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FIITJEE Big Bang Edge Test - 2017

for students presently in

Class 9
Time: 3 Hours (9:30 am - 12:30 pm)
1Code 19000 I Maximum Marks: 423


Caution: Class, Paper, Code as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet
before attempting the paper. Wrong Class, Paper or Code will give wrong results.

1. This Question paper consists of 2 sections. All questions will be multiple choice single correct oul of four
choices with marking scheme in table below:

Marking Scheme for each question

- correcfanswer wrong answer
Q 1 to 24 +3 0
Q. 2510 36 +4 0
Q. 37 to 45 +5 0


Q 61 1069 +3 0
SECTION -11 Q 70 to 75 +4 0
(SCIENCE & Q 761093 +3 0
09410105 +4 0
Q 10610114 +3 0
BIOLOGY Q 11510117 +4 0
t ••" /

Q 11810120 +5 0

2. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheet The Question Paper contains blank spaces for your rough
work. No additioflal sheets wilt be provided for rough work.

• 3 Blank papers, dip boards, fog tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
any form, are not 'aliowed,
devices, in

4. Before attempting paper write your OMR Answer Sheet No., Registration Number, Name and Test
Centre in the space provided at the bottom of this sheet

Note: Plcasc cheeJc this Qucs/ion Papcr contains al/120 qucs/ions in scrial ordcr. If no/ so, exchangc for /hf! corrf!et QUf!srion Papf!r.

OMR Answer Sheet No.

Registration Number

Name of the Candidate

Test Centre

FIITJU Ltd., rIITJEJ; HOIU., 29.A, Kal •• Sa'al, Sarv<Jp'lya Vlh<Jr, N.w D<:lhl.J J0016, Ph: 4928347J/73/75
w.bslte: wwwJlIIJe •. eorn
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-2

Section-I AT

Straight Objective Type

This section contains 45 multiple choice questions number 1 to 45, Each question has 4 choices (A), (B),
(C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Directions (0.1 - Q.2): Following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given below.
519 364 287 158 835

1. If the positions of the first and the third digits within each number are interchanged, which of the
following wilt be the third digit of the second lowest number after interchange?
W9 ~8
(C) 7 (D) 4

2. Which of the following is the difference between the second digit of the lowesl and the highest of
these numbers?
W3 ~1
~2 ~O
3. Samant remembers that his brother's birthday is after 15th but before 18th of February, while his
sister remembers that her brother's birthday is after 16th but before 19th of February. On which
dale, of February, is Samant's brother's birthday?
(A) 16th (8) 181h
(C) 19 (D) 171h

4. A letter series is given. Some of the letters of the series are missing These missing lellers are
given in same order as one of Ihe four allernatives below the series, Find out the correct
(A) mbabm (8) abmab
(C) mabam (D) ambbm

5. In a code language BUTTER is coded as CVUUFS and BREAD is coded as CSFBE then in which
lellers will COFFEE be written?
Space for Rough Work

""IU Ltd., FIITJJ;£ Houu, 29.A. Ka'" Sa,al, Sa",aprlya Vlha'. N~w D~Ih/.J Jool6, Ph, 4928347J(73(75
BBE.2017-C.IX (Paper.1 )-AT +S&M-3

6. 'Flower' is related to 'Petals', in the same way as 'Book' is related to .....

(A) Pages (B) Content
(C) Author (D) Library

7. Three out of the four alternatives are same in the certain way and so form a group, find the odd
one that does not belong to the group.
(A) Ven (8) Lira
(C) Dollar (D) Ounce

8. Choose the odd numeral pair/group in each of the following questions.

(A)11 -121 (8) 12 - 144
(C)13 -169 (D)14 - 186

Directions (0.9 - 0,11): Study the following figure carefully and answer the given questions:




9. Which region denotes Indian leaders who are not singers?

W2 003
~4 ~5

10. Which region represents Indian leaders who are singers?

W2 003
~4 ~5

11. Which region represents leaders who are neither singers nor Indians?
W2 003
~6 (~7
Space for Rough Work

""JU Ltd., FIITJl':l':Ho••~••, 29-•••.•K"I •• S",,,I, S""'''P"yo Vlha" N••w D••lhl.JJOOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
w••b~lu: www.flltj •••••
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT'S&M-4

12. The question thai follow contain a sel of three figures X, Y and Z showing a sequence of folding
of a piece of paper. Figure (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been cuI. These
three figures are followed by four answer figures from which you have to choose a figure which
would most closely resemble the unfolded form of figure (2).
, r---------,
, , ,

W l____
EJ y Z

(A) (B)

(e) (D)

Select the figure from the four alternative figures, which when placed in the missing portion (?) of
the original figure as shown by figure (X). would complele the pallern.

(A) (6) (C) (D)

Space for Rough Work ...

FIIUU Ltd., FIITJEE Houu, 29.A, K ••l •• 5,•• ,,1, s<u""" VI!>,•• , NO'", VO'lhl .11ooJ6, Ph, 49283471/73/75
BBE.2017 -C.IX (Paper.' l-AT_S&M_5

14. A figure series is given out of which the last figure is missing. Find which one would complete the

[g6IA[@olbJ[ [~o[ol@OB61 ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)

15. Choose the correct mirror - image of the figure (X) from amongst four alternatives (A), (B), (C)
and (D), given along with it.

16. Choose the correcl water - image of the figure (X) from amongst four alternalives (A), (8), (C)
and (D), given along with it.

(X) (A) (B) (C) (D)

17. A word has been given, followed by four other words. One of which can nol be formed by using
the letters from the given word. Find thaI word.

18. Seeta start waking from a point, walks 2 km. towards north, turns towards right and walks 2 km.
turns right again and walks 2 km. Which direction she is facing now?
(A) East (B) West
(e) South (D) North
Space for Rough Work

IIrrJ(( f.,td., FllTJE£ Hous., :l9.A, Kolu So,...I, Sorvop"!t'0 V/ho', N.w Delhl.J 10016, Ph, 49:183471(73/75
BBE.2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-6

Directions (0.19 - 0.23): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
In a certain code '318' means 'run very fast', '289' means 'to run away', '97' means 'to see' and '43'
means 'very good'.

19. What is the code for 'see'?

(A) 3 (8)7
(C) 4 (D) 9

20. Which of the following represents, 'see good run away'?

(A) 8472 (8) 7914
(C) 7319 (D) 3289

21. What is the code for 'run'?

(A) 3 (8) 8
(C) 1 (D) 9

22. Which of the following may represent 'good to see away'?

w~e ~~G
(C) 5439 (D) 2479

23. Wha! does '4' represent in this code?

(A) very (8) fasl
(C) run (D) good

24. How many such letters are there in the word 'MONKEY' which remain the same in its position, if
the letters are arranged in descending order alphabetically?
(A) None (8) One
(C) Two (0) Three

Directions (0.25 - 0.28): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the question given
E % 3R 5#A6 8 IJ@29HU4@M"F7SW8PND

25. What will come at the place of question mark (?) in the following series based on above
35A, 1@9,4M', ? I,. /
(A) 7WP '(8) 7W8
(C) S8N (D) FWP
Space for Rough Work

JlnJU Ltd., FlTTJEl:Ho••u, 29-A, K"r •• 5".,,1, S""'''pdy'' Vlh"., 1'1.", D.l/II.J 10016, Ph, 4928347J/73/75
",.b~ju, "'''''''JUtj ••. com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-7

26. Which of the following will be eighth from right to the twentieth from right end in the above
(A)@ (B)@
(C)3 (0) P

27. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately
preceded by a letter and immediately followed by a symbol?
(A) None (B) One
(C) Two (0) Three

28. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately
preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a symbol?
(A) None (S) One
(C) Two (0) Three

29. In a class, boys stand in a single line. One of the boys is nineteenth in order from both the ends.
How many boys are there in the class?
wn ~~
~y ~H

30. In a class of 42 students, Mahesh's rank is 161h from the bottom. What is his rank from the top?
(A) 251h (6) 261h
(C) 24 1h (0) 271~

Directions (0.31 - 0.32): On a playing ground, Dev, Kumar. Nilesh, Ankur and Pintu are standing as
directed below facing the North.
(i) Kumar is 40 m to the right of Ankur.
(ji) Dev is 60 m to the South of Kumar.
(iii) NiJesh is 25 m to the West of Ankur.
(iv) Pintu is 90 m to the North of Dev.

31. If a boy walks from Nilesh, meets Ankur followed by Kumar, Dev and then Pintu, how many
metres has he walked, if he has travelled the straight distance all through?
(A)215m (S)155m
(C) 245 m (0) 185 m
Space far Rough Work
'.- )

mTJU Ltd., FIITJEE Hous«. 29-A. K"lu 5".,,1, S"","" Vlh"., N~w Ddhl.1 Joo16, Ph,49283471/73/75
w~bs/u, www.JutJ ••. com
BBE.2017.C-IX (Paper-1}-AT+S&M-8

32. Who is at the North-East of the person, who is to the left of Kumar?
(A) Nilesh (B) Ankur
(C) Pintu (D) Either Nilesh or Dev

33. The populalion of a town is 10000. It increases by 10% during the first year. During the second
year, it decreases by 20% and increased by 30% during the third year. What is the population
after 3 years?
(A) 11420 (8)11440
(C) 11430 (0) 11400

Directions (0.34 - 0.35): A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the center
not necessarily in the same order. F is fourth to the left of A and second to the right of C. B is second to
the teft of A and A is to the immediate right of G. E, who is not an immediate neighbour of B is fourth to
the left of D.

34. Which of the following is correct?

(A) F is third to the left of B (B) H is third to the lett of 0
(C) C is third to the left of B (D) E is third to the left of F

35. What is H's position with respect to G?

(A) Fifth to the right (B) Third to the left
(C) Third to the right (D) Fourth to the left

36. Today is Wednesday, what will be the day after 98 days?

(A) Monday (B) Tuesday
(C) Wednesday (D) Sunday

Directions (0.37 - 0.38): In each of the following queslions, various terms or the number series are
given with one term missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.

37. 2,3,8,27,112, ?
(A) 226 (8) 339
(C) 452 (0) 565

38. 10,14,28,32,64,68, ?
(A) 28 (8) 32
(C) 64 (0) 136
Space for Rough Work

FIIUU Ltd., FlITJZZ HolI.u, :<'9'A,K",'ll. 5"' •.••1, S"'''''''prfy''' Vlh",r, N.,w D.lhf -1JOOJ6, Ph,49:<'8347'J/73/75
w.b~If4r,www.f1ltj••• com
BBE.2017.e-IX IPaper.1 )-AT+S&M-9

39. Which number will come in place of '7' ?

(A) 35 (B) 37
(C) 45 (D) 47

40. A and B can do a piece of work in 45 and 40 days respectively. They began the work together but
A left after some days and B finished the remaining work in 23 days. After how many days A left?
(A) 8 days (B) 9 days
(C) 10 days (D) 11 days

Directions (0.41 - 0.45): Read the following infonnation carefully and answer the questions, which
(i) 'A - S' mean 'A is father of B'.
(ii) 'A + B' means 'A is daughter of B'.
(iii) 'A + B' means 'A is son of B',
(iv) 'A x B' means 'A is wife of B',

41. Which of the following means P is grandson of S?

(A) P + Q - S (B) P + Q • S
(C) P + Q + S (D) P • Q + S

42. How is P related 10 T in the expression 'P + S - T'?

(A) Sisler (B) Wife
(C) Son (D) Daughter

43. In the expression 'P + Q x T', how is T related to P?

(A) Mother (6) Father
(C) Son (D) Brother

44. Which of the following means T is wife of P?

(A)P'S+T (B)P+.S'T
(C)P+S+T (D) None of these

45. In lhe expression 'P x Q - T', how is T related to P?

(A) Daughter (B) Sister
(C) Mother (0) Can't be determined
Space for Rough Work

FlnlU LU., FIITJEE 110""., :l1l.A, 11:",1"5",.",1,

S",,..,,,,'" Vlh",., N.w Ddhl.l looJ6, Ph: 411:l8341 J/13/11>
w.bslt.: wwwJlltj ••. com
BBE-2017-C.IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-10

Section-II Science and Mathematics

Physics (Part - A)
Straight Objective Type
Physics contains 15 multiple choice questions number 46 to 60. Each question has 4 choices (A), (8), (e)
and (0), out of wlJich ONL Y ONE is correct.

46. The body is thrown vertically upwards with velocity u, the greatest height to which it will rise is
(A) -
u (B) _
9 9
2u u2
(C)- (0)-
9 29
47. The value of quantity G in the law of gravitation
(A) depends on mass of earth only
(8) depends on radius of earth only
(C) depends on both mass and radius of earth
(D) is independent of mass and radius of earth

48. According to third law of motion, action and reaction:

(A) always acl on same body
(8) always act on different bodies in opposite direction
(C) have same magnitude and directions
(D) act on either body at normal to each other

49. An object of mass 2 Kg is sliding with a constant velocity of 4 mls on a friction less horizontal
table. The force required to keep the object moving with the same velocity is
(A) 32 N (B) Zero N
(C) 2 N (0) 8 N

50. The speed of magnetic audio tape is 4.5 cmls. What is the length of the tape in a 60 mill
(A) O.162x10'm (B) 162 em
(C) 0.162 m (0) 1.62 em

, Space for Rough Work

'IITJU Ltd., TlITJEE Ho•••• , 29.A, Hal •• S"',al, Sa •.••

"'p'lya VIII"", New V",lhl.J JooJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
",d'slk: ""''''''.fllfj ••. com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-11

51. The gravitational force between two objects is F. If masses of both objects are halved without
changing distance between them, then the gravitational force would become.
(A) "4 (8) "2
~F ~~

52. A water tanker filled upto 2/3 of its height is moving with a unifonn speed. On sudden application
of the brake, the water in the tank would
(A) move backward (B) move fO/ward
(C) be unaffected (D) none of these

53. If displacement of body slarting from rest is proportional 10 square of time. then Ihe body moves
(A) unifonn velocity (B) unifonn acceleration
(C) increasing acceleration (0) decreasing acceleration

54. The correct statement among the following are

(A) Gravitational force acts on all bodies in proportion 10 their masses
(B) The acceleration due to gravity acls on all bodies in proportion to their masses
(C) The moon is out of gravitational field of earth
(0) Acceleration due to gravity has same values for all bodies near the surface of the earth

55. A train 200m long crosses a bridge 300m long. It enters the bridge wilh a speed of 30 m/s and
leaves it with a speed of 50 mls. What is the time taken to cross the bridge?
(A) 2.5 5 (8)7.5 5
~125s ~150s

56, The force exerted by the floor of an elevator on the foot of a person standing there is more than
the weight of the person if elevator is
(A) going up with constant speed (B) going up and slowing down
(C) going down and slowing down (0) going down and speeding up

57. Ball bearings are used to

(A) Convert static to dynamic friction (B) Convert limiting to dynamic friction
(C) Convert sliding to rolling friction (D) Convert rolling friction to fluid friction
t.' / Space for Rough Work

FIITJULId., nrr,n;z Houn, 29.A, K"lu 5",,,1, S,,"'''pr/y'' Vfh"" N.", D.lhl.J JooJ6, Ph, 4928347J{73(75
",.b~fUt' ",,,,,,,.jIftj. •. com
BBE-2017-C.IX (Paper-1 )-AT +S&M-12

58. Figure shows a planet in an elliptical

orbit around the Sun S. Where is the
kinetic energy of the planet maximum
(A) p,
P, ........~ ..s ~

(8) p, P,
(e) P,
(D) P,


59. Same force acts on two bodies of different masses 3 Kg and 5 Kg initially at resl. The ratio of
times required to acquire same final velocity is
(A) 5 : 3 (8) 25 : 9
(C) 9 : 25 (D) 3 : 5

60. A force time graph for a linear motion is shown

in figure. The segments shown are circular. The
linear momentum gained between 0 to 8 2
1 2 3 4 5
(A) -271 N-s (8) Zero N-s
(C) +471 N-s (0) +671 N-s
Space for Rough Work

',' /

, fIIUtE Ltd., FlITJEE Houn, 29.A, X,dI' S••,...I, S•••.••
aprlya Vlh"., N.", D.lhl .110016, Ph: 4928347J/73/75
",d'.7It.: wW"'.jlltJ-.,,,om
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT'S&M-13

Chemistry (Part - B)
Straight Objective Type
Chemistry contains 15 multiple choice questions number 61 to 75. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B),
tel and (D), out of which ONL Y ONE is correct.

61. Which of the following mixtures can be separated by crystallization?

(A) Hel + H20 (B) CH30H + H20
(C) NaC! + H20 (0) CI2+ H20

62. Which of the following compounds is most incompressible at room temperature?

(A) sulphur dioxide (B) graphite
(C) water (0) chlorine

63 Which of the following exhibits Tyndall effect?

(A) sugar solution (B) common salt solution
(C) lime water (0) starch solution

64. Distillation process is used to separate the components of a liquid solution having different
(A) concentration (8) boiling point
(C) composition (D) all the above

65. CaS04 is a crystalline solid. Which of the following is not a property of it?
(A) It melts at a particular temperature
(B) Each Caz• ion is surrounded by a particular number of SO~- ions.
(C) The force of attraction between Ca2• and SO~- is uniform throughout the solid
(0) II's physical properties are uniform throughout the solid

66. Which of the following is not a property of colloidal solution?

(A) Scallering of light
(8) Movement of particles towards charged electrodes
(C) Precipitation takes place by addition of electrolytes
(D) Evaporation of the dispersed phase particles before dispersion medium particles on heating
Space for Rough Work

fillJU "p"y"
Ltd., FIITJE£ Hou~., 29."', K",lu S,•• "I, s"' •.•• VI""'r, No:wDdhl .JJOO16, Ph, 49283471/73/75
wo:b~lt." www.flIIJ •••••
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-14

67, Which of the following is incorrect regarding evaporation?

(A) It is a spontaneous process
(B) It needs strong heating
(C) It causes cooling
(D) The surface molecules evaporate easily than the bulk molecules

68. Which of the following is a property of the compound H2S04?

(A) 1Ishows the properties of hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen
(B) It boils at a particular temperature.
(C) The constituents elements can be separated by physical methods
(D) The ratio of mass of hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen in the compound varies with temperalure

69. Which of the following is an amorphous solid?

(A) glass (B) rubber
(C) plastic (D) all

70. Which of the following is not a property of gases?

(A) Brownian motion (B) Liquefaction
(C) Diffusion (D) Surface tension

71. Which of the following evaporates rapidly?

(A) sea water (B) river water
(C) purified water (D) chlorine water

72. Which of the following is a compound?

(A) graphite (8) ice
(C) sulphur (0) iodine

73. K,SO,AI, (S04), .24H,O is known as potash alum It's aqueous solution does not show the
properties of:
(A) K' ion (8) AP' ion
(C) SO~-ion (0) 02- ion

74. Which of the following phenomenon/phenomena take(s) place in sublimation?

(I) A solid-changes to gas
(II) Energy is absorbed
(III) The substance passes through liquid slale
(IV) Randomness of partides increases
(A) I, II (B) I, II, III
(C) I, II, IV (D) I, IV

75. Four cylinders of given volume A(2 L), 8(4 L), C(O.8 L) and 0(6 L) contain equal mass of 02 gas
at constant temperature. In which cylinder the gas produces maximum pressure?
WA (~B
~C ~D

Space for Rough Work

mrJ(t Ltd., TlITJEE lIo"u, 29.A, H"I •• S,u"l, S""'''pTly'' Vlh"T, N.w D""hl.11OOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
w.bslt.o: www.f/ltiu.(;om
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-15

Mathematics (Part - C)
Straight Objective Type
Mathematics contains 30 multiple choice questions number 76 to 105. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(8), (e) and (D), our of which ONLY ONE is correct.

76. The value of 1.999 in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q ~ 0, is
19 1999
(A)-10 (8) 1000

~2 ~i

77. An irrational number between J2 and J3 is:

(A) J2 + J3 (8) 16
(e) J3 (0) None of these

78. If P(5, 1), 0(8, 0), R(O, 4), 5(0, 5) and 0(0, 0) are plotted on the graph paper, then the points on
the x-axis are
(A) P and R (8) Rand S
(C) Only Q (0) Q and 0

79. Angles of a triangle are in the ralio 3: 5 : 4, the smallest angle of the triangle is:
(A)45' (8) 40'
(C) 80' (D) 20'

80. In triangles ABC and PQR, AS AC, LC = = LP and LB = LO. The two triangles are:
(A) Isosceles but not congruent (8) Isosceles and congruent
(C) Congruent but not isosceles (0) neither congruent nor isosceles

81. The sides of a triangle are 56cm, 60cm and 52cm long. Then the area of the triangle is
(A) 1322 cm2 (B) 1311 cm2
(C) 1344 cm2 (0) 1392 cm"
Space tor Rough Work

flnlU Ltd., TlITJEE Houu, 29.A, Kal •• Saral, S'uvapr/ya Vlhar, New DelhI .11ooJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
BBE-2017_CvIX (Paperv 1 )-AT+S&M-16

82. Two sides of a triangle are of lengths 5 em and 1.5 em. The length of the third side of the triangle
cannot be
(A) 3.6 em (8) 4.1 em
(C) 3.8 em (D) 3.4 em

83. In the given figure, XOV is a line. The value of x is A B

(A) 20'
(8) 25'
(C) 30'
(D) 90' 30° 3x
x o y

84. The graph of linear equation 3x + 2y = 8 cuts the y-axis at the point
(A) (2, 0) (8) (0, 3)
(C) (0, 4) (D) (8, 9)

85. On plotting the points 0(0, 0), A(3, 0), 8(3, 4), C(O, 4) and joining OA, AB, BC and CO which of
the following figure is obtained?
(A) Square (8) Rectangle
(C) Trapezium (0) Rhombus

86. (x - 1) is a factor of the polynomial

(A) x3 + Xl + X + 1 (B) x4 + x3 + x2 + 1
(C) x3 + x2 - X - 1 (0)x4+ 3x3+3x2+x+ 1

87. If x = 2 + 13, then( x + ~) equals to;

(A) -213 (8) 2

(C) 4 (D) 4-213
Space for Rough Work

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muu Ltd., FlITJE~ Hou~~,29-A, Ka.I•• Sa.ral, San>apdya Vlha" N~", D•.lh/.1 JooJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
bslc..: ",,,,,,,.jIItJ- •
BBE.2017-C-IX {Paper-1 )-AT+S&M.17

88. In the given figure ABIICD and CDIIEF.
What is the value of x? F
(A) 20"
, E

(8) 30"
(C) 40"
(D) 50"
c D

89. Use the following information to answer the next question.

"The product of 2 irrational numbers is always irrational"
Which of the following sets of numbers proves the above statement false?
wft~ ~~~
(C) )5,2)5 (D) J6, ~
90 What is the area of an isosceles triangle whose length of each of the equal sides is 12 em, and its
perimeter is 40 em?
(A) 16J2 em' (8)24~ em'
(C) 32)5 em' (D) 36J2 em'

91. The value of '1 :l -
16x 2n• - 2 x 2n•
3 1
(A) - (8) -
4 2
1 1
(C) - (D) -
4 9
Space for Rough Work

',' /

~1"J(f u••..•
TIn"E!: Ilo,,~••, 29-A, Xul •• s,u,,/, Sanlapr/ya VIIt,,,, N••w V.I',' .110016, Ph; 49283471/73/7:;
w.b3/u: www.flltj,,,t.~om
BBE.2017~C-IX (Paper-1 )~AT+S&M.18

92. The remainder when x3 - 6x2 + 2x - 4 is divided by 3x - 1 is

-110 110
(A) ----zI (8) 27

-1~ 1~
(C) -- (D) ~
27 27

• 93. If an angle is eight times its complementary angle, then the measure of the angle is
(A) 10. (8) 20.
(C) 80. (D) 160.

4 1 3 1
94. If z + -4 = 2207, then value of z + 3'" is
z z
(A) 312 (8) 322
(C) 332 (D) 343

95. The sum of cubes of 2 positive numbers is same as the cube of their sum The 2 numbers are not
equal to zero. What is the sum of the two number?
(A) 0 (8)1
~2 ~3

96. If f (x) = x4 - 2x3 + 3x2 - 2ax + 4b is a polynomial such that it leaves remainders 5 and 19
respectively, when divided by (x -1) and (x + 1). What is the value of (a + b)?
5 7
W~ ~~
9 11
(e) ~ (D) 2
Space for Rough Work

',' /

""JIE Ud., nrrJEJ: Houn, 29-A, lCalu Saral, Sa",apriya Villa., N"w ~lhl.JlOOJ6, Ph, 49283471/73/75
w"b~lu, www.jlltj•••••
BBE.2017~C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-19

97. In the figure, the area of shaded portion is: p

(Al 98 em'
(B) 480 em'
(C) 384 em2
(D) 380 em2 R


98. The triangle of the sides of a triangle are integral. If the perimeter of the triangle is 6 em, then how
many such triangles are possible.
WO ~1
~2 ~3

99. If x 1/3 + y1l3 + z 113 = 0, then which one of the following expression is correct:
(A) x + y3 + Z3 =0 (B) x + y + Z = 3xlJ3y1/3Z1/3
(C) X + Y+ Z = 3xyz (D) x3 + y3 + Z3 = 3xyz

100. In figure, if QT.lPR, LTQR =
40° and LSPR = 30°.
What are the value of x and y?
(Aj50', 80'
(B)60', 30'
(C) 90',20'
(0) 45' ,65'
a R

Space for Rough Work

',- "

'1I1JU Ltd., TlrrJEE HOIlS., 29-", Kal •• Sar"l, S""'''prlya V/har, N.w D.lhl.1 Joo16, Ph, 4928347J/73/75
w.b.olu: www.f/I~
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT +S&M-20

1 .
101. If x :0; J3 ' then value of x3 - X2 -11x + 31s?
2+ 3
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 0 (D)-16

102. Let ABC be a right angled triangle with AC as its hypotenuse. Then
L (A) AC' > AB' + BC' (B) AC' > AB' + BC'
(C) AC' < AB' + BC' (D) AC = AB + BC

103. The percentage increase in the area of a triangle jf its each side is tripled is
~ (A) 600% (B) 200%
I (C) 100% (0) 800%

. I.f -/25.4016 - -/1.0609

104. Simp Iy ~~~~-~~~
-/25.4016 + -/1.0609
401 104
(A) 607 (B)-
(C) -76 (0) none of these

105. If (a2 + b2 f :0; (a3 +b3r and ab,t 0, then (~+ ~J is equal to:

a6+~ 8 ~
(A) a'b' ( ) 729
a6 + a3b3 + b6
(C) 1 (D) a2b4 + a4b2

Space for Rough Work

"fUEf LId., FlTTJElt Hou"., 29'A, .11:

••1" S"T<>I,Sarv ••prlya Vlh •• r, N.", IHrlhl.1 JooJ6, Ph .. 4928347J/73/75
.•.•bdt.' ",,,,,,,.ft/tjn.tom
88E-2017 -C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-21

Biology (Part-D)
Straight Objective Type
Biology contains 15 multiple choice questions number 106 to 120. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B),
(e) and (0), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

106. The cells discovered in the thin section of cork by Robert Hooke were actually
(A) Cellulose (B) Living cells
(C) Dead cells (0) Cell membrane

107. Which meristem helps in increasing girth?

(A) Lateral meristem (B) Intercalary meristem
(C) Primary meristem (D) Apical merislem

108. Choose the correct pair

(A) Apiculture - Honeybee (8) Sericulture - Fish
(C) Pisciculture - silkworm (0) Aquaculture - Lac insect

109. Which step is not involved in carbon cycle?

(A) Photosynthesis (8) Transpiration
(C) Respiration (0) Burning of fossil fuels

110. Golgi body originates from

(A) Lysosome (B) Endoplasmic reticulum
(C) Mitochondria (D) Cell membrane

111. Cross between two plants of the same variety is called

(A) Intravarietal hybridization (B) Intervarietal hybridization
(C) Interspecific hybridization (0) Intergeneric hybridization

112. Ligament is mainly made up of

(A) Reticulin (B) Elastin
(C) Myosin (0) All of these

113. Which one of the following consist of living .cells?

(A) Vessels (B) Tracheids
(C) Companion cells (0) Sderenchyma
Space for Rough Wor./(

FlIUU Ltd., FIITJl£l£ Houn, 29-A, K,d" Saral, Sa •.••aprlya Vlh"., N.w Dclhl .JJOOJ6, Ph: 4928347J/73/75
w.bslt.: www.fl't~.eorn
88E-2017 -C-IX (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-22

114, In which fonn, food is stored in animal body?

(A) Glucose (B) Glycogen
(C) Cellulose (D) ATP

115. Major aerosol pollutant present in the jet plane emission is

(A) Carbon monoxide (B) Oxygen
(C) Chlorofluorocarbon (D) Sulphur dioxide

116. Sustainable agriculture involves

(A) Mixed Fanning (B) Mixed Cropping
(C) Crop rolation (D) All of these

117. Photosynthetic pigments are located in
(A) Stroma (B) Outer membrane of chloroplast
(C) Grana (D) Inner membrane of chloroplast

118. Four healthy people in their twenties in an accident faced some injuries resulting in the damage
and death of a few cells. Which of the cells are least likely to be replaced by new cells?
(A) Osteocytes (B) Liver cells
(C) Neurons (D) Malphighian layer of the skin

119. Carbon dioxide is called green house gas because it

(A) Trap's heat
(8) Trap's UV radiation
(C) Used in green house to increase stem growth only
(D) All of the above

120, High milk yielding varieties of cows are obtained by

(A) Super ovulation (B) Artificial insemination
(C) Use of surrogate mother (D) All of these
Space for Rough Work

fJiTJU Ltd., F1ITJEE Ho"u, 29.", }Col" S,•• a/, Sarvaprllla Vlhor, N~", D•.rh/.J JooJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/7!s
"'''MIt..: "'''''''.J''tj•.•..
Space for rough work

,rnJU Ltd., rnT.n:E If_.~, 29.A, K••!•• S(dQ~ Sa"""Prlya V!h...-, N~w Ih:!h!.J 10016, Ph 46J060oo, 26569493, Fax 26513942
••••b.It.' www.jl/{
Space for rough work



•... "

flnJU Ltd .• FUTJEE 1fo"s". 29.A, Kn/" Saral, Sarvaprl.ya Villar, N"wDelhl -110016, Ph 46106000. 26569493, F<v<26513942

Space for rougl1 work


"rrJU Ltd., FrlTJEE Jlouse, 29.A, Kalu Saral, Sarvcpr/lia Vfhar, New DelhI .J JOOJ6, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Jo'wc26513942
website: www.fl/

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