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DLL MIL COT - DLL in Media and Information Literacy, this is

a detailed lesson log for DepEd
Media and Information Literacy (University of the Assumption)

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Teaching Dates and June 6 - 10, 2022 (Time Varies) Quarter FOUR (4)


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures
must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content
knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning
of content and competencies and enable children to 昀椀nd signi昀椀cance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be
derived from the curriculum guides.

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts.
B. Performance The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a media and information
Standard literate individual.
C. Learning The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
Competency /  Realizes opportuni琀椀es  Realizes opportuni琀椀es  Realizes opportuni琀椀es  Realizes opportuni琀椀es
Objectives (Write and challenges in media and challenges in media and challenges in media and challenges in media
the LC code for each) and informa琀椀on and informa琀椀on and informa琀椀on and informa琀椀on
(MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-24 (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-24 (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-24 (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-24
 Researches and cites  Researches and cites  Researches and cites  Researches and cites
recent examples of the recent examples of the recent examples of the recent examples of the
power of media and power of media and power of media and power of media and
informa琀椀on to a昀昀ect informa琀椀on to a昀昀ect informa琀椀on to a昀昀ect informa琀椀on to a昀昀ect
change. change. change. change.
(MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-25) (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-25) (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-25) (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh-25)
III. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content
can be tackled in a week or two.
Opportuni琀椀es, Challenges, Opportuni琀椀es, Challenges, Opportuni琀椀es, Challenges, Opportuni琀椀es, Challenges,
and Power of Media and and Power of Media and and Power of Media and and Power of Media and
Informa琀椀on a. Economic, Informa琀椀on a. Economic, Informa琀椀on a. Economic, Informa琀椀on a. Economic,
Educa琀椀onal, Social, and Educa琀椀onal, Social, and Educa琀椀onal, Social, and Educa琀椀onal, Social, and
Poli琀椀cal b. Threats, Risks, Poli琀椀cal b. Threats, Risks, Poli琀椀cal b. Threats, Risks, Poli琀椀cal b. Threats, Risks,
Abuse, and Misuse Abuse, and Misuse Abuse, and Misuse Abuse, and Misuse
A. References

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1. Teacher’s Guide None None None None

2. Learner’s Materials None None None None
3. Textbook pages None None None None
4. Additional Materials Mr. Arniel Ping Mr. Arniel Ping Mr. Arniel Ping Mr. Arniel Ping
from Learning St. Stephen’s High St. Stephen’s High St. Stephen’s High St. Stephen’s High
Resource (LR)portal School School School School
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines
B. Other Learning Resource Media and Informa琀椀on Literacy by Mark N. Abdiano Ph. D pp. 75-89
VI. PROCEDURE These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the ac琀椀vi琀椀es appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstra琀椀on of learning
by the students which you can infer from forma琀椀ve assessment ac琀椀vi琀椀es. Sustain learning systema琀椀cally by providing students with mul琀椀ple ways to learn new
things, prac琀椀ce their learning, ques琀椀on their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in rela琀椀on to their life experiences and previous
knowledge. Indicate the 琀椀me allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the
lesson or presenting the concepts discussed on the concepts discussed on the concepts discussed on the concepts discussed on the
new lesson last mee琀椀ng using last mee琀椀ng using last mee琀椀ng using last mee琀椀ng using
collabora琀椀ve mo琀椀va琀椀onal collabora琀椀ve mo琀椀va琀椀onal collabora琀椀ve mo琀椀va琀椀onal collabora琀椀ve mo琀椀va琀椀onal
ac琀椀vity on the board. ac琀椀vity on the board. ac琀椀vity on the board. ac琀椀vity on the board.
B. Establishing purpose for The teacher presents the The teacher presents the The teacher presents the The teacher presents the
the lesson objec琀椀ves of the day objec琀椀ves of the day objec琀椀ves of the day objec琀椀ves of the day
C. Presenting  Ask the learners:  Ask the learners:  Ask the learners:  Ask the learners:
examples/Instances of  What is media?  What is media?  What is media?  What is media?
the new lesson  What are the types of  What are the types of  What are the types of  What are the types of
media? media? media? media?
 How media a昀昀ects  How media a昀昀ects  How media a昀昀ects  How media a昀昀ects
your daily living? your daily living? your daily living? your daily living?
 How is media today?  How is media today?  How is media today?  How is media today?
Have them explain. Have them explain. Have them explain. Have them explain.
D. Discussing new concepts Further discussion will be Further discussion will be Further discussion will be Further discussion will be
and practicing new skills done about the MIL done about the MIL done about the MIL done about the MIL
#1 opportuni琀椀es and challenges opportuni琀椀es and challenges opportuni琀椀es and challenges opportuni琀椀es and challenges
that we are facing today. that we are facing today. that we are facing today. that we are facing today.

E. Discussing new concepts Further discussion will be Further discussion will be Further discussion will be Further discussion will be
and practicing new skills done about the four done about the four done about the four done about the four
#2 dimensions of opportuni琀椀es dimensions of opportuni琀椀es dimensions of opportuni琀椀es dimensions of opportuni琀椀es
and challenges; Economic, and challenges; Economic, and challenges; Economic, and challenges; Economic,
Educa琀椀onal, Social, & Poli琀椀cal Educa琀椀onal, Social, & Poli琀椀cal Educa琀椀onal, Social, & Poli琀椀cal Educa琀椀onal, Social, & Poli琀椀cal

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Domains. Domains. Domains. Domains.

F. Developing mastery The teacher asks ques琀椀ons The teacher asks ques琀椀ons The teacher asks ques琀椀ons The teacher asks ques琀椀ons
(leads to Formative for discussion. for discussion. for discussion. for discussion.
G. Finding practical The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
application of concepts students their experiences on students their experiences on students their experiences on students their experiences on
and skills in daily living the four dimensions given. the four dimensions given. the four dimensions given. the four dimensions given.
H. Making generalizations Call up to learners to analyze Call up to learners to analyze Call up to learners to analyze Call up to learners to analyze
and abstractions about the given cartoon about the the given cartoon about the the given cartoon about the the given cartoon about the
the lesson topic. topic. topic. topic.
I. Evaluating learning Have learners divided into Have learners divided into Have learners divided into Have learners divided into
groups and construct an groups and construct an groups and construct an groups and construct an
infographic about the infographic about the infographic about the infographic about the
challenges and opportuni琀椀es challenges and opportuni琀椀es challenges and opportuni琀椀es challenges and opportuni琀椀es
in Media and Informa琀椀on. in Media and Informa琀椀on. in Media and Informa琀椀on. in Media and Informa琀椀on.
J. Additional activities for The students will be asked to The students will be asked to The students will be asked to The students will be asked to
application or plan how to present the plan how to present the plan how to present the plan how to present the
remediation following topic in 21st century following topic in 21st century following topic in 21st century following topic in 21st century
way. way. way. way.
a. What are some concrete b. What are some concrete c. What are some concrete e. What are some concrete
examples of your experiences examples of your experiences examples of your experiences examples of your experiences
in the eCommerce today? in the eCommerce today? in the eCommerce today? in the eCommerce today?
How economic, poli琀椀cal, How economic, poli琀椀cal, d. How economic, poli琀椀cal, How economic, poli琀椀cal,
educa琀椀onal, and social educa琀椀onal, and social educa琀椀onal, and social educa琀椀onal, and social
aspects a昀昀ect MIL in your life aspects a昀昀ect MIL in your life aspects a昀昀ect MIL in your life aspects a昀昀ect MIL in your life
as a student? as a student? as a student? as a student?

VIII. REFLECTION Re昀氀ect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation

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who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What di昀케culties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Submitted to:

SHS Teacher II Master Teacher I Principal IV

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