Diet RX

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna




Submitted by: Group 3

Submitted to: Mrs. Gloria N. Ramos

Patient’s Profile

Patient’s Name: Patient X

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Educational Status: Elementary student

Occupation: N/A

Height: 4’3 ft/130 cm

Weight: 22 kg.

DIET AS ORDERED: Low Salt, Low Fat Diet

Diet Prescription

DBW for Children

 Desirable Body Weight (DBW):
(Age x 2) + 8
(9 x 2) + 8

DBW = 26 kg

 Total Energy Allowance (TEA): Desirable Body Weight × Activity

26 kg × 35 = 910

TEA = 900 kcal + 500 kcal (weight gaining) = 1400 kcal

 Percentage Distribution

Carbohydrates: (70%) 1400× .70 = 980 kcal ÷ 4 = 245g

Protein: (10%) 1400 × .10 =140 kcal÷ 4 = 35g

Fats: (20%) 1400 × .20 = 280 kcal ÷ 9 = 31.1g

Diet Prescription: 1400 kcal; CHO 245g; CHON 35g; FAT 30g
Diet Prescription

Diet Prescription: 1400 kcal; CHO 245g ; CHON 35g ; FAT 31g
Food No. of CHO (g) CHON (g) FAT (g) Energy
Exchanges (kcal)
Veg., List 1A 2 3 1 -- 16
Veg., List 1B 1 3 1 -- 16
Fruit, List 2 4 40 -- -- 160
Milk , List 3 1 12 8 5 125
Sugar, List 7 7 35 -- -- 140
Partial Sum: 93
228 (Prescribed CHO)
-93 (Partial Sum)
135 ÷ 23 = 5 Rice Exchanges
Rice, List 4 4 92 8 -- 400
Partial Sum: 18
35 (Prescribed CHON)
-18 (Partial Sum)
17 ÷ 8 = 2 Meat Exchanges
Meat, List 5A 2 -- 16 2 82
Partial Sum:
31 (Prescribed FAT)
-7 (Partial Sum)
24 ÷ 5 = 5 Fat Exchanges
Fat, List 6 5 -- -- 24 225
Total: -- 185g 34g 31kg 1164 kcal

List 1A (Vegetables) = 2 Exchanges

List 1B (Vegetables) = 1 Exchange

List 2 (Fruits) = 4 Exchanges

List 3 (Milk) = 1 Exchange

List 4 (Rice) = 4 Exchanges

List 5 (Meat) = 2 Exchanges

List 6 (Fats) = 5 Exchanges

List 7 (Sugar) = 7 Exchanges

Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Dinner

- Apple - Pan de sal - Rice - Mango Shake - Ensaladang Ampalaya

(65g) = 1 (20 g/1 ½ (cooked)  Lite low fat - Rice (cooked) (40g –
fruit pc.) = ½ (20g – ¼ cup milk (250g ) ½ cup) = 1 rice
exchange rice rice) = ½ = 1 milk exchange
- Oatmeal exchange rice exchange  ¾ cup Ampalaya
(1/2 cup) - Peanut exchange  Ripe (18.75 g)= ¾ Veg.a
= 1 rice butter (2 - Tilapya Mango 60 g exchange
exchange tsp) = 1 (Fried) (E.P.) (1  ¼ cup tomato
 2 tsp fat  Tilapya slice) = 1 (6.25g)= ¼ Veg.a
sugar = 2 exchange (35g) = 1 fruit exchange
sugar meat A exchange  1 tsp sugar = 1 sugar
exchange exchange  2 tsp sugar = exchange
 Canola oil 2 sugar - Fried Chicken
(1 tsp) = 1 exchange  Breast chicken (30g)=
fat - Pancit Bihon 1 meat A exchange
exchange  Bihon  Canola Oil (1 tsp) = 1
- Corn soup (37.5g – ½ fat exchange
 Corn (32.5 cup)= ½ -
g-1/4 cup)= rice
½ rice exchange
exchange  Petchay (1/4
 Canola oil cup
(1 tsp) = 1 (22.5g)= ½
fat Veg.a
exchange exchange
- Fresh fruits  Carrot
(melon, (1/2cup –45
grapes, g)= 1 Veg.b
pineapple, exchange
apple with  Cauliflower
lemon juice (22.5g – ¼
and honey) = cup)= ½
2 fruit Veg.a
exchange, 2 exchange
sugar  Canola oil
exchange (1 tsp) = 1

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