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‘An 18 years old hospitalized boy devel ; loped surgical wound infection. Isolate from his Rae” ‘be gram positive cocci arranged in ‘grape like clusters which were Name the causative organism. or ‘the major Virulence factors ofthis organism, 4 OY 70-year-old man was admited tothe i sive thi an was ad spit ae sufering extensive thin-degree bums. Three Ramee spiked a fever, and thre wasps onthe desing that hd blue peen coor. ram stain of ‘the pus revealed | ‘gram-negative rods, a What is your most cely diagnosis? a b Discuss laboratory diagnosis of this ‘organism * Joon wd une boy ftom Mirpur Khas presented with massive amounts of watery stool, without blood. Stool was desctbed as rise water stol, Curved gram-negative rods were seen inthe Gram stain of the stool. & What is your most likely diggnosis? o1 b, Describe the mode of action of Exotoxin produced by this organism 04 AT Tobulate the main serological markers for Hepatitis B virus infection and their importance in diagnosis of various stages of Hepatitis B? Ld Classify different culture media used for bacterial culture inthe laboratory os ‘What is a differential medium? Give one example a1 & eee ‘Name various gram negative rods related to respiratory tract What is STELLITISM?Describe in detail Name Fungi that cause systemic mycosis o Deseribe in detail the laboratory diagnosis of Candida albicans 6 Plasmids are extrachromosomal, double-stranded, circular DNA molecules that are capable of licating independently ofthe bacterial chromosome, Deseribe in desl the process of transfer of plasmids amongst the bacterial population 03 [Name the two methods of DNA transfer in bacteria 02 How do you clasity bacteria On the basis of oxygen requirement 03 On the basis of cell wall iA 8 7D b uy repl a b ws b rar SUNITA IYDAL MIEVICAL COLLEGE, LAHORE Sendup Examination B.Sc (Hons) MLT 3" year (MCQs) Answer One best option. No credit will be given for Cutting and Over writing Total Marks: 45 Time: 45 Minutes Dated: 22-02-2018 1) __ Five hours after eating fied rice at a restaurant, a 24-year-old woman and her husband both developed nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, Which one of the following organisms is the MOST likely to be involved? A, Clostridium perfringens B, _Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli C. Bacillus cereus D. Salmonella yphi EB, —Bacilus cereus 2) Which one of the following bacteria has the LOWEST 50% infectious dose (1D50)? A. Shigella sonnei B. Vibrio cholerae C—— Salmonetta yphi D. Campylobacter jejuni E. _Pserklomonas aeruginosa 3) For which one ofthe following ener illnesses ia chronic ear sate MOST likely to develop? ‘A. Trench fever B. Ricky mountain sported fever C. Cholera D. Typhoid fever ‘i E.—_Poeumonia a a cops dysurin and hematuria, A Gram stan of rine sample shows ram Pa 4) A 65-year-old man develops durin and resample stows gra eS anive Noth Cute ofthe wine on EMD agar reveals ltse-cgative colonies witht evidence o ene tact infection? on A Enverococews fccali ‘agence han B—Prewdomonas ceraginass eovet Proteus vulgaris concn D. Escherichia coli ~od of aerating B._ Klebsiella pneumonia {septs stain ona specimen of seeyme, amnes S.eaold man complains of rtrd. You perfor Gram sino specie of thedctage or 4. Treponema palin aie haya ochomats Stead arg € Canta aba ty When nutrients a D. Escherichia colt Lite B, Bmteococew foecll sncumonie, Neisseria meningitis, nd Hoemophisilunzoe, Hos whereas Oe ornare hacer. ening Whats the MOST important page omponent ea similar cl Cause the vast majority ofeasesof acter : i they share? leave plasmids, A. Protein A ve similar boy B. Capsule c otoxin i a a neon —— haracerized by te presence of fecal 2ating than exo Diarrhea caused by which one of the following agents har ae 7) Diarrhea e aan the leukocytes? A. Campylobacter je et asl B, Rotavirus nt bate C—Closirdlum perfing ; 8 Protea D. _ Enterotoxigenic Escherichia 0 B — Enterovirus ae (A) Pill mediate the interaction of bacteria wi : bacteria with i B) Polysaccharide capsules retard phago eh ene Sa Reson negative wl ‘and cocci have lipopolysaccharide (“endotoxin”) in their cell wall. ®) Boctesial flagella are non-antigenici ee ae ee ‘closely resemble human flagella correct EXCEPT: and acetyl gluco: 2. Bach of the following statements concerning. isc (A) It has a backbone composed of altemating i ar aaea Cross-links between the tetra peptides involve dalanine. eye timer in gram-positive than-in gram-negative cells. — (D) Ii can be degraded by lysozyme. 4, Fach of the following statements conceming bacterial spores is correct EXCEPT: reir survival ability is based on their enhanced metabolic activity. -< ‘G) They are formed by gram-positive rods. a (40) They can be killed by being heated fo 121°C for 15 minutes. a (D) They are formed primarily when nuitients are limited. 44 Which one ofthe statements isthe MOST accurate comparison of human, bacterial, and : fungal cells? G Human cells undergo mitosis, whereas neither ‘bacteria hor fungi do. (GB) Human and fungal cells have a similar cell wall, in contrast ‘bacteria, whose cell wall 1 —--contains peptidoglycan. C).{uman and bacterial Human and fungal cells have similar ribosomes, siptificantly different. ‘ cells have plasmids, whereas fungal cells do not. ‘whereas bacterial ribosomes are §5, Each ofthe following statements concerning endotoxins is correct EXCEPT: (A) They are less toxic (Le, les ative ona weight basis) than exotoxins. " They are more stable on heating than exotoxins. { bind to specific cell receptors, whereas exotoxins do not. (D) They are part of the becterial cell wall, whereas exotoxins are not. 6. The MAIN host defense against bacterial exotoxins is: ‘macrophages secreting proteases ‘and IgM antibodies Helper T cells (D) Modulation of host cell receptors in response to the toxin ‘T. Which one of the following processes involves a sex pilus? ‘Transduction of a chromosomal gene '8. Each of the following statements concerning the normal flora is 2 ‘The most common organism found on the skin is Staphyloco correct, EXCEPT: ‘ichia coli is a prominent member of the roous epider midis. onmal frora of the throat: ijor site where Bacteroides fragilis is found is the colon. (D) One of the most common sites where Staphyl joapecus aureus is found 18 the nose. i jbody in host defenses ag 9, Of the following choices, the MOST important function of antibody bacteria is: (A) Activation of lysozyme that degrade: the cell wall. ‘Acceleration of proteolysis of exotoxins. acilitation of phagocytosis. e (D) Inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis. 10. Which of the following events is MOST Pe ee ee eae i bacterium diphtheriae produces ) ge A sin of Cons ase proces Pasar encoded by 9 plasmid sma . slasmid ‘gramnegative organism. = - = © An Serena strain of Streptococci, pneumoniae acquires the gene for capsule formation from an extract of DNA from another encapsulated strain. 2 a (D)A gone encoding resistance to gentamicin in the Escherichia colt chromosome appears inti -genoine of a bacteriophage that has infected F. coli. It, Which one ofthe following BEST describes. (A) Degrades lecithin in cell membranes niode of.action of endotoxin? ivates elongation factor 2 Blocks release of acetylcholine (Causes the release of tumor necrosis factor ee derision of bacteria b stat i - i 1 lentification of bacteria by serologic tests is base specific antigens. Be pee by ei is based on the presence of sp gt (A) Capsule onents is LEAST likely to contain useful antigens? (B) Flagella cotoxins source. (B) Spores are resistant to boiling, FQ Spores are metabolically inactive and co ‘ Primarily by organi: “a {ng statements concerning the | hase val prtys tale al nitrate can inactivate ‘enzymes. cell membranes. ‘bacterial capsules, include each of the following EXCEPT: Activation ofthe coagulation easead — 17, Bacterial surface structures that show antigenic diversity include each of the following Zach of the following statements concerning exotoxins is vorrect EXCEPT: (A) When treated chemically, some * xotoxins lose their toxicity and can be used as jmmunogens -- in vaccines. BSomne exoioxins are capable of causing disease in purified form, free of any pacteria. exotoxins act in the. gastrointestinal tract to cause diarrhea. exotoxin contain lipopolysaccharides as the toxic ‘component. teria is correct EXCEPT: “= 5. Lach of the following statements conceming the killing of bactt es 70% solution of ethaiiok Kills more cifeetively tharr solute (100%) ethanol. {B) An autoclave uses steam under pressure to reach the killing temperature of 121°C. “The pasteurization of milk kills pathogens but allows mat) organisms and spores to SUrViVe- ills by causing the formation of thymine dimers in ‘bacterial DNA. nposition of ements concerning the structure and chemical cor 20.Bach of the following ‘bacteria is correct EXCEPT: (A) Some gram-positive cocci contain teichotc eid ‘external to the peptidoglycan. {B) Some gram-positive rods produce spores thet are resistant to boiling. gram-negative rods contain lipid A in their outer cel ‘membrane. fiycoplasmas contain pentaglycine in their peptidoglycan. ye point answers. 7 Between Gram Positive and Gram ‘Negative Bacteria Pa, erate Difference Differences between Endotoxin and exotoxin (5) iT 23, A. Differentiate between sterilization and disinfection (2) an jon (3) {B. Describe Physical agents used for Sterilization & Disinfecti “A. Differentiate between Prokaryotes and Bukaryotes @? 3 “Similarities between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes ) Differentiate between resident flora and transient flora @ « one important normal flora bacteria at following sites @®.- ‘Skin “I.Nose III. Colon’ 5 f. — QN026.A. Classify pacteria on the basis of Oxygen Requirement 2) Ly extn — Pp AE ib dinynosis of Staphylococcus 2) Pretenss Thassih cilskns pos nf medi woo foe lenabricoictes No. Tabula cifferent makers o ee . QNo 6A. Enlist Haemopacsites and B. Deserbe life eel of | Ne. fl Diarehes outb sed from a boy’ hostel. Students complain of rice watery sto sulhuje or Siu. yellow colonies were grown on TCBS ay se ikely organism eyes ANP ©, Discuss its lub singnosis oN productive of several wubie smelling. Hic has Jost 10 po 38°C; couse rales were heard i = asirain of S aureus that is eta-iactamase ain pe following antibiotics? tes that the or and piperacilin sulfamethoxazole Clarithromycin, and azith Erythromycin, romyein (Dj Vancomycin F {) Cefazolin und ceftriaxone 4 st retumed from Central Amen where she™ Male for indigenous people. Four days 26% she developed 88 luo has had headache, muscle aches, Hp, Pelvic examination shows ce, the pelvie examination is 10" a}. Her kidney Pris are abnormal, indicatin® mild vena} ely to be caused by OI 1d medical stud {No 3éSeven days ago, a 27-year-o Trad afent the summer working in 2 cl Gtuematous sunburn-like rash. She 7th diarrhea. Her blood pressure is 70/40 mm Fransirual period with a tampon in places o\Per\" funetion test (serum urea nitrogen. and creatinine) res failure. A blood smear for malaria is negative Her illness is liks following? (AYA toxin that rest (cAMP) {B)A toxin that cegrades sphingomyelin YA toxin that acts as superantigen {DJA two-component toxin that forms pores white blood cells and increasé {(E)A toxin that blocks elongation factor 2 (EF?) snosine monophosphate clic adel els of intracellular cy 's in greatly increased Je es cation permeability spital nursery developed S same colony morphology uggesting that they f five newborns in the hos all had the ibility patterns, s' identical.) Which of the ‘3 weeks, a total of wureus bacteremia. The isolates identical antimicrobial suscep ‘ular methods showed the isolates wer QNNo 4. Over a period of aureus infections with S a ‘and hemolytic properties an ‘were the same. (Later molec following should be done now? (A) Prophylactic treatment ofall newborns with intravenous vancom: 1 feh means thi ic chil vai tropical country. Each QNo 6. A group of six children younger than 8 years of age live in a semitropical i ‘of thehildren has several crusted weeping skin lesions of impetigo (pyoderma). The lesions are ninantly on the arms and faces. Which of the following microorganisms is a likely cause of fhe lesions: cmeningitides UB) Neaseria gonorrhea us aureus plocuects pneumoniae (hy Bucittuy anthracis a i 152 No 7 Which of the following staphylococcal organisms produces coagulase and has been fii: fz following a dog bite? i intermedius is epidermidis Jocoecus saprophyticus naphivlocuccus hominis Osuphrlococens hemolpticus a re throat. On eXamination, a grayish-white flit is seen on the tonsils and pharynx. The differential diagnosis includes group A “treptococcat infection. Epstein-Barr virus infection, severe adenovirus infection, and diphtheria. { Neiseria xcnorrhoece pharyngitis would also be included, but the patient has not been sexually atbused.) The cause of the boy’s pharyngitis is most likely }eualive gram-positive coccus that grows in chains single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus (C) A catalase-positive gram-positive coccus that grows in clusters (1D) A catalase-negative gram-positive bacillus . (5) A double-stranded RNA virus 0 9. A 25-year-old sexually active woman presents with purulent vaginal discharge and ia 7 cays alter having unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner. Of the choices the most sensitive diagnostic method for determining the likely etiologic agent? Jive Brief and to the point answers: Qn Desesive Prenoryie methods of Detetion of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in microbiolozy Lab (5) iaynosis of Staphylococcus (5) Gy =Q No 12. Describe the lab Di .Q No 13. Describe the Diagnosis of Sirepiococeus pneumoniae oF Group A beta hiaemolytic: Streptococci.) scribe Parhogen ata at sptococe’ (2) 1é of Group A beta haemolytic stre If, Deweribe 2 Post Streptococeal sequal by Staphylococeus aureus S) prod. © 2g NotS-Name DiflerenEnzymes and to n LaneField Grouping (3) — QNo 16, A. Write anole o , B. How it is detected in Microbiology Lab (2) = Q)Nu 17. A. Enumerate Pathogenic Factors of Neisseria meningitidis (3) tures of Water House Priederichsen syndrome caused by Neisseria - Bg, Describe Fe meningitides (2) F2 hee fae ae fie: © «paved | Gat~ Q No(i8)Diseus Lab Diagnosis of Enterococci (5) ‘option. No credit will be given for Cutting and n ‘Of mild intestinal iste, sleeplessness, perianal thing, and anxiety ‘preschool children ina private home. The most likely cause of this 1g and afnalodorous Se es (OF (E) Emamoeba histolytica Q No 2. A sexually active 24-year-old woman complains of vaginal itchiny i purulent vaginal discharge. To verify your tentative diagnosis of trichomonias!S; include which of the following in your workup? (A) Specific serologic test (B) Ova and parasite fecal smear Wat fet mount of vaginal fluid Enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) test of serum (E) Stool culture QNo 3. Ina rural medical clinic in China, a 3-yearold girl is brought in by ii Rep child appears emaciated and, upon testing, is found to have a hemoglobin level of 5/4. eet and ankles are swollen, and there isan extensive rash on her feet, ankles, and knees. ‘most likely parasitic infection that causes the child’s condition is (A) Schistosomiasis (B) Cerearial dermatitis (©) Cyclosporiasis ? Hookworm infection Trichuriasis QNNo 4. An 18-year-old male complains of abdominal pain, bloating, frequent loose stools, and Joss of energy. He returned a month ago from a 3-week hiking and camping trek to the Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal. The trek involved only high-clevation hiking, since he flew in and ‘out of the 12,000-f starting point. Which one of the following diagnostic tests should be ‘conducted for the patient? (A) Blood and urine bacteriologic examination ries of ova and parasite tests and fecal smears ELISA or hemagglutination serologic tests for malaria (D) Skin snip microfilarial test (E) Endoscopic exam for whipworms jense in the villagers ter ; : Poet (es ante 8 tourist raeled to Senegal for 1 month. During the tip, he afer is eum, he began complaining oF intstmitent oye Laboratory results of ova and parasites revealed eggs witha following parasites is the cause of the patient’s symptoms? 's based on the answer in of swimming in Lahore le hospital with a lowing parasites should iate host as part ofits life cycle Q No 12. Each of the followi Sit EXCEPT: 1¢ following parasites has an intermedi -ichomonas vaginalis na . ‘solium: jinococeus granulosus (D) Toxoplasma gondii (E) Taenia saginata Q No 13. Pigs or dogs are ‘the source of human infection by ch of | nik i laa infecti yy each of the fol lowing parasites (A) Echinococeus: granulosus (B) Jaenia solium ie ‘Ascaris lumbricoides Frichinella spiralis passes through the lung during human infection Q No 14. Each of the following parasites EXCEP’ | (A) Strongyloides stercoralis jecator americanus fuchereria bancrofti “Ascaris tumbricoides No15. Each of the following parasites is transmitted by mosquitoes EXCEPT )icishmania donovani f) Wuchereria bancrofti (C) Plasmodium vivax (D) Plasmodium falciparum (E) Plasmodium ovale No H Des anreus (MRSA)in microbiology Lab (5) ise Diffusion Method ethod RIP.Methéd ditution method a. 12) Cefoxitin | 4 2., Oxacillin Dise Difussion Mi [yr MIGé of Cefoxitin by E-STI MICs%f Cefoxitin By.agqr PBP2a Latex azglutinat B ; ith Oy eo hae ‘ 12, Desegibe the lab Diagnosis of Staphyloroecis ©) A, Beta Haemolytic colonies on Blo« Positive Cocei in Clusters od agar Gram Catalse Positve Coagulase Positive : Staph aureus Coagulase Negative: Staph epidermidis, Staph-saprophyticus Novobiocin sensitive : Staph epidermidis Novobiocin Resistant: Staph saprophyticus “N63. Describe.the Diagnosis of Sireprococens pneumoniae (5) nies with depression in the J: Alpha Hemolytic colonies on Blood agar ( Draftsman’s Colo centre) / 2. Gram Positive diplococcic 3. Catalase Negative “4, Lancefield Grouping: Negative Pyogenic nitammation Caused By 1 Ayalirondose Streptokinase iii, DNAse Foxin and Haemolysins ? Fnihrogenic Toxin, 7 Sueptolysin O ; t. Surepiolysin S Exotoxin A = ’ 8 i esi (1) B. Describe 2 Post Streptococcal sequale of Group A bets haemolytic streptor 1. Acute Glomerulonephiriis > Acute Rcumate Feveriea Disease : ae ye a “ . 3 seoceus aureus (3) HS. Nene Diet Enzymes a nis ed by Siophylocoe ' a . i Traxie Shock Syndmome Tox! 3. Exfoliain 4 * PY Leukocidin 5, Catalase f 6. Coagulase 7. DNASE X Fitvinolysin 9, HYaluronidase 10) Proteases No 16. A. Write a note on LancFie (- Carbohydrate of cell wall of streptococe Mans-from A and goes upto U except Examples: ‘Group A : Strep pyogenes ity detected in Microbiology Lab (2) ‘Ani sera are available fom commer! supe for ‘Separate antisera is available for each group of Lancefield Grouping, Fre cure grown i ned wit eal anvisera, Aggluination takes pare specific amtisera whom C ~ Carbohydrates possessed by strept in its cell valle No 17. A. Enumerate No 17. A. Enumerate Pathogenic Factors of Neisseria meningitis C) Polysaccharide Capsule Re Endotoxin Immunoglobulin IgA Proteases —Friederichsen syndr 1e Fegiuires of Water House rome caused by Neisseria iii Widespread purpara iy Disgeminated Intravasculer coagulation vy Thrombocytopenia » vi Adrenal Insufficiency Q No 18. Discus Lab Diagnosis of Enterococci (5)" Small colonies on Blood ayar with or without haemolysis Gram Positive cocei in short chains Catalse Negaitve Lancefield Grouping D Bile Esculin Hydrolysis Positive 6. Growth in 6.5% NaCl Libis with drvleinglion c. Citrate Test 4d. All of the above 16 Wayson’s Staining is a. Negative stain ; en b, Positive stain ©Bipolar stain ee d. None of the above 17. AFB looked__*_in ZN stain. 2.Green ®red x . c. Blue Yellow 18, Mycobacterium leprae is_uleallyy _ acid fast. 49, Mycobacterium can stained with carbol fuchsin: combined with, .qud aber’ 20, Covering of smear for neutral red in gram stain takes_.@ Minutes; é tamethyl p-phenylenediamine # ite Reagent idase Reagent ‘e Ammonium Reagent d. None of the above 40, Litinus milk Decolourization Test is used for @ Enterococci Yersinia species = Staphylococci d. Streptococci r U1. Indication of positive Indole Test is a. Green surface layer b. Yellow surface layer @Red surface layer Pink surface layer e 12. Positive DNase Control is a. Staphyllococcus epidermidis @ Stapityllococcus aureus c. Streptococcus pyogenes d, Morexella Species 13, Coagulase reacting factor is required in ~ @Bound Coagulase b, Free Coagulase c. None of the above d. All of the above sv. 140C apts * saueeuaeS hydrolyses the __ Catalase Test @indoie Test [SH Test iv. Urease Test 5, Phenylenédiamine is ised in i. Catalase ‘fest ii. Indole test iii, Citrate Test * (Oxidase Test Sanat e + oxide used in Catalase Test is 6 Sydrogen. pe is% 3x i. 2% iv.1% { 7. Requires atinosphere which contains CO2 are 1, Microaerophilic orgiutossss Obligatory anaerobes GiCarboxy philic organisms WV, Facultative anaerobes grows best at 8. Yersinia enterocolitica ‘en eta: colon freed ae ae wat Cees Se a once Tae rome San came Abeta Sen Seine i tae el desc aoa io inthe wbove paient EXCEPT: kittmoncpe 6 geehacl "Gino acen antibodies : “an active role in the release of various 3 tein ond ee Seen ome oa See ee eat Sone pecere ay woot nad Jare life saving drugs that is = aaarebeer val ‘ere common yassed for SbOVE 2a —— , ‘D. Increare due to the blocking, effect uf the este ate meee at Ts en costed he os oo arn ere ee eae SS a ae C IgG < con ENT ea 13, Wins refersnce to the clonal selection thery, 0 "AB and T lyepbocyter ofall atigenic specifies exist pret contact wh serge. Beach bphocyte cures a scgen recep 00s rte of oly uae J 1 = especie after r fe an acate blood lows specificity 14, You wre called to ass ates, Soe es spiked a fever and fees terribly erwe ts foctypare. This pabent is 0 postve A ated react i there B. ent B reactvry in he rep ©. antisA and anti wesc res 15, Positive skin txt 10 C “ reaction to poison 1 IA They both are chemical respc0 n B. They both are dve 10 Ig f Teed 16, You prescribe pencils fr vou ps : this case, the pesicillis mo , é S vopeny mi vertical age sofa hens 1 antibody woold act with: “Cnt muman Kap halos ‘Deli uman game chains involves {C actnation of bomol0zous ESOES SH eamarome 6 Ring of igne-chaia oes Carr esac. snd amb) Ske ee ete ocon gears feos peta rps to pps Se ye Torecmmnioer, bat the t afakd she BENE yu see her yo BS snrbody 0 TSHLes uehyronin axtbogy Brutoa’s adres DB Xnked agemmagiodelinems |G Severe combined imarenogiovalin cy (SCID) D. ‘none ofthe shove is required abn it hey aed : il Sustained significant ; icant tissue damage and. Bh nlanmmanee oT REY enrages ie Wed ih freon mae WH ot nanmaton mst beeen ting inflammation? Tonimmanologic mechanisms bees C. The inflinmation is related to an inerease inthe amount of C4bC2s on the surface of the damaged issue, D. The inflammation is elated to an increased eonsiutive production of C3b by clotting factors. the patent began to experience dianhea and askin rash is highly suggestive of graft versus B. may result f sss a stares ; ; fom infusion : ns Me aco Produits that contain vase ee yes corona into an immunologically incompetent ee 28, An ani in va ecllaintttad high concentration in the plasma of normal fetuses and a high A. viral antigen, cancer is: 7 i 2 spha-toprtea B. carcinoembryonic amen Ce 29. A 42-year-old female had a renal transplant, She was treated with cyclosporine and steroids. However, two weeks post transplantation she presented with deteriorating renal function. Her dose of manosbppressive therapy Was incre! ‘ofthe folowing syndromes did she have? A. Hyperacute rejection. D, All of the above Chronic rejection E.Onlyb+c (CE Acute rejection Ps 0. 7-momth-ofdl girl has a history of severe recurrent bacterial and fungal infections. Analysis of serum : ee Band cell counts (and function) show no clear abnormality. Which one ofthe following should you suspect? selecti leficienc} A re alomatous disease ar Womens ) chronic granulomatous disea: ils “linked agammaglobulinemia os . A cae acident iti, wi eho. Hex prt stated tht he snot ad vious vehicle She bn sr tins. To provide proerton aginst Ue possi of tetanus now and inthe imm omen thod of treatment? " fol is the preferred method of trea future, which of the following iis (D) Separate injections of tetanus toxoid and Ava mic of eames tsa ins nin iret sso antitoxin as one injection, thereby easing aa aanpain and producing an edjucant elect Vist (0 ensure active and passive test Pitanus anrxin injection his iit, EA tetanus toxoid injection this visit dpjection of tetanus antitoxin te ew immunization, E. None of the above mem A chemicas wad ar dhinteclonts 8 aniaptics ‘rete ot he tckonig ence & i fabrciny cog of Salgonsts: ons ie rreerhg plocedufo ets: Ht ofemenlwffch of he folowing? Gabclrs 6, Which seme eof anaerobic Sete (hen pa of eipertet stn icin 2salredin ogee eh © eae Is done nde ened conn & Pesedyontictes sone 8: Comer ssocaed wh sepenenis, Tbtenucscee0 arn negate rt: are fan nS, foe de Oem Sa SL tntenenngP I anon actosefemeriae sso oe to: ho ed man paver sia eatty asd i nytt al sft eh cu ne pratt sore Mateo ‘soci sng tn coher Toe on scr bet Nt Dane axing at 49 pours of hss assis tao methane watt fan See tg Set ers shia terial ioe 212 Grim psive alphe naemotyic Scene ware Fbted fom the spat 39 pant ef pneu. Vien deseo ba ie be eas Eto ogee Srp vidons, piocin testa, tactrocn ‘Seep proves, opocin reitant, basivacn @) Sep poourionae, epoch sonst, bosvasn “sitar ©, Sire pnauneniae oplocin négsive, bacirech ‘sli 18. Renal shut don, and sneer: oo cued by whlch one tombocyapene purpura Wes ofa eine yedrone foi ae Eko “Qa aetec Face G18 ae eri ty adi i et ests wn ao = 7 Sitooes are soon and cue afar esa Seas posine surons was soak WE oe i Sotto Ghnsrecarenogsces ates eons : IE A 40 yours cit me with # bison of Prone, prsurted wth mast tat 2, flora over fa tone and wobec Sd © single Inge eons hort wr he gation one £2 Q nese sonatonn Mynecanm unset : igen se 4% @ Chlemyclavechomets [a2 A young mon wor dated with? weeks i: ‘stow oF fever and. gotwalieg weoknee, Boos -cule shbwed (rom Inegoltve foce. Which: eno. ol. hia Sos + 2 folowing inlesna! wet paogen I Ihe rot Fequont couse of baciacemiat ee eereobocter eked g Viarip cholera ©. Seimanoio ons Oaeeeett: Pea Sa. gears ieeeepea ean ee Sathorn ees tony San tee SE fn vee ea Su sn nat See AOGU he Wiese Rotuedyenedoe eer ala 2, Yh ot fhiving crcl possesses fetned sone ef Ante mbites ited (ar kom rttsedeagrs ret occ as omitoos 2 bint est cat as ‘Bra past ses S.iwers rene fs a so a xa ascydeona tam steee se 4. be Kona how bles he to abr al ie ‘tere 22, Chapa ssn caused by: OD Irprasciae cou’ Toxoplasma gong & Plasmon akperam 4 _Topanosome bce “Baboaa micro, tener Sahar seg ve Saeed oneness ieee () Enioois vrmiovane! ey 20, Which on of the otoving pastes‘ Spsiled wih hoemutute? ‘ rs heard 31. Which of the following profozoa is known oh the trophiozoite stage? oC sun ‘ Enimonba hte 4 Baintauen cor G©\Micornonm vaio 22, Lagest nematode paras fs + Dscars umbricoites DeDracaneuisa medinensi= ©. Ancylostome duodenal loa sir nivalis vermis 33, Hepaltis or deta wus i always actited nh | spans A : egal @ pac : 4 Hepat Hepat G Baar 34. A patient! inc buns-unit develops severe infection and sapsis, Cui t yield a heavy growth of lorge gram negalive fod: which ‘Were immediately Identiied os ‘Preusiomonas -actugina:a. “This was done by perforing Ceo lost — . Coagu tase tat Sg st, Doucace tes oooh : 35. A young female postive for AIDS dielops CMV" Infection aller 2-years. Which of the folowing cancer {s commonly associated wth AIDS ered ith chronic Busy ~ 38.8. young men, pros ainda} © dca nation on he tome Suir Srrmdce wore, wevitod in the pus TH proba gavel is helpful In ee ie hed PY 37. Formation “ot pseu ideniicallon of ‘Gandia ebica peering a: Ebor snake CB eum abs tet . PGrontvon Seboud ager Sugattomentabon een Catalase toe 38. The presence of a copade oround the becierl cali gone viewed by which of tho {olowig methous? 0. poresan b. Groms stan 1S. YerNelion song | ED bckoninettening @Glemad sian lactum aniiblotic act by: . ‘inhibition 6f cell membrane funelions £5) ‘inhibition of cel wall formation . inhibiting synthesis of proteies di inhibition of nucisic ocid synthasls 8. inhibition of cell metaboli onlietion of fungal Infection of karainized {issue eequtes dekeratinization v 8. 9040% KOH b. Ws0% KUHL

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