Romeo and Julietplan de Mejoramiento Dos 10º

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NARRATOR 1: many years ago in Verona Italy there were two families. There were the
Capulets and the Montague's.
NARRATOR 1: these families were always fighting the Montagues had a son, his name
was Romeo the Capulets had a daughter, her name was Juliet.
NARRATOR 1: one night the Capulets had a mask party and Romeo went there.
MERCUTIO: Romero, there is a party in the Capulets home,
ROMEO: Capuletos house? Are you crazy? I don’t want problems.
MERCUTIO: It’s a mask party, they wont recognize us, ohh come on, there will be
beautiful girls
ROMEO: MMM beautiful girls, all righy, lets go!!

NARRATOR 2: he met Juliet and they fell in love immediately
ROMEO: I´m totally your dear Juliet
JULIET: I never had felt my heart beating like at this moment my Romeo
NARRATOR 2: But Juliet's cousin Tybalt saw Romeo and was very angry
TYBALT: he's a Montague get him. (sale de la escena)
JULIET: Oh Romeo where are you?
ROMEO: Im here dear Juliet.

NARRATOR 2: Romeo and Juliet talked and decided to get married in secret because
their families would be very angry with their decision. Fray Laurence decided to help
them with their marriage.
FRAY LAURENCE: And I declare you: “man and wife”

NARRATOR 1: next day Tibalt saw Romeo and he wanted to fight him. Romeo didn´t
want to fight but his best friend Mercutio wanted.
MERCUTIO: whats the problem with my friend?
TYBALT: He is a Montekiu and was in my home, that’s an insult!!
(empiezan a pelear)
NARRATOR 1: Tybalt and Mercurio started to fight
NARRATOR 1: But suddenly, Tybalt killed Mercurio.
ROMEO: Ohh noo, my friend…
NARRATOR 1: Romeo was so upset and decided to kill Tybalt too.

NARRATOR 2The Prince of Verona was very angry and sent Romeo away. Juliet
went to Friar Laurence for help.
FRAY LAURENCE:: Take this special potion, you will sleep for two days, until Romeo
came back for you.
NARRATOR 2: Juliet took the potion and she fell aspeep, her family though she was
dead. Friar Laurence sent a letter to Romeo telling the plan but Romeo didn’t get the
message he heard that Juliet was dead. So, Romeo was devasted.
ROMEO: What?? My love, ohh nooo my Juliet… (llora)
NARRATOR 2: he was upset. He didn’t want to live without his love. He got a poison and
went to see Juliet.
ROMEO: now I will stay with you forever and ever.
NARRATOR 2: he drank the poison and Juliet woke up she saw what happened
JULIET: oh no dear Romeo, What have you done? (llora)
NARRATOR 2She took Romeos Knife and decided to stop her suffering.
JULIET: See you in the next life.

NARRATOR 1both were dead Friar Lawrence tells the Capulets and Monteskiu what
happened both families were devasted and from that moment, they agreed not to fight

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