Ethnic Minorities in Construction Pride But Prejudice

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NEWS ETHNIC MINORITIES IN CONSTRUCTION: PRIDE BUT PREJUDICE WHY ARE PEOPLE FROM ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS UNDER- REPRESENTED IN CONSTRUCTION? AHEAD OF THIS MONTH'S INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, (OM HEARS FROM ETHNIG MINORITY PROFESSIONALS ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES IN THE INDUSTRY ~ AND THE BARRIERS THEY FACE ‘ NEWS “Not being seen as conventional within the industry proves difficult as you ‘constantly feel like you have ‘to prove yourself” ‘Ajai Pindoia, Avi Contracts UK construction is nowhere near Inclusive enough when it comes to people fromblack, Asian and minority ethnic (RAME) backgrounds. ‘Since the Equality Actof2010,racial discrimination andthe barriers facing, eoplefrometbnic minority backgrounds inthe workplace have come out into the ‘open-but oficial figures indicate more work still needs tobe done in the built environment sector (see chart below. CConstroctionisnotonlyunrepresentative ofthe UKatlargeitisalsomissingouton ‘many talented peoplestatimewhenthe industry has a chronic skills shortage. ‘So why are so few people from cthnle minority backgrounds working ‘nconstruction? Sadly, several people ‘who Cf spoke to reported that they had either suffered racial prejudice in the past orarestil doing so. “Thaveworked for anumberof work- Teading organisations where Ihave encountered racial prejudice directly fromwhite managers devised tobreak sme,” says one industry professional froma BAME background, who was, reluctant to disclose full details. Dean Jones, director, strategic projeets at Cranfield University, says: “There sa covert form of exclusion which comes in many forms and sometimes from the least likely suspected individuals, which is particularly what Ihave found - being, ignored, not being invited to events, Deing closely monitored ~and theres ‘not much youcandoexcept dothe best youcanandhope youget acknowledged andappreciatedforit atthe end.” Anjali Pindoria, project surveyor at Avi Contracts and a public speaker on diversity, dds: “Ihave had some awkward encounters on site with certain questions asked which, within ‘mycultureandtradition, wouldbeabig taboo to talk about onan open forum, ‘automatically putting me ina place of discomfort. It's the norm to may but ‘when you are the minority itis hard tocallitout without being seenas the problem-maker” She adds: “Not being seen as conventional within the industry proves difficult as you constantly fel likeyou have toprove ourself and this isageneral consensus among afew of zy frends from BAMEbackgrounds.” Bothagree that ompaniesareslowly ‘waking upto the issue but warn that efforts to boost inclusion of ethnic ‘minorities in construction need to extend beyond box ticking or policies ‘that aren't backed by real action. ‘We need to provide leadership to improve the situation," argues > Ethnic minorities in construction vs UK population conarcton managers a Populi ‘ccaring esearch fom Businss inthe Community. 3.4% ofa constuction ‘anager nth Uk sr rom eto miotion. In corre, bactd on the est Psont ‘era da, 1 of he population comes om ethne minor groups. Anjali Pindoria Project surveyor at Avi Contracts There's ck of anareness ‘ibcontrctore mate wp trent: Do you thnk that orton afebeinausey ‘tucated ereugh= industry fly cso, many because theyve 2 workforce. When Youlook the Industry asa whole asap ached erty tin tends wi eer Detreated an a dughte, because they see me a 2 young gor het wie wth Simeredrect approach ot feline howto do things. ‘ct blame tis on he ‘ointeact wth people you ‘Theres nathing a that evel tocducate people bout "ouhavesll hese companies jumping onthe ‘ndeagon a vera and {hoe procedures tek the twee ut to dete hve only Seen one major contactor stat Hating out relgious Mace = becaune they have 2 BAN ed net group who bre msing wie he Sirectors that we shod be making religious evoes, Aleciination concerned, Teo think that my goneration won't accept it~ But who owe goto without aning Foranaely.there ae now mare latte where sucating prope and ling peopl tobe mere metuive owords BAMEs, in xdor 0 Start change mindsets. efor whe my role mode aro =the remy dae Gham Navn andy ule are. Ihave seen them graft fom bring eaparterst etre and youcan see bow thay ve pushed agit very tater ‘hatte ve ad ving amore derse sreupof people bulllng mean youse ely ging to ove aber end presuct thik at key NEWS P| “Whether on site or off site, construction should have conducive working environments for people ‘from all background: ‘Charles Egbu,C1OB professor Charles Egbu, president of ‘the Chartered Institute of Building, (C108) and pro-vice chancellor atthe University of East London (UEL)."We canJearnfromthase BAMEs who have done well in our industry. We want people from BAME backgrounds to think ‘T have a sense of belonging in thissector andi want to contribute.” Egbu also calls on construction managers to take responsibility to make sure equality is the norm in ther teams. "Iathesamevoin, human resources departments ofconstruction companies have an important role toplay in their clusivity practices {or staf recruitment, selection and retention,” heads. ‘Andheaskswhytheretendtobemore ethnic minorities in consulting than ‘contracting, and what contractorscan learn from consultants. "Yes, site level culturecanbe abrasive which can bean issuefor BAMEs That alsoisthecasefor ‘women. But whether onsiteor offsite, construction should have conducive ‘working environments for people fromall backgrounds. The CIOB is well placed to show leadership on thisas > Dean Jones Director, strategic projects at Cranfield University companies are incisive enough, though belove the industry thas woken up ti alse question whether therein facta eal appetite {orchange- Most ofthe ‘igalcations nave worked {ornave provid taining vis ‘tin taining portale a prt of ructred induction proces, but have ony ever attended ‘ne classroom awareness Iraning session about what Denaveurieumaceaplabe, Including hoping sa ‘ecognse cultural ferences, ‘ech matings. Theo stories fom my parents land grandparent’ time ane {ometiesIthine wnt changed? Dees seers tbe more ctanuzmord and ace boe| ‘harlem lot ot organisations “onsiniction workforces inthe UK {emere cutwaly alverce than ‘var before But he egriiant thee axgareations Painiy obvious Tam proud ay rleat Crate University Fm aso ‘encouraged tat the univrety “aluoe avery and recognises ‘the mew perspectives that this can ring to our working learning and teaching firmer. My goal tobe aoe mode nd help give BAME employees antigen bring thew te elves to more celebrate what Takes thom ferent ane Sctvely encourage BAMES! ‘tices tolnform change at “very ea key aver of My own ole modelie ary Plre-Harvey.the Us University. Mary and both Previously wotkedat the Palace ‘ot Westminater from 2018 to 2019 a senior managers Sha shared many ofthe rae ‘rpereneet. When heard that Mary landed the heed of eta — et exiedoytl and prov al ‘ole nto one. was aed Tanded ee. Angelene Clarke Architectural consultant, Bearded Ladies being made intarger companies tobe Coward people beckgrounds, titi ransts os token thot real ppertuny nluion {nd career regression, Proce Is cuate and acrest: reotve ideas being uses without Inwoving the person who care up th thee ming ste c056 hdoeng agra maienom See, “Thi alin career propresion and bree: crear nd reste nogatve verking envionment Outo-dete HR practices pocerses can reintore the probes ‘Untertunataly there te ony 6 tiny hand of top leaders trom minor etl backgrounds Serose most nts even Tote in construction ~but 30 respect Albert Willemsen Tayo, sngineering constant AKT ‘woud ike owe me erable canverations on divert nd Inchsion a circtoal vel and

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