Quotation: To: PT Sarku Enjinering Utama

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Interactive Media Network
No : 003.CXlD/XII/2014
Subject : Quotation Revamp Website SARKU-ID.COM
Page : 2(two) pages

Jakarta, 03 Desember 2014

To : PT Sarku Enjinering Utama

JI. Taman Tekno 4 Blok E3 No.20
Serpong Tangerang 15311
Phone / Fax: 021-75882301/ 021-75882300

Headoffice phone/fax : 021-75908641/ 021-75908644

Attn: Mr. Satya Santoso

Dear Sir,

Here we are pleased to give our quotation price for SARKU-ID.COM Website Revamp and Digital
assets optimization regarding your requirement, with the details as follows:

Budget Cost For Sarku-id.com

Ana lyst Webs ite requiremcnt one time dcve lopment Rp 8.000.000
User Interface Des ign one time development Rp 8.D00.000
Database Analyst and Design one time deve lopment Rp 7.000.OOD
User interface and User Experience
HTMLS and CSS3 Layouting trespons ive
ctesign) with compatible browser : IE 11, one time development Rp 2D.000.DDO
Ch rome 38,MO2i Ila F ir0rOx 31, Safori
and Iatest mobiIe brovas ers
CMS Eng ine Deve I op ment one tim e development Rp dOt&O.OQO
Jobs List Modules one time development Rp 1O.000.OOO
WeD admin for updating content, 2
ti mes per week 1 yeor Rp 24.000.000
System Insco I iation lday Rp0
TrouD ie s h oot i ng 1 day Rp0
Tra in ing Session : Man uaI book &
fWatntonance book 1 day Rp0
Assist the operator to be famiI iar 1 day RpO
User Acceptance Test (UAT) 1 day Rp0
Bug fixin4 1 day Rp0
Handover mox. 1 day after Bug Fixing Rp0
M ETT Rp 117.000.DDO
PPN10?« Rp 11.700.000
DP SOA 'ncl.PPN10% 64.350.000
FuII Payment (after tra ining sess' on) 64.350.OOO
Interactive Media Network

Web maintenance 1 year (Bonus)
assets produces (images and icons) One time development
required for website (8onus) Rp
One time development
SEO Onpage Website (Bonus) Rp
Auto response email engine for Jobs one time development
Module and Contact Us Form (Bonus) Rp

- Working period : 30 days up to 40 days
- 50% Down payment, 50 % after training session

Sincerely Yours,

Chief Executive Officer

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