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YEAR: 2022


Actividad 1. Selecciona 10 carreras profesionales y

escribe la siguiente información En cada una de ellas:
¿En qué consiste la carrera? ¿Cuáles son sus áreas de
Desempeño profesional? ¿Cuántos años dura la carrera?

(15 %).

Industrial Engineering deals with the optimization of the use of human,

technical and information resources, and the optimal management and
management of the transformation systems of goods and services of a company
or company. And, with the aim of obtaining high quality products and services,
it becomes responsible for optimizing personnel, equipment, materials and
processes. "Their focus is on productivity. The industrial engineer is analyzing
how to reduce time, costs, materials and simplify the assembly of a part, among
other things," explains Dr. Iván Echeverría, Dean of the Faculty of Science,
Technology and Industry (FACTI), of the Galileo University.
Industrial engineering is a strategic profession in the progress of societies and a
strong link in the development of countries. This engineering serves areas of
production, administration, quality management and others that are related to
the industry. The income of the countries is based on the capacity they have to
transform raw materials into final products, since the level of transformation is
based on the added value of the products. This career aims to train professionals
who manage the industrial sector according to the International Standard
Industrial Classification, ISIC.
According to the popular cliché, in the oldest surviving treatise on the subject, De Architectura, by
Vitruvius, in the first century BC. C., it is said that architecture rests on three principles: Beauty
(Venustas), Firmness (Firmitas) and Utility (Utilitas). Architecture can be defined, then, as a balance
between these three elements, without surpassing any of the others. It would not make sense to try to
understand a work of architecture without accepting these three aspects.
However, it is enough to read the treatise to realize that Vitruvius required these characteristics for
some very particular public buildings. In fact, when Vitruvius dares to attempt an analysis of the art
on which he writes, he proposes to understand architecture as composed of four elements:
architectural order (relationship of each part with its use), disposition ("the species of disposition [...]
are the layout in plan, in elevation and in perspective"), proportion ('uniform concordance between
the whole work and its members') and distribution (in Greek , oikonomy, consists 'in the proper and
best possible use of materials and land, and in ensuring the lowest cost of the work achieved in a
rational and weighted way'). His doubts about it are quite intense, because four pages later he divides
the architecture into three parts: construction, gnomics and mechanics. As interesting and suggestive
as it may be, it should not be
forgotten that this treaty is the
only treaty c..
. The history of the various
versions of the Vitruvian treatise
sums up well the conflict when
defining architecture. In 1674
Claude Perrault, a physiologist
specializing in dissection of
corpses and a good draftsman,
published his summary
translation of the treatise of
Vitruvius, which was completely
reorganized. Perrault's summary
is the means by which Vitruvius
became known and which since then influenced the treatises and theories of the following centuries.
In that summary in which the Vitruvian triad will see the light.

Gastronomy is much more than a matter related to good food. If you were already interested in
studying gastronomy and you thought that this degree only teaches you how to prepare food dishes,
here we will tell you in greater depth what this discipline is really about. Continue reading and know
what the Bachelor's Degree in Gastronomy is, learn about the areas of knowledge involved and about
the work field in which you can develop if your passion is inclined towards this discipline. Regarding
the possibilities of work, the field of gastronomy is vast:
Hotel chains - which in
Merida have a great
development - as well
as the restaurant
industry. Responsible
for operation, services
and administration.
consultant, in the field
of development and
evaluation of food
products, as well as in
industrial and executive
canteens. Other quite
attractive spaces are shipping companies, airlines, banqueters or entertainment and entertainment
If you choose a good institution to study your degree in gastronomy, you will notice that it aims to
train integral professionals. The subjects of Gastronomy have a common trunk with the business area.
Thus, a serious institution will not only allow you to prepare high-level dishes, but will also offer you
to train as a successful entrepreneur. So now you know, if your interest is inclined to food,
ecosystems and the art of cooking and you also have talent or want to learn the tools of how to run a
successful business, the Bachelor of Gastronomy may be your future option. Studying gastronomy in
Mérida is possible. Be a successful chef too.

Is a qualified
professional who has
received a formal
university training in
Psychology (Bachelor
of Psychology).
Psychology is the science that studies human behavior, understanding within this concept
issues related to learning, thought processes, emotions, behaviors, both in their normal
development and in the different disorders or problems of thought, emotions and behavior.
That is, Scientific Psychology has explanatory models of normal behavior and disorders and
appropriate techniques for evaluation, criteria for diagnosis and establishment of problem
behaviors and treatment objectives, as well as effective techniques for intervention in
different problems.
The cognitive-behavioral psychologist is also an educator and a coach of coping skills, with
which it is intended, not only to solve current disorders and problems, but to train the person
for the prevention of relapses, so that learning is maintained over time.

He psychologist listens attentively to the client and works with him, session by session.
However, the psychologist is not a mere "confessor"; the treatment implies an active attitude
on the part of the client, performing between sessions the tasks for home that the
psychologist is proposing. On this depends, to a large extent, the favorable evolution of the
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and, in the case of marketing—which
relies on graphic design—this has become more true than ever. Nowadays, companies take
more and more care of aesthetics in their communications, so they need to have the services
of graphic design specialists. But do you know what graphic design is and what makes it so
Graphic design is a discipline that is responsible for combining text and images in order to
convey a visual message. It is used, above all, in marketing and corporate communication: in
the design of web pages, in the packaging of a product, the design of a commercial signage,
etc. In fact, a recent Study by Hubspot says that 49% of marketers believe that the visual
aspect is fundamental to any business marketing strategy.
Also, in the case of consumers, it has been shown that, if users receive some information
through visual content, they retain approximately 65% of this information after three days.
Conversely, if the content is not visual, the consumer barely remembers 10%.
The design of visual formats to convey messages is a practice that has been associated with
the world of advertising for decades. However, with the advent of the internet, it has
developed to a large extent and has reached new heights of creativity. Hence, at present,
specialists no longer only use an image, but rely on audiovisual media to achieve greater
effectiveness. Visual communication has ceased to be static to become something very
dynamic. This has made graphic design a much broader and increasingly important discipline
for companies.

The functions of an
Mechanic are
mainly integrated
by all those

activities related to the technical review, diagnosis, preventive maintenance, disassembly,

replacement of components, repair and assembly of motor vehicles.
To carry out the functions of an Automotive Mechanic it is required to have a body of
technical knowledge about the structure, components and operation of the engines that make
the vehicles that are available in the market or those that make up the automotive fleet of the
locality where this professional works.
The preventive maintenance of the vehicles is carried out periodically in order to preserve the
engine parts and guarantee their performance and reliability, in this sense the functions of an
Automotive Mechanic includes:
Perform the diagnosis of the state of the vehicle using specialized equipment. Check the
vehicle's battery and electrical system. Check and replace oil and filters regularly. Inspect
the level of fluids and adjust them whenever necessary. Examine the condition and air
pressure of the tires. Clean and lubricate engine components. Check and adjust the brakes.
Check if any nuts or screws are missing and adjust them if necessary.
The term dentist derives from the Greek odont(o) which in English means tooth. Dentist
comes from the Latin dents, dentis, which in Spanish means tooth. The dentist or dentist can
be defined as a doctor of the oral cavity or stomatognathic apparatus. The stomatognathic
apparatus consists of the lips, tongue, teeth, periodontium, palate, oral mucosa, floor of the
mouth, salivary glands, tonsils and oropharynx. The term stomatology derives from the
Greek στόμα (stoma), which in English means mouth or oral cavity is generally used as a
synonym for dentistry.
The field of action of the dentist or stomatologist does not only cover the study and treatment
of the teeth, as it also includes the entire oral cavity, as well as the jaws, muscles, skin,
vessels and nerves that give conformation to this cavity and that are connected with the
whole organism. Dentistry is related to several medical specialties such as maxillofacial
surgery, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, neurology and pediatrics. Not all diseases of the
mouth are treated by the dentist, malignant lesions (cancer) enter the field of oral pathology,
maxillofacial surgery and oncology. Lesions of the oropharynx and tonsils are also not
treated by the dentist, but by the otolaryngologist, paralysis of the muscles that move the oral
structures are treated by the neurologist, lip diseases are usually treated and valued by the
dermatologist, etc.
Civil engineers have an academic degree in civil engineering. The study time is between four
and five years for the bachelor's degree in engineering (bachelor of engineering in the Anglo-
Saxon countries), which is necessary to be able to subsequently pursue postgraduate studies
(master's degrees in engineering and doctor in engineering).
In most countries, the university degree represents the first step to professional certification
and the degree program itself is certified by a professional college. After completing a
certified degree program the engineer must satisfy a number of requirements (including work
experience and an exam) before being certified. Once certified, the engineer is designated
with the title of professional engineer (in the United States, Canada and South Africa), or
chartered engineer (in most Commonwealth countries), chartered professional engineer (in
Australia and New Zealand) or European engineer (for some countries of the European
Union). There are international agreements between engineering associations that allow
engineers from other countries to practice outside their borders. In Spain, anyone who
completes the degree can practice and enroll, without any other additional requirements such
as experience or exam.
Agronomy or agronomic engineering is a science composed of a set of knowledge articulated
around the practice of agriculture. It seeks to improve through technology the various
processes of agricultural and food production. To this end, it includes the set of physical,
chemical, biological, economic and social factors that govern agriculture.
Agronomy includes agricultural production as the framework of an agro-ecosystem, that is, a
specific form of human
intervention in the natural
processes of germination,
growth and plant
reproduction, in order to
obtain food and raw
This agroecosystem involves
physical factors, such as soil,
climate or wáter availability,
but also biological, such as
the presence of pests,
competition between
cultivated species, among
others. It is the task of
agronomy to understand
these factors and dispose of them for agricultural improvement.
In addition, since agriculture and livestock are not formal sciences, but applied, agronomy is
the opportunity to systematize and organize this knowledge and knowledge from a scientific,
academic, verifiable perspective.
The Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures trains highly trained
professionals for the exercise of communication and knowledge of different
foreign languages, through the study of the linguistics, history, geography and
culture of the peoples speaking the languages chosen for their study,
considering the communication needs in a globalized world, in the fields of
education, culture and the business sector.
The Graduate of this career has the methodological tools to acquire knowledge
and skills necessary for the management of language and culture in multiple
areas of management (educational, public relations, cultural relations);

Which will allow you to work in public or private sectors that require the
management of foreign languages and practice in the educational space in the
public and private spheres.
Actividad 2. Elabora tu hoja de vida en ingles utilizando la siguiente información: Full,
name, Address, Age, Cellphone number, Marital Status, ID, number, Studies, Work
Experience and other important information (15%)

Mauricio Emanuel Avalos López

Personal data
Nationality: Salvadoran
Marital status: Single
Date and place of birth: 28/06/2005 la libertad, jayaque
Age: 16 years
Phone: 6039 - 1484
No. FROM DUI: Not applicable
No. From NIE: Does not apply
Address: colonia llano verde #1 lote 29 la libertad, jayaque
Studies Carried out Basic study (1st and 9th) Herbert de Sola School Center
2011 – 2020
Basic studies: bachillerato general Complejo educativo San Antonio de Padua
2021 – 2022
Other Studies English Study (basic level) Platzi MINEDUCYT February, 2022
– May, 2022 (2 modules)
Work experience: Assistant in store (Family business) January 2019 – 2022
Other experience: I do not apply
Work references: Sonia Beatriz López de avalos (7585-0747) Milena Fabiola
Abrego ramos (7169-5351)
Actividad 3. Elabora 10 preguntas en ingles que son esenciales en una
entrevista de trabajo y escríbele a cada una de ellas sus respectivas respuestas
en inglés (5 %).
Why did you quit your previous job? I left it because they did not offer me a
good salary and did not cover the expenses that I needed and I did not feel
What motivates you? My biggest motivation is to move forward with this work
that they offer me and be better at what I do every day, and keep moving
What aspects of this work do you not find attractive? Well, for me none
because I liked everything it has and everything they offer, for me there is
nothing that does not seem to me.
What salary do you expect? I expect a salary that is exact with my expenses
and everything I need I have just as it is for my work and my effort.
What are their weaknesses? My weaknesses are the fear of not being what I
sometimes say I am, for example as when I am emotionally unwell.
Why should we hire him? Because I would be a good change for your company
and I would contribute a lot in the advancement of this company and everything
that is given.
Why do you want to work here? Because it is a place highly recommended by.
¿What things make you feel satisfied with your work? That I can do it in any
way, and without any problem.
Who forged who you are today? I myself for, work for myself and everything I
do is for me.
Where do you see yourself five years from now? I see myself first working with
you, and with many more experience.

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