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Statement of Work (SOW)

Jamie Stombaugh

Walden University

EDUC 6145: Project Management in Education and Training

Professor Judi Pochran

June 26, 2022


The Electron Corporation, a leader in wireless communications, surveillance systems,

and cybersecurity, is contracting a consulting firm to develop a training program centered around

product liability. This training program must cover both domestic and international liabilities

due to Electron Corporation having plants in 16 countries along with business connections across

the globe. Previously, the legal department within Electron Corporation had created and

delivered a product liability course to its employees. However, the 4-hour course took on a

lecture style with many generalizations, and it failed to achieve the overall training objectives.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this training program is to educate employees on product safety, product

liability, and provide a systematic approach of how to handle the day-to-day problems that arise

within the various Electron Corporation facilities. Upon completion of this training program,

employees will be able to:

1) Successfully document a potential product safety or liability issue.

2) Follow the pre-determined chain of command to communicate a product safety or

liability issue.

3) Recognize how to obtain the latest manufacturing and design standards.

4) Understand the corrective action process in situations of a product recall.

Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria for this training program consists of the delivery of a one-day

course that instructs the employees of Electron Corporation on product safety and liability issues

that could result in lawsuits. In addition, employees will learn the proper way to document
potential product safety or liability issues, how to follow the pre-determined chain of command

to communicate all product safety or liability issues, where to obtain the latest manufacturing

and design standards, and how to handle product recalls.

Period of Performance

The first two (2) weeks of the project will be dedicated to preliminary interviews and data

gathering. The third week of the project will be dedicated to the physical creation of the training

program along with consulting the legal department for approval on all content. The fourth week

of the project will be reserved for follow-up interviews and additional data gathering, if needed.

Also, consultation with the legal department and physical creation of the training program will

continue during this time. The fifth week of the project will be used to finalize the content and

prepare for the implementation. The duration of the project from concept to completion will be

five (5) weeks.

Project Scope Statement


Rationale Statement

For my project, I chose to use Case study 21: Craig Gregersen: Balancing a Range of

Stakeholder Interests When Designing Instruction. I chose to stick to the five (5) week timeline

that was presented in the case study. Ideally, I would have pushed for at least eight (8) weeks to

complete a training program of this size. I assumed that more than half of my timeline would be

spent interviewing and gathering data. Given the background of the legal department, I assumed

that two weeks to consult with them on all content was probably a bit tight, but I did not want to

allow them to eat up too much of my tight timeline.

I felt the input from Stan Neuhaus, a senior design engineer for Electron Corporation and

the chair of the Safety Steering Committee, was the most valuable information contained in the

case study. Stan was laser focused on the broken chain of communication within the

organization along with the desperate need for organizational structure and procedures. I agreed

with the items Stan was suggesting. Therefore, I used much of his feedback as the foundation to

my training project. To me, an organization cannot fluidly function and flourish without

communication and structure.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Responsibilities Matrix

Rationale Statement

I developed these charts assuming that the Training Project Manager will be responsible

for ensuring almost all aspects of the project are completed; however, the Lead Designer will

take on the responsibility once it gets to the content creation portion. Senior Management will

ultimately be accountable for most aspects of the project since they are the final say in the

project, budget, and timelines.

Project Stakeholder List

Project Schedule

Resource Allocation Plan

Rationale Statement

To complete the project schedule and resource allocation plan, I made assumptions as to

the wages of each member involved in the project. I also made assumptions at how long it

would take each member to complete their portions of the project. I fully understand these

wages and time allowances could be over/underestimated. When creating my resource allocation

plan, I accounted for two engineers and two members of the legal department to be working on

their portions of the project. Wage estimations are laid out below. The project total is estimated

at $29, 045.

Communication Plan

Project Monitoring Matrix


Rationale Statement

To complete this portion of the project, I assumed that time was allotted and approved for

preliminary work and post work. However, the preliminary work and post work did not impact

the five-week timeline given for the actual project. The actual project itself was scheduled to

begin and end within the strict five-week timeline given.

Project Close-out Checklist

Rationale Statement

For this portion, I followed the basic guidelines for closing out a project. I assumed the

Louise Masoff and Craig Gregersen worked closely with each other throughout the duration of
the project. Therefore, I found it important for Louise and Craig to act as a team in many of the

project close-out action items. I did struggle in terms of when and where to involve the

engineers from Electron Corporation. Ultimately, they will be the end-users, but their input is

vital to the success of the project from start-up to completion. However, I was mindful of the

fact that the engineers have a day-to-day job that they must complete, so their time could not be

strictly dedicated to the project.


Ertmer, P.A., Quinn, J.A., & Gkazewski, K.D. (Eds). (2019). The ID casebook: Case studies in

instructional design (5th ed.). Routledge.

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