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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

9.0 Design of Deck Slab without Girders as per IRC 112:

9.1 Deck Slab at centre

Summary of Moments (kN-m)

5.70 8.88 16.23

9.2 Deck slab at haunch end

Summary of Moments (kN-m)

Location DL SIDL LL
Haunch end 1.264 -2.947 25.391

Haunch end 3.801 -1.09 35.506

9.3 Deck Slab at support

Summary of Moments (kN-m)

2.45 0.35 43.13

9.4 Summary of Bending Moment of slab

Location Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face
DL 5.70 1.26 3.80 2.45
SIDL 8.88 -2.95 -1.09 0.35
Live Load 16.23 25.39 35.51 43.13

9.4.1 Ultimate limit State

Load Combination -

1) Dead load +SIDL

2) Dead load +SIDL+Live load

Load Case DL SIDL LL

1(a) 1.35 1.75
1(b) 1.35 1.75 1.5
1(c) 1 1 1.5

Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face

Load Case
(kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)

1(a) 23.23 -3.45 3.22 3.92

1(b) 47.58 34.64 56.48 68.61
1(c) 38.93 36.40 55.97 67.49
Maximum 47.58 36.40 56.48 68.61

9.4.2 Servicibility limit State for Rare Combination (SL1)

Load Combination -

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

1) Dead load +SIDL

2) Dead load +SIDL+Live load

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By: SLS Sheet No.

Load Case DL SIDL LL

1(a) 1 1.2
1(b) 1 1.2 1
1(c) 1 1 1

Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face

Load Case
(kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)

1(a) 16.35 -2.27 2.49 2.87

1(b) 32.59 23.12 38.00 46.00
1(c) 30.81 23.71 38.22 45.93
Maximum 32.59 23.71 38.22 46.00

9.4.3 Servicibility limit State for Quasi-permanent Combination (SL2)

Load Combination -

1) Dead load +SIDL

Load Case DL SIDL

1 1 1.2

Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face

Load Case
(kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)

1 16.35 -2.27 2.49 2.87

9.5 Check for ultimate strength of slab in Flexure :

Design of End support

0.00350 17.87
514 kN
250 NA NA

48 0.0162 579 kN
1000 Strain Diagram Stress Diagram

Grade of Concrete= M40

Grade of steel = Fe 500
Width of the section (b) = 1000 mm
Depth of the section = 250 mm
Clear Cover = 40 mm
Main dia of bar used = 16 mm
Dia of shear reinf. = 0 mm

Effective depth, d = Depth of the section - Clear Cover - Main dia of bar used - Dia of shear reinf. * 0.5
= 250-40-0-16*0.5
= 202 mm
R = Mu/bd2
= 47.58*10^6/(1000*202^2)
= 1.166 MPa
Design Moment (Mu) = 47.58 kN-m
Mu,Lim/bd2 = 0.133 x fck
= 0.133*M40
= 5.32 MPa

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Ast = (fck / (2 * fy) * (1 - SQRT(1 - (4.598 * R / fck)))) * b * d

= (M40/(2*Fe 500)*(1-SQRT(1-(4.598*1.166/M40))))*1000*202
= 561.0 mm2
Lower fractile tensile fctm = 2.12 MPa
Where, pt = fck / (2 * fy) * (1 - sqrt(1 - (4.598 * R / fck)) * 100
Min. reinforcement = 0.26 x fctm / fyk x bt x d but not less than 0.0013 bt d
= MAX(0.26*= 2.12/Fe 500*1000*202,0.0013*1000*202)
= 262.6 mm2
Hence provide 12 dia @ 170 c/c
12 dia @ 170 c/c
Ast = π / 4 * bar 1 dia^2 * b / spacing 1 + π / 4 * bar 2 dia^2 * b / spacing 2
= PI()/4*12 dia^2*1000/170 c/c+PI()/4*12 dia^2*1000/170 c/c
= 1330.6 mm2 > 561.0 mm2 (maximum of Astreqd and minimum Ast)
Hence O.K.
E of reinforcement= 2.00E+05 MPa
E of concrete = 31623 MPa
Max strain in concrete = 0.0035
Min strain in steel = 0.87 * fy / E of reinforcement + 0.002
= 0.87*Fe 500/2.00E+05+0.002
= 0.0042
Balanced neutral axis depth = Max strain in concrete / (0.0055 + 0.87 * fy / E of reinforcement) * d
= 0.0035/(0.0055+0.87*Fe 500/2.00E+05)*202
= 92.12 mm
Actual neutral axis depth = 35.98 mm
Strain in steel = Max strain in concrete / Actual neutral axis depth * (d - Actual neutral axis depth)
= 0.0035/35.98*(202-35.98)
= 0.0162
Stress in steel = IF(0.0162<=Fe 500/(1.15*2.00E+05),0.0162*2.00E+05,IF(0.0162<=Fe 500/(1.15*2.00E+05)+0.002,IF(Fe
89.302*(0.0162*1000)^2+343.34*(0.0162*1000)-20.406),Fe 500/1.15))
= 434.8 MPa Section is under reinforced, Hence ok
Total ultimate compressive force = 0.8 * b * Actual neutral axis depth * 0.67 * fck / 1.5
= 0.8*1000*35.98*17.87/1000
= 514 kN
Total ultimate tensile force = Ast * Stress in steel
= 1330.6*434.8/1000
= 579 kN
Compressive force CG = 0.416 * Actual neutral axis depth
= 0.416*35.98
= 14.97 mm
Moment of resistance = Total ultimate tensile force * (d - Compressive force CG)
= 579*(202-14.97)/1000
= 108 kNm > 48 kNm (Mu) Hence O.K.

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Description Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face
Moment (Mu) 47.58 36.40 56.48 68.61
Width (b) 1000 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00
Overall depth 250 250 250 250
Effective depth (d) 202 202 202 202
R = Mu/bd2 1.17 0.89 1.38 1.68
pt 0.00278 0.00211 0.00332 0.00407
Ast required for bending 561.0 425.5 670.7 822.8
12 dia 12 dia 12 dia 10 dia
@ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 140 c/c
Reinf provided
12 dia 12 dia 12 dia 10 dia
@ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 140 c/c
Ast provided 1330.6 1330.6 1330.6 1122.0
Actual NA 36 36 36 30
Strain in steel 0.0162 0.0162 0.0162 0.0198
Stress in steel 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8
Total ultimate tensile force 579 579 579 488
Total ultimate compressive force 514 514 514 434
Difference of force 64 64 64 54
Compressive force CG 15.0 15.0 15.0 12.6
Moment of resistance 108 108 108 92
Factor of Safety 2.3 3.0 1.9 1.3

Effective depth = Overall depth - Clear Cover - Dia of shear reinf. - Main dia of bar used / 2
pt = (fck / (2 * fy) * (1 - √(1 - (4.598 * R / fck))))
Ast required for bending = pt * b * d
Ast pro = π / 4 * bar 1 dia^2 * b / spacing 1 + π / 4 * bar 2 dia^2 * b / spacing 2
Strain in steel = Max strain in concrete / Actual NA * (d - Actual NA)
Total ultimate tensile force = Ast provided * Stress in steel
Total ultimate compressive force = 0.8 * b * Actual neutral axis depth * 0.67 * fck / 1.5
Difference of force = Total ultimate tensile force - Total ultimate compressive force
Compressive force CG = 0.416 * Actual neutral axis depth
Moment of resistance = Total ultimate tensile force * (d - Compressive force CG)
Factor of Safety = Moment of resistance / Mu

9.6. Servicebility limit State Method

9.6.1. Flexure member

Grade of Concrete = M40

Grade of steel, fyk = Fe 500
Bending Compression of concrete = fck * 0.48
= M40*0.48
= 19.20 Mpa

fctm = Mean tensile strength of concrete = 2.12 Mpa

E of reinforcement= 200000 MPa
E of concrete = 31623 MPa
Modular ratio = Es / Ecm
= 200000/31623
= 6.32
Tensile stress of steel = 240 Mpa
Width of Section = 1000 mm = bt
Depth of Section = 250 mm
Clear Cover = 40 mm
Effective depth, d = 202 mm

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Minimum reinforcement = 0.26 x fctm / fyk x bt x d but not less than 0.0013 bt d
= MAX(0.26*= 2.12/Fe 500*1000*202,0.0013*1000*202)
= 262.60 mm2
Hence provide 12 dia @ 170 c/c
12 dia @ 170 c/c
Ast = π / 4 * bar 1 dia^2 * b / spacing 1 + π / 4 * bar 2 dia^2 * b / spacing 2
= PI()/4*12 dia^2*1000/170 c/c+PI()/4*12 dia^2*1000/170 c/c
= 1330.6 mm2
Design Moment = 32.59 kN-m
Balanced neutral axis depth = d * Bending Compression of concrete / (Bending Compression of concrete + Tensile stress of
steel / Modular ratio)
= 202*19.20/(19.20+240/6.32)
= 67.87 mm
Actual neutral axis depth = 45.21 mm
Strain in steel = Stress in steel / E of reinforcement
= 191.8/200000
= 0.00096
Stress in steel =
Comp. stress of concrete / Actual neutral axis depth * Modular ratio * (d - Actual neutral axis depth)
= 8.75/45.21*6.32*(202-45.21)
= 191.8 MPa
Comp. stress of concrete = 8.75 Mpa

Stress-strain diagram at Serviceability Limit State condition

0.00028 8.75

0.00096 255.23
Strain Diagram Stress Diagram

Section is under reinforced, Hence ok =

Total compressive force = 0.5 * b * Actual neutral axis depth * Comp. stress of concrete
= 0.5*1000*45.21*8.75/1000
= 197.71 kN
Total tensile force = Ast * Stress in steel
= 1330.6*191.8/1000
= 255.23 kN
Compressive force CG = 1 / 3 * Actual neutral axis depth
= 1/3*45.21
= 15.07 mm
Moment of resistance = Total tensile force * (d - Compressive force CG)
= 255.23*(202-15.07)/1000
= 47.71 kNm

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Rare Combination (SL1) Quasi-permanent Combination (SL2)

Tranverse section of slab Cant. slab Tranverse section of slab
Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end
h or D (mm) 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
b (mm) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
d (mm) 202 202 202 202 202 202 202
Moment (KN-m) 32.59 23.71 38.22 46.00 16.35 -2.27 2.49
Reinf provided (mm) 12 dia 12 dia 12 dia 10 dia 12 dia 12 dia 12 dia
@ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 140 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c
12 dia 12 dia 12 dia 10 dia 12 dia 12 dia 12 dia
@ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 140 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c @ 170 c/c
Ast provided (mm2) 1330.6 1330.6 1330.6 1122.0 1330.6 1330.6 1330.6

Stress in concrete (Mpa) 8.7 6.5 10.4 4.5 4.3 -0.6 0.7
Actual NA (mm) 45.21 45.21 45.21 61.63 45.21 45.21 45.21
Stress in steel (Mpa) 191.8 142.0 229.0 64.9 94.6 -13.6 14.9
Total ultimate tensile
255 189 305 73 126 -18 20
force (KN)

Total ultimate
198 146 236 139 97 -14 15
compressive force (KN)

Difference of force (KN) 58 43 69 -66 28 -4 4

Compressive force CG
15.1 15.1 15.1 20.5 15.1 15.1 15.1
Moment of resistance
48 35 57 13 24 -3 4

Diff. of moment (KN-m) -15.1 -11.6 -18.7 32.8 -7.2 1.1 -1.2

Ast provided = π / 4 * bar 1 dia^2 * b / spacing 1 + π / 4 * bar 2 dia^2 * b / spacing 2

Stress in steel =
Comp. stress of concrete / Actual neutral axis depth * Modular ratio * (d - Actual neutral axis depth)
Total ultimate tensile force = Ast provided * Stress in steel
Total ultimate compressive force = 0.5 * Stress in concrete * Actual NA * b
Difference of force = Total ultimate tensile force - Total ultimate compressive force
Compressive force CG = 1 / 3 * Actual neutral axis depth
Moment of resistance = Total ultimate tensile force * (d - Compressive force CG)
Diff. of moment = Moment - Moment of resistance

9.6.2. Check for crack width Check crack width as per IRC : 112 - 2011

Crack width, Wk = Sr,max * (esm - ecm)

Where, esm - ecm = (ssc - kt * fct,eff / rp,eff * (1 + ae * rp,eff)) / Es >= 0.6 ssc / Es
ssc = Stress in steel
= 191.82 Mpa
ae = Es / Ecm
= 6.325
kt = 0.5
hc,eff = min of [2.5 (h - d), (h - x / 3), h / 2]
= MIN(2.5*(250-202),(250-45.21/3),250/2)
= 120.0 mm
Ac,eff = b * hc,eff
rp,eff = As / Ac,eff
= Ast / (b * hc,eff)
= 1330.6/(1000*120.0)

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By: SLS Sheet No.

= 0.011
fct,eff = 2.12 Mpa

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By: SLS Sheet No.

esm - ecm = MAX((191.82-0.5*= 2.12/0.011*(1+6.325*0.011))/2.00E+05,0.6*191.82/2.00E+05)

= 0.00057547 >= 0.6 ssc / Es = 0.00057547
Sr,max = 3.4 c + 0.425 * k1 * k2 * f / rp,eff
c= 40 mm
k1 = 0.8
k2 = 0.5
feq = (n1 *f1^2 + n2 * f2^2) / ((n1 * f1 + n2 * f2)
= (1000/@ 170 c/c*12 dia^2+1000/@ 170 c/c*12 dia^2)/(1000/@ 170 c/c*12 dia+1000/@ 170 c/c*12 dia)
= 12.0 mm
Sr,max = 3.4*40+0.425*0.8*0.5*12.0/0.011
= 320.0 mm
Crack width, Wk = (esm - ecm) * Sr,max
= 0.0005755*320.0
= 0.184 mm, < 0.3 mm OK

Tranverse section of slab Cant. slab

Deck Centre Haunch end Haunch end Pier cap face

Stress in steel, ssc (Mpa)

191.8 142.0 229.0 64.9
As (mm2) 1330.6 1330.6 1330.6 1122.0
Actual NA (mm) 45 45 45 62
hc,eff (mm) 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0
rp,eff 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.009
esm-ecm 0.00058 0.00043 0.00069 0.00019
feq (mm) 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0
Crack spacing Sr,max 320.0 320.0 320.0 317.8
Crack width, Wk 0.184 0.136 0.220 0.062
Check <0.3 O.K. <0.3 O.K. <0.3 O.K. <0.3 O.K.

hc,eff = min of [2.5 (h - d), (h - x / 3), h / 2]

rp,eff = As / Ac,eff = Ast / (b * hc,eff)
esm - ecm = (ssc - kt * fct,eff / rp,eff * (1 + ae * rp,eff)) / Es >= 0.6 ssc / Es
feq = (n1 *f1^2 + n2 * f2^2) / ((n1 * f1 + n2 * f2)
Crack spacing Sr,max = 3.4 c + 0.425 * k1 * k2 * feq / rp,eff
Crack width, Wk = (esm - ecm) * Sr,max

9.6.3. Tranverse reinforcement

Minimum main reinforcement= 0.26 x fctm / fyk x bt x d but not less than 0.0013 bt d
= MAX(0.26*= 2.12/Fe 500*1000*202,0.0013*1000*202)
= 262.60 mm2
Main reinforcement provided = 1330.6 mm2
As per clause (3) of IRC - 112 : 2011, minimum tranverse reinforcement is 20% of main reinforcement.
Minimum tranverse reinforcement = Main reinforcement provided * 20 / 100
= 1330.6*20/100
= 266.1 mm2
As per clause 16.5.4 (4) of IRC - 112 : 2011, the area of surface reinforcement is 0.01 Act ext.
Where Act ext is the area of cover.
Area of surface reinforcement= 0.01 * Clear Cover * b
= 0.01*40*1000
= 400.0 mm2

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Stress at top of deck slab near support section exceeds the permissible tensile stress i.e. 1.53 Mpa.
Necessary reinforcement shall be provided to resist the tensile stress of deck slab.

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Date: 20-08-22 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Maximum tensile stress = 0.62fy

= 310.00 MPa
Effective deck width = 3.00 m
Maximum tensile force = Maximum tensile stress / Effective deck width
= ABS(310.00)/3.00
= 103.33 kN/m width
Permissible working stress = 240.00 Mpa = Tensile stress of steel
Area of reinforcement required = Maximum tensile force * b / Permissible working stress
= ABS(103.33)*1000/= 240.00
= 430.56 mm2
Hence Provide 10 dia 140 c/c at top & bottom
10 dia 140 c/c at top of supports
Ast provided = π / 4 * bar 1 dia^2 * b / spacing 1 + π / 4 * bar 2 dia^2 * b / spacing 2
= PI()/4*10 dia^2*1000/140 c/c+PI()/4*10 dia^2*1000/140 c/c
= 1122.00 mm2 Hence O.K.

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Developed by Sukalyan Sarkar

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0/(1.15*2.00E+05),0.0162*2.00E+05,IF(0.0162<=Fe 500/(1.15*2.00E+05)+0.002,IF(Fe
000)^2+343.34*(0.0162*1000)-20.406),Fe 500/1.15))

Hence O.K.

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Bending Compression of concrete / (Bending Compression of concrete + Tensile stress of
/ Modular ratio)

ncrete / Actual neutral axis depth * Modular ratio * (d - Actual neutral axis depth)


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Quasi-permanent Combination (SL2)
Cant. slab
Pier cap face
10 dia
@ 140 c/c
10 dia
@ 140 c/c





ncrete / Actual neutral axis depth * Modular ratio * (d - Actual neutral axis depth)

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11, minimum tranverse reinforcement is 20% of main reinforcement.

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