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1st Semester SY 2021-22

Name: Mark Vincent A. Tomas (20201140-M) Date:18/12/2021
Course: ABPS Pol Sci Year & Section:2A

a) Submit your answers by posting it in our Google Drive for ETHICS – GEC 008.
The Google Drive will be posted in our Messenger Group Chat.
b) Place a title in subject, thus: Subject : Answers to Final Exam Ethics (GEC 008)
c) Do not forget to indicate your Name, Year and Section course title and Student Number
in you answer sheets.
d) Your answers in typewritten form should be brief and concise and if possible should be
limited to one paragraph per question. The answer sheets should be in word document
e) You are given four (4) days to submit your answers. Late submission will not be
Question # 1
According to Confucius, Ego is the greatest obstacle to human happiness. Why and
how does Ego hinder man to attain happiness? Explain.
It's right that ego hinder man to attain happiness, because all they do is to over
estimate themselves and abilities and under estimate the required skills and needed effort
to reach their goal. They don't accept words from others but only to themselves. So it end
up losing the opportunities to grow, attain, learn, and connect with others.

Question # 2
How do you explain the Theory of the Golden Mean as espoused by Aristotle? Please
cite an example.
virtue is a mean or lies between extremes of pleasure or of action doing or
feeling too much or too little. The absolute mean is different from the mean as it is
relative to the individual. Aristotle’s idea of golden mean is its shows balance between
our beliefs and opinion. One of best example is a coward would be a warrior who run
from the war and a reckless warrior would charge at numerous enemy soldiers. 

Question # 3
Why does Augustine disagree with the Stoics view of morality? What is Augustine’s
idea about passion in relation to morality? Discuss.
Augustine maintains that a Stoic virtue ethic fails to deliver on its promised
eudaimonistic ends because it lacks a robust eschatological vision. Augustine insists that we
should aim to avoid or remove any negative emotions and focus or aim in the future
hapiness that we must obtain or attain, we need to understand of his early views about
happiness because it still attainable in life. and For Augustine, the Christian faith offers a
more viable virtue ethic.
Question # 4
St. Thomas Aquinas agrees with the idea of Aristotle about the supremacy of reason
which says that man can know the truth by the use of his reason. Yet Aquinas said that there
are some truths which cannot be known by reason. What are these truths? Discuss.
Aquinas and aristotle are both believed in God that the ideas of truths are exist.
all the ideas of Aristotle pertaining to philosophical foundation for Christian thought was
used by St. Thomas to depict or shows between the relationshup of reason and the faith are
contrasted with a numerous of contemporary views and it was that the truths of faith.

Question # 5
Immanuel Kant assumed that it is reason itself that makes the law and it is the same
reason that obeys the law. This theory is call the Autonomy of Reason. Please explain how
Kant came to the theory.
Immanuel Kant came to this idea of Autonomy of Reason because as we set
ourselves to obey is because also we decided to. We build laws to ourselves because this is
what we believe, and Autonomy is a freedom of reason and reason is autonomous.

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Good Luck and God bless

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