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Parent/ Guardian Declaration Form

Student Name …………………………………. QID ………………………………….

School Name …………………………………. Class/ Division ……………… /…………………

Examination time Day …………………………………. Date (day-month) ……/……/2022

Test Result

Negative Positive

Acknowledgement: I hereby acknowledge that the information submitted in this declaration form are
accurate and complete. The Rapid Antigen Test has been conducted as per the procedures and instructions of
the Ministry of Public Health.

Parent/ Guardian Name …………………………………. Relationship to student ………………………………….

Date (day-month) ……/…… /2022 Parent/ Guardian Signature ………………………………….

Important Notes about Test Results
Negative The student shall attend school and MUST present the parent /guardian declaration form.
The student shall NOT attend school and must visit the nearest Health Center and follow
Positive the procedures of the Ministry of Public Health.

Defective Result The student shall NOT attend school and must visit the nearest Health Center and follow
the procedures of the Ministry of Public Health.

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