Diagnostic Test ORAL COMM

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Oral Communication Diagnostic Test

Name/Strand: _________________________________________ Date: ___________

I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the questions carefully and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which one is not a form of communication?
a. writing a letter b. sleeping c. nodding

2. What do you call the idea that the sender encodes into words?
a. message b. stimulus c. encoder

3. Johnny is a Grade 11 student. He is having some difficulties in understanding his teacher because he did
not have enough sleep. Why is this an example of a barrier?
a. He is unable to listen to the message physically.
b. His fatigue is preventing him from decoding the message.
c. He is distracted by his teacher.

4. Which of the following is not an example of non-verbal communication?

a. body language b. facial expression c. talking to yourself

5. Which of the following best defines a sender?

a. The one who receives the message.
b. The one who transmits the message.
c. The channel used to send the message.

6. Which of the following is the best explanation of a communication channel?

a. the process of encoding
b. the manner of which the message is sent
c. a station that broadcasts different views

7. Why is encoding relevant for communication?

a. It is a method by which a message is sent.
b. It is the process of interpreting a message once it is received.
c. It is the process of transforming a thought into a message that can be sent.

8. What communication model focuses mainly on speaker and speech which can be broadly divided into 5
primary elements namely: speaker, speech, occasion, audience and effect?
a. Aristotle’s Model b. Berlo’s SMCR Model c. Schramm’s Model

9. How does understanding occur in communication?

a. It occurs when each party is able to provide feedback.
b. It occurs when each party is able to say what they want to without the other person interrupting.
c. It occurs when each party gets to be a sender and receiver.

10. Which is mainly a communication barrier on the receiver’s end?

a. emotions b. appearance c. poor listening skills

11. What is the primary purpose of communication?

a. to sell products b. to be a social media star c. to send messages to receivers

12. When people in an organization are clearly informed of the tasks and are praised for their performance,
they are most inspired to work. This function of communication is:
a. motivation b. information c. social interaction

13. Which speech context does news reporting belong?

a. interpersonal communication
b. intrapersonal communication
c. mass communication

14. What do you call the type of communication that is composed of two participants: the sender and the
a. mass communication b. dyad c. small group

15. Which speech context can be direct or indirect communication?

a. interpersonal communication
b. public speech context
c. mass communication

16. Which speech context is composed of three or more participants like a company meeting?
a. small group
b. dyad
c. public speech context

17. What do you call the type of speech style that is usually done in private?
a. intimate b. formal c. casual

18. What do you call the type of speech that mostly occurs in ceremonies?
a. consultative b. intimate c. formal

19. Which of the following is not an example of a persuasive speech?

a. a celebrity endorsing a brand of shampoo
b. a politician asking people to vote for her
c. a teacher facilitating a lab experiment

20. Which situation is not appropriate to ask someone to speak impromptu?

a. graduation ceremony b. wedding reception c. send-off party

21. The following are types of speech according to purpose except ________
a. informative speech b. impromptu speech c. entertainment speech

22. All are categorized under types of speech according to delivery except __________
a. extemporaneous b. impromptu c. persuasive

23. The primary goal of a/an ___ is to influence the thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors or attitudes of
the listeners.
a. informative speech b. persuasive speech c. expository speech

24. It is a type of speech that aims to make the audience relax, enjoy and even laugh.
a. expository speech b. entertainment speech c. informative speech

25. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the information or ideas conveyed by the
a. receiver b. channel c. message

26. Which model depicts communication as linear?

a. Transaction Model b. Inventive model c. Shannon-Weaver Model

27. Which function of communication is served when people’s feelings are being invoked?
a. information dissemination b. social interaction c. emotional expression

28. Which barrier is characterized by a set of vocabulary in a certain field?

a. international profession b. jargon c. emotional barrier

29. Which of the following statements shows positive regard to cultural differences?
a. I share relevant information about my culture, and make sure it is more than what others share about
b. I do not think that my own culture is better than others’.
c. I communicate for others to understand and appreciate my own culture.

30. Which of the following best defines intercultural communication?

a. It happens when individuals negotiate, interact, and create meanings while bringing in their varied
cultural backgrounds.
b. It is a competition among people set to make their cultures known.
c. It is an organized procedure where everyone speaks of his/her culture.

31. Which DMIS stage is shown in the statement, “People of different cultures are not really unique. They
are categorically the same.”
a. acceptance b. denial c. minimization

32. Which of the following cannot be considered a characteristic of a competent intercultural

a. inclusive b. idealistic c. open-minded
33. Which of the following statements best shows integration as a DMIS stage?
a. “I hear you and I want to see how I can benefit from what you said.”
b. “I can see nothing new in what we all presented.”
c. “I don’t think your suggestions will work. They don’t serve any of our interests here.”

34. In which speech style are jargon, lingo, and street slang usually used?
a. Intimate b. formal c. casual

35. An indirect speech act occurs when _______________

a. there is no direct connection between the form of the utterance and the intended meaning
b. there is a direct connection between the form of the utterance and the intended meaning
c. there is no direct connection between the intention and the intended meaning

36. Which of the following statements show a commissive speech act?

a. “I want to eat some cake.”
b. “She went out!”
c. “I’ll be here tomorrow at 6pm.”

37. Which of the following is NOT a speech context?

a. intrapersonal communication b. dyad communication c. long distance communication

38. Restriction in communication refers to any__________ you may have as a speaker.

a. limitation b. ideas c. noises

39. Which of the following is an example of a frozen speech style?

a. Panatang Makabayan b. the president’s SONA c. a commencement speech

40. Which statement reflects termination?

a. “Well then, I think we’re good. See you!”
b. “I didn’t know about that.”
c. “So, have you heard about the forest fire in Davao?”

41. An intrapersonal communication involves_____________

a. one speaker b. two speakers c. a small group

42. It is anything that impedes or gets in the way of accurately sending, receiving and interpreting the
message, whether it be internal or external.
a. speaker b. medium c. interference

43. It refers to the source of the message that is encoded into symbols that are verbal and/or nonverbal.
a. feedback b. sender c. channel

44. It is the receiver’s response, verbally or nonverbally.

a. message b. noise c. feedback

45. It is the mode, method, or means of sending or expressing the message which may perhaps be through
any of the five senses.
a. medium b. channel c. message

46. It is the form in which the speaker conveys the message which may be speech, conversation, letter, book
and the like through a channel.
a. medium b. channel c. message

47. You ask your sister to put on her mask every time she goes out and she nods in reply. Which model of
communication is presented here?
a. interactive b. transactional c. conversational

48. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore. Arnold
cannot hear his father’s voice. Which affects the flow of the communication process?
a. boat b. wind c. father

49. Myra submitted report to her teacher online because of the enhanced community quarantine. Which
element is missing in the process?
a. channel b. receiver c. encoding

50. Which is not a purpose of communication?

a. It connects the gaps among persons involved.
b. It offers solution to community problems.
c. It paves way to conflict.

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