Computing Yr10 Opt 2021 Ms

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Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes
Educational Assessment Unit

Annual Examinations for Secondary Schools 2021


Directions to candidates:
Answer ALL questions on this paper.
The use of a flow chart template is permitted.
Calculators are NOT allowed.

Good English and orderly presentation are important.

For office use only:

Paper Course
QUES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Final Mark
Total Work

MAX 6 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 4 15 15 85% 15% 100%


Computing – Marking Scheme – Year 10 – 2021 Page 1 of 12

1. FIFA 20, the latest edition of the popular football
game, was launched in September 2019.

Gamers can get the game on Blu Ray and choose

to buy and download additional content as they

a. Suggest ONE possible problem with downloading large software like [1]
FIFA 20 which requires 46GB of storage.
Large downloads might take too long.
{accept relevant answers}

b. FIFA 20 requires high CPU, RAM and Graphical Processing Unit (GPU)
because it is a resource-hungry game.

State whether each of the following features contribute to its being

resource-hungry. Mark as true or false.

Code that gives the game ‘football intelligence’,

i. TRUE [½]
making it more realistic.
Code that increments goal count when a player scores
ii. FALSE [½]
a goal.

iii. High-resolution graphics. TRUE [½]

Code that increments the time progress of the game

iv. FALSE [½]
being played.

c. Name ONE process that you expect to take place during the installation [1]
of this game.
Copying of files onto the user’s system. {Accept relevant answers}

d. The game automatically saves the players’ progress, such as the [2]
tournament phase reached. Is this stored in RAM? Explain.
No because RAM is a temporary memory unit. This might be saved in
Hard Disk for PC or ROM for game consoles. {Accept relevant answers}

2. Some players have reported that the game FIFA 20 crashes every time they
launch the game.
a. This issue is an example of a: (Tick as appropriate) [1]
 Runtime error  Syntax Error  Logic Error

b. During game development, errors are expected, so testing is crucial

before the game is finalised and launched. For example, the game may
declare the team with the lower score as the winner of the match.
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i. What is this kind of error called? [1]
Logical Error

ii. Name ONE thing the programming team can do to help detect [1]
such errors.
Have a rigorous test plan
{Accept relevant answers but not generic answers like ‘testing’}

c. Besides gaming, computers offer other forms of entertainment in the [1]

modern household. Name one other use of computers in home
Streaming of films and TV programs, Music making etc...
{Accept relevant answers}

3. In the game FIFA 20, ONE would likely have a class called Player.

a. Two properties one expects in class Player are surname and age:
i. Suggest a suitable data type for ‘surname’: [1]

ii. Explain why ‘age’ should be declared as ‘byte’ rather than ‘int’. [1]
A byte allows for a reasonable age range and yet requires less space

than an int type variable. {No range of values need be given}

b. Another Player property is called redCard. This property holds the [1]
values true or false. What data type is required for redCard?

c. Name TWO other properties you expect to find in class Player and [2]
suggest a suitable data type for each.

number: byte / position: String / nationality: String /

goalsScored: byte etc. {Accept relevant answers}

4. Ms Briffa, the school librarian, takes care of a chess club that students can
attend to during break time. She organises an annual chess tournament for
the first twenty students who register for this tournament.

a. Write Java code to declare an array, called studNames, that stores the [1]
names of the students.
String[] studNames = new String[20];

b. Write Java code to declare another array, called gamesWon, that stores [1]
the number of games that each student won.
int[] gamesWon = new int[20];
Computing – Marking Scheme – Year 10 – 2021 Page 3 of 12
c. Complete the code snippet below that displays the students’ name and [3]
games won.

1: void displayInfo(){
2: for (_________________________)
3: System.out.print(_______________________________);
4: }

Line 2: (int i=0; i<20; i++) OR (int i=0; i<=20; i++)

Line 3: (studName[i] + “:” + gamesWon[i])
{1 mark for correct loop, 1 mark for displaying students’ names,
and 1 mark for displaying students’ games won}

5. The TicWatch Pro is a 2019 smartwatch that offers the

user various fitness and communication features.
a. The user manual can be found online. Suggest one [1]
reason why it is advisable for user manuals to be
provided online, rather than in hardcopy.

Students may mention environmental issues, issues of universal

availability, updatability etc.
{Accept relevant answers}

b. Name ONE feature you expect to find in this user manual. [1]
How to connect the watch to a smartphone.

{Accept relevant answers}

c. The user may download various apps on his smartwatch.

i. One of these apps is ‘Accuweather‘, a weather
app that gives forecasts and weather

What type of application is ‘Accuweather’?

You may tick more than one. [2]
 System Utility  Application Software
 Off-the-shelf Software  Tailor-made software

ii. Name ONE system software that one expects to find on a wearable [1]
Operating System {Accept relevant answers}

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6. The TicWatch Pro has a sat-navigation app which works with GPS receivers.
a. What does GPS stand for? [1]
Global Positioning System

b. State whether the following are True or


The GPS can be used to [1]

locate a place of interest.
GPS receivers are output [1]
GPS may not work in an
iii. TRUE
underground tunnel.

c. Satellites are also used in Earth observation. Name ONE use of [1]
satellites in this area.
Monitoring vegetation, the melting of icecaps etc.

7. An IP address is a unique number assigned to each

device connected to the internet.

Nowadays most smart devices, such as an IP

Camera, are Internet-enabled and for this reason we
need more unique IP addresses to identify each

a. Currently we are moving from IPv4, which uses a 32-bit address, to

IPv6 which uses a 128-bit address. How many unique addresses can
be generated using IPv4 and IPv6?

IPv4: 232 IPv6: 2128 [1]

b. The IPv4 is represented in FOUR 8-bit Binary patterns such as: [2]

1100 0000 . 1010 1000 . 0000 0001 . 0110 0100

Complete the table below to display the IPv4 address in Decimal.

1100 0000 10101000 00000001 01100100

. . .
19210 16810 00110 10010

Computing – Marking Scheme – Year 10 – 2021 Page 5 of 12

c. The IPv6 is represented in EIGHT 16-bit Hexadecimal patterns. For [2]
example, the equivalent IPv6 address of the IPv4 address in part b is:

0000 : 0000 : 0000 : 0000 : 0000 : ffff : c0a8 : 0164

Complete the table below to display the IPv6 address in Binary.

IPv6 Hex Binary Equivalent

0000 0000 0000 0000 00002
0000 0000 0000 0000 00002
0000 0000 0000 0000 00002
0000 0000 0000 0000 00002
0000 0000 0000 0000 00002
ffff 1111 1111 1111 11112
c0a8 1100 0000 1010 10002
0164 0000 0001 0110 01002

8. A NAND gate produces a false output if inputs A A B Output

and B are both true, as shown in the truth table
0 0 1
on the right.
0 1 1
Its output is therefore the opposite to that of an 1 0 1
AND gate. 1 1 0

a. Draw a logic circuit to represent the NAND gate in terms of AND and [1]
NOT gates.
Logic Circuit here

b. Give the Boolean expression for this circuit. [1]

C = (A.B)’

c. In manufacturing, the NAND gate is considered as a universal gate as it

can be used to create the functionality of all other logic gates.
The NAND gate is represented as shown below:

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i. Complete the truth table of the logic circuit below: [3]

A B C D Output
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1

ii. What single logic gate can be used to replace the above circuit? [1]
OR gate

9. The binary pattern 011011002 (10810) is initially processed by a NOT Gate

and then increased by 1, as shown in the diagram below:

a. What is the result after step 1? [1]


b. Give the result after step 2. [1]


c Tick the proper term that represents the output of step 1. [1]
 Twos  Numerical  Ones
Complement Overflow Complement

d. Tick the proper term that represents the output of step 2. [1]
 Twos  Numerical  Ones
Complement Overflow Complement

e. Using 8-bit two’s complement register, work 011110002 - 011011002 [1]


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10. Modern cars are equipped with smart
features that improve driving safety such
as the traction control and the anti-lock
braking system (ABS).

One other feature is the park-assist which

uses parking sensors to help drivers park.

The parking sensors detect the proximity of objects to the rear of the car [5]
and makes a beeping sound to alert the driver.

Develop an algorithm, in pseudocode that:

- activates when the driver is reversing,

- causes the alarm to beep at 1 second intervals if there is an object
less than 50cm away,
- causes the alarm to beep at 0.5 seconds interval if there is an
object less than 15cm away.

While reversing:
Read distance
If distance < 15cm: Beep every 0.5 second
Else if distance < 50cm: Beep every 1 second
{the use of a standard pseudocode language is required} {accept else: no beeping}

{accept decisions with multiple conditions such as distance >15 and distance<50}

{1 mark for looping; 1 mark for reading distance; ½ mark for each correct

condition; ½ mark for each correct output; 1 mark for correct algorithm}

11. Tesla dominates the fully automatic car industry which is a

self-driving car without the need of driver intervention.
a. In 2019 Tesla released a software update that improved
driving visualization to detect traffic cones. [1]
This is an example of: (tick the correct answer)

System System System

  
Testing Maintenance Analysis

b. The Tesla team studied whether there is demand for a fully [1]
automatic car system. This is an example of: (tick the correct

System Control Feasibility

  
Design & Review Study

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c. Several individuals tried the product and gave feedback on how to [1]
improve the system before being launched.

Programming and Control and Present

  
Documentation Review System Study

d. Tesla ensures that frequent updates are released. Briefly explain why [1]
releasing updates is an important factor of software development.
These may make new functionality or added safety feature available
to present users. {accept other relevant answers}

12. The Raspberry Pi is a small single-board

computer which can be plugged into a computer
monitor and uses a standard keyboard and

a. Identify ONE input and ONE output device

that can be used with the Raspberry Pi.

Input: Keyboard OR Mouse {accept relevant answers such as sensors} [1]

Output: Monitor {accept relevant answers such as LED, Buzzer etc.} [1]

b. The latest model, the RaspberryPi 4B, has the below mentioned CPU:
Quad core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz.

i. What is the clock speed of this CPU? [1]


ii. How is the clock speed related with CPU performance? [1]
The more clock speed the more instructions per second can be
executed, hence enhancing performance.
{Accept relevant answers}

c. This CPU has a 64-bit wordlength. Explain how it is superior to a CPU [1]
with a 32-bit wordlength in terms of performance.
A 64-bit CPU can send, receive and process at a go twice the data
that can be handled by an equivalent 32-bit CPU and hence would
effectively execute software faster.

Computing – Marking Scheme – Year 10 – 2021 Page 9 of 12

d. According to the CPU described above, answer True or False [3]

i. This CPU has an address space of 64 bytes. FALSE

ii. This CPU has a 64-bit data bus. TRUE

The address space determines the number of

iii. TRUE
memory locations that the CPU can access.

e. To execute an instruction, a CPU retrieves it from memory, carries out

the actions required by that instruction and moves on to retrieve and
execute the next instruction.
i. Name the register used to hold the instruction currently being [1]
Instruction Register

ii. Name the register that specifies the address of the next [1]

Program Counter

f. The Raspberry Pi is available with 1GB, 2GB or 4GB of RAM.

i. Briefly explain the role of RAM. [1]
Holds running programs.
{Accept relevant answers}

ii. Suggest a reason why a customer might opt for the 4GB version. [1]
The customer might need to execute resource-hungry software
that will run more efficiently given more RAM.
{Accept relevant answers}

g. An instruction in RAM consists of an opcode and an operand, such as

LDA #5 which is instructing the CPU to load into the accumulator
(LDA) the value 5 (#5)
i. Identify the opcode in the above operation. [1]

ii. What is the function of the accumulator? [1]

A CPU register that temporarily stores the result of an operation.

h. Given that this CPU uses a 64-bit accumulator, what type of error [1]
would be generated if the system performed a calculation that gave a
65-bit result?
Overflow OR Numerical Overflow Error

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13. Astro Pi: Mission Space Lab is an international
competition in which students write code to run
on Raspberry Pis on the International Space

A group of students are planning their mission

for this competition.

a. The following are stages in the development of the students’ system:

Step 1: Testing the code before submitting it.

Developing a definition of what their program will
Step 2:
Step 3: Coding the program.

State whether the following statements are true or false. [3]

i. The steps above are in the correct order. FALSE

Step 1 is part of the Programming and

ii. TRUE
Documentation phase.

iii. A dry run is normally done in step 2. FALSE

b. Before writing their code, the students plan their application using a [4]
i. Write the following instructions in the appropriate flowchart

- Read Temperature
- Temperature > 30?
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Display Message

Flowchart symbols here:

Computing – Marking Scheme – Year 10 – 2021 Page 11 of 12

ii. The students are creating a system that: [5]

- continuously reads the temperature on

the International Space Station via a
temperature sensor,
- displays the temperature,
- maintains the temperature at 30oC by
switching the Heater and the Cooler on or Heater: OFF
off as required, and Cooler: ON
- displays a message on its LCD display,
such as the one on the right:

Draw a flowchart to represent this system.

Flowchart here:

{½ mark for correct input; ½ mark for each correct output;

1 mark for correct decision; 1 mark for loop}

c. The students decided to create a case for their ASTRO Pi. Give TWO [2]
reasons for using CAD software.
Design is more accurate, can be edited easily, no prototyping is
required etc. {Accept relevant answers}

d. When they finalised their design, the students used a 3D printer to [1]
produce their casing. Describe the relation between CAD and CAM in
this context.
The design produced by CAD software is then converted, via CAM
software, to instructions that the 3D printer understands.
{Accept relevant answers}


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