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Book Co Denink, CORAL SY 7 aly lao . By Date) Experiment Page| Initial | Remarks ie Gwen Salt ee iS ik oct The Caivem Salk is is (CH, 009) | ae 4 a D Pb_____ (Hato, pp || we + BPE, The Cgtvem Salk ts (NuuCIe3, ies fremomium ehloide | ee ish Te Siven sale isEeso.) e Fy ettrour Sullphabs,., eg — » di. | OB OS-03-n we Aven call ig ce Blase is 4 EG Bassium Nitkels Balm) 7 -~ I a a hist 34 Te given sale iaickes mae { ? _Sutphake (N04) a —_ ; Bea” We given atk ie coyous| |r Aa F a _ thleriole (Fec| 4) ee E. [ + _iR PP OS=S-re Te given Salt ic 2 | OM zine catbonald Go (05) eg ee hay oe vt i 4 ; 7 ao ae Given Salt te od viral oe — (eb wos) 2) | ae > a Tih ta" T, Auen valk 1s Niokle i z a» al niet intial), se ae yt Z OU AONE Date Experiment \ fas pach Bastion oh Tab joralf L Te QivOr oa found to be dng ah, (Qlucose) 16) 24-4 The Ativen bey — Compend poit found t_be pol “Gace hat) Larch ) 1 29 4 ate Rven +4: mound foumd tobe Prvtein A) Tho ren or Or! cengened S Corytkat serog, i Z ey | hight teen | whrle WE ete wellowssh Ipanwn 1eb (Nos); ‘elauipees while Light areen Colours Beple ren Sn a ae (Enpenzment No: o4) No. Experiment | Salk +420 _ colouy aa rs __ |ANALYSTS OF ACEDIC ss ___| RADTL OU a ea Salk + AL th $0y + Healt i) No of ecemnkon aa 7 li) No heown ga% | tii) No a4 witts 14 iv) No culphae Si Teacher's Signature _ Experiment EXPERIMENT Luperiment 01 Dale 3 SS Date tS OBSERVATI9} |? Gia eer wes eeine Atoke oT Bardi | Aolubilely i Soluble id _|Test_ fos Acetate: | Rub salle ovalic actd +e drop off wedes| —hin_ watch sfasse | Teal foe Ata (Perforwn if the Sethutm whife) Salk + MooH + hewk . | Blame Tesh Vem iged Lhe Grell | Smedl_of Alby Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE Date _2--2020 EQUATION OF THE REACTION May be Cu" ar. 03" Carly chs) | «CI BY Lots Coo Soccalh Nos"ar Cos*of Wve!’ KES NAL” Leg Mey be Wo. ros cHoo% “Halide except ty's Ag" or Pb Sulphate except: Ags Ag! oS, ae gat, Be" a Hey be Salk of cts Coo | TP Moy be galt of He Scanned with CamScanner apo wm aeeeetaae i me EXPERIMENT Original Sats hci |Add HsS0yCcone) 76 O Salk « ( noup IT ee el, Ald Bach (Soin) 40 Salk Solukton CT fos Sop Adel 0-8 HCHgC00),, Pb Solubten- Dale 3-"'- 2026 OBSERVATIO; | Ald Hel (tide) 0 | no efemescone f | No radish _|_Colous erst lo viakek i No yellowish qeeem_vepors __t 140. oclows_ters gas s Hioteg lime odd Kg. E pute Pek | eh Pek Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE CO, of HeO3' ore _absomt _| POH3 C00" Is absent 8 i's absent ae Is _cbsenk _ 7 J El Vo" 1s absent OOF Is absent iia he Sor" 05 POL ene Pacten. ee + Bach Beg Sai ~ Cente! ; scl"s Bas (Po,), _— 5 BaSdy + 2¢/'" Por + Sach Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT made op baste radicals: x up ~ | : Add Hel Cotute) 4o Salt Solukion | nio_whtle PPL ob tuine! at e nop Te | da Salt Golukion | DT fos Cu® m “Basic Radics = Cy Lall CoSou = Le So, 2 ee Hel (oitube) and iii oh Salohod Black PPE a Obtained | Adel Naot | telat — sul i p ob Scanned with CamScanner a Date 3-W-20r0 = EQUATION OF THE REACTION INFERENCE Pos Ag’ Hq" cae absent _| ee) = May be Cu’? Ph Bi" Hy ave present , _____Bloe PPE ae afite) Chocolate Brown PPL Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT fests} Di fo 40-11-20, ee OBSERVATIO,’ _while Coy slalline, | Soluble in wok Zest fos (VK Pest if a. Salis waite] jSalb + NaOH + heat Scanned with CamScanner ie Sof a To: Zot Als Myted™ Bitte. | Nak", > Pb** cfc. — el", Bs‘ 15 CHsCoo" Sort, i as Nous ——— NH be_ 103s SAMO! CSCO Hi : hadi. nabs an Phe sy 8", Bet Scanned with CamScanner EXPE! alysis. Spec Teal = Date 40-14-19 RIMENT OBSERVATION ay ——_| feb _Hel. “riley: 4o 0 go Slt— Lo Ritsk effervescence _ _| of Co. Avtnins, Liat. tes a eh Saat : _| wom. ponte sushi Esme Hd ite a ia ee OOM, Ea el : oe H.90u (tone) B O-Sall asl _| | es chloszole x Wo Smell of rotten eee test excel Ky cos ( Scanned with CamScanner Colorless gas with Puma ent Smell _giving rf _|nto_Smell_of Vinewod INFERENCE Date to-84-202._E _Co%‘ar HCOs wr absent © ChCoo" is absent Sts absent Wag be el 5 present \Ucl+ Kr Ca OrtbtsSou rk HSO4+ UH Som foe ata BET +3Hiot2 2 1Cro Cla + YN OH» jar C¥Ou + Iwacl+2HrO_ *217Nax Choy + Ph (ctlsGon)a 26H Coonat Ph coy! Scanned with CamScanner 0. EXPERIMENT | Garou Date 10-11-2016 3 OBSERVATION = ~—|Gaoup To Aes | Le eaten semen Ald Hel Corte) 0 Sok Solubtor | while pee —* « arm al Hof oikube) ams! fs gesod | ~v0 jellow pee RLolubion -\0 Satk Solution » No black pee 010 white pelabtias fet ease Mo_black pr Janel Aychogen Sulphicle to Salt Selution, No white PPE _|No Bofh PPE Scanned with CamScanner re a Date 10-11-2100 INFERENCE EQUATION OF THE REACTION pe CP a wer = Cu PBS ios Haare whsont Cobl* ah Set ane ochsent « Scanned with CamScanner a SaaS a late 1P= 1 ~ 2020 : OBSERVATION “dol NvHyCl (Golick) NHy OH: Gecoss “No_ PPE onel Sockeum hgalsogen phosphade fe 7 Clk Socktum. 5 ~ =f | L-7 Fell NaOH Lo Solid Galt omsl wasn| Srmell of Néls gos Gar Adel Nesstex’s Solokon anol Nadu _| to _0.$ Bee oe PRE. Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE Mew be NMG Kos Nal is pitient a 4 May be Na is _protent TNE sCongiemed. Scanned with CamScanner ne Date to tl- 2010 © x OBSERVATION. -_ | Colas. — —___| Stake ee | 4 | Sobtilily — ——— oe lng. Tee | ~ | Coleus | Vo Colous, __Uineger | n lke ‘Gest FG inade an veh Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE Ba Ses Hage ol Bik » CUsCo5 So”, Os Dato t= U-2020 = Se EQUATION OF THE REACTION Hledy' cols Bit Sots nd Ky PB taco apiie enue & CH3¢005 Wo Wa Helide i Teeet i fac * Splphube except i “Hay Be “Sal of CHs Coons i ont Scanned with CamScanner felubion | shite PBL clonal ~ _* —|whih PPL in Slier i - ARebults Acidic. radicals = Cis Coo. | Basis eckicats = Ph _ | Salt ~_| PB CHs Coo! SMUG EL Adel Potassivm doolicle Solubton to O+S | Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE __* May be may be Phe Ay, he" = ws_Hay be Pb 1s Deosonbaa “PB eh + Nis 4 4 {PEM + Hel. 2H Phela i white ppt aniivel +P (oud /PbY+ kT ake poh | _Yeluws PPE. Scanned with CamScanner a erimont 4 EXPERIMENT Date = Mt-200 == =a OBSERVATION Colour. Sonor Lighk green i State zl Coystathing. _| Solute te by He Soluble. sim woh gn sit Tile Readies non 7D iluk) 40 aigied 8 Salt 2 Gro Hi iy ug | Adel Bach (Se) 40 to Salk. Bethe a0 effervosence _ | Wo_Snell of vinep af, |No Smell of Yoiten e%) i: white cit 7 a daloailess pee with is Poy Wo Reddish brown —_\Wo- Violet gas _ NO getlowish bsown vapeus IN0_Oclousmass ges Lahire bn eee Scanned with CamScanner RENCE eee EQUATION OF THE REACTION 2M aa ————} : 2 aa May be Fe &; “ply be Ch Be, Toetksc06 $03 nk _ NO ob Co¥ of Walz nims | ep Mey be Nox. 6. .chkcog | Halide except He's Ayo» Po | Sulphake except Hy Ayre Alise B = _ COs We0;. vais abel ALN Ae tf a ___ CH COO" 5 —ocbsent 2 : r —~——! Oa. is obsenk ‘ % — i Mejbe Soi an PO ate ~Pisent. a7 _| $0i"+ Bach, 26 BaSdu 2POys sBacl. 2 belt B alfa” Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT at Date M=-'-20 == OBSERVATION 5 ah _ ST - - |All Hel Coilute) to while prt | white ppt sinsoluble [Test foo CT 5 |Add Lact Accbude te Original Cult | while ppt wo | Habis Of Basic Redicab. | a dba woup_L ——— | Bell Hel Coilute? to Salk $ Golubion | No while ppt | Gysoup 1 ase Adel He Hel (pilute) Ancl Has gas os os Sabet bh “Vo black PPE {do Cat Golukion _ _| ava yellow PPE gop M Jl eet | Aelel "ab ef Cotld) ame! NH oH CExcess) td tt Selution | Grseemppt is Lis plate | B.T Fos Test. i % | Ade Nadl ( Sole) 40 «sean alk sl | geeen pet inGoluble int ine C+ fox Teak ' ee, Adel Pf jeg hal f as | Resi pg Oe ee ed, : | Aciclie . ‘Madi SOE pte guee| a Nae Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE EQUATION OF THE REACTION _) “pay be $0" ts paetont | raed ea SOs" £3 congitmed. eel > kara ae ; _| Fed INy oH _, NHS + Fe COW)a onde 3AHyOH Snes! [Fes 2NGOH > wots Fe(OH). te Conpismeal [Fo Ky [FeCon)s Jo 28 Keele) Scanned with CamScanner “Prnosphous _Solubilidy Flame Test: Soluble vim wok Gupp he. aps “old Hel Corte) 0 _ Original § “Salk | Grow | No Smell of eh: fold Th Soy Cena Jo. Oxiginal Selbehd Yellowish Biews- an | No_effervescence | (NO. Smell { off vin naga its Scanned with CamScanner fay be. Sabo Nut,Ca pas] '> Sx _BeS ALS Dag CY B52 yo ap My be COS 88,82 OF | WW mebols: anal non Moiet| Excepk a's KS Nae tleey be. N03» Nox,CH3cod_| Halicle except Hit, Rates PB Sulphate except Hy’ MosPEs9Be Scanned with CamScanner | I2hst | ———— Date R029 : EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION Wy, Fox “Test os = = ins, “feat ICN TT —|Add “Fe Sou (soln) fresh : —— Cone) to wae tiny i $ |Add Hel Loitute) to Salk Solahion | | Gov AL _| ter Seth Solution Snaly sts Of, Baste Realicald Geve_I Add _Hel Coie) amsl HaS was o¥ $e No while pptis | Obteunect Scanned with CamScanner whom No_bleck PPE M0 Yellow ppt wi wee ot ee ~ ae e _|GsovP Tl gee ee Mle LN anne bi | Add INHycl (Solid) and n/H,oH (excess) | ro whtde ppt de Gals Soletiom. Ne Brown ppt cures Alo_Geen ppt e Guovp Spiteri a ace gic | Ald rite! (Salted) AHO (Excess ) Hylsogen No. black _ppe. ieee ' _4o Salt Soliton: No while ppt nee pinata fen NO Buffy ppt _. Date 18--2020_ EQUATION OF THE REACTION INFERENCE NOx ice Con bismeol P*s Age one ecbsent eus pet ia® Hg cure. absent el ox Snitt ane ehosent. Ar is absent fe" js absent _ Fe" 0 Cx" cae ecbserd _ at On Co am absent Za is abtent Mir’ is absent PT ee Scanned with CamScanner tat he aes (Soltel) | amd_ammoniux Carbonate to Salé ‘| Solubeor + a * b Add (Aly)» S0« (Sol) 40 Osipinel while PP Sill Scanned with CamScanner | INF on ERENCE EQUATION OF THE REACTION Moy be Beet Sena, ne. prctent —9 Ba" is Confined Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT PRELIMINARY Et: Date 24='-20 OBSERVATION Colour. yellow __| Shite Aye vo Scopic. ] Clouted! Salk) bec oe | Solute tn water. a of Aetcke. Rackicals = rae oh Salk Np eEe Re eee PSE Conc _ | Ao Sued if Vinesak. a Lo Smelt of yotter ¢ Gsoup it Add th 80y (cone) do Oxteinal ae, ms : ginal Ab ancl | Colounters oat wstth Sill giving cle CT fox het Chiormy!. Chlortole Tsk fe Fest uaa davai ees yell ae Add Ky, Coins On (Solid) , 0] ; to Onte ina! % es Pd ai So ne) eveluael Scanned with CamScanner ——————— Mow be Fe** ply oy be Clon Nos of Fernie =a Co ee Cou a Mey be NOs. NO, CHACOR Haldcle ceeept He» Aor Ppt slilphade fer cncep! te et os PIE Oe Dole 24-1220 | EQUATION OF THE REACH lex" Cee os HOO: are absent CH,COO™ is absent ng: SY ts absent ~tMey be cl is present: 4 =t Combismact Scanned with CamScanner . EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION Ainalysis of Basic ~ochioals 7 soup T |Aelol Cte! Cbituke) fo Call Solution Me_wheke- pot - Gsovp ZL ae [ale tt Coie) anal BS gat ax Selalton | Mo blac et Cm a bo Gall Solute No Yellows pat = Guoop v/a | Plitgal CGoled) anc! Ay OH Cexcossdto | Brown ppt = fad ution |G. T Fox “test: Add Potatsinm Fesracuaniale Solutim| Blve ppt _ [to Orininal alk 4 oS Resulk: ee Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE tut y Por sts Het are ebsonts us Ph BF Hg ere absents! Cf *O5 Sh em, obconts. fe" 3s Condismacl =S Scanned with CamScanner | Colour. eae Bae Solubotitty hae Beale ss | Soup Te — |Sall+ sell HaSOas tal i re Scanned with CamScanner ___ INFERENCE Date ies EQUATION OF THE REACTION ot? mor be ferent 04, 8Ou mcg be 4COs, CHsC00, cl", J" Cassio ype | el HsS0u —» Sor+2-Hel Scanned with CamScanner ae = NO. EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION —|—_ E MoRIbe ie Jeske: fe | atin nt ta | Rachish brown gees eve) which Gar Ma oe Sol ‘| yellow NaH + Cz 00H + (cH3¢00)2 Fl $01 | lg, OF Beste A High Solution was pee posedl by Wien) 7S pani wate Grsovp I: Ox + hel Hol | Gwvp I: OS + oil Hel + Hr$ gad Scanned with CamScanner wor INFERENCE Date 2 EQUATION OF THE REACTION [UCl+KxCHO, 6H. 2 aK AS04415 tT3HLO+ Beis ed dk Crorch + UNaOH — Naz C2Oyt2ec} Be _ eee 240 (VarCx01 + (C3600), Pb >2(143C00 i Na Pb Cr Hats Ph? * Has cs absent] Te cd is cbsenk | a a Pht, Bis Cu" 1s bsent | is bsent er _is_absent i] yw F Scanned with CamScanner Date 3 EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION pa: O98 Nity cl + NH, OH Sol Geweliaeus ls Is Gav Chota O-S+ Ku Lfe(cn Je] Sal OE yaclécal . CE Basic yaclical » fe*? Salk ~ Fecls Scanned with CamScanner _EQUATION OF THE REACTION oo | Fe" sVHyOH —» 3H FeCotl)y Ufe*3. 3k LFe(ON Je) > Fes [ fe(ew)], , tak Fet8+ 3KCNS Fe CONS), t3 K+ Scie aX Scanned with CamScanner Eee | Colowr en es Ta] Solabilebty =| Aras Of feels — | Gwoup I: Le:T 0. Salf +Hr0 + Shakes ol 3 LO-Salt-« Hel (di) hee TOF Cox” O-Sall + HOr Mg Sou @ | life ppd witout Seat Scanned with CamScanner at) ttt Bi Ais ze ca Cr+ thy Sov 91s 0p +¥y_ Cwihite pspt ) Scanned with CamScanner __| peeperecbien cc alysis Fp oa Ont ins eo Ovig ianash Solukion. is_puepered bye oléssolvins given afk iniltel GEN ie a OS + oll Hel Geo T: LO$+ le Hel +thS | | i NO ello ppl ii) Vo black ppt . No cask Brown PPE i)’ NO Odange Gio E [ O:8 + Ay Clos) + Hy 0H Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT ©| 0-8 + Soct hychoxicle © 0-3 + Bam hiocidia + sod Lugclnogern. phosphuke, Result: Maclscal= Cor Basic Reclecal = Zntt Salt = ZnCos Te Galen Gall is ZrCO3 Scanned with CamScanner EQUATION OF THE REACTION | Latta Hide Siete Zn?+ UVAOH >» InClt),+WVet! Zn (o H )r+2NadH =» NexrlZn0s)-— tHrO Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT | Bradys OF Belo : AFaclitcoL Tie O- Salbt Aél Hel INO off envesconce | NO bspww. qe evoloof « Salt + Conc HrS0u + englrec! _4 intonsigied with copper ila : Scanned with CamScanner Du EQUATION OF THE REACTION Tis > may be Presenk be Sara be Psesenk b “cH; Coos clo I, NO? s > S04 reves be pielonk- ttt a +H | [203 + Son —> Sog7+ HNO MAO, —P2H>O+Or + UNO» Cut* +4HINO2 —! Cu Cryo3) #202 +21 °o Scanned with CamScanner ng lest: | O'S + fresh prepausect Fe Soy Sol + Boil + Coo | Conc Hy hay F Scanned with CamScanner EQUATION OF THE REACTION Compieme A. | 2NO7 + Ha S0ui=> Soe +2HAV02 __|2HV03 + 6Fe SOY + 3HrSOu > 3FeCSow) s+ aX W401 wo Fe soy +No —> [Felwoy] Soy | Aghtttel Agel +H” {Po 4 2Hel —> Pbch +247 ita," + 24Hel age! +24? ee | Pb" 2KT —>aq*+ Pola Ph™+ KrCxa iy —> 2k +P C¥Oy Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner in ee | Sotuletbiy “Sollee. in wales Th Aaa DF fiselae Radia e Fer 4 Ber ae | | Salt + off 2804 * Shpesves come ze iy No brown ga4 evoloc got with setter Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE “C8 Brs T, NO; CHx00" may be Pxesenk Mmay be present | °0; CHaCod» Cl» I,Nos Coal, SOW may be present Dale ee EQUATION OF THE REACTION Bw (0; HCO: is absent — Scanned with CamScanner Bn PPE. Pe | Scanned with CamScanner ——— a ————" — cl" Se Conf temeck el? eee Ce is, ahead tL, By is abi ee: a cuer INFERENCE Ay’ Ph‘! Ha is bSe Dale EQUATION OF THE REACTION Yol+KrCar.0, +64, 804 > 1KHS04 ___* HHSO4+3H.0+2c80,1, lec HNooH—> Nox Cv0u + 2.Nac. t2H.o. 2 fares Oy +Pb (cttz€00); YE) «cod Nat Pho Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENT 16, a He OpeniiaslentisO oi nia sown ppt ean Ast itt)| Yo _gsow ppt - GuopIV ; _| 0-5-4040 + OH OH + H2Se Scanned with CamScanner INFERENCE AU ois absent Femiaes. chaent is oobsent- ++ > Cx ANH, OH Has > (nitty i S20. CO**+ (nau), S —> 2H + COre I" (Nie 3 he ENTS ere LOU! NaOH => 2+ We(OH). Ni "+ 2VHWOH + 2 Colly N20; -» WH" : x Oe AO #2420 CH3-C = Vy \ 2 C~CcHy al ne | Cls-C=O--- H-~2= Scanned with CamScanner epimenrh : 44 Date _ = | =a Aeration Of oclo fom: Pe a erin te i be | ek hg piel | 4-| gocline (Solid) ct f 2 | Ehyle (alcholat) aa =i -| Gocktum (casbonede Solution 10%) ICESURE: ee) twee |, a Etsy) alehohal Cis mol) £ Soclium | Catbonate Solubion CSom!) were taken Ino __|tounel bottom im flask ther locking (Sp) voce dla) aiuactbel toletpe gtaclvallys with Constant Séfssins, the SoluSion + Fu Solation was hertedd lad te tompetabure f0-30°c LK coburn to Yoolina dhiscpped Tam the Soluctinr woh allowed to Codl, gave yollous CoyeteLs vies. pilterel washes! with oli tilbed en elsfeel 2 BS aewm. Scanned with CamScanner jo ha! cote hyle yeact. with Ash dem an Of ptepase hal foxm «J teacten- etiyl alchal reacts with ont foo acetet eclebiy cle which tun Giitinedl fea ere ors jocling jn peessure of Soclimm cash Solution 40 make soclo Zown+ we Eee + 3(NaxCOs + UJ; ——>CHTy + 220 + SN T+ HCOONa +3COr T: ae a Yellow Crystals of /oslogosm prepecaal. Scanned with CamScanner | Aeebsection: OF Mam: a anemia ie) JAl2 (Sou)3 Aleminium Sulphate) w : EEE Te | Reagems: Pee cErpuimolos Solustor of Ki SOx anol Sh (804); in _vo9eber were prepeaeal rhe equel § bof, Solukim were tukerr in F reakes 6 then hentecl ib with Constant i Shiney ot $0-60'C Saturation point geacheal | ye _cdyctals of Alama an Gdliny which wer then tae: Aroshedl wit, wate, £ gecry tabized | vickeleel naceclle Shape ushtte Cysbels of Alum? Scanned with CamScanner Date = T= Toivelowteation The omnost Ceara Fao Alum is He pobosh Alum Ayvation: ' ee lh, C9Ou)3° 1 BH2Ot kx SO4 + Gl, 0 KaS04 Aa Se 2H 20 esl: Caystals of Alum prep ssecl: Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Heb colovii _ Momo ot Bisacchersoles Inoy be present: fMamo Saccherictu Redlucins, SunrC Guat prevent) = —= Scanned with CamScanner ed 46 be reclvcins, San ( Olive) = Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner iver O64. Corr ound nfou te Cohasebs Scanned with CamScanner Pcasbshyteites emmy be ne _ Present = Poly Soc hogicle (5 farch) = = ‘ ___ Contismed L polyps accha et ke \ ctarchn - compismed Scanned with CamScanner Lamont Alo 130) Kotperiment Pre oy na M fe p EG Colour, — Sebubililg ON ry [gnTILON Jest? lobtch Test 2 emete Sh ad i BR A kK || Cnpetmanl No 157) prt nsan a Seed “a ne ae — Gotubsliby, LGN LILON 1h —fds4- con come ouind + colsBrowkne | Colowt of __|waldy (> drops) _Mollsch's Tes t apournl tor A tasnaptho| + lone H59D Wo violad ‘est gor OM Sapomy e- pe a | 4 : { : a ___ [ab & ON cam 1 pe el 1.Naclup thal Tan wy Aicalete a Ze | sist Ay AU U il. = = Available as Chem-Ii Lab Manual @ PREPARATIONS - Preparation of 1ODOFORM (CH) CHEMICALS: lodine (crystals) Na2CO3 (30% solution) Acetone THEORY: ‘Chemical name of iodoform is “Tri iodo methane” it is prepared by “Haloform reaction” which is given by the oxidation of acetone, acetaldehyde and alcohol, the halogenation occurs in basic medium. after removal of hydrogen atom. lodine reacts with acetone in the presence of sodium carbonate solution to give iodoform, sodium acetate and sodium iodide are water soluble and remain in solution. lodoform is insoluble and hence it precipitate out. EQUATION: (CH,),CO+31, +2Na,CO, —>CHI, +CH,COONa + 3Nal + H,O0+2C0, PROCEDURE: 1. Wash all the glass wares 2. Take 20mL of 30% Na2COs solution in the conical flask with the help of measuring cylinder. 3. Add ImL Acetone into conical flask containing Na2COs solution 4, Weigh 8.0g of iodine crystals on dry watch glass. 5, Heat the conical flask upto 70°C (approx.) on a water bath 6. Slowly add powdered iodine with constant stirring till deep brown colour disappear. 7. Cool, filter & wash yellow precipitates. RESULT: Yellow crystals of iodoform (CHis) is obtained PRECAUTIONS: 1. Don’t heat conical flask too much (above 75°C) 2. If deep brown colour persist after addition of iodine, than destroy the colour by adding more solution of NaCOs with constant stirring. 3. Don't touch iodine. 4. Be careful in handling Acetone which is highly volatile and inflammable. Lo mm ano wo Manow es Gj 1anowD RSIS enr te) ie en a renrcet NOILVNOa 2 ANI |" NOWLWANaSaO INGWRIaaxa ALITIENTOS » GLVIS + ¥NOTOD « SONTUSANI NOILVAUASEO NOLLVNINVXG AUVNIWITHd « ‘aiva~———~*«S ON WO oo SSVT0. ‘aVN ASaWAN TVOLLovad LaadHSMAOM TWOTLoVvad AMLSINGHD IX ‘GV TVOLLOVE: Scanned with CamScanner ‘SRINLVNOIS USHOVAL ——— 5} ates at og “uone> se ——— Pue uorte se ~~": NIVLEO SHUVA surequoo yes uaAts oy] -LINSAA wo manoup | aranox | Adnouo | 1Adnow Lo manowo Lo 1anowo NOLLWnOa ANT NOILLVAaSaO INGWadxXa [uoneo) Tyoldva OISVd dO NOMLOaLaG Scanned with CamScanner

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