SDL 3 Red Gahuman

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Nursing Department


Name: Red Dagum Gahuman Group: BSN 2-A11 Date: 09/08/21

I. Give the meaning of the following abbreviations.

1. NSVD - Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery

2. LTCS - Low Transverse Cesarean Section
3. BTL - Bilateral Tubal Ligation
4. IUFD - Intrauterine Fetal Demise
5. TAHBSO - Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy
6. PUFT - Pregnancy Uterine Full Term
7. PROM - Premature Rupture of Membranes
8. BOW - Bag of Waters
9. D&C - Dilation & Curettage
10. IUGR - Intrauterine Growth Restriction
11. CPD - Cephalopelvic Disproportion
12. LGA - Large for Gestational Age
13. SGA - Small for Gestational Age
14. RBOW - Rupture of Bag of Water
15. EDD - Expected Date of Delivery
16. AOG - Age of Gestation
17. FHR - Fetal Heart Rate
18. FHT - Fetal Heart Tone
19. LMP - Last Menstrual Period
20. LOA - Left-occiput-anterior

II. Supply the meaning of the acronym GPTPALM:

G – Gravidity (Number of total pregnancy)

P – Para (Number of pregnancies past 20 weeks)
T - Term births (Term deliveries births 38 weeks or more)
P - Preterm births (Preterm deliveries from viability up to 37 weeks)
A - Abortions/Miscarriages (Both surgical abortions and miscarriages)
L – Living children
M – Multiples (Number of sets)

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III. Situation: Miss Anne, 25-year-old, G1P1T1P0A0L1M0, delivered a healthy baby girl via
NSVD. Episiotomy was done and with a 3rd degree laceration. Upon assessment, vital
signs: BP:110/80 mmHg, BT: 36.1 degree celsius, PR: 60 BPM, RR: 17 CPM, Pain score
(perineal) 7/10. Breasts are engorged with a pain score of 8/10, uterus well-contracted,
has not moved bowel for 5 days, bladder is not distended, with minimal lochial flow, (-)
Homan’s sign, and with no signs of emotional distress.

Based on the assessment findings, make a nurse’s notes using FDAR



Breast Pain Engorged breast Do not palpate the Patient
with a pain score of patient’s breast, demonstrated the
8/10 instruct patient to correct positioning
correct her position and verbalizes the
and request for importance of
analgesia to relieve taking medications
pain and not palpating
the breast.

IV. Answer the following:

1. What are the common/routine health assessments during the first prenatal visit?
- During the first prenatal visit, the common/routine health assessments are checking
your heart, lungs, breasts and abdomen, measuring the blood pressure to serve as
a baseline reading for future appointments, noting the height and weight, look for
varicose veins and swelling, pelvic exam, and an assessment of the size of your
uterus and the size and shape of your pelvis. The practitioner will repeat a urine
test even if you got a positive result on a home pregnancy and series of other tests
like STD test, blood sugar test, etc.

2. What are the signs indicating possible complications of pregnancy?

- The signs indicating possible complications of pregnancy are vaginal bleeding and
intense cramping that may cause fetal distress, maternal high blood pressure that
may lead to preeclampsia that usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in
women and might cause the baby to become oxygen deprived due to placental
problems, and decreased fetal movement.

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