Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle - 7 - : School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Date Quarter

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Junior High School

S.Y. 2019-2020


School Mainit National High School Grade Level 7
Teacher Jasmin D. Fama Learning Area TLE - 7
Teaching Date June 17, 2021 Quarter Fourth

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
CONTENT a. Hazard and risks identification and control.
STANDARD b. Occupation Health and Safety ( OHS ) indicators.
c. Personal hygiene and proper hand washing.
1. Workplace hazards and risk are identified or clearly explaind.
PERFORMANCE 2. Hazards/Risks and their corresponding indicators are identified in line with company procedures.
STANDARD 3. Contingency measures are recognized and established in accordance with organizational
 Identify hazards and risks
At the end of one hour lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Identify hazard and risks
SPECIFIC  Respond actively to identified OHS hazards to avoid or minimize accidents
 Conduct hazard report based on OHS requirements.

II. CONTENT : Identification of OHS Hazardz


MATERIALS Projector, laptop, markers, cartolina/construction papers,

REFERENCE BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION, Learner’s Material in TLE Grade 7, pages 55-72


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Scaffolding
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Greetings

Good afternoon everyone! S: Good afternoon, Ma’am!

2. Prayer

Let us all stand and ask first the guidance of almighty God
and to enlighten our mind to completely understand the
topic this afternoon. Let us put ourselves in the holy …In the name of the father…..
presence of the Lord…In the name of the father….. (Students recite a prayer.)
3. Classroom Management

Class before you sit down please arrange your seats

properly and pick up the pieces of paper under it.
(The students will arrange their seats and pick
4. Checking of Attendance up the pieces of papers under their chairs.)

Is there any absentee? Class secretary kindly check the

attendance. Thank you!

Yes Ma’am!
B. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the
New Lesson

This afternoon we have an interesting topic to discuss

about identification of OHS hazard. Do you have any idea
about this? So at end of our session, you are expected to
meet the following objectives. Kindl re Yes Ma’am!
The students will read the objectives from the
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson power point presentation.
Power -point
Okay class before we proceed to our lesson, we will watch presentation
first the video.

What is the video all about?

Exactly!. Every day we are exposed to hazards and https://

risks. Some hazards may be obvious like boiling the The students watch the video
kettle for your morning wake up coffee or driving to watch?
work, while others are often not as visible or can be S: identification of OHS hazard v=s0CGgjQOC00
overlooked. But why do we need to identify these
So, class ,what do you think is the connection of
the previous activity to our topic this afternoon?

Very Good!

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New

Skills #1
Students answers may vary.)
Okay, the topic that I am going to tackle this afternoon is
all about identification of OHS hazard. What is OHS?

 “Yes, the danger in the workplace is the major cause of

injury, illness or damage to a worker undertaking a
certain job. It is the role of the OHS to monitor the
hazards present in a workplace to minimize/eliminate
the danger it could give to the workers. Now, what is
the difference among hazard, risk and exposure?  OHS stands for Occupational Health and
 Very well. It is necessary to differentiate between Safety which emphasizes as the best monitor
hazard, risk and exposure when undertaking risk to handle or remove hazards.
management. Since we are able to distinguish their  Hazard is anything which may cause injury
differences, the problem now is, how can we identify or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace,
hazards? What are the possible hazards we encounter in Risk is the probability that exposure to a
a farm? To answer that, we need to know what are the hazard will lead to a negative consequence
types of hazards and what are its examples. There are and Exposure occurs when a person comes
six types of hazards, what are those? into contact with a hazard.
 That’s right! Those enumerated types of hazards have
sets of examples that are of great help when you
 The six types of hazards are Safety Hazards,
Biological Hazards, Ergonomic Hazards,
identify them in your workplace. What is a safety
Physical Hazards, Chemical Hazards and
Work Organization Hazards.

 Very good! Common occupational threats are safety

 Safety hazards are dangerous working
hazards since it seems normal that we tend to ignore
environments that can lead to injury, disease
them. Next is biological hazards, how will we know that
and death, this includes: (1) anything that can
a certain hazard is a biological hazard?
cause spills or trips; (2) anything that can
cause falls; (3) unguarded and moving parts
 Exactly! Exposure to biological hazards can cause
of machinery; (4) electrical threats and (5)
diseases and death. You can eliminate such hazards by
limited spaces.
observing a hygienic and clean working area. What
about physical hazard?
 Biological hazards include exposure from
interacting with livestock, humans, or
infectious plant materials to damage or illness
such as fungi/mold, bacteria and viruses,
plants, bites of insects and droppings for
 Yes, that’s it! Anything that can affect the body without animals and birds.
necessarily touching it. This is the very reason why it is  Physical hazards are things within the world
a must to wear your PPE whenever possible. The next that can affect the body without necessarily
type of hazard is also very common in any workplace touching it. It includes radiation, low
yet we do not know that it is already a hazard. We will sunlight/ultraviolet ray sensitivity, extreme
know now what is an ergonomic hazard. temperatures (hot and cold) and continuous
loud noise.
 When the type of job, body positions, and
working environments place a strain on the
 Very well said! Those are hazards that we tend to ignore body, ergonomic safety hazards arise. This
hence they seems to be not a hazard. Most of the includes improperly adjusted seats and
ergonomic hazards’ effect are muscle’s pain, strain, workstations; daily lifting; bad posture;
back pain and headache. Now kindly define chemical awkward motions, especially if they are
hazard. repetitive; having to use too much force,
especially if you have to do it often and
 Yes, exposure to chemicals in any form is dangerous. excessive vibration
Wearing proper PPE while handling chemicals in the  When a worker is exposed to some chemical
farm will protect the worker from the danger it may preparation in the workplace in any form
give. The last one is work organization hazard. (solid, liquid or gas) such as fertilizers and
pesticides, chemical hazards are present

 Work Organization Hazards. Safety hazards

or stressors which trigger stress and strain.
These are hazards associated with workplace
issues such as workload specifications; abuse
at work; elevated speed and/or rate; respect
(or lack thereof); flexibility; controlling or
talking about things; social or partnership
support and sexual assault.
 We can spot the hazard by identifying those
 Very good! If you have observed, work organization hazards present in the working area and to
hazards are likely related to social and psychological what type of hazards it belongs. Next, assess
aspects. Most of its effect are long term and must be the risk, this is to weight the risks it may
given attention. Now that we have identify the different given to the possible persons and then make
types of hazards and examples we now proceed to the changes, that is to apply possible solutions in
next question that we have. How will you manage health order to eliminate or minimize the danger
and safety at work? There are three given steps namely: such hazard can give.
(1) spot the hazard, (2) assess the risk and (3) make the
changes. How can it be applied?
 Thank you for that brilliant idea! Making changes or
applying possible solutions to a spotted hazard may
include elimination; substitution; isolation; protections;
instructing workers to do things in the safest way and
the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and
clothing. In order to work on a farm safely, you should:
 Follow all rules and guidelines on protection
 When required, use safety equipment and protective
 Wearing clean clothes.
 Knowing what to do in an emergency
 Report any risk to your supervisor's health and safety. It “
is possible to report hazards orally or by filling out a
simple form
If you need help:
 Talk to your boss about the problem.
 Talk to your parents or teachers.
 Talk to the work immersion coordinator or a counselor
at your school.

E. Application

Based on the picture , write a hazard report with the
following details:
1. Possible hazards of working in the kitchen
2. Classification of hazards
3. Potential persons who are at risk of the identified
4. Possible solutions to reduce or eliminate the risk
5. Report your findings to your teacher through writing a
report using the printed form given to you. Your report
will be rated based on the rubric below.

Performance task sheet.

F. Generalization

 Now that we are done with the discussion and activity,

kindly share to the class the summary of our lesson.  Occupational Health and Safety monitors the
hazards present in a workplace and find safety
measures to eliminate or minimize those
hazards to prevent injury, accident and even
death in a workplace. There six types of
hazards namely: Safety hazards, biological
hazard, physical hazard, ergonomic hazard,
chemical hazard and work organization
Thank you very much for the synthesis of the lesson. All hazard. To eliminate or minimize those
of the information we tackled today is of great help and hazards, safety measures such as wearing of
can be applied even in our every home. PPE, proper workplace hygiene, etc. Will be
taken into consideration. It is proper to be
observant, and if hazard is identified it is
important to report it right away to the
G. Evaluation

A. Safety hazards B. Biological hazard

C. Physical hazard D. Ergonomic hazard, E.
Chemical hazard F. Work organization hazard.

___1. Blood and other body fluids ___7. Falls

___2. Improper wiring ___8. Sexual
___3. Hot and cold ___9. Frequent lifting
___4. Microwaves ___10. Pesticides
___5. Poor posture ___11. Paints
___6. Workload demands ___12. Fungi/ molds

- Research on the different techniques in following and
clarifying instructions and directions.
-Present your output to the class.

Power point

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher Checked:

Principal II


School Principal II

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