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NCM 107
 Uses a high degree of
independent functioning
 Places importance on
 Maternal and Child Health refer promotion of health
to philo-mother and child  Is based on the belief that
relationship to one another and pregnancies or childhood illness
consideration of the entire are stressful because they are
family as well as the culture and crises.
socio-economic environment as  Is a challenging role for the
framework of the patient. nurse and is a major factor in
 It involves the care of the promoting high level wellness in
woman and family throughout families.
pregnancy and childbirth and  Pregnancy, labor and delivery
the health promotion and illness and the puerperium are part of
care for the children and the continuum of the total life
families. cycle.

Goal of MCH Personal, cultural and religious

attitudes and beliefs influence the
 To ensure that every expectant meaning of pregnancy for individuals
and nursing mother maintains and make each experience unique.
good health, learns the art of
child care, has normal delivery Maternal-child nursing is family
and bears healthy child. centered. The father of the child is as
 That every child, wherever important as the mother.
possible lives and grows up in a Strategic thrusts (2005-2010)
family unit with love and
security, in healthy Launch and implement the Basic
surroundings, receives Emergency Obstetric Care strategy in
adequate nourishment, health coordination with the DOH. It entails
supervision and efficient the establishments of facilities that
medical attention, and is taught provide emergency obstetric care for
the elements of healthy living every 125,000 population and which
(Reyala, 2000). are located strategically.
 Promotion and maintenance of Improves the quality of prenatal and
optimum health of the women postnatal care.
and newborn.
Reduce women’s exposure to health
Philosophy of MCN risks through the institutionalization of
 Is community-centered responsible parenthood and provision
 Is research-centered of appropriate health care package to
 Is based on nursing theory all women of reproductive age
 Protects the rights of all family especially those who are less than 18
members years old and over 35 years of age,
women with low education and

financial resources, women with It also includes neonatal interventions
unmanaged chronic illness and women which include at the minimum:
who had just given birth in the last 18
 Newborn resuscitation
 Provision of warmth
LGUs and NGOs and other  Referral
stakeholders must advocate for health  Blood transfusion
through resource generation and
allocation for health services to be
provided for the mother and the  BeMONC facility shall consist of
unborn. the core district hospital.
Maternal Neonatal and Child Health  For geographically isolated/
and Nutrition Strategy (MNCHN) disadvantaged areas/ densely
populated areas, the designated
It applies specific policies and actions BeMONC facilities are the
for local health systems to following: Rural Health Unit,
systematically address health risks Barangay Health Station, Lying-
that lead to maternal and especially in Clinics and Birthing Homes.
neonatal deaths which comprise half of
 Accessibility within 1 hour from
the reported infant mortalities.
residence or referring facility
BeMONC- Basic Emergency within the ILHZ (Inter-local
Obstetrics and Newborn Care Health Zones)
 Shall operate within 24 hours
It refers to lifesaving services for
with 6 signal obstetric function.
emergency maternal and newborn
 Shall have access to
conditions/complications being
communication and
provided by a health facility or
transportation facilities to
professional to include the following
mobilize referrals.
 Staff composition: (1) Medical
 Administration of parenteral Doctor, (1) Registered Nurse,
oxytocic drugs. (1) Registered Midwife.
 Administration of dose of
CEMONC- Comprehensive
parenteral anticonvulsants
Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn
 Administration of parenteral Care facility
 Administration of maternal - Refers to lifesaving services for
steroids for preterm labor emergency maternal and newborn
 Performance of assisted vaginal conditions/complications as in Basic
deliveries Emergency Obstetric and Newborn
 Removal of retained placental Care plus the provision of surgical
products delivery and blood bank services and
 Manual removal of retained other specialized obstetric
placenta interventions.
Essential Health Services available
in the Health Care Facilities

A. Antenatal Registration/ Prenatal Third and subsequent visits during the
Care third trimester.
OBJECTIVE: to reach all pregnant More frequent visits should be done for
women, to give sufficient care to those at risk or with complications.
ensure a healthy pregnancy and the
Tetanus Toxoid Immunization
birth of a full term healthy baby.
Neonatal tetanus is one of the public
Normal Patients - following the initial
health concerns, that is why it is
evaluation they will be given healthy
important for pregnant women and
instructions and counseling. This will
child bearing age women to get a
include advice for prompt prenatal care
tetanus toxoid immunization in order to
protect them from this deadly disease.
Patients with mild complications - a
A series of 2 doses of TT vaccination
thorough evaluation of the needs of
must be received by woman one
patients with mild complications will
month before delivery to protect baby
determine the frequency of follow-up of
from neonatal tetanus.
these cases by the rural health unit,
city health clinic or puericulture center And the three booster dose shots to
complete the five doses following the
Patients with potentially serious
recommended schedule provides full
complications - these patients shall be
protection. The mother is then called
referred to the most skilled source of
as a “Fully Immunized Mother” (FIM).
medical and hospital care. As a first
choice they will be referred if at all Micronutrient Supplementation
possible for continuing care or
consultation. Second choice will be It is necessary to prevent anemia,
followed carefully by the rural health vitamin A deficiency and other
unit, city health clinic or puericulture nutritional disorders.
center. Vitamin A
 All RHUs and BHS should have a  Dose: 10,000 IU
masterlist of pregnant women in their  Given a week starting on the
respective catchment center. 4th month of pregnancy.
 The Homebased Mother’s Record  Do not give it before the 4th
(HBMR) shall be used when rendering month of pregnancy because it
prenatal care as a guide in in the might cause congenital
identification of risk factors, danger problems in the baby.
signs and to be able to do appropriate  Iron
measures.  Dose: 60mg/400 ug tablet
 Schedule: Daily
 There should be at least 3 prenatal
visits following the prescribed timing: Clean and Safe Delivery
First prenatal visits should be made as A. Check for Emergency signs
early in pregnancy as possible, during
 Unconsciousness
the first trimester.
 Vaginal bleeding
Second during the second trimester

 Severe abdominal bleeding  Areas where there are no health
 Looks very ill personnel on maternal care.
 Severe headache with visual  When, at the time of delivery,
disturbance such personnel is not available.
 Severe breathing difficulty
Actively practicing but untrained birth
 Fever attendants (hilots) should be identified,
 Severe vomiting trained and supervised by a personnel
B. Made woman comfortable of the nearest BHS/RHU trained on
Maternal Care.
C. Assess the woman in labor
The following are qualified for home
 LMP delivery:
 Number of pregnancy
 Start of labor pains  Full term
 Age/height  Less than 5 pregnancies
 Danger signs of pregnancy  Cephalic position
 Without existing diseases such
D. Determine the stage of labor as diabetes, bronchial asthma,
heart disease, hypertension,
E. Decide of the woman can safely
goiter, tuberculosis, severe
F. Give supportive care throughout  No history of complications like
labor hemorrhage during previous
G. Monitor and manage labor
 No history of difficult delivery and
H. Monitor closely after delivery
prolonged labor (more than 24 hours
I. Continue care for at least two hours for primi and more than 12 hours for
postpartum multigravida)
G. Inform, counsel and teach woman  No previous cesarean section
 Imminent deliveries (those who
 Birth registration
are about to deliver and can no
 Importance of breastfeeding
longer reach the nearest facility
 Newborn screening
in time for delivery)
 Schedule of postpartum visits.
 No premature rupture of
(1st visit: 1st week postpartum
preferably 3-5 days and 2nd
 Adequate pelvis
visit: 6 weeks postpartum)
 Abdominal enlargement is
Home Delivery appropriate for age of gestation.
It is for normal pregnancies attended Home delivery kit must atleast
by licensed health personnel. Trained contain two pairs of clamps, a pair
hilots may be allowed to attend home of scissors, antiseptic (may use
deliveries only in the following 70% Povidone/Iodine) soap and
circumstances: hand brush, clean towel/piece of

cloth, flashlight,  Antepartum hemorrhage
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope.
 Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Clean hands, clean surface and clean and Eclampsia
cord must be strictly followed to
 Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
prevent infection.
 Placenta previa and abruption
Guide for home delivery:
 For registered patient: time
 Multifetal pregnancy
when regular pains started,
whether bag of water ruptured  Post term and preterm pregnancies
or not, presence of absence of
vaginal discharges, bleeding,  Previous uterine surgery such as
etc., whether mother moved her myomectomy.
bowels and has urinated, fetal APGAR Scoring
movement felt by the mother or
not, unusual symptoms such as  It provides a valuable index for
bleeding, headache, spots evaluation of the infant’s at
before eyes. birth. It is based on five signs
 For unregistered patients: get ranked in order of importance
same information as for those as follows: Heart Rate,
registered patients and get Respiratory Effort, Muscle
medical and obstetric history. Tone, Reflex Irritability and
Color. In general, they made 1
Delivery in Healthy Facility minute of life and 5 minutes.
Each signs is evaluated
 At lying-in clinics, Birthing
according to the degree to
Homes or within the
which it is present and is given
a score of 0, 1 and 2. The
 Normal pregnancies and with
scores of each sign is added
labor progressing normally must
together to give a total scores
be encourage to deliver in this
(10 is the maximum).
Newborn Screening
Delivery in Hospitals
 It is a public health program
 Risk pregnancies should be
aimed at the early identification
advised to deliver in the hospital
of infants who are affected by
are the following:
 Pregnancy more the 4
 Previous CS conditions. Early identification
 History of postpartum and intervention can lead to
hemorrhage significant reduction of
 History of medical illness such morbidity, mortality and
as heart disease, goiter, associated disabilities in
tuberculosis, diabetes, severe affected infant
anemia, hypertension, bronchial
asthma Significance:

 Most babies with metabolic availed. Normal NBS results are
disorders look “normal” at birth. available by 7-14 working days
By doing NBS, metabolic from the time samples are
disorders may be detected even received at the NSC. Positive
before clinical signs and NBS results are relayed to the
symptoms are present. And as parents immediately by the
a result of this, treatment can be health facility. A NEGATIVE
given early to prevent SCREEN MEANS THAT THE
consequences of untreated NBS IS NORMAL.
conditions.  A positive screen means that
the newborn must be brought
back to his/her health
 It is ideally done on the 48th- practitioner for further testing.
72nd hours of life. However, it Babies with positive results
may also be done after 24 maybe referred at once to a
hours from birth. specialist for confirmatory
testing and further
Procedure: management.
 A few drops are taken from the
baby’s heel, blotted on a special
absorbent filter card and then
sent to the Newborn Screening
Center (NSC). The blood
samples for Newborn Screening
(NBS) may be collected by any
Disorders detected in Newborn
of the following: physician,
nurse, medical technologies or
trained midwife. The procedure
costs P550. The DOH advisory
Committee on Newborn
Screening has approved a  it is the inability to metabolize
maximum allowable fee of P50 the amino acid phenylaline,
for the collection of the sample. which is a common component
Newborn Screening is now such a milk.
included in the Philhealth  Excessive accumulation of
Newborn Care Package. It is phenylalanine in the blood
widely available in hospitals,  causes brain damage. The
Lying- ins, Rural Health Unit, babies may look like “albino”
Health Centers, and some with musty odor of the skin,
private clinics. If babies are hair, sweat and urine. PKU is
delivered at home, babies may treated with a special low-
be brought to the nearest phenylalanine diet which the
institution offering newborn amount of amino acid is
screening. carefully regulated.
 Results can be claimed from the
health facility where NBS was Congenital Hypothyroidism

 most common causes of mental urine and fast breathing. It may
retardation. Most affected lead to heart failure.
infants may look normal at birth,
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
however, they may have large
fontanels and tongues, big  refers to a group of disorders
tummies and prolonged with an enzyme defect that
yellowish discoloration of the prevents adequate adrenal
skin and eyes. Infants are corticosteroid and aldosterone
treated with thyroid hormones production an increases
and it continues throughout life. production of androgens. It
If the disorder is not detected manifested by poor feeding,
and hormone replacement is vomiting and diarrhea and weak
not initiated within two weeks, cry. It also causes short stature,
the baby with CH may suffer early puberty excessive hair
from mental and growth growth and infertility. Treatment
retardation. of corticosteroids for the rest of
child’s life.
Support to Breastfeeding
 it is the absence of enzymes
necessary for conversion of the Motivate, mothers to practice
milk sugar galactose to glucose. breastfeeding
Affected infants present with
difficulty in feeding, vomiting
and diarrhea, yellowish skin and
eyes, weakness, white eyes
(cat’s eyes) and bleeding after A. The Rooming-in and
blood extraction. Accumulation Breastfeeding Act of 1992
of excessive galactose in the  To encourage, protect and
body may cause liver damage, support the practice of breastfeeding.
brain damage and cataracts. It shall create an environment where
Treatment may include the basic physical, emotional and
elimination of milk from the diet psychological needs of mothers and
and use of milk substitute. infants are fulfilled.
Glucose 6 phosphate B. Milk Code of 1986
dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD
deficiency)  The aim of this code is to
contribute to the provision of safe and
 the body lacks the enzyme adequate nutrition for infants by the
called G6PD that may cause protection and promotion of
hemolytic anemia, when the breastfeeding and by ensuring the
body exposed to oxidative proper use of breast milk substitutes
substances found in certain and breastmilk supplements when
drugs, foods and chemicals. these are necessary, on the basis of
Children become pale, with adequate information and through
yellow skin and eye, tea colored appropriate marketing and distribution.

Family Planning Counseling
 Proper counseling of couples on
the importance of family
planning will help them inform
on the right choices of family
planning methods, proper
spacing of birth and addressing
the right number of children.
Birth spacing of three to five
years interval will help
completely develop the health
of a mother from previous
pregnancy and childbirth. The
risk of complications increases
after the second birth.

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