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Weekly Home Learning Plan

October 25 -
schedule. PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 October 30, 2021
Quarter 1 - Week 3
8:00 AM - 12:00NN
Name: ________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________________

Date Learning Tasks

General Instructions. Read critically the brief discussion for each part of chapter 1.
Then write the content of your chapter 1 based on your working title.

Part 1. Introduction
This part consists of the synopsis of the problem. The overview discussion may be
presented by citing some phrases and sentences from published materials (at most
three references) relevant to the study. This gives the reader a general idea and
impression as well as motivation of the study. Discussion should be deductive (from
macro to micro concepts leading to the problem). The last portion of the introduction
should bring up a very strong foundation (based on facts/observations) and rationale of
the study.
•The left heading is Introduction in title case and highlighted (bold).
•The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 in.
•The length should be six (6) to ten (10) typed double-spaced pages.
•The use of bibliographic references must be consistent; the year of publication must be
•Multiple citations for a single concept is allowed.
•Third person pronouns should be used.
DAY 1 •Ideas must be connected using linking devices and transitions.
Writing Learning Task 1. Writing an Introduction
Chapter 1 Directions: With your groupmates, write your introduction considering your working title. Be sure
• Introduction to follow the guidelines and format. (2-3 pages)
• Research Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Objectives Introduction:
• Hypothesis of ____________________________________________________________________
the Study __________________________________________________________________________

Part II. Research Objectives:

This section introduces the general and specific objectives of the study.
Research Objectives
The main purpose of this research is to determine the level of digital literacy and inventive
instructional schemes of mathematics teachers in the new normal.
Specifically, it aims to:
1. Determine the respondents’ level of digital literacy in teaching along the following
1.1 Creativity;
1.2 Collaboration and Communication;
1.3 Critical Thinking and Evaluation;
1.4 Cultural and Social Understanding; and
1.5 E-safety.
2. Assess their inventive instructional schemes in the new normal in terms of:
2.1 Repetition;
2.2 Timed Testing;
2.3 Pair Work
2.4 Manipulation Tools; and
2.5 Mathematics Games.
3. Relate the respondents’ digital literacy and inventive instructional schemes.
4. Propose an online learning training program for mathematics teachers.
• The left heading is Objectives in title case and highlighted (bold).
• The general aim of the study should be stated first followed by the specific objectives.
• Objectives of the study should be presented as imperative form.
• Objectives of the study should be numbered using Hindu-Arabic numerals.
• The first line of each objective should be indented by 0.5 in.

Learning Task 2: Writing Research Objectives

Directions: With your groupmates, write the research objectives of your study. Consider the
sample given:

Research Objectives:

Part III. Hypothesis of the Study. The hypothesis of the study is based on the research
objectives. Consider the sample research objectives presented above, here is a sample

Ho: The study is premised on the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between
the respondents’ digital literacy and inventive instructional schemes.

Learning Task 3. Writing the Hypothesis of the Study

Directions: With your groupmates, write the research objectives of your study. Consider the
sample given:

Hypothesis of the Study

Check the box:
Completely done.
Incompletely done.
Parent’s Signature ____________________________

Part IV. Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

This includes the coverage of the study area, the duration of the study and the constraints
that have direct bearing on the results of the study. The scope of study in the research paper
contains the explanation of what information or subject is being analyzed. On the other hand, the
delimitation of study is the description of the boundaries set for the study. This explains the things
that a reader might reasonably expect the researcher to do but, for clearly explained reasons,
have decided not to do (e.g. the population not under study, methodological procedures not used,
Day 2 – etc.). It will explain why definite aspects of a subject were chosen and why others were excluded.
Continuation of Meanwhile, the limitation of the study underscores the shortcomings, conditions or
Chapter 1 influences that cannot be controlled by the researcher that place restrictions on the methodology
• Scope and and conclusions. Any limitations (e.g. the instruments utilized, the sample, time constraints, etc.)
that might influence the results should be mentioned.
• Significance • The left heading is Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study in title case and
of the Study highlighted (bold).
• Definition of • The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 in.
Terms • The length should be three (3) typed double-spaced paragraphs. First paragraph for the
scope, second for the delimitation and the last for the limitation.
• Third person pronouns should be used.
• Ideas must be connected using linking devices and transitions.
Learning Task 4: Writing Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study
Directions: With your groupmates, write comprehensively the scope, delimitation and limitation of
your study.
Scope, Delimitation, and Delimitation of the Study
Part V. Significance of the Study
In writing the significance of the study, the researcher must specify the significance and
possible application of the research results to pedagogy – its benefits to the field of teaching and
learning, especially in a specific area, its contribution to the field of specialization, or to the
community and the like.
Significance of the Study
This study has been beneficial to the following individual or group of individuals.
Aeta learners. The outcome of this research will be beneficial to Aeta People especially
among the Aeta learners, to gain fruitful learning and enlighten their mind setting especially in
Education. To give them a chance to overcome barriers in learning brought by the factors of the
Covid-19 pandemic by providing or extending even a little help for them to continue their education
Teachers. The result of this study will give them gainful insights among teachers on the
learning needs of the aeta learners that can be use in their classroom pedagogies and strategies
after the pandemic. In able teachers to overcome cultural blind spot and full acceptance of
inclusiveness of education.
School Heads. The result of this study will give them awareness to aeta learners which
will support them to attain the educational goals of the department of Education especially in
Education for All (EFA). Understanding from this study can help them to
• The left heading is Pedagogical Implications in title case and highlighted (bold).
• More specific and concrete significance and implications of the study to education should
be presented.
•The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 in.
Learning Task 5: Writing Significance of the Study
Directions: With your groupmates, write comprehensively the significance of your study
to the individual/ or group of individuals.

Significance of the Study:


Part VI. Definition of Terms:

In order to grasp the essential terminology utilized in the study, it is critical to include
definitions of terms in your manuscript. These terms should be carefully defined according to how
they are used in the study to facilitate comprehension of the problem and to avoid ambiguous
meanings to terms that could otherwise be construed in multiple ways. Terms must be define
conceptually and operationally and must be presented in alphabetical Order.
Definition of Terms
To facilitate better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined conceptually
and operationally:
Creativity. It is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production
of an artistic work (Santos, 2020). In the study, this refers to how the mathematics teachers
generate and present new information and content and select and harness the creative potential
of appropriate technology in teaching mathematics lesson.
Collaboration and Communication. In the study, this refers to how the mathematics
teachers use technology to effectively collaborate with each other for a specific purpose, to allow
for the co-construction of knowledge, to foster peer learning and support communities, and to
develop appropriate communication skills among students.
Critical Thinking and Evaluation. In the study, it refers to how the teachers critically think,
analyse and evaluate technological information before passing it to the students.

Learning Task 6: Writing Definition of Terms

Directions: With your groupmates, write comprehensively the definition of terms of your study.

Performance Areas 15 10 15 5 Score

Content The complete The ideas are The idea No

idea is clearly vague, lack of lacks supporting
stated focus. supporting points.

Relevance/Appropriateness The ideas are The answers The answers No relevance

aligned to what are somewhat have a little at all.
is needed. misleading. relevance to
what is asked

Mechanics and Grammar Written ideas Written Written Written

have no errors answers are answers have answers
in word relatively free several errors have serious
selection and of errors in in word errors in word
use, sentence word selection selection and selection and
structure, and use, use, sentence use,
spelling and sentence structure, sentence
capitalization. structure, spelling and structure,
spelling and capitalization. spelling and
capitalization. (3-4 errors) capitalization.
(1-2 errors)

Total /45

Note: Each learning task will be given 45 points.

Check the box:

Completely done.
Incompletely done.

Online / Blended:
• Use Power point presentation and online clarification, motivational applications posted in Google Classroom
(GC). Discussion is via Google meet / Zoom / Messenger.
• Turn in outputs via Google classroom provided by the teacher based on the posted due date.


• Browse the module and answer the necessary activities.

Questions and clarification regarding the given tasks will be accommodated via SMS / calls

Comments and suggestions for this week:


Parent’s Signature

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher III Master Teacher II Head Teacher IV Principal III

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