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[1:25 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Used to be on dating app because of a friend,

he just recommend an app and I try it

[1:25 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Did I tell something that hurts you?
[1:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: If I said
[1:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I'm really sorry
[1:26 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I just got confused you
were starting to talk different
[1:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: You know what
[1:26 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: In an angry way
[1:27 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I wanna share something that give me pain in my
passed life
[1:27 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ok
[1:28 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I got easily get fool that's why I do some test
to satisfy my feelings onto others
[1:28 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Let me start it
[1:29 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: People always tell me I
trust people to easily 🥺
[1:30 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Too*
[1:34 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I used to be like a carefree model of a boy in
high school; I would always do ridiculous things to have people laugh at me. I
didn't care what I looked like as long as I saw a smiley face, and I was satisfied
with that.
[1:35 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: No negative reactions, it appears that I just
flow from the river with no end in sight, as long as I flow, I will continue to
I was the Lucas who just flowed in third year high school.
[1:37 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Lucas, sorry but I will
run to take a shower quickly. My landlady goes to sleep at 10 pm
[1:37 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Tell me the story in the
[1:37 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Will be back soon
[1:38 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ok?
[1:38 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Okey
[1:48 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: This time a girl named (Christy) Transfer's on
my School (abbotsleigh high school) and took some seats not to close but she is
still behind me to go further.
We talk more and more and more each day.
Till the day come when we finally going to graduate we still talk and we are
enrolled on the same school. not knowing that I fall inlove to her and I don't like
to destroy our friendship but I get too much being attach with her.
3 years of friendship and I see it as a Opportunity to say my feelings towards her
(1 year College)
[1:58 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Further..
We've been got in a relation ship and added just 1 year being together and we just
started fighting due to some financial matters.
She got jealous to many thing especially what her friend has😞😭So I really need to
get work and sometimes go on my studies just for her. I spoil her with some thing
and foods while I spoil my self to do more works, sidelines just to earn money ☺️I
may look so industrious in this way but I just do this for her just to stay.
[2:00 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Back
[2:04 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Until the day came (Thomas). A varsity player
on the school who was actually handsome and richer than me😞😬Christy is started to
talk with him and I cant resist just to watch.
If I catch them talk I will direct grab Christy, and every time we argue on the
thing's that Thomas has and didn't, she always compare me to thomas,😞😞And I
started to feel downed that time.😭
[2:06 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 😕
[2:06 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But you were making it
worse this way
[2:07 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Until I caught them kissing back at our school
[2:07 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🥺
[2:07 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But Lucas... Love doesn't
always work as we want to
[2:08 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: People fell out of love
[2:08 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: It wasn't your fault
[2:08 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But you couldn't stop her
[2:09 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: At this point nothing
works 🥺😕
[2:10 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: So then I didn't trust someone easily
[2:10 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: The thing is.. you were
kids back then. Both changing
[2:10 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: But in you I make a mistake
[2:10 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: You change a lot those
[2:10 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Sorry for what I do lately
[2:11 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I always think people only
lie for a good reason
[2:11 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But ik I am wrong in that
[2:11 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Maybe sometimes you are right
[2:12 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: The thing is sometimes you
are writing with some small errors in your writing and I am not always sure I
understand what you mean.
[2:12 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I kinda trust people but I
[2:13 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: It's a weird mix. Because
people told me I am naive I started to think everyone lies
[2:13 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But sometimes it doesn't
make sense
[2:14 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🤭😋 are you checking me
[2:14 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Sorry I accidentally hit the call sorry
[2:14 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Pls don't call after 10 pm
🥺 I will upset my landlady
[2:14 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Or you might right for that
[2:14 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: And I really like this
room ☺️
[2:14 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: What time is it there?
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 10 pm
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Own sorry
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: And I just thought I
didn't eat
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: So I am in the kitchen
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Why? You need to eat
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I really had to wash my
[2:15 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🤣 because I don't live
with air
[2:16 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I ate about 2 pm
[2:16 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 8 hrs ago
[2:16 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Lol are you in a diet phase LadyRalu?
[2:17 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Give me a sec. doing Cr thing
[2:17 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: No
[2:20 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Why?
[2:20 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Want to join lol
[2:20 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: No was for the diet
[2:21 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Continue to my story
[2:21 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Damn this food is spicy
[2:21 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ok
[2:21 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: May you click the reply bottom so I can't miss
your replies
[2:21 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ok
[2:21 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Me I continue?
[2:22 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Yes yes
[2:22 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I am eating and reading
[2:23 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: After that I can't take seeing Christy's face
so we broke up and I transfer to other school to pursue my goals in life
[2:23 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I still work and study
[2:23 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Taking some sideline's just to earn much money
[2:23 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: My mum was too happy but sad in that time
[2:24 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: She was happy because I gain money while
schooling and sad seeing me suffer in loneliness and always alone.
[2:25 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🥺😕
[2:25 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I still get that tradition even now
[2:25 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Which?
[2:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I'm living alone, and get work and sidelines
just to earn money
[2:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: So that in my future life will be financially
free and secured
[2:27 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I work as a freelance (Business Consultant) and
after working do an online trading.
[2:29 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Do you have an milk?
[2:29 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Phew how many years you are doing that?
[2:30 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: And what book do you read
[2:31 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Was reading what you were
writing silly
[2:31 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I had to wash my plate
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Do you get anything from
the trading?
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Tyt
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I am done
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Back in bed
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I don't read books when I
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Just Lay and I will read you a story so that
you can sleep
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I don't want to dirty the
[2:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: ☺️
[2:33 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Dirty? How comes books becomes dirty?
[2:33 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Well my sideline hustle help me gain more money
[2:33 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: You see Lucas you were
telling me about yourself you are handsome and stuff...but that's not always a good
[2:34 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: From food
[2:34 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Got damn got dull
[2:34 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: When I was picking people
on the should I say it...too handsome is trouble
[2:35 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Dumb
[2:36 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: What do you mean a good thing?
[2:36 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: So ok, I like handsome
guys, but it's tricky in same time. I mostly want a smart guy that looks cute.
[2:36 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Did I look cute 😂😂
[2:36 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Dear god
[2:37 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I'm also smart at earning money lol
[2:37 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Yes you are very handsome
to the point idk if those pictures are yours
[2:38 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: 🙄
[2:42 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🙄 say something, anything
[2:43 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ok, but why didn't you let
me see you as well?
[2:44 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Too gorg. for me then
[2:44 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🙄
[2:44 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: No now but soon I will face you face to face
[2:45 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ok
[2:45 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But can you stop calling
me at this hour maybe 🤭🤭
[2:45 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I just want you to know that you not the person
who tooks picture and faking his identity
[2:45 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: It's ringing really loud
and the walls are thin
[2:45 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: 🤭🤔
[2:46 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: What do you mean?
[2:46 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Call me before 10 pm 🤭
[2:46 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: As what you say
[2:47 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Okey
[2:47 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Can I ask you something?
[2:47 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Ofc
[2:48 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Do ever try having shortage in life specially
on food and financial?
[2:48 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Try?
[2:48 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Or what you call that lol
[2:48 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I don't have problems with
[2:49 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Oh but why not having a family tho?
[2:49 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: When I was a kid they
never gave me money
[2:49 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Now I don't really know
how to spend money
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: So I just save them
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: In my early age with Christy if I am just
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Maybe I have 3 kids now😂
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Why no family because no
one loved me as much as I wanted
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: What?
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 😓 it's true
[2:50 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: As much as you wanted? how about me then
[2:51 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Boy's actually need to be wealthy tho
[2:51 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: We will see...I can't tell
you now. We don't even know one another that well
[2:51 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Because boy's are the wall of the house/Family
[2:52 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Never had a rich bf sorry
[2:52 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I always had a bit more or
[2:52 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Actually las bf got upset
with me bc of this
[2:52 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: That's why I am to focus on my work and also
with my online trading
[2:53 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I was trying to pay
everything equal going out and stuff and he told me why didn't I try to pay more,
if I knew he didn't have that much money 😳🥺
[2:54 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Thank's to Co worker wo teach me this sideline
[2:54 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: It only takes 30 minutes to make a profit.
[2:55 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: If you know how to do it
[2:57 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Know how
[2:57 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: ?
[2:57 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I mean about the trading
[3:04 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Yeah I've been trading mainly in Foreign
Exchange Trade for years now and this has given me stable income.
[3:04 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: That's nice
[3:12 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🤔 what are you writing
for 5 minutes?
[3:14 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: This worldwide investment trade that I am doing
is a short-term strategy, therefore anyone from any country can profit and earn
money here. It's quite reliable, and it can earn 20–30% of its initial investment
in just 30 minutes.
[3:16 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I want to provide you with the most accurate
information about what I'm doing so that you can understand it.
[3:17 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🤭
[3:17 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I understand more than you
[3:17 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: You see, at my current job
we help banks trade metals
[3:18 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But since I haven't tried
the kind of trading you are doing, I wouldn't feel confident to try it
[3:19 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: If I would have someone to
help me at the beginning, maybe I would try it
[3:23 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Yeah probably you are knowledgeable enough but
since you are not familiar with it perhaps in the future I can share my knowledge
to you on how to earn additional income.
[3:24 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: ☺️
[3:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Where did you meet you ex?
[3:26 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: In the game we both played
[3:26 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Can you make it to the point?
[3:27 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Computer games?
[3:27 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Online game
[3:27 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: What do you mean?
[3:27 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Maybe you are pro in that game lol
[3:28 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: No, was just for fun and
to talk to people
[3:28 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: So did he make you pay all? as in all? l
[3:28 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: No, but he got quiet and
he didn't tell me he was upset
[3:29 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Until I asked him
[3:29 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I thought it was a game
[3:29 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: And he told me he was
expecting for me to pay more because I have savings
[3:30 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Upset on you? for what reason
[3:30 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: It is a game, but you play
with people from all over the world
[3:30 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: For this reason
[3:31 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I thought half would make
anyone happy
[3:31 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: I was paying for myself in
the end...
[3:31 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Sorry if I ask too personal but I lovely to
know you more
[3:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But he wanted me to pay
[3:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: 🙄 I am saving to buy a
house someday
[3:32 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: As I was saying I don't
spend much so I save.
[3:33 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Talking to house
[3:34 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: what is your first
[3:34 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Sometimes I can't
understand you
[3:34 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: What do you mean?
[3:35 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: Wait
[3:35 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I planned some house as I said lately
[3:36 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: I want you to see it
[3:36 PM, 4/27/2022] Lucas Shenton: That why I ask what you want. like a design or
a look lol
[3:37 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: Well sometimes simple is
[3:37 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: But I am not that fussy ☺️
[3:38 PM, 4/27/2022] 4.26/LadyRalu/38/UK/SoftwareTester: As long as I would be
sharing it with someone I would love

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