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Refer to your class October 11, 2021

Weekly Home Learning Plan/Tasks

8:00 AM - 12:00NN
Quarter 1 - Week 2

Name: De Villa Lance David D.

Grade and Section: 12-STEM Aristotle
Date Learning Tasks

DAY 1 Read and understand the “Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the problem Part I.”

1. (Basahin at unawain ang “Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the problem Part I.”
the range ● Choosing and Developing a Research Topic
and value of ● Effective Research Title
research in
the area of ● Tips on Drafting a Research Title
inquiry and
interest ● Tips in Writing Background of the Study

“Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the problem Part I.”

Research is not just a valuable tool in building a crucial knowledge, but it is also the most reliable
way to understand the complexities of various issues in our everyday living. Designing a research
project is just like making a blueprint of our dream houses. It always starts with the essential
questions that will be resulted to a better plan.

Choosing and Developing a Research Topic

The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill. An instructor may assign you a
specific topic, but most often instructors require you to select your own topic of interest. When
deciding on a topic, there are a few things that you will need to do:

● brainstorm for ideas

● choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature

● ensure that the topic is manageable, and that material is available

● make a list of key words

● be flexible

● define your topic as a focused research question

● research and read more about your topic

● formulate a thesis statement

Be aware that selecting a good topic may not be easy. It must be narrow and focused enough to be
interesting, yet broad enough to find adequate information. Before selecting your topic, make sure
you know what your final project should look like. Each class or instructor will likely require a
different format or style of research project.

Effective Research Title

Writing a research paper title may seem a simple task, but it requires some serious thought. It
might come as a surprise to most people that an author, having successfully written a detailed
account of his/her research study, experiences a block while attempting to title the research paper.
However, most authors, by virtue of possessing comprehensive details of the research paper, are
perplexed with regard to how to make their research paper title concise without sacrificing any
relevant elements.

Creswell (2014, p.26) compared the research title to “a major road sign in research.” He mentioned
that the title is “an orienting device” which aids the researcher in focusing one’s investigation.

In addition, it helps convey to others the central idea behind your own research.

Tips on Drafting a Research Title

Drafting a research title is a key task in research as this will capture the essence of what you wish
to do in your inquiry. A research title must:

1. list key variables

2. be written in scientific or technical style

3. be concise (no more than 12 words) and non-repetitive

4. reflect on context (circumstances or situations)

5. not explicitly provide reference to the research design

Writing Background of the Study

Background of the Study is a description that leads the reader to understanding the research
questions and appreciate why they are asked.

Tips in Writing Background of the Study:

In writing this section,

● Introduce and briefly define the variables under study

● cite the most important study or related literature

● be consistent with terms used

● ensure that paragraphs summarize unresolved issues, conflicting findings, social concerns,
or educational, national, or international issues.

● write the last paragraph to highlight the research gap

Answer Written Task 1

TOT - PAD! (Think of a Title by Planning a Design)

Choose one topic/issue you want to study. Identify the following concepts being asked on
the graphic organizer below to come up with a Research Title.

● Current Issue Event – 5pts.

● Dependent variable – 5pts

● Independent variable – 5pts

● Research Tool – 5pts.

● Research design type – 5pts.

● Working research title – 5pts.

Total: 30 pts.

Check the box:

Completely done.

Incompletely done.

Parent’s Signature ____________________________


2. Think and Accomplish Performance Task 2 using the answer sheet below
create a
research title (Gawin ang Performance Task 2 gamit ang inilaang sagutan
of the study Performance Task 2
based on the
range of
inquiry and Directions: Suppose you are tasked to plan for a quantitative research study about COVID-19, write
interest a research plan for the said task. The plan should include the following:

1. Research Title (10pts)

2. Background of the Study (20pts)

Kindly refer to the Rubrics below.

Check the box:

Completely done.

Incompletely done.

Parent’s Signature ____________________________

Online / Blended:
● Use Power point presentation and online clarification, motivational applications posted in Google Classroom
(GC). Discussion is via Google meet / Zoom / Messenger.
● Turn in outputs via Google classroom provided by the teacher based on the posted due date.


● Browse the module and answer the necessary activities.

Questions and clarification regarding the given tasks will be accommodated via SMS / calls

Comments and suggestions for this week:


Parent’s Signature

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher II Head Teacher IV Principal III
NAME: ___________________________________ STRAND/ SECTION: _________________ SCORE: _________
Written Task 2: TOT - PAD! (Think of a Title by Planning a Design)
(5 pts each)
NAME: _De Villa Lance David D, STRAND/ SECTION: __12-STEM Aristotle__ SCORE: _________
Performance Task 2: Make a Plan

1. Research Title (10pts)

“Silent Killer Variant”

2. Background of the Study (20pts)

Delta is currently the predominant variant of the virus in the United States. Below is a high-level
summary of what CDC scientists have recently learned about the Delta variant. More information
will be made available when more data are published or released in other formats .On July 27, 2021 the
new variant of CoVid have been released , a significant increase in new cases reversed what had been a
steady decline since January 2021. In the days leading up to our guidance update, CDC saw a rapid
and alarming rise in the COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates around the country.


CATEGORY 5 4 3 2

Title exceptional title that proficient title that is basic title that states Weak title or
grabs interest of in interest of reader topic but lacks incomplete title-
reader and states and states topic with interest; and key topic is not stated or
topic with correct key variables variables are irrelevant and key
key variables somewhat arguable variables are non-

Quality of background of the information relates information relates information has little
Information/Evidence study is to the main topic. to the main topic, or nothing to do with
exceptionally few details and/or the thesis.
researched, **background of the examples are given.
extremely detailed, study is well- **shows a limited **information has
and historically researched in detail variety of sources weak or no
accurate. and from a variety of connection to the
**information clearly sources. thesis.
relates to the thesis.

Organization/ exceptionally clear, clear and logical somewhat clear and lacks development
logical, mature, and order that supports logical development of ideas with weak
Development of ideas thorough thesis with good with basic or no transitions
development of transitions between transitions between between and within
thesis with excellent and within and within paragraphs.
transitions between paragraphs. paragraphs.
and within

Conclusion excellent summary good summary of basic summary of lack of summary of

of topic with topic with clear topic with some final topic.
concluding ideas concluding ideas. concluding ideas.
that impact reader. **introduces no new
**introduces no new **introduces no new information.
information. information.

Style/Voice style and voice are style and voice style and voice style and voice
not only appropriate appropriate to the somewhat inappropriate or do
to the given given audience and appropriate to given not address given
audience and purpose. audience and audience, purpose,
purpose, but also purpose. **word etc.
show originality and **word choice is choice is often
creativity. **word specific and unspecific, generic, **word choice is
choice is specific, purposeful, and redundant, and excessively
purposeful, dynamic somewhat varied clichéd. redundant, clichéd,
and varied. throughout. ***sentences are and unspecific.
***sentences are ***sentences are somewhat unclear; ***sentences are
clear, active mostly clear, active excessive use of very unclear.
(subject-verb- and to the point passive voice.
object), and to the

Grammar/Usage/ control of grammar, may contain few contains several so many spellings,
usage, and spellings, spelling, punctuation, and
Mechanics mechanics. **almost punctuation, and punctuation, and grammar errors that
entirely free of grammar errors. grammar errors the paper cannot be
spelling, which detract from understood.
punctuation, and the paper’s
grammatical errors. readability.

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