Lesson Plan Cot 2 Empowerment Technologies Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Agusan del Sur
Kapatungan, Trento, Agusan del Sur
School ID NO.: 317409



TIME: 10:00 – 11:00 AM QUARTER: 3

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of ICT in the context of global communication for
Standards specific professional track.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently compose an
Standards insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and
professional tracks (Arts, Tech Voc, Sports, Academic)
C. Learning Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and
Competencies/ practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-
Objectives professional tracks b-2

By the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Identify what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate online behavior.

2. Apply internet online safety, security ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the
use of ICTs.
3. Independently discern possible deceptive information and wrongly evaluated data.


A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages

2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional Laptop, pictures, visual aid
B. Other 1. De Lara, Maricel. (2016, Nov. 3). Empowerment Technology. Retrieved from
Learning https://www.slideshare.net/maricelbaldomerodelara/lesson-1-empowerment-technology.
Resources Retrieved on May 19, 2020.
2. Educational Technology: Students Readiness and Self – Assessment.
Retrieved from https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ET_student-readiness. Retrieved on
May 19, 2020.
3. Quiambao, A. (2019, Sep 8). Online platforms for ICT Content Development.
Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/AngelitoQuiambao/online-platforms-for-ict-
content-development-169954837. Retrieved on May 20, 2020.


A. Reviewing Good morning class. Good morning Sir Edsel!
previous lesson
or presenting
new lesson Before we start, I would like to ask one volunteer to lead (One student will lead the prayer)
the prayer. Everybody please stand up. In the name of the Father and the Son, and
the Holy Spirit…

You may now sit down.

Let me check the attendance first, please say present if

your name is called. (Student raise their hands and say present as
their name is called)
I will present to you the class rules that I want to impose
in my class. Everybody, please read.

(Students read the class rules)

Indicator 2: Display proficient use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate
Teaching and learning. (Students read the class rules)
1. In this subject we will only use English as our 1. In this subject we will only use
medium of instruction, but if you will have English as our medium of
difficulty talking in English, then you can use instruction, but if you will have
Filipino. difficulty talking in English, then
Indicator 4: Establish safe and secure learning you can use Filipino.
environments to enhance learning through the 2. Be polite in your manner and
consistent implementation of policies, guidelines, and speech.
procedures. 3. Respect your teacher and your
2. Be polite in your manner and speech. classmates.
3. Respect your teacher and your classmates. 4. Follow the basic health protocols
4. Follow the basic health protocols against against covid19:
covid19:  Always wear facemask
 Always wear facemask  Maintain Social Distancing
 Maintain Social Distancing  Wash your hands properly or use
 Wash your hands properly or use an alcohol or an alcohol or sanitizer.

Do you agree with our class rules?

Yes sir!
Now, what was our lesson the other day?

Our lesson the other day was about What Is

Information and Communication
Can you cite at least two types of web pages? Technology.

Sir Web 1.0 or The Web and Web 2.0 or

The Social Web.

B. Establishing Now to start our lesson, let me present to you our lesson (Students read the lesson objective)
a purpose for objective. Everybody please read.
the lesson At the end of the lesson, students will be
able to:
1. Identify what constitutes
appropriate and inappropriate
online behavior.
2. Apply internet online safety,
security ethics, and etiquette
standards and practice in the use of
3. Independently discern possible
deceptive information and wrongly
evaluated data.

Yes sir!

Can we obtain this objectives class?

Very good!

C. Presenting Indicator 1: Integration to logic

examples/ (Photo Analysis: Motivation)
instances of the Now, I will show you a series of news headline
by the ABS-CBN News Topic Page on Identity-
new lesson theft. Retrieved from

I want you to look at the photo very carefully

and reflect on the questions that follow.
Yes sir!

What is common among the headlines above?

(Possible response)
Sir, the headlines are about identity theft.
Wow I am glad that you are a bit aware of your
vulnerability online.

Are your social media accounts secured enough that you

may not be a victim of these things? Sir! Sir!

Yes, go ahead. No sir, my Facebook account was once

hacked. With the help of my friend, I was
able to recover my account.
Good that you are able to recover your account.

What type of information do you share in your social

media accounts?

Yes go ahead.
All my basic credentials are shared online
sir. My name, my family, my school, almost
everything is on my social media as I am a
fan of posting everything on my Facebook

Thank you for your honest response.

There's almost no limit to what you can do online. The
Internet makes it possible to access information quickly,
communicate around the world, and much more.
Unfortunately, the Internet is also home to certain risks,
such as malware, spam, and phishing. If you want to stay
safe online, you'll need to understand these risks and learn
how to avoid them.

Now base from the activity, what do you think is our topic
for today?
Sir! Our topic might be about Online Safety,
Security, and Netiquette

Correct! Our topic for today is about “Online Safety,

Security, and Netiquette.”

D. Discussing Indicator 7: Motivate learner to work productively by

new concepts assuming responsibility for their own learning.
and practicing
(Shared or Not Shared? That is the Question)
new skills #1
Now let us have another activity. For this activity, I will
One, two, three…
group you into three groups via counting. We will start
counting from the front right side. Please count up to
three, start now.

Now go to your groupmates, and form a circle. Group one

will stay here, group two will stay here, and group three
will stay at the back. Remember to maintain social
distancing other health protocols.

Read and reflect each item carefully. Copy the table

shown in the visual aid and write your answers in the
manila paper given to each group and write the number of
your groupmates in the space who have shared or not
shared these pieces of information in each of your social
media accounts.

After that choose a representative from your group to

show your answers. I will only give you three minutes to
finish the activity and 1 minute to present your output.

Are you ready?

Yes sir!
First Name
(possible responses)
Middle Name Group 1, 2, and 3

Last Name
Current and TYPE OF
Your cellphone N
number First Name 4 1
Complete name
of mother and Middle Name 3 2
Your parents’ Last Name 5 0
cellphone Current and
numbers 2 3
Previous School/s
Name of Siblings Your cellphone
5 0
Your Address Complete name
of mother and 2 0
Your Birthday father
Your parents’ 0 5
Name of Siblings 5 0

Your Address 5 0
1. In your group, what is the total number of
Your Birthday 5 0
information have you SHARED?
2. What is the total number of information have you
3. Based from your answers above, do you think
you are safe when using the Internet? Why?

Time’s up! Group one show your answer in front, to be

followed by group two and so on and so forth.

Possible answer

1. Out of 5 members of the group,

there are a total of 36
Good job everyone! Let us give ourselves a round of information shared online.
applause. 2. Out of 5 members of the group,
there are a total of 11
You may now go back to your original seats, and arrange information not shared online.
it properly. 3. We don’t think we are safe
because we have a lot of
information shared online.
(Get To Know Me)
E. Discussing Short discussion on Online Safety, Security, and
new concepts Netiquette.
and practicing
new skills #2 Now let us identify what constitutes appropriate and
inappropriate online behavior.

Online safety refers to the practices and

precautions that should be observed when
using the internet to ensure that the users, as
well as their computers and personal
information, are safe from crimes associated
with using the internet . These are personal
information that must be kept confidential.
There are numerous delinquencies
that can be committed on the internet such
as stalking, identity theft, privacy violations,
and harassment.
To avoid these online crimes, follow the
following online safety measures:
Never give any personal
information out about yourself over
the internet.
Do not give any banking or
sensitive information unless you
are sure that it is a reputable
business having a secure service.
To make sure that you are in a
secured network, the website
address should begin with
“https://’ as opposed to “http://”.
Never access your accounts by
following an email link, instead
type your URL by yourself.
Never open messages or
attachments from someone you do
not know.

Regularly review your privacy

settings in your online accounts to
make sure you are not sharing
important personal information.
When using a public computer
terminal, be sure to delete your
browsing data before leaving.
Keep your software updated to
avoid security holes.
Do not download or install software
or anything on your computer or
cell phone that is unknown to you.
Netiquette is a combination of the words
network and etiquette. It is a set of rules for
behaving properly online. Below are the 10
rules of netiquette:

Flame war is a series of flame posts or

messages in a thread that are considered
derogatory in nature or are completely off-
topic. Often these flames are posted for the
sole purpose of offending or upsetting other
users. The flame becomes a flame war when
other users respond to the thread with their
own flame message.
F. Developing Indicator 8: teaching strategies that are responsive to
mastery learners with disabilities, skills and talents
Now with the same group, we will have another activity.

Go to your groupmates. Each group will answer the


I want you to apply internet online safety, security, ethics,

and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs by
performing what is indicated.

1. Identify a problem in your community (e.g. littering,

garbage disposal, blocked drainages, etc.)

2. Imagine that you are going to create a website to

persuade both community leaders and members to solve
this problem

3. Fill out the form below.

Each group will demonstrate their answers in a creative

way. You can choose to create a PowerPoint presentation,
or record a video in presenting your outputs.

You will only be given 5 minutes to prepare and 3

minutes to present.

Here is the rubric for this activity;

Presentation – 30
Cooperation – 20

Total of 50 pts.

Group 1: Will choose Teenage Pregnancy

and will present via PowerPoint presentation
or a video.

Group 2: Will choose Garbage Disposal and

will present via PowerPoint presentation or a

Indicator 6: inspire learners to participate and collaborate in Group 3: Will choose Littering and will
continued learning. present via PowerPoint presentation or a
(After the presentations)
Well done! I will now present to you your score.

Let’s give ourselves a round of applause for a job well


G. Finding Indicator 9:adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching

practical strategies (locality)
applications of
concepts and
skills in daily
Now I want you to independently discern possible
living deceptive information and wrongly evaluated data in your
social media accounts.

In your notebook, answer this question. Why is there a

need to think before posting anything on social media? I
will then choose a volunteer to read his/her answer aloud.

(possible response)
Thinking before you post, and ensuring you
know the evidence that underpins the
content you are sharing, or the impact it
might have, is vital in stopping the spread of
misinformation and its harmful effects. You
can also help others if you see them posting

Indicator 5: Maintain learning environments that

promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage

Very good! I am impressed with your answer.

Therefore, we should be responsible of the information we

share online. In this age of information, being critical,
careful and sensitive is very important

I hope from now on you will all be mindful of what you

post online.
H. Making Now let us review our objectives and see if we
generalization accomplished it. Everybody, please read our lesson
and objectives.
about the lesson (possible response)

1. Identify what constitutes

appropriate and inappropriate
online behavior.
2. Apply internet online safety,
security ethics, and etiquette
standards and practice in the use of
3. Independently discern possible
deceptive information and wrongly
evaluated data.
Did we accomplish it all?

Yes sir!

Let us give ourselves a round of applause.

I. Evaluating INDICATOR 3: Use effective non-verbal communication

learning strategies to support learners understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement.

Now to test your understanding of the topic, we will have

a short quiz.

DIRECTIONS: Choose the most appropriate thing to do

in the following situation. Write the letter of the correct

1. Your family is going out on a vacation. What

should you do?
A. Post pictures when you return home.
B. Post the dates you will be gone online.
C. Post updates of where you are currently
checking in hotels or places.
D. Tell no one. Vacations are for getting away.
2. Do you have the same passwords for all your
A. Yes. That is how I remember all my
Correct Answer:
B. I have different passwords for all different 1. A
accounts. 2. B
C. I keep it simple. I don’t have any passwords. 3. A
D. I have two similar passwords that I 4. C
alternately use for all my accounts. 5. B
3. Choose which image below
describes how you feel about sharing
your password with your boyfriend/
Image source:




4. Your parents bought you your first cellphone.

How will you share your cellphone number?
A. Do not share your cellphone number to
B. Post your cellphone number in your social
media account.
C. Share your cellphone number only in person.
D. Post your cellphone number in your group
5. Your social media friends list should only be
composed of ______________.
A. Your favorite brands.
B. Family and friends
C. Anyone who sends you a friend request
D. Foreigners


J. Additional
activities for DIRECTION: Visit a social networking site and look for the site’s privacy policy. The link is typically
application or found at the bottom of the page and sometimes labeled only as “Privacy”. Write a summary of how the
remediation website handles both your private and public information.
V. Mga Tala
VI. Pagninilay
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Observed by:

Teacher I Principal I

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