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Mr Toni Mirosanu

53 Macdonald Close Your Annual Credit Card Statement

West Midlands
Contact telephone 03457 404 404
B69 3LD From overseas +44 1226 261 010
Text phone 1800 103457 125 563
for hearing or speech impaired customers

Credit card number 4546 3849 0103 8951

Summary period 19 September 2019 to 07 September 2020

Welcome to your annual credit card summary statement

Your annual statement has been designed so that you can easily see how you have used your HSBC Credit
Card during the past year and give you a better understanding of the costs associated with your card. It is
separate from your regular monthly statement, which you will continue to receive as normal.

How you've used your card during the year Amount (£)
Total of all transactions 1,453.24
Total interest incurred 218.30
Total fees and charges incurred 69.00
Total am ount repaid 526.00
of w hich:
Purchases m ade 1,323.24
Interest charged on purchases m ade 211.88
Cash advances m ade 130.00
Interest charged on cash advances 6.42
Fees and charges incurred for m aking cash advances 9.00
Balance transfers m ade to this account 0.00
Interest charged on transferred balances 0.00
Fees and charges incurred for m aking balance transfers 0.00

Default charges and other fees and charges Amount (£)

Annual fees 0.00
Default charges 60.00
of w hich:
Late paym ent 60.00
Returned paym ent 0.00
Exceeding credit lim it 0.00
Other fees and charges 0.00
Non-Sterling Transaction Fee 0.00

This statement is for information only. For details of any of the above amounts please refer to your
previous monthly statements.

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