Department of Education: Types of Compound Propositions

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


SY 2022-2023
Mathematics (Pre-Calculus) (7:00 – 8:00)

Quarter: 2nd Quarter Grade Level: Grade 11

Week/Date: Week 4 Learning Area: Pre-Calculus

MELC/s: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of propositional logic; syllogism and fallacies

Day Objectives Topic(s) Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

5 At the end of the session, the learners are Types of Compound I. Preliminary Activities Learning Task : Identify the connector/s used in each sentence.

II. Prayer _______________1. A happy heart is a medicine and a sorrowful spirit

expected to: Propositions
weakens the bones.
1) Differentiate the type of com-
III. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols _______________2. Apartheid is only a thing of the past if and only if
pound proposition
dark colored people are treated the same way as with fair colored race.
IV. Checking of attendance.
2. State the different types of operations on _______________3. If bullying introduces a not so good background of
V. Quick Kamustahan
propositions the bully, then a psychosocial intervention should be designed for these

VI. Lesson Proper _______________4. A wise person cherishes advices and a fool
3. Translate propositions in symbol.
despises corrections.
_______________5. If sharing inspirational stories relaxes a tired spirit,
A. Recall
then keep telling such.
a. Direction: Identify which if the following are propositions or not.

1. p :Today is Friday
2. p :3+5=8
3. p :Take the quiz
4. p : 7<11
5. p : put your ¿^
b) Differentiate simple and compound Propositions
B. Activity

Show the Types of Compound Proposition in table form.

Type of Compound Logical Operation Symbolic Form Read as
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Negation Not ~P Not P

Conjunction And P˄Q P and Q

Disjunction Or P˅Q P or Q

Conditional If...then P→Q If P, then Q

Biconditional If and only if P↔Q P if and only if Q

Let the students give sentence in each type and translate it in Mathematical
C. Analysis

How did you find the activity?

What are the difficulties you find while doing the activity?
Which type of proposition is easier to use? Why?
Which type of proposition is the hardest to use? Why?

D. Abstraction
1. Conjunction
- - Two simple proposition connected using the word “änd”
2. Disjunction
- -two simple proposition that are connected using the word “or”
3. Conditional
-two simple propositions that are connected using the word “if …then…”
4. Biconditional
-- Conjunction of two conditional where the antecedent and consequent of the first
statement have been switched in the second statement
5. Negation
-The negation of the given statement is a statement that is
false, whenever the given statement is true and true when the
given statement is false
The negation can be obtained by inserting the word “not” or
prefixing with the phrases “it is not the case that”

E. Application
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

I. Classify each proposition as simple or compound. Classify each compound

proposition as a negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional or biconditional
1.My friend took his master’s degree in Spain
2. Roses are red, but violets are blue
3. Your are entitled to a 30% discount if you are a member.
4. Either he watches a movie or dines with his friends

5. If it has an acute angle, then it is an acute triangle

F. Evaluation

Convert each compound proposition into symbols

P: He has a green thumb
q: He is senior citizen
1. He is not a senior citizen
2. He has a green thumb and he is a senior citizen.
3. He does not have green thumb or he is not a senior citizen
4. It is not a case that he has green thumb or is a senior citizen.
If he has a green thumb, then he is not a senior citizen .

End the class by advising the learners who need remediation to attend the Learning
Remediation and Intervention Program after class.
Reference: DO 017, s.2022

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