Perioperative Management of Neurological Conditions

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HIS0010.1177/1178632917711942Health Services InsightsDhallu et al

Perioperative Management of Neurological Conditions Health Services Insights

Volume 10: 1–8
© The Author(s) 2017
Manjeet Singh Dhallu1,2, Ahmed Baiomi1,2, Madhavi Biyyam1,2 Reprints and permissions:
and Sridhar Chilimuri1,2 DOI: 10.1177/1178632917711942
1Department of Medicine, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, NY, USA. 2Department of
Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.

ABSTRACT: Perioperative care of the patients with neurological diseases can be challenging. Most important consideration is the management
and understanding of pathophysiology of these disorders and evaluation of new neurological changes that occur perioperatively. Perioperative
generally refers to 3 phases of surgery: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. We have tried to address few commonly encountered
neurological conditions in clinical practice, such as delirium, stroke, epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, and Parkinson disease. In this article, we
emphasize on early diagnosis and management strategies of neurological disorders in the perioperative period to minimize morbidity and
mortality of patients.

Keywords: Preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative, delirium, stroke, epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson disease

RECEIVED: August 21, 2016. ACCEPTED: April 29, 2017. Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential
conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Peer review: Four peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’ article.
reports totaled 394 words, excluding any confidential comments to the academic editor.
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Manjeet Singh Dhallu, Department of Medicine,
Type: Review Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, 1650 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10457, USA. Email:
Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

Many patients with neurological disease undergo surgery; it can Postoperative delirium has high associated morbidity and mor-
relate to their neurological disease or an unrelated condition. tality, which may extend up to a decade after surgery.5
Perioperative management of these patients can be challenging Postoperative delirium is a marker of brain vulnerability, and
due to the diverse nature of neurological disease, resulting in its occurrence suggests the possibility of underlying neurologi-
diverse clinical manifestations. Perioperative generally refers to cal disease such as baseline cognitive impairment and early or
3 phases of surgery: preoperative, intraoperative, and postopera- preclinical dementia.6–9 It is still frequently undiagnosed
tive. Preoperative phase includes attempts to limit anxiety, med- because the majority of postoperative delirium patients may
ical tests, and preoperative fasting. Intraoperative is a time appear normal or perhaps slightly lethargic.10,11 The confusion
period when the patient is transferred to operating room and assessment method for general population versus intensive
subsequently to postanesthetic care unit. Postoperative is a time care unit patients who are unable to speak have been most
period between postanesthetic care units and resolution of sur- widely used to diagnose delirium.12–14
gical sequel. This time frame can be short for emergent surger- Delirium is difficult to prevent or treat because it has
ies and lengthy for elective procedures. In this review, we discuss several pathological pathways, including neurotransmitter
management of some of the commonly encountered neurologi- imbalance, neuroinflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and
cal conditions, such as delirium, stroke, epilepsy, myasthenia impaired oxidative metabolic and altered availability of large
gravis (MG), and Parkinson disease, in the perioperative phase. neutral amino acids.7,15,16 With such complexity, no single
Most important consideration is the management and under- intervention is likely to prevent delirium. But still there are
standing of pathophysiology of these disorders and evaluation important risk factors for delirium that should be prevented.
of new neurological changes that occur preoperatively.1 We These include acute medical conditions: sleep disturbance,
have emphasized on early diagnosis and management strategies sensory impairment, pain, social isolation, daylight depression,
of neurological disorders in the perioperative period to mini- infections, withdrawal syndrome, dehydration, anemia, blood
mize morbidity and mortality of patients. transfusion, electrolyte abnormalities, acid-base abnormalities,
hypoxemia, temperature derangements, seizures, and endo-
Delirium crine dysfunction.17–20
Delirium is an acute change in mental status with a fluctuating As postoperative delirium is so common, its prevention will
change from baseline mental status, with features of inatten- have major clinical impact. Recent randomized controlled tri-
tion and altered thinking.2,3 Delirium is a common and impor- als with intraoperative electroencephalogram (EEG) monitor-
tant postoperative complication to recognize as it has an ing guiding clinical IV anesthesia and volatile-based general
incidence of 10% to 18% following general surgery, 53% fol- anesthesia administration has shown that it might decrease the
lowing orthopedic surgery, and 74% after cardiac surgery.4 incidence of postoperative delirium.21–23 Intraoperative EEG

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2 Health Services Insights 

monitoring likely prevents excessive anesthetic administration perioperative stroke, even in patients with carotid artery steno-
to vulnerable patients and thus prevention of postoperative sis.42,43 Other less common mechanisms of perioperative stroke
delirium associated with deeper anesthesia. It is also expected include hemorrhagic infarction; air, fat, and paradoxical embo-
that regional anesthesia is associated with lower incidence lism; and arterial dissection due to neck manipulation.38–44
of postoperative delirium than general anesthesia. But meta- Cardiac surgeries and carotid endarterectomy pose higher risk
analysis of small trials showed that randomized surgical for perioperative strokes, with an incidence reaching 8% for
patients to regional anesthesia with light sedation or general combined procedures (eg, combined coronary artery bypass
anesthesia surprisingly found no increased risk for delirium grafting [CABG] and valve surgeries) 38,45,46 and 13% in patients
with general anesthesia.24 This further needs to be evaluated with prior stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA),42 whereas
through a large randomized clinical trial. stroke following noncardiac, nonvascular, and nonneurological
Several perioperative pharmacological agents have also been surgeries has significantly lower incidence.47
investigated for the prevention of delirium, such as low-dose Given the increase in mortality and permanent disability,
haloperidol subanesthetic dose of ketamine and perioperative prevention of perioperative stroke is of utmost importance. All
dexmedetomidine.25–27 Of these agents, dexmedetomidine has surgical patients should have detailed neurological evaluation
been more thoroughly investigated and it may be superior to preoperatively, including meaningful history and risk factor
benzodiazepines and morphine in terms of the duration of stratification. Risk factors can be modifiable or nonmodifiable.
delirium.27–30 But it might be associated with increased hemo- Advanced age and history of cerebrovascular diseases are non-
dynamic side effects when compared with agents such as modifiable risk factors. History of cerebrovascular disease is a
propofol.31 Currently, switching to dexmedetomidine from strong protector of perioperative stroke.39–42,47–49 Detailed his-
alternative analgesic or sedative agents cannot be recommended tory with specific questions on any previous unreported,
as it needs further evaluation. unrecognized, or inadequately evaluated cerebrovascular
Postoperatively, early discontinuation of limb restraints, symptoms within the past 6-month period must be asked.
bladder catheters, tracheal tubes, invasive lines, surgical drains, Medical management of other preoperative risk factors, such
and internal tubes may help in preventing delirium as these as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia,
may cause unnecessary discomfort and agitation in patient.32 must also be optimized.
Antipsychotic medications are frequently administered post- Important modifiable preoperative risk factors include
operatively to delirious patients to treat agitation, but their carotid artery stenosis, atheromatous aortic disease, and perio-
impact on outcome is still unknown.33–35 Postoperative pain perative discontinuation of antithrombotic therapy. Patients
control is another challenge faced by clinicians, as pain and with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis (carotid stenosis with
many analgesic medications can precipitate delirium. stroke or TIA in the preceding 6 months) have a high risk of
Nonsedating analgesics and regional anesthetics should be perioperative stroke42,50 and may benefit from revascularization
considered in patients vulnerable to delirium. However, in before or during major cardiac or vascular surgeries.51
patients with severe postoperative pain, opioid (sedating) med- Perioperative stroke risk in a patient with carotid artery steno-
ications have been shown to alleviate both pain and delirium. sis, undergoing cardiac surgery, is summarized in Table 1.
In summary, delirium is common and possibly preventable in Therefore, patients with high-grade and hemodynamically
an estimated 30% to 40% of cases with preoperative monitoring significant asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis may benefit
and evaluation. Medical conditions that may precipitate post- from revascularization, especially if bilateral. The preoperative
operative delirium should be recognized and treated preopera- evaluation in these patients should include brain imaging to
tively. Intraoperative EEG monitoring and EEG-monitored rule out silent ipsilateral strokes, which may strengthen the
administration of anesthesia may further decrease the incidence argument for revascularization prior to surgery. In cases of
of postoperative delirium. Early identification of patients at risk urgent cardiac surgery, combined or divorce stage approach
for delirium, early recognition of delirium, and instituting non- may be used, although the combined approach has higher mor-
pharmacological and pharmacological interventions are key to bidity associated with it.52
decreasing the incidence of perioperative delirium. The perioperative discontinuation of antithrombotic ther-
apy increases stroke risk, especially in patients with coronary
Stroke artery disease, but this must be weighed against the risk of sur-
Perioperative stroke is defined as cerebral infarction of ischemic gical bleeding complications.53,54 As per current evidence, anti-
or hemorrhagic origin occurring during or after surgery with the platelet agents can be discontinued at least 5 days prior to
postoperative time period sometimes defined as up to 30 days. CABG and can be reinitiated as early as 6 hours postopera-
Although rare, occurring at a rate of 0.3% to 3.5% depending on tively,55–60 whereas antiplatelet therapy may be safely continued
the age of the patient and other complicating factors,36 it is still in the perioperative period for patients undergoing carotid
a feared surgical complication with a mortality rate of up to endarterectomy without any increased risk of bleeding/compli-
26%.37 The majority of perioperative strokes are embolic in cations, and in fact it is associated with lower cardiac and neu-
nature,38–41 and hypoperfusion is an uncommon mechanism of rological events.61
Dhallu et al 3

Table 1.  Carotid artery disease and stroke during coronary artery bypass.42

Carotid artery stenosis percentage Perioperative stroke risk in a patient undergoing cardiac surgery

Carotid artery stenosis <50% 2%

Carotid artery stenosis 50%-99% 3%

Bilateral carotid artery stenosis 5%

Carotid artery occlusion 7%

Anticoagulation is considered safe in patients undergoing In summary, perioperative stroke is a rare but serious com-
dental procedures, cataract surgery, arthrocentesis, and diag- plication. Patients at risk need preoperative screening, close
nostic endoscopy with or without biopsy.62 Patients undergo- intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring, and rapid neurologi-
ing knee or hip replacement surgery may be continued on cal assessment postoperatively for diagnosis and instituting
warfarin maintaining low therapeutic international normalized proper treatment for stroke. Patients with postoperative stroke
ratio safely.63 For more invasive procedures, bridging therapy may still be a candidate for thrombolytic therapy and mechani-
using intravenous heparin is advised, stopped 6 hours prior to cal thrombectomy as surgeries other than intracranial or spinal,
surgery and to be resumed as early as possible in the postopera- and minor surgeries done at a site where bleeding can be con-
tive period.64–66 trolled with mechanical pressure are not an absolute contrain-
Intraoperative risk factors have not been studied extensively, dication to these treatment options.
but in one study of cardiac surgery patients, 20% of patients
had impaired cerebral autoregulation during cardiopulmonary Epilepsy
bypass, which would make them dependent on higher-than- Epilepsy affects at least 1 million people in the United States,
normal mean arterial pressure for adequate cerebral blood and most of these patients are managed with antiepileptic
flow.67 In this study, patients with compromised cerebral drugs.70 Significant numbers of patients with epilepsy
autoregulation had a higher incidence of perioperative strokes undergo surgery and are at significant risk of perioperative
(12.8%) compared with those who did not (2.7%). Intraoperative and postoperative complications.71 Although mortality rate
hypotension has been associated with perioperative stroke in in patients with epilepsy undergoing surgery is similar to
surgical patients, but the clinical significance is yet to be patients without epilepsy, postoperative complications in
determined.68 patients with epilepsy are far more. Stroke is a common and
Important elements in early management of stroke are iden- significant postoperative complication in patients with epi-
tifying patients at risk and early diagnosis.69 Emergency non- lepsy; other possible complications are pneumonia, septice-
contrast computed tomographic scanning of the brain is the mia, and acute renal failure.71
primary diagnostic brain imaging study for evaluation of The risk of perioperative seizures is dependent on baseline
patients with suspected stroke. Given the benefit to be gained, control of patients with seizures and epilepsy.72 Anesthesia,
on a case-by-case basis, patients who suffer a preoperative metabolic derangements, drug and alcohol withdrawal, intrac-
ischemic stroke may be eligible for intravenous thrombolysis. ranial surgery, and baseline control of seizures are the factors
Intra-arterial thrombolysis is another option for treatment, causing seizures in perioperative patients. Seizures puckering
either alone or in conjunction with intravenous thrombolysis, intraoperatively may be anesthetic related, but postoperative
and may be safely administered to patients within 6 hours of seizures are generally not related to the effects of anesthesia,
symptom onset. They may also be candidate for mechanical which warrants investigation in patients without unknown
thrombectomy within 8 hours of symptom onset if National underlying epilepsy.
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale is more than 7 or if there is a Patients with epilepsy undergoing surgery should be main-
contraindication for thrombolytic therapy. Unfortunately, much tained on their antiepileptic medications as close to baseline as
of the emergency advanced treatment of acute stroke, such as possible. They should be instructed to take their morning dose
pharmacologic thrombolysis, mechanical recanalization of of antiepileptic medications with a sip of water before surgery.
occluded arteries, and heparin administration, are not suitable Antiepileptic medications should be reinstated as soon as pos-
for patients after major surgery. The current American Heart sible after the surgery. If enteral options are not possible, intra-
Association guidelines consider major surgery within 14 days of venous equivalents of these agents should be started in the
stroke a contraindication to intravenous thrombolysis. Patients postoperative period. A number of intravenous formulations
with minor surgeries, surgeries other than neurological surger- are available: phenytoin, valproic acid, levetiracetam, phenobar-
ies, and surgeries done at a site where bleeding can be controlled bital, and lacosamide.
with compression may still be considered for thrombolytic Types of anesthesia may be pro- and anticonvulsions, which
treatments and mechanical thrombectomy postoperatively. may influence the threshold for seizures.73,74 Anesthetics such
4 Health Services Insights 

Table 2.  Medications used to manage myasthenia gravis.85

Anticholinesterase medications Pyridostigmine (short- and long-acting preparations)

Chronic immunosuppressive Agents Azathioprine, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and corticosteroids

as etomidate are proconvulsive at a lower dose and anticonvul- Myasthenia Gravis

sant at a higher dose.75,76 Opioids are proconvulsive. Agents Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder affecting the
such as enflurane may cause seizures during inhalational induc- neuromuscular junction at the postsynaptic membrane. The
tion or during the postoperative period. In contrast, isoflurane prevalence of MG in the United States is estimated at 14 to
and halothane are potent anticonvulsants.76 It is also to be 20 per 100 000.84 It is a condition that still remains underdi-
noted that sometimes recovery from anesthesia may lead to agnosed, and the prevalence is likely higher. Myasthenia
transient shivers and myoclonus, which could sometimes be gravis may present at any age, although it is more common in
misjudged as seizure activity. younger and middle-aged adults. Women are slightly more
Most of the patients without underlying epilepsy who affected among younger patients, but more men are affected
experienced perioperative seizures have a metabolic disorder. among middle-aged and older patients. Patient with MG
Patients should be screened for electrolyte abnormality such present with muscle weakness and fatigue. It can affect the
as hyponatremia following transurethral surgery and hyper- extraocular muscles, bulbar muscles, proximal limb muscles,
calcemia following thyroid or parathyroid surgery. Sepsis can or a combination of these. Acetylcholine receptor antibodies
also cause seizures and should be evaluated in any patient are detected in more than 85% of patients with generalized
with trauma with an obvious source of infection. Patients MG and about 50% of cases with restricted ocular MG.
with seizures in the setting of metabolic derangements gen- Patients with MG are commonly treated with anticho-
erally do not require antiepileptic drug treatment, and cor- linesterase agents, prednisone, and immunosuppressive agents
rection of causative metabolic abnormality mostly suffices. (Table 2). Some patients may require plasma exchange or intra-
Patients can also experience seizures following withdrawal venous immunoglobulin therapies in acute crisis and rapid
from any sedative-hypnotic medications; alcohol and barbitu- deterioration of symptoms. Several drugs are well known to
rate withdrawals are common.77 Alcohol withdrawal seizures exacerbate MG (Table 3), and some of these agents may have a
are mainly seen in patients with long history of alcoholism. potential use perioperatively. Patients with MG can experience
They are typically generalized tonic-clonic convulsions within potentially life-threatening complications in the perioperative
48 hours after the last drink. These patients do not require period. These patients are at risk of the possibility of myasthe-
antiepileptic medications; these seizures can be aborted with nia crisis and/or prolonged ventilator support postoperatively.
benzodiazepines. Preoperative preparation is essential in patients with MG.
Seizure occurrence following intracranial surgery depends Pulmonary function studies must be performed because
on location of intracranial surgery, underlying pathological chronic respiratory disease and a preoperative vital capacity of
conditions, and degree of brain manipulation required to per- <2.9 L are 2 predictive criteria for postoperative respiratory
form the procedure.78,79 Conditions such as subarachnoid support.87 Patients with MG may have little respiratory reserve,
hemorrhage, intracranial brain tumors, subdural hematoma, and drugs which may depress respiratory functions should be
empyema, and intracerebral abscesses increase the risk of sei- used with caution and avoided in patients with bulbar symp-
zures. The type of brain tumors may also affect the risk of toms. Patients with MG can be premedicated with atropine,
seizures.78,79 Although a common medical practice, prophylac- and diazepam may be used for sedation. It is a common prac-
tic use of antiepileptic medications in patients undergoing cra- tice to hold pyridostigmine on the morning of surgery in
niotomy is debatable; there is literature for80,81 and against the patients with MG to avoid muscarinic side effects and need for
use of prophylaxis in these patients.82,83 muscle relaxant, but the value of holding pyridostigmine is
In summary, perioperative seizure is a serious but treatable questionable due to the potential respiratory complications it
complication. Patients with epilepsy have more perioperative poses.88 Patients taking long-acting preparations of pyridostig-
complications compared with those without a history of mine can be given a short-acting formulation the night before
seizures. Patients with epilepsy undergoing surgery should be surgery. These medications should be started as soon as the
kept on antiepileptic medications. The type of anesthesia used patient is hemodynamically stable after surgery. Postoperatively,
in patients with epilepsy may also cause perioperative seizures if oral administration is not possible, parenteral substitution
and needs close monitoring. Patients should be checked for should be considered, but dose may need to be adjusted. When
Metabolic derangements and toxicology screen. The type, given intramuscularly, 1/10th of the usual dose is given, and
location, and degree of brain manipulation during intracranial when used intravenously, 1/30th of the usual dose is given.
surgery also pose a risk of seizures, but prophylactic use of Patients taking oral steroids, a boosting dose of intravenous
antiepileptic medications in these patients is debatable. methylprednisolone, can be considered prior to extubating and
Dhallu et al 5

Table 3.  Medications that may worsen myasthenia gravis.86

Antibiotics Aminoglycoside, fluoroquinolones, tetracycline, macrolides, sulfonamides, penicillin,

vancomycin, clindamycin, ketolides such as telithromycin

Nondepolarizing neuromuscular-blocking agents Pancuronium, vecuronium, atracurium.

Cardiovascular Drugs β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, procainamide, quinidine, beryllium

Anesthetic agents Local: procaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine

Inhalation: halothane, isoflurane
Neuromuscular blockers

Anticonvulsant Carbamazepine, gabapentin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, ethosuximide

Other drugs Botulinum toxin, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, magnesium, penicillamine, quinine,

iodinated contrast agents, cisplatinum, riluzole, interferon-alfa, interleukin-2

normal dose resumed once the patient starts oral intake. As monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitors such as selegiline
other immunosuppressive agents such as azathioprine and and rasagiline, catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors such as
cyclosporine have slow onset and long duration of action, these entacapone and tolcapone, amantadine, and antioxidants, and
agents can be held on the morning of surgery and resumed some patients in their later stages of Parkinson disease may have
when the patient starts taking oral medication. deep brain stimulation implants.92
Intraoperative monitoring with electrocardiogram, arterial Major perioperative issues in patients with Parkinson disease
blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximetry, end-tidal CO2 and are swallowing impairment, decline in pulmonary function, tim-
expiratory gas analysis are warranted in patients with MG. ing and administration of antiparkinsonian medications, and
Neuromuscular transmission may be monitored during surgery maintenance of volume status. Postoperative patients with
by peripheral nerve stimulation to titrate the necessary dose of Parkinson disease are found to have a longer hospital stay and
muscle relaxants and to ensure adequate reversal of neuromus- increased risk of aspiration pneumonia, urinary tract infections,
cular block at the end of surgery.89,90 The use of regional or and bacterial infections compared with individuals without
local anesthesia seems warranted whenever possible.87 General Parkinson disease.93
anesthesia may be performed safely in patients who are opti- Most patients with moderate to severe Parkinson disease
mally prepared and neuromuscular transmission is adequately have swallowing abnormalities, which may be due to abnormal
monitored during and after surgery.87 lingual control, delayed pharyngeal swallowing, and repetitive
All patients with MG should be closely monitored postop- and involuntary reflux from sinuses into the oral cavity. Patients
eratively in the postanesthesia care unit or the surgical inten- with moderate to severe Parkinson disease and impaired swal-
sive care unit, where respiratory support can be immediately lowing should have a barium swallow preoperatively. Patients
reinstituted. Adequate postoperative pain control, pulmonary with impaired swallowing should be taught how to avoid aspi-
toilet, and avoidance of drugs that interfere with neuromuscu- ration and enhance swallowing techniques. Such patients post-
lar transmission will facilitate early tracheal extubation. operatively can have nasogastric administration of Parkinson
In summary careful planning is needed for myasthenia medications, rotigotine and dopamine agonist transdermal
patients undergoing surgery. Certain medications used preop- patch application, and parenteral forms of anticholinergic
eratively may exaggerate and worsen myasthenia symptoms. drugs (benztropine and diphenhydramine), and they may also
Anticholinesterase agents may need to be started as soon as be given a trial of orally disintegrating levodopa (Parcopa). Few
possible postoperatively; parenteral substitutions may be used centers have institutional review board protocol for intravenous
immediately after the surgery. Patients and their family should administration of levodopa, but it remains experimental.94
be informed about possible complications with MG and/or It is recommended that patients with Parkinson disease
prolonged ventilator support postoperatively. have preoperative pulmonary function tests and arterial blood
gas testing to assess the degree of pulmonary dysfunction.
Parkinson Disease Postoperatively, these patients should be subjected to incentive
Parkinson disease is a disabling neurodegenerative disease with spirometry, postural drainage, percussion, and early reinstitu-
symptoms of resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and impaired tion of antiparkinsonian medications.
postural reflexes. Patients with Parkinson disease may also man- Parkinson medication management in perioperative period
ifest autonomic dysfunction, such as orthostatic hypotension, poses a great challenge related to timing of cessation as abrupt
poor temperature regulation, abnormal sweating, and sialor- withdrawal of Parkinson medications leads to exacerbation of
rhea.91 A majority of patients with Parkinson disease are man- Parkinson symptoms and sometimes is associated with with-
aged on medications such as dopaminergic agents (Levodopa), drawal syndrome/neuroleptic malignant-like syndrome, which
dopamine agonists such as ropinirole and pramipaxole, involves hyperpyrexia, dysautonomia, and elevated muscle
6 Health Services Insights 

enzymes (creatinine phosphokinase).95 Due to the short dura- shown to decrease the incidence of delirium. Pharmacological
tion of action, carbidopa/levodopa can be given the night interventions, such as pain management, have shown to allevi-
before the surgery and even in early morning on the day of ate both pain and delirium postoperatively. The role of antip-
surgery. Dopamine agonists can be administered close to the sychotic medications to treat agitation/delirium still needs to
time of surgery, and these medications should be reinstituted as be further evaluated.
early as possible postoperatively. Other formulations can also Perioperative stroke, although rare, has a significant
be administered postoperatively (as mentioned above) if the impact on patient’s morbidity and mortality. Cardiac surger-
patient is not able to tolerate oral formulations. Patients taking ies and carotid endarterectomy pose higher risk of periopera-
MAO inhibitors may lead to serious serotonergic syndrome tive strokes compared with noncardiac and nonvascular
when combined with medications such as meperidine and dex- surgeries. Patients with high-grade and hemodynamically
tromethorphan. Due to additional interactions between MAO significant carotid artery stenosis may benefit from revascu-
inhibitors and anesthetic agents, it is advisable to stop all MAO larization surgery before undergoing an elective procedure.
inhibitors at least 3 weeks prior to surgery.96 Intraoperative factors which may put patients at risk of
Postoperative symptoms of nausea and vomiting in patients stroke need to be further evaluated. Postoperative stroke
with Parkinson disease may be treated with ondansetron or needs early recognition and diagnosis as a subset of these
trimethobenzamide, as other medications such as phenothia- patients may still be candidates of thrombolytic therapy and
zines are centrally acting dopamine antagonists, may exagger- mechanical thrombectomy.
ate Parkinson symptoms, and should be avoided. Patients with Patients with epilepsy have more perioperative complica-
deep brain stimulation device may undergo surgeries safely tions compared with those without any history of seizures.
once the implanted pulse generator is turned off. It may be Surprisingly, stroke is a common and significant postoperative
turned on soon after the surgery. It is advisable to contact complication in patients with epilepsy. Risk of perioperative
Deep Brain Stimulation device (DBS) manufacturer if the seizures depends on multiple factors, such as baseline control of
hospital is not equipped with handling such a device. seizures, anesthetic agents, metabolic derangement, use of
In summary Parkinson patients undergoing surgery can have drugs and alcohol prior to surgery, and intracranial versus
a longer hospital stay and increased risk of pulmonary and urinary extracranial surgeries. Patients with epilepsy should be main-
tract infections. It is of paramount importance that these patients tained on their antiepileptic medications, but prophylactic use
should have appropriate preoperative assessment and evaluation of antiepileptic agents in nonepileptic patients undergoing
and planned medicine management as some Parkinson medica- intracranial surgeries is still debatable.
tions need to be continued as close to surgery and other medica- Patients with MG undergoing surgery may have more
tions should be discontinued in a timely manner to avoid postoperative complications, requiring prolonged ventilatory
interactions with anesthetics/analgesics. Postoperatively, certain support. These patients may benefit from preoperative aggres-
medications should be avoided to prevent low dopaminergic state sive treatment of respiratory diseases and screening of pulmo-
which may exacerbate Parkinson symptoms.97 nary functions, using local or regional intraoperative anesthesia
whenever possible and adequate postoperative pain control,
Conclusions pulmonary toileting, and avoidance of drugs which may aggra-
Patients with neurological conditions undergoing surgical proce- vate MG symptoms.
dures have a higher rate of cardiac, pulmonary, and central nerv- Patients with Parkinson disease usually experience a longer
ous system complications in the perioperative period. A thorough hospital stay and increased risk of pulmonary and urinary tract
preoperative assessment of these patients and instituting proper infections perioperatively. Management of Parkinson medica-
management during intra- and postoperative period are of utmost tions poses a great challenge as abrupt withdrawal of these medi-
importance in controlling morbidity and mortality in these cations leads to exacerbation of symptoms as well as withdrawal
patients. In this article, we have tried to address the management symptoms/neuroleptic malignant-like syndrome. At times when
of some of the neurological conditions encountered in the perio- patient cannot be administered oral medications, other methods
perative phase. Some conditions are more common than the of drug delivery should be considered. Some medications can
others, although the impact of less common conditions, such as have transdermal administration; others can be administered
stroke, could be more devastating than others. parenterally. Intravenous administration of levodopa, although
Delirium is commonly seen in the postoperative phase and approved at a few centers, still remains experimental.
could be related to multiple factors. Intraoperative EEG mon- In conclusion, many neurological conditions pose a marked
itoring that guided the use of IV anesthesia has shown to risk of perioperative complications and need aggressive preop-
decrease the incidence of postoperative delirium. Surprisingly, erative assessment and intra- and postoperative management
regional anesthesia with light sedation compared with general to decrease morbidity and mortality. This assessment and treat-
anesthesia did not show any difference in the occurrence of ment should be individualized on the basis of preoperative
postoperative delirium; this may need to be further evaluated. neurological condition and its related potential complications
Nonpharmacological interventions postoperatively have also in perioperative period.
Dhallu et al 7

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