Thought Paper, Philippines Independence

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Declaration of Philippine independence

Thought paper

The Philippine is an archipelago made by three distinct islands namely the Luzon, Mindanao,
and Panay but was soon change into Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The Philippines was
colonized by the Spanish for approximately 300 years of unjust ruling of the country, the
presence of the filipino people from the Spanish regime results to an unjust and misfortune
doings that results to an infamous anger that was kept inside in the heart of the filipino people
and they cannot do anything about it but to keep the rage within theirselves if they don’t want to
be punished and be executed. The declaration of the Philippine independence was translated by
Sulpicio Guevara and the source f the document is the Centennial Publication. National
Historical Institute

The declaration of the Philippines independence was in the town of Cavite-Viejo, Province of
Cavite, on the 12th day of June 1898. Within the document it says that due to the extreme ruling
of the Spanish to the filipino people it had resolved to start a revolution in August 1896 in order
to regain the independence and sovereignty of the country by this information it can help the
specific people that studies history for further understanding upon the commence of the
revolution. this document has cited so many important details upon the independence of the
Philippines like the unjust execution of Jose Rizal and the three innocent priest that was hanged
due to the connive of these so called Religious corporations. The informations that was given by
this document can openly influence historians upon writing documents that can further explain
the history of the Philippines independence. It covers a lot of information that is being used for
some research and proper implications of events that is can further understand for analysis. This
document contributes in the Philippines history by exploiting the proper information of what
happened in the past especially on how the Americans helped the Philippines to be freed from the
regime of the Spanish and have our own sovereignty and independence. This document is still
relevant today for us to use because it contains deep information that can only be found in this
document in a manner of relevance, this document covers a lot of information.

Upon reading and studying this document this concludes my ideas that the Philippines is indeed
reclaimed its independence again by the help of the Americans. This document tells a lot of
information for us to use for further discussion and understanding upon on how the Philippines
reclaimed its independence and sovereignty. The independence of the Philippines tells a lot of
story and a lot values for the people, and for those people that sacrificed their lives for our
independence we solemnly thank you and gratifies what you all have done, this independence
has helped all of the filipinos towards reconciliation and building their own selves again. The
Philippines is an archipelago that contains a three distinct islands and is independent and has its
own sovereignty and will continue to strive as a one nation.

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