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Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

Cenita Cariaga v. People

CHAPTER 1. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS Petitioner’s former counsel erroneously appealed her conviction to the
CA instead of Sandiganbayan. Petitioner pleaded that the rules be
relaxed and CA to forward the records of the case to Sandiganbayan.

BASIC CONCEPTS  Sec 2 Rule 50 mandated the dismissal of the case. (Sec 2 Rule
50 – An appeal erroneously taken to the CA shall not be
transferred to the appropriate court but shall be dismissed
SC granted the prayer – since the appeal involved a criminal case and
the possibility of a person being deprived of liberty due a procedural
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE lapse is great, relaxation of the Rules was warranted. The rules of
The process by which the criminal laws are enforced and by which the procedures are tools to facilitate the attainment of justice. Hence, a strict
State prosecutes persons who violate the penal laws. application thereof tending to frustrate justice must be avoided.

 Criminal laws – define crimes and prescribe punishment

 Criminal procedure – lays down the processes by which an DUE PROCESS, MANDATORY
offender is made to answer for the violation of criminal laws.

Criminal pro as a network of laws DUE PROCESS

Network of laws and rules which governs the procedural administration Due process in criminal proceedings is mandatory and indispensable.
of justice. It starts with the initial contact of the alleged lawbreaker to “Law which hears before it condemns and proceeds upon inquiry, and
the investigation of the crime and concludes with the judgment of either renders judgment only after trial.
conviction or acquittal.
Role of criminal procedure in balancing societal interests 1. The court trying the case is property clothed with judicial
Criminal procedure has the imposing task of harmonizing governmental power to hear and determine the matter
functions of maintaining and promoting law and order while protecting 2. Jurisdiction is lawfully acquired by it over the person of the
the constitutional rights of its citizens. accused
3. Accused is given the opportunity to be heard
4. Judgment is rendered upon lawful hearing

Our system of procedure is adversarial or accusatorial – two contending
parties (prosecution and defense) before the court which hears them What is criminal jurisdiction?
impartially and renders judgment only after trial. The authority to hear and try a particular offense and impose the
punishment for it.
 Accusation starts with a formal indictment (complaint or
information), the government to prove the allegations beyond REQUISITES FOR THE EXERCISE OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION
reasonable doubt The following are the basic requisites before a court can acquire
 Presentation of evidence by both parties jurisdiction over criminal cases.
 The court decides – acquittal or conviction (shall not consider 1. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
evidence which has not been formally offered) 2. Jurisdiction over the territory
 Court has a passive role and relies largely on the evidence 3. Jurisdiction over the person of the accused
presented by both parties
Jurisdiction over the subject matter vs. over the accused
To be distinguished from the inquisitorial system  JD over the subject matter – authority of the court to hear and
The court plays a very active role and is not limited to the evidence determine a particular criminal case. Hence, the offense must be
presented before it – the judges actively participates in the gathering of one which the court is authorized to take cognizance of by law.
 JD over the accused – authority of the court over the person
Mixed system – a combination of adversarial and inquisitorial system. charged of the crime and not over the subject matter of the
criminal litigation. – accused must have been brought for trial by
warrant of arrest or upon voluntary submission.
Jurisdiction over the territory or venue in criminal cases

How are rules of criminal procedures construed? GENERAL RULE:

The rules on criminal procedure shall be liberally construed in order to For jurisdiction to be acquired, the offense must have been committed
promote their objective of securing a just, speedy and inexpensive within the court’s territorial jurisdiction – to be determined by the
disposition of every action and proceeding. (Sec 6 Rule 1 Rules of Court) allegations in the complaint or information.
 In favor of the accused and strictly against the state to even the Example: If crime is committed in Pasay, the proper court in that city
odds in favor of the accused against whom the entire machinery has jurisdiction; RTC of Manila has no authority to issue a search warrant
of the state is mobilized. for crimes committed in Cavite.


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

Purpose: So the defendant will not be compelled to move to or appear Use of imposable penalty
in a different court as it would cause him great inconvenience in looking The jurisdiction of the court is determined by the penalty which may be
for his witnesses and other evidence in another place. imposed upon the accused and NOT the actual penalty imposed after
the trial.
Effect if court has no jurisdiction: If crime was committed somewhere
else, the court should dismiss the action for want of jurisdiction. Principle of adherence of jurisdiction or continuing jurisdiction
EXCEPTIONS: The principle that once a court has acquired jurisdiction, that jurisdiction
1. Where offense was committed under the circumstances in continues until the final determination of the case.
Article 2 of the RPC –offense is cognizable before Philippine  It cannot be withdrawn or defeated by a subsequent valid
courts even if committed outside of Philippine territory. amendment of the information
 While on a Philippine ship or airship  Cannot be lost by a new law amending the rules of jurisdiction
 Crimes against national security and the law of nations
 Forging and counterfeiting of Philippine coins and Flores v. Sumaljag
currency notes The court did not lose jurisdiction over the case involving a public official
2. Where the Supreme Court orders a change of venue or place by the mere fact that the latter ceased to be in office during the
of trial to a void a miscarriage of justice, pursuant to its pendency of the case
constitutional powers.
3. Offense committed in a public or private vehicle in the course EXCEPTIONS
of its trip – action may be instituted in the court of any
territory where the vehicle passed during the trip, place of 1. When the statute expressly so provides
departure or arrival. 2. When construed to the effect that it is intended to operate
4. Offense committed on board a vessel in the course of its upon action pending before its enactment.
voyage – first port of entry or where it passed during voyage
5. Where the case is cognizable by the Sandiganbayan Dismissal on jurisdictional grounds
6. Where offense is written defamation – where offended party
held office if public officer, or place of residence if private 1. An objection based on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over
individual the subject matter may be raised or considered motu proprio
by the court at any stage of the proceedings or on appeal
CRIMINAL JURISDICTION OVER THE SUBJECT MATTER 2. A special appearance before the court to challenge the
The power to hear and determine cases of the general class to which jurisdiction of the court over the person is not tantamount to
the proceedings in question belongs. The power to deal with the general a waiver of object and is not a voluntary submission to the
subject involved in the action. Not limited only to a particular case but a jurisdiction of the court
class of cases.
Raising the issue of jurisdiction for the first time in the SC
 Jurisdiction – the power and authority to hear and determine General rule: It may be raised and even considered motu proprio by the
issues of facts and of law. court at any stage of the proceedings or on appeal.
 Criminal jurisdiction – authority to hear and try a particular
offense and impose the punishment for it. Exception: A party cannot invoke jurisdiction of the court to secure relief
against opponent and repudiate the same after failing to obtain such
How jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred relief. Rule on estoppel.
The law confers jurisdiction and not the rules. Conferment must clearly
appear from the statute, otherwise it will not be held to exist. It cannot CRIMINAL JURISDICTION OVER THE PERSON OF ACCUSED
be presumed. Acquired upon his arrest or apprehension, with or without a warrant, or
his voluntary submission to the jurisdiction of the accused.
 Jurisdiction cannot be fixed by the will of the parties
 Cannot be conferred by the accused upon the court, express When right to question jurisdiction is deemed waived:
waiver or otherwise 1. Posting of bail
 Not conferred by mere administrative policy of any trial court 2. Appearing and giving a bond
3. Active participation in the trial and presenting evidence for the
How determined defense
By the allegations in the complaint or information and not by the
evidence presented by the parties at the trial. Hence, the information General rule: Seeking affirmative relief is deemed to be a submission to
must be examined for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the the jurisdiction of the court.
facts set out therein and the punishment fall within the jurisdiction of
the court where the action is filed. Exceptions:

 In cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan – the nature of the 1. Making a special appearance in court to question the
offense and the position of the accused are conditions sine jurisdiction of the court over the person of the accused
qua non before the SB can take cognizance. 2. When accused files a motion to quash the warrant of arrest
 In complex crimes – jurisdiction is with the court having
jurisdiction to impose the maximum and most serious penalty Custody of the law vis-à-vis under the jurisdiction of the court
Custody of the law – custody over the body of the accused. Signifies
Statute applicable to a criminal action restraint, depriving a person of his own will and liberty.
The jurisdiction to try a criminal action is determined by the law in force
at the time of the institution of the action. 1. Under the custody of the law but not yet subject to the
- Not during the arraignment of the accused jurisdiction of the court over his person
- Not at the time of the commission of the offense
Example: Person arrested by virtue of a warrant who files a
motion to quash the warrant before arraignment


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

2. Under the jurisdiction of the court over his person but still not in CRIMINAL JURISDICTION OF COURTS
the custody of the law

Example: When the accused escapes custody after his trial has


General rule: The Court will not issue writs of prohibition or injunction
to enjoin or restrain criminal prosecution. EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL

Exceptions:  Exclusive original jurisdiction over all violation of city or

1. When necessary to afford adequate protection to the municipal ordinances committed within their respective
constitutional rights of the accused territorial jurisdiction.
2. When necessary for the orderly administration of justice or
avoid oppression or multiplicity of actions  Exclusive original jurisdiction over all offenses punishable with
3. When there is a prejudicial question imprisonment not exceeding 6 years, regardless of the
4. When the acts of the officer are without or in excess of amount of fine.
authority TN: The rule in disregarding the amount of the fine does not
5. Where the prosecution is under an invalid law apply when the offense is punishable by fine only
6. When double jeopardy is clearly apparent
7. Where the court has no jurisdiction of the offense Exceptions: Cases falling within the exclusive jurisdiction of
8. Where it is a case of persecution rather than prosecution the RTC and of the Sandiganbayan.
9. Where the charges are manifestly false and motivated by lust
or vengeance
1. Libel – RTC (Art 360 RPC)
10. Clearly no prima facie case against the accused and a motion
2. Bribery – Sandiganbayan (PD 1606)
to quash on that ground has been denied
 Where the only penalty is a fine – amount shall determine the
MANDAMUS TO COMPEL PROSECUTION jurisdiction of the court (MTC – not more than P4,000)

Mandamus – remedial measure for parties aggrieved which shall be  Exclusive jurisdiction over offenses involving damage to
issued when any tribunal or person unlawfully neglects the performance property through criminal negligence
of an act which the law enjoins as a duty.  Violations of the BP22
Public prosecutor  Special jurisdiction to decide on applications for bail in criminal
Afforded a wide latitude of discretion in the conduct of preliminary cases in the absence of all RTC judges in a province or city
 Election offenses (e.g. failure to vote, failure to vote)
 Writ of mandamus is not available to control or compel the
exercise of discretion. SUMMARY PROCEDURE
 It is truly a matter of discretion on the part of the prosecutor
to determine which persons appear responsible for the A. Violations of traffic laws, rental law and municipal and
commission of the crime. If he finds one to be liable, it is his city ordinances
duty to prosecute him for the same. B. All other criminal cases where penalty does not exceed
 However, if the evidence is sufficient and the prosecutor 6 months, or a fine not exceeding P1,000, or both,
refuses to file the information, he abuses his discretion. irrespective of other imposable penalties
C. Damage to property through criminal negligence
where the imposable fine does not exceed P10,000



 Exclusive criminal cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction

of any court, except those under the jurisdiction of
 Appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by the MTC
 Special jurisdiction to handle exclusively criminal cases as
designate by the Supreme Court
 Jurisdiction over criminal cases under special laws
A. Written defamation – Art 360 RPC
B. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act – RA 9165
C. Intellectual property rights – RA 8293)
D. The subdivision and condominium buyers'
protective decree – PD 957
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

d. Officers of the PNP while occupying the position of provincial

 Money laundering cases (except if committed by public director and those holding the rank of senior superintendent
officers and private persons in conspiracy with the former – or higher
e. City and provincial prosecutors and their assistants, and
Jurisdiction of the RTC sitting as a Family Court officials and prosecutors in the Office of the Ombudsman and
 Accused is below 18 years old special prosecutor
 One or more of the victims is a minor at the time of the f. Presidents, directors of trustees, or managers of government-
commission of the offense owned or controlled corporations, state universities or
 Cases against minors cognizable under the Dangerous Drugs educational institutions or foundations
Act, as amended.
 Cases of VAWC 2. Members of Congress and officials thereof classified as Grade 27

3. Members of the Judiciary without prejudice to the provisions of the


4. Chairmen and members of Constitutional Commissions (COMELEC,

RULES TO DETERMINE JURISDICTION OF SANDIGANDABAYAN COA, CSC) without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution
Determine if the offense charged is under Sec 4 (a) 5. All other national and local officials classified as Grade 27
and higher (In other words, even if the position is not among
 If yes, determine the position held by the public officer listed, so long as the salary grade is 27 or above, Sandiganbayan
 If exclusively listed under Sec 4 (a) – Sandiganbayan can have jurisdiction)
 If not, look at the salary grade:
 If 27 and above – Sandiganbayan Example: An RTC clerk even though not a member of the Judiciary
 If below 27 – MTC can still be under the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan if their
salary grade is 27 or higher.
 If no, determine if the offense was committed in relation to his office
 If yes, determine if public official is listed in Sec 4 (a)
 If yes – Sandiganbayan 1. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over final judgments,
 If no, determine salary grade: resolutions or orders of RTC
 If 27 and above – Sandiganbayan
 If below 27 – regular courts 2. Exclusive jurisdiction over petitions for the issuance of the
OFFENSES writs of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus,
Jurisdiction is set by PD 1606 as amended injunctions, in aid of its appellate jurisdiction.

Offenses under Sec 4 a 3. Quo warranto petitions arising in cases filed under Executive
 Violations of the Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices Act Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A. Provided, that the jurisdiction
 Violations of RA No. 1379 or the Anti-Forfeiture Act is not exclusive to the Supreme Court
 Bribery and Corruption of Public Officers
Other offenses of felonies committed by the public officials and The law mentions salary grade 27 only in relation to the following
employees mentioned in subsection “a”, in relation to his office. officials:
1. Officials of the executive branch, occupying the position of
Offenses under Sec 4 c regional director and higher
Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to and in connection with 2. Members of Congress or officials thereof
Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A issued in 1986. 3. All other national and local officers not enumerated in a-g

Take note: Sandiganbayan also exercises civil jurisdiction Take note: Officials listed in letters a-g are subject to the jurisdiction of
the Sandiganbayan, regardless of salary grade.
(Permanent or interim at the time of commission) OFFENSES COMMITTED IN RELATION TO THE OFFICE
A. The offense cannot exist without the office (e.g. direct
1. Officials of the executive branch occupying the position of regional bribery, malversation of public funds)
director and higher (should have a salary grade of 27 or higher) B. Even if the position is not an essential ingredient of the
offense charged, provided that the information avers the
Take note: Those listed from a-g need not have a SG of 27 or up intimate connection between the office and the offense

a. Provincials governors, vice-governors, members of the ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING CASES

provincial council, city treasurer, assessors, engineers, and The money-laundering cases committed by public officers and private
other city department heads persons who are in conspiracy with such public officers.
b. Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the position of FORFEITURE CASES
consul and higher A forfeiture case under RA 1379 arises out of a cause of action
separation and different from a plunder case.
c. Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, and all
officers of higher ranks Take note: Crime of plunder does not absorb forfeiture cases


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

 Plunder – what is sought to be established is the commission of habeas corpus, injunctions and ancillary writs in aid
the criminal acts in furtherance of the acquisition of ill-gotten of its appellate jurisdiction;
b. Petitions for quo warranto arising from Executive
 Forfeiture case – all that needs to be determined by Order #s 1, 2, 14 & 14 – A
preponderance of evidence is the disproportion of respondent’s
properties to his legitimate income, it being unnecessary to prove B. APPELLATE JURISDICTION
how he acquired such properties. I. BY APPEAL
A. From the Regional Trial Court:
POWERS, FUNCTIONS & DUTY OF OMBUDSMAN a. In all criminal cases involving offenses for which the
1. Investigate and prosecute any act or omission of any public officer penalty is reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment;
or employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears
to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient. b. Those involving other offenses which, although not
so punished, arose out of the same occurrence or
2. It has primary jurisdiction over cases cognizable by which may have been committed by the accused on
the Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of this primary the same occasion.
jurisdiction, it may take over, at any stage, from any investigatory
agency of Government, the investigation of such cases. (The II. Automatic Review in criminal cases where death
Ombudsman Act of 1989, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6770) penalty is imposed.


B. From the Sandiganbayan; and
C. C. From the Regional Trial Court where only an error
A. ORIGINAL or question of law is involved
A. Actions for annulment of judgments of the Regional PP vs. Mateo (2004)
Trial Court SC held that while the Fundamental Law requires a mandatory review
B. Crimes of Terrorism under Human Security Act of 2007 by the SC of cases where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua, life
imprisonment or death, nowhere however, has it proscribed an
II. CONCURRENT intermediate review. If only to ensure utmost circumspection before the
A. With the Supreme Court: penalty of reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment or death is imposed,
a. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus the Court now deems it wise and compelling to provide in these cases a
against the Regional Trial Court review by the CA before the case is elevated to the SC. A prior
determination by the CA on, particularly, the factual issues, would
B. With the Supreme Court & Regional Trial Court: minimize the possibility of an error of judgment. If the CA should affirm
a. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus the penalty of reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment or death, it could
against the Municipal Trial Court then render judgment imposing the corresponding penalty as the
circumstances so warrant, refrain from entering judgment and elevate
B. EXCLUSIVE APPELLATE the entire records of the case to the SC for final disposition.
A. From the RTC in cases commenced therein, except those
appealable directly to the Supreme Court or the JURISDICTION OF THE MILITARY COURTS


A. From the Regional Trial Court in cases appealed A military commission cannot take jurisdiction over civilians.
thereto from the lower courts and not appealable to the
Sandiganbayan. Exceptions:
1. No functioning civil courts
2. In times of war
Take note: Prior to 1987, decisions of military tribunals over civilians is
valid and binding. (Olaguer doctrine is prospective in application)
I. EXCLUSIVE Can the civilian question the military tribunal prior to 1987?
Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus Yes, on the ground of serious violation of his constitutional right.
against the Court of Appeals & the Sandiganbayan
What is the meaning of regular courts?
II. CONCURRENT They refer to civil courts, as opposed to military courts or court martial.
A. With the Court of Appeals:
a. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus JURISDICTION OVER AFP AND OTHER MILTARY PERSONNEL
against the Regional Trial Court
General rule: Regular courts have jurisdiction.
B. With the Court of Appeals & the Regional Trial Court
a. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus Exception: If before the arraignment, it was found out that the offense
against the Municipal Trial Court was service-connected – court martial has jurisdiction

C. With the Sandiganbayan: Exception to the exception: If the President of the Philippines would
a. Petitions for mandamus, prohibition certiorari, insist that it be tried in regular courts.


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

A Military coronel was charged in violation of Anti-Graft and 1. Motion to quash the complaint or information, except if the
Corrupt Practices Act. Which court has jurisdiction? ground is lack of jurisdiction over the case or failure to comply
Sandiganbayan. If service-connected, court martial. with the barangay conciliation proceedings
2. Motion for bill of particulars
3. Motion for new trial or for consideration of judgment or for
4. Petition for relief from judgment
5. Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, affidavits, etc.
The MTCs, MTCCs, MCTCs shall have jurisdiction over cases falling under 7. Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or prohibition against any
summary procedure committed within their jurisdiction: interlocutory order issued by the court
8. Motion to declare the defendant in default
A. Violations of traffic laws, rules and regulations 9. Dilatory motions for postponement
B. Violations of rental law and BP22 10. Reply
C. Violations of municipal and city ordinances 11. Third-party complaints
D. All other criminal cases where penalty does not exceed 6 12. Interventions
months, or a fine not exceeding P1,000, or both, irrespective
of other imposable penalties
E. Damage to property through criminal negligence where the WHEN DOES THE RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE COME
imposable fine does not exceed P10,000 INTO OPERATION?

How is a criminal case filed under summary procedure?

GR: Either by complaint or information. INITIAL CONTACT
XPN: In Metro Manila and other chartered cities – filing shall be by No matter how or against whom the offense is committed, the mere
information commission of a crime does not automatically trigger the application of
the rules of criminal procedure.
 Complaint or information shall be accompanied by the
affidavits of the complainant and his witness in such number When do the rules of criminal procedure come into operation?
of copies as there are accused, plus 2 copies for court’s files. When acts are initiated that would put the offender in contact with the
 Shall be complied within 5 days from the filing of the case. law – when the criminal act is brought to the attention of duly
(Sec. 11) constituted authorities.

What happens if the court finds no cause to hold the accused Examples:
for trial? 1. Offended part may file a written complaint before the
The court shall order the dismissal of the case. (Sec. 13) barangay
2. In certain cases, file a complaint directly with the MTC
What about if the court finds ground to hold the accused for 3. When law enforcers search a place and seize goods
trial? 4. When offender is arrested in flagrante delicto or by virtue of
The court shall set the case for arraignment and trial. (Sec. 13) a hot pursuit

Before conducting the trial, what should be done by the court? Are there violations of laws or ordinances which require
The court shall call the parties to a preliminary conference, during which compliance with the barangay conciliation proceedings?
the following may be done: Yes, as provided under the LGC. Compliance will set in motion the initial
A. Entering into a stipulation of facts contact of the parties with the criminal justice system.
B. Considering the propriety of allowing the accused to enter a
plea of guilty to a lesser offense Does the filing of an action with the barangay suspend the
C. Other matters to clarify the issues and to ensure a speedy running of the prescriptive period?
disposition of the case (Sec. 14) Yes, but only for 60 days.

Can the admission made by the accused during the preliminary Do all cases require barangay conciliation?
conference be used against him? No. When the penalty is at least 4 years, 2 months and 1 day, a
Yes, provided it is reduced to writing and signed by the accused and his barangay conciliation is not needed.
counsel. (Sec. 14)
Can the offended party go directly to court to file a criminal
Is an actual direct examination of the witnesses required action?
during trial? No. Before a complaint is filed in court, there should have been a
No, because the affidavits submitted shall constitute their direct confrontation between the parties before the Lupon chairman. The
testimonies. However, the witnesses may be subjected to a cross- Lupon secretary must certify that no conciliation or settlement was
examination, re-direct or re-cross. (Sec. 15) reached, attested to by the Lupon chairman. The complaint may also
be filed if the settlement is repudiated by the parties.
Is the court mandated to arrest the accused?
No, except where the ground is his failure to appear when required by Are there exceptions when the parties may go directly to court?
the court. (Sec. 16) 1. Where the accused is under detention
2. Where a person has otherwise been deprived of personal
When should the summary judgment be promulgated? liberty calling for habeas corpus proceedings
Not later than 30 days after the termination of the trial. (Sec. 17) 3. Where actions are coupled with provisional remedies
4. Where the action may be barred by the statute of limitations
What are the prohibited pleadings, motions and petitions in
summary procedure? When are amicable settlements not allowed?


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

1. Where one party is the government

2. Where one party is a public officer or employee and the CHAPTER II. PROSECUTION OF OFFENSES (RULE 110)
dispute relates to the performance of his official functions
3. Offenses punishable by imprisonment exceeding 1 year or a
fine exceeding P5,000
4. Where there is no private offended party INSTITUTION OF CRIMINAL ACTIONS
5. Where the dispute involves real properties located in different
cities or municipalities
6. Disputes involving parties who reside in different barangays,
cities, or municipalities CRIMINAL ACTIONS
7. Other cases which the President may determine in the interest
of justice or upon the recommendation of the Secretary of
To determine the penal liability of the accused and if he be found guilty,
to punish him for it.

Parties of the action:

People of the Philippines and the accused.
Take note: The offended party is merely a witness of the state.

Distinguish “institution” from “commencement” of an action.

For offenses which require a preliminary investigation, the criminal
action is instituted by filing the complaint for preliminary investigation.
The criminal action is commenced when the complaint or information is
filed in court.
It would depend whether or not the offense requires preliminary

 If preliminary investigation is required

File the complaint with the office of the prosecutor for the
purpose of conducting the requisite preliminary investigation

 If preliminary investigation is not required –

A. File the complaint or information directly with the MTC
B. File the complaint with the office of the prosecutor

In Regional Trial Courts and Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila and other
chartered cities

How are criminal actions in Manila and other chartered cities

A special rule applies in this case. No direct filing is allowed. Complaint
shall be filed with the office of the prosecutor, unless otherwise provided
in their charters.

Can there be direct filing of an information or complaint with

the RTC?
NO, because the jurisdiction of RTC covers offenses which require
preliminary investigation. (RTC’s jurisdiction – more than 6 years)

When is preliminary investigation required?

When the penalty is at least 4 years, 2 months and 1 day.

In case of conflict between a city charter and a provision of

the Rules, which shall prevail?
The charter should prevail, being a substantive law.


General rule: The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the
period of prescription of the offense.
Exception: Unless otherwise provided in special laws.

What is the effect of the institution of the criminal action on the

period of prescription of the offense?
The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the running of the
period of prescription of the offense unless otherwise provided in special


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

laws. The rule does not apply to violations of municipal ordinances and An administrative investigation made by an administrative body like
special laws. The prescriptive periods for violations of special laws are the SEC will toll the prescriptive investigation because they are
interrupted only by the institution of judicial proceedings for their equivalent to preliminary investigation.
investigation and punishment, while violations of municipal ordinances
prescribe after two months. Take note:
 In violations of municipal ordinances – only judicial proceedings
People v. Bautista can interrupt the prescriptive period (Zaldivia case)
The filing of the complaint with the fiscal’s office suspends the running
of the prescriptive period and it remains tolled from the time the  In violations of special laws – both administrative and judicial
complaint was filed until such time that respondent is either convicted proceedings interrupt the prescriptive period
or acquitted.

Francisco v. Court of Appeals

The filing of the complaint in the MTC, even if it be merely for purposes
of preliminary investigation or examination interrupts the period of
prescription, even if the court where the complaint or information was
filed cannot try the case on its merits.
Who must prosecute the criminal action?
General Rule: All criminal actions commenced by the filing of a
RA No. 3326
complaint or information shall be prosecuted under the direction and
Law which governs the period for prescription for violations penalized
control of the prosecutor.
by special acts and municipal ordinances.
Penalty/Crime Prescriptive period However, in the Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts,
if the prosecutor is not available, the offended party, any peace officer,
Only fine, imprisonment for not more or other officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated may
After 1 year
than 1 month, or both prosecute.
Imprisonment for more than 1 month
After 4 years This authority ceases upon actual intervention by a prosecutor or upon
but less than 2 years
Imprisonment for 2 years or more but elevation of the case to the RTC.
After 8 years
less than 6 years
Imprisonment for 6 years or more 12 years A criminal action is prosecuted under the direction and control of the
public prosecutor, even if there is a private prosecutor.
Treason 20 years
Offenses against any law administered Rationale: Since a criminal offense is an outrage against the sovereignty
After 5 years of the State hence a representative of the State shall direct and control
by the Bureau of Internal Revenue
the prosecution thereof.
Violations of municipal ordinances After 2 months
What are the powers and discretion of the public prosecutor?
1. Determine whether a prima facie case exists
Violations of municipal ordinances
2. Decide which of the conflicting testimonies should be believed
3. Determine which witnesses to present in court
Zaldivia v. Reyes
4. Determine what case to file and whom to prosecute
In cases involving violations of municipal ordinances, the period of
prescription shall be suspended only when judicial proceedings are
Can the public prosecutor turn over the actual prosecution of
the criminal case to the private prosecutor?
Yes, but he may at any time take over the actual conduct of the trial.
Jade Wei Parking Systems Corp case
In cases of violations of ordinances – file with the MTC within 2 months.
Pinote v. Ayco
Otherwise, crime will prescribe.
The presence of a public prosecutor in the trial of criminal case is
necessary to protect vital state interests. Hence, the act of allowing the
Violations of special laws
presentation of defense witnesses in the absence of the public
prosecutor is a clear transgression.
Sanrio Company Limited v. Lim
Prescriptive period for violation of special laws is interrupted by the
Can the Supreme Court order the prosecution against whom
institution of proceedings against respondent.
the prosecutor does not find sufficient evidence to support at
least a prima facie case?
People v. Pangilinan
No, except when there is an unmistakable showing of grave abuse of
There is no more distinction between cases of RPC and special law
discretion on the part of the prosecutor. But before filing for mandamus
with respect to the interruption of prescriptive period. Preliminary
to compel a fiscal to include another co-accused in the information, the
investigation interrupts the prescription.
party must first avail himself of other remedies such as the
filing of a motion for inclusion.
Sec v. Interport Resources Corporation
The filing of a complaint for purposes of preliminary investigation,
To whom should you appeal the decision of the prosecutor?
interrupts the period of prescription of criminal responsibility.
The decision of the prosecutor may be modified by the Secretary of
Justice or in special cases by the President of the Philippines. (See.
Discussion on Remedies under Rule 112, infra.)


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

Is the prosecutor required to be physically present in the trial Can the father file a complaint on behalf of his daughter for
of a criminal case? concubinage?
According to People v. Beriales (1976 case), he should be present. No. The rule allowing the parents, grandparents, and guardians to file
If he is not physically present, it cannot be said that the prosecution was a complaint on behalf of the minor applies only to the offenses of
under his direction and control. seduction, abduction, and acts of lasciviousness. A complaint for
adultery or concubinage may be filed only by the offended spouse.
But in People v. Malinao and Bravo v. CA, it was held that the
proceedings are valid even without the physical presence of the Fiscal If the offended party in abduction, seduction, and acts of
who left the prosecution to the private prosecutor under his supervision lasciviousness is of age, can her parents file the complaint for
and control. her?
No. If the offended party is already of age, she has the exclusive right
After the case is filed in court, to whom should a motion to to file the complaint unless she becomes incapacitated. The parents,
dismiss be addressed? grandparents, and guardian only have exclusive, successive authority to
Once the information is filed in court, the court acquires jurisdiction. file the case if the offended party is still a minor.
Whatever disposition the prosecutor may feel should be proper in the
case thereafter should be addressed for the consideration of the court, If the offended party dies during the pendency of the case, is
subject only to the limitation that the court should not impair the the criminal liability of the accused extinguished?
substantial rights of the accused or the right of the people to due No.
X filed a sworn complaint for acts of lasciviousness before the
Where should a motion for reinvestigation be filed? prosecutor. Before the prosecutor could file the case in court,
After a complaint or information has already been filed in court, a motion X died. Can the prosecutor still file the information in court?
for reinvestigation should be addressed to the trial judge and to him Yes. The desire of X to file the case is evident by her filing of her sworn
alone. (See. Discussion under Rule 112, infra.) complaint with the prosecutor.

How is criminal action prosecuted in the MTC? An information for robbery with rape was filed against X. X
Under the direction and control of the public prosecutor. However, when moved to dismiss the information on the ground that there was
he is not available, the action may be prosecuted by? no complaint filed by the offended party. Should the case be
A. Offended party No. In robbery with rape, the complaint of the offended party is not
B. Any peace officer necessary since the offense of robbery is not a private offense. The
C. Public officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated prosecution can be commenced without the complaint of the offended
How are violations of special laws prosecuted?
Pursuant to the provisions of said law.

What is a private crime?

Private offenses are those which cannot be prosecuted except upon INTERVENTION OF THE OFFENDED PARTY
complaint filed by the aggrieved party. Strictly speaking, there is no
such thing as a private offense since all offenses are an outrage against
the State. They are denominated as private offenses only to give What is Article 100 of the RPC?
deference to the offended party who may prefer not to file the case Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable.
instead of going through the scandal of a public trial.
What does civil liability include?
What are the crimes that must be prosecuted upon complaint 1. Restitution
of the offended party? 2. Reparation
1. Adultery and concubinage 3. Indemnification for damages
2. Seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
3. Defamation which consists in the imputation of an offense Can the offended party intervene in the prosecution of the
mentioned above criminal action?

After a complaint for a private crime has been filed in court, Yes, except if he has waived, has reserved his right, or has already
what is the effect of pardon by the offended party? instituted the criminal action. The reason for this rule is because of
The pardon by the offended party will not have any effect on the Article 100 of the RPC which provides that every person criminally liable
prosecution of the offense. Once a complaint has been filed in court, shall also be civilly liable and also because there are certain offenses
jurisdiction over the offense will be acquired and will continue to be which cannot be prosecuted except upon complaint of the offended
exercised by the court until termination of the case. party.

What is the meaning of the statement that compliance with the What is the reason why the offended party is allowed to
rule is jurisdictional? intervene in the prosecution of the offense?
This means that the complaint filed by the offended party is what starts It is because of the existence of a civil liability. Hence, if there is no civil
the prosecution, without which the courts cannot exercise their liability, the intervention of the offended party through his counsel or
jurisdiction. Compliance with the rule does not confer jurisdiction private prosecutor cannot be allowed.
because it is the law which confers jurisdiction upon the courts.
Is the civil action impliedly instituted with the criminal action?
Yes, except when:


CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

1. Waived
2. Reserved Who is the “offended party”?
3. Instituted prior The offended party is the person actually injured or whose feeling is
offended. He is the one to whom the offender is also civilly liable under
Can the Offended Party intervene in the prosecution of the Article 100 of the RPC.
criminal action even if there is no civil liability?
Yes. The offended party, who has neither reserved, waived, nor When is a complaint required?
instituted the civil action may intervene, and such right to intervene A sworn written complaint is required if the offense is one which cannot
exists even when no civil liability is involved. (Paul Lee v. Chin Lee be prosecuted de officio, or is private in nature (adultery,
citing Lim Tek Goan v. Yatco) concubinage, abduction, seduction, acts of lasciviousness, defamation
consisting in the imputation of any of the above offenses), or where it
Do the offended parties have the right to move for the dismissal pertains to those cases which need to be endorsed by specific
of a case? public authorities (Anti-Dummy Board with respect to the Anti-
No. The right belongs only to the government prosecutor who is the Dummy Law, National Water and Air Pollution Control Commission with
representative of the plaintiff. respect to the Anti-Pollution Law).

Can the offended party file a civil action for certiorari in his own What is an information?
name if the RTC dismisses an information? An information is an accusation in writing charging a person with an
Yes. In case of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of offense, subscribed by the prosecutor and filed with the court.
jurisdiction, the petition may be filed by the offended party because the
offended party has an interest in the civil aspect of the case. What is the difference between a complaint and an


May be signed by the Always signed by
offended party, any prosecuting officer
What is a complaint? peace officer, or other
A complaint is a sworn written statement charging a person with an public officer charged
offense, subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer, or other with the enforcement of
public officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated. the law violated
Sworn to by the person Need not be under oath
If the complaint is not sworn to by the offended party, is it void? signing it since the prosecuting
No. A complaint presented by a private person when not sworn to by officer filing it is already
him is not necessarily void. The want of an oath is a mere defect of acting under his oath of
form which does not affect the substantial rights of the defendant on office
the merits. May be filed either with Always filed with the court
the office of the
Who may file a complaint? prosecutor or with the
The complaint may be filed by the offended party, any peace officer, or court
other public officer charged with the enforcement of the law violated.
When is a complaint or information deemed sufficient?
If the offended party dies before he is able to file a complaint, A complaint or information is sufficient if it states:
can his heirs file it in his behalf?
No. The right to file a criminal action is personal and abates upon the 1. the name of the accused
death of the offended party. It is not transmissible to the heirs. 2. the designation of the offense given by the statute
3. the acts or omissions complained of as constituting the
Can you file a criminal complaint against a juridical person? offense
No, a criminal action cannot lie against a juridical person. It the 4. the name of the offended party
corporation violates the law, the officer, through whom the corporation 5. the approximate date of the commission of the offense
acts, answers criminally for his acts. 6. the place of the commission of the offense

What is the form required for the complaint or information?

When is the error in the name of the accused not fatal to an
The complaint or information shall be in writing, in the name of the
People of the Philippines and against all persons who appear to be
Error in the name of the accused will not nullify the information if it
responsible for the offense involved.
contains sufficient description of the person of the accused.
Why should a complaint or information be in the name of the
When should the error in the name or identity be raised by the
People of the Philippines?
Criminal actions must be commenced in the name of the People because
The error should be raised before arraignment, or else it is deemed
just as a crime is an outrage against the peace and security of the people
at large, so must its vindication be in the name of the People. However,
it the action is instituted in the name of the offended party or of a
X was charged with homicide. Can he be possibly be convicted
particular city, the defect is merely of form and may be cured at any
of murder?
state of the trial.
Yes. If the recitals in the complaint or information of the acts and
omissions constituting the offense actually allege murder, X can be
Why should the complaint or information be in writing?
convicted of murder. This is because it is the recital of facts and not the
The complaint or information should be in writing so that the court has
designation of the offense that is controlling.
a basis for its decision, to inform the accused of the nature and cause
of the accusation to allow him to present his defense, and so that
nobody will forget the charge, given the fallibility of human memory.

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X was charged with estafa, but the recital of facts actually What is the effect of the failure of the accused to object to a
alleges theft. Can X be convicted of theft? duplicitous information?
Yes, because it is the recital, not the designation of the offense that is If the accused fails to object before arraignment, the right is deemed
controlling. waived, and he may be convicted of as many offenses as there are
X was charged with estafa, and the recital of facts allege estafa.
Can X be convicted of theft? X fired his gun once, but the bullet killed two persons. He was
No. The two crimes have elements that are different from each other. charged with two counts of homicide in one information. Can
To convict X of theft under an information that alleges estafa would he be convicted under that information?
violate his right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation Yes. It falls under the exception to the rule. This is a compound crime
against him. in which one act results in two or more grave or less grave felonies. The
law provides only one penalty for the two offenses.
X was charged with rape committed through force and
intimidation. Can he be convicted of rape where the woman is X was charged with both robbery and estafa in one information.
deprived of reason or is otherwise unconscious? Can he be convicted of both offenses?
No. Where the law distinguishes between two cases of violation of its It depends. If he objects to the duplicitous information before
provision, the complaint or information must specify under which of the arraignment, he cannot be convicted under the information. But if he
two cases the defendant is being charged. fails to object before arraignment, he can be convicted of as many
offenses as there are in the information.
In what case can an accused not be convicted of a crime
different from that designated in the complaint or information What is the principle of absorption?
even if the recitals allege the commission of the crime? In cases of rebellion, other crimes committed in the course of the crime
If it involves: are deemed absorbed in the crime of rebellion either as a means
necessary for its commission or as an unintended effect of rebellion.
1. a change of the theory of the trial They cannot be charged as separate offenses in themselves. The
2. requires of the defendant a different defense exception is when the common crimes are committed without any
3. surprises the accused in any way political motivation. In such a case, they will not be absorbed by
X was accused of illegal possession of firearms, but the
information did not allege that X did not have any license to X was speeding on a highway when his car collided with
possess the firearm. Is the information valid? another car. The other car was totally wrecked and the driver
No. The absence of the license is an essential element of the offense. of the other car suffered serious physical injuries. How many
Therefore, it should be alleged in the complaint or information. informations or complaints should be filed against X?
Only one information should be filed for serious physical injuries and
X was charged with illegal possession of opium. X contends damage to property through reckless imprudence. The information
that the information was invalid for failure to allege that he did against X cannot be split into two because there was only one negligent
not have a prescription from a physician. Is X correct? act resulting in serious physical injuries and damage to property.
No. The absence of the prescription is not an essential element of the
offense and is only a matter of defense. It need not be alleged in the Same case, but the injuries suffered by the driver were only
information. slight physical injuries. How many informations should be
What are the offenses in which the particular place where the Two informations – one for the slight physical injuries and the other for
offense was committed is essential? damage to property. Light felonies cannot be complexed.
1. Violation of domicile
2. Penalty on the keeper, watchman, visitor of opium den
4. Violation of election law (prohibiting the carrying of a deadly INFORMATION
weapon within a 30-meter radius of polling places)

What are the offenses in which the time of the commission of

the offense is essential? AMENDMENT
1. Infanticide
2. Violation of Sunday Statutes (Election Law)
3. Abortion When can a complaint or information be amended?

In what case is the name of the offended party dispensable? BEFORE PLEA, a complaint or information can be amended in form or
In offenses against property, the name of the offended party may be in substance without leave of court.
dispensed with as long as the object taken or destroyed is particularly
described to property identify the offense. EXCEPT if the amendment will downgrade the offense or drop an
accused from the complaint or information. In such a case, the
In what cases is the name of the offended party indispensable? following requisites must be observed:
Slander, robbery with violence or intimidation.
1. must be made upon motion of the prosecutor
What is the rule on duplicity of offenses? 2. with notice to the offended party
A complaint or information must charge only one offense, except when 3. with leave of court
the law provides only one punishment for various offenses (compound 4. the court must state its reason in resolving the motion
and complex crimes under Art. 48 of the RPC and special complex 5. copies of the resolution should be furnished all parties,
crimes). expecially the offended party

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AFTER PLEA, only formal amendments may be made only with leave
of court and when it can be done without causing prejudice to the rights SUBSTITUTION
of the accused.

EXCEPT: When can a complaint or information be substituted?

1. Substantial Amendment is beneficial to the accused. A complaint or information may be substituted if at any time before
2. Doctrine of supervening event. judgment, it appears that a mistake has been made in charging the
proper offense, and the accused cannot be convicted of the offense
TEST TO DETERMINE SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT charged or of any other offense necessarily included therein, provided
1. Is it beneficial to the accused? If yes, allowed. that he will not be placed in double jeopardy.
2. Will it be prejudicial to the rights of the accused? (defense
cannot be sustained, evidence gathered cannot be used in the Rules in substitution
new information) 1. No substitution if there is already a final judgment
2. No substitution if double jeopardy will attach.
When are the rights of the accused prejudiced by an 3. No substitution if accused can be convicted of the crime
amendment? charged
1. When a defense which he had under the original information 4. No substitution if the offense charged is necessarily include or
would no longer be available necessarily includes the offense originally charged (e.g.
2. When any evidence which he had under the original homicide necessarily includes physical injuries and vice versa)
information would no longer be available
3. When any evidence which he had under the original What are the distinctions between amendment and
information would not longer be applicable to the amended substitution?
information 1. Amendment may involve either formal or substantial changes,
while substitution necessarily involves a substantial change.
What are substantial amendments? 2. Amendment before plea can be effected without leave of
After plea, substantial amendments are prohibited. These are court, but substitution is always done with leave of court since
amendments involving the recital of facts constituting the offense and it involves the dismissal of the original complaint.
determinative of the jurisdiction of the court. All other matters are 3. Where the amendment is only as to form, there is no need for
merely of form. a new preliminary investigation or plea; in substitution,
another preliminary investigation and plea is required.
Is an additional allegation of habitual delinquency and 4. An amended information refers to the same offense charged
recidivism a substantial amendment? or to one which necessarily includes or is necessarily included
No. These allegations only relate to the range of the imposable penalty in the original charge, hence substantial amendments after
but not the nature of the offense. plea cannot be made over the objection of the accused.
Substitution requires that the new information is for a
IOW, Changing the specific averments in the information for purposes different offense which does not include or is not necessarily
of determining the proper crime or the jurisdiction of the court. included in the original charge.

Is an additional allegation of conspiracy a substantial Can the judge order the prosecutor to substitute the
amendment? information?
Yes because it changes the theory of the defense. It makes the accused Yes, in cases where the original information is erroneous, provided that
liable not only for his own acts but also for those of his co-conspirators. the substitution is done before judgment.
(Old J. Sabio answer)
Can the court order the dismissal of the original complaint
The new answer is: No, it is not a substantial amendment in the before a new one is filed in substitution?
following example: X is charged with murder as principal. Later, the No. The court will not order the dismissal until the new information is
complaint is amended to include two other persons who allegedly filed.
conspired with X. Can X invoke double jeopardy on the ground that the
amendment is substantial?  No. The amendment is merely a formal Accused was arraigned and pleaded not guilty for homicide.
amendment because it does not prejudice the rights of X, who was Prosecutor wanted to amend the information to murder,
charged as a principal to begin with. however he learned that he cannot make such substantial
amendment. Can he validly ask for substitution?
Is a change in the items stolen by the accused a substantial NO. Because it would tantamount to double jeopardy since homicide is
amendment? necessarily included in the crime of murder. After arraignment, the first
Yes because it affects the essence of the imputed crime and would jeopardy will attach.
deprive the accused of the opportunity to meet all the allegations in
preparation of his defense. Accused was charged for less serious physical injuries.
Evidence is for serious physical injuries. Will you ask for
Is a change in the nature of the offense due to supervening substitution?
event a substantial amendment? NO. Because the court can convict the accused of the crime charged.
No, it is merely a formal amendment.
Can the court convict the accused for serious physical injuries?
Estafa in RPC and Estafa in BP22 NO, because it is not charged against the accused but accused can be
Substantial amendment held liable for the crime charged – less serious.

Accused was charged for serious physical injuries. Evidence is

for less serious physical injuries. Will you ask for substitution?
NO. Because double jeopardy already attached.

Can the court convict the accused for the serious physical injuries?

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The trial court cannot convict the accused for the crime charged because
the evidence is only for less serious. CHAPTER III. PROSECUTION OF CIVIL ACTION (RULE 111)

Accused pleaded not guilty to frustrated homicide. Victim died.

Prosecutor moved to amend the information to murder. Can he
Yes. Doctrine of supervening event. CRIMINAL ACTION

Accused already entered his plea for Estafa BP22. Prosecutor

wanted to amend Estafa under the RPC. Can he validly do the What is the general rule?
same? The general rule is when a criminal action is instituted, the civil action
NO. Substantial amendment. for the recovery of the civil liability arising from the offense charged
under Article 100 of the RPC shall be deemed instituted with the criminal
Can the prosecutor substitute? action.
Yes, because there was no judgment and he cannot be convicted for the
crime charged. No double jeopardy.
What are the exceptions?
The civil action is not deemed instituted in the following cases:
1. When the offended party has waived the civil action
2. When the offended party has reserved the right to institute it
Where should a criminal action be instituted? separately
a. In the court of the municipality or territory where the offense was 3. When the offended party has instituted the civil action prior
committed or where any of its essential ingredients occurred (Exception: to the institution of the criminal action
Sandiganbayan cases)
What is the civil action that is deemed instituted with the
b. If committed in a train, aircraft, or other public or private vehicle: in criminal action?
the court of any municipality or territory where the vehicle passed during Only the civil action for the recovery of civil liability arising from the
its trip, including the place of departure or arrival offense under Article 100 of the RPC, not the independent civil actions
under Article 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code.
c. If committed on board a vessel in the course of its voyage: in the
court of the first port of entry or of any municipality or territory where What is the dual concept of civil liability?
the vessel passed during the voyage, subject to the generally accepted This means that civil liability may arise from crimes or from quasi-delicts.
principles of international law Thus, a negligent act causing damage may produce two kinds of civil
liability – one arising from crime and another from quasi-delict. The
d. Crimes committed outside the Phil but punishable under Article 2 of only limitation is that the offended party may not recover twice from the
the RPC: any court where the action is first filed. same act.

What is a continuing or transitory offense? What are the differences between a crime and a quasi-delict?
Transitory offenses are crimes where some acts material and essential 1. Crimes affect public interest, while quasi-delicts are only of
to the crimes and requisite to their commission occur in one municipality private concern
or territory and some in another. Continuing offenses are consummated 2. The RPC punishes or corrects the criminal act, while the Civil
in one place, yet by the nature of the offense, the violation of the law is Code merely repairs the damage by means of indemnification
deemed continuing. Examples are estafa, abduction, malversation, libel, 3. Crimes are punished only if there is a law providing for their
kidnapping, violation of BP22. punishment, while quasi-delicts include all acts where fault or
negligence intervenes. Therefore, quasi-delict is broader in
How do you determine jurisdiction over a continuing crime? scope.
The courts of the territories where the essential ingredients of the crime
took place have concurrent jurisdiction. But the court which first
What constitutes civil liability?
acquires jurisdiction excludes the other courts.
According to Article 104 of the RPC, it constitutes restitution, reparation,
and indemnification for consequential damages.
What are the rules on venue in libel cases?

a. The criminal action for libel may be filed in the RTC of the province What is the basis for the broader concept of civil liability?
or the city where the libelous article is printed and first published. The broader concept of civil liability means that every person criminally
b. If the offended party is a private individual, the criminal action may liable is also civilly liable. This is because in a criminal offense, there
also be filed in the RTC of the province where he actually resided at the are two offended parties – the state and the private offended party.
time of the commission of the offense.
c. If the offended party is a public officer whose office is in Manila at the If the complaint does not contain an allegation of damages, is
time of the commission of the offense, the criminal action may be filed the offender still liable for them?
in the RTC of Manila. Yes because every person criminally liable is also civilly liable. This is
d. If the offended party is a public officer whose office is outside Manila, subject to the exception when the offended party has waived or has
the action may be filed in the RTC of the province or city where he held reserved the right to institute the civil action separately.
office at the time of the commission of the offense.
Can the accused file a counterclaim, cross-claim, third-party
claim in the criminal case?

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What are the Rules on filing fees? the parties to present additional evidence. The consolidated criminal
Filing fees apply when damages are being claimed by the offended actions shall be tried and decided jointly.
party. The following summarizes the rule on filing fees:
Exception: When there is a prejudicial question in a previously filed
1. Actual Damages civil action, it should be resolved first.
General Rule: There are no filing fees required for actual
damages claimed (Sec. l[a], Rule 111) What happens to the period of prescription if there is no
Exception: Unless required by the Rules. Where there is no consolidation of the civil action with the criminal action
and the civil action is suspended or the civil action cannot be instituted
Examples: In Batas Pambansa Big. 22 cases, the filing fees shall be separately until after final judgment is rendered in the criminal action,
paid based on the amount of the check and shall be paid in full the prescriptive period of the civil action shall be tolled during the
("Sec. l[b], Rule 111, Rules of Court); In estafa cases, the filing pendency of the criminal action
fees shall be paid based on the amount involved (Sec. 21[a], AM.
No. 04-2-04, August 16,2004). Are the independent civil actions also deemed suspended with
the filing of the criminal action?
2. Moral, Nominal, Temperate or Exemplary damages but No. Only the civil action arising from the crime under Article 100 is
other than actual damages suspended. The independent civil actions are not suspended and may
(a) Where the amount of such damages is specified in the continue even if the criminal action has been instituted. However, the
complaint or information offended party may not recover twice from the same act. He should
 Filing fees shall be paid by the offended party only get the bigger award.
upon the filing of the criminal action in court
where he seeks for the enforcement of the civil What is the effect of an acquittal on the civil action?
liability of the accused. The general rule is the civil action is not necessarily extinguished by the
acquittal of the accused. Even if the accused is acquitted, the court can
(b) Amount is not specified in the complaint or information but, still award civil liability in the following cases:
any of the damages is subsequently awarded -
 Filing fees assessed in accordance with the Rules, 1. When the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt
shall constitute a first lien on the judgment 2. When there is a declaration in the decision that the liability of
awarding such damages. the accused is only civil
3. When the civil liability is not derived from or based on the
criminal act of which the accused is acquitted.
However, if the decision contains a finding that the act from which the
civil liability may arise does not exist, the civil liability is extinguished.
When should the reservation be made?
The reservation should be made before the prosecution presents its Can you compel a judge by mandamus to award civil damages?
evidence and under circumstances affording the offended party a Yes because every person criminally liable is also civilly liable and also
reasonable opportunity to make such reservation. because even if the accused is acquitted, there are cases when he is still
civilly liable.
What is the reason for the rule requiring reservation?
The reason is to prevent double recovery from the same act or What is the reason for allowing the civil liability to subsist in
omission. spite of the acquittal of the accused?
This is because the parties in the criminal and civil action are different –
In a BP 22 case, can the offended party make a reservation of in the criminal action, the party is the state, while in the civil action, the
the civil action? party is the private offended party. Also, the two actions required
No. The criminal action shall be deemed to include the civil action, and different quantum of evidence. The criminal action requires proof of
the offended party is not allowed to make the reservation. The actual guilt beyond reasonable doubt, while the civil action requires mere
damages and the filing fees shall be equivalent to the value of the check. preponderance of evidence.

Can the employer be subsidiarily liable?

WHEN CIVIL ACTION IS SUSPENDED Yes. The trial court need not expressly pronounce the subsidiary liability
of the employer. Nonetheless, before the employers' subsidiary liability
is enforced, adequate evidence must exist establishing that:
When is the separate civil action suspended?
After the criminal action has been commenced, the separate civil action 1. they are indeed the employers of the convicted employees;
arising therefrom cannot be instituted until final judgment has been 2. they are engaged in some kind of industry;
entered in the criminal action. 3. the crime was committed by the employees in the discharge
of their duties; and
If the criminal action is filed after the civil action was instituted, the civil 4. the execution against the latter has not been satisfied due
action shall be suspended in whatever stage it may be found before to insolvency.
judgment on the merits. The suspension shall last until final judgment
is rendered in the criminal action. These conditions may be determined in the same criminal action in
which the employee's liability, criminal and civil, has been pronounced,
Nonetheless, the civil action may be consolidated with the criminal in a hearing set for that precise purpose, with due notice to the
action at any time before judgment on the merits upon motion of the employer, as part of the proceedings for the execution of the judgment.
offended party with the court trying the criminal action. The evidence
presented at the civil action shall be deemed reproduced in the criminal
action without prejudice to the right of the prosecution to cross-examine
the witness presented by the offended party in the criminal case and of
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private offended party is a party in the civil action. Moreover, the

WHEN CIVIL ACTION MAY PROCEED INDEPENDENTLY quantum of evidence in the civil action is only preponderance of
evidence, while that required in the criminal action is proof beyond
reasonable doubt.
What are the independent civil actions?
The independent civil actions are those provided in Articles 32, 33, 34,
and 2176 of the Civil Code. They may proceed independently of the PREJUDICIAL QUESTION
criminal action and shall require only a preponderance of evidence.

What are the consequences of the independent character of What is a prejudicial question?
actions under Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code? A prejudicial question is one based on a fact separate and distinct from
1. The right to bring the civil action shall proceed independently of the crime but is so intimately related to it that it determines the guilt or
the criminal action (Sec. 3, Rule 111, Rules of Court) and innocence of the accused.
regardless of the results of the latter (Article 31, Civil Code of
the Philippines). What are the elements of a prejudicial question?
1. The previously filed civil action involves an issue which is
2. The quantum of evidence required is preponderance of evidence similar or is intimately related with an issue raised in the
(Sec. 3, Rule 111, Rules of Court). subsequent criminal action
2. The resolution of the issue will determine whether or not the
3. (a) The right to bring the foregoing actions based on the Civil criminal action may proceed.
Code need not be reserved in the criminal prosecution, since
they are not deemed included therein. What is the reason for the principle?
The reason behind the principle of a prejudicial question is to avoid two
(b) The institution or the waiver of the right to file a separate conflicting decisions in the civil case and in the criminal case.
civil action arising from the crime charged does not extinguish
the right to bring an independent civil action. Does suspension include dismissal?
The rule authorizing the suspension of the criminal case does not
(c) Even if a civil action is filed separately, the ex delicto civil prescribe the dismissal of the criminal action. It only authorizes its
liability in the criminal prosecution remains, and the offended suspension. The suspension shall be made upon the filing of a petition
party may — subject to the control of the prosecutor — still for suspension.
intervene in the criminal action, in order to protect the remaining
civil interest therein. Where to file the petition for suspension?
A petition for the suspension of the criminal action may be filed in the
office of the prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation. When
EFFECT OF DEATH ON CIVIL ACTIONS the criminal action has been filed in court for trial, the petition to
suspend shall be filed in the same criminal action at any time before the
prosecution rests.
What is the effect of the death of the accused on the criminal
and civil actions? When is an action for annulment of marriage prejudicial to a
If the accused dies after arraignment and during the pendency of the bigamy case?
criminal action, both the criminal and civil liability arising from the crime An action for annulment of marriage is prejudicial to a bigamy case only
shall be extinguished. However, the independent civil actions may be if the accused in the bigamy charge is also the one asking for annulment
filed against the estate of the accused after proper substitution, and the of the second (bigamous) marriage based on vitiation of consent. This
heirs of the accused may also be substituted for the deceased. is because in such a case, if the court declares that the party’s consent
was indeed vitiated and annuls the marriage, then it would also mean
If the accused dies before arraignment, the case shall be dismissed, that the party did not willingly commit the crime of bigamy. It would
without prejudice to any civil action that the offended party may file thus be determinative of the guilt or innocence of the accused.
against the estate of the deceased.

The death of the accused during the pendency of his appeal with
the Supreme Court totally extinguished his criminal liability. Such
extinction is based on Article 89 of the Revised Penal Code. The death
of the accused likewise extinguished the civil liability that was based
exclusively on the crime for which the accused was convicted {i.e., ex
delicto), because no final judgment of conviction was yet rendered by
the time of his death. Only civil liability predicated on a source of
obligation other than the delict survived the death of the accused, which
the offended party can recover by means of a separate civil action



When the defendant is absolved of civil liability in a civil action,

can a criminal action still be filed against him?
Yes. While every person criminally liable is also civilly liable, the
converse is not true. Therefore, even if the defendant is absolved of
civil liability in a civil action, a criminal action can still be filed against
him. Besides, the state is a party in a criminal action, while only the

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an office in the executive department exercising powers akin to those of


Santos v. Go 2005
A public prosecutor does not perform acts of a quasi-judicial body
NATURE OF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION because the latter is an organ of a government other than a court and
legislature which performs adjudicatory functions.

What is preliminary investigation? Whether Rule 43 is a proper mode of appeal from a resolution of the
It is an inquiry or proceeding for the purpose of determining whether Secretary of Justice directing the prosecutor to file an information in a
there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime criminal case?
has been committed and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and
should be held for trial. Take note: Rule 43 is an appeal from the judgment or resolutions of
quasi-judicial functions. Hence, there is a need to determine whether
Is it a trial? the conduct of PI by the prosecutor is a quasi-judicial function.
No, because it does not involve the examination of witnesses by way of
direct or cross-examinations and its purpose is not to determine whether DOJ is not among the quasi-judicial agencies enumerated in Sec 1 Rule
respondent is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. 43. Hence, its resolution is not appealable to the CA via petition for
review under Rule 43.
What is the purpose of preliminary investigation?
1. To determine whether or not a crime has been committed Balanguan v. CA 2008
2. To determine whether or not respondent is probably guilty of A PI is not a quasi-judicial proceeding and DOJ is not a quasi-judicial
the crime agency when it reviews the findings of a public prosecutor regarding the
presence of probable cause. A PI is not a trial on the merits and has no
What is the ultimate purpose of a PI? purpose except to determine probable cause. A PI is an executive, not
To secure the innocent against hasty, malicious, and oppressive a judicial function.
prosecution and to protect him from an open and public accusation of a
crime and from the trouble of a public trial. Also, to protect the State Can this right be waived?
from useless and expensive prosecutions. Yes, for failure to invoke the right prior to or at the time of the plea.

What is the role of a prosecutor?

To determine probable cause and to file the corresponding information PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION v. EXAMINATION
if he finds it to be so.

Take note: He does not determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.
Hence, he does not exercise adjudication nor rule-making functions. Preliminary Preliminary
investigation examination
What is the scope of preliminary investigation?
Preliminary investigation is merely inquisitorial and it is often the only
means of discovering whether the offense has been committed and the Conducted by the Conducted by the
persons responsible for it to enable the fiscal to prepare his complaint prosecutor to determine judge to determine
or information. It is not a trial on the merits and has no purpose but to Authority whether accused should probable cause for the
determine whether there is probable cause to believe that an offense be held for trial issuance of a warrant
has been committed and that the accused is probably guilty of it. It of arrest
does not place the accused in jeopardy.

Nature Executive in nature Judicial in nature


What is the difference between criminal investigation and

Is the holding of a PI required by the Constitution? preliminary investigation?
NO. It is not a fundamental right. It is simply a statutory right and may Criminal investigation is a fact-finding investigation carried out by law-
be invoked only when specifically create by statute. However, it is still a enforcement officers for the purpose of determining whether they
component of due process in criminal justice. Hence, a substantive right. should file a complaint for preliminary investigation. Preliminary
investigation is conducted for the purpose of determining if there is
Is preliminary investigation a judicial proceeding? probable cause to hold a person for trial.
There are different Supreme Court decisions regarding this matter.

Cruz v. People 1994, Sales v. Sandiganbayan 2001 PROBABLE CAUSE IN PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION
A preliminary investigation is essentially a judicial inquiry since there is
an opportunity to be heard, the production and weighing of evidence,
and a decision rendered on the basis of such evidence. The investigating PROBABLE CAUSE
officer acts as a quasi-judicial officer.
What is probable cause?
Bautista v. Court of Appeals 2001 The existence of such facts and circumstances as would lead a person
A preliminary investigation is very different from other quasi-judicial of ordinary caution and prudence to entertain an honest and strong
proceedings. A prosecutor in a PI does not determine the guilt or suspicion that the person charged is guilty of the crime subject of the
innocence of the accused nor does he exercise adjudication nor rule- investigation.
making functions. However, like quasi-judicial bodies, the prosecutor is
Probable cause is based on what?

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Based merely on opinion and reasonable belief. It does not import Yes, when the judge is satisfied that there is no necessity for placing the
absolute certainty. It implies only probability of guilt and requires more accused under custody. He may just issue summons instead of a
than bare suspicion but less than evidence to justify conviction. warrant.

Who has discretion to determine probable cause? When can you say that the judge abused his discretion in
It lies within the discretion of the prosecuting officers after conducting issuing a warrant?
a preliminary investigation upon complaint of an offended party. When he issues a warrant based solely in the statement of a witness
who was not even personally examined in writing and under oath and
What are the 2 kinds of determination of probable cause? in the form of searching questions and answers.
1. Executive
2. Judicial
What is the procedure in resolving a complaint when the
Take note: Refer to preliminary investigation v. preliminary preliminary investigation is conducted by a judge?
examination discussion.
1. Within 10 days after the termination of the preliminary
investigation, the investigating judge shall transmit the
CASES REQUIRING PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION resolution of the case to the provincial or city prosecutor, or
to the Ombudsman for appropriate action.
2. The resolution shall state the findings of fact and law
When is PI required? supporting his action together with the record of the case
When the offense has a penalty of at least 4 years, 2 months and 1 day, which shall include:
without regard to fine.
a. the warrant if the arrest is by virtue of a warrant
If PI is not required, how do you institute a criminal action? b. the affidavits, counter-affidavits, and supporting
1. By filing the complaint with the prosecutor evidence
2. By filing the complaint or information with the MTC c. the undertaking or bail and the order of release
d. the transcripts of the proceedings
FILING WITH THE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTOR e. the order of cancellation of the bail bond if the
Complaint involves an offense punishable with at least 4 years, 2 months resolution is for the dismissal of the complaint
and 1 day. Also in Manila and other chartered cities where direct filing
is not allowed. 3. Within 30 days from the receipt of the records, the provincial
or city prosecutor or the Ombudsman shall review the
If complaint if filed with the prosecutor, what shall the resolution of the judge.
complaint contain?
1. The address of the respondent 4. They shall act on the resolution, expressly and clearly stating
2. Complaint shall be accompanied by: the facts and the law on which it is based.
a) Affidavit of complainant 5. The parties shall be furnished with copies thereof.
b) Affidavit of the complainant’s witnesses 6. They shall order the release of an accused who is detained if no
c) Other supporting documents probable cause is found against him.

3. Appropriate number of copies of the above as there are

respondents, plus 2 copies for the official file WHEN PI NOT REQUIRED EVEN IF NORMALLY REQRUIRED
4. Affidavits shall be subscribed and sworn before any prosecutor
or government official authorized to administer oath, or in their
When should the prosecutor act on the complaint?
Within 10 days from its filing. When PI is not required even if the offense is one which
normally requires a preliminary investigation?
DIRECT FILING THE WITH THE MTC If a person is arrested lawfully without a warrant involving an offense
Complaint involves an offense punishable by imprisonment of less than which requires a PI because the penalty is at least 4 years, 2months and
4 years, 2 months and 1 day, same requirements as when complaint is 1 day. A complaint may be filed without need for a PI.
filed with the prosecutor.

How does the judge determine probable cause? Can a person lawfully arrested without a warrant ask for a PI?
By personally examining in writing and under oath the complainant and Yes, before the complaint or information is filed, but he must sign a
his witnesses in the form of searching questions and answers. Judge waiver of the provisions of Article 125 of the RPC which must be in
may also require the submission of additional evidence within 10 days writing and with the presence of counsel.
from notice.
If information or complaint has already been filed, can the
If the judge finds no probable cause within 10 days, what accused still ask for a PI?
happens? Yes, within 5 days from the time he learns of the filing. However,
The judge shall dismiss the complaint. accused should address the motion to the court for the holding of a
preliminary investigation. “Motion to conduct a PI”
What happens if the judge finds probable cause?
He shall issue a warrant of arrest. If accused is already arrested, the When must PI be terminated?
court shall issue a commitment order. 15 days from its inception.

Can the judge choose not to issue a warrant of arrest?

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Can the accused post bail during the PI? What is the initial duty of the inquest prosecutor?
Yes. While the PI is being undertaken, accused is still under detention. To determine if the detained person has been lawfully arrested by
Hence, he may apply for bail to effect his release. summarily examining the arresting officers on the circumstances
surrounding the arrest. (Because remember, an inquest proceeding is
Take note: Bail must be applied for and issued by the court in the only for those people who were lawfully arrested without a warrant)
province, city or municipality where the person arrested is held.
What happens if the person is found to be arrested unlawfully?
The inquest proceeding will not proceed. The inquest prosecutor shall
QUESTIONING THE ABSENCE OF PI recommend the release of the detainee.

If warrantless arrest was properly effected, what happens?

When can the accused question the regularity or absence of PI? The inquest shall proceed. However, the inquest officer shall first ask
Any time before he enters his plea. Failure to do so will amount to a the detained person if he desires to avail of a preliminary investigation.
waiver. If yes, waiver of Art 125 of RPC. PI may be conducted by the Inquest
officer himself.
What if the court denies the invocation of the right to a
preliminary investigation, what is the remedy of the accused? What happens if the Inquest prosecutor finds that probable
He must immediately appeal it to the appellate court. He cannot later exists?
raise the issue for the first time on appeal. He shall prepare the corresponding information with the
recommendation that the same be filed in court. If no probable cause
Is a motion to quash a proper remedy to question? found, recommend the release of the detained person.
No, because the absence of a preliminary investigation is not one of the
grounds for a motion to quash under Sec 3 Rule 117. THE INQUEST MUST PERTAIN TO THE OFFENSE FOR WHICH
Should the court dismiss the information in case a motion for a
PI is made by accused? The inquest conducted must be for the offense for which the detainee
No. It should just remand the case to the prosecutor so that the was arrested.
investigation may be conducted.
Beltran v. People
What is the effect of absence of PI on the effect on the court’s Petitioners were incumbent congressmen and representatives of party-
jurisdiction? list groups while others were private individuals. Petitions sought the
The absence of a PI does not affect the court’s jurisdiction nor does it issuance of writs of prohibition to enjoin the prosecution of petitioners
impair the validity of the information. for rebellion and to set aside the rulings of the DOJ and RTC Makati on
the investigation and prosecution of petitioners’ cases and likewise
If the complaint or information is amended, should a new challenged the validity off inquest proceedings against Beltran.
preliminary investigation be conducted?
No. Crispin Beltran, one of the petitioners, was arrested without a warrant.
He was not informed of the crime for which he was arrested. On the
If the complaint or information is substituted, should a new evening, he was subjected to an inquest for Inciting into Sedition based
preliminary investigation be conducted? on a speech he gave during a rally during the 20th anniversary of the
Yes. EDSA revolution.

The inquest was based on the joint affidavit of the arresting officers who
INQUEST PROCEEDINGS claimed to have been present during the rally. Inquest prosecutor
indicted Beltran and filed the information with the MTC of Quezon.

What is an inquest proceeding? A few days later, he was subjected to a second inquest, this time for
It is that conducted when a person is lawfully arrested without a warrantrebellion, based on the letters of CIDG investigators claiming that
involving even an offense which requires a PI. It is not a PI. It is a Beltran and one San Juan were allegedly the leaders and promoters of
summary investigation. an alleged plot to overthrow the Arroyo government to be carried out
jointly with the Community party. He was again indicted and a second
What is the purpose? to determine the validity of the warrantless arrest information was filed.
To determine whether or not the person detained should remain under
custody and then charged in court. Beltran asked the RTC to make a judicial determination of probable
cause but court sustained the finding.
When is inquest proceedings deemed commenced?
The moment the inquest officer receives the complaint and referral SC held that inquest proceedings for rebellion is void. IP are proper only
documents from the law enforcement authorities. when the accused has been lawfully arrested without a warrant. None
of the arresting officers saw Beltran commit the crime of rebellion in
What consists of the referral documents? their presence nor did they have personal knowledge of the facts
1. Affidavit of arrest sufficient to form probable cause. Beltran was arrested for inciting to
2. Investigation report sedition and not for rebellion and the rule states that the IP should
3. Statements of the complainant and the witnesses pertain to the offense for which the arrest was made. Hence, when the
4. Other supporting evidence gathered second inquest was done, the officers overstepped their authority.

Should the detained person be present during the inquest

Yes, unless reasons exists that would dispense with his presence. (e.g.
hospital confinement, maximum security detention)

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Who may conduct preliminary investigation and determine b) Affidavit of the complainant’s witnesses
probable cause? c) Other supporting documents
1. Provincial or City Prosecutor and their assistants
2. National and Regional State Prosecutors 3. Appropriate number of copies of the above as there are
3. Other officers as may be authorized by law respondents, plus 2 copies for the official file
4. Affidavits shall be subscribed and sworn before any prosecutor
Take note: Judges of the MTCs were allowed to conduct PIs before. or government official authorized to administer oath, or in their
absence, a notary public.
Who are those others who are also authorized to conduct a PI?
1. COMELEC thru his authorized legal officers – for all election
offenses punishable under the Omnibus Election Code and to DISMISSAL OF COMPLAINT/ISSUANCE OF SUBPOENA
prosecute the same

2. Office of the Ombudsman – any act or omission of any public What are the options of the investigating officer?
officer or employee when such appears to be illegal, unjust, From the filing of the complaint, the investigating officer has 10 days
improper or inefficient. within which to decide which of the following options to take:

3. Presidential Commission on Good Government – with the a) To dismiss the complaint if he finds no ground to conduct the
assistance of the OSG is empowered to investigate, file and investigation
prosecute cases b) To issue a subpoena to the respondent in case he finds the
need to continue with the investigation
Should the procedure for PI be strictly followed?
YES! Can the respondent who was issued a subpoena file a motion
to dismiss?
Ladlad v. Velasco NO. He cannot file a motion to dismiss in lieu of a counter-affidavit. He
A PI against Ladlad and Maza of the rebellion charges was held before should submit a counter-affidavit, affidavits of witnesses and other
a panel of DOJ prosecutors on the basis of unsubscribed letters of CIPG supporting documents within 10 days from receipt of subpoena.
investigators alleging the petitioners have committed acts constituting
rebellion. What happens if the accused does not submit is counter-
affidavit within the 10 day period?
During the PI, counsel for CIDG presented a masked man who claimed The investigating officer shall resolve the complaint based on the
to be an eyewitness. Also, the panel of prosecutors gave petitioners 10 evidence presented by the complainant However, since the Rules is
days within which to file their counter-affidavits but they were furnished liberally construed, the proceedings may be reopened to allow the
with the complete copies of the documents only four days later. accused to submit his counter-affidavit upon a proper motion to be done
before the prosecutor has issued a resolution.
Petitioners moved for the inhibition of the members of the prosecution
panel for lack of impartiality and independence. DOJ denied. Can a clarificatory hearing be set?
Yes, whenever there are facts and issues that need to be clarified.
Prosecutors issued a resolution finding probable cause to charge However, the parties do not have the right to examine or cross-examine
petitioners and 46 others with rebellion and corresponding information each other or the witnesses.
were filed with the RTC Makati. Petitioners moved to enjoin the
prosecution because of the irregularities in the PI. Is the clarificatory hearing indispensable during a PI?
No, it is within the discretion of the investigating officer.
Supreme Court ruled that prosecutors disregarded the process for the
conduct of PI laid down in Sec 3 a of Rule 112 which provides that the Can an accused demand the right to confront and cross-
complaint be accompanied by affidavits of the complainant and his examine his witnesses during the preliminary investigation?
witnesses, subscribed and sworn to. Prosecutors treated the No. The preliminary investigation is not part of the trial. It is summary
unsubscribed letters of the officers of the CIDG-PNP as complaint and and inquisitorial in nature, and its function is not to determine the guilt
accepted the affidavits even though some were notarized by a notarized of the accused but merely to determine the existence of probable cause.
by a notary public without any showing that a prosecutor or qualified
government official was unavailable.
Also, prosecutors peremptorily issued subpoenas to petitioners without
first determining whether there are grounds to continue with the
investigation and they distributed copies of the affidavit of the witness Should the investigating prosecutor find cause to hold the accused for
to the members of the media knowing that petitioners have not had the trial, he shall prepare both the resolution and information. The
opportunity to examine the charges. information shall contain a certification.

What should the certification contain?

2. He has personally examined the complainant and his
Where the do you file a complaint for PI? 3. There is a reasonable ground to believe that a crime has been
You file it with the office of the prosecutor through an affidavit of committed
complaint. 4. The accused is probably guilty thereof
What should the complaint consist of? 5. The accused was informed of the complaint and evidence
against him
1. The address of the respondent 6. The accused was given the opportunity to submit
2. Complaint shall be accompanied by: controverting evidence
a) Affidavit of complainant

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When should the investigating officer determine whether there submit any comment except when directed by the Secretary of Justice
is sufficient ground to hold the accused for trial? (Sec. 8, Department Circular No. 70).
Within 10 days from the termination of the investigation.
3. If no comment is filed within the prescribed period, the appeal
What is the effect of absence of the required certification? shall be resolved on the basis of the petition (Sec. 8, Department
The information is still valid because such is not an essential part of the Circular No. 70).
information itself and its absence cannot vitiate it. What is important is
that there was actually an investigation, that the accused was informed 4. If the Secretary of Justice finds the same to be patently
thereof and was allowed to present controverting evidence. without merit or manifestly intended for delay, or when the issues raised
therein are too unsubstantial to require consideration, he may dismiss
the petition outright (Sec. 7, Department Circular No. 70).
5. If pursuant to the appealed resolution, an information has
already been filed and the accused has already been arraigned prior to
Where should the investigating officer forward the records of the filing of the petition, the petition shall not be given due course (Sec.
the case? 7, Department Circular No. 70).
Within 5 days from his resolution, he shall forward the records of the
case to the provincial or city prosecutor or chief state prosecutor or to 6. If the accused has been arraigned after the filing of the
the Ombudsman or his deputy in cases of offense cognizable by the SB petition, any arraignment shall not bar the Secretary of Justice from
in the exercise of its original jurisdiction. exercising his power of review (Sec. 7, Department Circular No. 70).

When shall they act on the resolution? 7. The Secretary of Justice may reverse, affirm or modify the
Within 10 days from their receipt thereof. appealed resolution. He may also dismiss the petition for review motu
proprio or upon motion on any of the following grounds:
Is there a need for the prior written authority or approval of the i. That the petition for review was filed beyond the
officers mentioned above? period prescribed;
Yes. No complaint or information may be filed or dismissed without their ii. That the prescribed procedure and requirements
prior written approval or authority. provided in Department Circular No. 70 were not complied with;
iii. That there is no showing of any reversible error or
Can the resolution of the investigating officer be reversed or that the accused was already arraigned when the appeal was
affirmed?? taken;
Yes, it may be reversed or affirmed by the provincial or city prosecutor iv. That the appealed resolution is interlocutory in
or chief prosecutor or the Ombudsman in view of the fact that their prior nature, except when it suspends the proceedings based on the
written authority and approval is needed. alleged existence of a prejudicial question;
v. That the offense has already prescribed; and
What is the rule when recommendation for dismissal by the
investigating prosecutor is disapproved? vi. That there are other legal and factual grounds that
The city or provincial prosecutor, chief state prosecutor or the exist to warrant a dismissal Sec. 12, Department Circular No. 70).
Ombudsman may:
1. By himself, file the information against the accused, or 8. The Secretary however, has another option. He may order the
2. Direct another assistant prosecutor to do so without reinvestigation of the case. If the Secretary of Justice finds it necessary
conducting another preliminary investigation to investigate the case, the reinvestigation shall be made by the
investigating prosecutor, unless for compelling reasons, another
prosecutor is designated to conduct the same (Sec. 11, Department

9. The party aggrieved by the decision of the Secretary of

1. Motion for reconsideration Justice may file a motion for reconsideration within a non-extendible
The aggrieved party may file a motion for reconsideration within period of ten (10) days from receipt of the resolution on appeal. Copies
fifteen 15 days from receipt of the assailed resolution. of such motion and proof of service thereof shall be served upon the
adverse party, and the Prosecution Office concerned. No further or
2. Appeal to the Secretary of Justice/Regional State second motion for reconsideration shall be entertained (Sec. 13,
Prosecutor Department Circular No. 70).
If the motion is denied, the aggrieved party may appeal within fifteen
(15) days from the denial of the motion for reconsideration (Sec. 3, Note:
2000 NPS Rule on Appeal, DO J Department Circular No. 70). (a) The appeal does not hold or prevent the filing of the
corresponding information in court based on the finding of
Rules on Appeals to the Secretary of Justice; filing a petition for probable cause in the appealed resolution, unless the Secretary
review. of Justice directs otherwise, but the appellant and prosecutor shall
1. The appeal petition must be verified and copies of the same see to it that, pending resolution of the appeal, the proceedings in
must be furnished the adverse party and the Prosecution Office issuing court are held in abeyance (Sec. 9, Department Circular No. 70).
the appealed resolution (Sec. 4, Department Circular No. 70). The
petition must contain the matters mandated under Sec. 5 of (b) Party filing a petition for review is allowed to file a motion for the
Department Circular No. 70 and failure to comply with the same shall suspension of the arraignment under Sec. 11 (c) of Rule 116. Upon
constitute sufficient ground for the dismissal of the petition (Sec. 6, motion by the proper party, the arraignment shall be suspended,
Department Circular No. 70). among others, if a petition for review of the resolution of the
prosecutor is pending.
2. Within a non-extendible period of fifteen (15) days from
receipt of the copy of the petition, the adverse party may file a verified
comment. The investigating/reviewing/approving prosecutor need not

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Assailing the resolution of the Secretary of Justice; Petition for

certiorari under Rule 65 WARRANT OF ARREST
The rule is that the DOJ is not a quasi-judicial agency exercising a quasi-
judicial function when it reviews the findings of a public prosecutor
regarding the presence of probable cause and that its findings are not When is a warrant of arrest not necessary?
reviewable by the Court of Appeals in a petition for review under Rule 1. When the accused is already under detention
43 of the Rules of Court. The remedy of the aggrieved party is to 2. When the accused was arrested by virtue of a lawful arrest
file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65. without warrant. (Sec. 5, Rule 113)
a. Arrest In Flagrante Delicto
3. Appeal to the Office of the President b. Hot Pursuit
c. Arrest of Escapee
Appeals from or petition for review of "decisions/orders/resolutions of 3. When the penalty is a fine only
the Secretary of Justice on preliminary investigations of criminal cases
are entertained by the Office of the President" under the following What are the principles governing the finding of probable cause
conditions which have to be established as jurisdictional facts: for the issuance of a warrant of arrest?
1. There is a distinction between the objective of determining
1. The offense involved is punishable by reclusion perpetua to probable cause by the prosecutor and by the judge. The
death; prosecutor determines it for the purpose of filing a complaint
2. New and material issues are raised which were not previously or information, while the judge determines it for the purpose
presented before the Department of Justice and were not of issuing a warrant of arrest – whether there is a necessity
hence, ruled upon; of placing him under immediate custody in order not to
3. The prescription of the offense is not due to lapse within six frustrate the ends of justice.
(6) months from notice of the questioned resolution; and 2. Since their objectives are different, the judge should not rely
4. The appeal or petition for review is filed within thirty (30) days solely on the report of the prosecutor in finding probable
from notice. cause to justify the issuance of a warrant of arrest. The judge
must decide independently and must have supporting
If the appeal does not clearly fall within the jurisdiction of the Office of evidence other than the prosecutor’s bare report.
the President, the appeal shall be dismissed outright. If the lack of 3. It is not required that the complete or entire records of the
jurisdiction is not readily apparent, the appellant/petitioner shall be case during the preliminary investigation be submitted to and
ordered to prove the necessary jurisdictional facts. examined by the judge. He must have sufficient supporting
documents upon which to make his independent judgment.
Assail the resolution of the Office of the President; Petition for
review under Rule 43
Withdrawal of the information already filed in court.


INFORMATION Crespo v. Mogul
Once a criminal complaint or information is filed in court, any disposition
of the case or dismissal or acquittal or conviction of the accused rests
What should the Judge upon filing of the complaint or within the exclusive jurisdiction, competence, and discretion of
information? the trial court. Although the fiscal retains the direction and control of
1. Within ten (10) days from the filing of the complaint or information, the prosecution of criminal cases even while the case is already in court,
the judge shall personally evaluate the resolution of the prosecutor. he cannot impose his opinion on the trial court. The trial court is the
In conducting the evaluation of the resolution, the judge shall look best and sole judge on what to do with the case before it. The
into its supporting evidence (Sec. 5, Rule 112, Rules of Court). determination of the case is within its exclusive control and competence.
A motion to dismiss the case filed by the public prosecutor should be
2. The judge may make some findings after personally evaluating the addressed to the court which has the option to grant or deny the same.
resolution of the prosecutor. The judge may find that the evidence
(a) fails to establish probable cause; (b) establishes probable The court, in the exercise of its discretion may deny the motion and
cause; or (c) engenders a doubt as to the existence of probable require that the trial on the merits proceed for the proper determination
cause. of the case.

3. If the evidence on record clearly fails to establish probable cause, In resolving a motion to dismiss the case or to withdraw the information,
the judge may immediately dismiss the case. the trial court should not rely solely on the findings of the public
prosecutor or the Secretary of Justice that no crime was committed or
4. If he finds probable cause, he shall issue a warrant of arrest. If a that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction. The trial court
complaint or information was already filed pursuant to a lawful must make an independent evaluation or assessment of the
warrantless arrest under Sec. 6 of Rule 112, the court shall issue a merits of the case and the evidence on record of the prosecution
commitment order instead of a warrant of arrest. The same rule
applies if the accused has already been arrested pursuant to a If the prosecutor thinks that a prima facie case does not exists,
warrant previously issued. can he refuse to prosecute?
No, he cannot refuse to prosecute. He is obliged by law to proceed and
5. In case the judge doubts the existence of probable cause, the prosecute the criminal action. He cannot impose his opinion on the
judge may order the prosecution to submit additional evidence court.
within five (5) days from notice. The issue must be resolved by the
court within thirty (30) days from the filing of the complaint or What is the distinction between the control by the prosecution
information (Sec. 5, Rule 112, Rules of Court as amended by AM. and the control by the court?
05-08-26-SC, August 30,2005). Before a case is filed in court, the prosecution has control over the

21 | U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N C A R L O S
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE l Atty. Eduardo Soleng l TDCI (Revised 2016) JD2 407

1. What case to file

2. Whom to prosecute
3. The manner of prosecution
4. The right to withdraw the case before arraignment even
without notice and hearing.

After a case is filed in court, the court has control over the following:

1. The suspension of arraignment

2. Reinvestigation
3. Prosecution by the prosecutor
4. Dismissal
5. Downgrading of the offense or dropping of the accused even
before plea

What are the limitations on the control by the Court?


2. Prosecution is entitled to Notice of hearing

3. The Court must Await the result of a petition for review
4. The prosecution’s stand to maintain prosecution should be
Respected by the court
5. The ultimate Test of the court’s independence is where the
prosecutor files a motion to dismiss or withdraw the
6. The Court has authority to review the Secretary’s
recommendation and reject if it there is grave abuse of
7. To reject or grant a motion to dismiss, the court must make
its own Independent assessment of the evidence.
8. Judgment is void if there is No independent assessment and
finding of grave abuse of discretion.

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