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Friendship is an interesting kind of love. There’s no contract legally binding you two together, there’s no
unspoken rule about loving each other unconditionally, and there’s no real binding commitment to the opposite
person other than what you are willing to put in to the relationship. But maybe these are the reasons why our
friendships are so valuable. The option is always there to back out at any time, and yet, with the really, really
authentic ones, we never do. Because at the end of the day — after the breakups and divorces and
estrangements — we choose the companions we want in our lives, and they are the ones worth sticking around
for. And if we’re really lucky, they possess these qualities and here is a great list of 11 characteristics that can
help us become a better friend. 

1. Accepts you as you are: A true friend is someone who does not try to be somebody that she is not and
accepts you as you are. They are also patient with you when you make mistakes and forgive you easily. 

2. Is Dependable: A true friend is dependable and you can trust your friend with your secrets and know that he
would not let a third person know about it. They stick with you in good times and bad. 

3. Is Honest: A true friend would be honest and loyal with you. She does not break the promises that she made
to you. She makes you feel safe and secure with her. 

4. Listens to you: A true friend always listens to you and cares about your needs and emotions. A true friend
would be there always when you need to talk. When you have news to share or grievances, she will give you her
full attention.

5. Would be there for you: A true friend would be there with you through thick and thin. Good friends don’t call up
people only to request a favor. But would be the first person to come to your aid in time of crisis.  

6. Gives you Space: A true friend respects your privacy. They understand that you have family, other friends and
colleagues who are part of your life too and do not cling to you always. A true freind builds trust and confidence
with you, which makes you comfortable enough to share your good and bad times. 

7.  Always keep in touch: True friends don’t wait for you to call them. They always makes an effort to keep in
touch with you even if it is through a quick phone call or an email. They know what's going on in your life and is
interested about it.  A good friend makes it clear that they care about you. 

8. Do not gossip about you: A true friend does not gossip about you or talk behind your back. A true friend is a
person you can trust and won't say anything about you or try to damage your reputation. They will let you know
when they're concerned and do their best to stick up for you when you're in trouble. A good friend will also
apologizes when she does something wrong. She does not hold grudges. 

9. Would be Happy for you: A true friend never gets jealous on your success but would be happy for you. She
celebrates your success as her success.  A good friend will likely know how to lift your spirits and make your day.

10. Would be Supportive: A true friend is supportive of you and your goals.  She will know what makes you tick
and help you become the person you want to be. They won't try to change who you are or drag you into
situations that make you uncomfortable. 

11. Is Giving: True friends give more than what is asked. When they see a need they respond without expecting
anything in return and without anyone knowing about it. True friends are generous with their time, money,
possessions and knowledge. Best of all they have a generous spirit.

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