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Name ________________ Rating _____

Course/section 1BSE-A Date 10/25/2021

Task 1. Fill out the table with words that describe, or are associated with men and women.
Men Women
Masculine Feminine
Manly Girly
Father Mother
Analytical Compassionate
Leader Assistant
Strategic move Calculated move
Allowed to react Only overreact

Based on the description you have given, what do you think is SEX and what is GENDER?

- Sex is the biological difference between a man and a woman. It can’t be changed
because it's what we have when we are born. Gender is socially or culturally
constructed characteristics a man and woman should have. Sex is about male and
female. Gender is being masculine and feminine.

In your culture, what are considered acceptable for men and women, boys or girls?
- In Muslim culture, there is a big difference between the gender roles of men and
women. Women are expected to be obedient to their husbands and stay at home to take
care of the kids and manage the house. Sometimes, women are not allowed to
participate in family matters. She can’t have the voice to tell their opinions. There are
times where women are taken for granted when in a political position because they're
not expected to become leaders. While on the brighter side, women are considered
precious in our culture. Women wear hijab to cover their whole body because their
body is only for the eyes of their husbands. Men, on the other hand, are the complete
opposite. While they are expected to put food on the table, they can do anything they
want. They are the protectors and caretakers of the family. Men have the most says in
family matters, and sometimes they are the only person to decide on everything. If you
come to a Muslim gathering, you can see that men are the chief of those events. Men can
have any position they want in the government. And they are allowed to have many

What are the biological differences that make a person male or female?
- The biological differences between males and females are as follows. First off, females
have ovaries, and males have testes. Second, female produces egg cells while males
produce sperm cells. These cells join together and create a zygote, then eventually a
baby. Lastly, females have XX chromosomes, and males have XY chromosomes.

Give at least two conclusions you can draw from your answers above.

Sex is attributed to gender roles. Cultures Gender describes your status in society. If
set what a person can do based on their sex. you are too feminine for a guy, you can be
There is a fine line between what a woman considered gay, and if you're too masculine
and a man can do. for a girl, you are viewed as a tomboy.

The pictures that follow show beliefs and practices that pervade our society and families.
Write your reflections on each picture. Limit your comments in two sentences only.
Hard labors like construction are a man's From the day we are born, we
job. They are in demand for heavy duties. are associated with colors
based on our sex. It became a
prominent idea in our society
that blue and cars are for boys
and pink and dolls are for girls.

A male can have a hairdresser as

their profession. Although this is
considered a female job, there is
a considerable number of Fathers can do mother's work too. Male
successful males in the hair can do house chores, take care of the kids,
industry. do laundry clothes, cook, etc.
Male kids can play with barbie toys like females. But, sometimes, this action
is considered gay in the societal context.

Task 2. Identify a public space where you or a friend may have experienced being

When I was in eighth grade, my friend and I walked through the streets of the
avenue after school. We passed a group of teenage boys near an internet cafe. I
knew from their eyes that they were a maniac. Some of them run through their
eyes from head to toe, especially on the breast part of my friend. I felt disgusted,
and all I thought was to protect my friend. I opened my umbrella to block off the
view of those people.

Self-Help Task:

List down at least two (2) Philippine laws that protect women and children. Discuss briefly how
these laws can protect you in all spheres of your existence.

The first Philippine law that comes to my mind that protects women and children is
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262, known as Anti-Violence against Women & Their Children Act
of 2004. It defines violence against women and their children, providing protective
measures for victims, prescribing penalties, and other purposes. The second Philippine law
I have in mind is the REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6725. An act that strengthens the prohibition
on discrimination against women with respect to terms and conditions of employment,
amending for the purpose article one hundred thirty-five of the labor code, as amended.

Design a poster that can best inform students of their rights and prevent possible offenders
from doing harassment in public spaces.


Quality and Quantity of Content/Message/ Substance: 50

Artistry/ Color/ Design: 30
Ingenuity/Resourcefulness: 20

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