movie with her)


Smart guy is studying then he hears a heavy drop on the floor and babe’s screaming voice. He turns
to see Babe kneeling beside Victim’s dead body. Random guy pulls out his headphone. Smart guy
and Random guy run towards them to help. Smart guy tries to give CPR while Random guy pulls out
his phone to call Emergency number. Everybody in the Scene is engaged.



-Master shot of the Cafeteria.

Random guy is eating food. He is about to take a spoon when someone hits his head and the food
pours out. He looks up and sees victim smirking at him while walking away. Random guy holds the
back of his head in anger.



-Master Shot of the interrogation room

Detective walks in , smart guy is seated angrily.

SMART GUY: I tried to save him. I shouldn’t be here as a suspect.

DETECTIVE: So, why were you in the class at that time?

SMART GUY: I had a test the next day and there was no way I was going to get a basic score, I saw
the class was free and decided to study there.

DETECTIVE: (sarcastically) How very convenient for you

SMART GUY: (sarcastically and arrogantly) Yeah, I think so too.

BABE: (sobbing) We were watching Life in a year. (sees the detective looking confused). It’s a

RANDOM GUY: (shyly) I always stay back after class to rest and play video games. 

Question 2:
DETECTIVE: Did you know he had a health condition?

SMART GUY: Yes I did. Everyone did. (scoffs) My friends would say that the only reason he was
smart enough to compete for valedictorian with me was because of that drug he would take. They
aren’t so smart.

BABE: of course, I make it my duty to remind him to take his medicine.

DETECTIVE: Duty? How so?

BABE: I had a brother who was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease too. I was too naive then to
help my brother. I couldn’t be naive again. It would hurt me to see his condition quickly worsen like
my brother’s did.

DETECTIVE: (looks sympathetic) and because you’re his girl friend.

BABE: Yes, that too

Question 3:
SMART GUY: This actually makes no sense to me, why are we the only ones being interrogated?
We’re not the only ones who has had contact with him for Christ’s sake. 

DETECTIVE: We’ve studied victims movement using the CCTV camera and the only time he had
close contact with anyone was in that classroom. Also, the autopsy showed that he died of a fast
action substance, 0.18milligrams of Colchicine, meaning that…

SMART GUY: He had to have been poisoned in the class.


SMART GUY: Well, I heard a rumor that victim cheated on babe and they fought about it.

BABE: (shocked and sobbing even more) I wonder why they’d want to kill him. Everyone liked him.
He was so great. 

DETECTIVE: What about you?

BABE: What?

DETECTIVE: You said they. What about you?

BABE: Why would I want to hurt someone I loved so deeply?

DETECTIVE: There were rumors that he cheated on you. How did you take it?

BABE: Yes, I heard the rumor but they weren’t true. People were jealous of us, of our relationship.
Victim wouldn’t do that to me. 
BABE: I mean, I saw random guy give him water, couldn’t the substance have been crushed into the

Question 4:
DETECTIVE: What was your relationship with him?

RANDOM GUY: I didn’t have a relationship with him. He would occasionally just…

DETECTIVE: Just what?

RANDOM GUY: (shyly and emotionally) He wasn’t so great like everyone says. I like to be by
myself and he would occasionally just try to intimidate me and push me around. I didn’t like him. But
that isn’t enough reason for me to even think of killing him. 

I saw victim pick up his bag where the smart kid was sitting, he’s the only one that could have
possible had the chance to switch the drug. 

Question 5:
DETECTIVE: victim dropped his bag closest to you, you are the most likely person to switch the pills
or surely you must have known if anyone had any contact with the bag.

SMART GUY: (getting angry and feeling offended) I did not kill him, sure I never really liked him
but our competition in class is clearly not enough motive to murder him. If you were as much a
professional as you claim to be, you would know that.

DETECTIVE: so who did you see making any form of contact with the bag.

SMART GUY: I don’t know. I was so distracted with my reading that I didn’t even know that a bag
was dropped on my table.

********(Insert scene of Detective going to inspect the bad and notices nail polish on the medicine

Last question:
DETECTIVE: Let me see your nails.

BABE: (confused, hesitantly stretches out her hand)

DETECTIVE: (Detective shakes his head) You’re under arrest for the murder of victim

BABE: (Sobbing) Wait..what?…I don’t understand

DETECTIVE: we just confirmed that a blue stain found on his medication bag was nail polish. You
switched the bags and careless about it too.

BABE: (crying intensely) I couldn’t watch him go through that. I couldn’t. All he talked about was 
how scared he was of living with the knowledge of what that disease would do to him, would take
from him. So I switched his medication with Colchicine. I didn’t do it because I hated him. I did it
because I loved him too much. 
Detective shakes his head, comes to her and gives her a gentle pat on the back. Camera shows him
walking out of the room and then cuts back to her crying intensely. Fade to black. 

Question (extra)
DETECTIVE: Tell me what happened within the time-frame of 4:30 to 5:15

SMART KID: I told you, I was reading. I couldn’t care less what anyone was doing.

BABE: Like I said, we were watching a movie together, then he stepped out to blow his nose.
As he was walking out, he took a tissue from his bag and dropped it on the table I front of
smart kid before he walked out. I continued watching the movie until I saw him walk back in
to take his drugs. He usually takes them around 5. Walked up to random guy who offered him
water to take with it and then he walked back to continue the movie with me.

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