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Sholikhul Ihvan


The aim of this study is to explain the form of Language politeness that students used
for teachers. A language that contains elements of verbal politeness is the main purpose of this
study, as well as the art and strategy of verbal politeness used by students. This type of survey
is a qualitative descriptive survey. The purpose of this study is clear. In other words, it is the
student's language that communicates with the teacher. The data for this study was in the form
of phrases, clauses, and sentences from student speeches. The data acquisition techniques used
in this study were eavesdropping, recording, and recording. The data analysis method for this
study is language. The results of the survey conducted are as follows. 1) In this survey, 5 types
of maxims were found out of 6 maxims that were not found in the form of sympathetic maxims.
Negative politeness strategy, 3) Most of the student speeches used the area of politeness, the
cost-benefit scale. It was dominated by a female speaker.
Keyword : Politeness, Language, Maxims


Behaving or speaking politely and ethically is also relative, depending on the social
distance of the speaker and the speech partner. The meaning of politeness and politeness is also
understood to be the same in general, even though the two things are actually different. The
term polite refers to the grammatical arrangement of speech based on the awareness that
everyone has the right to be served with respect, while polite means awareness of social
distance (Kanti, 2018).
Politeness can be seen from various aspects in everyday life. First, politeness shows an
attitude that contains the value of politeness or etiquette in everyday interactions. Second,
politeness is very contextual, that is, it applies in certain communities, places or situations, but
does not necessarily apply to other communities, places or situations. Third, politeness is
always bipolar, that is, it has a two-pole relationship, such as between children and parents,
between young people and older people, between hosts and guests, between men and women
and so on. Fourth, politeness is reflected in how to dress, how to act and how to speak.
Language politeness is one aspect of language that can improve the emotional
intelligence of speakers because in communication, speakers and addressees are not only
required to convey the truth, but must remain committed to maintaining harmonious
Language politeness is reflected in the procedures for communicating through verbal
signs or language procedures. Language procedures are very important to be considered by the
communication participants (communicators and communicants) for smooth communication.
Politeness is important wherever the individual is. Every member of the community believes
that the politeness applied reflects the culture of a society, including language politeness.
Politeness itself has a different meaning from politeness. The word polite has the
meaning of showing respect for the speech partner, while the word polite has the meaning of
speaking (or behaving) based on the social distance between the speaker and the speech partner.

In politeness, there are two things that need to be considered. First, dress modestly in
public, i.e. avoid clothes that can stimulate other people, especially the opposite sex, such as
see-through clothes (transparent), and for example skirts that are too mini or too high. Second,
dress neatly and in accordance with the situation, namely dress formally at official events,
dress casually in casual situations, for example, swim attire at swimming.
Politeness of action is acting or gestures when faced with something or in certain
situations. For example when receiving guests, visiting someone's house, sitting in a
classroom, facing people we respect, walking in public places, waiting in line to eat together in
public places. , etc. Each of these situations and circumstances requires a different procedure.
When eating together, for example, it requires assistance in not talking or chatting together
while eating, how to take food, how to eat or chew, how to use a spoon, how to clean the
mouth after eating, and how to use a toothpick. Just an example related to politeness of
actions, for example it is not polite if we look gloomy when receiving guests, turn our backs
when talking to parents, precede others by touching their bodies or when walking in public
places for no reason, walking to the counter when others are waiting in line. their turn,
yawning loudly while making noises in front of other people, and grinding their teeth without
covering their mouths while eating together in public.
Language politeness is reflected in the procedures for communicating through verbal
signs or language procedures. When we communicate, we are subject to cultural norms, not
just conveying the ideas we have in mind. Language procedures must be in accordance with
the cultural elements that exist in the society in which they live and the use of a language in
communicating. If a person's language procedures are not in accordance with cultural norms,
he will get negative values from society, for example being accused of being arrogant,
arrogant, indifferent, selfish, uncivilized, and even uncultured.
A person's language procedures are very important and pay attention to communication
for smooth communication. Therefore, the problem of language procedures must get attention,
especially in the process of teaching and learning language. By knowing language procedures,
it is hoped that people can better understand the messages conveyed in communication
because language procedures aim to regulate the following series of things.
1. What should be said at certain times and in certain circumstances.
2. What kind of language should be used in certain situations.
3. When and how the turn to speak and talk is always applied.
4. How to adjust the loudness of the voice when speaking.
5. What are the attitudes and gestures when speaking.
6. When to shut up and end the conversation.
A person's language procedures are influenced by cultural norms of certain ethnic
groups or community groups. For example, English language procedures are different from
American language procedures even though they both speak English. Likewise, Javanese
language procedures are different from Batak language procedures even though they are the
same. - both speak Indonesian. This shows that the culture that is ingrained in a person has an
effect on his language pattern. That's why we need to study or understand cultural norms
before or beside learn language. Because, language procedures that follow cultural norms will
produce language politeness.

2.1 Forming Language Politeness

Language politeness describes the politeness or politeness of the speaker. Language

politeness in essence must pay attention to four principles (Leech, 1993).
First, the application of the principle of politeness (politeness principle) in language. This
principle is characterized by maximizing pleasure/wisdom, profit, respect or praise, praise,
compatibility, and sympathy for others' and (at the same time) minimizing them to oneself.
In communicating, in addition to applying the cooperative principle with the four maxims
(rules) of its scope, namely the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and
maxim of manner; also applies the principle of politeness with the six maxims, namely (1) the
maxim of policy that prioritizes language wisdom, (2) the maxim of acceptance which
emphasizes profit for others and harm to oneself, (3) maxim of generosity which prioritizes
courtesy/respect for others. and lack of respect for oneself, (4) the maxim of humility which
prioritizes praise on others and humility towards oneself, (5) the maxim of compatibility which
prioritizes compatibility with others, and (6) the maxim of sympathy which emphasizes
sympathy. on other people. By applying this principle of politeness, people no longer use
expressions that demean others so that communication will run in a conducive situation.
Second, avoiding the use of taboo words (taboo). In most societies, words that smell
sex, words that refer to body organs that are usually covered by clothes, words that refer to
something disgusting, and the words "dirty" and "rude" include words taboo words and are not
commonly used in daily communication, except for certain purposes. The following example is
a sentence that uses the word taboo because it is spoken by students to lecturers during lectures.
Third, in relation to the avoidance of taboo words, the use of euphemisms, namely
expressions of softening. The use of this euphemism needs to be applied to avoid negative
impressions. The thing to remember is, euphemisms must be used fairly, not excessively. If
euphemisms have shifted the meaning of a word, not to soften taboo words, then euphemisms
actually result in impoliteness, even harassment. For example, the use of euphemisms to cover
up the existing reality, which is often said by officials. The word "poor" is replaced by
"presumptive", "hunger" is replaced by "busung hungry", "deviance" is replaced by "procedural
error, "detained" is replaced by "laid off", and so on. Here there is a public lie. Lies are part of
language impoliteness.
Fourth, the use of honorific word choices, namely expressions of respect for speaking
and greeting others. The use of honorific words does not only apply to languages that recognize
levels (undha-usuk, Javanese) but also applies to languages that do not recognize levels.
However, for languages that recognize levels, the determination of honorific words has been
determined standardly and systematically for the use of each level. For example, the Javanese
krama inggil (high barrel) language needs to be used with people whose social level and age are
higher than the speaker; or to people the speaker respects. It is a little bit same with English
Language that recognizes the levels of speech, the words yourself, you, you, brother,
sir/madam have a different politeness effect when we use them to greet people. The following
four sentences show the level of politeness when a young man asks an older man.

2.2 The Main Goal of Politeness

Language is to facilitate communication. Therefore, the use of language that is

intentionally convoluted, which is not right on target, or which does not tell the truth because of
reluctance to older people is also language impoliteness. This fact is often found in Indonesian
society because they are carried away by the culture of "not frank" and accentuate feelings.
Within certain limits, it can still be tolerated if the speaker does not intend to obscure the
communication so that the person being spoken to does not know what he means.

3.1 Conclusion

In communicating with other people should have manners, so that people who
communicate with us will feel comfortable and happy. Speaking politely does not have to use
standard language, because people don't necessarily think we speak politely. Many theories
have mentioned about ways of speaking politely with other people. However, there are still
some people who intentionally or unintentionally speak disrespectful and rude words to others.
Especially with the current lifestyle. There are also theories from several experts that explain
how to speak politely, which include Lakoff, YueguoGu, Pranowo and Grice. The theory they
put forward does not mention that polite speaking must be in standard language, but they
explain politeness in speaking with aspects that are in accordance with everyday life so that it is
easy for us to apply.

3.2 Suggestion

With this paper, it is hoped that readers can use good Indonesian wherever they are. In
writing this paper, there are many shortcomings. Therefore, I really hope for criticism and
suggestions from readers, especially from Ustadzah Lina Aris Ficayuma as my english lecturer.
Sorry sir if the contents of my paper accidentally have some similarities with some other
friends. It was an element of our coincidence, because the keywords used on the internet were
probably the same and the books we borrowed from the library were the same.
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