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Task A: Listen and decide if the statements are True or False
1. The most common traffic problem in cities around the world is humans.
2. São Paulo in Brazil has the worst traffic jams.
Task B: Listen and write down the missing words
3. The main cause of this traffic problem is the increase of the ____________ in big cities.
4. The second reason is that the roads are ____________ and sometimes are not good enough
A. Choose the word that has underlined letters pronounced differently from the others.
5. A. hand B. transport C. character D. celebration
6. A. washed B. attended C. decided D. disappointed

B. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others.
7. A develop B. enormous C. improvement D. different
8. A. energy B. volunteer C. dangerous D. countryside

III. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.(2 pts)
9. It will be __________ to ride a jet pack in bad weather because it doesn’t have a roof.
A. comfortable B. unpleasant C. pleasant D. enjoyable
10. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people ______________ the rules.
A. remember B. obey C. go after D. take care of
11.___________ often is Burning Festival held? - It's held every year.
A. Which B. When C. What D. How
12. We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid ____________.
A. walking B. traffic jams C. rush hours D. traffic
13. We should put _______ on our roof for the heating and hot water.
A. solar energy B. equipment C. cracks D. solar panels
14. – “Do you like seeing a film?” – “_________________”
A. No, I don’t like it at all B. Sure. What film shall we see?
C. Who is in it? D. I’m sorry, I can’t.
15. What does this sign say?
A. No right turn B. No left turn
C. No parking D. No cycling
16. Let's go to the Victor Cinema. I'm sure you'll find the film ____________.
A. excites B. excite C. excited D. exciting
III. Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow it are True or False.(1pt)

A rocket uses fuel to make power for the engine. The fuel is set on fire inside the rocket. As the fuel burns, it
creates gases that have great pressure. These gases are blasted out of the rocket engines.
These gases all go out the bottom of the rocket engine where it is open. They come out so fast and
with so much power that the rocket is pushed up. It is pushed up so hard that the rocket overcomes the
force of gravity, which tries to keep everything on the ground. The force that pushes up against the front
of the rocket is called thrust.
Unlike an airplane, a rocket does not use wings to help it fly. It just uses the power and force created
by the burning fuel to make enough thrust.
17. A rocket uses the energy from wind to make power for the engine.
18. When the fuel burns, it creates gases that have great pressure.
19. These gases come so fast but they have little power.
20. The rocket is pushed up because it overcome the force of gravity.
Phần trả lời : 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. _______

IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
 Energy is very important in (21) __________modern life. People use energy (22)__________ transportation,
cooking, heating and cooling rooms, manufacturing, lighting, and entertainment. (23) __________ energy
nowadays comes from fossil fuels – petroleum, coal, and natural gas. (24) __________, burning fossil fuels
causes pollution. Also, if we don’t (25)________new kinds of energy, we will (26) __________ all the fossil
fuels in the near future.

21 A. our B. their C. her D. your

22. A. in      B. for      C. at      D. by
23. A. Most      B. Mostly       C. almost       D. Utmost
24. A Because      B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However
25. A.found B. find C. go D. eat
26. A. use up      B. run on      C. take over       D. cut off
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1 pt)
27. In Vietnam, we _____________ renewable sources of energy so far. ( use )
28. In spite of _____________ tired, my mother still works hard ( feel )
29. Don’t forget ___________ off the lights before going to bed. (turn)
30. At 8 o’clock tomorrow, we ___________________ a test on sources of energy. (take)
VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.(0.5 pt)
31. love / festival / / advantages / / bring / about. People/ because of / they
32. energy/ one/ best/ ways/ the/ converse/of/ natural/ resources// Saving/ is/ to
VII. Answer these questions. (1pt)
33. What type of film do you like best?
34. Is your carbon footprint big or small?
35. Which means of transport do you think will be used in the future?
36. How far is it from your house to school?
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1 pt)
37. Although he was very good in the Rocky films, he didn’t receive an award.
 Despite______________________________________________________________________
38. It takes me twenty minutes to go to school by bike.
 I spend______________________________________________________________________
39. We will use solar energy as the main environmentally friendly energy sources in the future.
 Solar energy__________________________________________________________________
40. How far is it from your school to the nearest bus stop?
What’s ______________________________________________________________?
ĐỀ 2 (PBC)
I. Listening (1pt)
A. Listen and choose the correct answer (0.5 point)
1. Where does Duong find cinema information?
A. By asking Mai B. in a newspaper C. On the Internet D. By asking his mother
2. How do critics feel about Crazy Coconut?
A. They all like it B.They don’t like it C. They hate it D. Many of them like it
Phần trả lời: Thí sinh chỉ ghi mẫu tự A, B, C, hoặc D vào ô trả lời
1._________________ 2.___________________
B. Listen and fill in missing word (0.5 pt)
3. White Sands is a __________ film.
4. Crazy Coconut is a _______________.
Phần trả lời: Thí sinh chỉ ghi đáp án vào ô trả lời
3. _________________4. ________________

II. Multiple choice: (3.0 pts)

 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:
5. A. transport B. animation C. parade D. famous
6. A. used B. loved C. provided D. watered
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
7. A. cartoon B. crazy C. joyful D. actor
8. A. Tradition B. energy C. electric D. recycle
Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence:
9. We ___________ able to create a future that’s free of carbon pollution by using renewable energy
A. will B. will be C. won’t be D. will be being
10. Fossil fuels, including oil, coal and natural gas are harmful __________environment.
A. at B. of C. to D. on
11. Children are not allowed___________ their bikes in this area.
A. use B. uses C. using D. to use
12. ____________in a lion dance outfit show off their moves at the Rio Carnival.
A. Perform                     B. Performers           C. Performance         D. Performer
13. Renewable energy is also called “ ___________ energy” because it doesn’t pollute the air.
A. dangerous B. available C. inexhaustible             D. clean
14. __________ cars emit low emissions and make the environment safer.
A. High-speed B. Automated C. Eco-friendly D. Supersonic
15. _____________ will we travel in the future?
A. How B. What C. When D. Which
16. The traffic is _________ bad that cycling has become quicker!
A. too B. so C. very D. such
III. Answer the questions about you: (1.0 pt)
17. Do you use solar energy at home? _____________________________________________________
18. How did you feel when you watched a gripping film? ______________________________________
19. What is the best movie you’ve seen so far? _______________________________________________
20. What should you do when you ride a bike ?_______________________________________________

IV. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or False (1.0 pt)

Robert is a taxi driver in London. He works six days a week. He can starts and finishes
his work at any time he wants, as long as he works enough hours during the day. As London is
a very busy city, sometimes he works overtime on a Saturday, which is good as it means extra
money. Driving a taxi is difficult and dangerous. Traffic in the city is often slow because of
accidents and construction sites which drivers have to go around. When it rains or snows, the
roads are very difficult to drive on. Robert sometimes never gets paid especially when he has
to deal with drunk passengers. Most of Robert’s passengers are friendly and tip him
generously. Robert likes his job, but lately he has been suffering with backache. He is
wondering if he is old.
21. Robert is working as a taxi driver __________
22.When working overtime, Robert gets extra money __________
23.Taxi-driving in London is easy and dangerous __________
24.Robert is tipped generously by all his passengers __________
Từ câu 21 đến câu 24, thí sinh phải viết đầy đủ từ TRUE hoặc FALSE vào ô trả lời. Mọi cách viết
khác đều không được chấm điểm.
V. Put the words given in the box into each correct blank. (1.5 pts)

wastes electricity save Students energy natural solar

With the development of science and technology, more and more (25) is used every day.
Nowadays, many rural areas in Vietnam have been electrified, and more (26) is needed . If
everyone (27) energy, it will quickly run out. (28) at school should learn how to (29)
energy, for example, they should turn off the electric lights when they leave their classrooms.
Moreover, we may waste electricity at home if we use a lot of light bulbs. By not wasting energy, we will
save a lot of (30) resources, such as coal and oil.

Phần trả lời: Thí sinh chỉ ghi đáp án vào ô trả lời
25. ___________________ 26. ___________________ 27. ___________________
28. ___________________ 29. ___________________ 30. ___________________
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
31. At 8 o’clock tomorrow evening he (do) ________________ his homework.
32. Solar energy will  (use) _______________ by many countries around the world.
33. Last month I (join)______________ a course to learn how to make Christmas decorations.
34. Right now, the stars (parade) __________ on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival..
VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. I had/ to school/I wish/ faster/ get/ a jetpack/ so/I could
I wish _____________________________________________________________________
36. I believe that/ available/ won’t/ self-driving cars/ be/ around 2030/ until.
I believe that _______________________________________________________________
VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (2.0 pt)
37. Although she was scared, she enjoyed watching horror movies.
=> In spite of ___________________________________________________________
38. Do flying cars interest you?
=> Are you _______________________________________________________________
39. It isn’t a good idea to go such a long way by bike.
=> You shouldn’t ___________________________________________________________
40. My car is black.
=> The black ___________________________________________________________
ĐỀ 3 (ĐTC)
A.LISTENING ( 1 point )
I/ Listen , then choose the best answers
1. Many poor people in developing countries do not have _________ sources of energy
A. old B. new C. natural D. electrical
2. People who live in ____________ have to gather wood for fuel.
A. mountain B. country C. city D. area
II/ Listen , then fill in the blanks
3. Biogas helps solve the problem of indoor__________.
A. pollution B. shortage C. transport D. cost
4. People in developing countries like to use ___________.
A. coal B. wind C. natural gas D. plant waste
B.PHONETIC ( 1 point )
I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
5. A. country B. comedy C. critics D. celebrate
6. A. helped  B. watched  C. worked  D. visited
II/ Choose the correct letter that has different stress position from the rest
7. A. traffic B. prefer C. noisy D. student
8. A. energy B. harvest C. effect D. limit
Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
9. We like the film very much. The _________ is unforgettable and the plot is gripping.
A. character B. acting C. style D. effects
10. Not many people went to see the film. _________ ,it received good reviews from the critics.
A. But B. Despite C. However D. Although
11. At 8 am tomorrow, a film on energy sources _________
A. show B. will show C. will be showing D. will be shown
12. Last night I didn’t go to bed early _________ being very tired.
A. because of B. despite C. although D. Nevertheless
13. It’s a boring book and I’m _________ every time I start reading it.
A. excited B. bored C. exciting D. disappointing
14. They ________each other for 10 years.
A. know B. knew C. have known D. has known
15. These pens are mine. They are not ________
A. she B. her C. hers D. hers pens
16. Wind, hydro and solar are ________energy sources.
A. modern B. renewable C. non-renewable D. new
17. __________ does it take to go from your house to Da Nang by car ? About two hours.
A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much
18. People go to the desert, make a camp, and have a party!
A. Excuse me! C. You are so kind
B. How scary ! D. Wow! That sounds unusual!
D. READING ( 3 pts)
I. Choose the most suitable word to fill the blanks (1.5 pts)
Single easy above easily

Flops At pedals
There have been many interesting transport inventions. Some become popular, but others
The personal hover scooter floats (20)________the ground. It travels (21)________around 30 kph.
But it isn't popular. Maybe that's because it's too expensive. Personally, I think it's too hard to park!
The monowheel is a (22)________-wheel bike. The driver sits inside the wheel and (23)________to
go forward. It has one major problem - it can fall over very (24)________. I think it looks rather weird.

II. Read the text, then choose the best answer (1.5 points)
Titanic is a romantic film, which was directed by James Cameron. However, it's also about a disaster.
It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
The film is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage. The main characters are Jack
Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater. Jack saves Rose from killing herself during the journey on board the ship.
Although they are from different social classes, and Rose is already engaged, they fall in love. The film has a
sad ending: the Titanic sinks and more than a thousand people die in the disaster, including Jack.
Critics say it is a must-see. I agree, because the story is moving and the acting is excellent. The special
effects, visuals, and music are also incredible. Titanic is a very sad film. Nevertheless, many people really
love it. Go and see it if you can.
25. The director of the film is Jack Dawson.
A. True B. False C. No information D. 
26. The main actor is Leonardo DiCaprio.
A.True B. False C. No information D. 
27. The ending of the film is moving
A.True B. False C. No information D. 
28. We should come to see the movie
A.True B. False C. No information D. 
29. What is the plot of the film?
A. Social classes B. a journey C. a disaster D. first voyage
30. Why is the film a must-see?
A. Terrible acting C. the critics
B. Special effects D. bad music
E. WRITING ( 2.5 pts)
I. Answer these questions ( 1pt)
31. Have you ever attended La Tomatina?
32.Do you cycle to school?
33. What kinds of energy do you think will be used in the next twenty years?
34. Will the Segway be environmentally friendly?
II. Rearrange the words to make complete sentences (0.5 point)
35. / I use and I go / the products / everywhere / I recycle / by bike
→ I recycle _______________________________________________________________.
36. Don’t drive/ tired or after / if you feel / alcohol / you drink.
→ Don’t drive _______________________________________________________________.
III. Rewrite the sentence that has the same meaning with the given one (1 point):
37. They often went to school by bike when they were young.
→ They used to________________________________________________________________
38. Although Peter stayed up late to do his homework last night, he got up early to do exercises today.
→ Peter got up early to do exercises today despite___________________________________________
39. People will use Bicycles to travel in the city.
→ Bicycles will ________________________________________________________________
40.That isn’t our house.
→ The house isn’t ________________________________________________________________


ĐỀ 4 (LAX)
Question I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
others. (0,5 point)
1. A. School B. Architect C. Chemist D. kitchen
2. A. Smoked B. Stopped C. Washed D. invited
Question II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress is placed differently from the other. (0,5
3. A. Pollution B. Advantage C. Effective D. Energy
4. A. Abundant B. Expensive C. Different D. consumption
Question III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence (3
1. __________ the bad traffic, I arrived on time.
A. Nevertheless B. In spite of C. However, D. Although
2. In order to save energy, don’t forget to __________ the lights before you leave.
A. turn down B. turn on C. turn off D. turn of
3. My father __________ a lot last year but this year he doesn’t any more.
A. used to smoke B. smokes C. used to smoked D. was smoking
4. Solar panel is installed on the __________ of a house to receive the energy from the sun.
A. roofs B. boots C. heads D. dams
5. The waiter: “Would you like me to get you something to drink? “
Jenny: “ ______________ “
A. That would be nice B. No, I’m sorry C. That’s too bad D. My pleasure
6. We shouldn’t cross the street outside the _____________ .
A. pavement B. footpath C. traffic signal D. zebra crossing
7. We are all ____________about going on an excursion to Cuc Phuong Forest next weekend.
A. exciting B. excited C. horrifying D. horrified
8. _______________ does Cannes host its international film festival? Every year.
A. How often B. How far C. How long D. How many
Question IV. Write the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5 points)
1.In the future , the energy consumption__________ as much as possible. (reduce)
2.Remember __________ the door before going out of the house. (lock)
3. A new school _____________________ in our neighborhood next month. (build)
4. In spite of _______________, we missed the first bus. (get)
5. This is the first time, my younger sister _______________ part in Water Festival. (take)
6. I ________________ anywhere for my vacation last summer. (not go)
Question V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following
Question V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following
passage. (1,5 points)
Environmental (19)_______ is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his
Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (20) ____________ the water with chemicals and other substances,
and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (21)
_________ various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by (22) _________ garbage and waste
products on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with
disturbing (23)_________. (24)_________ polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills
fish and other water life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food.
19. A. reduction B. pollution C. directs D. aims
20. A. poisons B. pours C. puts D. surrounds
21. A. for B. with C. in D. through
22. A. disposing B. filling C. using D. making
23. A. noisy B. noisily C. noise D. surprise
24. A. Easily B. Easy C. Bad D. Badly
Question VI. Read the passage, and then do both tasks A and B (1,5 points)
Easter is on different Sunday each year. But it is always in March or April. Easter is not a national
holiday. It is a religious holiday for Christians. For many people, Easter celebrates the beginning of spring.
The English word for Easter comes from the old English word Eastre. Eastre was the name of the
goddess of spring and light. In the spring, flowers bloom and trees become green. The earth wears “new
clothes”. Many people wear new clothes on Easter Sunday too.
Eggs and rabbits are new signs of spring and new life. American children believe in animaginary rabit,
the Easter Bunny. The night before Easter, the Easter Bunny visits many homes. He brings children Easter
baskets with eggs and candy. Some Easter eggs are hard-boiled eggs in different colors. Other Easter eggs are
chocolate. The Easter Bunny hides eggs in the house or outside in the yard. On Easter morning, children look
for eggs from the Easter Bunny.
On Easter Sunday, families often come together for a dinner of ham or lamb with fresh spring
vegetables. Dessert is often cake in the shape of a lamb or rabbit. And there is plenty of candy from the Easter
A. Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.
25. The word Easter means “new clothes”.
26. Eggs and candy are delivered and hidden by the Easter Bunny.
27. On Easter morning, children run about trying to find the Easter Bunny.
28. Easter is an occasion for family reunions.
B. Choose the best answer.
29. Easter is only celebrated by _____________
A. English B. many people C. Christians D. children
30. What is the closet meaning of the word “He”
A. Easter B. Goddess C. Easter Bunny D. Christian.
Question VII. Answer the questions (1,0 point)
29. What should you do to save energy?
 .......................................................................................................................................................
30. How far is it from your house to school?
31. Did you use to play soccer in the street when you were a small child?
32. Which means of transport do you think will be used in the future?
Question VIII. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (1,0 point)
35. to award prizes / A panel of judges / the new films / for the best ones / watches
A panel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
36. the ship Titanic / / on its first voyage / is about / Titanic / the sinking of

Titanic ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Question IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it. (1 point)
37. They will use flying car to travel form place to another place.
Flying cars ……………………………..…………………………………………………………………
38. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.
In spite of…………………...……………………………………………………………………..........
39. His new film is really surprising to you.
I am ..........................................................................................................................................................
40. They often went to school by bike when they were young.
They used ……………………………………………………………………………………….…........
ĐỀ 5 (LL)
I. Listen to the dialogue, then do the following tasks. (1pt)
A. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (0.5pt)
1. Who is Nick’s father’s favorite film star?
A. Tom Cruise B. Tom Hanks C. Tom and Jerry D. Tom Hardy
2. He has won………….. Oscars.
A. three B. one C. two D. four
B. Fill in the blank. (0.5pt)
3. He........................ an attractive actor.
4. Most critics say that he is one of the………………… actors in Hollywood.
II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0.5pt)
5. A. head B. heavy C. bread D. break
6. A. jumped B. loved C. liked D. washed
III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (0.5pt)
7. A. manner B. tourist C. machine D. action
8. A. renewable B. artificial C. unfortunate D. continuous
IV. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences (2,5pts)
9. We are looking for cheap, clean, _________ sources of energy.
A. polluting           B. harmful                C. expensive                    D. effective
10. I enjoy the film on TV yesterday evening __________ nobody in my family liked it.
A. so                       B. yet                           C. although                    D. in spite of
11. ___________ at home when I arrive at 7 a.m. tomorrow?
A. Will you stay     B. Are you staying       C. Do you stay           D. Will you be staying
12. Have you got _______ pen, or would you like to borrow _________?
A. your - mine       B. yours - my               C. yours-mine               D. your – my
13.  Malnutrition is the major cause of death for children living in the ________ .
A. villages           B. slums      C. cities                          D. towns
14. I have never felt as  ___________ as I did when I watched that horror film.
A. terrify                     B. terrified                   C. terrifying                    D. terrible
15. Various ________ and cultural activities are held in Da Lat in the Flower Festival.
A. art                           B. artistic                     C. artist                        D. arts
16. Mr. Bean’s Holiday is a  __________ film – I was laughing from beginning to the end.
A. moving         B. hilarious        C. violent                     D. scary
17. A hydropower station ___________ in the North of the country next year.
A. was built                B. were built               C. will be built             D. has been built
18. In the ancient world, people __________long distances just on foot.
A. travel                      B. used to travel            C. traveling                  D. use to traveling
V. Choose the suitable word to complete the passage (1.5 points)
designed benefits at disadvantages or automated coolest
I’m here at Noi Bai Airport to tell you about this amazing flying car. It just landed here
(19)________ the airport 15 minutes ago.
So this vehicle is called TF-X™. It was (20)_____________ in 2013. But it will take a couple of
years before you can own yours. It’s a kind of driverless car and airplane. It has many (21)_________.
With its (22)_________ system, the car can avoid traffic. It drives at 300 kph — impressive, isn’t it? It
has four seats, so your family (23)________ friends can join the ride. The (24)_________ thing is
learning to drive a TF-X™ is simple: you’ll be able
Phần trả lời: 19. ________ 20. _______ 21. ________ 22. _______ 23. ________ 24. ________
VI. Read the following passage.
Fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) are very important tin the production of energy, although they produce a
lot of carbon dioxide that harms the environment. However, they are rapidly running out because they are non-
renewable energy sources.
People are looking for cleaner and safer alternative sources of energy. For example, solar energy is unlimited
and is easy to get. In some countries, people put solar panels on the roofs of houses and buildings for heating and
hot water. In addition, hydro power is cheap and plentiful. They are increasingly used to generate electricity.
Although nuclear power is also clean and abundant, it is dangerous and may cause serious accidents.
Viet Nam still relies heavily on fossil fuels for energy at the moment. Before other renewable sources of energy
become popular in Viet Nam, we need to limit energy consumption to protect our environment.

A. Choose True or False (1pt)

25. Fossil fuels are running out. _______
26. People put solar panels inside their houses for heating and hot water. _______
27. Both hydro power and nuclear power are abundant. _______
28. Viet Nam is using more renewable resources than fossil fuels. _______
B. Choose the best answer (0,5 pt)
29. Nuclear power is __________ and may cause accidents.
A. Safe B. dangerous C. cheap D. plentiful
30. Fossil fuels include _______________
A. coal B. oil C. natural gas D. All of them
VII. Answer the questions about you (1pt)
31. Do you always wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike?
32. Which festival in Vietnam do you like best?
33. What do you do to protect the environment?
34. How far is it from your house to the nearest airport?
Phần trả lời:
31. ____________________________________________________________________
32. ____________________________________________________________________
33. ____________________________________________________________________
34. ____________________________________________________________________
VIII. Rearrange the following phrases to the meaning sentences(0.5pts)
35. will be used/ like wind and solar energy/ Renewable energy sources/ to solve the problem of pollution,
36. wear/ Always/ when you / a helmet/ a motorbike/ ride /. /
Phần trả lời:
35. Renewable____________________________________________________________________
36. Always____________________________________________________________________
IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing meaning.(1pt)
37. La Tomatina takes place on the last Wednesday in August. (When)
38. Although I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain.
39. I don’t have time to collect stamps any more
40. People will develop alternative sources of energy.
Phần trả lời:
37. When _______________________________________________________________________
38. Despite______________________________________________________________________
39. I used_______________________________________________________________________
40. Alternative sources____________________________________________________________
ĐỀ 6 (TQK)
I. Listen to the tape
1. Traditional dishes are _______________.
A. turkey and sweet potatoes B. beef and French fries
C. soy sauce and bread D. potatoes and fried chicken
2. After the feast, they volunteer to _______________
A. Cook and serve food to homeless people B. Spend time with sick people in hospitals
C. Help a needy family D. All are correct
3. Thanksgiving is a __________________ holiday
4. In the USA, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of ________________.

II Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (3,0pts)
5. Sidewalks are to moving walkways in airports.
A. familiar B. similar C. different D. same
6. We are looking for cheap, clean, sources of energy.
A. polluting B. harmful C. expensive D. effective
7. We should try to reduce energy as much as possible.
A. production B. producers C. consumption D. consumers
8. Solar energy is and it can be replaced easily.
A. new B. renew C. renewable D. non-renewable
9. For many people living in rural areas, biogas is a cheap energy available.
A. method B. production C. supply D. consumption
10. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
A. missed B. closed C. fixed D. looked
11. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others:
A. exhausting B. exciting C. interesting D. illegal
12. People of minorities in Phu Yen celebrate Hoi Mua Festival every March.
A. native B. local C. ethnic D. village
13. Would you like to_________ in a football match?
A. do B. get C. join D. make
14. People in Cannes take the Cannes Film Festival a very serious way.
A. in B. at C. on D. with
15. The of the Rio Carnival is the Samba Parade.
A. importance B. highlight C. best D. performance
16. The festival every year at the end of August.
A. takes place B. takes C. occur D. held

III. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (1.5pts)
Mon, Apr 20, ...
Titanic is a ______(17) film, which was directed ______(18) James Cameron. However, it’s also about a
disaster. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The film is about the ______(19) of the ship Titanic on
its first voyage. The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater. Jack ______(20) Rose from
killing herself during the journey on board the ship. Although they are from different social classes, and Rose
is already engaged, they fall in love. The film has a sad ending: the Titanic sinks and more than a thousand
people die in the disaster, including Jack. Critics say it is a must-see. I agree, because the story is ______(21)
and the acting is excellent. The special effects, visuals, and music are also incredible. Titanic is a very sad
film. Nevertheless, many people really love it. Go and see it _______(22) you can.
Posted by Nick at 5.30 p.m.
17. A. horror B. comedy C. action D. romantic
18. A. by B. with C. in D. after
19. A. sink B. sinking C. sunk D. sinks
20. A. was saved B. saved C. saves D. saving
21. A. moving B. exciting C. lovely D. boring
22. A. So B. If C. But D. And

IV. Read the passage, and then decide if the statements that follow are True or False. (1,0pt)
Thanksgiving (also called Turkey Day) is a seasonal holiday held annually to give thanks to God for
successful harvests. In the USA the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada it is
celebrated on the second Monday of October because the harvest there generally ends earlier.
Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast among family and friends. Not only adults but children
take part in the food preparation. Traditional foods are turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread,
mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. After the feast people often do some other activities. Some like to go
for a walk. Some take naps. Others play board or card games together. A lot of people take this opportunity to
help the less fortunate. They volunteer to cook and serve food to homeless people, spend time with sick
people in hospitals or help a needy family
Task A Write True/ False
23. Thanksgiving is a seasonal festival only held in the USA.
24. Cornbread is one of the traditional dishes.
25. After the feast, people always stay at home to play board games.
26. People help those less fortunate at Thanksgiving
Task B Choose the best answer
27. “It” in line 3 refers to________.
A. Turkey B. Successful harvest C. God D. Thanksgiving
28. A lot of people volunteer to cook and serve food to __________.
A. homeless people B. rich people C. a needy family D. A,C are correct
V. Rearrange the phrases into a meaningful sentence (1,0 pt)
29. the music festival/ so I go to/ /every summer./ I love music, / almost
" I love music, so____________________________________________________________________
30. at each other /People throw tomatoes /for one day / at La Tomatina
" People throw tomatoes ______________________________________________________________
31. in /Burning Man /is held /the desert.
" Burning Man _______________________________________________________________________
32. I closed /The scene was so frightening / that / my eyes./
" The scene was so frightening_________________________________________________________
VI. Answer the questions about you (1,0pt)
33. What should you do to save energy?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
34. How far is it from your house to school?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
35. Did you use to play soccer in the street when you were a small child?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
36. Which means of transport do you think will be used in the future?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
VII. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean almost the same as the ones printed before them (1
37. Although they are short, they still love playing sports.
 In spite of……………………………………………………………………………………….…
38. People won’t burn fossil fuels for energy in the future.
 Fossil fuels ……………………………………………………………………………………….
30. Nam’s brother often walked to school when he was a student.
 Nam’s brother used…………………………………………………………………………….…
40. Listening to music is much more interesting than going to the circus.
 I prefer ……………………………………………………………………………………………


ĐỀ 7 (VTT)
Question I (1pt): Listen to the passage and do task A and task B (1point)
Task A. Choose the correct answer that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. Which festival did Nick choose?
A. Dog race festival B. Chicken race festivalC. Elephant race festivalD. Horse race festival
2. There are lots of ______________ at Diwali festival.
A. Candles B.Fireworks C. Flowers D. Both A & B
Task B. Fill in blank with ONE suitable word
3. How long do people throw tomatoes at each other during La Tomatina festival?
For _____________ hour(s).
4. At “Burning Man” festival, people go to the desert, make a camp and have a___________.

Question II (1pt): PRONUNCIATION.

A. Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
5. A. decorated B. forced C. asked D. liked
6. A. fur B. burst C. burden D. lunch
B. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others.
7. A. natural          B. prevention          C. habitat      D. pressure
8. A. scientist          B. recycle          C. survive          D. resource

Question III (1.5 points): Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
9. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they _______ the environment.
A. renew B. provide C. waste D. pollute
10. That film was so _______ that I couldn’t sleep after watching it.
A. entertaining B.boring C.scary D. exciting
11. A______ is a place on a road at which vehicles must stop to allow people to cross the street.
A. zebra-crossing B. traffic lightC. traffic signal D. pavement
12. __________ is a film that is set in the future, often featuring science.
A. Cartoon B. Documentary C. Thriller D. Science fiction
13. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people ________________ the rules.
A. remember B. obey C. take care of D. study
14. The wind, the sun and the wave are some types of ________sources of energy.
A. changeableB. alternative C. costly D. limited

Question IV (1.0 pt): Supply the correct verb tenses.

15. In Vietnam, we _____________ renewable sources of energy so far. ( use )
16. Despite _____________ tired, my mother still works hard ( feel )
17. La Tomatina ________________ in Spain, in a small town call Bunol. ( hold)
18. This is the first time I ____________ part in he La Tomatina festival. ( take )

Question V (2.5 pts):

Task A: Read the following passage and then decide the statements are TRUE or FALSE
Ewan McGregor was born in Scotland in 1971. He decided to be an actor when he was only nine
and he made his first film in 1992. So far in his career he has appeared in a lot of different types of films,
including comedies, musicals, dramas and the Star Wars movies. His uncle, Denis Lawson, was in the
original Star War in 1977 and McGregor starred in his first Star Wars movie 22 years later. In his career
Ewan McGregor has worked with actresses like Cameron Diaz and Nicole Kidman, and his films have
won lots of awards. He loves acting and when he finished filming the musical, Moulin Rouge, he said, ‘I
have never been happier to do anything in my life’.
19. Ewan McGregor decided to be an actor when he was only three. ____
20. He has appeared in comedies, musicals, documentaries and the Star Wars movies. ____
21. His uncle was in the original Star War in 1977. ____
22. Filming the musical “Moulin Rouge” is the happiest thing he has done in his life. ____
Task B: Read the text and fill in the blanks with correct words
feast - for - seasonal – part – opportunity- celebrated – homeless

Thanksgiving (also called Turkey Day) is a (23) ________________holiday held annually to give
thanks to God for successful harvests. In the USA the holiday is(24) ____________ on the fourth
Thursday of November. In Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday of October because the harvest
there generally ends earlier.
Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a (25) _______________ among family and friends.
Not only adults but children take(26) ______________ in the food preparation. 
Traditional foods are turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and
cranberry sauce. After the feast people often do some other activities. Some like to go(27)
_____________ a walk. Some take naps. Others play board or card games together. A lot of people take
this (28) _____________ to help the less fortunate. They volunteer to cook and serve food to homeless
people, spend time with sick people in hospitals or help a needy family.

Question VI (1 pt): Answer the following questions:

29. What should you do to save electricity?
30. How do you decorate your house at Tet?
31. Have you got a driving license yet?
32. Which festival in the world do you like best?
Question VII (1pt): Rearrange the words and phrases into correct orders
33. shipwrecked on / They get / and have to / a deserted island / live together / . /
34. to celebrate / the tomato / It’s a / seasonal festival / harvest / . /
35. the most / Yesterday was / day of / my life / exciting / ! /
36. these means / fuel will / transport use / How much / of / ? /

Question VIII (1pt): Complete the sentences with the cues:

37. Peter will learn a foreign language next year.
- A foreign language___________________________________________________
38. It takes John 5 hours to do the housework
- John spends________________________________________________________
39. Mr. Long usually drove carelessly some years ago, but now he doesn’t.
- Mr. Long used_______________________________________________________
40. Although Helen is intelligent, she does her homework carelessly.
- In spite of __________________________________________________________

ĐỀ 8 ( HV)


I. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (4 points)
1. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they _______ the environment.
A. renew B. provide C. waste D. pollute
2. That film was so _______ that I couldn’t sleep after watching it.
A. entertaining B. boring C. scary D. exciting
3. A______ is a place on a road at which vehicles must stop to allow people to cross the street.
A. zebra-crossing B. traffic light C. traffic signal D. pavement
4. __________ is a film that is set in the future, often featuring science.
A. Cartoon B. Documentary C. Thriller D. Science fiction
5. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people ________________ the rules.
A. remember B. obey C. take care of D. study
6. The wind, the sun and the wave are some types of ________sources of energy.
A. changeable B. alternative C. costly D. limited

7. It’s a seasonal festival to _________ the tomato harvest.

A. celebrate B. replace C. consume D. hold
8. In my opinion, wind power is _________________. It is also clean and safe.
A. limited B. abundant C. harmful D. exhaustible
9. The _________of the Rio Carnival is the Samba Parade.
A. importance B. best C. performance D. highlight
10. Pedestrians always look __________ where they go.
A. carelessly B. carefully C. beautifully D. careful
11. The festival ________ every year at the end of August.
A. occur B. held C. take D. takes place
12. _______________ John is a famous singer, he has failed in his recent competition.
A. Although B. Despite C. However D. Because
13. Give a ________before you turn left or right.
A. sound B. turn C. signal D. view

14. My father __________ a lot last year but this year he doesn’t any more.
A. used to smoke B. used to smoked C. gets used to smoke D. uses to smoke
15. Avoid the rush hour and you won’t get stuck in a _________________________.
A. traffic B. traffic rules C. traffic jams D. traffic accidents
16. The Lion King is an excellent _________ film. I really love cartoons!
A. frightening B. action C. animated D. romantic comedy

II. Supply the correct forms or tenses of verbs. (1 point)

17. I’d like you __________________ up your reports. (write )
18. Despite ________ tired, Mary still works hard. (feel)
19. This time next week we, we _____________ a test. (take)
20. We used __________to school two years ago. Now I go to school on foot. (go)

C. READING. (2 points)
I. Choose the most suitable word to complete the passage. (1 point)
Titanic is a (21) _______ film. It is (22)_______ the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage.
The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater. Jack saves Rose from killing
(23)_______ during the journey on board the ship. (24)_______ they are from different social
classes, and Rose is already engaged, they fall in love. The film has a sad ending: the Titanic sinks
and more than a thousand people die in the disaster, including Jack.

21. A. violent B. scary C. romantic D. funny

22. A. to B. by C. about D. of

23. A. himself B. herself C. themselves D. itself

24. A. Although B. However C. In spite of D. Despite

II. Read the passage, then choose TRUE or FALSE. (1point)

Easter is an important Christian festival and holiday. It is held to celebrate the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. Easter is not a fixed holiday. Its date varies between 22 nd March and 25th April. People
celebrate Easter around the world. In the UK, Easter is a public holiday. People give Easter chocolate
eggs to their friends and family. There are also egg hunts for kids. In the US, Easter is a national
holiday. People can go to church and have a special family meal. They also organize egg-hunts and
give gifts of colored eggs.
25. Easter is an important religious festival and holiday in many countries in the _______
world. _

26. In America, Easter is a public holiday. _

27. People give gifts to their friends and family on this holiday. _

28. People can go to church and have a special meal with their family.. _

D. WRITING. (3 points)

I. Answer these questions about you (1 point)

29. Do you enjoy watching comedy ?_________________________________________________
30. Do you have to wear a helmet when you ride on a motorbike?___________________________
31. Who is your favourite actor or actress?_____________________________________________
32. What is your favorite festival?____________________________________________________
II. Rewrite sentences. (2 points)
33. did / have to / Why / goggles / they / wear/ ?
34. are / A lof of / on Flower Festival / held / cultural activites /.
35. of the film / We were / last night. / at the end / shocked /.
36. walk across / at / Pedestrians / the zebra crossing / the street / .
 _____________________________________________________________________

ĐỀ 9 (ĐK)
I. Listen carefully, then choose the best answer A, B, C or D. (1pt)
1. Thanksgiving in Canada is held on the ………………………
A. fourth Thursday of October B. second Monday of October
C. fourth Thursday of November D. second Monday of November
2. People celebrate Thanksgiving to give thanks to God for ………………………
A. successful harvests B. a successful season. C. a successful year D. a successful feast
3. On this occasion, a lot of people volunteer to help the ………………………fortunate.
A. more B. most C. less D. least
4. Who takes part in the food preparation? - ………………………
A. only adults B. only children C. family and friends D. both adults and children
Answer: 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. _________ 4. _________
II. Choose the word, whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
5. A. ahead B. instead C. seat-belt D. bread
6. A. danced B. wanted C. matched D. needed
Answer: 5. ________ 6. ________
III. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (0.5pt)
7. A. attention B. holiday C. pollution D. effective
8. A. different B. expensive C. convenient D. abundant
Answer: 7. _________ 8. _________
IV. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2pts)
9. Remember to ___________ the lights before going to bed or going out to save energy.
A. turn on B. turn off C. turning on D. turning up
10. It’s really difficult to __________ a bicycle up the hill.
A. pedal B. drive C. fly D. take
11. ________ having a happy ending, the film begins with a terrible disaster
A. Despite B. In spite of C. Although D. both A&B
12. Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal are examples of ___________ resources.
A. renewable B. non-renewable C. nuclear D. effective
13. Not many people went to see the film. ......................, it received good reviews from critics.
A. However B. Therefore C. Consequently D. Although
14. I went to bed late _________I felt really tired.
A. despite B. although C. so D. in spite of
15. What does this sign mean?- ____________________________
A. No motor vehicles allowed B. Pedestrian traffic only
C. Pedestrian crossing D. No pedestrian crossing
16. What does this sign mean?- ______________________________
A. Alcohol is allowed in this area B. Get free alcohol in this area

C. Buy recyclable bottles in this area D. Alcohol is disallowed in this area

Answers: 9. __________ 10. __________ 11. __________ 12. __________
13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________ 16. __________

V. Correct the form of verb. (1.0 pt)

17. Mrs. the village school 3 years ago. (not teach)
18. In Vietnam, we ....................................renewable sources of energy so far. ( use )
19. In the next few days, breakfast my sister. (prepare)
20. They think this story.................................... (excite)
Answers: 17. _________________ 18. _________________
19. _________________ 20. _________________
VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the best item to complete each blank. (1.5 pts)
thanks detective relax poison solve solution instead

All the movies I've watched Conan are my favorite. Conan is a (21)………………… movie. It was
about a high school detective named Kudo Shinichi, one day when a sentence was being investigated, there
were black robes behind the sneak attack and gave him a (22)………………… pill to seal a clue that he
didn't die but just shrunk. Dr. Agasa trusted him and tried his best to find the black shirts. Since they didn't
know that Shinichi was still alive, changing his Conan name was something he had to do. You have to be my
brother (23)………………… of they are friends. Still have to live with greedy Mori and ask him to let him
(24)………………… the case. The identity is very difficult. But (25)………………… to the machine, the
doctor made it hidden under his bow, allowing him to change his voice thanks to it. One day, the men in
black are destroyed and Ran learns that Conan is Shinichi and the two of them live happily after the
concession days. The film brought many difficult circumstances. I love this movie. I find this film
intertwined because it helps me (26)………………… and feel like returning to my childhood.
Answers: 21. _______________ 22. _______________ 23. ______________
24. _______________ 25. _______________ 26. ________________
VII. Read the following passage carefully. (1.0pt)
Energy is fundament to human beings. Many poor people in developing countries do not have modern
sources of energy like electricity or natural gas, with which their life can be improved.
People who live in mountainous areas have to gather wood for fuel. This takes a lot of time. For many people
living in rural areas, biogas is the largest energy resource available. The main use of biogas is for cooking
and heating, but it can also provide energy for public transport. As biogas is smoke-free, it helps the problem
of indoor air pollution. Moreover, it is made from plant waste and animal manure. They cost almost nothing.
The tendency to use renewable energy sources in developing sources in developing countries is on the
increase as non-renewable ones are running out. In the future, the wind and the sun will be uses as the most
important environmentally friendly energy sources.
27. Non-renewable sources are being used up.
28. Many poor people in developing countries do not have electricity.
29. Biogas is a new source of energy available for poor people.
30. Biogas creates a lot of smoke.
Answers: 27. ____________ 28. ____________ 29. ___________ 30. ____________
VIII. Answer these questions about you. (1.0pt)
31. What type of film do you like best?
32. Is it good for children to see violence on TV?
33. What should we do to prevent the traffic accidents?
34. What should we do to protect the environment?
IX. Rearrange these sentences. (0.5pt)
35. successful / millions of dollars / In spite of spending / on the film, / it wasn’t
→ In spite of ….…………………………………………………………………………………
36. sources of energy / The sun / other alternative / and the wind / are
→ The sun ……..………………………………………………………………………………..
X. Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. (1.0pt)
37. My father bought a new car last month.
38. Although she eats lots of food, she is still very slim.
→ In spite of……………………………………………………………………………………….
39. What is the distance between Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City? 
→ How far…………………………………………………………………………………………
40. My brother often watched TV in his free time last year, but he no longer does it.
→ My brother used …………………………………………………………………………….…..
ĐỀ 10 (HD)
I. Listen to the dialogue, then choose the best answer for Question 1, 2 and fill in the blanks with the correct
words for Question 3, 4. (1 pt)
1. Which festival did Nick choose?
A. The Elephant Race Festival. B. Diwali
C. La Tomatina D. Burning Man
2. Where is La Tomatina held?
A. Vietnam B. Spain C. America D. India
3. Diwali is an __________ festival.
4. Burning Man festival is held every year at the end of __________.
Answers: 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________
II. Pronunciation:
A. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 pt)
5. A. consumed B. crashed C. cycled D. starred
6. A. celebrate B. effect C. imaginative D. critic
B. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others. (0.5 pt)
7. A. transport B. shipwreck C. footprint D. exist
8. A. electricity B. documentary C. international D. renewable
Answers: 5. __________ 6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________
III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence . (2.0 pts)
9. Are you interested _____ playing badminton after class?
A. in B. with C. on D. for
10. Your story is so _____ that I cry a lot.
A. moved B. move C. moving D. moves
11. We _____ on the beach in Mexico next Saturday at this time.
A. will relax B. will be relaxing C. relax D. relaxed
12. _____ computer is a latop, but _____ is a desktop.
A. Hers - you B. Her - your C. My - yours D. Mine - yours
Answers: 9. __________ 10. __________ 11. __________ 12. __________
IV. Choose the most suitable word to complete the passage. (1.5 pts)
Halloween is a (13) _____ celebration in Europe. It (14) _____ on Octorber 31 st. Nowadays, it is a special day in several
countries (15) _____ the world, but it is perhaps most popular in America and Canada. Around this time, people like
(16) _____ scary stories and watch horror movies. In the evening, children wear costumes which make them look like
animals, monsters or people. They might be very funny or they might be quite scary. The costumes often include a face
mask or some make-up painted on the person's face. Children then go from house to house and ask (17) ______ candy
by saying (18) “_____?”. Jack - o’ lanterns are very common during this time. Most people, both young and old, have a
lot of fun on Halloween. "Happy Halloween" everyone.
13. A. tradition B. traditionally C. traditional D. traditions
14. A. is celebrated B. celebrated C. celebrates D. wil be celebrated
15. A. round B. circle C. during D. around
16. A. tell B. to tell C. told D. tells
17. A. at B. with C. on D. for
18. A. Hello B. Trick or treat C. How are you D. Where is my candy
Answers: 13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________ 16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________
V. Read the following passage, then do the task. (1.5 pt)
Natural resources are materials or things that people use from the earth. There are two main types of natural
resources. The first are renewable natural resources. They are called renewable because they can grow again or
never run out. The second are called non-renewable natural resources. These are things that can be used up. So
what can you do to save natural resources?
First of all, you can reduce, reuse, and recycle! For example, turn off the lights when you are not in a room. This
will reduce the use of fossil fuel used to make electricity. Secondly, ride your bicycle and walk more to reduce
the amount of gasoline used to transport you. Furthermore, you can reuse things like plastic jugs, paper, and
bags. Each time you reuse something, you conserve the natural resources that would have been used to make
new ones. Finally, you can recycle. Recycle means to reuse a natural resource or product to make something
new. It also means to collect and send these things for reuse. Items that can be easily recycled include glass,
some plastics, paper, cardboard. Some plastics and metals are hard to recycle. They are often made from
mixtures of materials. Mixtures can be hard to separate. Try to buy and use things that you can recycle.
Last but not least, natural resources, both renewable and nonrenewable, are important to all of us. We must
conserve and use natural resources carefully. Our future depends on them.
Task 1: Decide if the statements that follow it are TRUE or FALSE:
19. There are only one main type of natural resources. _____
20. You can save energy by switching off the light when you are not in the room. _____
21. To reduce the gasoline for transport, we can ride a bike of walk. _____
22. Natural resources are not too important too human. _____
Task 2: Read the passage again carefully and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D:
23. What does “recycle” means?
A. It means to reuse a natural resource or product to make something new.
B. It means that we need to walk more.
C. It means that it can run out or be used up.
D. It means to waste something freely.
24. Why are some plastics and metals hard to recycle?
A. They are boxes, toys, some kinds of furniture.
B. Because they are made from mixtures of materials which can be hard to separate.
C. They are useful, long-lasting and water-proof .
D. Because they can make more pollution to the environment.
Answers: 19. __________ 20. __________ 21. __________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________
VI. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence meaningfully . (1.5 pts)
25. S_ _ _ _ energy is from the Sun that generates electricity and is non-renewable.
26. The m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ means that the driver sits inside the wheel and pedals to go forward.
27. We need to o _ _ _ the traffic rules.
28. A lot of c _ _ _ _ _ _ said that film was not interesting and attractive.
Answers: 25. __________ 26. __________ 27. __________ 28. __________
VII. Rearrange the words or phrases to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
29. was / Although / I / the weather / out / bad / went / , /
 Although __________________________________________________________________________________.
30. will / to / renewable / be / energy resources / used / solve / of / the problems / pollution / More
 More ____________________________________________________________________________________.
31. look / should / right and left / when / You / go / the street / across / you
 You ______________________________________________________________________________________.
32. will / Singapore / next / My sister / travel / to / month
 My sister __________________________________________________________________________________.
VIII. Answer these questions about you. (1 pt)
33. How far is it from your house to your school?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________.
34. Did you use to go to Nha Trang beach?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________.
35. How do you to school everyday?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________.
36. Do you often save electricity?
 __________________________________________________________________________________________.
IX. Choose the sentence which is closet in meaning to the sentence above. (1.5 pts)
37. They will build a hydro power station in the North of the country next year.
 A hydro ___________________________________________________________________________________.
38. Although we have a map, we had diffuculty in finding her house.
 Despite ____________________________________________________________________________________.
39. Why don’t we go fishing?
 What about ________________________________________________________________________________?
40. My father was an actor many years ago, but now he is a director.
 My father used ______________________________________________________________________________
ĐỀ 11(TNH)

Question I: Listen to the recording and then do the following tasks (1.0 point)
Part A: Choose the best answers.
1. Tom Hanks is one of the most famous and richest __________ in Hollywood.
A. directors B. actors C. doctors D. actresses
2. Tom Hanks has won the Oscars for Best Actor __________.
A. two times B. three times C. many times D. several times
Part B: Fill in the blanks.
3. Most ____________ say that Tom Hanks is one of the best actors.
4. He often ____________ serious roles such as a soldier or a lawyer.
Question II.
Part A Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 pt)
5. A. started  B. decided  C. worked  D. waited
6. A. traffic B. plane C. station D. pavement
Part B. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others. (0.5 pt)
7. A. listen B. visit C. borrow D. obey
8. A. polite B. funny C. lovely D. busy
Question III. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.0 pts)
9. Before the new system of traffic control, there __________ be more accidents.
A. use to used to C. used to D. was used to
10. Your behaviour is __________. You should not be rude.
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappoints
11. Lan: “Could I ask you a few questions about your favourite films?” - Tom: “…….…….”
A. Not bad. B. No, I don’t. C. I don’t like it. D. Sure. Go ahead.
12. A film that shows real lfe events or stories is ____________ film.
A. thriller B. horror C. animation D. documentary
13. In spite of ____________ little money, our family is still happy.
A. have B. having C. had D. has
14. Not many people went to see the film. __________, it received good reviews from critics.
A. However B. Therefore C. Because D. Although
15. Remember to ___________ the lights before going to bed or going out to save energy.
A. turn on B. turn off C. turning on D. turning up
16. Tom Hanks ______________ an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump in 1994.
A. won B. win C. has won D. is winning
Question IV. Complete the sentences using the cues provided
17. La Tomatina is a s ______________festival to celebrate the tomato festival.
18. Someone’s carbon f_____________ is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that their activities
19. Give a s _________________before you turn left or right.
20. Coal and oil is n_________________ energy sources.
Question V. Choose the most suitable word to complete the passage. (1.5pts)

Two of the most important holidays in the United States are Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. The fourth
of July marks the American declaration of independence from Britain. Most towns, big or small, celebrate the
fourth of July with parades and fireworks. Families (21) with barbecues or picnics. Thanksgiving Day
is celebrated in fall, on the fourth Thursday (22) ________November. It is a day (23) ________people give thanks
to the harvest. Most families (24) ________a large dinner with roast turkey. (25) Independence Day and
Thanksgiving Day are national (26) .
21. A. celebrating B. celebration C. celebrate D. celebrated
22. A. on B. in C. at D. by
23. A. where B. when C. which D. in which
24. A. have B. buy C. help D. take
25. A. Besides B. Both C. Either D. Nor
26. A. chances B. months C. holidays D. times
Question VI. Read the following passage carefully and then decide the statements are TRUE, or
FALSE ( 1pt)
Renewable energy plays a key role in human existence in the future. We should start using renewable right
now. Research shows that fossil fuels, which accounted for more than half of the world energy consumption,
will run out in approximately 100 years. Many have suggested that renewable energy is the energy source of
the future. By using renewable energy, we will reduce our dependence on the dying energy. If we don’t start
using renewable energy today, there might be permanent consequences that will ruin our future.

27. Renewable energy should be used only in the future. ____________

28. Half of the world energy consumption is from renewable energy. ____________
29. We should depend on fossil fuel as long as we can. ____________
30. Fossil fuels will run out in approximately 100 years. ____________

Question VII: Reorder the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences. (0.5 pt)
31. / Tom / the film was gripping, /Although / slept from the beginning/ to end.
Although ____________________________________________________________________
32. reduce pollution / Scientists / will find / in our city. / solutions to
Scientists ____________________________________________________________________
Question VIII. Answer these questions about you (0.5 pt)

33. What must you wear when you ride a motorbike?

34.Which is your favorite festival?
35. Is your carbon footprint big or small?
36. What should you do to save energy?
Question IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning (1 pt)

37. How far is it from your house to Dam Sen park?

 What’s _____________________________________________________________________
38. My brother usually stayed up late to watch football match last year.
 My brother used to____________________________________________________________
39. Although we missed the bus, we went to school on time.
 In spite of __________________________________________________________________
40. People will develop alternative sources of energy.
 Alternative sources ________________________________________________________________________________

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