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Name _______________________ Rating _____

Course/section 1BSE-A Date 10/25/2021

Activity No. 9

Answer the following questions in your own word.

1. How do you choose the candidate you vote for?

- This year's election would be my first time voting, so I am critical of every
candidate. I don't engage in politics before. That is why it's a challenge for me to
know everyone who runs for a position. However, I learned how to assess them by
character and achievements. First off, I will look for their political campaigns. Each
candidate brings different programs, so studying each of them is necessary. I look
for programs that speak to the need of our country. It needs to cover urgent plans
for today and succeeding plans for tomorrow with proper measurements and
framework. What's the use of a good plan without engineering. It'll just be the same
as a broken promise. The second is to be aware of distortion tactics. Some
candidates might blame the other for irrational reasons. A candidate who believes in
rumors will never come clean. To avoid this, I understand the issue throughout its
core to keep myself from siding to the wrong candidate. I don't fake news to distort
my opinion, so I find answers from reliable news agencies and blogs. Lastly, I closely
pay attention to each candidate and evaluate their every move. I read their opinions
about a definite issue and assessed how they would handle it smartly and humanely.
And to see this properly, I will watch the upcoming presidential debate.

2. List 5 characteristics that you look for in a candidate (elected positions at the national
level)? Why?
The national-level election is a big deal for the country and its citizens. It's the
judgment day for whether we succeed as a country and elect a fitting candidate or
fail. The five characteristics I look for in a candidate are as follows. First off, the
candidate should be knowledgeable. The candidate should know the issues of our
country and propose solutions within the perimeter of reality. He/she should be
critical of these solutions because it is the basis of whether they understand the
context and depth of these issues. The second is a candidate should be firm. Few
ants and worms would knock a rotten tree. The same as people, if you don't stand
your guard, you will be eaten by problems, issues, accusations, rumors, etc. So, it's a
must that a candidate stays composed and strong in front of your people to provide
effective leadership. But not to the extent to which you abuse power for selfish
intentions. The third is a candidate should be approachable. A good leader
communicates and listens to the people. The citizens are the ones who know, feel,
and are affected by the problems, so it's better to listen to them. The fourth is a
candidate should be honest. Transparency is needed to gain the trust of the people.
Opposing candidates might harm your image as a candidate, but if you stay true to
the people, all the allegations will disappear. Lastly, a candidate should be hard-
working. As Rizal said, Filipinos are born hard-working, but they become lazy when
society feeds them nothing for their hard work. The candidate should show the
people the efforts he/she put in and become a role model for change. There is no
time to sit around and act like a nosy boss. Work for the people and country.

3. List 5 characteristics that you look for in a candidate (elected positions ate the local
level)? Why?
- The local level election is important as the national level election. The electees will
lead the community and the country you live in for years. Their contributions and
work to make society better are highly valuable. To decide who to vote among the
candidates, I have five characteristics to assess them. First off, they should not be a
corrupt official. I don't want to witness corruption in my neighborhood. My
community is not that developed compared to the neighboring cities, so all the
money should go to projects and improvements. The second is the candidate should
be approachable. A candidate who listens to the people is a good leader. He/she
knows where to get great advice and proposals. In times of crisis, he/she should
never close doors for those in need. The third is a candidate should have political
experience. Inexperienced politicians tend to talk a lot with no context. They are
bound with hanging promises and mess up real bad when elected in a position. The
fourth is the candidate should be financially literate. There are instances where the
leaders are not corrupt, but instead, their officials are. A candidate who keeps on
track with finances with transparency is a great deal. Lastly, a candidate should be
hard-working. A lazy person will never get far. Don't let your apprentices do the
hard work for you. The candidate should know every inch of his/her area.

4. Do you value your vote in an election in your classroom? Why?

- Classroom elections had never been a big deal for me before until I met the worst
president in the class. He sits over urgent problems and sometimes never shows up
to meetings. He only speaks to the class when his angry. Our class during his reign
was a complete mess and unorganized. So when I can have the chance to vote in our
classroom, I now take it seriously. I don't want to ruin the school experience over an
incompetent leader. I would rather fight with the whole class to stop them from
choosing a bad leader than raise my hands for the person who doesn't deserve my

5. VOTE Acrostic Poem

Write a poem about voting. Start each line with a letter from the word "VOTE.

Voting is a significant event in history.

Only those who practice their vote are


Time for our voices to

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