Developmental Care English

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Developmental Care DC
What is developmental care?
Developmental care means letting the baby’s behavior guide his or her contact with other people.
Most healthy term and late preterm infants enjoy being spoken to, sung to, held, rocked, etc.
These actions also help the baby develop. However, some premature or sick babies may find
these same actions stressful.

How does developmental care work?

Your health care team will help you learn when your baby wants
to interact and when he or she is stressed. Every baby is
different, but you may see some of these behaviors:

Baby wants to interact:

• Relaxed arms, legs and facial expressions
• Sucking on fingers or hands
• Awake and quiet
• Bright and shiny eyes
• Focused attention (looking)
• Sucking movements
• Fingers curled
• Turning toward sound

Baby feels stressed:

• Change in breathing rate
• Change in heart rate
• Change in color (pale, bluish)
• Frowning or grimacing
• Crying and fussing
Supporting the baby with your hands may be helpful.
• Squirming
• Spreading fingers out wide (splaying)
• Yawning

Over time, you’ll learn which behaviors your baby uses to communicate.
Understanding Developmental Care (continued)
What’s the best way to interact with my baby?
Use your baby’s behavior to find out which actions he or she Kangaroo Care
likes and dislikes. You may have to try several different things.
Some babies in the NICU may
Here are some suggestions:
benefit from skin-to-skin contact.
 iscover the type of touch that soothes and comforts your When the baby is snuggled into
baby. Try resting your hand on the baby instead of patting the parent’s chest, the practice is
or stroking called kangaroo care. Both mothers
and fathers can participate in
• F or babies that aren’t ready to be held, try supporting the kangaroo care.
baby in the crib or isolette. Place your hand on the baby’s
head, rump, feet, or stomach. Be sure to just support the
baby in place; do not move your hand
• Let your baby grasp your finger
 peak or read to your baby in a low, quiet voice for short
periods of time (often 5 to 10 minutes)
• If possible, have your baby look at your face
If your baby is ready to be held,
 emember that some babies get stressed if there is too
•R kangaroo care can result in:
much going on. Try doing just one thing at time, such as
• More stable heart rate and
speaking, rocking, or touching
• More rapid weight gain
What do I do if my baby seems stressed?
• Less crying
Stressed babies need rest, usually in a quiet, dimly-lit place.
• Improved bonding between
parent and child
What will happen next?
As your baby grows and develops, his or her behavior will Talk with your health care team
about whether kangaroo care is
change. Some actions will become less stressful. Work with
right for your baby.
your healthcare team to figure out what’s best for your baby.
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Signature:___________________________________________ Date:__________________ Time:_____________ © 2016 Mallinckrodt US PRC/INOm/0916/0060 September 2016

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