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1. A welding process where the welding plant controls the travel speed and the arc gap,
but under constant supervision using a shielding gas mixture of 80% argon - 20%
carbon dioxide is termed:
a. A manual MAG process
b. A semi-automatic MAG process
c. A mechanized MIG process
d. A mechanized MAG process

2. Which welding process utilises a non consumable electrode

a. SAW
b. MMA
c. TIG
d. MIG
e. all of the above

3. Which welding process is considered the most versatile?

a. SAW
b. TIG
d. MMA

4. When welding using the MMA process, varying the arc length will give the most variation of
a. amperage
b. polarity
c. voltage
d. none of the above

5. When measuring the welding parameters with the MMA welding process for the purpose
of approving welding procedure, the Welding inspector should measure the voltage:
a. as close to the welding arc as possible
b. anywhere along the welding cable
c. always from the voltmeter on the welding plant
d. as near to the welding terminals as possible

6. In arc welding process, which of the following is the correct term used for the amount of weld
metal deposited per minute?
a. filling rate
b. deposition rate
c. weld deposition
d. weld duty cycle

7. Which type of power source characteristics is normally used for manual welding?
a. constant welding
b. flat characteristics
c. constant current
d. a motor generator

8. Initiation of a TIG arc by using a High Frequency (HF) spark may not be allowed for some
application because….
a. it causes tungsten inclusion
b. it can damage electronic equipment
c. it is an electrical safety hazard
d. it often causes stop/start porosity

9. MIG/MAG welding has a tendency to give lack of sidewall fusion when……

a. spray transfer conditions are used
b. 100% CO2 shielding gas is used
c. pulsed current is used
d. dip transfer conditions are used
10. For SAW, what is the effect of raising arc voltage but keeping with all other parameters
the same?
a. the weld bead width will increase
b. the depth of penetration will increase
c. the weld bead width will decrease
d. the depth of penetration will decrease

11. When GMAW welding in dip transfer mode (short-circuiting mode) spatter can be reduced by…
a. using inductance
b. using 100% CO2
c. using Ar + 30% He
d. increasing the stick-out length

12. The spray transfer mode of GMAW is characterized by…….

a. giving deep penetration
b. being suitable for positional welding
c. giving excessive spatter
d. all of the above

13. When TIG welding in a trench, a welder could be in danger of asphyxiation because the
shielding gas is……
a. toxic
b. less dense than air
c. heavier than air
d. carcinogenic

14. For dip transfer (or short circuiting) mode of metal transfer, inductance has the effect of:
a. reducing spatter
b. reduces the rate of droplet transfer
c. increasing penetration depth
d. both a & b

15. The main reason why the use of semi-automatic dip transfer MIG/MAG welding is
prohibited for some high-integrity application is because……
a. it may produce a lot of spatter
b. the weld metal toughness is always poor
c. it is very often gives lack of sidewall fusion defects
d. wire feeding problems mean there are usually far too many stop-start regions

16. Which of the following statements is true

a. DC - ve is the polarity used for TIG welding most materials
b. DC + ve is the polarity used for TIG welding most materials
c. DC + or -ve is suitable for TIG welding of aluminum
d. AC TIG welding is usually specified for stainless and NI based alloys

17. Consumable guide welding is:

a. a narrow gap TIG welding process
b. a variant of electro-slag welding
c. a weld with a pre-placed fusible insert for controlled root penetration
d. a narrow gap SAW process

18. In the SAW process, the use of excessive high voltages would result in?
a. insufficient flux melting
b. excessive flux melting
c. slag removal difficulties
d. excessive spatter
19. Which of the following welding process uses a resistive heating system to achieve
weld metal deposition?
a. MMA
b. resistance spot welding
c. electro-slag
d. friction welding

20. Which of the following steel types would give rise to the formation of porosity when
autogenously welded with an arc welding process
a. fully killed steel
b. semi killed steel
c. rimming steel
d. balanced steel

21. Movement of the arc by magnetic forces in an arc welding process is termed:
a. arc deviation
b. arc misalignment
c. arc blow
d. stray arc

22. Which of the following processes joins metals plastically

a. friction welding
b. resistance welding
c. arc welding
d. plasma welding
e. all of the above

23. What type of power source characteristic is required for a manual process?
a. constant voltage
b. flat characteristic
c. drooping characteristic
d. none of the above

24. If arc blow exists when welding with MMA welding process, this can be best reduced or
eliminated by:
a. a change from AC to DC current
b. a change from DC to AC current
c. a change from DC +ve to DC -ve
d. a change from DC -ve to DC +ve

25. The inclusion of an inductance in the welding circuit when using MIG/MAG welding process is:
a. control the rate of spatter in the dip transfer mode
b. it enables the welder to weld in position with the spray transfer mode
c. it allows for thicker filler wires to be used (2.6 - 3.6mm diameter)
d. it allows full control over droplet size in the spray transfer mode

26. In a semi-automatic welding process, which of the following shielding gas/gas mixtures would
normally give the deepest penetration on steel?
a. 100% argon
b. 100% CO2
c. 75% argon + 25% CO2
d. all of the above would give the same depth in penetration

27. In a MMA welding process, which of the following statements are false?
a. an arc gap, which remains almost constant even if as usual the welder varies the
position of the electrode
b. a voltage, which remains almost constant even if as usual the welder varies the arc gap
c. a current, which remains almost constant even if as usual the welder varies the arc gap
d. a & b
e. all of the above
28. When considering the MIG/MAG welding process which of the following metal transfer modes
would be the best suited to the welding of thick plates over 25mm, flat welding position
a. dip transfer
b. pulse transfer
c. spray transfer
d. globular transfer

29. Which of the following current types would you expect to be used for the welding of
aluminum with the TIG welding process?
a. DC -ve
b. DC + ve
c. AC
d. all of the above

30. Which of the following statements is false?

a. In the MMA welding process electrode DC + produces a deep narrow weld pool, which
is fast freezing
b. DC electrode positive is used for the MAG welding process of steel plate
c. In the MAG welding process the wire feed speed remains constant during the welding
d. all of the above

31. When considering hydrogen, which of the following welding process would produce the
lowest levels in the completed weld (under controlled conditions)
a. MMA
b. SAW
c. TIG

32. For a given voltage and current settings on a MMA welding plant, when the arc length is
shortened, which of the following will be most affected
a. the current will increase
b. the current will decrease
c. the voltage will decrease
d. the voltage will increase

33. Which of the following best describes a semi automatic welding process?
a. the welder is responsible for the maintaining the arc gap and travel speed
b. the welder is responsible for travel speed only; arc gap is kept constant by the
welding plant
c. both travel speed and arc gap is controlled by the welding plant
d. all of the above
34. What is the purpose of a rectifier in a welding sets electrical circuit?
a. to keep the arc stable when using low current settings
b. to convert AC current to DC current
c. to convert DC current to AC currentt
d. to initiate the arc at start up

35. When calibrating a mechanized MAG welding plant, which of the following applies
(WFS = Wire feed speed)?
a. check - WFS, current, volts and wire diameter
b. check -WFS, joint set up, gas flow rate and WFS
c. check - gas flow rate, stick out length, WFS and current
d. all of the above

36. The main usage of the arc air process is

a. the cutting of a weld preparation
b. the removal of defective welds
c. for the cutting of non-ferrous materials only
d. for the cutting of ferrous materials only

37. Which of the following welding process uses a resisitive heating system to achieve
weld metal deposition
a. MMA welding
b. SAW
c. Electro slag welding
d. Resistance spot welding

38. MMA welding of alloy steels is more likely to be performed with:

a. rutile electrodes
b. cellulosic electrodes
c. iron powder electrodes
d. basic hydrogen controlled electrodes

39. When MMA welding is being carried out on an open construction site, which groups of
welder are most likely to require continuous monitoring?
a. concrete shuttering welding team
b. pipe welders
c. plater welders
d. plant maintainace welders

40. For open site MMA welding the following equipment is available. Which would you choice
for safe working?
a. single operator transformer
b. multi operator transformer
c. AC/DC composite power unit
d. diesel engine driven motor generator

41. If submerged welding to be used to make butt welds, which would you be most critical of:
a. the root gap tolerance
b. the angle of penetration
c. the root face width
d. the gas cut finish

42. During CO2 welding, the arc length is most likely to be affected by:
a. the wire diameter
b. the current return connection
c. the gas flow rate
d. the torch to work angle
43. You are to over see arc welding of some machine fittings and find they are cadmium plated.
What you:
a. permit to proceed
b. permit it to proceed with fume extraction
c. stop the operation at once
d. advise the welder to drink milk to proceed

44. What two functions in arc welding must be in equilibrium to enable a stable arc to be
a. arc voltage
b. current
c. wire/electrode feed rate
d. metal burn off rate

45. In MMA welding, what parameter is used for the control of penetration into the base material?
a. voltage
b. welding speed
c. iron powders in the coating
d. current

46. What type of power source characteristic is required for manual welding?
a. constant voltage
b. flat characteristic
c. drooping characteristic
d. motor generator

47. In MAG/CO2 welding, which parameters give the greatest control of weld appearance
during dip transfers or short-circuiting welding?
a. wire stick-out length
b. amperage
c. wire feed speed
d. inductance

48. In MMA welding, the slag produced can be varied to suit the welding position; which type
of slag would be required for welding in the HV position?
a. fluid
b. viscous
c. none of the above
d. semi fluid

49. Which one of the following steels would give rise to the formation of porosity when
autogenously welded with an arc process?
a. fully killed steel
b. semi killed steel
c. rimming steel
d. fine grained steel

50. In submerged arc welding, the use of excessively high voltage would result in?
a. insufficient flux melting
b. excessive flux melting
c. slag removal difficulties
d. spatter

51. Which of the following process uses the "keyholing" system of fusion?
a. friction welding
b. diffusion bonding
c. electron beam welding
d. autogenous TIG welding
52. In friction welding, is the metal at the interface in the?
a. liquid state
b. solid state
c. plastic state
d. elastic state

53. In submerged arc welding, excessive arc voltage may cause?

a. excessive penetration
b. change in weld metal composition
c. narrow weld width
d. excessive bead profile

54. Movement of the arc by magnetic forces in MMA welding is termed:

a. arc deviation
b. arc misalignment
c. arc blow
d. arc eye

55. Which of the following processes joins metals plastically:

a. friction welding
b. resistance welding
c. plasma welding
d. all of the above

56. A common gas mixtures used in MIG welding nickel alloys to combine good levels of
penetration with good arc stability would be:
a. 100% CO2
b. 100% argon
c. 80% argon 20% CO2
d. 98% argon 2% oxygen

57. Repair welding is often more difficult than production due to:
a. the material being ingrained with-in service contaminates
b. restricted access with the repair area
c. the possible position of the weld
d. any of the above

58. When referring to MIG welding, the shielding gas could be:
a. argon
b. argon + 1% oxygen
c. argon + 20% CO2
d. none of the above

59. When referring to TIG welding, the shielding gas could be:
a. argon + hydrogen
b. argon + helium
c. argon + nitrogen
d. all of the above

60. Submerged arc utilities:

a. deep penetration characteristic
b. high deposition rate on DC+
c. flat (P.A.) welding only

61. Which of the following welding process may be described, as a low hydrogen process in
comparison with general MMA welding:
a. TIG
b. MIG
c. MAG
d. none of the above
e. all of the above

62. Why have a high O.C.V. with MMA welding

a. to initiate the arc
b. to obtain penetration
c. to avoid lack of fusion
d. MMA welding does not have a high O.C.V.

63. What is the purpose of a "rectifier" in relation to welding plant?

a. to adjust the voltage
b. to adjust the amperage
c. to convert AC to DC
d. to prevent arc strikes

64. Which welding process is considered the most versatile?

a. SAW
b. TIG
d. MMA

65. Which of the following welding process is most susceptible to lack of fusion?
a. SAW
b. CO2 (metal active gas)
c. MMA
d. TIG

66. When welding using the MMA process, varying the arc length will give the most variation of:
a. voltage
b. amperage
c. polarity
d. none of the above

67. Which arc welding process utilizes a non-consumable electrode

a. MIG
b. TIG
c. MMA
d. SAW
e. all of the above

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