GE 9 Lesson 3-4 Assesment

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Life and Works of Rizal

(GE 9)
Name: Date:
Year/Course/Section: 1BSE-A

ASSESSMENT TASK FOR CO2 – ILO 1: Reflective Essay 2 (25 points)

You are to write about your high school/college days: How your decisions were made
and the experiences you had that made a great impact about your present disposition. Which part
of Rizal’s story can you relate or has somehow inspired you? Give your own title to this entry.
(Discuss it in 10-15 sentences.)

My First Cry for Heartbeat

I grew up hungry for compliments. I taste happiness whenever I receive good feedback
from everything I do. I am scared of rejection and people not agreeing with my plans. It may
sound narcissistic, but my parents raised me like that. I was never satisfied with a good look. I
prefer detailed observation. It became harder for me to live like this because I did not want
people to see this side of me. I do not want them to feel like I am a whopper with every action I
make. I wholly want every person that surrounds me to feel calm and free with my personality.
So I try to hide it as far as I can. They knew how capable I was with everything, and I can see
that with myself too. But I am afraid of taking risks. When I was in grade seven, I became the
dagliang talumpati representative of my school against the whole university. I knew I had a shot
at that one.

But, because of nervousness and over-estimating my capabilities, I lost the contest.

I could not handle the fact that I lost my chance to say everything that was on my mind
that day, and so after my speech, I immediately went out of the venue. I sat at a four-people table
and contemplated everything that happened inside. I could not contain my frustrations and
decided to write every piece of the gem inside my slithy head. Hours later, the contest ended, and
the announcement of the winners proceeded. My coach approached me and told me bits of
observations I should have emphasized and improved. I knew he was not satisfied with my
performance. I can see that in his eyes, as well as the teacher beside him. I see the look of regret
and displease. He composed himself and made smooth and fancy words in front of my face
because I was a kid. He surely did not want to hurt my feelings. But the sight was just traumatic
for me, and so I replied nothing to the conversation. After, I walked my way out of the university
on foot with my head down. I wore 2-inched heels that day, so my feet were sore. But at that
time, I could not feel the bitterness happening inside my shoes. My mind went blank. I had cold
sweats, and my vision was foggy. To cut off the moment, my father called to pick me up. I was
not aware of where I was. So, I decided that we should meet up in front of my former elementary

And there I breathe with the sight of my father.

But it lasted for only two seconds.

His first words were furious because he could not find me. I expected him to be worried
or should have just ignored me instead. That would preferably be more comforting. On my way
home, I planned to lie to everyone that I placed seventh-best in that contest. It was the only
sympathy I could give to myself. That lie continued for many years. My classmates thought that I
was telling the truth. Unfortunately, some eyes see right through me. To redeem my regrets, I
decided to participate in that contest the next year. But, returned pretty worse than before. Then I
blindly accept everything. It resulted in some of the worst things that happened in my life.

For the next years, I decided to be quiet and hidden.

I never again took the courage to show off. I become hesitant and just carefully watch the
glittering stones whose much better than me. Until the call of nature by blood and passion swiftly
passes through me as a goblin struck with a sword. I was then again facing the battle with
myself. I had the chance to refuse and sleep with time. I remember, the night before the
competition, I hastily prepared my piece. This chance was for spoken word poetry. My father
again was mad about how irresponsible I was with my actions because I only decided to prepare
that night. My mind went blank for the reason of wanting to be the top again. But I knew I would
never make it.

Twelve past midnight and I was still facing the screen looking for inspirations.
Two hours passed with no words to start.
Until the magical hour of three.
I decided to be playful and went straight to write every blood of inks left in my brain cell.
Eight in the morning, I finished my piece. I did not eat nor rest. I was just happy and contented
with my art. I hesitated for a second because the audience might not understand my humor. But a
jolt of electric energy named carelessness played my loony mind. I went to school and read every
line without anything in my stomach nor my veins.

I only survived that day because of my ego.

In this time, I can surely compare myself with Rizal.
Spitting words without anything to feed his body.
At least I was not the only one.
It was comforting for me to know he was like that too.
That thought gave me console.
My hero is the same as me.

Back to the story, as I left the stage, my heart clapped from the smirks, shining eyes,
shouts, and finger points from the audience. I never knew I could be seen like this as if I only got
the spotlight. It was very fancy, whimsical, and beautiful. I went home stunned and with a
lightweight heart. They announced the winners the next week. I prayed that it would be me. I
remember going to school with thumping anticipation. Thinking if this is not for me, then this
will be the end. That day was romantic. The sun rose from the east with its brightest greetings
and hugs for me. The universe gave me the sweetest smile to wear nonstop.

And my name was called,

and for the first time,
I felt my pulse cry and beat again.
Objective Essay 2 (10 points each) Discuss it in 5-7 sentences.
1. Explain Rizal’s involvement to the Propaganda Movement
- Jose Rizal is an image of nationalism,
patriotism, courage, and many more
good qualities you can say about him.
He was the leader of Intelligentsias
illustrado, a group of Filipino
propagandists sent to Europe for
education. The group resorted to
peaceful reform. They directed
organized plans and initiated the propaganda movement.  Rizal's involvement in
the group is significant to our history. He wrote his famous novel Noli me
Tangere, which led to the awakening of the hearts of the Filipino's from Spanish
brutality. His journey, however, with the group was both charmed and tragic.
Rizal led his comrades, proved his love for the country, and became the man of
his words. He inspired other Indios at that time to be strong and fight for the
motherland. His legacy led to insurgence from different parts of the country,
which became the start of the revolution.

2. Discuss Rizal’s involvement to Katipunan

- When our hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, was accused of a
crime and sent to Dapitan, his fellow member of La
Liga Filipina Andres Bonifacio created the KKK
anti-Spanish society. His imprisonment became a
significant factor in the creation of society because,
without him, no one will lead the La Liga
organization. The KKK's objectives are far off
different from Rizal's former organization, the
Intelligentsias illustrado. The Katipunan aimed for
complete independence of the Philippines from the Spaniards. Although Rizal
was never involved in that society, the Katipuneros still proposed to rescue him.
He and the Katipunan had a similar vision for their country, so they were
considered to be an accomplice to each other. Rizal influenced Andres Bonifacio
to fight for his country, which can be a teacher and student involvement.

3. Illustrate the last days of Rizal

- The last days of Rizal were sad and tragic.
The Spaniards accused him of a crime he
never did. The officials robbed his
freedom. His family was violently tortured,
including other Filipino patriots. The court
officials maliciously rushed the hearing for
his case. The sudden replacement of Gov.
General Blanca with Don Camilo Polavieja
during Rizal's trial was also questionable.
Rizal's crimes were rebellion, sedition, and illegal association, equivalent to Act
No. 3815 Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, known as Rebellion, Sedition,
and Disloyalty. Despite his plead for not guilty Rizal, was sentenced to death at
7:00 on December 30 at Bagumbayan. His last words were, "Consummatum
Est!" After his death, the Philippines shed rivers of blood because of the
revolution. His death poured oil in the fiery hearts of the Filipinos. That day
marked the long battle of our independence. He would never wish to combat
with swords and blood, but it was the only option for everyone. His legacy will
forever be engraved in the stone of history and remain in the dust of every air we

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