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A Computer Science Series


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The purpose of the Dashboard series (1 to 8) teacher’s resource pack is to empower teachers to
make classroom teaching a holistic experience. It will enable teachers to explain the chapters in
the most effective way, which will not only impart knowledge, but also ignite interest in the minds
of young learners towards the subject. A wide array of resources complement these manuals,
which makes learning an interesting process instead of a routine chore.

Teacher’s Manual
Teacher’s Manual resources have been carefully prepared with an aim to make the process of
teaching and learning interesting and intriguing for the teachers and learners alike. It comprises
detailed lesson plans and answers to the coursebook along with solved worksheets and
model test papers. These have been prepared keeping in mind the explanation of the concepts
and the level appropriateness of the topics. Easily available teaching aids are used to make teaching
and learning an interactive and lucid process. The lesson plans give a topic-wise explanation of
each chapter. Its components are:
– Learning objectives give the list of measurable aims of each chapter, which should be
achieved after teaching the chapter.
– Concept explanation gives a detailed method of explaining the important concepts of the
chapter using various teaching aids.
– Activity section outlines do-it-yourself hands-on activities for students for them to grasp
the content comprehensively.
– Reinforce section allows the teacher to check the progress of the concepts learned by
the students with the help of textual questions and worksheets and allows them to
revisit and revise the concepts, if required.
– Explore section helps the learners to do various activities, often taking them beyond their
classroom learning.

App-based Digital Store

Digital offerings comprise digital resource embedded e-book, animations, interactive activities,
slideshows, educational games, show me steps, try me steps, test generator and teacher’s manual.

Web Support
The web support consists of worksheets, model test papers, and answers to worksheets and
model test papers. These would help teachers in assessing students on the concepts taught in the
1. The Computer System 5
2. More on Windows 10 12
3. Learn to Use MS Excel 2010 19
4. More on PowerPoint 2010 26
Model Test Paper 1 33
5. Introduction to Adobe Flash CS6 35
6. Working with Flash CS6 42
7. Introduction to QBasic 48
8. QBasic Statements 55
9. Exploring the Internet 62
Model Test Paper 2 70
1 The Computer

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ understand the concept of hardware and software and relation between them.
➜ understand the classification of computers.
➜ understand the concepts of computer languages.

➜ Students have previous knowledge about computers.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the lesson.

Hardware, Software, Relationship Between Hardware and Software

• Read the related sections from the book.
• Talk about hardware by explaining that hardware is something which can be touched
and seen.
• Parts of the computer are to be explained by telling students their uses and requirement.
• Show the pictures of the hardware devices used in a computer.
• Discuss about the software by explaining to them that hardware devices take instructions
from the software.
• Types of software can be discussed and explained by citing examples e.g., for writing a
document we use Word and to remove a virus we use an antivirus software.
• Explain the hardware and software are dependent on each other. Both of them must work
together to make a computer produce a useful output.
• To reinforce ask the students to do the following activity.

Divide students into groups and conduct a quiz by asking them to identify the name spelled
by the teacher as hardware or software. They can discuss any word which students are not
familiar with.

Classification of Computers
• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Start this topic by telling that as per the purpose, size and technology, computers can be
classified into various categories.
• Explain that computers that are used in schools, colleges are called General Purpose
Computers and Special Purpose Computers are used to perform specific tasks.
• Discuss about the characteristics of Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframe
Computers, and Super computers.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More sections from the book.
• To reinforce, ask students to do the related Let’s Check section from the book.
• Instruct students to do Q1(b), (f) and Q2 (a), (e) of section B, of MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Students can be asked to explain the characteristics and uses of different types of computers.
They can be asked to explain the key differences between them.

Computer Languages
• Go through the related sections of the book.
• Discuss the topic by asking them the importance of a language and why we need it. Then
he/she can explain that in a similar way to instruct and communicate with computer we
need languages.
• Explain that different types of Computer Languages are there and they are used as per the
• Do tell students that languages have come a long distance from machine language to near
to English language and they are classified as the generations, and the latest is the fifth
generation .
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to explain about the types of languages.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a),(c), (d), (e) and Q2 (b), (c), (d) of section B, and section C of
the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the textbook.

• The teacher can ask students to write the examples of the languages as per the generation
they belong to.
• The teacher can ask students to give the definitions of the keywords she asks.

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do the IN THE LAB section from
the textbook.
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. _______________ are available in various sizes and for various purposes.
b. The _______________ purpose computers are used for a specific application.
c. _______________ computers are least powerful.
d. An _______________ software enables the user to complete the tasks.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Analog computers do not possess memory devices.
b. Mainframe computers are used for scientific research.
c. Hybrid computers are also known as Super computers.
d. Mainframe computers have large internal memory.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. These languages are user friendly and easily understood
i. Fourth generation languages ii. Machine language
iii. Fifth generation language iv. Second generation language
b. SQL is known as
i. Server Query Language ii. Structured Query Language
iii. Service Question Language iv. None of these
c. It converts the entire program written in a programming language into machine
language in one go.
i. Interpreter ii. Compiler
iii. System Software iv. Assembler

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What do you understand by minicomputer?
b. What is an assembly language?
c. What is the relationship between hardware and software?
Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Assembly language uses ________________ codes.
b. ________________ computers are used by military agencies.
c. Compiler is a ________________.
d. A digital computer can perform ________________ operations.

2. Multiple choice questions.

a. The type of language processor that works on high level language is
i. Interpreter ii. Compiler
iii. Both i and ii iv. None of these
b. Low voltage signals are expressed as
i. off or 0 ii. on or 1
iii. 2 iv. 4
c. Which generation language is SQL?
i. Fifth ii. Fourth
iii. Second iv. None of these

3. Match the following.

a. Operating system i. Hardware
b. Language processor ii. Operating system
c. Interface between user and hardware iii. Linux
d. Collection of parts of computer iv. Assembler

5. Answer the following questions.

a. What is the full form of SQL?
b. Name the computers used by NASA and ISRO.
c. What is a system software and how is it different from an application software?

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. Software b. Computer c. Micro d. Analog e. Binary f. Assembler
2. a. False b. True c. False d. False e. False f. True
3. a. iv b. iii c. v d. i e. ii
4. a. ii b. iv c. iv d. iii e. ii
B. 1. a. A programming language is a set of commands, instructions, and other syntax used to create
a software program.
b. Hybrid computers are mainly used in specialised applications where both digital and analog
data need to be processed.
c. Assembly language uses simple English words known as Mnemonic codes.
d. Machine language, Assembly Language.
e. Debugging, is the process of removing all errors from a computer program.
f. The special purpose computers are used for a specific application. They cannot perform any
other task.
2. a. These are the largest and fastest computers. They have very high processing speed. They
have extremely large storage capacity.
b. A compiler converts the entire program written in High Level Language into Machine
Language in one go.
c. An interpreter converts a High Level Language program into Machine Language line by line.
It also executes the program line by line.
d. User-friendly and easily transferrable programs. High speed of execution. Increase in the
speed of developing programs. Minimise user effort to obtain information from computer.
e. It has high speed and is processed very fast. Machine level code is very efficient. The use
of machine language is very tedious, difficult and time consuming. Code written in machine
language cannot be transferred to other systems and has to be rewritten.
f. Analog computers are the first computers being developed that provide the basis for the
development of the modern digital computers. These computers are widely used for certain
specialised engineering and scientific applications, and for calculation and measurement of
analog quantities.
C. 1. She should know fifth generation language.
2. He should have basic knowledge of hardware and software components working with CPU.

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. computers b. special c. micro d. application
2. a. T b. F c. F d. T
3. a. i b. ii c. ii

4. a. These types of computers are more powerful than microcomputers. Minicomputers are
designed for scientific research, data collection, computer aid design (CAD)and industrial
b. This is the second generation language, also a Low Level Language. This language uses
simple English words known as Mnemonic codes.
c. Both of them must work together to make a computer produce a useful output. A software
cannot be utilised without the hardware. A hardware without a set of programs to operate
upon cannot be utilised and is useless.

1. a. mnemonic b. super c. language processor d. arithmetic
2. a. iii b. i c. ii
3. a. iii b. iv c. ii d. i
4. a. Structured Query Language.
b. Supercomputers
c. A System Software controls all internal activities of a computer system and also the ones
between all the attached components of a computer system. An Application Software
enables the user to complete the tasks, such as creating documents,spreadsheets, etc.

2 More on
Windows 10

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ understand the concept of Windows Media Player.
➜ understand how to Rip music from a CD.
➜ understand the concept of multiple windows.
➜ understand how to carry out Disk Cleanup.
➜ understand the concept of moving and resizing a window.
➜ understand the concept of Control Panel.

➜ Students have previous knowledge of Windows 10.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Windows Media Player, RIP Music from a CD; Burning CD

• Read the related section from the book.
• Start the session by asking students whether they watch movies or listen to songs on
computers. Ask for the name of the software they use.
• Now, define that Windows Media Player is a software in Window10 which allows to play
music and see a movie.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Discuss the details of the Windows media player by explaining the features like adding
played items, burning a CD/ DVD.
• Do discuss about the steps of ripping music from a CD and downloading music from
online stores.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts and the
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a) ,(b), (c) and Q2 (a) of section B, of MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Ask students to write the names of other media players they know.

Display of Multiple Windows at a time; Disk Cleanup
• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Demonstrate and explain the concept of Multiple Windows by using suitable example.
• Ask students that how many times they have observed that the system slows down because
of unnecessary files in the computer? Now, the teacher can introduce disk cleanup as a
software which helps us to delete unnecessary files.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts and the
• Instruct students to do Q2 (c) of section B, of MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Moving and Resizing a Window; Windows Settings

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain to students the moving and resizing of a program window.
• Discuss the steps of moving and resizing a program window.
• Explain the window settings by giving them the demo.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts.
• Ask students to read the related Know Your Keys sections from the textbook.
• To reinforce ask them to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (d) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Control Panel; Changing the Appearance of Windows; Customizing the Taskbar

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Discuss Control Panel as the main place from where any changes related to computer
can be made.
• Explain that any change in the display settings of text, theme, sound effects, screen saver
and fonts can be made in windows.
• Discuss the Taskbar and the process of customizing it.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (b) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Make groups in the class and discuss on the following.
a. Changing the appearance of Windows.
b. Customizing the Taskbar.

Configuring Date and Time; Configuring the Mouse
• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain the process of changing the settings of Date and Time and the Mouse.
• Discuss with the students about button configuration properties.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand the concept.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (d) ,(e) of section B, and section C of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Organise the class into groups of four and make a chart explaining any of the topic:
a. Steps of changing the settings of mouse
b. Button configuration
c. Benefits of double click speed

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. To change the settings of the mouse we open ______________.
b. The right click is used to display the ______________ and other functions on a
computer screen.
c. Taskbar is located at the ______________ of the screen.
d. In a new computer ______________ are configured automatically.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Windows media player deletes unnecessary files.
b. We can download music from online stores.
c. We can rip music from CD to computer.
d. Windows media player can copy DVD movies to library.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. To change the size of the window, we click on the
i. top most left corner ii. top most right corner
iii. bottom left corner iv. bottom right corner
b. We use ___________ key(s) from keyboard to move window.
i. Space bar ii. Enter
iii. Alt iv. Arrow
c. For Disk Cleanup, we select
i. Format tools ii. Windows Administrative tools
iii. Drawing tools iv. Search options

3. Answer the following questions.

a. What is Windows Media Player?
b. How can we delete the unnecessary files?
c. What is a Taskbar? Can it be customized?

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Appearance and personalization option are found in ____________ View.
b. To run the Disk Cleanup we select ____________ tools.
c. When moving a window the mouse icon changes to a ____________ arrow.
d. ____________ improves the speed of performance of the computer.

2. Multiple choice questions.

a. We can change the theme under the ________ heading.
i. Personalization ii. Account
iii. Appearance iv. None of these
b. The Control Panel folder can be displayed in ________ different views.
i. 4 ii. 3
iii. 2 iv. 5
c. The control Panel is generally reserved for
i. Complex actions ii. Simple actions
iii. Format actions iv. All of these

3. Match the following.

a. It checks music, pictures and i. Disk Cleanup
videos folders
b. Writing content in a CD ii. Pendrive
c. We can rip music to iii. Burning of CD
d. To avoid low space drive message iv. Windows Media Player

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What are the options available to display control panel?
b. Can we change the appearance of Windows?
b. What is the use of ripping music from a CD?
Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. Windows Media Player b. Customize c. Stop Rip
d. Show windows side by side e. Disk Cleanup
2. a. True b. False c. False d. True e. False
3. a. ii b. iv c. iii d. i e. i
4. a. v b. iv c. i d. iii e. ii
B. 1. a. The four types of media that the WMP can handle: Music, Videos, Pictures, and Recorded
b. Like a USB Flash Drive, With a CD/DVD Player
c. CD / DVD drives use laser beam to burn the information into the CD/DVD, hence it is
termed as Burning.
d. The left button of the mouse for the click and double click functions. The Right click is used
to display the properties and other functions of a component on the computer screen.
e. We can see the new pointer shape instead of original pointer in the customize list..
2. a. Monitoring the Folders, Adding Played Items, Rip Music from a CD, and Download Music
from Online Stores.
b. Window Settings is the new feature of Windows 10 and is an easy-to-use tool for most of the
common Windows personalization options, while Control Panel is generally reserved for
more complex actions and settings.
c. Disk Cleanup is a Microsoft software utility that allows users to remove files that are no
longer needed and can be safely deleted.
d. Lock the Taskbar, Automatically Hide the Taskbar in Desktop Mode, Use Small Taskbar
Buttons, Use Peek to Preview the Desktop, Taskbar location on screen
C. 1. copy (rip) songs from an Audio CD to our computer with the help of the WMP
2. He should keep automatically hide the taskbar option OFF.
3. He can go the button configuration option and change the settings of double click option. It is
advised to keep it in the centre for comfortable use of the mouse.

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. Control Panel b. properties c. bottom d. date and time
2. a. F b. T c. T d. T
3. a. i b. iv c. ii
4. a. Windows Media Player (WMP) is a software that is used for playing audio, video and for
viewing images on personal computers and laptops. It also helps in organising the audio and
video files.

b. We can delete the unnecessary files using disk cleanup.
c. The Taskbar is a thin strip that is present at the bottom of the screen. The Taskbar allows
the user to locate and launch programs through the Start button or view any program that is
currently open. Yes, it can be customized.

1. a. Category b. Windows Administrative c. four sided d. Disk Cleanup
2. a. i b. ii c. i
3. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
4. a. The Control Panel folder can be displayed in three different options of views: Category,
Large icons, Small icons
b. Yes, we can change the appearance of the Windows.
c. When the songs are copied to our computer, we can play the songs using the WMP and also
organise the songs, create playlists and copy music to a different device like a pen drive,
external hard disk, etc.

3 Learn to Use MS Excel

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ understand the features of MS Excel 2010.
➜ identify different components of an Excel File.
➜ identify the types of Data in cells
➜ learn how to perform calculations and change cell contents.
➜ understand how to Format the Text.
➜ understand features like wrap text, auto fill and sorting.

➜ Students have previous knowledge of Excel.
➜ Students are able to understand rows and columns.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Features and Components of an Excel File

• Go through the related text from the book.
• Introduce the features of MS Excel by discussing MS excel as the software which helps in
entering data in a tabular form.
• Discuss the components by explaining them one by one. The teacher can give a demo
and show the components.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to teach the components of Excel file
to the students.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), and Q2 (a) of section B, of the
MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the textbook.

Ask randomly in the class to give the component name of the Excel file for the given
explanation and further elaborate the topic.

Working with Worksheets; Working with Cells
• Go through the related sections given in the textbook.
• Explain how to rename, create, delete a worksheet.
• Also, explain how to navigate between the worksheets.
• Demonstrate the necessary steps to select a cell, to select a range of cells, to enter data in
cells, and how to use Merge & Center command.
• Also, explain the necessary steps to add borders.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to teach Working with worksheets to
the students.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (b), (c) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from
the textbook.

Types of Data in Cells; Performing Calculations

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain to students that data can be of different types like text, number, currency, etc.
• Discuss with the students that all types of calculations can be done in MS Excel by using
functions and formulas.
• Elaborate the functioning of the formulas and functions present.
• Use examples to explain some of the functions like SUM(), MAX(), etc.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to teach the types of data in cells and
perform how to calculations to the students.
• To reinforce, ask he students to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (d) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Changing Cell Contents; Using Undo and Redo Features; Working with Rows and
Columns; Formatting Text
• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain how to modify cell contents in two ways, i.e., by replacing cell contents and
using edit mode.
• Explain the use of Undo and Redo features.
• Demonstrate how to work with rows and columns in Excel.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More and Know Your Keys sections from the
• Discuss that data written in the spreadsheet can be formatted by changing font size, style,
color of the cell content, etc.
• Take some data and demonstrate the formatting features.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to teach these topics to the students.

• Instruct students to do Q1 (f) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Copying and Moving Data; Wrap Text; AutoFill option; Sorting Data
• Go through the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain the necessary steps while copying and pasting data, and moving data from one
cell to another cell.
• Discuss and explain through an example that when we enter data in a cell that goes out
of the space provided, we can use Wrap Text to show that data in the same width.
• Demonstrate them the use of AutoFill option and Sorting Data.
• Discuss and give demo of the features by taking some data set and applying these features
on them.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to teach these topics to the students.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (g) and Q2 (e) of section B,and section C of the MY PRACTICE
ZONE section from the textbook.

Divide the students into group and conduct a quiz. The teacher can give keywords and
students can explain them.

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section A MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a quiz
contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Spreadsheets have unique ability to calculate values using _______________.
b. A group of cells is known as _______________.
c. By default, numbers are _______________ aligned in a cell.
d. _______________ can arrange numbers in descending order.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Intersection of a row and a column is called a cell.
b. Name box displays the cell range.
c. Formula bar displays address of the active cell.
d. We can add new worksheets to an excel document.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. Ploting of charts and graphs in excel file help in
i. Visual analysis ii. Calculation
iii. Security iv. None of these
b. Name box displays the address of
i. Row ii. Column
iii. Active cell iv. Range
c. It displays text in multiple lines
i. Ribbon ii. AutoFill
iii. Wrap Text iv. Merge and center

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What is an Active cell?
b. How is merge and center command useful?
c. How can we perform calculations in Excel?

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Combining two or more cells is known as _______________.
b. Border command is present in _______________ group.
c. _______________ is left aligned in a cell.
d. _______________ option offers various colours for the border.

2. Match the following.

a. The cell pointer moves one screen i. Active cell
down in worksheet
b. The cell pointer moves one column left ii. Ctrl + End
c. The cell pointer moves to the last used iii. Left arrow
cell on the worksheet
d. Highlighted column and row iv. Page Down
heading of the cell

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. This option offers various style for the border.
i. Line style ii. Line box
iii. Line color iv. None of these
b. AutoSum button is present in the
i. Number group ii. Editing group
iii. Tool group iv. View
c. A formula consists of a combination of
i. Cell reference ii. Numbers
iii. Excel Functions iv. All of these

5. Answer the following questions.

a. Write three features of MS Excel 2010.
b. What is a cell range? Explain with an example.
c. How will you insert a new row in Excel?

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. spreadsheet b. cell c. current d. Formula e. Wrap Text
2. a. False b. True c. False d. True e. False
3. a. iii b. v c. iv d. i e. ii
4. a. iii b. ii c. iv d. i e. iii
B. 1. a. The default buttons are for Save, Undo and Repeat.
b. Ribbon, rows and columns, cell, name box, formula bar, sheet tabs.
c. The intersection of a row and a column is called a Cell.
d. It contains all the commands that we need to perform any task in the Excel sheet. The Ribbon
consists of many Tabs, where each tab is a collection of group of commands.
e. A group of cells is known as a cell range.
f. By Formatting the Cell and by Assigning the Type Using the Ribbon.
g. This feature allows text to appear in multiple lines within the same cell.
2. a. Many in-built mathematical and logical functions are available which are ready to use. We
can plot charts and graphs with the data in the Excel file which helps in visual analysis. We
can incorporate images and backgrounds into each sheet. We can sort and/or filter our data.
b. The Name Box displays the address of the active cell. The Formula Bar displays the content
of the cell. If the cell contains a formula, it will display the formula.
c. An Excel document is known as a workbook and consists of worksheets that stores data. The
data is stored in cells, which is formed by the intersection of a row and a column.
d. Text, Numbers, Date and time, Currency.
e. Excel offers the feature of automatically filing up the cells with numbers, text, etc. If you
want to enter a series (1, 2, 3, ...) of the days of the week /months of the year, the AutoFill
command helps to automatically complete the series in the adjacent cells.
C. 1. Sorting 2. Wrap Text
3. To Change the Font, To Change the Font Size, To Make Text Bold, Italic and Underline.

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. Mathematical formulas b. cell range c. right d. sorting
2. a. T b. F c. F d. T
3. a. i b. ii c. iii
4. a. This is the current selected cell.
b. This feature of Excel combines many cells to form a big large cell and places the text in the

c. In Excel we can add, subtract, multiply or divide numbers by using formulae or functions. A
formula consists of a combination of cell references, numbers, operators and Excel functions.

1. a. merging b. font c. text d. line colour
2. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
3. a. i b. ii c. iv
4. a. i. It is a spreadsheet application in which we can add sheets as per our requirements. The
number of sheets in a workbook depends on the memory of the computer.
ii. Many in-built mathematical and logical functions are available which are ready to use.
iii. We can plot charts and graphs with the data in the Excel file which helps in analysis.
b. A group of cells is known as a cell range. To refer to a cell range we use the cell address of
the first and last cells in the cell range, separated by a colon. For example, a cell range that
includes cells A1, A2, B1 and B2 would be written as A1:B2.
c. Select the row, above which you want to insert a new row. On the Home tab, in the Cells
group, click on the Insert command. The new row will appear above the selected row.

4 More on
PowerPoint 2010

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ understand the use of tables in PowerPoint.
➜ understand the use of charts in PowerPoint.
➜ apply animations in presentation.
➜ insert audio and video in PowerPoint.
➜ use action buttons and import data from Word.

➜ Students have previous knowledge of PowerPoint.
➜ Students are able to make presentations.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Tables, Inserting Tables, Entering Data in a Table, Modifying Table Structure,

Formatting a Table
• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain that table is used to represent data in a tabular format and helps to display
numerical data.
• Explain the ways and steps required in inserting the tables, entering data in a table,
modifying table structure, and formatting a table.
• Explain the concept of modifying the table and also tell what all can be modified using
the layout tab.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More and Know Your Keys sections from the
• Use the related illustrative examples to make the students understand these concepts.

The teacher can ask students to make a table layout for entering class details like name, class,
father’s name, etc.

Chart in PowerPoint, Creating a Chart, Formatting a Chart
• Go through the related sections from the book.
• Explain to students that charts are used to display the data in a graphical manner.
• Explain the components of the charts elaborately.
• Explain the different methods to create a chart and tell the ways and means to modify the
settings of the charts.
• Students can select any chart type and style. Formatting a chart can be taught by taking an
example and showing the features.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts.
• To reinforce ask students to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a), (c) and Q2 (d) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Make groups of students and ask them the different types of charts and the components of

Animations in PowerPoint, Slide Transition, Custom Animation

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain to students that animation is an important and interesting feature of PowerPoint.
Animation gives life to the presentations.
• Explain the types of animations present and how to apply them.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More and Know Your Keys sections from the
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts and the
• Instruct students to do Q1 (b) ,(c), (e) and Q2 (a), (c) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE
ZONE section from the textbook.

Ask students to make a PowerPoint Presentation on THE SCHOOL. Make them Use a different
theme and transition for every slide.

Inserting Audio and Video; Using Action Buttons; Importing Data from Word
• Go through the related text given in the book.
• Explain the topic by telling that if we wish to show any audio recording or a video in a
slide then we can use these various options.
• Discuss the various ways and steps to insert any audio or video files.

• Explain the working of Action Buttons.
• Explain the steps to use it in PowerPoint presentation.
• Explain the steps to import data from Word to the PowerPoint presentation.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More sections from the textbook.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts and the
• Instruct students to do Q2 (b) of section B, and section C of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Entire chart with all its elements in known as ______________.
b. ______________ are structures that display data in the form of rows and columns.
c. We can insert a table into slide using ______________ and ______________.
d. World’s most used presentation software is ______________.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Y-axis is the horizontal axis and contains categories.
b. Legend is a box that identifies patterns or colours.
c. A chart is a powerful tool to show time and date.
d. Custom animation is a set of effects.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. We can insert videos in slides from
i. File ii. Website
iii. Clip Art iv. All of these
b. Format tab contains
i. Shape style ii. Word Art Styles
iii. Arrange iv. All of these
c. Shortcut key to insert a new slide is
i. Ctrl + M ii. ctrl + Y
iii. Ctrl + C iv. Ctrl + X

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What is transition?
b. What do you mean by Animation Pane?
c. What is the difference between chart and table?

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. _______________ helps us to modify the structure of the table.
b. The measurement of rows and columns is mentioned in _______________.
c. _______________ is a collection of data.
d. A _______________ is a medium used to communicate and display the data in a
graphical manner.

2. Match the following.

a. Number of rows and columns are entered in i. Chart title
b. It is a collection of data ii. Design tab
c. It is used to apply border style iii. Data series
d. It is the name given to the chart iv. Insert Table

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. This category gives various options to enter the text/ object
i. Entrance ii. Animation
iii. Emphasis iv. Effect option
b. We can add sound from the Clip Art selecting
i. Record sound ii. Clip Art Audio
iii. Inserting audio iv. Media
c. Short cut key to start a presentation from the beginning is
i. F7 ii. F5
iii. F8 iv. F9

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What do you mean by grid lines?
b. What is the use of motion paths?
c. Write the steps of adding video from a file.

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. Insert b. Transitions c. Effect options d. Media e. Chart
2. a. True b. False c. True d. True e. True
3. a. ii. b. iii. c. iv. d. iv. e. i.
4. a. iii. b. v. c. iv. d. i. e. ii.
B. 1. a. Design, layout and format
b. If On Mouse Click is unchecked, then the slide will advance to the next slide after certain
c. The Animation pane allows you to view and manage all the custom animation effects that
are on the current slide.
d. The legend is a box that identifies the patterns or colours that are assigned to the data series
or categories in a chart.
e. Custom Animation is a set of effects which can be applied to objects in PowerPoint so that
they will animate during the Slide Show of the PowerPoint presentation.
2. a. Entrance: This category gives various options for the text/object to enter the slide.
Emphasis: These animations occur while the object is on the slide and it helps to highlight
the text or the object. These are often triggered/activated by a mouse click.
Exit: This category of custom animation gives various options to the text/object to exit the
Motion paths: These animations are similar to the Emphasis effects animations, except the
object moves within the slide along a fixed path, like a circle.
b. Audio can be inserted in the following ways: from the File, from the Clip Art and Recording
Video can be inserted in the following ways: from the File, from a website and from the
clip Art Video.
c. Transitions are motion effects that occur when the new slide appears in a Slide Show
presentation. There are many transition effects available and each one of them allows you to
control the speed of the slides and even add sound when the new slide appears.
d. Chart Area: The chart area is the entire chart with all its elements.
Data Series: Data Series is the collection of data. Each data series in a chart has a unique
colour or pattern. You can plot one or more data series in a chart.
Plot Area: The plot area is the area inside the boundary of the axes, which includes the data
series of the chart.
X-Axis: An Axis is a line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of reference for
measurement. The X-axis is the horizontal axis and contains categories. It is known as
Category axis.
Y-Axis: The Y-axis is the vertical axis and contains data. It is known as Value axis.
Legend: The legend is a box that identifies the patterns or colours that are assigned to the
data series or categories in a chart.
Chart Title: A chart title is the name given to the chart.
Data Label: This is the information that is used to identify the value of data in the data series.
Grid Lines: These lines can be horizontal or vertical depending upon the type of chart
selected by you.
C. 1. She can use table tools feature.
2. Insert audio file
3. She can apply animation effects like transition or custom effects.

Answers to Assessment 1
1. a. Super computer b. Computer c. mnemonic d. laser beam
e. Insert f. Media g. Worksheet h. AutoFill
i. Start j. Merge and Center
2. a. False b. False c. True d. True
e. True f. True g. True h. False
i. True j. False
3. a. Analog b. Fifth generation language c. Control Panel
d. Customized list e. Show desktop f. Entrance
g. Animation pane h. Data label i. Formula bar
j. Wrap text
4. a. ii b. i c. iv d. ii e. iii
f. ii g. i h. iii i. iv j. ii

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. chart area b. Table c. Insert Tab, table placeholder d. PowerPoint
2. a. False b. True c. False d. True
3. a. iv b. iv c. i
4. a. These are motion effects that occur when a new slide appears in a Slide Show presentation
b. It allows us to view and manage all the custom animation effects that are on the current slide.
c. Chart: A medium used to communicate and display the data in a graphical manner.
Tables: These are structures that display data in the form of rows and columns.

1. a. Layout tab b. cm c. Data server d. chart
2. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
3. a. i b. ii c. ii
4. a. These lines can be horizontal or vertical depending upon the type of chart selected by you.
b. These animations are similar to the Emphasis effects animations, except the object moves
within the slide along a fixed path, like a circle.
c. To add movie files that are stored on your computer, select Video from File. The Insert Video
dialog box opens up. Browse and locate your movie file. Select your video file and click on
Time: 2 h 30 min
Model Test Paper 1 M. Marks:70

Section A

1. Fill in the blanks: (5×1=5)

a. The world’s most used presentation software is ____________.
b. ____________ is a collection of data.
c. Border command is present in ____________ group.
d. A group of cells is known as ____________.
e. Taskbar is located at the ____________ of the screen.

2. State whether True or False. (5×1=5)

a. Cell size group can be found in the Layout tab.
b. New row or columns can be inserted in a table.
c. Formula bar displays address of the active cell.
d. We can add new worksheets to an Excel document.
e. We can rip music from CD to computer.

3. Match the following. (4×2=8)

a. Number of rows and columns entered in i. Chart title
b. It is a collection of data ii. Design tab
c. It is used to apply border style iii. Data series
d. It is the name given to the chart iv. Insert Table

4. Multiple choice questions. (5×2=10)

a. We use ___________ key from the keyboard to move window.
i. Space bar iii. Enter
ii. Alt iv. Arrow keys
b. Ploting of charts and graphs in the excel file help in
i. Visual analysis iii. Calculation
ii. Security iv. None of these
c. Format tab contains
i. Shape style iii. Word Art Styles
ii. Arrange iv. All of these
d. Shortcut key to insert a new slide is
i. Ctrl + m iii. ctrl + Y
ii. Ctrl + C iv. Ctrl + X

e. This category gives various options to enter the text/ object
i. Entrance iii. Animation
ii. Emphasis iv. Effect option

Section B

1. Answer in brief. (6×2=12)

a. What is the special purpose of computers?
b. Which tab does help us to modify the structure of the table?
c. The measurement of columns and rows are mentioned in which unit.
d. What type of computers have large internal memory?
e. What type of computers are combined to make a Hybrid computer?
f. Which keys are used to change the size of the window?

2. Answer the following. (5×4=20)

a. Define compiler.
b. What do you understand by Disk Cleanup?
c. Write the features of MS Excel 2010.
d. What is the use of Merge & Center command in MS Excel 2010?
e. What do you understand by slide transitions?

3. Application Based Questions. (2×5=10)

a. Mohit has a list of the products available in his factory in Excel. He has written some
remarks about each product which is very lengthy and is not being accommodated in a
single cell. In what different ways can he accommodate the text in the cell?
b. Amit wants to present a project on Indian Education System. Which features of PowerPoint
will help him to make an interesting presentation on the given topic?

5 Introduction to
Adobe Flash CS6

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ know how to launch Flash.
➜ learn about Flash workspace.
➜ learn about the Timeline and Tools Panel.
➜ recognise different tools used for shapes and colours.
➜ know about Timeline Panel.
➜ know how to use Frame by Frame technique to animate.
➜ learn how to save a Flash file.

➜ Students have previous knowledge of computers.
➜ Students are able to animate slides and do painting in Paint.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Launching Flash; Flash Workspace

• Read the related text from the book.
• Start the topic by discussing about the animation clips, movies and small games that
students must have played or seen.
• Introduce Flash as the software behind those things.
• Discuss the steps to launch the software.
• Explain the workspace as the screen on which the animation is done.
• Explain the parts of the workspace by giving them the demo.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More sections from the textbook.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further explain the topic.

Timeline; Tools Panel; Tools for Shapes and Colours

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Define that Timeline is made up of a ruler-like strip which is known as Frames.
• Demonstrate the Tools Panel to the class.
• Ask them to read the related Know Your Keys section from the textbook.
• Explain the Tools used for Shapes and Colours and their functions by giving examples.
• To reinforce, ask them to read the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further explain the topic.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a),(b) and Q2 (a), (c) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE
ZONE section from the textbook.

Divide class into groups and conduct a quiz on the Tools Panel. Give the description of the
Tools. Groups have to identify the Tools name. The group with maximum right guesses wins
the quiz.

Timeline Panel; Using Frame by Frame Technique to Animate

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explains students that timeline shows the elements of the animation in a sequential
• Explain the components of the timeline panel to the students and demonstrate their
• Explain that animation is generated when changes in an object happens frame by frame.
• Ask students that this technique is used to control the speed and time of the movie.
• Explain the procedure by displaying it on screen.
• Ask students to read the related Know Your Keys sections from the textbook.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further explain the topic.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (c), (e) and Q2 (b) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

The teacher can randomly ask students to list out the steps or the functions for a particular
task to be performed.

Saving a Flash File

• Read the related text from the book.
• Explain to students that as they have created an animated movie, now they need to save
it for future.
• Steps for saving a Flash file can be discussed. Flash file is saved with the extension ‘.fla’.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further explain the steps.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (d) and Q2 (d) of section B, and section C of the MY PRACTICE
ZONE section from the textbook.

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do the IN THE LAB section from
the textbook.
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. _______________ bar contains tabs as File, Edit and View.
b. The area where we create the graphics is called _______________.
c. The _______________ Tool is used to draw different shapes like oval, rectangle
and polygons.
d. The most used panel in Flash is _______________ menu.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Fill Color Tool is used to fiill colour in the shapes.
b. Frames control the colour of the movie.
c. Brush Tool can have various shapes.
d. Paint behind is used to paint inside the shape.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. This Tool is used to select irregular shaped pieces of an object
i. Eraser Tool ii. Text Tool
iii. Tasso Tool iv. Lasso Tool
b. Shortcut key to test a movie is
i. Ctrl + Enter ii. Ctrl + Tab
iii. Ctrl + Shift iv. Alt + Enter
c. By default extension of saving a flash file is
i. .fla ii. .txt
iii. .docx iv. .xlsx

5. Answer the following questions.

a. What is the use of keyframe?
b. What is faucet?
c. What is the use of Selection Tool?

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. ______________ determines the timing of the moive.
b. ______________ Tool displays a palette of colours.
c. Stage is the ______________ area available in the centre of the workspace.
d. Timeline is made of a ruler like strip which is called ______________.

2. Match the following.

a. It fills on empty areas i. Timeline
b. It is used for saving files ii. Oval Tool
c. It is used to draw the oval shape iii. File tab
d. It shows the elements of the animation iv. Paint fill
in a sequential manner

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. Ink Bottle Tool is used to change the colour of
i. Image ii. Text
iii. Outline iv. Picture
b. Line Tool is used to draw
i. Circle ii. Curls
iii. Curve iv. Straight line
c. To test the movie on Menu Bar, select
i. Control → Test Movie ii. Control → Movie
iii. Alt → Test Movie iv. None of these

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What is the use of Eyedropper Tool?
b. What is the use of Deco Tool?
c. Explain different modes of brush.

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. Timeline b. Shift c. Deco d. Free Transform e. Faucet
2. a. True b. False c. False d. True e. False
3. a. ii b. iii c. iv d. iii e. ii
4. a. iv b. i c. v d. ii e. iii
B. 1. a. Polygon and star
b. The options are Eraser Mode, Faucet and Eraser Shape.
c. It indicates the active frame. The Playhead moves from the left to the right through the
d. In flash professional and in browser.
e. This is the frame which defines a change in the object. Keyframes are used to add a new
object or end/begin an animation.
2. a. Paint Normal: This paints over lines and fills.
Paint Fills: This fills on empty areas, the strokes remain unaffected.
Paint Behind: This paints behind the existing elements on the stage.
Paint Selection: This paints over the area that is selected using the Selection Tool.
Paint Inside: This paints inside the shapes.
b. Layer: This helps to keep the various elements of the animation separate so that they can be
animated separately.
Frame: This denotes the position of the animation at that moment. An animation is generated
in a sequence of frames.
Keyframe: This is the frame which defines a change in the object. Keyframes are used to add
a new object or end/begin an animation.
Playhead: This is placed on the frames. It indicates the active frame. The Playhead moves
from the left to the right through the Timeline.
Zoom Menu: The Zoom drop-down menu helps to zoom in or zoom out the objects on the
Stage. It can maximum zoom up to 800% of the original size, unlike the Zoom Tool which
can zoom maximum up to 2000%.
c. Paint Bucket Tool is used to fill colour in the shapes with the colour selected from the Fill
Color Tool palette. The Eyedropper Tool takes a Sample of a colour from the object on the
Stage. The colour selected by the Eyedropper Tool is filled into another object using the
Paint Bucket Tool.
d. Everything on the Stage has a set of properties. The Properties Panel displays the properties,
which can be modified. This panel has sub-sections which change depending on the object
C. 1. She should use Eyedropper Tool to select the exact colour.
2. To reduce the speed of the animation she should leave empty frames between two keyframes.
3. Free Transform Tool

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. Menu b. Stage c. Rectangle d. Tools
2. a. True b. False c. True d. False
3. a. iv b. i c. i
4. a. This is the frame which defines a change in the object. Keyframes are used to add a new
object or end/begin an animation.
b. This helps to erase a fill or a stroke at just one click.
c. This Tool is used to select a single or multiple objects. We can move the object, change its
colour, size, etc.

1. a. Timeline b. Fill color c. white d. frame
2. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
3. a. ii b. iv c. i
4. a. The Eyedropper Tool takes a sample of a colour from the object on the Stage.
b. The Deco Tool works like a library and has several readymade designs which can be used
in the Flash movie.
c. Paint Normal: This paints over lines and fills. Paint Fills: This fills on empty areas, the
strokes remain unaffected. Paint Behind: This paints behind the existing elements on the
stage. Paint Selection: This paints over the area that is selected using the Selection Tool.
Paint Inside: This paints inside the shapes.

6 Working with Flash CS6

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ learn and define Symbols and Library
➜ know how to create a Symbol
➜ understand how to apply animation in Flash
➜ understand the concept of Onion Skinning
➜ understand the use of Shape Tween and Alpha Effect in animation

➜ Students have previous knowledge of Flash.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Symbols and Library; Creating a Symbol

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain to students that a symbol is an object created in Flash. Symbols can be reused in
a Flash movie or in other movies.
• Explain the steps to create the symbols.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More and Know Your Keys sections from the textbook.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further explain the topics.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a), (d) and Q2 (a) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Animation in Flash; Motion Tween; Motion Tween with Multiple Keyframes

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain the animation as the rapid series of movement of images.
• Explain that in animation we can change colour, move an image, hide or display and
increase or decrease the size.
• Further explain Motion Tween or Shape Tween to create animated effects between two
• Use examples to explain the functioning and working of these tweenings.
• Ask the students to read the related Let’s Know More sections from the textbook.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to further explain these topics.

• To reinforce ask the students to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (b) and Q2 (c) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

The teacher can form groups of students and then give situations like
– Changing a circle into a square
– Moving an object from one frame to other, etc.
Now, she can ask which tween option they will use to do the task.

Onion Skinning
• Read the related section from the textbook.
• Explain to students that Onion Skinning is used to check the frame by frame animation of
the Motion Tween.
• Explain the steps and working to the students by showing them the demo.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further explain the topic.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (b) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Shape Tween; Alpha Effect

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain that if we want to transform a shape into another shape, we should use Shape
• Explain and demonstrate the Steps for using Shape Tween.
• Discuss the Alpha Effect by telling students that this effects gives the cinematic feel to the
flash movie by fade in and fade out effects.
• Explain the steps required to apply this effect in an animation.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to further explain the topics.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (c) of section B, and section C of MY PRACTICE ZONE section
from the textbook.
Students will create a Flash movie on the topics given by the teacher using the different tools.
To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.
Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. _____________ has features to create artistic and innovative animations.
b. A _____________ is a graphic, button or movie clip created in Flash.
c. _____________ in Adobe Flash CS6 is the classic tween.
d. We use __________ or ________ to create animated effects between two frames.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Alpha effect is used to check frame by frame animation.
b. In Flash, the images cannot move on the Stage from one frame to another.
c. Motion Tween occurs when a Symbol moves from one position to
d. To execute Motion Tween, it is necessary to convert an object into a

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. Shortcut key to convert to symbol is
i. F8 ii. F9
iii. F6 iv. F7
b. To open the library on the menu bar, we click on
i. Control → Library ii. Window → Library
iii. Window → File iv. Menu Bar → Library
c. To animate using motion tween on the menu bar, we click on
i. Modify → Convert to Symbol ii. Window → Library
iii. Change → File iv. Control → File

5. Answer the following questions.

a. Name the types of Symbols.
b. How can you create a Symbol?
c. What is Motion Tween? How it is different from Shape Tween?

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. ____________ occurs when a symbol is moved from one position to another
b. Symbols are of ____________ types.
c. ____________ effect is used to implement the fade in – fade out effect in a
d. ____________ is a collection of symbols in flash animation.

2. Match the following.

a. Onion Skin markers i. Animation
b. Changes in the first frame ii. Grey area
and last frame
c. To select Create Classic Tween iii. Motion Tween
we right click in
d. Independent images to create a iv. Timeline
rapid series of movement

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. Alpha effect is used as
i. Library ii. Transforming Shapes Tool
iii. Frame iv. Properties Inspector
b. Onion Skin markers appear on the
i. Properties ii. Library
iii. Frame iv. Timeline
c. To draw a small ball on the Stage, we select the Oval Tool and hold the
i. Ctrl key ii. Shift key
iii. Tab key iv. Enter

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What is the use of Shape Tween?
b. How will you use Alpha effects?

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. Onion skinning b. Symbol c. keyframes d. Alpha e. Library
2. a. False b. True c. True d. False e. False
3. a. iv b. iii c. v d. i e. ii
4. a. ii b. iii c. iv d. iv e. iii
B. 1. a. Placing a Symbol on the Stage it is called an Instance.
b. When a symbol is created, it is automatically added to the Library of the Flash movie.
c. It is used to implement the fade in – fade out effect in a symbol.
d. The text of the word will break up into single characters.
e. Graphics, Buttons, and Movie clips.
2. a. A Symbol is an object created in Flash. It can be reused throughout the Flash movie or
imported and used in other movies.
b. Flash offers the feature of Onion Skinning to check the frame by frame animation of the
Motion Tween.
c. In frame by frame animation, we could easily check the movement of the object at every
frame throughout its course of animation, but it takes more time to create the flash movie.
Motion tween is an easier way to create the Flash movie, but it does not show the complete
path of the animation..
C. 1. Onion Skinning
2. Alpha effect

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. Flash b. Symbol c. Motion Tween d. Motion Tween, Shape Tween
2. a. False b. False c. True d. True
3. a. i b. ii c. i d. iii
4. a. Graphics, Buttons, and Movie clips.
b. Select the object using the Selection Tool. Right click. Click on Convert to Symbol from the
pop up menu.
c. Motion Tween occurs when a symbol is moved from one position to another position. We
create the starting and ending keyframes and the object moves from the position at the
starting keyframe to the position at the last keyframe.
We can animate a shape to change it into another shape using the Shape Tween. This feature
can be used to transform the shapes with ease. The shape that has to be tweened should not
be converted to a symbol.

1. a. Motion Tween b. three c. Alpha d. Library
2. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
3. a. iv b. iv c. ii
4. a. We can animate a shape to change it into another shape using the Shape Tween.
b. To use alpha effects:- In Frame1, draw a shape on the Stage and fill colour. Convert this
shape to symbol. Insert a keyframe at Frame35. Using the Selection Tool, select the shape.
On the Menu Bar, select Window → Properties to open the Properties Inspector. Select
Alpha from the menu. The slider of the Alpha style appears. We can adjust the value of the
Alpha. For a complete fade out effect, select a very low value.

7 Introduction to QBasic

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ learn and understand about the Programming Language: Basic
➜ understand the steps to write and run a program
➜ know how to Save a program, Open an existing program and Exit from QB64
➜ learn how to handle data in QB64
➜ learn about operators in QB64
➜ understand and use the QBasic statements

➜ Students have previous knowledge of computers.
➜ Students are able to use different software.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Programming Language: Basic and its Advantages; QBasic 64

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Discuss the programming language QBasic 64 as the language used to give instructions
to the computer to perform certain tasks.
• Explain to students that there are many programming languages and BASIC is one of
• Introduce the QBasic language as it is a very simple and easy to use language.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (a) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Steps to Write and Run a program in QB64; Save a program in QB64; Open an
Existing Program; Exit QB64; QBasic Character Set
• Go through the related text given in the textbook.
• Explain the interface where the programs are written in QB64.
• Make the students familiar with the window and the options given there.

• Demonstrate the necessary steps to save a QB64 program.
• Also demonstrate how to open an existing program and how to exit from QB64.
• Explain to them about the Character set by using table given in the textbook.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (d) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

Handling Data: Constants and Variables

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain to students that data can be categorised as constants and variables.
• Explain that variables can be used for storing data and the data which cannot change is
called constant.
• Explain the different types of both of them.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make the students understand these concepts.
• To reinforce, ask them to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (b), (f) and Q2 (b) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Give a list of words and ask students to identify legal variables and constants. Further they can
tell students to list them as numeric or string variables.

Operators in QB64
• Read the related section from the textbook.
• Discuss the operators as the special characters that are used to perform different operations
like mathematical, logical and relational.
• Discuss the category and functions of the operators used in QBasic.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the textbook to discuss the topic further.
• To reinforce, ask them to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a), (c) and Q2 (c), (e) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Conduct a quiz for the students by asking them to identify the type of operator used in
different situations.

QBasic Statements
• Read the related section from the textbook.

• Explain students that there are QBasic statements which are used for taking input from the
user, used for printing on the screen, etc.
• Explain the uses of all the statements like print, CLS, REM, etc.
• Use the examples to give a demo of the statements.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (d), (e) and Q2 (f) of section B, and section C of the MY
PRACTICE ZONE section from the textbook.

The teacher can ask students to write the uses of these commands:
– END.

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section A MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a quiz
contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. QB64 supports full graphics function for images up to __________ bit color.
b. A computer program is written in a __________ language.
c. __________ is the short form of Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
d. Data is of two types: __________ and __________.

2. State whether True or False.

a. Data is a collection of facts and figures.
b. Relational operators finds mathematical calculations.
c. Print is used to form complex conditions.
d. String variable ends with the % sign.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. To save the changes made in the program, we click on
i. File → Open ii. File → Save
iii. File → Exit iv. Menu → Save
b. “Computer” is an example of
i. Numeric constant ii. Numeric variable
iii. Character constant iv. String variable
c. To display any message, we enclose it with
i. Double quotes ii. Dash
iii. Single quotes iv. Hyphen

5. Answer the following questions.

a. What is the use of relation operators?
b. Name four programming languages.
c. What is QBASIC 64? Write its features.

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. Maximum length of a string variable is _____________ characters.
b. _____________ operator performs addition on two numbers.
c. * operator performs _____________ on two values.
d. _____________ and _____________ operators are used together to from a complex

2. Match the following.

a. Handling data in QBASIC i. logical operator
b. It is an operator in QB ii. CLS
c. It is a QBASIC statement iii. Relational
d. It works on logical conditions iv. Constants

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. It is an example of numeric constant.
i. “Welcome” ii. A = 10
iii. ABC$ iv. – 2.5
b. To exit QB64 we click on
i. File → Exit ii. Program → Exit
iii. Window → Exit iv. Menu → Exit
c. The file extension of QB64 is
i. .doc ii. .bal
iii. .bas iv. .xlsx

5. Answer the following questions.

a. Who developed the BASIC programming language?
b. Write the steps to write and run a program in QB64.
c. What do you mean by PRINT statement? Write its syntax.

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. Computer program b. John G Kemeny, Thomas E Kurtz c. Status
d. .bas e. Mod f. PRINT
2. a. False b. True c. False d. True e. True
3. a. i b. iii c. ii d. iv e. ii
4. a. v b. iv c. vi d. ii e. i f iii
B. 1. a. Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators and Logical Operators
b. Data whose value does not change or remains fixed during the execution of the program
are constants. Variable is a name that represents location in the computer’s memory, which
stores the values.
c. The Status Area suggests the syntax for keyword entries and gives the compiler status when
compiling. If there will be any error in the program, the line will be highlighted in red colour
and the error will be displayed with line number in the Status Area.
d. REM statement is used to input a remark or a comment into the program code.
e. This stands for CLEAR SCREEN and is used to clear the output screen. The END command
indicates the end of the program.
f. String variables always end with the dollar ($) sign.
2. a. Supports full graphic functions for images up to 32 bit colour. Instant loading of image files
including BMP, PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc. Supports stereo sound files like WAV, OGG, MP3,
speaker and volume control. Animation is easy to create.
b. Numeric Constants and Character Constants
c. These operators work on Logical conditions. Logical operators and relational operators are
used together to form a complex condition. They produce the result as True or False.
d. F5: The output window is attached with the QB64 window; if you want to make changes in
the Program window the output window needs to be closed.
Ctrl + F5: The output window is detached from the QB64 window. We can make changes
in the program code, while the output window is still open.
e. (), ^, /, *, +, – in descending order..
f. PRINT statement is used to display the output of the program. To display any message
enclose it in double quotes, i.e., (“ ”) and to display the value of any variable write the
variable name without the quotes..
C. 1. Numeric: X, Num1
String: Name$, Y$
2. She should use the PRINT command.
3. He can clear the output of the previous program by using the CLS command.

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. 32 b. programming c. BASIC d. constants, variables
2. a. True b. False c. False d. False
3. a. ii b. iii c. i
4. a. These are used to compare two values.
b. Basic, Java, C++, Python, etc.
c. QBasic was developed by Microsoft Corporation in 1985. It uses English like keywords
and mathematical symbols to write a program. QBasic64 is a modern version of the Basic
Programming Language that executes programs created using Quick Basic 4.5 or QBasic.
Features of QB64: Supports full graphic functions for images up to 32 bit colour. Instant
loading of image files including BMP, PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc.

1. a. 40 b. + c. multiplication d. Logical, relational
2. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
3. a. iv b. i c. iii
4. a. BASIC was developed by Professor John G Kemeny and Thomas E Kurtz.
b. Double click on the QB64 icon. The QB64 window will appear, The QB64 window
is divided into two major parts : Program Window and Immediate Window denoted b y
Status. Write the code in the Program Window. Click on Run → Start or press F5 from the
keyboard to execute the program. The output window will show the required output.
c. PRINT statement is used to display the output of the program. To display any message
enclose it in double quotes, i.e., (“ ”) and to display the value of any variable write the
variable name without the quotes.

8 QBasic Statements

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ learn and understand how to use LET and PRINT statements
➜ learn and understand how to use the INPUT statement
➜ learn and understand how to use CONTROL statements

➜ Students have previous knowledge of QBasic.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic

LET Statement; PRINT Statement

• Read the related sections from the textbook.
• Explain to students that LET statement is used to assign value to a variable.
• Explain the syntax used for using LET statement.
• Discuss with students that PRINT statement is used to print numeric or string expressions
to the program output screen.
• Explain ways to print different things like message, value of a variable, etc. citing examples.
• To reinforce, ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a), (b) and Q2 (a) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Ask students to write the commands to print:
– Your school name – Sum of 10 + 20

INPUT Statement
• Go through the related topics in the textbook.
• Explain students that this command is used to accept values from the user for the variables.
• Explain different ways to take input from the user in the program.
• Use the related illustrative examples to make students understand these concepts.
• To reinforce, ask students to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (d) and Q2 (b) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Control Statement: IF...THEN Statement; IF...THEN...ELSE Statement

• Go through the related topics given in the textbook.
• Explain that many a times we need to check the conditions in the programs and control
statements are used to control the execution of the program.
• Explain that IF...THEN Statement and IF...THEN...ELSE statement are used to check
conditions in the program.
• Explain the syntax and working with the help of examples.
• Ask the students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (c) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

• Ask students to write a program “to find out a number is positive”.
• Ask students to write a program “ to find out a number is zero”

Control Statement: IF...THEN...ELSEIF Statement; GOTO Statement

• Read the related sections from the text book.
• Explain that IF...THEN...ELSEIF is used when we need to apply multiple conditions.
• Explain the syntax with the help of examples.
• Discuss that sometimes program control needs to be transferred to another statement, so
for that purpose we can use GOTO statement.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (c) and (d) of section B, and section C of the MY PRACTICE
ZONE section from the textbook.

Ask students to write
– A program to check if a person is eligible to vote or not.
– A program to find the sum of first five numbers

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.
Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. The ______________ statement allows to print a message.
b. Variable names should be separated by ______________.
c. A statement used to control the execution of a program is called ______________
d. ______________ statement is optional to use.

2. State whether True or False.

a. We can print a message before requesting for an input.
b. IF…THEN…ELSE gives many conditions.
c. LET takes value from the user.
d. IF..THEN has messages on output.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. “GOOD” + “MORNING” is an example of ______ statement.
iii. PRINT iv. QUOTE
b. QBASIC helps us to take decision with the help of
i. Quotes ii. IF statement
iii. Messages iv. None of these
c. It is used with PRINT statement to display multiple statements with space in
i. Comma ii. ?
iii. + iv. %

5. Answer the following questions.

a. How does the expression IF…THEN indicate an error?
b. What is the use of TAB statement with PRINT?
c. What are the control statements? State their use.
Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. INPUT statement generates symbol of ______________.
b. IF statement should be terminated with ______________.
c. A ______________ statement takes value from the user.
d. A ______________ statement is used to check conditions in a program.

2. Match the following.

a. The output of PRINT “OK” + “BYE” is i. ELSE
b. It is generated by INPUT statement ii. GOTO
on the output screen.
c. It is used to transfer the program control. iii. ?
d. If the above condition is false then iv. OKBYE
control of the program shifts.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. It is used to combine string expression
i. – ii. +
iii. $ iv. *
b. To compare a number with 25, we will write
i. IF N < 25 THEN ii. LET N < 25
iii. IF N = 25 THEN iv. END N < 25
c. It displays message on the output screen.
i. PRINT ii. QB
iii. LET iv. comma

5. Answer the following questions.

a. Explain the uses of INPUT command.
b. How can we print a message before requesting for Input?
c. In how many ways can the print statement be used?
Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. + b. Let c. Input d. TRUE
2. a. False b. True c. True d. False e. False
3. a. iii b. iv c. iv d. iii e. ii
4. a. iii b. iv c. v d. i e. ii
B. 1. a. LET statement allows us to assign value to a variable. It is optional to use the LET statement.
b. The addition symbol (+) is used to combine string expressions.
print “RAM” + “SHArma”
output is RAM SHARMA
c. This statement evaluates the program decision and the results are only in TRUE or FALSE.
d. The INPUT command can also input values for a list of variables. The variable names should
be separated by commas (,).
Syntax : INPUT <Variable_Name1>, <Variable_Name2>, <Variable_Name3>
2. a. The TAB statement is used with PRINT to move to a specified column position. The column
number is mentioned in brackets with the TAB statement.
Where, C is the column number.
Comma (“,”) is used with the PRINT statement to display multiple statements with spaces in
b. Input Statement Using Numeric Variables with Messages, Input Statement Using Numeric
and Alphanumeric Variables with Messages
c. The multiple IF’s can be combined together to form IF…THEN…ELSEIF. Every ELSEIF used
in the code can test a different condition, followed by the expression to be executed.
Example: to check if a number is greater than or smaller than or equal to10 using IF…
THEN…ELSEIF statement.
IF (N > 10) THEN
20 IF (N < 11) THEN
60 END
C. 1. CLS
PRINT TAB(7); “_______”; TAB(20); “________”
PRINT TAB(7); “ANISHA”; TAB(20); “88”
PRINT TAB(7); “JAY”; TAB(20); “91”
PRINT TAB(7); “HAIDER”; TAB(20); “82”
2. He should use IF...THEN...ELSE statement.
3. PRINT “abc”
IF(A>100) THEN

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. PRINT b. commas c. control d. LET
2. a. True b. True c. False d. False
3. a. iii b. ii c. iii
4. a. IF...THEN statement is used to check conditions in the program. The expression IF...THEN
will be highlighted with red, and will indicate an error, till “END IF” is not typed.
b. The TAB statement is used with PRINT to move to a specified column position.
c. The statements that are used to control the execution of a program are known as control
statements. Statements like IF…THEN, GOTO, IF…THEN…ELSE, IF…THEN…ELSEIF,etc.,
are used to check conditions and repetition of the actions.

1. a. question mark (?) b. END IF c. INPUT d. IF…THEN
2. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
3. a. ii b. i c. i
4. a. INPUT command is used to accept values from the user for the variables. This command
waits for the user to enter the data and assigns the respective values to the variables. INPUT
statement works for Numeric and String variables both.

b. We can also print a message before requesting for an input. The semicolon after optional
message in INPUT acts like a semicolon after optional message in a PRINT, which keeps the
print cursor on the same row.
Syntax :INPUT “ENTER YOUR MESSAGE”; <Variable>
c. To print a message, To print value of a variable, To print value of a mathematical expression,
Using “;” with the PRINT statement, Using tab with PRINT statement

9 Exploring the Internet

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
➜ learn and know about the history of Internet.
➜ learn and understand the popular services on the Internet.
➜ understand what are Internet service providers.
➜ learn how to use Internet and Search Engines.

➜ Students have previous knowledge of computers.
➜ Read the cartoon section to start the topic.

Brief History of Internet

• Read the related section from the textbook.
• Start the discussion by asking students about the Internet. Students can tell what all they
know about The Internet.
• Now, give the introduction about the Internet by telling how it started, what all happened
till date?
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further teach the topics.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (a) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the
Popular Services on the Internet
• Go through the related topic in the textbook.
• Explain the services by discussing them one by one with examples. Explain that the Internet
can be used for communication, entertainment, e-business and information search, etc.
• To discuss take the examples of popular applications where Internet is used so that
explanation becomes easy.
• Ask them to read the related Let’s Know More sections from the textbook.
• To reinforce ask them to do the related Let’s Check section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (d), (e) and Q2 (a), (d), (e) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE
ZONE section from the textbook.
Ask students to write examples for the following services
– e-mail _______
– chat and Instant messaging __________
– Social networking ____________

Internet Service Providers

• Read the related section from the textbook.
• Discuss how we are using Internet and other applications through the Internet, then ask
how we are getting these services?
• Explain to students that the Internet is provided by ISPs, i.e., Internet Service Providers.
These are the companies which have technology and infrastructure to provide the Internet.
• Use the illustrative examples given in the book to further teach the topics.
• To reinforce, ask students to do the following activity.
• Instruct students to do Q2 (b) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section from the

• Divide students into groups of four and then ask them to write the ISPs in their homes.
• Discuss the features provided by those ISPs.
• Go through the related topic in the textbook.
• Explain that for using the Internet we need to learn some basic terms like web browser,
www, URL, Hyperlink, etc.
• Examples and demos can be given so that students can get better understanding of the
• Instruct students to do Q1 (c) and Q2 (c) of section B, of the MY PRACTICE ZONE section
from the textbook.
Using Search Engines
• Read the related topic from the textbook.
• Ask students to tell what fo they use to search something on the Internet. As they give
different answers you can start discussing the topic.
• Explain to students that Search Engines help us to find information on the Internet.
• Use examples to illustrate the uses and what kind of searches we can get for the same
topic that we search.
• Ask students to read the related Let’s Know More section from the textbook.
• Instruct students to do Q1 (b) of section B, and section C of the MY PRACTICE ZONE
section from the textbook.

Give names of websites, URL and hyperlinks and ask students to sort them as website, URL
and hyperlinks.

To revise the concepts learnt in the chapter, students should do IN THE LAB section from the
Use the Objective Type Questions section in the MY PRACTICE ZONE section to conduct a
quiz contest in the class.

Use the Buzz Words and Let Us Recall sections to revise the key points of the concepts.

Worksheet 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. The basic purpose of ______________ was to provide communication among the
various bodies of govt.
b. www was invented by ______________.
c. The name of the first search engine was ______________.
d. The Internet is a huge ______________ of information.

2. State whether True or False.

a. E-mail can be sent to multiple people.
b. In video-conferencing we can not see other people.
c. E-commerce display sounds.
d. Social Networking websites are used to display products.

3. Multiple choice questions.

a. E-commerce is
i. Time consuming ii. Costly
iii. Time Saving iv. None of these
b. We can use e-banking for
i. Checking a/c balance ii. creating FD
iii. Transfer fund iv. All of these
c. Mozilla Firefox is a/an
i. Web Browser ii. E-mail A/c
iii. IM iv. Hyperlink

4. Answer the following questions.

a. What is E-commerce?
b. How Internet helps in online reservation?
c. What do you mean by URL? Give an example.

Worksheet 2
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. _______________ is a way to send and receive messages.
b. To send a received e-mail we click on _______________.
c. _______________ are short messages sent and read instantly.
d. A _______________ is a live visual connection between two or more people at
distant location.

3. Match the following.

a. Search engine i. Yahoo!
b. E-mail account ii. E-Commerce
c. Instant messaging iii. Gmail.com
d. Buying and selling of goods. iv. Facebook

4. Multiple choice questions.

a. It is a way to check account balance
i. E-Banking ii. E-mail
iii. E-Commerce iv. Video Conferencing
b. When short messages are sent and read instantly. It is called
i. E-mail ii. Chat
iii. Yahoo iv. Rediff
c. While using e-banking our a/c should be protected with
i. Guards ii. IM
iii. Virus iv. Password

5. Very short answer questions.

a. What is video conferencing?
b. What do you mean by ISP? How it works?
c. What are the features of social networking?

Answers to Coursebook
A. 1. a. websites b. Tim Berner Lee c. e-mail address d. E-commerce
e. ISPs f. Search engine
2. a. True b. False c. False d. True e. True
3. a. iv. b. v. c. i. d. iii. e. ii.
4. a. iii. b. ii. c. iv. d. ii. E. iv.
B. 1. a. The basic purpose of ARPANET was to provide communication among the various bodies of
b. Search engines help us to find information over the Internet with ease.
c. A web browser is a type of software that allows us to find and view websites on the Internet.
d. FORWARD feature of e-mail is used to send a received e-mail further.
e. Social networking websites are another way to connect and communicate with family and
2. a. Chat and instant messaging (IM) are short messages sent and read instantly. This facilitates
you to converse more quickly and easily than e-mail. e-mails won’t be seen until recipients
check their inboxes.
b. ISPs have the technology and the infrastructure to provide the Internet to a large geographic
area. Various ISPs connect to one another using various equipment and form a main highway
of communication.
c. Hyperlinks are used to navigate the web. They help us to travel across the Internet.
d. E-commerce is time saving. Payments can be done in various ways such as cash on delivery
of the product, payment through credit card or debit card. The business is online 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week for all 365 days of the year.
E. E-banking helps to save time, as we need not physically go to the bank. We can operate our
bank account from any part of the world irrespective of the actual location of the bank..
C. 1. Using search engine.
2. He should contact any ISP company.
3. He can upload the photos on any social networking site.

Answers to Assessment 2
1. a. Lasso b. fla c. Keyframe d. Instance e. Symbol
f. CLS g. OK h. Real i. Google j. Web browser
2. a. False b. True c. False d. True e. True
f. False g. True h. True i. False j. True
3. a. Deco b. Timeline c. Onion Skinning d. Alpha

e. REM f. OR g. Relational operator h. ISP
i. Hyperlink j. URL
4. a. ii. b. i. c. iv. d. iii. e. i.
f. ii. g. iii. h. ii. i. ii. j. iii.

International Informatics Olympiad

1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. b
10. d

Answers to Worksheets
1. a. ARPANET b. Tim Berner Lee c. Google d. reservoir
2. a. True b. False c. False d. True
3. a. iii b. iv c. i
4. a. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.
b. The Internet has opened up many new avenues to provide us comfort. Using the websites
for online reservation we can easily book tickets for travel by rail, bus, airlines and even stay
at hotels.
c. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator It guides the web browser where to go on the
Internet. The URL of the website of the Prime Minister of India is http://www.pmindia.gov.

1. a. e-mail b. forward c. Chat d. Video Conferencing
2. a. iii b. iv c. ii
3. a. iv b. i c. ii d. iv
4. a. It is a live, visual connection between two or more people residing in separate distant
b. ISPs have the technology and the infrastructure to provide the Internet to a large geographic
area. Various ISPs connect to one another using various equipment and form a main highway
of communication.
c. We can connect with multiple people on these sites. Photographs, write-ups posted on the
site are visible to all the contacts on the site. These sites also support instant messaging and
personal messaging.

Time: 2 h 30 min
Model Test Paper 2 M. Marks:70

Section A

1. Fill in the blanks: (5×1=5)

a. A _______________ is a live visual connection between two or more people at distant
b. www was invented by _______________.
c. _______________ statement is used to check conditions in a program.
d. A statement used to control the execution of a program is called _______________
e. Data is of two types: _______________ and _______________.

2. State whether True or False. (5×1=5)

a. To execute motion tween it is necessary to convert an object into a symbol.
b. In the time line panel, we right click anywhere away from two keyframes.
c. We cannot assemble sound on the stage.
d. Brush tool can have various shapes.
e. REM is used to remark into the program code.

3. Match the following. (4×2=8)

a. The output of PRINT “OK” + “BYE” is i. ELSE
b. It is generated by INPUT statement ii. GOTO
on the output screen
c. It is used to transfer the program control iii. ?
d. If the above condition is false then control iv. OKBYE
of the program shifts to

4. Multiple choice questions. (5×2=10)

a. Which site supports e-commerce?
i. Flipkart.com iii. Olx.com
ii. Amazon.com iv. All of these
b. It is a way to check account balance
i. E-banking iii. Email
ii. E-commerce iv. Video conferencing
c. To save the changes made in the program, we click on
i. File -> open iii. File -> save
ii. File -> exit iv. Menu - > save
d. “Computer” is an example of

i. Numeric constant iii. Numeric variable
ii. Character constant iv. String variable
e. QBASIC helps us to take decision with the help of
i. Quotes iii. IF statement
ii. Messages iv. None of these

Section B

1. Answer in short. (6×2=12)

a. Which operators are used together to form a complex condition?
b. Write the other name of Motion Tween in Adobe Flash CS6.
c. Which tool does display a palette of colours?
d. What is Stage?
e. Write the full form of CLS.
f. Write the syntax of the LET statement.

2. Answer the following. (5×4=20)

a. Define Properties Panel.
b. Describe the components of the Timeline Panel.
c. Write the necessary steps to create a symbol in Flash.
d. What do you understand by Tweened animation?
e. Describe Video Conference.

3. Application Based Questions. (2×5=10)

a. Akash wants to display a message on the screen. Which command should he use?
b. Kapil is writing a program wherein he wants to print Names and Marks of students in
the form of a table as shown in the given Table. Suggest the QBasic statements that can
produce this result.

Name Marks
Kadir 90
Umesh 86
Jeenat 80

Answers to Model Test Paper-1
Section A
1. a. Powerpoint b. data server c. font d. cell range e. bottom
2. a. True b. True c. False d. True e. True
3. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
4. a. iv b. i c. iv d. i e. i
Section B
1. a. Computers are used for a specific application.
b. Layout tab c. Cm d. Mainframe
e. Digital and analog f. Arrow keys
2. a. A compiler converts the entire program written in High Level Language into Machine
Language in one go. If it fails to convert the program because of error(s) present in the
program, all errors are reported together along with the line numbers for debugging. This is
faster as compared to the interpreted program and also consumes less memory.
b. Disk Cleanup is a Microsoft software utility that allows users to remove files that are
no longer needed and can be safely deleted. Removing unnecessary files, including
temporary files, can help to speed up and improve the performance of the computer.
c. Features of MS Excel 2010 is as follows:
– It is a spreadsheet application in which we can add sheets as per our requirements. The
number of sheets in a workbook depends on the memory of the computer.
– Many in-built mathematical and logical functions are available which are ready to use.
– We can plot charts and graphs with the data in the Excel file which helps in visual
– We can incorporate images and backgrounds into each sheet.
– We can sort and/or filter our data.
– Features like data validation and data grouping help to consolidate data.
– We can protect the workbooks by using passwords to avoid unauthorised access to the
information in the Excel file.
d. We can use the Merge feature of Excel to combine many cells to form a big large cell. The
cells that are combined can span within several rows/ columns.
e. Transitions are motion effects that occur when the new slide appears in a Slide Show
presentation. These are movements that you can add to your slides as you advance from one
slide to another. There are many transition effects available and each one of them allows you
to control the speed of the slides and even add sound when the new slide appears. We can
view all the available transitions in the Transitions tab of the ribbon.
3. a. He should use Wraptext feature of the Excel.
b. He can apply animation effects like transition or custom effects.

Answers to Model Test Paper-2
Section A
1. a. video conferencing b. Tim Berner Lee c. IF…THEN d. control
e. constants, variables
2. a. True b. False c. False d. True e. True
3. a. iv b. iii c. ii d. i
4. a. iv b. i c. iii d. ii e. iii
Section B
1. a. (logical, relational) b. classic tween c. Fill color
d. The area where we create the graphics is called a Stage. e. Clear Screen
f. LET <Variable Name> = <Value or Expression>
2. a. Everything on the stage has a set of properties. The Properties Panel displays the properties,
which can be modified. This panel has sub-sections which change depending on the object
b. Timeline Panel has the following components:
Layer: This helps to keep the various elements of the animation separate so that they can be
animated separately.
Frame: This denotes the position of the animation at that moment. An animation is generated
in a sequence of frames.
Keyframe: This is the frame which defines a change in the object. Keyframes are used to add
a new object or end/begin an animation.
Playhead: This is placed on the frames. It indicates the active frame. The Playhead moves
from the left to the right through the Timeline.
Zoom Menu: The Zoom drop-down menu helps to zoom in or zoom out the objects on the
Stage. It can maximum zoom up to 800% of the original size, unlike the Zoom tool which
can zoom maximum up to 2000%.
c. Select the object using the Selection Tool.
Right click.
Click on Convert to Symbol from the pop up menu.
Select the object using the Selection Tool.
Click on Modify on the Menu Bar.
Click on Convert to Symbol from the drop-down menu.
d. Flash provides the facility of in-built animation using Tweening. We create the starting
and ending keyframes and use Motion Tween or Shape Tween to create animated effects
between these two frames.
e. A video conference is a live, visual connection between two or more people residing in
separate distant locations. It is a method of communicating by two-way video and audio

– Two people can see and talk to each other over the computer.
– Each participant has a video camera, microphone, and speakers mounted on his or her
3. a. He should use PRINT command.
b. CLS
PRINT TAB(7); “_______”; TAB(20); “________”
PRINT TAB(7); “Kadir”; TAB(20); “90”
PRINT TAB(7); “Umesh”; TAB(20); “86”
PRINT TAB(7); “Jeenat”; TAB(20); “80


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