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10 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Saturday / to / work / They / need / on. They need to work on Saturday.

2. He / have / lunch / wants / at / 1:00 / to. He wants to have lunch at 1:00.

3. tonight / to / need / work / until / 7:00 / You. Tonight you need to work until 7:00.

4. need / buy / I / to / computer / a / new. I need to buy a new computer.

5. She / play / to / likes / tennis. She likes to player tennis.

6. want / watch / to / the game / We. We want to watch the game.

7. to / He / study / in the library / likes. He likes to study in the library.

8. need / I / do / my homework / to. I need to do my homework .

9. need / I / my / call / mother / to. I need to call my mother.

10. ask / to / wants / a / She / question. She wants to ask a question.



A Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with information about yourself. Use
prepositional phrases, the simple present, and infinitives.

Maicol Cruz: I go to bed at midnight.

Katherine Guaman: I do my homework in the morning

B Work in a group. Say three sentences about your partner. Use the information from exercise

Student A: Sun-hee does her homework in the afternoon.

Student B: Walid goes to bed at midnight.

Student C: Maria likes to relax on Sundays.


A Read the information about Lia. Then complete the sentences in the chart below with the
correct form of the verbs in parentheses and the correct prepositions of time.

In Indonesia

1. Lia’s mother cooks (cook) breakfast for her.

2. Lia _______________(have) classes____________ 9:30__________________ 12:30 from

Monday to Saturday.
3. Lia _______________(go) out with her Friends_____________________ weekends.

In Canada

4. Lia’s mother _____________________- (not cook) breakfast for her.

5. Lia _________________(have) breakfast at a coffee shop _________________about

7:15 the morning.

6. Lia __________ (not have) classes ___________________the morning.

7. She ______________(work)_______________ 9:00_________________________

5:00 _________________________ Monday ______________ Friday.

8. She also __________________(study) at a business school because she_________________

(want to) start a business in Indonesia someday.

9. She _____________________(have) a class ___________6:00______________________

9:00 ____________night _____________Tuesday and Thursday.

10. Lia ________________(not have) many friends in Toronto.

11. She ______________(not go) out ______________weekends.

12. She _____________________(be) lonely.

13. She _________________(miss) her friends in Indonesia.

B Is your life similar to Lia’s life, or is it different? Complete the sentences with information
about your life.

1. My life is (similar to / different from) Lia’s life. In the morning, I


2. During the day, I __________________from __________to_______________ .

3. At night, I ______________________________________.

4. I ________________________friends in ________________ .

5. On weekends, I _________________________________.

6. I ______________________________ lonely.

13 EDIT. Read the paragraph. Find and correct six more errors with negatives and
prepositions of time.

Iris is a reporter. She works for a newspaper. She asks questions and writes articles. She don’t
drive to work. She walks. She don’t work in the morning. She works from 2:00 p.m. in 11:00
p.m. She doesn’t goes to bed early. She goes to bed on 1:00 a.m. She doesn’t work at Saturday
and Sunday. She relaxes in weekend.
14 Complete the conversation below. Use words from the box. You can use some words more
than once. Then listen and check your answers.

work have from at to in on

Ted: Hi, Jana!

Jana: Hey, Ted! How about coffee sometime? (1) I’m free in the morning on Thursday.

Ted: (2) I ________class in the morning.

(3) How about ________________ 2:00?

Jana: Sorry. I’m not free then. (4) I ___________soccer practice __________ 2:00
______________ 4:00. How about Saturday?

Ted: I’m sorry. (5) I________________ on Saturday __________________9:00

___________________ 5:00.

How about Sunday afternoon?

Jana: Sure. That sounds good. (6) How about _____________2:00?

Ted: Great. See you then!

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