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( Active and Passive Voice )

NAME: Kaavya gutka SECTION: 8-E ROLL NO: 28


Write whether the following words are in Active/Passive voice.

1.Thomas feeds his dog.- Active
2) The dog is fed by Thomas.- Active
3) The family went to the beach.- Active
4) The letter was written by Marshall.- Passive
5) The game had been won by the blue team.-Active
6) The problem was solved.-Active
7)The stunt man risked his life.- Active
8) The fire was extinguished. -Active
9)The car was being cleaned by its owner.- Passive
10) It gets cold here during the winter. -Active


Rewrite these sentences in the Passive voice.

a. They will build a new bridge next year.
Ans) A new bridge will be build by them next year
b. Brian Brody directed The Ultimate Space Adventure.
Ans) The Ultimate Space Adventure was directed by Brian Brody.
c. Pierre Matie will design her costume.
Ans) The costume will be designed by Pierre Matie
d. Someone found my wallet.
Ans) My wallet was found by someone
e. One of the students broke the window.
Ans) The window was broken by one of the students.
f. They will deliver my computer on Monday.
Ans) My computer will be delivered by them on monday
g. Mary invited Paul to her birthday party.
Ans)Paul was invited by Mary for her birthday.
h. British astronomers discovered a new planet.
Ans)A new planet was discovered by the British Astronomers


a. The company employs 5 people.

Ans)5 people are employed by the company
b. They are going to buy a new TV set next week.
Ans) A new TV set is going to be bought next week by them.
c. My great grandfather built this house 60 years ago.
Ans) This house was built 60 years ago by my great grandfather.
d. My sister gave me the key so I could get in.
Ans)I was given the key by my sister so I could get in.
e. Nobody said anything.
Ans) Nothing was said by anyone.
f .How do you prepare such a dish?
Ans )How is such a dish prepared by you ?
g.I don't like someone lying to me.
Ans) I don't like being lied by someone
h. She solved all her problems.
Ans) All her problems were solved by her.

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