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(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
Department Name: Computer Science and Engineering
CourseCode: 20CS56PCAIP CourseTitle: Artificial Intelligence
Semester:V MaximumMarks:40 Marks Date:30/11/2020
Faculty Handling the Course: Dr. Jyothi S Nayak , Prof Sowmya V and Dr. Kavitha Sooda
Instructions: Internalchoiceis providedinPart C.


Total 5 Marks (No choice)

No. Question Marks

1 What are horn clauses? Explain how the complexity of reasoning reduces with 5
horn clauses compared to CNF.

Total 15 Marks (No Choice, each question of 5 marks)
No. Question Marks
2.a) Infer the English sentences from the following Predicate logic statements. 5
i) ∃x y food (x) ʌ Eats(x,y) ii) ˥∃x Auntof(x,Raj) CO2,PO2

iii) x (likes(Ram, x) => likes (Sita, x)) iv) Red(A)ʌ ˥ Red(C) v) Studious(Raj)

2.b) Infer whether the following pairs statements can be unified or not. If unification is 5
possible write the substitutions. Justify your answer
i) Human(Marcus) and Human(Julius)
ii) Student(x) and Teacher(y)
iii) Knows(John, F(x)) and Knows(y, F(G(y))
iv)Likes(Ram, x) and Likes(x, Raj)
v) Loves(x,y) and Loves (z)

2.c) Analyze whether the following statements are valid ,contradiction or satisfiable(but not 5
valid) :
i) P=> PVQ
ii) ((P=>Q) ʌ ˥ Q) => ˥P


Total 20 marks (Choice between 3a or 3b and 4a or 4b)

No. Question Marks

i)Consider propositional symbols where A =“Sushma comes to the party”, B =“Jaya 10
a to the party”, C =“Hema comes to the party”, D =“Rekha comes to the party”.
3.a) CO1,PO1
Represent the following sentences:
1. “Sushma comes to the party while Jaya doesn’t”
2. “Either Hema comes to the party, or Jaya and Rekha don’t come”
3. “If Sushma and Jaya come to the party, then Hema comes provided that Rekha doesn’t
4. “Hema comes to the party if Jaya and Sushma don’t come, or if Rekha comes”
5. “If Sushma comes to the party then Jaya or Hema come too, but if Sushma doesn’t
come to the party, then Hema and Rekha come”

ii) Convert the following statement into CNF form

1. X<=> (YVZ)
2. C ʌ D=> ˥E
3.b) Convert the following into FOL 10
i) There are no leafy vegetables that are tasty and starchy.
ii) Anyone who kills an animal is loved by no one. CO1,PO1
iii) Either everything is bitter or everything is sweet.
iv) All animals either eat all plants or eat all smaller animals that eat some

v) All the courses in the Food Processing department are easy.

4.a) i)A knowledge base has the following statements: 10
1. Sunday is a Holiday.
2. Saturday and Sunday is weekend. CO3, PO3
3. On holidays the University is closed.
4. It is the weekend.
5. It is not Saturday.
Design a suitable reasoning system to prove the query “The university is closed”

ii)Consider a knowledge base KB that contains the following propositional logic

Sentences: Q=>P; P=> ¬Q; (R˅Q)

i)Construct a truth table that shows the truth value of each sentence in KB and indicate the
models in which the KB is true.
ii) Does KB entail R? 5M

4.b) A knowledge base has the following statements: 10
• If there is gas in the tank and the fuel line is okay, then there is gas in the
CO3, PO3
• If there is gas in the engine and a good spark, the engine runs;
• If there is power to the plugs and the plugs are clean, a good spark is
• If the battery is charged and the cables are okay, then there is power to the
Suppose that you are given the facts that there is gas in the tank, the battery is
charged, the fuel line and cables are both okay, and the plugs are clean. Design a
forward reasoning system to prove that the engine runs.


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